iiMlitte Telume XIXJte. 117. LANCASTER, PA, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 17, 1jS3. Price Twe Cents. nitr auens. VTEW OOOUS. roll rell Tickings, Muslins, Checks, Table Linens, Sheetings, Tillew Muslins, COUNTERPANES, &c, AND THE UEST STEAM DRESSED FEATHERS At Lewest Prices, go te SWARR'S, Ne. 25 North Queen Street. T W. UTKNK. REMNANTS or BLEACHED IUSLII CHEAP.- AT THE NORTH END DRY GOODS STORE. J. W. BYRNE. NO. 322 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANOASTKR, I A. J. U.JUARTI.NACO. VK AltK OFFERING A LARGE STOCK OF HEN'S Scarlet, Medicated. "Whit, Colored, All-Weel, Flannel, Gn- ten Plannl, Extra Lftrj SizM, UNDERWEAR AT REDUCED PRIC3B. We have II 1 teen different qualities of Scarlet Shirts and Drawers, tanging 1" pticn t:uiu $1.00 te W. ler single piece, or IJ CO te 18.00 ler suit. Aside Iiem these we have tour special bargains which cannot lie bought any where at the Humes we am selling lln-m til. 1st. An Jll-Woel Scailet bhlrt for $100, which ler weight mid waia-th has no equal Diuwern le match. 2d. Scarlet Medicated Shii's and Drawers, purchased by thcae. Tnese would be cheap at $1.35, but we have marked them at a Tcry close price, and are selling them at $l.'2fl. 3d. bearlet Uedicded All-Weel Shirts tit $1.3.1, wertL 11.76. We have only a remnant let et this quality, and for that reason they were reduced te leps than coot, te close them out, 4th. All-Weel Medicated Shirts and Draweis atJI.W) (Seconds;. We hare sold three cases el these goods Ktaeariy this ncasen, and tlic opin ion et everyiwt who lias een them in that they m e equal te uTiy 2.00 Shirts in the market. J. B. MARTIN & CO, Cor. West King and Prince Streets, LANCASTER. PA. TTTATT, 8UAKD & CO. Great Clearing Sale, T11BT10U8 TO IHVEKTOKT. Watt, Shand. & Ce,, Offer Extraordinary narg&tns In Every Department. Mies' anfl CMMs Goats At less than Manufacturers' PriCM. ELEGANT YARD-WIDE CRETONNES Werth 12fc. a yard reduced te Sc. Deuble-fold Weel-faced (Jashmeres Only 12c. a Yard. REMNANTS AND ODD LOTS OF Dress Goods At less than half their value. Ladies' All-Weel Ribbed Hese 2.1c. a Pair. GENT 8 SHAKE It HALF HOSE 12KcaPair. 150 Dezen 21 Inch All Silk Handkerchiefs 13 Cents Each. 0 Dez. GENT'S 1,1 N EN HANDKERCHIEFS Colored Uerders. 10c. each. SPECIAL HAHtiAlNS IN White and Colored Blankcl s At $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, :.)0, cte. We offer the balance et our HOLIDAY GOODS AT C LEAKING PKJCES. NEW YOKK STORE. 3 and lO East King Street. M KTZGKK Jfc UAUu'HJUM ALL THE POPULAR MAilES OF SHEETING and SHIRTIfG MUSLIN'S At the Lewest Prices. SPECIAL RAEGA1NS IX TICKINGS, UNDER REGULAR PRICES. TABLE LINENS F X O M AUCTION, CHEAP. TOWELS and NAPKINS IN GREAT VARIETY. THE VEHY BEST Steam Cured Feathers AT MM k HAUuilAFu, New Cheap Stere, 43 WIST KINQ ST., LANCASTER, (Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel.) CLOTHSO. CM'KUIAI- NOTICE. Greatest deduction eT the Reason. Te tiiske M.IIIU fur our Nw Spring .Stock we will close out the balance of our Clothing at IJoltem Puces. SUITS. Feimcrly $20.00 Formerly $18.00 Fermer It $16.00 Formerly $14.00 Formerly $12.00 Formeily $10.00 ...New $17.00 ...New $13 00 ...New $13 00 ...New $12.00 ...New $10.00 ...New$ 8 00 OVERCOATS. Formerly $18 00 Formerly $16.00 Feimeily $14 00 Formerly $12.00 Fermeily $ 7.30 ..New $15.00 ..New $13.00 ..New $12 00 ..New $10.00 . .New $ COO CALL EARLY TO "fXCRL' THE RUST HARGA1NS. L B. istiller I k 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTKU. PA. J.K HMALIJiO'S CAKU. TIih iiujuiiv uowi.wluie ti buy an OVERCOAT suitable ter this cel.l weather t WeOPKNTO-DAYalaigelet el hear j' English Kr s, Whllneysaud Patent Reaver, ia all the NEW ami POPULAR kTTLliS. Olire Greens, Hiewns, Ti ra-Cetta, Oxteid ami fancy .hades, ranging lu puctM Iiem S'.'O te 830. Mentaiiaks, Teleurs, Fur Aatiachan, Yivmia and Ulysiau Rea vers in GRKAT TARIETY a POPU LAR PK1CKS. Ge at once and hccute bargain-- at J. K. SMALING'S, Ne. 121 North Qaoeu Street. LM'KCf A I. NUT lK, -THE- GREATEST REDUCTION OF ALL IN FINE CLOTHES, -AT E GEEHABT TAILOltlXG ESTABTASllMEXl, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET, In order te reduce stock ami make ioeui ler Hie SPRING TB.ADK, I will make up te order ler in leuiainder of the t-oaseu.all HEAVY WEIGHT WOOLENS at COST PRICE. This Great Reduction Is for eah only, and w 111 enable cash buyer te sccmu a fine suit of clothes or an overcoat as low as they can buy them ready-made. if. GERHAHT. "IjlXTKAUlimSABT CLOSING SAL.E OF Beady Satle Suits and Overcoats, TOR MEN'S. ROYS' and CHILDREN'S WEAR. Fer liie next thiity days we offer SPECIAL I1ARGAINS. in order te clear our ceunteis and make loom for our Larue. Spiing Steclc, which weaie new uianuJacltiring. SOME PRICES. A Stout Pair of Working Pants atSWe., $1.00 $l.i), $1.50, up t J1.I7. All-Weel Kerseys, ecveral styles, at $2.00, $2.50 and .(. The very durable Cheviot Pants at $iW), $3X0, and $3.50. A handsome variety of Mixed Casslmcrc Pants at $i75, $.5.27 and $4.00. Men-s suits at $4.00, $5.U, $(5.0, $7.00, $3.00, Siu.liO. mi 1eil3.00. Men's Overcoats at $2.25. $3.00, $1.50, $6 CO, 3 $7 00, $'J.OO. up te f iti.ue- Keys' Suits at $2.37i, ti, $3.25, $1.00, f 5.00, ii 00, up te $10,50. P.eys' Overcoats at $1.75, $2.25, $3.50, $1 23, up te 1 7.00. Children's Suits at ?l.5, $2.w, w.w, 51.00, 5(M,liptO H5 50. CUildren's Overcoats at $1,37, $2.00, $2.75, up te $4 r0. 8-These people who ti Ink tlicy can'tafferd a New Suit or Oveiceat will be surprised le find hew easily tney can afford it, If they avail themselves et tbe bargains we aie new otlcr etlcr lng. L. GANSMAN & BRO., THE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, 66 and 68 NORTM QTJEHN ST., Bight en the Southwest Cerner et Orange St, JUANCASTEE, PA. 49-Xhe cheapest anil most rellable Clothing Heuse In the city. MEDICAL. -'AK1 Sims' Liver Regulator Fer Dyspepsia, Cestiveiies. Sick Headache, Chronic Iiarrl u: i, Jaundite. Impii'ily et the Ul el. Fever ami Amjiie, Malana jihI all dis eases canned uy Bd'aiiyeuitnt of Liver, Hew els aud KidiH vs. Si MPIOMS OK A DISEASED LIVER. Had Rrcath , Paia in the Side, sometimes th pain is felt u nder the Shenldei-blade, mis taken for Rheum.itii ; general le et appe tite. Rowels eueia'ly teti.-e, semetimeb alternating with lax ; the head ia troubled with pain, i-j dull and heavy, with considera ble le-s of memory, acceuii..nii d vi;hapaiu lul sensation et leavinK undone einetliini; which euslit te havf been cone : a sl'fjht. di y ceuh and lluilicd face 1 setnetime-i an al temtaut, ellen mlxUiI.eii ler consumption ; the patitnt cenijilalns of we i iiieanu lelility ; nervous, easily itartled : feel lehl or burning, aemetimes a pi lcklv sensation et 1 lie '-kin ex ists; sp'iits ate low and despondent, ami although sall'fled that eeieise v.euld be ben eficial, yet one cm hinllv sumiiien up forti tude te try it in fact dNti iisi-, every remedy, beveial et the above symptom-) alien I llle disease, bat cases h ive eceuiie 1 when but few et then eltt.d. vi"l ex I'liiii'itKin alter fditnlmshewii l lie l.ivel le have Ueu f 1 lenI -ly deranged. It should be used by al' ivimiih, old and feun-;, whenever any of I lie above symptoms apji -ar. I'eisens ti.ivplimj or living in fiiheaithy Localities, by taking a de-e. eec.t-nnia'.iy te keep the Livei in he.iltl'V aellen. willaveil all .Malari . Rilleiu att.te's, I H.i in -s, Nau sea. I)iewlne" l"l)lesji)n el '-putts, elc. it will invieiate like a h'seI vtne, hut ji no lutexicaliui; hevcr.ic. If yn have raten anything haid ei dies dies lien, or leel heavy alter meals, or sleepless at nlelit, take a dose 'iml jet: will be lelieveil. 'lime and DocteiV Hills ujll be paved by always Keeping the Peculator m the Heuse I Fer, wliatevei the ailmenl m.ij he, a liio liie liio leujjhly x.ite puialive. aitein.ilive and tome can m ver oeeiilol pi ic". The leiuedy in harmlexs and does neL inlei feie Willi busi ness or ph asurc. II' lb PURELY VEGETAKI.E. And has all the power and ellieacv et Calomel or Quinine, vviiheulaiiy I the iujui ieus atu-r eirecti A Governors Ti -Imi'my. Simmons Liver Reu'aler ha- beu in u e in my l.unilv for some time, and 1 am miIi llil It is a valuable a l.liti m te the medic il s-eieiu e. .1. Gn l. mieiii ku. Govern ei e Alabama. IIe:i. Alrv.ndir II. Stephens, et (.a, -ajs-Havedeiiveil ene beuelil iiem the u-e el Simmons Liver Ruulaler, uul wish te give il a lurlhei li al. "'lhoenly 1 lin- 'hil nuvei laiU le Relieve.'" I I are u-ed tn.niv leine. ns for Dyspepsia, Liver Afliclien and Debility, but nevei hive leund aiiytiiiu le htuclil mu le the etenl Simmons" Liver Iteul.iler has. I sent Iiem Minnesota te Gt'Oii.t for ii and vveu'il vml tin Iher for fcuch a iueiicine, and v. enlil ad vise all Yvheatesiiiiil.uly all. cl d te , veil a tii.tl as it secnis Iheenly tln Hi.. I ni r I'ai's te telieve. P. M..IANSEV, linnc:ipeli,,Minn. Dr. T. W. ;1Iase: 'ay. : b'lem aelu.il epeii enee in the use el Simmons Liver Reulaler in my piaclice 1 have been and am s i lslied te iiueaud picscnee lias a pji.uive medicine. 3Take only the. (iKNUIN'E which aUiavs hasen Hie u .appei the RED TRADb-M .Villi and sIGN'ATL'RKOt .1. H. .HI LIN & tiO. FORSAI.EISY ALL DRUGGISTS. l.uil-Myced.'tw U'lUSBV-WOKT Ter the Permanent Viu? (,i' CONSTIPATION. x-e oilier di-eaMils e pjeva'. nl in lids coil. 1 ti v as enslipaliTiii, aril no ie.ui dv h.is ever in. till d thu celebi.iiid lvidie y-M eit as a euie. H'li.iJeverthe ci.isc, hevteVei ebsiiuale the easp. this leim-ilv vv ill ev i.eme ii. At Is at the same time en Kidneys, Liver and Rowels. pileQ ThlsilNtie-siilj; eempl lint is vi-.V XXLO. apt le bocempiicateil ullii con-ii patien. Kidney-Wen , lengthens the weak ened pails and ipilekly eiues ail kinnsel Piles even when phv.di laiisaiid medieii'ts have he he teie tailed. tfu II you have cither et these tumbles use K1DNE1-WORT. hnigjji.UMll i.. Rep i7 lyd.V w 31 W V ii KNSle rilllOl'S 1'l.ASl Kits. . Beware of Fraud. 3EN3QN'3 CAPCINE PLASTERS HAVE BEEN MUTATE!) Ami their exccllei.t reputation in juieil by weilliless imitatieps. The public aic cautioned against buying Pl.i-.teis having similar MUitidinj: iianH"-. See that the wenl C-A-r-C-I-N-EiPcei:cctly spelled. Bensen's Canfinc Perona PJjitfrs Are the only inijuevcment evci tnailc in Plasters. One in weith meie tlm.ii a dejn of any etner kind. Will positively ci:;e vvlieie ether lfine dies will net even relieve. Price, 2e Cents. Beware of cheap Plasters made with lead poisons. SEABURY & JOHNSON, M. VKUPACTUKlNO CHEMISTS. NlSW YOKE. A SUR3 REMEDY AT LAST. Pileo ac toil. MEAD'S MEDICATED COHN AND BUM JON VL ASTER. CUAS. N. CKIWKMOS, 173 Fulton St., New Yerk, ele aent ter Dr. C W. Ileu Ileu sen's Remedies, te whom all onion should beaddw Psd. 1ir-2wil-OdA'veew S Sl'f.ClFJO .V13IICIMiC. THli VJT Gre, reat Enirllsh Remedy. An unfaltlr.K cute ter Impotency, and all Diseases that fellow less el Memery, Universal Eassi Eassi tude. Pain In the Rack, Dimness el Vision, Prnnatuie Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead 10 lnanilv or Con Cen Con suinptten and a Prem-iture Grave. Full par ticulars in our paniplet, which we desire te send tiee by mail te every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per pack pack agre, 01 six packages ter Ji. or will be pent lree by mail en the receipt et the money, by ad-drc-sm the agent, 11. 15. Cochran, 137 and SJ North Queen slict'l. On account el counter feits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper : theenlygcuulne. Guaiantees of cure Issued by us. Fer sale in Lancaster bv II. U. Cochran, Drujcslst, l."7 and 1" North Queen street. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., N. I. errl2-lvd.fc'' -"lOUtill sYKUP. LOCHER'S KEN0WNED COUGH SYRUP Has cured thousands. It will cure your Cough or Celd in les3 time than any ether preparation. PRICE il VESTS PER BOTTLE, Prepared and sold only by CHAS. A. L0CHER, NO. 9 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. riUiY TUKIOUMAiJI FINE-CUT TOBAC X CO. The finest goods manufactured. S cents per oz. or 25 cents it. al JIAETMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR. STORE. TRAVELLERS' TRAITS- SOaih. I'KOJIlvtM 31 UN t THE CAKS. The Maimer in Winch Well Kaevvu People Attract Aitentieu Grant's SleUdlty and Oscar IVllde's Great Conceit. Piess Interview viilh 1'ulman Car Conductor. "Recoe Conkling ;euera!Iy -e!s one teat in a drawing room and he gets all the newspapers he can buy, rea.ls them and thiews them all ever the thawing room in a mass, besides he a!va3b has a poitman peitman tcau lull of law p.ipeis, which he stiews all ever every seat in the dtawing 100m. Cenklii.g is a veiy vain tiaveller aud wants eveiybedy in the car te leek at Lim. Xevv, there's Blaiuc, he's just the eppj site, he always buys the whHe draw ing room aud shuts himself up, and is a very modest, letiiiug t:avclier ; but Giant is a queer, e'J fellow. V.'beu he was president ei the United St.ites he neatly always ti.ivelled in a special car, but new, since he has bicemea piivate citizen, he travels jiisiabHit the .'-ne as eidinary folks. V-iii can a'ivay.s Ii id (Jiatit ii the iv.ir end of theear In the sn.el ing apattuieiit with .1 e'.ti in h;s luat'1, aiJ theie he sits ith a hand eit f'tbe aim of his chair and mu Ufa :i"d suiehes, t'jo.eaghly ob livi.uis of eveibtJy in the cat. He i.ever 'oel.s ,'u .i" je. eemetiiiics hn wi'l le.'k out of tlse Vtindew fox is ours, and vuien he's 110: iti''iii that ee'sglanciug ever a r.cwsp.tpei. lie".s ii'dMeiet.t te every iLin.; i!iai".s r.e'.ng 011. Why, if the liain he is in .slop 1 en tbe ;e.id in the open ceuntiy fei heuic uIuiti.! he rt ver moves, never lrquiit v bat's the m-ittur, but sits at'd smokes .s-eiidh until the tia'n st.nts, while all the ether pa-.sei'i.c'.s put their heads out el the whitlow or jt etl le sec vvIl.i'.s e.'e w.et1 ". "1 leiueuiber a isip te Ch'cue 'ii.iut ni.iJe In my cir s-eme fee .k.e. II, s .-.".it was d'ucetl I hind .1 lady vine was travel ing aletc and wiie, by' he bye, knew ve.y litt'e al-.'t t:;tvel:i'g. She bail hnr wiidevv up ''(,. heTj ti'iie .11 ! ,i vasp-etiy ebib e.s 1. s I ' '- Il'llCk. Ml Iv-.T Il'lll.lii ;ute ti e t.i . L vtatc-'td G.ai!l:e.- a li'ile while and 1 saw he was a'lt'ew d as tlu siuoke ard c"'iily b.ei..e e'e x'ght ever him. Pi isrt"r 1 e e.e. iij), a.d ?c.iu:u ever the hi'jj's .'lM.ix'.'t,. jn;c his ha: d 011 ihc catch at'd '"i !!,e wir .nv t-.sii de... The litr'e we.ra 1 ga.e ai ii.vebuit.ixy st.tit.iud tuired ,e.u"l !:e celv, LiitG:,tiiL never uei'ccd hei ;i.h) e'i(.pcd b.e'c in1 h:s chair. Aftei a i'li'e hh 'e the litile I ad j hei-ti i the iul"V ami . .me of the p.i'sefji.s wiie hi 1! mc 1 the :i'!..ir sini ed .it one another. Tlitn the ii'tle weiuan btcl'.ei ( 1 te me and s;.id, ' Cenducti-. who is that hog b;.ck el me ?" " " Th it's G. 1 . ral Grant ! ' s.i'd I. "(Jb!" said t''e l.trle woman and ' e diepprd the w'tidew immediately. Gi.r.t lieaxd the qiiest'en but uever let 'i. a d we.it ej leading l;s piper as if LOth.ug had happsned." OiC.M AVilde Pr.iul.s. Ilu. O.sci'i W Mc teek Ate eal.e." u.i-d the coe'ecte wain'!' 1 up as he saw the lepeiicr w.s l':-,l 1 c. i.'it.ii"el ' Oscar Wi'de v.i.s ni( 10 belliPi than. ill t'-e wi. ivi who ever xeil en .1 ii'i' e.id cir. He had .111 idea tint he w.u the gseit:.st iiai Ai.e:ica hrd ever -con r.t:d n' put 011 meie style than '( he l'l b u lie cz.u of liu -a a, ihe jj h'Ci e''Sp..In a" 1 .he enn-e eref Getniai'V a"I :,i one. WeuM v-j.i bc'iove '' he ';i:d the pjite.- of t'p s'eeplng car te te!' jicejIc at l''C it.n'j'is a'eiig the Jire v Dei ever the n.iiu .stepped tint n.,car il-lf tvas 111 tee ear. He was liie vai'-j est, most conceited nr.ile I tvei ?' ile wouldn't diinl: water out of the g!as at. the cooler, but sipped t eat of a ! ver and ry.'l .iinrr lirt nm t iml ..TTilli lilm .Itll Im'.l feW It ttl.. " i-...v.. ...... ....... .... ., .. s't vwlh the lijts of his lingeis pre.scd te- I gether and leek up at rhc 2 oef of the car I as if iia was about te offer iii a )i-a.er. " Lleibert Speactr was ihe jbu .d le.it'e-s 1 traveler I ever saw, and Deb ftigersell is . the best. Whcd l-ignsell eu.eisac.ir te go en a jomr.ey, the lirst thing he does Is te hang up his big slouch bat, then he J commences te make himself coni'ei table, I and by the time the train start-he just acts as if he were at home bi his study. If tuple's no one en the train that he knows, it don't take li'in long te stiike up an acquaintance, and everybody seems glad to'knew him. He's a very jelly and a veiy liberal traveller s-mekes nearly all the time en the cars and always cariies a bundle of choice cigars with him. I re member one Ti'hl thete was a freight wieck, and our train had te lay up for tluee or fwar heuss. It was a tcnible night, the wind blew a htinicane, and the rain came down in teneuts. Colonel In gersell was one of the passengers. Eveiy body get tiied. Nobody could get any -body t talk with them. At last a little Scotchman who was traveling through America sight seeing, learned who liigaisel! was and he tack'ed him then aud there. Ingcrsell was just in the humor, and in less than ten minutes everybody i:i the car ciewded around him and listened te hira for ever two benis, and the pas sengers, seemed fce pleased aud enteitaiued that they lorget all about the night and the accident. Cubluet atlnl&tsrs auct Otliers. " Secretary Felger in a very quiet trav eler. He generally has a piie el legal doc uments along, with him, aud puts in the time examining thorn. Secretary Ficllng Ficllng huyben is a great newspaper reader en the cars, and always puts me in mind of Jeseph Jeffersen. Jeffersen is a renxaik ably quiet traveler. He's a geed listener, but talks very little. Salvini is a very enthusiastic traveler, admiie.s every little thiug in the shape of pietty scenery along the read, and he sees evaiything. He's a noble fellow and liberal with the por per tei3. " Sesiet.iry Lincoln is a busiuess-e:k& traveler, does a geed deal of wext en the train, aud reads mere nswspapeis than any man I ever Baw He's se dilferent fiem his father in this iespcct. His father used te sit as quiet as a meuse with his arms folded aud leek out of the window neatly all the time. " Perry Balineut is a very nervous man twists his moustache and plays with his watch-chain half the time. Every new and again he pulls out his watch and leeks at the time, as if he ware in a great hurry. He can't sit still a dozen minutes at a time. He nevcr makes acquaintance en the train, and tha porters don't like him. "Net long age Mrs. Kate Chase Sprague, with her two children, were traveling ; Perry Belmont was in the same car. Mrs. Sprague, though a geed deal broken, is still a magnificent woman, and walks like a queen. Well, a man opposite her kept staring at her, which evidently annoyed her. Baltneu, whose chair was at the ether end of the car, seeing this, aud knowing Mrs. Sprague, asked the man te change chairs with him, which the man did reluctantly. " Henry Ward Beecher always patron izes the hotel car freely. Governer Patti son is an easy traveler, and Cenrressman near is a very funny, philosophic tiaveler. He pulls his big, black slouch hat way down ever his red, smoothly-shaven faee and gees te sleep. "Ben Butler usually travels in a private cai. Twe or three years age he went West in a pnvute car, and the ear being an Eastern foreign car the reef was tee high for the tuunel at Gillitzeu, en tne Allcghenies, and part of the car reef was tern away. Butler's only remark was, as he looked up at the tern reef aud address ed the servant. ' Thema, who threw that brick ?' " Dimples te Order. Chicago Herald. Learning thai theiewas a place in the city where dimples were made te order, I went there out "of cuiiesity. I was shown into a parlor simewLat lesembliug a den tist's operating room. There was a glass case full of bottles, washes and wigs, aud a regular eicutist's chair that suggested a world of comfort. Te me piesently came a dapper little man in a velvet cutaway coat and whose face were a complacent smirk. I bashfully suggested the dimple question and asked for some points. I really wanted a dimple in my arm and told hiin se. But I insinuated my disbe lief in his ab.lity te produce the necis;ary article. Whereupon he convinced me by practice. This is hew it is doue : My arm being bare aud the exact spot indicated, he placed a small glats tube, the orifice of which was extremely small, upon the spot. This tube liad weiking within it a piston, aud was se J-mall that when the handle was drawn uptheair wasexhanstcd from the tube, and it adhexed te the flesh, niisiu-j a slight p:etnbeiance, Aieuud this raised poitien the operator daintily tied a bit of scarlet silk, and then took away his suction machine The little point of skin that was thu.s raised he .sliced oil with a wicked-looking kuiie, bunging the bleed. I tried haul net te stsrcni, but it was se unexpected that I had te. Then he hound up the- arm, placing ever the wound a small silver object like an inveitcd cone, the point el whieh was rounded and polished This little point was adjusted se as te degiess the exact centreet the cut. Then he told me te go away and net touch the spot until the next day. When I earn e at that time he die.ssed my aim again, and thisopetatien was repeated lnr livp days, when the wound was healed. The silver cone was reicved, aud thciosuie pneuh beneath it was the prettiest dimple in the weild ! Aud all I Had te pay was $10. The Govern. iref .Neilh ("aielina said telhe Goviiier e! booth Caielurt: "sir, the hest rei.ie.lv in ihe world is Dr. Hull's Cough Si in p.'- . " lie w no is ic.idy te Iniy up h s em mlcs 1., i'l 111 ver wan., a supply el I hem.' It is cheap 'i-tiibuy a title Irietnl in Kidt ey-Wei t he v.-lU diile awav ll'efe uii-erable enemies, a teipi.l livei. eoustl'ialieii i.'ialfles, idles, di.s e.ised l.iiiinjs ;mi, lu, in K. This lemedy i-j new piep.ucd in .'IipiM as wel' as in diy teiui. Sl he wen lets et modern eliem'stry aie ap.iuent in llu; beintlliil Diimeud Dyes. All kinds and c uia et Ink e.iu be made Irem them Gee. Linder. 31 1. Cat mill, Pa , siy: "Sly wife has u-cd P.iewn'.s Iren Hitlers ler nerv ous Iieailaelieaml has been greallv relieved." Fer sale by II. R. Cochran, druggist 137 and 139 Net Ih liueen stiect. jl.Vlwd&w Celluloid Kye-Glasspsate netatlected bv at at niesphei ii- changes. There are equally ad ipt ed te cold ami vvuun climate-, ter sale by all Ieadt'14 .levvelc'N and Optlei :11s. j!5 lwdeetl Shil-.-u's Ceugu and CensumptlO'i Cine 13 -e'd by u en .1 gn iranlee. It cities consump tion. Im)! suie iiv Ii. R. Cochran, diugL;i-t, 1 17 and 1 U N 01 111 ijiiceu ct. liiyl-lwilcew&w Ne meie sickiuss or tieub'e: read U10.nl veitlsemeiit et sjimmens L.iver Regulator. i-Li:i:rLESs nights, made mi-erab!e by that le.i llj.e eeiuh. Siitleh's Cuie is Iho remedy ler v 011. Fer sale hy II. II. Cochran, dii'i'ist '17.1111I 1"U Neilh Oueen S'. mvl-lvnlriiwiw 1'rft'IH. A Ic.le.- tiem P. e. Sh'iieless, ihug'it, 3iaiiOn Ohie. In vviuni'er Tiieieas' Kclecllic Od, s.iv: ne man v j- enied el tee llueat el ei,.-. yiais .si.indiiig vvn'i e.ie beille." We I'.ive:' ii.Miibei et cases of rueumaf isiu that hive Iimmi Cit pi I vi ,eii 01 her remedies h iv e Ii ied. e coesHer iL1 be best medicine sold. l"i- s.i',. bw- . ;. (jeclruu, ill ii'gist. 137 aud 13 Net ii Oueen Stieei. -uiLea's luilier Is what you n ed for Cou Ceu s'ipiiinii. !.os et appetite, DUziness ami all syiiipiems of Dyspepsia. Pi ice 10 and 75 cents pi 1 beille. Fer pa'div H. !. Cochran, ding gis.. 137 and 13'J North Oueen &t. mvl,;w A Patriarch Willi's: "Willi a linn, steady hai'd (net a .leuihling one), though my age is nearly civilly, I give 1. y test-ieeny te the value el Rit'deck Rloeil i:i".lers: ler twenty yeirs I sutTeied tei lures iudeserib ible through dys-pep-ia. inde.'ejt'en and cons lpatien, lined hundreds ' .e.ncdie, but a 1 vv is money thiewn au-iv until 1 tried your eittei s. Imve ISurdeek Rleed Rilleis theciedit ler making m. -si, in, and he my." PiiieSl. Fersaleby II. IS. Cochran, tliuggist, 137 and 13'.) Neilh linepii sticet . Walnut Leaf U..lr iioslere.r. Itiseniliely dilleient Iiem all ether.-. It is astleai as water, and, hs its iiame Iiiduatu-, is a D-iIeet Vegetable Hair Restorer It will immediately fiee the htad from all dandrutt, je.leiegrav h-urte its uatuial color and pio pie diici a ncsv giewth where it has fallen etf. 1. doe- net in anv manner elicct the health, which Sulphur Suaref Lead and Nitrate el Silver pie1aralieiis have done. It will change lulu or ludc.l hair in a few days te a beautiful glossy oiewn. Ask your druggist ter it. Each helt'O is warranted. .SMITH, KLINE A CC, Wholesale Acents, Philadelphia, ami iiai.i. A RUCttliL, New Yerk. Jiiiiti lyd.etul.v:w rAi'jun ujLxaixiiK, at. psAKiA K. fi:y. A LOT OF LIGHT COLOR WINDOW SHADES, SLIGHTLY SOILED, ill bt 1 c'eaed out at fiem FIFTEEN le TVLNTi-FlVE Cents apiece. Elegant DADO SHADES IN NEWCW0KS. PLAIN GOODS of Everv Dc-criptlen and ter all kinds of windows. SPRING and CORD ROLLERS, Tassels, Fringes, Leeps and Nickel Tuiiimlng"". WE TAKE .MEASURES OF WINDOWS AND PUT UP SHADES IN REST MANNER. LACE CURTAINS IN GREAT VARIETY, LAMRREQUINS, RED PETS, PILLOW sIIA.MS, lirass, Ebony. Cherry, Walnut. and Ah CURTAIN POLES. FULL STOCK OF WAIL PAPERS, And 1 great many New Patterns for Spring. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 57 North Queen Street. LANCASTER, PA. UTOVKH. TNCRLASK YOCU CAPITAL. WHEAT STOCKS, 10, $20, $50, 100. These desiring te make money en small and medium investments in grain, piovisiensand stock speculations, can de .se by operating en our plan. Jtrem 3Iay 1, 1-?S1, te the present date, en investments et $10 te Sl.fxxi cash prellts have been lealized and paid te invest ors amounting te several times the eiiginal Investment. Profits paid Hist of every month, still leaving the original invest ment making money or payable en demand. Explanatory eiicularsand statements of lund W sent free. We want lcspenslbTe. agents who will report en crops and introduce the plan. Liberal commissions paid, FLEMMING & MEEBIAM, Commission 3lerchants Majer Bleck, Chi cago, III. iuiMyil MEVlUAJj. 1 HiOWN'S IKON HITTERS. PLAIN TRUTHS The bleed is the foundatieu of life, it circulates through every part of the body, and unless it is pure and rich, geed health is impossible. If disease has entered the system the only sure and quick way te drive it out is te purify and enrich the bleed. These simple tacts are well known, and the highest medical aatherities agree that nothing but iron will restore the bleed te its natural condition ; aud also that all the iron preparat ions hitherto made blacken the teeth, cause headache, and are otherwise injurious. Brown's Iren Bitters wili thorough ly and quickly assimilate with the bleed, purifying and strengthening it, aud thus drive disease from auy part of the system, and it will net blacken the teeth, cause headache or constipation, and is positively net in jurious. Sav6d His Child. 17 N. Unlaw St., Raltimeie. .Mil. Feb. 1-', ISs . Gents: Upen thu recommen dation et aiiicndl tried llrewn's lien Hitters as a tonic and re re re hlonitive for my daiighter.wliein 1 was llioieiighl convinced win wasting away with Consump tion. Having lest three daugh ter bv the terrible ilicie. 1111 dr the care of eminent physi cians. 1 was leth te heiieve that anything could aliest the pro pre gre,B et the disease, but te my greai surprise, befoie my daugh ter had taken one bottle et Ureu n'a Iren Hitlers she hegaii te mend and new is quite ie stored te lenner health. A lllth daughter hegan le show signs et Consumption, and when the phvsieian va consulted he q iiid.lv said "Tonics were re . Uiiiied";" and when inlermed thatlhe elder Mister was taking Rrevrn's Iren Ititters.iespinideil "tha Isagoed tonic, tae it."' Auer.Mi I'ucLra. Biown's Iren Bitters effectually cures Dyspepsia, Indigcstieu and Weakness, and renders the greatest relief aud benefit te poisons sufiering fiem such wasting diseases as Con sumption, Kiduey Complaints, etc. inrt-ale whelesaleandietall by U.K. COCH RAN, Druggist, 137 and 139 North O.uoen street, Lancaster jlilwd&w IT w 1.MUI KI.AS1S. Wintry Blasts. V.IM'RY BLASTS ISKIXU COUGHS COLDS CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA JVrv Davis' Fain Killer CUKES COUGHS COLDS CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA ' Provide against the evil cilectset Win try Blasts by procuring Peiuit Davis' Paiw Killeu. EVERY (500D DBUtiUIST KEEPS IT. il-lmIAw JjANVAttTEJt WATVHKlt. T VHK FOR ALL GRADES OF THE Lancaster Watch ! Steadily Grewing Uy thW " Heme Demand" is meant the In. creased Salesefthe Lancaster Watchesin Lan caster City and In Lancaster County. T ADIKS'HAIR DKK3SEK. MRS. C. LILLEIi, LADIES' HAIR DRESSER, 31anufacturcr and dealer In Hair Werk, La dles' and Gents' Wigs and Toupees. Comb ings straightened and made te order. Hair Jewelry et all kinds made up. Kid Gloves and Feathers cleaned and dyed. Alse Ladies' ShNOS& NORTH QUEEN STREET, -Four doers above P. U. R. Depot. ectl6-3md SAMUEL H. PK1RK, AlTOKNETf, HAS Removed his OfUce rrem 66 North Duke street te Ne. 41 GRANT STREET, Immedi ately In Rear of Court Ifense, Leng's New Building, inl7-tM HOME DEMAND uiir uoeua. A1 W aa&maker's. Silk novelties innumerable and indescribable. Everything diat ladies or dressmakers have occasion for in matching, deco rating, combining. What we are remarkable for, mere than for anything else in silks, is va riety : or, at least, we are re puted se. Yeu hear it said by everybedy: "If you want te match anything, or find a rare silk, even an unexpectable one, go te Wanamaker's." The ether peculiarity that everybody expects te find here is less pleasant te speak of; lower prices. We put it second, because there are people who don't credit us with lower prices. Still, we imagine that if one should assert the con trary, almost everybody in Phil adelphia would believe it. Oftener we speak of ether aspects of our trade ; aspects less obvious or less recognized. It is well occasionally te give old news. NoYt-euter circle, south entrance te main building. Warm skirts for ladies, and leggings for ladies, girls and lit tle girls. The warm skirts are satin, satin-and-cloth, satin-and-felt, satin-and-Italian -cloth, and Italian, all quilted; cloth, flannel and felt prettily trimmed, net quilted, warm enough without. The lecririncfs are all sorts ; one very useful and fairly pretty sort, woven, at two-thirds value, 25 te 65 cents. West et south entrance te main building. Furs have te be thought el. We're busy enough as te mak ing. If we advertise at all, we ought te say what will net op press us with tee much making. Perhaps this it is. A great many seal coats and fur-lined circu lars are ready-made. Mere sizes are ready-made here than anybody expects; especially the unexpected sizes. Ready-made work we can make in July. Why shouldn't we make all the shapes and sizes ready-made ? 130J Chestnut. Black satin rhademaes and satin de Lyens, 25 te 35 cents below our own recent prices, of all grades from $1 te $2 ; and we guess our prices haven't been very high ; have they? Next-outer circle, south entrance te main building. Weel serge embroidered with sitk dots that ought te sell for 1.50 no that isn't the way te put it jit ought te sell according te our theory, for just as little as we can aflerd : and that is 75 cents. Loek out for such new. It's time for ever-buying and all sorts of mistakes te show them selves. We try te keep ready te turn ether folk's mistakes te account for ourselves and for you. Third circle, southeast from Cfiitre. JOHN WANAMAKEK. Clicstnut, Thirteenth and Market street and City-ball square, Phili lelphla. BLEIUIIB, JtC. OI.E1GUS! SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! EIXtERLEY & CO., MARKET STREET, Rear of Central Market Houses, .LANCASTER, PENN'A. We have a Large and Splendid Assort ment of l'ertland, Albany aud Deuble Sleighs. They are the best selectee1 woodwork and the finest painted and eru&AienteU Sleighs ever offered for sale in this city. Our Motte: "Quick sales unl small prents." It costs nothing te call and examine work. "rWe also have en hand a full line of Fine Carriage work. In which we defy competition. All Werk Warranted. Repairing or all kinds promptly attended te. niK-tMAw BOUKBJjfIt sTATieniix.' "1HKISTMA8 J AND NEW YEAR CARDS, SEW ILLUSTRATED ROOKS, ALI'.L'MS, ASO A FISH" ASSOCTMEJiT OF FANCY ARTICLES, E. M. FLYNK, &QAI WEST KING STREET, Litfi 5TER. A