gJB'...-J.. LJATEK J3AlLir IlSKELLieEXCEB, WEDNESDAY. JAUABY 10. ISbO. y XE1UVAZ.. AHTKIt.H liitOl". AHV r.lCTlXJKJUEllT. 7iancastcr Sntclltgcnccr. WEDNESDAY FVBNING JAN. 10, 1333, A: .STiiicu ii;erii::its EAST K.M) JiKWS. 1'ruai Our Kegular Gap Correspondent. The sharcholdersef the Gap bank met at their headquarters at the Mansion house, en Monday afternoon, and the whole amount of block subscribed (which is $50,000) was paid in and forwarded te the controller of national currency at Wash ington. All necessary papers r.ulhotiz r.ulhetiz ing ihern te begin business as a corpora tion arc expected at an early date and when leceived business will begin at once. The prospects ara very flattering, and as the projectors and officers arc men of fine busi ness qualities there is little doubt that they will de a very large business. It has been resolved that the bank shall be known as the "Gap National bank." Mr. Al. .1. Mowery has leaned his po sition as teacher of the Ilarmnry t-choel, en account el failing health. The vacancy has been Jillcd by Miss Lizzie Ncwbauscr. A few days age two of our crack shots, while out en a hunting tour, had the mis mis mis fortune te have their hunting deg fall into a fcaiful combat with another canine. They attempted te separate the dogs by club bing them with their guns. The result wa. the dogs were separated, but net bc f : both gentlemen had broken their i ..iiing pieces, which were highly valued, beyond repair. Milten Taggai t, aged 47 years, died at his residence in Suinmonstewn, en Thurs day, after a lingering illucss. Funeral took place en Saturday. I .ac W. Slocum, was elected perma nent cashier of the National bank of Chris tiana at the recent bank election. Uhi istiana has at last procured its long talked of flre engine an-I it has been christened " Octoraro." TLe Salisbury Mutual fire insurance iif ;iiiy will assomble at the White Herse hotel en Wednesday afternoon, 10th inst., for the purpose el electing nine directors and an auditor for the ensuing year. The company is iii a very II wishing e. edi tion. .Jehn Kurtz sold his iann heidcriug en the Old rea.l, consisting of 2 acres, in cently te Abr.uu Kurt.: & Ure., for $140 pci" acre. Mi. Kur'.z intends going te Kentucky in the spring, wheie lie will 1'iigage in agricultural puisuils. .lescph IieaKcrseld his dwelling house in Christiana lat week te Marsh Chandler, of Kennel (Square, for $i, 300. .Ie!ma .lohiiseu sold en Saturday te .lames TnM, li'n piepeity consisting of two aeit'S, with imineveineiits, ler $3(11). 1M si-.e :ieV Ne : .sin: lingcicd and sullcit-d along, pining way all tin; lime, ler yi ar-., t in doctor, lining icr iMi kdikI : and at la-t was ctircil by flits l!.ip iiitli r tin' i-npci --ay -e u.ucli about. Imlt-i'il ! inili'c-l ! hnw lllinlilul t- should!' in ilial iin.-illcitic." ji-2v.i!.Vw ,"Kcep te your .':ii-i-:uiil jour ili will Keep ye:i." Kill yei cannot . spiel In keep .nii p'aeti ullheut ln-aMii, the. loumhil'e'i il Ji'l -ue.-es. J''(ir instance, si railroad en ii.eei- in nic ctiijitfiy (linn- :. :.t. .v st. rituiii.i:. had Iicnn giieveiisly iiltitctcd v. ith diabetes ler si years, He took lour bers of Kitluev V.'nit uuil new writes tliat In; i.s ci.tirely cured ami working iitgul.ii Hr. XfeFralicrs. rilme lis, velvet can all b.-cel-nr.-iltn match thai new hat liy lining tin- HI:i HI:i meiiil Dyei. Mciits ler any color. " Hen P'l.-.Ji-.MA anil Liver Cempluini, yet: linvi-a p; luted uuar-iutce en every iieitli- el liilelfs VH:,ll,:i-r. Is n.-vcr fails le cure. !"or -ale liy II. I. ;K-iii-uu, druggist, l."7 ami I-J't Nlir'l. l). Jli-ll .Slri'HL. 'The Couiniuderu." les. I.. Fonfe, tin (.'oii'ineilon-, l.lin, 11!., ays 'I li'i-i.as' Kclci-lrle Oil cured him el M-ia-ti-i v. nli one a-iiiiicutien, thoroughly applied. II al-.i cnr.-d Jinn el iisi-M'iv cuM unci ceii'-h. Hi- te.ink- j: a very valualilc remedy, ami vi 11 never In- w illiniit it. for s ilr by li. It. t'och t'ech r.iii, div-.gl-l, 1.17 ami 12:1 North "Queen street. Ann vey iiiii::iiit-.i-ra'iln liy Iniiirstion.Con Iniiirstien.Con Iniiirstion.Cen li.".linn, I.O-.S of AiijKiliU!, Wlletv Mjin 7 stnleh'n Vilali.cr !. a iiiwitivi' eniii. Fer r.i'n l.v II It. (;echr;i!i,.lii!',isl. i;i7an.l W.l North tiiii'i-ii -tri't.L ".Ml ttie ill. Jtiat T'lcsii Ih llclr ti," Mi-la-r Ireai iinpniily of iUc. Mooil, lerpiil liv-r. irrinlar Iteivi-ls, ili-er.li'nil liiilniy.-. -H-.. -an Iti'Miti-lv ami ..jweilily -iireu ' lln: li..k r.Inn.l Ititti-i-. I'liic !. Ker .-i:. !y II. It. tlei-liran, ilriitrai-t, i::7aml 1 :: Noun (incvii flu-el. wnv . i l.i. Vi u -iint;li when Shl'iih'.-) cuii-."-Ivc iiiniii-iliaTt- i'lii-l. t'rici.-, in c-;.s., ,VJ li. ui.il $1. Fur side liy II. It. I'eclir.iti, ilru. t:i-i. i::7:iml i:s Neitli (luu'iunv-i .ASv.tHrt.it n:ir:.in:a. T 1HK III FOR ill mm OF TIlK Lancaster atch I.SJ Steadily 6-rewtD Jtythis" lieian neniaml" Is meant the In cri'iiscil Sales erum Luiicastcr Watches in I.un-tsi-ter City anil In Lancaster County. Ol.KISiKS! SLEIGHS! SLE1GHSI kd(;ehley&ce., MARKET STREET, Itrar or Central Market Houses, I.ANCASTE11, PENN'A. We. lave n I.nrge ami Splcmllil Assert, ln-'iitnl J'erl land, Albany and Deuble Sleighs. Thi-y arc the l-e,t selectn' woodwork ami the il nest p.iinteil ami erim.icntcd Slel-'lis mvi-reU'ereil ler sale In this city. our Mone: "Quick sales ami small pretita.' It e-ti nothing te cull ami examine work. KirWv also have en haml a lull line of i'lne fan I'e u-erk. In ivhi;-li .vi.ilcfy coinpetitien. All uirk vvarraiite-!. Ke)atilii;j el all kinils pre u l-l'j att-mleil te. n'Jti-tlil&w SB li:. r.K.NhON-sj KE.VKUIE.-j. Frem Amlre.v'.s Ameiican (JtieT CLEOPATHA. Queen of Slieba's Beauty Vi.VS BUT SKI? 1.KLT. Tlie renowned Queen cf l-fta, with all htr royal femp, ma'iiili-eni -. --'-ml luilllant reUnue, w ulil never krv; ....' -reil within the presence et the Kramleste. 11; s monarchs of the n:t.-. liail sin: net al-e pose-el that which Is the erewmng glory et tliclcmale lic-r-sen a skin unchallenged ler its Oriental soft ness and its almost transcendental purity. Cleopatra, lio'idtntMnp.-rer.-iatbar.aml ruling empires by her wen!, had quickly lest her charm and power by oneatlacket bletthf-s. or of plmp'es. or et herrin tan and freckles. WOMAN IIUI.ES THE WOKLII. by her b' ituti", net less lliau by her puiity of character. Ievtiiine. et illsjiosillen and iin bblllsli devotion. Indeed. In the estimation et perhaps ioe many men beauty Sn a body takes precedence ever every eti.er eensi !eiatie:i. JJeauty thus forms an impeitaiit j.art et wo man's ' neikir.Kcapitiil," without which ten many (It net bankrupts in what relates te in lluenci; within the circle v.herc they move), iivupewiiUs ter great geed. Hence we see net only tin: propriety but the duty et every lady preerviny with zealous caie that which te hur I; e -.entiul te iuecess, and Inlluence and u einlncs in Hie. And since " beauty is but ei.iu d-i.p," the utmost care and vliliincc are requirud te guard it against the many ills that lleah i.s heir te. Among the great an an noying enemies et beauty, OF eithei: snx, as well as of comfeit, happiness and health, aie these pciili-ieu-iitiii horrid t-kin diseases tetters, humors, eczema (snlt rheum), rough and scaly eruptions, ulcere, pimples, and all diseases et the hair and scalp. Fer thecure of ull these, Dr. C. W. lienson.et Jtaltlmere.ciler years et patient study and investigation de voted te diseases of the skin, at last brought forth his celebrated Skin Cure, which h.n al ready by its marvelous cures, established it sell as the gnnt remedy for al! diseases of the skin, whatever be their names or diameter. Us success has been immense and unpura! lelid. All driifgl-tx have it. it i elegantly put up, two li!ltles in enu package. In'ernal and external treatment. Trice, ?!.'. KViaiVOXB I'UAISES. Sick headache, nervous headache, in ur.ilgia, neivemnen, paralysis, d3spepsi,i, sleepless-lu-si and brain diseases, positively cured by Dr. C. W. Iteiihen's Celery ami Chamomile iT.N. Tl.ey contain no opium, quinine, or ether harmlul d:ug. told by ull druggists. I'riee, Stcenta bev ; SI ler two, $i:i) ter six, lKiUage tree. Ir. (J. W. lleusen, italtinuve, Md. C. N. Crittenleu. ! X w Yerk, is wholesale agent for Dr. (J. W. llensim'.s remedies. dcclC-ImdM.W&S 1- IS A Sure Cure ler Ali I):s;l;ises KIDNEYS AND LIVER. It l.'i.j spicili.-actien en ;! ! . me-,1 iiiiport-uni,e:-;;i!i,cial)d!ig tl In thie.v oil turiiiillty am! ii. action. bUmiiiuting the Iieallhy secre secre tiei' iM!i- i:i!e,and by keeping the. bowels in tie-- coi.diCeii, cileclii g it- regular illscharge. "I.'Tq 1 n -r-:. e " yu u1'1' I'uileiinarliem n.a lX&lCbL XOt. larhi, have the eliHN, ale bil ious, dyspeptic or cen-lipate-l, Kldn-y-Wert will surely h '.leveam! ipiickly cure. In the Spring te clcaiiip the System, every one heuld lake a thorough niiie el It. Sold by tlriigslstK I'rlce, 11 KIDN3T-VORT. se V.'7 i 1 1 &. iv HH'AF 4 1 "j r "s(i a:;u .v :Al r j;i'sir.is. I weakened by the strain et your duties, avoid stimulant.-, and n: nep ItiTTICi:?. II jeiiw" a man et letlers. toiling ever mi-liiu'ht work, te rr-tere. brain, nerve and v.-a-u- u.-e. HOP ItlTTl'.i:;-. li you are young and Mtlt.-iitig Irem anvin anvin disc.rctien oi-di-siputlen ; if vmi are married or single, old or young, tull'.-ring from peer hi-.ilth or languishing ou a bed. of sicklier,.-. 11KLY OX IIOl IJITTKKS. Whoever you are, whenever you tie! Iii.it yeiii-Mysiem neeiN dean-dier. liming or -.lim-nlalin. without intoxicating, lake HOI ijittki:s. Theu-ands die annually from Mime lei met Kl DXKY dt-ea.-je that might have been pie vented by a timely um et HOT ItlTTKKS. Hep Bitters Never Fail ! Have you Dyspepsia, Kilncv or rrlnary Complaint, JM-.eaij et tin- sie'inaeh, I'.ewcl.s. llloed. I.iverei-Xervi;, you will la; cured if you ihc IIOI' ItlTTKUS. II you are simply weak and low spirited, try It. 11 man nrc ynurlifc. It hu xrvnl h vmlrcth. I). !. U. Is an ab-elute and ii redtable cuie for Iirunkenne.-s, ue e! epimu tobacco and nurceiie... fio'Seld by Druggi-is. scsd ker (,'iKcri.AU llul IHTTKIJ-. M'F't; CO.. Iteche-ter, X. Y.,aml Terente, (int. jl-lmii edAw "I JLOI1 sVHUl'. L9CIii:irs REX0WNEH COUGH SYRTJP lias fuiid tlieu-ani!-. It will cuie your Cough or cold In It time, than any oilier preparation. pricks:, cr.s'Ts per hettlic, I'n pared and seM only by CHAS. A. L0CHER, NO 9 EAST KING STREET, I.ANCASTKIt. PA. i3,i;-"-vs CepineForeiPMer AWARDED 6 MEDALS. THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY rea Backaclie or Lame Back. Rheumatism or Lame Joints. Cramps or Sprains. Neuralgia or Kidney Diseascs. Lmmbarje, Sovero Achcn or Pains. Fcmale WGaknc33. Are Superior te All Other Plaster-!. Are Superior te Pads. Are Superior te lAnimcnls. Arc Superior te Ointments or balics. A re Superior te Electricity or Calranixm, They Act finmalialcl!. They Strengthen They Seethe. They Relieve Pain at Oner. They Positively Cure. rATTTinM! J'essehv caivixu x'okeus WiU 1 lUVi I lL.hTi:iw have been imi tated. De net allow your druggist te palm eir some oilier pla-ler having a similar sound ing name. See that the word is upellcd C-A-r-CM-X-E. I'ltieu, 25 ce.nts. SEABURY & JOHNSON, MAXturACTtmme CnninsTS, Xcw Yekk. A SURE REMEDY AT LAST. Price 25 Ueura. MEAD'3 MEDICATED GOItA AND 1WXION PLASTER. CUAS. H. CISITTKNTON, 113 Fulton St., Kmv Yerk, sole agent ler Dr. C W. Uen- son's Kiinedie.s, te whom ail orders should be addressed. Jl-2wdeod&wcew ri'UK AMOUNT OF TUK DlsjCHA JL its consistence, and the intensity disagreeable oiler, will vary during the of a fetid cery.a whatever may have In origin. Di-eas.es of the KY'E. EAIl. TIFItflAT SCHAKGft, msitv of its disagreeable odor, will vary during l he ceuise of a fetid cery.a whatever may have been ltd origin. Direasesef the KYK. KAIt, THUOAT also CANCKItS, TUMORS. -SKIN and CHRONIC DISEASES sueeesstnlly tieati-d by DRS J l. and M. A. LUXIlAKKIt. Olllee, J:; Kast Walnut strei-l. l.-mi-il...- i,. ..'.... ..., fkek. i"-:t,Ytw ' '" "uuvw ASTR1CH BROS.' PALACE OF FASHION, 13 EAST KING STREET, lan;astki5, pa. WE OFFER TH IB "WEEK IN EVERY ONE OF OUR DEPARTMENTS. They are loe uuMeraus te be mentioned. We iherLieru only call attention te u few. Of It :TOUK Of HATS aid is eitKATi.Y :;i:di7ci:d. Till-: KAI.ANCi: X.V.VT W'U.U KK Sold at Less TJiau Cost, Beaver Kats at 50c. Felt Hats at 50c Satin Plush Hats at $1.00. Children's Scheel Hats at 50c. FEATHERS AMD TIPS BE.OW G03T. Al.liOUltFI.VKI.AltCKCMi.OKKD I'M .MKS ATTIIKU.MKOd.M 1'iaCK ()!' OXhY' C-2.0D AIM liC K. AI-I. DUHr'AKUV Vv"lN'i;s,ATIIA!.!-' r-M-JK. v.'jiiiAVK miDfcr.i) Oiii: Wll()l.!i STOCK OK TIIK JIO-1' r.MitSANT HABII RIJiHON. TO TilK l.'.N'IfO I'd I'ltlCK Ol-- ". CKXTS V :tl YAi:i, Thus elieriiiK Kibben lennerlv old al Jl.OH. $l.'J.".il nean-l even atfiuiper vanl, at. ONLY' niCl'.XTS. YBLTET8 and rLMUKS UltEATLY ItEDruni). ONIi LOT OK FANCY WATK.U1.D VKI.YK- TEEX3AT ONLY 31 CiiNTS IMill YAltD. OUU STOCK OF READY-TRIMMED Hats and Bennets WII.I. 15K SOLD AT ASTONISH I. Y LOW l'KICKS. OUU STOCK OF COATS and DOLMANS 13 YE11Y LOW. The Jew lelt. will seen be nel-J. Take held el the opportunity and don't neglect te puiciuisu a Flne Carment at exactly halt Its value. We are expecting within a weel.- or two an entirely NEW INVOICE OF CHOICE Hamburg Edgings AND Insertings. Te nuike room for theewe eiler the balance lelt of our last year's) stock at II A LF-riiJCJ'J. Yeu can buy an Edge worth 10 cenlM ler 5 cents a yard. Yeu can buy an Edxc worth l."i cunts for 7$ centsa yanl. Yeu can buy an Edge worth 2 eent.s ler Kl cents a yard. Yeu can buy an Edge worth i"i eent.s ler Vy. centsavard. Yeu can buy an Edge worth :. ceuM ler S51 ceiiisayani. Yeu can buyan Edge worth f 1 lerfil eents a yard. ALL OUR Inland Short anil Leni; Dresse?. Kelies anil Slips, AT HALF-PRICE. OTIIEil BARGAINS IN Hosiery, Underwear, Gloves, Worsted Caps, Handkerchiefs, Lace Goods, Szc. LADIES' FELT SKIRTS REDUCED. tt- Xeycltlcs and Xew. Seasonable Heeds received as usual and marked very low, aIt will pay every one te call and exam-1 inc the bargains direred. U Upl U b U liu li 1U U Bargains CZOTHIXti. VXTItAOKUISABY CLOSING SALiE OK Eeatly Made Sails ami Overceufs, Fea MK.VS, IIUYa" and CIIII.DUKX'S WEAK. i'er the next thirty days we eirer -SPKCIAL UAliUAIXS, In order te clear our counters and make room for our Large Sptln which we are new manulactciring. stock, SOME PRICES. A Stout Pair of Wu king I'ants at We , !.). Sl.i iM. up te?!.S7. Alt-Weel Keirnys, jrev. rat styles, at $2.00, 2..Viand .(. Ti e very durable (. hevint I'ants at ii .0. JO.IO, and j::.fu. A liumI?enif! vasletv ei Mlxe.l Ca3slmere I'ants at f--'.7.'i, r..-7 and f 1.00. Men-3 suit- at ft.m. .f.'i.tO, i'.X0, f7.u:, JS.fO, f iO.W), up te fl.'i.M). Men's Oveit-eati at il.-l iSM $1.50, iO.CO. W'. 59.trt.uptefl.ni iieys Suits at i..s;i, ji.7'1, j3.i'i, JI.W, $3.00, $;.ti0, un te $io,:e. Iteys' Overcoats at !.;.", ?ii", $3.50, $1.23, up te $7.00. (;hl dren's Suits at ?1.3!), ?J.03, J3.00, $1.0"), $5 0). up te $0 30. Cliildreu'tj Overcoat- at 51,:!7, 5J.00, $-'.75, up te $4 50. -Tlie-n people who ti ink tiiev can't afl'erd a .New Suit or Ovei coat will be'surnrised te 11 nd hew easily tiu-v" cm all'erd it, if they avail them-elves et the bargains we aie new eiler-in-'. L. GANSMAN & BRO., !'..i: i AMitii.': .:::.k mk chant taii.ei: .Nil t I.O'I'llIKi:, 6!J av.-l GU NORTH QUKU; ST. Millien the S..iilhw -t 'Jerner ! Orange St. LA.SCAbTlilt. IA. i-The elicain .-( and mnit leli ilil.i Clothing; Heuse In the city. QI'tXMAI. Ii'lJ-i fUi, TIIK- GREATKST REDUCTION OF ALL l.V- FINE CLOTHES, VT E GERMRT'S t. I . e t: rxi; iW7:i m isj;?,iknj, NO. KAH:r KIN STiiKET, In order te reduce stock and make room ler the SIMM N'C TKADK, I will make up te order ler l.':e remainder of the season, all 1IKAVY WKUJHT WOOLKNS at COST PRICE. This (.; real. lied net Ien Is ter e.isli only, ami w ill enable easli buyers te secure a line suitef clothes or au overee.it as low aslhey i:.m buy them ready-made. ti. "vti'illli AiV 1 . It t!.s:';Nsj-i' l :-.-. HAIItJAIN- IN OV'E R GOATS The italant italant ce n-lit of id IIK'.VV OVKUCOAT.S lelt 164Be?s' of All Gi ades from $1.50 up. 227 Youth's from 82.00 up. 15G Men's Fancy Ulsterattes from $2,50 up. 210 Men's Heavy Boavers from 85.00 up. 1G TJlsterettss, Roversiblo. 88.00. Til!-; FUKMKIl IMII'JKS OF TIIK ffKUK .icst neur.i.i;. AllOVK F.very llarmeut has been Marked at Half its Fermer Price. CHILDREN'S SUITS. FKO.M fl.ea Ul'. Bey's Suits, Fiteji f'..5e i;r. MEN'S SUITS, at vi;i:y low ruicrc. ALL OUU HEAVY UNDERWEAR MAItKKD AT JIALf 1'KICE. Call Early and Get bargains. AT ROSENSTEH'S, 37 North Queen St., LANCASTER, 1A. S-Xcxl Doer te Slmltz & I'.re'a JIat Stoic. VAxraiB. rYlKi-ETS. Carpet Manufactory, Having undertaken te manufacture UA and CI1 AIX UAUl'ISTS, wholesale. S,oe(i yards per week, 1 am new prepared te sell my entire stock el Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian Carpets, AT GUEAT BARGAINS AND TAT U BLOW COST, te make room and give ray entire attention te wholesale trade of mv own inn.niifiietnrml goods. Please call early. H. S. SHIRK, VAIiJrXil llAlilj, I Oer. West King and Water Sts, 1 in:; tiuenz SJliW UOODS. FOR Tk'kinjr.q. Sluslins, Checks, Tabid Linens, Sheetings, Pillow Jluslins, COUNTERPANES, &c, AND THE 15KST STilAM DRESSED FEATHERS At Lewest i'rlee;, go te SWARR'S, Ne. 25 North Queen Street. T V.'. ISTKNiJ. " REMNANTS OF BLEACHED IFSLIU CHEAP. T TIIK NORTH EKD DRY GOODS STORE. 1. W. BYRNE. J NO. 322 NORTH QUEEN ST.. LANUAM-Ki:, FA. 15. .1! i.i'lN A; U(. ( . .i:i: OFFKUIXtt A I.AlKiK bTOCK OF itiCN'a Scarlet, Medicated. V71nte, Gnlcrr.d, All-Wcel, Flannel, Can Can eon Flannel, ExLv;i Large Sizes, UNDERWEAR AT REDUCED FBIOES. We have liltcen dilterent iiialitie.s of Searlet Shirls and Drawers, rallying in price liem $1.0.1 te fi.Oti ler sltiKle pteee, or $1.M te ?S.(i() ler suit. Aside lrnm these we have tour special bargains which cannot be bought anywhere at the lijjnies we are selling llieui at. 1st. An All-Wenl Scarlet Shirt for $1.(0, which ler weight and waimth has no equal Drawers te match. lid. Scarlet Medicated Shirls and Dniweis. purchased by theeace. These would be cheap at $1 :!5, but we have marked ilu-m ;.l a vey cle-e pile.', and are selling them at it.'iJ. yd. eir;;t M"dieited All-Weel shirts al. ll.IJs, worth $1.75. e have only a remnant let et this quality, and for that reason they were reduced te less than cost, te close them out. till. All-Weel .dedicated Shirts and Drawers at $1.50 (Seconds ). We have sold three cases et these jinds already this season, and the opin ion et everyone who Ma.-seen them is tluit they are equal te any ?--V ) .Shirty In the market. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sircats, LAXCASTKU. 1'A. Great Olearmg Sale, vi:i:v:eu3 te isvekteky. Watt, Snaad & Ge,, Oirer Extraordinary uaialns in Every Lli' ifilii's Oei At less than Manufacturer-)' 1'riees. ELEGANT YARD -WIDE CRETONNES Werth li.V'c. a yard reduced te Ke. Deuble-fold Weel-faced GasLmeres Only l'e. n Yard. It K MX A N Tri A N D ( ) 1 1 i i LOTS O F Dress Goods Atie-s than halt tin. ir value. Ladies' All-Weel Ribbed Hese '.5e. a i'air. GKNTS tiUAKEll II A LI- IfOSIi 12J.aL,air. 150 Per.en ": inch All Siik Kandkyi chiefs -5 Cents Each. CO Dez.GK.VTb LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS Colored Herders. 10c. each. Sl'ECIAL I5AUUAINS IN White and ColerettBlaukets At JI.V5, $1.50, $1.75, $J.(i0, etc. V.'e eiler the b dance of our HOLIDAY GOODS AT CLEARING 1'UICES. NEW YOKK STOKE. 8 and 10 Bast King Street. -AXKT.C.KK & 11 iUlHMAN. MBTZGBR AND HAUGHMAN AliE NOW feEI.LINti TIIKIIt LADIKS' AIS1) CliJLDIJKNS m an DOLMAI AT KEY MUCH REDUCED PRICES. Away Belew Their Value. AT IETZ8ER k SMGEIi'S, New Cheap Stere. 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, (Itelweca the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel.) I; ADiKS'itAii: :kk!si:i:. 3IKS. ( . XILLEK, LADIES KAIR DRESSER, Manutacturer and dealer in Hair Werk, La dies' and Gents' Wigs and Toupees. Comb ings straightened ami mane te order. Jlair Jewelry et all kinds made up. Kid Gloves and Feathers cleaned and dytU. Alse Ladles' Shampooing, at XOS. 235 337 XORTII QUEEN STREET, ASfKenr doers above 1. IJ. If. Depot. ectlti-ttiiid QAMUKL 11. l'UICK, AXTOltNEY, HAS O Itcmeved his Ollice trem C6 North Duke iili - ppt te Xe. 41 CltAXT STItKKT. mmiH. S.nng.Ke:ir et Coun llmun' lMWr I B A wmid VIM31USU. ViiDElW-jrMt, XV. " J. i:i::.s)ia.s. MERRY rHIHST3IAS TO ALL I'XEFFL AND Olt.V.VMKNTAL IIOl.I- dav i'i:k.-knts. Neckties, Piik Ilandkerchiets, Silk and Ca-h mereitulllers. Linen Handkerchief- Kine blurts. Uiulcrwer, rur .Srim; 'teji Uleves, Caster t;ioves.:el!ar?,Cutl-. suspenders, i'eeket Heeks. Card Case.5. Ladies' Satchels, l'he- tentpli and Autepraph Albums. Ferlumery. Cisar Cases, Seart" l'lns, Slteve liuttens, Ac. PON'T FA! J. 'te SHE THE ui:.VM) 1US FLAY. B. J. BRISMAN, SO. M XOUTil liUKEX STKKKT, K.S.ilAJ.IKC.'si ;AItt. Tin- inquiry new is where te buy an OVi.UCOAT suitable ter this cold weather ? We OF EX TO-DAY a Iare let et heavy English Kerseys, Whltneys ami I'atent F.eaver-i, in ull the NEW an I FOl't'LAi: STYLES. Olive i.r. ens. Iliewiw, "VrraCettii, Ox.'en! a:d taney shades, ranging In iiiei - ii.:n V'0 te S30. Jluutanaks, Velours, Fui AntiueUan, Vienna and Elysiau l!ea- veieiu (ii:::.T vakikty at l'ei'i - ' LAIt l'KICK". itoatenr-e au.l -"enie bargain-' at J. X. SMALING'S, Ne. 121 North Queaa Strcet. 1 riitsst .- i:i:ei'iis;i;. It is Astonishing With i i.j.t Micee;.s we huv met in i.ur ;;rtat mark dev.n. -bowing that our illjils have been appreciated, ll-i-,i ju-t j;iiini through eut-em tie stuck, and made Aiiother sweeping I'cdudieu in I'KICKS. OkIiik totheina-iufaelureeiour luriju St'iilNt; STOCK, the l-'.ill and Winler fcteel: mils', be sold, i:Kti AltDLKSS nf CO-T, te makeroem fersame. ODDS and ENDS (JllliAT .s.c unit AT We would call Special Attention te our-.: (.. Ulstercttc.s, r.'erlh i't.tx) ; t.Vie, wnr.li .'.'.'': S7.) line CI inelnll.i, weiili lil.0 ; -!.., i n . mixed Whitney, worth fl.i.wi. We have OVEKCOATS for MEN a; .'lil $2 5e, $5.0 , $::.-ri, $ i.f.e, 5.5 1 te fi.-f.ee. Fer KOY at il.", ViJM, fiT. ?-'.'..i u;i le $-!.t7. FerCIIILD!:!-,X:it?l.riO -Jl.fi;, $I.S7, - e-i fi.il up te $"i.ne. .M EN-K I'ANTS from 57c. up. In Men's rud Youths' I'liits etit .ei:tmext ls vemim.lte, AND WE SELfc THEM AT KOTTOMIMJICES. -CalI and eenvine-: yourselves et Hi Sweeping Sale at Hirsli k Brether, 2 snst! i li. (jne?ji SI , ttinl G am: s Frins S'juarr, LiiiicasliT, Fa. SC1KS ly.l Ct'rV.:i ,'.!..NJTi5:i Ui-ttiitsJ i?!ti!flio:ier iw r;i';0!;. Te make n-ei.i for our Xew .Spr.nhieek we will ele.-e out the balance et our (jlnihiu at llottem l'riee-i. SUITS. Peinicrly fCO.OO Fenu.-.rly -J1S.00 Fermer! v SU5.00 Formerly 6 M.'JO Fetmerly 812.00 Fenncxly $10.00 . .Xivv H 7.00 ..Xov.ir.eo ..New6i:j.00 ..Xe;v$12.t0 ..Xew.S10.00 ..New S.00 OVERCOATS. Formerly $1S.00 Xew Sle.OO Formerly 810.00 New SKJ.OO .Fennetly $1-1.00 New $12.00 Formerly $12.00 New $10.00 Formerly $ T.eO New $ 0.00 CALL EAKLY TO SECIMU: THE KE-.T It VIUiAlXS. I. B. HestBir I li 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LAX CASTE li. X'A. II A tCH WA.lt i. "! i.XV l!Ai:ilWAKi: STOi'.I.. 9-11 SOUTH QUEEN ST., MARSHALL k RENGIER, DEAI.KKS IX- ULrlLJ)INGanclC,AliLh HARDWARE, SIOVKS, HEATERS, l:A XGJZ8, I'AINTS; OlLtiaml GLASS. Heuse Furnishing Goods sll-Jmit.tw noers a.- hiiuki: Ij1 HIKMKSV.. CLOSING OUT ! Beets and Shoes AT AXD ; BELOW COST. MUST UK SOLD IJV MARCH SOTIL CALL AT ONCE AXD SECURE BARGAINS. F . HIEMENZ, Ne. 105 North Queen St. The Opportunity Te purchase a geed, reliable O V E K C O A T OK Heavy Suit At a i.tiee that U remarkably eheap in decidedly In favor of the buyer. Al Al Al tUoughenrstoc'.: or OVERCOATS M WINTER WW Are daily ettin smaller. Se chance should In: neglected in making nelee nelee tiens, as the be.-t style.- always no llrst. There are many stylish ami laverable articles in Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, Tl.at have been marked down, price marked is tins price te all. The WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 34, 36 & 38 E.King St., LAXCASTEll. IA. ji v si va i. iss rtt irjiux r.s. i- - - - ii. r. eirm, MANCl-'ACTUIiKCS' AtlENT Killl Till. Weber, Steinway, Kranich & Bach PIANO-FORTES. Mum u & sraniMn, IVIouliel & (Vis ORGANS. Ad. 1 1-;--'-. Corru-pemlencu te Ne. 310 MARKET STREET, IIAKIU-P.UUU, 1"A. ii-m-:iiii (M.UrlSii OIT -AI.K. Music Bexes, r itfhi .Hi UL I iA hr. AT HALF THE REGULAR PRICE. Tills I.eineiir lu-t s:tle i Hit-, eily I.ir --iiiiei y ears, we d. sire te sell out tins entire slm k betoreclesiiifjour sali-sliiems ler Hit. s-:i-e Te this end we i:iote tint lowest, en.-il.ii-prices, with only smull advance ever cost I iiiuniitaetuiili', te cover evpen-e-'. Only llnest (uality llili hiss .Music Itexes. sjieeially made ler our retail trudu, lnelmlii.;' many new styles, with latest iiiipievciiicnl.-. and of the great rsLilunthillly ; far surerier le the ordinary .Millie Itexes guneinlly sold in this country. The tone et these Ihkis n verv pewerlul and at the same titni! reiuarkal.Iv sv.cet. jdusleal Kexcs -ith Kell-i, Iiriiin-.. CiWtagnet, Ceie.-ti.il elces, Haie .ill rr. i'iecale. Tremelo, .".laiuleiiiic, Koitc-I'ia'ie, ami .Stihlimc-IIunui.nif. .(e., wltli two aim three main sprine.s, riiiinlnv twice and three times the lengtii et ordinary Music I'exes by one winding. Large stock et ?-tn ti J! ..-! Itexes : also, Al bums. Ci.ir I'a'lers, Decanters, .Vc, with eon cealed music. Immense Display ! Xew Selections ! Xe Ikuiii! should be without one el thiau beautiful instruments This i un opportunity seldom altered. Price li-.t en application. C. GAUTSCHI & CO., MAXUKACTUKEItS OF MUSICAL ltOXK.S STK. CUOIX, SWITZERLAND. SALESl:OOM5, XO. 1013 CHESTNUT ST., VIIILADELrillA. nevIMfd UAlLltOAOS. riiiiK GREAT Burlington Eoute Clilcae, itiirliiitmi k tyiincj 11. K. t'iiicae, !Snr!lit;teii k (jiiincj H. K. PI? IXC I PAL LINK AXD OLD FAVORITE KROM CHIC AGO OK PEORIA TO KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, CALIFORNIA. LINCOLN AND DENVER. The SHORTEST, QUICK EST and BEST linn te St. Jeseph, Atchlnsen, Tepcku, Denlseii. Dallas, Galventen, and all points In Iowa, Ne braska, Ml.sseuri, Kansas, New Mexico, Ari zona, Mentana and Texan. This route has no superior ter Albert Lea. Minneapolis and Ht. ran). Nationally reputed as being tlie GREAT THROUGH CAR LINK. Universally conceded te be the REST EQUIPPED Railroad in the world ter all cliis.ses el travel. AH connections made In Union depots. Try It and you will find traveling a luxury ltisti;:d of a dlseomlert. Through tickets via this celebrated llim ler aula at all offices in the U. S. and Canada. All liilorniHlfen about rates of iare, .Sleeping Cars, etc., clieertulJy given by I'J'.KCKVAr. I.OWKI.L, tienei-al I'aaeenger Agent, Chicase, III. T.J. POTT KK, M Vice l'rcs. Gen. Manager, Chicago, III. JOIIX J. A. IIKAN.Uen. Kuntrrn Agt., 317 IJreudway, 30 Washington St. Nkw Yerk. Dostew, Mass. navlf-lvilAw IjIUUUUS, fit'. KOUSKAl. SlVAiti NEW LIQCOR STORE, Ne. 43 North Queen street, Lancaster, V. Tlie very best and ! f-stiualitiet) et Foreign and Demestic W1N.-.S and LIQUORS, con. ftautly ler sale at wholesale and retail. Straight Old Ryu V.'liisKy et the distillation eflST.i. Pure unadulterated Custom Heuse, ilrandy, warranted et the vintage et 1SC0. Kept especially ter medicinal purposes. Pure Old Helland Gin, and ether Whiskies, Bran dies ami W ine.-j le .-nit the trade. Iub3-lyi HOUSEAI, ft CO.