Mk i it H a. y h q PL y -- ' -s'riSsj1-1 V- f LA.NCASTEE, PA, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 10; 1S83. Price Twe Cents, Volume XIX-Oe 111. , Yfr.Kh & KATIiI")'. .! MEBCI-IANT TAILORING-. New effects in Imported Worhtee" j HasVet, Diagonal and Biideye weave, in Blue, Greeu and Ii'.ack. :'ew effects in Silks Mixed En' i, Cheviots in all fashionable coleis. New effect-, i Scotch Cheviots 1 a'i fashionable colors. Nev cSTcetK in ImpeiWl Ovei ' u, in Londen Beaver., English Meltons, Kei.sesh and tbc popular "iiD;eih;-:i MYKRS & FINE MERCHANT TAILORS, our II agi.ic .v i:kiti: A'cw Prices ier HAGER i; BROTHER h.'.vc. new nj a full line of all Ike Lest makes of 1'. ,-..el:ul ;.i:d U.iblcaei.e 1 MUSLIN'S, MIKETJXGS 1'IU.OW tttMXS. TICK l.NCS and QUIIIS, which they ait k1! t; at veiy much Lewer Piiccs T A BLE LINENS, IN'A PKI NS A ND TOWELS. Vi'aie0clliiiKallu-criiU.,i:sul !HiHSS GOODS, MILKS, PLUSHES, CLOAKS anl CLOAKING, CLOTHS and UNHKUWHAU at a L-ire Reduction in. Price te It I'd nee Stock. HAGER & BROTHER. vim iiiie:('; rni: ccI'Iitiieumk. FA I-INE STOCK. r.LKACHKI) and rNIlLHACfiED SHEETING and SililtTINGS MUSLINS. I''u:i Line ,1 all the i-.est Pej.ui.u- M iki-.s and most Doslr.ible " Lewest Prices. TABLE LINEN. LA HOE SI )CK, all at en.- u: Lew Prices. WHITE CROCHET and HONEY-COMB QUILTS, At 73. .S7U-, .1.00 and 4.1.25. MAIKILLS CurXTEUPANE". iu All Qualities, Cheap. BLANLKETS. COMFORTS, TIOKIKQS, FURNITURE CHECKS, FEATliSDta, FEATHERS. Full line of DltV GOODS, t-uitab'e for thee cemmencine; Heusikrjiinsr. or theFe ah jnt te iejleiii-h. AH at en.- u.mi.i! L r,v IV:cjs. R. E. FAHNESTOCK. NEXT DOOR TO THE COUftT HOUSE. flie;ii FUlWlSiUlW COWS. I.M.l.NS .V WII.IMJN. SIOW SHOVELS from 20c. te 40c. SLKDS from 60c. up. L EOS, fi STEEL HUBS, enlf J LI AT .. . vj Ne. 152 North Queen St.. is ixj:s AXJt E MAIILlMlhl) 17S3 r HRISTMAS At HHIBARTS OLD WINE STOEE, 1 29 East Of M CU'CALL AND EXAMINE,, T! We li.ive Just rcecived liiect lieni the I-Oand of JIaderia the lollei; ing Wines : Vcrdellie, Vintage 1870 ; Serdal, Vintage 1810, Which we eiler te our eiislenier-). together with our n'.il 1S00, JSJi. 1117. lSli and 1S27 MA DUMAS: mill FlNKOI.l) HIKRRIE'. IJKAXDIKS as lellw-: Vintage iw, V,n. js;',, ;?,w, j?,y. Fine O'.il UVK WHISKIES JAMAICA M'JUITS. N. K. HUM, &c. I KKXtll CUUIUAKS. J'.urtruniltes ami riaret. We liiivi ti.u IdIIev ii ' t'liaiiijiane Winus : Teiper Hi'lilselck, li. It. Milium & Ce.'s I)i y Xerzi'iiaynml Kxliii Dry. L. Ueeilcicr'.a Oiite lanelip, l'eiiunery fvc. Tauve Cluiuet, lellew l.-ihi'l Iiy, Kiii'.V ce.S Private Ciivce, Jules Champien. And the (R K AT WKSTEKN" EX. DRY WESE, Frem the Pleasant Valley Wiue Company, at Hammondsport, N. Y. This is the "iiiet American Wine in the market, having liecn awarded ilia liiglient honors at the telluw lug Kxpoitien: At I'aria lli!7, Vienna 187."! and Philadelphia 1876. J'LVJUtJKU AXJ JO.... aUMll.D. WHY NOT BUY A FINE GAS FIXTURE FOR YOUR PARLOR, DINING-ROOM OR HALL, FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT '.' Tliey arc the most brilliant and use'iil present you could make. I kave them from $1.00 te $200.00 each. We have a few Sconces with Ilcvelcd Mirrors. Jardinercs for Window Flowers. STANDING MIRRORS. Largest hteck of Fine (Helies, Newal Lights, Readinp Lights. Cai! and see the Fine Window Display. EXPENSES LOW. PRICES LOW. JOHN L. ARNOLD, N03. 11, 13 and 16 East Orange Stre9t, - Lancaster, Pa. a TO CUM. I SVllKASK YUUU UAl'lTAL.. "WHEAT STOCKS, 10, 20, 50, 100. Thee iliwii inr te make money en small and medium investment's in grain, previsions and sleck speeulatieni. can de se by epeiuliu; en our plan. Frem May 1, 1?S1, te ihc prc-ent datu, en investments et 10 te fl.enn csisti prolltslntvebeeii realized and paid te inve-t-ers uineunltnir te several timet the ei initial investment. ' Pielits jiaid Hi.-t el every mentli. still leavinj; tlie eriumal invest- mi'iit niaKing money or payable en deiuand. i Kxplanatery eireulai and slatcmeiits et limit V Mint In-e. We want iepeii.ih!i agents who ' lull report en ereiiri and nitredui-e the plan. Liberal comiiiissieu-' paid. FLBMMLNQ & MERRIAM, Commission Jlerchants Jlajer Illeek, Chi Chi Chi oige. 111. mti-lyil 1J1AN)S ANO FLIiXiTt'ltK ItKAillVKl) at sliert notice. Alse, dealer in second, j uaud unit antique -urn it lire. Moves and l!r.iekelS.ius. fl.f0. ALG. K. UK1NOEI1L, ".-2H North Queen street, dC'll-Suiil (Above the Northern Market.) CLOTHING. IZe. 12 East ;ut.n. Uetiuii Gueds. LANCASTER, PA. i WILLSON. Lancaster, Pa. l.IQUOU. PRESENTS! H, E. Slaymaker, AOEXT. HAS J-'XTTJSa. WAX,. B. 15. SAKXla: Wnole3ale and Uetall Uoaler In a.11 stmle of IiUMBKE AND COAL. Wfard: Ne. 420 North Water and Trlme treets ubove Lemen Lancaster. n3-lyd CUAL AMU S1AMUKR. J Kcat&rarie of family COAL, well-cieane.l , weight guaranteed. Manure by the ear-loud at Lewest Prices. Ale. Llmej-tene Scieenlngs for dilves and walks. Ccu.ent kt reduced prices. Hay and Mniw by the ten or ba.!c. Yard: llarrtahurcpikc. Uuncral Ofliee: 'Jii Kaat Ciiestnut Street. KAUJCFMAS, KKLI.KK ft CO. aprl-lwd Q OAL. M. V. 13. COllO, SU NOKTll WATMU ST., Lancaster, ta.. Wholesale and Ketall Dealei-3 in LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange, Yard anil Office: Ne. 330 NORTH WATEK STUKKT. lebSS-lvd UT" King Street, Lancaster Pa. SUSULVAJa. V, H IA.Hi SJJTri.K-5 BTEOTG- FACTS I A gjcat many , ple are asking what ji.irticdlar tieub'e.. Ilrewn's Iren Jiitteis jj.'uit for. It will cure Ileai t Disease, Paraly sis, Dropsy, Kidney Disease, eon een eon Kiucptien, Dyspepsia. Rlieuiuatisn:. Neuralgia, and all similar diteaher. ltd wonderful curative power is simply heeauKO it purifies and enriches the bleed, thus beuiunintr at the foun dation, and by buildiunf up ti"' .system diivert out all di;-e;M:. A Lady Cured of Rheumatism. II iltimere. Mil., Slay 7. Is 0. My hf.iill. uih laaeh j-hall red 1V Jllii'iiiii.iti-iu v. hen I coin cein iiii'iiii.d lukn ur IJi'Mii'j lien Uilleiv. unit I M-aivi'lV 'tii' I'lieii s.n en l V-- lay daily iiou-ji'lield diri . 1 ai.i new n-jlntr the third liettle and I atn ii'i;uiuni;ii ii;tli daily,. nd 1 clieeriiilly u c-etninuid it te all. I ciinii'it M'svineinucl: in prals et it. .Mia Makv i;. L; 17J l' -)t. Kidney Dlse.aae Cursd. Clui-:tianbiirfr, a., 11 Siitlcrin trein Miluey lis-"i-", Inim inch 1 reiihl ;;el no ri-liel, l trii'd Jliewn'd lien llitt. l", winch cured mu cempleti'ly. A child or mine, ii'eevfi"!! treia iMrlct fcviT, laid no :.),i-litr and diil neL seem te he uljli" te calatail. 1 Kave him lien llil-ti'i-i ith tlieliappii-t n-ult--. .. Kvli: Mi'M'uiUi:. Heart Disease. Vincbt.. Harii-huiv, Pa. l)ce.,.,I IjSI. Alter trying dlU'ereiit lh-i-fi-iuM and many reiiiedi'-s ler ialdtatien el Hie la-art n ei'ivinif nay liuuellt, l uus 'n. Ved te try IJievviiS liuu l!It lei. 1 have urd two heltk-. and ni'Vtr leiin. I i.n tiling lliat t;ave me --0 luucii rell'el. Mas. Hi:s. Fer the peculiar tieubl;.i te which ladies are Hiibject, Rrewu's Iren Uit- tns ih lavalur.bie. i ry it. Be ?ure and fiet the Gi.uuiae. ftiphaie whoifalenii.iiet:itI lv (1. K.COCIl UN, lirussjlst, !i7 unit 1.J0 North Queen sli '. Lancaster )."lwil&w ir uXET-WOUT Fer the Fcnauncnt iJnw cf CONSTIPATION. Ne ether iIImi aseirf te prevalt nt in this eoua eeua try.n Constipation, and no iciiiedv has erer riiualli-d tin- (vlfiii-utcd ICidnoy-Vi'ert n? a euri-. Whiitevertl.e eaue, however ehstmate lue cae, t li! - n iiiedy vill overcome It. Aets in ihe a.tiue tiuin en Kidneys, 11 ver ami IleweW. "Plle"" Tiilsdiitre9lnjr complaint is very X HtJt). apt te boceniplie.ited with censti pat ion. Kldnuy-Weit streiithrns the vii-ak-cned parts and ijuiekly cuiC3 all kiiuNet IMIch even when physicians and medicine have ba ba leie tailed. S3 It you have either et these troubles use Kll)Xi:i-WOi;T. UiugsIiUsell P. SOiS7IylwMWAF 42 A Istkv itLASra. Wintry blasts. WIJiTRY BLASTS KRIXH COUGHS GOLDS CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS P.H3UMATISM NE-URALQIA Periy Davis' Pain Killer CUKES COUGHS COLDS COIN SUMPTION BRONCHITIS RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA Provide against the evil effects et VS In try Blasts by proem ing Pi:ery JAVI3' I'AIS IvlLtCll. EVERY 00 I)RU(i!UIST KEEPS IT. .ll-liinlAw A-IU - " Ol.ABH AMD QUXEXunAItA. 11 1UM a MAUilX. diniswarel - ijwswe! A'I CHIMA: HALL. We have just received per Slcatn-liip 1111 1111 i.els another Importation et Wliite Granite Ware IN DINNER, UTEA and CHAMBER WARE. We have a Large Stock of IlOUSEFl'K- N1SHINO GOODS In our line. Heiiscsllrcs Kecclre Special Altcntlen. : yOur Goods must prove Nttislastery or , will Deexenangeu. jHigh & Martin's, ! 16 EAST KING STREET. ! LANCASTER. PA. THE POrLTEY SHOW- List of Entries 1'rertpccts et Vciy Large i anil Attractive IMiieltien Over 1.100 Entries. i The fourth annual exhibit Ien of the Lancaster County Peuhry ion win commence in Excei.-ier hail, Kintj street above Duki te-morrow, ;md will, beyond doubt, display the ficcsr collection of fowls ever seen in Pennsylvduia, if net in the United states Tkj libt el entiics uumbci abjut twelve hundred, and the only daujjtr Is that th? l.ire ball iu which the exk.bit.en s l.dtjji.t.i will uc tee small te prepetl.v d j-y loom. Many of the fowls trem a; kave already ar rived. Tficrc are .spi-elru.ns from Canada, the New England states, Nev,- Yerk, Del aware, Maryland I Net Jef.-ey and ether statcx Icnuylvariia is of course rnore largely icpi--he:'ttd than any ether state, and L.uica-jterceiiuty will wvJun a remark ably cicditablc ehibi:. Tin; eLiriescatne in he rapidly and in .-i:.;h ti.'pjecccieiitcd number th it tli'; .Sv.'ut iry found it irn-p;s.-.ible Je (nter them ui bts elliial hooky iu time ler j m! In .Mi iu today. V'e fur vWu bi-Ietv '. II-- hi lue tut lie? as far ar, they have 'i.-eu ;.-.e:di.d, and Will to te to :neiiov pnl'lisls I).', balance of the list : riai 1 .M.utLs. L'.ht Iira'iin is : Ci-i k-, Jclm SckLm ride, 1: Si uddei A Tewnser.d, Glen Head, II. 1.; A. P. Cruvcs, Chestnut Hil!, I'liii idetpbi 1 ; it. Veu.i,;, Me: ten, P.i.: Li'i's : .1. eld'-mriusje, (2), Scuddcr A T.iivnsi nd, A. P. Greves, li. Yemijj ; cecknel, Hen. C. S. Cei-per, Sjhr.i.ilen biii, N.J.; T. 1). Detscy, E' Citj-, Md.; Scuuder . Tewuseud, A. P. Grevca, It. Yeuljj, (-), Zimineimau A; lleilcr, Ciilihle, (C): pullet, lL-.ii. C. S. Cooper, Scudder & Tewiucud, A. P. (L'eves, 1?. Yetiiij,', (2), Zimmerman S: Hetter (2 ) Dark IJr.ikiu.i : Cocks, V. J. Kirby, Eist Chatham, N. Y.; Jt. Yeuiij;. Moiten. Pa., ('2: -L Mead, Eric ; hcLS, W. J. Kiiby, It. Yeanir, (2). CI. J. Mead, (2); cockerels, AV. J. K"uby, Zimmerman A; Il'dlcr, (2). G. J. .Mead ; pullets, V .7. K.ibv, Zi!;:i..ct.nan A Ilefi'.-r (2), G. J. Mead (2 ) White : Cocks. A. S. TIewcis, Mt J y (2) ; It Yeuiiir Morten, P.i. ; We-teivelt, Heywood & Ce., Ituthir.u:d, Hens, (), Veiin--, Wcsitiv.1 IL'ywoe.l A C.: C.'ckeicls, A. S. F l.r.vei.-; (i), it. Yetri. Pullets, A. S. Flowers (0), It. Yi.un. Ekick Cechin : Ciclc-, ii. G. Eu,ic, Mari etta (2) ; It. Yeunir, M.uten. IIcr.3, S. G. Enyle 02) ; A. P.' (Jrevcs, Chestnut Hill, P.iila. ; T. Frank Evan-, Littts: (2) ; It. i'Min-; i;e. hcicls. S. '1. Enjjle (2), A P. liiev-'s. T. Fr.iiik Evans (:i), It. Yeunc, Zimmc-. man & Heller, Carlisle, (2); Pullet--, S. O. En-le (2). A. P. Greves, T. Frank Evans (:J), It. Y. unj, Zi:nmcr:aa A Heller (2). Euff Cechm : Cocks, M. M. Cenner, Ada, O. ; It. Yeunjj, Moite-j;hens, 11. M. Cenner (S),H. Yeung; cockerels, Jehn Seldemiide, EMkrata : M. M. Cenner, Jehn Gresh, Luidi- Val!e. Pa. ; It. Y-.tti:, Zimir.errr-.n". A- Hetter, Carlisle ; pullet-., Jehn '.! i:-.;,l.-e. M. M. Cenner, Jein: Gr.'.s'i 11 VjJ!:r, A ai.tier'na;'. A II. Her,'e Cecld.-e : C-uks, H. :-. ber, Mt. Jey; M G. Eva: -, L..i;ei-.Ve ; it. Yeung, Morten (2) ; hens, Peter Dinner, Mt. Jey; II. S. Ga.ber f-1), M. G. Evans, It. Yeuii (2) : cockerels, PcVr liruner, If. ii. (1 ubcr ("), L:v;ie:'CO Kna-'p, j. , Lancaster ; Zimmerman A. lTell'-r, ('.! lisle, (2 j pulk-t''. Lavi once ICnnjp, jr , Zimmerman A H-dlVr. Jjssgiliau : ('ecki?, II. J Chandler, Ivcn:. ctt Sipiare, I'a. ; hens, E. J. Chand ler. Breeding Pen : Erahma, Vv". J. Kirbv. East Chatham, N. 1., (de.ik) ; It. Yeuinj, Morten, (lil.t ami dukV White, Diack or JJiill C-H-hii.. M. M. Cenner, Ada, )., (Iiu.T) ; A. ;s. Flowers ?.It. Jev (2 White); T. Frank Evans, Litiiz. (IJIack) ; It. Yeung. Morten, (White, Dlack ami i!ufl). Paitridi;n Cechin. II. S. Gather, Mr.. Jey (2) ; It.' Yeung. c;ns V ;ai:ie. 15. D. K'jd :Ceck. Shultr. Dres., Dritk erville. Pa., Carl Waite, aprinyyille, It'. Y. Hen, ijkultz Pres., C ul Waite, ILnry II. Malleson, Hudsen N. Y. Ccckeiel, J. Picrfcen, Welfsbu.-g, 1 a , T. IJ. Dousey, Ellicott City, Md.; Wm. tiluinp, Lancas ter. Pullet, Cai 1 WaP. ve) ; J. l'bset), T. Ik Doisey, (2); Wm. Glump. Dr. Itcd : Ceck, hen, cockerel and pul let, II. II. Mallcsen, Hudsen, N. V. Ginger Ked: Pallets, T. D. Ders.iv, Ellicott City, Md. Yellow Duckw inir : Ceck, T. Ik Derscy, Ellicott City, Md,; AVeateivelt, Hcvwoed & Ce.. Itutheifeul, N. Y.; hen, T. D. Deiscy, Wcs-Hivelt, Heywood A Ce., cockerel, T 15. Derscy ; pullet, T. 1. Deiscy. S. Duckwing : Ceck, T. B. D user, Harry Sandera, Lancaster ; hen, T. 15. Derse v ; cockerel, T. 15. Durey ; pillct, T. 15. 'Dorsev. Pile :"('eck, T. P.. Dersoy, Wester volt, Hayroed A Ce.: hen, T. li. Dersey, Wcstervelt, 11. y weed A Ce.; cockerel and pullet, T. 15. U.iisey. Black : Civl-ercl. U. K. Horten, E:st Chatham, N. Y. White : lien, J. Scheileid. Sevmeur, Conn., T. B. Deiscy : pullet, E. K. Hor Her Hor eon (2). B. IJ. Red Malay : Ceck, I). M. Bresry. Manheim ; hen, D. M. Bresey, ('). Pit Gaines : Shultz Brethers, Bricker ville, Pa., (strychnines, black reds, siftens, silver heels and black reds). Breeding Pens : Carl Waite, Springvillr, New Yerk. CJrib 3 GBinn r".untimn B. B. Red : cock, Wcstcivelt, Ilayweed A Ce., Ruthcrfeid, N. Y ; Frank C. Schick lerK. lien, 1. is. Dersey, El.icett city, Md. ; Charles Lippold, Lancaster ; West civcilt, Haywood & Ce., (2), Ceckeiel, B. J. Towneend, Chelsea, Pa. ; William A. Pleasants (2) ; Westerwelt, Havwoed A Ce. ; pullets, B. J. Tewnseud, T. IJ. Doi Dei scy, Win. A. Pleasants, (2), Wcslcrnelt, Haywood A Ce., F. C. Selack. Brown Red : Ceck. T. B. Dersey, West -ervelt, Haywood A Ce., hen, T. B. Dor Der sey, Wcstervclt I lay weed A Ce, cockerel and pullet, T. C. Dersey. Ginger Red : Ceck lien and pullet, Westcrvelt, Haywood A Ce. Yellow Duckwing : Ceck, hen, cockerel and pullet ; T. B. Dersey, Westcrvelt A Ce. Silver Duckwing : Ceck and hen ; Wes tcrvelt, Haywood A Ce. : Cockerel and pullets : T. B. Derscy, Ellicott, Md. ; Westcrvelt, Haywood A Ce. Red Pile : Cocks, T. IJ. Dersey and Westcrvelt, Haywood A Ce ; hens, T. B. Dersey, Westcrvelt, Haywood & Ce., and Charles Lippold, Lancaster ; Cockerel : Westcrvelt, I lay weed A Ce.; Pullet: T. B. Derscy, Westervelt, Haywood A Ce. White Pile : Ceck, hen, cockerel and pullet: T. B. Derscy, Ellicott city, Md. Black : Ceck aud'heu : T. B. DerssyJ Westervelt, Haywood & Ce. ; cockerel and pullet, T. B. Derscy. White : Ceck and hen : Westcrvelt, 11 ay weed A Ce. Grey : Pullet : Westcrvelt. Haywood & Ce, Spanclcd : Cjckcrel and pullet : August Lang, Pittsburgh. Class -lvUaml)urci Black : Ceck and ben, Jenes W'lcex, Eist Chatham, N. Y.; August Laug, Pittsburgh ; cockerel and pullet, James Wilcox, G.e. C. Lilier, Liucaster (2); James Coombs, Derby, Pa.; Gee. D i2wis, Ciifcen Heights," Pa. G. P. Hamburg : Cook, cockerel, hen and pullet, J. Wesley Bruckhart, Saluuga, Pa.; August Lang, Pittsburgh. b. P. Hamburg : Ceck and hen, Mrs. K. Yeailey Ash, Lima, Pa.; Jacob n. Butt, Yeik ; cockerel and pullet, Jacob II. Butt. S. S. Hamburg : cock, Jenes Wilcox, Ejst Chatham, N. Y.; hen, cockerel and pullet, J. A. Steber, Schtuaeck, Pa , (2); Jenes dc-jx. G. . Ilimburg : eeckeiel and pullet, Jehn A. Steber, Schejneck. Breeding Pen : Gee. C. Ldlcr, Liucas ter ; J. W. Bruckhart, Saluuga. UlaS 5 Spanish. Black Spanish : Ceck and he a, Asa It. Taber, Springville, 2f. Y.; Jehn Gresh, Landis Valley, Pa. (2) ; cuckeiel, August Lang, Pittsburgh ; Jehn Gresh, (2); pul let, August Lau, Jehn Gi-b, (2), J. L. Bruuner, Mount Jey. Brown Leghorns : lien. Geerge II. Bur ge'.t, LawtCn Stat' iu, N. Y. (2) ; cocker el, Jenes Wilcox, Ej..t Chatham, N. Y.; Geerge II. IJurvjett, Aujust Lang ; pullet, Jee.cs Wilcox, .Miss il. L. Patchea, West 11 Id, N. Y. (2), Georve II. oui-jjeti (2), Aumist Laug. White Leghorn : Ceekere', Geeme W. ),rm.iu, Pettsvdle ; Geerge A. Gejer, Fleiiu ; Heniy Neater, Yeik ; hen, G. W. Diinnaa, G. A. Gejcr ; cockerel, G. W. De: man, August Lang, G. A. Gey r ; pullet, G. W. Dernian, Auiiit, L-i-ig, G. A. Gey or, Henry Neater. Dominique Lsgkern : Cocke-el, Ck ir'es Lippold, Lancaster. Breeding Pens : White Leghorns, G. W. D)rman, G. A. Gtyer. Henry Neater ; Biown Leghorn, G. II. Burgett ; Black Spanish, J. L Biunncr, Mt. Jey. Uia-3 O American. Piyniuutli Reck : Cocks, Shudder A Towns-mil, (ilea Head, L. I. ; Asa R. Taber, SpringlieM, N. Y. ; Gee. W. lie Craekeu, Chelsea, Pa. ; hen, Gee. II. Uuigctt, Lawten Station, N. Y. (2) ; Scudder A Townsend, Asa It. T iber, Gee. W. McCr.iokeu ; ceckeiel, Hen, C. S. C.joper. Scl:rac!ei.bu:g, N. J. (e) ; August Lang, Scudder A Tew nsend, Gee. W. Mo Me Ciaeken (2). P. II. Oith &Br.., Rcadi.ig ; pdllet, Jenes Wiic-'x, Ce. II. Burett, August Lang, SjuckPr A Ti-wnsend, Asa 'IVuer (2), Cee. W. MeCi-ackcn (2), P. M. 0:th A llre. Breeding Pens : Asa R. Taber, C. S. G.-r.idcr, Mt. Jey ; Ji-hu Gresh, Landis Valley ; Janu s Bl.ick, Lancaster. American Djniiniiiucs : Ceck and hen. E. J. Chandler, Kcnnett Square ; cecki-iel ami pullet, Jenes Wilcox, E. J. Chandl -r. American Sebiigiu.s ; Cocks, J. A. Stebcr, E. J. Chandler ; hen, J. A.. Steber (2), Mis. K. Yearsley Ash ; ceckeiel, Mis. K. Ycatsley Ash (2).E. J. Chandler ; pul kt, J. A. Steber, Mrs. K. Yearsley Ash. Jeisey Blues: Mrs. K. Yeaifcley Ash. Ermi-e't' a : Mr.?. K. Yearsley Ash;(2). Black Java : Ceck and hen, August Lang; ceckered and pullet, Mis; M. L. Patchea, We.stlield, N. Y. M'.ltkd Java : Cockerel and puller. Rev. W. A. Robins-'P, Springviile, N. Y. BI.i"k Siimatras : Cockerel and pti'iet, Asa It. Taber. Lancaster Cei:ny : Dr. J. IJ. 3I.irkIey, Lincai-ter. ClllB 7 PeiiBll. Wiiiie Ck- sted Black : Ceck, Dr. D. F. Reve:, Shady Giove, Pa. (:) hen, Dr. D. F. RjjO- ()). J. Wesley Bruckhart, baluiiira, Pa. ; ceekirel, Dr. D. F. Rever (:i), J. Wesley Bruekhait ; pullet. Dr. 1). F. Rojer (:!), T. 15. Di.-ev, Ellicott City, Md. Gelden Beat Jed . Cook, two hens, cock ceck eiel and pullet, T. I J. Dersey. Silver Beaidcd : Twe cocks, hens, cock erel .vid pullet, T. B. Dr.incy ; cockerel and pullc, J. S. B'VjJcr, H-mipiield, IV. Butt Polish : Ceckrit I :;r.d pullet, B ! ! nieut Periy. Purple Mataias : Cockerel and pullet, Belmont Peuy. Class 8 rrem-Si. Ileuer.tis : Ceck and hen, Jehn B. Claik, Wtishingtei', Pa.; A. P. Greves, Chestnut Ilil!, Pi ii.idelphia ; Henry Neater, Yctk. Crew Cemts : Ceck and hen, T. 15. Dersey. Ulas 0 Ierklng!. "White : Ceck, i.en, cockerel ami puilet, W. J. Kiiby, East Chatham, N. Y. Coleicd ; Ceckeiel and pullet, W. J. Kit by. SdvorGiey : Ceckeiel and puilel, Gee. I). Lewis, Cliften Heights, Pa. Ciasi 10 Il.uitanis. Geidea Sebri'dit : Cockerel-; and pul lets (2), B. S. Keens, Allentjwn, Pa. Silver Sebright : Ceck, hens, cockerel and pullets, 02). Frank A Lewn-, New Amsterdam, N. Y.; cock and hen, IJ. S. Keens ; cockerel, Chas. Lippel.l, Lancas ter, Pa ; two hens and pullet, Wcstervclt. Haywood & Ce. li. C. White : Cockerel and puller. IJ. S. Keens ; hen, Westcrvelt, Raj weed A Ce. It. C. Black : Ceck and hen, Westcr velt, Haywood & Ce. ; hen, cockerel and pullet, Chas. Lippold, Lancaster, Pa. ; e.-ckciel, IJ. 9. Keens. Japaucse : Ceck, hen and pullet, P. S. Keens ; (2), Westervelt, Haywood & Ce. : cockerel, B. S. Keens, Westervelt, Hay wood & Ce. Booted White : Ceck, hen, cockerel and pullet, Pekin : Ceck, hen and pullet, Wester velt, Haywood A Ce. ; cockerel and pullet Bchnent Perry ; hen, B. S. Keens. W. C. W. Pelish: Ceck and hen, Westervelt, Haywood & Ce. ; cockerel and pullet, W. J. Kirby, East Chatham, N. Y. Chits 1 1 Miscellaneous. FiI.?.Ied : Cockerel and pullet, Goe. A. Geycr. Class 12 Turkeys. Breur.e turkey gobbler and hen, old : Samuel C. Engle, Marietta, Pa. White, gobbler and hen, old : J. Wih ley Bitickhatt, Salunga. CUs 13 pucka Aylesbury : W. J. Kirbcv, East Chat ham, N. Y. Pekin : Jenes Wilcox, East Chatham, N. Y.; August Lang, Pittsburgh, Pa. (2 pairs) ; E. J. Chandler, Kcnnett Square, Pa.; Geerge A. Geycr, Flerin, Pa. (2 pairs. ) Reueu : Miss Harriet P. Smith, Scuui, I'a.; Gee. A. Geyer (2 pairs) ; Jehn Refill, Lancaster. Class 14 rjeese. Toulouse : E. J. Chandler, Geerge A. Geycr. Brown China : Jenes Wilcox. Class 15 Ornainentttl, White Guineas : E. J. Chandler. Pearl Guineas : J. M. Hagcns, Stras burg, Pa. CInsa 1C I'lgoeus. Carriers : Black, Blue, Dun and White ; Jehn E. Schum, Laucaster, Pa. Pouters : Blue-pied ; C. S. Greidcr, Mount Jey ; Henry Neater, Yerk, Pa. ; Red-pied, Henry Neater ; Wliite, Jehn E. Sjhum. Barbs : Black, Chas. Lippold, Lancas ter, Henry Neater ; Vfhite, and yellow Jehn E. Schum. Fantails : Black, Ciias. Lippold. J. III. Hageus. Strasburg ; C. S. Greidcr, Rin dell & Fairservice, Newark, N. J. ; Blue, J. M. Hageas (2). Rindell fc Fairservice ; Yellow, C. S. Greider (2), Rindell & Fair Fair tervica; White, J. M. Hagcns. (2), Jehn E. Schum (2), Erviu Geycr, Flerin, Pa. ; Westcrvelt, Hay weed & Ce., Rutherford, Rutherford, N. J., (2), Rundell & Fair service, (2). Jacobius : Black, Jehn E. Schum ; Red, Westcrvelt. Haywood & Ce. : Yellow, Jehn E. Schum, Westcrvelt, Haywood & Ce. ; White, C. S. Greidcr, Westcrvelt, Haywood A Ce. Tumblers : Baldhead red, Westervcir, Haywood A Ce. ; Baldhead bum, C. S. (Insider, Mount Jey (2) ; Bearded yellow, Jehn E. Schum : Short fteeil, Chas. Lip pold, Jehn E. Schum, T. Frauk Evans, Lititz ; Inside, re d, black and mottled, Chas. Lippold, (2). Turbits : Black, J. M. Hagcns, Henry Ncater ; White, C. S. Greider, Henry Neater ; Yellow, Jehn E. Selium, Henry Neater ; IJIue, Chas. Lippold ; Winged red, H. M. Haydcn, Nev,' Milferd, Pa., J um E. S hum : Yellow, II. M. Hayden, J. M. Haaens. Jehn E. Schum. Henry Neater ; Black, 11. M. Has den (2), Jehn E Schum ; Blue, Jehn E. Schum ; Silver, J. M. llagens, Henry Neater ; Tailed Black, Chas. Lippold, Jehn E. Schum (2), Westervelt, Haywood A Ce.; BIue, Jehn E. Schum ; Yellow, Westervelt, Haywood A Ce.; Red, Chas. Lippold. liumpetets : BlacK, Chas. Lippold, Jehn E. Schum ; Mottled. D. W. W. White. Baltimore, Md., t". a. Greidcr, Jehu E. Seiium. Antweips: Blue, Chas. LippMid, J -M-pU Eibe), Lancaster, Westervelt, Haywood A Ce; Silver, Chas. Lippold, C. S. Gicider (2) Jeseph Eibe! ; Redchockercd, Chas. Lippold, J. 31. Hagcns ; Blue-checkeied. Chas Lippold. Afi icau Owls: White, Jehn E. Schum, David Beittel, Lancaster : Blue, Chas. Lippold, David Beittel. Euglibh Owls : Blue, J. E. Schum ; W uite and Black, v estcrvelt, Haywood A Ce. ; Silver, Henry Neater. S. Tallews : Red, G. W..Nocdel, Yerk, Pa., J. H. Hagcns Jehn E. Schum; Blue, G. W, Necdi.1, Jehn E. Schum, Wester velt, Havwoed A Ce.; Black and Yellow, G W. Needel, J. E. Sshum. Magpies ; Ited, J. M. Hagtus ; Yellow, J. M. Hagcns, Henry Necder ; Black, J. M. Hagcns, C. S. Gicider. Henry Neater ; Blue, J. M. Hagcns (2), J. E. Schum. Nuns : .7. E. Schum, Henry Neater. S110IU : Chas Lippild (:?), J. E. Sebum. Moeriicads : J. M. (2). Quakers : F. A. Remmel, Baltimeie, Md., (2). Starling Quakers : J. M. Hagcn?. Fi ill-backs : Jehn E. Schum. Birmingham Rel!i5rs : J. E. Sebum, (2). Aiclr.uurels : G. W. Needel, J. M. Hag ens, J. E. Schum, (2). Piicsts : Jehn E. Sebum, (3). Ice Pigeons : G. W. Needel, J. E. Schum. Helmets: Chas. Lippold, Wostervelfc, Haywood A Ce. Miscellaneous : G. W. Needel, (Yellow and Brown bicasters), C. S. Gieiik-r, (Dun Owls), J. E. Schum, (Almend Tum blers), Westervelt, Haywood A Ce., (Spot Faiiics). Best Collection : J. M. Schum, Chas. Lippold. Class 17 Ca:,e a:.d llirdtt. German Canary : Chas. Lippold (2), cardinal, Chas. Lippold : goldfinch, Chas. Lippold ; ling dove, J. B. Garman, Lea cock. The druggist who hesitates new is lest for the winter. He Mieuld slin together heiiiu sweet, oil and Ihiueiice and In In.; eat his ceuii euro at once. lr. Hull's Cough Syrup deei net pay him enough prellt. Themas JIcKIwee, lit. Carmei, Pa., nays: "Ilrewn's lien Hitters Is unexcelled as a ro re medy ler indigestion and jcnerul debility." Fer sale by II. 15. Cochran, druggist, 137 and i. '.) North Queen street. tS-l wilft w "I)nr.i!jIIityis better than'shew." Dur ability of health ii Menli mero than the tM-alth et a A'aiidcrbllt. Kideey-Wert Ionian's cn-I.iheicrininaiutalninglicallli. With healthy livr. lieivcl.1 and kidneys, itr.n and women wiil always be In geed health. It the bowels aie torpid, it piles torment, it the hack is lull of puin. get a package, el Kldney-Weitand be eiirnl without mere snttei iui. 5f"U'he most brilliant ihades pe-lble. en oil tabriesa:e niadi! by the Diamond Dyes. Unequa led ler bril'.I.irc;.-. thI durability. 10 cents. V .s c. islet-roil tree Willi each bottle el ihi!ei's( uirili Kemi dy. Prlee .71 cents. Fer Kile nt Ceehrau's drug ntmn, 137 North Queen tn et. It 5011 aie annoyed by yeuriubber, ateel or bhcll Kj-u-Glaees bie.iking, you can put yeni-elt outet mi-ery, and save expense, by purchaiiiK a pair et Celluloid Ky--GlaieH. Fersale ljy all leading Jewelers and Opticians. is-iwilt'e.l lluuor.ibie Jlluiitluu. Ot all the remedies en earth that well muv claim aiteiitien. Dr. Tl-enias' Keleetilc oil eemniamls espeei d mention Fer v.ondrou v.endrou v.ondreu power te cure di-'-ase, its fame; none e;in throttle. Its menu are net in tin; pull, lint are n- !de It.' be'i.e. Rheumatism, neuralgia, -ere thieat, atlinia, bienehilis. diplitheria, eli . ati. euriil by Til-dii.ti' Keleetne Oil. Fer '.ale by II. II. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 3'J North Queen street. Thk Uev. Gee. 11. thater. et jseurnnn, Ind., snys : '-lleth myself and wite ewe our lives te Smten's CoN.ciiPTie.f Cuns. Fer sale ly II. 15. Cochran, druggist, 137 and I3'J Neitli Queen sti-eet. nearly u r.IIraete. E. Aenith Hall, lUngliamten, S. Y. writes: 'I.suUVred ler suvenil months with a dull pain through the ielt lung ::id slieul.ler.s. 1 le-t my .plrit, appetite and color, nnd could with ditlieully keep up all dav. 31y mother precmed -eine Huideek ISioed Itilteis ; 1 took them as directed, and have tell no pain since tir-t week alter using them, anil am new quite well." riiee$l. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137and 1I!1 North Queen street. Fett lame Hack, Side or Chest, nse Shlleh's Pereus Plaster. Price i" cents. Fer sale at II H. Cochran, druggiat. 137 and 13'.) North Queen Street. Lancaster. I'a. mvl-lwdeew&w 1'AJ'ZX UAiHHhtia, c. TtXAKKS W. IfKV. A LOT OF LIGHT COLOR WINDOW SHADES, SLIGHTLY SUILKD, Will hn eln-ed out at irnm FIl'TKLN te TWENTY-F1VK Cents apiece. Eltgant DADO SHADES IN XEWC0L01IS. PLAIN GOODS or Kverv Hescrlptien and ler all kinds of window. &l'ltINOand CORD KOLLKRJj. Ta-snls, Fringe?, Leeps and Nickel Trimmings. WETAKK MEASUI4EH OF WINDOWS AND PUT UP SHADES IN HKST MANNER. LACE CURTAINS IN GREAT VARIETY, LAMBREQUINS, BED SETS, PILLOW WHAMb, lirass, Ebony. Cherry, Walnut and Ash CURTAIN 1'OLES. FULL STOCK OF WAIL PAPERS, Anil a great many New Tattcm" ier Spring. PHARES W. FRY, Ne. 67 ITcrth Queen Street, LANCASTER, I'A. )E?(S.'JlLVaaiA CIOAK- J 5 JfOIl 35 cents at JIARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT QUI A R vI-ji;e. imxaoevs. "W ana maker's. Silk novelties innumerable and indescribable. Everydiing that ladies or dressmakers have occasion for in matching, decorating-, combining. What we are remarkable for, mere than for anything else in silks, is va riety ; or, at least, we are re puted se. Yeu hear it said by everybedy: "If you want te match anything, or find a rare silk, even an unexpectablc one, go te Wanamaker's." The ether peculiarity that everybody expects te find here is less pleasant te speak of; lower prices. We put it second. because there are people who don't credit us with lower prices. Still, we: imagine that if one should assert the t on en trary, almost everybody in Phil adelphia would believe it. Oftener we speak el ether aspects of our trade ; aspects less obvious or less recognized. It is well occasionally te give old news. Noxt-eutor circle, south entrance i iiiitln building. Warm skirts for ladies, and leggings' for ladies, girls and lit tle girls. The warm skirts are satin, satin-and-cloth, satin-and-felt, satin-and-Italian -cloth, and Italian, all quilted; cloth, tl.tnnc! and felt prettily trimmcc, net quilted, warm enough without. The leggings are all sorts : one very useful and fairly pivtty sort, woven, at two-thirds . due, 25 te 65 cents. West of south entrance te mala building. Furs have te be thought of. We're busy enough as te mak ing. If we advertise at all, we ought te say what will net op press us with tee much making. Perhaps this it is. A great many seal coats and fur-lined circu lars are ready-made. Mere sizes are ready-made here than anybody expects; especially the unexpected sizes. Ready-made work we can make in July. Why shouldn't we make all the shapes and sizes ready-made ? 1303 chestnut. Black satin rhademacs and satin de Lyens, 25 te 35 cents below our own recent prices, of all grades from $1 te $2 ; and we guess our prices haven't been very high ; have they? Noxt-eutcr elrcle, seith entrance te mam building. ZZZ Weel serge embroidered with sitk dots that ought te sell for $1.50 no that isn't the way te put it; it ought te sell according te our theory, for just as little as we can afford ; and that is 75 cents. Loek out for such new. It's time for eter-buying and all sorts of mistakes te show them selves. We try te keep ready te turn ether folk's mistakes te account for ourselves and for you. Third circle, seniiifist ;:,m ci-ntre. JOHN WANAMAKER. Chestnut. Thfitii-'ilh and Market streeta and City-hall sipi'iie, I'liilniteljdiia. GBecnierjis. "piCAIII ltCAU! ICKAIH Standard Granulated Sugar, 10 Cents Per Pound. We sell none but pure sugar, and in sugars arechean there is no eecmnii u -,.- I mixed sugars in epiler te ItaVe them cheaper; they aie notsatiilaetery. U. FELL SON'S OCTORAItO CORN and TOMATOES 10 CENTS A CAN. We have Winslow. Raker's, Red fc'eal and Fere-jt City bland et corn. We have Reet Steak, Ked Seal and Supeib brands et tomatoes. Canned Teach s. .Pineapples. California Apricots, Green Gages, Kgg Plums, Grapes, Nectarines, c. BDRSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KINO ST, MAFK FOR 3 ILK. A geed Kccend-hand Farrcl & Herring . fcafe ier sale cheap at I'.URSK'S. NO. 17 K. KIN ST. UOVKA AH It HTATlKJHt. CUUCISTMAS AHD NEW YEAR CARDS, XKW ILLUSTRATED BOOKS, AL1UJMS, ASU A lflMK .ARSenTMBXr OP FANCY ARTICLES. NO.U WEST KINO STREET. ...., leTEH,