LANCASTEK DAILY ETELMGENCER. TUESDAY. JANUARY 18S3. COLUMBIA NEWS. OBK KEUULAK UCIKKESI'OXUKMK Event Along the Hasquenann Itc-nih ;i IutcrcHt In and Around tne i;:ire:ih Picked Up by the Intelll jjencer's Reporter Mrs. Abram MelSiegrr lust a cameo tscarf pin yesterday. Mr. Charles Greve fell ou the ice yes terday and received au ugly gash above tbe left eye. A runaway accident occurred yesterday en Fil'ib btreet. Tbe wagon was broken and tbe horse seriously injured by tbe broken .shaft sticking te its side. Last year 7,oGe tens Lumbci 1 and 2 grades of pig iron were made at tbe Heniy Clay furnace. The present founder at the furnace, Mr. Geerge Dennelly, bus been there a number of years. While grinding a guide at the Susque hanna rolling mill, Christ Miscnheimer almost bad one of bis ham's cut off by it slipping and throwing his hand against some machinery. Last night Mr. Archie Suavely's hen coop, en Poplar street, was robbed of its entire contents. Thinking that their late owner might desire a memento of his stolen property, tbe bead of one of the chickens was cut off and laid en the deer step of the beuse. lu Luck. Themas Swingler wen tbe pair of prize ducks at the sheeting match which was Tield at the gas beuse yesterday. A large crowd of spectators was drawn te the spot te nee tbe sport. The same afternoon a raiJlinjr match was held at JohnSchlcyelmileh's for a pi-. It was wen by Feter Eitzer, wh: made a threw of 48 points. Tile Bliuwnee Trial. The fire boys were out in force yester day te see a trial of the Shawnee engine. The cold weather has evidently frozen the firemen of tbe ether companies in their engine beuses, as they have net had a test of their engines for sometime. Piebably if the Sbawuces bad as snug a beu.-e as tbe ethers, they would net venture out either. The eugiue beuse of this com pany is net lit for tbe purpose, and the boys should have a decent building for tbeir apparatus. There is net a room in the building that can comfortably be used as a sitting room. If the firemen give their services gratuitously, they fcheuld at least have a neat engine house, such as the ether companies have. "1'lfce SUcIkliiK." Fer the benefit of inquiring minds ve will state that the term " pike skelking," used by us yesterday in referring te a sport, for the enjoyment of which a sled and two iron tippsd. sticks aie necessary, is of Norwegian origin. In Norway this mode of travel is a very common one. Of late years the sport has become popular en tbe Hudsen river, where tbe above term is retained. Tlie Cur Movement. Tbe following is the car movement of tbe Pennsylvania railroad at this place for December, 18S2 : Eastward, leaded, :19,581 ; empty, 1.7:50 ; total, 41,314. Westward, leaded. 10,229 ; empty, 30, 054; total, 40,28:5. Grand total, l,.r,2'J. December against November, 84 Personal mention. Miss Ella Frcj, en Union sheet, is ci tertaiuiug her friend Miss Ella Heath, of Philadelphia. Miss Annie l!ecI;ius has leturucil home 1rem Philadelphia where she had been visiting friends. Mr. James Devine has returned te this place from Pittsburgh for the purpose of removing bis family there. Dr. E. W. fioerke returned te day te bis pest of duty en the eastern shoie of Virginia, where he is chief engineer of a new line of railroad which is being con vitructed. lluw Mew Year Wan Kepi. New Year's day passed off pleasantly here. There was little drunkenness and no Ogbtiug. 1 be river was crowded with skaters all day, many of whom were from Lancaster and Yerk. The entertainment at the Methodist cluuch in the evening was a success, tbe elocutionary part of the pregramme being paiticularly favored by the audience, which was a large one. In the evening the Columbia lire company also held its annual New Year's ball in Odd Fellows' ball. The ball was crowded te its utmost, the r.cts alM'-iu jammed into the smallest possible space. The dancing was kept up until after ' o'clock this mernimr. The management deserves much credit for the manner in which affairs were conducted. Herse, lluggy anil Humes ntolen. Last night a borse, buggy and a set of harness were stelen from the lum of Mar tin Witmer's, near Lampeter Square. The animal is a bay mare 13 hands high, 20 years old, with one white hind feet and no shoes. The buggy is a piano box, and the harness are common black mounted. The team was traced te Witmer'sbridge,acress the Couestega, just east of the city and it is believed te iiave been brought te this city. Last night thieves broke into the stable, of James 15. Frey, at the extreme end of North Queen street and stele a double set of carriage baruess. Tlie Seventh Day Uaplsi. Tbe Seventh Day Baptists of Ephrata, held their regular election for trustees yes terday. Owing te a feud of long standing, which has resulted in much litigation, some treuble was feared at the election ; but the " new version " or David Leng party, who bold the keys of the church building under au injunction from Judge Patterson, allowed tbe se-called "True Churcb" party te outer. Twe sets of trus tees were elected, voting being doue at two separate boxes. T. K. Kenigmacbcr, A. F. Madlem and J. J. I?. Scerfess, weie elected by tbe True Church party, and Lercnz Neldc, Wr.i. Madlem, and Henry Sbacffer by the ether faction, which claims te be the "rcgulais." The last named party polled 24 votes and the ether 17. DEATH rKO.11 U.S. A Alan Found Deail at : I.'.ine Ktlu. Henry Resp, aged about 43 years, re siding at Bcllemente, was found dead this morning at the lime kilns of Milten Eaby, near that place, no had been thinking for seme time and is supposed that while under tbe influence of liquor be laid down by the fire en tbe top of the kiln te keep warm. His death was undoubtedly caused by gas from the kiln. Deceased was un married and for years has lived with different families in the neighborhood wbere bodied. The Soup limine. Tbe soup heuse was opened this morn ing and 229 rations were given out. Amusements. "Unknown " Te-Xight. Mr. Jehn A. Stevens, the successful young actor, will be nt the opera beuse te-night in hisnieledrnrnaemitled Unknown," which has equally wen luver en both sides or the Atlantic. " Mat, the liemp." This isthc title of n light and sparkling comedy written for that popu lar little protean, Miss Carrie Swain, who will appear here in it en Thursday night, when she will no leulit be cordially -welcome;! by lho9ewhe have belerc seen and admired her mirthful vivacity. M'b.UlAIi XOT1VE8. A citizen et the Quaker City, Mr. F. Freud, living at 122 Vine street, recently spoke as fol fel fol eows: "Being afflicted with u distressing cough. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup was recom mended te me ler relief. 1 am happy le say that a few doses net only gave me instant re lief, but e2ectcil a complete cure." Why lte reeple Have Twe sets et teeth. Tliey don't shed arms and legs te get new ones Teeth arc indispensable, and the crea tor Ivcs two chances. When one ues S07.O DOXT, even among babies, it preserve the "decidleus teeth," and helps te strengthen i lie permanent. j2-lwdeedw Mether Swan's Werm Syrup, rntallible, tasteless, harmless, cathartic ; ler feverishnc-s l'eatlcsbucsi, worms, ceiistlpa; lien. 'Sic. 11. U. Miller, lijading. Fa., siy.s: "1 have been using Brown's Iren Bitters as atenic and appetizer and find it very beneficial." Fer -j.ile by II. B. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Ne lady or gentleman need culler long with eczema, tetter, ring-worm, or any pimply rough dry scaly t-kin dl-case ler Dr. C. W. Bensen's Skin Cure is a perfect and reliable ieiii-Iy ler all skin discuses. Sold by all drug-gi-;' " at 1 per package. i 1-1 wdftw Washington, I. C, May 15, 18. Ccntlemcn Having been a sufferer ler a long time from nervous prostration and gen end debility, 1 wa3 advised te try Hep Bitters. I have taken one bottle, and 1 have been rapidly getting better ever since, and I think It the best medicine I ever itaed. I am new giiluiiig strength and appetite, which was till gene, rnd 1 was In despair until I tried your Bitters. I am new well, able te go about and de my own work. Before lining it iwu com pletely prostrated. jl-2vilw MKSMAKYSTC.MtT. iiileh'b Catap.uh JtEJiuuT a positive cure tot catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Meuth. Kur sale by 11. B. Cochran, diu.:gi-.l, l."J7 and 130 North Uueeii stieet. itching Piles KymptumH and cure. The symptoms are moisture, like perspira tion, intense itching, increased by scratching, vei y distressingly, particularly at night, as If pin worms weie crawling in and out of the rectum: the private parts arc sometimes at-fi-ctcd: it allowed te continue very serious results may fellow. " Da. Swaynk's All; Ointment "Is a pleasant, sure cure. ler Tetter, Itch, Salt Ulieum, Scald Head, EryMpelas, Barbers' Itch, Blotches, All Scaly, Crusty, Cutaneeus Eruptions- Trice 50 cents, 3 boxes ter $1.23. Sent by mall te any address en receipt et price In currency, or three cent postage slumps. Prepared only by Dr. Swayne Sen, Ne. 330 S. Sixth street, FhilaUclphia, l'a. Sold by all prominent druggists. Swaynk's Fills are the best ler all billions disorders. Cu-e headache, levers, Ac ' -lyeed&wT.Th&S (ie te II. B. Cochran's drug .-tore ter Mrs. freeman's New National Dyes. Fer bright, ne.-s and t inability et color, urn iincqiialed. Celer tiem 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in Eng lis): and Gcrusiin. Price. 15 cents. A eeugii, t,ein or sere xnrent sneulu De atepi-eii. jscglect ire'ineiiny results in an In curable l.'ing Dls"ase or Consumption. Brown's i.renehlal Troches de net disorder tin' si.uiiaeli like cough syrup.- un.l balsams, bid act directly en thuinllamed parte, allaying Irritation, give relief In Asl'niia. Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, urns the Threat Troubles which Slayers and PuulIcSpeakers aresubject te. Fer thirty years Brown's lireiichitil Troches have been recommended by physi cians, and always give, ncrluct satl-lactlen. Ilavln,; l.eyn tested by wide and Constant use for marly an entire generation, they have at tained wcj. .uerilcd rar.kameag the lew staple remedies of the age. Sold at 25 cent a box evervw here. inv-lvdTTIiAF&lvw " II ackmetack," a lasting and tragmnt per tunic. l'riceUTi and 50 cents. Fer sabs nt Coch ran's drug store, 137 North ijuecn street. Win. McCartney, .vs l.leyd Street, Itutlale, N. . lell and sprained Ills ankle. His em ployer. 11. Andersen, lit Main Street, procured .some Themas' Kcleetric Oil, and hesiiys that a lew applications enabled him te go te work as usual. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 1.S7 anil 13U North Queen btreet. new te itecure Health. It seems strange that, any one Milt sutler liem the many tlentugemeitts brought en by an impure condition et the bleed, when SCO VIM.'SSAKSAI'ABIM.AAND.STILLINCIA, erBI.OOK AND LIVKIt SYBUF will restore perfect health te the physical organization. It is Indeed a strengthening syrup, pleasant te take, and has proven itself te be the best BI.OOD 1'UBIFIEU ever discovered, efleci t:dly curing Scretula, Syphlitic disorders, Weakness et the Kidneys, Erysipelas, Milia ria; all nervous disorders and debility, bll. ieus complaints and all diseases indicating an impure condition et the Bleed, Liver, Kid neys, Stomach, Skin, etc. It corrects indl gestien. A single bottle will prove te you its merits as a health renewer, ler it. ACTS LIKE A CIIAUM, especially when the complaint Is et an exhaustive nature, having a tendency le lessen the natural vigor et the brain and iter vims system. . nFll'S FAIN PANACEA eiuesa pain in man and beast. Fer use externally ami inter uilly. BKDIiOIisK reWBEIW euro all diseases or here, cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry nnd all Livestock. A POSITIVE CUBE. muy2l-S Fei sale at H. B. Cochran's drug store 137 North Queen street- iirmvii s uousenet'I lauace Is the most ettectlve Pain Destroyer In tne world. Will most surely quicken the bleed, whether taken internally or applied esteraally.and thereby mere certainly rellev pain, whether chronic or acute, than anyether jxiin alleviator, and it Is warranted double the strength et any similar tu'enuratleu. It cures pat n in the Side. Back or Bowels. Sore Threat, Ithuumntism and all acues, and Is THE GUKAT KELIEVEB OF PAIN. ' Brawn's Hor:5i'!teiy Panacka" should be in every tamily. A tRuspoeulul of thf Panacea in a t'lmblcr et het water sweetencdit' preferred J, li'.kei'. :. but! time will nr.K vv a celti. Z'ieIs a Ijeltle. lebU-lVdM.W& ."iuthcrsl rlt)ttierii niotliersh Are you disturbed at night and broken el you r rest, by a sick child suffering aud crying wltii excruciating pain of cutting teeth 7 If se, go at once and get a bottle et MBS. WIN SLOWS SOOTHING Si UUP It will relieve the peer litlie sullercr immcdiait'Jy depend upon it: there Is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth wee has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother and relief mid health le tlie child, operating Ilke magic. It Is perfectly sale te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and is the prescription et one et the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Slates. Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. m'J-ly-M.W&S&w Gulden's Liquid Beef and Tonic Invige nit or is admirably adapted for females in dcli dcli cale health. Vehtcii't ; no ether. Ot druggifts. jl-lwdeed&w MAlini.HlJi.'i. Bkipler-Nebiikck. On December 28, 18H2, In Philadelpnia, Mr. Harry B. Beidler. et Wrightsville, te Miss Sullie Nerbcck, of Lan caster. V HA.THS. Keexe. In this city, Jan. 1, lSisl, Gee. XV. Kcenc, in the 43d year et his age. His relatives and lrlends, also Pest SI, G. -. K., are respectfully invited te attend tlie lur.eral, Irem his late residence. Ne. 232 Ship pen street, en Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Te proceed le Longenecker's meeting-house ler interment. J2-2ld Weijii. In thiscily, en the 1st inst., Mar shall 11. Webb, D. D. S., in the 3Jth year of his age. Funeral en Thursday at 8.30 a. in. Te pro ceed te West Chester ler interment. These wishing te view the reinuins can de seen Wednesday evening at G) o'clock. New Yeikand Philadelphia papers plcase cepy.l IfEW A.DrjRTl&EMJZNXB. -VTOTICE 1'UltI.lC NO.ICICIS UEUEIlY .Ll given that the account of tne treasurer et the Lancaster county prison has been filed in the Kcgister's Otlicc, and will be open ler inspection and exception te all taxpayers, ler the space et thirty day?, as provided ler by Actet Assembly, approved April 1, A. 1)., 1S70. C. N. SPBOUL, Solicitor. Lascasteii. Jan. 1, 18S3. j MtdTu&Uw A7 TTKNTIOJi. TIIK M KM UK US OK GEO. H. Themas Pest Ne. 81. G. A. K.. will meet at their hall en Wednesdaycvenlng, Jan uary 3, at fy o'clock sharp, te make arrange ments in regard te our late comrade, Gee. W. Keene. By order of JAMES SWEGEK, Commander. Atte3t ; II. C., ltd Adjutant. NXW AltrEHTlSEMENTB. STBICH UKOTHEK3 ASTR1CH BROS.' PALACE OF FASHION, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTKK, PA. FOR THIS WEEK WE ANNOUNCE THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS IN OUB HOSIEEY AND UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENTS. BEST ENGLISH MERINO SOCKS, FULL RKGULAU MADE, lermerly 3.c., new ler T WEST'S FIVE CENTS. About SUdezeii of ' Nl'S FANCY COTTON SOCKS, VV I 1 .IKGULAB MADE, FINK (.OLOKS, at TWENTV-l: KOENTS A PAUL G ENT'S A L L-WOO U SOCKS. K.N IT, TWO PAIR FOH TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. HEAVY CARDINAL ALL-WOOL SOCKS, KNIT, SEAMLE&S, at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A PAIR. LANCASTER KNIT SOCKS, ALL WOOL. PLAIN COLORED and TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A PAIR, BEST ALL-WOOL RIDDED SHAKER SOCK at TWENTY-F1VE CENTS, lermerly 40c. FIN E LAM R'S WOOL SOCKS, KNIT, SLA M LESS, lermerly 40c, new at THIRTY CENTS. BEST WORSTED SOCKS, LANCASTER KNIT, at FORTX CENTS a pair, FINE COLORS. REST CASHMERE SOCKS, FULL RfcGULAR MADE, new at FORTY CENTS A PAIR. FINE LAMR'S WOOL SOCKS, OXFORD, ai THIRTY-SEVEN CENTS. Old price, :.0c. LANCASTER KNIT COTTON fcOCK. SEAMLESS, at TEN CENTS A PAIR. F1SE QUALITY KNIT at FIFTEEN CENTS. GENT'S L'NDLEACHED SOCKS, FULLBEGULAR MADE, FINE QUALITY, FIFTEEN CENTS A. PAIR. One let of HEAT'S BLUE FJjAIJNEIiSHUlT8 At $1 Mi. Formerly $;. The ISKiT GENT'S WHITE MERINO SHIRTS AND DltAWERft 111 thi.s city At FIFTY CENTS. Our FIFTY-'JENT GRAY MIXE'.' SHIItlH and HHAWEKS. AtFOBTY CENTS bAUII. Our SEVENTY-FIVE CENT GRAY AND DROWN MIXED SHIRTS and DRAWERS At SIXTY CENT- EACH. AI !i OUli UMTS SUSPENIIEHS AtTWENTY-FIVE CENTS A PAIR. FINE ALL-WOOL WHITE UNDERSHIRTS j At il.25. Regular Price, Jl FINE QUALITY LADIES MERINO VESTS and PANTS At Fim CENTS. LADIES MERINO VESTS, FULL REGULAR MADE,al$I.W. LADIES LAMI1S H'y'll, VESTS, WHITE ALL-WOOL MEDICATED, utSl.LO. SCARLET ALL WOOL MEDICATED. Jl.-V. REST GOODS, 1.."i0. HEAVY MERINO VEST. FOii CHILDREN, FinNhcd Cull's and Shoulders. Si.e 1C, 1H, -i, '-. -L' -,;. -, etc. lee. lye. -' ' '-.e -'C- e. euc. ONE LOT OFFlNKRand RET I'ERQUALITY r In '21 and '-!, at 'JTic and 'JSc. An iniinens : bargain. All our ROYS GRAY MIXED UNDERWEAR , Formerly 40 te .V)c, at j TW EN 1'Y-FiVE CENTS EACH. , GUILDS SCARLET MEDICATED UNDKR WEAR. CHILDS HOSE, LANCASTER KNIT, SEAMLESS, any sh'.c, ler TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A PAIR. GUILDS ALL WOOL CASHMERE HOSE at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A PAIR. GUILDS' AI.L-WO.)L HOSE. Rll'.RED, AT TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A PAIR. BEST CASHMERE or RI RUED WOOL HOSE ler CHILDREN, S."i te 10c a pair. BEST FRENCH R1RBFD DOSE, formerly ("i le Sec, new at FIFTY CENTS A PAIR. BEST SAXONY WOOL HOSE, LANCASTER KNIT, 40 te Mc a pair. INFANTS ZEPHYR HOSE, KNIT. SEAM. LESS, atl.'ic. a pair. SAXONY WOOL HOSE FOR INFANTS, S ISAM LESS, atiOca pair, Closing out the balance et CHILDREN'S DARK COTTON HOSE, all the Best Goods, Fiem .Vicjle ."JOc a pair. Fiem OOe aud UV, te :!c a pair. Great aughur ia Siik Handkerchiefs. A LL SI LK HRuCADED, '21 in , at "5c apiece. Our SEVENTY-FIVE CENT HANDKER CHIEFS at FIFTY CENTS. ALL OUR BEST GOODS AT ONE DOLLAR APIECE. GENTS WHITE SILK HANDKERCHIEFS Hemstitched, 24 In., At FIFTY-SEVEN CENTS. BEST GOODS, formerly $!, at Sl.VENTY N1NE CENTS. BLACK and WHITE POLKA DOT SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, 21 in., 23c. Warranted le wash. All cur BEST CASHSIEKk GLOVES, MUS- QUETA1RE or LACING, thai lrive been 75 te 80c, AT FIFTY CENTS A FAIK. One Let of GENTS UNLAITNDRIEDSIDJJTS, All Linen Bosem, warranted at 37c . WORSTED CAPS for Ladles and Children, at very Lew Prices. LEGGINS. MITTS. KID GLOVES, KID GLOVES, KID GLOVES. IfJSW AVrXBTlSEMEtfTS. WK THIS Holiday Season We OlR-r Everylliiur; Contained in a First-Class Jewelry Business. dT'Call aud isamiuc our Stock aud Prices. dec 12 fUW. J. ZAU.1I, Elegant HelisLar Gifts. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, BRONZES, SILVER WARE, SPEOTAOl,ES. FINE FreDcfi ai Americas s, 1 1 GaUal Geng; Strike. 0PEKA GLASSES, &C. t3 LAB OH ST00KAND LOW PRICES. C2F We invite an examination of our stock ; it is a pleasure te show enr nods EDW. J. ZAHM, MANUFACTURING JEWELER, ZAHM'S CORNER, dec 2 a -jf ' a e rmiiisKsi t:x rs. 1.MIU KENT AND FOR SALE. . East KiiirStrc!t Restaurant and Dining Roem ler rent. Fart et Fixtures and Furni ture ler sale. Under Nes. 20 and 5 East Kim; street. Fer iiartieulars call en 11 A. F. HOFF.UEIEE. WANTKU AT ONCE. PUUlt GOIIU Heuso Carpenters te go te the country. Apply Immediately te FERD. WEBER. It Ne. 8 Seuth Queen Street. 1,MK KENT. A LARUE KfcSIDENCE IN New Rutlale (utewn en theSueuulmnna river), heauttlul, high location, with stahle, nut-houses mill lare sardeu ; suitable for a summer beard In g-house or a Temperance Hetel. Rent low te a desirable tenant. Ad dress, with name ami residence, " E. M..-' JMwd Ne. 53 Lexington St., Baltimore, Sid. 1) F1CAKK SAYl.OK 1. HAS REMOVED HIS GALLKZtY OF PHOTOGUAPILY TO N03. 42 AND 44 WEST KING ST., fir Exactly opppesito the Old Stand. eclll-tiind&wR Democratic Club. A meeting or the YOUNG MEN'S DEM OCRATIC CLUB will he held at their Club Beems, Deesch's Building, North Queen Street, WEDNESDAY EVENING at 8 o'clock. A lull attendance is desired. The Dal Com mittee and Committees ou Inauguration will report. Persons wishing te join the Club te go te Harrlsburg will please, make the same known at the meeting. The tare ler the round trip will he $1.4'i. Tickets can be procured from the Club. JOHN A. COYLE, j'ltd Fie-ident. 1-ALUAI1LK UITY IKOl'KKTY AT J'UU V HC HALE. On THURSDAY, .JANUARY ttli, 1!S, tlie undersigned will sell at I'ubllc Sale at the Leepard Hetel, all that certain Two-fctery BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, Ne. lij Seuth Queen street. Lancaster, west side, with let 3-2 feet. 2 Indies front. Including right le i loot wide alley front, and extending 'Sil leet in depth, mere or, te a II feet wide alley. The main building has seven rooms ami large attic, gas through the house, lirst-ckuis cellar, witlia new heater which heats the wlio'e house, hydrant in yard, and a well et" never-tailing water near back deer. Biick .Stable ami Carriage Heuso in rearet let, and oilier conveniences. The let is well filled with Fruit. Trees and Grape Vines. Sale te commence at 7 o'eleek, p. in., en said day, when attendance will be given and terms made known by HARRY A. DILLER. II. Siiuukist, Auct. dill-Gd R rpti 1VHDOT IT MAY cenukkn. X Netice is hereby given that application will be made at the presentsesslen et the Lc;j-1-liitme of Pennsylvania, ler tlie pisnge eran act. entitled An Act ler the Keliet of the Lan caster County l'risen. theebject et which will be le center upon the Courts of Criminal Ju risdiction in said county power tesentence all persons convicted et any crime or misde meanor in said courts, the punishment et whieh would be Imprisonment in the peni tentiary, in ether counties in the state, te un dergo said punishment either in the state pen itentiary or in Hie Lancaster county prison, at the dic;elto:ief the court. JOHN G. WEAVE!:, President ofthe Beard of Inspectors et Ihe Lancaster County Prison ii,ltdTu& llvr 1)UKIICs4I.K. WILLKKSm.UONTUE D AY, J A NIT A RY 23, 1SSJ, at 1 p. m..en the premises. Ne. 11 East King street, r.ll that large stock of wines and liquors late the prop prep prop crtvet' A. II. Belsl, deceased, consisting et 5 lihlsOrlent Whisky, Stbbls Oveilielsl Whisky, U bbls Spirits, 2 hhls N. E. Bum, Imported Gins and Brandies. Demestic Gins and Brandies, Cherry and Ginger Brandy. Bitters, Peit, Ca tawba and Claret Wines, .1 bbls Grape and 2 bbls Blackberry Wine. Bottled Whiskies, Wines, etc., and Liquors of various ether lc lc seripliens. Alse. 7 bbls Vinegar. Empty Bar rels.. Keg, Demijohns. Bettles. Flasks, Pumps, Measures, Shelving, Sate, Olllte Fii-iiiluru. -:e., etc., etc., 2 Horses and, 2 Liquor Wagons, Buggy, 2 Sleighs and ether articles tee "numerous te mention. Terms Cash ler purchases under $."0 ; ever that amount, note, with approved security, payable in lid duvs. il preferred. S.C.MILLER. Reist. Dec'd J2-10,i:;,l7,2!i2J w ILLIA11MVN & FOSTKK. An Advantage. We have gene ever the whole of our Stock and have made alterations in the Prices el OVERCOATS AND SUITS. e have done it in Mich a way thai all can see the amount we have taken oil the ORIGINAL PB1CE el eacli OVERCOAT and SUIT. The a-lvantage te the Customer is per ceptible te all who have an eye te the main chance. Hats and Gaps, Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises At equally advantageous Prices, but THE PRICE MABKED IS THE PRICE TO ALL. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 34, 36 & 38 E.King St., LANCASTER. FA. H, Z. RHOADS, Ne 4 West King Street lwdU ! J IJ. - mA- 1 LANCASTER, Pa. Imd XEW AliVJUtTlHEitllSNTS. (jti;awuuiege & cletihek. EVERY LADY i I snoci.esun?ciiiiii; Feu Straw bridge & Clothier's ! FASHION QUARTERLY. J EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS: I Nearly cne thousand engravings, illustrat ing tlie new tilings in every department et I fashion. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS : Four pages of new music. In most cases original, either vocal or Instrumental. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS : The prices nt all kinds el Dry Goods, to gether with descriptions and engravings te show what they leek like. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS : Valuable original articles, mostly illustrated, en subjects that tnat of the adornment et the person, the beautityinget home, and the new est things In art needle work. EVERY NUMBER CONTAINS : Instructions hew the distant consumer eau shop as satisfactorily and as economically as residents of the city. PRICE 50 CENTS PER YEAR. SPECIMEN COPIES, 15 CENTS. STRAWBRIDSE & CLOTHIER. Eighth and Market streets, rkil'a, 13-ltdTu.ldtw PENNSYLVANIA C1UAIM 10 FOK 3 cents at H ARTMAN'S YELLOW FBONT CIGAR STORE. JiN TaUTAlXMJiNrS : --jaas Tf7UI.T Ol'JSKA UOUSK. Tuesday, January 2, 1883. Return of the Favorite Acter, Autherand Manager, JOHN A. STEVENS. lately returned liemn successful tonret Eu rope, who will present ferthelast-tliniiin Lan cahtvr (prier lean extended visit te England, Irelauil and Scotland )his GrcatCemcdy Drama, UNKNOWN A RIVER MYSTERY. Remember, we carryall our own scenery and mcchanicnlclTcctste present the play piepcdy. ADMISSION :, 50 & 7." CENTS. RESERVED SEATS "STENTS. Fer sale at Opera Heuse Oflicc. iiiD-ltd TjULTON Ol-KKA HOUSE. THURSDAY EVENING, JAN. 4, THE YOUNG PROTEAN ACTRESS, CARRIE SWALN In her New Play, in 4 Acts, entitled lat ; The Eemp. Supported by a Streng Dramatic Company, under the Management or CHAS. P.. PALMER. Appropriate Scenery. Startling Stage Etlccts. POPULAR PRICES. Seats can be sceurcd at Opera Hensc Oftlce. lanl-It M i.S VELTjA N0 VH. XTOriC-B I HKKKKV WARN ALL I'EK- J.1 SONS net te sell my wile. Anna Brannn, any goofs en credit, as 1 will net pay debts contracted by her. jl-3td JOHN M. BRAUNN. SELL TWO SMALT. HAND-MAUE clear Havana llller Cigars, Ter ft cents at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. AltUAINS IN WATCUEN, CLOCKS, At Chain?, Rings, Spectacles, Ac. Repairing et all kinds will receive my personal atten tion. LOUIS WEUER, Ne. 159& Ncrth Queen street. Remember name and number. Di rectly opposite City Hetel, near Fennylvanla railroad depot. dec'-'Slyd DIVIDENU NOTICE. The president and managers el the Lan caster A Susquehanna turnpike read have de clared a dividend el two and two-thirds per cent, en the capital ptocket the company, pay able en demand at the etlicc e( the treasurer. XV. V. BR1NTON. Treasurer, J13t Ne. 33 Seuth (Jueen Stieet. riUIK INFLAMMATION OF SIMPLE CA- X Inrrhal Chronic Ceryza rarely leads te ulceration, but that el Scretula Is uulte prone le ulcciate. Diseases of the EYE. EAR.'.THROAT also CANCERS, TUMORS. SKIN and CHRONIC DlSEASEiS successlully treated by DRS. II. D. and M. A. LONGAKER. Office, IS East Walnut street, Lancaster, Pa. Consultation frkb. jl-3tdAw e NLY A FEW AICI1CB OK TUB STOGIES at Si 23 ner hundred or 3 ler n cents. HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORK- IS 1 OW KEAIJY. OUR NEW REAL ESTATE CATALOGUE, Containing a large number of properties In city and country, with prices, Ac. Copies sent tree te any address. ALLEN A. HERR A CO., Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Ne. in East King Street. rpuKNFIKEPKOl'O.IALS. SEALED VB.U- X peaals for building the Lltitz A Rotnsville Turnpike (distance 8,1U0 leet) will be received at .tee office of Jehnsen Miller, en Bread street, In the town el Lltitz, until 10 o'clock a. in., en Wednesday, January 10, 1833. The pretlleand specifications can be seen at said office. The directors reserve the right te re ject any or all bids. Said proposals when sent by mail must be marked en the envelope, Turnpike Proposals. PETER S. REIST, President. Jehnsen Miller, Secretary. d2S-14td NOTICE lO XKEPASSEKS AND GUN NERS. All persons are hereby forbidden te trespass en any of the landa el the Corn wall or Speedwell estates, in Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed or un un nclesed, either ler the purpose of sheeting or fishing, us the law will be rigidly cnlerccd against all trespassing en said lands et the undersigned alter this notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN, R. PERCY ALDEN, EDWARD C. FREEMAN, Attorney ler R. W. Celeman's Hclre. 016-tfdAW; I BUY MX HAVANA AND YAKA TOBAC CO direct trem the lmpeitcrs and sell the best 'i-ccnt cigar in the city. .. HARTMAN'S TELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. SECOND EDITION. TUESDAY EVENING JAN. 2, 1883. AT HAEEISBURG. MEETING OF TUG MEW LEG I Si. .VIC KB. Keyeuru Elected President Pre. leei. et the annate Organlzitlen et the House Heuse Useless Offices. Special Dispatch te the Istblugbsceh. II.vrrisburc!, Jan. 2. The Senate has I organized by the election of IweyburD, president pre tcm. and Cochran chiel clerk clerk The Democratic caucus nominees of last evening aDd this morning, se far as agreed upon, have been elected in the Heuse. The committee appointed last night te report what offices can be dis pensed with report that the following are unnecessary : two assistant ser-geants-at-arms ; two assistant door keepers, two messengers, assistaut postmaster, live pasters and folders, jani tor of the basement and jauiter of wash room. The caucus last night only com pleted the nominations of Fauuce for speaker, Meek for chief clerk, C. Ben Jehnsen for reading clerk, Elbridjre McConkey for resident elerk, T. B. Gregery, of Clarien, and O. Meris Eccles, of Cumberland, for transcribing eleiks. This meruiDg Ilagan, of Alle gheny, was nominated for doorkeeper and Boland.el Schuylkill, for sergeant at-arms. Pestmaster, superintendent of folding rooms and messenger will be named at 8 o'clock this evening when the caucus reconvenes. At the same time a committee of fifteen will be announced te "suggest " ( net te "fill ") the ether offices. But before that com rnittce gets te work the caucus will have te act upon the report of the ether com mittee designating the superfluous offices. The Reform sentiment is. strong : se is the clamor ler place. m In the Senate. ilAiuiisiiuiiG, Jan. 2. The Scnate has chosen Jehn E. itcyburn for its president by the following vote : Reyburu 2G, Hall 20, Lee 3. IIaurisiiuue, Pa., Jan. 2. The antici pated trouble in the Senate did net take place. That body was called te order by Lieutenant Governer Stene, aud after prayer the newly elected members were sworn in. .Messrs. Reyburc, Lee and Hall were placed in nom ination for ptcsiilent of the Sou Seu Senate pre tctn. The first ballet resulted as fellows : Rcyburn 2U Hall 20, Lee 7. A sccond'balletwas then takcu and re sulted as fellows : Reyburu 20, Hall 20, Loe 4. Stewart, Emery, Agnew and Mc Farlaud voted for Lee. Themas B. Cechrau was unanimously eheseu chief clerk. Geerge Pearson waB selected as readiug clerk, and E. W. Smiley journal clerk. The Senate then at 3 p. ra., took a recess until 3 o'clock. In tlie Heuse. IlAituisuuRn, Pa.,. Tan. 2 The Legisla ture assembled this afternoon with a large attendance in both Houses, and the iron clad oath was admiuistred te members. Among the absentee members of the Heuso was N. L. Dukes, of Fayette, who recently shot and killed Capt. A. C. Nutr, cashier of the treasury. Faunce was elect ed speaker en first ballet by a vete of 111 te 88. The ether Demecratic caucus nominees were also elected. The ttotise Kenubltcan Caucus, IIakkisuuke, Jan. 2. At a caucus e. the Republican members of the Heiif-e, te-day .Terente B. Niles, of Tiega, ro re ro ceived the nomination for speaker, the contestants being Landis, of Lancaster, and Brown, of Erie. All the old officers of 1S81 were reneminated. In view of the Democratic majority of the Ilense these nominations are of course merely hon orary. THE SUl'KKMK 1SBNCU iSliun-v.ue'l Retire anil Cl;ir!; (inert On. Philadelphia, Jan. 2. In the state supreme court te day IIeu. Geerge Shars vi oed, formally retired from the office of chief justice, and IIeu. Ulysses Merciir, was inducted into oflice as his successor. The proceedings were marked by the seating upon the bench of Hen. Silas M. Clark, who was recently elected te serve iu that court. Jarvis' Assailants Hv a Hearing. Philadelphia, Jan. 2. Policeman Jar vis, who was stabbed by the Rusk brothers, being pronounced out of dancer, Jehn Glenn, alias Bttrdie, J. Wilhelm, James Hamilton, alias Whitey, and Jacob Stelzeiilmrger, who were arrested for being concerned in the murderous assault were given a hearing this morning. Glenn und Wilhelui were identified and wrre held in 3,000 bail each, but the etlris were discharged. Fatal Kxcbange of Shots. New Yery, Jan. 2. Reundsman Jehn Delauep, of the Tombs police court squad, went about neon te day te arrest Patrick McGewen, at Ne. 124 Hester street. As the officer was about te capture McGowan the latter drew a re volver and shot Delancy in the cye. The reundsman then shot the ruffian dead. Delancy was placed in custody. Freight Depot unit Other itultdlngs De stroyed, White River Junction, Vermont, Jan. 2. The Union freight depot, at this place, was destroyed by fire this morning, to te to gethcr with French's wholesale store and ITinckley & Sens' warehouse. The Wood stock tailread depot and Daniel Tilden'a stock of Heur were also burned. Less net yet estimated. Killed Dy a rail of Eartb. Auburn. N. Y., Jan. 2 Nirared Owens (colored),;Michael Tengevin aud Matthew Haseett, laborers, were killed te-day by the caving in of earth upon them, while cutting down a high bank for a new street. Anether man lest his life in the same way at the same place a few weeks age. I.ietera ;;t Heading. Reading, Pa., Jan. 2. The strikers at the Topton furnace last night endeavored te prevent new men from taking their places and a riot ensued. Twe of the ring leaders were arrested and held in $500 bail and the new employees te day went te work. A Yale Professer's Serious Less. New Haven, Conn., Jan. 2. The heuse of Prof. Miller, of Yale college, burned this morning. It contained a valu able library and choice pictures and statuary. Le3s estimated at from $10,000 te $15,000. Governer Cleveland's Message. Albant, N. Y. Jan. 2. The Legisla ture convened te-day and the message of Governer Cleveland was read. He confines himself te state matters entirely and does net touch upon national affairs. Suspension' of a British Wria. St. Jehn, N. B., Jan. 2. Carvill, Mc Kean & Ce., lumber dealers, etc., the branch house el Carvill & Sens, of Liver- Eoel, who failed recently, have suspended, liabilities, S150.000. . 'r .; V..i: u St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 2 -The Republican legislative caucus last night nominated Leren Fleteher for speaker of the Heuso. He is friendly te Windem's election ! the United States Senate. Orlef at ttie lieatti et citnibett. Paris, Jan. 2. It U et.un. lut 3,000 people visited G.vutMtu 1 1 inci dence yesterday te view the remaius. His friends seem utterly besiie tha-nsjlves with grief. Valuable l'laturea Burned. New Yerk, Jan. 2. A flre at Mis Gibben's art gallery last night destroyed pictures te the value of $40,000. WEATUKB IMlMbATIONS. Washington, Jan. 1. Fer the Middle Atlantic states, oelder fair weather, south' west veering te northwest wind, higher pressure. Marshal MeMlcbael'a Deputy. Washington, Jan. 2. J. B. Fassett, of New Yeak, was te day appointed deputy United States marshal by Marshal Mc Michael. The Debt Wecreass. Washington, Jan. 2. The debt state ment, issued te-day, shows the decrease of the public debt during the month of December te be 1)15,413,222. Tba Mew Yerk Speaker. Ai.15.vny, Jau. 2. Alfred C. Chapin, of Brooklyn, was chosen speaker of tie Heuse. MARKETS. Philadelphia Market. Philadelphia, Jan. 2 Fleer quiet, hut steady ; Superfine, ti 73fl 25 : extra, S '.5 3 73 ; Penn'a Family, $4 COfll 75. Rye Heur at $3 75. Wheat steady ; Ne. 2 Western Red, $1 fte 1 032 ; Del. and Pa. Red. $1 ittrtl iw ; Loiik Leiik Loiik uerry Red and Amber, tl O.ijfl 10. Cern dull for local us-; Steamer, 5J fide; Yellow and mixed. O'-igtv'e ; Ne. 3 mixed, WiibSc ; reiected, S055c. Oats dull, hut steady ; Ne. 1 White. JS t9c: Ne. 2 de. 47Ki-; Ne. 3 Ue, 4(;in$c; Se. 2 Mixed, 45e. Rye nominal at Gt6G7c. Previsions steady. Lard steady. Rutter choice scarce and firm, with fair dr mand; Penn'ii Creamery Exttv, 4231 ;c; Western de, 42c. Rolls steady ; Penn'a mid Western. l$?2$e. Eggs dull and lower; Penn'a 2?02e ; Western, 2727J& Cheese steady. Petroleum dull ; Retiucd, Vi7ic. Whisky at $1.2). New Yerk Market. Nx- Vekx, Jad. 2. Eleur State and west ern dull and prices without decided clmiiKe; Receipts, 57,7t barrels ; Southern Hull and weak; sales, ts.oeo barrels. Wheat J4S?;cIower and heavy ; Ne. 1 White. n OS ; sates, 208 (0 1 bus. Ne. i Red. J.111 , ft ir.i tUl (ty,i. 2),0LO bus : de Feb.. l VXtD ll?. 12,(WU litis: de March. ! Uffjl M!,KS,lltXi bus; deMay, $l l.l I!; receipts. "V"" bus ; sales, 208 000 bus. Cern lAtiG lower und dull ; Mixed Western Kpet.M&Oic; de Ktituie, lajJUIc. Receipts, iir.'.GSI bus ; sales, 4li0,000 bus. Oats dull ; State, 44j)5lc ; western, 4l?51c ; Receipts, 'J-10 bus ; sales, 50,00.) bus. (rain and Prevision Ouotatlens. Unci o'clock quotations et grain and pievts furnished by S. K Yiindt, Breker 15 Knst lilnj' strict. Chtiarje. Jau. 2. A'hiuit t:ern Oat- Perk Jan e:i7i .M .35K !. I"2 Mhj-.... i.oeJj .r.3Ji .:wv,'i 17.15 10 h) Pctrelcii'i OH City 00. Stock Market. fU-v terk. Phlftutelphla and Lecal Htecka ,C:'-; Uiitfed .'ifcitcs Heiids ropextcd dally by i .,,. mi it. Lemc, 22 North Queen street. Ian. 2. 10:00 A M 41 3KS 112 Kvi 4IJ 20 m y 20)4 47 8.1 18 !:()ii :i.i. r m i-. m jayH :wj-s sv,i 31 112J1; in 2T 5J MA 2lJi 20 39 :I7 M4. HIJi t0i .vj) .v.i;$ 2i"r4 Pj 47 17!.; 8. 8IK L)i);iver tt, tlie Urtiinki S. Y.. Lakti Erle A Wc-stern Kunsas and Texas Luke Shorts...... New Jersey Central New Yerk, Ontario W St. Paul, M. & Omaha Paeitlc Mall..... .......... Rochester & PitUbtirKh ....... Texas Pacific W Abash. St. Louts Pacific... Western Union Tel. Ce Pennsylvania Centra! Philadelphia .s ttcadtn' Northern PaeiOcCein " " Pre te rued.... Biiinde PItLs. A West Llve HtecK Markets. East I.iBKirrr. Cattle Receipts. 2,2iil head: Hits market wiw dull at about last week'n prices: prIme.tW!02r; keimI, $T 7."i.i M : butcli ei h' cutlle, 1 1035 5't : steckeiH, $ MM 50. Hes Receipts, t.700 head : market fair: riiilnilulphius at $f; MH SO; Hulllmercs at ifi 25S6 35: Yorkers at ; 15Ji" :- hlieep It. eeiptH. I.KHi neiid : market win active and prices strong and 2"ie higher than last week. Philadelphia Cattle Market. Meniiay. Jan. 1. Tlie arrivals or llve stock at Hie Philadelphia stock yards were : Fer the wecic Reeve", 2.:nn head ; sheep, 10000 de; he'S. 4,001 de Reel Cattle The ni'irke.t ilnrinp; tile piisl week wa-t r.ither slew an tin: hl;ii price el' Meck wholesale lerr.eil drovers tii:wk JdJic iidvaiice ever last Monday, niul c-enscquentiy butchers only bought ler their immediate use. Although tli s receipts were Miiall it was Inte when the yard closed. We quote as fellows : Extra, 77!4c ; Ceed. ;JGc ; Medium, 5 QS'Ac : Common, V.iit't'Ac Milch Cows wcru tee hltfh ter Imyers at til fl. , Sheep The market has been active ler K"'d sheep and lands, which were nridlly laticn at an advance or He hut Hie arrivals were elan interior quality, the bottom prudes belnif sold at a decline or 'xc Shippers : .stock should net send tills low nide el sheep here, ns our bnteiiers cannot use them. W quote an fellows : Extra. IJieiie; Geed. 5!-i.reXc ; .Meillum. common, 3?J3c ; fat Kmn, .wjSJlc ; LamiH.:s.i97: VealCalvo.'Qlec. Ilejjs were in fulrileuiaiid and prices remain tlrin at previous rates. We qtiotenslollows: Extra CIiIcsire, '.V, i tloed, 8'Jc; .Medium, H'KP'aC; common, Sc. SLE3 OV BK1SVE8 AT TUB WK8T rBlLAOBLrUlA STOCK YARDS. Mai tin Fuller & Ce., 230 Western, wholesale, rXGXe. Rwt Maynes, 150 WesUsrn. VsLQVAc A. & J. Christy. !3 Western, 5?i6Xc. E.. MeKlllln.SO Western, atinc II. F. McFiliiii,75 Western. rQC,c James Clomsen. 21 Chester comity, account et R. Hull, i;3rc. M Ulman, ;- Western, account M. Fuller Ce., i;$7e : Unto, account Hamuel Itrewn, C7e ; 30de, account Redjjer Maynes, M ic : 71 de account J. F. Sadler Ce,r,7c. rfchamhcrir A Paul, 11 W.Va. and Western, 4)4''e. (J.Schamherir & Ce.. 030 NVcalern. 5X7c Lewenstein AdIcr.2SJ Western and West ern Va, :,rxc Urtiilel Murphv, K0 Western. ..Xc. H.CIiain, ir..03 Western. .VeCc. L. Hern. 35 W. Vlrclnhi.5ec. Owen Smith. 82 Western. 23 Western account J.M.Levy; 3i Western, account Win. Rin(,'..rMa7c. Jehn McArdle, 117 Western, GfJiC M Levi, .-0 Western, r.'acc. Daniel Smytli & . 12 Western and Wct Va., 5M"c- . . Dennis Smyth, 50 West Va. and Western, 5Vifi4c. F. Sclieclz Ure.. 31 W-Htern,54iIiC Abe Ostheim. 2 Western. 5-Xc Lewenstein Hcilbien. "M Western, l5Kc. ilachman Levi. 170 Western aud West Va., &U:aiiKc James Anil, ia Wi;'ti i, .V-c. Jan.esEuiiticc.2I Virjrinla, 4'Amc J. F. Sadler & Ce., 310 Western, wholesale, 4JJ Henry Miller 10 Western, 6970. DRESSBD HKAT8. City Dressed Reeves were In lair demand, and closed Arm at S102., ,,, Western dressed Reeves were fairly ac tive, and closed at 7K9C- BALES LAST WBK. Themas Bradley, 1C0 head el Westdreuaeil at 7Jehn Tayler, 117 head el West dressed at IX Tnema3 Bradley, 1"5 head et city dressed at R Maynes CJO., uuiksw ' t-wv" a. A.Reswcll 118 head de at WQ9X.C. i'. H nnntflnr. 8S head de at tftil c Harlan Bre., 67 neail de at &) C J. F. Lowden, 40 head de at setWiC 1 1. G. Reckman, 50 head, 7k9c- . Thes. Bradley sold 12 head et Western were the -dressed show steers at 10c.; iney tinest en the market: ier seme n.uc Dressed sheep were Inactive. . Samuel Stewart sold 971 bed at 8c., and 06 head of dressed lambs at 8gi0c. Dressed Hogs were In geed demand. Jehn Tayler sold 227 tead et Jersey dressed at SitfgS-Xc.