. Mm Jarley'H Wax Works. Mrs. Jarley appeared an Fulton opera bouse, last evening and exhibited Ler uu rivallcd collection of wax works for the benefit ot'tho Junior Missionary society of Tiinity Lutheran chnicli. In addition to !irr tnithiiil poi traits of l'stinjiuis.lief.i cit izens of the earth and her magnificent bis totical tableaux, she showed life like fi.j uiesor Mrs. Lang try and 0car WV.Ce. Tlio audience was more thau delighted and a handsome sum was realized for the mis sion fund. York Not to tie Made n City. A special dispatch to the Intei.liren i i.n fioin Ilairisbur? advises it that the "oveinor has decided to refuse :t city char ter tr Yoilc. It will bo remembered thai. tlie fiietnln of incoipoiation prevailed at 1 1n-late election bur their vei-Iict is "t :-s;df on account of 5rieularitieR in t nt inc tin- ballots and failure to " .i'ri them. lteI tftaln Sale. Henry Khubeit, auctioneer, sold at j.ihate "sale, December 1, 1HS2, u two -toi brick dwelling beloninjf toGtoigo I'.mtz, situated on Hio Fuuth side of New street, lietwe-ii North Queen and Duke s?i"!s, to Amelia Mischlich for ei.:j-.-i. 1 imcnitl ii HxKtl l'.t'-r . It has l.ecu definitely N-'ciitiilieii to hold the a.w.mblv hi the Stivus house on New Year's ltkjht, and the im"l.itioiis aie now in the hands of the eiir: ver and v. til Ii-j issued some time nc.i eiic. Itroku Ills Ai.Iilo . JMttin JJookmycr, of th-s city, while Ajriuliir ;:t Mr. Tomlinson's, Fairlicld, L-incaMer county, J 'a., slipped on the ice and br kc the smal' bone of his p.nkle. (, li;:ip IIiiiim'M. ,i-.i;t iitiou ot our leaders 1- esdli 1 to ll.c Ucrti-u-mcnl o! A. W. Kie-s 1. i!io tili-n a iiiimli"! R ic Icn-i :it mlv.ili s.i.c. t li-iu u.:i is (illicit lo tin- .i!v tonight. Ail.iis A. II.-i l- .V Ci ., ill the coojvr llou-c :i two-dory liick ii.vc!!in;j lion-,., So. N i. Hi IJm c i .-li'icl. Aliiti-oiticiitt Thr .iioiit..'" 'lliis popu-ai .in. I pictur--que play will 13 given I en. .n Monday cuinj; by the Palmer ami t'liner iiiiibln.i llmi, iiik'ci' tin diH-C-t '-auction ni Mi.Mcliec I'uiiMu ami, Willi Mr-s l.vzic Jliiv I'ln er as IUU J'ijnr,.i p.ul in winch Mi,- :, miiI 1.) have s, cii'l a (iii; it mcce.'is. timet ! PiillJtsK:. Tin) pulili-hcis ot the Richmond i't. Ki tjiiii rr heartily iccoliliiiend Dr. Hull's Cnuii syi ni an I -,-, : "It has been well tiled In our ilileeainl compn-,liij loom, and liuscitieil our c.tj e lit'i it :iorvl'"ld ! 15ioncir.ti-.-7 I'onny VIilin i'ounil t oily. It is loutish to sue the littlu tlui S0O l)i. SV e-ist.j, and Miller wli.il will le-ultnr bit nelh and l.u" I'liyuienls t dmtisH. 1 l.iei .i Lot lbs ol lion tins toilet, u-i" livIro:- nlyit it eveiy tuiio alt:r o.itn;;;, cle.iii-e tin; mouth, and -how your wisdom. ill2-lieo.l&w Wlu-ii Tlicm'b a Will Tlirre'K : V . Anvom who h.is the w ill lo try Thomas' I.e .ectiie Oil wIllBin.ly lim! the way toiobust lic.illli, in e.i-es ol lnoucliial Hlleelions, sore lliroit, ialiis, fie.; and ns an lutein il iisiueily, t is iiiv.ilii.ilde. lor sale by H. U. I'oeTTian, ilriiKKl-Ut laTuuil iaJ'oitlt jaeen street. itt si rt: . "iiTiii... Ilieember l."i, 1--J. l!i thlseit, .Mi-s -iii l,uv in, in the nt'i jearol heraiji:. lheielativ. s and li lends i.io H"p etlnlly invited to iitteiid till! Iuiirr.it.li.ini tliensl denei! ol her bii'l1 er in I.iw, John I".. Wailel, No. I H North Dui.esticel. I.sine istei, on Mon- luv. tlHJlStll lllsl.. at -ili o'eloel.-. Iiileiltll 111 :il I.ancii-lereeni',tery. It , -i, ..!! ai;i:i:. 'Jn the moi niuir ot tli lth !!1S! at his I iti te Idi'iiee, mar ileum, in 011-111, b.im 11 11. :iui il.i ii 3.u il his age. 'Jhti lil iIim - "Oil lie m's ol lln t-'liiily l-iie ivs.net lolly Iir. iti'dtoatti mltlii'lnne.'al Iioiu there-lilenee. ol hit buituor. Homy 1-.. fctay imiker. ceinerol Duke ami t lies nut -iifets, l.niie.lsler. Pa.. onTir's I ij uexl.tlu lliliiiisl , it 10 o'clock, a. in tntei 111 at at Woivlwaiil Hill eiineteiy. illtillld Ulxm-ok. Oatlii'luUi in-t . at ( ..liimbiis, Ohio. MarvC. Diini-o 1, dr'uhler id ih" hue Dr. Kilwiif lltli'emati.of 1 in.-iiiuii l..uie:istei eoilllty. "' o. In thi-i eltv. on tiie Mill lust., Dr. Tlamtas It. t'o.v. in tl'.e'J:-' ye-u ot hN iwe. Notice ol luner.il Iicrealte:. jfjiiv AJiUj:iisi:?.:t:?i. !!ANI) :.l'uil At' -kilK tllUAUH llou-e this evi ulii;r, ' t of I'.ei run tup. (i II (1 It c. .i.Uli, riojiiitior. 1 tiKAT i:i:iiU(Tiii .xin!firiii;tii" iii useliilaiid Viiluaiile liolriay piescnn i.iim wni:i'ii and t iuldii a, a; . jii r.a-i IvilliJ.-tlei-l. ilir-H A KAMI nAKri.K ur CIIAS. II s. K ltJK!tl'.S AT ZAKi'KKlAS, Ansle I'eni' si. 'All." 11 i lioi'i leInatetl"Alt and K' i.M.KOriON NIUICK. lam s-.r.r.( 1 im .satiosai. ham;, ) Diceaiher'.'. 1S?2. The annu il me tins; ot the stoekhnlders of this bank will be. la-Id at Die. bunking Iioui-i on Tne-il.iy. .Inmiarj '., ISsi. ai ten o'clock a. m. ... , The annual ok (-.ion ct I)irect'.r- will lie bold :;t tin; anie plan, on the h.iiic day, be tween tin: hours ot 11 a. m-ami p.m. p. 11. i;i:i:nkman, d'JitdsAmv (;.isiiiur. 1 IKIS illl!i-:.'!l'HlT!'ll l.r.KMAN Canaiies. Youii:: birds ot this Hummer. 1 look Kre.it eaie in s -lectin them nil in lull souk. Von need no wiiltcii Kiiinuiiteo that they will -iii--'. oineand h Mftreni loryour ncIL Plenty to scb et lioin. What Jb Letter InraChri-tiii -s pir-eiitDl'.nasin-iiua tv.ii.iry anil ciiki? A1-0 a Talkin-,' Pa not, j.'Old ll-li ami the best ols.,..latvoN.i)j:usMrnr. ir.iillilTulli.t--:.' s cK.Oranji-S'ieel. 4 uoiion: AUCTION ! ! At 3i. A. HAUiHTOS'S Millinery tyul Nofiou JStor, l7o. 25 North Queen Stroot, .llitl.lt!. THIS EVENING AT 7 O'CLOCK. TJUTlt;L T. STOftiJIOM'KI'.S LANCASTKit X l'EADlM; NAKUO'iV IjUACEU. IL COMPANY. A nieetiimof theStn'-kholdeis ol Mil C'.m panv will bi held at the 1 Hie ot the malci Higneit, above tl:e hanking hou-e ol i:.tl" V hlu-nk, Lancaster. 011 Momhiv. .lanuaiy 1, Ih-.l, between the hours ot 10a. lit ami 12 in., lor the pin pi -! cf electing thliteea tin ect in to i-crvo mr the i-n-iiiuj; je.ir. W. Ll'.AMAN, lIC21ils etllnry. r. I 'It A Mi sAYl.Oi!. HAS 11EMOVLD 111 CALLKIIV OP PHOTOWKAl'Siy To NOS. 42 AND 44 WEST KIISG ST J Eviel'.y "Piipo-lte the Old bt.nid. Ctll-MUlI."Vl. ilAlVh NOMlVTAKi HUT IHU THE il b-,t Conm cticiitClir.ir, '2 for. " cents, or II toi v'.'isi-iits at . .. UAKTMAX'-S YELLOW KUONT (JKJA51 sti:h:. J AVOli It. 1-ON15, 21 NOIll II QI' KKS .STlt;:KT f Pi-con-l I soor ), li ANCAfeTKK, I'll Triinciieis iKicner.iI Cni:iints!oii I'ti-Im , i Kual K1:ite. Lilt: jtml tUv Iiirnr.uif-. Mori r:iKe. UtiruN. Mocks Ur.iin. PmvU!iis anil I'otrolciun. Moiioy nli .iy to Itun n llit rlu MotlKimcH. liiTtU-ttinentH Seeiirltli'S incliulli: Local StoeWutil IlomN. :i t-i( cmlly noil Inquiiics aliout tlictn Imllcii. (ifiic! Hours '.la. in. to 3 :. in. ticcl-4ina< VyATiiMKN WM, THOMPSON. irATCIIES. CLOCKS, C1IAI3. CUA1IM3. ErZCT.VCli:. LVK-ULAbiE-, TUEnMOMnTElW. No. iOG EAST KING STREET. novl0-2mil Opposite Leopard Hole!. jvjeik Anr.itTiHK3in:sra. pi;NNSI.VAMA CIOAKn 13 FOK 25 HAUTMAVa YELLOW FKONT CIUAIt ".'lOUE. lToTr .K Till). KVJ-.NING rOK A LOT inc'Juikesat I'ONTZ'S SALOON, Dm wart Stieet. 11 piUM) KArfLK Kllll A IO. 1 TKilT- T tliijr Wsiffon ami :i --l o! Fine Harness at the M( llltinc llnu-'. r-ATUI'DA! MUMMi, DECEMIthlt !. lsi Throwing between 8 and 10 o'clock. Tif bctsrocciit.-. iU2.-.t' FUANK SELLEUS. ASI.V4 IKW JKIKfc O K Til K STOGIES I 1 !ttl 1'iniT liundied 01 .: tor.i icnw. IIAIiJ MA.Vs 1 H.I.OW STOlil 1- ItONT CHiAII (tniMllli- V.'A.NTKI.-A YJIUNCII.AUY O waul- a Mt nation as -ileslady. Jlas had if pciiciie-. tan i "ioo 1 letcrence. Can -pe:.k both laiiKiiages. Apply at this Olliee. lirAM Kll.-A .IIIDI.K-AKl WOMAN V want- a feiluation a- cook 111 either a le-taiii.inl Ajijily at il,G-Jt or hotel, or wilt jjo oui nar-mjj. No. 4W M ANOlt STltEET. tOI'k- ' ltr- JIAKKKI' MALLS IN 1 Ilon-'i Mh. I Hud -. ami Old Market lloil-i-, will be -Oi I at public sale on VK. VE-DA . DEC. -, inid Mai ItetCui-bgon SAT UltDAY, DKC.'.J. ;. e will commence at S o'clock, a. m. ., U,j COMMITTEE GKM) LUNCH fcVESIN;. sun. k 1:01; i' T'.il4 (SATORIIAY) AND P1C-' FEET, at Hie Plow "l.iei 11. MIII1AM. SN V')Ei.. Piopiletor. Luiiei. 1 -i s-iluitliiy niht. 11 T".' K 'l AUK ! L'V SUIJVi'ASTI t. IIOI.1D V liOUDH 1- at JIKCHTOI.D'h I.ADIIs'aml IKN"Is'KUItMSllIN HlOltE. I ieshniriv.il to-dav, m -easoiialib troods at cxiieinely 1 pi In.-. I'll iv i.all..iiil examine beloie , 1 linv. IIKNIfi ISE III OLD, ltd No. 52 Ninth ineen stieet. (i.iNAKif i;iki-s kok f!.5.-;. ' 'I'll'- line-t -.-- .itmeiil ill t.t inian SinfjiliK Camiiv Hint-, llr.i-s and ' .pan f'i- iii th' ciiv. tiolilli-liaml Aijiiaiiuius. Pi ice- lower llunevei betoie. diid'l Mabels at fii'i. -eeds ot .il Kim.- tit . . 11 s i.iiMoi.D'-t i:i1!d&ioi:k. IP I l!i! We-t Kintr--et. '1111. 1 .- 11.1 ricisi: 1 1.01:1c Will jie! ! r.) I'.-, nioie blind to llie barrel lii.iu any oil.ei kind. Ol del .it 0111 ' by in ill. ENTI.ltPitlsK r l.OlMt, lt,i3 I.auctstci, P:i. Ulllll.l;; S II.!'. IK IIOKSFS ON 5IIIX I l)U DCC. I' IS-.', will !.- -old lit 'hi! Mem'lil te'llon-e, ll'.Noilh Pli-I e stiel t,l. ill-e.l-te: eil. I'u.. If. IIEADOKIIEAVY CANADA Hit MIGHT llOlls Es, Hi -t--:a-s tieden : amoiic,t them are a few iliiet-. i 11 ilit ol ililday-. Sale at 1 ). 111. ,JI-,-jIili: l'EOKt.EUU03silAN. ri'AKI. MIIICI tllivT A I'IMJI'OhKih ! ac-lof A-scuibiy. entitled" An Ael lo te pc.il tiiuj-evenlli --i etion ot mi a-t. enlitliila siipolemciit to the charter of the flty ot l.an-ci-lei-,' p.ie 1 mi the -23:11 day ot Miitel. A. D. I-HO ' will be inliodu.-ed dijrnitj tilt present -e.s-ion ol Hie I.ei -hit lire. The purpose ot tll-prop i-eil ni t i-lo eqnil).'- the lee-pant 'nrsriviiesiciiilcicil bvthe Miiyorol theeit ol I. ine.i-'er in cuse-ot vaanuiey. ill unken-:u-saiul dtsoideilv e mdiiet, with tho-e paid to other majjistiatea. .. ,, ,, .IOI1V T. Mac JONIGLK. .."-1U IS Mayor. T M'LI, 'i nil S1IAI.L IIAND-MAIIi:. i .-leal II ivanii tiller ( hr.ir-. lor! iciitsat II A UT .MAN'.- YELLOW FUUXT CKfAK mTOKK. Sih;onii:i:anusihiili:,;iiiim'ias Al'TKUNODN Mr. Ciuis. W. Tiulor re ...f.i t.,ll .iiiniiiniriN Ills S.-colld tlllllld SOI-lll- lil... which 'ii.l he held on CIII'isT.MAsI AFTI.IIMION. MONDAY, DECEMIILIt i".!!, l-i2. in Em-i Isiorll.dl. t:a-l hinir -ire' Land cordially invites the atteiulancoot the ladies ami M'nllemcu who favored him with their pieseiicoon ilinil.-iKiviiiK Day. In addition to the leuhu p.oi.iiiiine the two newilances iutnidueed by Mr. Tayloi at Ills 'Ihanl.-f-'ivin boci.ili'e, lis: 'I he Lawn 'lennis (jiiailiille and the I.oouih College Lam 1 r-. will b Kien. Taylors) Orchestra will liiraishtlie lluisic. 11 I tlllll.ll -ALII Of VALIIAIO.ll II Y I l"ioi) ilv. On.sATUUDAV, DICI.MI Ali li! 1--2 at I ue Coopi r llmi-e, on ".'est Kin-.' aze-t. will ha sold th.it lwo--toiy liek Dwelling, with o-ie -torv llilck J'.a'-k P.ulld liiaml I'ri'.ie Kilehen attached, situated N'o. .V.s, Ninth tiiueii street, having a hdl. parlor, iliiiiiii;-looin and two kitchens on Hist lloor, two roonw on -econd floor, so-ii diy cellar, etc. I.t -0 by -2I." fiet.v, itli hyili.ini, lrnit, "'lo View tin piemi-e-i tall at No. O! Norlli ijmeli -tieet. sale to (oiuuifiicc at To clock p. in. Ieinis nun!.' know n by ALL N A. IIICItK ,V CO., I.'i nl I -late and In-uiam " Agents. No. H 'I Ei'.sl King Stuel. li.siit nciii, Yuc-I. tl") tin oil ir :.iovi:i. IM.UMIUN'U, UAS-l" nxo JOHN P. SCHAUM, Uem.ive.l to 1 la- NO. 24 South Queen Street. PlumMng ?;Gasfitting 10M1 OM.V i:v SKII.LKl L AND .C!:KIi;i. WOltKMKN LAKtiE bTOCK Of gas fixtures o:; HAND. l.iii-2--ly.lS IF;: AIMjl'AKfhCh I-OK j Kl'LLASSOKT-:-. and oilier play- KllONT OH. Alt leal i I i m-ir.e, i oi. lnir e.i Us at IIAltTMAN's YELLOW s'lOllE iiiti!L; s MjK r iti:.t. itat. ox f s YTl'UDA Y. the lath day ot .1 ANC AltY, j.s :: i lie iiinUislKiieil. asslstiii'e ot Edwin Si. Seh'uller and w tie. w ill expose lo public s ilo, at tl'.e Lcopaid Until, the following reali-s-tate -itiiate.lin the city ot Lancaster i No 1. That valuable two and ahalf stoiieU HUH K DWELLING IIOU-Eand Stou lluilil iii -ineitedon l'e iioithwestern corner ol oiTii ..ml hri-tian stiects. The lot con- i...... in tinn! iiu Oi.uii' .ticct tc.-t. more ot le-s and ixiemls liiileplhnorihwaul alonjt Clulstiaii street ; that wldlli CI feet y, iiiclies, nioie or less, and then widenini; lo -'3 it ot alio : inches, mo:e or le-s. extends in furl her depth of that width -2:) bet and "4 Indus, inoi e or leus. The Louse lontains lu l-ootns. No . A lot l sroimdon lite side of Snln penstleet, bt-lwicn Park a.cuuu and Eicd inck street, contulnlim in trout on hippen street t" feet nioieor lo's, ami eTtendin in depth totnallev about '2J.i feet. No .'! A lot o! ground on the -ottth iido ot Fast i .limit stieet, containing in liont on Walnut street '."2 leet. and extending in depth loan alley l.V feet, and li dug numbered "P2 on the gcnoi.i' ; ..mot tin Chestnut stieet tiaet. in7-voiis ii. -nous ot dewing No. 1 can do so by calling on E. M.Schiicller.rcsiiliiigthereon. Sale to begin at? p. in., when terms will be made known by HUGH b. GAKA, Assignee. lIcMtv Sut r.nr.T, Auctioneer. illG-tawSw.t-Itnw'.w ,! H. M A KTI N Jc CO. xi:v. AiiuiVAi.sr.vi:u day in HOLIDAY GOODS! Ek;:;uit Di-pLiV ol TEA AND DINNER WARE, IN I'.AVII.AN'IVCIII.VA. (UoM I!:inil, While tun! lcco:iite'!.J English Fruited "Ware, IN Old Hall and jlelhournc. Woiuvctliepolt s.ileol ilicoclebra'ctl "IeI lioiinie iitlrn in Tea mill Dinner Vine. Ai-, Ilr.viluiul tc Co.-Ireiicli Cliliin. Tea Sets, 44 Pieces, S2.50. Host KSIiLISM TOKCELAIN anil GUAN1TE. Every jilcct warmntcil dinsei: h:tp. pil'T, $ T.tM 111 II. 15 0 '. lit 'Mil .TOYS. TOYS ol cciy iiijc:ip- ruEXCii rmwEKs, .to. till'l. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Got. West Kin? and Priiico Street?, LANCASTER. l'A. LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER SATURDAY. DECEMBER 16,18?-'. sen AorERTiaEaussiB. 1?KB l'HAKMACV. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ! AT FREY'S PHARMACY, Oor. North Queen and Orange Sts. No trouble to find something suitable for all and at the most REASONABLE PKICES. TOILET CASES, in almost all styles, very low. GENTS DKESSIXG CArsES ami COMPANIONS. FANCY CIGAB CASES, in beautiful designs. LETTER and CARD CASES, in great viriety. OOOKCaSES unit STANDS. Ladies' Fancy Hand and FolillngMIUItOKS. WHISKS anil WHlfeK CASE?. COL'JGNES and fancy COI.OG NE IJulTLES. A Large Line of Fancy leather Goods, in Russia Seal and Alligator Leather. I'lease call and examine. Rpapccttully, as Andw. G. Frey. dlG-bW M KTZ'JKK & HAUUUMAN. MBTZGER AND HAUGHMAN'S IsTHE PLACE TO lll'Y VOUIt CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AT 'J HE Lowest Prices. A 1ILACK SILK. A COLORED SILK, A liLACK CASHMERE, A COLORED CAbllMERE, A IIAND-JOME DOLMAN OR COAT. A GOOD SHAWL. A GOSSAMER FOR A LADY,GENTLKMAN, liOi OR GIRL, AX UMRRELLA, A I'AlItOF HLAXKETS. OR A PIECE OF MUs LIN, HANDKERCHIEFS OF SILK OR LINEN, Or ANYTHING ELSE on may bought at want can be BOTTOM nacES, -A'l- ifZui k wmm. New Cheap Store. 43 WEST im ST., LANCASTER (Itotween the Cooper House and Sonel Home Hotel.) T mr.KK NO BKTTKR Christmas Present oil if Year Gift FOR MAN OR BOY THAN THE Lancaster Watch.' w It.LlJ.-.lN & I-OSTKK Christmas 1882. 1882. Presents. H'e have cnticavoieilto collect the liamlsoin ett articles suitable tor Christmas lre-ent3 at prices that wo Jeel sure will be ii'ireciatcl by our Frlcnils nntl Patrons, ana It atlonls us p'Ciiinre to cxtcn I a welcome lo tho-jo who will favor us with an Inspection ot "'e HOL IDAY tiOODS. The FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT is eom,lett with a very care fully selected stock ot Puir Scarls. hilkllamlkei chiefs. Initial caif l'lin, Canllgn Jaiitst'ts, ilk susiH'iitlPi's. S-i5ftnible Cull Rations. Charms anil WhIcIi Cluins, Combs and Hi ii-"lu. Perfumery, Toilet Articles. Porleiiionnaies, Mallei?, .aril Cases. Clilh'reirs Trunks, liUiIies' Cabb.is, Ami all xizes ol the new TKLE-tJOI'E HAND SATCHELS lor Gent'. In ailtlition to the Latest Novelties in Hats anil Cam tor Children. Boys ami Men, there arc Fur Glovi saiul Mulllers, Umbrellas, Walk ing Canes, Whips, Carriage Robes ami Uorso Blankets, lnthe CLOTHING DEPARTMENT may be seen a very 'lanilsomc assortment of Dressins Robes and Smoking -lackets. In con nection with a complete stock or Overcoats and suits. Eveiy article is sold upon its irerit and no deviation from the marked price. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER. 34, 36 and 38 East King St., i m;a.-tkr. !a 'OUNTAI If INK-CUT 1llA!lt III- H i ect froui ttie uiaiiiifacturers at s cents oer cz. or & cents i 6 'it II RTMAVS lhLUIW FRONT CIGAR STilKK 1TXW AJtrMMTlBJSMMSTS. H AUttt & bhOlMlK. 188 2. Hager & Brother, HOLIDAY GOODS, 25 WEST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. N EXT DOUK TO TBK tOCUT UOVSE. FAHNESTOCK. For the Holidays our stock embraces many cheap and desirable lots lor the coming Festive season. JUST OPENED SEVERAL LOTS Paisely Long Shawls, Paisely Spare Shawls. Also, 1 Lot of 23 Dozen Ladies' Colored Bordere! Heni -stitched Linen Handker chiefs, 23 cents-, worth 37 cents. Also 1 Lot, 23 Dozen Ladies' Colored Bordered Hem stitched Linen Handkerchiefs, 31 cents, worth 50 cents. Also 1 Lot, 50 Dozen, Fine Towels at 37$ cents, worth double the money. One Huudicd Dozen SILK HANDKERCHIEFS at 23c, 80c, 40c, 50c, C5c, 75c and up. Rest floods at the prices wo have over had. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. - - LANCASTER, PA. E UV. J. ZAHM. Elegant Holiday Grifts. WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, BRONZES, SILVER WARE, SPEOTAOjuES. FINE- Mi and American Us, will Caiiral Hoi SlrM 0PEKA GLASSES, CS" LARGE STOCK AND LOW PRICES. C We invite an examination of our stock ; it EDW. J. ZAHM, MANUFACTURING JEWELER, ZAHM'S CORNER, dec 2 riMIK SI'ASON AT HAND, AJJU TO I'.UY '. THE GREATEST BARGAINS IN SLEIGHS ! SLEIGHS ! Resides tlio .MOST COMPLETE ASSORTMENT and VARIETY, aio to lo seen and had at NOEBECK & MILEY'S Old Reliable Coach Works Southeast Corner Dnko .and Vino Streets, Lancaster, Pa. C5T" Twenty-live per cent, less for cash thau heretofore oilcrod. OurSI'i;bs cannot be excelled iu cither mechanism or material, and as to finish, or ornamentation, or de sign, they arc the specialties of our artist. Also, All Kinds of Buggies, Phaetons, Family Carriages, Business Wagons, &c. ALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. l .Milt TIIK Uolidav Season Wo Offer Everything Contained in a First-Class Jewelry Eusi2iess. drCall and cxarnino our Stock au8 Prices. H, Z. RHUADO, No 4 We3t King Str ilec 12 JSKTEJtTAWJUSSTa. 1.1UI.TUN UFKA HOUSK. MONDAY EVENING, DEO. 18. SS- SEVENTH SEASON !- Lizzie lay Ulmer, in her Marrollons Impersonation of BILLY PIPER ) In the greatest ot all American Plays, The Danites U SUPPORTED Y McKEE RANKIN'S Only Authorized Danites Company. Pioduccd with all the Original MiiMc, and the Grandest Scenic Eltects ever witnessed in any Metropolitan Theatre. Produced over 1500 TIM US 1300 In America. England ami Ireland. PRICES AS USUAL. Reserved Seats at Opera House Ofllce. PALMER&ULMEK, Proprietors JEAiamiKe. decl4-4td MEIUUB, &V. SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! EDGERLEY & CO., MARKET STREET, Rear of Central Market Houses, LANCASTER, PBNH'A. We have luent of a Large and Splendid Assort- rortland, Albany and Double Sleighs. They are the best selected woodwork and tho tlnest painted and ornamented Sleighs ever offered tor sale In this city. Our Motto : "Quick sales and small pronts. It costs nothing to call and examine work. 9r We also have on hand a full line of ine Carriage work, in which we defy competition. All Work Warranted. Repairing of all kinds in mnnt I v attended to. n26-ttdftw IKV MY HAVANA AMD YAKA TOBAC CO direct trom the importers and sell the bet 1-cenl ciisar in the city. UAUTMAN'S YEL.LOW KtONT CIGAR STORE. &c. is a pleasure to sliow our goods LANCASTER, Pa. B ml REPAIRING iromptly attended to Street Iwi'.K VLOTMNf. T,,! FKOPI.K Wlf.J. NNII IT Jtll'OSSI- .LE TO HUY AS CHEAP ANY WHERE IN LANCASTER. WE HAVE MORE GOODi THAN EVER liEFORE, AND EXTRAORDINARY ATTENTION HAS VEEN GIVEN O HIE MAKE-UP OF ALL OUR WINTER STOCK. We call attention to our SG.1K) Ulstercttes ; worth $10.00. $S.0 Thick nibbed ltevr ; worth I'-00. $10.00 Oxford Mixed Whitney Overcoat , worth $ 15.00. These tew Overcoats are specialties, and we are selling Un-ni as last as we can make them up. We have Overcoats lor Men :it$;.B, 5.."i0, $4.00, $5.00, tC.00, $7.00, $5.00. up to J1('.00. For i:os at $1.87, i50. ;too. J00, up to 18 00. For Children at $1.7", t2.'i", $3.00. up to $C.K. In Men's and Youths' Suitings, WE HAVE A FULL ASSORTMENT YET, And keep It up tho whole reason, as wo are constantly inantitactnring New and Elegant Styles. OUR MERCHANT TAILORING, Ha? been a big success this te.isou so tar, as our prices arc nearer the lowest than anybody else's. Itisvcrv easv lo advertise buiMlns. but wc place these goods in the windows that you can see, and have them on our counters that you can examine them. L. GAISIAI & BEO. The 1'opnlar Clothiers, 60 and 60 NORTH QUEEN ST., UiKliton tho Southwest Corner ol Orange SI. LANCASTEK. I'A. JCa-Not connected witu any other house the city. In TJIANOS AND FUKNITOKK KEftlOVliU l at; short notice. Also, dealer In second hand and antique Furniture, Stoves and lir.iel.-et Saw h. f 1.50. AUG. F. HEINOEHL, 32G North Queen street, ueell Smtl (Above the Northern Market.) TIIEB EDITIOI. SATURDAY EVENING. DEC. 16, 882. OCEAN CALAMITIES. 1IIK TKK1LS F SKA-UOING fKOPLF. Upnartla or Thirty Lives Lot by I)l;ter to ttrttlsb Vetwcls One Ship ISurued and AnotnerSuDk. London, Dec. 1G The British ship Glad TidJugs fiom Calcutta for Falmouth went ashore at Piosvlo Point esterday. She caught tire afterwards and was totally destroyed. Twc of her crew were drowned. Tho Britiih bark Langripjr Hall, from Liverpool for, shuck on Tuscar Reck, Ireland, and twenty-four of her crew were drowned ; only two were saved. cogri:s. l'roceedlngs In tho Senate. Washington, Dec. 1C In the Senate at tho close of the morning hour Mr. Ilawley asked ucanimcus consent to pro ceed with the civil pcrvica bill, but Messrs. Cockerell and Voorhces objected, prcfening to consider bills of the calen dar. The Senate, however, by a volo of 30 to 2G, decided to proceed with the civil service bill and Mr. Voorhces addressed tho Senate at length in oppositon to its passage. Proceedings In llie House. Washington, Dec. G. Tho House at noon went into committee of the whole on the postoffice appropriation l.'!l, tho pending amendments being that ottcicd by Mr. Robeson (Mass.) appropiiatiiiK tGGO,000 for special mail fa cilities, and that offered by Mr. Hiscock (N. Y.) leduckip that h".m f 200,000 After a rather s-jjicy debate th riiimkI ments wiie rcj-ded by a v.ita ot 29 to Gl. TKUKlltl.E DOUKSriU IBUiKDV. An li!l FHW Urivi"! rrim Hump lif"' a a (Ml Kills llf WilfHiid lllditril Bvi.tiiioke, Dec. 1G. JohnSchpcni-lrr, a Ir.borer, thot his wife this morning while she was ljin- asleep iu bed with her tlnco children by her side. lie then shot himself in the temple and fell dead. The wounded wife called for help and attempted to go down stairs, but fell on the llior and died in a few moments. Sclipangler was a sober man, but indolent, and did not contribute to tho suppoit of his family. His wife's sister with whom tho family lived had frequently refused him admis sion to the house on account of his iudo lecc. lie bed not. been in tho housa bo fo:o las nijiht for tivo weeks. L)imi:.trator rurbes OivCH I'alK I'nii.Anci.i'iiiA, Dec. 1G. Dr. W. S. Forbes, of the Jell'crson medi cal college, was brought up in couit this moiu-ng and required to cuter bail in 5,000 for his appearance at tho next term of com t to answer charges in con nection with the icccut wholesale robbery and desecration of graves iu tho Lebanon cemeteiy. Dr. Lehman was discharged fiom custody. Thesentenceon McNamec. Pillet and Levi and Robert Chew was de fctied. The Tar ill' C.Jmimmii'ii's Koport. Washington, Dec. 1G. Tho wajs and means commitlce spent the tnoniing on thn metals"' schedule of tho tariff commissions rcpoit and altci consideration of seveial items took a leecss till two o'clock. This is tho impel tant section of tho bill and repre sentatives of the iron trade arc hero to be hcaid if desired or pennittcd. A proposition to lurthcr rcdnca tho duty on steel rails to $15 per ton will bo sub mitted to the eoaimittec this afternoon. An Accused i'uilroai! l'rcsldcut. New York, Dec. 1G Geerge J. Rice, picsidcntof the Utica, Ithica & Klmira lailwaj, was brought into the Tombs polic court this morning, charged with hypothecating ton thousand shaiesof the oi iginal stock of that toad. His examina tion was set down for Mouday. Put (III tho I asiiinotox, Dee. lilCK l.ltit. 1G. About 210 W of tho Southern .Matrimouiai and Natal associations have been placed upon tho black list or flu poitoilbi depart ment by oider of tha p.istmtstr general, and postmasters have bean instructed to letuiu to the.scudcrs money onh-is ad diosscd to the association. Tho Civil Service i:i:l. Washington, Dec. 1G. A caucus of Republican nenatots was held this fore noon for tho purpose of taking ooun'-tl upon the civil mi vica bill now uiiih-r con Mtleiat'on in liio Sciate. It was dteided to call the bill up immediately after the moraiu'r lour to day, and eadjv i to leaeh a vote upon tho bill and amend inputs bafoic adj'nuuraaut. Another llnc.dy rdardercr Ccnvluloil. Duiimx, Dec. 15. Thomas Hiugi'is A.tS couv.'cMl and sentenced to death today for varticipatiun in the tnuider of ll.e two Ilu.ldys. Unii.c to un vtiirutcr. Nr.w YonK, Dec. 1G. Tcmpoiaturc is rising in the i.orthwest. WKATlii.IC IMJIOAT1UN'-. Washington, Dec. 1G. For the Middle Atlantic states, fair weather, northwest to southwest winds, stationary or light risn iu tempei atui e, liHtng followed In i.iiling barometer. I'M! tdclpbia Mrket. l-:'-.-.i-.'.iHi4, Dec. in. Hour mi active and . steady ; fcupeitint. ?:??S37: ci 1. 1. ; .. Gllj; i enr.a. i.iuiuy, ,i ."u Uya Hour at ?1 0'. Wheat dull ; No. ' Weatern ltrd, I 07-,il : Del. and I'a. Ked. SI OlfflOS; I.o:ijei ly lied mil Amber, I 033 111 5 C'lrn (iu't lor local use ; Steamer . i"C ; Yellow, i.7(ftc : Mixed. ''Tc ; No. :: M'm l. : .i l(j; old -all,7:S:::; rcjuf ted. .r0 o'M: O.its llni.er, but (inrt; No. I White, .-If.'..;.'; : No. -J do. VWifrh' ; No S do, 1 4Jc; No". 2 Jlixi d, WsiWic Uye easier at lilU'ue. SeeiN quiet and unili'inscd. rrovi-lon- in UlrjobTiiiitlciii'iie'. Eard quiet. . Uiittei inailnt actie ia cnoiee sialics: I'eniraanil ttistein Cieameiy Exn:1, "3210c ; tlrsts. SIS&'c Kolls fl rm for choice, but prices nnchiii'icd. Ebsjs steady, and lre,h In demand pi :ees unchanged. Chee-e slea :y. mi. i"n. Petroleum dull: KcHncd 7'4'fi.;c Whisky at $1 r.0. CicTii and I'roviBlcn Unotith.i-. Un o'clocX (jiiotrt'to'is ol i'ii!n a:i ortiv rts. luinisii'i by S. ii Vui.tit. ib".fci ." S(in. str.s". hlcno Di e. u; Wheat 'Jorn JU fori. ii i Dec. )! ZVA tl.im VhVl'4 Jan '.2 ui SJ 1717h lo.l2;j May CsJi .5; l'etrolcii'i.-OIl City 'J1JZ- Stock .Market. New York, l'DlIailelphla and boc-.i ccs ilso United States Ilondi rapoitod d-.ilv " J A(iv It. I.oho, 22 North l icen sireei. Dec, l3.'v ' '" A Jt r m . i, ni-; . : . Iisii lit l.M. '''A ."-sr lr.n Denver h Itlo tJrani'e N. Y.. Lali' line .c -i situi Kansas anil Tcsaa Latex shorn New.fei'-ey Central . New York, Oatarlo - W St. Paul, M. & Omaha l'acitic '.'11 Kochester A I'ltuljurgh .... Texas Faclfic...... Wabash. St. Louis ft r.iciilc Western Union Tel. C i'i .- u 54114 uy ';,'. 27i 4.VH K 1811 i '.',y. my. 2H' si yK 40 tt'.i Pennsylvania Cenimi Phlladelphl: Philadelphia t iioa-nii--. . Virthern r.icin'- Cmti ( " Preft. Bnflalo Pitts. & W'czl.. ie-1 8 34 I IS'4 New York Market. Ntw . ..k. Dec. 16. Flour Stato and West ern ami Soti'.heru quiet and steady. Wheat KS,c lower: trading mainly on .-PL-dilative account ; Ho. 2 Bed, Jan., $1 09H iii 03 : do KiK. n 11H1 H; do March, f 1 1S;I is, : do Slay, Il H. Coin J,8'.c lower and active: mixed west ern spot, njtt.nc : oo niiures, raa69'4C. i sptii. iou.Ji; : no niiures, Kia'4C. ats -without decided change; State. I? : western. 4;tfi.c ; No. 2 Jan., iVZBlGkc; Feb., 47ffli7ic; do Marco, 47c. iraw ; do GKOCEltlES. s. iu;kk. D. Onr Holiday Specialty, Comuieneiiii; TOMOKEOW (SATURDAY) DECEMVER I.lth. and until CHRISTMAS, wo will give to the purchaser orone pound of our liest 2.'.c. COEKEB a Iteautiiul PlatorTam hortne. beaiuitul in dcMlgn. rieli In color. And iUh a pound ot our -Jiie. 2ie. or 'J5c. COFFEE a Beantilul l'annel chroinn. (tlby'J mene) ot tn seiv-ans : "spring. Summer. Aiitnmuund Wiutei. Think of it. two Plats and four Chromos ot the Seasons, the six with &lx pouinls of Cortee. Come and Seo Them. You need not !e nSiiamed to give them a phico in your parlor, lleldi'x, give you the woith ol ynnr monoy in Coffee. Our Coffee cannot bo beat. ALWAYS FRESH HOASTED- JWRKMEMKER, wo also have tho largest assortment ot Holiday Utocerie lit tho city. D. S, BURSK, aut., No. 17 iA5T KING STREET. n-2-lyd OL.ir.S AX1 OUt.KMWAIlt,:. rjlOH S MARTIN. HOLIDAY GOODS AT- . CHINA HALL . i ii t itiun ot HOLIDAY G);:s, -IX Haviland's China, Fancy C o 'a, Cut and Engraved Glassware, DECORATED PORCELAIX TEA, DINNER and CHAMltKR .Sh'l, WHITE C.RANITE and I'ORCEi.MN an 1 DINNER SKT3 In :.ny n li ber t Pieces, IEA h'o!d at flie Lowest l'r.eis. -Eveiy iirlirlo win ranted. All goods not 9.ttli factory exciiaiiged nt High & Martin, .6 BAST KINO STREST LANCASTER. PA. toti !.ll.h. F .tOK KKNT, VKOM THK KItl iYfK Aldil nexl. Ihede.ir.ibli; ! :rniatiil dwelliu-;. Noi. I'.imMl nnl i (J i i -ireut. Apply to W. P. Itltl i'liX. (Ill-lwd N.3Sb(iiitli tj lieu -met. () NK ir.V ANU O.NK si-:t;Ni-iiANi PI VNO. Al-o, S i: V K R A I. O R Cf A N S . Clie-ip. :.t (111 -Jwdeod -V0 NORTH LIME STREET. I.MIIC Kl.IST. te llmiin and ton; room ol llurv CJnn l iker's estate. Not. lliaml III N ii Omen struct. Apply to M. R. H-..ti.,or A. C. RhlXUl.lt I,. (Hi-Stead Aiiotupys. Y ALVAia.r,. IIOTKI. IT.Iirt.KIY AT Private Sale. WNIiin-r to i ii" Irom biiiliic-. Ioir.'rinyllOTKLPROPKltrv.iitn- iteil in tin vill:i;(ot Mavtown.nt ptiv.iic-alf. This !) oim ot tlio best staml-i In Lancaster coimly, aiiddoe.atIinvliiKhii.iiie,-'.bi,iiistlic only hotel In tins town ntl.no inlmbltjints. Tli! hoiiht was latrlj reiialted. mid W now in llrt-cla-n condition, ciiiitaliiin !.! largo rooms, anil suited in every icspcet lor the hotel bu-iiH-.-'. There is a yool l ible on the ptopciiy l'liuo enoiiiili to at nuui'xluto 'Ji heado! block. Anybody ivi liber 'obuy sue i a pioperiv ill ilo well by e illm on inn bo fous puieliaibitf eUenheie. lACORHIESTAND. jlaytown, I.anea-.ti r Co., Pa. hi Itw< wvih "SM'.MiiAill.K J'lt ItlVAl'K Kl NVK.S If at Public Sule' The un !crv::iiid will sell at ptiv.itt piiv.ilu sale my the lollow my. i lopi'iti'-., j..ivin, it di-i I'd, one-halt ot tin-uninuiit lenialu iei tlio (iropei lies ior se.vci.i!e. ii- : tnry Unci: lioit-e, "i I'oplai-olieel.'lKooms iwl ' C " i .. .1 ivj k j; " iE. Pulton .St , .. .i ii i . .. -j -Jim:. Lciiioiisi ,:i " ii - ii it .. t. o,; . . n ' .'S !l " r.i i:..i-ii.i.s'-t .:i " " :;1 -11 Tin price ot t he above ranKing from $S;0 to :.7." Apply to A. W. R1JPSEL, .IU-'J!dio.: ' IEaH Kinjjfct. -lrALUAlllhl'lll I:MiKKTV Af rui- vu!e Sale TIi urI( r-Iiiet!, nent lor the trustees ot tin; Humane Hre Companj. oirersatpitvatp sale, all that Lot ot ('round and Ilnlldlii-r erected thereon (belu!? tho En Kliio llou-.uo! -.ifil(; impanj-.i-.-eciittverccted) situated on the uorth-iileoi Wes KIuk -tri et, westori li-a-Iottc -.tieet, in the city .r Lan-(a-ter. Iron tin;; on V. .-si Kiii lre( t.'.-' lot r.ll'l cxl:idiii' in deplli lo Hi-.mt stieet JI' fe-t, adl'dniii'T prnpeitiiH ot .1. SI. II-r::;: an I PhlRji WhI'. The i;iiil.iiii!rls'ilma!itlilr built; Is oi Jeel wl.lc bv ',( teet.il. ep ; ins it O'ld cellar infer J'ih eiillro biiililinu : Is two storie In height and lrn water.tinl other con veniences. ... . , , This RuIIdlii-r is u .mlrably ad-pted Tor iniiikct or tobacco warehouse, and t:. atten tlor. of buvr-s Is diiccica to this property, as it tt-'IlhesbMalabirfralii. .IACOR II. LONG, Real Estate Agent, 22 North Queen St. (IC.'J,! 1.1 IViA.i '.-".---".M Oi:1isans ;t;itT.-.i.i:ii- v.n.UABtll ity l'rori'rly.-(- i Tuesday, Ii eumljer CC 1 1 b-r ii tu."inl m piirse;it'feil mi u!i:LS oi'der"!! the Oip'i.n' Couit ol Litiicaitter ci.mity. v. ill t" ' ' '-' public '-''', at the Sorrel If or-e I! t. !, on Wist Max stieet, intheciivol I anei-t-r.all lint crtaiu two--torv Eiiek Duel in-; Ilou-e. with fvo-htor-Hrlck Hack llmldii K.i.id I. licit Iliitclier.Shop itluclied, one-t'Ti inline ren.int House, Krick M.iuiihtT H'iu- . I'-e llimx I'.rick Sta ble, blieddiu- an i other ou'bni: lins. unit half lot orKKoiii i i'i. 'tto tieliiiiaiii-r. .situate on the lioriliweal corner ! IVit Elnand (Jhariottu sti-iet. i-- the city ot l.:ineis:er, Pa. 'Hiotniii? prop-rty ot Jcor.'.e-ddiidluiui th wet, on tho north by lir.iuf .stieet.. on tin cast bv Charlotte btrect and on the .south by Wchs King btrcet. , , Sale to eoinsiieiieo at 7 o'clock p.m. orsaid day, when :ill ndaiicj will be Klvcn and terms made known bv C. (LIIEUIC, Executor of the atule or Win. t . Miller, tic- ilKNitY SiifKEirr. Anct. ilB-7ttlTnX8 IiUlUAl! S.ll.r; OK VAI.IJASII.K KEAI. K'rvrK.-()llMOXI)Ai hVKNINC, IE-CE.Mi:i-:it IS. -.11, Wlllbeol'!t I he Leopard hotel, the tollowwKiiesciibcd re:i! estate : No. I. All thatc.it tin TWiiMullV ItlilCIv DWELLING IIOU-I-. wlih a (eic story brick back bnildiiiK and lot or phce ot ground thciulo attached, sitn.ited oi; th.: noitlinldc ot Nnitli fctreet, between Duke and Itoeklanil strcotu. and nnmb-.rad :wj; lioiitlnu on fe-nd street 21 leet. and extending in depth to lo cust alley 207 lect.moi cor le-s. -.,... , No. 2. lint T O-rVroitY IHtlCv. DWKLI INli IIOUSK. with a one-story brick buck bulldlnu and Iotot Krouiid ;;1"')"';',t';.-' V"'1 adjoli.inK No. 1, above described, on the west with :i tionta-re ot IS feet and depth to Locust . . -ii,... rft7 rt o I Alitlutf .-itiiiii Iotot -.-round adjoin in' No :!. above deacrihed, on the west, with a ironing- f " Id-tanil 7 liicbes. -core or I-s. and a (tenth to l.oe'tst nllevot 'Sn feet, witii the rhjht to a thr. fc t v. fd.: alley, on ti.r " AHWal certain ONE-STOItY KUAMB DWKLLINO UOI'SE, minibeied 3I'i, and ad joining No. 1 t"4!fcsl, with a fiontii-jo ot : leet an I Tlr-llfs. fiOKjor lel, and a depth to Locust .ill-y ot 7,'-et. Nos. 1, -J and 5 lum fcaeh c ven rims. o. 1 h..s a hydrant on the prciiil.- -.and till the others have til' rllit to the use nr a pump. nIeloflllllne:lceat7 o'clotk on -alii eve nlna w lien the term? will h mad'' k".0" " 11. siiubcct. Anc-t. u-r,TaThstd4 illev ot 207 leet, moi cor ie-s. uuu y .-r.-;- ---a ll.rc" fet't Wf alley on Ili wr , -Vo :: Alt th.it wtsiln'lWO-blOi f i.AUb IlWELLINO HOUSE, with onestorv fnstmi ,11ckb..lIdl..f,'andIOtoff;r..un. , mTl on I he ...i r.lnin.'No. iabovo ilc-.ciibcd, it II". .. .. .. (( n"in iii west, Willi a Iionlaue o I'I Jeel, anl u depth t ?1 VI VM ,m m ' Y a n ' 1 n 31; If i