dm t "f Volume XIX -to 84. LANCASTER, PA., FEIDAY. DECEMBER &, 1882. Price Two Cent. V l!N . K liWKKS & IIIIKST. J BOWERS & HURST, Nos. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - LANCASTER, PA., Are now Opening au Elegant Line of New suitable and useful for CHRISTMAS GIFTS. Useful Christmas Gifts for Ladies, Useful Christmas Gifts for Gentlemen, Useful Christmas Gifts for Girls, Useful Christmas Gifts for Boys, Useful Christinas Grifbs for All. C2? Wo have so many new and prcttty tilings tbat wo will be pleased to show you all at PRICES that arc VERY LOW. BOWERS & HURST, Nos. 26-28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, PA. M VK1CM At KATHPON. MEKCHANT TAILOKIJSTG-. New effects in Imported Worsteds in Basket, Diagonal and Birdoye weave, in Blue, Greeu and Black. New effects in Silks Mixed English, Cheviots in all fashionable colors. Now effects in Scotch Cheviots, in all fashionable colors. New effects in Imported Overcoating, in London Beavers, English Meltons, Kerseys and the popular "Niggcrbca". ' MYERS & RA.THITOSr, PINE MERCHANT TAILORS, vj:r II AUEB & ISKOTIIKK. MESSRS. HAGER & BROTHER, Offer for the cold weather an unusually large variety of Clothing in Overcoats, Men's Business Dress Suits, Youths' and small Boys' Suits, which they guarantee to, be most satisfactory in style, quality and price. Also the usual full assortment of Overcoatings, Fine Cloths, Wortseds, Suit ings and Gassimeres to b9 made to your order. Every thing that can be desired in Woolen and Merino Under wear, Neck Fixings, Hosiery, Gloves, Silk Handkerchiefs, etc. HAdER & BROTHER, No. 25 West King Street, N EXT DUUKTO T1IK t'dUKT HOUSK. FAHNE Headquarters for Blankets. Our sale of BLANKETS thus far this season has been unprecedented in the history of our Store. We call particular attention to our BLANKETS at $1.00, 1.25, $1.75, $2.00, 2.50, $3.50 and $4.00. Special lot of SUPERIOR WHITE BLANKETS at $5.00, Worth $6.50. E5 Wo feel warranted in saying, it will pay those in search of BLANKETS, to look at our Large Stock before purchasing. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. l'LVMUINit AJfli TOUN L. AKNOLU. WHY NOT BUY A FINE GAS FIXTURE FOR YOUR PARLOR, DINING-ROOM OR HALL, FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT ? They aro the most brilliant and useful present you could make. I have them from $1.09 to $200.00 each. Wo have a few . . Sconces with Beveled Mirrors. Jardincres for Window Flowers. STANDING MIRRORS. Largest stock of Fine Globes, Ncwal Lights, Reading Lights. Call and see tho Fino Window Display. EXPENSES LOW. PRICES LOW. JOHN L. Nob. 11, 13 and 16 East Orange MEV1CA-L. G BAY'S SPJSCIFIO MBDIUfNK. THK Great English Remedy. An unfailing care lor Iinpotency, anil all Diseases that follow loss of Mnmorv. Universal .Lassi tude. Fain In the J tack. Dimness of. Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. Full par ticulars in our pamplet, which wo desire to end free by maif to every one. The Specific Medicine Is sold by all druggists at $1 per pack age, or six packages tor $5. or will be sent lrce by mail on the receipt ot the money, by ad dressing the agent, IL B. Cochran, 137 and 13U North Queen street. On account ot counter feits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper : tbeonly genuine. Guarantees oleure issued by us. For sale in Lancuster by H. II. Cochran, Druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. THE GRAY MKD1CINK CO., N. Tf . aprllvriw ri'iirc CMUCIT XU1T1NG CAUSIS OF OK- L dinary Nasal Catarrh is sudden exposuic to cold when the body is overheated, or ex posure to undue heat aitcr it has become chilled. Diseases ot the Eye, Ear and Throat also. Cancers, Tumors, Skin and Chronic Diseases successfully treated by DBS. IL D. and M. A. LONG AKEU, Office : 13 East Walnut street, Lancaster, Pa. Consultation tree. d7-3td&w VBY OVOVM, Jte. ttlVl.KK & CO. Have the Best Assortment of Ladies' and Children's Coats, Shawls, Skirts, Silk Mittens and Silk Hosiery, Etc. Useful Articles for Holiday Presents. No. 25 EAST KING STREET. CLOTUlNil. No. 12 East aoons. Lancaster, Pa. STOCK. LANCASTER, FA. GAS JUTTING. ARNOLD, Street, Lancaster, Fa. STOCKS. JNCKKASK YOUB CAPITAL. WHEAT STOCKS, SIO; $20, 850, 100. Those desiring to make money on small and medium investments in grain, provisions and stock speculations, can do so by operating on ourplan. From May 1, 18S1, to tho present date, on investments ot $10 to $1,000 cash prolitshave been realized and paid to Invest ors amounting to several times the original investment. Fronts paid first of every month, still leaving the original invest ment making money or payable on demand. Explanatory circulars and statements ot fund W bent free. Wo want responsible agents who will report on crops and introduce tho plan. Liberal commissions paid, FLEMMING & MERRIAM, Commission Merchant Major mock, Chi cago. 111. iu'J-lyd I FULL LINE OF KCCIIRK, l'OKKK X and other playing cards at liAUTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STOUK King Street, Lancaster, Pa. CLOTIllXU. c LOTU1MU. HOOMY, WARM, WITH LARGE PROTEC TION COLLAR, WOOLEN POCKETS AND MADE TO RUTTON CLOSE AROUND NECK, IS NOW IN SEASON. STORMS ARE SURE TO COM K, AND LUCKY THE INDI VIDUAL WHO IS FULLY PREPARED TO MEET Til KM WITH GOOD STOUT CLOTH ING. A. C. YATES & CO., Ledger Building, Chestnut & MaSts. PHILADELPHIA. (15-lnid Jl'KCl AL, NOTICE. Our Price List. Men's Heavy Wool MIxei Suits. . .$ 8.00 Men's HeavyBrown Twilled Suits, 10.00 Men's Heavy Steel Mixed Suits. . 10.00 Men's All-wool Casimerc Suits.. 12.00 Men's Brown & Blue Beaver Over coats 18.00 Men's Black Bearer Overcoats.. 14.00 Men's Flaid Back Beaver Over- 13.00 coats 1 3.00 Men's Fluid Back t'assimere Over coats 13.00 Men's Heavy Unlfned Overcoats. . 7.50 All of Our Own Manufacture, D. B. Hostetter & Son 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. PA. NOT1CK XO TKKSPASSKKS AND GUN NERS. All persons arc hereby forbidden to trespass on any of the lands ot the Corn wall or speedwell estates, in Lebanon and Lancaster counties 'whether inclosed or un nclosed, cither lor the purpose of shooting or fishing, as the law will be rlgidlv enforced against all tnspasslng on said lam is ot the undersigned alter this notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMA.V, R. PERCY AM) EN, EDWARD C. FREEMAN, Attorney tor K. W. Coleman's Heirs, olfi tfdW MISCELLANEOUS. 1UK CASK OF GEN FITZ JOHN FORrEK. An Important Letter from (Jen. Grant. Gen; Terry to Fort Snellino, Minn., ) Nov. 19. 18S2. 5 Dear General : Will yon permit me to express to you the very great gratifi cation with which I have read yoar article in the North American Review? Dealing, as it does, with only tho great csftntial points of Porter's case, and brushiug aside as unworthy of borious notice all patty sophistries, with which his oponents have sought to confuse the public mind, it seems to me to carry conviction to every fair un prejudiced man. Tho qucstioiib involved in Porter's case are, of course, part ly legal aud partly mil itary. Long ao tho best legal authority in the country such men as li. R. Curtis. Charles O'Couuer and Daniel Lord de clared that the rules of law were violated by the conviction of Porter, even as the case stood before the court martial ; aud now that the hihet military authority of the nation has pronounced in hip 'lavor upon the military questions, what is there left for tho government and tho popla to do except to hasten to make such repara tion as may yet bo possible for tho wrong which has been done? As perhaps you may know, I once like yourself, believed Porter to be guilty. I believed that he had committed a crime so great that mere human law could pro vide no adequate punishment for it. Hut when it became my duty to cxamfcio into the cute carefully, I found that I had gioasly ctred. I found that iustead of being a ciimiual he was a martyr. So believing, it is a souico of vpry great satisfaction to me that I have borne some small part in his vindication. Looking back over tho years which have elapsed since I entered the tnilitaiy ser vice, I iind nothing that gives me so much pleasuic as tho fact that I have had some part in that vindication, aud I can think of nothing in the future which would bo so grateful to me as to bo able to do some thing moro in behalf of one who has suf fered so grcviously aud unjustly. AVlnlo I feel thus, you may imagine the gratifica tion with v. hich I iiud that the opinion which I now entertain, aud what I believe to bo the cause of truth, of right, aud of justice, is so strongly supported by your- sell ; aud you will pardon me, J. ain sure, for expressing to you my feelings. Very sincerely aud respectfully, Altoed H. Tkrry. Geu U. S. Grant, New York. General UrantTIiaufcrd by Hootcn Vttarans Boston, Dec. (5. The following letter has beeu bent to Gen. Grant : " Genera! : The undersigned, onoo soldici sunder your command, desire to express their boatty and grateful thanks for your recent paper in vindication of General Fitz John Por ter. They feci that no act, whether of valor or of policy, which has marked your great caiccr should bring you moro honor than the moral courago and the spirit of fairness aud justico exhibited in this defense of a gallant Union soldier, condemned on insufficient or mistaken evidence." The letter is signed by Theo. Lyman, Samuel M. Quiucy, Charles F. Adams, jr.. Henry F. Kusscll, Stephen M. Webb, Francis A. Walker, If. L. If iggiu son, Chas. P. lloiton. Samuel A. Green, .T. Henry Sleeper, It. S. Milton and A. P. Martin . AX A.-WIKV SI'JKIT AIKDIUK. Air. Cumberland, tho JWjnd-Krndfr, Mhiso.i n Call on Mr. ;!n:iMield. New Voik H'oilil. Spiritualists, mediums and clairvoyants arc frequent visitors at tho Evcictt house to sf c and test Mr. Cumberland, the mind reader and exposer of spiritualism. Dur ing tuo torenoon oi v euuesuay two. or thrco mediums visited the hotel, hut Mr. Cumberland complained of a headache and would not sco them. In the afternoon a reporter of tho World called and invited Mr. Cumberland to eo with him to the residence of Mr. J. V. Manslield, tho spirit medium at No. 100 West Fifty-sixth street. Mr. Cumberland assented. They did not announce their names at the door. When they were admitted Mr. Cumber land began a conversation with Mr. Mans field on sph it-mediums and mind readers in general. Mr. Mansfield offered to give a seance of an hour's duration for -K. Mr. Cumberland offered to give the medium $o if any successful lcsults were attained and 2.50 in case the spirits were busy and could not appeal-. Mr. Matufield was very angry at his price being questioned and said that ho did not think Mr. Cumberland was in tho place for any good purpose. He then glanced at his visitor's brown vel vet jacket and, noting his decided English appearance, must havo concluded that he was addressing Mr. Cumberland, for Lo immediately broke out : " No, sir : I would not have you for any amount ot money. You are hero for a devilish pur pose. You aro here with some bad, wicked purpose. I know you, Mr. Cum berland, and mark me, you will bo strip ped of all your disguise before you leave New York. Now, sir, put that in your pipe and smoko it." " I havo no pipe, Mr. Mansfield," said tho Englishman, " but I can offer you a cigarette." " Sir," continued tho medium, " I wish to have nothing to do with you. You are here, as I said before, on a devilish pur pose, and I wish you good day " ' Good day, sir, good day. I hope when next we meet your anger will havo cooled down," said Mr. Cumberland, taking his English Derby from the table and, with a low bow, leaving tho room. Mr. A. II. Phillips, another, cxpeit spirit medium and mind-reader, was then called upon. Ho did not recognize Mr. Cumberland. The first experiment was a very interesting one. Mr. Philips gave a paper to a gentleman and told him to write down the namo of ono friend among six fictitious namss. Tho names we:e written down while Mr. Cumberland and Mr. Phillips were out of the room, and the paper was not examined by them on their return. There was no touching of hands, or any physical connection made. Mr. Phillips picked out tho namo and Mr. Cumberland failed. Mr. Phillips then de fled Mr. Cumberland to pick out any ono name on tho paper. The Englishman said that the name was known by facial ex pression of the subject, and also by guess work, as generally very common names aro used. Four more Faustulns, Hector, Andromache and Vesta were then se lected by tho subject, and Mr. Phillips and Mr. Cumberland both failed to pick out tho name Faustulus. Mr. Cumberland then took the subject by the hand, there by making a physical connection, andgavo the name. The differenco between Mr. Cumber land's theory and Mr. Phillips' is very evident. Tho former gentleman holds tbat ia order to read tho mind a physical connection is necessary. Mr. Phillips goes further, saving that ideas travel from oue brain whsre they are deeply meditated upon to another. Mr. Cumberland will lecture in Chickering hall on mind reading and spiritualism on Saturday night. A Title. "The AtUenwum. Some five or six years ago Mr. Charles Dickens, for whom, with my late partner, I wrote a Christmas story, after the title had been advertised everywhere I believe even "after tho thing had appeared re ceived a letter from some one informing him that he bad once written a story with the same title. He further intimated that unless substantial damages were at once paid ho would do dreadful things. Mr. Dickens, after ascertaining that tho story spoken of was long ago dead and buried, wisely intimated that ho might go and do his worst. And nothing came of it. Another story. A certain firm of publishers with whom I am acquintcd once received a letter warn ing thefn that a work of theirs, then in the press and already well advertised, bore the tital of a novel onco written by himself. The writer went on to add that he contemplated issuing his book in a cheap form, so that unless same threat as above. Ho gave as his address a public huusc near Druiy Lane. It was pretty evident from tho tono of the letter what kind of a man he was aud what he wanted. He had, ia fact, published a novel under tho titlo named, which fell Hat, and was long since dead, as dead as can ba desired for any book, s-o that tho uso of the titlo would injure him in ro possible way. However, the.-o pub lishers desiring to injure no man, invited him to au interview. He came, bringing with him a printer, who was good enough to testify that ho had commenced nego tiations for tho reprint of the novel in question. While the partners w re think ing how much they could offer the in tn of unappreciated genius in order to pro serve their own title ho happily brought tho matter to an issuo by offering to I'Mtiin. t',a ;,-.ii" f.... .. :,-.n, ir.,-. ti.: ho was ejected with his printer, and has never since claimed any damages. In fact I do not believe that whero it can be proved that no one is injured any damages could bo obtained. But, to prevent dis putes, let us register our titles. Again, a titlo ought not to be registered unless it belonga to a book ; no oue ought to havo copyright in so unsubstantial a thing as a mere title. Yet I havo heard a story which, if true, shows that there is or was such a copyright. It is related of the late Mr. Haiti Eriswell. He onco met a pub lisher who confided to him that he was about to bring out a now religious weekly but wanted a title. "Why not," said Mr. Friswell, "call it ?" Tho publisher grasped his hand warmly and left him in haste. Thereupon Mr. Fiiswcll, repent ing that ho had so carelessly patted with a good title, called a cab and hastened to register it at Stationer's hall. While tho ink was still wet, a cleik arrived from tho publisher on exactly the same errand. If registration of a titlo 10 years ago secured its copyright, docs it not secure that copy right still '? And if there has been no registration, is tha title the property of tho author or the publisher? I havo only to add that I am again a victim, and am in formed tbat the title I had chosen for a new novel belongs to a littlo book writ ten for children and published fivo years ago. No man kanivi what :i ministering anjrel his wife is until his cemp-j home one day, sulieriiiEf witliudrciilfiil Cold and she happens to havo a boitlu ot Dr. Jiiili'd Cough Syiup in the I10US3. f "Men condemn In others what they practice tlicinst'Ivcn." TIioms who practice the nij ot Kidney-Wort never condemn its use by nthci.-. but commend It to all alleotod with piici, dyspepsia, constipation and all other diseases lcsuilin liom a disordered state of l.-tdney, liver or bowels. -ea-Pktnioii'l Dye arc so perfect and so h'uutilul that it U a pleasure to use them. Equally good lor dark or light colors. 10c!s. fcxnLon'3 cubk will immediately relievo Croup, Whooping Cough and ItroiicUltis, For sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Quocn street. It your sight is tailing you, there is no one article that will so truiv give, you 'an Ee for an Eye" as the Celluloid Eye-Ulases. For sale by all leading Jewelers and Opticians. c l-lwoeod&w Win. lluchanan. Wrightsvillti. Fa., wiys : ' 1 have used Ilrown's Iron Hitters for dyspersia and indisc-tion and can recommend it." For sale by II. li. Cochran, druggist, 137 and I'D North Queen street. Mr. J. Marsh Hank, of Toronto, Ont., writes: "ISIIIiousncHS and dyspepsia seem to have Brown up with me ; having been asutTercr for years. I have tried many remedies, but with no lasting result until 1 used your IStirdock Blood bitters. They have been truly a bles diiifr to me, and I cannotspcak too highly ot them." i'rico $1. For sale by II. 15. Cochran, druggist, 1.17 and 133 North Queen street. The IJkv. Geo. it. Thateh, ot i;our;on, ind., sajv : ".Both myselfaiul wile owe our lives to SiiiLoii'a Consumption Crnx. For s-ile by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and i:J Noith Queen street. Love Your Noielibur. When your friend or neighbor is laboring under bodily alUIetion, indigestion, bilious ness constipation, caused by impurity of blood, or diiou'ers ot the kidneys or liver, don't tail to recommend Kurdocic Wood Hit ter, a sure ami sate remedv. I'rice $ 2. For sale by II. li. Cochran, 1J7 and 13'J North Queen slieet. Shiloh's CATARRn KKMKDY a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Mouth. For Bale by II. II. Cochran, diugglit, 137 and 139 North Uuceu street. Walnut l.eaf Hair Kestorer. It Is entirely dlflcrent from all others. 1 1 is as clear as water, and, as its namo indicate, is a pertect Vegetable Hair Kestorer. it will immediately free tho head from all dandruff, restore gray hair to its natural color and pro duce a new growth where it has fallen otr. It docs not in any manner effect tho health, which Sulphur, Sugar of Iieid and Nitrate ot silver preparations have done. It will change light or faded hair in a few days to a beautiful glossy brown. Ask your druggist for it. Each oltio is warranted. SMITH, KLINE ft CO., Wholesale Agents. Philadelphia, and HALL 4 KUCKEL, New York. lunG-lyd.eodftw VOAJ. B. K. MAKT1R,' , Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds oi LUMItEK AND COAL. 4V f ard: No. 420 North Water and l'rince trtmts tcL-cve Lemon Lancaster. n3-lyd COAL AND MANURE. JJcst.'gradc of family COAL, well-cleaned, weight guaranteed. Manure by the car-load at Lowest Trices. Also, Limestone Screenings for drives and walk?. Cement at reduced prices. Hav and Straw by the ton or bale. Yard : Harrisbure pike. General Office: 2u East Chestnut Street, KAUFFMAN, KELLER 4 CO. apr4-lwd ptAL. M. V. B. COHO, 33 SOUTB WATER BT Lantattir, Va., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange, .,JraL2nd offl: No. 330 NORTH WATER STIIE-ET. teh28.lTd t-lQVOJiH, SV. HUCSKAl, Ss CO'S MEW LIQUOR STORE, Ko. 43 North Queen street, Lancaster, F. The very best and finest qualities of Foreign and Domestic WINES and LIQUOUS, con stantly lor salo at wholesale and retail. Straight Old Eye Whisky of the distillation oflb7o. Pure unadulterated Custom House Lrandy, warranted ot tho vintage oi 1800 ,CPJ especially for medicinal purposes. Pure Old Holland Gin, ami other Whiskies, Bran dies and W ines lo suit tho trade. Icb3-lyd HOUSEAL ft CO. MEDICAL. OKOWN'S IKON M1TTKKS. FAILIM! That is what a great many peoplo are- doing. " They don't know just what is tho matter, but they have a combination of pains and aches, and ach month they grow worso. Tho only sure remedy yet found is Hrown's Iron Bitters, and this by rapid and thorough assimilation with the blood purifies and enriches it, and rich, strong blood flowing to every part of tho system repairs tho wasted tissue', drives out diso.isi :m 1 gives health and strength. This is why Brown's Iron Bi't.r, . was cure ltidney and liver disca o . consumption, rheumatism, ncuralgi.i. dyspepsia, malaria, intermittent fevers, &c. 205 i. I'acaSt. Maltiinorc. NOV.2S.1S31. I was a great sufferer Iroin r)ygpcpsl.i,aurt lor several weeks could cat nothing and was grow ing weaker every day. I tried Brown's Iron B;tlers, aud am hippy lo bay 1 now have a good appetite, and ain getting strong er. ,To3. McCawlky. Brown's Ikon Bitters is not a drink and does not contain whisky. It is tho only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious effects. Get tho genuine. Don't be imposed on with imitations. For s.ile wholesale and retail by II. B. COCH RAN, Dru-rgist," 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster ds lwdftw IT KIDNICY-WOUT ISA Sure Cnre for All Diseases OF THE KIDNEYS AND LIVER. It has sp'oclilc action on this most Import- autorgan, enabling it to throw ott turpi iddlty ami inaction, aumujaling tli8 hcaltny secre tion of the Bile, and by keeping tho bowels in Tree condition, dlcctlng its regular discharge. TVTo 1 a ti o yH nre suflering troni ma JJOcUOii Idi. laria, havo tho chills, aro bil lons dyspeptic or constipated, Kidney-V.'ort will surely relieve and quickly cure. . In the Spring to cleanse thu System, over? one "hould take a thorough course ot it. Sold by Druggists. race, SI. EIDN-EY-WORT. Fep27 lydftwMWAF 41 TSMS." u ISMS." THE WORST "ISM" TO-DAY IS RHEUMATISM. RHEUMATISM IN THE BACK CURED BY PERRY DAVIS'S PAHT KILLER. RHEUMATISM IN THE KNEES CCHED nY PERRY DAVIS'S PAINKILLER. RHEUMATISM IN THE MUSCLES CURED BY PERRY DAVIS'S PAJN KTLLER. RHEUMATISM OF LONGSTANDING CURED BY PERRY DAVS PAJN KTLLER. RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS, !ny of ANY DItUGCIsT Perry Davis's Pain Killer. dccl-lmd&w ST.EIUUB, SC. OLEIC us: SLEIGHS! SLEIGHS! EDGERLEY & CO., MARKET STREET, Rear of Central Market Houses, LANCASTER, FKNN'A ' We have a Large and Splendid Assort ment of 1'orlland, Albany and Double Sleighs. They arc the best selected woodwork and tho finest painted and ornamented Sleighs ever offered tor sale in this city. Our Motto : "Quick sales and small prrhls.' It costs nothing to call and examine work. 3"We also have on hand a lull line of Fino Carriage work, in which we ilery competition. All Work Warranted. Repairing of all kinds promptly attended to. n2-t!dAw VAKVE1H. piAKFETS. Carpet Manufactory. Having undertaken to manufacture RAG and CHAIN CAKl'KTS, wholesale, 2,000 yards per week, I ana now prepared to seU iny entire stock ot Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian Carpets, AX GREAT TtARGAINS AND 'AT HELOW COST, to make room and give my entire attention to wholesale trade of my own manufactured goods. Please call early. H.S. SHIRK, CARPET HAH, Oor. West King and Water StF. OUT BOOD8. Wanamaker's. Silk novelties innumerable and indescribable. Evervtliino- that ladies or dressmakers have occasion for in matching deco rating, combining. What we are remarkable for, more than for anything else in silks, is va riety ; or, at least, Ave are re puted so. You hear it said by everybody: "If you want to match anything, or find a rare silk, even an unexpectable one, go to Wanamaker's." The other peculiarity that everybody expects to find here is less pleasant to sneak of: lower prices. We put it second. ! because there are people who don't credit us with Inwpr prices. Still, Ave imagine that if one should assert the con trary, almost everybody in Phil- adclphia would believe' it. Oftener Ave speak of other aspects of our trade : aspects less obvious or less recognized. It is well occasionally to giA-e old news. Next-outer circle, south entrance lo main building. Warm skirts for ladies, and leggings for ladies, girls and lit tle girls. The Avarm skirts are satin, satin-and-clodi, satin-and-felt, satin-and-Italian -cloth, ancT Italian, all quilted; cloth, flannel and felt prettily trimmed, not quilted, AA'arm enough Avilhout. The leggings are all sorts ; one A'ery useful and fairly pretty sort, Avoven, at two-thirds A-alue, 25 to 65 cents. West or south entrance to main building. Furs have to be thought of. We're busy enough as to mak ing. If Ave advertise at Tail, Ave ought to say Avhat .will not op press us AA'ith too much making. Perhaps this it is. A great many seal coats and fur-lined circu lars are ready-made. More sizes are ready-made here than anybody expects; especially the unexpected sizes. Ready-made Avork aa'c can make in July. Why shouldn't aa'C make all the shapes and sizes ready-made? i:;o; Chestnut. Black satin rhademaes and satin de Lyons, 25 to 35 cents beloAV our own recent prices, of all grades from $1 to 2 ; and Ave guess our prices haven't been very high ; have they? Noxt-outcr circlo, sonlh entrance to main building. Wool serec embroidered Avidi sitk dots that ought to sell for $1.50 no that isn't the Avay to put it; it ought to sell according to our theory, for just as little Nas avc can afiord ; and that is 75 cents. Look out for such noAv. It's time for over-buying and all sorts of mistakes to shoAv them selves. We try to keep ready to turn other folk's mistakes to account for ourselves and for you. Third circle, sout hwwt Irom centre. JOHN WANAMAKER. Chestnut. Thirteenth and Market streets and Cily-lmll square, I'iiiladclphla. MUSICAL INSTKVMENTS.. M usic Boxes. C. GAUTSOHI & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Music Boxes, STE. CROIX ud GENEVE, SWITZERLAND. Salesrooms, 1018 Chestnut St., PHILADELPHIA, FA. We offer during tho holidays a large Importation or the finest Quality High Glass Musical Boxes, at our Swiss factory price, with only advance of freight and import duty. Circular and Price List on application. An early call Trill give time lor good. "-cicc-"on iiivtia A FULl. LINK or LOKILLAKU'S ring Tobacco, and other flrskclass brands at HARTMAN'S YF.LLOW FRONT .CIOAIt STORK.? 21 id rta