LANCASTER DAJXY PrTEL)4jS;CElt 3IplY9YEM?? f && t L i NOVEMBER SESSIONS. T1112 WMKKL-) OF JUSTICE TORN. The KttgulHt- Ttriu of Criminal Court Opened Pointed Talk tu tliu Grand Inquest. Monday morning the ri'unlar November term or quarter sessious uaan with Judge Livingston on the bench. II. B. Gish, of West Donegal township, was chosen foieman of the grand jury, after which they were sworn. Judge Livingston then delivered his charge. He first informed the grand in quest in regard to their various duties in tiie jury room, and told them that it was their duty, after passing on all bill?, to visit the county institutions. At the prison they will find the building is muck crowded. The number of prisonera Ts so largo that it is impossible to keep them as the law directs. This bring up tlio old question whether a law should not be pa"sad allow ing the court to socd long term prisoners to the Eastern pauitentiay ; the prifcou here is run like au old county jail One prisoner was bent to the penitentiary a few years ago, and besides keeping himself be has earned a consideiablubum over, which has been sent to tbo authorities here. This will ba a matter for the rand in quest to iuquiro iuto. "Tuo officers at the prison complain in regard to tho heating apparatus, as it is claimed that prisoners are enabled by means of tho pipes to tele graph to each other. Prisoners who work in the cellar also iceive articles from those in the cells through the pipes. Tho grand inquest will inquire in repaid to this matter, a ml also whether there is a sufficient water supply, good drainage ai:d whether the cells are in good condition. They shall make inquiry as to whether a change should not be malo in the law in regard to the election ol keeper and other officers and also whether the keeper of the prison -and subordinates work in har mony. In regaid to tho purchase of sup. plies they will inquire in regaid to pricis paid. At tlio almshouse the grand ,juiy will make a thorough examination ami see if there is proper heating, ventilation and drainage and it sufficient vrater capacity in case of fire. The oourt thought that the barn should be rebuilt, a? the property would sell better if there was a barn on the land. This was a matter for the jury to inquiio into and also whether it would bo bencOcial, at this time, to sell any of this land. They shall iuquire whether tho last barn which was burned was injured, and whether there is an in .suruueo on tlio other buildings at present. At the Children's Homo the grand inquest will pay particular attention to its capac ity, management, cleanliness, &c., as the court will soon be called up to maku tho annual appropriation. The constables were called aud the usual quest ions were asked, after which tho trial of cases was begun. The Itape Vane. The first case attached was that of Frank Kilchrist of this city who is charged with rape upon Lizzie McClarrcn. The whole remainder of the foienoou was taken up with the selection of a jury which was secured at 12 o'clock. The First Report. The first report of tho grand jury vcs ah i follows : True Bills. Clara Smith, larceny aud Frank McGrath, larceny as bailee. Ignored. CharleR Shny. Mew Modeot Drawing Jurura. The names of the petit juries aio now drawn from an open glass box, which is placed upon the tablo immediately in front of the jury. This is dono in order that there can be no doubt as to the fairness of tho drawing. . , , , rt 1 , , . There was a pleasant gathcrin- ol youug folks at tho residence of Mr. George j Diller, at Lcamaa Place, on Saturda" 1 evening, tho occasion beiux the tenth i anniversary ot tho birth ot his littlo daughter Hattio. The event was duly celebrated by a birthday party at which some flfty of the young friends ol the littlo girl accompauicd by tuotr parents aud older members of their families,asembled. A splendid supper was served and Miss 'Ilattie was mado the recipient of many beautiful presents in token of the love and affection in which she is hold by her com panions. Duriug the evening there was mu sic by Misses Ida and Hallio Diller aud Jac. lluttcr, games were indulged in aud tbo evening was most en joy ably spent. Messrs, J. M. Eaby aud D. W. Edwards friends of miuo host Diller came in duiing tho festivities aud contributed greatly to tho pleasure of the occasion. Maud S's. itlva.1. At a driving park in New Yoik the brown tnaio Monctta, boohed doublo to a road wagou with the running horse Long man, trotted two miles in the extraordi nary time of 4:27j : the first miln in 2:14$ and the second in 2:12. The niaro did not wear breeching, aud therefore, out side of his takiug the major part of the TCJght she leceived no ahsistauce from Lougman. Tho track was a tritlo dull and slippery. The two miles aio fho fastest ever trotled. The iitst quarter of tho second mile was trotted in 34J eecouds,thc second in S3 J- second-!, the third in 5S3 .seconds, and the luurth In S3 seconds. Tue last half miln was dono in 1:042- The pace increased as tho distance lengthened. Monctta is ten years old. Upset. This aftouoon about 3 o'clock as the baggage of O. D. Byron's show, Across the Continent," was being unloaded in 1 ear of the opera house, the baggage was upset and au immense load of trunks and boxes were scattcicrl promiscuously upon the sidewalk. Collision at fllanlieim. About 1 o'clock this afternoon there was a collision 011 tho Heading; railroad near Manheim, by which several cars wore broken! and trains were dctaiued for about an hour. No one was injured by the accident. Sale or Beat Estate . S. M. Uiemsderfer sold to-day at private salo to John P. Wolf, tho Captain Law rence hotel in Petersburg for $4,000. Among the Flowers. The increase ot the florist business iu Lan caster has been token advantage oi by Mr. Wm. C. Pyfer, son ot the late Col. F. S. Pyicr, who this summer erected an extensive green house In tho rear ot his homo at 32$ West King street. Tho builiilng is 74x12 feet in di mensions, and hai every facility to sccaio a successful propagition of plants and flowers. A tour ot tbo .building, which is divided into two departments, shows ovpij thingtobein lirst-closs order. In tho cellar below the solo and ttfrage house is a large furnace, from which tho heat, necessary to keep the temperature nt toi the growth ot (lowers, U conducted through tcrra-ccttn pipes extending around the whole of the house. Although it i but a couple ot months since the building was finished, tlicie area profusion ot ordinary Bowers, while many tar flowers arc been growing and blooming. Mr. Pyfer has now about fifty dPcrcntklmlsof roses and is still adding more. He has also charge of another green houso iu tbo western part of tho town, and his comprehension and possession of the requirements of a successful tlorist should secure to him a liberal public patronage. Amusements. "Across the Continent" To-Xitfu. Oliver Doud Byron In bis drama of " Across the Cnn tinct" will bo at Fulton opera hnuae this evening. It will be a great n ight lor the boys, with plenty of thrilling episodes and (sensa tional incidents, which has it a very popular and successful periormancc In that particular line ot drama, " Sam"l of roscn." The Ilcbrow drummer wills lits oddities aud cheerful humor will Lc at Fulton opera bouse to-morrow night. Mr. Curtis has scored a pronounced success in this character, ana it Is conceded!? one of tne best ofreceit light comedy creations. He delin eates the humor ot the Hebrew character in a manner that is at once very amusing and de void of offense, whilst tho varied phases o a commercial drummer's life are depictea with a naturalness and fidelity thatareborn ot ready conception and native Renin. We cinflesure a pleasantevening's entertainment toall.who go to see ' Earn! of Pown." arnviAL NOTICES. " Indian Department, Wathinolon, D. C. 1 am anxious to introduce Dr. .Bull's Cough Syrup aa ong my Indians, having used it my. self lor .several months. aud think it one ot ihc finest remedies I ever lound. I assure you, it Is tbi only thing that ever relieved me ot a piotraoted cough, brought on by expo, euro while on the Sioux Commission lost year. A. G. BOOMS, Agent for Poncas and IT. S. Commissioner. Mk A. X. Prank, 177 West Tunncr street. Uitirnlo. N. l ., says she has used Thomas' t'c lectric Oil for severe toothache and neuralgia, ami considers it tne best thing she knows of for rr-HevIngiMln. For eateby H. B. Coehrun, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. "- - i I MM I Don't Die in the House. "Hough on Bats." Clears out rats, mice, roaches, bed-bugs, flies, ants, moles, chip munks, gophers, 16c. t'on lame Back, Side or Chest, use Shiloh't Porous Plaster.- Price 25 cents. For sale as XL B. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 133 North Queen Street. Lancaster. Pa. rovMwdeow&w Co to II. 11. Cochran drug store tor Mr, freeman's yew Rational Dyes. For bright ncs9 ami t.iirabllity ot color, are unequnTcd. Coicrtiom 2 too pounds. Directions in Eng lish and German. Price. 15 cents. w ill yon suiter with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? ..nuns 1'oiizul is guaranteed to cure you. For sale by H and 1 0 Noith Queen street. B. Cochran, 137 niyl-lwdeowAw Would you be free lrom Catarrh. May Fever una Cold in tho Head ? Try Ely's Cream Balm. It 's curing hundreds ol chronic case?. Price, 50 cents. Apply luto nostrils with little finger. I liavci been troubled with Catarrh forflftee1 ycais. Ely's Cream Balm has opened my nos trils and reduced tho intlunmmtion. My even are Improving, eo that 1 can stand etrongllgUI, which I nave not been ablo to do for years Natimkiel Fbolet, with K. F. Montz," mcr chant, Wilkcsbarro, Pa. My dHughtrr and mveclt, great suflerers lrom Ca'arrh, have been cured by Ely's Cream Balm. My sense of smell restored and health greatly Improved. C. 21. Sjtaxlet, dealer in boot? and shoes, Ithaca, N. Y. ii202dM,W,ftK In levers, malaria, biliousness. Heartburn, etc., nothing is so beneficial as Brown's Iron Bitters. For sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Qucou street. nSO-lwd&w thrown -8 Household Panacea In tlio most elloctivo Pain Destroyer in the world. Will mo-it surely quicken the blood, whether taken Internally or applied o.vtcmully,und thereby more certainly relluv paln, whether chronic or acute, than any other pain nlloviator, and It 13 warranted double the strength o! unv idnillar lirenarntlon. It, i-nir nam in ihu Side. Back or Bowels, Born Throat, j H1lAlltilli(fa.n n .. i4 .wr . . ... ... ... . nt... uuvtuuuwiui auu &i AKaua, Ul in x uiu 1 UltfcAX UtJL.lKVEIi OF PAIN. "BROWK'e HoLSLiior.i) Pasacba" should bo in every iamlly. A tcaspoouful of the Panacea in a tumbler ot !;ot water sweetened if preferred., l tUcti nl licit time will BES.UC UP A COLO. 23 c-ts !. iobll-lviIM.W&SAw Hale's Honey or Horchouud and Tar lor coughs und colds hai reached the pinnate o fame. Pike's Toothache Drops enre in one minute n20-lwdcod&w I Mother.-!: 7Iol tint-H ! ! JUothprsIl I Ai" yun disturbed at night and broken ol I youi K-bt by a sick child suffering and crying j with excruciating pain of cutting teeth 1 If to, go at onco and gel a bottle of MBS. WIN I &LoUs SOOTHING SYBUP It will relievo the poor littlo suflercr immediately depend upon it: there is no mistake about it. Thoio " mother on earth wno has over used it. wi, will not tell you at once that it will regn- j.t- ho bowels, and give test to tho mother and relief and health to tho child, operating '!' niaIc. It is perfectly sate to use in all ! cihi s, and ploasant to the taste, and is tho preset iptiou ot ono ot tho oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere. 13 cents a bottle. m?-ly-M.W&S&w WIiHt It Dili for an Old Lady. Coshoctoh Station, N. Y., Dec. 23, 1875. Gusts A number of people had been using your Bitters here, and with marked effect. In one cae, a lady of over seventy years, bail been sick lor yeaiy, and for the pu3t ten years has not been able to be around halt tho lime. About mx months ago she got so feeble she waw h elplr s. Her old reaicdies.or physicians, being of no avail, I sent to Deposit, forty-five uiilt-s, and got u bottle of Hop Hitters. It im proved ner so she was able to dross herself and walk about tho house. When sho had taken the second bottlo sho was nblo to tako care other own room aud walkabout to her neighbor's, and has improved all tho llino My wile and children also h.ivcde 1 Ivod great benefit from their use. W. B. HATHAWAj, ul7-2wd&w Agt. U. S. Ex. Co. Ten nutritive properties of Col.len's Lie btg's Liquid Bccfantl Tonic Invigorator suh tain the body without solid food. Co'tfu'; no other. n20 lwdcod&w There is no worse cuthruUmcnltor torment i 1 man than tho exactions of a morbid nerv ous condition. The ovcr-taxed brain then gets no lrom tranquil sleep and needs the paeiljing InQuonco of Or. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills. n20-lwd&w a ;ocgii, uma or eore "asroat; snoulu 00 ctop;.(fi. Nogiect xrc'iueuiiy results In an In cutabhi Lung Disease or Consumption. Brown's :iaeUlal Troches do not disorder tne stomaeii like coijh syrups and balsams, but net directly on the inflamed parts, allaying Ircitaton, nivc roller in Asthma. Bronchial Cougl's. Catarrh, and the Throat Troubles which Singers and TubUc Speakers are subject to. Por thirty yeara Brown's Bronchial TriK lu's have been recomuiendoil by phyai tia:is. and always give peifoet satisfaction. II.'ivi!-ji been tested by wiile'aud constant use fv'i tiotrlj- an entire generation, they have at tained wJ .neritcd rank among the lew staple Mr.ed'iM of tho age. Sold at .". cents a box " ir.v-lvdTTnPlvw Parity 'the Blood. " SWATNK'S riLlS." " KWAYKK'S TILLS." " BWAVKE'S VILL3." ACTS AS A HEART CORItECTOK and by cleansing, regulating and strengthen ing the organs ot digestion, secretion and ab sorption, cure Apoplexy, Fits, Paralysis, Ner vousness. Dizziness, Debility, Billiousnoss, Bad ISreatb, Jaundice, Llvcrund Kidney Com plaint, Lack ot Appetite, Low Spirits, Indi gestion or Dyspepsia, Headache. Constipation, Fevers. Malaria anil Contagion, Fever an Ague, Diarrhma, Dropsy, Colds. Ithouuiatlsm, Neuralgia, Gout, Female Weakness, Urinary Disorders, and all Irregularities orthcSplcon, .Stompch, Bladder and Bowels. ItESTOBINO TO HEALTH when all other remedies fail. They keep tho system in a healthy condition by arousing the torpid liver to healthy action, und expelling by the bowels and kidneys the mutter that jKiisons tho foundations ot life. Be particular to obtain " Swaync's FUls." Price 25 cents a box oi SO pills, or 5 uofTes 11. Prepared only by Dn.SwAYXK& Son, Pliila dclphta,Pa. Ar-k your druggist tor them. Sent by mull to any address. oct-cod&wM,WtF Ileiiry'H Carbolic Salve. The best Salve in tho world for culs,brui$cs frurcs, u'.ccr-, salt rheum, tetter, chapped li.uid", chilblains, corns and all kinds ot skin eruptions, trcckles and pimples. Tho salve is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction in cv.cxy ca&e or money refunded. Be euro you gctllKKRY's Cakboliu Salvb, as all others are but imitations and counterfeits. Prico 25 cents. Sold in Lancaster at Cochran's Drug store. 137 North Queen street. my29-4 xmr AvrjsuTiHisauiifxa. TicnLic .sAt.fc. -OH FK1DAX KVISNINU. I, 1882, at tho Franklin X !).-( '.CISMRKB. XlA W6lJauics street. All the modern convo- vfonc:. L' 'J- r JL. . T ot-jixiasieet. JOHNH. METZLEn. It Heal !i4e and lui. A veul, JTJTW JUtrMMTIBMMKHTB. 11W HMAIL fUKD-UUE 1UT&HA Cigars tor 5 cents at HARTMAN'S BELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. WANTKU.-A XOUNG Old. WAAT3 A situation to do general housework. Ap ply at this offlce. it WANTED. A BUI 15 OR 10TKAKS Or age, to learn the Drug business. Apply at the ltd INTELLIGENCE! OFFICE. O UUKtt KBUCT LCSUH l5 This (MONDAY) Evening at Lotz's loon. Nos, 39 and 41 North Oueen street. It V. LOTZ, Jror. FULL, LINK OF KCCHBE, rOKCR ing cards at . and other nlavi HARTMAN'S YEL LOW FRONT CIGAR STOKE NOT1CK. The persons that destroyed two colonies of my bees on Saturday night, at No 416 High street, are know, and it attempted again will be prosecuted to thelull extent or the law. It JACOB BARNHAUT. WANTED. ENKKUK.T1C AGBNTS FOlt one ot the best and most desirable Ac cidental Insurance Companies. Address, A. S. i'OTTEB, General Agent. ul6-2tdR Beading, Pa. TUoT RECEIVED A VAK LllAD OF MUD- J wcise Beer, which will be delivered in bottles by the dozen to all parts of the city ami county by the undersigned. GKOKGE WALL. Corner South Queen and JMlddIc streets. nlS2td ilONNKUl'ICDT VIUARS. llrOK 25 CTS j (made from old stock Connecticut to bacco) at HABTMAN'S YELLOW FKONT CIGAR STOKE. tUASTBU-BV A MJ1JUI.K AUKI) MAN, V T a situation in a grocery store, llavo hail three yeais experience. Good education, can write a fair hand and give good reforeuce. Have a desire to re-enter the business as a partner. Address, novl3,16,lB,!!0 ' A. S," INTJ5LLIGKNCEH. YKKT VBVT PKKSOM9. C)MIAKAT1V K ly, who suffer from chronic suppuration nt the ear. "and are not cured," lire out Holi days, while many ot them die very young. Diseases ot the Eye, Ear ami Throatalso Chronic diseases successfully treated by DBS. II. D. & M. A. LON'GAKEB. Olllce : 13 East Walnut street, Lancaster. Pa. Consultation free. n30-3td IXrAXUHKS. tY ELGIN. LANCA&TEB, PIONEEB. CLOCKS Strth Thomas & Co.'s. SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES King's. Bopalring. WM. THOMSON; ICti EAST KING ST., opposite Leopard Hotel. novlO 2md o kltGANIZED 18 IO. The Old American Fire Insurauoe Com pany of Fhiladephia. ASSETS : Ona Million, Six Hundrod and Thirty-throo Thousand Five Hundred and Bitrhty four Dollars and Eighty eight cents. All Invested In Sale and Solid Securities Company Conservatively Managed. 9-For Insurance apply to RIFE & KAUFFMAN. 19 EAST KING STKBET. ui-5mdTuTh4S M' (I.Nliy TO I.1JAN. TI1E- Uoion Building and Loan Association Anil issue a new series ot stock on the 271b of the preser t month. Having a large and growing capital tho at tention ot persons desiring to borrow nioncy is called to tho advantages of Joining the as poeiation. Full inlorniation can be had from H. S. G AliA, President. A. II. Ball, Seer tary. novia-lwd B. FRANK SAT1.UK HAS KKMOVKH HIS iULLERY OF PH0T0GRAPHI TO NOS. 42 AND 44 WEST KING ST., y Exactly opppositc tlnOld Stand. octll-CmdwIL ": IRAKI Fire Insurance Company OF PHILADKLPIA. Assets over Eleven Hundred Thou sand. Dollars, eecurely invested. For a policy In this old and well-established company call on RIPE & KAUFMAN, NO. W EAST KING Sl'BKET. d3M.Wliib PUIIL.IU SALE. OF VAUJAHI.K CITV Property.-On FRIDAY, DECEMBEIIS, 1882, will bs sold nt public sale, nt tho Leopard hotel, in the City of Lancaster, the property situated on the north side ot East Orange street. No. C05, fronting on Orange street rl feet, and extending back to Marlon strcotto th depth of 245 feet, moro or less wit h a two story doublo front BltlCK BUILDING on Orange street, with cellar beater, hot and cold water, bath tub. Ac, in the house ; und a two story BUICK BUILDING, 65 feet in length, intended for four houses, on Marion street; with a well of never-failing water at the door, large cistern; also, fruit trees ot every va riety, such as upples, pears, peaches, cherries, apricots, plums, quinces, arapes, &c. In bear ing order. Sole to commence at 7 o'c'ock, p.m., when terms will bo made known by 1 E. K. K1NDIU. U. Shubert, Auctioneer. nov20,22,2V.7,2&iU,5,C,7,8d T 'BE FOLLOWING HAiUKD FAST PASSENGER And other Employees ol the riilladelnln.i Di vision of the Pennsylvania 'Railroad Attest thevnliic of their Lancaster Watches l'URCItASKU FROM Augustus Rhoads, .TEWELEIt AND DEALEU IN WATCHES, No. 30 EAST KING STREET, Lancaster, Pa. The undersigned take pleasure in bearing testimony to the Bcliabllltv and Accuracy of the Tarletl Grades of the Lancaster Watches which they have purchased lrom Augustus Khoads, Jeweler and Dealer in Watches, No. 20 East King street, Lancaster, Pa : FAST rASSEHOBS It ATXROAO ENGINEERS. 1. C. A. JEFFRIES, Keystone Stem-Wind. S. SAMUEL DbAN, Keystone Stem- Wind. 3. GEO. K. STROUSE, JTcjif one Stem Wind. 4. W. SMOTUEKWAIT, Keystone Slem-irind. 5. SAMUEL H. LILLY, Keystone Stem-Wind- 0. A. CHAMBEUS, Keystone Stem-Wind. 1. W. M.E.HENBRRGER, Keystone Stem-11 tt'.d 8. JESSE SKKLTON, West End Stem-Wind.. 9. S. T. MANAHAN, Keystone Stem-Wind. OTHER BAIXBOAO XXrXOTXZS. J. HOTSTON, Conductor, West End Stem- Wind C. CARROLL, Fireman, Melrose Stem-Wind. JAMES S. ROBERTS, Freight Engineer, Key. stone Stem-Wind. GORDON TULLOCH, Brokeman. ENTJINE HAVANA AND YAK A CIUAlta. The bC3t 6-cent Cigar in the :!lv at HARXaiAN7.? 1BX.LOW FKONT CXG CIGAK cOIi. Railroad Engineers CX.OTHIKO C piREATBAKGAlNB. j , L. GAITSIlAI&BRO. NEW.FALL AND WINTER STOCK. Our Own Good Lancaster Make UNEXCEPTIONABLE IN FIX. STVLU, MATERIAL AND WORKM5.NSI1U SOME OK OUR PRICES. Men'sMixed SuiU -. 4.W Uab'h utmotmal Snits. .... U.0B aot i0.o; lii 13.5T .... ltdC All-Wool Casimere Suits Fancy Mixed Snits All-Wool Plain Cassimere Suits Tonng Men's Fancy Suits All-Wool Diagonal Suits All-Wool Mixed Worsted Suits... IB on Men's All Wool Pants lrom 2.f5 tip. Children's Suits lor $1.50. $2.25, .W. W.50, uj. to $7.0 Boy's Suits for $2.30, SS00. 3.75, f 1 30, I3.S0, up to8.W. At $?.W, f.?.5t, $4.00, $0.00. $., $10.00 and $Ii0 up 10 10.W. Gentlemen who wish to do credit to them bdves should not fail to visit OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. As we have marked our goods so low In price that every garment we make to order li atccn uine bargain. We have great specialties in Pants; also, in Suitings. rants to order at 2.50, $4.00, $3.00, $i:.00, $7. m, up to $10.03. Suits to order at $12.00, $15.00, $18.0, $20.00 up to $33.03. Every garment of tho best make. Style, til and quality fully guaranteed. L. GANSMAN & BRO., THE WELL KNOWN CLOTHERS, GO and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., lght on the Southwest Corner of Orange St. LANCASTER, PA. r VKY OOUVS. T ADIKS' rNDKRWKAB. J. B. MARTIN & CO. Ladies' Underwear. White Mcriuo Underwear tor Ladies in all sizes and grades. A special bargain nt SO cents. Scarlet All-Wool Medicated in three dltterent qualities. Children's Underwear. We have tho Celebrated No. 1,000, and are selling at closer prices than they can bo bought eisewucrc. ucariei .au-wooi .uetucarcuin sues from 1C to 31. Ladies' and Children's Hosiery, In Merino, Cashmere, Cotton, All-Wool aud Fleeced. A lull Fleeced lialbrlgau Ladles' Hose at 25 cents per pair. A bargain In Chil dren's French Ribbed Hose, all sizes. Ladies Gloves c " . In all similes. Mosuuetaire Kid Gloves, Uj and 8. .buttons, In three shades ol Torra-Cotta, C.'-shmcre Gloves and Milts. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. We3t Sing and Prince Street?, LANCASTER. PA. JIJS1CAZ, XKSXUU3USXTS. f US1C IIOXKS. O. GAUTSCHI & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF Music Boxes, 8TE. CROIX and GENEVE. SWITZERLAND. Palerirooiiis, 10ii Cliostnut St., PHILADELPHIA, PA. We offer during the -holidays a large importation of the finest Quality High Class Musioal Boxes, I at our Swis3 factory price, with only advance of freisht and import duty. Circular and Price List on application. An early call tion. will give time tor gooil selec nltVtld JfAfJSX BJUfOtWOK, ate. DUAKliS . FKY. WE CARRY AS LARGE A LINE OF WALL PAPERS. Ah riiv House in this nart ot tho Stato. The line embraces everv description of PAPER I' UAMUixttun, irom mo lowest o uie uuuuu goods. GILT PAPERS from 25 cents apiece up In choice shapes and coloring. We hove iu our employ flrst-olass PAPER HANGERS, and aro prepared to do .work promptly ana much below the regular prices. DADOand BAND WINDOW SUADES.PL A1N GOODS by the Yard In all Colors and Widths, FIXTURES. LOOPS, TASSELS, ORNA MENTS, Etc. Iu icbullding our Store Room 11 was en Inrged, and wo occupy part ot it for the ex clusive call ot Lace Curtains, Lace Lambrequins, Lace Tidies, Laco Bed Sets, Lace Pillow Shams. You will find in onr stock some choice good in White and Cream, and lie surprised at the nice Curtains you can get for a small outlay. We keep all kinds of Poles Iu Brass, Ash, Ebony, Cherry utl Wainntt Exlonslon Cornices and Fine Mirrors. PHABBS W. ERY, No. 57 North Queen St. .Lancaster. jfojb a alb. 11UHL1U SALE OF Ji. LABOE LuT OT Uousohola and Kitchen Furniture, be longing to the estate ot Mary S. Torr;decd., on TUESDAY AFTERNOON, at I o'clock, at No. lis South Queen street, among which is a set of Walnut black hair-cloth Furniture and about 70 yards ot Brussels carpet. V M. HABERiJUSH. Esecutor. n.SRTmmT, Auct. nl7-3td 1)UUL,1U4AIE. OM WEDNESUAS EVEN ING NOVEMBERS, 18W, will be Sold at Iiubllc sale, nt the Leopard Hotol, that valna )le corner property, situated on tno northeast corner ot Lime and Middle streets. Nps.813 and Oil. two-story Brick Dwelllngand Store Room, with two-story Brick Back Building; Gas all through the House and Cellar. Lot ironnon Limn street 32 feet inid depth along Middle streot 43 feet. ' ' i Sale to comtnenco at 7 o'clock, when condl Uons wiU be rnado known by PETER LANDAU. Hexxt SnccEET, AucL ., nlS-ts NOTICE TU TOBACCO TBADE. Wo hereby give notice that Mr. Francis Cunningham is no longer onr agent, and that Mr. Jacob G. Simpson will be onr agent here after. All orders lor samplinglelt to his care will be promptly attended to. CHAS. FINKS A CO.. novl8-3td New York. A VULti LINK 0r IjHllliTiftKft'H i'lug Tooaeronnd'otlteVnrjt-clnss brands iiAUXMAN'3 YELLOW FliOKT C'WAlv Si'VivE, MarXMTJjrWMXXXB. TOJLIOMOrXBAHUTJSK. MONDAY BVHNINO, NOV. 30th. IkefuxUeit play la the world, tie Dnunstie Cyclone, OLIVER DOUDBYRON, In the greatest success of the American stage Across the Continent. Supported by the' charming Actress. MISS KATE BYRON, and tne greatest Comwly Combination. 1H TEAR OP CONTINUED SUCCESS. IStb. Mr. CLARK GIBBS, the Fnnnleatot all Negro Impersonators: Mr. MAK MILLER, the Greatest of aU Dutch Comedians: Mr. . CHA8. nAGEN. the Celebrated Irish Comedian. THE TEKRIFICSNOW STORM. THE GREAT TELEGRAPH FEAT. 333 LAUGHS IN ONE FLAT. 333 , ADMISSION, 35c, 50c. and 75c, Reserved Seat?. ?se. For sale at Opera House office. novl7-3td Ira l?U N OPKltA nuvM. TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 21. THE EMINENT COMEDIAN, M. B. CURTIS! In his remarkable character creation. SAM'L. OF POSER SUPPORTED BT niS OWN ORIGINAL AND ENTIRE COMPANY. ADMISSION. 76c. COc.and 35c. Reserved Seats, 75c. tor ale at tho Opera House offlce. novl6-5td MOBXS, SC. H AeKB&igH'.S $200 O AN BE SAVED Br CALLING AT M. Hatierbush's Ono Price House. SADDLEiind HARNESS FACTORY NO. 30 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. E2TSfgB f the Golden Horse Heads.-l We have just recoivedalargejob lot olflne LAP ROBES, n RBVER8ICLK PLUSH ROUES. RUSSIAN SLEIGH ROBES. SIBERIAN LAP ROBES, Which we can self from $2.00 to L00 leas than regular prices. Wo have also a flno assort ment of FANCY SLEIGH ROBES, SADDLES, HARNESS, WHIP8. TRUNKS, BAGS. POCKET BOOKS, GLOVES t'lKEVBlViNtt GLOVES aid COLLARS GOODYEAR'S RUBBER COATS. GOSSAMERS, COATS AND IIATS. GUM GLOVES, for Ifrnner's Use, And ex-orything belonging to a FIRST-CLAS8 HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT. 4V REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. M. HABERBUSH, No. 30 CENTRE SQUARE. LANCASTER, PA. o9-lyw&3md HAUJtUJUta. run. GREAT Burlington Eonte Clilcajfo, BarllBgtoR & (jilacy B. B. Chicago, Hnrllngton & QiIbcj S. B. PKTNCIPAL LINE AND OLD FAVORITE FROM CHICAGO 0B PEORIA , TO KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, CALIFORNIA LINCOLN AND DENVER. Tbo SHORTEST, QUICKEST and BEST lino to St. Joseph, Atchlnson, Topeka, Dcnison, Dallas. Galveston, and all points In Iowa, Ne braska, Missouri, Kansas, New Mexico, Art zona, Montana and Texas, This route has no superior for Albert Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nationally reputed as being the GREAT THROUGH CAR LINE. Universally conceded to be the BE8T EQUIPPED Railroad In the world for all classes of travel. All connections made In Union depots. Try It and you will find traveling a luxury lnBteodofa discomlort. Through tickets via this celebrated line for sale at all offices In the U. S. and Canada. All Information about rates of fare, Sleeping Cars, etc., cheerfully given by PKRCEVAL LOWELL, General Passenger Ageat, Chtcaoo, III. T.J.POTTEB, v'l Vice Pres. ft Gen. Manager, Chicago, III. JOHN Q. A. BEAN, Gen. Eastern Agt., 317 Broadway, 306 Washington 8L - Nsw Yobx. Rostov, Mass. mavld-ivdaw UAMDWAMM. XiKW HARDWABB STORF. 9-11 SOUTH QUEEN ST., MARSHALL PREMIER, -DEALERS IN ' BUILDINGandCABWfcl HARDWARE, SIOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, PAINTS, OILS and OLASS House Furnishing Goods. ell-arcddw 1TMED EDIT1M. MONDAY KVBinKG. MOV. 20, 682. AH XMMA.XOMX CAmC. How Jtarttal Affair ar' nr4 la Atlanta; OMCgta. Atlanta, Ga., Not. 20. Last spring David Williams was before the najor of Jesnp for wife Matuiff. Be Uen repre sented that the' woman with whom he was livinir was not his wife, and they were nut under bonds to await trial in the superior oourt on the charge of adultery and fornication. The charge agaisst them was dismissed upon their taarryiag yesterday. Najor Hoastoa went to Will iams' house and claimed the woman ae his wife and tbo eldest child as his. The woman left on' a train with Houston. William followed them to Hartridge and there shot and killed Houston and then escaped to the woods. Borsad to Death Wltb Coal Oil. Philadklpria. Not. 20. Mrs. Rebecca Loekwood, aged over 60 years, residing at 2028 South street, was burned to death this morning by ber clothes taking Are from a coal oil lamp, rhich she carried in her hand. She was possessed of considerable means, some of her friends placing the valuation of her effects at $75,000, which is invested principally in real estate in this city and Florida. She was a woman of very eccen tric habits. Her only relative is supposed to be a nephew, residing in Florida. Tbe OMetal Totals. llAKKisBUiui, Pa., Not. 20. Tho total vote for governor at the recent election as received at the state department, tne com putation of which was completed to day, is as follows : Pattison 335,791, Beaver 315. 589, Stewart 43,743, Armstrong 23,484, Pettit 5,196; total vote 743,803. Pattison's plurality 40,202. This is the largest vote ever polled in the stato with the exceptions of the presidential contests of 1879 and 1880. He Got an Kztra Loan. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 20. At the onenincrof tho November term of the (county court this morning, Nathan Demby (colored) complained through counsel that at a recent whippiug the sheriff bad given him one more lash than his sentence called for. The court sug gested that this might be deducted from any subsequent sentence which Dotnby may receive. A Dead liody Eaten by Kats. Reading, Pa., Nov. 20. Daniel Kuff ner, a hermit (or many years in Cumru township, six miles from Rcadiuir. was found dead to-day in bis cabin. Portions of bis flesh had been eaten away by rats. He had not been seep for several days. Ruffner was 83 years old and was heavily insured in "wild cat" companies. Accused of Fatally Beating Their rattier. Lockpokt, N. Y., Nov. 20. Naroisee Montray, an- old Frenchman who kept a small grocery here, was found dead in his store yesterday, dying from a number of wounds evidently inflicted. with a club or a chair. His two sons aged respectively 21 and 20 years, have been arrested on sus picion of murdering their father. Kneinles of the State. Odessa, Nov. 20. Seventeen persons have been arrested here ou suspicion of being Nihilist. PARiSfc Nov. 20. Two more persons ac cused of being Anarchists wero arrested at Lyons yesterday, and two moro at St. Etienne on a similar charge. Murder on aa Kxenrson Train. Petersburg, Va., Not.20. A difficulty occurred on an excursion train near Woldon, on Saturday, between an un known white passenger and a negro named Thomas Johnson, during which the latter was shot and killed. Tho mur derer jumped from the train and escaped. Smallpox at Chattanooga. Washington, Nov. 20. A dispatch re ceived to-day from Chattanooga, Tenn , from tbo postmaster at that place saying that smallpox is sevcro there, that the city hospital is filled, aud asking permis sion to use some government building as a temporal y hospital. Fire In a Colliery. HARUhiBUiia, Pa., Nov. 20. Firo broke out last night at the Short Mouutain col liery, at Lykens, this county. The flamrs commenced at one of tho fans and aro still burning fiercely. There was no loss of life. Thurlocr Weed Tory Low. New York, Nov. 20. IIou. Thurlow Weed is still very weak aud declines nour ismrut. Visitors aro forbiddeu. Axe Factory Destroyed by au Incendiary WiNTiiiior, (Maine) Nov. 20. An axe factory at North Wayne, belonging to tbo Wayne teol company, was burned this morning together with the machinery. Loss not known but will bo heavy. Sup posed incendiary. Tney Want a Hospital. Washington, Nov. 20. A demand has been made upon the secretary of war for tho nso of the government building at Chattanooga for hospital purposes. No explanation for this sudden call is given. A Vlrelnla maze. Alexandria, Va., Nov. 20. Six frame houses in the business portion of this city wero destroyed by firo early this morning. Lose, $3,000. Ke:uilog to Go To Work. Reading, Pa., Nov. 20. Tho pipe mill of the Reading iron works was closed this morning because of a reduction in wages. Seventy employees refusing to go to work. Safe Uobbed or 85,000. Beamsville, Ontaria, Not. 20. J. 8. Henry, Sons & Co.'s, store was entered by burglars last night, who drilled open tbo safe and decamped with $5,000. rulp Milts Uurned. Wiutk Hall, N. Y., Nov. 20. Clark Brothers' pulp mills, at Keeseville, were totally destroyed by fire early yesterday morning. Lois, $12,0CCL INIJICATIONS. Washington, Not. 18. For tho Middle Atlantic states, warmer fair weather, followed by increasing cloudiness and rain, northerly, veering to easterly wiuds, sta tionary or lower pressure. TOM OCtULTHBE. The Unamploa Llar-uoBcresaman now Tom Tells it o Huateli. Washington Cor. ol Fhil'a. Times. "Did you say Tom Ochiltree is elected?" asked one Democrat of another. "Yes." lDoeshesayso." "Doubtless." Wety then, that gives us one additional majority in the next House." "But Tom's a Re publican?" "Docs Tom say so?" "Certainly, why he's tho man who used' to boss the boss. He was Grant's paragon marshal." 'Thought so, and honco I repeat, that gives us one mere." "How do you make that out?" "My unsophisticated friend, it's evident you don't know Tom and his. brilliant reputa tion for veracity'." " Is he addicted to romance ?" " Well, somewhat that way inclined, as a story that he told on himself just after the war would indicate." " Let's have it.:' " Well, it was just after Bhilob. accord ing to Tom, and my new coat was perfor aied like a skive by the ballets of the' ad sharpshooters of the Ninety-ninth Ohio, who bad tried to induce me to drop the flag which Beaury told me to take tn and carry to the front after seventeen r fellows who had bone it before hal in quick successiou bitten the lu at I 1 was in rather a dilapidated -...udiu'ui . Well, Toataot sent for mo and h i ul j-I me a telegram from ..Jeff directin ; m - to proceed to Texas and hurry up a kt ore of our fellows. Whilst riding oao day about sundown through tho Arkausa t bottoms I sought and obtained acconimu datioo at a prineely raahsion, oacupied by a mother and daughter. I soon saw the were in deep affliction, Have you lost relative in the war ? I. asked of tho you' g lady, as her mother lefsVthe room. ' AU ! yes,' she replied,, 'an, only brother :;t Saitoh.' 'Stay. I be so bold aa to ask his name,-young lady?' Upon her informing me I remarked that it was a fortunate, accident that had thrown mi under the roof. ' Why,, my dear young friend, that young man and .myself wore messmates and bosom .friends, and wIim he fell by my side with. His dyiug breaiho he asked mo to cut off, a look of his hair and take it to his widowed mother. Would you believe me? I had scarcely dono si when a grapp shot carried away tbo p ick -ot containing it.' 'Indeed, sir,' th replied ; ' and may I ask the namj of my brother's bauefa-jtor?' 0.suiitov miss, at your servlo?.' ' What I Not tiu celebrated Major Tom Ocbiltra of, Texas ?' ' Tha same. ' Au3 you t7 him die?' ' i did.' ' Ob joy, joy !' she cried, iu impseiioned tooe5 . ' Q'i. mother, mother, rqjaics. rejoije ! Jity brother still lives ! She had beard of Tom." Tell It Oat. Why not'.' Good news lie I it Is good news that Ilnnt's Rented v has cun-u tne worst of kidney diseases, and, ran do it again nnd again. There uro abundant ti-sti-monials to this fret. Mr. Joshua'TiithiM, of Pftginaw, Mleti., wan otuwlot Bright Dt n-n: Mr. John Hunt, ot frovidsnee.1 ot dni when deatu seemed iniuiineut; Sir. S. Ki. Muson, of Providence, of rheumatism which eilppled him ; and u host ot ottier of similar discuses which threatened dissolution. And what Hunt's Remedy has done, it will still do. It is the (treat kidney and liver medicine t the U0 Tell out t ho goad news to all. ul.Yeoi!&Tv MAJtMUX. tnJiaiMiBttk mmtmmu FHUADBurau. Nov. 20. Flour market dull huperUne, S33 37 ; Kxtra, $i S0C4 CO ; Fennu ramuy, f 4 to4 b j. Kve tlonr at 4 354 37. Wheat easier: Ko. i White 1 '-Xm'7; Del. and Pa. Red, 1 03()1 07; Longbeny :ind Amber at $1 09281 10, as toqballry. Corn quiet lor-local trade : steamer, Kb ; yellow. Wo; uilxtsl, K(KI)4a ; No. 3 do. Msft "its quiet and easier : No. I WhltK 'UH 52c ; No. 3 do WQWAc ; N o. 3 do, 4'J 2 1 .'c N ' 2 Mixed, av&Uc. Ryo nominal at TOc. Provisions quiet. Lard steady. Butter steady, with moUeratu demand : Bradford couniy extra, 3.Jc ; iNew lorlc ito. Rolls quiet ; renn'aaiid Western, snjyjc :vt to quality. Ejtks steady : 1'enn'o. 'Jie ; Western, Cogjlo. Cheese steady. rctrolcntn lower ; Refined, 7c. Whisky at tl 22. NOW BOTB Maw toaa. Nov. 20. VIour dull and declui Iub; iSupcrline Stato. S3 9)33 &); do extra. $3736425 ; choice do. St 3097 ; fancy do. $7 in m 33 : round hoopUhlo,SbOl9 : choico do. $1 TOgti 75 ; Superfine Western, 203:J m ; com mon to good extra do, $3 7301 41 ; choice do. do. W 5Cg7 25 - choice white whent do, 96 SQ7 ; Southern quiot and steady: common to Mr extra, J4 S0SS23; good to choice do, tTidQ u 7C. Wheat HOJic lower nnd dull r chiefly spec ulative. Corn J-iQlJc higher and fairly active : inlxmt western spot. 75w82c : do futures, fi2;j;tHe. Oats quiet nnd firmly hold; stuff. l.'fMic; western, 40g30o : No. 2 Dee., 43'c. (Jattlo Market. rnu-ADrxnuA, Nov. 2X Catllomurkut lair soIch. 1,000 head; prlino Ogcjjc ; lair .riXB!-jc; medium at HQ5)ie; couiuon ut nt 4ic ; mx cows, yaiic. LUU' 4fB7Vl : ewos. aHiOSa : calves. ifilUv. Hogs market dull ; sales. 5,;i Ji;: ! : extra Chlcanci, W)ic: i-'ool. W.mW; medium, 9O10u;co!ninou slopperi, !ijc. lAwm Btastc Market. Ciucaoo Hogs fairly active aud prices 6c higher . mixed. $DQ6 Si ; heavy, IU K07 ; light, K 103C 70 ; skips, 3 was CO ; Cattle Receipts. 1,700 hi! : shipments, 5CS bead : market moderately uctlvn and sto-uly ; gooil to choice shipping, t00r, ; roiiuuon to fair, $3 90?S1 S3; butclicrs fairly active and steady : common to fair. $2 108-5 00 ; stucben and feeders at2 83Q4 23. Sheep-Receipts, KM ; .ihlptnents, 2.I0J head ; market quiet and weak : common to fair at $3 0033 25 ; medium to good, $3 4034 ; trood to choice, SI 2534 65. Qrsfmaad moviaom umuuvm. ;n o'clock quotations o! grain api pr.. tons, furnished by S. K. Tundt, Broker, 15i East K 1 n street.! NOV. 2". ClUcago. Wueat corn Oats Fork Lard Dec... My .;o4 :xi i7.r niti?,- V-ir .n,i ..... ...-J ' -- Ian 9IVi JXi AtX 17.' 10.75 Mat.... .tWJ ..... ..... ..... ..... Pptrol'-n?. Oil City. ....M7K- Stock Market. Mw York, I'b'JadclpbU ant Loc(Utoc -..-o United Status Wou-is rop-:tcd dally ,' a 'tst n. i-jico. 22 North 2"-iccn street. Nov. to 10:00 1ST) . . a. if. r.v. T i. itunver A Rto Gr&udp tc'i tV t X. ,V LaUo Er!c A Wvstoru.... 37?-, jJTX -J" i-.j:isai aim ii'iw ";m "-. lK' ;7iiui; ....-. .- ' Now Jerney Central ... ( Vnnr York. Outaifo A V... St. Paul, SL X Omaha t"2 tZ , f"J, Pocine ilall - s . Roohcaterft PltUbursli... 2121 UK fftxas l'aciflc W M'i Wi V!s!aelu--"OttisArncIKe:... 3SSi 3I 3i Vesiorn Union ToL Co Sl?i 82 I?4 Ponusvlvonlft Central fK 6 !Hi rhlloilclphla Readtn,' VA WiU Northern ldcin" Com 4:J 4.V4 i Prctcrnxl. l m nnffalo Pitts, ft West.. Wi W I75 i.vuni atccas sad Hoods. Far Last val. 'ffllo ,'.anc-'iiy per ct.Jan.duelSttL. J100 iu l85... ii PrtK 1890... ll 120 16... lor. ii 5purct. n I or 30 years 100 HO, ' . per ct. School Loan.... 100 11- t " in lor 20 years.. lw W2 4 InRor2Oycars..'100 10ii o " in 10 or 20 years, ion iw.,i MaaUclai hotougli loan 1Q0 KM BA.-TK STOCKS. KIrst National naji fl0t f205 Karmers Kat-'oual. Hk 50 KS.I1 fulton National -. 1M l Lancaster County Nattonai Rank.. SO 110 Columbia. National H. lk 100 LVI Rphi-nta Xa&oboI r- k !' H3 rirat National Dank, ('olumbts .. 100 Hl-H rirst National Rana,ytrasbnrs.... 100 i34.60 Kirst NaUonal Bank. Marietta 100 200 First National Bank. Mount Joy.. 100 113.75 Litltz National Rank 100 110 ManhciJi National Bank 100 1M Union NaUonal Bank. Mount Joy. 50 70.5P New Holland National Bank ICO 137 MlSCKtT.AtrC0C8 STOCkH. Oaarry ville R. R. S3 HlllcrsvUlo Street Car. W Inquirer PrlnUng Company to Watch Factory li t2 Oas Light and If uel Company 25 Stevens Iionso Iro W3 Columbia Gas Company.... Columbia Water Company - , . Susquehanna Iron'Company iw i. Marietta Hollowwaro .... " Stevens House... f J! Sicily Island - ; '? KastBronUywlue Waynosb'g.... BIlUunvilTe Normal Schoo.... vwhuasbotts bohdk . CujrilMH" V- R-. due ISUJ U l" HeadnlgTt COlnmW K lias's. m ir- LancuBtcr Watcta Cnuduo 18r....... l WB.50 Ujncaster was Light and Fuel Co.. - dauln lor SO years loo 109 Lancaster Uas Light and Fuel Co., Uuel889...i--....-..-.." ---- 1"" "'" Lancaster A Marietta 25 33iB tirr Now Hnlllld 10S f" lATr9tttrr ASnaqaehanna. .....300 2.''S TTTxarm STOCKS. BigSprlnic leaver, Valley $ I'.'-6 Bridgeport ft Iioreaboo 13 f? Columbia ft Chestnut Hill 2u li Columbia ft Washlnictoa i so (tolitmbiaft Big Spring. 23 is Ijmcaaterft Ephrato ; lAncaster A WUlow Street 2 i Straabnrg ft Millport J Marietta tc Maytown -J Marietta ft Mount Joy;....... ? Lane..Kitilietlit'nMlddIet'n '"J -- LuuctulcrA KriiltvIH'. &