LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCBR MONDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1882. H THE TICKETS TO BE VOTED. Below wo priut the full Democratic state, judiciary and county tickets, piccise ly as tbey should bo voted in tbe districts as respectively designated. Let every Democrat, before casting bis ballot on next Tuesday, compare it witb the ticket as set forth below, and seo that -it cones, ponds'ia every particular. ' fl ho ticket to be voted in Ilia City ot Lan caster. STATE. For Governor. Robert . Pattison. For Lieutenant Governor. Chauncey F. Black. For Secretary of Internal Attain. J. Simpson Africa. JUDICIARY. For Judge of the Supreme V .urf. Silas M. Clark. COUNTY. For Cousrcss-at-Lare. Mortimer F. Elliott. For Congress. W. B. Given. For Member of Assembly 1st Di.sL. Elim G. Suyder. For Recorder. W. W. Bnseer. For Directors of tho V . J. 1. Well vain, Philip Bernard. For Prison Inspectors John Rebman. J.IL SchlegelmUch. For Jury Commissioner. William Ellmakcr. Tho ticket' to te voted in tlio Lower liepic Hcutatlve District. STATE. For Governor. Robert E. Pattison. For 'Lieutenant-Governor. Chauncey F. Black. For Secretary of Internal Affairs. J. Simpson Africa. JUDICIARY. For Judgo of the Supremo Court. Silas M. Clark. COUNTY. For Congress-at-Large. Mortimer F. Elliott. For Congress. William B. Given. For Members of Assembly 2d Dist. Charles J. Rhoads. James M. Walker. For Recorder. W. W. Busser. For Directors of the Poor J. P. Mcllvaiu. Pbil:pBernard. For Prison Inspectors. John Rebman. J. II. Schlegelmilch. For Jury Commissioner. William Ellmakcr. J Tlio ticket to bo voted In tho Fouitecntli pper) Senatorial District. 1 STATE. For Governor. Robert E. Pattison. For Lieutenant-Governor. Chauncey F. Black. For Secretary of Internal Affair?. J. Simpson Africa. JUDICIARY. For Judge of tho Supremo Court. Silas M. Clark. COUNTY. For Congiess-at-Largo. Mortimer F. Elliott. For Congress. W. B. Given. For State Senator 14th Dist. Abiaham Collins. For Mcmbeis of Assembly "d Dist. E. C. Diller. Georgo W. Simpson, llenry E. Shimp. For Recorder, W. W. Busser. For Directors of the Poor. J. P.llcllvain. Philip Bernard. For Prison Inspectors. John Rebman. J. II, SchlegelmUch. For Jury Commissioner. . William Ellmaker. A vote for Elim G. Snyder is a vote against Camoion and in favor of reward ing a tried and honest legislator. A vote for Cormeny is a vote for Cam. eron. TUE iriKIS BUOS. Two Mors of tbo Gaag Arrest L , As stated in Saturday's Intelligencer Chiel liowell went to Middletown on mat; lay for tho purpose of arresting Charles Miller, charged with incendiarism. On reaching Middletown, Chief Howell learn Td that Christ. Swartz, who is also charg ed with beine one ol tho incendiaries, was working in tho pipa mill at that place. Having a warrant for his arrest, the chief went to the mill and Swartz was pointed out to him. While the chief was reading the warrant to him, he made a dart from tbo mill and ran at lull speed along the river road with tho chief in hot pursuit. Tho latter drew bis revolver and threatened to .shoot unless Swartz stopped, but no attention was paid to the throat. After running about threo squares Swartr turned to look back and fell. In a moment the chief was upon him, and with a revolver at his bead summoned him to surrender, which he did. He took him to bis boarding house and allowed him to change his clothes. Ho then arrested Miller, who gave him no trouble, and brought tho prisoners to Lancaster aud lodged them in jail. John Staley, who Brimmer charges with arson, furnished bail before Mayor Mac Gouiglointhe sum of 2,000 on Saturday night and was discharged. A vote for Cormeny is a vote for Cam eron. L.IM ol Unclaimed letter. The following is a list of unclaimed let letters remaining in the postoflice for the week ending Monday, November, G 18S2 : Ladies' List Annie M. Beatty, Addie A. Brown, Barbary. Curtis, Hattie Craw foed, Bert Early, Mary C. Fisher, Hettio S. Hen-, Barbara Herr, Ella Manning, F. M. Rudolph, Callio B. Smullen. Mrs. Carrie M. Steinmets, Emma J. Welty, Mrs. Jane Feigler. QenU Lut Mich. Aetman, Henry Brubaker, W. H. Diffenbaugh, Fr. Raph eal Crasser (for.), G. Grebncr, O. Hoover, William Uoyt, Frapk Jamison, Clide W. S. Lenerd, Mr. McLane, Clinger McCalis ter, Chas. J. Martin. Ginsappe Moglia, P. R. Renonger, F. Sahmad, Frank Smith, Thad. Stiifel, Michael Stableton. A vote for Elim G. Snyder is a vote against Cameron and in favor of reward ing a tried and honest legislator. A vote for Cormeny is a vote for Cameron. the ntisux. Meeting ot tbe inspectcr To-day. To-day the board of prison inspectors held their regular monthly meeting. All members were present and a number of bills were approved. Frederick Miller, a watchman, was dis charged, as it was shown that he had neglected his duty in failing to put in I appearance at the prison when he should Ttftvn TiAon Miora Amno T.nf7 v!l llnani. r .. .... ... ...,.. -w- ...... - ... mousiy elected his successor. Keeper Burkholder made a statement to the board to the effect that prisoners have been furnished with citizens olothing and watchmen have received money from prisoners. Underkeepers Murr and Smith, Night Watchman Reed, Cigar Boss Herr and Clerk Warfel were examined. They knew nothing in regard to the furnishing of clothing. They knew tbatallclothes are kept in one cell. Up to some weeks ago all around tho pribou had a key to the cell, as it was the same as all others. A new lock has now been put upon tho eel!, ana tne watchman do not have keys to it. It was shown that when tho prisoners arc admitted to the institution, all of their citizens clothing is taken from them. Re cently some of them havo been seen weal ing their hats and vests. In regard to the money Watchman Reed stated that he borrowed 610 from Joe Buzzard. He got it from tho cigar boss, after asking Mr. BurkhoJder's advice. It whs shown that Fred M.IIcr had upon several different oc casions borrowed money of prisoners. No action taken in tho matter. Tho fol lowing committee was appointed to make the inventory : Hoffmeir, llageu and Carter and Solicitor Sproul. A vote for Elim G. Snyder is a vote against Cameron and in favor of reward ing a tried and honest legislator. k(D M. OT4k. . kljfl, I iioiuctnuur, Democrats, one mimiiui tax receipts sigucd in blank wero stolen fiom Tax Collector Vondernmith's de&k, and are now in the hands of unscrupulous Re publicans who will havo personators and other disqualified peimns vote upon them. Watch the polling places, especially iu tha western ward, and have every man ai restcd that attempts to vote on one of the bogus Ycndcrsniith receipts. A liberal ic ward is offered for tho detection and con viction of illegal voters. ITewaro nf Spurlou "Alcketft. Spui ious tickets aro iu circulation for tho purpose of deceiving nnwary Demo crats. One of these that has been widely circulated iu all tho wauls of the city is the" full Democratic county ticket with the name of George W. Cormeny the Republican candidate substituted for Elim G. Snyder the Democrat candidate for As sembly. Examine your ticket carefully before voting and tee that tbo name of Emm G. Snyder is upon it. Students fin a Geological Tour. The senior class of' Franklin and Mar shall collego, iu charge of Prof. John S. Stahr, returned a few days since from a geological tour through the Lehigh val ley. 1 hey were greatly pleased with their visit to tho coal and slate regions, and they took in beautiful Glen Onoko and the Thomas iron company's works. Tbo I parly also visited tho extensive woiks of the Bethlehem iron company. I co On the ICIver. Ico foimcrl on tho Susquehanna at Ma rietta on Saturday night last. Amngemant4. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" To-SfirM.'Vo An thony & Kills troupe will to nlglit present tho well-known play ot 4l Uncle Tom's Cabin " at Fulton opera house. LcvviU's Giyanlean Minstrels Tuesday election night Lcavitt's Uijrantcan Minstrels will be at the opera bouse. Tlio company i a very largo one and include many old favor ites ami now ones too. Tho Albany livening Journal says ot their peiformancc In that city : ' Tho performance Riven at the opera house last evening by Lcavitt's Giantean minstrels was one ot tho best ever witnessed In this city. Kvciy piece came in tor an encoro and tho laughter and applause were unbound ed. Tlio audience was large ami highly re spectable." Arrangements have been made tor the announccmentof the election returns from city and state at intervals dining the performance, tho news to be transmitted to theopcia house as fast as received. Ringgold Band Concert. On Wednesday evening the celebrated Kinggnld band, ot Heading will give a concert in Fulton opera house, assisted by Mr. Sohn M, Stephen, tlonist. A pleasing entertainment is prom ised. " Cheek." The purely American comedy of "Cheek," which in tho bands of Uoland ICccd and ids excellent company had a succession of good houses from its llrst presentation in Chicago last May, will be played for the first time at Fulton opera house on Friday even ing next. The character of Dick Smytbc, which is taken by Mr. Heed, that of a New York " Bohemian," is exceedingly amusing. It Is such an one ns could bo found only in New York, and Mr. Heed fs slid to be particu larly well suited to give it tho best advantage. Tho company supporting Mr. need is spoken ot by tho press everywhere as being excellent in all respects. HVEVIAL, NOT1CKH. Mr. It. . Askew, late Assistant Postmaster at Baltimore, said some time ago: "Having had occasion to try Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, I unhesitatingly pronounce it tho best re medy I have ever used. A small bottle re lieved me ot a severe cold." Brown's Bronchial Troches, ps a remedy lor Coughs and Throat Troubles : " Great service in subduing Hoarseness." Itev. Daniel Wise, New York. "Greatly relieve any uneasiness in the throat." S. S. Curry, Teacher ot Ora tory in Boston University. " Indispensable to me, having used them through all my minis terial life." Itev. C. S. Veddcr. Charleston 8. C. nS-lwdeodtCw. Hacichetack," a lasting and Iragrant iHr- ran'sdrng store. 137 North Queen street. Certificate. "I have used Bui-dock ulood Bitters with great benefit for indigestion and constipation or the bowels." trice si. C. L. EASTON, Hamilton, Ont. For sato by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13)Noith Queen street. Tho best preparation of iron a doctor can prescribe is Brown's Iron Bitters, because it does not injure tho teeth ns other Iron medi cine will. J-or sale by II. B. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 130 North Queen street. nC-lwd&w Haix's Honey of Horehound and Tar re lieves coughs quicker than any other medi cine. Pike's Toothache Drops cure In one mi mile. nC-lwdeod&w Cnour. Whooping Cough and Bronchitis im mediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. For sale by H. B. Cochran, druggist, J37and 139 North Queen St. myl Iwdcow&w Coldes'r Ideblg's Liquid Beef and Tonic In vigomtor promotes digestion; admirably adapted tor lcmalcs iu delicate health. Of dmggi9tR. nC lwdcod&w For lame Hack, Side or Chest, ne Shiloh't Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. .For salo ns II. 1$. Cochran, druggist. 137 and 139 North Queen Street. Lancaster, Pa. mvMwdcowAw isucnupaiba." Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1. Druggists lirtmn-s ttonaebont JTanacea Is the most effective Pain Destroyer In tho world. Will moat surely quicken the blood, whether taken internally or applied extcrnally.and thereby more certainly relic v patn, whether chronic or acnto.than any other pain alleviator, and It Is warranted double the siren gth ot nn v similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side. Back or Bowels. Soro Throat, Rheumatism and aix aches, and is TltK GREAT UKL1F.VEU OF PAIN. "Ubown's Household Pawacba" should ins In every family. A teaspooufnl of the Panacea in a tumbler ot hot water sweetened If preferred J, taken at bed time will brsax up a cold. 25 cts a bottle. febll-lvdM.WiS&w Moving springs of action arc deeply inter fused with principles subject to certain laws. Tne nervous man finds his Hie blasted, bat be can be restored tc vigorous health by Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pill?. They arc simple, harmless, and efficacious. nC lwdftw Duty to Others. Chavberseuro, July 25, 1873. This Is to let the people know that 1. Anna Maria Krider, wife or Tobias Krider, am now rast seven tjbfour years of age. My health has been very rod for some years past. I was troubled with weakness, bad couch, dyspep sia, great debility and constipation of the bowels. I was so miserable I could hardly eat anything'. I heard ot Hop Bitters, and was resolved to tiy them. I have only used three bottles, and 1 feel wonderfully good, well and strong agai.i. My bowels are regular, my ap petite good and cough all gone. I feel so well that I think it my duty to let people know, as so many knew how bad I was, what the medicine has done tor me, so they can cure themselves witii it. Aicsa M. KttiDER, Wile ot Tobiri Krider. nl 2wci&w Go to If. TJ. Cochran's drug store tor Mrs. Fretman? Jfew National Dyet. For bright, ncss and durability ot color, are uncqualed. Color from 2 to 5 pounds. Directions iu Eng lish and German. Price. 15 cents. 3tAJiltIAOV. Myer Witmkk. On the 5th ot November, 1SSJ, by the Rev. V. Gerhard, at his residence. ,No. 31 East Orange street. Mr Elias Myer, of upper Lucock, to Miss Annie K. Winner, of East Lampeter. ltd MS ATI! S. Tome. In this city, on November 3, l&3i Mrs. Mary 8.. relict oi the late Thomas If, Torr, ;n the 74th year of her age. Her l datives and Iricnds are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence. No. US South Queen street, on Tues day moi ning Rt n o'clock. High mass at St Mary's church. Interment in St. Mary's ceme tery. nl-2td sisw a.iv lutrumjanitra. ri'WO 8MALL JI AMI-.".! A UK HAVANA J Cigars tor 5 cent it IIARTMAN'S YELLOW "FRONT CIGAR .STORK. "VITAXTKD. IN A SMALL. FAMILY A ?V halt-jirown girl to assist in general housework. Anplvat nU lid No .MO W EST CHKSTXUT ST. SET Out. Saucr Kraut KetOut TO-NIUHTat I.otz's Kalnon Khret's New Yoi k I.aer. It TOST. LOST A IMAItl ON SATUHOA J evening containing tickets for Chaplain Mc'Jiilic's Lecture awlother items of interest only 'or use to tho owner. A suitable reward to I lie one who returns it to thisOftlco. ltd STOL.KN moil MY ItfMUUK TU1S AIOKN ing a Elack Fall Overcoat. Five dollars reward for the return of the same and $C0 re ward for the conviction ot the thief. W. A. WILSON, ltd No. 3Ji South Duko Street. WANTED A UL TO IM HOl.'SK work. No washing or baking. Coort reference required. Apply at No. 41 North I'rineo street. nov2-3t WANTKD A Olid. To C'OOIv ANII HO general honeworic for a small .family Hood wanes. Good reference required. Apply ut thljolllco. ttd TtMiT. l'KOl'Kli TKtJATMKNT Or A X Chronic snppnration ot tin ear should be a matter of the greatest solicitude. It in volves not alone the hearing oower, bnt also the life ot the patient. Diseases of i lie Kye, Kar and Throat also Chronic Disease. successfully treated bv 1 DltS. II. 1. and M. A. LONGAKER. I onice 13 Ea-t K lug street, Lancaster, I'a. Consultation tree. o-2ti-3td&w "STATU OF CI1AK1.KS A. HKI'TINO, JCj late ot Lancaster City. dcceaed. Letters testamentary on said c3tate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to said decedent aro requested to make immediate settlement, and tho-o having claims or demands against tho estate of said decedent, to make known the i-auic to the un dcisi'gnrd (or her attorney) without delay. .1. V. F. fcwirr. JULIA A. HKl'TIXG. Attorney. Executrix. nU-Ctdoaw "; MAL.K OFALIIKICVKy. tillEKN J SEY and Durham Cows. On SATUBDAY, NOYEMBKU 11. 1!J. will be sold at public sale, at the Blaek llorso Hotel, Milleisvidc, Lancaster coimtv, la., tho following live stock, lo wit: 25 Head ot Ahtcrncy, Guernsey and Durham Cows, mostly all tre-di and a few clo-c springers. These Cows were selected with great care by the undersigned himself, and must he in every rujicct in represented or no s-alc. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. in., when at tcud'incu v. 11! be given bv HARRY C. L1NTNER. ? .Mt'Kt. Ilras & So, Auct. nG-otd 1 7Ultow urr.itA iiousk. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10 th. THE KCCKXTKIU COMEDIAN, ROLAND EEED, Who for the past week packed Havcrly's The atre, Philadelphia, will appear at the Fulton Opera House, Friday, November 10, In the Latest Comedy Sucec-s Fred. Marsden's "Cheek." Reserved Seatsat usual prices. Now on sale at Opci a Houso Office. nC 5td f".lKW Fire Insurance Company OF IMULADKLl'IA. Assets over Eleven Hundred Thou sand. Dollars, securely Invested. For a policy in tlds old ami vel!-e3iablUlu;dcoiupanycalliu RIFE & KAUFMAN, NO. 19 KAST KING STREET. d.:M.VKS "VTKW TOilK STOKK. LADIES' CLOAKS. Watt, Shand & Co., Have opened another large invoice of LaMES" coats. LADIES' JACKETS. LADIES' DOLMANS, In latest tyle at lowest prices. CLOTH SUITINGS Are the popular good's of the season. We oner a choice lino at Low Price. NEW DRESS GOODS, In preat variety at Bottom Prices. SPECIAL BARGAINS in clioico FALL COLORS. 103 pieces WOOL-FACE DKESS GOODS, 12c. a yard. 50 pieces DOUBLE-FOLD CASHMERE, 15c. a yard. SPECIAL BARGAINS IX DUESS GOODS, at 17c., E0c, 23c. nyard. 10 pieces BLACK DRESS SILKS, at $1.(0 a yard, worth $1.25. Ladies' Underwear, Gents' Underwear, Ohildrens' Underwear. In all sizes and qualities nt Lowest Prices. Blankets, Flannels, Comforts. at prices second to none. WATT,SHAND&CO. NEW YORK STORE, 8-10 EAST KING STREET. CONNECTICUT CIU A KM, IlrOK 25 UTS. (made from old stock Connecticut to bacco) at , HAttTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORK SmW ADYMMT1BE3UCNT8. S' TUATVBKIDGE & CLOTfllEK. LADIES' WINTEE COATS AND- DOLMANS. We take special pride and pleasure in calling attention to our stock of these goods. It surpasses all we have offered in the past, and we have good reason to believe is not equaled in Amer ica. The Garments are all manufactured abroad expressly for us, in the most careful manner from the latest styles, which styles are in many cases confined to us alone. This Superb Stock is now on Exhibition; The prices will be louna surprisingly iiiuucraic. WE ALSO SHOW A WONDERFUL LINE OP Misses' and Children's Coats. All marlp hv thp ;atnp malfprc in rhp hioTiest Stvle of the art and not to be surpassed for Style, Fit and carefulness of manu facture. So great are the inducements we offer in this department the present season that with the coming of cool weather we shall probably have a demand which will tax all our resources. We, therefore, recommend our friends to make selections without delay. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS EXCLUSIVELY. ;EIGHTH AND MARKET. EIGHTH AND FILBERT. PHILADELPHIA. apr22-oawdFftw H aueu & BROTHER. AT THE LOWEST FIGURES. At the very lowest figures wo are prepared to supply all kinds and qualities of CARPETS, DRUGGETS AND RUGS. We insure all Carpets to be WELL-SEWED and PROMPTLY LAID by the UEST CARPET LAYER in tho city. Paper Hangings. From lines of CHOICE WALL PAPERS and CEILING DECORATIONS all ordera will bo filled on the best possible terms, and estimates made on the LOWEST BASIS. Our Paper Hangers aro especially employed by us, and wp guarantee their work, in all cases, to give perfect satisfaction. Also, Lace Curtains, Poles, Shades and Fixtures. HaGER & BROTHER, No. 25 West King Street, TOHN I.. jlKMOLB. JOHN L. ARNOLD, Nos. 11, 13 and 15 East Orange Street, - Lancaster, Fa. COME AND LOOK AT THE.BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS IN gas mum and patent cold pase heaters, THE BEST IN THE WORLD. JOHN L. ARNOLD, "06.11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. Mjrwr- Ai)VKRTlHKTt.KIiTS. WABTK U.-GOUD CIOARMAKKltS. Steady employment, fine location, board with manufacturers. Address Immedi ately. Hook Springs Cigar Factory, ttock Springs, Cecil conniy, Maryland. nl-lwd tiLA.aH JLSD tTJEMNHWAltk. rriuH MAKTIS. Glassware, - - Glassware. AT CHINA HALL. We have Just opened our Fall Importations ot Fine Glassware, -IX- FRU1T BOWLS, PUESEttVK DISHES. WINE DECANTHK8. WATER BOTTLES, TUMBLERS. GOBLETS, &C, We call especial attention to onr FLOWER STANDS. These goods aro entirely new anil novel. Suitnble for Wedding Presents. Kxatnine them beforo purchasing. High & Martin 15 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER. PA. UABDWAKX. IS EW HARDWARE 8TOKK. 9-11 SOUTH QUEEN ST., MARSHALL & RENGIER, dealers IN BUILDING and CABIN i. HARDWARE, STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, PAINTS, OILS and GLASS House FurniskiDg Goods. 8ll-3mdvw Lancaster, Fa. CLOTHJSO. w IU.MHSON FOSTEK. CLOTHING In tho greatest variety, and selling ut the Lowest Prices at WILLIAMSON &F0STER'S Their Ono Spcolal ALL-WOOL DRESS SUIT For $12, anil the OTERCOAT thai they aro selling for HOare still tho prlncipalattractions. Bnt such Piles of Clothing and Heaps or Over coats aro seldom seen in Lancaster. Xow whilo the stock is full there is no trouble abont being fitted in tho choice of goods. TUB CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Is In a room sepaiato from the rest'and'the assortment seems complete, tho styles being so varied. The FALLAXD W1XTEU STYLES OF SILEHAT8 Have been ready for some time. The Youna: Gent's Block being the most popular. The prices aro H and o, but the $5 is tlio Self-Con. tormlnir, and the comfort in wearing it is eqnal to that of an eld hat. UNDERWEAR AND GLOVES Suggest themselves theso cool days & well as Overcoats and Caps, and yon will find the as sortment here and the prices right. -OUR GUNNINGCOATS Are very popular becauso the prices are very low. The same may be said ot onr Cardigan Jackets, Overalls. Trunks, Traveling Bugs, Blankets. Robes, Whips, and Fnr Glove?. HamsoQ & Foster, 34, 36 and 38 East King St, LANCASTER. PA. Qinn REWARD. ulvU A reward of one hundred dollars will be paid lor the arrest and conviction or any person voting upon any or the tax receipts stolen from H. B. Vondersmlth, tax collector ot the wrst wards of tho City ot Lancaster and which wero afterwards fraudulently issued to dlfflcrent persons in said wards. W.H. ROLAND. Chairman Democratic County Committee. n3-tfd NOTICE TO TKESPASSKKS AM) GUN NERS. All persons are hereby forbidden to trespass on any of the lands ot the Corn wall or Speedwell estates, in Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether Inclosed or un Incloscd, either tor the purpose of shooting or fishing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all trespassing on said lands ot the undersigned after this notice. WH. COLEMAN FREEMAN, K. PERCY ALDEN, EDWARD C. FREEMAN, Attorney lor R. W. Coleman's Heirs. olG-tfdAw THIRD EDITION. MONDAY EVENING. NOV. 7, 182. HEAVY LOSSES. AJKiaEV TOWN'S F1EKV VISITATION. The Flames Destroy 9250,000 Worth of Property A List or tbo Sufferers Witb tho Amount Lost. New York, Nov. C A Red Bank, X. J., dispatch estimates the aggregate loss by the fire last evening at upwards of $250,000. Some of the losers aro partly msuted. There were twenty stores ana offices burned. The following list U given of the in dividual losses. Sickles, grocery $6,000 ; H. H. Curtis, furnishing goods, $5.000 : Henry Schrocder, druggist, 96,000 ; J. W. Child, baker, $5,000 ; H. J. Child, confectioner. 3.500; R. J. Warfell, cigars, 1,500 ; J.H.Peters .v VO., naraware, over )jiuu,wo ; oi. a.. Stufit, jeweller, 150 ; J. R. Berger&Son, boots and shoes, 28,000; New Jersey Standard office,$6, 000; F. Chadwick,drugs loss unknown; Yandegrift, millinery, 10,000; First Methodist Episcopal church, 18,000; the National bank, 10,000; . Allaire, butcher, loss unknown; Mrs. E. Weis, milliuery, 4,000; S. Savath, stoves, loss un known ; T. Davis, grain and feed, 6,000 ; Joseph Edgar, provisions, 5,000; Eustis Leighton, billiard hall, 2,000; dwelling owned by J. A. TbragmortoD, lots 2,000, nearly all insured. DISASTROUS rLAMiS. Heavy Loss by Fire lu Portland, Maine. Portland, Mc, Nov. C. Firo on the south side of Commercial street this morning debtroyed '.ho bitildint;ix!cupuii by Churchill & Co. and Isaac Emory, im porters, Belknap & Co., tallow chandlers, and Frank Davis, agricultural imple ments, also tho building on the coiiiV. Central wharf, occupied by Randall &(.'. ilour and groceries. On tho west nio it destroyed the stores of Stevens & Co., irou merchants, aud Curtis & Davis, lish dealers. In the rear it burned tho cxten sive cooperage of Walter Nimball. The buildings were of wood and not valuable, but tho loss oh stock will be very heavy. Ci:iMK FKUSTJCATKI). An Engineer Mabes a Timely I)l;coccry. Reading, pa., Nov. 6. The engineer of the midnight express on the Lebanon Valley railroad discovered some heavy pieces of timber placed on tho track near Wernorsville. He was unable to stop in time, but luckily his engiuo throw the obstructions from the track instead of running over them. A short distance further on he discovered a hand car on the track bnt was able to stop in time. It appears that some ono broko into tho tool house and pushed tho hand car on the track. No arrests havo yet been made. Wales' Tribute to Longfellow. London, Nov. C. Tho Prince of Wales li:ts consontcd to act .as chairman of the Longfellow memorial committee. Iu a letter accepting tho chairmanship ho ex presses much satisfaction in acceding to tbo request to act, and adds that bo is vory clad that an opportunity has been afforded bim to show tho high respect he entertains for the memory of tho greatest of American poets and his appreciation of the value and excellence of Longfellow's works. A Now Trial Granted. New York, Nov. 0. In tho suit of Wm. S. Williams to set aside the agree ment of January 10th, 1881 between the Western Union, tho Amercan Union and tho Atlantic and Pacific telegraph com panies and tho Union Trust compauy for the consolidation of tho three telegraph companies, a decision has just been ten dered reversing the judgment of tho special term and granting a new trial. Democratic .Nominees Endorsed. San Francisco, Nov.C Tho League of Freedmen held a meeting here yesterday and resolved to withdraw all previous en dorsements of candidates on the different tickets and give an unqualified endorse' ment of the Democratic tickets state, mu nicipal and legislative. Mellville on tho Stand. Wasiiinoton, Nov. G. The examina tion of Chief Engineer Melvillo was begun this morning by the Jcanetto board of in quiry, no was asked to give a narrative account of tho voyago of the Jeanuetto up to the time of her loss, aud began bis story with the departure of the ship from Ban Francisco, July 8th, 1870. Fears f:r the Safety or n Steamer. London, Nov. G. A dispatch to the Central News from Copenhagen, says an uneasiness is felt there iu consequence of a report that Nomads on tho uoithern coast of Siberia have seen a wrecked steamer, as the Danish steamer Pymphna is known to bo ico bound iu that region. m Fudillers Ntrlke for an increase r 1'ay. Terke Haute, Ind., Nov. G. Puddlers at the Terre Haute iron and nail works and Wabash iron compauy struck this morning for six dollars per ton, but both works will continue. The men at the Crecncastlo works all went on a stiiko this morning and tho works arc closed. A Fatal Driving Accident. Jersey City, Nov. G. Louis Haag and Henry Bellman, while out driving Iast night, were run into by an undertaking wagon, driven by Charles Taylor, of Bayonne. Bellman was thrown out and instantly killed. Taylor drove rapidly away. rire From a Detective Fine. Boston, Nov. G. A dwelling, barn and workshop, belonging to Mrs. Broad, at Pinkaping, Clinton. Mass., were burned last night. Loss, 3,000 ; lightly insured. The cause of the fire was a defective flue. Craxed by Fire. Rochester, N. Y., Nov. 6. Geo. Fiat ting, a German, early this morning while crazed by liquor shot at his wife without hitting her, but supposing he had mur dered her, fled after setting fire to the house and barn which wero destroyed. Peace Negotiations at m: End. Panama, Nov. 5. News from Lima says peace negotiations with Dou Garcta Calderon are Anally broken off, and that ho has been sent into confinement at Gngcl. A Kusslan ICiver Ice Hound. St. Petersburg, Nov. 0. The river Neva is full' of ice and navigatien is closed. m Killed by Negroes. Charleston, S.C., Oct. G. Doting a fight at Varinsvillo yesterday between negroes and whites a policeman named Reid was killed and several other whites wero badly beaten. Stables Darned. Harrisburo, Pa., Nov. 6. This after coon fire destroyed the stables at the Har risburg driving park. Two horses were burned. The loss has not yet been ascer tained, but it is covered by insurance. WEATHEK 1HDICATIONS. Washington, Nov. 4. For tho Middle Atlantic states, warmer fair weather, followed by rain, northeast, veering to southeast winds, stationary or lower prcs sure. THE MAC'S MOO'S. The Authors ana FaMMMn of thm Article totwAmmd. Immeuse numbers of the New York Tablet, containing the article beaded the " Mac's " and the "Cs" were dietribu- ted in Altoona. Subsequently it was de termined that inforstatioBi shoakl be made ajrainst the authors aad publishers of tho articles, and this being dose a eon. stable of Altoona left f Philadelphia with tho necessary papers for the arrest of Delaney, Starr, Gallagher and Keraa. Darned from SpoBtaaaoas CM tlua. Peabody, Mass., Nor. 6. The tallow aud grease manufactory of Elbridge Rust was burned this morninir from montane- ous combustion. Loss about 7,000. The Curreut or Public Oplaloa. Emerson says: "If yon do not know your way. hoist a sail, and drift: tho current knows t ho m ay. It you dont." Many a man with pains in his back, with dropsical limbs, or other ail ments that indi.ato kidney troubles, is trouble I about it. bnt doesn't know what to do. Let him wisely follow tho current of pub lic opinion, which is so strongly setting in to wards Hunt's Remedy, as the best medicine ever known for kidney and liver diseases. That current sets in the right direction, and Is increasing In volume every day, and Is bearing out on itsbenctlcentbosom thousands ot botttcs of this wonderful Remedy to af flicted homes all over tho land. This current of public opinion is sweeping the physicians' with it, who are putting Hunt's Remedy among thsir mnt valued prescriptions In cisss at disorder or the bladder, liver or kid neys. ruhAn. new , New obs. Nnv.B. Flonr dull and strongly In avor ot buyuis. Southoru flour quiet, but steady. Wheat J-iSHc lower. dulfniul heavy; No.l .VhttoatSlW; do Nor., 107; No. 2 Red. Nov., l 06; do Dec. SI iwiejl myi- !o , Corn opened jjtfjc better, afterwards ad ante and declined J!4..: mixed western fiML SlQSSo : tio lulu us,i.-JJJ.SSKc. Outs . l shade iK-tttr; Nn.iNnv.. iiMQUiyic ; to Dec. ,4iQt3$a : iio Jan., 4 iir : snate, tie; Western, abjttc.- . . -ni::iit- ii'-i'i, but v i... .-tsoa stt-.ti : !!. rttiH-, t. hi .-.:;;.; 4 I'D; IViiii.i. Faiudv. f7'.1 . Jlye flour ntfl AV34 37. Wheat quiet and steady ; I'a Ucil H ii7j 112J4; Amber at ff 12,-tl li. Corn auii't but lirm 011 Tile i)e::l market? Steamer. S7o : Yellow, fJ&MK; Mixed. .' .ittSfcc ; Oats steady; No. 1 White; !:. ; Vo. 2 .: 45c; No. a do, 4IJc: No. 2 :.l.x.l, l;.?ilc. Rye nominal at 7l7.!c. ' Provisions steady. Lard steady. Kutter quiet but unchfmel. Eggs firm ; 1'oim'tl 31:Uo ; W.vjleni, 30c. . Cheese steady ; Jiovf York lu I cream, 12ai3c: Western rail cream, i?",Q.i:.c; do fair to good. liyi3)llXc ; l'eun'itp.iil-iklins. iVHJyV : uo luu-saim, ,cte. j-cjroKnim nrmer : ltd r; Ueiiiicil, js;e. Whisky at tl 22. Live Stock market. CniOAOO. Hogi Receipts, K;,(KW head ; Bhir tuonts. 3,80t head ; ileuuiml weak and ;inces 10c lower ; mixed, iii7 ; heavy, 7 10is. 75 ; light. :t07 ; skips, MSi:. Cattle KetiuptM. 2,000 iii-ail ; lilineiil3,.r,6C0 head ; market very and prices stc.tdy : ex ports nominally JG'36'0 - good 10 choice ship ping, $." lOiS ".; lower to fnir, ? f (muS W); mixed batchers' slow, but steady at -ft 'J3 4; bulk of sales being at $2 75?3:i'.'.r: Miocker and feeders weak at J2ti)fJ4 si ; range ?lcady ; Americans,?! 23550. Sheep Keeeipts, SOU; shipments, 2,7iiO head ; demand fair and market .-teudy ; inf-iior to lair, $i Ul3 25 ; medium to goo,), f!4')Sj4; ein-lco to extra, il 20i4 80. lra:n atttl Itovmiou yaotinnn.. Onuo'clncb quotation? of grain and jir.tvu. lon, fnrnished by S. K. Yimd:. Kiotfjv. I5( E:ist King strcot.- Nov. C. Chicago. Wheat Corn Oats fork Ijird Nov .04 .(.2'i .3SJi f8.40 11.15 Dec i4 .CiVi Yteir 1)4;-;; .&! 18.45 11.17 l'eli-oleii'i. Oil city. ....1.25 Stock market. Now York, I'hiiadi-lpiii-i ani t.o-.-it stoetcj. also United States IJor.ds r'poUc! il-itlv by Jacob It. Lon, 22 North Queen stn:er. Nov. ti. Ifi-iM :Ml S:fcO. a. n. v. . r.K. Denver A Kio Urande 52Ji 5i!4 0 N. Y..Lako Erie ft Western.... :i ."1 Kansas and Tcraa S.V :zi 35j,i laKkft Siiorn il.'VV. HSIiJ HS New Jersey Central 72!i Ti 7i New Yorit, Ontario W 27T; T,? 27 St. Paul, M. &. Omaha 4-J,' V.t;$ 'i Faeinc Mail : S!i SiJi Itochestcr ft Pittsburgh Vl';4 Wi si Texan Faeinc 41. 41 V)i Wabash. - ...mis ft Pacific.... Zi'A s:i 33 Western Union Tel. Cr. vi s.t-H ftsjsf Pennsyl van la Central to tali w PhlladelphUft lieading ?:(, 'i'A S.Vit Northeru PaeiUe Com 4i, 4.V;J 4.Vi " " Preferr."!.... U.i 92i r.ntrulo I'iUa. a West 20 Cattle itlarket. l'liiLADtLrniA, Nov. 1. (.'attic market dull: sales, 5.UK) head ; prime AQ;7c ; good at 5; Ke: mciliiim at 44?iTJc; com 11011 at Sji'ul ; fat cows. 3440. Mhcep market dull : sales, 17,000 ; good, tyiQ&Av ? medium. l4Jic; tali, :'; coin mon,2jQ3c; veal cat vim. 7J10e." Hogs in active .Sem-iiid ; sale. S.tHH head; selling atloftli'e. KX 1 Kill A IN 31 -;. 'I'rt. lULTON OPEKA Utll'SK. Monday, Hovamb9r6, 1332. Antliouy & Ellis Famous lOKALUOb'ULE COiiPANY In the Jlijestlc Spcctiieul'ir Kcvivnl ot li:miet 1'eeeher at'iwe's Ctvat Moial and liiimoitul Work. 17 NCLK TOM'd CAI'.I.V. T11E2UKEATI':T LIVlMi TOi'rffKS. EVA and her jiet pony ' ISismty," "KNOX'thesiiijlIeitdonkeyotifheefaae- TIu; liuefit bund ot coloied volee-t In the World, the MEMPHIS UNIVKItITV hTUUKNT.S and PLANTATION TKOUIIAIIOUKS. Our pack of MAMMOUTII TRAINED .'iltlEUIAN HLOODIIOUNDS, Iiitrotluclng tho thrilling bloodhound cliuse, the Ohio Uiver in a snow itorm, tlm great auc tion slave marl. A CASCADE OF ItEAl, WATKIt, Grand transftrmatfoii eeneeot the Keanllfiil tiates Eva's Ajeemlim tlir.mglithu gol den ga'es 5o heaven. KESEKVED SEATd SO CENTS. (J ENKKAL ADMISSION 35 CENTS. CIIILIll.r.....-.........-..........oC.r.N AS. No extra. Nn higher. n2-4td TjUl.TON OPEKA Itt)lK. Tuesday, Novembor 7, 1832. The Acme of Mlnitrel Art. The Pinnacle or Fame. THE WOULD FAMOUS M. B. LEAVIaTS OFpintean Minstrels. 40 Famous Artists 40 EVERYTHING ENTIKELY NEW. NOVEL ANDOKIOINAL. A STEKLINU DE- I'AKTUICE FROMT11E KELICS OF ANCIENT UlbTOIlY. Au-angeinents have item i aileitml the Elec Hon Ueturn-4 will be read from thestageas' soon an received at the Telegraph Office. 43-No extracharge for Reserved Scats,which can bo seenred at Opera House Office. n.1-4td Tj'CLTUN OPKKA UMVSK. " GRAND MUSICAL CONCERT - BY THE RENOWNED BIMGOLD BAUD, OF READING. -ow- WBDN38DAY, BVBN'G, NOV. 8. John 31. Stephens, Elocutionist, In Popnlarund Humorous Selections. Cornet Duets by MESSRS. J. WINTERS ami HOCK. Baritone Solos anil Clarionet Solos by BA31U MiSUUAlUU. ADMISSION 35andMcts. No extra charge for Reserved Scats. Seats secured at YccKcr's Office three days In, ad vance. SPECIAL NOTICE. Excursion tickets will be sold from all stations on tho Reaillng ft Columbia railroad to l.nncaster on Wednes day, nt halt tare ; tickets good to go on all trains and good to return on any train on 8th and ath. Special train will retnrn same nteht. Lcavo Lancaster at 11:15 p. m. nov,7,S