LANCASTER, PA., THURSDAY OCTOBER 26, 1882. Price Two umi. Volume XIX No 48. our GOODS, . TOWKKM MCKST. BOEE8 & HUEST, Nos. 26 and 28 North Queen Street, OFFER SPECIAL BARGAINS IN UNDERWEAR FOR LADIES, UNDERWEAR FOR CHILDREN, UNDERWEAR FOR MEN. ALSO BLAHIETS at Low Prices, COMFORTS at Low Mens, FLANNELS at Low Prices. tarWe invito Goods Displayed. all to call and boo us in our Elegant New Rooms, where wo have many Choice BOWERS & HURST, Nos. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. rn. w. UHXEK m tu MERCHANT TAILORING. r Our Merchant Tailoring Department is now full of all the Novelties of the Season ; and having in our employ A First-Class Cutter, We can Guarantee to our patrons satisfaction in every particular. JNO. S. GIVLER & CO. No. 25 EAST KING STREET, JNO. 8. GIVLER. LANCASTER, PA. GEO. F. RATHTON. VL.OTHINO. M TKK8 BATHFON. A LARGE INCREASE OF TRADE. To supply the dcmnmls ol a increased trade, wo liavo manufactured, for this foil, a larger sinil bcDer selected .stuck than ever tdiown by any clothing house lii this city. In the present Micro seems to hen demand torn belter grade ot Kcady-madc Clothing than Ji:is been sold heretofore, and wo have been busy all summer to meet thin waul. FANCY TWILLED CASSIMERES,... flO K GREEN AHU IILUK CHECKED CASSIMKKES W IX) PLAIN TW1LLEDCASSIMERES, 10 00 BROWN" TWILLED WORSTEDS, 10 00 fANCY PLaID SUITS 11 01 BRO VK MIXED CASSIMERES, Ill ft) TIGUTTWI8TKD BLUE TWILLS 12 00 STEEL MIXED CASSIMKUKS IK (HI NUBSTANTIAL and STYLISH GREEN CHEVIOTS, IS 00 SOLID BLACK WOKSTKDS 10(0 BLUE IOTTKI WORSTEDS 14 GREEN AND BLUE DOTTED CHEVIOT 17 00 BLUB CHECKED WOUSTKUS ".. 15 OJ SOLID BLUE WORSTEDS, IS (K) Every Karmcnt sold by uh Is manufactured by us and for our trade only. By this means wo arc enabled to put upon 1 he market a bet or article, for less money, thau can be bad at most houses, where every garment la bought from Philadelphia and New York wholesale. 1WV1?DG 9 DATUtTflM Manufacturing Clothiers, 1YL I Ll0 OL 1 A 1 Hr U1N , no. 12 bast king street, Lancaster, penn'a. THE ELECTORAL FEAUD. UUICKKAS COaiLNO HOME TO ROOST. ItltY HOODS. H AUrtt BKOIUEK. K O B E S EMBROIDERED GOODS. Silk Embroidered Cashmere and Foule Robes, in Beautiful Designs and Fashionable Coloring, both in the Cheaper and more Ex pensive qualities. HAGER & BROTHER. vLOTiiinu. M KB1NU HI1IKT8 AND UKAAVKltS FOU- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. E.J. ERISMAN. "I A.NOC. COLLARS AND UUUFS. K. -I. ERlsMAN, N KW LINK OF NECKTIES AND WHITE SHIRTS. E. J. KR1SMAN ALL WOOL SCARLET SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. E. J. EUISMAN, 56 NORTH QUEEN STREET. JAI.I. OPKNlNG FALL OPENING N XT IIOUR TO THIS CODUT UOUSK. FAHNESTOCK'S To Tobacco Buyers, Hotels and Boarding Houses. 500 Pairs White and Colored BLANKETS, From the Large Special BL in Lots to Suit Pure All at Lees : BLANKETS 1ST Sale in Now York, last week, jTb, from 1 Pair to 1 Balo, Regular Prices. -AT r e; fahnestock, Next Door to the Court House. Lancaster, Fa. H.OUBB rvitNisumo noons. TTOUSErURNlSHINO. THE BEST. We all want the best and most economical STOVES, HEATERS & FURNACES. SPEAR'S PARLOR HEATERS Are SUPERIOR to ANT IN T1IE MARKET. Don't fail to SEE TUEM and SAVE MONEY. In our ENDLESS VARIETY of OTHER STOVES wo HAVE AIMED to have NONE BUT WHAT ARE GOOD, all of which WE GUARANTEE. We bare the SOLE AGENCY for tho Three Best Furnaces in the Market, CALL AND SEE THEM. FLINN & WILLSON. ' LANCASTER, PA. PLUMBER'S SUPPLIES. TVTHOLESALIS DEPOT FUK Water Closets and Bath Tabs, Iron and Wooden Hydrants, Plumbers' Earthenware, Gas and Steam Fitters' Supplies, Gas Fixtures at Hedticed Prices, Plumbers' Supplies, Tinners 'Supplies SLATE B00FING. SLATE ROOFING. E GERIART'S Tailorii Esiint, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, OCT. 25, 1882. TTIKSH & lUUMIlKK. Shirts and Underwear. Tlio place to buy your Shirts nml Underwear is al our Great Clothing Hall, and now we would liko you to call and cxuinluo some of the specialties wc are showing In tho above mention 1 articles. Our UNDERWEAR ranges In prices Iroin 23 ccntscach to $2.59 and comprises all the different grades and colors. Onr 5'J-ccnt Shirt and Drawers Is a special bar gain. We have at least 50 DIFFERENT KINDS OF SHIRTS, Among which wo have special bargains In whiti and blue flannel Bicycle, Lawn Tennis, Yachtmcn's and thechcaper grades. A Bicy clo Shirt at 50 cents. A Bicyle Shirt nt 73 cents. A Bicycle Shirt at $1.00, and different qualities to the finest. Our greatest inducement is a lot ot 200 cozen extra quality Paragon White Siiirts At 80 cents, four-ply linen bosom and cuff, re in lorccd bosom. A few dozen ot those elegant Percale Shirts, with two collars, at OS rents, yet lctt. HIRSI & BROTHER, FennHall Clothing House, Nos. 2 and 4 North Queen Street, 6 and 8 Penn Square. sep8 1yd NOS, 11, 18 16 EAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. JOHN L. ARNOLD, I TOOU3, STOGIES, :habtm. O Rlcs. $1.25 per hundred at PITTSBURGH STO 3 YELLOW FKONT CI H ;xout, The Spirit aud KcuIU or the seven ty Klght CoiuuiUsIon and General Cant' cron'8 Connection With It. For the Iistellige-ckk. The New York Sun iu a recent article, among other things said about Siraou Cameron, concludes with the followiug, which amounts to a confession : "At the close of his lonjr peiiotl of ser vice as a benator of theUtited States, he opposed the electoral commission, plainly declaring to his Republic vi intimates iu the Senate that it was i..linitely better that the Republican pai ty should : out of power aud that Mr. Tildeu aud the Democrats should come iu. Tho people had so decided in the election ; aud he held that to retain tho administration aud IJie ofliccs tlmmgM any cuuuin; devices against the will of the people, could only lead to subsequent disaster. It is nut too much to say that the seciuel has more thau vindicated the soundness of this honest judgment. Huw many Ili:publi can statesmen there arc who now heartily wish they had followed it !'' Can this be so'.' Or, Ms it all incicly twaddle? Atallooats it has appeared in ll:; news columns of a number ol papers notably tho thrto Lancaster dailies without any comment Tiiero is an old saying to the effect that "There's iuany a truth spoken in jest," and this may belong to that category. Ifieh weic the views of General Cameron, they wore btrangely in contract with tho conduct of his sou (tho .sctfrctaryof war) who used his whole ollicial, pecuniary and political irillueuce to foist iH)or Mr. Hayes upou the Ameri can pcoplo as their rightful president. Yes ; poor Mr. Hayes. Tho Democratic party may have been a despised or God forsaken parly ; aud so may a tramp bo a despised or God-forsaken it. dividual ; but what would bo thought of tho silk-stock-iuged gentleman who should steal tho shoes from tho poor tramp's feet, only be cause ho occupied a position iu society that would screen him from the thoft '.' Tho seating of poor Mr. Haycs,aiirt tho de frauding of Samuel .1. Tildeu out of the presidency, was au unparalleled event in thu political history of tho country, aud perhaps of tho world ; but tho " Record ing Angel " was there ; aud all the chick ens hatched in that iniquitous nest will eventually "come homo to roost." Tho subsequent course of Gen. Cameion, how ever, was not iu harmony with the posi tion attributed to him in the above para graph, nor is it in harmony with it uow, heuto the New York Sun may have only been dreaming; but his cogitations, never theless, only express " a shrewd doubt though it be but a dream." Poor Mr. Hayes' status morally, socially or politi cally, cannot possibly tio an enviable oue. Whether absolutely so or not, thcie aro at least twenty millions of pcoplo in the United Slates who believe that Mr. Hayes was fraudulently thrust into tho presiden tial chair. But it was not only those who voted for Mr. Tddcn, their families :ni their (rieuds. who believed he had bicu defrauded out of tho president: Maty also of the leading Republicans kucw it, or believed it ; and, hero and there," from that notable jeried iu our political history down to the pies cnt time, they havo practically confessed it, or acknowledged it. The very obloquy so industriously and continuously heaped upou Mr. Tilden's name and fame, both iu season aud out of season, amounted ro a practical confession that ho had been cheated, aud their defamations of his char acter were intended to create tho impres sion that he ought to havo been cheated. It was like knocking a man down aud then kicking him for foiling. No defeated can- ilidale lor any oltico since the inundation of tho American government was so perti naciously vilified, after his defeat, as Mr Tildeu was. It was like the robbeis stab bing their victims because they had lobbed him. Usually, in political contests, as in comlicts ot arms, wueu toe oattie is over, the victor is willing to extend the hand of friendship to the vanquished, or at least U treat him with the consideration duo to his unfortunate condition. 15ut it was not so iu Mr. Tilden's case. Ho was pur sued moro vehemently after the election thau ho was before it, merely, because twenty millions of thu American pcoplo believed ho was elected ; and to make it appear that he ought to havo been de feated. Of course, there may have been, twenty millions who believed poor Mr. Hayes was elected, but tho leaders and knowing ones among his suppoiters did not beiievo it, lor they knew otherwise, and since then, many of them havo said otherwise. Tho doctjine that the majority shall rulo is so essentially tlio fuiuhimoulal maxim of a iepublican form of iovern ment that it cauuot long be ignored with impunity. Even in cases where thcro is not a majority, but only a constitutional plurality, it is an act ol political obsecra tion to ignore it. The South tiied it in tho ease of Abraham Lincoln, and it only brought them defeat, subjugation, aud along train of heart-burning evils. The slow process of time's eventful evo lutious is rc-actiug upou the infamy of tho 7 by 8 olcctoral commission aud its (oul instrumentalities. Tho chickens of that notorious event will all finally havo come home to roost it isouly a matter of time. It may be a little singular to view it in this way, but in thatinlamous event both candidates for the presidency yielded to a dire temptation, neither of which was creditable to them, as time has shown, al though 3Ir. Tilden's may havo been re garded as leaning to tho side of charity. Poor Mr. Hayes knew ho was not elected by either of tho olccloi; or tho people un dei a fair interpretation of tho vote cast. Dot his backers and abetters brought ali tho powers, iuiluonccs aud intrigues con tingent to the ' possession" in his behalf aiid.ho had not tho moral manhood to re sist tho temptation. It was the only op portunity ho could possibly ever liavo to reach the goal of his ambition, and ho willingly availed himself of it. The afore said abettors cared not the weight of a pin about what "poor Mr. Hayes would subse quently experience. All they wanted was to cover up their nefarious tracks,' aud poor Mr. Hayes who was a mere automa ton in their hands, was available aud hence they used him. " The spirits of Washing ton, Warren, Moutgomery," did not look ,c dowu from tho clouds with bright as pects serene" on that great iniquity. How will they ever meet tho3e pure patriots in tho realms or the "hotter land ?" Human judgment cannot follow them there, for there they will bo estimated for what they are and not for what they seem. Mr. Tildcn fell into tho temptation of expediency, and although his sentiments may havo been averse to tho "electoral commission" yet ho wrongly yielded to it, ostensibly at least, "for tho sake of peace." When, in the proud attitude of a success ful candidate, he should have manfully as sorted his rinhts. and he would havo at tained thorn. Concicncc would have mado cowards of his adversaries, for thousands, and tens of thousands iu tho country, en tertained tho same views as those attribu ted to General Cameron in the above quoted paragraph. There would havo been no revolt, and no bloodshed. Tho people had had enough of war. It would havo bcon liko tho two men fighting, ono of whom cried "enough," the other declaring he was glad enough of it, for he was just about to cry enough himself. Mcu are 'thrice armed when they know thoiroause is right," and if tho Democratic party did not know this, it was not becauso tho Re publican party did not concede it. It was au error, although it was on the sido of humanity. "How oftcu has it happened that men of ability, political strength, and meritorious lives have aspired to office, and have withdrawn their candidacy before their claims havo becu brought to a test beforo a nominating convention, on tho ground of expediency. They have removed them selves out of the way of other aspirauts under tho mistaken idea that their disin tcrstcducss would be appreciated, and that their claims would bo recognized ou tho next futuro occasion. And thus they have continued for years, aspiring aud with drawing, until their claims wcro looked upon us the iiuportuuities of a political " hack," that had no rights any body was bjutul to respect. It is true, they may have mollified tho wrath of somo anibiti ous competitors, hut they may have of fended ton times as many political friends by their absonco of " grit." It is much bcltor to bo defeated through integrity to principle, thau to succeed t krough com promises aud expediencies. Let the Demo cratic party henceforward educate itsolf up to this standard, trusting in tho truth fullness of its cause aud it will ultimately prevail. This view is not based upon tho i esult of tho Ohio election. That event cauuot bo considered an unqualified Democratic success, although it is unquestionably a Republican defeat. But nevertheless, a re-action, as a gcutlo wavo is passing silently aud steadily over tho land. " Tho battlo is not always with tho strong, nor tho race with tho swift." "Great ac tions never can bo achieved by wicked means." Tho great fraud perpetrated ihiough tho notorious 7 by 8 electoral com mission will eventually bo avenged through time's unerring evolutions. Tho unpur chased aud unpurchasable Democracy will yet give tene and character to our political institutions. It is only a matter of time, aud that time may be nearer at hand thau anyone really knows. Tho " beginning of tho end " may occur this year, next year, or some other year in tho near future, but eventually occur it will. The haudwriting is ou the wall, and is iu process of inter pretation. Let the Democracy buckle ou their armor, aud bo tiuo to the piinciples of Jefferson, of Monroe, and of Jackson, " uubribed by conquest aud unbought by gain." Ro truo to the memories of tho past, spurn the advances of tho corruption ist, even at. the expense of being voted a . liouituoK. A man is wiser lor his learning, and tho sooner he learns that, tho only proper way to eureu CoiiKh r com, is to use ur. iiuira Cough Syi up, the better lie is off. " Slow and steady wins the race." Stead ily, lint not slowly, Kidney-Wort is distancing all competition for universal popularity and usclulncsH. This celebrated rumedycau now bcoblaiiH'd in the usual dry vegetablo lorm, or In liquid lorm. 11 is put up in tllin latter way lor thu especial convenience of those who can not. readily prepare it. It will ba found very eoneenl rated and will act with eqnal clll cieney iu cither lorm, See advertisement. Krcry color ot the Diamond Dyes is pt r lect. See the samples ot tho colored cloth at the diuggists. Unequalcd lor brilliancy. Ill health generally comes from, lack of the proper lit forces in the blood. To restore the blood to n healthy state UbC Brown's Iron Bit tern. For sale by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and Z) 3iortli Queen street. o231wditw It you don't see, itis mainly your own fault, because by procuring a pair of Celluloid yu UlniHOx, you can Improve tailing cyeiightso as to tee clearly. For sale by all leading Jew elers aud Opticians. SuiloiTb Vitallzer is what you need tor Con etipatlon. Loss of appetite. Dizziness and all .symptoms ol Dyspepsia. Price i'l and 75 cents per bottle. For tale by II. B. Cochran , drug gist, !37 aart IS) North Queen St. myl& w Incredible. V. .A. Scratch, druggist, Buthven, Ont., writes: "I have tne greatest confidence in vour Kanlocl; Wood Bitters. In one case with whle& 1 am personally acquainted their sue eise was almost inert dihle. One lady told me that, JKilf a bottle did hermorc good than hun dreds ot dollars' worth ft medicine she had previously taken." l'rico$l. For sale by II. B. Cocfiran, druggist, 137 and 13'J North Queen street. Will you sartor with Dyspep3la and Liver Complaint? Mitloh's Vliaiizcr is guaranteed to euro you. For salo by 11. B. Cochran, 137 and 1'KI Xoith Queen street, myl-lwdcow&w Unrivaled As being a ucrlaln cure lor the worst forms ol dvspepsia, indigestion, constipation, impurity of bloo.l, toipid liver, disordered kidneys, etc., and at a medicine for eradicating every specie of humor, troni an ordinary pimple to tbo front ulcer. Burdock Blood Bitters stand uunvalotl. l'rica $1. For sale by 11. B. Coch tv, "Jrosglst, 137 aud 13l North Queen street. esrrTicss nights, made udserablo by that Istt'v'R50U"1i. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy lr 't. jfor salo by 11. II. Cochran, druggist Zr . v;s North Uueeu St. myl-lwdcow&w , , - 111! -" - J T'alnut JL.oar Ualr Kestorer. --. JvaUreiy dlttcrent from all other. It is er rri-M water, and, as its name indicate?, V. . "rst Vegetable Hair Kestorer. It will J .?ly lree the head from all dandruff, . r" hair to Us natural color and pro- z sw growth where it has lallenoff. " .at in any manner effect the health. t. -Jphur. ugar of Le-ul and Nitrate ot Sfcrrwrwpanitlons have done. It will change ltCEt or faded hair in a few days to a beautiful glossy brown. Ask your druggist tor it. Kaeh bottle is warranted. SMITH, KLINE & CO., Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and C. N. CltlTTKNTON New York. junC-lyd.eodAw VAJWJSXB. jusnivL. )KOWM'S IKON B1TTEK8. SEEK health aud avoid sickness. Iuslead of feeling tired and worn out, instead of aches and pains, wouldn't you rather feel fresh aud strong ? You cau cotitiuuo feeling miserablo aud good for nothing, and no ono but yourself cau find fault, but if you are tired of that kiud of life, you cau chango it if you cIioofc. How? By gcttiug ono bottlo of Bkown's Ikon IHtteus. aud taking it regularly according to directions. Mansfield. Ohio, Nov.. loL tiectlouicn :-I have suffered with pain in my sido and back, and great soroness tin my breast with shooting pains all through my body, attended with great weakness, doprcsslou ot spirits, and loss of appetite 1 havo taken several different medi cines, anil was treated by promi nent physicians for my liver, Itiiltiey.", anil spleen, but I got no icllcf. 1 thought 1 would try Brown's Iron Bitters; I have now taken oue bottlo and a hall and am about well pain In side and back all gone soreness all out of my breast, anil 1 have a good appetite, and am gaining in strength nml llesh. It can justly be called the Jfcuitf of med icines. Joiim K. Allknkkk. Biiowk's Ikon Bitteks is composed of Iron iu soluble form ; Cinchona tho great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making a remark able non-alcoholic tonic, which will cure dyspepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, and relieve all Lung and Kiduey diseases. For sale wholesale and retail by II.B.COUU- KAN, Druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street. Lancaster o iwd&w H VLOTlllXU. HISTOBYBEPEATED. Penn started in this country 200 years ago asa clothier. We continue in the same line upon similar principles of equity and prudence, only with enlarged facilities for supplying the needy. A. C. YATES & CO., Ledger Building, Obcsiout & SixtliSts. PHILADELPHIA. O-VMuid CJl'KCIAL NOT1CK. KIDNKY-WOKT lies been proved thu surest cure lor KIDNEY DISEASES. D003 n lame back or disordered urine indi cate that you area victim? TIIKN IKi NOT HESITATE ; use Kidney-Wort at once (druggist- recommend It ) and it will speedily over come the disease and restore heaUhy action. 1 oflioo ror complaints peculiar to XjOiQlcO. your fe-c. kucIi 'ja pain and weaknassos. Kidney-Wort Is unsurpassed, it will act promptly and salely. Kltherscx. Incontinence, retention orurlne, brick dust or ropy depolt, anil dull, dragging pains, all speedily yield to Its curative power. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. I'rlce. 1. KIDNEY-WORT. Acts at the same time on the Kldnevs, Liver and Bowels. sop23-uod'IT3Aw43 ItOIWN, C. K AKKKUUSH'S lAICl'KTit. Carpet Manufactory,; Having undertaken to manufacture BAG and CHAIN CAKl'KTS, wholesale. 2,000 yards per week, I am uow prepared to suit my entire slock ot Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian Oa,rpets JUST RECEIVED AT I. Hatetosh's One Price Establishment, NO. 30 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, I'A. grsigii of the (Joldcn Ilcrse Heads."! A Splendid Assortment of LINfcD AND UNLINK!) BUFFALO KOBES, FANCY FUK KOBE-, WOOLEN AND FLUSH LAPBLANKETS, HOUSE COVKKS, BAKEIt'S PATENT EVAPORATING IIOltSK BLANKETS, GUM HOUSE COVERS, GU51 LAP CO VMM?, GOODYEAB'S KUBBEUCOATS AND GOSSAMERS, GOSSAMER HATS AND LEGGINGS, WHITE GUM SHEETING, Pocket Rooks, Ladies' Latest Style Hand Satchels iu Seal, Alligator and Morocco, .Leather Csrd Cases, Traveling Bags, Trunks, Telescope Cast'M. Sponges, Chamois, Horse Brushes, Whips, and SleljjhbclJa. Hors9 Clippers, Toilet Clippers. Gloves and Mittens in great variety. Harness Oil. Harness So.ip, Sell ol .Satchels. Also great variety ot RIDING SADDLES. Our own lnanulactnie or BUGGY HARNESS. TRACK HARNESS. COUPE, COACH AND EXPRKSH HAR NESS, YANKEE AND CONES TOGA TEAM HARNESS, And many other articles too numerous to mention. SCall and see. Repairing neatly done. M.HABERBUSH, No. GO CENTRE SQUARE. o9-Iyw&3md The handsomest stock ot CLOTHINd wo havo ever olleied for MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS. CHOICER STYLES Til AN KVEU, BETTER MADE THAN KVEI. LOWKH PRICED THAN KVEU. Special All-Wool MEN'S SUIT, in Grey and Brown Mixed, tflO.OO. FULL STOCK OF OVERCOATS, Kinging In prion from -.o) o-n Superior Manufacture to 3.M. Allol Prices Underneath Hie Ltwesl. I B. flostetter & Sen, Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, t 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. PA. w 1 I.LI ASISuIJ & VOSTKK. ir GREAT BARGAINS AND ;AT BELOW COST, to make room and give my entire attention to wholesale trade of my own inanutacturcd goods, rieaso call early. H. S. SELIRK, CARPET HALL, Cor. West King and Water Ste. VAUK1A.UKS, &V. T flOUOU. sYKuT. LOCHER'S RENOWNED COUGH SYRUP lias cured thousands. It will cure your Cough or Cold in less time than any other preparation. PRICE 'S3 VEXTB PER JiOTTLE, Prepared and sold Only by CHAS. A. L0CHER, NO. 9 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 'HIS Hl'AnUAUt) CAKK1AUK 't)KK OF LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & Co., FINE Carriage Builders, MARKET STREET, Rear of Central Market Houses, LANCASTER, PENN'A. We make every style Buggy and Carriago de sired. All work Unished in the most comfort able and elegant style. Wc use only tho best selected material, and employ only tho best mechanics. For quality of work our prices are tho cheapest in the state. Wc buy tor cash and sell on the most reasonable terms, Give us a tall. All work warranted. Repairing prompt ly attended to. One set ot workmen especially mploved for that onrnoso. In'iB-ttdAw TWO HUNDUED YEARS AGO thu people that came to Pennsylvania hardly tlioughtof Ready-Made Clothing For it was all made at home. At tho present day. and especially at this time, you can see the Finest Assoitim-iitof ' CLOTHING. The man mu.t be very hard to 111, indeed, il he cannot Hint his properr-izc iii our carefully selected stock. When you come to see what we sin- showing bring the Boys along, lor the CLOTH INJ tIMl wc have for them is in all sizes and hinds, nml there are some specialties Iu OVERCOATS, AS WELL AS CHILDREN'S SUITS. Our Stock of UNDERWEAR is larger tli.m in any previous year at thi season, and the .same might be -aid o: HATS, CAPS,GLOVi:, NECKWEAR. IIICKSS SHIRTS. CARDIGAN" J ACKBT.s. OVER ALLS, GUNNING COATS. BLAN KETS, Willi's. TRUNKS and R U R P. E K CLOTHING. But the one thing iiiont needful for comfort during tho Winter months Is an OYEECOAT. V.'e have a special one for 9IO.OO,1iut vry Utile is the protlt to us selling it at this price. It is a better COAT t.iau wo have ever hhwii for the money. Haison & Foster, 34, 36 and 38 EastKing St., LANCASTER. PA. jiajcvwaicj:. JCXTBA I'lIKK SEW riNK i1 ENUIWK YARA CIOAJO. VJT article, only 5 cents at nARTMAN'3 YELLOW FKONT CIGAR ;STOKE. TT8K KKKIUKlfS J FAMILY KILN-DRIED CORN 3IEAL. Manufactory, 4 miles northwest oi Mount Joy. Lancaster county. Pa. Its quality cannot bo excelled. Try it to prove that, tor sale by grocery and provision ccaters. Circular to tho trade sent tree. Address, JOHN G . KREIDEU. t27-3md Milton Grove, Lancaster Co., Pa. X KW IIAKDWABK 8TOKK. 9-11 SOUTH QUEEN ST., MARSHALL 4 RENGIER, -DEALKBSIN BUILDING and CABINET HARDWARE, STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, PAINTS, OILS and GLASS. House Furnishing Goods. sll-3mdtir