LANCASTER' DAILY INTELLIGENCEKi TUESDAY. OCTOBER 17 18S2. SHOT BY APOLLGEMAN. the wound conmdkiw.d skiuous. Zac'i. KiMtt Shut by UUlcrrMtTior Willie Trying to Escape A Livel) I'litol PuMUdr. Tliis aft ci noon Zacb. Doot, un alleged chicken thief, was shot by Mercer, on the premises of Opt. Scliuh. Nortli Queen street, as be was atlcuiptiui; to es cape. The ciicumstaueas as repotted ate as 1 follows : l!o t lias evaded airest lor home time past. Mercer hcariuz that be was at Samson Uesh', in lfeatrleyvillc, went tbero for him. He was not there, but the oiiicei wab told ho was at Westwood's, on North Cliristaiu street near Frederick. Officer Metcct accompanied by Officer Shubrookh went to Westwood's, found Hoot and took him into custody. Iioot told the officers that the mo against him had been all iixed. The office is told him hu must no with them to' John F.icgley's ( his bail ) and if hu said it was all light they would lelcase hiiu. Tlicy went to Fcagley's aud found Fcajjley at work picking rags in the building in itar of his residence." IJi.ot said "Johnny, aint this tum all lixed '.'" Fe:igley said, "No, it is not fixed,'' whereupon IJoot sprang out the s-eeond stoiy window and tan along Chiistian street, the oflk-cis I'o' lowing hint. Hoot rau tin ough the open alc in the rear of the icsidcucc of Henry Mihliler, where ho drew a pistol and Hied at the officers, the ball grazing one of tl e liugci.s of SbuhjookVs left hand. Shubiouks icturned the Arc, Mercer calling to him to be careful not to hit sowochildicu who were playing in the yard. Mercer then lited a shot over the heads of the children, butinisscd Jlcjt, who was climbing tho fence separating Mishlei's aud .1. Marks' propcitics. The officers closed on him while he was on the fence, aud held on to his hand as ho got down on tho other side. Boot with drawn pistol tried to shoot Mer cer, but his pistol snapped. The officer released his hold, aud Iioot broke away, running out of Marks yard into Noith Queen street aud thence into the atchway of tho premises of Capt. tteuuh's tavern, neatly opposite. Tho officers weic thoio almost as soon ;:s he, and as they closed on him he turned and lirtd and cmtiiiuod to tun. Mercer fhcl and Hoot fell, but even while on the gioiiud at tempted to shout them. He was seized aud disarmed, aud being evidently badly wounded ho was laid upon a beuch in Capt. Schuh's back yaid. Dr. VVcI ehaus was at once sunt lor at d gave dhec tions tint the woundtd man bo taken to tbo station house, which vo-s done. Hero his wound was oxamincd. Jt was found that the lull from Meicer's pistol had cnteiCil his back at the iuuer edge of the shoulder blade near the tpine, and pass ing obliquely to the left bail loilgcd ap paicntly in the drop muscles of the back. Tho ball was probed for but had not bceu found when we last left tho station house. TLc wound is not considcicd moilal, bub uutil the legation of tho ball has been a ccitaiucd tho full c.U .it of the injuiy o:m not bo dctci mined. At 3SJ0 JJoot was icmovt-d to t lie county jail, lie appealed tobosullbiingiusteinely aud his pulse was vciy feverish. THRILL.! Nli AlX'lUKNr. A Wngou Struck by tlie .r :nnl I lie lner lailiet Ulcb I" the Air. On Saturday afternoon Thomas liouscll, jr., met with an accident on tho lailiontl at Chiistiau.i aud icreivcd micIi injuiiis that may yet termiuato in his death, ilo was li mil" a two team aeioss tho railroad crossing at tho above-named I piaev, when tne t;inc.igo oxptcss, due ai. that point at o :'-'" p. m , came bounding alon-r at a great speed, sliikiug his wagon. It dashed it to pieces in less time than it lakes to record it, and tho horMi-s vvcru thiuwii witu gieat violence against a lumber pile nearby, but strange to say, were not in tho least injuicd, while Mi. lSousell, who was seated in the wagon, was thiowu up as high as tho tclogiaph wires and dashed to tho c.iith with gieat violence. When found hu was in an unconscious eoudition. Medical aid was summoned and it was found (hat ho had sustained seiiousin juries internally. Uo is now lyinir in a precaiious eoudition and has not spoken ! since stiiick. Hut little hopes are cutei j taiucd of bis iccovory. i IIovv the accident; Happened cannot be fully asi-ei tained, but it is guncially sup posed lie did not heai the sippio.ichiug train ami attempted to diiw: aciots, when afoie stated accident happened. .lllsiiit; I'eopln. Bo:ioom11o Ijiiidcmutb, lcsidiug at '.)-' Cotton .street, Itcadim;, has been missing lioiu his homo since Fiiday last, and it is believeil that ho is visiting fiicuds in this county. Ho is about Oo old, live feet seven inches in height, and had, wmcii last seen, a small giay board. William Windsor, son of William L. Windsor, a railway engiii'-cr, lcsidiug on North slrc!t, Harrisburg, is also missing fiom home. Ho is seventeen yeais of age, live feet seven inches in height ; had on when he left homo d.v.k brown ,ct and vest and pants of light, mixed goods, slouch hat. Ai:cg'il l.aneny. Kmma Harmon wai ariesled and com mit Ud by Alderman McL'ouomy for a hearing to answer n complaint of l.ueouy picfcncd against her by Mrs. Dbhmcrt who charges her with having stolen a silk petticoat, two dt esses si valtiablo Iaca collar aud other goods, some of which fho accused was seen to wear at tho c.iicin; on Thursday last. 8ln ot llorHO.s. 8anmel Hess it Son. auctionccis, sold at public sale, October 10, 1882, for Daniel Logan, at his salo aud exchange stable:., this city, 18 head of West moi eland hoiscs at au average price of 201 per head. itiiiiNeincntti. .'.wic -Vorrj. To-morrow nighl MissUir--!,ie Morris, the. soiiluettv actives, will appear in Fulton opem houeo in the title role ot a comedy wiitle-i tor her, entitled " Chen ie." Tie j ijk-ix ol tile Eastern eluult, whcicsln; li m hcfciiila) lugol late, have vciy (Oiumeudatory notice i ot tlie perlormaueo. Jinn rtl On 'lhuisday evening, the emi nent actor, l.avviouee f.uiell, will appear m Fulton opera house in igi cat double bill com prising fchakspearcs povveilul drama, "The Merchant ot Venice," and the nimukir old comedy ol ' JMvid Wai i n k." bpc.iklug or Mr. arn:tt'.sa);)e,aninc in the sime bill in Hie grand opera house, New lork-, last fiiday evening, the New loik JlcmJd says; "Mr. Jlarrett played Miitofk i.dinimbly, and In tin final fccni! especially acted with great loice. Ilo w.isfrvijuculty rc'ctJIed duimg the play. Mr. I.ouis James was i'sji cially sueei -liil as Jtassamo, and Miss rt'aiuwrighl, though some, what overweighted in her part, made iiuite a pleasing Porliti. The audience was iinmcnstly plcascil with thehumoiotis portions if "li.ivld i:.iiicW." Mr. Jj'arrotl, in spito ot his hard work in tlie preceding pLiy, was tullofxpirit ia tho title rolo. Two Char utinglOfcras. -The llolman toinic opera company mo advertising lor a double performance in Fulton opera house -on Satur day. In tho alteinoon "lMnarorc" will be sung, and In the evening "The Chimes ot Normandy." lioth ot theso coin posi. inns have been so long established in tho popular ravor tliat the niiuplu mcnlioniiig.ot their pro duction by a competent company ought to le enourh to secure good aitillenecs, and judged by their previous peiloimaucu in this city tnere is no reason to doubt that' the llolman troupe will givo a satisfactory lciidition to both ol these dclightlul vvoiKs. " Four on OH," I--,1..KoUct.t'.?I.arIon' stutcs "at lie has used Thomas' Kclcctric Oil for burns, and lias round nothing to equal it in soothing the pain and Rlvlni? relict 1L B. Cochran, drunidst. 137 and ISO North Queen street. bs h BPKCZAZ irOXJVBB. It takes over one hundred pairs of gloves to ii-Mia;;e- the giielot the ISrooklyn officials oer the death of an alderman, whose We mixht Inyo, been xivcd lv :i ninirle bottle of Dr. lyo. been xjvtil by nil's '0)1311 Syrn p. I Cull Jt Will Vo It. Food will lodge. In the interstices between the teeth, and it become a source of their de cay. hOZODONT will dislodge such deposit, and prevent the mischief. Alt parents should provide SOODONT, and thus secure the health ol thur chlldicu's teeth. o!7-lw dcod.Vw A lulce frmu tlie 1'rcnM. 1 tike thwoppoitunity to liear testimony to theclhcacy of jour "JIop RittciH." Kpect- log ton n (I them nauseous and bitter and com po eil id bad whisky, we wcie a:iccably sui prised at their mild taste, just like a cup of tea. A Sirs. Crc-acll and a Mr. Connor, It lends, hive likewise tiled, and pionounce thcni I lie best medicine they have ever taken lefr building up Hlrcugtlt ami toi.iinr up the system. 1 wan troubled Willi costiveness, and want ot appetite. My aliments are now all bone. I liave u yearly contract with a doctor to look alter the lic.iltli ol mj scll and l.unily, but 1 need lnm not now. S. (dkMLAM), I'coplc't Atlvoffttc, Pittsburgh, l'a. I uly ri.lsTs. olV.!wd&w Aliilliertd AIotnnrMil Motliers!i . A, id j disturbed nt night mid broken ol your n-st by .i.slck child Muttering and crying wij li e.ei minting pain ot cutting teeth ? if so, jr, :a once and gctabollle ot MILS. W1N SLOtt'ij SOOTHING SIRUP 11 will relievo the poor little sufferer Immediaiely depend upon it : then is no mistake alioul it. There Is not a mot tier on earth who ban ever used it, who will not tll you at once thai it will regu late the bowels, and givo rest to Urn mother and relict and health to the child, operating like limbic. It is peileetly sale to imo in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, aud is the itfScripUou ol one ot tbo oluest ami best finalo physicians and idnwcf in the United States, Sold everywhere. 13 cents alKitllo. urMv-M.W&S&w Oi.i.hV.s Liubig's Liiiild 1k:cl and Tonie Iu vioialoi will cute indirection, unl pcilH-tu-ate bodily ior. Take no other. ordiuggfiN. of lwilyodiw llon'l iio in iiiu Itiiuse. ' Kougli on ILits." Cleai-s out rats, mice' louche, lied-buusj, Hies, :mt, nioleo. ehip uiiiul.s, opheis. 15e. " llA-ivVirrAi-K,"a l:i-.tninaiul m-i-liime. I'lice'ri iind .rp0cc!ii.-". For sale Hi ;mIi i an's dni aloie.l i7 Kortll (juieu slieCt. Wliy eunlltnio tlieueot If iiieilkstliut oldy lelieve, when Kly.s' Cieaiu Halm, pleasant ol uidieatiou and a Hiiro fore lor Calaiih, Hay Fever and Cold fn bead, inn be had for .Ml cents? Apply Into noHlrllM wllli Illtlu linger. I was 1 1 onliled with Cliiouic Calanh and -'t bei inn in my head, Mas very deal at times and diicli.irm tiom my'eais, biMiles be lli unable lo bii-athe thiough my note. I!e loie the .eeond bottle ol K!t' Cicutll Kalin vv:iseliausted 1 wiueuied, find to-day enjoy hoi. ml liealtli. C. J.CoiiiiiN.lijnche-tniilslieet, field Manager I'liikulelplui Pub. House, l'a. It is iMua';goLation. j:iy'.s Ci'Miii Halm is .t cure tor Catarrh, I lav Kever and Cold in biad. Many cuied have been made among my isliineis. No other remedy has ever equaled the ll.tllll III good lCsllIt . A. .1. OriBTCVVBMMiR, li iig-i t, Ka-ton, l'a. oli;-M,W,FAw A NASXI, lN-IIMIOK Inn Willi ieli liottleol Mulols Calurili Keiuedy. I'i ice Ml cent'. 'or " Cotlliau'ditiugaloie, l.VJ Koitb (juceil ln et. Consumption Cured. An oii pIi.mili m, letired lioiu pt.ielice, having Had plaeed in his JiamM by ju hast Itnli i tiii'iouiny tl.e loiniu'.i ot a ".simple vegelabl me ly lor the speedy and pciina- uenl me loi t'oiisniiiptiou, HioiiehitM, C'a t. u ih, Asiiuiia ami all and l.ung Allie ''" ns, al-on iu-.II iv e and radical me lor Ner vous Pebilily and all Nervous Complaints. allcr having Usl. d it-; woinleilnl emative povvi i sin I lu.ti .and ol cise-i, his lid I it Ids diilv lo iieil.e it known to Ins -iilleim lei lows. Actuated by this motive and a dcsiie lo illievc human siilli I ing, 1 n ill -end lieeot eliarc lo alt who ile-uio II, this lecupt, in i lei man, French oi lugllsli, vviih lul diicc liom lor piepanng and using. .'n:nd by mail ly adilicssing v. lib slump, naming Ibis paper, H. A. Noyes, I l'l I'ovvei'.s llloclc, lloehester, N. . oU7-l.tldeow Jhu i ill health, nervousness, 'vexation,, by using I'.inwn'.s lion Hitlers II. I'.. Coc'.imu, diuggisl, i:j; and I '.) Ninth in en stiec'. ol(;-lvvil.vv Avoi: l'cver. Ague, and Uillouiiiesj by lak mgCoIileii's Jaebig's l.Kiuid licet and Tonic lnvigoiator. Asl.for Coliltn's. Ot druggist". oi-lMlcod.w When the :kiu is p.tielied and lieckled by Pliouuorlhwcxst vviiidb and the face become, diy and sealy, it can lie lestorod to smothiiess and good color by Dr. r.enson'.s Skin Cure. A polled leinedy lor lioublcsomc Hchiiig-md e..itious iiiuiples. olOl Itctiing Flies ynitoii.H mid Cure. The symptoms are moistuie, like poispira lion, intense itching, incicased by scratching. ciy di-ticssiiigly, paiticularly at night, as 11 pin worms -were crawling in and out ot (lie ledum ; the private ikuim aie sometimes at li'eted: it allovvid to continue very serious lesulls may lollow. Dn. hvvAK.'s All IIuvlim. OTMKsr "isa pleasant, suro cure. Ai io lor Tetter, Itch, Salt Klicuui.bcalil Head, Krasinohis Uarbcrs' Itch. JSIotehc. All Seal v. 'Cnisiy, Cutaneous Krupiions- I'i lco so cents. :; boes tor$l.i. Sent Iit mail lo any add! ess on leeciptot piiee In eiinenev, or threecei't liost.ige stamps. Piepned only by llr.Swayne .V Son, No. :i X. fcith sliect, l'hilalelphia, l'a. Sold bviillpioiuiiieul druggists. hw'AVSK's l'iu.saie the best for all billions disorders. Carelie.idtu.lie, levers, &e. oclS lyeod.ViwT.Tn&b A I O.I biI;i.i. cuiiible IliownV ;u, lyont or ison; jLiuoia hiiouui uo Neglect Jn-iuo'iny results lnnn ln I.'ing PJse.ibn tir Consutnplion. (ou'clii.d Tniehi's di not dlsoider tliosloiuacli likeiouih oyrups and bals'iuis, but act duectly mi t he tnllamed pat lu, allaying li'i!utloii, give rcliel tu Asthma. Itronehial Coughs, Catarrh, and iho 'i'hroal TroubUs w Web Slngcru ami rubllcSpcakc ra are suliject to. For thirty vests Brown's nionehi.d T.-oi lies lrive lieen ie-iin:iiended by pliysl- and always give ixirli-vt iiltstaelioii. Having Ikmii tested by wldo and constant Use foi niMiIyan entile geneiv.tlon, they havoat t ihi d we), .lerili d niuk.nnoug theiewstaplu leinedies ot tho ago. Sold at T cents a box i"u win hi nv-lvdTTIiA FAK w Kl.SClU'.ll KUUni IIKATH The lotion lug statement ol William J. Cough in, ot Souiei v die, Mass., is mi lemu kable Hint we beg to:is( lor it the attention ot our lead ei.i. He saj s : "In thu l.ill ol 1S7C1 was taken Willi a violent bleeding ol the lungs, lollowcd liy ascveieeougli. I soon liegaij lo lose my appetite and llesh. 1 w a., no w ealc at one time that 1 eoidd not leave my lied. In the sum mer of 1?77 I wasailmliteil to the City Hospital. U bile lliere the docloi.s tiaul t had a hole in my Icil lung as big as a half-dollar. 1 expend ed over a bundled dollars in doctors and med icine'5. 1 won mo lar goi e at one time a icpoit vrentaronud that 1 was dead. 1 gave up hope bill a friend told inn ot Il. VM. HALL'S ISAl.SAM FOItTIIE LIJNCS. I laughed at my 1 1 lends, thinking my ease it. curable, but 1 got a bottle lo jt islytl'.cm, when to my sur prise and gratification, 1 coiiimeneed to leel better. My hope, oto lc;.d, began lo levive, a'lil lo-day 1 leel in better spirits than 1 have tlie past three years. "I writolhis hoping you will publish it, so that every one alllieted with Diseased Lungs will be induced to take lilt. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOUTUKLUNUS.and be convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN BK CUBED. I have taken two bottles. and can positively say thKt it lias done ino more good than all tlie other medicines 1 have taken since my silk- ncss. My cough uas almoot entirely dlsaj). peared aud 1 shall soon be able to go to work.' eoid nv li. jj. cociiran, ii7 ffortli Uuccn street o to II. B. Cochran's drug store for Jlrx. Freeman's Xew Xalionul Dues. For bright. ncssaiitiuurainiiiy oi coior. arc uncqualcd. Color from 2 to 5 pounds. Directions In .Eng lish and German. Price, 15 cents. "ItuchupaiDa." Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1. Drugeists! Depot, John Black. pOWKRS ft HCKST. ALL MOVED, - ALL MOVED, AND HEADY FOK BUSINESS, At Nos. 26 and 28 North Queen Street, Having almost double the room we are enabled to show our large stock to a better ad vantage and invite all to call and see us at our new place, where we shall have many NEW GOODS to offer. BOWERS & HURST, Nos, 26 and 28 NORTH rOTjlllVAI.. UcumcrallcStMie J ickel. GOVKllNOB. UOUKllT K. 1WTT1SON, 1'liiladelplila. UEUTKNANr OOVEUSOU. CHAUNCErK. HliACK, York. juixic ok Tint scriiKMic ixmirr. SILAS M. CLAICK, Indiana. 8KCRETAUV OP 1STEKNAL AKfAIICI. J.SIMl'SOX ArUICA, Hiiutiiigiloii. CON0llKS.iMAN-AT-l.MHlK. MOUTIMK1C '. ELLIOTT, Tioga. llnmocratlc Vounty Ticket. OONIIKKMH. W. 15. GIVEN, Coliimbi.1. S1ATB hKNATOK XIV IHSTHHT. AISIC.AM COI.MNS, M.itli tla. AHMKMIILV. 1. EI.IM (J. .SNMIKU, Lanc;i,tei. 2. C. .1. KHOAIlS, Manor. .1. M. WALKKIC, Coleratn. 3. E. V. DILLEIt. Earl. . W. SIMI'SO.V, Cernarvoii. II. E. .SII1M1', !;. Coealico. RKCOr.DKIC. W. W. i;US5EU, l..-.icck. COUNTV HOLIC'ITOIU vortr i ii n K. toils. .1. 1. McILVAIS I'aradi-e. I'll I LI 1 BEKN - t. Lancastei, CIIIS"'. I MSl'KCTOIMJ. JOHN KKI1M . Maiilieiiu. J. H..SCIILE;KLM1LICII, E. Ilouegal, .IUKV COMMIHSIONKIt. I WILLIAM ELLMAKEU. Earl. lleinocratle btt Coiumli lee. W. U. HEiVSEL, Cliailiiian. IJ.. I. KISNEIt, (Jeii'-i-U .Secri'l.u y. (iliaid House, riiiladelplus. Ifoinucralic County Commit W. II. ItOLANI. CliUimiii. Lan.MHlci. .1. t:. LICHTY, Lincasler; W. IIAVKS tiltlEU. Columbia; B. K. I'ATTEICSON, White Hock, bcciclaiies. ItK.lTHS. I'aiikkk In tills eily, mi Oclobei 17, k-s.! Miis Mollie I'aiKer. Funeral from tbu lesidence ot II. 1'. Siiiiuger, No. (iO"oilh.iueeii sticet, tii-iuor row (Wedne-d.i) morning at .'!."i. lo plowed to I'eiiiivliiiii.i rulioad ileppl. Funeral tei v'eesand iiileiiueul at HalMuiore, Md. ltd A'i'll .UtrjiJiTIHKMiitlTS. rttANK HAYI.OIi IAS IIEMOYEII lllh B. (ui,m:uy op riioioiiiJAPiiY TO NOS. 42 AND 44 WEST KINO ST., tin IJ.t ll o'i-lte Hie Old Maud ticlll-iiuid.t'wU 1 i;mjni;ack mass jnki.tiix;. Hou. Thus. A Ai'insLi'ong, (jiccubaclc Cjuilid.d.lui Ooxeiiioi . HON. niAlSLKS HAKKISON. AT THE - voujtr iioukk, TUESDAY EVBN'G, OCT. 17, 1382. Tbeebain usl ol I lie bai lexerved lor ladies ami their en oi Is. IIKAK ALL MHi:-THEN llTE. oIK'.ld NIU1CE T 'lKKol'ASKKS aVU GUN NEKS. All iiersou-i aie heivby loiliidilen totrrspasi on any of Hie lands ot the Corn wall or ccdvell estates, in Lebanon and l.aniMHier coiinlK m, uhellicr inclosed or tin iut'losed, either tor tlie iui)o-eol shooting or Hulling, as the law will be Mgldlv enloieed against ail lnsiassing on s.ud lands ol the undei signed uliei Hus uotite. WM. COLEMAN KKEEMAN, It. t'KKOY ALIlEN. EIIWAKII C. FKEEMAN, Attoiney lor K. W. Coleman's Hiirs. oil. lld&w AIIIIW IIAIIC UllKs'iKi;. MKS.C.LlLLKlt, LADIES' HAIR DRESSER, M.iiiutacluier ami dealer in Hair Wolk, La dies' anil Gents' Wigs ami Toupee'. Comb ings straightened and made loonier. ILiir lewelrvot all kinds made un. Kid Gloves and Featlieis cleaned and dy il. Also Ladles' Shampooing, ar NOS. 'Jii.1 'Ji7 NORTH QUEEN &TKEET, 40rFour doors above 1. K. K. Depot. oelUKJmd AN OKDlNANCi; TO UKUUI.A'1'KTHK Storage ol Gasoline or Naphtha within the limits ol the Cityot Lancaster: Skotiom 1. l!e it ordained bytno select and coiiiiiiou eo u n ci Ih ot tho city ol Lancaster, that lieiealter no ier-on or persons shall, within tlie limits id the cityot Lancaster, keep any gasoline or naphtha in larger quan tities than one bariel, unless the same shall be Hlorcd in a brick or stone building. Sskc. i That the wild gasoline and naphtha shall not be cpoed on any lots or vacant pieces of ground within said city. Sor .shall any of said articles be ever kept in any iramc outhouse or stable. Sfc. 3. Jf any person or pei sons violate any ot the sections ot this ordinance, he, she or they shall toiieit and pay the. sum ot not less than twenty dollars, nor morotluuone bun dled dollars ; one-halt ot which penalty shall go to the informer aud tho other halt be paid into tlie city tieamiry. GEO. M. BOKGEIt, President ul ."select Council. .1. B. LieiiTV. Clerk ot Select Couiii il. HEUYEV N. IIUKST. President pio. tern, ol Common Council. Davik L. Dekn. Clerk ot Common Council. Approved, OcIoIht 17, ISsi: oli-3td .INO. T. MacGONIGLE. M.ijim". .VXEtJCTOK'SSAI.K. ONTiniIWDArlO- 'i vemi;eu -. usa me uuucisigmii win m'II at public sale, at the soricl lloise Hotel, West King atieet, Lancaster city, tho follow ing desciibed estate, to wit : No 1. All that, certain two-story BK1CK DWELLING HOUSE, witli two. stoiy Brick Hack liuildiug and lot id ground theieto be longing, situated No. -till, on the east bide ol Poplar slrcet. Jineasler city, containing in trout on said Poplar st icel'JJ led. ami extend ing in depth eastward 100 icet, more or less, to a 14 lect wide public alley, adjoining properly rt Christian llluinenslock. a public alley, ami other properly ot the estate ot Sinner, deceased. No. a. All that ceitaiu two-story HUICK DWELL1NG BOUSE, with Frame Kitchen at tached, and lot ol ground theieto belonging, situated No. f'.i, on the east ide ot Pophu street, Lancaster ell y, containing in trout on said Poplar Ktreet l.'I leel, inoivor les4, and ex tending in depth WO leel, moieor lass, loall Teet wide public alley, and adjoining prop: crlyot Wm. Giciner, a public alley and prop erty No, 3. No. 3 All that cerUliu two-stoiy liRICK DWELLING JlOUsE. with Frame Kitchen attached. Brick Stabto and other improve menu, and lot of giouud thereto belonging, situated No. 48J on tho east sideoi Poplar street, Lancaster city, containing in ironton said Poplar stect 13 lect, more or less, and ex tending in depth 110 teet, more or less, to a 14 feet wldo public alley, adjoining property ot No. 2. a public alley, aiuTpropeny ot Catha rine Krotchmar. Salo to commend) at p. in., on saiil day, when attendance will bo given aud terms made known by JACOB I.. BBUBAKEK, Exccntorot tuccdulool Abraham Stoncr de- CCBMMl. II. Shuceiit, And. ol76td-TuJtTh CAJMKS. VAMKS. A. CULL A.INK KJtOSI S cents up at IIABTMAN'S YELLOW FKONT CIGAR STORE SUAX.C HAVANA' CIGAKS 2 VO& 5 GTS. at No. 21 North Queen Street. UARTJtfAN'3 BELLOW Jr'KONT CIGAR .STOKE. NEW ADTMBTIBEMMXTB. Dry Goods and Notions, QUEEN STREET, JfEW AliVJSttTlSr.MENl. Democratic County Com "Hieo MestluK Tho JJeinocrattc County Committi-o will incex at the Democratic Headquarters, North Queen street, on MONDAY MORNING. OCT. 21, at 10 o'clock. W. II. ROLAND, Chairman. .Mill KENT r Second and tliinl floor ol No. 2 Norlh Queen street, consisting ot nine looms, bath loom Included. The rooms are suitable lor olhccs or duelling, and especially lorden ttsts. Also In t!ie liar ot and eoiineeU'd with tho above, a two and a h-ilt story BRICK BUILDING containing eight rooms, hall and cellar, range and sink in the kitchen. The looms are newly papeicd and painted. Apply to .IACORLOER, No. Wis West Chestnut sliect, or M. Levy. No. ii East King street. I7-3til i VKGAN1ZED 1810. The Old American Fire iosurauoe Com pany of Philadephia. ASSETS : One Million, Six Hundred and Thirty-three Thousand Five Hundred and Eijrhty four Dollars and lighty oight cents. All Invested in Safe nntl Solid Securities Company Conservatively Managed. 49For lusumncu apply to RiFE & KAUFFMAN, l! EAST JUNG STREET. fu'!-rmdTuTh&S I .-"ULTON UfliKt HOUSE. TWO OPERAS SAME DAY. svitnaiAV ai'teknoun, t rrvft Qf STUKIAV KVKNING. JJ X JX Hoiian iElisi Op Go. SATURDAY AFTERNOON : PINAFORE. CoHimeuti'at Admission 25e ; i:T0. PRICES: Galleiy, Reserved Seats, 35e. 15e; SATURDAY EVENING : C11I91EK OF NORMANDY. PRICES: .Yie, W'c and 75c. Reserved Scats at Yecker'sOltlte. ncitfritd )UI(I.IC SALE. ON TUKSOAY, OCTtl- I BER 17. 1S82. will be sold at nubile, sale at the Cooper House, by the undesigned execu ttirsol Elisaljetli Adams, the following tie- crilK-il jiropcrty : A lot id ground situated on the east side of south Prince slieet. I ancister. Pa, Ironling II leel7Kinelieson Prince strcel,aiiilexteinl nig in depth the Haute width If).; teet. ! inches to land ol Dr. Ileurv Carpenter, wliieh bouudsit on the t-asl : bounded on Hie noi 111 by prop erty ol Hie late A. L. Hayes, and on the soutli by piopcity ol the late S.nah Adams, on witu b is cicittd a two and a ball slorv KRU.K DWELLING HOUSE (Nn.ffl) and a t w o story tmmc back building attached. The house co'ntains ten rooms, water in Hie house ami liydrautand well in the yard. There arc. a lot of Irull trees on the premises. Tills is u dt'iralile piopcrty, situated within one ami a ball siiiaiiMol Cciitic Hijiiaic. Sale lo commence at 7 o'clock, p. m., on said day, w lieu attendance w ill be given and teiuiu made known by GEORGE ROWMAN, .INO. Q.ADAMS, II Mr Siienhirr, Anet. Executors. scp:.oct7.1 l,ltI7d FULTON OI'hltA imusi;. Weduosday Evo't?, Oct. 18, '32. Gussie Morris' New York Comedy Co." MISS GUSSIE MORRIS in her Gieat Character ot "CHEREIE," Suppoiled by her New Yolk Company, Wm. II. Henry, Charles Waul, Gerald Dean, D. Martin, .1. W. Laurent, G. Norton G.ilUw.iy, C. II. McKecner, Miss Helen Wlngllcld, Miss Belle Dickson, and MISS CLEMENTINE VAUGHN, AMEIJIC V'S STAR SOU P.RETTE. oi7-2td )IIAICKS W. FKX WE CARRY AS LARGE A LINE OF WALL PAPERS. As any House in this pai t ol tho Slate. The line embraces every description or PAPER HANGINGS, from the lowest lo tho finest goods. GILT PAPERS from 25 cents apiece up in choice shapes and colorings Wo nave in our employ Hrst-class PAPER HANGERS, and aie prepared lo do work promptly and much below the regular prices. DADOandBAND WINiiOWSIIADES.PLAIN GOODS by the Yard in all Colors and Widths. FIXTURES, LOOPS, TASSELS, ORNA MENTS, Etc. In iMuithlfiig our Store Room it was en larged, and we occupy part ot il lor the ex clusive call ot Laco Curtains, Lace Lambrequins, Lace Tidies, Laco Bed Sets, Laee Pillow Shams. You will Hud in our slock some choice good in White aud L'l cam. and be surprised at the nice Curtains von can get lor a small outlay. We keep all kinds of Poles in Kntss, Ash, Ebony, Cherry aud WaiBut, Extension Corn ices and Fine Mirrors. PHARESW. FRY, No. 57 North Queen St. .Lancaster. EHTKHTAMMICKTH. IIJLTUN OPEHA HOUSE. -ONE NIGHT ONLY. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1882. The eminent Tragedian, Mr. LAWRENCE BAERETT, Supported by MB. LOUIS .TAMER nnd an EXCELLENT DRAMATIC COMPANY. GRAND DOUBLE BILL, Shakespeare's great Tie MERCHANT of VENICE, And Robert-son's Comedy In 3 Acts, DAVID GARRICK. JUt. BARRETT at SHYLOCK and DA VID GARRICK. PRICES, 91.00, 75 AND 50 CENTS. Reserved 8eats on salo commcncingMonday morning at Opera House oflicc. ol-5td LANCASTER, PA. MAMKMTK. m ion mmrm. Mbw foK, October 17. Flour Urm and fairly active; Supcrllne State, 13 103 4 Itl ; do extra, $1 004 i ; choice do, $4 tit 7 : fancy do, $7 1U07 Ml ; round hoop Ohio, 04 Mi : choice do, t '.)7 ; Sutierfinn West ern. l 14 10 ; conimonto gooil extra do, S4 00 QHOi; choice do. (m7 50; choice white wheat do. ; 2507 ; Southern flour firm ; common in fair extra, f 1 0535 33; good to choice do, 5 4(f7 00. Wheat J-iQJie belter, very feverish and fairly active Mpcculatlvc trailing: No. 1 White, $1 11 : No. it Rett, Oct,, tl V,m W. ; o Nov., SI Udl H: 'lo Dec- 1 KJZQl 13X; do do vear, $1 llftl lo); ; dh Jan., l UVAm U ; do Feb., I IVAQ oyt ; do March. $1 1761 17i- Corn opened JQlc better ; afterwards lost advance and declined xAc : mixed western spot. "HflS c ; do lutuies, t:;79Kc- Oats a trille lietter ; SUite. 4-235ic ; WcsUirn, 38B5J ; No. 2 Nov , 42?4i?i ; lo Dec. a Qt:i;ic raiiadaipm Market. PBiLAOmLrBfA, Oct. 17. Flour firm for Win ter, weak for Spring ; superfine, 91 W93 25; Extra, $3 WQH 00 ; Peuna. Fam'Iy, ft 75Q 5 a. Rye Hour at $4 37. Wheat quiet ami easy ; No. 2 Western White fl 10 ; Del. and Pa Red, $1 (71 10; Long bcrrv Red and Amber at St ICat 17. Corn firm and scaice for local use Steamer. KlQSlc ; Yellow, 85c ; Mixed, 81c ; No. 3 do, 83c. Outs firm, but quint; No. 1 White, SOc : No. 2do4(iQlc; No. 3 do 434lq; No. 2 Mixed, 4041c. Ryo nono here. Provisions firm and good demand; Mess "Pork, $25925 -Y) ; licet Hams 13Q19 M; India Mess Beef, $20 ; f. o. b. Racou smoken shoulders. l4Q12lc; fait do., UQllKe. : smoked hams, 16017c; pickled do,1414e. Iard Arm. Butter steady, with fair demand. Keg firm and well sold up. Cheese firm. Petroleum dull ; Refined, 724c - Whisky at SI 22. urain ana mmnaa usotattoaa. Oiih o'clock quotations ol grain and provlt. Iouh, furnlshml by 8. K. Yundt, Broker, 1B Riisi King sireei. Oct. 17. ClUeaso. Whvut Corn Oats Poik Lard Of I W,i .l .3475 21.37 K.40 Nov W fil .3't Year.... .'JCJi .02K l'J.tft 11.45 Petroleifi OH City, 92. Lire Stock Market. Chicaoo. Hogs Receipts, ftOOO head; ship ments, i!,!HX) head : demand better, but qual ity poor ; prices 510c higher ; common to good mixed. S7 n f7 85 ; heavy. S7 0 6" 'JO ; light S7 109750; skips. $4 9080 75. Cattle Receipts. 7,000 bead ; shipments, 1.0C0; trade quietnud prices generally 10c weaker; good tochoiee whipping, $5 23i; medium. I 50i5 : coiiiiiiou to fair, f M34 CO ; butchers' stoek dull anil lOe lower ; poor to fair, S2 25 &S 25 ; medium to good, S3 5004 : slockors nnd feeder nt.idy ntS31ft:i5 ; dairy calves, SlllfSIS per head ; rango 10c lower ; Texan-", $1754 75; half-breeds and Americans ft 20 ft 10. Shccp-RecelpN. 1,200; Hhtpmeiits, 'JO head ; market weak aud slow ; good sheep scarce ami steady; interior to fair, 2 Ii0?i)3 25; iiiiMliuui to good, $3 togts-i; choice to ejtni. The Journal's British cablo advices report a bad bieak in prices lor American cattle, the current rates being 2c lower than two weeks ago ; good to choice American steers, l'lcCll'ie. estimated dead weight. Sheep steady, best grades bringing 17e. East LinKirrr Cattle Receipts, 2,091 Head ; maikct active and prices 2540e higher than last week. Hogs Receipts, 7.0") I head; market slow; Philadclphias, $S758 Ml; Baltlmores, $8 25 iis 50: Yorkers, $7 5037 75; grasscrs, f ii 50Q 7 0. Sheep Receinls 4,400 head; market lair at uliout last week's prices. Philadelphia Cattle Market. Honda v. Of t PJ Tne arrivals or B vc stock at I ho Philadelphia stockyards were : For the week Beeves, 3,400 head ; sheep, 15,000 do: hogs, 3,W3 do. Previous week Reeves, 4,500 head ; sheep, 15,000 do ; hogs, 3,500 do. Reef Cattle were in i.ilr demand, and prices were a fraction higher. We quote as lollows : Extra, 7c; Good. i6c; Medium, 5 (f?r.Kc: Common. 44c; fat COws. :liHK. Milcli Cows were inactive at $10870, with sales ot extra graded as high as $IC0. Sheep Tho arrrivats wcroot a poor quality, and tho market wus inactive uad unsteady, although good stock brought an advance ot Kc, while the other gnvies were neglected at previous quotations. We quoui as follows : Extra, CJigftc; Gupd, ."35Vic; Medium 4-iSlJJe ; Ealr, 4i4c ; Common sheep, 3Q 3kc; Chester co. Lambs, G7k; Western Lambs. :-ic: York state Calves, tSjtXe; Veal Calve, sii'4c; Eat Ewes, 4i5cO stock Ewes. 44"4c. Hogs were actlvo and steady. "Ve quote as follows : Extra, 12Kc : Good, 12!412c ; Medium, 11 i tyl'lc; Light Mixed, HfJIllKc. BALKS OF HKKVK8 AT TUB WKBT rillLAnKU'HI . STOCK TARDB. Martin, Kuller Co.,232 Western 4?405Kc. Roger Mavncs, 200 Western, W. Vo. and Tcxans. 47c A. A J. Christy, flSO Virginia. 5GVc. 11. K. McEillen, 100 West Va., ami;Wrst ri87o. E. S. McElllin, 130 West Va. and West SSfic. .lames Clemsnn, 84 W. Va.. 5G)7e. M. Ulman 371 West and W. Va., 47e. G. Schamberg ACo..'.47 Western, and W. Va. 506J4C. Scliainbcrg & Paul, 275 Western, W. Va. and Tcxans, 4CUc. Lowcnsleln ft Adlcr, 247 Western and W. Va, Daniel Murphy, 141 Western and Tcxans, 5 r.&c. II. Chain, jr., fU West Va., 53614c. .lolm McArdle. 200 West Va, 5Q7c. L. Horn, 80 West Va., 4Qc Owen Sinith-114 Western and Tcxan. 31 W. Va,, nccoont C. J. Matthew s : 18 Western and Tcxans, Post Max well : 37 Western nnd Texuns, L. 5yic. Daniel Smyth A Bro., 203 Western aud W. Va., Dennis Smyth, b3 Western and Pa, 50Gc. Abo Ostheim, 35 West Va., .rJQCc. F. Scheotz A Bro., 83 West Va, Tcxans, and Western. 5ii Siic. Lowenstcin A Hcllbron, 137 Tcxans and Colo- rados. 55c. II. Chain, 60 W. Va., mixed, 485c. Bachman A Levi, 1M) Western and W. Va., 5eJic JaincsrAnll, 75 Wcstem,5--!f5Jic, M. Levi, 75 West Va., 44i6c .lames Eustice 40 West va., 4fl5c. Henry Miller, 20 West Va.,5Jic. DRKSSED MKATA. Dressed Beeves were rather active and closed at 7J410c, tho lonncr rate tor low Texan s and cows. SAXKS LAST WSKK. Tho. Bradlej-,220 head at lf$9c. C. S. Dengler. Ill head, 8f99c. A. A. Bowell 134 do. nt 70Cc. W. II. Brown 135 do. at 7Q9c. .1. F. Lowden, 64 do nt 8Q9Wc. Harlan A Bro., 80 do at 7K9Xc. Dressed sheep were active. Samuel Stewart sold 973 head at 7f$3c.and 127 head of dressed lambs nt 9611c. Stock Market. Mew York, Philadelphia and Local Stocw , also United Stated Bonds repmted dally Jacob B. Loho, 22 North Queen street. Oct. 17. I0a law 3:w. A. K. P. u. r.M. Denver A Bio Grande N. Y..Lake Erie A Western. 5S lull 27" 47 5'Si SOJit 42X 424i 33X : 112S 7ili 7.14 27 27 48 484 3 yjx 2:1 2314 & iff 87 via. C3 n 452 45j2 93 33)2 .... 9 Kansas and Texas. e eeee Lake Shore New Jersey Central New York, Ontario A W. St, Paul, M. A Omaha .... Pacific Mall..... .......... Rochester A Pittsburgh 3 22Ji Texas Pacific 40 Wabash. Si. l.ou1s A Pacific. . . . 31 Western Union Tel. Co 87 Pennsylvania Central t3 PhUadelphtaA Beading. 30V Northern Pacliie Com 43 " " Preferred.... ooj) Buffalo Pitts. A West THIED EDITIOH. TUESDAY EVENING, OCT. 17, 1882. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. STKOCK BY A LOCOMOTIVE ANDKILLCO An Italian Laborer fatally Injured by the Cars. Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 17. Thomas Conner, Central railroad track walker, this morning found Joseph Costolla, an Italian laborer, a resident of Greenville, lying at tbo side of the main track near CentreTille. Ho was unconscious and there was a deep gash on his head from which the blood flowed copiously. Ho was removed to tho charitabie hospital where bis woundswero pronounced fatal. It is supposed tho man was struck by a locomotive. MURUER AHU SUICIDE. Aa Angry Father' Bloody Deed. Cincinnati, O., Oct. 17. This morning William Saubo. a gardener, aged GO years, living near tho western bouudary of this city, shot his son William and then cut his own throat. Both aro dead. The father and son havo been on bad terms for somo timo. Early this morning- a quarrel began when tbo author seized a gun aud shot tho son dead. Tho younger Saube was oO years old. Uo was shot by his father several years ago and crippled. The elder Saubo is spoken of iu, a danger ous man when under tbo inllucuco of liquor aud he was much addicted to drink. DOWKN'S CASK POSTPONED. Tho Star Koutor Who Jumped Ul UoarU IIIU. PiitLADKLPRiA, Oct. 17. Tho caso of Henry A. Bowen, which was to bo heard this morning, was postponed until 4 o'clock this afternoon. Bowcu, who is a special agent of tho department of justice, and who is charged by Foreman Dickson, of the Star Bouto jury, with having ap proached him with corrupt proposals, was arrested ou the chargo of violating tho hotel aud inu-keoner's protective act. the speciliu chargo being tho nou-paymeut of a 54 board bill. IIAL.tuK.Tl'! CKIME. Vonvieteil of Murder in the First 1'ereo. Wilmington, Del. Oct. 17. In the caso of Collingwocd 1. llallett, indicted for tho murder of James Deputy, whose trial has occupied tbo Sussex county court for tho past week, Iho jury last night roudorcd a verdict of murder in tho lirst degree Tho crimo was com mitted near Milford in May l.ttt. Ilallctt was sitting by tho roadside with :i girl when Deputy drove by .md saluted him for somo reason. Uallott retorted angrily and upon Deputy replying iu a similar vein Uallott drew a revolver and shot him, inflicting a mortal wound. Shot at a Dance. Cedar l pids, Iowa, Oct. 17. At a lato hour last night at a Bohemian dance, (Jharlcs Seulacet was fatally shut iy a saloon keeper and desperado named Bill Swab. Four bullets took ciTect and death resulted iu a few minutes. Tbc murder was wholly unprovoked. Sedlacct was a peaceable man and leaves eight little children. Tho murderer Hcd and has not been caught. llayartt Taylor's Homestead Sold. PiiiLAUELPAfA, Oct. 17. "Cedar-croft," Bayard Taylor's homestead near Kenuuit Square, was sold to-day at auction under a peremptory order of sale. Sometime ago the farm lands woro sold, aud to-day the remainder of tho lands with tbo homestead wore sold for $14,000. The purchaser was a farmer named Isa.ic Warner, or 11a' boro. A Graceful Act. Kaston, L'a., Oct. 17. The .sophomores of Lafayetto college entertained the freshmen by a reception aud banquet iu Pardee hall last nigbt. Some time since tbo sophomores hazed the ficsbmcu, but tho bitter feeling which ensued was ami cably adjusted last night. 'I bo banquet w:is to show that no ill feeling remained. About one hundred aud lifty persou- were preseut. This is the first instance of tbo kind iu tho history of American colleges. Charged Willi Jt m'jezzlemout. Philadelphia, Oct. 17. J. llolman Wilkinson, formerly secretary of Lafay etto building and loan association, was given a hearing to day ujiuii tho charge of embezzlement of funds belonging to thj society. Testimony was presented show ing that there was a deficiency ou the books of $10.38.1, aul that somo of tbo books were missing. Wilkinson was tbeu held in $500 bail for trial. a murderous Gang of llorfo Thieves. Keauney, Neb. Ojt 17. Sheriff .las. Wood and a hot so dealer whom thieves bad despoiled ou reaching Miudem, yes torday,lfound four of tbo gang, who drew pistols and shot Woods dead. They also killed two citizens who interfered and then fled. They are still at large, but the whole country is aroused. Star ICouto Counsel Confer. WsniNGTOK,Oct. 17. Messrs. Merrick. Kcr and Wells held a conference to-day ou Star Bouto matters. Tho gentlemen arc reticent on tbo subject of their consulta tion, but it is probable that important proceedings will result from it within a few days. I'owen Fays Up. Philadelphia, Oct. 17. It has been decided to withdraw tho cbargu against Col. Henry A. Boweu of defrauding the proprietor of tbo Great Western hotel upon payment of tho money claimed. Bowen says ho will have a statement to make this o veiling in regard to Star ltoutc matters. Stabbed ia a; Drunken Ouarrel. Lexington, Ky. Oct. 17. 7ohn and ICrichardTr? vis, cousins, who have been living together, got drunk and quarreled last night, when Kichard 'was stabbed by John and died in a fow bourr. Tbo mur derer escaped. A Proposed Initiative Enactment. Montpelier, Vfc., Oct. 17. In the House to-day a bill was introduced by Mr. Templeton, of Orleans county, provid ing that prisoners shall be made insensi ble by tho authorities boforo execution. Failure of a Contractor. Newalk, N. J., Oct. 17 Frederick W. Morris, contractor for the masou woi k on the new Essex county lunatic asylum, has failed. Arrest of a Ktotous Egyptian. Alexandria, Oct. 17. Tho native wh wounded Mr. Cookson, the British con sul here during the riot on Juno 11, has been arrested. WEATHKK INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Oct. 17. For the Middle Atlantic states, local rains, fol lowed on Wednesday by cooler, clearing weather, winds shifting to southwest and northwest; in southern portion higher b urometer. HOUSEAt Jt CWS NEW LIQUOR STORE, Mo. 43 North (Jaeen street, Lancaster, Pa. The very bestand finest finalities of Foreign and Domestic WINKS ami LIQUORS, con Btantly tor salo at wholesale and retail. BtraljchtOld Bye Whisky of tho distillation ofl375. Pure unndullerate.3 Custom House Jtrandy. warranted ol the vintage ol 1S60 Kept especially for medicinal purposes. Pare Old llolland Gin, and other Whiskies, Uran dies and Wines to suit the trade. !cb3-lyd UOUSKAL A CO. .V ' t - KT'fWRSfT.. 3TK1UH HUOS'AUVt.liTISe.MBKT. ASTBIOH BEOS-' PALACE FASHION ! 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCA8TKH, l'A. " HOSIEEY. Wo are now ahlo to show a Uncr and belter assortment ot desirable goods lor LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDREN, Iu Cotton anil Wool. i iue Cashmere Hose in all fine Shinies. in Lints' Lambs Wool Ho-.e. 1 to t.s-cnmlc?, knit, at 15c a pair. White and Colored, llwtvy tiooils ut'JOtf., made or t'luo Lambs WikI, I to I, White and Colored. Infants' Ribbed Wool Hose. 1 to I, full regu lar made, at aie. a pair. , Six to 8, All-Wool Ribbed, at 2ie. a pair: regular made. , . . Ladles' r ull regular Made Hose.: o!M colon, uttTic; clocked, at 30c. a pair. Kleeeo-Llnod BalbriffKaiM. Cine Cnshmoru Uoao lor Ladies ul '.Tic. a p.ili. GLOVES, GLOVES. GLOVES. Muiuctairex, t, il and 8 button length'. In Urcen. fironze, O.iruet and Castor colors, uud all leading Pall sluidea. KID GLOVES. Our assortment or Kid tilovcscoinprlxcs the following : In 3 button, DarkColnrcd.Oporaand White, .itlste. Kino Ucrwan Uoods, boughl re;;ul.n. and not a t miction. They are A 1. Ucrster, 3 bulfmt, in ISIack. While, 0ic-a. T.uw, Hold, nnd all tine Kail shades. Uerstor. 5 nooks, iu all possible shade ; also, in Terra-Cotta. 7 hooks, tho same. C button Kid liloves. White and opera. in button, WhlUi and Op -ru. Minquetalro Kid J loves, In Terra Colla and alt tl no shaded. Ill ick Undressed Kid MuiuHa!nSl.M. CliainoLsMiimiuct.Ure.tLOJ.; Uuo iualily. Undressed Kid AI UMiuctalro. White Blus.iuctalie Kid Uloves, 'J tuition letiKtli. Inlles' RlaekJotu;phlne,ieamletM,2 hill tons. tllack Kid MiutUelalre, all sl.. CHI LOS' CASHM KfRK ULOVKS. INFANTS' WOOL MITT3 nail LKtitJlNS. UNDERWEAR. Childs Merino Underwear, regular male cuir-i, regular matlu shoulders. Smk-IO. IS. fl. 2i. 21. 3J. W. 15c. 18e. ae. 2I. X5c. ase. - Child's Scarlet All-Wool Medicated Under wi ar Iroui H to 3le. LiuIIim' Merino Underwear, at 37c, .-, 5: 11.00, fl.85. Pull Regular Made. SLM). All-Wool Medicatiil White. 1 1. 7ft. Scarlet Underwear for ladles at 31 -. All wool, warranted. WORSTED GOOJXS. Wo have a eouiplele lino or Uooili mr Children ami Lidtet' Wear. children and Indies llootlHaml C.i(s. Split Jackets. Ulsb-rs, Shoes, Minwl-t. Infants Kmliroidcrod Ahawl.i. iuhroldered Manuel fur Miirtiti;'. Felt uud Flannel fckirls. CORvBTH rnm Wc upwards. French Woven Corsets froiuti"c upw ird' A FULL LIKE OF LIDIFS MUSLIN UNDKItWKAlf. CHEMISE, PANTALETS. SKIRTS. NllillTtlOWNS, (JO.SSAMEU WATEKPUOOFS. &JM. All Sizes. GENTS' GOSSAMERS. Wm .urain eiteml invll.-illim l, all to come and inspect our assortment of LAOIKS' AKDCHILIIRKN'S CLOAKS A.VD DOLMANS Displayed In Our CLOAK DEPARTMENT. We are leady to show u narlies ivm- n . ., call our full Htoek, ri(;:iiillis whether lie y tiave come to purchase or merely to IimiU. Our prices ure tho lowest, as usiril : our .i-. .soitiiicnt tbo best. Wo have irariueut'i to lit and to si.ll. everv- bsly. from the cheapest up to the most lj".ni tlful .silk varment. toadies' Lluht Colored CoaO. nlaiu or Mini- iiied witlisilkplusli.luall the mIi.hIi-4, as drib, brown, Kreeu, brene, navy blue, etc. LIGHT C0L0KEI) H0JilA..S. Illiiek, Reaver and Diuuotial Coats and lol- irinna,' i.oii l'aleUits, Ulstery, SacLcU. RtaclcSilk liolmnns. Iriiumeil iu iur. lnm SttSOuptotfOO. if iir-l.liicdbilk ClreuI.iR, at all pi lis--. Plush Jackets. In alt tin; new le.elln -,li id.-i as bronze, myrtle, c-ilei, arnel, liroirn. Piush Dolniaus. HlLLlXEltV. NowiJoimU received daily in thti deiart ment. Hats of all the newest sh.iHsiu Mr.i'v. ielt. Reaver ami Reaver Kdjjc. We olfer a k'hhI Ratver Hat in all e j at l.!ii; liaruain. CUiIdren'd rrliuincit llau. VELVETS. Rlack Silk Velvet, from fl.'r iipw.irdi. ' - Cohired Silk Velvet, at ttJiO i;ry.inl. New shades or Colored Velvet and Pliiriiics, as new grocn, terra ecu la, i.-.flet. Rlaek Velveteen, at low figures, lioiu 35 cents upwanls. Cohired Velveteens, at 50 cents jM:r yard. Plushes in all the new hIi.iiIch, its well as brown, garnet, blue. Rn-ea, drab-, et-j. Rlack PliiMhes a siiecialty. KIJ5BOXS in all the new shades in pUlu and fancy iui tcrns. Terra cotta, cadet, touro'elock.erushnil strawberry, etc vivel Kiijiwns, s-.ifn feeil. Plush Ribbons, satin laeed. New Sash Ribbons rneeixed daily. Rlaek Crene. at verv low liiin-s-. in I I :..i and (M Widths. Crepe Vena. Fine Rlack Ostrleli Tips, at ei-uN, $ w, fl.'A, $1.50 per bunch ol tlnce. Fine Rlack Tips, up lojlZ.iKabiiiieli. ilUck Ostrich Plumes at prices never sold be lore. Fancy Wings and Rrcaids. Kin Is ol all le.sciiolmii.s. CU'iio and examine ourxtotl.-. TRIMMINGS. NKW FRINGES. NEW liIMP:.. iu Satin, Plush and Chenille, iu Rlack as well as Colored. SCARLKT PLUSH TRIMMINO. oKNAMBNTSin endless variety. FOURAOICRSiii well as all cloii. TKRRA COITA. CAOKT RLIJK ami SCARLKT FOUICA;iKR$. TURULAR l:iCAII.. MOHAIR ami, iu ull colors and black. BUTTONS, BUTTONS, BUTTONS. Aiitlilnfr yoa may call tor In this lei.irlment we are sure to have. Our assortment is un usually large. LACES. SPANISH LACKS nt extremely low prices. RKALUUIPUKK LACKS. UUIPURK YAK LACK. EXTRA HEAVY GUIPURE LACE of latest Dcstnn. SPANISH UUIPUKK LACES. COLORED SILK SPANISH LACK,.':. SCARLET SPANISH LACK. W1UT.E IRISH POINT TRIMMING lor Col lars and culls. Lace Goods Lace Goods. Collars, Fichus, Tics. Embroidered Collars, and all Lntest Novelties in Lace as well aa Linen Wear. Ladies' Fancy Linen Handkerchief?.