- 33r:3,raeaMKga. MSTrtofixnxk.&mw&i LANCASTER BAELY IlPTfiiiLLdENGEK; MONDAY, OCTOBER SLIPPED INTO TEE MAIL. rSMTAGK ICE ON UEAYB'4 1.1 FK Itnmantse Quantities of Stalwart Campaign Documents Mailed With Iasafflcieot Postage The Government Eossm. Philadelphia Times. Stories are afloat in different parts of the state about tbo. passsgo through the mails of Stalwart campaign documents especially a life of General Beaver in book frim at a less rate of postage than re quired by law. Thn postofllco authorities in this city declare that their skirts arc clear, but at tbo same time 'admit that documents with insufficient postage have been circulated without their knowledge. It appears that in the Philadelphia post ofiice, as in all the largo offices of the country, the number of packages used in a day is so immense that some de pendence has to be placed in the honesty of people who mail matter in laryo quantities, especially heavy pack ages. Everything cannot bo weighed. The campaign documents have been coming in sacks, which are emptied out among the other heavy mail matter, and when they first began coming in a few of the books and pamphlets were taken at random and weighed. They were generally found to have tho required number of .stamps, but it is learned from an evidently trustworthy Miiirco that lha man who docB most of tho weighing, when ho found an occasional package that was not sufficiently stamped, cuiiMuereu umc, as tuo documents weie Roiied by tho Republican state committee and to help along thfl Republican cause, it would not bo a judicious thing for him to make any fus3 about it and get into a per sonal controversy with such potential powers, so bo concluded to let somebody else make tho disturbance if any was "-? to bo made. g- '":od8 of publications have boon Two k. immense quantities one a sent out in . wteu!nS nearly four rolled pamphlet, . " , fc containing ounces, and tho olhor . e, which General Beaver's life comp'Jfc. yy iaw weighs ten ounces. Tlltf vwiihlow tiie requires each a two cent P'smp AOu ; books fivo cents. Cojiics of each ba been sent bearing only a one-cent .stamp and some ol them have been mailed front the Philadelphia office. There is very good reason, however, for believing that the number sent under illegal postage from tbo Philadelphia postoflico has been small compared with those sent from other postofiices in tho state, to which they have been forwarded in large quantities as freight. As no less than 100,000 copies, of tho lifo of General Beaver have been dis tributed, if they weie all sent through the mails at one crnt instead of fivo cent pos 1 ago it. j cprespnLs at item of $4,000 with held fiom tho gcnei-'l government, and if the smi thing has been dono VF:.fc:i other documents the loss represented "?o;ikl bo much greater. As soon a the mMter was noticed and began to be talked about it reached' tho cars oi L JMiJi;iMer jrinueKoi-us, vau esiii- tioned the men handling that class of ma, J tor to he more particular. -nd, as a result, I lanre fluauutics ol iKimnuietii and books luwmtnttn mtnrtioil to llm T,,,,!,!;--,, began to bo returnni to inn .p.unicati ; ncauciuuiicii iui menu miu;b, j.iuui iu the dio!vt of thoo who weio saa'lntfj lho:u out. Fivo cc'its on every document when thousands arc beinj; frnt out foots ti) r. foimidabio itSM. ? later than Saturday documents wero f-cnt out that could not bo passed. Eve:: "Aith the inert ied surveillance enjoined some slip through, it is stated, and the theory upon which tho Republican com mitUv apjiears to act is that the wibordi xiatrs vhc handle the matter, in the present conditiou of io!itic;vl affairs will not t.ilto tlio insponsibility of scruti nizing tho stamps too closely. It is said that a way Las Ikscu found of lato of beat ing tho matter abont tho bush by puttins all the documents for individuals iu par ticular cities aud towns together in sack.- and having these sacks unmailcd, placed in tho personal charge of employees on mail cars, who hand them over to tho post master of tho place, who, in accordance with instiuctinus, mails tho whole lot as local postage and distributes them. Even under this arrangement ono cent postage is not enough on tho books, but there has boen .so much sharp practice about tho matter and .so much circumlocution has been used that it is difficult to say who is reeponsiblo for the systematic swindling that is being carried on. ll'i-:v l-hardlvan adult porson living bi'l im Honiil-.ni m tionlilfd with kidney !tl'!oiilly, thicU Is U' isiov.1 prolilic nu'l dangerous mis" oi all dtseaM's, There Is no nortnt need to have any tor;.-: oi Kidney or miliary tiouble it Hop Uil'iifi aie takon occasionallv. olC-2wl&v " Magnificent pi oml-.es somi'tliiics end in paltry perlonnanwc." A mnKiiilleeiit excep tion to this Is inutid in Kidney-Wort, which invajiiiblyperfni ins ovon more cuix;s than it promises, llnru is u single instance: "Mother lias recoven-il," . rolo an Illinois girl to her sturn relatives. "Shu took bitters for a - ui but wiihoutaiiy good. Sowhcn she longt. . Tit hies ot Kidncy-Worl she got a heatd tu iliw completely cured her liver box and it .. complaint." -s look like new by jKo-Muko your old tlilu,. ' will be happy, using the Diamond Dyes, ann to eenls. Any of the fashionable colors lot . ire Smr.oiis Catawui kkmbbt a positive v. rt 4'il4irth- lliilif linrlii nlnl fnilfi Ulntif h For saiebyJI.lt. Coelnan, druggit, VS1 and' K Nort h Queen street. Satisfactory. Mrs. Wallace, JSulIalo, N. Y., writes: "1 have used Jlurctock llloo.l Hitters for nci vous and bilious lic.idacheH, and havo l-ecomnicnded them to my ti tends; 1 believe them superior to any other medicine I have u'-ed, and can re commend thein toanyone l-ciiuiringacure lor bIlioii!.ne.9." Pilcell. II. U. Cochniu, drug gist, 187 and 131 North (Jjuccn strcot. Thb Ukv. Geo. II. Thaysk, ot Jiourbon, lnd., -ays: "ISolh mvi'lfaud wile owo our lives to Si!iU)ii's CoNsuiimoN Curb. For Hide by II. I'.. Cochran, diuggist, 137 :md l."'l Noitli Queen btreeU 1 low ofl en persons have been annoyed by buns clinging to their dress or clothing, ami how M-ldoui lia c thoy, when cleaning them, given it a thought ilmt JSurdock Koot is the most valuable blond cleanser anil blood purl tier know n, and is sold by uvrry druggist under the name of liur.loek Itlond Jlitlers. Price $1. II ". Cochran, druggist, U7 and 1S: North Queen atrcet. fuiLon'a cubk wilt. tnmi!ll!i'.:ly relievo Croup, Whooping Cough unci Lrniiciiiti, Fn mile by II. 11. c ochrau, drugglut, U7 aud I3'J Nortk (Jueun strveU rI1HK SlAHDAKU OABKIAUE WORK OF LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY k Co., FINE Carriage Builders. . MARKET STREET, Rear ofCentral Market Houaee, LANCA8TEE, FJSKK'A. Wo make every style Buggy and Carrlago de sired. Ail work finished in tbo most comfort able and elegant style. We use only the best 8olectr.d material, and employ only the best mechanics. or quality or work our prices are the cheapest In the state. Wo buy for cash and soil on thn most tvasonablo terms, Clve usa call. All work warranted. Repairing prompt ipmttended to. One sot ot workmen epeclnlly mplovd for that r-nrnoKo. InSJ-LfdAw 3N OW ICEAUV. OUE NKW B3AL ESTATE OATALOQUH, Containing a latge number of properties in city and country, wltii prices, &e. Copies sent free to any address. ALLEN A. UEBU & CO., Beat Eautc and Insurance Agents, No. 10 East King street MBDICAt,. D K., BKNSON'5 REMEDIES. From the Cirhnioncl DispalcJt. SEVEN MILLIONS Of rare Opwi, ana Voa Lire and Ilreatk in AtmoKpIieres Which Poison Your mood, and Then Follows Skin Disease. NoTiiiNo is Moke Dtxavvd than salt rheum or eczema, which has lolly ft dozen species, going under various nanies.ncariy all of rlilch defy tlie ordinary remedies, destroy tlie hair, llm akin and tlie ilesh, and iu many cases death coincs.as a blessing. Sculp audskin alike are Hubject to thi", as well as to dandruff, tet ter and other seal y diseases producing bald-:ic-"j, eruptions, ulcers and other troubles. Intelligent people should beware or taking poisons aa remedies for this class ot diseases or the skin and scalp, undtlic variousremedies which are sent out by unskilled men should be avoided as one would a plague. There Is but one "Skin cure " which can be relied on, and that la Dr. Jtcnson's, and Its name is an earnest or its worth. It Is not a patent medicine, but the result ot his own ex perience and practice, and la a sure euro lor tho special diseases for which It is offered. It makes tlio skin soltand white and smooth, re moving tan and freckles, and Is the best toilet preparation in tho world. It Is elegantly put up, two bottles In ono package, consisting ol both internal and external treatment. Simple In its combination, pure and free from all poi sons, It may be relied upon by all those who wisn to nave pcriect honlth anrt frnmimn fwwn all skin diseases ot whatever nature, whether they are Eczema, Tetters. Humors, Inflamnin- MuiiB, MUK.vrusvunugii Scaly Krnptlons, Diseases ortho Hair una Scalp, Scrofula. Ul cer, 1'iuipies or Tender Itcbiugs on any part ... w.u uuy. x-rico, unci uoiiar per package. All druggists imvo It lor sole. a. Ite volution In the treatment of nervous diseases is now taking place. Dr. C. W. Uenson, of Baltimore, many yuus ago discovered r. sure remedy In it Celery ami Chamomile I'llls they have had a wonderful sale and success. Theycan be neu cm io lwrmunently cure sick and norv- lu-ailuchc, neuralgia, dyspepsia, slcrplcsF- ou .,,1 ,,11 ucivons diseases. All driig-!sts STm.IW'- VriQC m ccn,s "cr hox- Two '' kccj i..jeu . t . r., frpi. ,. , . . . . toril.ft. In. .' " "' V""" "" -l'k"J "isoii, JtnlMtnotv. price. Dr. C. W j, v. Is wholesale :..N.Criticnlon. ot Now Yo a,;eal for lr. O. W. llcnson's rcnicut. octlC-lmdM.Wta. "? T 1JNKY-WIKT JV For ilie Permanent Cure CONSTIPATION. or No other dleao iso prevalent In this coun try as Constipation, and no remedy lias ever cMinallci! thci celebrated Kidney-Wort :is a cure. U'liaievertliociiuxp, however obstinate tln"Li'. tliN leinedy will overcome it. A ij ittlie aiuiid time on KMncvs, Liver and liOWI'Ib. PUes. TlilscHstieslng c-oniplalnt is very apt to nc complicated Willi eonsti p.ition. Kidney-Woit strengthens the weak- - - iih1 p.irt-.ai:il imicklycjnuMall kindsot Piles .,.v(11 w!l(.u 1,1.-.jC..ls xvA ,llc,iicines have 1k- r tailed AS- If yon have cither ot tliesa troubles use Kl!.K-WOUT. iiurslts,ell 1!. wp271ydA.U MWAF . 42 LOCKER'S RENOWNED COUGH SYRUP Jias cured thousands. It will Oonli or Cob! in less time than ciiici your any otlnr L preparation. rillCKti CV.'.YJVV VKTi llOT'ri.K, I'lepared and .-old only by CHAS. A. L0CHER, NO. 9 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. itUVSttt AMlt Hl'AVIOJfJSm . 4CHUOI. ltuOKS. ALL SCHOOL BOOKS, AND HflTmOT taTTTJiar twtJ- axKJUU tiJfL,lV7JT AT TtIK LOWEST &A M:n --AT L. M. FLYNN'S, NO. 12 WEST KINI3 STItKET. I. .ANCASTEU. S( I'UOUL UUOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS FOJiTHK- LANCASTER SCHOOLS. For Sale at the Lowest Prices. BY Joim 2w's Sons, N0S. 15-17 NORTH (JUEluT 3T- MS-SWX OF TJIK JilU iOOA'.-e VOAJh. B. habtih; Wholesale and Befall Dealer In all kinds or LUMBElt AND COAL. Kf raitl : No. 4 North Water and l'rincc treets above Iximon Lancaster. tiMyd pOAL. M. V. B. COHO, BSU NORTH WAT.V.KHT., Jjinctuter, ito., Wholesale and Itofaill Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection With the Telephonic JSxclutnget Yard and Office: No. XWNOUTll WATEIt STUEET. teb28-lytl (OAL AND fllANUKK. j Bestjgrade of family COAL, well-cleaned. Hclfrht guaranteed. i.MU aim re bv the car-load nt Lowest Price?. LAlso, Limestone Screenings for diivcs :nnl walk-. Ceinent at reduced prices. Hay and Straw by the ton or bale. Yard: Ilarrisbm-ji pike. Uenoi-al Office : aoJ4 East ChestnutStrccl. KAV;PPMAN, KELLER ft aprt-lwd CO. oa.uf&:i-3. piAEVKTS. Carpet Manufactory,1; Having undertaken to manut actum BAG and CUA1N CARPETS, wholesale, 2,i0 yanU per week, I am now prepared to sell my entire BtOCk Ot Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian ; Carpets, AT GKKAT JtABGAINS AND ?AT BELOW COST, to make room and give my entire attention to wholesale trade of my own manufactured goods, riease call early. a S. SHIRK, CARPET HILL, Oor. West King and Water Sts. J J9jcr ebovs: SWAEE'S. L LADIES' MERINO UNDERWEAR. GENT'S 3IEEINO UNDERWEAR. CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDERWEAR. Flannels, Blankets, Comforts, Counter panes, xtra Ueavy-Weteht Cashmeres, at lowest prices. Also Stocking Yarns," Plain and Pancy Bicaclied Canton Flannels In rem nanti. worth 12Jc to 15c, at 'Jc, luc and 12Xc. REVERSIBLE SUITINGS at 'Jc. same goods elsewhere at 12c. Remember our HOME-MADE COMFORTS are not excelled. They contain 14 yards of Furniture Prints and lour pounds best cot ton. And none quilted like them lu any other aloro In the city. NO 50 NORTH QUEEN ST: qiBK .SOKIU END JIKV GOOUS STORE. Ladies' Underwear, 1 Mens' Underwear, Children's Underwear, FLANNELS, 'CANTON FLANNELS, BLANKETS, HOME-MADE COMFORTS, Ann A Full Line of Winter Goods, AT THE Norm M Dry Goods Store, tl-lyd LANCASTER, PA. J." MAKTIN A CO. GENT'S Furnishing Department. ItUV THE CELEOltATEO PEARL SHIRT, BEST PIT, BEST QUALITY, BEST WORKMANSHIP. OPJSN Ott CLOSED BOSOM, WITH OK WITHOUT EYELETS IN KOSOM. 3-AU sizes tor salo only by J. B. MARTIN & CO.. Cor. Wot King and Prince Sts., LANCASTER, PA. N KAV KIBK STOKK. DRESS GOODS. DRESS GOODS. Watt, Shand & Co., NOW OEEEUAN IMMENSE VAK1ETV Of Silks, Plushes, Velvets AND FALL DKESS GOOJ)S In all tho new colorings at Lowest Prices. OLOTH SUITINGS A SPECIALTY. I ust opened a choice Hue of LADIES' COATS AKD DOLMANS, ti' Kc.ivcr. Diasjonal and Silk, neatly trimmed with Eur and lassamiMiuirio at lowest city prices, LiIil nml Dark Cloth Jackets, Light and Hark Cloth t'Oitts LADIES' CENT'S AND CllILDUE.VS HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR In all weights, sizes and qtialltlcs at Bottom Prices. Merino Underwear, Scarlet Underwear, All-Wool Underwear. NEW YORK STOKE, 8-10 EAST KING STREET. NK KW UHBaI STOKE. GOATS AND DOLMANS. Ladies' Coate, Ladies' Dolmans, Children's Coats. JUST OPENED AT- HETZ6EB & MUGIAFS NEW CHEAP STORE, 43 WEST KINO ST., LANCASTER, (llclwccn the Cooper IIouso and Sorrel Horso Hotel.) A I.uigo aud Handsome Af oitincnt of LADIES' COATS, JACKETS, DOLMANS AND CHILDREN'S COATS. Made expressly tor us by the best Manu facturers ot New York and Philadelphia, and for Style, Beauty. Pinub and Cheapness, can not bo excelled. G BAY'S 8FEC1MO MKD31MJS. XME Great English Remedy. An nnlaillng cure lor Impotcncy, and all Diseases that follow loss ot Memory. Universal Lassi tude, Pain in thn Hack, Dimness ot Vision, Premature Old Age, and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. Pnll par tlcnlars In our pamplct, which we desiro to send tree by mall to every one. The Bpccinc Medicine Is sold by all rttugghts at $1 per pack, ago, or sis packages lor JJ5, or will to sent lree by mall on tho receint nt the money, by ad dressing the agent, H.B. Cochran, 137 and 139 North Queen street. On aoeount ot counter felts, we havo adopted the Yellow Wrapper : theonly genuine. Guarantees otcuro issued by us. for sale in Lancaster by H. B. Cochran. Druggist, 187 and 139 North Queen street. , , 755 GBAT MKDJCINE CO., If. 1, aprl2-lyaw ' AHTU1CU HMUMf. AJOrjSKTlSKMLEXT. 8TKICH BKOH ADVKKTISEMJOrT. . A8TEICH BROS-' PALACE OF- FASHION! 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. WE ARE NOW READY TO OFFER TO THE LADIES OF LANGASTi AND VICINITY, AFullLimtof KE GrOODS FOR THE FALL AND WINTER TRADE lrt .Every Department. Ladies wlio havo inspected our NEW Will be aware thaU our assortuieut in thatllno Is lull und complete. It surpasses any assort ment ever oflesed in this town and Includes tho most choice fffwdv in LU anflMK SQlQrea JaUs dolmans; paletots, Black Coats and Dolmons, SILK DOLMANS; Circulars from $12.50 Upwards, Far-Lined Circulars. OUKA8SOU.TiIr.NT OP IS COMPLETE. IT EM Hit ACES ALL THE Novelties of the Season, -IN-IIATS, FEATIIEU8, TLUMES, BIRDS and WINGS, We havo opened now a PU LL LIN E of FINE BLACK PLUMES. HAKE ItAUGAINS. Also, BLACK TIPS. Feather Turbans,New and Neat. IN RIltBONS Wo havo on hand tho NEW SHADES in SATIN, VELVETand PLUSH, Black & Colored Velveteens. BLACK VELV ETEENS troin 25c. up. COLORED VELVETEENS at GOe, SILK VELVETS AND PLUSHES IN. ALL COLOIIS. BLACK PLUSHES AT A JSAItUAIN. CM Denartmeiit injMBi GOODS NEW TEIMMINGS -IN- SLTjK, satin, VELVET, PLUSH And CHENILLE. NEW BUTTONS, NEW ORNAMENTS, NEW LOOPS. NEW AND FINE BLACK LACES, In Spanish, French, Uand-Uun, (iulpuro and KECEIVEO JUST NOW New Hosiery for Fall and Winter. CASIIMEKE GLOVES. LADIES, GENTS AND CIIILDUEN3 MERINO UNDERWEAR. IN ANTS CLOAKS. INFANTS CAPS, JACKETS, SHOES, 4c. J03- ZEPHTB, CUEWEL, GEUMANTOWN and German YARNS, SAXONV WOOL. CANVAS; SILKS for Embroidery, lochct wojfc aud KaJtving, DKT CMUDGBaSS, MUBBAY CO. BI-CENTENNIAL VISITORS To our City are invited to make usa of our Store, take a look through our large stock of WOOIVENS, and make a careful ex amination of our enormous lines of Dress Cloths, Seal Skin Cloths: Silk Plushes, Winter Cloakings, Sacqueings, English Jersey Cloths, Stockinets, JkrPuRciiASERs can depend upon having their packages delivered to the several Rail Road Statiojis and Steamboat Land ings at the specified time. Postal Order Department. Orders sent by mail receive careful attention. Those to whom a personal visit is inconve nient can order samples and make selections, and may rely upon our careful execution of their instructions. SNODGRASS, MURRAY & CO., CLOTH HOUSE, Market and Ninth Streets, Philadelphia. al5-3mdAw VrOTJIJNU. SH. KATUVON, --. (LATK BATMVOM & F1M1BK.) Merchant Tailor and Draper, COItNEIl NORTH QUKEN AND OltANUtt STREETS, LANCASTER, PA. la supplied with a FIno Stock ot FALL AND WINTER COATINGS. SUITINGS, OVERCOATINC6, PANTALOON1NGS and VESTINGH. All of which will bo made promptly to order a tid .sailslaelion guaranteed, In Fit and Fashion. tloods Hold by tho yard or pattern. ocl7-imd J. K. IHAI.1NU. J. K. SMAUNG'S GRAND OPENING -OK- ( Foreign and Domestic Novelties. POtt THE Fall anil Winter Season of 1882. ON MONDAY, SEPT. 11. A Large and Exijuidlte Line Iroiu 31 RUM VIVIENNM, PARIS, IMPORTED niRECTANDONLYTOREJIAD AT 121 NORTH QUBJN STREET. TS7IL.LIAniSwN & FOSTKK. Tho ch.iniro in tho weather bringa the change ol Clothing, and where to buy ia very important to every portion that Is so nntortunato as to havo to buy for himself or other?. Tim AU-Wool DRESS SUET that wo are .Helling lor SIS is liked by everybody 1in.'t hc-cs it and you can have a sample of the oods (by asking lor it) without charge. The ASSORTMENT ot Men's Overcoats, la ready and for variety and llneness ol flnfch they take tho lead. This is theBoa aon for the small boy and the children. Wo arc belling more CLOTHING lor them than ever before, liecansc tho variety is greater, tho patterns prettier anil tho prices all lower. Do not forget attho'Haine time we are selling Hats and Furnishing Goods very cheap. Tho stock ot UNDERCLOTHING Is very largo and low prices are selling 11. Tho 1'ateHt JlererslMc Lines Collars, named ANGELO, RAPHAEL, RU1IEN9. that you havo bought so often from us for 25c. per box, and been pleased with them, are now soiling lor 20c. Williamson & Foster, 34, 36 and 38 East King St, LANCASTER. PA. Mi V CATION Ah, O WITHIN C. HHomriauoB's ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, MEDIA, PENN'A., 12 MUes from Philadelphia. SCHOOL TEAS OPENS SEPTEMBER 12. JTixcd prlco covors every cxitenso, even nqoks, etc. No extra charges. No Incidental expenses. No examination lor admission. Thirteen experienced teachers, all men and all graduates. Special opportunities for apt students to advanco rapidly. Special drill tor dull and backward boys. Patrons or students may select any studies or choose the regular English, Scientific, Business, Classical or Civil Engineering course. Students fitted at Media are now in Harvard, Tale and ten other col leges and polytechnic schools. Media has seven churches and a temperance charter which prohibits the sale of all intoxicating drinks. For now Illustrated circular address the principal and proprietor. 8WITHIN C. s .u'kjk. a. M. (Harvard University t. . i. . -LIMA, PENN'A. a3-l,Uilw UOODM. Gentlemen's Suitings, Overcoatings, Worsted Coatings, Boys1 Cassimeres, Children's Fabrics, Pelts, Billiard Cloths. vnvimmt, VMUMKWJSAM, c. "I4TJEU1NO SH1KTS AMU URAWEKH FOR- LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. E. J. ERISMAN. r AMDC. COLLARS AND CUFFS. E.J. ERISMAN, IVTKW LINK OF NECKTIES AND WHITE SHIRTS. E. J. ERISMAN. A IX WOOL 8CA1CLET SHIRTS AND DRAW ERS. E. J. ERISMAN, 56 NORTH QUEEN STREET. F ALL OPKM1NU FALL OPENING AT- E GEKEART'S Dig It, NO. 6 EAST KING STItEET. LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, OCT. 25, 1882. O NK I'lUCR HOUHJS. Gentlemen's Underwear. AT AL. ROSENSTEIN'S You will Und tlie Largest Anortineul of GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR IN THIS C1TV, CONSISTING OP Merino, Bed and White Flannels, Wool, Canton Flannels, Cash mere, and Medicated Flannels , AT Prices Heretofore Unheard of. Having purchased tlie entire stock of Sam ples nt a Large Commission House in New York at prices lar below the regular price, 1 Hball give my Customers and the Public the lit null t thereof. Thoy aro iiositively '& per cent, cheaper than any other House In the city can hell them, ir you are in need ot any call soon, as audi JtARGAINS are usually looked for and sell fast. AL Rosenstein, Merchant Tailor and Clothier, NO. 37 NORTH QUEEN ST. LANCASTER. PA. ArDLL LINK UJT LOHIULAKD'S Chewing Tobacco. Rebecca only 10 eta. per plug at HAKTMAN'S YELLOW JTKONT CIG Alt STOKE. ;?l NOETU QUEEN. BXBT. TRM Ttt.K ifS' Ht'lltf rAKCASTKK AMI) MILLKKSYILLK K. " i Cars rnn :u toliowK: Leave ItnrntMer (P. 14. Depot), at 7. 9. aaI 11:30a.m., and , 4, and 8up.mexcnut ob BatunUy. when t he last car leaves at 9-J p. at Leave Miilcrovilli (lnwr end) at 5, H, anilJt a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. in. . Can run daily on p'- iv tuue except on Boa rtOIA)UUlA. niKT DBITOSIT RAIL V ROAD TIME TABLE. Trains now run u-gularlvon the Columbia Port IH-posIt Railroad on the following QimiWARlt. I -STATIONS. WOKTI1WABD. P.M. A.M A.M 6 A) 6:35 C-A'i 74W 7M 7.-09 7:12 7:17 7:23 77 I0ra lO-Jti lOJW llhM r.M. Coluinbia.... ... Washington... ...Cici.Wfll.... .. -Sire HarlHir... ..Sla-nk's Perry.. .....l''iuca ..lorkl-uriiavv.. .....Tiicqiuin .MtCairH Perry. ...Kite's Eddy... ..KMdng t'reek.. ..Piiteli Cottoui.. ...Couowlngo... ti.i....M. Ut UM 11:10 ll:in US6 11 JO 11:38 7:41 TM & 8:13 7:10 7 7:3 75S 7:17 7 11M 7S7 r.m 12a 717 S33 1151 lJ0l '.t"initt,.,t, ...I'ort Ui'poait.. ftUO ....rerryviiie... piUUINM B VOLVM VIA K. R. ARRANGEMENT OPPASgJCNeU TRAINS MONDAY, MAT So, 1SB2. NORTHWABO. UiTE 1A.M. r.M. r.M. A.M. wuarryruie Lancaster, Ring St. Lancaster Columbia. 6.-20 7 JO fcM 7 JO 7:40 7:36 im we iaoi 3:19 mI a-l ami BUUTttWAKD. KMAYB. JLM. r.M. r. Reading. 75 1WW 6:10 rjf. Columbia. kio Laacaster. 9-jo Lancaster, King at 9:40 gnarryvUlo 10:40 &2fi 8:13 2.10 5:40 6:45 8: 9-JtS TnlMmnilMil nt. Rn..llnww1fl. .-..a... ......... trom Philadelphia, PottsvUle, Uarrisburg. AU lontown and New York, via Round Crook Route. At Columbia with trains to anil from York. Hanover, Gettysburg, Prederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Sunt. TJKnMHKLVAlilA KAILUUAJ N J X SCHEDULE On and afUr SVNDAY OCTOBER 1st, 1882, trains on tho Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive at and leave tie Lanctxn-' and Philadelphia QepolHa lollowsl: llvl Ar LaaPhll Kastwabd. A, A.M Mall Kxpress Past Llue ..., Uarrisburg Express York Accommodation nrrlve Lancaster Accomodation arrives.... Columbia Accommodation Frederick Accommodation arrives.. Lock Haven Express 12:44 65 8:10 8:10 815 IMW TM 10S 11:4& rr.M. 12-JB 16 2:42 KM r.M. Sunday Mall Johnstown Express i'ay jsxprees. ....... ...... .. Harrlsburg Accommodation. 5:4a 5:05. 20 MO 1145 8:00 llrt Hanover Accoiumodatloii west, couneoUng at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 10:15, will run through to Hanover daily, except Sunday. Prederick Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster witb Past Line, wtut, at 1:40, will run through to Frederick. Le. lAr. WasTWAKn. Pliii A.M. 4JU 4 JO 7:00 6:27 6:27 9-M 9:40 Way Passenger. Mail Train. No. 1. via. Mt..lov MaUTraln.No.2,vlaColumbla,lcaves niuguru cxprefx Hanover Aicoinmodatlon leaves.. Pridcrick Accommodation leaves. 8:13hO:lB llhai r.v. 11:05 1:40 IM 505 2:30 7-J 7:10 il:lll 1:45 r.M. i:U Harrlsburg Accoiumodatloii Lancaster Accommodation leaves. Columbia Accommodation Jlnrrlsburg Express Western Express Paclllc Express Kv:-. 4:14 5:10 9:115 11:20 Harrl-bnrg Express, west, at 5:40 p. in., has direct con imctiom (without change of can) to Columbia and York. Past Line, west, on Sunday, when flagged, will stop at Dowuliigtown.CoaUjsvlllu, I'nrkes burg. Mount Joy, EUzabcthtown and Bllddlo town. Day ExpnwH, Past Linn, News Express. Mull Train, No. I, Western Exprcisand Paclllc Ex prvss run dailv. VLOTHLMt JtC. TT1K81I & UKUrUKK. OVBBCOATS. OVERCOATS. OVERCOATS. Would like you to call aud oxamino ou lino of Children's, Boys', Youths and Men's Overcoats. Wo havo all grades from tho linest to the least costly, in all the latest styles and shades. We have this week a specialty iu Hoys' Clothing-, which it will be to your intorcs to exaniii e. 200 dozen Paragon White Shirts hav just come in, quoted at 80 cents, linen bosom, linen cuffs, Wamsutta muslin. A bargain in 20 dozeu Percale Shirts, with two collars, at 08 cents, this week only. Full lino of Furnishinjj Goods at low fljjmcs. Merchant Tailoring our Specialty. HIRSH & BEOTHER, Feiinllall CiothiBgHoi.se. . N03. 2 and 4 North Queen Street, 6 and 8 Penn Square. sepS lyil c LOTMlMUt CLOTHING! D.B.1I0STETTER&S0N, 1NVJTK SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR DLSl'LAY OP FINE CLOTHING, Entirely cl thi-lr ow.i Superior Manufacture for tho FALL AND WINTER SEASON. Their Stock ot Piece Goods Jor Merchant Tailoring la larger than ever, and the Styles are the newest and best In tbo Market. D. B. Hosteller i Son, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, I.NCASTEU. PA. SAMUEL H. HUGJE, ATTUKNET, BAH Bemoved his 0o trom SeNortnltake Street to No. 41 GRANT STREET, lmiaedi. ately in J BnifiHng. m near 01 .court uoaac, ixing's New UCWl A.M. r.M. !. 5:3S 8:W IteS S.IK 5.30 7:45 !M 7:4 6:01 7 4-M 7:34 4-V; V 4-M 7S3 4:47 7:10 4:3C 7rtW 4:XI 0:37 4tX 0:11 4:12 6Si 4 05 C.-JU SO& will !