LANCASTER' DklLYiaJrTELUGENCER FJRIDAY. bCTOBER ia! 188& COLUMBIA NEWS. KKCl'LAK 'KKItMlMJKNt;-- tm Along (be tqaeBa'ir Itcnia i-trrrt ia ait Araaad tn i:roogh Picked Up by cna Inttdli gCBcer's Reporter Mi. John Mooro lias returned from his ': j to New York. Mr. John Mohii, a former Columbian, but now of Philadelphia, its in town on a visit. Mr. Bnowden Moderwell is visiting Mr. William Fasig, Locust street. Four crews Irom this place took Bar num's show to Wilmington, Delaware last night. Another valuable cow belougiug to Mr. John B. 8taman, died last night. Three have died within a week. Next Monday eveniugat WJO o'clock, the congregation of tub' Presbyterian church will hold a uieotiug, tor the pur pose or filling tho vacant pulpit of tin: church. Yesterday au old lady n uued Mrs Mary Keller, residing on Front street, had a so vere gash cut iu her head by a hatchet railing boob it from tho top of a step lad der which the was iu tho act of removing. A Kunaway Horse. A runaway horse was caught yesterday morning on Dr. Bockius' pavement, on Locust street. The occupant of tho team was a Iittlo girl, and it was pitiful to hear her terrilied scream. Foituuately she escaped unhurt. Optra Hoaw 'AuiiiseimnUlt. Tho box sheet for " Tho Chimes or Nor mandy," which will be presented heio on October 18th, ia now open. "Fun iu a Boarding School" willappuar hero October 17. Tho business manager, Claude Williams, was iu town to-day, attending to tho billing arrangements. Two tattle Win Hare sXtttow Kscape. Whilo being driven across the Pennsyl vania railroad at Locust strcot, on Wed nesday, a little girl was nearly run ovor by the vehicle. The wheels caught in the track and tho sudden jolt threw two little girls from it. One of thorn almost foil under the wheels. Had they moved a little they would have passed directly across her throat. Both wero more frightened than hurt. The Public School ' Tho attendance at tho public schools for the month ending October 2d, was as follows : Whole number attending during tho month, tmales, 586; females, 708. Average attendance during the mouth, males, 511'-; females, 013. Percentage of attendance during tho month, males, D.jJ ; females. 95. Percentagn of atteudanco during the term to dato, males. 931 ; fu males, 1)5. Number of "pupils pieseut every session, 57::. Dming the month ending as above stated the schools had 142 visitor.". Meeting otttae School Hoard. The regular meeting of tho Columbia Bchool board was held iu tho council chamber last evening, at 8 p. in. All i sneinbcrs were present except Messrs Wiko snd.Bruncr. President Myers was iu tbo -ehafr. The finance coniniittco reported as follows : UIX'i:i ITS. Balance on hand n pur lastrupoil ... From T. II. Ilunbur, collector ol"l"8l.. S.H.Boyd, " lltf.!.. " J. W. Bioacj, tuition . Hit !K) . ill 00 . 1104 81 ; 00 j 00 .?J,12H va Ueorgo xouut;, unoj. Total icccipts Eil'LNDITUI.KS. Oideru paid l.5Di !il llal. 011 hand till-; dale .... $5. .'! The nuance committee made a Ktatc meut of tho condition of the duplicates of 1881. Exonerations wcio made on dupli cates of 1881. Tho committee wero in structed to have the duplicates collected as close as possible, aud topn-t at tbo next meeting. Supt. Ames stated that a number of Iho teachers desired to spend Bi.Ceuteiiui; 1 week iu Philadelphia, and requested that tho schools bo closed during that week. On motion the matter was laid upon the table. Mr. Given made the following motion : That the president bs authorized to ask through the press for the names of all persons desiious of attondiug a night school, aud have such persons rog htor their namos on or ' foro N'lveuibjr 1st 1882, at tho store of J. A. Meyers, president of tho board. Mr. Slatle, of the cominitttee of supplies aud repairs, reported as follows : That they have furnished a number of books to j childrcu whose parents or lrionus were un able to buy them. Also that additional blackboard surface has been made at tho Fifth and Second streets school and a self feeding stove and coal provided for the latter school ; also, that they have aft" pointed Mrs. Wolfe janitor of tho Socotid street Kchoj!. The report was received and recommendations approved by the board. Bills amounting to $278. 11 were read, approved and oidercd to be paid. Inter ests 011 bonds reported at. $70.50. The secretary reported teachers' salaries paid for September. Adjournment. latS CAMPAlUN. Swinging the Democratic Jlaniier to t o Breeze To morrow Night's Meeting. About noon to-day a large American nag was stretched across North Queen street in front of the new Democratic head quarters, and now proudly floats in the breeze bearing tho legend " Dcmociatic headquarter!" in large letters. Tho ilig has a history of interest, beiug tho prop erty of Mr. Geo. B. Willson, of tho firm of Flinn & Willson, aud was made iu 18C1 by a number of tho patriotic women in and around Maytown, this coun ty, where. Mr. Willsou's father lived at that timo. It was kept hangiug in front of Mr. Willson's residence all through the war, has been used in every Democratic campaign since, and now appropriately floats at the Democratic headquarters, 'n honor of tho next governor of Pennsylva nia, our noble standard bearer, Robert E. Fattison. The Democrats of Lancaster will not forget the popular demonstration to mor row night in celebration of the grand vic tory won in Ohio, which is but the presage of a yot grander triumph in this state next month. It will take tho shape of au outdoor meeting in Contro Square, whero a stand will be erected and speeches inado by a number of well .known Democratic orators, among them Hon. Win. 11. Sow den, of Allcntown, John II. Fow and Geo. W. Barton, esqs., of Philadelphia, and some popular local speakers. Rally Dem ocrats, and on the head of Ohio's splendid victory carry renewed terror iuto the hearts of tho demoralized boss-adherents in this city. The band will play aud good Democratic doctrine will bo preached. Eight Ward Xtettlaon Club. The Democracy of the Eighth waid mo last night at John Poutz's saloon, for the purpose of organizing a Pattison club. A temporary organization was effected by the election 6f A. F. Oblendcr as tempo rary president and ?rank Kautz as tempo rary secretary. The club then went into an election of permanent officers, and the following wero elected : President, C. A. Oblender ; Vico Prcsidoot, Benj. F. Myers ; Secretary, John A. Bradel ; treas urer, Win. Wolpert. A committeo of the consisting of J. A. Bradel, John Poutz, H. F. Myers, Frank Eautz aud John Myers were appointed to draft rules to govern the club. The meeting was well attended. The club will meet on Saturday evening at 7 o'clock at Pontz's saloon, and will be escorted by a band to tho grand mass meeting to be. held in Centre Square. THEM AND NOW. Companion fictures ol the Cameras Dy nasty by Attorney Uenerad Brewster A IMMttBf; BtatUUfttlOB. Benjamin Harris Attorney General Brewster at Lancas ter. October 11, 1SSS. I do not stand here to speak lor Cameron. but I would cheerfully do so If it were neces Brewster. Esq., at Philadelphia. Sep tember 11, 1S77. Last winter onr peo ple were shocked with the election ot J, Don- am Cameron, tne irre- sary. Men uouutoi, when he first became senator. It he was piioiimoio boa or a sen ntor or whom I will not snsitk. because he equal to the duties ol the high ottlce. lie U not a fascinating speaker, but he Is a well educated gentlc- ami lii.-) acts have be-, roinea part of public history nnd must be measured witii more deliberation than can be given in a casual conversation like this a son that has man and good busi ness man. Aided by his father, Gen. Simon Cameron, who was neither uilod, attainment-, dignltvot char- one ol the first of RcJ publicans, when it was a reproach to be a Ee publlcan, he has at tained eminence. Cam acier. Knowledge 01 public ntlairs, party (.erviecs. or personal worth tn warrant his :ilv.iiicciueiit,anil who lin 110 record but a eron in the benalo has conducted hiuibelf use fully and modestly. (Since Cameron has been iu the Senate lie has acquired an envi able reputation : ho has always stood by bad one us an in lilgucr ami manager fit bad men. lie was first forced into the war department as the priea or his offer to be tray hi state and re the party, always lent it his aid, and never nominate ucn. Urant, and alter being there played me part 01 an Independent. ne wits so oasc-born in his notions of decennv and gciiilemanhood as tf solicit and urge, by 1111 1110 mean ans 01 political contrivance that ho should be ri. tuitifil as the compan ion or cabinet otllcers and gentlemen who im not want him. Failing In that, bvtuc course brute lorce or organized power lie jostled his old father out. of Ills place and thrust hliiiNelt iuto a ncnatu when; he will In: an ohlccl of derl- Hiou ami li.-(;tist. The public is sick ol these odious men, and the public will do away with them. Wo have destroyed hit 111 a 11 bondage In the l-'outh, we will nxt break down political bond age in the North and South. Badly CuU A man giving his namo as F. Johuson, and who says he was employed in Bar imm's circus, got into a quarrel with a fellow employee yesterday, during which Johnson was btabbed in the mouth aud his lip terribly cut. Ho was taken to the station house,' whero his -wound was dressed by Dr. Fitzpatrick, after which, he being very drunk, was sont to jail. He says his father lives in India. His assail ant escaped. A tramp giving tho namo of John Ma lone, got into a light with1 some of the circus men last night and received a bad beating. One of his eyes is closed up, his nose badly ibattered and his lower lip cut open, apparently with a knifo,. He was lakou to tho hospital and Dr. Roland fixed him up as well as possible. Court Proceedings. Tho jury iu the case of Caroliuo Vauleer ( ucc Carman ), this morning returned a verdict iu favor of plaintiff for tbo sum of 81,387.33 A. Herr Smith and D. G. Ebhloman for tho plaintiff S. II. Rey nolds and J. Hay Brown for tho defense. Tho case of the Watsoutown "planing mill company vs. Jamos Baud, Rebecca Henderson, of Maytown, was next attach ed. This is an action to recover for ma tci ial alleged to have been sold to the do fendaut aud used iu buildiugs erected by and at the instance of Mrs. Henderson, through the agency of her husband. Be fore tho whole of the testimony for plain till' had hern presented, tho court adjourn ed. Hetrd on Uftboas Cotpu.-i. .Tamer, Clark, a laborer, was attested last evening at tho depot aud committed this moiuiug by Aldcriuau McCouomy to live days imprisonment ou tho chargo of di uiikcti aud disorderly conduct. Shortly afterwards ho was brought before Judge Livingston ou habeas corpus to havo his sentence reformed, ho alleging that bo was not as disorderly uor drunk as stated when arrested. It being his first offense aud there being no opposition offered, ho was discharged, James promising to ro luru immediately to his work. Attacked by Highwaymen. John Spackmau, who works for Adam Rohicr, proprietor of tho hotel at Mo cliauicsburg, came into town yesterday to sec the circus. Last night ho was at tacked by highwaymen on the pike near tho reservoirs, kuockod dowu, badly beaten and robbed of $11 in mency. Ho was found iu a dazed state and taken to the county hospital, where he still lies iu a badly crippled couditiou. Houses Bobbed. Last evening the residenco of Geo. F. Rathvou, 231 East Oraugo street, was cntctcd by thief, who stole from tho parlor a clock and a silver card basket. A thief also entered tho residence of Henry Nolty, while tho family wero at the circus and stole therefrom about $200 in money aud EOino clothing. Dauclng Sociable. lVnnlngton & Walton's sociables will open in Fulton hail to-morrow evening, dancing 1 1 commence at 8 o'clock, sharp. Amusements. Alice Vales. Next Tuesday evening Alice Oatcs, the dashing opera boufle actics.s aud singer, will appear in Lancaster in Oil en bach's sparkling opera ol " The Prince ot Trc bizomle.' Mrs. Dates is loo well-known licic to need u ords of introduction, while tho opcia in which slio is in appear is one ol tho popular German composer's best works. Hl'EVlAis NO'lMVKto. The retention ot any waste matter in the .system produces injury. Tho collection of "phlegm" or diseased mucus in time ot cold or throat affection should be promptly re moved. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup does it more quickly and effectually than any other cough syrup made. Physicians prescribe Colden'a Llebig's Liquid llcef and Tonic Invljroralor for the w eak, worn, nnd dyspeptic. Take no oilier. " l'our on Oil. I.. !'. Follett, Marion, O. stales that ho has used Thomas' Kcleclrie Oil lor burns, and has lound nothing to equal it in soothing the pat 11 and giving relict. II. J 5. Cochran, druggist, 137 and i:9 North Queen street. Do to II. 15. Cochran's drag storo tor Mrs. Freeman's Xew Xalionul Dyes. For bright ness and durability ol color, are uuequaled. Color from 2 to ! pounds. Directions in Eng lish and German. 1'ricc. 15 cents. 1'uriry the Blood. " bwatne's ritts." bwaykk's vills." "swavhe's pills." ACTS A3 A Hi: KT COItKETTOR ami i,y cleansing, regulating and strengthen ing the organs otdigcslion, secretion nnd ab borption. cure Apoplexy, Fits, Paralysis, Ner vousness, Dizziness, Debility, Bllllousncss, Dad ISreath, Jaundice, Llvcrand Kidney Com phiint, Iick ol Appetite, Low Spirits, Indi gestion or Dyspepsia, Headache, Constipation, Fevers", Malaria nnd Contagion, Fever and Ague, DiarrhaM, Dropsy, Colds. Uhcumatlsm, Neuralgia, Gout, Female Weakness, Urinary Disorders, ami all irregularities of tlio Spleen, Stomach, JHadder aud Dowels. UCSTOntKO TO HKAl.TII when all other remedies fall. They keep the system in a healthy condition by arousing the torpid liver to healthy action, and expelling by Hie bowels ami kidneys tho matter that poLsons the touudatlous of lire. Do particular to obtain " Swayne's rills." Price 25 cents a box ot SO pills, or 5 boxes $1. Prepared only by Dr Swaynk & Sox, Phila delphia, Pa. Askyour druggist lor them. Sent hy mall to any address. ocU-cod&wM,w,F Are you troubled with such symptoms 01 dyspepsia as belching, tasting ol the food, heart-burn, etc.? Brown's Iron Bitters will cure you. For sale at H. B. Cochran's drug stor 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. o9-lwd&w A habal 1JUKCT0E ireo with each bottle ol ShlloL's Catarrh Kerned y. Price 90 cent For sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. Skinny Hen. ' Wells' Health Kenewer" restores health and vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotence, Sex. 11a I Debility. SI. Depot, John Black. sciwo, N. Y., Dec. 1, 1S79. Jam the Pastor or the Baptist Church here, and an educated physician. I am not in prac tice, but am my sole family physician, and ad vise in many chronic cases. Over a year ago I recommended your Hop Bitters to my invalid wile, who lias bten under medical treatment of six of Albany's beat physicians several years. She has become IhorouglUy cured ol her various complicated diseases by their use. We both recommend them to our friends, many or whom have also been cured of their various ailments by them. o3-2wdw KEV. K. U. WABBKN. "llACKitETACK," a lasting nnd fragrant per fume. Price 25 and 50 cents. For sale at Coch ran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. Trouble Saved. It is a remarkable fact that Thomas' Eclcclric Oil is us cood for internal as external use. For diseases of the lungs anil throat, and lor rheu matism, neuralgia, crick in the back, wounds and sores, it Is the best known remedy, and mucn trouble U saved by having It always on hand. For sale at 11. IS. Cochran's drug storo, i:i7 North Qnceii sticet, Lancaster, Pa. When fashionable lassitude U established to the destruction of healthful emotion, and the suUerer longs lor death, rather thaullle, there Is no better remedy than Dr. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills, which brace up the sys tem and give to sleep Its blessed reposeful ness. o'J-lwd&w A cougu, com or roro xnroat glioma be stopjiod. neglect frequently results in an In curable Lung Disease or Consumption. Brown's ironch!al Troches do not dtiorder the stomach Ilko cough syrups and balsams, but act directly on the Inflamed parte-, allaying Irritation, give rclier In Asthma. Bronchial Couglis, Catarrh, ami tho Throat Troubles which Singers and I'uhlicSpeakersaresubject to. For thirty j .ra Brown's Bronchial Troches havo Um-i' a couixnonded by physi cian?, and alwji'. .- -n perfect satisfaction. Having boon tested iy wide and constant use for nearly au ouliru ge.neralion, they havo at tained we) rit'jd rank among thelew.itaple remedies of the age. Sold at 25 tcntn a box everywhere. iiiv-lvilTThAF&lvw Consumption Cured. Au old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by nn fcast India missionary the formula ot a simple vegetable remcly lor the speedy nnd perma nent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca tarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affec tions, also a positive aud radical cuio for Ner vous Debility and all Nervous Complulnts, alter having tested its wonderful curative powers iu thousands ot cases, has felt it his duly to make it known to his suffering fel lows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relievo human suffering, I will send free ol chargo to all who desire 11, this receipt, in German, French or English, with lul direc tions for preparing and using. Send by mall by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W. A. Noyes, 119 Tower's Block, Rochester, N. V. oct7-13tdcow Coldeu's Llcblg'.s Liquid Bccl and Tonic I11 vlgorator combines all the elements or nutri tions food. Atkor CorfoiV, of druggists. o'J-lwdeod&w MAMJUAUMi. Hildeuhanu Lbfk ke. October 1 2, by Kev. J. V. Kekert, at the residence ot tho bride's mother. Mrs. Elizabeth Loluvre, Christian 3. Htldebrand. ot" New Piovidcnce, to MlssSallie K. Lcfevrc. ot Quarrj vllle. ltd Tome SirrrLEK. On the 15th ot October, 1882, by the Kev. W. T. Gerhard, at his residence. No. 31 East Orange street, Mr. John A. Tome, formerly of Maytown, now living on the val uable farm ot S. B. Cameron, ot East Donegal, to Miss Jennie M. Supplee, of Columbia. It JVJtir AltrVKTUiFMlSNTS. CIZL MBN WANTED TO WOKK ON 1'IKK &0 UtLitllz Apply to llUGUKEOUCill, K'Xi Orange s tree I. Ol3-3td 8OUK KBUUT I.UNUU TU-MUKROW EVENING at CHARLEY IIOSTER'S CORNER SALOON, opposite Union hose house, corner ot Markel aud Grant streets. Sprengor'sBocron tap. ltd TOGIKH, STOG1KS. PITTSKUK O gies. $1.25 per hundred al uartmans YELLOW FRONT LTOGIKS, STOG1KS. PITTS KUKUU 8TU- C1GAR STORE. ITISTRAY. J Came to the promises of the subsciiber, on the road leading lrom New Providence to I ho While Oak, 011 Del. I, a black horse, with heawmanc nnd tail, about 8 years old. olIVitdAltw JOHN II. MYERS. ACUuONIC SUi'l-OKATlON OF THK middle ear almost always involves an ul cerative perforation ol th. Membraua Tym pam or drum-head. Diseases ot the Eye, Ear and Throat also. Private and Chronic Dir-uascs successfully treated by DRS. II. D. aud M. A. LONGAKER. Office 13 East Walnut street, Lancaster, Pa. Consultation tree. o!2 3td&w o NK PRICK HOUSE. Gentlemen's Underwear. -AT AL. ROSENSTEIN'S You ill find the Largest Asortment of GENTLEMEN'S UNDERWEAR IN THIS CITY, CONSISTING OF Merino, Bod and White Flannels, Wool. Canton Flannels, Cash mere, and Medicated Fiannols , AT Prices Hcrctoforo Unheard of. Having purchased the cullro slock of .Sam ples of a Large Commission llouso iu New York at prices far below tlic rcgularpricc, 1 shall give my Customers and the Public tho benefit thereof. They are iosilivcly 25 per cent, cheaper than any other Houso in the city can sell them. If you are In need ol any call soon, as such BARGAINS are usually looked for and sell last. AL Rosenstein, Kerciiaut Tailor and Clothier, NO. 87 NORTH QUEEN ST. LANCASTER, PA. HEW AJtrXKTIBMMJEVTa. NUT1CK. A MKJSTlNtt OF THE STOCK holders and directors of the Delaware River Lancaster K. R. company will be held at the offlee ot t lie company, ho. 49 North Duke street.on MONDAY, OUT. 23. 18iZt II O'clock a. m., tor the transaction ot Important busi ness. D. B.CASK. Sec, octl3.18i22d B. Fit AM K SA1XOK HAS BEHOVED HIS GALLERY OF PHOTOGRAPHY TO NOa 42 AND 44 WEST KING ST., 3- Exactly oppposite the Old Stand. octll-6indAwR F CLTON OPBKA HOUSE. TUESDAY, OOT. 17, 1882. ONLY APPKARANCE THIS SEASON OF TILfc PEKULE8S QUEEN OF OPEUAUOUFFE, ALICE 0ATES, supported by the GATES OPERA BOUFFJB COMPANY, In Offenbach's famous Opera, the FMOESS OF TREBIZONDE. No advance iu AD MISSION, .lOc. At Ycckcr's ollleo. Prices. GALLEUV, 36e. UESEUVED SKATS, 70c. octlS-tld TT1BSU & llllOTUKK. OVERCOATS. OVERCOATS. OVERCOATS. Would liko you to call and ezamiue ou liuo or Children's, BoyB, Youths and Men's Overcoats. Wo havo all grades from the finest to tho least costly, iu all tbo latest stylos aud shades. We havo this wcok a specialty iu Boys' Clothing, which it will bo to your interes to examine. 200 dozen Paragon Whito Shirts hav just como in, quoted at 80 cents, linen bosom, linen culls, Wamsutta muslin. A bargain in 20 dozon Porcalo Shirts, with two collars, at CS cents, this week only. Full lino of Furnishing Goods at low figures. Merchant Tailoring our Specialty. HIESH & BROTHER, FenuHall Clothing House, Nos. 2 and 4 North Queen Street, 6 and S Penn Square. seps 1yd BOOTS Je SHOES. It. VUAKLES St CO. D. City Shoe Store. LAMES, HAVE YOU SEEN OUR ClovoKid Ton liutlou Shoes tZ.'Si Kidlliittou Shoes 2.IK) Fine Kid Button, worked button holes.... 2.50 Fine Pebble .Button, workeil button holes, 'i0 Cloth Ton lint ton Shoes $2.09 to 2.50 Fancy Glove Kid Top, lace and hook ual. with Patent Leather Tips 2.CS Misses' School Shoes $1.00 lo 1.50 Children's School Shoes Tic to 1.25 GENTS, CALL AND SEE 0UB Men's Dull Congress 91.29 Men's Quilted llutton Dais 2.00 Men's Fine Calf Dais and liuttou, 3.79 Men's Fine Cloth Top Dais.... 2.75 Men's Cult JSools (solid leather) 2.50 Men's Scotch Bottom Calf Balmoral . which can be repaired, same as hand sewed.... 3.25 J8S-COME AND SEE US. NO TBOUBLE TO SsHOW OOODS. D. B. CHARLES & CO., No. 2G 1-2 East King St. ocl(i-2indF 1 lOOTS AM SHOES. MARKED DOWN IN PRICE AT THE- EAGLE SHOE STORE. ltO nnBOYSAGOOD PAIR OF LADIES, tJJ.UUKId Button Shoes, straight or cir cular scum. 1 nflBUYS A PAIIi OF CHILDKEN'i l.UU School Shoes. 1 Cir BUYS A GOOD PAIR OF FINE CHIL .&0 drcn's Shoes, size S to 10X- 2C.f KVXS A PAIR OF FINK LADIES' .UlKid, Button Shoes, worked liutton- holcs. BUYS A GOOD PAIR OF LADIE&' l,i)J Peblo Button Shoes, 1.25IJ I'eblc Button Shoos. O nnKUYSAPAIttOF LADIES' CLOTH r.UU 1 Top Button Shoes. BUYS A PAIR OF UOOD LACE OR Congress Shoes for Boys. BUYS A PAIR OF GOOD BUTTON Shoes for Boys, 1 to 5. !. Congress Shoes for Boys. 1 nlUYS A PAIR OF I.tlU Shoes for Boys, 1 to 5. BUYS A GOOD PA1ROF MBN'SLACE J m)J or Congress Shoes. ir Congress Shoes. BUYS A PAIR OF MEN'SFINE BUT- Zi,0J ton Shoes. 4.00 FINE BURT Shoes. BUYS A PAIR OF OUR FINEST Men's Bulion or Luce Shoes. cJ.UU Men's Bulion or Lace Shoes, 1 cnBUYS A PAD i.tlU Pegged Shoes BUY'S A PAIR OF WOMEN'S CALF 1 OBYS A PAIR OF WOMEN'S LACE l.ZU Shoes. O KABUYS A PAIR OF MEN'S CALF ,0J Boots. r.( CENTS BUYS A PAIR OF CHILDREN'S 0J Fine Button Shoes. fjK CENTS BUKS A PAIR OF CH1LDUE.V3 O Shoes. Heels. JOHN HTF.MF.NZ, . No. 51 NORTH QUEEN STREET. (INQUIRER BUILDING.) aprl-oaw-lydF A HARE OPPORTUNITY FOR A UOOD investment ; ono or the most complete inventions of the day. Call and examine at ol0-3td CITY HOTEL. PUBUO SALE OI SATOBUAY, OCT. 14, 1S82, will be sold at the Franklin House, on North Queen street, a two-story I'.iiipk nwKi.T.iNi;. with 2-storv brick back buUdingand frame kltctcn, situate No. till West cncsinnt street ; nan, 1 rooms, micuen, garret and good cellar, convenient closets, gas nines. eLc.: livdrnnt in front, and cistern. with pump. In yard; lot 23)x135 feet ; side aney, iruic, etc. Hale to commence at 7 o'clock, p. m. ALLAN A. HERR & CO., Real Estate and Insurance Agents, 105 East King street. H. SncBinr, Auct o7-3td7,U,H KMW ADriMXIMMMUSBTB. D KMOCK&TJO BAIXT. Tun Oat! Turn Out! Democratic BallyS CENTRE SQUARE, TC-X0RR0W, SATURDAY EVENING, At 8 O'clock. Tho following Gentleman will Address tho Meeting : HON. WM.H. S0WDEN, of Allentowu. JOHN H. FOW, Esq., of Philadelphia. GEO. W. BARTON, Esq., of Philadelphia. geo. nauman, j. l. 8teinmetz, d. Mcmullen, , B. F. DAVIS, E. D. NORTH, JOHN A. COYLE, and B. P. MONTGOMERY. All Clubs and Organizations are invited to bo present. W. H. ROLAND, 2td Chairman County Commmittcc. CLOTUINO. H IRSH BROTHER. THE LIVELIEST Clothing Establishment IN LANCASTER IS LOCATED AT If os. 2 aud 4 .NORTH QUEEN STREET, aBd 6 ad 8 PENN SQUARE. HIRSH & BROTHER, THE PROPRIETORS, Aic the acknowledged leaders iu Men's, Y out lis' and Children's Clothing, exhibiting the LARGEST ASSORTMENT, showing tne HANDSOMEST STYLES, naming the LOW EST PRICES. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF OVERCOATS, FROM THIS DAY ON. Also, a largo lino ot UNDERCLOTHING. CARDIGAN JACKETS, GLOVES, etc., at lowest figures. CUSTOM OLOTHIN&. Our place Is unquestionably the one to get vour custom-made Suits and Overcoats! Quality, Stylo and Fit guaranteed. Prices bf ffirsh & Brother, Peun Hall Clothing House, CORNER OF NORTH QUEEN STREET AND CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. scpS lyd ENTERTAINMENTS. TfULTON OriSKA HOUSE. MATINEE AND EVENING. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1882. C. II. SMITH'S BOSTON DOUBLE MAMMOMII UNCLE TOM'S CAEDT This Is thn company that made tha big hit playing at Havcrly's Theatre, Philadelphia, last spring. GREAT COMPANY 30 FAMOUS PERFORMERS. 30. it FUNNY TOPSYS. 2. 8 MARKS, THE LAWYERS. 2. 2 TRICK DONKEYS. 2 10 MAMBlOTII BLOODHOUNDS. 10. AWD THK OHM BAB1 DONKEY, Traveling. Prices to 8ult Everybody. PRICES OF ADMISSION 25c and 35c. Reserved scats, 50o. Matinee Pries. 15c aud 25c. Reserved Scats, 33c. oll-3ld JJIULTON OPERA HOUSE. MONDAY KVBNLNG, OOT. 1G. THE GREAT COMEDIAN CHARLES L. DAVIS, In his Celebrated Character Comedy, In Four Acts, Entitled, "ALU BUT The Only True Representative ol -THE- NEW ENGLAND FARMER, Supported by a Full ami Powerful Company or Dramatic Celebrities. 18) Laughs in ISO Minutes. Greatest Success of the Age. Funniest Play Ever witnessed. Three Hours ot Uproarious Fun. ADMISSION 35, SO and 75 CENTS. Secure Your Scats at Box Office. ol2-f til OPENING Or MIGHT SCHOOLS. THK Night Schools of this city will open on MONDAY, OCTOBER 16th. Tho Boys School at tho corner of German and Duke streets, nnd tho Girls School at the corner ot Prince and Chestnut street. oUMld USE KRKIDER'S EXTRA PURE MEW FAMILY KILN-DRIED CORN MEAL. Manufactory, 4 miles northwest of Mount Joy, Lancaster county. Pa. Its quality cannot be excelled. Try It to prove that. For sale by grocery and provision oealers. Circular to the trade sent tree. Address, JOHN G. KREIDEB, s27-3md Milton Grove, Lancaster Co, Pa. THIRD EDITION FBIDAT KVXNINO, OCT. 13, 1P03 A TEIUMPHAL TOUR PATTISON IN THE NORTHERN TIER. .Enthusiastic Crowds Assembled ut all the Railway Stations to Ureet the Constat; Governor. Speolal Dispatch to tho Ixtklugexcks. Towanda, Pa., October 13. The seoond day out .of the Democratic candidate for governor opens promising!. The fog that hung upon a heavy atmos phere yesterday has disappeared aud cheerful weather adds to the inspiring in fluence of receptions and active in terest. Leaving Sorautou at 8:10 this morning tho special traiu arrived hero at uoou. In tho passage tho counties of Lackawanna, Luzerne, Wyoming and Bradford, of which this is the seat of justice, wore traversed. At every point along tho line evidence of an active interest was manifested on tho part of tho people, and each station showed a gathered crowd awaiting an opportunity to sec tho next governor. TI10 iirst stop was made at Tuukhannock whero several hundred people wero assembled. In re sponse to calls Mr. Pattison appeared en the rear platform aud for a few minutes entertained them with appropriate re marks. Subsequently lio stopped among tbo people and had an informal reception which occupied tho remaining moments. At Meshoppen a still greator crowd was gathered. At tho bead of tho Hue, which was formed, stood a prominent Republi can holding au Amoricau .flag. Ho is of that numerous class which aroto bo found in all parts of tho northern tior who propose to.striko bossisra a fatal blow by voting the Democratic ticket: Four cars wero added to tho train hero, aud as many of the people as could get aboard followed tho gubernatorial caudidato to this place. At Laccy villo another brief stop was made when tho samo iutcrest was manifested. Mr. Pattison spoko iu his happiest vien and captured tho crowd with tho' lirst sentence. At Wyalusing ;nother stop and another speech added to tho interest of tho trip. Upou tho arrival hero an immouso crowd was fouud in waiting. Col. Mc Kcan, chairman of tbocotiuty committeo, managed tho disembarkation and led the procession to tho hotol. It was a marked demonstration, and has added materially to tho hupt a already buoyant of tho candi date, and his accompanying friends. Tbo meeting this afternoon and evening will be ono of the largest ever held in this, place. CONDENSED TKLEUKAMS. Llule Flashes Frosa the Ktacirtc Wires. Two little daaghters of Louis Wrisbt wero killed by- tho cars at Nalick, Mass. Several hundred coopers in Chicago havo struck for higher wages. j Four prisoners escaped from thu jail at Hunters Point, Long Island. John Kurd's grain elevator burned at Bridgeport, Conn. Luss $1:J5,000 ; in surauco $42,000. The tariff commission began itsj sussio j in Philadelphia to-day. James Stephenson and James llobimor were killed, and two othor men fatally scalded by a boiler explosion at Spring field, Illinois, An old jail-bird named Kclloy committed a dastardly outrage on tho wifo of a prominent citizen of Sheuii'loali, I'.i. Ho was arrested. HuRson's barn aud four head of horses and Totman's barn, with fivo head of horses, wero burned at Adams, N. Y Httsson was also dangerously burned. In Wilmington, Del., a colored porter named Bell fatally cut his wifo in a family quarrel. SIMON CAMERON'S VIEWS. He Says Beaver Will Not Ho withdrawn, nnd That the Democrats Will Itnvo the Mext Congress. Philadelphia, Oct. 13. General Simon Cameron, whon spoken to this morning, relative to the report that the effort to se cure Beaver's abdication from tho head of tho Republican statu ticket, declared that he did not bcliuvo there was a grain of truth in it, and that ho look ed for Gen. Beaver's election. Tho next Houso of Congress he expected to sec Democratic and he felt convinced that Pennsylvania would lose considerable of her representation in Congress. Ho be lieved that good would como out of the present Republican crisis aud that thu party would bo victorious in lQ'Si. A Mother's Rash Deed. Jersey City, N. J., Oct. 13. Mary Sullivan, a married woman residing on Sixteenth street, attempted sui cide this morning by cutting her throat with a razor. She made several ugly gashes bofore being disarmed. She is the mother of several children and has been ill for some time and is subject to temporary fits of insanity. Scovllle's Matrimonial Dilllcultles. Chicago, Oct. 13. Mr. and Sirs. Sco villo are besieging the courts hero with various bills, crossbills, etc., directed against each other, containing most scan dalous charges. Their bills are generally of least possible interest aud their quarrels are actively prompted by officious cut sidors. Fatal Roller Kxplonlon. Ciiamplain, Ontario, Oct. 13. A boiler in tho Ontario flour mill, North Chatham, exploding to-day, destroying the engine honso, shattering tho main building and killing tho engineer, James McDonald. Arthur Kn-Uoute for Mew York. Boston, Oct. 13. Presideut Arthur left Boston at 11 o'clock. to-day for Now York. Ho was accompanied by Secreta ries Chandlor and Lincoln. A large crowd assembled at the depot to see tho distin guished party off. Caught In Machinery. ' ELizAnETH,N.J.,Oct. 13. A young man nimed Walsh, employed in tho tSingcr factory, was caught in tho machinory hist evening, completely denuded, and .fatally injured. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, D. C, Oct. 13. For the Middle Atlantic states, light local rainp, followed by slightly warmer partly cloudy weather, winds shirting to oast and south and generally lower barometer. MAMKMTS. Grata aud roiaiou uaotauooa. One o'clocx ouotal ton nt grain and provls. tons, furnished by 8. IC. Yundt, Broker, 16 Eist Kin;; street. Oct. 13. Chicago. Wheat Corn Oats Port , Lara .63 .'& j .67 33 21.10 ' 12.2J Oct.. Nov., Year. MX .953 7i .1. , u.i-s; M.M Fctroleurii-Oll City, 05. fl !! ..t 1 t. 'KitinaLraiA, Oct. 13,-rionr steady, with fair demand: buperflae. Slugs S: Extra. Rye our atM S7j Wheat steady ; Def. aud Pa Red. $1 rn M. Loagberry Red aad Amber at si inti is Vor? qnleter: Steamer, 8lc; Yellow, w ; Mixed. dlKSJKVc : So. s do. T9o. Oats dall.liat toady. stye JHuauyiu, iiw. Provisions Arm, with fair jobb'.u j l 1 ,il. Lard firm. Hatter steady and lulrlv active : lVrn'a Creamery Extra and Western do. S.;?.llc: Bradford County Extra, aoijSle; New Votk Extra. 2Ss)30c. JEggs Arm on scarcity ; Penn'a, stuaoi: ; Western. 27c. Cheese scarce and Arm. Petroleum dull : KeAaed. 7c Whisky at M XL new xs u N,!'rou' O1 IX Flour Market steadv ?.uIS??e ?tat w 1: ' extra. $1003450; choice do. $4SS7 : fancy do, 710 S7SiJ2na n OhioTf44 85: choice do. $ 90Q7 ; Superfine Westrn,ss 1004 IS; common i?-?0-."1? .do 00fre; choice do. dt. SIG5750; choice white wheat do,; 257 : Southern auiot and steady ; common tn Mir extra, $1 6535 30; good to cholcodo,S5y Wheat yjaatfi lower. Corn H&ftc lower; mixed western TOUTOXc: do tut ores. eofHBKc SMt. Oats a shade better: Stite, 40330c ; West- era, outjju; no. ,iuiijiJ,-j,c. Live Steele Market, Chicago. Dogs Receipts. 13,009 head ; siiii . menta, 5,!K head: market constdoraMv de moralized anil prices lc?15a lower : mixed. 17 -J57 85 ; heavy, $S 0768 !W ; light, $7 S 10 ; skins. $1 01136 80. 3CattIo Receipts, 7,500 head ; shipments, 1,710; demand weak ; shipping- slow ; good to cunico . 43tjG3i; common to fair, t! a 5 3); butchers' active and stronger: common to fair, 2 1033 40 ; good to choice, S3 (Wrtl J) : stockers and feeders fairly octivo at l 10v 10 ; Eastern calves. 994J1H so per heal : range firmer; Toxana, S3 696469; ball-breeds nnd Americans $4 1565 15. Sheen Receipts, 5,080 ; shipments, 150 head : market slow but steady; common tn fair, S2tB63G0: medium to good, S3 50g4; cliolco to extra. Si a64 80. East Liberty Cattle Receipts, 612 head Nothing doing for want of buyers. Feel in and prices unohanged. Hogs Receipts, 2,70 1 head: market slow; riiilaleli)lilas,8 70Q8 !; Haltlmores. Sri :w rS M ; Yot kers, S7 75&S 00 ; grassers, ; 75& 7 75. Shecji RecclpU 2,200 head; market fair at yesterday's prices. e 1 Stock Market, Now York, Philadelphia and Local Stock , also United States DonH repotted dolly i Iacoh It. Loif, 32 North Qnocn street: ' Oct. 15. UhOO U :'". A. ST. r.M. l.W. Denver ft Rio Granite ti. Y.. Lake Brio A Western.... Kansas and Texas tiAxc snore ....... New .lersoy Central . ...... New York. Ontario iW St. i'Hiil, It. & Omaha I'oclflc Mall .......... Rochester ft llttbiirgli rexas jracikc........... ......... Wabash, sw uouls Ai'ucltlc.... Western Union Tel. Co t'enusylvanta Central Philadelphia Beading. Mortliern 1'aclhe Com Preierrwl.... Hiilt'itlo I'ltts. ftWest XPA 53Ji 53K aft & 36 3l MX iim m?i in HJf 7I? 71 VS, 27 27K 7X XI an ax Wi m 6I'4 ai'4 46'h 21 48J1; 4154 Wi 45 35 88 4 SIX 47 Stt 21J4 VA 24l 45 88 Local Far val. LancVUy 6 per Ct. Loan, due 18aL..S)9 ! " w... 100 ifoo... 100 u 18... 10C berct. n 1 or years.. 100 " 5 per ct. Loan.... 109 " ti tw t-or20years.. 100 " 4 in r. or 20 years.. IU) " 6 la 10 or 20 years, uw II an holm borough Ioau 1011 LMUC STOCKS. First National Bank. .flot) F.triners' National itank so Fulton National Bank ino ImnensterCountyKatiouiil Rank.. Columbia Natlouai Rank,.... loo Kplirata National Bank IM First National Rank, Columbia .. ion First Nulionai llank,SliAsburK.... ! First National Ruuk. Muriettu.. ... too First National Rank.' Mount Joy., lull Mills: National Rank...... tut Manlieim National ISunk loo Union National Bank. Mount -loy. .Mi New Holland Natlouai Bank....... urn XI8CXU.4HICOU8 irrooaa. Vtuarryvlllo li. R. 50 Millers villo Street Car w IniiiirerrrlntiugCoiiintiiy U) Wnteli Factory loo Uus Light and Fuel Counuuiy...... 25 Last uilo SIC6 107K 120 191 105 112 103 ncsn loo.?;; Ktt 205 lll.25 1.15 -1 in: ISO 112 Mi.: i.-:i.i 2-HI li:..7C III! I..I T.r,ir zt $r.r yMa M) 120 Stevens Houso..... 108 90 uoiummauas company Columbia Water Coiuiioiiv 2 Susiiuelianua Iron Company....... 100 Marietta Hollow ware Stevens House.... SO Sicily Island 50 E-ixt Hranily wlno ft Wayntwb'g.... 50 StlllerHVillu Normal Scliool MISCKLLAHKOUH BONDS. (Miirrjvlllo It. lc, duo Ma $100 170 100 4.5 10 1 SI 17 nr. to,. llM Kcauinf k voiunima k. ic.vk too Lancaster Watch Co dno ISH imj MincjtslerGas Light and Fuel Co.. duo in 1 oral years 100 li iicastcrUas Light uud Fnel Co., Liucuslerft Marietta 25 Ianciisterft New Holland........ .. 109 Lancaster ft Busnuehanno. 309 Ttnorrm btockbl 11.. s. 271.25 Big Spring ft Rtaver Valley $ 25 $ I0.2S Bridgeport ft Horeshoc I3f -Z Columbia ft Chestnut Hill 25 IS '.'Gltimbtaft Washington 25 211 Columbia ft Big Spring 25 18 I .an (sister ft Ephrnbi 25 47.2) Lancaster ft Willow Street 25 21 Stntsburg ft Millport........... 25 W Marietta Maytown 25 40.1? Marietta & Mount .lov 25 i.ane..KIIznlntlil'ii AMI'MIot'n 100 m Laucisterft Frultvilln....w.......... 60 Hi Lancaster ft LUitz 25 75 Luucivitarft WlllIaiu.Mowi 25 .V Uineosterft Manor 50 V'"..Vi Lancislorft Manlu'lin 25 I'l ORGANS. c ILOINU OFF ORGANS. ANOTHER DEDUCTION, DON'T MISS THI3 OHANOB. Rig Bargain on a Fine Organ, VlTVcry Fine Full Comblnatlom $125 OL I 'J Organ. Reduced lo Thfs is a rare chance.- . X Elcgunt 12-stop Presoott OrganOI )l V O Reduced lo $14J Very Beautiful Organ. (Iir: Double Coupler ll-stop l'rescott.t;(lii OllJ Rwlucwl to 9UU Itemarkahlv IMu-iin 5 1 0."t tine Cottage Stylo Palace Organ. iplZO Rcturcd to Hani to Beat. Qt'Jl'lNeal. wel iluislicd 5-stop Organ.l?! tr OUU Reduced to &0 ErerjOrgan Fuiljttaaraiitced for 5 Yeattu A O00U Honest Bargain. ' Elegunt Albrcelit Flano. Reduced to $325 $250 This piano, manufactured in Philadelphia, has a renntation for nurit ft 0 tone ubovo an v othnrin the United .states. All to be closed off tl.t.i monlh. Owin to tho Immense increase in the book and station ery business, we arc compelled to sell oir. for too present, mi organs anil pianos v maKO room for a Largo and Elegant Stock ol Fall and Holiday Goods. L. B. HER R, (Inquirer Buildiu'r.) octl0-3tdftrtw Ir YOU ARK A B1AM OF RCSINESI, weakcneil by the strain ot your dullcs, avoid stimulants and use HOP BITTERS. If you are a man of letters, tolling over midnight work, to restore brain, nerve and waste use HOP BITTERS. If you are young and su Bering from anyln dlscretiou or dissipation;, if you nro married or single, old or young, suffering jfroui poor health or languishing 011 bed of sickness; RELY ON HOP BITTERS. Whoever you arc, whenever you feel that vour system needs cleansing, toning or stim ulating, without Intoxicating, take HOP BITTERS. .. , , Thousands die annually from somofoimof KIDNEY disease that might, havo lieeu pre vented by a Umoly use of HOP BITTERS. Hop Bitten Never Pail I Have you Dyspepsia, Kidney or Urinary Complaint, Disease of the Stomach, Bowels. Blood. Liver or Nerves, yon will be CUredlf you use HOP BITTERS. If vou are simply weak and low sp'zlt M, try it. It may save your life. It has saved him Ireds. O. I. V. is an absolute and irreslstab e cure tor Drunkenness, use ot opium, totte-o and narcotics. 43Sold by Druggists. Smcd fob CiRcrtAB. HOF BITTERS M'lTO CO., Rocbcdter, N. Y.,and Toronto, OnL ol-lmdeodftw