Ik mic& f7v.:Siii-i rnii. u." 'I 7tri'i,?,J ix Volume XIXKo 34. LANCASTER, PA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1882. , r P&e1 Two'Ceiiti' " vH .VEk. mKL .LbbT " Bfc-iBrr bHbbbbwZ jbbbH Veb kik .bbH bW. bB .bV k x .bV & - - .. s aA2 .bW hv m ( l iwLb 11 1 1 i p it it Pino I v i wrfiiBrTTirTiriii ' w TUHN h. OIVXKK A CO. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO. ABE RECEIVING THIS WEEK An Elegant Line of Ove . coatings. An Elegant Line of Suitings, An Elegant line of Pantaloonings. . ALL OP WHICH WILL BE MADE TO ORDER IN THE BEST STYLE AND MOST SUB- STANTIAL MANNER. Give our stock an inspection beforo purchasiug. We call attention to a Superior Qualitv of BLACK SILK AND SATIN TIES AND BOWS, warranted not to crock. John S. Givler & Co. NO. 25 EAST KING JOHN S. GIVLER. iiuwkks & HUiurr. BOWERS & HURST'S, No, 129 and 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - LANCASTER, PA. ENTIRE NEW PALL STOCK. Ah we juht commenced business in our new plate List spring, with an pntiro new Spring Stock, we now have tbe pleasure to oiler to our Jriends aud customers au ENTIRE NEW FALL STOCK. WE have just received BROCADE VELVETS. BLACK AND COLORED SILK VELVETS, BLACK AND COLORED VELVETEENS, Black and Colored Plushes, Black aud Colored Silks, Ilack Satin Rhadames, Satin Do Lyon, Black and Colored Satius, Black and Colored Brocade Silks. Elegant Lino of LADIES1 0 4 SUITINGS in all shades. Black Cash nicies, Colored Cashineies, Fancy Dress Goods, Skills, Shawls, Ladies1, Gent's and Children's Merino Underwear, Hosiery, Gloves, Lace Collars, Lace Pischus, &c. Everything Marked at Lowest Cash Prices. BOEE8& HUEST'S, 129 and 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET. - - - - LANCASTER, PA. M VKKS at KATHFON.1 In the manufacture of READY-MADE CLOTHING wo observo three points : 1. The Selection of Stylish and Serviceable Material with the Best Wearing Qualities. 2. The Selection of Good, Strong and Serviceable Trimmings, Pockets, Linings, etc. 3. First-class Workmanship, Good, Strong Thread and Careful Sewing. In our CLOTHING yon will find no machiuc-mado button holes, but good, strong, regular band-made buttonholes. Our Cutters are the most skilled. Our Patterns are the best. M YERS & R A.THFOM. no. 12 east king street. 1HCV GOOVS, H AUBK X BKOTHtCH. SPECIAL ATTENTION Is called to our largo assortment of FALL and WINTER UNDER WEAR for Men and Boys, Ladies, Misses and Children. UNDERWEAR We have a Slendid stock of everything desirable for wear and comfort. HAGER & BROTHER. No. 25 West King St., Lancaster, Pa, 1WTKW GOODS OPKNKU DAILY. NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. FAHSTESTOCK. Silks and Shawls, Silks and Shawls, Silks and Shawls. Our.BLACK SILK at $1.00 is a perfect wonder none to equal it anywhere. PLUSHES, VELVETS, VELVETEENS, ALL sIlADES AT LOWEST PRICES. Our UNDERWEAR STOCK for Ladies, Gcnta, Boys and Girls is IMMENSE. Those in want should see it. R. E. FAHNESTOCK. Next Door to the Court House, BO VSIS VVMNIHJUUfO GOODS. TXOUSKKUIiNISIIlNO. THE We all want the best and most economical STOVES, HEATERS & FURNACES. SPEAR'S PARLOR HEATERS Are SUPERIOR to ANY IN THE MARKET. Don't fail to SEE THEM and SAVE MONEY. In our ENDLESS VARIETY of OTHER STOVES wo HAVE AIMED to have NONE BUT WHAT ARE GOOD, all of which WE GUARANTEE. We have the SOLE AGENCY for the Three Best Furnaces in the Market. CALL AND SEE THEM. FLINN & WILLSON. LANCASTER, PA. rHUMBEM'H TKTHU1.ES ALE DEPOT FOB Water Closets and Bath Tabs, Iron and Wooden Hydrants, Plumbers' Earthenware, Gas andlSteam Fitters' Supplies, Gas Fixtures at Reduced Prices, Plumbers' Supplies, Tinners 'Supplies. SLaTK roofing. slate roofing. Noe. 11, 13 & 16 BAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. (JOHN L. AENOLD. DMT 0OOD8, e. STREET, CLOTHING. "Well-MadLe Grarmeiits, Lancaster. BEST. NU1TLIES. LANCASTER, PA GEO. P. RATHVON. vi.utu.imi. THE DRESS GOAT Holds a place in the circles of fashion that no other style can supplant. We have spared no pains to make them in a first class manner, and want you to see them before purchasing else where. A. C. YATES & CO., Ledger Building, Chestnut and Sixth Sts. PHILADELPHIA. ol0-4md CLOTHING! CLOTHING! ID.B.H0STETTER&SON, INVITE SPECIAL ATTENTION' TO THEIR DISPLAY OF FINE CLOTHING, Entirely vt their own Snperior Manufacture for the FALL AND WINTER SEASON. Their Stock ot Piece Goo. la lor Merchant Tailoring Is larger than ever, and the Styles are the newest and best in the Market. D. B. Hostetter & Sod, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. PA. JVIOW REAUV. OUR NEW REAL ESTATE CATALOGUE, Containing a largo number of properties In city and country, with prices, c. ('iip'csseut tree to any address. ALLEN A. 1IERR & CO., Keal Estate and Insurance Agent--, No. 10 East King Street. D ON'T KOKOET THE UEMUIHE OLD 1 Stock Connecticut Clears. 11 for 25 cts. at HARTMAN'SflYELLOW KRONT ClUAlt ySTUUE. VILLAINY AFOOT. QUAY'S SCHEME FUR IRISH VOTES. Circulating a Falce rattiaon speech Against the Irian PattUoa'n Unqualified He Dial Tfta Speech m Delivered. A dispatch from Pittsburgh to the Phil adelphia Times says : '-' Capt. Gallagher, of Harrisburpr, an Irish Republican of the Delaney type, has been in thin city for several days, visiting all the Irish citizens he conld reach and appealing to them to vote against Pattison because Pattison ded6unced the Irish in a speech on the steps of Independence Hall in 1881. Gal lagher holds the petty office of watchman on the public grounds of the capitol at Harrisburg, and he goes out with Delaney, who is the Senate librarian, to circulate some new story each year to mislead Irish voters into tho- support of the boss ma chine that pays them fur their falsehoods. Gallagher has been very industrious here among tlio Ii isb, but his statements were so extravagant th.it he met with little credit amoug his fellow-countrymen. He has stated to a number of Iiish citi zens that Controller I'atti&on, iu a speech from Independence Hall in the winter of 1881, used the following language : 'I say to you, tbe Mc's anil O's must go to the rear. Honesty and decency have come to the front and tho O's and .Me'x ctu go to their old calling of carryiug the hod.1 " Such a .startling declaration imputed to a man who had been nominated for governor in a bitter contest without any such remarks being charged to him, nat urally made intelligent Irish citizen dis credit the btory. Aud when it was first told, nearly two years after tho time of its alleged delivery, and told by a petty officeholder who is paid by the bosses to delude honest voters of any and every faith into the suppoit of tho machine, thcio were few if any who gave it even respectful consideration. Gallagher says that Dclaucy, himself and a number of others are tiDw circulating this story in every centre of Irish voters, and ho de clares that the speech he imputes to Pat tison will bo printed with Democratic vouchers and sent to every Irish voter in the state beforo the election. He openly boasts that the Irish vote will bo changed to Beaver before election day, and that Heaver's election will bo thus secured." PattlnonV Unqualified Denial. A reporter of the limes wns at once dispatched to present the Gallagher ver faion of his Independence hall speech to Controller Pattison, and tho young guber natorial candidate was found quietly resting at his modest home, apparently free from all anxiety about tbu political turmoil that is surging around him. When the Gallagher story was presented to him, his keen black eyes Hashed a little, but he smiled as he answered that he had infor mation to the sains effect in a private letter just received, and that ho had an swered it frankly as the truth demanded. He said he was surprised at tho despera tion of his political enemies in attempting to circulate as a speech of his what he had never delivered or thought of delivering, and what nobody had ever charged as his utterance until nearly two years after the time of its alleged delivery. He said that his letter on the subject was not in any senso private, and that tho newspapers could have it at once. The following is a copv of his letter mailed yesterday to Mr. Irvin, of Pittsburgh : Air. I'attison's Letter. Citv Contkolleb's Office, . Philadelphia, Oct. 9, 1883. ) MyDeauSik:- Ithauk you for your friendly letter of the Gth. Let me answer your inquiry directly. You want to kuow if, as I am charged by one Gallagher (said to be a watchman at the public buildings at Harrisburg), I made a bpeech in Philadelphia, iu which it is alleged tho following language was used : " Tho M'cs and the O's muse go to the rear. Honesty and decency have come to the front and tho O's and tbe Mo's can go to their old calling of carrying the hod." I never made any such speech, iu whole or in part, and never uttered at any time auy such language or any sentence that could be so construed. The whole matter is an entire fabrication, designed to mjuro me with a portion of my fellow citizens, aud is the last effort of the bosses aud their corrupt employees to mislead the people and thus prevent an honest ex pression of public opinion and aid them in retaining their control of power. I can not believe, however, that it can have any such effect at this time. Respect fully, etc., RonEUT E. Pattison. To James Ihvik, Esq. WHAT 1'ATTISOX DID bAV. The Speech as Keportecl In The Time, The Ledger, .Tress ami Record. The speech referred to by Gallagher and Delaney was delivered on the steps ot In dependence hall on Thursday, January 28, 1881. Tho Democratic convention had just nominated John Hunter, Republican, for receiver of taxes,, and a number of delegates had marched in a body to Inde pendence hall, whero John Hunter and Controller Pattison were engaged investi gating the gas trust. John Hunter was first called out by the enthusiastic crowd that had gathered, and ho responded briefly to the cheers of welcome which greeted him. The crowd then called and cheered for Pattison until ho finally ap peared on tho front steps, and the follow-' ing are tuo lull reports ol Ins remarks as they appeared in the Times, the Ledger, the Press and tho Record the next morn ing, Friday, January 28, 1881 : From the Times, Jan. 2S, 1881. "Fellow citizens'' said Mr. Pattison, "one hundred" years ago there was a revo lution started here for an imposition that was of far less magnitude than that which the Democratic convention attempted to put upon you today. Cheers. The American peoplo brought a king to bis feet lor a less offense than that which you havo buffered at tho hands of tho bosses of both parties in this, .city. The sixty-six delegates who have stood by John Hunter in convention today hae taken tho bull by the horns, and if they keep on as they began they will have him where they want him. Cheers and laughter. Assort your manhood and independence. Be like Ireemen and not like slaves. Hut it will do no good for mo to stand here and talk to you. Go to youchomep, talk with your neighbors, organize in your wards, and as sure as the sun shines to-morrow John Hunter will be thenext receiver of taxes." From the Public Ledger. Kridav, January 2 1821. " Mr. Pattison said : " More than a hun dred years ago, in this very hall, our fore fathers declared their independence, and it is to tho credit of Uio fifty-seven bolters from the tax receiver's convention that they come here with the intention to set aside the mandate of the bosses and nom inate tionn uunter for that oince. x am on my wayto the council chamber to tako part in the gas trust investigation, and important as that is it is not half as im portant as your action here, which will with proper energy and work, give to the people ot Philadelphia an officer who will administer his trust with fidelity and hon esty. Go from here to your homes, talk with your neighbors, organize in your wards and on the 15th of February, John Hunter will be elected to the office of re ceiver of taxes beyond doubt. From the .Press, January 23, 1S31. The tall form of Controller Pattison loomed up just as Mr. Hunter had con cluded, and the cheering that greeted his appearance fairly shook ..the sacred old building. He was called on for a speech and he was compelled to say something. Taking a position almost under the bell that proclaimed liberty over one hundred years ago, he calmly surveyed the scene for a moment and then proceeded to ad dress the assemblage. He referred to the fact that there was a revolution started in the hall over a century ago, and argned that the grievances then were not as great as those which started the present revolu tion against ring rule. Tho people of England, said Mr. Pattison, once brought a king to their feet for less offense than the bosses of this city are guilty of. He claimed that if the present system con tinued there wonld be no hope for a politi cal future for young men and tho old would havo no protection. It was a source of gratification to him to see tho Demo crats indorsing a man who would cud this oppression if elected. From the Kecord, January 23, 1SS1. Mr. Hunter was informed of his nomi nation and bi icily responded, thanking the crowd for this mark of approbation. Then Controller Pattison felicitated the people on the auspicious tiino and place for (-inking paity feeliugs for tho public good. The crowd becamo wild with en thusiasm, and one fellow, who stocd half way up the stairs, ciied aud jelled like a maniac. On iy'4 Scheme to capture the Irish Voie. Delaney was in Philadelphia on Monday aiding the new Irish scheme of Quay, while Gallagher is workiug it in the west. Quay's plan has been under way for some time, aud ifc is now sufficiently carried out to show his band. For several weeks he has had Delaney, Gallachcr and a number of other Irish politicians who are in his Cay, iu diQerent sections of tho state, vcr ally circulating the false Pattison speech against the Irish, and getting the names and addresses of every Irish voter in the state Priests have been applied to in several instances for these names, but without, being informed of the icai use to be made of them, aud Quay now has tho name aud addi ess of some forty thousand Irish voters in the state, to whom a circu lar will be sent, containing the false speech saying that tho O's and the Mc's must go to the icar, etc. They will have the circu lar appear to havo been sustained by Dem ocratic authority, and ft will be is tho hands of the forty thousand Irish voters within the next ten days. Delaney is also expected to have this speech published in the Now York. 'Tablet, a leading Catholic journal, aud if that can ha effected, a huge edition of the paper will be obtained and a copy sent to each of the names on Quay's forty thousand list. Delaney hopes to uso tho Now York lablet in this matter as he used the Catholic Standard of Phil idelphia against Dill in 1878, when tho Standard was deceived by tho Dill Know-Notliiug falsehood. It is regarded as doubtful whether the Tablet can be imposed upou by a false speech prepared by Quay, when the purpose to deceive Irish voters is so transparent. Dplmiej'K fraud of 1878. The following letter from Delaney to Colohel H. S. McNair, of York, exhibits how ho piles his vocation as boss politician and trader iu Irish votes : Common wbaltii ov 1'knnst.v sia. -i Executive C"jjbi:is, llAn-isnuno, boot. iz, ISiS. My Deak Colonel : If you can furnish me with proof of Dill's Kuow:Notuiug procltvitios it will be worth 25.000 votes to us. There is nothing that wo can pi ove on him that will so completely ciush him. Irishmen and Catholics to whom I have shown your paper, swear vengeance on bim ; but they ask for tho proof. Do, then, my dear colonel, givo it, aud it will at once remove every shadow of doubt of the election of General lloyt ; and you must rest assured that when General lloyt is gov ernor, Colonel 11. S. McNair tcill not be for gotten. Let mo hear from you as early as possible. Yours sincerely, J. C. Dm.vnky. Lives or fjreut men always remind us that we arc all subject to die," says an exchange, but never cough youRclt away as long at ynu can raise 25 cents lor a bottle oi Ir. Mulls Couh Syrnp. Eastern and Western l'ro verbs. There U an Kastern moverh which says : "Only two creatures can surmount the pyra mids : the i-ale and the anall." There is a Western proverb thntsas: " ilunt'd Kemedv partakes of tlie nature ot both eagle and snail." It is bold in its night like the eagle: it Is persistent in tts purpose, like tho snail." And thus limit's Ueinedy easily surmounts the pyramid ot kidney nnd liver disease. It even attacks llright's Disease, and hesitates at no form ot kidney disease, however aggrava ted. The story of tho cures which it lias ef lectcd would make a large volume. Itenicm ber it Is the one great liver and kidney medi cine ol the age. ol-lwdeod&w When purchasing fcye-GlafcS(s you should bear in mind that the wjellnind K e- masses" are the best in the, market. For sale by all leading Jewelers and Opticians. oll-lwco-J. "Many silly people desplsethe pieuious, not understanding il.' Cut no one de&pises Kidney-Wort alter having given it a trial. Those that have used agree that it is by far the best nuHilelne known. Its action is prompt, thorough and lasting. Don't take pills uud other mercurials that poison the system, but bv using Kidney-Wort lestore tho natural ac tion ot all the organs. J83-Xo woman really practices economy un less 8he uses the Diamond Dyes. Man3' dol lars can be saved every year. Ask the drug gist. Tho dige -live organs -weakened and worn ont by using cathartic medicines. restored by using Brown's Iron Hitters. or sale at H. M. Cochran's drug store, 137 Uorth Queen street. Lancaster. o'-lwd&w That hacking cougli can le soquickly cured by Shlloh's Cure. We guarantee it. 1'or sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 Noith Queen St. mvl-lwdcowftw Visible Improvement. Mr. Noah Bates, Elmira, N. Y., write- " About four years ugo I had an attack of bil ious lever, and never lully recovered. My di gestive organs wero weakened, and I would bo completely piostrated for iays. After using two bottles ot your Kurdock Wood Hitters the Improvement was so visible that I was aston ished. I can now. though 61 years of age, do a talr and reasonable day's work." I'liuetl. For sale at II. H. Cochran's drug store, 137 North (juecn street Lancaster. Shiloh's Cougn and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. II cures consump tion. For salo at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen St. myl-lwdeowJkw After ightaLang Yearn. C. C. Jacobs, 78 Folsom street, iluff.tlo, writes that for eight long years ho had tried eveiy known remedy to cure him ot piles, also Had been treated by physicians without success, when he was ultimately enreuby Thorn:' Eclectric Oil. For sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Hf ill you snSer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vlializcr is guaranteed to cure you. For sale at Cochran's drug store, 1S7 North Queen St. myl-lwdeowAw Walnut Leaf Hair itestorer. It Is entirely diflcrent from all others. It 13 as clear as water, and, as Its name Indicate, it a lierlcct Vegetable Hair Restorer. It will Immediately free the head from all dandruff, restore gray hair to its natural color ami pro duce a new growth where It has fallen off. It docs not in any manner effect tho health, which Sulphur, vugar of Le-id and Nitrate ot Silver preparations have done. It will change light or faded hair in a few days to a beautiful glossy brown. Ask your druggist for it. Each bottle is warranted. SMITH, KLINE & CC, Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and C. N. CRITTENTON New York. iun6-lyd,eod4w T MJSIUCAL. B BOWK'S ISON'tUTTEBa. rLAIN TRUTHS. The blood is the foundation of life, it circulates through eveiy part of tho body, acd unless it is pure and rich, good health ii impossible. If disease has entered the fijstem tho only sure and quick way to drive it out is to purify and enrich tbe Llood. These simple facts are well known, and tho highest medical authorities agree that nvtliing but iron will restore the blood to its natural condition ; and also that all the iron preparations hitherto made blacken the teeth, cause headache, and aro other wise injurious. Brown's Irox Bitter9 will thoroughly and quickly assimilate with the blood, purifying and strengthening it, and thus drive disease from any part of the system, aud it will not blacken the teeth, cause headache or constipation, and is positively not injurious. Saved his Child 17 K. Kutaw bt., Baltimore, Aid. Feb. 12. 1SJ0. (.Scnts: Upon I lie rccsmmenda- tiaiiori oi a menu l tiu-ii i;r wir Iron llitteisas a touiu and re-lnni-tivo lor my daughter, whom I wa thoroughly com ince.l was wasting away with Consumption. Having lost three daughters by the terrible disease, under the caro of eminent physicians. I was loth to believe that anything could arrest the pro gress of the disease, but. tomy great - surprise, oeiore my uauguter uau taken one bottle ot Brown's Iron Bitters, she began to mend and now is fj into restored to iormer health. A iltth daughter began to show signs of Consumption, and when the physician was consulted he quickly said "Tonics wero re quired;" and when informed that the elder sister was taking Brown's Iron Bitters, responded "that is a good tonic, take it." AVOKVY PnKLP?. Brown's Iron Bitters effectually cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Weakness, and renders the greatest relief and benefit to persons suffering from such wasting dis eases as Consumption, Kidney Complaints, etc. For sale wholesaloandiclall by II. U.COCII B.VN, Druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen Ptrtct. Lancaster oC lwd&w IT K T-IIINKV-WORX Hhs besn proved tho surest euro tor KIDNEY DISEASES. Does a lame ba,ck or disordered mine, indi cate Ml it vou area victim? THEN DO NOT II KSITATE ; use Kidney-Wortat once, (drug gist retommoad it ) ami it will speedily over come the disease and restore healthy action. 1 oHioa For complaints peculiar to J-iaAJMSa. your sex, sucli ss pain and weaknasses, Kidney-Wort is unsurpassed, :is it will act promptly and salely. Either sex. Incontinence, retention of urine, brick dust or ropy depodts.and dull, drugging pains, all speedily yield to its curative power. SOLD Iir ALL DRUGGISTS. ITice, SI. KIDNEY-WORT. Acts at the same time on tho Ridnevs, Liver andiiOHels. 8Cp23-eoil'lTS&w4J clothing jto. E ALL OFKNlKti R FALL OPENING AT- E GERHART'S Tailoring; Estalstaent, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, OCT. 25, 1882. HINT TO THE TKADK. we lead where others fail to follow. L GAUS1AI & BEOn THE faQUARE DEALING CLOTHIEES, Extend their invitation to the public in gen eral to the new goods they are constantly re ceiving from their work nandt. Never before have we had such satisfaction in viewing our euoris to m-icr our unirjo at me Head ot the tuo trauc tor ELEGANTLY MADE CLOTHINtf AT VKUY I.UW 1'IUUES. While calling attention to the Fall Trade we must not lorget tho present. Onr great bar gain sale ot TROUSERS Still continues. All-Wool Casaimero Tronsers. $A00, !, 3 00, $3.50, M.00. Lined and Work ing Party, 75c, !Wc, $I.W, $1.25. up to $1.75. All-Wool Suits, our own make, $6 30,$7.00, $$.) $10.00, li00 aud $11.00. ROY'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING OUR GREAT SPECIALTY. $1.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00, .0o, $5.00 and $6 00 are the pricts of some ot our Children's Suits. $i00, $i50. 00. $3.50. $1 00. $3 00, $6.00, $7.60. $t.00 and $10 00 are the prices ot some of onr Boy's Suits. . OUR CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Is stocked with the choicest line ot goods in the piece. Wc make to order a nice business Salt for $12 00 or $15.00. A Stylish Dress Suit for ?l.00, $18.00 and $20.0iJ. 4VLookat our windows lor further rcfer onco and prici-s. 66 and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., ' Light on the Southwest Corner ol Orange St. LANCASTER, PA. Tbe well known and Cheapest Cloth ing House in tbe City. CZOUUMW, VMVMXWJULM, C , ., lTERIMU SHIRTS AXtD DjklliwKfa -FOB- fi.II L.4DJJJ3 AND caaiTLMMMN K.J.ERISMAH. a 4KOC. I COLL AH S AND OUFFB. E.J.EUS3IAX, N EW LINK OF ! SKCKTIES AND WHITE SHIRTS. j E.J.EBlgMAy. A IX WOOI. A. SCARLET snirtTS A!TD DRAWERS. j E.J1KKISMAN, 56 NORTH QUEEN STREET. '1 H. KATHVON. (LATE PATIIVOX .t YI9UXR.). Merchant Tailor and Draper. CORNER NORTH, QUKEN AND ORANGE STREETS. LANCASTER, PA. la supplied w ith a Fine Stock ol , ! PALL, AND W1NTHR COATINGS. SUITINGS, OVERCOATING?. PANTALOONINGS and VKSTINGS. AU of which will bo made promptly to order and satisfaction gii-mintce-l. In Fit mid f.uhiou. Good-t sold by the yard or p-itn rn. ocU-lmd IT ItMJ & BKOTHKK. THE LIVELIEST Clothing Establishment IN LANCASTER 13 LOCATED A ll Nosu 2 aa4 4, .NORTH qUL'EM STJtEET, art 6 art 8 VESS SQUARE. HIRSH & BROTHER, THE PROPRIETORS. Are the acknowledged leaders in Men's, Youths' aud Children's Clothing, exhibiting tho LARGEST ASSORTMENT, aliowinir tno HANDSOMEST STYLES, nauuug tho LOW EST PRICES. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF OVERCOATS, FROM TIIIS D A Y O N, Also, a large lino ot UNDEftCUITHING. CARDIGAN JACKETS, GLOVhS, etc., at lowest figures. CUSTOM OLOTHINGK ,., Our place is unquestionably the one U get vour custom-made Suits and Overcoaw. Qnality, Style and Fit guaranteed. Prlcis be low the lowest. Hirsli & Brother, Penn Hall' Clothing Honsn, CORNEROF NORTH QUEEN STREET ASD CENTRE SQUARE. LANCASTER, PA. Sep 8 , ly, 0Nl: prick: Hocsr. ' l I ui'ii, T.. AL. R0SENSTEIN, i n'; i u in Fashionable Merchant Tailor & Clothier, NO. 37 NORTH QUEEN ST. FAUMCLH6 I have now completed a Large and' Elegant Stock of Fine Ready-Made Clothing lor ; ' c It 't MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN, Which havo been manufactured during the dullsummoi months by experienced Tailor;. Tbe Goods aro made eu.ual to Custom Work and Piices much les-g. 4S-CALL AND EXAMINE TUEM.-Sa In my CUSTOM DEPARTMENT you will And the Choicest Assortment of Imported and Domestic Woolens which we Guarantee to make up in the most Elegant Myle at Mod erate Prices. AL Rosenstein, ONE PRICE CLOTHIER, 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET. ,. LANCASTER, PA. -- i. !; OUUfX. B. (AKTixr; wtolesale and Retail Dealer In an Made 4t LUMBSK AND COAL. T fard: No. 430 North Water aad Prince treets above Lemon Lancaster.' nX-lyd M. V. B. COHO, 839 rrORTa WATKHaT., ZancUr, , Wholesale and Retail Dealer ta LUMBER ANT) HO AT 1 UonBAetlon With the Tvlaphoalc Kxchtfiige. uni nun uinca: an. KW a ustii WATr.lt STREET. . tebW-lyd WAL AND .11ANVKK. j Bestcrade of family CO A L, well-cleaned, weight guaranteed. Manure by the car-load at Lowest Prices. AisovLhricstone screenings for drives and walk. Cement at reiinced prices. Hay and Straw by the ton or bale. Yard : Harrisburg pike. General office: aH East Chestnut Street. KAUrrKAN, KELLER A CO. aprl-lwd u SK KKEUMCU'd KXTKA PUKK NEW rjifiJL.& KILN-DRIED CORN MEAL.' - Manufactory, 4 miles northwest ol Mount Joy, Lancaster county. Pa. Its quality cannot be excelled. Try it to prove tint. 'For gab by grocery and provision dealers. Circular to the trade sent tree. Address, lOHN G. ERKIDER. s27-3md Milton Grove, Lancaster Co. Pa. HF