r nflfl-" rffgJSWB-Jiar.fp. ijaMV'iJKUtawAJJJTVtSLJttliiJLCTSagfflBB UJJiOWJ'JRilUit'JIJMUJiwi cfflopsccswm r" LANCASTER DAILY INTEJmCEB,' MONDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1882. S2C tUntannr futdUgntcn:. MONDAY KVKNINO, OCT, 0, 1SS3, WHY HE TUUKA VACATION. Kspert' Sad JTarewell ana tho Keason far it. Chicago Tribune. "Will he bite?" Tho lmmmiDK of the beet as they sped from flower to flower and sipped the honeyed treasured of petal and calyx, and the low murmur of the summer breeze sighing among the locust trees, were the only sounds that broke the St. Louis silence of a beautiful afternoon in Septem ber. The amber haze of Indian summer had fallen upon the land, and from the vivid hues of the sumac bush to the pale gray of the abandoned hoopskirt every ob ject that lay so silently upon the brown bosom of the sun-kissed earth was touohed with the withering hand of autumn. Away to the westward stretched a vista of erain fields that were laughing in tho golden glory of an abundant harvest while the eastern landscape was necked heie and there by a sad-eyed but brindle cow. " Let U3 think only of the future, Ru pert," said Beryl Qillhooly to the strong limbed, all-OD-acoounUf-Eliza young man who stood by her side, looking down' into the hazel depths of her beautiful eyes in a wistful, will the old-man-ever-go-to-bed expression that sat so strangely upon1 tho Chicaeo outlines of Lis pure young; face. And even while speaking these words she turned her left foot slightly, so as to shield him from the ardent rays of the sun, and smiled a joyous, happy, you are-first-choioe - in . every-pool smile that told of the deathless passion that! niM.-ivrri lier oul. " Let us think of thei futu.e," bheo.niaued: "of the bright' ami happy future, full of matinee tickets anil ice cream !" " N, no ; not that, some other ruture," cried llupert Mcintosh, a look or haunting horror coming into his face. " I cannot free my mind from this dreadful suspi cion." At that moment a book agent was seen ascending tho brow of a hill. Ho entered tho portals of Coastcliff Castle, and went up tue irons steps, in a muu wmm came back hurriedly and soon a dog was seen at play with some gents' furnishing goods. Rupert kissed Beryl and started over town. I " When aro you coming back sweet heart '.'" she asks. " Next August," aro the words that the zephyrs bear back to her. ' Why do you wait so long darling ?" " Because," he answers, in tear-stained tones, " dogs are muzzled in August." THE LIGHT IN TUE KAST. Burning Away at tbe Rate ot 2,500,000 Miles a Day. Astronomers declare the comet now in view to bathe most bcatiful vagrant of the skies that has been visible in this part of the globe for twonty years, though it iB not as bright about the bead as it was ono week ago. Its nucleus has diminished to tho brightness of a star of tho second mag nitude, while its tail has remained about tho same. The length of the tail is com puted to be about fifteen degrees. When it is stated that tho diameter of tho sun is only one-half a degiee it can easily bo sur mised ho w large the tail appears to the naked eye. It extends a distance oi ou, 000,000 in space, which is equivalent to littlo more than half tho distance between tbe nai th and tho sun. Like all such wanderers in tho planetary system it burst into view ou the morning of September 17 without the slightest thing occurring to herald its approach. When first seen it was heading for the sun, around which it passed a few days later, and it is now receding from that body at tho tremendous speed of two and a half million miles a day. It is thought to be one hundred. and twenty million miles away from the earth, and is still moving off, so that persons of a ner vous temperament may disabuso thoir minds of fears of a collision. Every day from this out this beautiful phenomenon will become visible about live minutes earlier for probably a period of eighteen days, when it will fast fade from view, and in about three weeks it will disappear from tbe range of vision of tho naked eye, and will have wandered off to icturn, presumably, In eight or nine years, according to tho computations mado at the Harvard college observatory. PrrrsroRO, Mass.. Sept. 2S. 1S78. Sir.1 I have taken Hop Bitters and r. com mend them to others, as I tonnd them vory beneficial. MRS. J. W. TULLE R. See. Women's Temperance Union. oJ-2wil&w . Presumption begins in ignonncs ami ends in ruin." On the other hand, tho pio ductlon ot KIdnev-Wort began with wise cau tions and scientific research, and its use ends in restoring shattered constitutions and en dowing men and women with health and Imp plncss. "My tormented back." Is the excla mation of moie than ono poor, hard-working man and woman ; do you know why It aches ? It Is because vonr kidneys are overtasked and need strengthening, and your system needs to bo cleansed ot bad humors. You need Kidney Worl. -No family Dyes wcio over so popular as the Diamond Dyes. They novcr tall. The Black U far superior to logwood. The other rotors are brilliant. Slxstlxss nights, mado mlscrablo by that terrible con cli. Shiloh's Cure Is the remedy tor you. For sale at Cochran's drug store. 137 North uueen St. uiyl-lwdcow&w A Hire ot Ileal. Burdock Blood Bitters Bring Back health, w nen the Body Is Badly disordered By Impure Blood. Biliousness, indigestion, constipation, ilyspepsaand oilier Bad disorders cured by Burdock Blood Bitters. Price $1. For sale at If. B. Cochjan's drug store. 137 North Queen street, Lancaster Suilou's Vltallzer Is what you need tor Con stipation. Loss of appetite. Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 73 cents npto Dot per bottle. For sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen St, myl-lwdco w A w Ran It In. Jacob Loeckman, 274 Clinton Street, Buttulo, N. Y., says be has been using Thomas' Kcloc tric OU for rheumatism. He had such a lame back that he could do nothing ; but one bottle entirely cured him. For sale at II. B. Coch ran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lan caster. Fob lame Back, Side or Chest, use Shiloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. For sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen St, mvMwdeow A w KDVCATlOtrjLI O WITHIN C. SHOKTUDUK'd ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, MEDIA, PENN'Am 12 Miles from Philadelphia. - SCHOOL YEAR OPENS SEPTEMBER 12. Fixed price covers every expense, oven books, etc. No extra charges. No incidental fixpenso. So examination tor admission. Thirteen experienced teachers, all men and all graduates. Special opportunities for apt students to advance rspkPy. Special drill tor dull and backward boys. Patrons or students may sele t any studies or choose the regular English, Scientific. Business, Classical or Civil Engineering course. Students ntted at Media are now In Harvard, Yale and ten other' col leges and polytechnlo -schools. Media lias seven churches and a temperance charter which prohlblts-Mie sale of all intoxicating drinks. For new Illustrated circular address the principal and proprietor, SWITHIN C. HHORTLIDGE. A. M. (Harvard University Graduate) MEDIA, PENN'A. a26-lmdftw MUQUOM8, JtO. HQQ8KAI. m OP'S NEW XJQTJO& STORE, Ke. 43 Xottfc Qjmb Mmt, Kmacaater, Pa. The very best and finest qualities of Forcttrn and Domestic WINES and LieuoiiS b? siantly tor sale at wholesale and retail 8?2&nt0i? KyB Wn.,.8lcy.0i "" UstiiUUon of 1875. Pure unadulterated Custom House Brandy, warranted ot the vintage ot i860 Kept especially for medicinal purposes. Pure Old Holland Gin, and other Whiskies, itran ilies hiiiI Wines to suit the trade. leW-ljd UOUHEA'L A Cu. 'mCAL. TIK. BENSON'S REMEDIES. From the New naven Register. CELERY AS A REMEDY FOB NERVOUS DISEASES. What the Medical Profession Say About it, and the Good Results Attending its Use. HEADACHE, NEUBALUIA, NERVOUS NESS, SLEEPLESSNESS AND : DYSPEPSIA. ' OB. BENSON'S preparation of Celery and Chamomile tor nervous diseases Is the most Important addition made to the materia med lea la the last quarter ot a century." Dr. j. W. J. Englar, ot Baltimore. "DR. Benson's Pills are worth their weight In gold In nervous and sick headache." Dr. A. H. Schllchter, of Baltimore "These Pills are Invaluable in nervous dis eases." Dr. Hammond, ot New York. " Dr. Benson's Pills for the euro of Neural gia, aro a success." Dr. G. P. Uolinan, Chrls tlanburg, Va. These Pills are a special preparation, only for the cure ot special diseases, as named, and tor these diseases they are worthy ot a trial by all Intelligent suQerers. They are prepared expressly to and will cure sick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia, nervousness. paralysis, sleeplessness and dyspepsia. Sold by all druggists. Price, SO cents a box. Depot, 106 North Eutaw St., Baltimore, Met By mail, two boxes tor $1, or six boxes lor S2JS0, to any address. DR. O. wTbBNSON'S New Itemed? and Favorite Prescription. SKIN CURE Is Warranted to Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMOUS, 1NFLAM NATION, MILK CRUST, ALL.' ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA ULCERS, TENDER ETCHINGS AND PIMPLES, on all parts of tho body. It makes the skin while, sort and smooth; removes tan and freckles, and is the best toilet dressing in the world. Elegantly put up. Two bottles In one package, consisting ot both Internal ami ex ternal treatment. All first class druggists have it. Price 91 per package O. N. GRITTKNTON, 115 Fulton street, New York, is wholesale agents for Dr. C. W. Bon. son's remedies. scplG-lmd.M.W&SAw TT- lONKY- WORT For the Permanent Cure of CONSTIPATION. Mo otUor disease Is so prevalent in this conn try as Constipation, ami no remedy lias ever equalled tho celebrated Kidney-Wort as a cu re. Whatever tho cause, however obsti n ate tho case, this remedy will overcome It. Acts at the samo time on KUtncys, Liver and Bowels. "Pilaa TI1I9 distressing complaint is very JTllOo. apt to be complicated with const! nation. Kidney-Wort strengthens tho weak ened parts and quickly cures all kinds ot Piles even when physicians and medicines have be fore tailed. M3r If you have cither ot these troubles use KIDNEY-WORT. Druggists sell It. 8cp271yd&wMWF 42 rXATAUKU. UAV-FEVEB. CATARRH. WsGnBai rOSITIVELV CURES O&TARRH, C0LDIXTHE1IEAD HAY FEVER, Calarrlial Deafness, Heals Sores in Nasal Ely's Cream Balm Effectually cleanses the nasal passages ot Catarrhal vlrus.caus lng healthy secre tions, allays Inflam mation, protects the membrane from ad ditional colds, com pletely heals the sores and restores the sense ot tasto and smell. Beneficial re suits are realized by a few applications. A thorough treatment will cure Catarrh, Hay Fever, Ac. Un cqualed for colds in tho head. Agreeable to use. Apply by the little finger Into the nostrils. On receipt ot SO cts. will mall a Sickagc. Sold by H. . Cochran,137 North Queen street, Lan caster, Pa. Passages. Subdncs Ca tarrhal Headache, rules 50 cmm. Ely's Cream Balm Co. OSWEGO, X. Y. HAYVER. ELY'S CREAM BALM CO., Oswego, N. Y. auglScod.cowd&coww O VEU 5,000 Havo Signed or Endorsed the Fol lowing Remarkablo Documont : Messrs. Scabury & Johnson, Mnnvfacturinff Chemists, SI l'lall street, Nexo York: Gbstlemen: For tho past low years wo havo sold various brands of Porous Plasters. Physicians and the public prclcr BENSON'S CAPC1NE POROUS PLASTER to all others. Wo consider them one ot the very few reliable household remedies worthy ot confidence. They are superior to all other porous plasters or Liniments tor external use. BENSON'S CAPCINE PLASTER Is a genu ine ParinaccuUcal product, ot tho highest order of merit, and so recognized by physi clans and druggists. When other remedies tail get a BENSON'S CAPCINE PLASTER. You will be disappointed it you use cheap Plasters, Liniments, Pads or Electrical Mag netic Toys. A SURE REMEDY AT LAST. Price 25 Cents. MEAD'S MEDICATED CORN AND BUNION PLASlEIi. OHAB. N. CniTTKNTOW, 113 Fulton St., New Yorfc, sole agent tor Br. C. W. Ben son's Remedies, to whom all orders should be oddrossod. 8eplG-2wdopoAwcow UAJtnWJLMB. "a KW HARDWARE STORE. 9-11 SOUTH QUEEN ST., MARSHALL & RENGIER, dealers IN- BUILDING and CABINET HARDWARE, STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, PAINTS, OILS and GLASS. House IfurnishiDg Goods. sll-Smd&w riKNOINK VARA CIGAKS. riNK VJ article, only 5 cents at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR DMA FPUS I-JTORK. DMT OOODB. SCARE'S. LADIES' MERINO UNDERWEAR. GENT'S MERINO UNDERWEAR. CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDERWEAR. Flannels, Blankets, Comforts, Counter panes. Extra Hcavy-Welght Cashmeres, at lowest prices. Also Stocking Yarns, Plain and Fancy Bleached Canton Flannels in rem nants, worth 12Jc to 15c, at 9c, 10c and 13c. REVERSIBLE SUITINGS at 9c. same goods elsewhere at 12)c. Remember onr HOME-MADE COMFORTS are not excelled. They contain It yards of Furniture Prints and four pounds best cot ton, and none quilted like them in any other store in the city. NO. 50 NORTH QUEEN ST. - rriUK NORTH END 1KI GOOU9 STOKE. Ladies' Underwear, Mens' Underwear, Children's Underwear, FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS, BLANKETS, . HOME-MADE COMFORTS, AMD A Full Line of Winter Goods, AT THE Norm M Bur Goods Store, tt lyd) LANCASTER. PA. J H. MARTIN ft CU. BLA0K CASHMERES. SPECIAL 42-Inehes Wide, 90 Cents Per Yard 33. 40 " " VELVETS AND PLUSHES. SPEClAL-24-Inch Plushes, $3.50 Per Yard. Extra Silk Velvets 92.23 " BLACK SILKS. SPECIAL Extra Quality. $1.00 Par Yurd. Quinet's Black Slur, $3 " ' COLORED CASHMERES. SPECIAL Double Width, 18 Cents Per Yard. Single " 12X " ' HOSIERY AND GLOVES. SPECIAL Mosquotatre Goves, 3-but. $1.75 " Ladles' Good Black Gloves, Sic " PRINTS AND SATTEENS. SPECIAL 10.0C0 Yds Full Piece Prints 4eyard. " Best Slakes of Prints, 7c per yard. B. MARTIN & CO.. Cor. West King and Prince Sts., LANCASTER, PA. VKW YORK STOBJt. Watt, Sliand & Co., ARE NOW OPENING NEW FALIgOODS In every Department. NEW BLAOK SILKS. NEW SHADES IN Colored Dress Silks, New Fall Dress Goods, Plushes Velvets, Velveteens. UNDERWEAR. LADIES' GENT'S AND CHILDREN'S WHITE MERINO UNDERWEAR. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S SCARLET UNDERWEAR, GENT'S GREY UNDERWEAR. In all sizes and qualities at Lowest Prices. FLANNELS, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, AT BOTTOM PRICES. NEW DEPARTMENT. Just opened an entiro now line or ZEPHYR WOOL.8AXONY WOOL.fcHKT- LAND WOOL, FAIRY ZEPHYR SHETLAND FLOSS German Worsteds aad Knitting Yarns AT LOWEST CITY PRICES. NEW YORK STORE, 8-10 EAST KING STREET. N TKW UHBlP STORE. COATS AND DOLMANS. Ladies' Goats, Ladies' Dolmans, Children's Ooats. JUST OPENED AT- METZuES & HAIfllAirS NEW CHEAP STORE, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, (Between tbe Cooper House and Sorrel Horse Hotel.) A Large and Handsome Assortment ot LADIES' COATS, JACKETS, DOLMANS AND CHILDREN'S COATS. Made expressly lor us by tho best Manu facturers ot Now York and Philadelphia, and lor Style, Beanty, Finish and Cheanneaa- pan- I not bo excelled. GRAY'S SPJEOiriO MKDIOINK. - T11K Great English Remedy. An untalrlnff cure tor Impotency, and all Diseases that loUow loss ot Memory, Universal LsmI. tude. Paia in the Hack. Dimness ot Vision, Premature Old Age. and manv other diseases that lead to Insanity or Con. sumption and a Premature Grave. Full nan. Ucmars In onr pamplet, which we deslroto send ilroo by maifto every one. The Specific Medicine Is sold by all druggists at tl perpack age, or six packages tor 5. or wttl bo sentiree by mall on the receipt ot the money, bv ad. dressing the agent, H. H. Cochran, 137 and 139 North Queen street. On account ot counter felts, we have adopted the Yellow WrappSr theordy genuine. Guarantees oicuro Issuedbv lNrt4nnJftSSt!terbyIL R C" aprmv0AYMKI,,WNKC0'N'k- AMTMICM MM08. AJtTXMTJM. HTKICH BROS JLDTKBTISJUIJEMT. ASTBICH BEOS-' 13 EAST KING STREET, PALACE -OP- FASHION 1 As formally announced, our GRAND FALL OPENING WILL TAKE PLACE ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3il aM 4th. A new and most Novel Feature of this season's opening will be onr NEW Cloak: Department, Situated on the Second Floor. la this do partment we will exhibit on our opening days a Full Line of LADIES', CHILDREN'S CLOAKS AND DOLMANS. In Black and Colored. In addition to this we will be able to show our patrons a Fnll Lino of SILK GARMENTS -AS Silk and Mattlosse. Dolmans, Fur-Lined Circulars, Seal Saoqnes, Plush Ooats, Olofh Paletots, Ulsters, PLUSH CIRCULARS, Etc. In onr lower store-room we will exhibit all the novelties of the season, as PATTERN BONNETS, HATS, PLUMES, TIPS, WINGS AND BIRDS. New Velvets and Flushes, SILKS AND SATINS, RIBBONS AND LACES, BUTTONS AND TRLVMmQS. MEW PASSAMKNTEBIES. NEW LACR8, NEW FRINGES, NEW ORNAM RNT8, NEW BRAIDS, Etc. We invite everyone to oomo and kv speot onr grand display of Novelties in: In erery one of onr departments. ASTKICH BROS', 13 EAST KING STREET. DRY QMODGKASS, MURRAY CO. SILK PLTJSHES, SEAL SKIN CLOTHS, , TOTTER CLO AKneS, DRESS CLOTHS, AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Fabrics for Ladiee' Fall and Winter Costumes, Suite, Wraps, Cloaks, Mantles, Ulsters. Jackets, and Trimmings. DRESS CLOTHS. An infinite variety of French, English and American textures in all the usual and new colon and shades. WINTER OLOAB3NGS. The assortments include so many ranges and designs of Foreign and Domestic goods that a definite description of the styles is impractical. Ton nay rely upon it, wo have what 50a want. SEAL SKIN CLOTHS AND PLUSHES. For Coats and Trimmings. In colors. For Collars, Pockets, and Caffs on combination cloth garments ; and SEAL BROWN AND BLACK for Coats, Dolmans, and Costumes. The Silk Plashes are 21 inches and the Mohair Plushes and Seal Skin Cloths 50 to 54 inches in width. Prices from $2.50 to 930.00 per yard. SAMPLE AND MAIL ORDERS SNODGRASS, MURRAY & CO., CLOTH HOUSE, Market and Ninth Streets, Philadelphia. alS-Smd&w Vl.01MUMa, VXDXMWXAlt, V. "SJTEKINU SHIRTS AMU DRAWERS FOIt LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. K. J. EKISMAN. 11 ANDC. COLLARS AND CUFFS. E. J. EKISMAN, IKW E.1NK OF NECKTIES AND WHITE SUIUTS. E. J. EKISMAN. A IX WOOL. SUAULET SIIIKTS AND OltAAVEllS. E. J. EKISMAN, 56 NORTH QUEEN STREET. TTIKSH ft BKOTBEK. THE LIVELIEST Clothing Establishment IN LANCASTER IS LOCATED AT Nes.2aHd4: NORTH QUEEN STREET, ana G and 8 PENN SQUARE. HIRSH & BROTHER, THE I'UOPRIETORS, Aro the neknowlwlseil leailera in Men's, Youths' anil Children's Clothing, exhibiting tho LARGEST ASSORTMENT, showing tno HANDSOMEST STYLES, naming tho LOW EST PRICES. SPECIAL DISPLAY OF OVERCOATS, FROM THIS DAY ON. Also, a large lino ot UNDERCLOTHING, CARDIGAN JACKETS, GLOVES, etc., at lowest figures. CUSTOM CLOTHING. Our place U unquestionably the one to get your custom-muilo Snits and Overcoats. Quality, Style and Fit guaranteed. Prices bo low thu lowest. Hirsh & Brother, Penn Hall Clothing House, CORNER OF NORTH QUEEN STREET AND CKNTUISSQUAKK,1.ANI;A8TJSK, i-a. sops lyd qiais OLOTHINa for Men, THE CLOTHING for Boys, THE CLOTHING for Children, Is coming in now in the newest styles and patterns, and tilling up all onr depart incnts. J'etoro you order your Fall Clothing, Or make any for the CHILDREN, come and see how reasonable you can buy and how well they are made. Our CHILDREN'S CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Is separate trom all the rest and if you wish to see more than one pattern to please ypu, you can llnd thorn hero, and tho prices the lowest. NEW" STYLES of HATS and NECK WEAR also ready. UNDERWEAR in medium and heavy weight for MEN, BOYS and CHILDREN. Tho CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR is new with us and wo keep them regular made, as well as the cheaper grade. WLIilAMSON AND FOSTER. 34, 36 and 38 East King St, LANCASTER. PA. riawAXx,&c, TlKMOVED. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, c, JOHN P. SCHAUM, Has Removed to No. 24 South Queen Street. Humming IGasfitting some oslt bt SKILWUL and careful workmen. LARGE STOCK OF GAS FIXTURES ON HAND. jonM-iydS GOODS. HATE PROMPT ATTENTION. cxornxwe. J. K. SMAU1IO. J. K. SM'ALING'S GRAND OPENING OF Foreign and Domestic Novelties, FOR TUE Fall and Winter Season of 1882. ON MONDAY, SEPT. 11. A Large and Exquisite Line trom 31 RUE VWIENNE, PARIS, IMPORTED DIRECTAND ONLY TO IJEHAD AT 121 NORTH QUEfiN STREET. o ,MK PRICE HOUSE. AL. ROSENSTEIN, Fashionable Merchant Tailor & Clothier, NO. 87 NORTH QUBBN ST. FALLiiraCLOT0U I liavo now comploted a Largo and Elegant Stock of Flno Ready-Made Clothing lor I MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN, Which have been manufactured during tbe dull summer months by experienced Tailors. Tho Goods aro made equal to Custom Work and Prices much lesss. 3f-CALL AND EXAMINE TUEM.-et In my CUSTOM DEPARTMENT yon will nnd the Choicest Assortment of Imported and Domestic Woolens which we Guarantee to make up in the most Elegant Style at Mod erate Prices. AL Rosenstein, ONE PRICE CLOTHIEK, 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, PA. . OAMPMI8. p&KPKTS. Carpet Manufactory. Having undertaken to manufacture RAG and CHAIN CARPETS, wholesale. 2,000 yards per week, I am now prepared to sell my entire tockox Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian Carpets, AT GREAT BARGAINS AND !AT BELOW COST, to moke room and atve my entire attention to wnoiesaie umue oi ray own manniactnrea goods. Please call early. H. S. SH I KK, CARPET BALL, Oor. West King and Water Sta. TrRLtOW PKOHT CIUAKS. VLKAK HA X vana Filler (Hand Made) the best 6 cent Clear in the city ai flARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. TJLrjU.KM' HVIJttl fANCASTKR AHD 91UXKRSVII.LK K. i Can ran as tollowsfc laeare Laacatser (P.O. Depot), at 7, 9. and 11'SSa m ftml 9 J li anrt fl-Wfe-i. m a-vaah. .. Saturday, when the last car leaves at 939 p. t Leave MulersvlUe (lower ead) at 5, 8, andll a. mi, inu 1, i, o uu t p. ui. Cars run dally on ve time except oa Son av. noLVHBu rower ospobit kail Kj KOAl timk table. Trains now run regnlarlr on the Colombia A Fort Deposit Railroad oa the following time: soomwamp. STATIONS. othwd. r.M.!A.X. A.M. r.M. &Mr ....Colambla.... ..Washington... ...Cresswell.... ..Safe Harbor... .Saenk's Ferry.. ..' eonea..... .York Farnace. . ....Tncqaan MeCaU's Ferry. ..rite's Kddy... ..rtahine-Creekr.. ..Peach Bottom.. ...Conowtago... .....Octorara..... ...Port Deposit.. ....Perryville..., aD10UB :ie-J9 7m 7:14! 7:17 110 UHH 11:05 U:W 7dS 737 7:41 11:15 1136 119 TM 8:13 8A 11.38 7d0 7:60 7-J3S 758 7:17 UM r.w. 7:27 12KB TJSJ 1205 80 Usjeiaao R" tDIN M COLUMBIA K. R. AKEANGKMKNTOr PAS3ENOKK TRAINS MONDAY, MAY 22o, 18flC NOBTHWARD. A.W. r.M. r.M. imarrvrllle . . . 6a 2mW 3:40 3:50 7-io J-.10 Lancaster, Ring St, 7J0 7:40 7 JO iiimramer CcHnmbia. 1:00 1:10 3:40 Reading I 9:461 ZS0 6JS0 .... SUUTUWAKU. utavn. A.K. r.w. 8.-2B 5B 8M 8.-2S 8.02 538 7:45 5.-05 7:40 5.-01 7:36 4:58 74 4-J6 7iX 4:51 753 4:47 7:10 4:3fi 76 4:33 6:57 4A 0:41 4:12 6:32 4:05 620 sua K4I r.M ABaivn. Colombia.. 6:30 5:40 6:45 LaBoaster. Kinict... Unarryvtlio rnuns conneci. ai Kenning witn trains toana trom Philadelphia, PotuvilTe, Harrisbnrg, Al lentown and New York, via Hound Brook Ronte. At Columbia with trains to mid from York, Hanover. lttytbnrg, t'rittaris-fc nnd ltaltl more. A. M. WiluN. Snit. PKMMMVLVANIA KAH.KOAU NKW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY OCTOBER 1st, 1802, trains on the fcnn.sy 1 vaniii Railroad will arrive at and Umvu tl u Lan citato i and Philadelphia depots ii tr.llowst: I Levi Ar Eastward. Lan Phi I A.M. A.M Mail Express.., 2A9 7:."i0 lih-JU rasi i.uie 5:: tl:IO H:iu SfeM Horrlsbunr Express. a York Accommodation arrlvcn...., Lancaster Accomodation arrive. Columbia Acconiinodatlon , IhtMt 11:15 r.v. Frederick Arcommoilatlon arrives. Lock Haven Express r.n. JIM.'. 7sr J.45 Sunday Moll Johnstown Express 2.-20 C4S 8:50 uay .Express Harrisbnrg Accommodation. Mall Train 11:00 Hanover Accommodation west, conni'ctinK at Lancaster with Niagara Express at lo-.i:., will run through to Hanover daily, except Sunday. Frederick Accommo.Iution, west, connecting at Lancaster with Fast Line, wet, at l:to, will run through U Frelerlclr. tLe. Ar. Phlljjin WaarrwABD. A.X. A.M. B:'J7 6:27 thXi tfctO 10:1. 10:20 P.M. 1:40 l-M 7:3t 7:40 ii:10 l:4.r. News Express.... Way Passenger. MaU Train, No. 1. via. Mt. Joy MailTrain,No.2,vlaColumbiu,leaves Niagara Express Hanover Accommodation leaves.... 4:30 4::t0 7:00 8:i:5 Fast Line Frederick Accommodation leaves. 11.-05 r.M. 2:11 Harrisbnrg Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation leaves. Columbia Accommodation Harrisburg Express western Express... ... ... a acinc xxpresfl..... ................. 5:40 9-.0T. US Harrlaburg Express, west, at 5:40 p. m., has direct connections (without change orcars) to Columbia and York. Fast Line, west, on Sunday, when Hugged, will stop atDownliig town, Crttc-vlll'.l'url(ti-bnrg. Mount Joy, Ellzabothtown and MM. Hi:-' town. Day Express, Fust Line, News Express, Mail Train, No. 1, Western Express and I'acltlc Ex press run dallv. MAtMJtOAMS. rpMK GREAT Burlington Route CMcagc, BarllEgtM k Qalacr K. R. CMicRE, MirllaetM & jIcy K. K. Pl-INCIPAIi LINE AND OLD FAVORITE FROM CHICAGO OR PEORIA TO KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, CALIFORNIA LINCOLN AND DENVER. The SHORTEST, QUICKEST nnd KKST llnu to St. Joseph, Atchlnson, Topeku, D.nNoii, Dallas, Galveston, and all points In Iowa, Ne braska, Missonrf, Kansas, New Mexico, Ari zona, Montana and Texas. Tills ronto has no superior for Allicrt Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nationally ruputud OSbelBgtheGREATTUUOUUII CAR LINK. Universally conceded to Tie the BEST EQUIPPED Railroad In the world for ml classes ot travel. All connections made in Union depots. Try It and yon will find traveling a luxury Instead of a dlscoiniort. Through tickets via tbL-4 celebrated line lor sole at ull offices in tho U. S. and Canada. All Information about rates of rare. Sleeping Cars, etc, cheerfully given by PKKOKTAL LOWKIX, General Passonger Agent, Chicago, ltu T.J.POTTEK, 3d Vice Pres. tt Gen. Manager, Chioaoo, 111. JOHN OA. BEAM, Qea. Kastera Agt., 817 Broadway, 306 Washington St. Now York. Bostom, Mass. mavlC-tTdftw rjLVMM. MJUrUMMOB, me. TBARrS W. FKY. WALL PAPERS. We have a larger line or WALL PAPERS than usual for the Fall Season, and can assure you that it will be to your interest to inspect onr stock. Fine Embossed Gilt Papers, Gilt Oeilinff Decorations, Color Out Papers. Plain Gilt Papers, Blank Papers, Fine Embossed Gilt Friezes, Gilt and Common Bordors, Centre Pieces ft Transom Pspexs, Window Papers, etc. The Hao embraces every grade or Paper HoPKinKs from the lowest to the highest. JJADO WINDOW SHADES In variety. PLAIN SHADING by the yard or piece in all colors : extra width lor large windows and STORE SHADES npto 72 inches wide. Spring and Cord Fixtures. Fringes, Loops, Cords, Tassels, ete. We keep a large line of Lace Curtains, Lace Lambreqalnes. Lace Bed Sets, Lace Pillow Shams, White and Cream Curtains irom 91.00 up. Curtain Poles In braes, ebony, ash. cherry and walnut, and Extension Cornices, Pier Mirrors, etc. PHASES W. FRY, No. 57 North Queen St., Incaster. SAMUEL M. PRICE, ATTORNEY, BAH Removed his Ofltce rroin SS North Duke street to No. 41 GRANT STREET, immedi ately In Rear of Court House, Long's New Building. iul7-ttd A.W. X. tTM. 7: 1200 :10 rjt. 9:40 2:10 &2S 9M 2.10 8:13 !-. .... Jfc 10:40 .... 9J6 1 -(