LANCASTER DAILY INTELUGEHGEK'SATUHDAY, SEPTEMBER 23,ls2. THE DAT OF ATONEMENT' Mow tlin Jews Begin the Mew Year toy Itr pentlng of their Sinn aod Beginning a New Lire. At .sunset yesterday beiran the celebir- tiou of the Jewish Day or Attoncment, which will be continued uutil sunset this evening. Hebrew services, consisting or the intonation of the Scriptur -, by, readers, varied by singing, begun in the synagogues of . the orthodox Jews at G o'clock last evening and was continued until 0 o'clock. A similar service began at C o'clock I this morning and lasted until 10 o'clock. In the synagDgues of the reformed Jews the ser vices will cot last quite so long, but in all other respects they are identical with thoie of the orthodox Jews. Very great im portance is attached by all Jews to lb faithful observance of the Day of A tor ment, and any neglect on the part of - i person to attend tuc uacir I .ugut scrib'd for this day is regarded as sion on his part from tho Hebuw ..tith. From sunset yntciday until Mievji to day tho Hebrews aie pcrmitt d to fcas, and twenty-four houis of fasting and con tinued supplication for tho 1 emission of sins will follow. No two Jews with any variance between tbem!.e:vesaie j crraitted to enter the synagogue until they shall have settled tbeir differences and again becomo friends, and peace arid goodwill betwrcof nil men at this tuna is absolutely commanded by Hebrew law. At i He b" ginning of the fast fathers of familios arc unjoined to bless their children, le -( idl ing them to follow in the f. ps of of Abraham. Isaac and Jacob. Id i s case of an eldest son arriv J at ycais f dis cretion tho blessing is usually pro nounced in a soleim manner, the parent resting his hands on his son's head and accompanying his bl' sing with an earn est exhortation lo light rour. living and faithful legard for the xeligion of his fur. fat! i ci.s. V1ieii tho llebiews woishipcd in their ownsplcnd d tmpli!s it was on this day only that Use High I'i was pcrmitt d to enter the " holy of holies " or to spi-ak the name of Cfol, piivilegcs denied to him at any other time than at the celebration of the Dav of Atonement. At this period also, tho Hebrews are commanded to ab stain from all caithly plosuies and to concentrate their thoughts on any neglect of their t-aurcd duties which they iniy have hf-en guilty of during the past year and in all respects to suffer sclf-ab.istnient. lledlcatlon or a vhurch. TLo new Catholic church at Sti clton will ho solemnly dedicated hy the Rfcht llcv. IHshop Sanahan, '1. D., at lOft a. m. to-morrow. Mozart's Twelfth Mass will bo Tendered by the pio-calhedial choir of Harrisbun;, tuidcr the direction of Prof. Strickland, assisted by Prof. Weber's full orchestia. liishop Simtnli in will preach on the occasion. St. lV.ii.'k's Hibernian Cencticial society of KarrKtmrp will attend in a body. m Mayor's Court. Tho mayor this morning hail two ti.unps and two disorderlies to lp(u; or. The former were discharged and ouo of tbo latter sent to jail for five days, and tho latter discharged ou payment of costs. A If onto AVltli the Loci; jaw. A valuable horse belonging to Shciiff High stepped on a nail some weeks ago and ho has just beon taken with lockjaw, which may prove fatal. Wanted. An aeliye man itli ?:0J to invent as uiaiin Kerin an est-iblishcd and profitable ljiwinc-H. Address A. '.., Lancaster. Pa. 'Ji-Jid Itorbs County Fair KxeurMnn. Cheap excursion to Heading on Wcdnesd iy, HepleuilMT 'i'. Tickets at iialf-laro for the round trip, for sale nt nil stations. Good to go fit the morning trains and ood to return en any tniin. Grand balloon ascension and con cert by the Mill Kinold band on Wediii'Mlay. slO,J.l,a;dAllv AimiHeiiieiits. "Otirclt-c" To-night. There is every re.won lo believe that to-night's performance of An dran's opera of " Olivette" by tho Philadcl--pllia Church Choircompany will be aUoetlier worthy ot the dellglitful work. The costumes, and properties are all new and the chorus numbers upwards or forty voices, air. Louis DeLane and Mi-" Kinina Delaro are in the fast, coiniMwe a stroiijr attraction in them nelves. The comjiany sans in IfurrKburg, and the local managers telefjmpl! that the audi vnco was inimeicand the oU'ectiVery favor able, while a dispatch Ironi lt-aBiii states that in that city, HI teen cncorc were Riven. &rKVlA.l. MUTiVJCb. Ocuiiud it, mid take no other iron prepara tion -eopt Urown's Iron JMer-. It is tlie liesL For sale atrll. 15. Cochran's tlrujr store. 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. slS-lwd&w Kidney IIese. Pain, Irritation, Retention, .Incontinence, DepotiLs, Gravel, Ac, cuied by "ltuchiipnlba." $1. Depot, do! in Mack. Oh, maiden with grim teeth, avail nt ! Though fair you seem to look upon, I5ccauc you don't use SOZODONT. The sweetness of your mouth is gone : Yonr breath is heavy, and, from thN, Your lips no more invite a kiss. slS-lwdcodXw It Is no doKB To suff.'r constant headache, depression of spirits, lonxim; tot fooil an i not being able to eat when put before you, gnawing pains in the stnmiicli, lassitude and a general feeling ot tjonencs; but a capital joke to find that Burdock Ulood Ultteis remove all these symptoms and only costs 91. For sale at il. if. Cochran's dmg stoie, 137 No lb Queen strict, ! an coder. Colourless ai Colo a young girl dcepjy regretted that she was colourless and cold. Her face was too white, and her hands and feet felt as though the blood did not circulate. After one bottle of Hop Bitters bad been taken she was the rosiestand healthiest girl in tho town, with a vivacity and cheerfulness ot mind gratifying to her lriends. sl5-2rd&w ' Hackmetack," n lasting ana me. Price 25 and 50 cents. Fo fragrant per fume. Price 25 ami 50 cents. For sale utCocii- ran's drug store. 17 North Queen street. Glkhn's Sulphur Soap purines tho skin. "Hill's Hair and Whisker Dye." 50 cents. Pike's Toothache Drops enre in one minute. sI8-Iwdcod&w Dr. C W. Benson of Baltimore. Md., pre pares a skin cure that is thebest thing for .skin diseases ever known. It cures eczema, tettrr, ring-worm and all rough and scaly skin dis eases in the shortest time. Sold by ail drug gists at 91 per package. slS-lwd&w "How do you manage," said a lady lo Her rrlcnd, "to appear so happy all thctime?" "I always have Parker's Ginger Tonic handy," was the reply, and thus keep myself and family In good health and spirits. Sec adv. sl-lmdeodAoow Hale's Honey of "Horchound and Tar wil( arrest every ailment of the lungs, throat, or chest. Pike's Toothache Drops cure in one minute. sls-lwdend&w Liquid Gold. .Daniel Plank, ot Brooklyn, Tioga Co., Pa., describes it in us: "I rode thirty miles for a bottle of Thomas' KclectricOil. which effected the wonderful cure of a. crooked limb in six ap plications ; it proved worth more than iold to me." For sale at H. B. Cochran's drng store 137 North Queen street. Lancaster. tfrownm ttooaebofd Panacea Is the most eflectivc Pain Destroyer in the world. Will most surely quicken the blood, whether taken internally or applied externally.and thereby more certainly relieve pain, whether chronic or acute, than any other pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength ot any similar preparation. It cures pain In the Side. Back or Bowels. Sore Throat, Ubouptalism ana all aohks, and is THE GBEAT EELIEVEB OF PAIN. "Bitowu's HocsbhoLO Pahacka" tshotild be in every family. A teaspooniul of Uie-Panaeea in a tumbler ol hot water sweetened ir preferred J, taken at bed time will break vt a cold. 25 cts a bottle. tcbll-lvdM.W&S&w A sabal nrxBCTon free with each bottle ol Sbllot's Catarrh Remedy. Price so cents. For sale at Cochran's drng store, 137 North Queen street. Alothemt JlatJinnt!! Mothers tl Are you disturbed ut night and broken of your rest by :i sice child suffering and crying withe eructating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle ol MRS. WIX SLOW'S SOOTHING 8YRUI It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend ppou it: there Is no mistake about iu There s not a mother on earth who lias ever uted it, who will not tell yon atoncu that it will regu late the bowels, and give rest lo the mother and relief and health to the child, operating ltko magic. It is perfectly sale to use In all cumm, and pii.-asant to tho taste, and is the prescription i one ot the olaest and best female physicians and nnrscs in tho United States, Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. tn2-lv-M.W&Sftw lih'SIUKU fttOM UKATB. The lollowiiigstateuientot William J. Cough in, ot ssorwrvHIc, Mass Is so remarkable that we beg tou-k for it the attention.ot our read crs. He says : "In the lall ot 1S70I was taken with a violent bleeding ot the lungs, followed by a sevens cough. I soon began to lose my appetite and flesh. I was so weak: at onc'tiwc that I could not leave my bed. In the sum mer of 1877 I was admitted to the City Hospital. While there the doctors said I liad a bole in my lett lung as big as a half-dollar. I expend ed over a hundred dollars iu doctors and med icines. 1 was so far gone at ouo time a report went around that I was dead. I gave up hope but a triend told me ol DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE .LUNGS. I hrughed at my triends. thinking my case lr.cnrable,but I got a bottle to satisfy them, when to my sur prise and gratification, I commenced to feel better. My hope, once dc..d, begun toYevivc, a-nl to-day 1 feel in better spirit than I have the past tin w years. " 1 writcthis hoping you wilt publish ir, so that everv one afflicted with J Lr eased 1. lings will be induced to take DR. VM. HALL'S .BALSAM FoUTHE LUXUS.nnd be convinced that CONSUMPTION CAN RE CURED. I have taken two bottles and can positively say that it has done me more good than all the other medicines I have taken since my sick ni'. My cough has almost entirely disap peared uml 1 shall soon beableiogofo work.' Sold bv 11. R. Cochran, 17 .North Oiicen street In Millei-Hvrlle, cm the :21-t iiiat.. Klhi . , wile oi Flunk Miller and l. uglilerol Anthony Krnst, in the '!l year bl her age. The re'atives aptl friends d the family aiurespeetiully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of Anthony Ernst, 3151 lersvilie, ou Hominy, heptembjr 21. burviccs at the ltelouued cliuich. slOtd Kiibahv. In Manor townonip. on the 2iin-t., Mary C. Kre.idy, aued 3!l yiars, S months mid 14 days. The lelatlvi sand fiiends of the family aie repeetiully invited lo attcml the funeral, fiom the residence of Henry C. Kready, Manor township, on Monday morning at 10 o clock. sii-'Jtd Tltkek. In this ei.y.oi- the ?"dh inst., Mrs. Jliaiy 'incker, wi.e oi Bev. John Tucker, in the 8lst year ot her age. The re'atives and lriends ol the family aie respeclluily invited to attend the itiueial from her late, r" idencc.No. 311 West Orange .-tieet, on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. In terinciitat Woodward Hill ecmetciy. Services aLlhe Union Bethel church. 21 Voxumlsmitu. n the .''Id fnst., Lilly A., daughter of H. I!, and E. L. Voiider.-ml'h, a;;eil 1 yeai anw 25 dajs. The relatives and li funds ot the family aie re-pee. fully invited to at lend the tu.icralut residence, IS7Ejst Oiimestrcet, on Mond.iy, tlic aUi inst,, at 2 o'clock, p. m. IU. A'K V Ait VliU T1H VM1W 'I S. rS'il I-: BKUULAK MONTH LY AIKKT1.NG OK X i he American Mechanics' Building and Association will be held this (-aturday) evening at i o'clock, in Temperance Hall. W3J. T..IEFFKU1ES ltd Seci clary. J. the Union r.uildingaud Loan inn will be held at W, A. WJlsou'sotlie, on MON DAY evening at iy. o'clock. Saleot uioiit y at. ("o'clock. ltd A. II. BALL. Hccrc'.aiy. 1i:OPI.KS IIUILOING, LOAN AN1 1K posii Company. Moiitnly meeting this evening, at 1 o'clock, at Keinodil'snfllec, Mo. 11 Noitli UulvcMire!. No ilucs received at the Direc ois' meeting. Money loaned alO o'clock, ltd A. S. V1LLKE, Secie! .ry. J? A Farm ol ."." Aeics, 2 miles soiiiliV(st. ol Port Bova), .lunl.ita county, on P. it. B. .New Flame House, new Bank Barn, gi oil orc'iaid in be ;ii ii-j, etc. .1. M. HUULKIt. !:. ltidge Koad, llallisbuig. Pa. sS-S-SldSAclilu M'KN ON SUNDAY KVKN1NG. TUK J Sniveller House Dining llooins will be llooins will be Ladle entrance open every Sunday evening. No. 27 North Duke street, sritil COPLAND & widi: i; OST ON THURSDAY M1GI11, ON THK Pennsylvania railroad dcpoi, a cloth dolman. Muiuird with late and bugio ttimm'.ng down the back. A rewanl ot :"5oo will be paid upon leaving it at I&E1G AltT'S WINK STOIIE, lltl No. 20, East King Street. 1vajiva:ki;t'.ktainmni- at mil . TON Hall this (SATUUDAY) evening. umlcrtho auspices of Me- .mora and l.'anass . tego Tribes 1. O. B.M. Tickets 10 cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock. And Ion a:, o'clock. K e: y purchaser ot a ticket is entitled to an admis .sioii and a chance ou the handsome Lancaster Silver Hunting Case Watch, now on exhibi tion in Hie window of Sdncincr's Jewelry Stoie, 30 North Queen Street. ltd TUSSKL & SDUMlVKIt, COAL DEALERS. Will deliver the different kinds ot COAL us'mI in this city in quantities to suit por ch isers. Oniee : No. 2-2 E AST KI NG STBE KT. sii-"til ESTATK OP MICHAKL FISH P. K, I.AT1 of the city ot I-ancaster, deceased. Let ters testamentary on s.iil estate having been granted to the undcrsigneil, all persons in debted to tald decedent arc requested to make imiiiediate settlciucnt. and those having claims or demands against the estate, of said decedent, to make known the same to the un dersigned without delay, residing in the city ot Lancaster. SUSAN C. FISHER, G. FREDERICK FISHER, si3-Ctdoaw No. 501 Nonh Queen bt. piltAKIi Fire Insurance Company OF PinLADELPIA. Assets over Eleven Hundred Thou sand. Dollars, securely invested. For a policy In tlds old and well-established company call on RIPE & KAUFMAN, NO. IS EAST KING STREET. d3M.WR&S NOTICK. ALL UOMTKAIPE.AT1NO PUT lipgln Furnaces will find It to their ad vantage to examine "THE NOVELTY," before selecting any other. 1 guarantee it to lie durable and give satisfaction. Esti mates made when requested. For PAKI.OU HE ATE its call and sen the "Radiant Home," Solar Light," Crown," and others for sale by A. 0. Kepler, 40 and 42 NOETI1 QUEEN ST UEET, N. U. All having Furnaces would do well to have them put iu order before cold weath er xctsiu. sep9-4tdSR PUKMU SALE. ON TUESDAY, OUTO 1IEU 17, 1882, will be sold at public sale at the Cooper House, by the undersigned execu tors of Elizabeth Adams, the following de scribed property : A lot of ground situated on the cast side of South Prince street. Lancaster, Pa , fronting 14 tcei Vi inches on Prince street, and extend ing in depth the same vidthl53tectG inches to land otlr. Henry Carpenter, which bounds it on the cast : bounded on tho north by prop erty of the late A. !. Hayes, and on the south by property or the late Sarah Adams," ou which is erected a two and a halt story BRICK DWELLING HOUSE ( No. 29 ) and a two-story frame back building attached. The honsK contains ten rooms, water in tho house and hydrant and well In the yard. There are a lot of fruit trees on the premises. This is a desirable property, situated within one and a bid f squares of Centre square. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock, p. jn., on said day, when attendance will be given aud terms made known by GEORGE BOWMAN, J NO. Q.AOAMS, llnNRY Suubkrt, Auct. Executors. sep23,30oct7,14,16&17d JVTir Alt rjiUTISFlLENTS. nOUK KKOUT LUM'll THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, at ttic King of Prusla,Hotel, Wet King Street. H'Jl. BALTZ, lid Proprietor. PERGONAL. .Mrs. Kuu'ev, foimerly at West street, is now at the western hotel. Vine It STOGIKS, STOGIES. PlTTSUUKGlI HTO gics. fl.ts per hnnntcd i-t HARTMAN'S YEI.'.OW FROST CIGAR :STORE. "f?XTRA FltESU AND ("ALT WaIEK JlJ Oysters, Malaga Graces, Bananas, Peaches. Apple-, etc. All kinds oi lresh Vegetables at ECKiiRT'S, ltd No 129 East King Street. FULL LINE OF LO KILL AMD'S rceaonly lOcts. Chewing Tobacco?. Rebecca only 10 cts. tier nla-t- nt HAUTMAX s icLLun luuai CIGAR STORE 21 NORTH QUEEN STREET. WANTED. A GOOD SIZED HOT TO run ei rand. Must come well l com mended. Apply at 11. IIAISEKRUSH'S, No. 30 l'enn Square. sCmd SAUkK kkaut lunch. On fcA'i'URDAY EVENING at Clurles Hosier's " Coiner Saloon," opposite Union Ho-c IIoiiac. comer Jl.ti Wet ana Grant streets. Spicner s itccr on lap. H PC It MO SALE. ON HAIORUAV, SEPT. 23. IS'2. nl t ie hotel, at 7:30 o'clock p. ip. a double one-siory name iiouse, sui b'o.O".io .amides siiu:ie at Nns. 5t8 ando!OJoi.n II ul berry s.i eet l.ancAster. Px, as mnpeiiy o. LE EN ROTE, Administrator of Estate of Maiy BurtieU. de ceased. . &2.G,',l.:,lG,20423d (IOAIK ONE, COME ALL. Grand Sour K1011L Lunch SATURDAY EVENING, ul the Mrurd House, Nos. 230 and 5EM "North Qnec-n s-itce;. beit Reer on tap. Also giand opening ol ilio Giinrd House on Monday evening, hepieni.ier,v3. The Key stone llano will iyj in a.l''tidane and 'uinish the niiisic. Lunch everv inoining iroinioto 12 o'clock. CHAh. ZKCII, s22-i'ld Proprietor. 171FTY JlMM.I.AIIS KKWAKll. 1 1IOKSK AND BUGGY STOLEN. A' bay horse, 1 hands high, thin in fleli, :i little v.iiile on leli hind n'.ot, and i(;aciied-bc.cked, was stileu j i om tie su:ciiijer on Wednes day. -Vlso awaken wltli leather tim. built by AlUcic & .son. and a -ct' otiuckul-monnted h.u nm The !ilove reward' will be 'paid for theca)!uie : Hie tl.iel ami leturn of the proptrty. oYi:us H. COLVIN. S2i-tld Lancaster, Pa. r.PHEK!; WILL UK A UfcM.ltlL MKKT X ingot the Stockholder) ot the Lancaster Fire Insn-ance Company held at their olllce. No 10S West King Micct, Lawcister, Pa., be lween lhe hours ot 2ai.d 4 o'clock, anil MON DAY, tho 2d day ol OCTOBER, 1SS. for the purpo-e ot elee ing 18 Diieeiois 10 sei--o for the ensuing year. BENJ, V. SliESU, ' Secret ttxy. Lancastks, Sepl. 23, 15S. s-23-3UltWAs rtUlK iiiiMMIINIMM!:!' WINK COM' L pany, Hamu:niid-po: '.. N. Y, nlfer the tnns. list of Wined, i ic., prodnccdinuierica, v'ss : CA'J'AWKA, CREAM, V.rr.KT CATAWBA, Dii CAi'AV.riJA SW1 ET CONCORD, - SWEET1ASELI A CAPE MAY CLARrT. skim:y. L1) CRESCENT "-HEitllY, poi:t i ; rape BRANDY. and Golden Age Champagnes. Only caiefully Creeled and well ripened G rapes usi d. Call :i 'id examnie at J. ROHRER'S I Wine and Liquor Store; .No. 'li i'ENN SQUARE, I ANCASTEU. PA. o KGAKt.KD 18t0. The Old Auario-dD Fire lusurauce Com-, p?.Dy oi Pliiladepiiia. ! -" ; ASSETS : One Million, Sis Hundred and Tbiity-tlu-eo Thousand Five Hticdied and Biefbty four Dollars and Eighty eight cents. All lu vested iu Sufo and Solid Spcurilk-s Company Conservatively Managed. 5"Kor Insuriinee apply to RIFE & KAUFFMAN, l'l EAST KING STUhET. iu"5 jindTu'l iikS A UailNISTKATOII'S A1.I 2. On TUESDAY, OCTOltKit 10. ISSi at Coiincr's Iloa'l. L:iii(aIcr l'a., pursuant to an t. will be sold at i:;ciilif(l real es- order of tho Orphans' Con fiublic sail-, the loltowiug tjil.. J vii: A EOT OP GUOUSn, rro-iUnj,' on West C'lietiiiit street, near Clinilntte. 11 feet, and eU'inlinirin depth ot that Width 12 i feet, then widening low; f( el, and elending'n fnr tiierdept.i ofl'Jt'jleet io Miu-ion htieei. Tne lot Mill he fold In-Jouviiui'p.a-l-i, as follows: PiiiV.rl No. 1. A Tiicniu. lot fronting on et u t siivet -Z2 led Iront :(nd J2S feel iu depitl. iiiort; or le-i, liouuded on thi! i-aslliy iiroportyot ltev. Knelling and on the wet by PllrpalLo.2. Purpart No. 2. A vacant lot of the same ill mentions a No. 1, and ndlolulng the same on Ue ve-U Purpnit No. ".. A -acnt lot Irontin on Aiaiiniislioet. ::i) feet, frout by liSf lectin depth, more or e-s. bouiuled on the east by I'm part So. I. and on the west by properly -of Amazian Iar and other". Purpait No. I. A lot tionlia on Maiion stieet, :; feet by 12s feel in dint.i, en wliici is elected a double on and-a ball .-tory IlUICti DWELLING lIOOSE.Mos. :7anda;9 Marlon street, with Hhops," well ot water, livi.rant. frnit trees and othtr impiorements. Sale to eoinuienee at 7 o'elock i. in., when terms will be made known by the under b'isned. TOIMAS itOYEK, Adminl4tratorot Catliaiine Hover, dee'd. Jacoij Uundakeii. Auct. M-pl2.5-S&Mtsd H IUU S AIAltTI. MAJOLICA WA11E -AT- CHINA HALL. We have just opened a new line of MAJOLICA JUGS. New in Design and Shapes and at especially jjuw nicra. Also, MA.10LKJA TJIAVS, COMFORTS, PL.I TES, DESERTS, SETS, Ac. 'Examine these goods before purchas- Ing. High & Martin 15 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER. PA. FINKKKSIDl'.NCK, WITH ALL MODERN conveniences, and LARUE TOBACCO WAREHOUSE at Public Sale. on TUESDAY EVENING, SEPT. 28, 1Sj2, will be sold at pub lic side, nt the Keystone House ( Honing ft Amnions'), on North Queen street, Lancaster Pa., the following described re-tf . state, wor thv the attention of business men and capi talists, to wit : All that valuable lot or pleco of ground, sit uated on the east side of North Queen street, with a frontage of Si feet 21-t Inches, and ex tends ot that width through to Christian streos 24!i leet. and being No. 337 North Queen street. The Improvements thereon erected are a to ge two-story slated Brick DW ELL1XG HOUSE.-.'SxSOfoet.wfthatwo-'-toryslated brick extension, 44 feet long, containing la room', batti room, hall, good dry cellar, gas through the building and papered; range, not and coid wator on both tloois and sewer connections. Fronting on Christian street iseruetiMl a Iarse andcommodious TOBACCO WAi:EHOUfcE.I2 xlOi feet; capacity-3,000 eases, -walls SI inches thicV.botli stories duelled and lined wi.h pine : cnginoand bollerfor heating andliobting pur poses ; gas, water and sower connections. This warehouse is one of the most substan tial In the city, being built of good, heavy ma terial and the best workmanship. There is also a variety ot line fruit on the premises, and the location being near the market and stores makcait very duMrable for a private residence. Possession, If desired, will be given imme diately of tho waiunouso, and on November 1st next or the dwelliug. Persons wishing to &eo tho premise-?, or desiring further information, will call on th.i owner residing on the preml-es, or on Rife .V Kaullman, 19 East King street, Lancaster, Pa. Sale to commence at 7K o'clock, p. m. Terms will be made known by JACOB K. SHIRK. , B2l-tsdRSM&Tu MJtW ADYXMTIBEMESTB. TJNN WILUOH. HOUSEFURNJSHING. We have just received our complete lind of Cooking Stoves. Heaters and Ranges, .Office Stoves, Room Stoves, Parlor-Cooks, Parlor Heaters; Egg and Gannon Stoves. It is the finest line ever offered in Central Pennsylvania. We Guarantee all the Stoves we sell. OUR FLOOR OIL CLOTHS Are the best we everiiad, from 25 cents per yard up. Table Cutlery, Knives, Spoons, &c., Wood and Willow-ware, Buckets 10c Bargains on our 5c, 10c, 15c. and25c Counters. FLINN & WILLSON. LANCASTER, PA. (SIGN OF THE TWO BIG DOGS.) XTKW GOODS OPKNED OAILY. NEXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S. OUR CLOAK ROOM Is now stocked full of NEW STYLES LADIES' COATS, NEW STYLE LADIES' DOLMANS, NEW STYLE WALKING JACKETS. UNDERWEAR ! UNDERWEAR ! Our Stock of UNDERWEAR for Ladies, Gents, aud Children is the Largest, Rett Selected, and Cheapest that we have ever owned. Gossamer Waterproofs for Ladies, Gents, Boys and Girls. Every Garment Warranted. ' ' E. E. FAHNESTOCK. NEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE. LANCASTER, PA. H AUKR & BKOTHEK. Ready-Made Glothing. -'Having completed a large and well lighted sales room, every facility is now afforded for examining a most attractive and complete stock of Fall and Winter Clothing for Men, Youth and Boys, which has been manufactured with especial care and attention. In the Merchant Tailoring Department are- now rady full lines of Cloths, Cassimeres and Suitings of the' staple and new fabrics in choice styles, to be made to order by skillful cutters and experienced tailors. H Larger space has been allotted to full assortments of Gent's Furnishing Goods in Underwear, Shirts (laun dried anJ unlaundried), Hosiey, Neckwear, Gloves, HAGER & BROTHER. No. 25' West King St., Lancaster, Pa. r TOD WISH Tip GKT BAUOAINS -IN BUGGIES, PIAETOffS, CAEBIAGES, BUSINESS WAGONS, &C, Now is the time to Buy, and go tol . NOKBECK & MILEY'S COACH WORKS, SOUTHEAST COR. OP DUKE AND VINE STREETS, LANCASTER, PENN'A. ALL WORK FIRST-CLASS. OUR MOTTO:" OUR TAINS OUR WORD 1" S-PROMPT ATTENTION TO REPAIRING OF ALL KIND8. 2TJSW JLUrjUltTlHUMKNTK. SOUK KKOUT LUNCH THIS (SATURDAY) evening at Henry Ncamcr's Saloon, cor ner O i augo and Water Streets. Best Beer on tap. ltd FOR!! ALB. A YOUNG ALDKKDEI COW. Fresh two months ago. Is very gentle and can be milked by any child. Will be sold cheap if called for soon. Call at So. 351 AV EST JAMES STREET, s22-2td Cor. James and Charlotte Sts. SWAKR'S. LADIES' MERINO UNDERWEAR. GENTM MERINO UNDERWEAR. CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDERWEAR. flannels. Blankets, Contorts, Counter panes, Ex tin Heavy-Weight Cashmeres, at lowest prices. ANo Stocking Yarns, Plain and fancy B.eached Canton flannels In rem nants, worth 12c to 15c, at 9c, 10c and 12)c. REVERSIBLE 3b ITINQS at 9c. same goods elsewhere at lXo. t Remember our nOME-MADE COMPORTS are not excelled. They contain 14 yards of Furniture Prints and lour pounds best cot ton, and none quilted like them In any other store in the city. NO. 50 NORTH QUEEN ST.1 ClALL OPENING FALL OPENING AT S. GEHHART'S 1, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET. LANCASTER, PA., MONDAY, OCT. 25,1882.1 Tin WORK SITS- SEW AIVliTlSJiMXTH. TO THK DEMOCRACY OF LANUAVTEK CITY. The Democracy of the several wards oi Lan caster City 'Will assemble nt the following votingplaceson SATURDAY EVENING.SEP TEMBER 21. between the hours of 0 un-i 8 o'clock p. in., tor the pnrpose ol voting for candidates tor the Legislature : FIRST WARD-Shober's Hotel. SECOND WARD Theo. 11. Wenditz's. THIRD WARD Efllnccr's Saloon. KOURTn WARD Kothweiler'B Saloon. FIFTH WARD Philip Wall's Hotel. SIXTH WARD iscliillVr House. SEVENTH WARD Kuhlman's Hotel. EIGHTH WARD Powz's Saloon. NINTH WARD Arnold Haas' Saloon. The polls iu the Eighth Ward will be open from 3 to 8 o'clock p. m. W.H. ROLAND, sept!5 Btd Chairman City Committee. N EW CHEAP STORK Metzger & Hangliman's NEW CHEAP STORE -is- HEADQUARTERS HEADQUARTERS FOR UNDERWEAR. UNDERWEAR. GENT'S MERINO SHIRTS and DRAWERS at 25c; 37c, 45c., 60c., CSc., 75c., and $1. LADIES MERINO SHIRTS and DRAWERS at 37a, 45c, 50c, 65c, 73c, and tl. CHILDREN'S MERINO SHIRTS and DRAWERS Iran 12 cents up. GENT'S MEDICATED ALL-WOOL RED SHIRTS and DRAWERS at $1.50, rcgnlar price $2.00. f LADIES' MEDICATED ALL-WOOL RED SHIRTS and DRAWERS at $1.50, regnlar price $2.00. SWe aro full ot Bargains of all kinds. hetzgeb & wmm No. 43 West King Street Between the Cooper House and Sorrel Hone Hotel. nl4-lydw THIfiD EDITIOI. SATURDAY KVHNINQ, SEPT. 23, 1883. STALWART SNUBS. EUMCNDS AND HAKKISON TO COOFEIC Thry ReKOf cllui'y Decline an Invitation to Aid Beaver'a Desperate and Waning Canvass uo tbo Stomp. Piiiladelphl.. Sept. 23. In response to a letter addressed to United States Sen. 'ator Edmunds, of Vermont, requesting biui to speak in tbe present compaign, Chairman Cooper lias received the follow ing : Burlington, Vt., Sept. 21. Dear Sir : I have yours of the 15tb inst. I regret that it ;s not possible for mc to do anv political service th's faH,and I have felt obliged to decline sonio requests siml'ar to yours al rrady. in common with the Re publicans of Vermont I look with in terest aud solioimde at the situation in Pennsylvania, where it would seem for one cause or another that disputes and dissensions among Republicans are thought to bo of more consequence than tbe success of tho p.-inciples shared alike by the Republicans of Pennsylvania and other states. Very ti nly yours. S:;ned George P. Edmunds. To Hon. Thomns V. Cooper, Chairman, etc. Chairman Cooper is also in receipt of a letter from United States Senator Benja min Harrison, iu which he says : " That wbi!u I may not be able to speak iu Penn sylvania during the campaign, yet I am in entire svmpitliy with Gen. Beaver and look hopeful!.- for his election." rUE 1.QCINUCTIAL. K.illruixiH Moiiilrd uiullia!uit Sioipu. Piixfield, Jf. A., Sept. 23. All tho streets hete aro Hooded aud rain still con tinues. At Hound Biook water has isn as irb r.s to Mop ruuiiiug of tiaiiiN ou the Lehigh Valley road. It has no been raining lor forty eight hours continuously. Boating lu lb- Strtots uf Jersey. JeusetCity, Sept. 23. -Many places aro llotded in this city aud liobokcn. Home of the people having to use boats goiug to and from their bom?. Grounded un tliu Je.--ey Coast. Seaville, N. J. Sept. 23. The steam ship Nupbar, Captain Bnniks, from North Shields, Euglaud, for Philadelphia with pig iron aud dru;s, grounded on Townsciid inlet bav about 20 miles above Cabo May at four o'elock this morning and now lies directly across tbe inlet. She draws 10 feet of water. Her cargo is being jettisoned. A tug has been tele graphed for with tho expectation of get ting her off. She was boarded by the crew of life saving station 34. Tbe Call lor Bonds. WAsniXGTON, Sept. 23. The secretary of tbe treasury this afternoon issued the 1 17th call for redemption of bonds of tbo funded loan of 1891 of continued at 3 per cent, from Augubt 12, 1831. Tho call is for twenty-live million dollars, and the principal and accrued interest will be paid at tbe treasury ou the 23d of December next, and interest will ccaso on that day. Wi ock of a Passenger Train BitAiNTKEE, Mass., Sept. 23 Tho out ward bound cape tiain of seven cars which left Boston, at 8 o 'clack this morning is oil the track this side of South Baintree station. The train is badly damaged, but none of the passengers are hurt. wreck ing train has gone to tho scene. All out waul trains are detained here. Failure or an Old English Finn. London, Sept. 23. A dispatch to tho Pall Mall Gazelle from Dublin says the failuic is repotted of a commercial tirm of long standing, tho name of which is not given. The liabilities of the embarrassed bouse aro estimated at from 100,000 to (M0O.000. Found Dead Id His Cell. Jersey City, N. J., Sept. 23. Henry Dundus, a butcher, suffering from delir ium tremens, atemptcd to jump from the fourth story window at his home and was sent to prison for thirty days. This morn ing ho was found dead in bis ce'l. having died during tho night. Killed Id a Railroad Accident. Rochester. Sept. 23.-A collision occur red this morning on the Rome, AVatertown & Ogdensburg railroad, near Hose, Wayne county, between an empty excursion train and a train ou which was Nathan's circus. A colored man connected with tho; circus was killed, but no one else was hurt. The cars and rngiue wcro badly wrecked. Shot In a Saloon. New Orleans, Sept. 23. W. F. Pack lor, sixty years old. was shot this m u-uiug in a saloon by J. R. Riculli, aged thirty. Fackler was taking a drink at tho counter when Riculli entered with a double bauelcd shot" tin aud fired one load into Fackler' t breast- and the other into his head, killing biin instantly. Faekler's wile left him recently. Tb9 Velloiv tscourge. Washington, D. C, Sept. 23. A n le. gram to the national board of health from Pensacola, Fla., last night, repot ts forty three cases there yesteid.iy and two deaths. The riiseiu.e continue to spread among the negroes. Weather chilly. The Kogllnh Occupation. Alexandria, Sept. 23. Tho surrender cf Abadalia Pacha is contiimed. The Biitibh troops occupied Damiettaou their arrival. The neuio gurrUon instead of surrendeiinu 11-d, taking besides plunder a quantity of ammunition. A Fatal rail. Eabton, Pa., Sept. 23 A son of A. D. Cooke, the furniture manufacturer, was fatally injured hero this afternoou by fall ing fioin the fourth to tbe third story of his father's new factory. CDarged Wltb Causlog a Railroad Dlaanter. New York, Sept. 23. Wm. C. V. Rawson, aged 18, the telegraph operator, chrrged with being the causo of the rail road accident in the tunnel yesterday, has been arrested. Egyptian Murderers Banged. Alexandria, Sept. 23. Two men were implicated in the massacres were hanged to-day. who here TVKATD.EK INDICATIONS. Wabhinoton, D. C, Sept. 23. For tho Middlu Atlantic states partly cloudy or cloudy weather, with rain, northeasterly backing to westerly winds, falling follow ed by rising barometer stationary or lower temperature. " By asking too ranch we may lose tbe little that we had before." Kidney-Wort asks nothing but a fair trial. This given. It tears no loss of faith in its virtues. A lady writes from Oregon : " For thirty years 1 have been alllicted with kidney complaints. Two pack ages ot Kidney-Wort have done mo more good than all the medicine and doctors I have had before. 1 believe It Is a sure cure." 43-Fnsl, brilliant and fashionable arc the Diamond Dye colors. One package colors 1 to 4 ib-i. of goods. 10 cents for any color. Suiloh'8 Congo and Consumption Cum Is sold by us on a guarantee. It cores consump tion. For sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen St. myl-lwdeowAw That hacking couijh can be soquickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. Wo guarantee it. For sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North tjuoen St. myMwdeowAw MAMKMTB. aiiartrtpaia imn PmLMMLritiA sent. 2X Flour steady; snpertlne, ti 75SI3 00; extra, $3 254 u ; Penna. Family. 4 Alas IX Kvo dour at H 23. i!E!Jtl,l,TU a""1 wk: Del. and Pa. Red. if .Y LonJSborry red and Amber. 1 ioa Corn easier, but moderately active for local use. X Oats dull and weak. Rye firmer at 70972c. Provisions firm and In good jobbing trade. Lard steady. "- Butter Fancy firm nnd scarce ; other kinds 'a3oVl:rea:neiT Extra, 32e ; do good to choice, ern?!!L,llUlanawek; Fenn,a 26c; West-Cheoe-ciioico wanted ; prices steady. wSs.yasqrlii;Kefln,H,-7jifc , mmm mora iutu New fOU. Siint- CM (2...... .....1 wf LA- .I..M --.I .,. '".T- """" "VICIH ttV. '"""as ; oouinern dull and neaw. wneat Kt.c lower and heavy; mod reate speculative trading : No. 1 White. II 12X: No. 2 Red. Sent.. $1 O-lJi : do Oct.. $1 0U 07?: do Nov.,l 03l o :do Dec., il l iowS log ; do Jan.. $1 isjtil KI. n Corn Xftfif! lower and dull ; mixed western spot. 0&72u : do tuiuie, 5773le. tats J i Xc lower; No. i Oct., 30V39Kc: oo Nov., 40ailc; State, waste : Western 35 650c. Urala and PruvMion uaouneu. One o'clock limitation ot grain and provlt lons. furnishcl by S. K. Yundt, Broker. 15U Rust King street. Sept. 2. vmteac. Wheat Corn Oata Pork Oct..... .91 .rax .siJi 2I.37S Nov..... .984 .1S li SJlw Year.... .BJ M 18.75 flMladelphla. Sept..... 1.05 .71 .43 Oct. I.08X .72J .13 NOT.... 1.09 .70 Alii ' Lard 12.45 "I2.l2i 11.43 Stock MarRet. Now jrJ, ;'iii...-.ti..;..-. no-i i,!c:d tocJia also UnlU'tl Stat- lt(inl-. rep-i-.ted daiiy by Jaooa It. 1-114, s Xitrth 0""'i s'ti-m. Srpt 21. '.ii. !.M. ! X fi1. .' lenver ft Rio f.rmi h S V.. l-th. Krte . v Kansiis :m.t ,t-'. X. .! v j i' : i,,, New Yo.-s. Ontario ,t W St. 1'aul, M. & Ouial.A A'acitlu Mall RocIk'sUt ft Pitlsburgh TexLc ".wide Wabasli. .. n'- x. - ,ijc.. Western Union Tei rcnuiv'ivanic Central Phtladcl)hla Reading. Voi-tnorn 1'aeineCoin " " I'reteired.. Uuttalo TStU. i West (V1 iV4 31 Stl!, .3 "', !V .V. . o'h I '16 ! iil 32'J ? ''7?A L(t Stock Market. East Libsrtt Cattle Receipts, for week eii(linr21bt int.. 3.684 head ot Hit- uh mid 3,104 of local ; market .-.low ami pil.i-.s totrer ; :idr topriuio, r5 0J6 75; stockeis :titd ttd ers,M505.0. Ilogs Ueruipis Tor eek, 1 1.440 hca' I-: mar ket drtu; Hhl! uUlhla.s. J ",. :i I.". : Kaltl mores. $840800; Yorkers, 315,j8 3:gras crs. J7tj7 14. Shei-p Kcclpts tor week. &2...4 boat! : mar ket slow ; common to prime. $0V.' ; ):uii!. $4 509551. ' CniCAdo. Hogs Ueccipts. Vtun (..ii ; .sl:lp ments. .".5(M head: murat-t nrm : mh".i:h lo good mixed $7 40135 : heavy. $8 35j' if. ; il,;ht. 7 45S is; ai. ips, $5 137 15. Cattle iteceipt-. U.OOn head : shipnii'nt.s, r.0 head; trade badly- demoralize . aiul.'li'.oe. lower: shipping grades S-'Mc lowurh. i Monday 1-iHt; expnrtn. $8 7."7 - : good to eholco shipping, (5 ! 40: uoniuion ii fair, $45 25; inleit luitehers' firm ; coiniinni ti fair, $2 4UQ3 ; good to choice, 1-i '4ial il); .stockersni'd Itcders, $3 IStildi: r.-i.c eittln KiQISc lower; Texas cows, $t:i:i; .inrl eans and half-breeds, tifli. Sheep Ueceipts, MO); shlpuionLs, iiomr; general demand fair and market lirui . intr ior to fair. $3 1033 60 ; mediuin to good, $ ; 7V 4 30; choice toextr,i tittf I :;. Iori scockb tuta Hoat. I'ar I.O!t val. sale Linc. -tty a per ct. Loan, due 1882.. .$iw $105 1S85... ioi una m 18... 1WI 120 " 18... IOC 120 5 per ct. nl or 30 years., ion nr. w 5 per ct. School Loan.... 100 112 " 4 InloraiytKirx.. inn un " 4 " la 5 or 20 years., lui HM.5U " 8 " in 10 or 20 years. 100 Hi5 llanhelm borough loan it lir SAK STOCKS. Flrat National Bank. j0O $.-a Farmers' National Bank So lHv- Fulton National Bank 100 i3s Lancaster Cnnnty Nathinal ISank.. Ml m: Columbia National Bank ico Kphrata National Bank toe Hi First National Itank, Columbia.. .. 100 ttl.'M First National flank, Htrusburg.... Uki i.;iy) First National Bank. Marlelia lui First National Bunk. Mount Joy.. U 145.7!: I.ttltz Natioual Uank.... 1 im ManlMlJi National Bank...... km I'd Pnlon National Bank. Mount Joy. 50 7..rl New Holland National Bank....... Uki 1.7 MTSOSLLAJTaODB STOCa. Quarryvillo IL k. oo $2.25 Millersville Street Car. 90 X.JM Inquirer FrinUngCompany...... 50 50 Watch Factory 100 120 Gas Light and Fuel Compaay.... Sa Stevens House .. 100 80 Columbia Gas Company....... ..M Columbia Water Company....... '& Susquehanna Iron Company..... 100 178 Marietta HoUowware............M MO Stevens 60 4.50 Sicily Island 50 Its Kist Brandy winn &, Wnynoab'g. 50 1 Millersville Normal School aUsoMXAHSOtn BOaDB. UuarryvUle 1C IL, due 1893 $100 $!17 Keaillng ft Columbia K. R,, 100 Hie Lancaster Watch Co.. due 1880 too 1U5.5 Lancaster Uom Light and Fuel Cow due in 1 or 20 years 100 100 L-incaster Has Light and Fuel Cou, dne Ito;. .................... ......... 100 10S Lancaster ft Marietta 25 33.31 Lancaster ft New Holland .. 100 85 Lancaster ft Su-iuehanna. 300 275.2S Ttntirn k is stocks. Big Spring ft IK'jtver Vs,:iey f 25 ? 1!.: Bridgeport ft iforeslion ; -a Columbia ft Ctnytuut lliil 'J5 18 'loliimbiaft Wnshltiyion i". a) Colnmblaft Htg Sprtiu.'. 25 IS' Lancaster Ki!:ral.t Ml 47.28 Lancaster ft Willow "treel ' -' Strusbuitc :ttii!jjrt i'i m Marietta x .Maytowu 2T 4ftJJ Marifttaft Mf.nnt .lov i' Lanc..Kiltoetiit'ti .Mlildl:l.':t IW ' Lancaster A iT'dtvi:! 5 VJ Lancaster A Lmtx ur. 7'j Lancaster ,t Wil2iitntowi i. TA LtncasterA Manor WJ 1.EJ.10 Lunciutnrft Mitiihelm -J 13 ntlDXVAl,. KIONKF-WOKT 13 a Sure Care for all Diseases or THE KIDNEYS AND LIVER. It ha specific action on this most m:ii-taut orgi'.i:, enabling It to throw off torpMitvaiid Inaction, stlmula'lng the healthy t-erretton ot the Bile, and by keeping the bowels In free condition, effecting lu regular discharge. IWTaloina If yen are sutTering from ma lYiaiOlltt. larla, have lhe chills, are bil ious, dyspeptic or constipated, Klduey-Wort will surely relieve and quickly cure. In the Spring to cleanse the ajsu-m every one shoulu take a thorough conrve ot It. Sold by 1rngglaU. Price, 91. KIDN8Y-WORT. sep!2-lycodftw XNTluMTAIMMMMTa. GI BAKU VUNCBatT f 0TUI HESSIAN INFANTRY BAND. On MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY EVKNINUS. SEPT. 25. 2Sand 27, 18M2, at Excelsior Hall, 125 East King street (second floor). This Band, nnder tho leadership of Otto Wertxcl, numbers 31 pieces, each one a master on his Instrument. ADMISSION, . . . 25 CENTS. sl3-3tdTSM ffULTON UFKBA MOUSE. Saturday, September 23, 1882. 91 r. J no.- D. Mishlcr Is pleased to endorse tho mc j its or the PtUa. en ulir Opera Co. In the complete production ot Andran'sspark ling Comic Opera, OLIVETTE. Forty-two persons In company. Our own Orchestra. Grand Clwru. Mag- . nil! cent Costumes NO ADVANCE IN PK1CE3....35 ft 50 CENTS. KESEttVKD SEATS 7.-.C1SNTS. For Sale at Yecker's Office. sis-5td GENCIMK YARA UIGAK9. A riliti article, only 5 cents at HARTMAN'S YELLOW FKONT CIGAB STOKE.