LANCASTEK DAILY rNTELMGENCEB SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16,1832. THE TOOK DIRECTORS. Tiiolr Regular Monthly Met litis To-Ilay. Tho regular monthly meeting of tho board of poor directors was held to-day. A number of bills were presented and passed. The following resolutions offered by Mr. Kreider wero unanimously adopted : Resolved, That it is tho unanimous opinion of this board that tho unfortunato insane should bo the wards of tho state, and should ho provided for in stato asy lums. Rcxolied, That tho state asylum at Ilarrisburg, being loo small to accommo date all the insane in this district, tho Leg islature should malce appropriations to enlarge the same. Renolced, That the delegates from 11 'n county to the convention of directors be held on tho 19th inst, be instruct c' .o recommend tbo appointment of a co tee to urge upon the state Legislatn t!.o necessity or making sumcient op pn.i tions to tho state asylum, to en.: ic them to reduce tho charge for boaiditu county patients to $2 cr week. Tho board was yet in hcsmoii when wo went to press. Salo ol Real KtBto. Samuel Hess & Son, auctioneers, sold at public sale, Sept. 15, at the public houso of John II. Miller, in Miller.sville, for Jac. B. Dcitrich, three acres of land, with im provements, to John Sohns for " 100 Ilinl of Heart OKe.-isn In yesterday's Intp.m.ici::; l :t was erroneously stated that John . Martin died of apoplexy. Ilisdeath re-in"eii from hcait disease. l'oiiuccleil With tlio Telephone. The American Rapid telegraph office, in fVntie square, was this afternoon connect. -d with the teiehonc exchange. AmiiHctitcntH. "Ilmtch W" To-niiM.U will bo remember- I liynur pl-iy.K'tl" people that to iill.t Mr. Hurry Mi'M'ilnli will appear nl KnJlon i' ra liouw in lHh siicrcisSul Western inim:i of " Itniich Id." which !i:w already received the I'lidoi-M-mcnl ol tin; Philadelphia pa pers ami which i- tultl to be sinj?iilaily free trcmi the blood and thunder business ileal aro the chid characteristics In incut icprornti tioiisol frontier life. " The ll')7(l" i- til'! name ol u sprclucuhir drama tha' is to occupy the lm.irds ol Fulton npiiRi iictiiiu'cui Monday and Tuesday ol next week. The piece is said to abound in Martlin;; c.!lrc:.'i in the way olYeenle novelties and Ia--t reason I mi I asue-ccl'iil production in Phila- Iclphiaiiiid .some ol the Miii.dlcr ton ns ot 'In state. Mr. .1 '.. Little, whoheadi llmeaM, is said to he a meritorious act or. Sulo nl Viilu.ililo Country Residence. On Tntsdav, September 1'.', al one p. in., .lolm l. Sl:iles, attorncy-in-tatt tor the heirs ot :ol. Win. I., i'eiiier, will .sell al pnlilie sale, on tho ptcinl-cs, " Avoudalc," the country lesidcnceol the late Col. 1'cip-r, tic.u Lane-after, a lieaiililnl lann ol Km acres. '( i.i t is one ol the most de-iial-le tine's ol html cither for a country it-1 lent cor (arm oil'eml Impale in this coiinly tor years. It Is Mippliud with all mod th improvements. Capitalists v ill make no inislal.e hy puich.isiiu: this propeily It Lurtty C' l'..eiir.--toii. Utand excursion to Lit ray Caverns on Fri day, September l'.. Wound tiip tickets good lor live days. Kaie only iii.ou, ineledinj: ad mission into the cave. Train leaves Lancas ter id 1025 :t. w. Intornialion and tie-Lets at l. S. Ittusk s.,13 M'ECIAi. XOTIVEH. "Ilowdojon m::u:i;;e," said a lady to her ti-Iend, "to appear soharipy all the lime ?" "I always have Parker's Ginger Tonic liandy," was tlio reply, ami thus keep myself and family in j;nod health iind spirits. See adv. sl-lmdcodoow Colouiu.i:3S am C'o.ut. A young Jjtil deeply regretted that she was colourless and cold. Her laco w:is too white, unci her hands and feet felt as though the Mood did not circulate. Alter ouo bottle ot Hop Hitters had been taken she was the rcwiestanci healthiest girl in tlio town, with a vivacity and cheerfulness of mind gratilying to her Irienils. sir 2wd&w A masal omkiior free with each bottle ol Millol.'sCatarih Remedy. Pilco M cents. For saleat' dm;;: store, l.'.T Noilh Queen street. Virtue Acknowledged. Mix. I iii Mulholland. Albany, N. Y. writes: For several years 1 have siitl'ercd lioin oft recurring bilious headaches, constipation, dyspep-iu, and complaints peculiar to my sex. Since using voiir Uurdock Itlood Hitters 1 inn mtlrelv relieves!." Price H. For salo at 11.15. Cochi-iin's drug store, i::7 North Queen street, Lane-aster. Years of Sullerlng. Mrs. Itarnh-irt, cor. I'ratt and ISroadwny, Itullalo, was lor twelve years a sutlerer Irom rheumatism, and arter tiying every known remedy without avail, was entirely cured bv Thomas's Kelectlie oil. For salo tit J I. U. Cochtairs drug stove. 137 North Queen street, l.iiiic;ister. A RKMitnv lor Indigestion, Consumption, yspepsia. Weukiioa, Fever. Ague, c;t?. Col den's l.i'iuid ISeet and Tonic luvigorator. bll-lwdeod.vw AVorclH ol Wisdom. No doctor will tall U' impress his pat lent h that the incut h and teeth should be healthy receives the lond and prepares it lor its digestive woik." Use SO.ODONT, Kiiitlfy your t.unily physieian, and enjoy lite comtortably. sl-2 lwdeod&w ICIy's Cream lVitni reduces intlaiumation. Sores in tlio nasal passages are healed in a tew clays. Catarrhal headache is dissipated. Senses ol smell, taste and bearing are restored. 1'ilcc M cents. Apply lino iioslills with little iliiger. Only Two llo tiles. Messrs. Jolue-on, Ilolloway & Co , wholesale druggists ol 1'hiladelphla, la., lvport that some time ago a gentleman handed them a dollar, with iiic-cpicst to send a good catarrh cure to two arm y oflicers in Arizona. Kcccnt ly the same gentlemen told them that both the officers and the wife ol Gon. .lohn C. Fremont governor of Arizona, had been cured ot ca tarrh by the two bottles of Ely's Cream Italm. For sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. Molhcru! iUollmrs!! Blotticric!) Are yon disturbed ntlnlglit and oi your rest by a sieic child sutTerin and crying with excruciating pain or cnttlng teeth? If po, go at once, and get a bottle ot MIIS. W IN FLOW'S SOOTIHNc; SYltlll It will relieve the poor little suttercr immediately depend iion it: tlere is no mistake about it. There Is not a mot her on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it. v. ill regu late tho bowels, and give rest to the mother and rcliet and health to the child, operating like magic. It is perlectly sale to use in till cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription ol one ot tho obtest and best teniale physicians and nurses In the United States, Sold everywhere. 25 cents a bottle. m'MV-M.W&S&w jirown'S itonnenoKi I'atmcea Is the most eflectlve Tain Destroyer in tho world. Will most surely eiuickcn the blood, whether taken Internally or applied cxtcrnally.aud thereby more certainly relieve pain, whether chronic or acute, than any oilier pain alleviator, ami it is warranted double tho st rciiirt h ot anv similar preparation. It cures pain lu the Side. Hack or llowels. Sore Throat, Uhcumatisui and all acuks, ami Is T1IK U It EAT UKLIKVEIt OF 1A1N. "JJbown'8 Household 1atiacka." should Ims In every family. A teaspoonlul of the Panacea in a tumbler ot hot water sweetened If preferred, taken at tied time will erkak up a cold. 25 eta a bottle. fcbll-lvdM.W& A cougu, coin or ore Tnroat buouiu do stopped. Neglect frequently results in an In curable Lung Disease or Consumption. Krown's l.ronchial Troches do not disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act d ireclly on the inflamed parts, allaying Irritation, give relief in Asthma, Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and the Throat Troubles which Singers and Public Speakers are subject to. For thirty years Brown's Bronchial Troches liavo neon recoinmenited by physi cians, and always give nerlect satisfaction. Having boon tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have atv talned weU merited rank among the tew staple remedies of the age. Sold at 23 cents a box evervwliere. niv-lvdTTlt&FAlvw Wiiex the scalp Is annoyed witli dandruff, (ilenn's Sulphur .Soap will lie found infallible, llill'ri Hair Dye. black or brown, fifty cents. sll-lwdeod&w It you are hick and troubled with dyspepsia, llrown's Iron liitlers will cure you. For salo at n. IJ. Cochran's drug store, 137 Nortb Queen stieet, Lane ster. sll-liil4w ' llACKMETACc," a lu.-tiiig and iragrant jicr tume. Vricc 23 and 0 cents. ForsaleatCocn- ism's drug store. i:7 North Queen street. Krnm clilin in ir.n -mil lmr-lr nvntu 'itSioil. sanrt tines in a night, will tho minaolthc nervous sutlerer travel, while blessed sleep orsakeb his eyes. He can enjoy sweet rest by the; um; ot Dr. IhinsouV Celery and Chamo mile Pills. Sold by ail tlriigguts. sll-lwdAw OliATtl. Marti. Iii tiifs city, on the 13th inst., John (;. Mai tin, in the U3J year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family, also. Lancaster Lodge, No. 67, 1. O. ot O. F., are respectfully invited to attend the luneral, Irom his late residence, Itelay llotmf , corner ot North Prince and Walnut streets, on Mon day alteruoon, at o'clock. Interment in Lan caster cemetery. Bl5-2td Philadelphia and Hai'ihburg papers please copy. Dillkr. In New Holland, on the loth Inst., Itoland Diller, at an advanced age. The relatives and Iricuds or theliiniily are respectfully invited to attend the luneral Irom his late residence. New Holland, Lancaster county, l'., on Tuesday, Sept. I'.t, 1Ss2, at 1 o'clock. sIC-2t xi: iv a v yjiwrtstcMJ.x sw. (1 kniiim; yaiia oiisaic. a i-ink X article, only ." c nls at HAUTMAN'e VKLLOW FliONT CJUAIt STOUK. ri'JIK l-ICJ.MCJ VUt 'J llli U1CNI-.MT OK ST. 1 Anthriny's choir will be held on MON 1A Y NEXT, ut Tell's Hain. Omnibusses will leave Hie church and Celine Mjuare during the clay. Faie, 0e. lor the loiind tiip. The orchestra will consist otsiv pieces. It T)Al.LY, UKJIIOIJISATM! IV A meeting ol the Fourth Ward Itr-mo-ci-iits will be held at Uothwctler's hall, on TUESDAY EVKN1MJ, SEPT. ID. at B p. III. t ir permanent organization ot a l'attion club. All are invited. 1). W. DIETRICH, ltd Secretary pro. lem. Sl'KCJIAI. NOTlCi:. . This evening Panned Oysters, Soil shell Crabs, Tin tie Soup, liecd lliros. Salt and Fref-h Oysters and all the delicacies ot the f-ea-on at .lOHN COPLAND'S, ltd No. 125 North Qnten Street, JjuitLio nam:.-on s.viukoay, slit. 23, 1S.-2, al the Keystone hotel, al 7:30 o'clock p. hi., a double one-story Immo house, suiiiible tor two families, situate: at. New. ,rii8 and .litl North Mulhi'rrv strecjt. l.aneiisti-r. Pa., ns property of ' LEV EN ItOTE, Administrator of Estate ot Marv Knrilell. de eiMised. s2,li,V,lS,li;,2U.V.'."M "VTOTIOr.. Tii!: JIKMi;Elf Of I.ANUAN Xl ler Lodge, No. 7, 1. O. O. F, aio hereby leuiioslc.i loasscmble at their Hall on MON DAY, SEPTEMP.Ei: IS, 1S8J. at 2:13 p. m.. for the purpose ot attending the funeral oitrlato nroiuei, .ioiiii .iiariiu. ti Ec . 1 :. V I L LSON. N . t J . ltd V. F. IIAMlfRlUHT, tecy. IIUIW.IC SAI.i: OF SOM HltShT COUXSTY jlorsei. On MONDAY. SEPT. IS, will be sold at D. Logan's sale stables, Maiket street, roar of McCmnn house. 2il IIEADOF.SOMEi:cET COUNTY HOUSES. Among them are some llncdi iversand heavy boned feeders. S:ilc to commence at 1 o'cloelc. p. m. A ereililot (iflihi'.s "ill be If iven. DANIEL LOGAN. 1)ir.f.u; sai.i: or am Kilchcn lurnilnre, a! No. 311 Higli si'cet, on TUESDAY A FTKKNON, SEPT. 1Mb. con sisting ot a Walnut Chamber M'l, marble-top Table, cane-seat and other Chairs, bedsteads and P.cdding, Carpet, two quangos, Ohe-saiid t)neen.sV.Mre, Ac., all nearly new. Sale to commence at t o'clock. .1 A CO I ! ( L N IIAh E U. ;,ir.-2!d Auctioneer. N on i:;:aiv oiji: NEW REAL. ESTATE CATALOGUE, Containing a large number of pi-operlies In city and couiiuy, wllli pric-es, ,Vc. Copies sent tree to any address. ALLEN A. HEltU .t CO., KcKil Estate and Insurance Agent", No. Kh! King Street. SCHOOL LOAN". Ulds will be received to 2 p. m. SEPTEM UKIt IS, 1832, at the Ranking House nrn.I'. Loulier.t fcon, lor twenty Registered ISondsot $5Ut civil, or any part thercot, to be issued by the Lancaster City School Hoard, bearing lour per cent. intereM, payable quarterly. The Roneis will be dated October 1. IS52, and pay able at the pleasure of said lloird alter Octo ber I, 1SS5. ROHERT A. E V ANS. .s8-std t:hairman Finance Committee S. IS AVVI.I. LINK Of l.OKILLAIOVS Chewing Tobaccos. Rebecca only 10 els. per plug at IIARTMAN'S MCLI.OW FRONT CIGAR STORE. 21 NORTH QUEEN STREET. "VTOTlCE. LL :OKTEtri.ATIN PIJT- ll ting in Fiirnatcis will find iLto their -id vantage to examine "THE NOVELTY," beTore selecting any other. 1 guarantee it to be durable and give sulistue Hon. Esti mates made when requested. For PARLOR HEATERS call and st the "Radlsuil Home," Solar liighl," Crown," and otlieis i or sale by A. O. Kepler, 4l ami 12 NORTH QUEEN STREET, N. 15. All having Fin naces would do well to have them put in order belore: cold weath er set In. sepO-ltdSR flMIE ll.lMMONn.Sl'CK'r WINK COSI X. pany, Hammondsport, N. V , olTer tbo finest listed Wines, etc., piodiired in America, viz : CATAWBA, CREAM, SWEET CATAWBA, DRY OAT AWIJA.SWKKT CONCORD, SWEET 1SAUELLA, CAPE MAY CLARET. SHERRY, OLD CRESCENT SHERRY, PORT, ti RAPE 1IRANDY, and Golden Age Champagnes. Only carefully selected and well ripened Grapes used. Call and examine at J. BOHRER'S Wino and Liquor Store. No. 2.! PENN SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. s'-KUelSattw J )Ultl.1U SAI.K ON SATURDAY, SK1 TEMKER IK, l:?3' by order ot the Orphans Court of Lancaster county, the undersigned iidministrati'lv of tho e-stiite of John Stone, dee'd. will seM -it public sab', at the Hiestcr house, in the t iiyot Lancaster, the following described valuable city property, viz: A lot or piece of ground situated in tlio Ninth ward, Lancaster city, on the east side ot the It feet wide public alley running north Irom James street, between North Oueen anil Prince streets, in said city of Lancaster, con taining in irom on said alley 32 feet 2 inches, and extending in depth eastward 131 feet, bounded on the West by said 14 lct wide pub lic alley, on tho east by a 10 teet wiclo alley, on the North by lot or Andrew Rainier, and on the. South by a 10 feet wide alley, upon which is creeled a'Fraine Stable. Sale to commence at 7 o'clock, p. m., when terms will be made know by CATHARINE STONE, a20-3tdS Administratrix ot John Stone. 1-)UKLIU SALIC ON TtiUKSllAY, SK1 TEMBER 21,183'-, will be sold at public sale, on the premises, the tallowing valuable real estate, to wit: All that very valuable FARM, containing 17 ACRES, more or less, situated on the soutivstdc ot East King street, in the city of Lancaster, immediately oppo site I he Lancaster County Prison, and adjoin inn lands of Herman Miller, Jacob S. Miller and lauds ot the Directors of the Poor ot Lan caster County. This is one of the most desir able and valuable pieces ot real estate in the comity of Lancaster ; lias a good DWELLING HOUSE, Out-houses and other improvements. It is particularly valuable for Building Lots, being in the very best part ot the ci-y of Lan caster, and especially adapted lor a Truck farm. The entire piece Is laid out In Untitling Lots. For tint licr information call on Henry Slm bert. Aiictionecrand Ueai Estate Agent, No. G Court avenue, where the cJralt. ot said prop erty can bej seen. It will be sold in the whole, by parts or n lots to suit purchasers. Snle to commence at 14 o'clock p. in., when conditions will be inude known by SAMUEL WETZEL. Hknkt SnuiiEtiT, Auctioneer. a-2C&82,9,ia,lS,19,l YELLOW KKOIST CIGARS, VLKAIC UA vnna Filler ( Hand Made) the best r. cent Cigar in tbo cltv ut HARTMAN'S' YKLLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. B AKGAISS. 129-131 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. OPPOSITE FRANKLIN HOUSE, Are now offering Splendid Bargains in - White, Grey and Scarlet Blankets, White, Grey and Scarlet Flannels, Selecia, Plush and Calico Comforts, White, Brown, Blue and Cardinal Mixed Quilts. Marseilles Quilts, extra Fine for the price. Immense bargains in Ladies, Mens and Childrens Merino Under wear. Immense bargains in Ladies, Mens and Childrens Hosiery. Elegant line of New Prints, Satines, Brocades, now opening. Another line of LADIES DRESS CLOTHS now opening, lggglr Everything sold very low at BOEES & HUKST'S, 129 and 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET. - - - - LANCASTER, PA. (HOWELtI3 BUILDING) JOHN S. UtVLKK Oil BLANKETS! White Blankets, The Largest Stock of BLANKETS of all Kinds in the be sold at the LOWEST PRICES. JOHN NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, JOHN S. OIVLKK. xnir AirxntrisE?ri:yifi. r.ioit sa. ;:. six-vnAi:-.rf.s jiauk. P Aimly at 101 MIDDLE STREET. STOOII'.S, STOOI1S. I'tTTSCUKCSi STO ui -. $l.'i"i per hmiui't") nt. yi:llow fijont cigar :vroRK. UKSt: AM) KCOtiV must).- NKAK tlic premises ot tin liwlciMgneil, in Ra- plio townHhip, onc-lialf tnilo north of Mount .loy.iifjivy iwcIiir Iioi-m'. llftccn lifincs liisli, .. . m..k l.....t. 1. ii ii ii t vmvi.ii.urlt Jlt&VUlK IUWIW. .111", l ..(.I.V.. r...U(,u spur spiiiiK triittniK tiupisy, uppmciit'y ncur- IV IH'W. Tlic aliovc the owner c 1:1 have by proving propcity ami paying uxpncs to tho umlui xlgneil, "n-dliliiif; in Mount Joy. P:i. PHILIP FRANK. Mount Joy, I'ii., Sept. 1 1, 1SS2. h!5-4til mo TirK I1E3IOCKAOY OF LANCASTER J CITY. The Oemocmcy or the several wards ol Lan caster Cltv will assemble at their respective voting places on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEM BER 20, between tin hours of o'clock and 8 o'clock p. in., lor the pumoo of placing in nomination ctnclklntcs tor the Lejrlxlatiirc to be voteil toronSATUKOAY EVENING, SEP TEMItKR it, bctwei-ii the hours of C ami 8 .Vlorlf p. in. W. H. ROLAND. Mcp'.15 .ltd Chairman ciiy Committee. HOlT.-.r.yKJ LOT KOK SALI'..-A JJKAT lv.o-Ptoryi:ra KDV.'EI.I.ING HOUSE, with two-story brick back building. No. Sit St. Joseph street, having a good hydrant at tached and all the rooms furnlh'-d with Ran. The lot has a irontacc or 13 leet. 9 Inches and a depth ot 87 feet to a len tect wide public alley. Terms easy. Apply to JNO.A.COYLK, sl3Jld No. 112 Kast King Street. SMALL HAVANA CIGARS 8 FOR 5 CTS. at No. 21 North Queen Street. IIAUTMAN'S if.i.low kroxt cigar STORE. INITIAL l'INS. INITIAL PINS! A Full Line At ZAHM'S CORNER. sl31wd j 1UII Oi niAKTI-N. DECORATED WARE AT- CHINA HALL. WE 11 A L NOW OPEN DECORATED CHAMBER SETS. New in Denign and Decoration, and at very Low Pi ices. Decorated Dinner Sets. Decorated Tea Sots. Docorated Ice Cream Sots. We arc constantly adding lo our alieady LARGE STOCK OF FANCY GOODS. JO Examine our stock before making youi hclection. High & Martin 16 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER. PA. IT IS, AS WK KNOW, ANO AS KVEKY body will asree, A BOLD CLAIM, I'.ul we make it Pelibera'ely, anil upon tho Anthorityot most Competent .Initen, that the Lancaster Watches, ARE, GRADE FOR GRADE, Til F. Best Watches in America. "Keystone" Grade. Splendid Record " Although Subject to Rough Bicycle Riding." Lancaster, Sept. 13, 1SS2. To Lancaster Watch Co. Gentlemen : Several months ago I bought a "Keystone" Watch, No. 2LS37. Alter getting it to close adjustment, lconi pared it regularly with the time delivered by the W. U.Tel. Co. daily Irom the Clock in tho National Observa tory at Washington. At the end oi Twenty Days its variation wan only one-halv second, by chronometer, IronCniean timeot the Wash ington Observatory which clock is never allowed to vary more than one-tenth ot a sec ond from absolute accuracy. At that timo I unfortunately neglected to wind ir, and thus lost continuous record. It has i-ince been doing excellent work, atthongli subjected dally to considerable lough biccle riding, which is a severe lest, ot its time-keeping anil running qualities. This is not ft "Spf-cial" Watch, but was taken diiectly Irom stock, as sent from the factory. Yours truly, C. IJ. LONGKNECKER. u Lancaster " tirade. "UNEXCELLED IN BEAUTY." Lancaster, Sept. 12, 1832. I hare carried a " Lancaster " Watch of tho linest Nickel BraJc, tor three ytiats, and It lias given cntiro satistactinn. It lias kept accurate time, so accurate that I have rcpeatedl v offered to test it with the most widely known move ments. It has not, yet needed any repairing, and 1 can unhesitatingly pronounce ic one ot the best in the market. 1 do not desire any thing beater. Aside Irom its utility, the " Lan caster " movement Is unexcelled in beauty. JOSKl'II E. BOWMAN. The Lancaster Watches are so C'ARKiruLt.v Mauk that Perfect Adjustment insurna Per kct Time, with proper care ot tho Blovements. XEW AliVEItTISBMEllTS. BOWERS & HURST, Scarlet Blankets, S. GIVLER & JV.fc'11 AJjrjiHTlSEMEXTH. F ALL DKKSS GOODS. HAGER & IN BLACK : Flushes and Velvets, Brocaded Velvets, Repp Silk, Groa Grain Silk, India Oasbmere, French Oashmere. Imperial Serge, Crepe Cloth and Trioot, Henrietta Cloths, Drap de Ete, Embroidered Robes, Etc., Etc., Etc. 25 WEST KING STREET. MKXT IIOOK Tfl THE COURT FAHNESTOCK'S. BLANKETS, BLANKETS, BLANKETS. Just received this Day the Largest Stock of BLA.NKETS in this City. AT $1.25 A PAIR AND UP. Tbeso Goods wero Purchaaod Direct from the Manufacturer.', and are tho Rent in the Market for the Price. Also, a Large Stock of Black and Colored Cashmeres AND FLANNEL SUITINGS. R E. FAHJSTESTOOK NEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSEL LANCASTER. PA. F LINN Si W1LLSON. 152 NORTH -FOR- STOTES.HEATEBS, RANBES and FDBNACES, And the Largest Stock of Housefurnishing Goods in the City. COAL OIL AND GAS CHANDELIERS. Fruit Jars Only 5ets. Apiece. FLINN & WILLSON. (SIOS OFTIIETWOBIU DOGS.) 1 ME OLD RKL1AHL. COACH WORKS. NOKBECK S. E. C0K. of DUKE LANCASTER, OUR MOTTO .OUR WORK $Noiie but First-Class, and our Stock Large and Complete in BTT6GIES, PIAET05S, CARBIAGES, THE McOAIiLi & DAYTON Hickory, Sporting and other Business Wagons. 4ES-KEPAIUINO OF EVEKY KIND PROM1TLY AND PKOPEKLY DONE. 3USW ADVEHTlHi'MJSXTS. PROPOSALS FOK3KIVKRSAIIDPIKIHO. Scaled proposals will bo received at Al derman Barr's office, on South Duke streof. up to 7 o'clock p. m., on MONO AY, SEPTLM HEU 25,1882, for the following work: A two-foot sewer on East Chestnut street, irom Duko to Llmo streets, CC0 leet long. Also a -two-toot sewer on West Chestnut street, from Mary street eastward, 357 feet Also a six-foot arched culvert Irom tho Quar ryville railroad to Water street, at the termi nus ot the Andrew street sewer, MJ feet long. Also the piking of Charlotte street, Irom King to Orange streets. Plans and specifications can he seen at the City Ucgulator's Office, Jto. 100 East King street Tho'committee reserve the right to reject any or all bids. By order of sepl3-lltd THE STREET COMMITTEE. BLANKETS!! Grey Blankets. City, Bought for Cash and to CO., LANCASTER, PA. GEO. P. RATI1VON. BROTHER. IN COLORS : Velvets and Plushes, Brocaded Velvets, Embroidered Robes, Embroidered Checks, urap de Lansrtry, French Serges, French Suitings, Diagonal Suitings, Gilbut Suitings, Habit Cloths Fall Novelties, Etc., Etc., Etc. HOUSE, QUEEN ST. LANCASTER, PA. & MILEY'S AND TINE STREETS, PKNN'A. SUSTAINS OUR WORD I BOOTS 8JUOMH. piLOSIMH OUT! CLOSING OUT ! AT GREATLY .REDUCED PRICES. Having started a Shoe Factory, I am now closing out my large stock of Boots and Shoes at greatly reduced prices to make room for the enlargement or my factory. 49CU8tom work a specialty, both machine andband'inade. F. HIEMENZ. No. 105, NORTH QUEEN STREET. (Sign ot the Big Shoe.) m20WStl ffilBJ EBITIOI. SATURDAY RVENINO. SEPT. 16, 1882. LATEST BYTELEGEAPH. SKWS FK05I THE CONQUERED LA.tD. Cgypt in ine Hands of the KnglUa A Re. sumo of the Leading Events or the uiy. London. Soot. 1G The Tune io a lead- ing article siys : "If tho lives of Arabi Pacha and his imniediati followers are spared, these iuiju must ba once for all put out of tho way of doiu further harm. They cannot be permitted to retire to ConstantiBopIe to become tue centre oi impalpable intrigue. To restore the au thority of the kbedive the army must bv disbanded aud replaced by geud'arms auQiciunt to sustain civil order. If troops are needed to defend the distant frontiers it is sufficient to maintain them on the frontier and not keep them at Cairo." Kurshlu Ready t Surrender. Alexander, Sept. IC Kurshid Pacha, commanding at Aboukir, has eent in a message announcing his readiness to sur render. Flrlag on Moo. London, Sept. IC A dispatch from Cairo to the Exchange telegraph company rays some natives accused of murder, as sisted by a mob, attempted to'escapo from tho police station, but the native guard liied upon the crowd and quelled the dis turbances. Alkxandkia, Sept. IC Several of the prisoners who have been brought in have been identified as participators in thetnas sacrcs. Won't Surrender. London, Sept. IC Tho kbedive lias learned that the eonira:mt!ei at ! unu it: refuses to surrender. Ho has live t!nn sand blae.k troops. A STORY OK Till- S. Miosing Marliirri Return Afccr Lxitti'-t"g Grrnt HarrtBhlpp. Gloccestek, Mass., Sept. 16. On the 24th of July the schooner Solomon Pool), of this port, arrived hero from a hali buting trip to tho Grand Banks, and re ported that two of her crew, John Mc Intyro and Cornelius Thornbourn, natives of Nova Scotia, wero missing, they having left tho vessel on July C to visit tho Trawls, and haviug gone astray in a fog. Weeks passed, bringing no news of the missing mariners, and they were given up as lost. To-day both men arrived here. They were without food when they became lost, and had only two-thirds of a gallon of water for sustenance. After rowing for eight days aud nights, during which their suffer ings from hunger and thirst wero excru ciating, thev wore picked up by tho bark Tinsly, of Harbor Grace, and taken to Pcrnambuco, where thay wero kindly cared for hy the American consulate and sent home on the steamer Teddinglan ::f tho New York line. Mclutyre is still seriously ill from tho exposure. IiROWKSVlLLK'S MAIL MAO. How II is to bo jr,rwnrdccl to tbo Stricken City. WAsmxcTON, Sept. IC Acting Super intendent Jamison, of the railway mail service, has instructed Supt. Warfleld, at St. Louis, Mo., to have all mail matter for Brownsville, Texas, which has been accu mulating at tbo surrounding postolhces, placed on a special mail steamer which will sail from Galvebton on the 18th iust. for Brazos de Santiago, whence it will he forwarded to Brownsville. No mails have been received at tho latter point sinco September 1st, and this action has been taken at the request of tho municipal aud federal officers at Brownsville. KK-UMON OF SOLDIERS. Survivors of tho PeiiDytvaui ucscives at Reading. Reading, Pa., Sept. 10. Some fifty survivors of tho Pennsylvania Re serves arc holding a re-union at Central park, in this city, to-day. An address of welcome was delivered by ex-Mayor Evans. Chill W. Haggard, of Monongahela, is tho orator of the day. Members of the Grand Army of tho Re public posts :irn also taking part in tho festivities. A banquet will tr.'.:e piaceat G o'clock. Two Men Drowned by a Boat CapnlzluK. Vineyard Haven, Mass., Sept. 10. A boat belonging to tho schooner William Slater, of Thomaston, Me., capsized at midnight latt night in this harbor, and Charles Killeu, the mato of Nantucket, and Jeremiah Haycock, colored, of Nassau N. P., were drowned. Ono seaman clung to tho boat until daylight and was picked up. The body of Maycock was found this morning. Killon leaves a wife anil two children. Klg Fire at Klmlra. Er.MiKA, N. Y., Sept. IC This morning at 3 o'clock tho immense boot and shoo factory of J. Richardson & Co., a lour fctory brick building, was destroyed by tho. Tho loss is estimated at $-500.000 : insurance, $150,000. Three hundred men are thrown out of employment. It was one of the finest brick structures in this city. Four firemen were seriously hurt by fall ing walls. Killed In a Railroad Wreik. Williasisfort, Sept. IC A fi eight train was wrecked on the Philadelphia & Erio railroad, between Watsontown and Dewart, this morning, by tho breaking of an axle. Fourteen cars wero wrecked. A son of Levi Zcrby, of Georgetown, was killed, and Zerby Senior and another man wero injured, the former seriously. Trams were obstructed for several hours. Heavy Loss by Fire. St. Louis, Sopt. 16. The loss on yes terday's lire at t lie Missouri car and foun dry works is now estimated at. $25,000, largely in machinery and lumber. The buildings, which covered a great deal of giound, were of wood, covered with cor rugated iron and wero not of great value. About 150,000 feet of lumber were burned. m Fire in Ashland. Ashland, Pa. Sept. 16. About 12 o'clock last night a dwelling house owned by Gideon Snyder was discovered to be in flames. The firemen responded promptly and soon succeeded in checking the flames. The fire was undoubtedly tho work of an incendiary. The loss is about $.100. No insurance. .expressions Upon the Late War. St. Petersburg, Sept. 16. Tlio Ga zette Des Petersburg says : To allow Eng land to settle the Egyptian question with out consulting the powers is not to bo thought of. The Hootoe Vremja considers that General Wolseloy has shown true generalship. Ross Challenge Accepted. Toronto. Sept. 16. The Globe this morning publishes Hanlan's acceptance of Ross' challenge to row for $2,500 and the championship of the world, within two weeks of signing the articles. Mew Postoflces. Washington, D. C, Sept. IC Among the new postofllces established to-day were the following : Dunkle, Jefferson county, Pa., Geo. W. Dunkle, postmaster ; Gua va, Columbia county. Pa., Andrew Lau bach, postmaster. Dr. FaseyDead. London, Sept. 166:45 p. m. Intelli gence has just been received of the death ofRey. Dr. E. B. Pusey. tAXS. The Americans and BrttM Agate Compete Tne British ' mur Cueedmoor, Sept. 16. Tha British and American team aro to-day shooting at 200 and 1,000 yards for the gold medals offer ed by two of tho leading mercantile firas of Now York. There is no competition between the teams, the markmen ask ing the highest score on each team being the recipients of the medal. Tho reserves on both sides aro also in eluded Each man hasten shots at 200 yard. Goodoar made 46, the best score on Britsu team. AH others in Britsh team with two exceptions scored over forty, Hinds and Atkinson, of American team each scored SO, the best on their team. The Americans aro shooting but seven shots to the Britisher's tan. which accounts for the difference in the scores. At 600 yards Caldwoll led tho score on the British side with 47, and McMovin, on tbo Amcricau side, with 33. THE OAK. A Regatta la Prospect at Saabnry. Scnbcry, Sept. 16. A grand regatta will tako place here on Sopt. 28, consisting of singlo shell, donblo shell and four oared shell races, for prizes averaging $100 each and the championship of the Susquehanna. The regatta will bo under the auspices of the Iola boat club of Snnbury. The course is a fine one, extending for over three miles. Tho river here is three quarters of a milo wide and averages twelve feet in depth. Up to the present timo there aro four entries for tho singlo shell race from Reading, Harrisburg, Ptttston and Snnbury : two entries for the double shell from Harrisburg and Sun- bury ; and two entries for the four-oared shell from Plymouth and Suubnry. Thero are a number of other clubs vet to bo heard fiota The 1'reitident New Yohk, Arthur rrmti'ii il i;ceivlii t Isitors. Sept. I:., t M - 1'iesident n Lex- cxb to . , : teuna, 'spaiiMiii;, col- H'm. H titer i'.'ri:r .:u to M. W. Astor and Jt.-.?o lector of tho poii. of Ciiiuax Ho was closeted with tho latter nearly two tiours. Tritln Telescoped nm! Cattle Killed. Cleveland, O., Sept. 10. A local freight train of tho Lako Shore ukA tele scoped a cattle train early this morning near Berla. A considerable number of cattle were killed aud still moio vtutiuded. several train hands wero st-vurtlv in jured. Yellow Fever la Fanattcola. Washington, Sept. 16. A teTearram has been received by the national lurrt of health from Pensacola, Fla.. dated Sep tember 15, 11 p. m., reporting nineteen cates of fever and two deaths during tho pluvious twenty-four hours. Congressional CoBtereen li.-itiotlng'. Philadelphia, Sopt. 16. Tho Repub lican conferees of Chester and Delaware counties, which compose tlio Sixth con gressional district, are now in session at the Bingham house, balloting for a candi date for Congress iu that district. WKAXIIEK IMJIVATtttMS. Washington, D..C, Sept. 16. For tho Middlo Atlantic! states fair weather, north to west winds." stationary or higher ha. rometer and temperature. JUAUKXTH. raw or Nrw tvox. Sent. Itf. Plonr Stnta nni Western dull aud slightly in bnyuiV favor; Southern dull and heavy. wneai i$c tower ami ncavy; tnido less active and mainly speculative ; No. 1 White, $1 WAQl H: do Dec SI ilXm 11; Sept. and sellers year. SI 034 bid, $1 06 aocetl. Corn &W beter and qnlet : intx;d west ern spot. TTigSOc ; do lulures, 5379c. Oats&c lower, subsequently recovered from decline ; No. -2 Oct., 3(i?39c : do Nov. MJiQlOjfcC ; Stato, 40330c ; W ostein. 3.va8c. rtillaitelpttta .nariri. PHiLALtii.t-HiA, Sept. IC Flour ilnll and weak : Snpcrflno, ii Tin'Stft; Extra. St 25 S 75 ; Penna.. Family, (4 STtfJft 15. Kyu Hour iit4Jl410. Wheiit firm but quiet; Del. and IU Iteil. $1 02gl (T ; l.onffberry ani Atn').:r, ; 10 1 12 ; MJectnl.KUSWc. Oats !ifft. ; hi;h gradetftwi!y : N. ! White, 51c; No. i(ti. Me; No. 3 do, -M.r lie; No. 1 Mixed. "Ic. liyeqni.-titt(i'T0cas tofii!.lit.v. Seeds Clover, VSiZr ; Timothy. UQ 2iM; Flaxmsi-d, $1 231 ;0: Provisions firm, with sood Jobbing ile m:tnd ; mess porlr, SKTS-riSO; beet ham-i. SIHill'J. Bacon smoked shoulder, lli3li;r: : salt do. WilftlOXc : smoked ham-, i:Wllu-;lpict-led do. littlt. Lard steady ; City Ketlltt. 13c ; loose butchera. 12c ; prime steam. $Ii:;7I2 50. Hotter firm tor fancy grad-.s. Etfjr steady ; Pemi'it, J7Mc ; Wustern. 2Sc Cheese ilnll. except chotco Krui!3. Petritleum Arm ; KeHueil, 7c Whisky at SI 22. (train and rrovmoa vrootttcions. Ouo o'clock qttotat!on ol grain and provlt lono, fiirnlMlicI by S. K. Yundt, llroior, 1M ifust Kliij; HtreeL ScpL 18. Ctateaco. Wheat Corn Oats Pork Lard Oct 0I4 J Jilfi 2ti5 1 1.1-5 Nov vi jx aii I'lfl.! n.r7K 'MUi .MX 1A75 1LTO Phtlailelpala. Spt.... .3 .Tii Ai Oct. 1.08JJ .73J4 .43 Nov l.!5 .70 .41 Stock Market. New York, Philadelphia and l..t-il Storks also United Statnx !loilx ilittly it .lAOon I!. lHt,2i North IJikihii Uw:. Sept. IC. 1h0 !W :t:ue. . a. p m. i-.m. Denver & Ulo Orando XHt. wyA twji N. Y..Lak Krio.. WsUmi.... 4.1 45 43 Kannns and Tcxm 40 44 W Lam Hiir II.V4 ik llfi New Jersey Central ... t HVi 0 New York, Ontario X W S8S tafti St. Paul, M. & Ouiahit :ci M .13'4 Paeillc Mall K ViY, Vi Itoch st.r Pitttdmrsli 2i(j rj; '2a Texan Pacific Wli & & Wabash. .. t.juh-il'uelfi.?... :w4 38 37 Witem Union Tel. 'JiJ J2 Wm Penn.tvlvnnla Central Mft e& is Phllalelphla& Itoultnt?. M SiyA :t Northern I'acltie Com M.'ji !.VH M " PmltirrtML. . MX ! ifi Buffalo Htta. AWest -t 22 22 ENTERTAINMENTS. -CHILTON OPKKA MOUlK. SATURDAY, SEPT. 16, 1882. T1IK PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK SUCCESS. The llomantlc Western Drama, by 1IAKBY MEREDITH, RANCH 10; Or, Annie, from M asaaohssotta. TOM MLLAM. The Twin Brothers. HAimY MEREDITH. PRICES AS USUAL. Reserved seats at Opera House office. s!2-5td TJCLTON OPEKA HOUSK. BNGAQEMKlfZ KXTBAoRDINARY. MoHtfay'arii.Tjwtetlaj Ereiilags, Sept. 18 .' jmkSi-, 1883. REM EMBER TWO NIGHTS ONIjY ! The first appearance in Lancaster or the the reigning sensation. In 6 Acts and 3 Tab leaux, entitled THE WORLD. With tlio eminent Actor, MB. J. Z. LITTLE, Andasapcrb Dramatic company In a cast ol characters under the management of GEO. O. MORRIS. This great p!ay will be presented witli New and Blegant Scenery. carried expressly lor this engagement. PRICES AS USUAL. Reserved seats now on sale at Opera noose office. scpl4-5td SHOOTING TOK