.LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, THUBSDAY, SEPTEMBEB 7, 1882. V of bridges over the gutters at the corner of Duke ami .Tames street. Referred to the street committee, with instructions to have tho work done. By Mr. llcmlcy : For a crossing at Col umbia avenue aud Carolino street, de ferred to the street committee, with in structions to have the work done. By Mr. Retnley : To have a gong placed at the residence of each of the engineers of the Are department. Referred to the tire committee. By Mr. Schectz : For the erection of street lamps on North Charlotte street, from James street to the Harrisburg turn pike. Referred to the lamp committee, with instructions to havo the work done. By Mr. Everts : For a bridge over tho gutter at Rockland and Low streets. Re ferred to the street committee, with in structions to have the work done. By Mr. Everts : For the passage of an ordinance requiring that all gasoline, coal oil and similar inflammable materials bo kept stored in brick buildings, and ouly in limited qualities. Tho Klro Committee's Keport Mr. Cos presented tho report of the fire committee, the principal feature of which was a it commendation for the appointment of a committee to confer with a committee of tho school board in reference to the purchase of tho Mulberry street school property for use as an engine house. It was stated that the Humane fire company wanted an unreasonably high rent for their building, and lequired also that the city purchase the property at the end of the year for $0,000. In accordanco with this recommendation Messrs. Al bright, Eabyand Cormeny were appoiuted a committee on the part of common coun cil. Select Council concurred and Messir. Wolf, Wise aud Evans were appointed in that body. More KeHolutloiiH. 0 Air. Cochran ouerea a resolution in structing the street committee to lay a crossing at James and Christian (streets. Referred to tho street committee, with in structions to have the work done. Mr. Hurst offered a resolution instruct in:; the clerks of councils to gather all or dinances passed since the printing of tho last city digest, aud enter them into a book, and that the clerks bo allowed a icasouable compensation for the work, aud that hereafter the cleiks enter all ordinances in said book. Mr. Cox thought it would be better to havo the ordinances printed for the con venience of members, but after some dis enssiou tho resolution passed in tho orig inal form. Select council concurred. Mr. Cochran ottered a resolution direct ing the (Ire committee to report to cotiu cils the costs of operating tho new lire department for the six months running, from Apt il 1 to October 1, including the cost of reorganization. Adopted. In se lect council laid on tho table. Dr. Davis stated that he had received his usual monthly contribution from Mr. ir'clilcich in tho shape of a communication several yards long, which was laid on the tablo without being read. A Hayes TrucK to be Itoiiglit. Bids for tho furnishing of a hook and ladder track with all the necessary appur tenances were read from tho following : From E. B. Creston & Co., Chicago, price $1,800, payable thirty days alter re ceipt; a seoond class truck similarly equip ped for $1,600. From the La Fiauco Are eiigiue coin pany, of Elmira, N. Y.. Hayes patent ex tension ladder, truck and tire cscapo with tho necessary cquipineut; price 2,700 and tho old tiuck. From Fred. J. Miller, New York, Still man truck and apparatus, for $1,300 cash ; will allow $125 for the old truck. Chairman Cox offered a resolution that tho tiro committee bo empowered to pur chase a Hayes truck, saying that he had been one ofa committee who witnessed tho operation of tho truck, and was very much pleased with its work;olher trucks he said had been thrown out of tho market by tho introduction of tho Hayes apparatus. Mr. Hurst hoped tho resolution wou:d pass, as ho thought tho city should pur chase the best truck that could bo pro cured, and that the matter ofa few hun dred dollars should not iuduco tho pur chase of an inferior apparatus. Mr. Cochran thought there were plenty of trucks of lower price that would answer all necessary purposes, and Mr. Smcych expressed similar views. There have been no tires in Lancaster where an ordiuaiy truck would uot fu Hill all the require ments. Mr. Cox urged that the resolution bo adopti.d and pointed out its mauy ad vantages. Mr. Kiddlo thought tho city was unable at this time to invest $2,700 for a truck, aud while ho had no doubt the Hayes machine was a very good tiling in its way there was not much likelihood that its eminent qualities would bo called into requisition iu this city, where the buildings are not so tall nor so closely built as iu larger cities. Mr. Power thought the Hayes truck was what wc wanted. A vote was taken on tho resolution, the jeas aud nays weie demanded by Mr. Cochrau,and the measure passed by a vote or 12 to 10, as follows : Yeas Messrs. Albright, Cox, Eaby, Hartley, Hurst, Moore, Power, Remley, Scbcct'., Solium, Trost, Davis, president io Nays Messrs. Buchanan, Cochran, Cor meny, Everts. Huber, Lichty, MsKillips, McLaughlin, Riddle, Sineych 10. In select council the" resolution was also adopted. New Ordinances. Mr. Everts introduced an ordiauce prohibiting tho storage of oil, gaso line and naphtha within the city limits in larger quantities than one barrel, except iu brick buildings, under penalty of $20 for each barrel. It was referred to a special committee consisting of Messrs. Hurst, Everts and Huber, who reported it back with an aflirmativo recommenda tion. Mr. Solium, on behalf of Mr. Goodman, offered a series of amendments to the or dinance reorganizing the tiro department, the salient features of which were provid ing for tho election of an assistant en. ciueer of tho dciKirtment, at a salary of $250 per auuura, who shall assist tho chief at all fires, and in case of the absence, sickness or death of tho chief ho shall as sume tho duties of chief ; the foremen and engineers of the several companies shall lodge in the engine houses, the former to rcceivo an annual salary of $200, and the latter $400 ; the drivers aud tillermau shall receive $360 per annum, aud the salaries of hosomen and laddermen, the number of whom is increased from four to five for each compauy, are raised to $120 per annum. It is also provided that at least two of the hoscmeu and lad dermen of each company shall lodge in the engine houses. Tho ordinance was referred to the tiro committtco. Prior to adjournment President Davis informed council that at the next meeting of the body be would be in the " land of tbe Dakotas," and consequently the mem bers would have to select ono from their number to temporarily fill the chair. In Town. R. G. Ball, the contracting agent of the Barnum-London show, is in town to day. He measured the Lancaster park grounds to-day and found it large enough for tho groat show to put up their immense can vas. This great attraction will ba here on October 12th, for certain. Shop Koboed or Tools. On Tuesday night a thief broke into the wagon-making shop of Elmer Lefovre, at Lampeter, and stole therefrom quite a quantity of tools. Suspicion rests against a certain person of unsavory character, and the police are after him. COLUMBIA NEWS. OUi: KKCULAK CORKKSl'ONOKMUK l.venlM Alone the KuMiuehaiina Items ' Interest In and Arouucl the lloroiigh l'lcked Up by Hie Intelli gencer's Keporter Ainericus Rogers narrowly escaped be ing killed yesterday by a tall from the cars. He escaped with a few bruises. Oleander Haidtimes, the colored dog catcher of the borough, slaughtered 21 dogs yesterday. One of them gave him a severe bite while being take to the place of execution. Olo gets a do!lar for every one he kills instead of 50 cents. An indignation meeting is soon to be held at some point in York county to pro test against tho delay caused to persons desiring to cross the bridge from Wrights ville to Columbia, both with cattle and in teams. Au Ancient Manual. Mr. C. F. Senft has a book relating to the organization and drill of the militia of Pennsylvania wheu it was in its infancy. The book bears the date of 1807, and is still in a good state of preservation. The movements of troops wero quite different in those days from what they are at tho present, according to this old authority. Two Very Foolish Youths. An attempt was made yesterday to cause a team to run away by two young men, who should have better sense. The team had been left standing unhitched on Locust street, while the owner went into Tilfo's grocery store. Ho made his ap pearauce only in time, as tho1 animal was in the act of starting. Out of considera tion to their families their names are withheld from publication. More Dwellings Needed. The subject demanding tho most atten tion here, at present, is where the increased population, which will be caused by tho opening of the stove works is to be housed. Very few new dwellings are being erected, and there is no prospect that any more are to bo built. Yet the employees of tho new works must have houses for them selves aud families What is to be done? Itorough l'eraonals. Mr. Charles Walton, of Newporl, R. I., is visiting friends on Walnut street. Miss Tracy Keene is visiting her sister, Thomas Ford, at Williamsport. Mr. Isaiah Sueath is homo on a visit. The gentleman is attending Mrs. brief Yalo college. Messrs. Samuel Groff, of Prospect, and J. R. McClosky, justices of tho peace in their respective boroughs, were iu town to day. Mr. Jacob Witmer's residence on Wal nut stieet was the scene of a social meet ing of the M. B. L. B. &. I. society last evening. Tbe ladies and gentlemen com posing tho organization wero present in force, ami a delightful evening was passed. Kxcurslon to Heading. On Sunday, September 10th, a grand excursion will bo ruu over the Reading 6 Columbia railroad to Reading. The faro from Columbia for t'-o round trip is only $1.35. The train will leave this placo at 7 a. m., and ariive at its destination at 0:15 a. m. Returning the train will leave Reading at 7 p. in. Excursions will be run to High's Grove, a pleasant resort near the city, on the steamboats " Ga zelle" and "Pearl." They will make trips every hour. As tho faro is so very low, many will doubtless take advantage of the excursion to see Reading. Several other pleasure rcsoits besides the above referred to are mentioned in the bills an nouncing tho excursion. NKUHIISOKHOOU NKWS. Kvonis Near iiiul Across the Comity Lines The now parlor cais of tho Philadelphia and Heading railroad company, now building, will bo supplied with compressed paper wheels with steel tires, at a cost of $100 per pair. A premium of $200 will be offered by the Dauphin County Agricultural society to bo contested for between the Harris burg aud Reading Actives on October 4lh, 5th and Gth, on tho society grouuds. Harrisburg schools employ 11-1 teachers, but 3 of whom ate regular graduates from college. The school board of Roadiug is peti tioned to establish a German-English school where the children of all classes of citizens may ho taught to speak and wiile German. The prisoners iu tho Reading jail made complaint that they were not furnished with sufficient food and that their soup was not of a good quality. But after an investigation by the prison inspectors, it was discovered tho prisoners complained out of spite and were in the habit of wast ing their food, of which they received sufficient quantity. The Berks county teachers' institute will commence October 24, and among tho lecturers will be Judge Tourgec. It has been resolved to celebrate the anniversary of the massacre of Paoli on Sept. 20th. Invitations to military or ganizations throughout the state arc being sent. Tho Harrisburg sanitary committee aro making strenuous efforts to effect thoiough cleanliness throughout that city. A Berks county farmer having placed his hat aud coat on a post in tho farm yard, along camo a 400 bull and made a dive at tho stranger. When the dust cleared away, there was seen a confused mass of coat, post aud a dead $100 bull. .STK.YMHJKG NEWS. Items of Interest In the ISorough. A grand festival, consisting of the most luscious fruit of the season and other at tractions, under the auspices of Strasburg Lodge, No. 1337, I. O. G. T., and will tako placo iu Massasoit hall, on Friday and Saturday cveuings, September 8th and 9th. Music will bo furnished for the occasion by Strasburg's favorite musi cians, Bros, Carter, Spelling and McKin ney. Tho Independent party is gradually growing larger, and the best men of the town are stepping into freedom's rank. Tho Strasburg merry nine held ono of their delightful gatherings iu Massasoit hall, on Tuesday evening. Tho affair was an entire success, just tho right number present and every body satisfied. Quite a number of Lancaster people were on hand. The only unpleasant feature of tho evenimr was the fact that some roughs took the cowardly method of ventiug their spleen upon Mr. John L. Groff. of this borough, by taking of breast strap from his horse which was tied in tho shed adjoining tho Washington hotel and cutting it into eighteen pieces, injuring it beyond repair. Suspicion points to one or two parties, and vigorous steps will immediately be taken fur their arrest and conviction. Tho hames of Mr. Denlinger suffered a similar fate though to a loss degree Court or Common 1'leas. BKFOKE JUDGE LIVINGSTON. In the case of John Girvin vs. Benjamin F. Musselmau in regard to a water right, the evidence closed this morning aud coun sel at once began speaking. The defense had not yet finished at noon and tho plaintiff followed this afternoon. BEFORE JUDGE PATTERSON. In the case of Reiner & Bro., vs. Sprccher & Son tho jury returned a verdict for plaintiffs lor $137.2s. E. D. North for plaintiffs, H. R. Fulton for de fendants. The case now on trial is that of Wm. B. Boyd aud Agues L. Boyd, his wife, for the use of Agnes L. Boyd vs. George Coulson, has been attached, but little evi dence has been offered. TUB DOCXOBS. Their Meeting yesterday. . Tho Lancaster county medical society met yesterday afternoon in Grand -Army hall, aud tho following members were present: Drs. Atlee, Albright, Carpen. ter, Coinpton, Blackwood, Foreman, Shirk, A. J. Herr, Mr. L. Davis, and Welchans, of Lancaster ; Brunner, Buck ius, Craig and Kay. of Columbia ; Brobst and J. H. Shenk, Lititz; Black and Weaver, Strasburg ; Alexander, Marietta ; Bryson, Marticville; Musser. Lampeter; Newpher, Mt. Joy ; Traberr, Reamstown ; Tieichlcr, Elizabethtown ; Hershey, Para dise ; D. II. Shenk, Rohrcrstown ; Miller, liird-iu-IIand ; Kreiter, ; Kline, Lincoln ; Rohrer, Quarry ville ; Mayer, Willow Street ; Kohler, New Holland ; Witmer, Geodville ; Hurst, Earlville, and Deaver, Buck. Dr. J. II. Musser, the president, occu pied the chair. Tho report of health fiom different paitsof the county showed the prevalence of malarial disease and diorrluea and dys entery. Dr. Miller reported several interesting cases of railroad injury. D. Musser reported several cases, in which post mortem examinations revealed rare lorms ol disease, i be doctor also read a paper on tho subject, " Dropsy of the Ammou." The subjects of discussion weie malaria and the summer diseases of children, and they were participated in by many of tho members. Dr. Miller read an interesting paper on tho subject. LAWN TENNIS AT II AKKISHURU. The Lancaster Boys Score a Victory. The match gamo of lawn tennis, played at Harrisburg yesterday afternoon between John Dickey and W. It. Briuton of the Lancaster tennis club, and Messrs. II. Mc Cormick and Joe. Lynch the champion Harrisburg players resulted in a victory for the Lancaster boys by a score of lour series to two. Tho first series, which was very good aud hotly contested, resulted in a victory for Lancaster ; score, G games to 3. Tho second series was won by Harrisburg by a score ol G to 1. The third series was one of fine playing on both sides aud resulted in favor of Lancaster ; score, G to 3. There were several beautiful and difficult plays at the net between McCormick and Dickey iu this scries. The fourth series was one of tho best'and hardest fought, heiuz won by L-iuctster ; score, 7 to 0. Iu this series thci e was sumo Hue swift base Hue volleying between Lynch and Brin ton. The iii'tli series was easily won by Lancaster ; score, G to 2. The last scries was stubbornly fought aud resulted in favor of Harrisburg ; score, G to 4. The tine serving of tho Harrisburg players was a leading feature of the game, but tho sure and steady playing of tbe Lancaster boys won them the victory. Mr. Charlton umpired tho gamo very well aud satisfactorily ; and the Lancaster boys were very kindly treated iu every way. This is the first defeat tho Harrisburg club has sustained since their visit to Philadelphia two years ago. ACCIDENT AT MECHANlCSHUKu. Two Men Precipitated Prom a. Knot and Seriously Injured. On Tuesday Luther Berg and James Connelly, painters, were at work ou a scaffold which was built against the cupola of John Bacr's tobacco houso at Mechauicsburg, Upper Leacock township, when tho scaffoldiug broke, and the men fell first to the roof of the tobacco house and thence to tho gi ound, a distance of twenty-live feet. Berg had one leg broken in three places, ono of tho fractures being below aud two above the knee. His check bono was also fractured, as were also two fingeisof his right hand, and ho sustained besides, serious internal injuries. Ho lies iu a very eiitieal condition. He is a son of Rev. Berg, of Mechanicsburg, is au in dustrious man and a good workmau. He has a wife and ono child. Couuell had no bones broken, but is suffering from inter nal injuries. Sale ot Itcal Kstate. Samuel Hess & Son, auctioneers, sold at public sale, September G, 1882, at Millers ville, Manor township, Lancaster county, Pa., for Jacob G. Peters and Henry S. Shirk, executors of Abraham Peter, de ceased, 13 acres of land to Capt. E. Mc Mcllcn for $1,000 and 2 acres to Geo. Hombcrger for $840 per acre. The whole amounting to $3,100. The hotel property was withdrawn at $4;7oO. B. F. Rowc, auctioneer, sold on Mon day at public sale, at his hotel in Lampe ter, for the executor of Isaac Houser, de ceased, a tract of land in West Lampeter township, containing 130 acres and 150 perches, with improvements, to Mrs. David Froclich (widow) for $137.10 per acre. Ou Tuesday tho same auctioneer sold a tract of land iu Strasburg township, con eaining GG acros.and 95 perches, with im provements, for tho executor of Jacob Lantz, deceased, to Samuel Shenk, of Pcquea township, for $211.50 per aero. Yesterday, for Lantz's executors. Mr. Rowe sold 11 acres of woodland, in Provi dence township, to Samuel Lantz for $82 per acre. College Kcupculug. The fall term of tho Franklin and Mar shall college began this morning with au encouraging number of accessions, tho freshman class comprising tweutv-six members and the old students having re turned in full force. Tho opening address was delivered in tho chapel building at ten o'clock by Prof. Stahr, and a full abstract of his very scholarly and interest ing production is printed ou our first page to-day. Tho customary announcements wero made by the several members of the faculty, and tho institution on " the hill," is launched on another year of effort with fair prospects that will no doubt return good results by the time commence ment tide has rolled around. fell Front a Mtop-ladder. Isaac Alexander, while engaged this morning in hanging tho shutter of an up stairs window at I lagers & Brothers, fell aud was seriously injured, and mado a narrow cscapo with his l'fo That he might reach tho upper hinge of tho shut ter, he stood upon a step-ladder placed insido tho window and reached out so far that the step-ladder slipped from under him, and ho leli with tho small ol his back across tho window sill. He then fell from the sill to the floor inside. Had ho fallen outsido ho would probably have been killed. Ho suffers a severe concussion of the spine aud sonic internal injuries. Ho was taken to his boarding hquso at Mrs. Connelly's in tho western part of the city. Dr. M. L. Herr attends him. The Last Ilay for Registering. Tho assessors of the several wards of the city together with tbe United States supervisors a full list of whom was pub lished in yesterday's Intelligencer, are sitting at the several polling places in this city correcting the registry of votes, and the names of those who have been omitted. Every Democratic voter should see that his name is on the list. Went Fishing. To-day a fishing party, consisting of John A. Suyder, Wm. A. Morton, Harry E. Carson, S. W. Raub, E. Lamparter, Georgo Berger, Dr. Aruer, T. C. Wiley, Aug. Zook ami Fred Ochy, went on their annual fishing excursion to Brackbill's mill, near Lampeter. Presbyterian. Services preparatory to tho communion will be held iu the lecture room of the Presbyterian church this and to-morrow evening at 7 J o'clock. THIS POOR DIRECTORS. Why do they Transact Basin la secret On Friday the Intelligencer printed an item stating that " it had leaked out " that tbe board of poor directors had re quested George Spurrier, superintendent of the county hospital, to resigu. The Examiner of yesterday states that the request was made ou the 2Gth of August, and that tbe board had contemplated making it several weeks previously ; that Mr. Spurrier was informed of their action and was given until September 2 to consider the matter ; and on that date he wrote the directors a note, stating that their action was a surprise to him, and asking them to furnish him with the reasons which led them to make tbe unexpected demand. 'The board took no further action at that time, nor are any of the members now prepared to say what their action will be," says the Examiner, adding that "all the facts now published were in our possession immediately after the action was taken, but we did not pio pose to give them to the public until the matter was settled." Now the Intelligencer does propose to give to tho public tho official action of public officers if such action is of public importance. Hence reporters have been scut to the meetings of the board of direc tors ot tbe poor when matters of import ance were to be considered ; but tbe board has transacted its business in secret session and furnished tho report ers only such information as they chose to make public when they adjoui ncd. Even tho Examiner could not get from members of the board their action rn the Spurrier case,but obtained it from a leaky friend of tbe office. We bold that these public officers, being mere representatives of the people, have no right to shut their doors against the people, when they are transacting business affecting the people's interests. What would be thought of the city councils, the school boards or other public bodies sitting with closed doors? Tho day of star chambers and boss rule is about ending. Held For a Hearing. Benjamin Charles and Jesse McComsey, two of the men charged with committing a brutal assault yesterday on Jacob C. Adams, have been arrested and held for a hearing before Alderman McConomy on Monday next. Since the above was in typa James Eichler,.the third of tbe alloged assailants has been arrested aud entered bail. Mr. Adams, meantime, lies in a very precarious condition. The tuast Bay. Democrats, remember that to day is tho last day upon which you can registered. Tho assessor of your ward or election distiict is sitting at tho usual placo of holding tho election. See whether your name is upon the list, and if it is not, have it placed there at once. To-morrow will bo too late. Uune to UutTilo. Mr. Walter J. Bausman, of this city, left for Buffalo, N. Y., this morning to accept a professorship in tho Buffalo con servatory, of music. Mr. Bausman is a highly educated musician, a refined and pleasant gentleman and will no doubt reap new honors iu his now home. A Mew Safe. Edw. Franks, agent of tbe Norris & Ireland safemakers, put in the offico of tho Reading railroad company, West King and Water streets, one of their safes of large size. Its weight is nearly four tons and it is handsomely finished. Mew Lancaster County Blrectory. The canvass lor Boyd's Lancaster County Directory is still in progress in this city. It is the desire ot the publishers that our citizens lie very care 1 11 1 in giving Information to agents, as they arc anxious to make it very accurate in cveuj' respect. Messrs. Thomas d'Bessonett, representing the advertising department of tho directory, will call upon our business men at an early day, and owing to th9 extensive circulation ol the new work throughout the county it presents unsurpassed advantages as nn advertising medium. StdTAS Amusements. To-Xifjhl'.i Shoiv. Sullivan and Madden, the famous pugilists, with their variety combina tion, under the management of II. J. Sargent, nrrived in this city at 2:10 this afternoon. They nppcarr il to a p.idced homo in Trenton last night, and report that their business has been immense all week. The press notices Iroin Newark, Paterson and Trenton are highly complimentary, tho sparring and wreMling being reported as very sktlllul, Sar gent's slight of hand tricks mystifying, and the singing of the American Four, Ucorgie Parker irhd Annie Hart excellent. 8MVMAH NOTICHH. ' II ackmktack," a lasting and fragrant per luine. l'rice 25 and 50 cenb. For saJe nt Coch ran's drug store. 137 North Queen street. "All the Ills that Flesh Is Heir to," Arising irom impurity ot tho blood, torpid llvr. Irregular bowels, disordered kidneys; elc, can be satcly and speedily cured by Bur dock 1 Hood' Bitters. Price $1. For sale at II. II. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. Lancaster. Physicians prescribe Colden's Liebig's Li quid lU-cf and Tonic Invigorator rorthe week, worn, and dyspeptic. Take no other. aSMwdeoihtw Shiloh'm Cougu and Consumption Care is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures consump tion. For salo at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen St. inyl-lwdeow&w IIat.b's Honey ot Horehound and Tar over powers the most troublesome cough. Pike's Toothache Drops curb in one minute. s3-lwdeodw " How tlo you manage," said a lady to her friend, " to appear so happy all the time ?" "I always have Parker's Ginger Tonic handy," was the reply, and thus keep myself aud family in good health and spirits. See adv. sl-lmdeodaoow A permanent restoration of exhausted and worn-out functions follow the use ot Brown's Iron Bitters. For salo at H. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. a281wdw It seems Impossible that a remedy mad of such common, simple plants as Hops, Buehu, Mandrake, Dandelion, Ac., should make so many and such great cures as Hop Bitters do ; but when old and young, rich and poor, pastor and doctor, lawyer and editor, all testify to having been cured by them, you must believe and try them yourself, and doubt no longer. sl-2wdAw Files and Bogs. Files, roach03, ants, bed-bugs, rats, mice, gephcra, chipmunks, cleared out by "Rough on Bats." 15c. A Cough, com or sore rnroat anouia oe stopped. Neglect frequently results In an In. curable Lung Disease or Consumption. Brown's bronchial Troches do not disorder toe stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly on the Inflamed parts, allaying irritation, give relief In Asthma. Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and the Throat Troubles which Singers and Public Speakers ore subject to. For thirty years Brown's Bronchial Troches have been recommended by physi cians, and always give perfect satisfaction. Having beun tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have at tained we)., aierited rank among the lew staple remedies of the age. Sold at 25 cents a box everywhere. . mv-lvdTThATAlvw Universal ApproDatlon By the community at largo has been given to Burdock Blood Bitters. No Instance is known where dissatisfaction has been manifested by their use, or where aught but benefit followed their administration. Price $1. For sate at H. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. Lancaster. Thk weak, worn, and dyspeptic should take Colden's Liebig's Liquid Beet and Tonic In vigorator. Askor Colden't, of diuggists. sMwdeodftw Words el Wisdom. No doctor will fall to Impress his patients "that the mouth and teeth should be healthy because It receives the food and prepares it for IU digestive work." Use SOZODONT, gratify your family physician, and enjoy lite comfortably. a29-lwdeodaw ItMSJkTH. Kktfux. In this city, en the 6th Inst., Katie M.. daughter of Frances and Catharine Kcp pel, aged 18 years, 7 months and 2 days. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend tbe funeral, from tho residence of her pirents. No. 4M St. Joseph street, on Friday morning at 9 o'clock. Mass at St. Joseph' church. Inter ment at St. Joseph's cemetery. S62td XHW AUrMHTlHKMENT8. AMltl. LINE or LOKILLAKD'8 Chewing Tobaccos. Kebeccaonly 10 eta. per plug t HARTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIUAt: STOKE. 21 NORTH QUEEN STREET. WANTKU A REL1ABIE G1KL FOR general housework and cooking. In quire at Locher's drug store. st-tfd WUK 8ALK.-S1X.YEAB-OLU MAKK. V Apply at 101 MIDDLE STREET. 0 NKS. UANfeS. A JTULL LINK FKOM J 5 cents up ut HAUTUAN'3 YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. DKNTALNUTIUK.-tlAVINOKKTUttKKU from Europe, I am now prepared to re ceive patients. THOS. K. PIXTON. I). 1. S., sldtd Altw 33 East King Street. JOMBU MAUEK KRAUT LUNCH AND Cnnard's Philadelphia Lager Beer THIS EVENING at ExccNior Hotel. JOHN SLIIOENBEUUERASON. It Proprietors. WANTKU A .WOMAN TO WAIT N A lady in bad health, and to assist in light duties. Pleasant home. Salary, $3.00 per week. Reference given and required. Ad dress, 1 E. GILL. 87-ttd No. 1,221 Arch St., Philadelphia. CONCERT. A I' T1IK KEUUEST OF Many ot my customers 1 have secured the services ot the Ironvllle band tor a grand concert at my garden this THURSDAY EVEN ING. Come and hear this well known organi zation as it will be their last appearance this season. Best of cool lager beer on tap. W. E. Worrell Conductor, ltd JOHN HESS. PROPOSALS FOR THE IJEL1VEKY OF Kilty Tons of best-Hard Stanton or other equally good furnace coal, egg size, pet in cellar ot Home for Friendless Children, will be received up 10 THURSDAY, SEPT. 7. at 7 p.m. Seal and address. Dr. John L. Atlee. br.. President. CUAS. M. HOWELL, st 3td Secretary. PUBLIC SALE OF and Mutes. Will WESTERN HORSES be sold at nubile sale on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 0th, 1832, at Stewart's Slock Yards, in Lancaster, Pa., one ear load ot Splendid Driving and Work Horses and Males. Among thein are Hue driving Horses and good steppers. Sale to commoncn at 1 o'clock p. 111. s5-4td JOHN B. MYERS. IO. O. F. MONTERr.Y. LOUUe, NO. S42, accompanied by the Iron ville Band, will ran a special excursion to Reading, on THUBS: DAY, SEPTEMBER 14. to participate in the Grand State Parade of the Order. AU Lodges, members ot the Order, and friends are cordi ally Invited to accompany the excursion. Fare for tbe round trip. $1.40 : children under 12, half price. Tickets tor sate by E.J. Eris man, A. Oblender, C. w. Metzgar. Henry Wolf, and Flinn A Willson. E. J. ER1SMAN, s2-tfd Chairman ol Committee. VTOTICK OF DISSOLUTION OF l'AKT- J.1 nership. The co-partnership heretofore oxisting between Jacob Harnlsh and Michael S. Harnlsh ot the City of Lancaster, in the dry goods trade, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be con tinued at the old stand by Jacob Harnlsh, to whom all claims against tho firm ot Harnlsh A Co. will 1 r presented for payment, and all persons indebted to said firm will make pay ment to him, as he is uloim authorized to col lect the same. JACOB II AUN1SU, MICHAEL 1IAKN1S1I. Lancasteu, Sept. I, 18S2. septl-tfd GENUINE YARA CIGAKn. A FINK arriclo, only 5 rents at HARTMAN' YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STORE. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT Locher A Son's Banking House up to 3p.m . SEPT EM B Kit 8, 188J, to collect all unpaid city tax of each ot the nine wards of the city, as per ordinance. ROBERT A. E VAN'S, S2-SAW Chairman Finance Committee. PUBLIC SALE. ON SATURDAY. SEPT. 23, 182, at the Keystone hotel, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., a double one-story frame house, suitable tor two families, situate at Nos. .VS and 510 North Mulberry street, Lancaster, Pa., as property ot LBVEN ROTE, Administrator of Estate of Mary Burnett, de ceased. 82,G,U,13,lG,20A23d PUBLIC SALE WILL BE SOLD AT PUB LIC sale at No. 701 Soutli Queen street.on FRIDAY AFTERNOON at 2 o'clock, a lot of Household and Kitchen Furniture, carpets, queensware, tables, chains Ac. JACOB GUNttAKER. 2td Auc-lloneor. ASSIGNED KSl'ATK OK -GEORGE MEN . gteand wife, of Manhclm borough, Lan cascastcr county. Pa. Tho undersigned uudi tor, appointed to distribute the balance re maining in the hands ot John W. Lowell, as signee ot George Meuglcand wife, of Manhclm borough, Lancaster county. Pa., to anil among those legally entitled 'to tho same, will sit lor that puniosa ou THURSDAY, OCTOBEIt 3, 1882. at 10 o'clock a. m., in the Library Room ot the Court House In the City of Lancaster, where all persons Interested in said distribu tion may at tend. SAMUEL M. SENF.R, Auditor. sG-ltdoaw -49 East Grant St., Lancaster. rllltl.IC SALE. BY .VIRTUE OF AN order ot the Orphans Court ot Lancaster county the undersigned will sell on SATUR DAY. OCTOKEU 7, 1882, at tho Exchange hotel, that valuable Lot and Store Biiildinu on the north sideot East King street, between Duke street and Centre sq 11 -ire, late the estate of Mrs. Catharine Peifer, uee'd. number !, ami known as Locher's drug store, formerly James Smith's, adjoining lauc Diller's liurdware store on the west and the First National I ank on the east The lot contains in tiont about I'.i feetand extends in depth to an alley about 140 feel. The Improvements consist of a Three story Building, which can be used as a Store and Dwelling House on the front, and a Two story Itrick Warehouse on the rear of the lot. Sate to begin at 7 p. 111., when terms will be made known by SAMUEL it. REYNOLDS, GEORGE NAUMAN, Trustees to sell. Hesikv SHuntUT, Auctioneer. sepff r.tdoawWR DON'T rOKGET THE GENUINE OLD Stock Connecticut Cigars. 11 for 25 ets. at riAUTMAN'S YELLOW FRONT CIGAR STuRE. f ORGANIZED 1810. The Old American Fire Insurance Com pany of Phiiadephia. ASSETS : One Million, Six Hundred and Thirty-threo Thousand Five Hundred and Eighty four Dollars and Eighty eight cents. All Invested In Safe and Solid Securities Couipany Conservatively Managed. 4SrFor insurance apply to RIFE & KAUFFMAN, 19 EAST KING STREET. lu3 5mdTuThS HSTKRTAIS3I.ESTS. "PULTON OPERA HOUSE.; Thursday Evening, Sept. 7th. Messrs. Haktmvkr St Dailxy havo the honor ot presenting to the citlsens of Lancaster. MR. J. L. SULLIVAN, The Champion Pugilist of the World, and ids Trainer and Backer, MB. WM. MADDEN, Who will give a Grand Sparring Exhlbtlon It. lull ring costume, together with EDWIN B1BBY, the Champion Wrestler or America. W. A. HOEFELR, Champion Club Swinger and Wrestler. The Great American Four I'ETTENGlLL, GALE. DAILY and HOEY. MISS GEORGIE PARKERand MliiS ANNIE HART, Serio Comics. BOB FARREL, Champion Light-Weight Boxer. PETE M'COY, Champion Middle-Weight Boxer and a complete Vandevlile company, under the management of Mr. H. J . S akokht. ADMISSION..... ....... . 60 CENTS. GALLJltRx.. ....... ................. 35 RESERVED SEATS 75 " The sale of Reserved Seats will begin at 3 o'clock Tuesday morning, at the Opera House Office. s'jntd THIRD ELITIOff. THURSDAY EVENING. 8EPT, 7, 1882. THE ALMSHOUSE THEFTS TWO Or TBKOLD UUAKDIANd ItKSION. Storekeeper Brownout on Ball, Rut House keeper Adams Still la Uaraace Vile. Bills for Goods Not Keoelved. Philadelphia, Sept. 7. Pete Lane, jr., and Charles Spooring, old members of the board of guardians, have resigned. John 6. Suyder superintendent of the almshouse manufacturing department, was to-day examined by District Attorney Graham, and testified specifically that goods were marked as received at tho house and bills given, when in fact no such goods were received. Philadelphia, Sept. 7. James P. Brown, tho ex-storekeeper of the alms house, who was arrested last night, was released on bail this morning. Mrs. Adams, the housekeeper of the fugitive ex-superintendent, is still held by the po lice, hut had her bail reduced to $3,000 to day. AFFAIRS IN EOTPT. Estimate or Arabl'a Force A Murderer Hanged. Alkxandek, Sept. 7. An Arab was caught at Rarnleh this morning attempt ing to spike, a gun. London, Sept. 7. A correspondent of the Ne us at Alexandria has obtained from reliable source, the following statement ot Arabi's army. Infantry 44,600, cavalry 18,000, guns 143 'rocket tubes 18, Bedouius 30,500. Alexandria, Sept. 7 Tho murderer of the Englishmen Dobson and Richard son, was hanged at seven o'clock this morning by the native police He was conducted from the prison through the town escorted by detachments of English troops who formed a square round the gallows. The condemned man walked in a deflant manner. Europeans witnessed tho execution, but very few natives wero present. When .the troops withdrew, how ever, the Arabs came out iu large num bers. The Result of Skirmish. London, Sept. 7. Tho correspondent of the Daily News at Kassasin says tho Egyp tian loss in the outpost affair yesterday, was heavy, considering tho brief duration of tho skirmish. I counted six corpses close together. This was by far the most determined demonstration made by the enemy since the battle of Kassasin, and indicates the near approach'of the decisive conllict. All our cavalry, with Generals Lowe and Wilkinson, aro now here. London, Sept. 7. A dispatch from Paris to the Times says : A rumor that England, with the assent of Russia, has signed a secret treaty with Turkey rela tive to the ultimato organization of Egypt gains ground. A HUMOR DENIED. The Reported Indian Outbreak Said to Be 11 Canard. Wasihnoton, Sept. 7. Up to 1 o'clock this afternoon no iuformation had been re ceived at the interior department relative to the reported outbreak and departure of the Cheyenne Indians from the Indiau Territory. Department officials generally are disposed to discredit tho report, be lieving that had tho Chey.ounes left the reservation on the 4th, just as indicated in tho Press dispatches yesterday, tho agent there would have advised the department of tho fact.The commissioner of Indian affairs however, has telegraphed Agent Myers, at the Cheyenne agency, inquiriuc as to the truth or falsity of tho report. No advices havo as yet been received at tbe depart ment relative to the reported trouble in Montana, and a dispatch has also been sent to the agent to ascertain the condition of affairs on the Piogon reservation. CUBAN FUGITIVES CAUGHT. Three Cuban Leaders Captured by tlio British Police und Turned Over to tbe Span ish Authorities. London, Sept. 7 Tho Paris correspond ent of tbe Times has received a communi cation stating that Rodri Ques, Costillo and Jose Mace, three Cuban leaders, lately succeeded in escaping; from prison at Cadiz, and took refuse at Tangier. Thenco they proceeded to Gibraltar with tho view of goiug to America. The British police, however, notwithstanding their protesta tions, handed them over to the Spanisli authorities. Two of them wero returned to their prison at Cadiz, but Macco was sent to tho galleys at Centa. His friends are greatly alarmed concerning his fate. CREEMtACK LAKDR CONVENTION. On I lie NvfMilly .of Controlling Corporate l'owera. Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 7. At the Green back Labor state convention here yester day, about 50 delegates only were present. Colonel Paine, the chairman, mado au ad dress on the necessity of controlling cor porate power. After some discussion, it was resolved to meet in joint state con vention on the 27th inst., at Hesting's with tho Farmers Alliance and the auti monopoly orgauization, where a state ticket will be nominated! Dakota Republicans. Minneapolis, Minn., Sept. 7. At the Dakota Republican Congressional conven tion at Grand Forks yesterday, W. F. Ball, a farmer, was chosen temporary chairman, and a committee on credentials was appointed. The convention the ad journed until 1:30 o'clock, and on re assembling again adjourned until 8 o'clock when the committee not being ready to report, tho convention adjourned until to-day. Scranton Gels the Luzerne Conferees. Wii.kesbarrb, Sept. 7. Tho Luzerne county portion of theTwclfth congressional district met here to-day. The conferees elected to meet, tho Lackawanna conferees were Charles U. Foster of West Pittston, John C. Smith of Plymouth, L. D. Shoe maker of Wilkesbarre and Isaac W. Wil liams of Nanticokc. They were instructed to vote for tho renomination of Joseph A. Scranton for Congress. A Verdict of Accidental Death. Limerick, Sept. 7. The jury in the case of the two men killed by the fall of tho parapet of a house adjoining the office of Mr. Clifford Lloyd, have returned a verdict of accidental death . There was no evidence to show that any attempt had been mado to blow up, or otherwise injure the building occupied by Mr. Lloyd. The Yellow Fever Report. Washington, D. C, Sept. 7. Yellow fever report at Brownsville, Tex. : Forty nine new cases ana two deaths in the last 24 hours ; also two new cases 15 miles np the river. Pensacola, Fla. : One deatb, no new cases, seems to be dying out. Iu all there have been 21 cases, eight oi whom have died. Six eases are still under treatment. A Case ot Hydrophobia. Readino, Pa., Sept. 7 Mrs. Elizabeth Guekert, living three miles from here was bitten in the arm by a dog ten week.' ago. The wound healed, but yesterday morning she eame to this city on busines. when she became mad and her death it momentarily looked for. m Brewster Still Spe.klDg. Washington, Sept. 7. Attorney Gen oral Brewster continues his argument be fore tbe jury in the Star Route case to-dajr.. WEATHEK INDICATIONS. Washington, Sept. 7. For the Middle Atlantic states, slightly warmer, fair weather, easterly shifting to southeily winds, stationary or lower barometer. Attempt to Rob a Jewelry Store. Shenandoah, Pa., Sept 7. At attempt was made early this morning to break into the jewelry store of C. Haldernan & Oscar Yost. The large plate glass iu front of Hallerman's was broken into fragments, while the wholo frame of Yost's window was removed. It is not known how much was stolen. Judge Wyllo Warns tae Star Route Jury. Washington, Sept. 7, After the Star Route jury were dismissed for tho day, Judge Wylie said he had heard that mem bers of tho iurv had been annroached in a most disgraceful way in attempts to in- tlueuee their verdict. He warned tlur jury to spurn such men. After the trial, perhaps, an Investigation will follow. rrobabiy ratal Urlvlrfls Accident. Allentown, Sept. 7. A team ran away' at Trexlertown last night, by which Henry Hansman had both legs broken, and Johu Keiserhad one leg. two ribs and bis shoul- der-blade fractured. Reiser's injuries are-' likely to prove fatal. A Caaadlaa Blase. Belleville, Ont., Sept. 7. An incen diary tire this morning destroyed Dr. Wilson's house, Messrs. Lake and Jenkirs livery stables, with several horses and a quantity of wood and lumber, stored in Maxan's wood yard adjoining. The loss is $10,000 ; small insurance. Death of a Leading Independent. Chester, Pa., Sept. 7. Townsend Speakman, a well-known citizen of Dela ware county, an advocate of reform iu po litical aud civil matters, and a leading In. dependent, died suddenly at his homo in Concord township yesterday, aged 57 years. Church Ilurned. North Easton, Mass., Sept. 7. Or thodox church at Easton Centre, burned last night. Loss, $6,0(10 ; probably incen diary. The bouse and tho outbuildings of J. W. T. Terry, adjoining, was also burn ed. Loss, $10,000. A Good Boat Race la Prospect. Alexandria Bay, N. Y.,'Sept. 7 Ar rangements have just been consummated here for a three mile race next week be tween Courtney, Riley, Tcneyck and Elliott, for a parse of $10,000. Fatally Crashed Dy tbe Cars. SnAMOKiN, Pa., Sept. 7. Richard Soi mons, a young man employed at Cameron colliery, while at work in tho mines yes terday was caught between a car and prop and terribly" crushed. Ho died last night. Antl-Fusloa Victory. San Francisco, Sept. 7. Tho admission of the regular delegation from San Fran cisco by tho Greenback convention yester day is regarded as a victory of tbe auti fusionists. Trying to Kvade f ayment. Chicago, Sept. 7. A dozen suits have been instituted here by "shorts" in July wheat, for the purpose of evading pay ment. New PostotHce. Washington, D. C, Sept. 7. Among the now postoffiees established to-day was at Pigeon, Forrest county. Pa., with Wil liam H. Trost as postmaster. Mite Fair Association. PiTTsnuRuii, Pa. Sept. 7. Tho Penn sylvania state fair association opened with appropriate ceremonies at noon to day. The President at Naatneket. Woods Hull, Blass., Sept. 7. Presi dent Arthur left here this morning for Nantucket. MjtMH.t.rr.. Mew sura slaraet. Nkw roiut, Scot. 7. Flour State A Western Minnesota extra firm ;ull others dull and declining; southern quiet and Immw sides. Wheat lkl-.Jic lower, heavy and unsettled : trailo lnodenttooii speculative account ; N". I While. $1 1 ; No.2 Kelt, Sep;., 1 o7'il l'S;.; do Oct.. il ltm 10; ilnNiir.,11 H..'jfi)l II'.'.: do Dee., $1 li'I lifcj ; tlo year, l (7'il osy. ; do . lan.. 1 i:y40 1 IL Corn Jifjjlc lower and t.ililv active ; Micd Western Sfot, S0&87e ; 1I0 future. ;!. IhitH ifiy.fe lower : No. -2 Oct., 4l,tt)lie: do Nov., slll-c; Statu, l.'slc ; Wetiern. :U IMC tram and t'rovtsion yuoiiiMin. Ono o'clock notations ol grain and provi-. loiin. litriiislied by H. K. Vundt, Broker, 1.1 Kmt l.'lugstrent. sept. 1. Clitrnsjo. Corn Oats Pork l.tti.l .m 31 2l.-I4 II t.V4 Ji V,i I!I7'4 ll.l5 'V H ..... .... PhlliulllphlM. 'i '2 WI'PHt Oct SB I W'.i Nov..... Voiir.... Sept.... Oct Nov rtiilartelpnia Maraeu I'liii.miSLi'HiA, Sept. 7. Klour dull, ex cept choice old wheats ; Superfine, il T-'x-'f W : Extra. J $?.! 75 ; fen mi.. Fani-ly, 5 0ar 25. live flour tlrmerat 75g4. Wheat dull and easier : No. 2 Wesleru Ked, $IOJ:Del. und 1'a ited, SI 4j 1 10; do Am ber, ft -.! 15. Corn dull and easier ; steamer. We ; yellow at 85 &Uc ; do mixed at HtrtHKc ; No. 3 Ut 83c. OaU quiet und easier; No. 1 White at 314932c; No. 2 do, 4'Jc; No. 3 do, l'c; No. 2 Mixed, 39340c. Kyednll nt727-'-o Seeds-Timothy, 2 2332 .".'); l'laxsccil, SI 35' l'rovl.-dons steady, with fair Jobbing di mund. I Aid steady. l.uttcr Fancy firm and wanted; oll.er grades dull. Kks scarce and firm. Cheese Choice steady ; low id-j wcalr. 1'etrolenrn guiet; ItcUncd, -. Whisky at $1 S3. moCR nsian.. New York, l'hlladfliiita and Ijocal HlncB also United States IIo-lIh rvp'nted daily ' -jAonn IS. JH,'l Norlii gnoen stro:l. Sept. 7. 10XO I.1W W. a.m. r. m. r.M. 58K 5S to VfiZ 40 XX ) ni'4 ti2 nnii 78K 78 vym 2 '&, MYa IBi ax X 45 i:,n 2554 25VC 'ili 5o4 5i4 5t :r7j a? -jr.! 'MM, 'M a s'4 3134 ';-i w. m. 5i si 21 2ia -!,- Denver St Rio Oraniio..". N. V.. Lake Erie St Western.... Kansas and Texas Now Jersey Cenrr-J- New York. Ontario .t W St. Paul, M. St Oinaha facitic Mall Rochester A Pittsburgh Texas Pacific...... ....... ....... Wabash. - Juls St Pacific.... Western Union Tel. Co -ennsvlvan la Central Philadelphia Reading. N'orlliorn PacincCom Preferred.... Buffalo Pitts. Jk West Live Stock Market. Cuicaoo. Hops Receipts. 1.409 head; ship ments, 3,2m head ; weak and lower. eiCfpt tor choicest ; general demand light ; common to good mixed, 17 5088 45 ; heavy packing, 8 &.&) 30 ; I)ght,7 70 00 : skips. 5075. A large number ot interior rough and grass hogs were left. Cattle Receipts. 7.000 bead : shipments, 2,000 head ; market generally Slow and weaker ; one car ot 1,500-A exportcattle sold at $7 50; good to choice shipping, $6 00075; common to fair, 94Q6 : mixed butchers' stow and 10c lower at t 4034 ; Blockers and-feeders very dull at $34 ; range slow and weak ; Texan-, caroe; canners. 93 7544; balf-breecU and Americans, $1 5035 30. Sheep Receipts, 700 head ; shipments, 40) ; narkct strongand active at an advance of iu 1 5c ; common to fair, $303 50 ; medium to u'ood,J 755J4 25; choice. S 4034 87$; qu.illty ,oor ; local butchers chiel buyers. East Libertt Cattle Receipts, 459 head ; n.iTkt slow ; prime, SIS 75(27; good, 43 507e; common, tigs. .y.trra , idiots. 1.000 head ; market steady ; Pclladelphias, twauso; ISaltlmore,8 notf 8 m : Yorkers, n 7568 50. Sheep Receipts, 1,200 head; market fair; nTtTSl' 4 750500: Rood. M2304 50; common. 3010