Iff Jirt?Ji &t KaiflHtefftirtaJ Ja3i Ik fjiiih':- 3I:iilIiJir ,o;ii:iciva yacsutas Volume XIXNo 2 LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1S82. latiftjtefc A. ' V9 V DUWK1U HUB8T. BESTINDUOBMENTft . BEST INDUCEMENTS, BEST INDUCEMENTS, IN ALL-WL BLACK CASHMERES EVER OFFERED IN THIS CITY. We have just Opened an TjtjriSNSE STOCK and Lave Marked them Very Low. BLACK SILKS, BLACK EHADAMES, OFFERS VERY LOW. OFFERING VERY LOW, Ladies' Cloth Suitings, Plushes, Silk Yelvets. VELVETEENS IN ALL THE NEW SHADES. Elegan Lino of NEW DRESS BUTTONS Just Opened aud Maiked Down Very Low. BOEE8 &HUEST. 129 and 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET. - - - - LANCASTER, PA. rOHN S. UIVI.KK & CO'S OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT! We are daily adding something new to our Large Stock of Carpets and Oil Cloths, and will continue to do so throughout the Season. THE AURORA CARPET SWEEPER, For which we are Sole Agents for Lancaster County, is the Best in the World. tjCSrCall and see it. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. JNO. S. GIVLEB. M VKKS Si KATHKON. In tho manufacture of READY-MADE CLOTHING we observe tlireo point : 1. The Selection of Stylish aud Serviceable Material with tho Best Wearing Qualities. 2. The Selection of Good, Strong and Serviceable Trimmings, Pockets, Linings, etc. 'A. First-class Workmanship, Good, Strong Thread and Careful Sewing. la our CLOTHING you will find no inachino-mado button holes, but good, strong, legnlar hanil.mruie buttonholes. Our Cutters aro the most skilled. Our Patterns are tho best. MYERS & RATHFON, no. 12 east king street. IHtY H AtlRK Sc HROTMKK'8 CAKI. A CARD. Lancaster, July 28, 1882. In anticipation of changes to bo made in our Clothing Department (arrangements for which are now going on) we desire to reduce our stock to tho minimum, and offer Spring and Summer wears at tho Lowest Figures. Light Weight goods of all kiuds for both men and boys to bo closed out ; Linen and Mohair Dusters ; English Seer sucker Suit ; White Marseilles and Duck Vests ; Creole Check and Alpacca Coats ; Liucn and Cottonade Panta loons ; Cassimere Suits, made skeleton ; Blue Flannel Suits and full lines of Summer-Weight Cloths, Cassimeres, Serges, &a, &e. Yours, respectfully, HAGER & BROTHER, No. 25 West King Street. house ruttxisMtm uoods. F LINN & WII.IAON. HOUSEFURNISHING ! STOVES, HEATERS ami RANGES for Office?, Hotels, Residences and Fnblic Buildings. STEAM, PLUMBING AND GAS-FITTING. NOW 18 THE TIME TO MAKE ALTERATIONS Ott WINTER. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. SLATE MANTELS. CHANDELIERS IN GREAT VARIETY AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. FLINN & WILLSON. LANCASTER, PA. (siun or tii k two im; dous.i VLUMBEH'N -HTUOI.KSAI.B UF.rOT FOR Water Closets and Bath Tnbs, Iron and Wooden Hydrants, Plumbers" Earthenware, Gas and Steam Fitters9 Supplies, Gas Fixtures at Reduced Prices, Plumbers' Supplies, Tinners' Supplies. SLATE ROOFING. SLATE ROOFING. Nos.ll, 13 As 16 BAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. JOHN L. ARNOLD. XUIWAMX,C. TtEUOVBD. PLUMBING, GAB-FITTING, tc, JOHN P. SCHAUM, Has Removed to No. 24 South Queen Street. Plumbing r.Mtting DOIfB OKLT BT SKILLFUL AND CAREFUL WORKMEN. LARGE STOCK Of . GAS FIXTURES ON HAND. Jan38-lydS Sl-UOIKS, STOOIKS. PITTS tlUltGH 8TO cles. ll.rK ier liunared at . 'UAUfMANy YELLOW FRONT CIGAB .STOttE. jzr GOODS, Sre. Vl.OTMNtl. Well-JVIacLe Grarments. goods, SU 1'1'l.liCH. BTOVKB. TNUKKA8K XOUB CAPITAL. WHEAT STOCKS, $L0, $20, $50, $100. Those desiring to make money on small and medium Investments In grain, provisions and stock speculations, can no so by operating on our plan. From May 1, 18S1, to the present date, on investments or $1,100 to $1,000 cash profits have been realized and paid to invest ors amounting to several times tho original investment, still leaving the original invest ment making money or payable on demand. Explanatory circulars and statements ot lund W sent tree. Wo want responslblcjigents who -will report tho crops and introduft tlio plan. Address, FLEMMLNGr & MERRIAM, Commission Merchants, Major Block, Chi caito. 111. lua-lyd RH KUM ATlSM t KBEUM A.TISM ! I Dr. Brnbakerbasnot failod In a single case to relieve or euro Bhcumatlsm and all patniul and nervous diseases. Ofllce: No. 217 WEST KING STREET, a29 lmd&w Lancaster, Fa. GEO. P. RATHVOJK. CLOTH1NU. OPKINO AN1I St) MM Kit NOVK1.THCS. AT- H. GERHART'S ring l NO. 6 EAST KING STREET. 1 horcby In Tor in mv customers tlmt my block of SPRING and SUMMER SUITING, SPRING OVERCOATING & FANCY VESTING Is. now complete. 1 have now the largestnnd choicest Assortment of WOOLENS. For Kino Tailoring in the city ot I .nn raster. THICKS AS LOW AS TIIK LOWEST, ami all goods warranted as represented. I. GEKHART. w riLMAMsllN KTKK. Tin most difllrult nrticln in dent's Appaicl to tit and leel cointortiilile in is a WHITE DRESS SHIRT. Thero nn a t;ieat many dilFcrrnl makes ot WII1TK blUUTs in llio maiket. but thcro me so few tliat will give the satisfaction required, tto have not found anyone of the many dii fcrcnt kinds lluit will so fully meet nil the re quirements ot u W1IITK DUKKS SIIIKT a-, theC'elcbnited "EIGHMIE." It Is umurjiassed by any other lor perfect fit, durabilUu and neatness, it U made ot the llrst Uitalitv ot WAMSUTTA MUSLIN, open back, made sufficiently full across tho shoulders to allow n lull use of urms with'out any uncom- lonauiu jueiuig. xim iuivg an ctn 10 ut firmly witiiout strain. Tho BOSOM U made Linen 2100 fine, with a butcher linen back. It is cut In such form that it will not wrinkle or creaseVith wear, no mutter in what position tho body is moving or reclining. It willl.cep clean longer nnd is easier to laundry than any other. ST"We guarantee a perfect fitnmlnny length ot sleeve you wish, and the Price is Just $1.00. Wo have a new line ot 8 ATCIIBLS, TU AVE LINO BAGS & TRUNKS : also CMLDRKN'S, BOYS' YOUTHS and MKN'SCLOTHING. with UATS and CAPS of the Finest Quality and NEWEST STYLES at tho LOWEST rnicEs. WILLIAMSON AND- FOSTER. 34, 36 and 38 East King St., LANCASTER. TA. -lENTLEMKJi. We call yonr attention to an Important dis covery in our practice which wo Have found very successful in cases ot prostration arising from indiscretion. Those sntfering from any of the numerous forms ot Debility arising from abuse or other causes, will do well by sending a thrcecent stamp for further infor mation. Address, DBS. LA GRANGE ft JOB DAN (late Jordan ft Davidson), No. 1025 Fil bert street, Philadelphia. Pa. Hours tor con sultation : 10 a. m. tUl 2 p.m., and 5 till 8 p. m. inar25-3meod THE EEF0RMED CHURCH. ITS OKIOIN, UUCTBINK AND UULTCS A i rizB Tract Setting Forth the History ot Hie Denomination In this Country, by Wm. Nevln Apple. Some time ago the Reformed church publication board offered a premium for tbo best tract in the Reformed church in tho United States, and appointed Rov.s. J. II. Shumaker, D. D., J. A. Peters, J. S. Stahr, J. G. Pittcliey, Messrs. C. Gaht, Charles Denuc- and J. li. Roth a committee to examine and pass upon the papers submitted in competition. The fiibt prize was won by Mr. William Ncvin Apple, of this city, sou of Rev Titos. O. Apple, D. D., picsidcuC of the Franklin aud Marshall college, of this city. His paper has just been issued iu a neat pamphlet by tho" publication board, aud we iepi hit below tho article entire. It will bo found inteiestiu and instructive, aliko to the members of the denomination aud thoso outside of it, going back as it does to the historical origin of the church, and tiaciug in succtut uarrativo its organi zation iu this- country ; togathcr with a conoiso statement of its doctrinal position and cult us. Tho "Reformed Church in tho United States " tiaces its origin, iu patt, to the rise of tho Protestant Reformation in Switzerland, iu the early part of tho XVIth century. Its priucipr.l leader and founder in that country was Ulrich Zwiu gli, who bogan to preach tho Reformation vinws as early as 1510, fh.st at Einsiedeln, andafterwaid at Zurich. Zwingli com menced his woik just one year before Luther began tho Reformation iu Ger many, and prosecuted it a considerable time before ho had any kuowlodgo of Luthei's pieaching aud woik. Tho Rufoi niation in Switzerland was based upon tho pure teaching of God's holy woul as tho only and sufficient rale of faith aud practice. It maintained a heroic contest with the prevailing errors of the church of Rome, and succeded liually iu establishing a Ptotestant church in a number of cautons of that frco re public. Tho Refoimrd church iu tho United States dciivcs its origin, in putt, also from tbo liso of Protestantism iu Germany. In the year 1517 Luther begau to preach in Wittenberg, against tho crrois and cor l options ol Rome. Under bis influence a Protestant chinch was organized iu Ger many. When tho diilercnco between the views of Luther aud Zwingli on tho Lord's Supper became known, it was found that a pottion of the Piotestant church in Ger many was not prepared to end oi so the positioned' Luther, while they could not fully agree with Zwingli. A tendency was developed there under Melaiichthon which subsequently found utterance iu Calvin, tho gic.it theologian of the Reformation. Tho church iu tho Palatiuato was of this Mclanchthonian type, wheu Frederick tho III becamo elector. In Older to set forth the true doctiiuo for his pooplo, ho ap pointed Zachaiias Ursiuus and Caspar Oloviauus, professors iu the Uni versity of Heidelberg, to prepare a catechism, which was first pub lished iu 156;, under bis direct supervi sion. From this beginning proceeds tho German branch of tho Reformed church, having tho Heidelberg catechism as its standaid ot doctrine. Iu tho membership of tho Reformed church in tho United btates thcro are a number of descendants of the Huguenots, whoso auccstois cnuo to this couutry iu small colonics aud established Reformed churches, as was the case in South Caro lina. Itn Origin anil Organization in Auiorlra. The German immigration to America begau as early as 1G34, beitig composed mostly of exiles who lied to escape perse cution iu their native land, and to seek an asylum in tho new world, where they could enjoy religious freedom. This immigration continued on, at intervals, into tho fol lowing century. Colonies were formed on the banks of tho Delaware, tho Lehigh, tho Susquehauua, iu New York, Maryland, Virgiuia, and North and South Carolina. The chief settlement was in Pennsylvania. As early as about 1730, ouo of tho fltst German Reformed ministers in this couu try, Rev. Geo. Michael Weiss, reported to the synod of Holland, that there were in America many of the oppressed inhabi tants of Germany, and particularly out of tho Palatinate, and the districts of Nas sau, Waldeck, Witgeustein, Wctterau, holding to tho old Reformed confession. There were also German Mennouites and Luthcraus, but the Reformed constituted more than half tho number. Tho first German Reformed minister who settled among them was Philip Bochm, who came to this country from the Palati nate, as early as 1720, and followed for a time tho calling of school-master, and was then appointed minister over a con negation in Whitpain township, then in Philadelphia, but now in Montgomery comity, iu the neighborhood of what is now known as Ilochm's church. Other ministers followed, Geo. Michael Weiss, Johannes Hcnrictis Goetscbiey, John Bar tholomew Rcigcr, John Peter Miller, John Bechtol, and iu 17 10 Michael Schlatter, tho missionary father of tho Reformed church in this country. The first organisation into a Coetu.i. or synod, was formed September 27th, 1747, under the care of the Reformed classis of Amsterdam, just.lfcen days after the first Coetus of ths Dutch Reformed church was organized. In 1847 thcro were 5 ordained ministers and 4G organized churches. In 1703 there wero 22 oidained ministers, and about 150 chtu-ches. At thin time the synod was divided into classes. Subsequently tho synod of Ohio and adjacent states was organized. Though in friendly relation thcro was no organic union between it and the mother synod, and this fact led to tho change iu tbo con stitution by which iu 18G3, a general synod was organized, which is tho highest judi catory iu the church, and is composed of delegates from the diftercnt classes and meets trionnially. Since 18G3 thoso two synods have bo como 7, and tho 2G classes that then ex isted have grown into 50. During tho same period of 10 years the number of ministers has advanced from 447 to 702, and tho membership from 08,775 to 1G3, GG9. Its Krtucatloiiiil and Benevolont Urgnnl. -Uons. The first organization of a Theological seminary was effected at Carlisle in 1S25, and the first collego was established at Mcrcersburg, in 1830. It bos now Frank' lin aud Marshall college, at Lancaster, Pa., tho oldest aud most liberally ondowed ; Heidelberg collego, at Tiffin, Ohio ; Ur sinus college, at Collegevillo, Pa.; Catawba collego, at Newton, N. C; andacollegiato department in connection with a theologi cal seminary at Howard's Grove, Wiscon sin, besides a number of collegiate insti tutes. There aro Theological seminaries at Lancaster, Pa. ; Tiffin, Ohio ; Howard's Grove. Wisconsin ; and a post-graduate or theological courso maintained in con nection with Ursinus collego, Collcgoville, Pa. Tho Reformed church maintains a board of foreign missions, which has a mission under its care in Japan, and missionary work is carried on also in India and among the North American Indians. It has also Home missionary boards, which at pros ent have about 100 missionaries under their care. The church has 15 English periodicals, and 9 German. It carries forward two orphan's homes, one at Womelsdorf, Berks county, Pa., and one at Butler, Butler county, Pa., tbo former having 68, and the latter 40, orphans under their care. From this brief summary it will appear 'that the Reformed church has made rapid progress in tho increase of its ministry ana memoersuip, and in the organization and maintenance of educational and be nevolent institutions. Its progress has been equal to that of any of the evangeli cal denominations in this country. Tho outlook for missionary extension is of tho most encouraging character, mainly on account of tho largo immigration from Germany to our shores, a considerable portion of which comes uuder the care of the German portion of the Reformed church.' It has fair piositecU of becoming ouo oi tne largsst and most iullucutialade nominations iu this country. IU Doctrinal Position aud Cultua. The Reformed church in the United States belongs to tho largo family of Re formed churches in the world, which con stitute the greator portion of Evangelical Protestantism. The name Reformed was applied to those Reformation churches which were dis tinguished from the Lutheran church. They belong to different nations, England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Switzerland, Holland, Germany, etc., and they have a number of confessions, but these aro all moulded over one general type, having a recognized consensus of doctrine But whilo it belongs to this general family it has its distinguishing typo of doctrino, cnltus, aud life. It differs from the Lutheran church in common with all the Reformed churches, especially in its doctrine of the Lord's Supper, though this involves many other differences also. It holds the Calviuistic doctrine of the Lord's Supper which teaches the spiritual real presence of tho body and blood of Christ in the holy Eucharist, and that the grace of tho sacrament is received only by believers, through tho organ of laitn, in distinction from the uoctriue of Luthor, which teaches that the body and blood of Christ are present in, with, and under, the elements of bread and wine, and aro received by the mouth, and by all who receive tho outward elements, whether believers or unbelievers. It differs from the Reformed church of England In holding the parity of the min istry, which was acknowledged by the Anglican church itself in the earlier period of tho Reformation, in its Prcsbytcrial form of government in distiuctton from tho Episcopal, and in its more simple rit ual in conducting public worship. It differs, on tho other hand, from the strictly Calvinistic Reformed churches, tho Presbyterian, the Dutch Reformed, etc., in holding more moderate views on the doctrine of predestination. While it holds the old Augustinian doctrino as regards tbe utterly hopeless condition of man in his natural state, and that his salvation is only of free graco, it has never taught a double decree, a decree of reprobation as well as salvation, and it prefers to leave this mystery, unexplained, so that different views aro allowed in regard to the extreme points of Calvinism on the decrees. Tho Swiss churches wero more pronounced on this subject than tho German branch, which sympathized more with the spirit and viows of Melanchthon. Tho Heidelberg catechism, which is its only confessional standard of doctrine, touches very moderately aud guardedly on this subject, while its general position implies that man's salvation is not in any senso or part from himself, in a Pelagian or Arminian seuse, but that it is all of fiee sovereign grace in Jesus Christ. .Tho Heidelberg catechism is distin guished for tho central position which it gives in its system of doctrine to the' Apostles' Creed. It is distinguished also, and especially, for the emphasis it lays upon the person of Christ as the source of redemption and salvation. Tho baptized child is regarded as stand ing in the covenant of grace, aud thus be longing to Christ in body and soul, in life and death, and the believer as a member of Christ, a partaker of His glorilied life through faith, by tho power of the Holy Ghost. His salvation is determined by this fact, whilo to be out of Christ is to be in a state of perdition. Tho view taken of the status of tho baptized child, abovo referred to, governs tho faith and practice of the Reformed church on tbo subject of educational re ligion. It is required of her ministers that they shall faithfully instruct tho young in tho teachings of tho catechism, as tho safest and best means of preparing thein for confirmation, aud for their ap proach to tho Lord's Supper, aud admis sion to full membership iu the church. While it makes duo account of experimen tal religion, it regards faithful instruction iu the truths of God's word as tho proper means to bo used to lead to this end. Iu reference to its mode of public wor ship, tbo Reformed church has sought to combiuo simplicity with decorum, it may be called a liturgical church, for it has always had a liturgy in distinction from a mere directory. In the time of the Reformation, of course, all Protestant worship was litur gical, but it is equally true that Protest antism gradually introduced the use of what is called "free prayer," that is, prayer not in precomiosed forms and road, but foi mutated in words at the time the prayer is offered. Tho spirit of Protest antism seems to require a certain degree of liberty on this point. According to this spirit the Reformed church, 'while nsing a liturgy, does not impose its use in a binding way upon its congregation It provides formBfor all special services, and their use is general, and in many of its congregations a ser vice prepared throughout is used on the Lord's day ; but liberty is allowed either to use this or to substitute free prayer. Tho church thus aims to preserve and combine the use of free prayer and litur gical forms. With the most ironical of all Protestant confessions, tho Heidelberg catechism, the maintenance of catechetical instruc tion of the young, tho observance of the leading church-festivals, a conservative spirit, a pure Gospel, a spirit of good-will towards other denominations, and grow ing missionary activity, the Reformed church in the United States bids fair to go forward in a prosperous career, and perform the work assigned it by its Lord and Master. A true friend to the weak and convalescent is Brown's Iron Bitters. For sale at II. B. Cochran's drtig store. North Queen street, Lancaster. a2S-lwdw Kidney Complaint Csredt B. Turner, Bochester, N. Y , writes t 1 have been lor over a year subject to serious disorder of the kidneys, and often unable to attend to business : I procured yonr Burdock Blood Bitters and was relieved before naif a nottlo was used. I intend to continue, aal leel confident that they Will entirely cure mc." Price t1 For sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen stroot, Lancaster Valne'a Motto. The motto ot tho State of Maine, "Dirigol lead," Is applicable to Hunt's Kemedy. It can truly say" I lead" In point of worth, merit, and cores effected, and ft Is rapidly assmmlng the lead In sales. la all cases ot kidney or liver troubles, in all urinary complalntslt is simpiy invaiuaDie ana anippnwinwiB. x-ay-slcians have discovered this, and freely pre scribe It; and hundreds woo nave beea re lieved ot dangerous affections ot the stomach, kidneys, and liver by this great medicine, chant its praises. Hunt's Kemody can truly say, " I lead ont of weakness and disease Into vigor and health." It Is par excellence the Diriijo medicine. lwdeodftw Fine, brilliant and clear lenses am used la maklue the CeUuloid Eve-Glasses. When yon buy a pair von may know that you are getting the best. For sale by all leading Jeweler and Opticians. ; a284wdeod Shiloh's Catakkb kzmzdt a positive enre for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Montn. For sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Oueen street. Nobody enjoys tho nicest surroundings it in bad health. There are miserable people about to-day to whom abottlo or Parkers Ginger Tonic would bring more solid comfort than all tho medicine they have ever tried. News. sl-lmtleodfteow Walnut Lear Hair Kestorer. It Is entirely dlnerent from all others. It is as clear as water, and, as its namo Indicate, is a perfect Vegetable Ilalr Kestorer. it will immediately free the head from, all dandruff, restore gray hair to its natural color and pro duce a new growth where It has fallen off. It does not in any manner effect the health, which 8ulphur. tugar of Losd and Nltratootj Silver preparations have done. It will change light or faded hair in a few days to a beautiful! glossy brown. Ask your druggist for it. Kacli, ottte is warranted. feMlTli, KLINE A CV.,1 Wholesale Agents, Philadelphia, and C. N. C1UTTKNTON Now York. junG-lyd.eod ri Shiloh's cubk will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. For1 6ale ut C'ochrau's drug store, 137 North Qummi street. A Baptist Minister's experience. I am a Baptist Minister, and before I even thought ot being a clergyman, I graduated in, medicine, but left a lucrativo practice for my; present profession, 40 years ago. I was tor many years a sufferer from quinsy : "Thomas' Kcleclric Oil cured me." I was also troubled with hoarseness, and Thomas' Kclectric Oil al ways relieved mo. Myi wife, and child had diphtheria, and "Thomas' Kclectric Oil cured them," and 11 taken in time it will cure seven out ot ten. I am confident it is cure for thu most obstinate cold or cough, and ir any one will take a Bmall teaspoon and .halt all it .with tho Oil, and then place the end of the spoon in one nostril and draw the Oil ont of tho spoon into the head by sniffing as hard as they cam until the Oil falls over into tho throat, and practice that twico a week, I don't caro how offensive their head may be. it will clean it out and euro their catarrh. For deafness and caracho it has done wonders to my certain knowledge. It is tho only medicine dubbod patent medicine that I liavo ever felt like re commending, and I am very anxious to see it in every place, lor I tell you that I would not bo without it in my houso for any considera tion. I am now sutlering with a pain like rheumatism in my right limb, and nothing re lieves me like Thomiu' Kclectric Oil. Dr. K. F. CUANE, Corry, Pa. For Male at II. B. Cochran's tlrng store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Why wiix tod cough when Shiloh's cure willclvo immediate tellef. Price, 10 cts., 50 eta. and $1. For sale at Cochrau's drug storo, 137 North Queen hIi-mhL. JtUUHM AMI STA.T10NJBSH. OCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS -FOB THE- LANCASTER SCHOOLS. For Sale at the Lowest Prices. -BV John Baer's Sons, NOS. 15-17 NORTH QUEEN ST. tSrSIGN OP THE JilU BOOKS If KAUQDAKTJSBS FOR SCHOOL BOOKS. THE LOWEST PRIDES AT- Fon DersmiUi's M M. All the NEW BOOKS At INTRODUCTION MUCKS, AND SOME AT EXCHANGE PRICES FON DERSMITH'S BOOK STOKE, No.' 32 East Kins Street. aXl-ttd fAfKK UANttlNUH, Me. WE UAVK ADIIKll LAiiUKLT TO OUR Stock Of WALL PAPERS Within the last week, consisting of every de scription ol PAPER HANGINGS-, aud among them some ot tho Choicest Styles In tho Best Grade of Goods. These will be hold low in order to make speedy sides. REMNANTS are accumulating all the time In small lots, which are very desirablo for Closets. Vestibules and Booms, running in price from Three Cents apiece up. WINDOW SHADES In new Dado Patters, Plain Goods In AH Colors and Widths. WE KEEP AN ELEGANT LINE Off; IACE CURTAINS -iw- WII1TE and ORE AW, BKDaETS. PILLOW SHAHS. TIDIES, LAMBREQUINS, Ac, Poles in Walnut. Ebony. Braas. Cherry, Ash and - Pier and Mantle Mirrors. Phares W. Fry, 57 NORTH QUEEN STREET. ZIQVOMB, C. -piMGWAI.t'S ' WINS, LIQUOB, ALCOHOL, ' ' QBOCKKYSTOBE, . No. 205 WEST KING 8TBEBT. HOOSKAl CO'S NIW LIQUOR STORE. Bo 43 Worth Qnewn su oat, f aw stirr. Pa. Tbe vary bast aiut finest qualities of Foreign and Domestic WINES, and LIQUORS, con stantly lor sale at wholesale and retalL StralgntOld Xye Wbbury of the distillation oflSK. Pure unadulterated custom House Branny, warranted ot the vintage ot 18M Kept especially for tnedlclnal purposes. Pore I Old Holland Gin, and other Wmaktss, Bran-1 dies and Wines to suit tho trade. feb3-lyd HOU8KAL ft CO. i , e.t moil vrivn IMD1CAZ. BROWN'S IRON B1TTKK3. MALARIA Malaria is'an almost indescribable malady which not even tho most tal ented physicians are able to fathom. Its cause is most frequently ascribed to local surroundings, and thero is very little question, but this opinion is substantiated by facts. Malaria does not necessarily meau chills and feyer while these troubles usually ac company it. It often affects tho suf ferer with general lassitudo, accom panied by loss of appetite, sleepless ness, a tired feclin,and a high fever tho person afflicted growing weaTcer and wcakorloscs llesli day after day, until he becomes a mere skeleton, a shadow of his former scir. Malaria ouoe having, laid it hold upon tho human tramo, thy door or the systcn U thrown open to nervous dbease. Tins body -weak and ' enfeebled tabsorlis no nourish ment, but subsisting upon it. -it'll, the digestive organs no longer per form their In neiiins; the liver In comes torpid, mul other organs failing to do their routine work, speedily lvcomo disordered and dissolution aim death aro apt In ensue. ' In addition to being a certain euro for malaria and, chills and fever, ' BROWN'S IBON BITTERS is highly recommended for all diseases' 'requir ing a certain and efficient tonic ; es pecially indigestion, dyspepsia,, inter mittent fevers, want of appetite) loss . of strength, lack of energy, etc. En . . riches the blood, strengthens tho inns, cles, and givos now lifo to the nerves. Acts like a charm on iho digestive or gans. It is for said by all respectable medicine dealers, price, $1 per bottle. Be sure and set the gonuine BROWN'S IRON BITTERS. Take no other, Forsala wholesale and retail by li. B. COCH RAN, Druggist, 137 and 119 North Queen street. Lancaster ' auglltlUSeill.rMttv.' H X.AXCAMKK WAT VltKH. 1niKrOUKLANCASTKKWATCUK.S VAK . ried by Employees at tho Passcnirer Depot ot tho Pennsylvania Kntlrnud. In Lancaster City, wnoso Kumarksble Bccord is hero -tlte-it- edl uy y their Owners, aro Not " Speicial," but Average Lancaster Watches, Altliougli mailo here iu Lancaster., AT HUM v., they do, with Proper Adjustment, the Accu rate Work ot foreign "Specials," at much Less Cost to the Purchaser, who, buying u lincuster Watch, can readily have it ex changed it Inany respect unsatisfactory. 1. "Keystone." I'KHNSYXYAKrA RAILROAD C'OMPANV. I Lanoastik Station, August U. LS32. 1 have carried lor nearly TWO YCAIta .i Lancaster Watch ot thu '-heyHlone" stem wind eRuo. It has lrlven mi: lierlccl. M.i:isf.t.-- tion in every respoo. bnt speeiallv as :tti ac curate time-koopeiJor It lias kept WITHIN THE, MINUTE wltli our hlau.l.ir.l Umlro.t.l Tlraedutlngltieeriiire-pustyear! To uii hw sons who rare required to have currcct titin-. oui especially 10 kailkuau mea, x woiiih conndently recomn end thu Lancaster! Watch. W. '. UAMKK1;HT, Pu$$enger Agent. ' 2. "Keystone." Durlug the pas? i"p years I have canled.t number oi watches. 'Juttbo Lancaster Wuteh oi the ' Keystone' stem-winding grade, is t lie uesi i nava ever nau lor Keeping lime, i n.ive had It now for nearly, TWO ,XB A K3. It runs ... I.A ,.. tt !.... ...1 . .. -. . .. . . uw tiro uub uivuBf uutt is us iruc iw ;iiiv Thrcc-Hnndred Dollar Watch I have ever seen. I don't believe there was ever it teller time keeDur. lor ordinary use. turned ont ! any watch factory in tbe world. 1SUHAK11 HAUTZ, ' Depot l'ollnrnutn. 3. "West End.' O'se year ago. or longer, I pit relmied from jar. a.ouis weoer. a Lancaster Watch'of ti West End" irrailc. It lias been ON TIIK M1NUTK KVKK SINCK with nnr Knllro.id Time, and as u time piece cannot readily he excelled. 1 could not get any hlglrcr-priced watch that would beVinore aatlnmctory. A watch that will stand the test ot ItAlLUUAD USE so well as tlicwo Lancaster movements do, must be a good one. This Is the only wuieii I have ever carried that has done anything like its good work, and I don't want anything better. W. F. WKLCHAN.S. Clerk in Ticket Office. 4. "West End." The Lancaster Watch of tbo "West Knd" stem-wind grade that 1 bought troni Mr. II. M. Shrelner TWO Y KAILS AND KIUUT MONTH-. ago, la a nrst-class tiiiie-kerihtr. Itliasrun VKltY ACCUKATKLY with tuo Pennsylvania UalJroad Timo ALL TIIK Wllll.K, aud h.is given me perfect. satisfaction. 11KN.IAMIN K1KIIL. Drot JCniplitycc. COAX. B. lAKTURi Wholesale and Retail Denier in all'kmaa oi LlJMBKItAKDCOALv a-fard: No. 41 North Water and Prince .treats ebovo Lemon Lancaster. nJ-lyd CWJAL AND CAMKNT. j Pure Lykens Valley and other kind ot Coal lor all purposes well cleaned. Vest ilrand Kosendalo Cement at reduced prices. AIho Limestone Screenings for walks and drives; guarantee satisfaction. Hay an d Straw by the bale or tort. Yard and Ofllce: Harrlsbnrg pike. General Ofllce: 3X East Chestnut Street. KAUFFMAN, kellkk "CO. aprt-lwd pOAL. M. V. 15. COHO, 330 SOUTH WATKKST Zmnemattr. fm.. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in LUMBfflT AND OOAL. OaaMCttoa With tto Telep hoaleKachanm-. Yard and Ofllce: No. 33 NORTH W AT Kit STKKET. 10blyu HOOTS JtHUQMB. flLOSlira OCT! CLOSING OUT ! GREATLl REDUCED PMCK8. Having started a Bboe"Vaetory. I am now closing out say large stpek oi Boots and shoe afr greatly reduced prices to make room for the enlargement or my tactory.' -custom work specialty, both machine andhand-iaada. ' P.HIEMEN2. Ko, ik;nort;h queen street. Olgn ot tho Big shoe.)'' nv!0W5tt