W. 8. Schofield, class yl '04, PhiIadelphial;.J.Qf.the day; men are.atUBptinftto.back ictj xreiuuut, A. vi. mewpuer, esq., class of '59, Lancaster ; 8ecreUry, 'Miss Susie Beck, class of '74, Millersville : Treasurer, A. R. Byerly, class, of 58, lillen,ville ; Essayist, Miss E.la Prestos; class or '71, Lancaster; Orator; D. J. B.UNietr.claasof.'OO Delia, .York county. Another business session was held this nioinmgandresbTrittbnsoriespect to the' memory of the followitiir nersnn. who have died since'tKe.last Wiing' bf 'ihe' asodatlon in 1880, were adopted: I, L'.. Witmycr, class of '71 ; A.L. Hilshei, class of'7G:C M. Peer, Chus of '7; T. M. Couhton, Class of '60; Mrs. Hannah M. Albert, class of '74 : Miss Ella Raub, class of '77 ; Miss Matilda' Kunz, class of '70. THK I'UMMENCEMKMT. A Large Aadtoace la Attendance The commencement exercises began in ; the chapel this morninjr, when, as usual, there was a large attendance that steadily. ' augmented as itbe hours wore on. The representation 'from every section of the county and state was, very,, general, and. three street cars ftotn this city weio kept running full all day. The exercises began at hair-past nine, the members of ' the graduating class, which numbered thirty seveu in the elementary course, two iu the scientific ..course ana one who. gained his state certificate, taking seats in the front rows of benches, while President Brooks occupied a chair on the platform. After piaycrby Rev. J. M. Wheeler the normal school choir sang' a .chorus, ' ' The Dawning ,of the. Day," arranged from Kalliwoda, oa admirable selection ren dered with much spirit. The salutatory oration, by Mis4 Augubta Davis, of Wilkcsbarre, subject "Immor tality in1 Song,", came next. After a gen erous greeting and cordial welcome, the young lady said that the heart rather than the head is the fccat of true., poetic genius; the poet sheds a recon-, ciliug spirit over all the discords of life. It is the faculty that gives the composi tions or Milton and of Woodsworth their, enduriuf. character. Such poetry, she ' said, stands the wear of life and breathes a bened iction even after its decline. The object of Dootry is to call for symtby with great truths' and immortalize nobility of character. A puiu and noble lifj is itself a poem, a song mining ; its metre is un measured, its rhyme unmarked ; but its numbeis eeho in the better i land, anil . its tones will thrill in the lives of others long after the sonl that gave them birth has perished. The young lady's manner of delivery was as frank and pleasing as the many beautiful thoughts iu which the paper abounded wero charmiugly worded. Miss Anna Bernard played a selection from ".Faust," and acquitted herself very Oreditably. "The Bullet and the Ballot" was the title of an oration by I. C. Arnold, of Green, Pa. Life is a constant warofare. Siuco the time of Cain physical force and Che power of reason have been the arbiters of dispute, aad these are typified in- our ago by the ballot and the ballot In the earlier epochs of history the former ot these means was almost invari ably resorted to. The conquests of Alexander and Rome's great wars mark the early stages of our civiliza tion. War ban ever bceu the great impov erishcr of nations and threatens to event ually destroy our on n country. It rests upon a people as a mammoth incubus, and the orator cited the annual enormous ex penditures 'for pensions alone. The present tendency is '.fortunately to dethrone the bullet and enthroue the ballot. The day is not far distant when the law ot right for individuals will be made the law of nations. When the uames of Alexander, Caisar, Neltou and Grant shall cease to thunder through the corridors of time whose of Lincoln, Sunnier, Seward, Stevens aud Garfield will be held iu contiuued re membrance. Arbitration and mediation aro now employed to settle dispute and these exemplify the spirit of tho ballot. A fine effort that glowed with the speak er's fervid sense. Misses Fitch aud Bernard eaug the "Merry Minstrels," by Glover, very sweetly, the voices ehording harmoniously and musically, t ' - I L "Soul Expression"' was the subject of au oration by Miss Harriet Sener, of West Willow, Pa. Tho soul or the Infiuite One is expressed nthe(l wonders of. His crea tion. Mau is the crown of creation, the soul the crown of man ; the sword cannot site it, sickness cannot subdue it. It shows itself iu tho countenance and ex presses 'itself' in our' highest aspirations too exalted for words. The galleries of the Vatican and Louvre are but books in which souls have expressed thsir loftiest ideals is tke'.Iaaguage of. arU Music aad 6ong are another channel iu which the soul rushes forth . The spuls of Dante and of Milton speak through their sublime woiks. Oratory is frequently tho expression ot the human soul. When Demosthenes ' hurled his denunciations against Philip of Macedon';'whcnCiocio, Peter the Hermit, Patrick Henry, inspired the world, it was tho soul exprcsslng'itsolf rather than an effort of the intellect ; equally heroic aro tho souls that express themselves in reli gion. Let us remember that whatever we uudertake is ours to do with -our whole heart aad soul ; it is the only way in which .we cau achieve and deserve suc cess. A well written paper spoken with aneuergy and sentiment that were in keeping with the theme. Misses Mary and Anna Frautz played a duett " Invitation to the Dance" (Weber.) It was executed on two pianos and was altogether a very brilliant performance. D. R. Baer, of Millersville, delivered an oration, entitled "Tottering Thrones." As we unroll tbeniouldy pages of history what a panoramic view is presented to our r.e. Tbribe and fall ot empires is seen be constant, and popular revolution against the abuse of power is gradually bringing 'about' 'a larger freedom, a Teal liberty of thought aud action. The as sassin's bullet that has laid low rulers' of the Old World .carries with it a lesson ; it teaches that a democratic spirit is grow ing. The speaker thouchthe detected this in the existence of Nihilistic, Social istic and Land League organizations, and predicted that the wave of republicanism will ere long sweep the last vestige of monarchical despotism from, the face of the earth. This composition ' was heavily charged with dynamite and smashed the thrones of the Old World into infinitesimal atoms. The orator's ardent republicanism was not to be questioned after his vigorous effort;. Mr. Baer is tlm senior member of the class, served through the war of the Rebellion in the. First regiment Pcnn- sylvania reserve, company X; if as iwith Grant in ftfae Wilderness, fought at'Gettys burg and participated in many of the most rflportant engagements. ' Trowbridge's pathetic " Emigrant's Story " was recited by Miss Martha II. Cooper, of Avondale, Pa. Thographic descriptive 'portions were rendered with great force and the more, sentimental phases of the story were given with an effect that went straight to the listener's heart : as an elocutionary effort the reci tation deserved to rank with the best of amateur performances. A vocal, sole,, the "Jfottpon Waltz Song," was channingfy sung "by "Miss Ade laide Clements, of Washington, D. C. Her voice is a high soprano and gives evidence of careful training. Oration 'Woodman, Spare That Tree," JT-Miss Susan. Clarksoa, Benglu, Pa. The young lady started oat with a vigorous protest agateOOtkecppirit ot vandalism that is destroyingtherttmber of the coun try. ' There' Wtrcbjof practical sense in this phase'of ' hitrieniaris, and by an apt comparison. the youag,lady indicated the Sabbath day the, old tree of creation,' and eanjesUydipieoated the growing spirit that would take jiway the sacred character of the day; men r attaBapting ty tocjMU)Tiieisv&Tcaqenix,upfxtunz down this noble tree by derating them-fbox nd barking the tree. Nobody selves to secular occupatioa aaa 'engaging jn,warldly occupations on this day hallowed .by the Lord and intended for his' honor aad 'worship. (Boat) followed, 6ung by Misses Stauffer and Ebert. Messrs. Baer, Bowman and Rbycrf; The enthusiastic encore with which this piece was rewarded told the fivor)with which it was received by the ahdienee. One of the performers, repre sented as a crabbed old fellow, lay asleep jin a chair, while two youn-txnen serenaded his daughters nfTli faWtills s6Djbj the noise andattgikmMa&reitttafctrjHieet' from ' a pretty concerted effect and is iwithal quite amusing. Mr. Royer, who personated the okL'ran,- bat,f,fint baa? ivuice auu ue actea we pan capiiauy. Oration " Manifest Destiny" E. M. 'Pennell.PattersoBj Pa. While it may never he definitely known where civilization had its origin, its course is seeu to be west ward. , Itcauuot be long before everything that is best in Eastern culture becomes assimilated with American nationality and reach to the Pac!ficsh4es.' )ur history hi the past offers hut faint-premonition of that which is to come. To-day our country stands an integral part of the, civilization F 4rA Mrnxlil rta 4V nln -! am 4- kAjakatil ui hue nuiiuj wuiioud iuo uvk jci icwiuu her manifest destiny nor wilt that be ef fected until the entire continent from the Artie to the Antartic are united in one language, one nationality, qne . religion an indissoluble union. The orator took .strong' ground against the permission of any foreign interference in ' the affairs of this country, and predicted ihe extension of -the American system from eud to end of; the .Western hemisphere, and said that when the manifest destiny of (the country is completed the world will be 'wrapped in peace. A sterriug production delivered, in a round sonorous voice and with cood ora torical effect. ' The exercises of the morning sessiou Lterrainatcd with a piano and organ .trio, '' Stradella" (Claude Mclnotte), by.Mies Warner, Miss Wheeler and Mr. Feltou, which was a 'very admirable feature of the music, and iu every way iu keeping with the general excellence of -this portion of the programme. An adjournment was then taken for dinner aud the exercises jve'ie finished this afternoon. T1IK CHASIPIUK'S HKI.T. lotetettlliij; Meelloe ot the Third Ward l'UKillatlc Heuevoleiit AMOclatloa. The members of theThiid Ward Pugi listic Benevolent Association met iu great 3i umbers at the Golden Horse hotel, East King htrcct, last evening. The only sub ject discussed was the lato battle between ex-Councilman White and Alderman Ba'rr, and4he principal object of ttbp meeting was the presentation of tho champion's belt to' the conqueror of the doughty alderman. The belt is a magnificent work of art. It measures foity.five. inches in lensth and. is clasped fin front! by a Mstifal sUveV; buckle, and oi' its shiniBg black EurjTaob are placed five large and brilliant silver stars. Attached to the belt is a pendent, on which is inscribed tho words, "Award ed to tbo champion, July 10, 1882, by the Th!rd Ward Pugilistic Association." At tached to the pendent is an (flegant. rosette of red, white and blue ribbons. Tho belt has something of a history. It was got up by the association two or three years ago and presented to Councilman John II. Barnes as a token of the satisfad tiou felt by his, many friends at the result of the bloody' battle fought' by him aud the victory won over Aldermau Bare dur ing their fierce encounter at that time. Mr. Barnes has held the belt unchallenged ever since, though it is rumored that Al derman Barr, smarting under defeat, has been training with a view of winning the coveted prizo. His misadventure with Mr. White has probably dampened his ardor and it is not likely that he will sootu again' strive for fistic honors. Be this as it may, he was not present at tlio meeting last night to dispute the disposal of the belt, which was presented to Mr. White in an eloquent speech by ex-Cham-jpion Barnes, and received modestly by tho new champion, who promised to defend it. against all comers. The meeting, after indulging in sundry refreshments, ad journed with cheers for the champion. L1XTXB LOCALS. - Here and 'there and Everywhere. Nineteen persons went on the excursion from this city by R. & C. Ii. It. to Coney Island and New York to-day. St. 'John's Lutheran Sunday-school is holding a picnic at Rocky Springs. Graco Lutheran Sunday-school is at Lititz. The Gutenberg society is at Tell's Hain. Mr. John W. Hubley's funeral, from the residence of his boti, Alfred A., was very largely attended. The Trinity Lutheran vestry were present iu a body, and after services in that church tbo interment was made at Woodward Hill. A letter addressed a-? follows is held at' the postoffice lor better direction : " Iu the care of Mr. William Butler, for Sadie Johnson; No. 0 Buck Court, 7lh streqt, above Pine streot." ! I ' ' Bricklayers Johu Liphart aud James Wright were thrown twelve feet upou the' joisUof the second nVjr by tho breaking of a pcaffold in Geo. B. Suaum h new build ing this morning. Both received some severe cuts and bruises. Liphart. is at woik but Wright had to go home. Alderman Barr sent out Joseph Kinzor fur 30 days for being drunk aud abusing Mrs. Walton iu Breneman's court. When aircsted he resisted dcspciatcly the whole way to the lock-up. Geoige Parks is the name Of a man who came hero with a circus several months ago. He married a daughter of Jacob Fraukfordbutrhas failed to support her. List eveniug he and bis wife's father had a quarrel duriug which he struck the old mau with tho sharp side of a hatchet, cutting him. A warrant was issued for his arrest. HU1LVIHU XSIFJCOVClUKNZ'ti. , Kepler's Hardware Store The oh Irk Pi of erry. One of tho handsomest buildings in the city is the hardware store of A. C. Kep ler, Nos. 40 and 42 North Queen street, which has just been repainted by George W. Brown. The brick work is of a dark olive, both in front and on the sides of tho building., The woodwork ps,of olive id picked with red. The large vtigfejl on the top lias been pain ted red,' caaiuig ike largo gilt letters tcshow off to good advan tage. The lower part of the front, has been revarnished and otherwise touched up.' A new building is being erected by Mr. Shirk on the old Theo. W. Herr property at the corner of Duke and East King street. It was formerly three stories high in front and two in the rear. The third story has been torn off on tne Duke street side and a new one put ou. The building will be three stories throughout. The first and second floors will be used as offices. Hummer Leisure. John A. McGovern, Miss Lizzie Mc Govern and Richard McGovera, left Lan caster to-day for Atlantic City.' George Steinman has left towu on a summer tour, -which will Include Watkia's Glen, Niagara Falls, Au Sablo Chasm, Saratoga and other points of interest. Mr. and Mrs. James MoDevitt will leave Lancaster for Bedford Springs on Satur day. i OrlTlBK Accident. vl Yesterday afternoon as, a blind African was driving' a ibliad horse on East King street, tho horse got the blind staggers and ran against email tree in front of LANCASTER DAILY tF fill. Editor Geist's residence, upsetting the tree was hurt. it-nni") 1 .1 urand Family excursion To At ntic City on .Thursday, July 27th. rip MctefsfKta tniW of) w - neruay. Far.s Ironrtan caster and Konnd turn same'' day. Columbia only $3.00, Landlsvllle. Lancaster i unction, Maniieim.-uwtx aaof ponus, jt&td. Trulns leave Lancaster (King street) at 4:00a. ni . Col nibtii 4:00 a. ra.. Landlsvllle 4:25, Mali helm 4&. CUUz 4:45 'Ei)teati4:J3cUepeit1dt! the season. jy,a,24,25,iItw i Only Cood For Two Days. pair. Krringer,, general ticket ilVimsvlrrinia railrn to Messrs. Ifaverstlck tnarfclMt en the tliority of C. G. Hancock, general ticket agent of the BeadlngjU.rpaacoinpanyvUattbecx curslcn. advertised or the Heading railroad to Atlantic City ea 'July 27, is OBly, good lor two days troin Columbia and Lancaster, same a? tho Atlantic excursion over the Pennsyl vania railroad lor August 3 not, itlistandmg the announcement tor three days on bills, Ac. WiLLtAMfO &rqstKttaav VeengretyVe. ducing prices on their Summer tUothmg, See advertttement elsewhere. It 1 ' A lriaB,tetjie'uJ-4 , , ,- r ' Duilug the rcumwiBdt mj old store! 'will occupy a store'iri Lochcrs bnllding. southwest angle Centre Square, where I hope to see all my f rlenUsanit patrons. Great reduction in atrelaatee bf Shots' to iednce my largo stock.) HvH-tfdAw KcsDCCtlullv. M. LEVY. Merchants Excursion to Coney Island and New York, July 'J0,i. itound Trip tickets, good tor three days, only $4.50. Tralii, leaves Lancaster, King street, at 4:00 a. m., coinmDia :iua. m., joanneim ma Lititz 4:15 and Kphititft at 5.01. See circulars lor particulars. Iv6,10,l517,l9d I tiPHVIAI. NOTICES. Mothers! Mothers!! Mother!! Ate joq disturbed at night ami broken ot your rest by n sicK child suffering and crying With cxci uclatlng pain ot cutting teeth 1 It so, go at once and get a bottle t MUS. WIN SLOWS SOOTHING SYUUP. If will relieve the poor little Mitleier immediately depend upon it: there is n mistake about it. There Lj.not : mother on ui ih who has ever used it, who will not tell ( - tt once that it will regu- 'late the boWe!'. i.-t Ivotcst to tho mother and reliei and ln-.i:iii to the child, operating like magic. It i perfectly sate to use In all cases, and plcn-saut to the taste, and is the prescription nt one of the oldest and best female phybicians and nurses in the United States, Sold everywhere. SjcmiU abottlo. ai2-ly-M.W84wJ A if i ! m . r r 3 1 ' ' A Word to the Wise is Sufficient." An effective and agreeablo remedy for the treat ment of Catarrh, Uay Fever and Catarrhal Deafness is Ely's Cream Balm. A sure cure. Cream Balm cttecttmlly cleanes Uieisasal passages of catarrhal virus, causing health' secretions, iiiluysintlamnuition and irritation, .proteds tho' iocmbraiitt'linlnKS or the head from additional colds, completely heals the sores aud restores the sense ot taste and smell. Beneficial lesults are realized by a iowappli - cutioiiM. A tltcrough treatment h4 directed Will cure Catarrh. Asa household remedy lor cold in the head it is unequalpo. The Balm i easytoiiscandugiceable. Sold by druggists nt 50 cents. On receipt of 50 cent) will mall a package. ELY'S CUEAM BALM CO., O-wego, N. Y. Foi sale by Lancaster Ilr'uggistsii i ' ! mar2-d&w Th Slna or the Fathers Visited on the Children. Physicians say that scrotulous taint cannot be eradicated; wedeny it'ln toto." If you go tlirounh1 at thorough course ot Burdock Blood Bitten, your blood will get a pure 83 you can wish 'Prteo $1. For sale at H. B. Cochran's drug stoic, 137 North Queen "street, Lancaster. ttrowa-R ttonsenoiii fanacea Is the most cSective Pain Destrojer in the world. Will most surely quicken the blood, whether taken internally or appUcd externally.and thereby. more ccitalnly relieve pain, whether chronic or acute, than any other pain alleviator, and it Is ? an anted double the strength ot any similar preparation, it cures pain In the Side, Back or Bowels. Soio Tin oat, Rheumatism and all aches, and is THE GREAT KEMEVER OF PAIN. "Bbown'8 Hooschold Pawacba-" should Iks In every lumily. A teaspoonful or the Panacea in a tumbler ol hot water (sweetened if preferred,, token at bed lime uili nneAK ui a cold. 35cts a bottle. lubtl-lTdM.WftS&w Tartar Are barnacles on the teeth; at first creamy, then crusty, then removable only by the den tist. It loosens the teeth, and makes the guns tender. Don't permit it to gather ; use, SOZO- nnvT mid Wnrm tho month f-li'fln mirl ' tlio teeth healthy. jvlSlwdeod&w Cataiiru euied, health oml sweet breath se cured by Shiloh'sr Catarrh Remedy. .PiiceA) cents. Nasal Injector free. For Kilent Coch ran's ding store, 137 Korth Queen St. '" ii ' iirj-l-ldeoww Puny, weak, and sickly children, need Brown's lion Bitters. It will strengthen and Invigorate them. For s-ile at II. B. Cochi an's diug store, 137 Xoilh Queen street. Invalid wives and mothers quickly restored to health by using Brown's lion Bitter. A true tonic. For sale at U. B. Cocbiau's drug stoic, 117 Noith Queen street. Lancaster. jy!7-lwdw All who arc afflicted with salt rlicnm, itch, scald head, impetigo, and every other erup tion ot the s kin, should uso Glenn's Sulphur Soap. . jyl7-lwdeodtw There is more stieugm rcstonug power in a bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic than in a bushel ot malt or u gallon ot milk. This ex plains why Invalids find It such a wonderful lnvigorant tor mind and body. See other column. iyl-lmdcod&eow Vuebupaioa." Quick, complete cure, all annoying Kidney Bladder ami Urinary Diseases, fl. Druggists. Depot! John Black. Are you.lov-splriled, "down in the mouth" and weak in the back? Does walking, lifting or standing cause pain in the small of the back.' It so, you have kidney disease, and Fror. Gnlmiette's French Kidney Pad is the only remedy which will cure you rapidly and permanently and without filling your stomacli v ith nauseating medicine. For sale at Kauff man'surng store, North Queen street, Lancas ter. -vn JylSlwdwAS E HENKVS CAKitOLXO HALVE. Tho best Salve in tne world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, saitrlieum,tettcr,cbappedliands, chilblains, corns and all kinds ot skin erup linns, freckles and pimples. The salve ,1s ...trusteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Be sure you get Jlenry's Carbolic Salve, us all others aro but Imitations aud counterfeits. Price 23 cents. Sol I ip Lancaster at Cochran's Drugstore, ltf7 antl 1.TJ North Owen street. inv29 4 f Rose Cold anit Hay -fever. t I Messrs. Wiiitk & Bukdick, Druggists, Ithaca, N. Y. 1 can recommend Ely's Cream Balm to relievo all persons suflerlng from Rose Cold and Hay Fever. I have been a great sufferer Irom these complaints; by using the Balm have hart great relief. 1 have recom mended it to many of my friends for Catarrh, and in all cases where they have nsed the Balm freely have been cured. T. Kknnct, Dry Goods Merchant, Ithaca, K. V. Mkssrs. Wsi. Kcst St Hour, Diuggists, New Brunswick, N. J. Since boyhood I have beeu troubled with Catarrh and Hay Fever, and have been unable to obtain permanent relief until I used Ely's Cream Balm, which has cured me. After a few days' ue 1 could sleep all night. E. L. Clickenkk, New Brunswick, N. J. Price 50 cents. Apply intonostrlls with little linger. For sale at St. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. 'juLSwdd-w 1 New Life for VtraeUoas 'Weakened by DebU lty, IHseaM aad JHssipaUoa, Tho GREAT GERMAN INVIGOBATOK Is the only specific lor nervous debility, univer sal lassitude, forgettulnese, pain-in the back or sides, no matter how shattercd-ttae system,- may be, the Great German Remedy will re store the lost functions and secure health and happiness. 11.00 per box, Btx(boxesfor5.69.; Sold by all druggists. Sent on recejpt of price, postage paid, by F. 3. GllKNKY, Toledo, Ohio, i sole agent for the united Btates. ' Circulars and testimonials sent free. , 'Jy?9-2tdMATh v INTELLIGENCER, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 188Z. i in i .,iti '.:.i rTr The young man. or woman wao must for- jtte- auuieiy ueurase-orw riacWu UrimP.rtrt It olMnjpa Ihe scalDand laimnrt tor IheToilet. " "-iit-1 I "yi7.HWi-l i J I 1m llombncced A gala. saw so much said about the merits of llop Bitters, and my wife who was always doctor ing, and never well, teased me so urgently to cured, and she has remained so lor eighteen montharsince. I like such humbugging. H. T., St. Paul. Pionett) Pre$. x m5-Jwflw M i - r, !.- . ,.,.. .! .J 1 Beeflnk toiic ln- HffrtrotAr nrlll ptira InfllfrAtttfOn. and nfrrwti. ate bodily viger. Take no other. Of druggists f iviiwueaoKW . I j-x I"' Juucd jtuchanan.. -Lawver. XOlao...Sai bx-iase: oaejor Frot. Gitilmette's French Kidnev Pads cared me of lumbago and kidney dis ease In three weeks' time. My case had been glvea. up by the best doctors, as Incurable. 0urlng;all this time I suffered untold agony and palil out large sums ot money. For sale atKauSman's drmc store. North oaeen street. r I T T A r x r T TJsM-jwdff&B;- ' i . i L J. X.. .? L For lame Sack. Side -oi Chest, use Shiloh's . lame lslPls Porous) Plaster. Price CS cents. For sale at Cochran 's drug stoic, '' North Queen St. ' Fact'siieJcler TfiieaiaVlvW j S f C. 11. Mali. Grayvllle, 111., writes : I never sold any medicine in my life that gave such universal satisfaction as Tuouis'.Kclectric OU. ill my I own case it cured a badly ulcerated ttiroat.nml in threatened croup. in my chil dren Itmever tailed to relieve." For sale at If. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. Lancaster. A cough, com or soru xnroat noaiu.ne Stofpeii. Neglect frequently results In an In- curable Lung -Disease ot Consumption. Brown V rn'onchial' Troches do not -disorder the stomach like cough syrups ami balsams. but act directly on the Inflamed parts, allaying irritation, give relief In Asthma, Bronchial Coughs, Catarrh, and the Throat Troubles which Singers and Public Sneakers ore subject' to. For V thirty; years Brown's Brouohialf Trochee Have tteen 'recommemledtby physi cians, and always give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire ganorattos, thy)haVe at tained we), .utrited ntukJMSoni;ihhlwftape remedies of the an) SOlfl. at ST. cent-, a box Bvevvwhern mv-lvdTThFAlvw bew.to Secure lloalth. . .. Itseoins strange that any' one will suffer ftoni the many derangements brought on by an impure condition of the blood, when'SCO- VILL'S S ABS APAB1LL A AND STILLINGIA, or BLOOD AND LIVEB SYKUP will rcstoni perfect health to the physical organization. It j Indeed a sticngthening syrup, pleasant to take, and has proven Itself to be the best JJLOOD PUBIFIEtt ever discovered, effect ually curing Scrolulu, Syphlitic disorders. Weakness bl the, Kidneys, Erysipelas,' MJai rh; all nervous disorders and. Mobility; bi i lulls CU1I1JJ1U1UU9 milt UJ1 uigewco :iiuiutiiu(j un impure condition ot the Blood, Liver, Kid neys', 'Stomach, Skin, etc. It corrects Indl gestion. A single bottle will prove to you its merits as a health rencwer, lor it ACTS LIKE, A CIIAUM, cspeclallv whc.i the complaint Is ot an exhaustive nature, having a tendency ,to 1 lesson tiro natural vigor Tynns system. ot the brain and ner BAKER'S PAIN PANACEA cures a pain in man and bciut. For use externally and inter nally. RED HORSE POWDERS cure all diseases or horse, cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry and all Livestock. A POSITIVE CURE. may21-2 For sale at U. B. Cochran's drug store 137 North Queen sticct. IEA.Tllft. ' Skitii. In this city, on the 19th lnst., Annie, daughter or Joseph and Catharine Smith, in the 2d year ot its age. The relatives and liicnds of the family arc respectfully invited to attend the luneral. Irom the residence ol her parents, No. 038 St. Joseph street, on Friday altcrnoOn nt 3 o'clock. Interment at St. Joseph's cemetery- ltd Levis. On the l'Jlh inst., Mary E. II., wife of Dr. R. J. Levis. i r Interment from the residence ot her mother, Mrs. Benjamin Eslilemau, on Friday after noon ut i o'clook. Relatives aud friends are Invited to attend. new AorjsKTjaeMJStrxB. d lEMIJINEt;ONriKt;TICUTVIUAB (U1U IjT Slockl.lltor 25 cents, t HARTMAN'S Yellow Front Cigar Store. Jyl5-6md r;oa KENT. The Shaelfer Droncrtv. No. 437 West Or ange street. For further information apply to JOnN C. SHAEFFEK, Jylt-lwd Cad well House. SCltOUl. TAX. 188. , , The duplicate is in tho huuds of the treas urer. Three per cent, ofl tor prompt payment. W. O. MARSHALL, Treasurer, No. 13 Centre Square. SSTOnice hours hom 9 u. m. to 4 p. m. jUl3-2mdR 1 .FOUNTAIN 'VliCK-CUT TtlBACCU. 8 . cents per oa.. 23c per i lb., at HART SI AN'S Yellow Front Cigar Store.) JvlS-6md IN" INFLAMMATION OFTHK EUflEJ OF the eyelids, we notice a bypencmic condi tion o t the edges of the lids, which look angrv, ted and sore. There is at tho same time a feel ing ot heat and itching In the eyes. On awak ing in the morning the patient notices that the lids aie somewhat gluedtogether,ad that small crusts torm upon and clog tbe lashes. All diseases ot the EYE, EAR, THROAT also. Chronic and Private Diseases success fully treated bv .ults. n. ii. ano .11. a. i.uUAKiSK. Office 13 East Walnut street, Lancaster. Consultation tree. jy03tdftw ' IOlUClLLAltU'S TOBACCO, TULL LIME j Rebecca. 10s per plug, at HAUTMaN'S Yellow Front Cigar Stoie. Jyl5-7md PUltLIC HXIAH OF A LOT Or VKKV FINE lll-ih Bred KENTUCKY HORSES. On MONIAY. JULY '.'4, 18S2. will be sold at pub lic sale ut the Keystone House, North Queen street. Lancaster, Pa., tho following, to wit : Twenty-five head ol Kentucky Horses, high bred and ail good sizes, noinl5 to 16 hands high. Six aro very fine combined horses, suitable lor saddle or harness i2 are fine roadsters, very speedy ; 5 aro heavy draft horse-i. Also, the wonderful trotter " Moun tain Joe," 1G hands high, 5 years old. Tho horse will recommend himselL. Also, at the same time and place will be sold a French Nor man Stallion; weight 2,000 pound?, 7 years old. and a sure foal getter. Pedigree furnish ed on day of sale. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, when ternu will t.AinxlA lrnnwn liv . i. .lOSt: I'll t. firiTRR.1 I OCKER.' J. Rkiima, Auct. 20-3td SMALL HAVANA CIOAKS, CLEAR F1L lers. 2 lor R cents, at HARTMAN'S Yellow Front Cigar Store. LAMD1SVILLE CAMP MEETING. V I BEADING and COLUMBIA RAILROAD. WILL TUN TUB VOLLOWIXO' Special Trains to and from Lauuls rillo. 4 On 'SUNDAY, JULY 23, 1882 : TRAINS LEAVELANCASTER (King Street) At 8:25, 10:10 a. in. and 1:45 p. in. RETURNING LEAVE LANDISVILLE AT ' , 12.05, 5:10 and 0:30 p. m, s Fare for the Ronnd Trip, '25 cts. 203U1 HAVANA CIGARS, THE BS8T IN THE market, R cents, at HARTMAN'S Yellow Front Cigar Store. ritjuE NORTH WND DRYGOOD8 STORM i HAS ANOTHER LOT OF n M Calico id LarpRerals r i At 5c. a Yard. BARGAINS , JH,J(4JfJjI8. get her some. LcoicJuOed.uybe ha-mbnggedJ Ifaln.. fan. I I imlr.ta.lll flllt fS.r lnh. 1.. nil ttroblionths' use Jt the 'Bitters. W Vile iral I J.W. BYRNE, 322 NORTH QUEEN'STREBT, ILlyd XAKCA5 jjBB, TA, tJ f I ' - AjtrxkrisMxIfA. j t -HTAIITKf-a OOSUVTBHT WOISH TO . ..If. set as Nurso tor twpQdrea. eler- eBcereanlrerl. Inquire at SU-M-l THIS OFKICK. LINE KTJUKB, rOKBK AMD r ou other FlasiairvCMrds atiH ABTllAirS.Tsb low rrent Lrt iM, I CCA ZiJltWaM T? oc) SALE.-THE vwftnntaioitKD V 8 rLVXXSQ Fire held on) the 18th inst offer for sale the foUoNr lng property of said company. bsaslstineii( FlratiLotofGxon4,-altuael'otBe west nun pmnrsinv hl tnnir iwii ntHHiai nirait nc? side ot Booth QaeenattSrt; 'Between Anurew ana riazci streets, irowax'OB,i saia.-,aon Queen street 'SJ teet tl luihes, moreor less, and extendtngiu depth 145 feet, more or less, acloiniSg propiity o47Henry V.'BMrtz Om the. nonn ua rresoyienan coapei on me souiu, togetbeSrwlU a. Two-Story BRICK JENSINB. sis tncre-on erected, tne saia, nouse nay bell cudoU thereon attschedTl ' - V -' and. a HTBAM FISEKGIKE. which Is a rourtfe class verUcnl, built by Cole ft Brot her. Pantncket. K. I. The rvllnrtr Tneajrarea 9 Inches m the bore, with 8 Inch stroke, with' nrass pumps, xne Doner is a gooiLsieam gen erator, .with 234 copper tubes ; can start In tour minutes alter lishtlnir the lire, andean throw I water tarougttajl laennosaU from aieteHD l-leet, and has iWeniy Mt of ttujnchatueUoa nose, wiiu apauuer, wrencuea. oilcans, ac. Wetmak-anteethlsensine In flrstclass condi le, with ignahant i. j . tion. PKTEB B. WOKDtSMYli i. i THOMAS ANDKBSOX, WILLIAM H. DOBWAKT' DANIEL JS:-AUKAMP, ' HEN BY SMEYCH. y '.JOSEPH WILFONG- ;.i ALEX4XDBRHABB1S, y2X tfd ft vomnnttcc. 1 rrr; n . 'nrJLL.lAHSON & FOSTF.K. I VM i Down They Go! What vet remains of our SPRING and SUMMER Stock ot Medium and Light Weight i . - .i .ii ..tut j CHEVIOT BUTTS," l "'" CASSIMERE SUITS, WORSTED SUITS, , BROKEN SUITS, ODD COATS. ODD PANTS, w t wxmjj yx.otD, t , J I.I I ot v. iiich we have yet a great variety ol stj les and sizes, have been collected and pat on ' SPECIAL BARGAIN TABLES, and. have been MARKED DOWN,; DOWN to astonishingly Low Prices', when voU remem ber that our first price is our lowest ,seUisg price. To what these goods are now marked are closing or CLEARANCE SALE PRICES so, that yon can readily see what a bargain you are buyinir aridVftow' much tbe marked down ds, the new price h.is been pul on In plain figures, as our goods arc always marked without taking ott tho old. These goods In clude SUITS and ODD GARMENTS FOR MEN, FOR LARGE MEN, FOB. YOUTHS. FOR BOYS, FOR LITTLE BOYS AUD FOR .CHILDREN. What do you think of Suits that wekemadc to sell lor $23.00 tor 119.00; Suits I mat. were maue to sen ror s.ui ror 9iz.ou; Suits that were made to sell for S12.00 tor f 10.00 and $3.00 Coats and Pants tor $4.00 ? These are some Ot the bargains. Ask for the BARGAIN TABLES. In DUSTERS. THIN BUMMER .COATS, PANTS and VESTS, our s.tock is. as usual at this, the heated term, large anil various. In our FURNISHING GOODS and HAT DEPARTMENTS you will constantly find the Latest Novelties, the Cnoicest.SelecUotts.'tho Cheapest to the 'Finest GoodsV' SPECIAL PRICES ON STRAW HATS NOW ! WIItLIAMSON,, AND- SI I t I TPiQrpTjVD 34, 36 and 38 East King St, ANCASTEB. PA. WtTANTKD. ciuAR makers waotei). ' BUNOH BREAKERS & ROLLERS Can find steady employment at'cintlBtiaW Prices for Rolling-From $3 50 to S3 00 per 1,HC0 For Bunch-Breaking $225 to, WW per 1,00 . Ihe Cincinnati (Ohio) Cigar Manufacturer' Association, consisting of the principal man ufacturers ol the city, will guarantee work the year around to all comppfont ami steady workmen. For Information apply to G. D. WOODWuRTH, Secretary, ' Cincinnati Cigar Manpf. Asuocjation, ' 19-4td No. 7 w". Front St.. Cincinnati, O. HAN1ZED 1810. The Old American Fir6iInsuraoce Com pany of Philadephia. ASSETS: Ono MUlion, Six! Hundred and Thirfcy-three Thousand Five Hundred1 and EJsrhty four Dollars and Eighty eight cents. Ail Iuvesled In Safe and JSelidSecHtitles. Company Conservatively Managed. 49 For Insurance apply to RIFE & KAUFFMAN, ( IS llMf j I' 19 EAST KING STREET. iu35mdTuTliS ZEOJiLlfOTIVMB. T 1 STATE OP WILLIAM BUCKIVS, 8K. late ot Lancaster city, deceased. The un dersigned Auditor appointed to distribute tbe balance remalningin the hands ot Charles Buckins, admlatitratur oC the estate of Wil liam Bockin, dceeased! to and among those legaBy entitled to the same, will sit for that purpose on FRIDAY, AUGUST.JL 1842. at 10 o'clock a. m.. In' the Library Boom' ot the Court House, in tbe City of Lancaster, where all persons interested hi said distribution may attend. TH08. B. COCHRAIT, ' jyltmtd.oaw Auditor. ESTATE Or 1KAKX WABD, LATE Of Lancaster city, deceased. The ander slgned auditor, appointed -to distribute the balance remaining in ,,the hands or Elizabeth Marks, administratrix, to and among those lezallv entitled to the same, will sit lor that purpose on THURSDAY. AUGUST 10, 1882,'at 10 o'clock, a. m.. In the library room ot the conn nouse, in me cltv of Lancaster, where au persons interestcu in said distribution mayauenu. jnly7-doawF A. U..FRIXCUEY., , i t "Auditor.' ASSIGNED ESTATE OF DAVID U. Kulp and wife, nt Lancaster city. Tne undersigned auditor, appointed to distribute the balance remaining in the hands ol Henry Batimgardner, assignee, to and among tbose legally entitled to the same. Will sit lor that purpose on FRIDAY. AUGUST 11, 18B2, at 10 o'clock a. m., in the library room of the court house lu the city of Lancaster, where all per sons interested in said distribution may at tend. A. H. FB1TCHEY, July7-4tdoawF Auditor. FOit HAJ.E,. POSITIVE PUBLIC 8ALE OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. On SATURDAY, the 19th day ol AUGUST, 188.', tbe undersigned, being all ol tbe children of Peter Long and Elizabeth Long, late ot the city ot Lancaster, deceased, wUU offer at pub lic sale, at the Sorrel Horse Hotel (Frank Slough's), West King street, or said city, the following real estate, viz. : A lot or piece ol ground, situated on the northwest corner of West Orange and. Char lotte streets, In sold city, containing) in: front on sold West Orange street, 64 feet, 4)4 Inches, more or less, and extending of the same width property now In the possession ot John Gib son, bounded on tbe east by said Charlotte street; on the west by tbe property betonalns to the Heirs of Thomas Arnol o,jaeocasea;i an i. south by said West Orange street, and 'on the north by property or said John Gibson. Whereon is erected a one-etoryiLOG DWELL ING HOUSE, Stable, 4c. The lot contains a variety ol Fruit Trees, Shrubbery, and a well ot excellent water. Aad Is one1 of tbe most eligible building lots in the city. Good title will be given to tbe purchaser. Persons desirim turtner information tnav call on William baker, esas. Wilson. and. Hj Clay Bru- Sale to commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when terms will be made known by tne undersigned owners. JOHN LONG,. , ., , , , SUSAN LONG, ,, . CATHARINE LONG, ADALINE LONG' ' FANNY FREE, ' SARAH LONG, MARY SH AUD. , ELIZABETH 8TIFFLE.; Hskkt 8Huanr, AucUoaeer, July8-7tOBftaugi7,181? . ii i - RB EMTKMSf. wfypyx 'ATBVBMIMO.JTJI.T. 20, 188a l.,, ONTHENIER ii W Ui THB'tinrtK wkskhts: ! I - ' ' il xao saicaoifitui ranwaiw the Mew I Coatereace. Lokdos, Juljr.,30. A, .dispatch from ConstafitiBople to Beater's Ulsgiaph eoas patry sWyi ihs'taxt of the Porte's'reply to the identical,, note of the powers is as follnwW - If tbn Porte has not nitnertt decided on 'its r- OWB ;.'' m :' tire' 'to stud , troops, to Egypt it is because it was convinced that vigorous r esyscn were avoidable. Observing w jtji, sattsfaotion that the powers have formally 1 ' - C ,- I "-'IJ t -M ana reseatoaiy reeoroea isnr aeiereBee,w t incontestable and unquestioned rights and sovereignty of the saltan, tha.yader signedj by the sultan's order informs the embassadors that tbe Porte consents 'to participate in tbe conference. Signed, Said. Arabi Pickiag V Frleada. , Alexandria, Jttry 20. Arabi Pacha is" said to bo regaining his influenco in eon-' sequence of tho delay of ,tbe British troops. . The English uettlng Exejted. ' t LoNhoN, July 2Q p. jr. A, hurried cabtneHsouncil was held this afternoon to act upon a telegram from Lord Dufferin, ambassador at Constantinople and to. ar range for military operations. ' UT WARE. Afternoon Telegrams la Brief. Tbe president has' approved 'the act to divide tbe state of Iowa into two judicial districts. Anotber unsuccessful attempt has been made at Chester to launch the Pilgrim, which stack on tho ways last week. Mary Dickens' three children in North ampton comity, Va., have been fatally pdisoned, by whom is not known. 1,500 b irrels of gasoline and 1,300 bar rels of tar were destroyed' in a fire last night at McMillan's refinery, Pexiolla, OnV Peter Emery, aged abont 1-1 years, was, killed 'in tbe new mill of the Phoenix iron company, Phonixville, last night by; be ing caught in the pulleys while fixing a broken cbainT Both legs were torn, from his body. The New York' court has unanimously affirmed'thr- validity of the statutes under which Gen N. M. Curtis was convicted of rasiug money for political purposes by as scssing office-holders, 'arid a new' (rial is denied Curtis. , . " . Eor ten seconds ako, IILhad a shock of earthquako at 3 a. m., to day. It passed from southwest to northwest. There is a soriotta alarm among tho 7V,fV IIVBtaBUlWW "VS. I !UVIIO Aa -'f over the preparations of a Chinese com pany to erect workshops and wharves tlijef e, to manufacture booths j aiidj sfcbsj clothing, tinware, cigars and other articles and to enter into competition with the white firms. Fifteen fatal 'aifie8dnioRJaw-eaued by wounds from toy pistols on July 4tb have been reported inCbicago,and threw tne the daiibty. Six boys have died in But lington, JOofira, and three iu PeoriaV' Ills., from the same cause. In the Senato to-day a motion to take np the tax bill prevailed. The conference committee has agreed o, tbe river and harbor bill, but the House is considering the Alabama contested election case cf Smith vs. Shelley. In tbo star route cases the defense are still arguing for the exclusion of Walsh's evidence on the ground that it cannot be nsed 'against his associates. ' Colonel J. Y Laurie has again sent in an offer to raise a regiment in Nova Scotih for active service with the British in Egypt. A violent bail aud wind storm svisited the Belld ' Fotirche, Big Bottom, Spring Creek and the lower White Wood valley, Dakota, last night, doing great damage to the crops. During the past' week 'nearly ball" tbe crops in the Black Hills have been' destroyed by hail. Saratoga races : First race,- Frankie B, first; Bootjack, second,;, Joan, .Davis, third. Second race, Kenny, first ; Barnes second ; Bondholder, .third. Third race, Pinaf oreV) first ; )Laura Glaaa) 's'idoniL Fourth race, Trowle, first; Burnett, sec ond. At an informal meeting of tho cabinet I to-ay,nftK-was!pfowsdftOi diaouis' fifel river and harbor bill,' bnt it 'was decraed to postpone tbe questtou until Congress has finally acted upon tho bill. At Fall River, Mass., Mrs. Kaohael Mc Lane, a widow' lady of Saunton, about 28 years old, who is visiting friends, was as saulted by three roughs last night, dragged into a vacant lot near the street, and out rageously' treated. They also stole her purse containing a small sum of money. Two of them escaped, bnt the third man, Jobn.Riley, aged 19, was arrested. Owen Donnelly, 30 years old, porter for Mason, Chapin & Co., wholesale drug gists, Providence, It. I., was arrested this morning by a policeman, wbo was am bushed in the store, just as ho bad robbed tbe safe of six packages of gold leaf. Tbo robberies had continued several months, and at Donnelly's house a stock of goods valued at 81,500 was found. HAKnONIOUS DEMOCRAT. Alexander 0.' StemM Far Uevemor, mt, ueorgia. Atb.vnta,TG, Jaly 20t-Ib the Deat o:ratic convention this morning A. O. Bacon's name was withdrawn and A. H. Stephens was nominated for governor. Thd vote stood : Stephons 325, Scattering 8, not voting 38. The following state officers were nominated' by 'accian,aiIOD' ' " " eJreswy 0f state; W. A. Wright, comptroller.; Gen. D.'N. Speer, treasurer ; Clifford Aa. derson, attorney general. Thomas Hart man was, on a call of the counties, nom inated for congressinan-at-largeandtbe nominatuou was made unanimous. '' m Gaataaaala'a froatart. Waseongton, July 20. President Bar rois, of Guatemala, and the members of bis party called at the state departaaent .to day and paid their respects to Secretary Frelinghuvsen. They subsequently visited the Washington monument the bureau of engraving and printiog ; the Smithionian iastitute and the national aieam. Tbe Arthur was postponed f uulil to-mjiiow.- ! a DBwicaWrr tuim SatcU at Lack Harm. Havtlt, PaL.'Jaly 29.-A better ion of tka fattar left hv tha ni,1 lyec'iWao It, hitasclf 3 ttieraay. raaf.a Mtwral. thoaisaad .dollats , visit to President ll'TopJ after M . i hi note. leatfffiMlvrooa foroaM that". hewasacnaalfro'ara4iy;u 'HUi ' letter si; aa,. : ' .411'- iagherf afeAatenea, aa I aaw aetwrdetse - bafore. lwasaot' iiek'ihUm1 'i ' Xjtowi ' out" tlt,tW,pttlc,, ' ii" ' '1. ! I lilf X. L'l r eaergeticaUy ,a4 .. eomJd mat., ataaw into.ea. before' 'a tribaaal seal be eea-" I'caiae to the oonckwioa' tobeW ' iraforaydead,,.Aslaa4lto'loa lyhfej Ii doi.ee wruttogoraatawtUt,, .. intaajrtUwlattrTfJr. AJI.tawBaeayI,n . bad Llfcva toned aD.'Jbilkt aaTeHaaitevtV Xcouldfrofc ban surer'' DahTieter left1 ' ' I V , , i ' I. ." V " ""'i'' '". six nunarea aoiiara to oe,sveatlfO. jmbb , fiekiarid Lasttga,- ,rf Brsiss.taad Bel i rnerand'Boekkoro:'i Verdoa. ; ",l' " I '" I .. l i i r.i i. Wasbihotok.' Jalr M.Fortbe Middle' Atlantjo states eoWer fair wither; Winds1 mostlynorthWiterlyai higher preiwa're.' ' "1 "' ' "r "" ' 'i ' VJUriM1 rTi.-7 . . "rt t t jidl aW''lev:Mattn; " r ' ' "Naw toaa.JuiyLrionr-Bite and West1 ' ernwlQiout decided oBaage; -noderate eX- , Vortand jobbing trade, demand.; Sontbernt qnict and steady. ' , Wheat ISMfto Bteher'aadflrm: atrpee-" ulatluq tradi-ig; No. 12 Had. Julv. H 1 1 20U: do Anr$t XT4M, . Wi;.. .Vdo,,.. Sept.. fl 17KN1 18:; doJcCTflWH12B'il do year, S1I7KJ)1 ise. " f f Corn KlXa'liiCtNr and Srm i Miseil Western a.iz.. spot, KJ84c;, do., fatnrw. ) OatsKe beuet1 : No: 31 Aug.; NffMHe; do first hall: Aug, o ; State. ft!Wa;iWat ern. 6168tr., f .r . , . , , Live Stock Market. '''' ' ' ' CHicAOO.July 19. Uof-Eeeip4e. ll.OWHcwl;1 shipments, -3.V head ; market acta ;ugood to choice. 5)l0c higher; , aixed.t7 ssm. ip- ,, heavy packing and shipping, as 188 80; light,, 741)49)5: skips, 49ft7 SS. MaKet el Med' steady. All sold. i Cattle-t-Beceiptv V need ;;shlpBient,XO0 ,,, head : market very dcU and weak and lower on all bnt the very best; ' 'exports;' SfeajS;:' good tocholce hipping, ts 797 It; eesaaiow ' tofalr.tSOQsa; thin native grassers mo., ., unsalable; butchers' S3 40M4 OS; stoekers ' ami reedem, S3S94 SO; Tnxans weak oat not qnotably lower at 75 ; halt breeds, , H 9e , 4J5 75. , , , ...,,., 8heep Becelpts. 1.008 head; prices 'un changed; qualltyverypoorr' laarkeCslow;" stoekers slow. ;jttookers, $3 6003; Boorta lair. batchers'. 113533 73; medium,, S3 ,'JOfHO; , good,S420O4S0. ' ' " ' i '" m- ' ' '-r ' rantadeijlMe afaraeu pbilaosuwiIa, inly 98. new dull and weak: Snnerflne. at M 794M XV;rJxtnktn t soff oo; Ohio aau Indiana, family, as) 6 -25; Ccnn'a lamUy.fS 350500. ' . . Kye flonr at H 09 ' ' ' '" " ' Wheat Irmer aad amuiy active; DeL aad cV rr,Ked,$H9l 20; do Amber, 1 2P4H 21. , Cern scarce and Arm. Oats firmly held on scarcity: ' 4 Rye scarce and wanted ; old, 81a ! t Provisions in steady jobbing, demand. Lard firm. Butter steady wltklalrderaaHd: Creaaaery Extra, ale; do good to eeotee.' 234fo.. t eggs quiet; n. armatziajzxo; neatrin unsettled at 17i9c , CbeesO firm and In light snpply. - Petroleum dull ; Uefiaed, 6Jie. Whisky at II 17. ' East Liberty", July 19. Cattle Receipts, 153 lieal : market firm : nrlme. Si 7598 : KOod. SS 75 3750; common, S3 5005 St. " ' '- 1 Hogs Receipts 380 head :. arm: . rbtUdcl, , phlas. S3 7608 90 ; BalUmores. SS 9808 50 ; York ers. f7 75087 ' ' ' "'' '' ' ' Sheep Receipts-2,200 head; market slew: i extra. M 6004 80; good, (tt 2504 50, common,. , tB04., '1 J I' Mew York, Philadelphia aad Local Stocks also United States 'Bonds repotted 'daHr-bv Jacob B. Love, 22 North Queen street. , , iokjo io zan ' aU r. ..; DeL.Lack.A Western:...' 139' I.WJi tstsc Denver a Rio Qrande..: (Ui mt, tBiZ K. V.. Lake Erie Western;... 4ok 4AK h Kansas and Texas. ; XfZ &A, Its . Las Shore a11ch.r8outhem: 114 I IH'IW New York Central , i:W135k,lJ NewJeraeyCeat;!.! 81$,83kr8JK Ontario Western 29K. "Bf2.l'Xi Omaha Com .' 4 ' 474J racinc mMi....i.... ..... ,....- Chicago. MIL St. Paal Texas Pacific............. ... Wabashiu u.nlsPaeiae...'. llPtt 4AU 110U 114 I 9 m a i WJ6 00 37 S7K tWH ' i western Union TeL Co tir . B9t 30K. Ut Pennsylvania. k.k... KOSi1II1k Buffalo Pitta. A West. '9a? a vm itK'itX' 47J,,47W " Preferred.... 882 8ti iV toraia aad rraviaiai yawtauoa. , Une o'clock uuotatloss ol grain and' pr'ovlv 1 provli 9lreT,16V ' ions, inrnisnen try a. k. imsj Kast King streak i t it July 9. CUtway. Corn' Oate Wheat -lulr.... i.08 Pork" Lard MH , i.l August Sept.... Yenr.... il2.TJKt 12.. 1.03 1.02 -WU. l.K. iy PAttadalilikV. Mr. i ! ( .Tulv-.. Aug Sept.... 1.1S& I.1BH LMJ .85 . JKM' 18 ! i r i l - Pa( val. lj Saitf Lano'Uy per ci.Leaw,dat tioe m itav.v. let' ia',( ' bperetklalorMyean:! lot Klhi perct.School Lean..,. Mtr, U8i. , " ' in 1 or years' ioaJI SS" ". '" 4 " in 8 or at yean.. Mei'MHJf- "' " S ' lBl0or2tyears.MtLf MX) Msnheunborougbloan. ut ,103 .,, ABXSTOCKS. ' , '---'" First National Bank. !..vJv'JtaVu ' Farmers' MaUeaal Bank MulK.ai', Fnltoa National Bank lot 'J Um i Lancaster county national Hank so irr Itt'Ttflt'O' Rphrata National Baak...,....;.. . itot atkuet.i. rir.it Nauonai nanrc. Colombia., First National Bank, Strusbuiv im 'ii mi rirst .-tauoaai aaarc, aiawotta..' .:, First National Bsak. Mount Joy. LItltz National Bank Man)elm National Bank...... :..... nntoa National Bank. Mount Jey New Holland Nattoaal Bank...... TntflBT.f.iXBQCS BTOCXa. itt ') t i lMl.i. rtO'lM e 'Wjq 1 115 QnarryvllleR.R.....'.: :.'..'.$ 58' tt.at HUleravUleBtnetcar ......;. at sue ' Inquirer PrlnUngCosapaay...... ,te ,,-i . Watch Factory..................... ins ,198. Gas Light and Feel Company:.'.. 'J''1' ' ' StevetuHo4se................;...i. 'Mt'' .'tti Columbia Gas Compaay.........M v , Columbia WaterCompaay. SusquehaaBalron Company....." ltt ' 17t MariettaHoUewware...... ........ Mt ' ' Stevens House., M 5 Sicily Island ;. Ml 18 East BrandywMe a Wayaesb'g. M r 1 Millersville Normal School r 'i x isoxiXAtiBooa. aoaoa. Quarryvllle R. R-dnc 1888 tiot 1120' Reading Columbia R. Raft's....:.. 100 MS Lancaster Watck Co dae 18Bt....-.j lot '"Matt ir Lancaster Gas Light aad Fuel Co.. t .. i . . due in lor at years Mt MO Lancaster Cas Light aad Fwel Co., l due 1886.... ......................... .,108 MS ' Lancaster Marietta ' 3?Jt ' i anaawr m -wew noiaaqm. no Lancaster Basqaeaaaaa.. ms i ... Spring Beaver Vauey Bridgeport AHoresboe Columbia Cbeetaat Hill.. ...2S ,810.25 ... MM tt IS Columbia Washington at ColBmblaBIf;8prnig at Lancaster Bphrata.-. at Lancaster WUlow Street..........' at at 18 "47.9S I' rail , . -. MUS I 1 tea. . atrasburg. Millport....... ....... at junettaa Maytowst.. ...... ......... as Marietta Moant Jov at LaaoBlUabetM'BAMhluiet'n..... let Laa caster Frultvllle... at Laacaster,Lltlx. . at Laaoaster wniiaautowa... .'....: at Laacastar Maaor. at Lancaster Mannelm....; S I 8S 73 jr B3.lt ud 7BTATC Or THOBIAa'oi II It- ' KtMXT, LATM sj or the tae City ox Tne andersbraad aadltor. aBaatnteal t di. tottmtai the baUBtaataatJatai. mi the kaadaof , w. U.SenaeL adadajafaaatK, a. ,aad assaar ThiTnlrn-nllTtinTIIlt frtelBajtawme. BlaM flit JS? f?!5?? ? sAiyaBterax s, 1882, at 10 o'clock a. san la tht TsMuj aaosa ot the Court House la the City et Laaeastar. where all persons interested Ut sakl dlstrlba tkm may attend.. ,,,'(;' ., , J,L4t4cawW. . K,MAkIaokw., U , t ) It (' I z'.UO- -it I I.l ti I'.i RI1J .i1