- LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER WEDNESDAY JUNE 28, 1882. ILanrastrr fntrlttgcncfr, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE 28,1882. HI PRETTY PANSlKS. They arc all In the lily bed. cuddled close to te to getber. Purples, Yellow Cap, and little P-aby Blue, Hew they ever "get there you must ask the April weather. The morning and the evening winds, the sunshine and the dew. They don't have a geed time, I think, their little laces Loek se very solemn underneath each vel vet breed, I wonder don't they ieel among the garden's airs and graces. That shy Cousin Violet is happier in the weed? Ah, my pretty pan-jics, it's no use te go a seek- lnsr. There Isn't any geed time wailing any- where ; I fancy even Violet is troubled mildly speak ing. When somebody plucks her, finding her se Uir. There's nothing lert for you, my pets, but just te de your duty. Bleem and make the world bright, that's the best Jer you ; There isn't much that's lovelier than your bashful beauty, My Purples, my Yellow Cap, my little Baby Blue. Chicago Tribune. Useful Garden Herbs. Country Gentleman. In every vegetable garden thcie should be planted abed of uselul herbs which are se often needed in the kitchen, nursery and sick room during thejear. Their cul ture is very simple, alter the seeds arc planted, the only labor needed bcinj: te keep out the weeds and thin out the plants se that they will grew stout and strong. The leaves of soma herbs are used for sea soning and dressings of meats, and ethers for making herb teas, therefore they should be gathered befere the plants llow llew cr. Unless it is desired te raise seeds from them it is better te cut off the flowering sheets rs seen as they appear, and threw all the strength of the roots into the leaves and cut two or three crops from them. Balm is a perennial plant, and its leaves have an aureeable aromatic taste and a lemon like odor, and aie useful for soups and dressings. They are al.-.e used for tea te be taken for coughs and colds. Basil is much used for seasonings ; its leaves, when dried aud powdered, or chopped fine while fresh, having the flavor aud odor of cloves. Caraway, a perennial, is valuable for its seeds, which arc used in cakes, aud an oil isdiMillcd from them for medicinal purposes. Coriander is annual, cultivated chiefly for its seeds, which are used by druggists and distillers, but the yeuug leaves make a highly flavored salad, aud are sometimes used as a seasoning for soups. Lavender is a shrubby plant, val uable for the pleasing perfume of its foli age, from which comes tlia distilled water that is se popular for the toilet. Sweet marjoram is an annual; its leaves arc very aiereatic, aud highly esteemed forflivveiing soups, dressings aud sausages. Sage is also much employed for these pur poses. It also makes an excellent iebii fugc. A tea made from its dried leaves is considered a specific for colds and coughs. As a hair restorative it is also in repute. A strong decoction of the leaves, with rusty nails added te it te supply iron, will, it is said, prevent the hair liem turning grey. Thyme is a species of marjoram, with much smaller leaves. It is used for flavoring. Tansy is useful in the sick room, and many women held it in high esteem. Rue possesses very bitter properties, aed is considered a specific for some complaints. Its leaves arc gathered and btccped in alcohol while green, or else dried for win ter use. 7ormweod is also used in the same way as rue, and it is thought te be highly beneficial te dyspeptics. It is said te be used for making absinthe, a favorite stemachic employed by the French. Ilow te Get Sick. i:xpe-e you l sell day and night, cat tee much without exercise work tee hard without lc-t, doctor ail the time, take all the vile nostrums advertised, and th-n you will want te knew Hew te Get Well. Which is answered in three winds Take Hep Bitters! Ju15-2wiIaw Nearly all the ills that allllct us e:.n be pre vented and cuted by keeping the slemaeh. liver and kidneys in working order. There is no medicine known that will dn this as surely as Parker's Ginger Tonic. See adv. jul-luidced &weev An lintire success. It has been proved by thcmet reliable tc-dl-menv that Themas' hclcctric Oil is an entire success in curing the most Inveterate cases of rheumatism, neuraluia, lame back and wounds of every description Fer sale at 11. B. Cochran's drug store, 13? North Queen street. Lancaster. A VASAL INJECTOR ll'CC Willi each bottle Of Shllel.'s Catarrh Remedy. Price .V) cents. Fer sale at Cochran' drug -.tore, i:;7 North Queen street. The Liiw of Kindness Is universal; it. aflccls all the unman family. an annuals, ami may ue even ieunii in patent medicines. Seme are drastic, and the path-m is obliged te suller pains worse than the dis ease: but In cases of obstinate constinatien. dyspepsia, there is no remedy se kind, se gen tle in lis ciiects, ana yet se sausiactery ax Bur dock Bleed Hitters. Price SI. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen St., Lancaster. Arc von iiaub miserable by Indigestion. Cen stipatien, l.ess et Appetite, lellew SKin Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cure. Fer sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. Wnv will you cough when Shlleh's cuii1 will cive immediate lelicf. Price, lit els., 50 cts. anil i. rorsaieatuoenran's iirng store, 1'17 North Queen street. JUISVELLASJb. eus OAMDEt II. PRICE, ATTOHNKY, HAS IC7 Removed his Office from r; North Duke street te Ne. 41 GRANT STREET. Immedi ately in Rear or Court Heuse. LengV New Builulng. lnlT-tl.l VTOTICE TO HOI.UKBS OK CITY 1SONDS. The holders of City Bends Nes. f, '.i. 10,11, 1 13, II, 10, 17, 18. 1, 20. 21. 22, 2.5. 21, WOO each, Ot the lean et Feb. 13. 1S77. are herebv notified te present the same at, this ellice for" redemption en or before the FIRST DAY OF JULY. 18S2. interest will cease en tlic above bend-, .1 ULY 1. By order et the Finance Committee. J NO. T. MacGONIGLE, june27-5td Mayer. KIKSALE. 52-lRCii Coleiia Bicycle Wil be sold at a bargain, larger bizc. May be seen at Owner wants a LOCHER'S DRUG STORE. NO. 9 EAST KING STBEET, LANCASTER, PA. TNCKKA3K TOUR CAPITA!.. , WHEAT STOCKS, $10, 320, 50, 100. Investors of small and medium amounts In Grain, Previsions and Stocks as fully pro tected as iiienextenslve and Influential opera opera tens, enr successful, fully tried, old estab lished plan, trt it. Reports Bent weekly, dlvi.i ends paid monthly. Send at once for ex ex planatery circulars and past record, free. Dividends paid during past thirteen months en tnis fuini jwj.71 per share. Address FLEMMING & MERRIAM, 141 and 143 LaSALLE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. ..y"We.',,r.an,t a local agent in every town. Lxcelleiit Inducements. Geed pay te a re re Bpenslbc, enterprising man. Write for terms. iuiilyd ' SLBDICAL. ?ROM 77ie Teledo Blade. SURPRISING EFFECTS OF EXTRACT OF CELERY AND CHAMOMILE UPON THE NER VOUS SYSTEM AND DI GESTIVE ORGANS AS INVARIABLY PRODUCED BY DR. C. W. BENSON'S Celery and Glieie Pi. They have been tested time and time again, and always with satisfactory results. The preparation just meets the necessities et the case. Let me state just what my Pills are made te cure, and whac they have cured anil will cuke: Neuralgia. Nervousness, Sick Headache, Nervous Headache. Dyspeptic Headache, Sleeplessness, Paralysis ami Dys- Scpsla. These diseases are all nervous diseases, erveusness embraces nervous weakness, irritation, despondency, melancholy and a restless, dissatisfied, miserable state of mind sind bedv. indescribable. These are some of the symptoms of nervous ness; new, te be luily restored te health and happiness is a priceless been, and yet for 50 cents you can satisfy yourself that there is a cure ler you, and for $5 at the very farthest that cure can be fully secured. These Pills arc all they are represented te be, and are guar anteed te te give sat'stactien if used as direct ed and will cure any case. Sold by all druggists. Price, HO cents a box. Depot 100 Eutaw street. Baltimore, Mil. By mail, two boxes ler $1.00, or six lexes ler $2.50, te any uildres". DR. O. W. BENSON'S New Remedy and Favorite Frescriptlen. SKIN CURE Is Warranted te Cure ECZEMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAM MATION. MILK CRUST. ALL BOUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OK HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA, ULCERS, PIMPLES AND TENDER ITCIUNGS en all parts of the body. It makes the skin white, selt anil smooth; removes bin and freckles, and is the Best toilet dressing in the H erld. Elegantly put up, two bottles in one package, consisting of both internal anil ex ternal treatment. All first-class druggists have It. Price $1 per package. V. N. CRITTENTON, 113 Fulton sticct,.New Yerlt, Is wholesale agents for Dr. C. W. Ben Ben eon's remedies. june7-lmii,M,V&S&wH riiHK Tiirest and Ilesl Medicine Ever Made. A combination et HOPS. BUCHU. MAN DRAKE and DANDELION, with all the best and most curative properties of all ether Bit ters, makes the greatest BLOOD PURIFIER, L1VEU REGULATOR and Lilc and Health Restoring Agent en earth. Ne disease can possibly long exist where HepBittcrs are used se vai led and perfect are their operations. l'llEY GIVE NEW LIFE AND VIGOR TO THE AGED AND INFIRM. Te all whose employments cuuse irregular ity et the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Apctlzcr, Tonic and Mild Stiinn lent. Hep Bitters arc invaluable, without in toxicating. Ne matter what your feelings or symptoms are. what the disease or ailment is u-e Hep Bitteis, Don't wait until you arc Kick, but it you only leel bad or miserabte.use them at once. It may save your life; it has saved hundreds. S500 will be paid for a case they uill net cure or help. De net suiter or let your friends suffer, but use and urge them te use HOP BITTERS. Remember, Hep Bit ters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicine ever made ; the Invalid's Friend and Hepe." and no person or family should be without them. i. i. v. is an aiibOiuie ana irrchisiuoie cure ler Drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. 4SSeld by Druggists. Sknd for Circular HOP Bl'lTERS MFG. CO., Rochester, N. V., and Terente, Out. jul-lmeed&w e VER 5,000 Dnpts anil Pnyslcians Have Signed or Endorsed the Pol Pel lowing Remarkable Document. Messrs. Seabvry it Jehnsen, Manufacturing Chemists, SI Plait street, Netv l'erl:: Gkntlemks : Fer the past lew years we have sold various brands of Pereus Plasters. Physicians and the public prefer BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER te all etheis We consider them one et the very few reliable household remedies worthy et confidence. They are superior te all ether porous plasters or Liniments ler external use. BENSON'S CAPCINE PLASTER is a genu ine Parmaccutic.il product, el the highest order of merit, and se recognized by physi cians and ilruclst". When ether remedies fall CAPCINE PLASTER. get a LE.VSON'S Yeu will be disappointed il you use cheap Plasters, Liniments, Pad3 or Electrical Mag netic Toys. A SURE REMEDY AT LAST. I'rice 35 Cents. MEAD'S MEDICATED CORN AND BUNION PLAS1ER. CUAS. N. CKITTENTON, 113 Fulton St., New Yerk, sole agent ler Dr. C W. Ben Ben eon's Remedies, te whom all orders should be addressed. j n22-2jwd.eed& v-eew-4 EDUCATIONAL, SWAKTHMOKK COLLKE. RE-OPENING IN RESTORED BUILD ING. Beth sexes admitted. College and pre paratory school under csire et membeis of the Society et Friends. The main building, destroyed by tire atli month, last, has been completely rebuilt, enlarged, and tittcd up with all convenience. Thorough instruction in Language, Literature, Mathematics and tne Sciences. New Scientific Building con taining Laboratories, Drafting Reems, Ma chine Sheps.andall appliances for pursuing a thorough course in Chemistry, Mechanical and Civil Engineering. Tlic next term opens 9th me. (Sept.) 12th Apply early, as, ether tilings belli r equal, places will be given te the earliest applicants. Fer full particulars, address EDWARU M. MAGILL, Pres't, , Swarthmere College, Delaware Ce., Pa. june22-3md DRY OOOOS WHITE DRESS GOODS! AT JOHN P. SWARR'S. INDIA LINENS, SWISS MUSLINS, STRIPED PIQUES, CORDED PIQUES, LACE CHECKED MUSLINS, LACE STRIPED MUSLINS ALL AT LOWEST PRICES. GLOBE COSSETS, S0c, 75c, 61.00. DEFIANT SHIRT, $1.00, CAPITAL SHIRT, 75c, PROPOSALS WILL BE KKCKIVfiO AT tlic Mayer's Office until MONDAY, JULY 30, 1882. for the erection et a Stand Pipe in the Western Reservoir of the City of Lancaster. The specifications may be seen at the Mayer's Office. Werk must be completed within thirty days of the date et contract. The committee reserve the right te reject any and all bids. JNO.T. MacGONIGLE. June27-5t Chairman of Water Committee. A3TXICH BROtP. AVTBMTISKMMNX. A 8TRICH BROS' ADVERTISEMENT. ASTKICH BEOS-' PALACE OF FASHION! 13 BAST KING ST. GREAT REDUCTION IX- HATS! PINE TUSCAN HATS and BONNETS AT 75 Cents. TUSCAN HATS FORMERLY SOLD FROM SS1.S3 UP TO $3.00, WE OFFER NOW AT THE UNIFORM PRICE OF $1.00, COLORED CHIP HATS, IN BRONZE, BLUE, GREEN, GARNET and DRAB, AT ONLY 4 50c. WHITE CHIP HATS, GENUINE GOODS, at $1.00. ALL OUR CHLLDRES'S HATS At REDUCED PRICES. HATS FORMERLY SOLD AS HIGH AS NOW AT ONLY 23c. HATS FOUMERLY SOLD FROM 00c. 3H.00, AT 50C. HATS FORMERLY SOLD FROM Jl.Si $..(, AT ONLY $1.09. "Cc, TO TO ALL OUR FLO WEES, CONSISTING OF FINE SPRAYS, WREATHS, M0NTURES, AT EXACTLY HALF PRICE. FINE WHITE PLUMES. ONE LOT OF WHITE PLUMES, ACTUALLY WORTH $T..C0, AT ONLY S2.50. Bargains in Great Number IN EVERY' DEPARTMENT. We Have Opened Te-Day A LARGE AND ELEGANT LINE OF Babies' Short Dresses, Babies' Slips, Babies' Robes. At VERY LOW PRICES. ALSO, HAVE RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE INVOICE OF Ladies' Muslin Uundergarments, WHICH WE ARE SELLING AT LOWER FIGURES THAN EVER BEFORE ! CHILDRENS' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. CORSET COVERS from 25c. up. BUT GOODS. mBJS NORTH END DRY GOODS STORE HAS JUST OPENED A LOT OF LAWNS, IN GOOD STYLES AND FAST COLORS, AT 5 Cents Per Yard. J. W. BYRNE, 322 NORTH QUEEN STREET, ll-lyd LANCASTER. PA. pLOMNO OUT! AT AND BELOW COST. My entire stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ElC. IS FOR SALE AT AND BELOW COST. This is a rare "chance for GOOD BARGAINS. A3 I HAVE ATT IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS, On hand, which were nil purchased ler cash. J. M. LONG, 11 NORTH QUEEN STREET. J21-IAI J." MARTIN & CO. FOR THE HOT WEATHER. HEADQUARTERS FOR Window Shades) Window and Doer Screens, Mesquite Canopies. MATTING', I.INEN FLOOR COVERINGS. SCREENS PROM 50cte UP, FOR ANY WINDOW. 4KSDoers and Windows measured ami our Pattern Screens put in. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANCASTER, PA. OILKS AND DRESS GOODS. Watt,Shand&Ce., OFFER A CHOICE LINE OF Jew Dress Goods, New Dress Goods. RLACK LACE HUNTINGS. COLORED LACE HUNTINGS, NUN'S VEILINGS. SPECIAL BARGAINS in SUMMER SILKS at 50c, 55c, OlVc, 75c. One Case LACE BUNTINGS only 10c. a yard. 100 dozen SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, 25c each : usual price 50c. lOOdezen LADIES' KID GLOVES 25c. n pair, worth 75c. 50 pieces NEW SPRING CHINTZES, Sen yd-. ii-.ually sold at 10c. Just Opened, a Choice Line et VICTORIA LAWNS, INDIA MUSLINS, STRIPED unit PLAID NAINSOOKS, LACE STRIPED PIQUES, DOTTED MUSLINS. AT VERY' LOWEST PRICES. NEW YORK STOKE, 8-10 EAST KING STREET. w K1TK WKESS GOODS. AT k New Cheap Stere. We have new in Stock SPECIAL BARGAINS IX WHITE DRESS GOODS. Bought under the Regular Prices and te be Sold Cheap. VICTORIA LAWNS, at 12i, 15, 18, 20, 25, 31, 37cts. INDIA. LINENS, at 13, 18, 20, 25, 31, 37cts. SWISS MUSLINS, from 12 Cents up. LA.CE STRIPED MUSLINS, LACE CHECKED MUSLINS. CHECKED CAMBRICS, CORDED PIQUES. ALL AT LOW T RICES. AT METZGER AND HAUGHMAN'S NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West King Street. Between the Coener Heuse anil Serrel Herse Hetel. JanH-lvd&w ENTLEMEN. We call your attention te an Important ills -cevcry In our practlce which we liave found very successful in isises et prostration arising from Indiscretion. These sntierinir Irem any of the numerous forms et Debility arising from abuse or ether causes, will de well by senfc a three cent stamp ler farther intor inter mati&tt. Address, DRS. LA GRANGE & JOR-DAN-ffatC Jerdan A. DavidannV n UM. I.M1- j bcetmaet, Philadelphia. Pa. Hours ler con 1 sulfatien i 10 a. m. till 2 p. m., and 5 till 8 p. m. iu urcaMweuu DRY VTEXT DOOR TO THE COTJKT FAH ME STOCK'S. Headquarters for Gauze Underwear. Headquarters for Summer Merine Underwear. LADIES' and GENT'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR, all sizes, at 23 cents up. OUR STOCK OF WHITE GOODS FOK LADIES' DRESSES, &c, was never as complete as at the present time, the greater part el which have been bought at lest than regular prices and -will he sold accordingly. SUMMER HOSIERY in quantities for Ladies, Gents and Children all at LOW DOWN PRICES at R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE, LANCASTER, PA. L iCES, &V. HAGER & Black Hand-Bun Laces, White Hand-Run Laces, Black Spanish Laces, Spanish Guipure Laces, Edelweiss and French Laces, Old Venice and Russian Laces, Oriental and Antique Laces, Maltese and Valincien Laces, Swiss Embroideries, Muslin Undergarments, White Goods, Hosiery, Gleves,&c. 25 WEST K(NG STREET, 1'I.UMJtER'S I. (1K OUT FOK MOTHS! BUY CARBOLIZED PAPER, BEST MOTH PROOF ARTICLE IX :THE WORLD '0R CARPETS, FURS, &C Tarred Reefing Pelt by tlie yard or ten. BS-WHOLESALE SUPPLY DEPOT: Noe. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. JOHN L. ARNOLD. LANCASTER WA.TVUJES. -JMTOKK .TIIAN $650,000 ! IT IS A I'ACT OF NO LITTLE INTER EST TO THE PEOPLE OF LANCASTER AND VICINITY THAT NEARLY Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars WHICH 18 MORE TITAN HALF THE AGGREGATE CAPITAL reCA'(l,aiO,O0O) OF THE POUR NATIONAL BANKS OF THE CITY OF LANCASTER. HAS THUS FAR REEN EXPENDED IN THE MA NUFACTURE ev 'inn Lancaster Watcbes. SIXTEEN GEABES OK THESE Accurate Time-Keepers NOW MADE AT THE Lancaster Watch Factory. They arc the Finest Product et Pennsylva nia Skill and Pennsylvania Enterprise. It is confidently believed that NO P.ETTEK WATCH, for the Meney, is made or fold any where in the world either in Aineric i or in Europe. juiie-lyd&w CARPE1S. piAKPETS. Carpet Manufactory. Having undertaken te manutacture IJA(J and CHAIN CARPETS, wholesale. 2,000 yards per week, I am new prepared te sell my entir.j stock of Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian AT GREAT BARGAINS AND AT BELOW COST, te make room and give my entire attention te wholesale trade of my own manufactured goods. Please call early. H. S. SHIRK, CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Sts. CARRIAGES, &U. rpuK STAND AUD CARRIAGE WORK OF LANCASTER COUNT!'. EDGERLEY & Ce., FINE Carriage Builders MARKET STREET, Bear of Central Market Houses, LANCASTER, PENN'A. We make every style Huggy and Carriage de sired. All work finished in the most comfort able and elegant style. We use only the best selected material, and employ only the best mechanics. Fer quality or. work enr prices are the cheapest in the state. We buy ler cash and seU en the most reasonable terms, Give us a calL All work warranted. Repairing prompt. ly attended te. One set et workmen especially employed for that purpose. f n2G-tfd w Carpets GOODS, HOUSE. BROTHER. SUPPLIES. RAILROADS. PHK GREAT Burlington Reute. Chicago, Riirlingteu & Qnincy R. R. Chicago, Ifurllngten & (juiiiey K. R. PRINCIPAL LINE AND OLD FAVORITE rliOM CHICAGO OK PE0U1A TO KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, CALIFORNIA, LINCOLN AND DENVER. The SHORTEST, QUICKEST and HEST line te St. Jeseph, Atchinson, Tepek.i, Deniscn, Dallas, Galveston, and all points in Iowa, Ne braska, Misseml, Kansas, New Mexico, Ari zona, Mentana and Tcx.is, This route has no superior ler Albert Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nationally reputed us bcin- the GREAT THROUGH CAR LINE. Universally conceded te be the 1IEST EQUIPPED Kiiilread in the world for all I classes et travel. All connections made in Union depots. Try it and you will find traveling a luxury, iiibtead of a discomfort. Through tickets vi.i this celebrated line ler sale at all elliees in the U. S. and Cannd.i. All information about rales of fare, leepiiifj Cars, etc., cheerfully given by PICKCEVAL LIIW ELL, General Passenger Agent, chicaoe, III. T. J. POTTKK, 3d Vice Pres. t Gen. Manager, Chicaoe, III. .IOHM O. A. KKA W.Gcn. Knetcrn Atf., 317 I'.roadway, 3ft; WaliinKlen !t. New Veuk. IIosten, Mas1?. mayic-iyd&v.- HOTHLS. T 1IIE LANCASTER COTTAGE, VIRGINIA (TENTH) AVENUE. Between Atlantic and Pacific A en lies, AIL ANTIC CITY, N. .1. NOW OPEN FOli THE SEASON OF ISSi Pleasant Location. Airy Roem", Elegantly Furnished. New and Complete Improve ments. Terms Very Moderate. MRS. M. J. KUNKLE, Prepiictress. P. O. llex S7.5. jun'.-J-'Jiiiil rpm: MANSION HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, 37. J. OPEN FOR THE SEASON OF 1882. Fronting Pennsylvania enil Atlantic Aven ues, near both Railroad Depots.; TWO HUNDRED ROOMS, ELKGANTLY FURNISHED. EXTENSIVE PORCHES. NEW AND COMPLETE IMPROVEMENTS. LARGE IHLLIARD ROOM, WITH SIX new cellksdek tablim. Orchestra led by lirephy. Dancing under the direction or Prof. G. J. Gillespie. Main etllce W. U. Telegraph in the building. Union News Stand in ellice. Liberal Management. je22-2md CIIAS. McGLADE, Prep. T)ARIER'S HAIR I5ALSAM. A perfect dressing, elegantly perlumcd and harmless. Restores color and prevents baldness. All Farmers, Mothers, ISusiness Men, Me chanics, &c, who are tired out by work or worry, and all who are miserable with dyspep sia, rheumatism, neuralgia, bowel, kidney or liver complaints, you can be invigorated and cured by using If you" are wasting away witii Consumption, Age, or any disease or weakness, you will find the Tonic a HIGHLY INVIGORATING MED ICINE THAT NEVER INTOXICATES. Nene genuine without signature et Hiscox &Ce. 50c. and 1 sizes at dealers in drugs. Large saving by buying $1 size. aplO-ceil erw IRA. TELER8' S VID X. LANCASTER AND MILLEUSVI!. I t , t Cars run as fellows:: Lcave Lancatser (l R. Depot), ut 7, J, uu.i 11:50a.m., and 2, 4, 6 and Sup.in.,ex-ut eih Saturday, when the last car leaves at fl:3e p. lK Lcave Millcrsville (lower end)atr,S,;uu!tia a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars rnn daily en ive time except en Sun dav. C COLUMBIA AND POUT DKl'O.slT K. 1. Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following tunc: Statiess Nekth- Express. Express. Aecen.. WARD. A. K. T. 31. P. M. Pert Deposit. G:20 8: S:2S Peachbottem 6:57 4:i5 Safe Harber. 7:4T 5.05 G:M Columbia. S:i 5:35 6g0 Stations Secru-IExprcss. Express. Accem WAIID. A.M. Y.TS.. A. X. Columbia lirS C:20 7:5 r. x. ArlMS Safe Harber. 10.5S 6:l! LeftlO Peachbottem ll:4 7r25 11.07 PortDenealt 12.25 8:1(5 li:2i" It t-AlUNUS COLUMBIA K.K. A KEANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, MAY 22n, 18Si NORTHWARD. LiSAVE. A.M. r. SI. r.X. A.M. Ojwrryviile fc'JO ... 2:3e 7::te Lancaster, King St 7:3U .... 3:40 !i-.10 Lancaster 7:40 1:00 ;S:5P ttv'O Columbia 7:;J 1:10 3:10 .... AKKIVX. Reading 0.45 ;;:20 5.50 .... SOUTHWARD. L2A.VK. A.M. V.M Kcadlng 7:- ARRIVE Celumbs S:40 Lancaster. 9:;;e Lancaster. King si U:4it Quarryville 10:40 5::V 5:4il t;:4.'i Trains connect at Reading with train teaml lrein Philadelphia, Pottsville, Harrisbnrg, Al Al lentewn and New Yerk, via Round jsroek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick ami I'.a'.ti. mere. A. M. WILSON. Siipt. T)ENSSVI,VAMIA iu;i.ueau-m:w and after SUN DA! . l SCHEDULE On JUNE 4th, lhS2, trains en the Pennsyl vania Kailiead will arrive at anil leave U e Laneastei and Phihidelphia uepetsas lollews: jf. r.M. lioe C:iu r.M. 2:10 8:25 2.10 8:13 '.'.'.'. 9:55 Levi Ar. LanPhil A.M. A.M 12:11 2:5.1 5S!5 7:.'iO S;10 10:20 K:I0 Si.1 ..... J:ik 11:1.1 r. m. 12-A1 1:05 3:20 r.M. 2:12 5:1.1 2r.'e 5:0.1 :.:2: TSK ; i: ii.t.i Eastward. Mall Evprevj r (tot IjIiI ! ilarrisburg Express Yerk Acconiiuedatiou arrives Lancaster Accomedation an Ives.... Columbia Accommodation Frederick Accommodation arftves.. Seashore Express Sunday Mail Johnstown K.pre-.s Harrisburg Accouniiedation Hanover Act'oinmeilatloii ue-st, eeiiueetliig at Lancaster with Niagara Kvpre-s at 10:l., will run through te Hanover daily, except Sunday. Frederick Accommodation, went, connecting at Lancaster with Fast Line, we-d, at 1:40, will run through te Frederick-. II.H. A I Phil Li r. Westwakp. .an A.M. A.M. (1:27 fi:27 lbT5 !:le 10:1.1 10-.50 P.M. 1:10 l:.'iO 5.0.1 2:.1 7:.ai 7:10 il:10 1:1.1 News Express..... Way Pas senger... Mail Train. Ne. 1. via. Mt..ley 4::;e 7:(H) MailTrain,No.2,viaCeliimbi.t,Icuves Mingara i-. press Hanover Accommodation leaves.. Frederick Accommedatloii leaves. S:le 11:05 r. m. Harrisburjr Acconimedation 2:11 4:ii Lancaster Accommodation leaves... Columbia Accommodation Harrisburg Express Western Kxpress Pacific Expiess.... 5:te two HrJi) llarrl-burg Express, west, ut 5:40 p. m., has direct connections (without change et cars) te Columbia and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will stepat Downingtown,Coatesville, Parkes- burg, Mount ley, lizabethtewn and Middle town. Day Express, Fast Line, News Express. Mall Train, Ne. 1, Western Express and Pacific Ex press run dailv. -. VLVTUlNti. s PIX'IAL Ori-KRING TO PERSONS IN WANT OF AN Elegant Suit of Clethes OR A STYLISH SPRUNG OVERCOAT, NOW IS THE TIME TO P.UY. We suggest placing an order only te secure prompt attention anil choice of stock. Dispel lrem your minds the thought of buying cheap, trashy garments when such splendid f.icilltlee are ellercd te obtain the very best at such moderate prices Jiem the leading establish ment and the acknowledged headquarters ler CORRECT STYLES, the most striking and novel effects te be leund in the European markets, which we import direct and have exclusive control. 3I!cmcmbcr, no ether lioit-e in this city can show the same line et goods. We are the only party that handle the Original Londen anil Parisian productions el ORIG ET, ::i RUE VIVIENNE. PARIS. An examination et our immense stock will sati-dy the novice as well as the aesthetic taste that for tone and character our goods cannot be excelled, and rank among the leading houses en this continent. Ne. 121 North Queen Street. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR. STRING ANI SliaiMKIt NOVKLTItS. AT H. G-ERHARTS i, NO. (J EAST KING STREET, 1 hereby stock or inform my customers that mj SPRING and SUMMER SUITING, SPRING OVERCOATING & FANCY VESTING Is new complete. I have new the largest and choicest assortment of WOOLENS. Fer FIne Tailoring In the city el Lancaster. PRICES A3 LOW AS THE LOWEST, and all goods warranted as represented. H. &EMAET. T tun SKIN IS A VASt KSlCNCTORYOR grains of secretion per minute, or two pound in twenty-lour hours, et which one hundred grains are nitrogenous. All Skin Diseases. Cancers, Tumors, Chronic and Private Diseases permancntlv cured by DRS. 11. D. and M. A. LONGAKER. Office 13 East Walnut street, Lancaster, Pa. Consul tation tree. ju2G-3td Tni '?VJ J'