LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER MONDAY JUNE 26, 1882. Eancastet fiUelltgencrt. IffONDAY EVENING. JUNE 26, 1882. e MEADOW HYMJI. Only when searing sings the lark, Struggling te fields et purer air ; i-llent his music when lie ginks' Back te a world less glad and fair. Only when searing sings my lieurl. Fluttering en tremulous wings te Ged : Fainter the music as I fall, Hush'd when I reach this lower sod. Lark of wy heart this morn asllr. Upward te Ged en eager wing ! KIe with a burst of gratelul song, Carel the best that love can sing : Richaril.Sterr Willis in Catholic World. m m That Wus It. Veil oil free Press. " Sir !" began aDctreitcr, as lie cutcrcd a grocery the ether morning, "Sir! I ordered butter of you yesterday !" " Yes ah I knew ; meant te ha have sent It "' "k lurut 11. richt away." Yen shall have it ' Sir ! the butter came up en time." " Oh ah it did, eh ! Well, I'm sorry it was peer, but we shall have some better in a day or two." " Sir ! the butter came up en tinie and was all right, best I've seen in a year." "Yeu don't say Certainly just se I'll make up the weight en the next let." " Sir ! the butter was geed, the weight correct, and 1 called te order six pounds tneic." " Is it possible ! Will, I de decline ! Theu that was it ! Well, well, but acci dents will happen in the b:st of regulated groceries, youjknew. Seny, will de bet ter next time." Illutled Hack. Chicago Tribune. "I should smile.' As Bertha Itcdingetc speke these word.-, the lay coquettish iy in a hammock that had been swung between two giant oaks that reared their tall heads aloft in the bread lawn, at the edge of which steed her father's stately rcsidcucc. A little feet, enmeshed in a silken stocking, whose deli cate texture displayed te advantage the trim ankle within, peeped out from be neath a fleecy white dress, while the laughing eyes and fair forehead of the girl were surmounted by a coronal of sunnily geld tresses of which any hair store might have been proud. "Se you like ice cream .'" said Hareld Mclntyre, bending ever the hammock, and looking tenderly into Bertha's blue eyes. " I should smiic," said the girl again, getting ready te put en her slipper ami fitart. "Yeu are right," snid Hareld, " ice creara is a geed thing. Perhaps seme day next week I will buy you seme." The leek of happy expectancy faded from the girl's face. " What time is it '."' she asked. " Ten minutes te six," replied Hareld. "Then," said Bertha, "if you start right away, you will get home iu time for supper." Hew te Gkt Sick. Kipere yourself day and night, eat tee inui-li w itheut cxcicisu wei k tee hard without rest, doctor nil the time, take all the vile nostrums advertised, and ihii you will want te knew Hew te Gkt Well. Which i niiMveicd in three words Take Hep Hitters! jul.VIwdAw Nearly alt the ills that allliet us can be pic vented and cuied by keeping the rdemucii. liver und kidneys iu working order. There is no medicine known that will de this as Mircly as Patker's Ginger Tonic. See adv. jul-ltudcod&wcew A vahai. injector tree Willi each bottle el Shllel.'s Catarih Remedy. Price T cents Fer sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North tjuecn street. , A Signal Victory. The value et electricity as a remedial asent has Kained n signal victory ever prejudice. Themas' Eclectne Oil xtunds loreiuesi in this class of compounds. Testimonials liem all parts tell et tliu wondrous cures et rheuma tism, neuralgia, hurts, and sores, etc. elleeted by its agency. .Fer wale at II. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 .North Queen street, Lancaster. Ancven xadi: miserable by Indigestion, Con stipation. Less of Appetite, Yellow Skin V Shlleh's Vltalizcr is a positive cure. Fer sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 Xerth Queen street. Physical Suffering. Ne one can realize, except by personal ex perience, the anguish et mind and body en dured by sufferers lrem dyspepsia, indiges tion, constipation, and ether diseases el the stomach. I! unlock Bleed Hitters are a positive euro for this direst of ulldisea-cs. Price $1 Fer nnle ut II. 1$. Cochran's drug store, 13' North Queen street, Lancaster. why will you ceugu wucii muieii'3 euro will nivc immediate lcllct. Price, 10 els., fe ;ts. nnd$I. Fer sale at Cochran's drug store, 117 North Queen streei . eater hangings, &c w JS HAVE SOME THAT WEBK SLIGHTLY WET ON ENDS FROM THE LATE FIRE, THAT WILL BE SOLD AT FltOM 10 te 15 Cents a Yard. These arc bargains and run in almost all colors. ENDS OF WALL PAPEKS Will be sold low in order le close out. Wc make te order all kinds et SCHEENS FOB WINDOWS And put them up in such a manner that veu need net remove them when you wish te close the window, WIBES SOLD BY THE FOOT In any quantity. We have some slightly damaged at lrem 5 te 8 cents u feet, running measure. We. keep an elegant line et LACE CUBTAINS. Have opened New Patterns within a week. LACE LAMBREQUINS. BED SKTS and VESTIBULE LACE BY THE YAUD. Brass, Ebony, Cherry and Walnut Poles, Ex tension Cornices, Ac, Pier and Mantle Mirrors. Phares W. Fry, 57 NORTH QUEEN STREET. COAL. B. B. MARTIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all binds of LUMBER AND COAL. JWTard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince treats above Lemen Lancaster. n3-lyd (WAL AND CF.J1KNT. j Pure Lykcns Valley and ether kind of Ceal for all purposes well cleaned. Best Brand Rescndalc Cement at reduced prices. Alse Limestone Screenings for walks and drives ; guarantee Futislactien. Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. Yard and Ottlcc : Uarrisburg pike. General Office : 20 East Chest nut St reel. KAUFFMAN, KELLER & CO. aprHwd piOAL. M. V. B. COHO, 830 NORTH WATER ST., Lancaster, l-O., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. OoaMCtlen With the Telephonic Kxchangei Yard and Office: STBEET. Ne. SS9 NORTH WATEB tehS8-I;il TAOS. BAGS. 1CAGS. The highest Cash Prices paid for all kinds el Bags, Old Beeks, Carpets, Woolen Cleths, JtagglngUepe, Gum Shoes, &c.,&c. I will call en pcrseus having anyel tbe above articles 11 they will drop me a postal card. W1L F. HENNEOKH, NO. 235 WEST KINQ 8TBEET. fet?&6mu - MEDICAL. VEK 5,000 Have Signed or Endorsed the Fol lowing Rerrrarkable Document. Messrs. Seabury A Jehnsen, Manufacturing Chemists, Zl l'latt street, Xexv Yerk: G ehtlkmeu : Fer the past lew yeaib we have .sold various brands of Pereus Plasters. Physicians ami thu public prefer BENSON'S CAPCINE POKOUS PLASTER te all ethers We consider them one el the very few reliable household remedies weilhy et confidence. They are Miperier te all ether porous plaitcis or Liniment-, ler external ui-e. BENSON'S CAPCINE PLASTER i-, a genu ine Paruiaecutical product, et the highest order or merit, and se recognized by physi cians and druirlit-. When ether remedies fall CAPCINE PLASTER. ;et a BENSON'S Yeu will be disappointed it you u-e iheap Plasters, Liniment, Pads or Eleclilcal Mng Mng neticTeys. A SURE REMEDY AT LAST. Price 5 Cent. MEAD'S MEDICATED CORN AND J i UN JON 1'LAS'IER. VII AS. N. CltlTTENTON, 113 Fulton St., New Yerk, sole aenl ter lr. C V. Ben Ben eon's Remedies, te whom all orders should be addles -ied. j u2--.Uwd.cudw eew-1 LiMtOM The U'vlcile JIUuU: SURPRISING EFFECTS OF EXTIt.VCT OF CELERY AND CHAMOMILE UPON THE NEIi VOUS SYSTEM AND DI GESTIVE ORGANS A 1NVAUIAP.LY PKODUCED BY DR. C. W. BENSON'S one Tlicy IMC been tested time and time again, and always with satisfactory results. The preparation just nicijls the necessities et the cum1. Let me slate jut what my Pills are niadele eurr,uiid what tlicy have cured and will rm:: Neuralgia. Nervousness, Sick Heailaelie, Nervous Headache. Dyspeptic Headache, Sleeplessness, Paralvsis and Dys- ieisla. The.-ediea-esai call nervous diseases. erveu-nc-s embraces nervous weakness, irritation, despemleney, melancholy and a restless. li-salt-liel, miserable state el mind and body, indescribable. Thee are .eme el the symptoms el nervous ness; new, te be tally restored te health and happiness is a priceless been, and yet ler. r0 cents you e.m saiistvveurself that theie is a cure ter you. ami for ." at the very farthest that cure c-m be lully scoured. These Pills are all they are represented te be. and aie guar anteed te te give satisfaction if u-ed as direct ed and will cnu: any case. Sold by all diuggfsls. Price, M cents a box. Depot 1( Eutaw street. Baltimore, Mil, By mail, two boxes ler Jl.ei. or six Vexes for $1.M, te any aildiess. DR. O. W. BENSON'S New Itcmedy and Favorite Prescription. SKIN CURE Is Warranted le Cure ECZHMA, TETTERS, HUMORS, INFLAM MATION, MILK CRUST, ALL ROUGH SCALY ERUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCROFULA, ULCEUS, PIMPLES AND TENDER ITCH1NGS en all parts of the body. Ii makes the skin white, sett and smooth; removes tan and ireckles, and is the Best toilet dressing in the World. Elegantly put up, tMO bottles in one package, consisting et both internal and ex ternal treatment. All llrst-elass .druggists have it. Pi ice $1 per package. V. N. UK1TTKNTON, 115 Fulton street, New Yerk, is wholesale agents ler Dr. C. W. Ben Ben eon's remedies. jiine7-lnu,M,W&S&vl Turest and licst Medicine Ever Made. A combination of HOPS, BUCHU, MAN DRAKE ami DANDELION, wilhall the best and most curative properties of all ether Bit ters, makes the greatest BLOOD PURIFIER, LIVER REGULATOR and Lite and Health Restoring Agent en earth. Ne disease can possibly long exist where IlepBittcrs arc used se varied and perfect are their operations. THEY GIVE NEW LIFE AND VIGOR TO THE AGED AND INFIRM. Te all whose employments cause irregular ity et the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Anctizcr, Tonic and MildStimu lent, Hep Bitters are Invaluable, without in toxicating. Ne matter what your feelings or symptoms arc what the disease or ailment is use Hep Bitters, Don't wait until you are sick, but it you only feel bad or miserable, use them at once. It may save your life; it lias saved hundicds. SeOO will be paid for a cuse they will net cure or help. De net sutler or let your friends MiflVr, but use and urge them te use HOP BITTERb. Remember, Hep Bit ters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicine ever made ; the "Invalid's Frleud and Hepe." and no person or family should be without them. U. I. v. is an abselute and irresislable euro for Drunkenness, use el opium, tobacco uud narcotics. J&a-Sold by Druggists. Send ren Circular HOP BITTERS MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y., and Terente, Ont. jiil-lmced&w CI KAY'S SI'ECII'IU fllKDICINK. Tilt. T Great English Remedy. An unfailing cure for Impotency, and all Diseases that lollew less et Memery. Universal Lassi tude. Pain iu tins Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether discuses that lead te Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. Full par ticulars in our pamplct, which we desire te send tree by mail te every one. The Spccillc Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per pack age, or six packages for $., or will l.e sent lrec by mail en the receipt et the money, by ad dressing the aent. II. B. Cochran, 137 anil 13.1 North Queen stieet. On account of counter feits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper; thoenlygenuine. Guarantees etcure issued by us. Fer sale in Lancaster by II. B. Cochran, 137 North Queen street. TIIKGRAY MEDICINE CO., N. Y. awrl2-lvdiv aAHPEXH. lAKrKTS. Carpet Manufactory. Having undertaken te manufacture RAG and CHAIN CARPETS, wholesale, 2,000 yards per week, 1 am new prepared le sell my entire stock et Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian (Dsirpets, AT GREAT BARGAINS AND COST, - AT BELOW te make room and give my entire attention te wholesale trade of my own manufactured goods. Please call early. H. S. SHIRK, CARPET HALL, Oer. Wesb King and Water Sts, MffiSlS ABTMICB. BROS". ADVERTISEMENT. A 8TBICH BROS' ADVKKTISiSMENT. ASTEICH BEOS-' PALACE OF FASHION! 13 BAST KING ST. We have This Day SALE et instituted a SPECIAL LADIES' And will eiler all Fine and New Geedd, u. Prices which will Astonish All and Cempel Sales. CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE Chemise from 20c. upwards. Fine Embreideicd Chemise at 3;c., 50c, Wc.. 7.1c. $l.uu. Lace Chemise tiem 73c. upwards. Cambric Chemise. CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE PANTLETS. FANTLETS. PANTLETS. PANTLETS. PANTLETS. PANTLETS. Rulllcd Skirts. 37c. Cambric Flounced .Skill.-, ('.Scents. Deep Embroidered Edge Skirts, wic. Fine Embroidered Skins, $1.2.".. A Fine Skiit. with Deep Hamburg Edge and In serting, at $1.7J. TOILET SACQUES. TOILET SACQUES. TOILET SACQUES. TOILET SACQUES, TOILET SACQUES. TOILET SACQUES. Night Gowns, rulllcd, .Wc. Embroidered Gowns, SOe. Elaborately Enibreideicd, front &I.0U te $2..M). CORSET COVERS. CORSET COVERS. COUSET COVERS. CORSET COVERS. CORSET COVERS. CORSET COVERS. SK1RT.S SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT GOWNS GOWNS GOWNS GOWNS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSET: CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS Our well-known Cerjel. at -lit cents. French Woven Corset, at IS cents. A Speen Busk Corset, at 7.') cents. Km Bene Corset, $1.0'. i: Bene Corset, $l.Si, Mad. oe. Flexible Hip Corset. $1. Everlasting Hip Cor sets, $.(. Automatic Cerset,$l.K). Dr. Warner's Health, Corset, $1.25. Examine our $1.50 Cor bet, as it is a per fect beauty. INFANT'S WEAR. INFANT'S WEAR. INFANT'S WEAR. INFANT'S WEAR. INFANT'S WEAR. INFANT'S WEAR. CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S CIULDRKNS Short Embroidered Dresses at sec. Fine Embroidered ami Puffed Dresses lrem 75c up le $1.00. DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES CHILDREN'S Embroidered Drc.s CH1L.DRENS cs te lit Children CHILDRENS lrem 1 te 11 years, CHILDRENS from $2.00 te $5.00. . CHILDRENS INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. INFANTS EMP.ROIDERED CLOAKS. INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. LACK Swiss Caps from 25c. up. LACE Fine Shirred Capa. LACE Fine Lace Cups at 50c. LACE Embroidered Caps. LACK Marseilles Bennets ler LACE Children. EMBROIDERED SHAWLS. EMBROIDERED fcHAWLS. EMBROIDERED SHAWLS. EMBROIDERED SHAWLS. EMBROIDERED SHAWLS. EMBROIDERED SHAWLS. CAPS CAPS CAPS CAPS CAPS CAPS MERINO Ladics'and Gent's UNDERWEAR MERINO Gauze Underwear MERINO at 25c.,in long and MERINO short sleeves. MERINO Children's Gauze MERINO Vests, MERINO in all sizes. UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERAVEAR DUSTERS. DUSTERS. DUSTERS. DUSTERS. DUSTERS. DUSTERS. LADIES' LINEN LADIES' LINEN LADIES' LINEN LADIES' LINEN LADIES' LINEN LADIES' LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEFS. II ANDK EKCH1RFS. GLOVES Lisle Gloves Iramcmuilc, GLOVES GI.O ES at VIM and 17 cents. GLOVES GLOVES Extra Flue Lisle Gloves GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES at 2.i cents. Silk Gloves, Kid Gloves, 3 le 10 buttons. Lace Milts. SPANISH LACES. ORIENTAL LACES. ORILLAX LACES. EDELWEIS LACES, GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES JNttW JvACttS.- parasols parasols parasols parasols parasols parasols Watered Silk Para sols. Satin Para Para sels,lined and Lace Tiimmed at SJ.oe. Fine Parasols and Sun Unbrellas. PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASeLS PARASOLS PARASOLS SWISS EMBROIDERY. SWISS EMBROIDERY. SWISS EMBROIDERY. SWISS EMBROIDERY. SWISS EMBROIDERY. SWISS EMBROIDERY. HOSIERY A geed ami well sc HO.SI KRY lected stock of Ladies' HOSIERY Gent's and Children's HOSIERY Fancy Cotten Hese HOSIERY suitablclorlhcscaseii. HOSIERY Children's Striped HOSIERY Cotten Hese. HOSI ERY Full Regular Made, HOSIERY at 25c. a pair. HOSIERS One let et Ladies'Fan HOSIERY cy Striped Hese, HOSIERY Full Regular Made, at HOSIER X 37c. ; worth 50c. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY- FAN'S .Japanese Fans, Leather Fans. FAN'S FANS FANS jrvmiivi finis, urmeu runs. FANS Embroidered aud Painted Fans. FANS A handsome variety or SHETLAND SHAWLS, at 5 cents, large size. RIBBONS Bargains in All-Silk RIBBONS RIBBON'S Gres-Grain and Watered RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS Sash Ribbons. RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS Bargains in Black Watered Sash. 8 inch Black Watered Sash at $1X0 per yard. Fancy Ribbons at Reduced Rates. FLOWERS. FLOWERS. FLOWERS. FLOWERS. RIBBONS RIBBONS FLOWERS. FLOWERS. FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS We offer new a well selected stock of Ostrich Plumes in all colors, at remarkably low li cures. FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS White Plunics,frem FEATHERS FEATHERS $1.50 up te $12.10. FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS One let et while, blue, pink, cream plumes, at $1.75. One let at $2.50 worth consider able mere. Choice Plumes. $3. FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS OTHER BARGAINS IN. EVEKY ONE OF 0VB EPARTJlETSi Muslm Unaerwear --DRTUOODB. T lUE NOBTH KNUDBY GOODS STUB nAS JUST OPENED A LOT OF LAWNS, IN GOOD STYLES AND FAST COLORS, AT 5 Cents Per Yard. J. W. BYRNE, 322 NORTH QUEEN STREET, ll-lyd LANCASTER. FA. C' OSIMJ OUT I AT AND BELOW COST. My entire stock et , Etc. IS FOR SALE AT AND BELOW COST. This Is a rare chance ler GOOD BARGAINS. AS 1 HAV15 AK IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS, On hand, which were all purchased ler cash. J. M. LONG, U NORTH QUEEN STREET. j2l-tld J. ,5' M AKTJN & CO. FOll THE HOT WEATHER. HEADQUARTERS FOR Window Shade?, Window aud Doer Screens, Mesquite Canopies. MATTINGS, LUfEN FLOOR COVERINGS. SCREENS PROM 50ct3 UP, FOR ANY WINDOW. S-Doer.s and Windows measured and our Pattern Screens put in. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King ani Prince Sts. LANCASTER, PA. LULKS AN1J DKKSS GOODS. Watt, Shand & Ce., OFFER A CHOICE LINE OF New Dress Goods, New Dress Goods. BLACK LACE HUNTINGS, COLORED LACE BUNTINGS, NUN'S VEILINGS. SPECIAL BARGAINS in SUMMER SILKS at 50c, 55c, r.lUJc., 75c One Ca3e LACE BUNTINGS only 10c. a yard 100 dozen SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, 25c. each : usual price 50c. 100 dozen LADIES' KID IGLOVES 25c. a pair, worth 7jc. 50 pieces NEW SPRING CHINTZES, Sc. a yd- usually sold at 10c 1 ust Opened, u Cholce Line of VICTORIA LAWNS, INDIA MUSLINS, STRIPED and PLAID NAINSOOKS, LACE STRIPED PIQUES, DOTTED MUSLINS. AT VERY LOWEST PRICES. NEW YOHK STOKE, 8-10 EAST KING STREET. W rillTE IKES3 GOODS. -AT & New Cheap Stere. We have new in Stock SPECIAL BARGAINS IN j WHITE DRESS GOODS. Bought under the Regular Price? and te be Sold Cheap. VICTORIA LAWNS, at 12, 15, 18, 20, 2."i, 81, 87ctt. INDIA LINENS, at 13, 18, 20, 25, 81, 87cts. SWISS MUSLINS, from 12 Cents up. LACE STRIPED MUSLINS, LACE CHECKED MUSLINS. CHECKED CAMBRICS, CORDED PIQUES. ALL AT LOW PRICES. AT METZGER AND HAUGHMAN'S NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West Sing Street. Between the Cooper Uouse and Serrel Herse Hetel. Janll-lyd&w rf"1 ENTLEB1EN. We call your attention te an Important dis covery in our practice which we liave found very successful in cases et prostration arising from indiscretion. These suffering tram anv of the numerous forms et Debility arising from abuse or ether causes, will tde well by sending a three cent stamp for farther infor mation. Address, DBS. LA GRANGE & JOB DA iite Jerdan ft Davidsen). Ne. 1G25 Fll uei t .,t ; eat, Philadelphia. Pa. If ours for con cen BuituUin : 10 a. m. till 2 p. m., and 5 till 8 p. m. If jtr rJSBX lOff PjUCKS FUlt JLL&, SUMMER CLOTHS. The Spring has been a long, cold one and we have a very large stock of Sumner Fabrics still .en hand. As Summer cloths will net sell in Winter we have made a very CONSIDERABLE REDUCTION IN PRICES te make quick sales of our Bannockburn Cheviots, Pine Spring Trewserings, Black Diagonal "Worsteds, Black Basket Worsteds, Handsome English Cassimeres, English Black, Blue and Green Serges, Black and Blue Clay Serges, Black and Blue Crepe Cleths, Simoni Batiste Cleths, Scheeller's Check Suitings, Empire Misch Suitings, Auburn Mist Suitings, Black Habit Cleths, Thin Black Doeskins, BLLLIABD CLOTHS (Simoni's), all grades. Lewest Prices. PELTS, all colors (72 inches ride) for draperies and embroidery, $1.23, $1.50 and $2.00 per yard. BLUE FLANNELS, for Bathing Suits, and a very handsome assortment of Grcen, Blue, Olive, Bronze and Mixt Cleths of fine quality, for SEASIDE, MOUNTAIN AND STEAMEB SUITS. DH, IDRBAY & CO RETAILERS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF CLOTHS ARKET and NINTH STS.. Philadelphia. VK.T DOOIJ. TO TIIK COURT HOUSE. FAH MESTOOK'S. Headquarters for Gauze Underwear. Headquarters for Summer Merine Underwear. LADIES' and CENT'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR, all alzca, at 25 cents up. OUR STOCK Of WHITE (JOODS FOR LADIES' DRESSES, &c, was never us complete us at the present time, the greater part et which have been bought at less than regular prices and will be sold accordingly. SUMMER HOSIERY In quantities for Ladies Cents and Children all at LOW DOWN PRICES nt R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE, LANCASTER, PA. X AUKS, &i;. HAGER & Black Hand-Run Laces, White Hand-Run Laces, Black Spanish Laces, Spanish Guipure Laces, Edelweiss and French Laces, Old Venice and Russian -Laces, Oriental and Antique Laces, Maltese and Valincien Laces, Swiss Embroideries, Muslin Undergarments, White Goods, Hosiery, Gleves,&c. 25 WEST VAMltlAUEtl, C. T 1UK STANDAKD UABKIAOK TYOKK OF LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & Ce., PINE Carriage Builders. MARKET STREET, Bear of Central Market Houses, LANCASTER, PENN'A. We make every style ISnggyand Carriage de sired. All work finished in the most comlorl cemlorl comlerl able and elegant style. We use only the best selected material, and employ only the best mechanics. or quulity of work our prices are the cheapest in the state. Wc buy for cash and sell en the most reasonable terms, Giveusa call. All work warranted. Repairing prompt ly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose. I n'2U-tfd&w MOTELS. mnK LANUAST1SK COTTAGE, VIRGINIA (TENTH) AVENUE, Between Atlantic and Pacillc Avenues, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. NOW OPEN FOR THE SEASON OF 1S8.'. Pleasant Location. Airy Reems. Elciruntlv Furnished. New and Complete Inipievu-! ineiits. Terms erv Meucrate. MRS. M. J. KUNKLE, Preptletress. P. O. Rex 87.1. jun'Ji-'Jiuil T 111K MANSION HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. OPEN FOR THE SEASON OF 1882. Fronting Pennsylvania and Atlantic Aven ues, near both Railroad Depot?.; TWO HUNDRED ROOMS, ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. EXTENSIVE PORCHES. NEW AND COMPLETE IMPROVEMENTS. LARGE BILLIARD ROOM, wmi six new ceixknder tables. Orchestra led by Brophy. Dancing under the direction of Prof. G. .1. Gfllespic. Main elllce W. U. Telegraph in the building. Union News Stand In etlice. Liberal Management. jc22-2md CHAS. McGLADE, Prep. ED V CATION AL, SWARTBMORK COLLEGE. RE-OPENING IN RESTORED BUILD ING. Beth sexes admitted. College and pre paratory school under enre el members of the Society et Friends. The main building, destroyed by lire 9th month, last, has been completely rebuilt, enlarged, and fitted up with all conveniences. Thorough instruction In Languages, Literature. Mathematics and tne Sciences. New Scientific Building con taining Laboratories. Drafting Reems, Ma chine Sheps, and all appliances for pursuing a thorough course In Chemistry, Mechanical and Civil Engineering. Tne next term opens 9th me. (Sept.) 12th Apply early, as, ether things bingcqual, places will be given te the earliest applicants. Fer full particulars, address EDWARD M. MAGILL, Preu't, Swarthmerc College, Delaware Ce.. Pa. June22-3md ' GOODS, Ladies' Dress Cleths. Children's Sackings, Children's Cleakings, Beys' Cassimeres, Beya' Fine Suitings, Beys' Kilt Suitings, English Serges and Colored Cleths for Ladies Biding Habits, Corduroys for Biding Pants, Meltons and Cassimeres for Ladies' Biding Suits, English Checks and Serges for Ladies' Suits. Infants' Cleakings. BROTHER. KING STREET. RAIJUROADS. T 1UE GREAT Burlington Reute. Chicago, Jiurlingten & (Juiucj K. K. Chicago, JSnrllngten & jtiincj K. K. PKINCIPAL LINE AND OLD FAVORITE FROM CHICAtiO OR PEORIA TO KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, CALIFORNIA, LINCOLN AND DEN VEIL The SHORTEST, QUICKEST and BEST line te St. Jeseph, Atchinson, Tepekn, Deulsen. Dallas, Galveston, and all points in Iowa, Ne braska, Missouri, Kansas, New Mexico, Ari zona, Mentana and Texas, This leute has no superior ler Albeit, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nationally reputed as being Hie GREAT TIIKOUG II CAR LINE. Universally conceded te be the REST EQUIPPED Railroad in the world for all clashes et travel. All connections made In Union depots. Try it and you. will find travcllng-a luxury, instead of a discomfort. Through tickets via this celebrated line for sale at all efliccs in the U. S. and Canada. All-Information about rates of fare, Sleeping Cars, etc., cheerfully given by PEKCKVAL LOWELL, General Passenger Agent, Ciucaoe, III. T. J. POTTEK, ud Vice Pies. & Gen, Manager, Chicago, III. JOHN j. A. IlKA.N.Oen. Eaitern Agt., ai7 Broadway, eOG Washington St. New Yewc. Bosten, Mass. niaylO-lyd&w TAKKKK'S HAIK UAJLsAM. A iicrfect dressing, elegantly perfumed and harmless. Restores color and prevents baldness. All Fai mere. Mothers, Business Men, Me chanics, &c. who are tired out by work or worry, and all who are miserable with dyspep sia, rheumatism, neuralgia, bowel, kidney or liver complaints, you can be invigorated and cured by using If you are wasting away with Consumption, Age, or any disease or weakness, you will find the Tonic a HIGHLY INVIGORATING MED ICINE THAT NEVER INTOXICATES. Nene genuine without signature el Jliscex & Ce. 50c. and $1 sizes at dealers la drugs. Large saying by buying fl size. aplO-cea eew TJtJi.rEZ.isva' urnt LANCA9TKR AKO MILLKKSVIIAK K. I Cars run as fellows : Leave Lancateer (P. K. Depot), at 7, 9. and 1130a.m., and 2, 4, 6 and 8:30 p.m., exeunt ea Saturday, when the last car leaves at 930 p. t Leave MillersvUle (lower eBd)atS,8, andiie a. M., and 1. .1. 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run daily en ve time except en Sub . day. (WLUMBJA AMD FORT DEPOSIT B. K j Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following tune: Statieks North- Kxpresa. Express. Accem. WARP. a. if. r.tu T.U. Pert Deposit. 6:20 3:55 8:25 Peachbottem 6:57 4:16 TM Safe Harber. 7: 5.03 6:58 Columbia. 8:3) j:35 639 Statieks Seuth- Kxpress. Express. Accem WARD. A.K. ' T.M. A.K. Columbia 10:20 6:3) 7:45 r. . AX9M Safe Harber. 10.5S 6:49 Left) Peachbottem ii:tt 7r 1L07 r.M. Pert Deposit 12.25 I 8:16 M;2 K KADI Nil JE COLUMBIA It. K. r KKANliKMENTOF PASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, UlAY 22d, 18M. NORTHWARD, LKAVK. Quarryville Lancaster, King St... Lancaster Columbia. ARRIVE. Reading 1a.m. r.H. r.M. A.U. 6:20 7:30 230 7:30 9:10 930 3:40 7:40 7:30 10 1:10 3:90 3:40 9.45 3:20 5.50 SOUTHWARD. LXAVK. Reading ARRIVB. Columbia Lancaster.............. Lancaster. King St.., Ouarryvillc 5:30 5:40 G-.45 Trains connect at iieatung witn trains teana lrem Philadelphia, 1'ettsviUe, Uarrisburg, Al Al entewn and New Yerk, via Round Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Baltl. mere. A. M. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA. KAILKOAD NXW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY, JUNE 4th, 18S2, trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive at and leave the Lancnstei and Philadelphia depots as follews: ILcvl Lan Eabtwaiid. LanlPhU A.M. 12:44 5:35 8:10 8:10 8;55 OtfO r.M. 12:55 1:05 A.M 2J5 7:60 1020 Til nil JtxprcH3... . fist iiinc. Uarrisburg Express Yerk Accommodation arrives Lancaster Accomedation arrives.... Columbia Accommodation Frederick Accommodation arrives.. Seashore Express Sunday Mail Johnstown 10 x press Day Express Harrisburg Accommodation.... U:45 3:20 r.M. 6:45 5:05 7:35 9:45 2:42 2:20 5:25 645 Hanover Accommodation west, connecting ut Lancaster with Niagara Express at 10:45, will run tliieugh te Hanover dully, except Sunday. Frederick Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Fust Line, west, at 1:40, will run tnreMisli te Kiederlek. Le. Ar. WKSTWAitn. PhllLan A.M. A.M. News Ex press. ... ........... Way Passenger Mail Train. Ne. 1. via. Mt.Jey 4:30 4:30 7:00 MailTrain,No.2,viaCelumbia,lcaves Niagara Kxpress Hanover Accommodation leaves.. 8:40 riisi ii ii l. ............. . ............. Frederick Accommodation leaves... 11:05 P.M. Harrisbuig Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation leaves. Columbia Accommodation Uarrisburg Express Western Expre.-s Pacillc Kx'iins-s 2:14 4:14 5:40 0:06 11:20 A.M. M. r.M. 7:23 12.-00 6:10 P.M. 9:40 8:10 8:23 9-J0 2.10 8:13 9:40 .... 8:25 10:40 .... 9:55 Uarrisburg Express, west, at 5:40 p. m., has direct connections (without change of cars) te Celumblfi and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at Downlngtown,Coatcsville,Parkes Dewnlngtown,Coatcsville,Parkes Downlngtewn,Coatcsville,Parkes burg, Mount Jey, Ellzubethtewn and Middle, town. Day Express, Fast Line, News Express. Hall Train, Ne. 1, Western Express and Pacillc Ex press run dailv. CI.OTUIXO. OPKC1AI. Oirt'KKING TO PEKSONS IN WANT OF AN Elegant Suit of Clethes -OR A STYLISH SPRUNG OVERCOAT, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Wc suggest placing an order only te secure prompt attention and choice of stock. Dispel lrem your minds the thought of buying cheap, trashy garments when such splendid facllltlcas are offered te obtain the very best at such moderate prices from the leading establish ment and the acknowledged headquarters ler CORRECT STYLES, the most striking and novel effects te be found in tbe European markets, which we Impert direct and hav exclusive control. JVKcuicmbcr, no ether house in this city can show the same line of goods. Wc are the only party that handle the Original Londen and Parisian productions et ORIGET, 31 RUE V1VIENNE. PARIS. An examination et our immense stock will satisfy the novice as well as the aesthetic tasts that for tone and character our goods cannot be excelled, and rank among the leading houses en this continent. Ne. 121 North Queen Street. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR. fc l-KINO AVI hlMMKK NOVELTIES. -AT H. GERH ART'S I, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET. I hereby stock of Inform my customers that my SPRING and SUMMER SUITING, SPRING OVERCOATING & FANCY VESTING Is new complete. I have new the largest and choicest assortment of WOOIiENS. Fer Fine Tailoring In the city el Lancaster. PRICES AS LOW AS TILE LOWEST, and all goods warranted as represented. H.GEKHART. SAMUEL H. PRICE, ATTOBNET, BAB Removed his Otlice trem 56 North Duke lrect te Ne. 41 GRANT STBEET, Immedi ately in Rear et Court Heuse, Leng's New Building. ml7-tld Taiin MllSiM r 6:27 6:27 9-J5 9:40 10:43 10-.S0 r.M. 1:40 1:50 5:05 J:30 T30 7:40 il:10 1:45