J LANCASTER DAILTIINTELLIGENCEB SATHRDAYiJUNE 24.1882.S - !. s The Houses or Vurk and Lancaster. Yerk Daily. Prof. A. Wauuer, A. M., professor of the Yeik high school, was en Wednesday evening last, at half past eight o'clock, bennd iu matrimonial fetteis te Miss Clara Eckert, or Gordonville, Lancaster county. The ceremony was performed at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Alenzo Petter Diller, of Marietta, Pa., according te the Episcopal ritual, in the presence of a large number of intimate friends of the parties, from Yerk, Lan caster and Ilarrisburg. After congratula tions were ever, and a sumptuous colla cella colla tieu had been Berved, the happy couple were escorted te the train by the assem bled company and given a lucky send off. Frem Philadelphia they go te Atlantic City, for a brief sojourn by the sea, after which they will return te set up their household gods in the ancient borough of Yerk and resume the mere practical and prosaic duties of life. UAILKOAU ACCIDENT. A Man Mcverely Injered Near l'eanuck'H Furnace. This afternoon at 3 o'clock, while the engine Rebert Crane was shifting cats, near Peacock's furnace, this city, en the Quarryville railroad, Jehn Beweis, familiarly known as " Weedy" Beweis, attempted te get en the tank, his feet slipped and he was badly injured. He was taken te the Stevens house in an unconscious condition and medical aid was bummencd. The extent of Bewers' inju ries aie net known at the time of our ing te pi ess. Pay Tour City Tux. Next Saturday will be the last day upon which persons can pay their city tax and secure the three per cent, abatement for prompt payment allowed by law. (Jelviu'a first-class l.lvery. Cyrus II. Celvin's City Hetel livery Hlables arc new stocked with the bust assortment et hordes, wagons, li;u lien., Ac, in the city. Kine saddle and diiiing her.si.s, with complete eutlll, for ladies ami gentlemen. Air. Cel v in has abandoned the stables rear et Crape hotel and new has all his stock at the City Hetel stable?. Fer a fine lurueutgive him a call. ltd lintel Albien. This II rst-elass hotel at Atlantic Cily epjned en .1 line 17, being entirely icturnished and having all the modem conveniences. The beard et health el Atlantic City says : 'The Hetel Albien in without doubt u model house lua.sanilniy point el view." Gee. I., .luceby, the pepiiluriiuiinigcr, will en application, give terms, .Vc. Dry Clouds Stores le be Cluneal. The principal Dry Goods Stores la the clly will close during the months et duly and Au-Kii-t alt; o'clock p. in., SaluiiUys excepted. jiin24-7td Hl'ECIAI. NOTICES. "Keugli en Rats." Cleat's out nils, mice, ieachcu,lllcs,:ints, bed bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15e Druggists. Physicians say it combines all tlicdcsirterata el very ferruginous leuie prescribed by every school of medicine. ISrewu's iron Hit ters. Fer sale by II. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 North Queen ctreeU JulO-lwd&w The tace el humanity displays rewer pim ples than formerly. Reason Glenn's Sulphur Seap. ' Hill's Hair and Whiskey Dye," .50 cts. jnl!)-lwdeed&w Celden's Llcbig's Liquid licet and Tonic In In In vlgointer will cur.i initlgastlen, and perpetu ate beililv vigor. Take no ether. Ol druggists. iullMwdced&w The most sensible remedy, and the only tare, sure and permanent cure ler all diseases et the liver, bleed and Mteinuch. including bilious levers, lever and ague, dumb ague, jaundice, dyspepsia. Ac., is Pret. Guiliiicttc'd French Liver Pails, which ernes by absorption. Ask your druggist for tills noted cure, and take no ether, and if he lists net get it, or will net get it for you, send SUV) te the French Pad Ce., Teledo, O., and thev will send you one post paid by return mail. Fer s de at Kaull'nian's Drug Stere, North Queen wtrecL ju21-2tdW&S (Slveu up by Hectors. " is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at work, and cured by se simple a remedy ?" "I assure you it is true that he is entirely cured, and with nothing but Hep Hitlers ; and only ten days age his doctors gave him up and said he must die!" " Well a-day ! That's remarkable ! I will go this day and get some for my peer Geerge I knew hops nre geed." jul52wd&w Death te the l'liarasltes Which hide between the gums and teeth, and cat into them te their destruction. SO.O DONT Is master el the situation. Whoever uses il lcgularly alter every meal, and cleanse-) his teeth and mouth, will seen be rid et the p,ira-,itcs. juiO-lwtleedSw Win. McCartney, S Lloyd Street, llutlale, N. Y. fell and sprained ills ankle. His em ployer. II. Andcien, ill Slain Street, procured some Themas' Eelcctrle Oil, and hes'iys that a lew applications enabled him te go te work as usual. Fer sale at II. I!. Cochran's drug stoic, 1.17 North Queen street. Lancaster. TllK lvKV. (iUO. 11. THAYER, Ot liOUl'bOII, Illll., says : "Reth myself and wile mvs our liv.is 10 Shileii's Coksumitien Cciic. Fer sale at Coch ran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. It is a foolish mistake te confound a reined' of mci it with quack medicine. We nave used Parker's Ginger Tonic with the happiest re sults for Dyspepsia, and Debility and knew it te be a sterling health restorative. Times. JuMindeodAeew Give 11 Im a I test. When enieeblcd by long suffering proceed ing from torpid liver, biliousness, indigestion constipation, or sick headache, take Burdock Bleed Bitters, which give rest te the weary and reinvigeratcs all the organs et the body. Price $!. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store, M7 North Queen street, Lancaster. The fairest laces are sometimes marred by myriads of pimples, and markings et tetter or freckles, which arc readily removed by a pop ular toilet dressing, known as Dr. C. W. Ben Ben eon's Skin Cure. Kvcn scrofulous ulcers yield te it. jul9-lwd&w lietv te Secure lleallli. It seems strange that any one will sutler irem the many derangements brought en by an impure condition et the bleed, when SCO VILL'SSARSAPAIULLAANDSTILLINGIA, or BLOOD AND LIVER SYRUP will restore perlect health te the physical organization. It is indeed a strengthening syrup, pleasant te take, and lias proven Itself te be the best BLOOD PUBIFIER ever discovered, effect ually curing Scrofula, Syphlltie disorders, Weakness et the Kidneys, Erysipelas, if ala lia; all nervous disorders and debility, bil ious complaints and all diseases indicating an impure condition et the Bleed, Liver, Kid neys, Stomach, Skin, etc. It corrects indl gostien. A single bottle will prove te you its merits as a health renewer, for it ACTS LIKE A' CHARM, especially when the complaint is of an exhaustive nature, having a tendency te lessen the natural vigor et the brain and ner vous system. RAKER'S PAIN PANACEA cures a pain In uiau and beast. Fer use externally and inter nally. REDHORbK POWDERS euro all diseases of horse, cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry and all Livestock. A POSITIVE CUKE. uiay24-8 Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store 137 North Queen street. Mothers! Mothers I ! Mothers !! Arc you disturbed at night and broken et your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with excruciating pain or cutting teeth t If se, go at once and get a bottle el MRS. W1N SLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve tbe peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It: there is no mistake about it. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell yen at once tliat it will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother and relict and health te the child, operating like magic. IS Is perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and is the prescription et ene of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, Sold every where. 25 cents a bottle m2-ly-M,WAS4w "UACKifETACK," a lasting and fragrant per fume. Frice 25 and 50 cents. Fersale at Coch ran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. Browe'i Household Panacea Is tbe most effective Fain Destroyer In the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed, whether taken internally or applied extcrnally.and thereby mere certainly relieve pain, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it Is warranted double the strength et any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side. Back or Rowels. Sere Threat, Rheumatism and all aches, and Is THE GREAT RELIEVER OK PAIN. "Beewk's Household 1'asacka" should be in every lamily. A tcaspoenful of the l'anacca in a tumbler el het water sweetened if preferredj, taken at bed time will cbkak up a cold. 23 eta a bottle. febll-lvdM.W&S&w A number et the leading physicians of the country are new recommending Prof. Ouil mette'.s Klduev l'ad ler lame back, sciatica, diabetes, gravel, and ether diseases of the kid ncys, bladder and urinary organs. Fer gale at Kauflnian's drug store, North Queen street. iu24-2tdW&S HEATHS. Kildurx June 22. 1682. in this city, after a short Illness of but live weeks, Marv C. Kllburn, wife of Francis Kilbum, in the 70th year et her age. Funeral en Monday, at 10 o'clock, from 48 East Chestnut street. All friends respectfully Invited te attend. Interment at Woedwanl Illll cemetery. LrxrKn. In this city, June 22, 18S2, Paul Waybright. son et Chailcs and Mary N. Lcc per, aged 1j months. The relatives ami friends are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from the parents' residence, Ne. 33 Frederick street, en Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. ltd Hamilton. In this eitv, en the itd lust., Elizabeth, wileet Peter Hamilton, iu the mtli year el her age. The relatives and friends et the lamily are respectfully invited te attend the funeral Irem the ic.sidcnce of her husband. Ne. 701 .jeiim ijueeu street, biimhiy arternoeu as 2 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill ceme tery, n JtittX'UiiNitiiKii:. In this city, en the 23d inst., Koscoe Garlleld, son et K. D. and Susana Breckenridge, aged l'.l months and 12 days. The relatives and friends of the faintly are respectfully invited te attend the funeral, from the residence el his parents, Ne. CM West Chestnut street, Sunday alternoen at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery, it Cooper. On the evening or the 21st Warrick M. Cooper, In the Mat j ear el his age. Funeral from his late residence in Christi ana, en Sunday, the 2"th Inst., te meet at 10:30 o'clock. Interment at fcadsbury. Relatives and friends arc invited te attend'. 2ld NE " AV VERT18K31ENT&. rimi: kkciilaraiemthlv mkktine of l the Union Riilldinguud Lean Association will be held oil MONDAY evening at 7K o'clock. a. II. HALL, Secretary. ("llTY HAND AT ZAKPFUL'S TUIf (SAT J UKDA Y) evening. Coelest place In town. Hne Lager te tap, ltd . S. E COR. PE.NN SQUARE. TT7"ANTKII ONK LADY AND A BOY TO V? work in the laundry. Call at the Para gen Sliiil Factory, Ne. lit Seuth Queen Street. it II. 11. SHANK. WANTKU.-AT COPLAND'S KKSTAUR A NT, a girl te attend the up-stuiis and de tlie ltd house work ler the same. 125 NORTH QUEEN STREET. ASTARTUNU WISUOV1CKY. It has been discevcied that Steiuliauscr's Excelsior Polish has no equal. Ladies would de well by giving it a trial. Manufactery: 07 NORTH QUEEN ST., It Lancaster, Pa. Tlf ANTICU.-A OIUL TO COOK AND DO TV general housework for a small family, with the aid et a young girl and woman te help with the washing. Geed wages will be paid te a gill who can come well rccom rccem mended. Apply at this ellice. ju21-tfd WANTKD. AN ORGANIST IN ST. Mary s Church, trem the llrst of "August next ; salaiy, $2t a year. Apply, bringing letercncesas te ability and character, te. 121-atilSTuTh DR. McCULLAGII. SVHOOI. TAX, 1882. O The duplicate is in the hands or the tre is- uicr. Thiee tier cent, elf ler prompt payment. W. O. MARSHA LL, Treasurer, Ne. 12 Centre Square. 4SOlllcu hours from 1) a. in. te 4 p. m. jul3-2mdR HKUKISMAN, HOUSK CaKPKNTKK . Builder and Jobber. Shep in rear of Gee. Zechcr'.s Prevision Stere, Ne. 221 North Queer. Street. Werk accepted by day or con tract, .lobbing a specialty. Orders left at Zccher's store will be promptly attended te. 11 TKKSIl STKAWMEIIIUKS AND OUEK- X? ries this evening. Elegant Country Peas J and launagc. atenci-i oranges, j.emens and Uananas. Spiced and Cape May Oysters en ice. Fresh Deviled Crabs. ECKERS'S DAILY MARKET, ltd Ne. 1211 East King Street. ( "1 OOD NKWS FOR TnK l'OOK. T An entire suit for $1.50 can be hail at BECHTOLD'S. Linen, Jean, Cotten and ether kinds et pants at 40 cent-sand upwards. Over alls, Shirts, Men and Reys' Hals, &c., at re duced pi ices. Hosiery in great varletv anil at unusual low pi ices. HENRY' 1IEC1ITOLD. It Ne.52 North Queen St. SKM1-VNNUAL MKKTINO OFTIli: LAN CASTER Mainnci-eher will be held at their hall en TUESDAY evening next. atS o'clock. Arrangements will be made ter excursion tickets te Philadelphia and street parade. All members are earnestly requested te be pres ent. l!y order el the president. GEO. PFK1FFER. J21-2UI Secretary. 1)UIU.IC MAI.i: OI HOUSES ON MON DAY, JUNE 20. 1S82, will be sold at D. Legan's Sales Stables, Market slieet, rear of McliRiiiii Heuse, Lancaster, Pa., 1C head et Canada Horses, amongst them are peme very line drivers anil heavy-boned lccdcra. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. m. A credit of CO days will be given. It DANIEL LOGAN. PICK POS AI.S I1 OK MATKKlAl-S AND Construction et Buildings. Offick of the Keelev Steve Company, Columbia. Pa., June l'., lbSi $ Sealed proposals will be received at this ofllce until 12 o'clock M., el WEDNESDAY', ther.tli day et JULY next, for the erection, and all materials for lhc completion of the new Steve Works et this company, te be built at this place, consisting el Foundry, Ware house, etc. Copies et specifications can be had, and plans examined by bidders, en ap plication at this ofllce. Address GEO. W. HALDEMAN, j20-8tdTuTliS Pj-esldent. pt IICAKD Fire Insurance Company OF PHILADEI.PIA. Assets ever Eleven Hundred sand. Theu- Dollars, securely invested. Fer a policy In this old ami well-established company call en RIPE & KAUFMAN, NO. 19 EAST KING STREET. d3M,WK&i J." MARTIN & CO. FOJi THE HOT WEATHEli. HEADQUARTERS FOR Window Shades, Window and Doer Screens, Mesquite Canopies. MATTINGS, LINEN FLOOR COVERINGS. SCREENS PROM SOcts UP, FOR ANY WINDOW. 49"Deers and Windows measured and Pattern Set cens put in. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King ani Prince Sts. LANCASTER, PA. JTEW ADVMMTJHKMKirTa. pOOLING, REFRESHING ANP HEAITHJTCJI. DRINKS FOK HOT WEATHER APOLUNARIS WATER, the Queen of Table Waters. (J AX TELL & COCHBAN'S DUBLIN and BELFAST GINGEB ALE, THE FINEST IN THE MARKET. cLAKfcT WINKS. Of our own direct Importation irem the Ueuse et Evarlste, Dupeut A Ce., ISerdaux. All the Leading and Popular Brands et FRENCH CHAMPAGNES. We are the agent for the Pleasant Valley Wine Ce.'s Great Western Extra Dry Wine. The Menserat Ce.'s Lime Fruit J nice. REldART'S OLD BRANDY. Ne family should be without a bottle or this Reliable Medicine at this season of the year. H. E. SLAYMAKER, agent, NO. 29 EAST KING STREET. jan28-lydS -vtext deer te the COURT FAH MESTOCK'S. Headquarters for Gauze Underwear. Headquarters for Summer Merine Underwear. LADIES and GENT'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR, all sizes, at 23 cents up. OUR STOCK OK WHITE GOODS FOR LADIES DRESSES, Ac, was never as complete as at the present time, the greater part et which have been bought at less than regular prices and will be sold accordingly. SUMMER HOSIERY In quantities for Ladies. Cents and Children all at LOW DOWN PRICES at R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO COURT I 'liK FACTORY Ol' T1IK TKADE. NOEBECK & MILEY'S New, Commodious and Well-Stocked Coach Works, S. K. am. or DUKE AND VINE STREETS, Lancaster, P;. xe " aneiw v wen k all fibst-class. ix si yle, finish, 1)V 11 ABILITY, CHEAPNESS AND VA11IETY, VAXXftT UK EXCELLED. CANNOT BE EXCELLED. I build the Wheels, and guarantee Our Mec-U always, comprises the most Improved Styles el BUGGIES, PIAETMS, CARRIAGES, THE McOALL. B. DAYTON BUSINESS WAGON. A3 Call, examine and be convinced ler yourself.'! OUJi MOTTO :OUU WOItK SUSTAINS OUB WOBD 1 NEW J.D'jaitTlSE3IENTS. rlUlKKEGUI.AKMOMTULY lUKKUntlOV J. the American Mechanics' Knilding and Lean Association will be held this ( SATUR DAY) cvcnlner, at s o'clock, iu Temperance Hall WM. T. JEKFERIES, ltd Secretary. WANTEDA MAN WITH PRACTICAL experience in breaking, training nnd handling horses, wants a situation. Would prefer employment at Sale and Exchnnge Stable?. Call or address U. 15., 29 West King .street, Lancaster, Pa. ltd rnuic people's ijuileing, lean Ann A Deposit company Monthly meeting et stockholder this ( SATUUDAY ) evening, .lime 21, 1882. at Ne. 41 North Duke street. Meney te lean at H o'clock in sums te suit borrowers. Premiums low. Nomination el officers at S o'clock for next ensuing year. .IAS. A. N1MI.OW, ft Secretary. IMMHNHK PU1CLIC SALE, ON TUKSDjtY, .1 U N E 27, 1SS2, in rear of Nes. 23 it 30 Seuth Ituke .street, will be .sold a large assortment el" Household Furniture Redsteads, Redding, Mattresses, Red Springs, Tables, Chairs, Wash Stands, Dressing Rureaus, Sofas, Lounges, Qnecnsware, Gas Pipes. Brackets and Chande liers anil many ether articles tee tedious te enumerate. Sale te commence at iO o'clock a. in., when terms will be made known hv HENRY SIIU15ERT, Anct. 11. L. Fuailkv. clerk. 2:: ::tR yilUANIZKD 1810. The Old American Fire Insurance Com pany of Philadephia. ASSETS : One Millien, Six Hundred and Thirty-three Thousand Five Hundred and Eiehty Eiehty feur Dollars and Eighty eight cents. All Invested in Sure nutl Solid Securities. Company Conservatively Managed. JOS'Ver Insurance apply le RIFE & KAUFFMAN, W EAST KING STREET. ju3r.mdTuTli.tS W1 LMAMSON & l-OSTKU. -I'OR MEN, YOUTH, BOYS AND . CHILDREN In Great Variety and M CIT PRICKS. Very many el the MARKED DOWN SUITrf Have been sold yet te sell nltcady, but there are heaps ALSO SPECIAL BARGAINS HARVEST PANTS, -AT (!5e, 75c and $1.00 Per Pair. The Lew Prices that thc-'c goods are selling ler make it Interesting le the buyer. WILLIAMSON AND FOSTER 34, 36 and 38 East King St., LANCASTER, PA. HOOTS & SUOltS. "1LOSINH OUT! CLOSING OUT ! AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Having started a Shee Factory, I am new closing out my large stock et Beets and Shoes at greatly reduced prices te make room for the enlargement or my factory. 5-Custom work a specialty, both machine and hand-made. F. HIEMENZ, Ne. 105 NORTH QUEEN STREET. (Sign et the Big Shee.) nv20WAStt HOUSE. HOUSE. LANCASTER, PA. no machine work, J, MILKY, CLOTUINO. sv- ECIAL OFFERING TO PEUSONS IN WANT OE AN Elegant Suit of Clethes -OR A STYLISH SPRING OVERCOAT, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. We suggest placing an order only te secure prompt attention and choice or stock. Dispel from your minds the thought of buying cheap, trashy garments when such splendid facilities are etlcred te obtain the very best at such moderate prices Irem the leading establish ment and the acknowledged headquarters ler CORRECT STYLES, the most striking and novel ctTccls te be leund in the European markets, which we import direct and hava exclusive control. J-Remcmbcr, no ether heuse in this city can show the same line el goods. We arc the only party that liandle the Original Londen and Parisian productions et ORIGET, 31 RUE VIVIENNE. PARIS. An examination el our Immense stock will satisfy the novice, as well as the aisthetic taste that for tone and character our goods cannot be excelled, and rank among the leading houses en this continent. Ne. 121 North Queen Street. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR. LM'KINU AND SUM M Eli NOVELTIES. AT H. GERHART'S liisteM, NO. ( KAST KING STREET, 1 hereby stock of inform uiv customers that my SPRING and SUMMER SUITING, SPRING OVERCOATING & FANCY VESTING Is new complete. 1 have new the largest and choicest assortment of WOOLENS. Fer Kine Tuileiingln the city el Lancaster. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, ami all goods warranted as represented. E GEMART. EXCURSIONS. pKAD EXCURSION VT TO Pair View Park, Reading, Pa. MONDAY NEXT, JUNE 26, 1882. Under the Auspices or St. Antheny's Church. A Street Parade by St. Michael's Beneficial Society; Grand Promenade Concert by the celebrated Lancaster City Cornet Band and Farbach's Splendid Orchestra (et seven men) discoursing music in the mammoth dancing pavilion, besides ether amusements, will be the pregramme ler the day. Warm dinner and refreshments et all kinds will be served at reasonable prices. In order te arrange ler ample railroad ac commodations persons are kindly requested te purchase tickets belere Saturday evening. Special train will leave King Street depot at 7 o'clock a. in., sharp, and will lcave Reading at? p.m., sharp. TICKETS ( including admission te Park ) ONLY S1.30. Fer sale at depot. Miss L. Flynn's book store.Jehn Hiemenz's shoe store and by the Committee. 22-3td EOBSAUS. F UK SALE. AN IMMENSE NUMBER Or HOUSES, STORES, BUILDING LOTS, Ac or all descriptions, in all localities and at all Drlccs NEW CATALOGUE, with prices, free te every one.; ALLAN A. HERR ft CO., dec3-Gmd ,j North Duke street Tailoring JOHN WAJTAMAKEJP8. JOHN WANAMAKER'S, PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY: White muslin dresses at a fifth or quarter off ought te be thought of te-day. $5 buys a dress that we are net ashamed te sell ; and $60 buys one that we're net a whit mere proud of. But, if you are thinking of stun dresses, they are here also; many and various ; and the drift of the time is a geed deal of stuff and work for your money. 1301 and 1303 Chestnut. Black embroidered shawls, French nun's work, $S te $50. 130J Chestnut. There is something decidedly geed te say about silks. The best thing we can say any day ; namely, that almost everything that ought te be here is here; some, may be, that might be skipped. (Nobody is geed enough merchant te have all the geed things and never a blun der.) New foulards, such as have brought $1.25 all along, are new at 75 cents. Ne blunder about that. Next-outer circle, building. south entrance te main It is wonderful hew dress goods have dropped here. Fine wool and silk-and-wool things attwe-thirds; some evenathalf; the best things in the store at that. Literally true ! What in all dress goods is better than a fine debeie-e ? We have one at 50 cents that is well worth a dol lar. What has proved better this season than small-check effects? Why, we have thirty sorts at two-thirds and below. Whatbetter than a fine melange? Twe-thirds ; and fifty te cheese from. There is no exhausting them. Wonderful ! Is the like te be seen anywhere else ? Why don't they advertise them? Many counters, southeast treiiicentrc. Black grenadines have been one of the most distinguished features of our trade for two months past. We have had the finest in the world, and all grades down te the poorest that we care te keep; and a wonderful variety of patterns. New the season is drawing te a close; and weare selling be low value what remain. Mere than that. Whatever grena dines are in the wholesale mar ket bear very different prices from these of the spring. Se we are still buying ; buying te sell at half-value. Figured grenadines that brought $2 lately are selling at $1. And this may be taken as a general indication of what we are doing in grenadines. Noxt-eutcr circle, south entrance te main building. A ventilating corset for 75 cents. Never before had any under $1. West et south entrance te main building. A novel exhibit of fans is in the window of 1301 Chestnut. A windewful of fans from one cent te twenty-five, spread out, and each one marked with its price ; about sixty sorts. The same and a thousand mere are at the fan counter. Fan chatelaines, 18 cents te $1.25 ; oxidized, silvered and nickeled. Second circle, east from centre Shoes. We have a quantity of shoes for sale this morning at about two-thirds value. Here they are : OKNTLEMEN'H. Price te-day. 123 pairs patent-leather pumps at $3.00 50 pairs patent-leather pumps at $2.50 Price yesterday. $4.00 and $5.10 $3.10 and $3.10 50 pairs patent-leather pumps at $2,0J $2.S0 and J3.C0 300 pairs line calt low shoes, odds ami ends, at about half value. Seme of the above are slightly soiled. LADIES'. 109 pairs fine button beets, serge tops, foxed with French and Curocea kid, marked down from $5.50 te $3.50. 75 pairs line hand-sewed, French kid walking beets marked down trem $6.7-2 te $t.oe. Shoes ter Intants, 25 cents. We keep the finest of shoes in great variety and all grades of useful work and leather. Market-street middle entrance, west side. JOHN WANAMAKER. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets and City-hall square. PHILADELPHIA. A FESTIVE WILL BE HELD IN ST. Paul's M. E. church, Seuth Queen street, irem THURSDAY until SATURDAY NIGHT! Ice cream, cakes, ; candies, soda water and lrults In abundance. All are Invited. fjune22-3td. THIED EDITIOU. SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 24, 18822. CtUITEAU must hang. THE CABINET WILL NOT INTKKFKRE. Unanimous Decision Reached la the Case and the Prisoner te be Kept In soli tude Bew He Received the News. Washington, June 24. The cabinet has decided net te interfere with the sen sen tence of Guiteau and has instructed the marshal of the district and the warden of the jail te keep the prisoner in strict con finement ana allow no one te see him ex cept his spiritual advisers, his physician and the officers of the jail. At the cabinet meeting last night the attorney general made a report en the case. It was generally discussed and unanimously approved by the cabinet, all the members of which were present. An understanding was reached that - nothing should be disclosed as te the decision of the cabinet until after it should be disclosed te the prisoner. This was the reason why all applications te the members of the cabinet last evening failed te elicit any definite information. Hev. Mr. Hicks dreve te the District jail and informed Guiteau of the decision. Guiteau has sent the following message te his spiritual adviser, lie v. Mr. Hicks : " Ge and see Arthur, and shake your list in his face ; tell him 1 made him president by my inspiration, and he must give roe an unconditional pardon, and if he does net Ged Almighty blast him for ever. I tell you, Brether Hicks, I am Ged's man, and Ged takes care of his own." Letters have been received by Mr. Chas. II. Reed and ethers interested in Guiteau's case from Mr. Gcdrce Sceville, who is new in Chicago. In these letters Mr. Scoviile announces that his wife left Cleveland for the East, aud he expresses grave apprehensions as te her sanity. He fears that she contemplates attempting te kill her child ami committing suicide en the day of Gniteau's execution. Mr Sce- ville earnestly urges his fiieuds in the East te keep a clone watch upon her movements. The friends el the ceudemued man still profess a hope for Guiteau. Mr. Reed says he docs net despair and that he will make another appeal te the president at the earliest opportunity. GROWING A1UKK Sf.KIIHJ.S. TlioMrllcuef the Longshoremen anil Freight llnudierH. Jersey City, N. J., June 2fi. Aftairs at the great railroad depots iu Jersey City, this morning, leek very serious, a feeling of uneasiness pervading all quarters. Tue striking Iougsheicmeu and freight hand Iers held a iiiceiing last night and arranged a pregramme ler te day. They intend te march in a body te the yard of the Dela ware, Lackawana & Western railroad in Hoboken. They expect that all the men at work there will quit aud join their ranks. In Hoboken the entire police force has been placed in reserve, aud they have been ordered te arrest as tiespasseis any of the strikers who at tempt te enter the yard of the railroad company. If this course is pursued trouble of a serious nature will surely fellow. In Jersey City all the available police force has been placed en the property of the New Yerk, Lake Erie and Western railway company te guard the Italians whom the company put te work this morning. The strikers will visit the yard of this company after returning from Hoboken. The Pennsylvania railroad company has very few men at work. The Central rail way of New Jersey is working with a full force, but it is expected that thn men will quit work upon the approach of the body of strikers. The strikers are new 10:30 a. m. marching toward the Pennsylvania depot. Jersey City, June 21. A large body of strikers left St. Michael's Institute this morning and started down Pavonia avenue for the yard of the New Yerk, Lake Erie & Western railway company. After going a short distance they were met by two of the strikers, who informed them that the police were in full force at the yard. The main body then turned down Hendersen street and com pelled the operatives te quit work. There is considerable excitement and the police have been summoned. BIG Itl.AXK AT LaWKKNCK. The Fire at the Pacific Storehouse SI1I1 It a gins. Lawrence, Mass., June 21 The Paci fic storeheus3 fire is still i aging, though under control. The floors of the building fell this forenoon. Treasurer Saltenstall states that tbe damage will net exceed $500,000. Gee. Pettingill, a fireman, fell with ene of the floors. He was taken up insensible, in which condition he new re mains. Insured I'Yir Nearl3' Ilalla million. Bosten, June 24 Tbe total insurance en the Pacific mill storehouse is $1.10,000. which includes thebuilding,machiuery and stock Most of this sum is placed in and through 19 manufacturing offices in Bos Bes Bos eon, Worcester, Pall River, and Philadel phia. The remainder is mainly scattered in Bosten stock offices. There are ever a hundred policies. CONGKKSS. The limine Fixes a Day ler Adjournment. "Washington, June 24 In the Heuse Mr. Kellcy, of Pennsylvania, chairman of the committee en ways and means, re ported a concurrent resolution for the final adjournment of Congress en the 10th of July. Adopted. The morning hour having been dis pensed with, the Heuse, at 11:45, went into committee of the whole en the bill te reduce internal revenue taxation. Smith's amendment, taxing the capital of national banks, and Roberson's amend ment, striking out the clause repealing tbe tax en bank capital, were rejected, the latter by a vote of 50 te 95. m TUB niLLSDALKS. American Oarsmen In Kngllsh Waters. Londen, June 24. The Hillsdale crew are staying at Hammersmith. They have accepted an invitation of the Londen row ing te use their beat house. The Hills dales took a short spiu en the river yes terday. The Hillsdales will make their first ap pearance at the Marlew regatta, July 8. BelVs Life says as the ether competing crews will be fatigued from their races at the Uanley regatta, the Hillsdales should be able te carry all befere them. Destructive Flames la a Vermont Town. RicnFORD, Vt June 24. The tray fac tory and lumber mill at West Jey, it be bo be lenging te a man named Brown, of Fisher villc, N. II., and leased by White, Clark son & Ce., of Hartferd, Conn., were burned last night, with about 1,000,000 feet of lumber. The less is heavy, but the amount and the insurance are net yet ascertained. Yielding at the Point of a PUtel. Newton, N. J. June 24 Last night Deputy Sheriff Dunn and Francis H. Earl arrested Jas. Trijjolene, the murderer of Minnie Seguin, at Pert Oram, and ledged in jail. He was found at tea in the house of James McPeck, a fanner, resid ing near Roseville, Byram township. He resisted stoutly and attempted te get held of his seven shooter ; the deputies however placed a revolver te his head, when he yielded. THE GREATEST Of THESE IS CHARITT. New Heme for Orpnaa vhlldrea la Phila delphia. Philadelphia, June 24.-A new chat ita ita ble institution and industrial home for orphan girls is te be established here under the previsions of the will et the late Elanore Parker Leng, which was tiled to te day in the office of the register of wills. Mrs. Leng leaves an estate of $200, 000 te establish the home for orphan girls of the city of Philadelphia, especially for the orphan children of soldiers who served in the late civil war and for the orphan children of firemen of this city whose lives have been lest in the discharge of their duties. Student Drowned la Chester Creek. Chester, Pa., June 24. Elbert J.1 Owen, aged 20 years, a son of the Rev. Dr. Owen, of Philadelphia, went into Chester creek te bathe last evening, and was drowned. The deceased was a stu dent at the Homeeopathic college and had been visiting friends in this city. Twe Children Found Drowned. White Plains, N. Y., June 24. The bodies of a boy and girl aged 10 and 8 years respectively, belonging te James W. Tay Tay eor, colored, a resident of Harrison, wcre found in St. Mary's lake this morning. WEATHER INDICATIONS. Washington, June 24. Fer the Middfe Atlantic states, slightly warmer generally fair weather with occasional light showers, southeast te southwest wiuds, stationery or lower baromcter. MAHKEVS. milaalelphta niameu iHii.ATaLrmA, .Inne 21. Fleur dull and easy : Superfine, at $.1 COJIS IM ; Kxtnr. : 7el fti ; Ohie and Indiana lamily, iW- 87; Penn'a lamily, $3 75485 S7. Rve Heur at $1 -t 50. Wheat ttmi but quiet: Del. and Pa. Red. $1 WHl U :de Amber, $1 tlfll 42. Cern dull for local ue: IewkriiIim weak. Oats Hi in under light ntreting. Rye linuifiuil at sec. l'rovi-iens linn, geed jobbing trade. Lard linn. Mutter dull and weak le sell ; without quo table chaiifje : Creamery l.'xlm, 'J-Je : de geed, te choice, .,:i3'J."c. Rolls nominal. Kf,'gs quicf.hitt fresh lets Id in ; Pa . -'! XSi'ile Wejitern lOJrJIe. Cheese dull but steady. ivtrnltuun linn; Kenned. 7Jc Whisky at $1 17. raw Inm nfMTHi. Niw Yerk. .Inne 21. Fleur Statu mm Western without decided cliaiiRe ; limited ex ex eort mi'' Jobbing trade inquiry; Southern quiet and steady. Wheat teveiisiiand unsettled : Cash ami neii'ie higher ; etlicM J3e better and rather (fillet; Ne. 2 Red, .lime, $1 4i81 IS : de July. l 27J;;1 2S4; de AufT.,Sl 1 .'. I 20; de Sept., $1 lStfJl 19; deOcUSl 19$ 1 1'- Cern rjQc higher exception seller year, which is c lower; Mixed tVcstcrn spot, 7s SUJ-ic de futures. 7iaiic. Oats a shade :-tter ; Ne. 2, J i:iu C.'glWlie : de .Inly. !&y.c ;de Aug., ISe ; de Sept., Vr)fi ; de Oct , Vtyr; Slate, iMfilWc ; Western, lil Oram and rrnviitian. tiuifnltaii. One o'clock quotations el Ljr.iln and previ- Ions, furnished by S. K. Yiindt, Rreker. IV-s K.uit King street. June 21. Cntrace. Cern Oats Wheat . 1.15K Perk 21.ili) I. urn H.72H II : July.... August Sept.... Year.... J ul v.... . Aug Sept.. . 7-4 J1' 1.I7 I.fK'4 l.eiJi .v. w .72X1 ;m PhlfadrlpbU. .H0 .41 .SOJJ .47 1.18 1.17K tkjb nuiBi. New Yerk, Philadelphia nnd Lecal Stock also United States Ilends report vi dully ' lAixin It. Lonu, 22 North Queen :-tr.:et. J line 2 1. H:li0 l:(i 2.;r. a. m. I-. . r.M. Del., Lack. A Western Denver ft Rie Grande , N. V.. I.ake Krie A Western.... Kansas and Texas Lak-e Shere A Mich. Southern... New Yerk Central New Jersey Cen iu Ontario A Western Omaha Cem Omaha Preferred ,--. Chicago. Mil. St. Paul Texas Pacific Wabash. ., i.enls A Pacific.... Western Union Tel. Ce Pennsylvania R. R Htlltale Pitts. A West Northern P:ieinc Cem " Preferred.... 12KK 12fi7S 127' ri m nix ; sr.y. ;4 ai :a,'i S2?' new: ni'i ill"? mii 1.11 1.W4 Wi 7( 7;j? .... .... je'";; ie"'.i te'4 iec;?; imjz ie!-,y lllJi 1I2VJ 1I2K 41 II tvx Vti HIV, M mas ifc 41 7! 2SI, .rs V ti; 7!) en,'; IWi 1 79M I'OLIUIAIj. F OK ASSKMHLV, G. A. OBLENDKU, KIUiiTII WARD, will lie a candidate for Rep resentative from the 1st (City) Legislative district. Subject te the decision or the Demo cratic primaries. tan22-tp MIU.INEltY. TINK MILLINERY. Irs.A.W.Weikel, Ne. 3S NORTH QUEEN STREET., My muny friends and p.tlreus are respect fully invited te call and exiimine my PINE STOCK OK IIeeryriniiQgs COMHIHIBW AM. THK LKADIMI STYLES FOR DRESS and PROMENADE HATS. LAItlKS can have their erde.s filled in much Ie'3 time, than they have been accustomed le elsewhere. JBa-PIciMO call and examine my goods and prices without obligation te-purclia:. -N. . The Largest and Finest Stock et CHILDBENS Scheel and Drss Hat: s IN THIS CITY, A full line of Human Hair Goods Always en hand, tind all kinds et HAIR WORK done at the LOWEST PRICKS at MB. A. f . MEL'S, NO. 38 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. ap27-3in.l,Tu,Tli43 . TINWAM,C. T)KMOVEI. PLUMRING, GAS-FITTINO, te., JOHN P. SCHADM, Has Removed te Ne. 24 Seuth Queen Street. Plumbing r.Gasfitting DOTTB ONLY BY SKILLFUL AND CARKKUL WORKMEN. LARUE STOCK OF GAS FIXTURES ON HAND. Jan28-lydS