LANCASTER DAILY INTEMgENCER THUiSnAY JUNE 22, 1882. ; lancastrv f ntrlUgcncrr, s THURSDAY EVENINO. JUNE 22, 1832. uuuu farming. Method of Harvenllec Wheat. Cermantewn Telcgrapli. One of the best farmers in Pennsylvania fifty years age was the late Daniel Hitner, of "Marble Hall," Montgomery county, and we may add that the late Geerge Sbeaff, of " Highlands," less than three miles apart, cultivated the two foremost farms in the commonwealth, though the latter was the larger by perhaps one hun dred acres, it embracing three hundred and fifty acres, while the former possessed the advantage of being superior land. It was the custom of Mr. Hitner te en gage his harvesters " hands" being very scarce at that time two or three months in advance te commence with both cradle and sickle, as the condition of the grain might call for, en the fourth day of July, if the Btate of the weather admitted of it. By that time the graiu was always ripe enough te begin, and he frequently had every aero of his wheat cut before a ma ieritv of the farmers had begun, and had "the crop safely stacked and ready te be thrashed te meet any rise in the market. Mr. II. was net only in advance of most farmers in harvesting his grain ; he steed in the front rank as a successful agricultu rist in every branch of farming, nis reasoning always was that manure was the first clement of success, followed closely by careful, thorough cultivation and fre quent stirring of the soil. The first com post heap we ever saw was upon his place. Frequently there were two or three in a single year, composed of rough manure from the stable yard, sods from fence cor ners and out-of way places, leaves and loeso Feil from the forests, muck from several larire ponds in the adjacent weeds, cornstalks, &c. Frem these compost mounds we are within bounds when we say that thousands of leads of valuable liiauure were hauled and spread ever the land. These bodies of manure were constructed at different centres of the farm most con cen venieut for distribution. One point te which we refer in connec tion with wheat-harvesting,, is the best time te cut it. New and then the weather may make a few days' or a week's differ ence in the time of harvesting ; but it has Been settled, we think, beyond successful controversy, that early catting is te be preferred that is te say, while the grain can be masked between the thumb and finger, which is usually the case during the last wceL in June. At that time the Heur produced is net only of a finer llaver and mero nutritious, but by this early cutting the crop escapes the rust, which generally occurs after the 20th of June. Hew te Gin" Sictc. Kxpec yeurwll day ami night. cat tee much without exercise wei k tee hard without icst, doctor ail the time, take all the vile nostrums advertised, and then you will want te knew Hew te Oct Well. Which is an-wcied In three weidi Take Hep Hitlers! jlll.VJWllAW Nearly all the ilia that allliet us c:'.n he pre vented and fined by keeping the stomach, liver and kidneys in working order. There is no medicine known that will de this as surely as Put ker's Ginger Tonic. Sec adv. j u l-luidced.t wee w A Signal Victory. The value el electricity as a remedial agent has trained h signal victory ever prejudice. Themas' Ecleclrie Oil stands foremost in this class et' compounds. Testimonials from all parts tell et the wondrous cures et rheuma tism, neuralgia, hurts, and sores, etc.. cilectcd by its agency. Fer sale at II. H. Cochran's drug store. 137 North Queen street. Lancaster. Croup, Whooping Cough and Hrenchltis im mediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Fer sale at Cochran':'! drug store, i:!7 North Queen St. myi;iwdcew&w Physical SulTerlng. Ne one can realize, except by personal ex perience, the anguish et mind and body en dured by suHercrs from dyspepsia, indiges tion, constipation, and ether diseases et the stomach. Hurdeck ISIoed Hitters are a positive cure ler this direst of all diseases. Price $1. Fer sale at II. It. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Catarrh cured, health and sweet, hieath se cured by Shiloh's Catanh Remedy. PilceW) cents. Nasal Injector tree. Fer sale at Coch ran's drug slere, 137 North Queen St. myl-lwdcew&w Slkkm.ks.s nights, Hindu miserable by that ten ible couch. Shiloh's Cure Is the reincdv ler you. Fer sale at Cochran's drug store. l:;7 Neith Queen St. niyl-lwdoewAw JXUDICAL. HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED The feeble and emaciate J, suH'ering liem dyspepsia or indigestion in any form, are advised, ler the sake or their own bodily and mental comfort, te try Hostellers irlemnch Hitters. Ladies et the most deli cate constitution testify te its harmless and its restorative properties. Physicians every whcre,dls;usted with the adulterated liquors of commerce, pi escribe it as the safest and most reliable et all stemachics. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen erally, fcbl-lydced&w (1KNTI.KMKN. T Wccall your attention te an important dis covery In our practice which we have found very successful In caes et prostration arising rrem indiscretion. Theso suffering from any of the numerous forms et Debility arising from abuse or ether causes, will de well by sending a three cent stump ler fiirther infor mation. Address, DRS. LA URANU K & .JOR DAN (late Jerdan & Davidsen), Ne. lias Fil bert street, Philadelphia. Pa. Hours ler con sultation : 10 a. m. till 2 p. in., and r. till 8 p. m. inariV-:imeed e:iti:us Keiiewucd Cough Syrup. A pleasant, sate, speedy and sure remedy ler Colds. Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Intlucn za. Soreness id the Threat and Chest, I'.ron I'.ren cliltK Whooping Cough, Spitting of Meed, ln ln tlammatleu el the Lungs und all Disease el the Chest and Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines all tne medicinal virtues et these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most sate and cflicient qualities ler the cure of all kinds el lung diseases. PRICK, SO Cents. Prepared onlyandseldby OHAS. A. LOOHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Xe. 9 East King Street, Lancaster DRY HOODS. T AulfM, attentien: Uctere purchasing, please examine the GLOBE CORSET, WITH COOI.EY'S PATENT CLASP PROTECTOR. VOR BALE BT JOHN P. SWARR, NO. CO NORTH QCKEN 8TKKKT. LANCASTER, PA. DEFIANT SHIRT, il.oe. CAPITAL SHIRT, 75c, A very geed BLACK DRESS SILK, twenty two Inches wide, at $1.25. J. P. SWARR. Till BITTERS CLOTHUfO. PRINO A NO HUMHEK NOVELTIES. AT H. GEEHART'S is t, NO. C EAST KING STREET. 1 hereby Inform tny customers that my stock et SPRING and SUMMER SUITING, SPRING OVERCOATING & FANCY VESTING Is new complete. 1 have new the largest and choicest assortment et WOOLENS. Fer l'lne Tailoring In the city el Lancaster. l'UICKS AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, and all goods warranted us represented. H. GERHART. c iletiunc: CLOTHING ! Our stock et CLOl'UING is larger ler tills season than usual, and the advantages we have are buying in large quantities and .sell ingat LOWEST CASH PRICKS. lt will pay you te leek at our stock. OUR ALL, WOOL, MEN'S SUIT AT $10.00 IS THE BEST IN THE MAltKET. and ou it- Custom Department Is filled with the Choicest et Pattern 4 which we invile you te examine. D. B. Hostetter & Sen. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. PA. Ol'KClAL NOTICK Tu MEN AND BOYS IN WANT OF Reatly-Matle Clothing. FOR THE NEXT FIFTEEN DAYS WE OFFER OUR IMMENSE STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHlNti AT A SACRIFICE, In order te Make Roem 10 manulaeture our Large Fall Sleck. Right here we desire te evpicis our thanks te the people ler the great sup port they have given us this season. It incites us te renewed ellerls te please the public and keep the pi ices down. LOOK OUT FOROUROREAT SLAUGHTER ING SALE FOR THE NEXT 15 DA Ye. li". Men's Cheviot Suits, 14.2; worth 7 .10. SO Men's Worsted Suits, $5.00: worth S.'i". Fine IJlue Flannel Suits, $7.3i; worth li ;.i Men's Elegant Dullness Suits, $7; worth $12. 11 Fine All-Weel Cassimere Suits, $U : worth tl.r.; 8.1 Fine Men's All-Weel Dress Suits, $12 ; worth $ aea pairs et Men's Pants at tKic. 550 pairs of Men's J.ight Pants, in ten style-sal $l.::e. 225 pairs of Men's Finest Dress Pants at. $"!. Light Thin Coats lrem 45c. upwards. Dust ers lrem (mc. upwards. Our stock in Beys' and Children's Clothieg s still large and varied, and our Great Reduc tion in Prices will astonish the closest buyers. We sell Children's Clothing from l.;j : $, $J.25, $1.50, $5.25. up te $7.00 a suit. Heys' Suits from $2.00 and upwards. OUR CUSTOM DE PARTMENT contains a large line of Suitings and Pantaleon ings, and ler workmanship, lit and prices can't be beat anywhere In the city. We still bold the lead en our $12.00 Suits.cus. tern made; but II" people wish te save money they should net forget,belero purchasing else where, te leek at our $15.00, $lS.O0 und&O.nt Suils.made 1 ight up in any style te your order aItcmi'inbcr, this Great Reduction only for the Xext Fifteen Days, ami anybody who U'istics te take advantage of it will please call early, te avoid the rush. L. eilSKAI & BRO, The Leading Clothiers, 66-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Righton the Southwest Cerner et Orange si. LANCASTER, PA. The Cheapest Heuse in the City. COAX I) B. MAKIIN, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds or LUMHEU AND COAL. 9-fard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince t reels ebsve Lemen Lancaster. n't-lyd CIOAI. AND CKSIKNT. j Pure Lykcns Valley and ether kind et Ceal for all purposes well cleaned. Rest Hrand Resciidale Cement at led need prices. Alse Limestone Screenings ter walks and drives ; guarantee satisfaction. Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. Yard and Olllce : Harrisbnrg pike. General Ofliee: 20 EastChestnutStreet. KAUFFMAN KELLER & CO. nprl-lwd QOA. M. Y. J3. COHO, SttO NORTH WA TEK ST., J, tnrashr, Va., Wholesale ami Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Uounectleu With tlm Telephonic Exchange, Yard and Otl'ce : Ne. 3.50 NORTH WATER STREET. tflb-.SS.lyd 1 REMOVAL. V ALLAN A. HERR & CO. Have Removed their GENERAL REAL ESTATE and INSUR ANCE OFFICE TO NO. 100 EAST KING STREET, (Opposite Lcepaid Hetel). my20-:imdMR&Smw CI HAT'S SPECIFIC MHDICINK. THIS JT Great. English Remedy. An unfailing cure for Impotency, nnd all Diseases that iollew less et Memery. Universal Lassi tude. Pain in the Hack, Dimness et Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. Full par ticulars in our pamplet, which we desire te send Irce by mail te every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per pack age, or six packages ter $3. or will fcc sent irce by mall en the receipt et the money, by ad dressing the agent. II. II. Cochran, 1.17 ami :;.) North Queen street. On account et counter feits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper; theenlygennine. Guarantees eleure issued by us. Fer sale in Lancaster by 11. H. Cochran, 137 North Queen street. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.. N. Y. aprl2-lydftw ASTMICH lines'. ADTERT1SEMXMT. ASTKICH imOS'ADYKRTISKMENT. ASTEICH BEOS-' PALACE OF FASHION ! 13 EAST KING ST. We have This Day instituted u :--Pi:clAL SALEet LADIES' And will eiler all Fine and New Goods, a' Prices which will Astonish All and Cempel hales. CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE Cheti-c 1 rtaii Sn. upwards. Fine Kinbreitleied Chemise at SiSc., 5ee. i;2c., 75c. $1.00. Lace Chemise tieiu 75e. upwards. Cambric Cheinl-.e CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEM1S1 CHEMISE PANTLETS. PANTLETS. PANTLETS. PANTLETS. PANTLETS. PANTLETS. Rullicd Skirts, :.7. . Cambric Flounced SUii is, HI cents. Deep Embroidered Edge Skirts, bile. Fine Embroidered Skirl", cl e--. SKIRT.N SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS A Fine Skirt, 'with Deep SKIRTS . .. . ,.. l-L-IDTC lianiuuigr.ugeiinu 111- .-rwine serting, at $1.S. SKIRTS (SKIRTS TOILET SACQUES. TOILET SACQUES. TOILET SACQUES. TOILET SACQUES, TOILET SACQUES. TOILET SACQUES. NIGHT Night Gowns, milled, 50c. (.OWNS NIGHT Embroidered Gowns, SOi: GOWNS NIGHT Elaborately Enfbretdcred, GOWNS NIGHT lrem $1.00 te $2.50. GOWNS CORSET .COVERS. CORSET COVERS. CORSET COVERS. CORSET COVERS. CORSET COVERS. CORSET COVERS. CORSETS Our well-known force! CORSETS CORSETS at 40 cent". CORSETS CORSETS French Woven Corbel, CORSETS CORSETS at 4S cents. CORSETS CORSETS A Speen Busk Cor&el, CORSETS CORSETS at 75 cents. CORSETS CORSETS 100 Hene Corset. $I.(V. CORSETS CORSETS 150 Hene Corset, $1.25. CORSETS CORSETS Mad. Fey's Corset .$100. CORSETS CORSETS FlexibleIlipCeiet.$l. CORSETS CORSETS Everlasting Hip Cor- CORSETS CORSETS seta, $1.0J. CORSETS CORSETS AnloiiiatlcCerscttl.iKi. CORSETS CORSETS Dr. Warner's Health, CORSETS CORSETS Corset. $1.25. CORSETS CORSETS Untnine our f 1.5D Cor CORSETS CORSETS set, as it is a per- CORSETS J CORSETS fect beauty. CORSETS INFANT'S WEAR. INFANT'S WEAR. INFANT'S WEAR. INFANT'S WEAR. INFANTS WEAR. INFANT'S WEAR. CHILDREN'S Short Embroidered DRESSES CHILDREN'S Dresses at 5ec. DRESSES CHILDREN'S Fine Embroidered DRErSES CHILDREN'S and Pulled Dreci DRESSES CHILDREN'S lrem 73c up te DRESSES CHILDHENS $1.00. DRESSES CHILDREN'S Embroidered Dre.-,s- DRESSES CHILDREN'S i-s te lit Childien DRESfrES CHILDREN'S from 4 te !) years, DRESSES CHILDREN'S from $2.00 te $5.00. DRESSES CHILDREN'S DRESSES INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. INFANTS EMRROIDERED CLOAKS. INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. LACE Swi"8 Caps from 23e. up. CAPS LACE Fine Shirred Cap3. CAPS LACK Fine Lace Caps at COe. CAPS LACE Embroidered Caps. CAPS LACK Marseilles Bennets ler CAPS LACE Children. CAPS EMBROIDERED SHAWLS. EMBROIDERED SHAWLS. EMBROIDERED SHAWLS. EMBROIDERED SHAWLS EMISHOIDEHED SHAWLS. EMBROIDERED SHAWLS. MERINO Ladics'and Gent's UNDERWEAR MERINO Gauze Underwear UNDERWEAR MERINO at 25c..ill long and UNDERWEAR MERINO short sleeves. UNDERWEAR MERINO Children's Gauze UNDERWEAR MERINO Vests, UNDERWEAR MERINO in all si::cs. UNDERWEAR LADIES' LINEN DUSTERS. LADIES' LINEN DUSTERS. LADIES' LINEN DUSTERS. LADIES' LINEN DUSTERS. LADIES' LINEN DUSTERS. LADIES' LINEN DUSTERS. HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIRKS. GLOVES Lisle Gloves, lramc made, GLOVES GLOVES at 12J and 17 cents. GLOVES GLOVES Extra Fine Lisle Gloves G LOVES G LO V ES sit 25 cents. G LO V ES GLOVES Silk Gloves. Kill Uleve?, GLOVES GLOVES a te 10 buttons. GLOVES GLOVES Lace Mitts. GLOVES SPANISH LACES. ORIENTAL LACES. ORILLAX LACES. EDELWEIS LACES, NEW LACES. PARASOLS Watered Silk Para- PARASOLS PARASOLS sels. Satin Para- PARASOLS PARASOLS sels,linedundLace PARASOLS PARASOLS Trimmed at JAM). PARASeLS PARASOLS Fine Parasols and PARASOLS PARASOLS Sun Unbrellas. PARASOLS SWISS EMBROIDERY. SWISS EMBROIDERY. SWISS EMBROIDERY. SWISS EMBROIDERY. SWISS EMUROIDERY. SWISS EMBROIDERY. HOSIERY A geed and well se- HOSIERY HOSIERY leeted stock or Ladles' HOSIERY HOSIERY Gent's and Children's HOSIERY HOSIERY Fancy Cotten Hese HOSIERY HOSIERY 8iiilableforthcseasen. HOSIERY HOSIERY Children's Striped HOSIERY HOSIERY Cotten He,e, HOSIERY HOSIERY Full Regular Made. HOSIERY HOSIERY at25capair. HOSIERY HOSIERS One let et Ladics'Fan- HOSIERY HOSIERY cy Striped Hose, HOSIERY HOSIERY Full Regular Made, at HOSIERY HOSIERY 37c; worth 50c. HOSIERY' FAN'S Japanese Fans, Leather Fans, FANS FANS Feather Fans, Creteu Fans, FAN'S FANS Embroidered and Painted Fans. FANS A handsome variety of SHETLAND SHAWLS, at CS cents, large size. RIRRON'S Bargains in All Silk RIBBONS R1BIIONS Gres-Grain and Watered RIBBONS RIBBONS Sash Ribbons. RIBBONS RIBBONS Bargains in RIBBONS RII1BONS Black Watered Sash. RIBKONS RIRKONS 8 inch Black Watere.l RIHHONS RIHBONS Sasli at $1.10 per yard. BIBBONS RIBKONS . Fancy Bibbeiis RIUBONS RIBBONS at Reduced Rates. R115CONS FLOWERS. FLOWERS. FLOWERS. FLOWERS. FLOWERS. FLOWERS. FEATHERS We offer new a FEATHERS FEATHERS wellselectcd stock FEATHERS FEATHERS of Ostrich PI nines FEATHERS FEATHERS in all colors, at FEATHERS FEATHERS remarkably low FEATHERS FEATHERS figures. FEATHERS FEATHERS White Plumcs.lrem FEATHERS FEATHERS $1.50 up te $12.10. FEATHERS FEATHERS One let et while, FEATHERS FEATHERS blue, pink, cream FEATHERS FEATHERS illumes. at$1.75. FEATHERS FEATHERS One let at $2.J0 If EATHERS FEATHERS worth consider- FEATHERS FEATHERS able mere. FEATJIERs FEATHERS CheiccPliinies.$a, FEATHERS OTHER BARGAINS IN EVERY ONE OF OUR DEPARTMENTS Mnslm Muiiear DMT GOODS. rpHE NORTH ENO DKV UOOPS STORE HAS .lUST OPEXET A LOT OF LAWNS, " IN GOOD STYLES AND FAST COLORS, AT 5 Cents Per Yard. J. W. BYRNE, 322 NORTH QUEEN STREET, ll-lydj LANCASTER. PA. flLOSlNO OUT! AT AND BELOW COST. My cutire stock el DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, Etc. IS FOR SALE AT AND BELOW COST. This is a rare chance ler GOOD BARGAINS. AS I HAVE AM IMMENSE STOCK OP GOODS, On hand, which were all purchased ler cash. J. M. LONG, j'Jl-lhl II NORTH QUEEN STREET. TTALF-PRIUI-: PARASOLS. J. B. MARTIN & CO, Are offering all the Clioice Specimens lclt et various lets and the. Odds and Ends el" this year's assortment at REMARKABLE LOW PRICES, These Parasols arc in all the New and Standard Shapes and Vaiieus Sizes. PARASOLS:, SATIN PARASOLS. MOIRE PARASOLS, SATEEN PARASOLS, BROCADE PARASOLS, CHI LD R EN'S PARASOLS, A lull assortment et SUN UMBRELLAS, In all Sizes and Qualities. 3Call belere purchasing and you will find Larger Assortment and Lewer Prices than elsewhere. J, B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sis. LANCASTER, PA. (j 11. its and nincss cnens, Watt,Shand&Ce., OFFER A CHOICE LINE OF New Dress Goods, New Dress Goods. HLACK LACE BUNTINGS. COLORED LACE BUNTINGS, NUN'S VEILINGS. SPECIAL RARGAINS in SUMMER SILKS at 50c., 53c, Cl c, 75c. OneCac LACE BU'NTINGS only inc. a yard. inn dercn sIJ.K HANDKERCHIEFS, 23c. each : naual price 50c. 100 dozen LADIES' KID GLOVES 2.V. apair, worth 75c. Ml pieces NEW SPUING CHINTZES, Se.ayd., usually sold at 10c. .lust Opened, a Choice Line et VICTORIA LAWNS, INDIA MUSLINS, STRIPED and PLAID NAINSOOKS, ' LACE STRIPED PIQUES, DOTTED MUSLINS. AT VERY LOWEST PRICES. NKW YORK STORE, 8-10 EAST KING STREET. YyurrK OKKSS GOODS. -AT & New Cheap Stere. We have new 111 Stock SPECIAL BARGAINS IN WHITE DRESS GOODS. Reu-ihl miller the Regular Prices and te be Sold Cheap. VICTORIA LAWNS, at 12V, 1.1, IS, 10, 2.1, 81, r.Tct. INDIA LINENS, at 1.1, 18, 20, 2.1, 81, f7cts. SWISS MUSLINS, from 12 Cents up. LACK STRIPED MUSLINS. LACE CHECKED MUSLINS. CHECKED CAMBRICS, CORDED PIQUES. ALL AT LOW P1UCE8. AT- METZGER AND HAUGHMAN'S NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West King Street. Between the Cooper Heuse and Hen el Herse Hetel. janU-lvdiw tOK a AVIS. IOU S.LE. AN IMMENSE NUBlllKU Or HOUSES, STORES, BUILDING LOTS, Ac. or all desc-ilptiens, in all localities and at all prices. NtW CATALOGUE, with pi Ices, free te every one. ALLAN A. HERR A CO., decS-Cmd .1 North Duke street DBY TTBK LOW PK1CKS KOK ALL. SUMMER CLOTHS. The Sprinc has been a long-, cold one and we have a very large stock of Summer Fabrics still en hand. As Summer cloths will net sell in Winter we have made a very CONSIDERABLE REDUCTION IN PRICES te make quick sales of our Bannockburn Cheviets, Pine Spring Trewserings, Black Diagonal Worsteds, Black Basket Worsteds, Handsome English Cassimores, English Black, Blue and Oreen Serges, Black and Blue Olay Serges, Black and Blue Crepe Cleths, SImeni Batiste Cleths. Scheeller's Check Suitings, Empire Misch Suitings, Auburn Mixt Suitings, Black Habit Cleths, Thin Black Doeskins, BILLIARD CLOTHS (Siniem's), all grade?. Lewest Prices. PELTS, all colors ( 72 inches wide ) for draperies anil embroidery, $1.2.1, $1.50 and $2.00 per yard. BLUE FLANNELS, for Bathing Suits, and a very huw'some asseitment of Gieen, Blue, Olive, Bronze aud Mixt Cleths of line quality, f.r SEASIDE, MOUNTAIN AND STEAMER SUITS. dNuEnAdd MURRAY CD , RETAILERS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF CLOTHS MARKET and NINTH STS Philadelphia. N TEXT DOOR TO TOE COURT FAHSESTOOK Our BLACK SILKS at $1.00, $1.1!.!, $1.37 and $1.50 aie decidedly the best silks yet offered at the prices. Our BLUE BLA.CK and JET BLACK CASSIMEHES are weilhy the attention of persons in want of them. Best makes imported . WHITE GOODS FOR LADIES' DRESSES. Large stock of all the popular makes of WHITE HOODS, fiem 10 cents te 50 cents per yard. LADIES' WHITE SKIRTS, handsomely embroidered, ftem 50 cents te $H.50. INFANT'S and CHILDREN'S ROBES and DRESSES, fiem 75 cents te $3.00 at R. E. FAHNESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE. LANCASTER, PA. 1 8 8 2 S U M M E R II MiVli X- lSKOTIIKK. SUMMER r.NCI.ISH WORSTEDS, riitKUIl SUl'l'liNUS. AMERICAN SU1TIN1IS, WHITE VESTINOS, riiinisiu.M. .um.-.. OAU.E UNDERWEAR AND FEATHERWEIGHT DRAWERS. Iiavi' a Large Line of EARL .V WILSON'S LINEN COLLAR'' ami CUFFS. WHITE AND UNLAUNDRIKD SHIRTS, NECKWEAR, GLOVES and HOSIERY HAGER & BROTHER. SUMMER CLOTHING. 1 8 8 2 S U M M E R SILKS and uRENADINES, LIGHT-WEIGHT HLACK GOODS, ALRATROS3 CLOTHS, NUN'S VEILING and SATINES, ALSO, HOSIERY, GLOVES, LADlFa' ami CHILDREN'S GAU.E and MUSLIN UNDERGARMENT? HAG-EE & BEOTHEE, Ne. 25 West King street. i'AfisK liAtmixua, c. AVKSOMK - - - v WK " THAT WEiiC SLIGHTLY WET ON ENDS FROM THE LATE FIRE, THAT WILL 15E SOLD AT FROM 10 te 15 Cents a Yard. These are lur-jalns and run in almnst all colors. ENDS OF WALL PAPERS Will 1)0 sold low in eriler le cledi- en! Wc inaku le eritur all kinds el SCREENS FOR WINDOWS And put tlieni up in such a manner !hat you need net remove iln-m when you te close t lie window, WIRES SOLD II Y THE FOOT In any quantity. We l.avc some slightly damaged at from & te 8 cents a feet, running measure. Wc keep an elegant lincel LACE CURTAINS, Have opened New Patterns within a week. LACE LAMUEEQU1NS. IJED SETS and VESTI11ULE LACE HY THE YARD. llrasp. Ebony, Cherry and Walnut Poles, Ev- tension Cornices', Ac., Pier and .Mantle Mirrors. Phares W Fry, 57 NORTH QUEEN STREET. VARVK1&. lAlti-KTS. Carpet Manufactory. Having undertaken te manufacture RAG and CHAIN CARPETS, wholesale, 2.WJ0 yards per week, 1 am new prepared le sell iny entire stock et Itimscls, Ingrain and Venetian Carpets, AT GREAT RARGAINS AND AT 15EI.OW COST, te make room and cive my entire attention le wholesale trade, of my own manufactured goods. Ple.iye call early. S. e. SHIRK, CARPET HALL, Cor. West King and Water Sts. A I.I. AFFKCTIONS, ATTKMDKD WITH Eruptions or Changes in the Healthy Structure, Functions, or color et the Cutis or its Appendages, the Cuticle, the Nails and the Hair, are really diseases or the Skin. All Skin Di-enses, Cancers, Tumors, Chronic and Private Diseases nermanently cured by DRS. II. D. '& M. A. LONGAKER. Olllce 13 East Walnnt street, Lancaster, Pa. Consultation tree. jn!9-3td BOOD8. Ladies' Dress Cleths, Children's Sackings, Children's Cleakings, Beys' Cassimeres, Beys' Fine Suitings. Beys' Kilt Suitings, English Serges and Colored Cleths for, Ladies' Biding Habits, Corduroys for Riding Pants, Meltons and Cassimeres for Ladies' Riding Suits, English Checks and Serges for Ladies' Suits. Infants' Cleakings. .uj.vrxi.XL.M.x vw.j HOUSE. M A Y J U N E J U L Y A U G U S T S E P T CLOTHING. CHEVIOT SUITIXOS. FRENCH CASMMKRKS. AMERICAN -A -SIM KICKS. LINEN GOODa. .................. ........ - STRIPED and PLAID SI. HAH MAUVE LAWNS. PERSIAN LAWNS, INDIA LAWNS, UAIl.ltOAltS. rniiK GREAT Burlington Reute. Chicago, Knrliiigteii AIJuiiiry R. R. Ilhirae, KnrJhiten iCijiiincy R. R. PKINCJIPA L LINE AND OLD FAVORITE FROM H I C A (i 0 OK PEORIA TO KANSASC1TY, OMAHA, CALIFORNIA, LINCOLN AND DENVER. The SHORTEST, QUICKEST and REST line te St. Jeseph, Atchiu.'en, Topeka, Di-uNen, Dallas, Galveston, and all points in Iowa, Ne braska, Missouri, Kansas, New Mexiee, Ari zona, Mentana and Texas. This route has 110 superior for Albert Lea, Minneapolis ami St. Paul. Nationally reputed as being the GREAT THROUGH CAR LINE. Universally conceded te be U10 REST EQUIPPED Railroad in Hie weVld ler all et travel. All connections made in Union depots. Try it and yei- will tlntl traveling a luxury, Instead efa discomfort. Through tickets via this celebrated line ler sale at all ellices in the U. S. and Canada. All information about rates of fare, Sleeping Cars, etc., cheerfully given by PEItCEVAt. LOWELL, General Pa-nenger Agent, CuicAoe, III. T. .7. l'OTTEK, :il ice Pres. & Gen. Manager, Chicago, III. .iOH.N e. A. ICKA.-v.Gen. Kastern Agt., :;17 Rreadway, ?M Washington St. Nbw Yerk. Resien, Mass. maylilyd&w TNCKEASE YOUK CAPITAL. . WHEAT STOCKS, 10, 20, 50, 100. Investors of small and medium amounts in Grain, Previsions ami Stocks as fully pro tected nsmestcxtcnstvenndinilucntial opera tors. Our .succ-cs-sful, fully tried, old estab lished plan, try it. Reports sent weekly, dividends paid monthly. Send at once for ex planatory circulars and past record, frkb. Dividends paid during past thirteen months en this fund SVil.'l per share. Address FLEMMING- & MERRIAM, HI and li:! LaSALLE ST., CHICAGO, ILL. S-We want, a Ical agent in every town. Excellent inducement!-. Geed pay te a rc- spensib'c. enterprising nun. Write for terms. luMyd TMATXZMMV UVIV2. rANCASTKK AND MILLKKSVII.I K K i Cars run as fellows;: . . Sve ancatser ,'P. K. Depot), at 7 9 au.t Jl--aAni.,and 2, 4, 6 and S-30 p. mV, exreut Ten Saturday when the last car leaves at 9&m? ST Leave ilUtenrilte (lower end) at5.8 hMI a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. "" Cars run dally en - ive time except en Sun day. D EAD1NO a COLUMBIA It. K. A RR ANGEMENT OFPAS3KNGER TRAINS MONDAY, MAY 2!d, ISM. NORTHWARD. LKAVR. A.M. A.M. 7:S0 9:10 9r.1 Qnarryville Lancaster, King St Lancaster Columbia. ARRIVE. Reading 6:'20 7:30 7:40 7:33 9.45 SOUTHWARD, LKAVB. Reading , AKE1VK. Columbia , Lancaster. Lancaster, Kiugst v.. r.u. ... 2:3u .... 3:40 1-U) 3:50 1:10 3:10 320 5.B0 r.M &.10 5:10 i'.:l.- tjuurryvule Reute. At Columbia Willi trains te and from nrte. Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Rain' mere. a. SI. WILSON. Mud. PKNNSVLVANIA KAILKOAD NKW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY. JUNE 4th, 1SS2, trains en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive at and leave tl e l.aiicnstei and Philadelphia deeLsas follews: Levi Ar. Lan Phil Eastwahu. A.M. 12:14 5:35 S:10 8:10 S-.V5 9-.IW P.M. I2-55 1:05 A.M 2:55 7:5e lerii Mail Expicss Harrisbnrg Express Yerk Accommodation an Ives Lancaster Accomedation arrives... Columbia Accommodation , Ficderick Accommodation arrives. Seashore Express..... 11:15 3:20 r.M. Sunday Mail Johnstown Express ; Day Express Harrisbnrg Accommodation.... 5:05 7:.l 9.15 i H45 Hanover Accommodation west, connecting at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 10:15, will run through te Hanover daily, except Sunday. Frederick Accommodation, weal, connecting at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 1:40, will run tnreusli te Frederick. A.M. M. P.M. 7rJ5 12:00 l!:10 p.m. 9:le 2:10 S.-25 9:30 2.10 8:1.1 9:40 8:25 10:40 .... 9:55 AU.Sil .... If. VI Xl ...... "i1 al "caning Willi tr.diw teand lrem Philadelphia, Petuvllle, Harrisbnrg. Al Al entewn and New Yerk, via itnmui iirn.L- Le. Ar. Phil I Lan A.M. V.M. 4:311 15:27 4:30 Gr27 7:00 9.35 9:10 8:10 1(1:1.'. 10:50 P.M. 11:05 1:10 1-50 r.M. 2:14 5 05 2::!t) 4:14 7:M 5:40 7:te il:le llriO 1:45 Westward. News Express Way Passenger aiall Train. Ne. 1. via. Mt..ley.... Mail Train, No.2,viaCeliimbi.i, leaves .Niagara .Express Hanover Accommodation le-ives.. Frederick Aecommedatiou leaves. Harrisbnrg Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation leaves. Columbia Accommodation. A Harrisbnrg Express Western .Express Pacific Expiess Harrlibnr-3f Express, west, at 5:40 p. m., lias direct connections (without change or cars) te Columbia and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, wlllstonatDewningtowii.Coatcsville, Parkes burg, Mount Jey, Elizabethtown and Middle town. Day Express, Fast Line, News Express. Mail Train, Ne. 1, Western Express and Pad tic Ex press run daily. tjANVAHTISK WATVUE8. "viuuKruAft $650,000 ! IT 1H A JiAVTOFXO LITTLE IXTF. II EST TO THE rEOPLE OF LANCASTER AJ riCIXITV THAT NEARLY Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars WHICH 13 MOKE Til AX HALF THE AOUIIIH.'A'J'E CAJ'ITA L NTOUK(ti,2lO,aeO) OF THE POUR NATIONAL BANKS OF THE CITY OF LAXCAHTElt, HAH THUS FA It J1EEX EXPEXOEO IX THE ma xr-'A vrriiE Lancaster ffaicte. SIXTEEN GHADES OF THESE Accurate Time-Keepers NOW JIADE AT.THE Lancaster Watch Factory. Thej'arc the Finest Product et Pennsylva nia Skill and Pennsylvania EnterprNc. It is confidently believed that NO HETTEE WATCH, for the Meney, Is made, or sold any where in the world either in America or In Europe. juncS-lyd&w MILLINbllY, F INK MILLINERY. Irs.A.W.Weikel, Ne. S NORTH QUEEN STREET. My many friends und patrons are respect fully Invited te call and examine my PINE STOCK or Millinery TriLimiiD os COMriUSIXCI ALL THE LEADISO STYLES TOR DRESS and PROMENADE HATS. LADIES can have their orders tilled in much le-js time than they have been accustomed te elsewhere. 43" Please call and examine iny goods and prices uithnut obligation te purchase. e-N. :. '1 he Largest ami line.-,t Stock or CHILDREN'S Scheel and Dress Hats IK THIS CITV. A Limine or Human Hair Goods Always en hand, and all kinds et HAIR WORK done at the LOWEST PRICES at MK.A.ff.WEM'e, NO. 38 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. ap27-3mtl,Ta,TbA3 V