LANCASTER DAILY 1OTEIJJCTENCEE TUESDAY JUNE 20, 1882. i , i s 4Hs UF CLOTHING UAHAOEI) KY FIRE OVER 500 CHILDREN'S SUITS, SLIGHTLY DAMAGED BY WATER "WILL BE SOLD AT A SACRIFICE, Beautiful Suits for $1.00, Men's Fine Wliite Tests, 50c., ALL SLIOJITL Y DA MA AL. Ne. AfEVIAL KOT1VES. yroel Peeltlve. We have tlie most positive and convincing liroet that Themas' Eclectric OH in a most ct. lcctual specific ler bodily pain. In ca.sf.set rheumatism anil neuralgia It gives In.stau: re lief. Fer hale at II. I!. Cochran's drug (-tore. 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Given up by Docter. "Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey Is up and at work, and cured by se simple a remedy ?" "I assure you It Is true that he Is entirely cured, and with nothing but Hep 15 liters ; and only ten days age Ids doctors gave him tip ami said he must die !" "Wella-dayl That's remarkable ! I will go this day and get some ler my peer Geerge I knew hops arc geed." jul5-2wdftw KKSCCKD FliOM DEATH. The lollewlngstalcmentot William J. Cough lln, of Semnrville, Mass., is se remarkable that we hex tensk for It the attention at our nail ere. He says : "In the fall ej 1870 1 was taken with a violent bleeding et the lungs, followed by a severe cough. I seen began te lese my appetite and flesh. I was se weak at one lime that I could net leave n.y bed. In the sum mer of 1877 I wasadmlttcd te the City Hospital. While there the doctors said I had a hole in my left lung us big as a half-dollar. 1 expend ed ever a hundred dollars In docteis and med icines. 1 was se far gene at one time a report went around that I was dead. 1 gave up hope but a friend told mc et IMS. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOR THE LUNGS. I laughed at my friends, thinking my case incurable, but 1 get a bottle te satisfy them, when te my sur prise and gratification, I commenced te leel better. My hope, enri: deud, began te revive, and te-day I feel In better spirits than I have the past three yeais. "I writcthis hoping you will publish It. se that every one allllcted with Diseased Lungs will be induced te take I) It. WM. HALL'S HALS AM FOUTIIK LUNCS.nnilbeeenvinceil that CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED. 1 have taken two bottles and can positively suy that it has done me mere geed than all the ether medicines I have taken since my sick ness. My cough has almost entirely disap peared and I shall &een be able te go te work.' Sold by II. 1J. Cechian, 137erlh Queen street SiiimII Comfert. When you are continually coughing night mid day, annoying everybody around yeu,nnd hoping It will go away et its own ncuird, von are running a d-iugcreus risk better use l)r. Themas' Eclcctilc Oil, an unfailing remedy in all such cases. Fer sale at II. 15. Cochran's drug store. 137 North Queen street, Lancaster That hacking couch can be sequlckly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Fer sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 Xerth Queen St. wyl-lwdeew&w Snii.enY, Ceugn and Consumption Cure is sold by us en a guarantee. It cures consump tion. Fer sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen St. myl-lwdeewftw I r is a loelish mistake te confound a remedy et merit with quack medicine. We nave usul 1'arkcr's Ginger Tonic with the happiest lc sults for Dyspepsia, and Debility and knew it te be n sterling health restorative. Times. juMmdcod&cew A cough, cold or sere Tiireat should ee stepped. Neglect frequently results in an In curable I.'ing Disease or Consumption. Brown's nrenchlal Troches de net disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly en the Inflamed parts, allaying Irritation, give relief in Asthma. Bronchial Cough, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles which Singers and Public Speakers are subject te. Fer thirty years Brown's Itrenchlal Troeiscs li-ive been recommended by phvfi-t-ians, and always give perfect satlslactieu. Having been tested by wide and constant ute for nearly an entire generation, they have at tained wej. .neriied rank among the few staple remedies-et the age. Sold at i" cent-a box evervw hi re. mv-lvdTTliX F&lvw There. Is uouscindruggiiigyeuivclt te death and buying all the vile medicines for intei'nul use when you can be cured of fever and ague, dumb ague, bilious disorders, jaundice, dys pepsia, as well as all disorders and ailments et the liver, bleed and stomach, by wearing one et Prof. Guilmetlc's French Liver Pads, which is a sure cure every lime. If your Druggist Iecs net keep the pad, send $1.50 in a letter te French Pad Ce., Teledo, O., and it will be sent you by return mail. It is the only Pad that is guaranteed te cure. Beware of counterfeits. Fer sale at Kautfinan's Drug Stere, North Queen street. jul7-2ldW&S llreiviis liuuseixtui Panacea Is the most effective Pain Dcstrojer in tlie world. Will most surely quicken ilie bleed, whether taken Internally or applied cxternally.and thereby mere certainly relieve pain, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain In the Side. Back or Bowels. Sere Threat, Rheumatism and all .cuks, and is THE GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN. "Biuhvh's Household Pahacka" should be In every lamlly. A teaspoon fill of the Panacea in a tumbler et het water sweetened if preferred J, taken at bed time will ukuak cv a cold. 25 cts a bottle. lebll-lydM.WftS&w Mothers! Mothers ft Mether!! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by u sick child suHering and crying with excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If se, go at once and get a bottle et MRS. W1N SLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sutTercr Immediately depend upon it: there is no mistake about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that it will regu late the bowels, and glve rest te the mother and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly sale te use in all 1 yv, and pleasant te the taste, and is tlie prescription et one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, Sold every where. 25 cents a bottle. m2-ly-M,W&S&w Don't Oie In the Heuse. "Rough en Rats." Clears out nits, reaches, bed-bugs, flies, ants, moles, munks, gophers. 15c. mice, chip Physicians say It combines all the desiderata of every ferruginous tonic prescribed by every school of medicine. Brown's Iren Bit ters. Fer sale by II. IJ. Cochran, druggist, 137 Xerth Queen ctreet julfl-lwd&w The face of humanity displays fewer pim ples than formerly. Reason Glenn's Sulphur Seap. -' Hill's Hair and Whiskey Dye," no cts. Jul'J-lwdced&w Celden's Llebig's Liquid Beet and Tonic In In In vigorater will euro indigestion, and perpetu ate bodily vigor. Take no ether. Of druggists. JulO-lwdeed&w Thousands bear witness te the positive cura tive powers of the GREAT GERMAN INVIG ORATOR, thG only remedy that has proved Itself a specific for general debility or over taxed brain, Anally ending in consumption, and a premature grave. Sold by all druggists or will be sent free en receipt or fl.OO par box, or six boxes for $5.00. Address F. J. CHENEY', Teledo, Ohie, sole agent for the United States. Send for circular and testimonials et genuine cures. Fer sale at Kautlman's drug store North Queen street, jul9-M&Thd B HKNKY-a UARJIOL1C SALVK. The best Salve in tne world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, sal t rheum, tetlcr.clmpped hands, chilblains, cerus and all kinds et skin eruption-, freckles and pimples. The salve is 1 e.iraaleed te give icrlect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Be sure you get Henry's Carbolic Salve, as all ethers are but Imitations and counterfeits. Price 25 cents. Seli I IP Lancaster at Cochran's Drugstore, 1 37 and 139 Xerth Queen street. in v29 4 XEW ADVERTISEMENTS. WATER. I FIRE I Beautiful Suits for $1.50, Men's Summer Coats, 25c, GET) BY WATER, AT ROSENSTEIN'S, 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET. JVfc'W ADt'EUTlSEJlEXTH. OlLilLTHINO NEW! LAWN SPRINKLERS, ONLY 25 CENTS, AbO t&e Largest M of FISHING TACKLE in tfie Gity And lowest prices at FLINN & WILLSON. LANCASTER, PA. Rese Celd and Hay Fever lleing seriously troubled with Hay Kcvcrand Rese Celd I tried Ely's Cream ISalm, and was surprised in obtaining almost Immediate re lief. 1 earnestly recommend it te all similarly allllcted. W. I". Asmtus, druggist, Metuelien, New Jersey. Having been nlUictt-d with Hay Fever for years I gave Ely's Cream; was much benefitted. I have had no attacks since using it. E. II. R.iucu, editor Carben county Democrat, Munch Chunk, Pa. Fer years 1 have been ulllictcd with Hay Fever, irein early In August until frost. 1 was induced te give Ely's Cieam Balm a trial. The relief was immediate. I regard myself cured. G. .ciii:i:ir.Kit. Stipt. of Ceidage Ce., Eliza beth, X. .1. Price .'.0 cents. Apply into nos nes tils with little linger. Fer sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North j (jneen street. juj-3 Hew te Secure Health. 11 seems strange that any one wilt Miller from the many derangements brought en by an impure condition et the bleed, when SCO VILL'S.SARSAPARILLAANDSTILLINGIA, or II LOO D AND LIVER SYliUP will restore perfect health te the physical organization. It is Indeed a strengthening syrup, pleasant te take, and has proven itself te be the best BLOOD PUIHFIEU ever discovered, clleel ually curing Screlula, Syphlltic disorders, Wciknexs et the Kidneys, Erysipelas, Mala ria; all nervous disorders and debility, bil. ions complaints and all diseases indicating an impure coiniitlen el the Bleed, Liver, Kid neys, Stomach, Skin, etc. It eeriects iiull gestien. A single bottle will prove te you its merits as a health renewer, ler it ACTS L1K E A CHARM, especially when the complaint is of an exhaustive nature, having a tendency te the natural vigor et the br.iin and ner- j yeus system. BAKER'S PAIN l'ANACEA euicsapaiu in man and beast. Fer use evternally anil Inter nally. KKDlKlRsi: POWDERS cure nil diseases of her.e, cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry and all Livestock. A POSITIVE CUKE. umySI-2 Tiik most wonderful curative remedies et 1 the present day arc these that come lrem Ger many, or at least eriginate there. The most recent preparation placed upon the miuket in thl country is the GREAT GERM AX IN V1G ORATOR, which has never been known le fail in cuting a single ease of impotency, weakness, nervous debility, inability or mental anxiety, languor, lassltuile.depressien et spirits and lunctienal derangements et the nervous system, ler Kde by druggists, or ; sent free by mail en receipt of price, $l.U0 per ' box, or six boxes ter j.00. Address F. .1. CHENEY, Teledo, Ohie, sole agen I ler the United States. Send for ciicular. Fer sale at Kautlman'.s drug store. Net tli Queen street. Jul2-lvdM&Tli A Dcatn te tlie PharaMtrs, Which hide between the gums and teeth, and eat into them te their destruction. SOZO DONT is master of the situation. Whoever nes it icgularly alter every meal, and cleanses his teeth and mouth, will seen be rid et the parasites. ju20-lwiieed&w The fairest faces are sometimes marred by myriads of pimples, and markings et fetter or lrcckles, which are readily removed by a pop ular toilet dressing, known as Dr. C. W. Ben Ben eon's Skin Cure. Even scrofulous ulcers yield te it. jnlit-lwd&w I'll eh! Piles! Piles: A sure euro found at last ! Ne one need sutler! A sure euro for Blind, Bleeding, Itch ing and Ulcerated Piles lias been discovered by Dr. William (an Indian remedy), called Dr. William's Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic cases et 25 or 30 years standing. X'e one need sutler live minutes after applying this wonderful seething medi cine. Lotions, inssruments and electuaries de mere harm than geed. Williams' Ointment absorbs tlie tumors, allays the intense itching (particularly at night alter getting warm in bed), acts as a peuitice,t-ivcs instant and pain less relict, and is prepared only ter Piles, itch ing et the private parts, and for nothing else. Read what the Hen. J. M. Ceffinbcrry, of Cleveland, says about Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment : I have used scores of Pile Cures, and itatTerds me plcasure te say that I have never found anything which gave such Immediate and permanent relief as Dr. Wil liam's Indian Ointment. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, 137 and 13 North Queen street. Price, $1.00. Henry Ce., Pi e prleters, C2 Vcsey Street, New Y'erk, fel)24-Tu&Fd&w An llntliufilastic Knderse.mciit. Geuh.vm, X. H July 14, 1S71). GENT3 Whoever you arc, 1 don't knew ; but 1 thank the Lord and feci gratclul te you te knew that in this world of adnltcrated medi cines there is one compound that proves and docs all it advertises te de and mere. Four years age I had a slight shock et palsy, which unnerved me te such an extent that the least excitement would make me shake like the ague. Last May I was induced le try Hep Bit ters. 1 used one bottle, but did net see any change ; another did se change my nerves that they are new as steady as they ever were It used te take both hands te write, but new my geed right hand writes this. New, it you con tinue te manufacture as honest and geed an article as you de, you will accumulate an honest fortune, and confer the greatest bless ing en your fellow men that was ever con ferred en mankind. Tiv BuitrH. lnl-2wd&w The countenance of mortal man or woman cannot be celestially radicut ami pure, but with Dr. Bensen's Skin Cure, it can be made smooth and free from tetter, scaly eruptions, Heckles and climatic discoloration. A lovely toilet dressing. jul2-lwd&w DEA.T1IC. ISrewk. Iii thisclty.en June 19th, lsS2, Rev. J. A. Brown, D. D., l.L. D., aged 01 years and 4 lLenths. The relatives and friends of the family; arc respectfully Invited te attend the funeral from his late residence, Xe. 225 North Duke street, en Thursday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. 21 FIRE ! Beautiful Suits for $2.50. Men's Uoed White Shirts, 25c. JUAItJtlAUES. Snydeu Feese. .June 13, 1832, at the parson age et Tiinity church, bv Kev. Dr. Green wald, Ambiese F. Snyder te MNs Id.i E. Feese, both et Lancaster. It HE W Alt V fc KriSEXEMTS. "ITfANTED A J I IIST TT Maker. Nene but -CLASS harness man need i sober apply. Address II. WELY, Avendalc, l'a. LVlwd WA.MKC-A MIDDI.i: AliEU UKltDUN Weman wants a situation te de General Housework. Apply at ltd Xe. 40 SOUTH PKIXCE ST. NKW PIANO tlrcly New VEKV I'll ft AP. AN KN- Piane of Albrecht & Ce.'s Philadelphia. Pa., manufacture will be sold at First Cost. Must unnlv this week. L. B. HERR'S INQUIRER BOOK STORE 20-3td Xe. 53 Xerth Queen St. H AIL 1NSUKANCK. TOBACCO OUOW- insuicd against damage by hail by calling en BAUSMAN BURNS, agents of the Penn Mutual Hail Insurance Ce., and the Lancaster County Mutual Hail Insurance Ce. (14-3t,eed SCHOOL TAX, 188-'. The duplicate is in the hands of the treas urer. Tin oe per cent, etr ter prompt payment. W. O. MARSHALL, Treasurer, Xe. 12 Centre Square. 49Ot)ice hours from '.) a. m. te 4 p. 111. jul3-'2mdlt ni'KflAL JHKKTING OF THE LANUAS- k!) ter Mamncrcher will be held at their hall this (TUESDAY) evening at Sl o'clock te make arrangements ler the Samgcrftst. All members are requested te be present. By order of the society. It GEO. PFEIFFER, Sec. 1)KOPOSAI.S 1'OR MATEItlALS AND Construction et Buildings. Offici: of the Ktelev Steve Company, ) Columbia. Pa., June lit, 1SS2. s Scaled proposals will be received at this office until 12 o'clock M., or WEDNESDAY', the 5th day et JULY next, for the ereetien, and all materials for the completion of the new Steve Works et this company, te be built nt this place, consisting of Foundry, Ware house, etc. Cepies et specifications can be had, an.l plans examined by bidders, en ap plication at tills office. Address GEO. W. IIALDEMAN, j-20-3tdTuTliS President. rpillfi UHKTHHEN OF LODGES NO. 43 X and 170 will assemble at Pennsylvania railroad station en Saturday next, -Mill Inst., at.":25 11. 111., te participate in celebrating the i.cqui-ccutcnuial of the It. W. Grand Ledge of Pennsylvania. The Masonic dress will be strictly adhered te. Tickets $2.00 round trio, from 22d te'2Uth inclusive, te be had at R. R. Station en eratter 21st inl. Headquarters in Philadelphia at the Wist End hotel, Xe. 1520 Chestnut street. Ci.ll'eeand sandwich en cars. Dinner at headquaiters. CIIAS. M. HOWELL, -M Chairman Cem. nt Aiiangcments. V tr.OSlNU OUT! CLOSING OUT! AT ttllEATLI REDUCED PRICES. Having started a Shoe Factory, I am new closing out my large stock et Boetsand Shoes at greatly reduced prices te mnke room for the enlargement of my lactery. Cuslem work a specially, both machine and hand-made. F. HDBMENZ, .Ne. 105, XORTH QUEEN STREET. (Sign et the Big Shee.) livJOWAStt IRAKI Fire Insurance Company OF PHILADELP1A. Assets ever Eleven Hundred sand. Theu- Dollars, securely invested. Fer a policy ip this eldand well-established company call en RIPE & KAUFMAN, NO. 19 EAST KING STREET. I3M.WRAS S" 1'KCIAL OFFERING TO PKHSONS IN WANT OF AX Elegant Suit el Clethes OR A STYLISH SPRING OVERCOAT, XOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. We suggest placing an order only le secure prompt attention and choice of stock. Dispel from your minds tlie thought of buying cheap, trashy garments when such splendid l'acilltlea are ellercd te obtain the very best at such moderate prices lrem the leading establish ment and the acknowledged headquarters ler CORRECT STYLES, the most striking and novel effects te be found in tlie European markets, which we import direct and have exclusive control. 3-Remcmbcr, no ether house in this city can show the same line of goods. We are the only party that handle the Original Londen and Parisian productions of OR1GET, :il RUE V1VIENNE, PARIS. An examination et our immense stock will satisfy the novice as well as the aesthetic taste that for tone and character our goods cannot be excelled, and rank among the leading houses en this continent. Ne. 121 North Quean Street. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR. HEW ADTEBTIBEMEHT8. A BTKICH BKOS' ADVERTISEMENT. ASTBICH BROS-' PALACE op FASHION ! 13 BAST KING ST. We have This Day SALE et instituted a SPECIAI LADIES' And will eiler all Fine and New Goods, a'. Piicea which will Astonish All and Cempel Sales. CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE Chemise from 2"c. upwards. Fine Embroidered Chemise ut 30c, Me. O'C, 75c. $1.00. Lace Chemise from 75c. upwards Cambric Chemise. CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CHEMISE CIIB'41SE CHK.MISE CIIVSMISE PAXTLETS. PANTLETS. PANTLETS. PANTLETS. PANTLETS. PANTLETS. Unfiled Skirts, 37c. Cambric Flounced Skirts, 01 cents. Deep Embroidered Edge Skirts, 80c. Fine Embroidered Skirts, $1.25. A Fine SkirLwith Deep Hamburg Edge and In serting, at $1.09. SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS SKIRTS TOILET SACQUES. TOILET SACQUES. TOILET SACQUES. TOILET SACQUES, TOILET SACQUES. TOILET SACQUES. Night Gowns, milled, 50c. Embroidered Gowns, 80c. Elaborately Embroidered, from $1.00 te $2.50. CORSET COVERS. CORSET COVERS. CORSET COVERS. CORsET COVERS. CORSET COVERS. CORSET COVERS. NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT NIGHT GOWNS GOWNS GOWNS GOWNS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS Our well-known Corset at 49 cents. French Woven Corset, at 48 cents. A Speen Busk Corset, at 75 cents. 100 Bone Corset, $1.00. 150 Bone Corset, $1.25. Mad. Fey's Corset $1 00. Flexible Hip Corset. $1. Everlasting Hip Cor sets, $1.03., Automatic Cersct.U.UO. Dr. Warner's Health, Corset, $1.25. Examine our $1.50 Cor set, as it is a per fect beauty. INFANT'S WEAR. INFANT'S WEAR. INFANT'S WEAR. INFANT'S WEAR. INFANT'S WEAR. INFANT'S WJSAR. CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS' CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORETS CORNETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CORSETS CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S Short Embroidered Dresses at 50c. Fine Embroidered and Pulled Dresses from 75c up te $1.00. DRES3ES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES DRESSES CHlLDRhNfr CHILDRENS Embroidered Dress- CHILDRENS es te tit Children CHILDRENS from 4 te 9 years, CHILDRENS from $2.00 te $5.00. CHILDRENS INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. INFANTS EMBROIDERED CLOAKS. LACE Swiss Caps from 25c up. LACE Fine Shirred Capa. LAC E Fl no Lace Caps at 50c. LACE Embroidered Caps. LACE Marseilles Bennets for LACE Children. EMBROIDERED SHAWLS. EMBROIDERED SHAWLS. EMBROIDERED SHAWLS. EMBROIDERED SHAWLS. EMKROIDERED SHAWLS. EMBROIDERED SHAWLS. CAPS CAPS CAPS CAPS CAPS CAPS MERINO Ladies' and Gent's UNDERWEAR MKR1NO Gauze Underwear MERINO at25c.,inlengand MERINO short sleeves. MERINO Children's Gauze MERINO Vests, .MERINO in all sizes. UNDHRWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDEItWEAR UNDERWEAR UNDERWEAR DUSTERS. DUSTERS. DUSTERS. DUSTERS. DUSTERS. DUSTERS. LADIES' LINEN LADIES' LINEN LADIES' LINEN LADIES' LINEN LADIES' LINEN LADIES' LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEFS. HANDKERCHIEFS. II ANDK ERCHIRFS. .Isle Gloves, frame made, GLOVES at 12 and 17 cents. GLOVES Extra Fine Llsle Gloves GLOVES G LOV hS GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES at 25 cents. Silk Gloves. Kid Gloves. 3 te 10 buttons. Lace Mitts. SPANISH LACES. ORIENTAL LACES. OR ILL AX LACES. EDELWEIS LACES, GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES GLOVES KW .Li ACES. PARASOLS Watered Silk Para sols. Satin Para Para .sels, lined and Lace Trimmed at $3.00. Fine Parasols and Sun Unbrellas. PARAbOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS PARASOLS SWISS EMBROIDERY. SWISS EMBROIDERY. SWISS EMBROIDERY'. SWISS EMBROIDERY. SWISS EMBROIDERY. SWISS EMBROIDERY. HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERS HOSIERY HOSIERY A geed and well se lected stock or Ladles' Gent's and Children's Fancy Cotten Hese suitable for the season. Children's Striped Cotten Hese, Full Regular Made, at 25c. a pair. One let of Ladics'Fan- cy Striped Hose, Full Regular Made, at HOSIERY HOSIERY' HOSIERY' HOSIERY' HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY HOSIERY- HOSIER X 37c; worth 50c. HOSIERY FANS Japanese Fans, Leather Fans, FANS FAN'S Feathertans, Creten Fans, FANS FANS Embroidered and Painted Fans. FANS A handsome variety or ' SHETLAND SHAWLS, at OS cents, large size. RIBBONS Bargains In All Silk RIBBONS RIBBONS Gres-Grain and Watered RIBBONS RIBBONS Sash Ribbons. RIBBONS RIBBONS Bargains in RIBBONS RIBBONS Black Watered Sash. RIBBONS RIUKO.NS 8 men Black Watered RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS iaasn at $1.C0 per yard. Fancy Ribbons at Reduced Rates. FLOWERS. FLOWERS. FLOWERS. FLOWERS. FLOWERS. RIBBONS RIBBONS RIBBONS FLOWERS. FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS We offer new a well selected stock of Ostrich Plumes in all colors, at remarkably low figures. FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS White Plumes,from FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS A- J .m..j W WU IU HfaW. SWAAUU1M One let et white, blue, pink, cream plumes, at $1.75. One let at $2.10 worth consider able mere. Choice Plumes. $3. FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS HEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS FEATHERS OTHER BARGAINS IN EVERY ONE OF OUR DEPARTMENTS. Muslin Unaerwear THIRD EDITION TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 20, 1883. REST AT LAST. TIIK PERUVIAN INQUIRY FINISHED. End of Tresceti' Examination The Foreign A flairs Committee te Prepare Twe Reports. Washington, June 20. The examina tion of Mr. Trescott was resumed te-day by the foreign affairs committee, and after some questioning about the Credit Indus triel company a discussion arose in com. mitteeas te whether or net witness should answer Mr. Belmont's question whether he (witness), wrote the state department dispatch of instructions efj June 15th, 1881. The committee went into secret session, at the conclusion of which the chairman an nounced that the question would net be pressed, and Mr. Belmont said he had no further questions te ask. Witness was then questioned by Mr. Blount in reference te the Credit Industriel and the examination was then closed. The chairman announced that the inves tigatien was new probably concluded and the committee adjourned until Friday. The preparation of a report will involve a great deal of labor. Twe reports will probably be submitted, but it is doubtful if they can be prepared before tli3 adjourn ment of the present session. SENT HOME UNARM.!. The Mexican Authorities Arrest American Hangers and Cempel Them te Keturn Through Hostile Territory With out Weapons. Tucson, Arizona, June 20. Captain Ress, with bis command of fifty rangers, who left here two months age, has return ed. He followed the Apache Indians into Mexico, when the Mexican authorities ar rested him and his command, disarmed them and ordered them te leave Mexican territory. Gen. Rogers, the Mexican com mander, told Captain Ress that warniug had been given that armed men found en Mexican soil would be shot, but an excep tion would be made in this case. He was aware that the rangers meant no harm and were after hostile Indians, but it was a violation of international law which he would net tolerate. The rangers were compelled te return through an Indian country, a distance of 25 miles, without a single weapon for defense. Captain Ress reports that during the trail they counted 300 dead Indians who had evidently been wounded in a fight with Mexicans. CONUKNStU TKLCGKAMS. Paragraphic Points uttlie Afternoon News. Largan wen the spertman's cup in the beat race ever the Thames course this afternoon in which LaycecI: and Pearce were the ether competitors. The striking freight handlers in New Yerk made a very orderly parade te day. They are firm in their demands and the strike is embarrassing the companies very much. Fighting has begun between the rival chiefs in Zululand. Earl Spencer, lord lieutenant of Ireland, thinks much of the crime in that country is of foreign instigation. David Themas, an extensive iron mauu facturer, is critically ill at Catasauna. J he mine lire at W ilkesbarre is under control. The Heuse te-day voted Etie $100,000 for a public building, with the proviso that the ultimate cost shall net exceed $150,000. lype-setters en the IiulTale daily papers are en a strike. The divorce bill has finally passed the French Chamber of Deputies by a vote of 330 te 150. Thefatoer the bill in the Senate is doubtful. A farmer named Levy has been found dead near Birr, Ireland, haviug been shot. The Baltimore & Ohie railroad propose te pass ever the Readiug lead through Chester. TUK OREGON K1.ICCTION. Senater Glever Will Ite Succeeded by u ice puulicati. Portland, Oregon, June 20. Owing te the prostration of the line te E --stern Or egon it is impossible te obtain the ellielai vote en the state election. Geerge, for Congress, will have ever 3,000 majority, and Meedy, fur governor, 2,000. The lcmaiucler of the Republican ticket will have from 1,300 te 2,500 majority. The Legislature stands : Lewer Heuse, 37 Re publicans and 22 Democrats ; Senate, 16 Republicans and 14 Democrats, and the majority en joint ballet will be 17. This does net include the tie en the represent ative from Yam Hill county, for which a new electieu will be ordered . Should the. successful candidate be a Republican the majority will be 18 ; if a Democrat the majority will be 1(5. TUK GUANO ARMY. The Gutheriug of the Clans tn is.illliu.ire. Baltimore, June 20. The dele;at23 from the state cemmauderies of the Grand Army of the Republic have beguu le ar rive and these from Missouri, Kansas and Iewaaie here. Other state representa tives aie expected by incoming trains The only pest arrived te-day is Meagher pest, from the Soldiers' home, at ITatnp ten, Va. Pests 2, of Philadelphia, Ne. 2, of Bosten, and Lincoln pest, Ne. 11, of Newark, N. J., are expected tnis evening, and all the ethers te-morrow morning. Many of the delegations and pests will reach Baltimore just in time te join the parade, which will form en Broadway early in the forenoon. Important If True. Harriskurg, Pa., June 20. Up te one o'clock this afternoon net ever fifteen del egates had arrived for the Republican convention tomorrow; several of these arc substituted. The probable action of the convention is causing some talk at the hotels aud divers views are expressed. An opinion prevails that the ouveutien will adjourn without making a nomination for congressman-at-large, and that a new convention under the new rules will be held te fill the va cancy. Dauphin Democrats. Haurtsburg,- June 20, The Demeciat ic county convention met this afternoon and nominated Cel. Henry McCormick, of Harrisbtirg, for Congress, with power te appoint his own conferees. Jehn W. Re walt was selected as senatorial, and Au gustus Miller, Jacob S. Haldemau aud A. C. Landis as representative delegates te the state convention. Benj. L. Ferster, Lewis Niefcr and J. F. Klugli were ap pointed judicial referees. The cohesive Power of Public Plunder. Richmond, V., June 20. The joint Re adjuster and Republican committees re mained in session nearly all night. They completed the work of fixing dates for district conventions for the nominations of congressman. Capt. Jehn S. Wise was unanimously recommended by a joint coai ceai miitee for cengrcssman-at-large. His name will be submitted te the district conven tions, and will doubtless receive their en dorsement. Printers Escape In Slippers. Montreal, Que., June 20. A lire orig inated in the press room of the Herald and gutted the whole building. The printers had only time te escape in their slippers. Less en building and plant is about $40, 000 ; insured in English and Canadian companies for $35,000. SEVERE STORMS. The Hall Cats a swartn tn Iowa. Arcadia, Iowa. June 20. A severe hail storm visited this locality en Saturday eveninjr, destroying evervthinsr initsnath. .The storm was a mile in width : the stones were as large as a chicken's ew. and did great damage te property, fruit and crops. A church was moved from its foundation by the wind. A Fatal Thunderbolt. Plainfield, X. J., July 20. Dur ing the thunderstorm yesterday afternoon the house of Isaac Brokaw, a farmer liv ing 1J miles from New Market, X. J., was struck by lightning and Annie Brokaw, his daughter, was se badly injured that she is net expected te live. Miss Bro Bre kaw's grandmother, aged 80 years, was also in the house but escaped uninjured. The building was almost demolished. Great Fire In a New Yerk Town. Albien, N. Y., June 20. The Jehnsen Harvester works, of Rockport, burned down last night. Less estimated at $500, 000, insured for $200,000. Edward Heath is supposed te have perished in the flames. The lire is supposed te have been the work of au incendiary. Four hundred and fifty men were thrown out of employment. Interfering In the La6erers Cause. runw lORK, June 20. The beard of aldermen te-day passed resolutions, urg ing the railroad, steamship and ether cor poration employing laborers te increase their wages te $2 a day te enable them te previde for the support of themselves and families. Michael Davlti's Movements. New Yerk, June 20. Michael Davitr, the Irish agitator, left tlm city this morn ing for Bosten where he takes part in the demonstration te night He was accem panied by his sister, Miss Ferd, and a large number of friends, among them Miss .Marian Dougherty, president el the Ladies land league of Worcester, Mass., and Hen. Jehn IJ. Spierin, of Bosten. His Hedy Horribly Mangled. Sci:anten, June 20. James Miller of Philadelphia while walking e:i the railroad near Moscow, I'a., war, overtaken by a passenger train and run ever. The luxly was horribly mangled. WCATUKK -INDICATIONS. Washington, Jnne 20. Fer the Mid dle Atlantic states, cool, fair northerly winds, shiftiug te higher barometer. weather, easterly, AJLUKJSTM. rmiHieiiiii Market. l'uiLMJK..niiA, June 20. Fleur dull and weak, but net quetabiy changed. Wheat firmer : Ne. 2 Western Red, $1 -WJi ; Del. and Pa. Red, $1 tegl 41 ; de Amber, $1 im 42. Cern dull, but lirm : Steamer. SI Yellow at KfJc ; Mixed. S2K83c ; Mixed, 808lc. 2S2J.c ; Ne. If Oats higher and mere active;: Ne. 1 White. KJc; Ne. -Jde02e; Ne. ::de(j01ic xe. 2 iHixi-ii, wMi'wycc. Rye dull at &0ffiS3c. Provi-ions lirm, geed jobbing trade. Lard lirm and unchanged. Butter quiet and rather weak te sell. l-Jgfjs steadier and mere inquiry ; ln , Western 1!)( Cheese qnu-t and unchanged. retreleum dull; Itellned, 1'Xe. Whisky at Jl 17 Seeds llaxsi-i-d nominal at il 35 2ic : Mw vn mitrHiii. Nsw iekb. June 20. Fleur State mm dull ; Western in favor of buyers I rail 0 seuuicin nun ami wcaic. Wheat Cash and June ?ile higher and firm ; lutei- months without decided chtnge. Cenijgft-jgc higher and rather quiet ; Mixed Western, spot, 7;7SJc ; de futures. 71 se;c. Oats iC7c better and fairly actlve ; Ne. 2. June, We ; de July. 5GiJi57e; de Aug., 4'?4 iff47c ; 'le Sept., 4IJ4l7c; State, lJ(!7kc : Western, f.9G7c. Western Grain markets. Hktreit. Wheat quiet : Ne. 1 White, .spot, .18! bid ; June, $1 2S,bid ; July,$123J ; .n... $1 Cern dull ; Ne. 2 at "lie. Oats lirm ; Ne. 2 White at 57c. Milwaukee. Wheat stead v but easier ; Ne. 2 Milwaukee quoted at $1 iffiC ler cash aud June: fl 3V ler July ?! 10 for August, Cern was stronger ; Ne. 2 at 70c. Oats steady ; Ne. 2 at 50,'e ; White at 51c. Rye steady and unchanged. Barley stronger ; Ne. 2 spring, fe'Oc ; July nominal. Oswkiie. Wheat qnlet ; White .State, fl 33 ; Red de, $1 43. Cern steady and unchanged. Oats unchanged. Harlcy inactive. Rye dull and lower; C.tnadiiii l.einl.TCc-; round lets held at 77e. Peoria. 111. Cern steady and active ; high mixed, 7ej'i7IltC; mixed. .0'J7Ie. Oats were active, and lirm'; Ne. 2 While at 5253c. Rye lirm but inactive ; Ne. 2 at 5V. Philadelphia Cattle Market. Monday, June 19. The receipts et livestock at thn Philadelphia stock yards were: Fer the week: Beeves, 2,700 head ; sheep, 15.000 head; hogs, 3,0f0 head. Previous week Reeves, 2,tM0 head ; sheep, 13,(100 head ; hogs 3,200 head. Beet Cattle have been tiiily active aud pi ices ler ail kinds were well maintained, We quote as fellows : Kxtra iiittvcs, 'J'SJOJfe; Geed, 8!ie ; Medium, 7lc: Common, 5ffi0Me; latt-ewi. Milch Cew.s weie active at $J0g(), with s:iles of extra grades as high as $75. Shcep'were dull and the heavy arrivals ct block, which weie et a peer quality had the elfeel et decreasing prices Yfi per pound. Lambs were demoralized and prices el all grades declined except ter extra, which were tinner, while 100 pound clipped sheep brought i'MA). We quote as follews: Extra, 55.J$c; geed l,'i5Jc; medium 4 4Ke: common 3.c; culls 3c; Iambs, 48C : calves, 3c. Hogs have been active and firm. We' quote as fellows : Kxtra. liy.m'2c; geed, Ilglle ; ll.'b mixed, I0J4Ilc. SALTS OS- BEEVES AT TnU WEST FlIILADELI'lli -. STOCK YARDS. Martin, Fuller & Ce., 252 Western. 7i'.c-. Reger Maynes, 150 Western, 7705c. A. ft J. Christy, 217 Western and Va.4'ti'j;ie. M. Ulman, 115 Chicago, account Levi Sense nig, 0?Uc; 45 W. Va., ,iQfii 20 Cherokee. 7c : 29 Lancaster ee., !),'-;c. James Clemsen 32 Western. 8JJ8J40. Schamherg & Paul, 133 Western, tyfii'jyj.:. G. Schamberg ft Ce.,'.) Western and Texans, 9i4c. Lewenstoin ft Adler, 85 Western St Tcxa-y, 0c. Daniel Murphy. 151 Western, CJiyye. H. Chain, ir., 70 Western, 5K'.lc M. Levi, 101 Western, Seuc. " Jehn McArdie, 2i Lancaster co.. SKfiOje ; 20 Lancaster co., acct. II. Garber, 10c. Owen Smith, 121 Western and ?3 Virginia, 5&i L. Hern, IS Western and 1'enna., mixed 42 Daniel Smyth ft Bre., U0 Western, .eXc. Dennis smytb, 50 West. 5,'i4j7c. Bachman ft Levi, 150 Western, Cgyc. F. schectz, 24 Western, B8c. II. Chain. 35 Western, 57c. Lewenstein ft Heilbron, 42 Western cuws and bulls, 4J46c. DRESSED MEATS. Ureseil Beeves were active and cleic-l at S 14c, the former rate ter Texans. SALES LAST WEEK. TI103. Bradley, 1C2 head at lOglfc. A. A. Boswell 71 de. at 914c. C. S. Dcnglcr, S.1 de. at 8J14c. W. II. Brown 85 de. at9I4J4e. Harlan & Bre., 80 de. nt 81 lc. J. F. Lewdcn. 41 de. 8:214c. Dressed sheep were active. Samuel Stewart sr.ld 811 head at 8l0e and IK) head of dressed lambs at 12Hc, Live Stock Market. Chicaoe. Hogs Receipts, 14,000 head ; ship ments, 5,500 de.: market very active and high er early In the day en speculative account, closing weak and barely at steady lates ; mixed, $735s;Q5; heavy, $8 05s VA); light. $7 408 10; skips, $5 5007 25. ' Cattle Receipts. 2,000 head ; shipments. 1,900 head ; demand very weak ; natives dull und barely steady ; experts, $888 50 ; geed te choice shipping; $7 2507 75 ; common te fair $5 757; mixed butchers generally fair, active and prices tinner ; peer te fair, $2 4035; Texans scarce and 25c higher ; canncrs', $3 754 50: shippers, $1 ce5 75; Blockers and feeders, $3 05 25. Sliecp-Recelpts,200 head; shipments, none; demand fair; market dull, but steady; com mon te Jalr.$34; medium te geed, $125 4 50 ; choice, $4 G05. British cable advices te the Drevers' Journal quote cattle and sheep Yxc higher ; medium te geed American steers, 1517e ; top Sheep, 18 20c per ft., estimated dead weight, sinking offal. New Yerk Beeve3 Receipts, 4,4C0 head : making 11,860 head for the week ; extremely dnll ferall grades and at a reduction or strong Key ft; nothing near a clearance could Ik- 2?i&: BPr te Prime native steers sold at 10J .?ii?3 '; e?lra ,c "KOtCcr common te &'!rxK$S.,UcJ9310Kc. wUh - carloads et choice at IlKc:betcarlea1 of cattle in mar ket sold at lt.c. te dress 57 is ; exporters used II carloads. Shipments ter week. 570 live cit- hail in c siitcp auu i.aiu quarters of beef. sr-cep-ltpcclpts ter two days. 17.SC0 head; making 43,H00 head for the week; sheen dropped Vc te Jc ?J B, ; lambs mero than lc ; the biggest break et the season ; decent te prime sheep sold at if5c ft. Including a dozen carloads at $J4!. Lambs ranged trem li60Jc, with general sales at 5KS6lic ; at least xe carloads mn9t be carried ever. Swine Receipts for two days, 8,100 heal, making 21.S40 head for the week; market steady at $3CS 50 ft 100 tts for ordinary togeod, .iSt1 L,,BE,frT-CattIe-ReceIpts, 3,026 head : dull ; prime, Sgc; geed, 67c; common. 3K ihIi?efvf"r!:.p.ce,Dl3- 2-W0 hea,1J market fair: fio?Y-erK-$7loef850; .res.$S10a Lecai scecxa ana Bends. far Last sale. $105 107K 120 120 lte 112 102 102.50 li'C 42(15 110.25 i2t: III 117 n.v. iu.:u iSt.-O 2lfti I I5.75 110 151 70.5i 115 Lane 'Uy 6 per ct, Lean, due 1SS-2.. .$iui 1SS5... 100 1S90... 100 1SU5... 100 5 per ct.1 11 1 or 30 years. . 100 ftperct. Scheel Lean.... 101) " -l " in ler 20 years., ion " in 5 or 20 years.. 1M " B " in 10 or 20 years. 100 Mauhelm borough lean ion BAHK STOCKS. Mrst National Bank. fioe Farmers' National Bank 511 juitnn .National Rank me Lancaster County National Batik., .mi Columbia National Bank :. Ephrata National Bank m, first National Bank, Columbia. .. 100 First National Bank.Strasburg... 100 Mrst National Bank. Marietta urn First National Bank. Mount Jey. M Lititz National Bank we Manheim National Bauk um Union National Bank. Mount Jey. s-t New Helland National Bank tin mSCKLLAMBOCS STOCK?. V.t,, vviiie u. 1: f r S2.2T. 50 I-.MJ !KI aiinursviiinaireet car. 5e lmi 25 Inquirer Printing Company.. Watch Factory.... Gas Light mid Fuel Company Stevens Heuse Columbia Gas Company Columbia WnterCniiuumv Susipieh.inna lien Company Marietta Uollewwarc Stevens Heuse Sicily Island East Brandy wine . W.iynesb'g. Mlllcrsvllle Nermal Scheel MISC'RLLANKOtrs BONUS. Oiiarryvllle It. IC, due lau 100 100 50 .V) 5.1 170 fIH . Il" !ii H 2i Hi; 105.: (caning & Columbia II. l:;V.s Lancaster Watch Ce., due !& Lancaster Gas Light anil Fuel Ce. due In 1 or-J years Lancaster lias Light and Fuel Ce. . llHI 100 ! llM 10t! duels, Lancaster ft Marietta Lancaster New Helland Lancaster & Susquehanna TURNP1KK 8TOCKB.I; 100 M5 .'00 275.25 i 25 $ 10.25 V-i -- 25 l.S 25 20 25 IS 25 47.2.r. 25 21 25 40 ft 25 4(1.1! 25 100 CO B'l 50 25 111.50 2. 55 f0 133.10 If spring . iteaver Vuliey $ iuigciiiri, x iiorcsuee Columbia Chestnut Hill Columbia & Washington Columbia A Big Spring.; Lancaster Ephrata Lancaster Willow Street Strasbiirg ft Millport Marietta ft Muytewn Marietta Mount Jev Lanc.Kilzabctlit'nftMiildlet'n.. Lancaster Frhitvlile. Lancaster ft.Lititz , Lancaster ft Williauiatewn , Lancaster ft Maner Lancaster Manheim Grain ana Prevision yuet:ntmiH. One o'clock quotations el grain and provb. prevb. provb. tens, furnished by S. K. Yiindt, Itroker, l.'i'sj East King street. June 20. Chicago. ' Wheat Cern Oats l'eik Lard June... L32J .Wi .514 July.... 1.3.1 .7i;. .45,' i 2075 11 .y. August 1.12 .72 .') ' 2(.b7l H-Ci Philadelphia. June... 1.40K .AyK .0375 Julv..... 1.24 .my, .68 Ang 1.18 .80 .17 Sept.... I.171.J BtecaainrKni. New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecu' iiet.Ka also United States llen-ls report Ml d.iiy - Jacob B. Lown, 22 North (.'tn-esi street. J une 20. 10:00 lam ';;. . M. V. M. l'.M .. i2fi?i myt ir.ji .. 57 5K BVi .. Sivy, .v m .. 32fvi 31K 3l', ... 110 lll! lieji . ISOi 131 1'IHi . 77'4 7i;!4 r.yA .. ie,': in :jj 102)4 111.1 102k . 111 lllllf .. 20 .$?, ttt" .. Y, Sr.-J 85! .. 5H,1; : r,7u 20 ''K 29' . IC 15,'-, IB . 4i', 11,; 4114 - ""OJi 7! Ti Del., Lack.ft Wtuteru Denver & Rie Grande N. Y..Lake Erie & Wi-sterii Kansas and Texas l,uiu- nnerea linen. Seuth. -i u... new 1 erK central New Jersey Cer : j Ontario. Western Omaha Cem ."", Omaha Preferred Chicago. Mil. St. Paul Texas Paclllc Wabash. 1 .. .. nls ft I'acille. Western Union Tel. Ce Pennsylvania It. K Rending IStltlale Pitts, ft West Northern Pacini- Cem " Preferred. ITEKSON'S POKOCS PI.ASTKKS- of BENSON'S CAPCINE PLASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED And their excellent reputation injured by worthless imitations. The public are cautioned against buying Plasters having similar sounding names. fc'ce that the word C-A-P (M-X-E is correctly spelled. H u Are the only improvement ever made in Plasters. One is worth mete a dozen of any ether kind. Will positively cure where ether renie dies will net even relieve. I'rice, 25 Cents. He ware of cheap P'asters made with lead poisons. SEABURY & JOHNSON, .MANtTPACTUnlSO CnEMIBTS, NEW YORK. A SURE REMEDY AT LAST. Price -25 Cents. MEAD'S MEDICATED (JOHN AND HUNIOK PLA82EH. CHAS. N. CltlTTKNTON, 113 Fulton St., New Yerk, sole agent ler Dr. C W. Ben Ben eon's Remedies, te whom all orders should be addressed. Tny22-2wd.eedftw eew-8 T U1K Pnrcstand Best Medit-iuc Ever Made. mm: FRAUD Bensen sOaiiPenf A combination et HOPS, BUCIIU. MAN mtAKh and DANDKLION, with all the best and most curative properties of all ether Bit ters, makes the greatest BLOOD PURIKlKi:, LIVKR REGULATOR and Lite and Health Restoring Agent en eartii. Ne disease can possibly long exist where Hepliitters are used se varied and perfect are their operations. XIIKY GIVK NEW LIKE AND VIGOR TO THE AGED AND INFIRM. Te all whose employments cause irregular ity et tlie bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Apctizer, Tonic and MlldMimu lent. Hep Bitters are invaluable, without iu iu texicatlng. Ne matter what your feelings or symptoms are what the disease or ailment U use Hep Bitters, Don't wait until you are sick, but it yen only feci bad or mfscrable.use them at once. It may save your lire; it b:is saved hundreds. 5bO will lc paid for a case they will net cure or help. De net suffer or let yenr friends culler, but use and urge them te use HOP BITTERN. Remember, flop Ra ters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicine ever made : the Invalid' Friend and Hepe.-and no person or family should be without them. O. I. C. Is an ubelute and irresl-tablc curt; ler Drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. 49-Sold by Druggists, smre for Cikcwlar HOP BITTERS MKG. CO., Rochester,;?. V., au.I Terente, out. jnl-lmeed&w