LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER FRIDAY JUNE 16, 1882.- ilaiirastcT imtelliflniccr. FfilDAT.KVENINO, JUNE 10, 1882. Nothing Better than Fanning. Gcrmanlewn Telegraph. There are a certain class of farmers who are never satisfied with the results of their labors, and they leek upon the mercantile businesses something te be envied, and te be get into as seen as they can raise the necessary capital. They seldom consider hew the successful merchant has strived te establish himself in the way of making money, and hew watchful he has te be te sustain himself; still, there is no reason why the same processes may net lead te as great successes en the land, as in the store ; indeed, it is a common experience that it is se. Hundreds of men every year make money te their entire satisfaction out of agricultural or horticultural pur suits. They are net se well-known de net make as much show as a store-keeper agriculturists are tee much scattered te make this imposing appearance ; but the profits we speak of are there as surely in the ene case as in the ether. These successful businesses are simply the result of a series of experiments as te what can best be done. Hardly a busi ness that we knew of, that may be pointed out as illustrative of great success, achieved that success in the line marked out for it at tli3 start. A general knowl edge ei some one thing may have sug gested the enterprise, but one after an other, as some parts would be better un derstood, the least profitable would be dropped, and, in many instances, firms that began dealing in a dozen articles would end in only a few. We have frequently pointed out the fact, and urged en cul tivators that this is the only way te get into the special crop business. There is scarcely a district of country in the whole United States but is able te grew some ene thing or a few things a little better than another thing. It should be a con tinual subject of experiment en every farm as te what will grew and thrive remark ably well ; and having found this out, what would be the prospect of a geed market for it. It is rare indeed tbat any ene who raises just exactly what his neigh bor docs, ever makes a great stride in the way of wealth. He makes out of wheat, or corn, or perk, a fair average living price ; and if he is a little mere intelligent than some as te the niceties of cultivation he may make mero than his neighbors ; but the rich farmer is generally he who by careful observation and calculation is able gradually but surely te get out of the beaten irack. Hew te Get Sick. Expose yourself day and night, cat tee much without exercise work tee hard without rest, doctor all the time, take all the vile nostrums advert hed, and then you will want te knew Hew te Get Well. Which is answered in three words Take Hep Bitters! jul5-2wdAw Nearly all the ills that alllict us can be pre vented and cuicd by keeping the stomach, liver and kidneys in working order. There is no medicine known that will de this as surely as Faiker's Ginger Tonic. See adv. jul-lmdeod&wcew Shiloh's Cataiuui Remkdv a positive cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria and Canker Meuth: for M.ile at Cochran's diug stoic, 137 North Olli-en street. Teu Fastidious. Seme would be Byrens leek en with disgust At the l hymes et EclectricOil "poet;" But we have the best article known te the world. And intend that ail persons shall knew it It cures coughs, colds, asthma and catarrh. Bronchitis and complaints et that kind ; It does net cost much, though lhcumatics it cure. 'Tis best Oil In the world you can llnd or sale at II. II. Cochran's drug s drug store. 137 Net th Queen street, Lancaster Aiieteu made miserable by Indigestion. Con Cen Con stipaiien Lem of Appetite, Yellow Skin ? Milleli's ilulizcr is a positive cure. Fer gale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, A Klarveleus Cure ter all bodily aliments, arising from impurity et bleed, a torpid liver, irregularity of the bowels, indigestion, constipation, or diordei dierdei ed kidneys, is warranted in a free uscet Bur Bur deck Bleed Bitters. Price $1. Fer sale nt ll B. Cochran's drmr store. 1ST North i,..,.,. w 1-ancii.sicr. - - " , Why WrILL YOU COllfrh U'llnn Silillnl.f.. n win uivu immediate iciiet. Price, 1(1 cts. 50 ,,, . , .. - " .. "-. j .., a uuic uie. aim i. iui !uiiuiin;'s tlru 137 North Queen street. store, HUCDICAL. rpHis Purest and Best Medicine Ever Made. A combination et HOPS. BUCHU. MAN DRAKE and DANDELION, with all the best and most curative properties of all ether nit l0.1?.'.?1111:03 t,lc greatest BLOOD PURIFIER LIVER REGULATOR and Lilc and Heaitl! Restoring Agent en earth. Ne disease can possibly long exist where HepBitters are used .lut v. v'u;a,a,1a 1l,Tr,rcct-,lrc 1,le'1' operations. THEY GIVE NEW LIFE AND VIGOR TO THE AliKn A Nil lVK-nmi Te all whose employments cause irregular ity et the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Apctizcr, Tonic and Mild fetimii lcnt. Hep Bitters are invaluable, without in toxicating. Ne matter what your leelings or symptoms are what the disease or ailment is use Hep Bitters, Don't wait until you are sick, but it you only teel bad or mlscrable.nsc them at once It may save your life; it lias saved hundreds. S500 will be nald for n ,. tuey will net cure or help. De net suffer or tr - --.- ... uuiri -rj fivb DUUCl III' let your lriendjHutrer, but use and urge them te use HOP BITTERS. Remember, Hep Bit- ters is no vile, ilrnwwii in,r.L. ,.,,.' : but the Purest and Best Medlcine ever made -the JThvalid's Friend and Hepe." and no person or lainlly should be without them. n. .Jiv s an ubse,ut and irresistable cure narcotics SS' US op,um' tobacco and -Seht by Druggists. Sksd en CincuLAR. , HOP BI1TERS MFG. CO., jul-Inieed4w8tCr' X' V" an" Tmnt nt- "" , uiusgni. neiirnm DKJiSON'S I'OKODS PLASTKItS' BEffME of FBADD. BENSON'S CAPCINE PLASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED And their excellent reputation injured by worthless imitations. The public are cautioned against buying Plasters having similar sounding names. See that the word C-A-P-C-I-N-E is correctly spelled. i H Are the only improvement ever made in Plasters. One is worth mere than a dozen of any ether kind. "Will positively euro where ether reme dies will net even relieve. Price, 85 Cent. Beware of cheap Plasters made with lean poisons, SEABURY & JOHNSON, MAMUrACTURTSO CHEMISTS, NKW YORK. Mnseji suancmeFeivnsF A SURE REMEDY AT LAST. Price 30 Cente. MEAD'8 MEDICATED CORN AND BUNION PLA81ER. CHAS.ft.CIUTrETOW, 113 Fulton St., New Yerk, sole agent ler Dr. C W. Ben Ben eon' Remedies, te whom all orders should be addressed. my22-2wd,ceUtw eew-8 CHI IT A ADD OUABMWAXM. H 1UH MARTIN. JELLY TUMBLERS! FRUIT JARS ! AT CHINA HALL. Wc have new en hand a very Larpe tlty el Quan- JELLY TUMBLER8, JELLY TUMBLERS. JELLY CUPS, JELLY CUPS, COMMON TUMBLERS, COMMON' TUMBLEES. MASON FRUIT JARS, MASON FRUIT JARS. A Full Line of TABLE GL ASSWABE Of New Shapes and Designs. Prices Lew. Examine our stock before purchasing. High & Martin 15 BAST KINO STREET paper itAxeufas, aw. w BAVK SOUK THAT WE BE SLIGHTLY WET ON ENDS FKOM THE LATE FIRE. THAT WILL BE SOLD AT TEOM 10 te 15 Cents a Yard. These urc bargains colors. and run in all ENDS OF WALL PAPERS Will be sold low In order te close out. Wc make te order all kinds of SCREENS FOR WINDOWS And put them up in such a manner that you need net remove them when you wish te close the window, WIRES SOLD BY THE FOOT In any quantity. We have some slightly damaged at from 5 te 8 cents a feet, running measure. e keep an elegant Hncel LACE CURTAINS, Have opened New Patterns within a week. LACE LAMBREQUINS, BED SETS and VESTIBULE LACE BY THE YARD. Brass, Ebony, Cherry and Walnut Poles, Ex tension Cornices, Ac., l'ier and Mantle Mirrors. Phares W. Fry, 57 NORTH QUEEN STREET. BOOKS AND STATIONERY. UINE, PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY. EV PANELS,1 NEW EASELS, NEW BOOKS AND NEW MAGAZINES, AT L. M. FLYNN'S NO. 42 WEST KINO STREET. JOHN ISAER'S SONS, Jehn Baer's Sens, Nes. 15 &17 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA., ila.TS..i" !?tock aml fe1-sale, at the LOWEST PRICLb the Largest Assortment et Beeks and Stationery That is te be found in the interior et Pennsyl vania, embracing Hew ami Standard Heeks. xiiusiruieu isoeiM, juvenile isoeics, Sunday Scheel Beeks ami Bibles, Family Bibles iii arieus styles. Teachers' Bibles, Hymn Boek's, German Bibles, Prayer Beeks. WRITING PAPERS and ENVELOPES. Blank Day Beeks, Ledgers. Cash Beeks, In voice Beeks, Passbooks, Writing Inks and J luids, Steel Pens, BUI Beeks, Pocketbeoka Purses, Photograph Albums, Cabinet Frames Birthday Cards. Picture Cards. &c. HOI, LAND'S CELEBRATED GOLD PENS. Ana a general assortment of Stationery, Fchoel Leeks and Scheel Furniture at the SIGN OP THE BOOF OAJCPJST8. ptAKfETS. Carpet Manufactory. ,V1,'!l,F..nn.,,c.r.1J',ccn te manufacture RAG and CHAIN CARPETS, wholesale. 2,000 yards per week, 1 am new prepared te sell my entire s took et Brussels, Ingrain and Venetian Carpets, AT GREAT BARGAINS AND COST, AT BELOW U make loom and give my entire attention te wlioleaale trade of my own manufactured goods. Please call early. H. S. SHIRK, CARPET HaII, Oer. West King and Water Sts. COAZ T B. MART IK, Wnelesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds et LUMBER AND COAL. .Jlrard: Ne- 2" North Water and Prince treeta above Lemen Lancaster. n"d CUAI. ANO CM1ENI. niKllreykcna Vallcy and ether kind of Ceal for all purposes well cleaned. rine "'Vesendalc Cement at reduced VI. ?; A,se L1mestenc Screenings for walks and drives ; guarantee satisfaction. Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. iard and Office : Harrisburff pike. General Offlce : 20j East Chestnut Street. apr4-iwdUFFMAN' RELLE" CO. lOAl.. M. V. B. COHO, 830 NUKTU WATXR BT., Zante-, t Wholesale and EetaU Dealers in LUMBER AND GOAL Connection With the Telephonic Exchange. Yard and Office: Ne. 330 NORTH WATER , lebSWyn STKKET. G KAY'S SFKCIK1C MBDICINK. TMU Great English Keinedy. An unfailing 5!SJeri Potency, and all Diseases that ?.h2w i!?s 9 Memery, Universal Lassi- N vir e" "i "' "acK. . mmncss et A !. " "m Age, and many uui U13KUC3 mat ieaa te insanlt sumptien and a Premature Grave. Full nar ticulars in our pamplet, which we desire lb rr m 4"nM by mall en the recelDt et the money bv ad dressing the agent. H. B. Cochran, 137 ani North Queen street. On account' et counter ceunter felta, we have adopted the Yellow Wnimwr" theenlygenuine. guarantees etenre IssneS bv us. Fer sale In Lancaster by H. B. Cechrfln 137 North Queen street. ' uecllran. THJSIiUAY MEDICINE CO. N Y aprlMydftw " ( ENTLEMKN. We call your attention te an Important dla . cevcry in our practice which we have found very successful In cases et prostration arisine from indiscretion. These suffering from any of the numerous forms et Debility arising from abuse or ether causes, will de well bv sending a three cent stamp ler further inlor inler K w .AVIr9' DK8- LA GRANGE & JOR- 9U,n,airmfedU.In-A 2 P SStffi DMT GOODS. T AMIES, ATTENTION 1 Bctore purchasing, please examine the GLOBE CORSET, WITH COOLEY'S PATENT CLASP PROTECTOIi. VOR 8ALX BT JOHN P. SWARR, SO. CO NORTH QUEEN 8TKKET, LANCASTER, PA. DEFIANT SHIBT, $1.00. CAPITAL SHIRT, 75c, A very geed BLACK DRESS SILK, twenty- two inches wide, at 11.25. J. P. SWARR. CLOSING OCT! AT AND BELOW COST. My entire stock et DRY. BOOBS J0M5, Etc. IS FOR SALE AT AND BELOW COST. This Is a rare chance for GOOD BARGAINS. AS I HAVE AIT IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS, On hand, which were all purchased ler cash. J. M. LONG, 14 NORTH QUEEN STREET. J21-tfd T ITE NORTH KNO DRY HOODS STORE IS 8ELLIXO wniTE U0ODS, IXCMTMNO VICTORIA LAWNS, INDIA MUSLINS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, &c. VERY CHEAP. A VICTORIA LAWN at Ki cents a yard Is a Special Bargain. ALL-WOOL DEBEIUE, 43 inches wide, at 50 cents a yard. WINDOW SHADES, of" goodquality.lnclnd geodquality.lnclnd goedquality.lnclnd lug Fixtures, at 50 cents a piece. J. W. BYRNE, 322 NORTH QUEEN STREET, 11-lydJ LANCASTER. PA. OIL.KS ANO DRESS GOODS. Watt,Sliaiid&C!e., OFFER A CHOICE LINE OK JVew Dress Goods, New Dress Goods. IMLACK LACE BUNTINGS. COLORED LACE BUNTINGS, NUN'S VEILINGS. SPECIAL BARGAINS in SUMMER SILKS at 50c., 55c, Clc., 75c. One Case LACE BUNTINGS only 10c. a yard. 100 dozen SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, 25c. each ; usual price 50c. 100 dozen LADIES KID ;GLOVES 25c. a pair, worth 75c. 50 pieces NEW SPRING CHINTZES, Sc. a yd., usually sold at 10c. Just Opened, a Choice Line el VICTORIA LAWNS, INDIA MUSLINS, STRIPED and PLAID NAINSOOKS, LACE STRIPED PIQUES, DOTTED MUSLINS. AT VERY LOWEST PRICES. NEW YORK STORE, 8-10 EAST KING STREET. MK ETZGKK & HACGUMAJV. Black Silks, cheap, Colored Silks, cheap, Black and Colored Meires Black and Colored Satins! -FROM LATE- AUCTION SAIESat I0W PRICES BLAOK SILKS, Fer CO. 6Sc 75c. 85r., 81.00. S1.13, SI. 85, 1.50, 81.75, 82.0O. Colored Silks from 50c. up. We have just opened another let et Sun Umbrellas AND PARASOLS Direct from the Manufacturers, At Bettem Prices. METZGER AND HAUGHMAN'S NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West King Street. Between the Cooper Henso and Serrel . ,. , . Hetel. JaM4-lvdw Herse KW Neckties, Shirts, STOCKINGS, Handbags, Suspenders, &c. BRISMAN'S, " NO. 56 NORTH UUK&N STREET. "RAGB. RAGS. BAOS. rS lefdeiuSiSl r,ecs paldJer m Wnd9 et "WM. P, HBNNEOKB, febZMmd5 WEST K,Ne T. ABTMICB BMOS. ADTZMTMJKWKNT. 1 HTRICH BKOS'ADVKKTISEHENT. ASTKIGH BEOS-' PALACE op FASHION! WE HAVE REDUCED OUR WHOLE STOCK OF BLAOK and COLORED ROUGH STRAW, PORCUPINE and SATIN STRAW HATS AND BONNETS ' TO THE UNIFORM PRICE OF 50 cents. Wc have en hand new a lull line el All Shapes et LIGHT HATS, TUSCAN HAT3 and BONNETS, CHIP HATS and BONNETS in White. Black and Colored, FINE SATIN STRAW HATS, LEGHORN II ATS In all the Leading Shapes. CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS a specialty. Our assortment et LADIES Surpasses any ever shown before and com prises the Newest, Best and Most Tasteful Display possible. We pay special attention te orders given in tills department. FEATHERS. WHITE AND COLORED TIPS, MONTUEES FANCY FEATHERS, ETC. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN BLACK TIPS. We offer one bunch of three Fine Black Tins ler 75 cents. Finer grades at $1X0, $1.25, $1.50 and $2 a bunch. FINE BLACK PLUMES in enormous variety from $103 up te $15.00. WHITE'PLUMES, Cheice Goods for the money. We eflcr one let el Elegant White, Blue, Cream and Pink Plumes, worth trem $3.00 te $1.00, at only $1.50 a piece. FLOWERS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. SPRAYS, MONTURES, GARNITURES, WREATHS, DAISY SPItAYS, ROSES. BUDS, Etc. RIBBONS. WATERED AND FANCY RIBBONS-Chcap. SASH RIBBONS In Silk and Satin. Watered Sashes in all colors, also in bronze and cadet bine. FANCY SASHES. T0MP0NS FOR TRIMMINUS. PARASOLS, Twilled Silk, with Plain and Fancy Handles. Lined Silk and Satin Parasols, with and without Lace. PANS. from lc. up, PANS. ELEGANT EEATHEU FANS, iii Pink, Blue, Cardinal and White, Carved Ivery Sticks, at 50 cents. FINE FEATHER FANS, embroidered, $1.00. ine Satin Fans, painted, at $1.00, plain and carved Ivery sticks. CHILDREN'S SWISS and LACE CAPS. IN ELEGANT VARIETY, CHILDREN'S WHITE PIQUE SUN-BONNETS, plain and embroidered. LACES OP ALL KINDS LACES White, Cream, Black and Colored SPANISH LACES. BLACK and COLORED BEAD TRIMMINGS and ORNAMENTS. BUTTONS el LATEST DESIGNS. Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, VERY FINE ENGLISH LISLE GLOVE at 25 cents. LACE MITTS LACE MITTS IN COLORED AND BLACK. KID GLOYES. Baby Worsted Jackets and Socks. SHETLAND SHAW1S. N'eveltles in Shawls made of Fine Nun's Veiling, with Worsted Fringe. LADIES' M'Mi GOATS ill CAFES, All Reduced te Cost Price. CLOTHING. COMFORTABLE. It has been said : "Ne matter hew the Clothing leeks, se it is easy and comfortable." Certainly, com fortable Clothing is desirable, but when we can give you comfort and elegance combined, such Clothing is far mere satisfactory. It is our constant aim te produce just sueh Clothing, and we are pleased te see hew well our efforts are appreciated. Summer Clothing new ready every variety. A. C. YATES & CO., LEDGER BUILDING, Chestnut and Sixth Sts., PHILADELPHIA. CLOTHING! D. B. HOSTETTER & SON Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, V. K TAKE PLEASURE IN NOTIFYING THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL Til A T OUR STOCK FOR TIT A SPRING SEASON IS COMPLETED, AND IT WILL BENE FIT OUR PATRONS TO INSPECT The Large Variety of Goods FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, THE LATEST IN PATTERN AND COLOR, WHICH WE HA VE ON OUR COUNTERS D. B. Hostetter & Sen 24 CENTRE SQUARE, S! PRINU ANO SUMMEK NOVELTIES. AT H. GERHART'S Tailoring Esiiunt, NO. 6 EAST KING STREET. I hereby stock of Inform my customers that my SPRING and SUMMER SUITING, SPRING 0TERC0ATING & FANCY VESTING Is new complete. I have new the largest and choicest assortment of WOOLENS. Fer i'lne Tailoring In the city et Lancaster. TRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, and all goods warranted as represented. E GEKIART. E VKKT DAY We are marking down sonic et our different line of goods, and by putting en the new price and leaving the old you can readily sec what the reduction has been. Our Spring and Summer Sales in CLOTHING ThI year have been larger than In any previous year in the his tory of the house, and new we purpose selling out the Odds in Coats, Pants and Vests AT GREATLY REDUCED TRICES. IN STRAW HATS we have soine Special Bargains te offer, and our FURNISIIINK GOODS DEPARTMENT Is tilled with the choice goods ler Men's and Beys' Wear. Trunks and Traveling Bags AMD Rubber Clothing In Great Variety, and the Prices are Lew. WILLIAMSON AND FOSTER. 34, 36 and 38 East King St, LANCASTER, PA. DMT S' TRAWBKIDGE & CLOTHIER. 1 T. STEff ART i K STOCK. This world-renowned Arm, about retiriug from business, are closing out their immense stock at bargain prices. We have made a considerable purchase from them and are offering the goods in every instance at the greatly reduced prices made of late by them te clese their stock. Included in the offerings are : BARGAINS IN SILK, IN DRESS GOODS, Itf BLAOK GOODS, IN HOSIERY, IN LACES, IN LINEN GOODS, IN BLANKETS, IN QUILTS, IN MUSLINS, IN HANDKERCHIEFS, IN CHINTZES, GINGHAMS, &c. STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER, EIGHTH AND MARKET, EIGHTH AND FILBERT, PHILADELPHIA. apr2i-eawdF&Mr LA WN TTOUSEEUKNISIIING. - FRUIT JARS, JELLY TUMBLERS, REFRIGERATORS, BABY CARRIAGES. SOLE The Pennsylvania Lawn Mower, FLXra" & WILLSON, LANCASTER, PA. PLUMPER'S X OOK OUT FOR MOTHS! BUY CARBOLIZED PAPER, ' BEST MOTH PBOOr AIETICI.K IS TUB tVOIUII fOB l'A!tlKTS, FlIBS, tv Tarred Eoefing Mt uy the yard or ten. "WHOLESALE SUPPLY DEPOT: Nea. 11, 13 8s 15 BAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. JOHN L. AENOLD. LANCASTER WATVIIJiH. TITOKE THA 1,000 WATCHES. THE PACT THAT MORE THAN Lancaster Mes HAVE BEEN SOLI) IN Lancaster County DURING THE PAST Twe Years la Sati-dactery Evidence el HOME PRIDE IN HOME PRODUCT?. SIXTEEN GRADES OF THESE WATCHES ARE NOW MADE. AT THE Lancaster Watch Factory. They arc the Finest Product et Pennsylva nia Skill and Pennsylvania Enterprise. It is confidently believed that NO BETTER WATCH, for the Meney, i.s made or sold any where in the world either in America or in Europe. juncS-lyd&w VAHKLAOKH, &V. rpuK STANDARD CAK1UAUK WORK OF LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & Ce., PINE Carriage Builders. MARKET STREET, Rear of Central "jlarket Houses, LANCASTER, PENN'A. We make every style Buggy and Carriage de sired. All work finished In the most comforts able and elegant style. Wc nse only the best selected material, and employ only the best mechanics. or quality of work our prices arc the cheapest in the state. We buy ler cash and sell en the most reasonable terms, Give us a call. All work warranted. Repairing prompt ly attended te. One set et workmen especlallv Repairing p jrknien esp fji26-tf employed rer tnai purpose . Mia-uda One Thousand GOODS. JIO ITJiUS, JZC. AUKNT3 FOR HOPPLIJSS. nt avici. tens' avtitk IANVASTUS ANI MILI.KUHV1I.LK K. IC i Cars run as fellows,: Leave Lancatser (P. R. Depot), at 7, 9, and ll:0a.m.,aml 2, 4, a ami 8:30 p. m., exceut en Saturday, when tin; last ear leaves at !fc30 p. im Leave Millersville (lewi:r end) atft, 8. mnMO a. M., and 1, 3, 5 ami 7 p. in. Cars run daily en a- ivii time exeunt en Sun day. w JAIHNO&COI.tlMKIA It. IC. A KltANGEMENT OK PASSENGER TRAINS MONI1AY, MAY 2LD, lfti NORTHWARD. LEA VS. A.W. (JiLirryvtlle 6:'e A.M. 7:20 !hl0 9ri0 Junca.sii-r, hmgst 7:30 Lancaster 7:40 Columbia 7-.T) ' ARR1VO. Reading.... 'J. 15 SOUTHWARD. LKAVK. p. M. p. M. ... 2::) 3:14) 1:00 .1:50 1:10 3:10 3:20 5M Reading AltltlVK. Columbia Lancaster..- Lancaster, King St. Quarrwille r.M 5:3D 5:40 6:45 A.K. K. P.K. 7rr. 12:00 S:le P M 9:40 ill) 8:25 KM 2.10 H:l.t J:40 .... 8:25 10:40 .... 9:55 xrams connect at Heading with train found Irem Philuilelplda, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Al- I lentewn and New Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk, Hanover, fa'ettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. IX. WILSON. Supt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NKW SCHEDULE On and after StJNDAl JUNE 4in. 1H83, trains en the pSinwil yanht Railroad will arrive at and leave tl e Liiiicnstm and Philadelphia depots as follews: I Lev Lan Eastward. Ar. Phil A.M. a.m3 2A'. 7M 10:3) 12:44 5:35 8:1J) 8:10 llarrisburg Express '.'. Verk Accommodation arrives...".."."! Lancaster Accomedation arrives..., 8;55 9:00 V.IMUU1M1U .accommodation... .......4 11: 1.1 Frederick Accommodation arrives. Seashore Express P.K. 12-JVi 1.-05 2:12 3:20 Sunday Mail Johnstown Express ."". IJay txpreas Harrisburg Accommodation F.X. 5:45 5:05 J.45 2:20 SrfBi 45 .,,?'"";l .-.-uwiiiioiiaiien west, cennectlntr at Lancaster with Niagara Express at 10:45. will run through te Hanover daily, except Frederick Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 1:40, wUl run tfireuuh te Frederick. llnnnirea A ...... -. ' - Le. lAr. Westward. Phil Lan 1(1 A.K. a. jr. 6:27 6:27 Ka 9:40 10:15 10-JO p.v. 1:40 1:50 4M Way Passenger Mail Train. Ne. 1. via. Mt. Jev 4:30 7:00 "8:40 Mail Tral n, No.2,viaCe u mlda,lcaves Niagara express Hanover Accommodation leaves.. 11:05 Fretlcrlck Accommodation leaves. Harrisburg Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation leaves. Columbia Accommodation Harrisburg Express Western Express Pacific Express P.K. 2:14 5:05 20 7:30 7:40 il:10 1:45 4:14 5:40 9:05 11.-20 Harrisburg Express, west, at 5:40 p. in., has direct connectlena (wlthoutchangeef cars) te Columbia and Yerk. ' K?3 e, 'west, en Sunday, when flagged, will stopatDewnlngtown.CoatesviUe, Paries! burg. Mount Jey, Ellzabethtewn and MidiUe MidiUe tewn. Hay Express Fast Line, News Express. Mall Train, Ne. 1, Western Express and Pacific Ex press run daily.