LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER THURSDAY JUNE 8, 1882. FAEM AND GABDEN. -II.11KI.Y NOTES ON KUltAL TOIMCS. Ma-"iiiuu1e Hints for Sensible Husbandmen. Protect the Currants. Gcrmantewn Telegraph. As the currant is among the fir.-it fruits te ripen, it is well te think of tbc remedies te secure tire crop. The insect no matter by what name it is known which destroys the foliage se as te prevent tire fruit from ripening will new commence- operations. Its first appearance should be met with a dusting, early in the morning when the dew is upon the leaves, of bellibene ; or, iu lieu of this, free sprinklings of the bushes, when the dew has disappeared, of whale oil soap aud water, made quite htreng, say a pound and a-half of the soap le three or four gallons of water ; or, in place of this, carbolic heap and water may answer equally well. This fruit is tee valuable te be allowed te be destroyed for the sake of the little trouble and expense involved iu its preservation. A Geed P.'ant for Shady Places. Ve cannot say hdw common this llewcr is, for we nave never seen or heard of it except within the past two years, though wehavufciuce learned that it was form erly te be found iu many of the old gar dens in this section. It is commonly called the "English Day Nettle," and is the best plant for shady places that wc have yet tried or knew of. It grows quite thick te the height of from eight te twelve inches, and gradually spieads, but no meic t!i::u is needed te keep up the sup ply fcr any additional p!a:ting. It is a jieiciuiial, perfectly hardy, and bears a small purple llewcr in form very like the sweet pea, six making their appcaiance ea every joint, the. joints being iiem an inch te a:i inch and si-lialf apart. We refer te this plant simply as being particularly adapted te shady spots, as wc have reason te think that it will giew wheic scarcely any ether pUut or llewcr will. Cutting Gr&Hti. There is :i great deal said iu agricul tural journals as te the proper time te cut grass. Wc hardly think that any practi cal farmer nesds information about this, the eldest crop peihaps ever raised upon the larin, aud ene that no farmer ever thinks of doing without. It is a thing that pru.M'iiti' itself directly te the judg ment and experience of every one. The farmer is perfectly familiar with the difference in quality and in price of hay cut at the preptr time that is just when it is about done (voicing and a later period when the blossoms are dead and the stalk is beginning te lese its fresh, giccu appearance. Ne owucref horses, or lliose having charge of horses, who knew anything about hay and they all ought te be familiar with this important and expensive ai tide of feed ran readily judge of its quality from its color and si.u or stillness of the stalk. "We arc speaking of timothy, which is almost wholly used for diiving horses at least, though a mixture of one-fourth or one-eighth of clever is preferred by manv. Clever should of course be cut earlier say when the heads are in full bloom aud cured as lapidly as possible, aud as moderately as it will answer le store away without lear of meulding. It is theu we: Hi a full thiid meic than if allowed te stand until the blossoms are dead, when it Iecs :i portion of its .sweetness anil becomes brittle, Iho heads breaking off and in a great measure lest. The Celery-Crep. This has beceme se popular a crop that every person who has a gaidcn desires te have enough for family use once or twice a week throughout the winter and a por tion of the spring. The time will seen be here when at least the ground should be selected aud in a measure prepared. We have frequently set out the first rows in the last week of June ; but for the general crop a later date is preferred, say up te the middle of July. It is seldom that very latu planted celery comes te much ; in fact, when we have set out any audit was never much at a date later thau that usually adopted by experienced growers, we Ii.ivu never had a yield weith growing. At the best the stalks were short and stub by and tough. All celery-growers are aware that the ground cannot be tee strong for this plant. It has a very small root and can gather only a short supply of fcitilizing" .sub stances ; hence the soil should be as lieh as possible iu eider that there shall Lc within reach of the roots a needed amount of nutriment. )ar method has uniformly bjen te set the plants in single rows, as by it wc have always obtained the stalks, aud have feuud them te blanch better and te be tenderer and sweeter, l'cihaps mere in quantity can be obtained from planting two, three and four rows together, but enr experience has been, se far as the sup ply for domestic usd is concerned, that the single row is te be preferred. Many pciseus set their plants very nearly ou the surface of the greunl, as they would a cabbage or tomato, aud depend upon bauking-up the rows. This requires a wide space between the rows te supply the necessary soil, while any advautagt's it may possess we never could discover. Our plan is te dig a trench six or eight inches in depth, and twelve te fourteen wide, theu loosen the bottom thoroughly fiem six te eight inches mere, and mix completely this soil with an abundance of short, well-rotten barn yaul in mure. The plants should be watered early iu the morning and in the evening, and shielded from the bun fiem nine or ten te live o'clock, until they are firmly established and well-started te grew. In a few weeks they should have applied, once or twice a week, te liberal do.-.e of stieug manure-water. As the plants grew the soil should be gradu ally drawn up te them ; and any surplus or weak leaves should be removed. As they in growth the amount of soil should be also iucreascd, always being very carelul that the "leader" of the plant, is kept clear of any obstruction. This is particularly important when the plant has pretty much its entire giewth, and the "walling" or bankiu-up process begins. Uoel weather is ue drawback te celery. In fact iu October the plant grows mere vigorously than at any ether time. Let it be lcniembcred that with a moist, rich Feil and careful attention, the celery crop is as certain as auy ether ; but there is no ether that will se markedly show the effects of neglect arid bad treatment. It will simply result in a waste of whatever time and money may have been bestowed upon it. Kt'uiiy all the ills that afflict us cen he pre" vented mid cured by keeping ti,u stomach, liver and kidneys in working order. There is no medlciiii! known that will de this a surclv as Paikcr's Ginger Tonic. See adv. jul-lmdcod&wcew Will you sutler with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Hideh's Vllarizcr is guaranteed te cure you. Fer wile, at Cochran's drug store, 1X7 North Queen St. myl-lwdeewAw A Delicious Kan que t. The meiicrn epicure is tee elten aftlicle I with dyspepsia, indigestion or constipation aticr having .satiated his appetite withn de licious banquet and all the luxuries et thesea mki. Rtinieck's itloed Bitters arc a positive emcler these and all ether disorders et the Mem wii. Price $!. Fer sale at II. 11. Coch ran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. Lan. .jsicr. M.HKiLrM nights, made miserable by that teriililecnusih. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy V,,r -T'h 1"or Ml,c at Cochran's drug store, 137 'rth Queen st. myMwlcewjrw Don't Threw Up ttie Srene. When sullcring humanity are enduring the honors et dyspepsia, indigestion, or nervous and general debility, they are tee often in clined lO tllrOW llll the Slinn nml rvilnn themselves te fate. we say, don't de it. Take i.iNhQureel SS55a5.,lrne' Snnxn's Vltallzer la what you need ler Con stipation, Less of appetite. Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents ptTDOttle. Fer Kile at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen St. myl-lwdcew&w That peer hedridden. Invalid wife, sister mother, or daughter, can be made the picture of health by a few bottler of Hep Bitters. Will you let than tuffer f when se easily cured. Jul-2wd&w medical. HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED The ieeble and emaciated, suJiering Ireni dyspepsia or indigestion in any lerm, are advised, ter the sake of their own bodily and mental comfort, te try Ilestetiei'.s fctemach Hitters. Ladies of the most deli cate constitution testily te its harmless and its restorative properties. Physicians every whcrc.dis'iustcd with the adulterated liquors et commerce, piescribe :t as the safest and most reliable et all stemachics. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen erally, lcbl-lydced&w VLOTuma. White Vests la Linens, plain and fancy, Duck and Marseilles, just what you want te be in the fashion, Every ether kind of Summer Wear, in beautiful linens, made with our usual note worthy care. A. C. YATES & CO. LEDGER BUILDING, Chestnut and Sixth Sts., PHILADELPHIA. c iletuim;. BUY YOU It CLOTHING AT L. GANSMAN & BRO. THE WELL-KNOWN Mci'dmut Tailors mid Clothiers. ECONOMY IS WISDOM! EYERYEODY WANTS GOOD CLOTHES AT LOW PRICES. We cannot, supply Ladies' apparel, but for I lie male m-y. .Man or Hey, we carry an assert ment el CLOTHING FAR SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING YOU WILL 11M) ELSEWHERE. We show you Fer $5.00 a nice Jlusincs.s Suit. Fer $7.00 a geed wool Castdmere Suit. Fer $S..V) an indigo-blue Flannel suit. Fer $h.00 a stylish worsted Cutaway or Sack Suit. Our $12.00 and $l.-..00 Drcs Suits, in worsted and cloth diagonal, cannot be excelled any where else for less t ban $18.00 te $-20.00. In Beys' and Children's CLOTHING Wc carry a very large assert men t, irein the cheapest grade te the finest, and make this our great specialty. Bey's Suits Coats. Pants and Vests ter $2.00, $2.50, $3 00, $1.00, $.'.ik), nil te $9X0. Children's Suits ter $1.50, $2.50. :;.(ie. up le $0.50. CLOTHING TO ORDER. We make te order a Geed Suit for SliOOaml $15.00, but our $18.00 and $20.00 Suits cannot be easily imitated iu quality and style ler less t!ian$25.C0te $30.00. It you are interested in the. matter e! buviiig cheap, the merits of this offer Invite your per sonal investigation. L. GAfl SUM & BEO, TI1E FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, 66-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Kighten the Southwest Cerner of Orunge Si. LANCASTER, PA. 3Iesliivcly net connected with any ether house In the City. marl5-lyd GIFT DRAWINGS. t WMMOS WEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO 45th Popular Monthly Drawing OVTHK COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. in. the City of Louisville, en FRIDAY, JUNE 30th, 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act et the General Assembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the lollewiug dacislens: 1st That the Commonwealth Distribution Company Id legal. 2i IU drawings are fair. N. B. The Company haa new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes ler the JUNE DRAWING. I prize $ 30,000 1 prize 10,000 i prize... ..,..,, . 5100C ipprizc3$l,000cach 10,000 20 prizes 500 each 10 000 ;i00 prizes $100 each io'euo 200 prizes 50 each io'eoc 600 prizes 20 each ' le'nfa 1000 prizes lOeaeh. ;..;. iffetg s prizes juu eacn, approximation prizes 2,7(0 9 prizes 200 each, ?Bte 0 prizes 100 each, 'gQj l,960prlzes $112,400 Whole tickets. $2; half tickets, $i; 27 tickets 153; 55 tickets, $100. ' . ' "-KB Remit Meney or Hank Draft in Letter ei send by Express. DON'T SEND BY REGIS TERED LETTER OR FOSTOFFICE ORDER Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can be sent at our expense. Addi-ess all orders te K. ju. BUAiuiniAfl! isuuner-duurnei lilillUlng Louisville, Ky., or K. M. ltOARDMAN, 309 Oreadwav. New Yerk. fehl.TuTliAflftw SAMUKL II. 1'KIOE, ATTORNEY, IIAS Removed his Ofilce irem 56 North Duke S,rKcar or Ce,,rt Henso' "-"jftsr Uil7-tfd NICE NfflB mtraoevs. C ILOINU OUT! AT AND BELOW COST. My entire stock of OUT 8001, NOTIONS, Etc. 1 - i- It SAI.K AT AND 11 K LOW COST. This Is a rare chance ler A3 I HAVK AX IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS, On hand, which were all purchased ler cash. J. M. LONG, - jl-tfd H NORTH QUEEN STREET. j. SIA.RTIN & CO. White and Colored Dress Goods. LIXON D' IXDK, LINON D' IRELAND K. SWISS MUSLINS, DOTTED SWISS. SOFT CAMBRICS. VICTORIA LAWNS, STRIPED SEERbUCKER, NUfl'S VEILINGS. COLORED BUNTING. REVERSIBLE CHECKS, . . SHEPHERD PLAIDS, SCOTCH GINGHAMS, BROCADED SILKS, SUMMER SILKS, M'AXTIQCE SILKS. WATERED SILKS. SPECIAL. : 10,000 YARDS BEST QUALITY CALICO AT 4c. A YARD full pieces. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANCASTER, PA. riAHE NORTH END DRY UOODS STORE IS SEU.IKO WniTK OOOIH, tN'CLL'DIKO VICTORIA LAWNS, INDIA MUSLINS, LACES, EMBROIDERIES, &c. VERY CHEAP A VICTORIA LAWN at le cents a yard N a Special Bargain. ALL-WOOL DEUEUiE, 1.1 inches wide, at 50 cents a yard. WINDOW SHADES, of goodqualily.lnetud geodqualily.lnetud goedqualily.lnetud ing Fixtures, at :e cents a piece. J. W. BYRNE, 322 NORTH QUEEN STREET, il-lydj LANCASTER. PA. s ILKS AMI DKICSS liOODS. Watt, Siiand & Ce., OFFER A CHOICE LINK OF Eew Dress Goods, New Dress Goods. I'.LACK LACE BLNTINtiS, :LORED LACE BUNTINUS, NUN'S VEILINGS. b. 'A.-u BAROAINS in SU4IMKR SILKS t W)e., Me., iJIVc, 75c. ()! -Jase LACK HUNTINGS only 10c. a yard. .-. j dozen SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, 25c. each : usual price 50c. 10)1 dozen 1. A DIES' KID ;u LOVES 25e. a pair, worth J.")C. COpieecs NEW SPRING CHINTZ ES, Se. a yd-, usually sold at 10c. 0 ust Opened, a Choice Line et VICTORIA LAWNS, INDIA MUSLINS, STRIPED and PLAID NAINSOOKS, LACE STRIPED PKJUKS, DOTTED MUSLINS. AT VERY LOWEST PRICKS. NEW YORK STOKE, 8-10 EAST KING STREET. jl TETZGER .1 & HAUGUMAN. a Black Silks, cheap, Colored Silks, cheap, Black and Colored Meires Black and Colored Satins, -FROM LATE- AUCTION SALES at LOW PRICES BLACK SILKS, Fer 50. C8c 75c. 85c.. SI .00, St. 12, $1.25, Sl.SO. 91.75, Sii.OO. Colored Silks from 50c. up. Wc have just opened another let et Sun Umbrellas AND PARASOLS Direct from the Manufacturers, At Bettem Prices. METZGER AND HAUGHMIN'S NEW CHEAP STORE, Nft. d.3 Wesrr. TTinn- Kfrea- -w w. i: Between the Cooper Heuse and Surra! Herse ' Hetel. t janll-lydiw A 'DAGS. KAi.3. HAUS. The highest Cash Prices paid for all kinds et i Raffs, Old Becks. Carpets, Woolen Clethg. j Lagging Repe, Onm Shoes, Ac, ice. j . win tui en pcrseus naving anyei the aheve articles It they will drop me apeslil WE P. HENNEOKH. NO. 235 WEST KINO STREET. ' feh25md ASTRICB HMOS'. ADTXXTISEMEXT. STIMCB BROS' ADVERTISEMENT. A8TEICH BEOS-' PALACE -OF- FASHION! HAVE REDUCED OUR M1 OLE STOCK OF BLAUK and COLORED ROUGH STRAW, PORCUPINE and SATIN STRAW HATS AND BONNETS TO THE UXIFOJiM PliWE OF 50 cents. Wc have en hand new a full line of All Shapes et LIGHT HATS, TUSCAN 1IAT3 and BONNETS, CHIP HATS and BONNETS in White. Black and Colored. FINE SATIN STRAW HATS, LEGHORN HATS In all the Leading Shapes. CHILDREN'S TRIMMED HATS a specialty. Our assortment et LADIES' Surpasses any ever shown heterc and com prises the Newest, Best and Most Tasteful Display possible. Wc pay special attention te orders given in this department. FEATHERS. WHITE AND COLORED TIPS, MONTURES, FANCY FEATHERS, ETC. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN BLACK TIPS. Wc eUer one bunch of three Fine Black Tips . ler 75 cents. Finer grades at $1.C0, $1.25, $1,50 and $2 a hunch. FINE BLACK PLUMES In enormous variety from $2.03 up te $15.00. WHITE PLUMES, Choice Goods for the money. Wc odor one let el Elegant White, Blue, Cream and Pink Plumes, worth lrem f.l.ei) te $, at only $i.f.O a piece. FLOWERS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. SPRA1S, MONTURES, GARNITURES, WREATHS, DAISY SPRAYS, ROSES. BUDS, Etc. RIBBONS. WATERED AND FANCY RIIS1IONS Cheap. SASH RIBBONS lu Silk and Satin. Watered Sashes in all colors, ale in brenze and cadet blue. FANCY SASHES. rOMFONS FOK TRIMMINGS. PARASOLS. Twilled i-'!! . itu Plain and Fancy Handles. 1 ii. :x Silk and Satin Parasols, with and without Lace. PANS. from lc. up. PANS. ELEGANT FEATHER FANS, in Pink, Blue, Cardinal anil White, Carved Ivery Sticks, at 50 cents. FINE FEATHER FANS, embroidered, $!.. Fine Satin Fans, painted, at $l.f, plain and carved Ivery sticks. CHILDREN'S SWISS aud LAVE CAl'S. IN ELEGANT VARIETY," CHILDREN'S WHITE PIQUE SUN-BONNETS, plain and embroidered. LACJbiO ALL "kinds LAOLS White, Cream, Black ami Colored SPANISH LACES. BLACK and COLORED BEAD TRIMMINGS and ORNAMENTS. BUTTONS et LATEST DESIGNS. Hosiery, Gloves, Underwear, A VERY FINE ENGLISH LISLE GLOVE at 25 cents. LACE MITTS LACE MITTS IN COLORED AND BLACK. KID GLOVES, tlaby Worsted Jackets and Seeks. SHETLAND SHAWLS. Novelties In Shawls made of Fine Nun's Veiling; with Worsted Fringe. LADIES SifNIi GOATu and CAFES, All Reduced le Cost Price. rOHN S. U1VLEK Sc CO.'S ADVERTISEMENT. FOR S TJ JN M E R ! An immense stock of Hosiery, Gloves and Under wear for ladies, Gentlemen and Children. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO. DRY GOODS AND CARPET HOUSE, Ne. 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. JOHN S. GIVLER, rgewEits & aiiKST, ise-iai north qmen street, CALL SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEIR STOCK OF UNLAUNDRIED SHIRTS, At 25 Cents, At 50 Cents, Spot lal attention is called te our stock et BLACK SILKS, BLACK CASHMERES, LACE RUNTINUS and NUN'S VEILING?, WHITE GOODS and EMBROIDERIES. D A Vfl K TMO IN HOSIERY. IN LACE AT THE NEW DRY GOODS STOKE OF BOEE8& HTJEST'S, 129 AND 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET, M SYBILS & RATUFIIK. DON'T KAIL TO EXAMINE OUR TEN DtM.I.AU SUIT, IT IS EQUAL TO ANY SUIT SOLD ELSEWHERE FOR FOUR TEEN DOLLARS. STRICTLY ALL WOOL. HOUSE EUJiNISUINO UOOHS. TTOti.SEFUKNISaiNG. FLIKST & EeMgeraters and Water Coelers. SOLE The Pennsylvania Lawn Mower. CROQUET. Great bargains en our uc, 10c. 15p. and 23. remilrrs. FLINN & SIGN OF THE TWO BIG DOGS. PLUMBER'S OOK OCT FOIl HOTllii! BUY CARBOLIZED PAPER BEST MOTH PI1001' ARTICLE IX THE WORLU I'OR CARPETS, FURS, A.C Tarred. Roefmg Felt by the yard or ten. ES" WHOLESALE SUPPLY DEPOT: Nes. 11, 13 & 15;BAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. JOHN L. AliNOLD. CHlIfA JLMJ UJ.A.SHIVAR,. rTIOJI at MARTIN. Qneensware ! Qneensvare AT CHINA HALL. Juat received lrem Liverpool. Enl-ind, jii-r Steamshl! ' Rritisli Kiiifj " another IMPORTATION OF WHITE GRANITE WARE, DECORATED DINNER SETS. DECORATED CIIAM11ER SETS. DECORATED TEAS and COFFEES, DECORATED MUSTACHE COFFEES, DECORA TED DESERT SETS. DECORATED Jl'GS, . New Shapes, Designs and Decorations. 3T Examine our Stock bolere purchasing- High & Martin 15 EAST KING STREET HOOKS AUD STA-X'IONJSJti. "CINE, PLAIN AND FANOY STATIONERY. ew panels. new easels, new reeks and new magazines, at; L. M. FLYNN'S NO. 43 IVEST KfN STKEET. JOHN HAKK'.S hONS, Jelui Baer's Sens, Nes. 156V17 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA., Have in stock and for sale, at the LOWEST PRICES the Largest Assortment et Beeks and Stationery That U te be round In the interior et Pennsyl vania, embracing New and StandanWloeks, Illustrated Reeks. Juvenile Reeks. Sunday Sunday Sunday Scheel Reeks and Bible, Family Ribles it: Various styles. Teachers' Ribles, Hymn Reeks, German Ribles, Prayer Boek-). WRITING PAPERS and ENVELOPES. Blank Day Reeks, Ledgers. Cash Reeks, In. voice Beeks, Passbooks, Writing Inks and Fluids, Steel Pens. Bill Beeks, Pocketbeous Purses, Photograph Alliums, Cabinet Frame Birthday Cards. PIctnre Cards. &c. HOL LAND'S CELEBRATED GOLD PENS. Ami a general assortment of Stationery, l-'clinel Beeks and Scheel Furniture at the SIGN OF THE BOOH DJtT GOODS, Jte. GEO. COLLARS, VI.OTJIIXO. Ifyouareabuyor of Spring Clothing it will pay yen le spend some time in our Salesrooms ; they are the most spacious in the state outside of Philadelphia. Re member you have ever sixty styles te select from and all our own make. ITERS & RATHTOI, THE F0FULAK CLOTHIEKS. WILLSON. AGENTS FOR- WILLSON, Lancaster, Pa. SUI'J'JjSES. J RAIUtOAMtS. tvuv. J GREAT Burlington Reute. Chicago, Hiirliugteii & (jiiiury R. R. Chicago, Kiitilnsten & (Junier R. K. PRINCIPAL LTNE AND OLD FAVORITE FROM i) H I C A U 0 OK r E 0 It 1 A TO KANSAS CITV, OMAHA, CALIFORNIA, LINCOLN AND DENVER. The SHORTEST, QUICKEST and REST line te St. Jeseph, Atchinson, Teiiekn, Dcnisen. Dallas, Galveston, and all points in Iowa, Ne braska, Missouri, Kansas, New Mexico, Ari zona, Mentana and Texas. This route lias no superior ler Albert Leu, Minneapolis and St. Paul. Nationally reputed us being the GREAT THROUGH CAR LINE. Universally cenccdcil te be the BEST EQUIPPED Railroad in the world Ter all classes et travel. All connections made in Union depots. Try it and you will find traveling a luxury, Instead of a discomfort. Through tickets via this celebrated line ter sale at all offices in the U. S. and Canada. All information about rates of fare, Sleeping Cars, etc., cheerfully given by PERCEVAL LOWELL, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. T. J. POTTER, 3d Vice Prcs. & Gen. Manager, Cuicaoe, III. JOHN O. A. BEAN, Gen. Eastern Agt., :U7 Broadway, SOT Washington St. New Yerk. Bosten, Mahh. maylC-lyd&w " LIQUORS, &V. E INtiV.'ALT'S WINE, LIQUOR, ALCOHOL. STORE. m Ne. ZOi WEST KING STREIiT. HOUSEAi. & CO'S - NEW LIQUOR STORE, Ne. 43 North Queen atreet, Lancaster, Pa. The verv best and finest qualities of Foreign and Demestic WINES and LIQUORS, con. stantly ler sale at wholesale and retail. Straight old Rye Whlsity of the distillation eflS7.. Pure unadulterated Custom Henso Brandy, warranted et the vintage et lgflO. Kept especially for medicinal purposes. Pure Old Helland Gin, and ether Whiskies, Bran dies and Wines le suit the trade. tcb3-lvd HOUSEAI, CO. F. RATHVON. At 75 Cents, At One Dellar. BARGAINS 3 &?!3' DON'T FAIL TO KXAMINK OUR KIUIIT DOLLAR SKIT. IT IS EQUAL TO ANY SUIT SOLD ELSEWHERE Kilt TWELVE DOLLARS. STRICT LY ALL WOOL. rit;tvjjr:ita' utnsfa. i KADI NO St COI.VS1IIIA R. K. ARRANGEMENT OK PASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, MAY 22ii, 18S. NORTHWARD. LBA.VS. Quarryville Uliie.Lster, King St Lancaster Cetnmhia AKR1VU. A.M. A.M. 7u-m 9:10 thai 6:10 7:l 7:10 7:.'K Reading... 9.15 SOUTHWARD. LEAVK. A.M. X. P.M. Y.U r. i. r. m. ... fcSi ;iu 1:00 .1:) 1:10 3: J 3:20 5.60 x. 12:00 0:10 F.K. 2:10 85 2.10 8:1.-1 .... 8:25 .... J:a5 Reading 7r5 ARRIVS. Celiunlda 9:10 Lancaster. 0:30 2.10 8:i:t tr'M I kutj. 11. Uf II. ail U.OK t. Ill Quarryville 10:10 .... 9:55 0:l.r. Trains connect at Rcadlnir with tRuiiMtoieid from I'liiladclntiia, I'nttsvllle, Ilarrlsl)urr, Al Al Al lontewn and New Yerk, via Round llioek Reute At Columbia with train te and from YerJc, Hanover, (icttysliur, Kntluriclc anil Raltl Raltl mere. A. M. WILSON. Sun!. J)KNNSYL,VANIA 1CAILKOAD IlKXS SCHEDULE On aud alter SUNDAY, JUNE ith, 1882, trains en tliu lYniisy! vani:i Riiilread will arrive at and leave tl'.e LanctHter and Philadelphia lcpet8a.i lollews: I Lev I Ar. LaiiI'liIl Eastwahp. A.M. 12:44 5:3.1 8:10 8:10 8;5r 9:00 P.M. IfcVi 1 :!.' e. i in r:2T 45 Mail Express lit , HarrKbnrg Express.". Yerk Accommodation arrives Lancaster Accomedation arrives... Columbia Accommodation Frederick Accomme latien arrives. Seashore Express Sunday Mail.... Johnstown Express "iij xAprcs3 Harri.sburg Accommodation 7: 10:.M ll-l'i P.M. 5:1.', .r:ii.'i 1:'X J.l. Hanover Accommeilatlon west, connecting at I.aneiuster with Niagara Express at l:n, will run through te Hanover tlaily, except Sunday. Frederick Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster -with Fast Line, werd, at l:lt, will run thrensh te Frederick. JLeTJAr. WestwaRI). I'IiIII.:iii A.M. 4:.i A..M. r.-.r: R:27 ;.:!.. J:M Hi: I.". 10:.-ii r.:i. 1:10 !:.'( i 5 or. 2: 7: 7:10 il:I( 1:1.1 News Express Way Passenger Mall Train. Ne. 1. vi i. Mt. Jev !:. 7:0)1 Mail Train, No.2,viaCeIumbia,lcnves .-Niagara Kxpress Hanover Accotniiiedution leaves.. m H f Jjllll. . . .v Frederick Aeoiiimedalioii leaves. I larri-ilni rg A crommedat ion Lancaster Accommetlation leaves. Columbia Accommeilatlon Han Nburg Express Western Express Patitic Expiess :V) 1 1 :(). r.M. 2:14 "V:ii r.:te 'MG H:20 Harri-burg Express, we-it, at 5:10 j. m , has direct connection? (withoutehangeef cars) t Columbia and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will step at lowiiingtewii,CoatcriVillf, I'urkes burg. Mount Jey, Ellzabetldewii and Middle twn. Day Expre-,", Fast Line, News Exprcs. Mall Train, Ne. 1, Western Express and Paeillc !Uj lrss run daily. J'AHJSIC UAMOINUS, He. T)Hai:ks w. fkv. WE HAVE IN STOCK FR03I 4,000 te 5,000 YARDS OF Plain Shading ion WINDOWS, THAT HAVE BEEN SLIGHTLY WET ON ENDS FROM THE LATE FIRE THAT WE ARE CLOSING OUT AT FROM 10 te 15 Cents a Yard. THEY RUN IN ALL COLORS. Phares W. Fry, 57 NORTH QUEEN STREET. -TOTICE -x-u BtMCGR HUH.DKBS. T y Scaled proposals will be received at Hie County Commissioners' Ofilce. at Lancaster, Pa., until F RIDAY, JUNE 10, 1882, Ot 12 o'clock in., ter the erection and completion et astnmt bridge across Little Conestoga crcck,at Grein Mill. In Maner township, en the read leadiig trem Mlllersvlile te Washington Borough. Rids must be in gross ami include the wheta work and all material. Specillcatlens can be seen at the Commissioners' Ofilce. '1 be right te reject any or all bids is reserved. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD. Attest : Frame Grikst, Clerk. mlS-lvd