LANCASTER-DAILY INTELMefiNOEft TUESDAY JUNE 6, 18S2. 1 , riiinr l.ntwcni Ui" lir-uis of G :i. in. and G p. m. 'Vim following;, eficieiiby Mr. fiefliccicr, v.:is adopted : JleseheJ, tliat; wiien the beani adjourn.? it is te meet ou Monday nest, at 10 (clock te elect a day watcutnau, te bear the ic ic peil of the investigation relative te the recent escapes fiem the j-iiien an J te transact such ether busings as may be brought bcfeie the beard. The beard then adjourned te June 12, at 10 a. in. CUi.u.lUH'V JsLtt'.i. I'r .in Our Regular Correspondent. J'util Blet, wis kicked and s-cverely biiiird en the arm and tide by a hick jnu!.-. I hat he was nttem'.in;; at his father's iii'is'ei'i yaidyes i'i(lr.y. Manager Miller wantr. thu Citizens' band te pit' j' ler Annie Pixlcy'.s company. .Ie-eph 0'!e lias been ..cnt te the lockup dii a chaise of nssiult and battery pre frimi by bi l.imlleid, William Sheitcr. j-.iit'es :: coleicd, and the depute but vw:i them ai"c ever the payment of iweistj five cents lent. The new cabins en t'.ie Pennsylvania iaiiie.:d liains give better satisfaction than the old. ens, and i"gn!ar crews have iiin a-.igiic:l them. The Miikcs have natlscd'a slack of busi ness en the Pennsylvania, lailread. lllinei W.iiTel.icsidin back efM.isiitta, yesteiday !!! fiem the second story of a bank bain, and bioke his light am). , While c:i:iyin:i kettle of het water v .slciday. .Mis. .Jeseph Hiiikie.rc.-i'.iii at ibc iiii-t tellgaie of the Chestnut, lull lurnpi1;!', out. of Columbia, foil and bieke l.(rl.". Her hands were also scalded by the ! ; water. r '! ick Khisidcr. .igcit .1, fell fiem : .s : t;;y window of his patents' rc- hiih en TJiiid stie.'.t while tiVmg te ie.i-!t a v.illew switch. Ilcalihted en his luail. He w..s net .crieusly hint. Themas Stonier Jell li.ickw.u-d off a fcucu while ciiageil in whitewashing ycnterd.iy atternoen, but luckily escijv."! with only :i srveie .shaking up. Anotlier i'satn en lae II t'.lr.iad. As Mr. Abraham c Hers, a fieiglit con ductor ou the Heading ec Columbia lail lail read, v.asshilfnmiiiscibe'js- in the com pany's y.tids at tliii place, tbi.i morning, he was tlne-.vii under it. and Killed. The wheelsef the ciboe-c pissed ever his i-.lnm- ach, eiiis'iin j the !i'"!m ei him, a-)d his light aim was ImeI.i.i at the wrist. A few sci. itches alie:'. t th.i i'.ieis ami he it. i weic the only injiuies en the upper jini! of the iiudy. l)'ceaw-i!, who is alu.nt ."iO jcai.s ei ae, icsided en l'cthe! Mres-l, and a wile and four ehildieu ate lelt tonieuin his death. Mr. Seller' .s was te'meily an i rr.iplexce of the IN ::i:-.Iva:d.i ail:i;''. and ''() years of Iim '..! have been pi-.e! in lai'ievlintj. ilciitli cf :i fenvict. , Clias if. Wilmcr, a coieicil convict, died at the Lancaster county ptisen this morning e( consumption. lie was sen tenced en Id ay 1J5, 1880, te an inipiisen- , ment of five years for attempted rape. His lc-laiives wcie notified and the b.-.dy taken I te the dead house. Wilmer va-; a native of Bail I (unship. "When r.cmt te jnh-.en lie was a stout, healthy looking- man. Went en tile ICicm-siim. .lehn A. Iliest-ind and U 15. Kisk, of the Kjrituuiicr, and Krank fliies!-. of the hi yiiirer, lelt te-dr.j' en the .'diterial eci! ie:i te Washington, 1). C. Adinilteil Ctas-.':i. Kev. L. Y. Ziukhan. fermeily of Man- ' heim. this cenn ly, but new of iialtimni.c, ' was enrolled as a member of l;e Maryland elassis of the Kcfenned ehiiieh, new in session at Middlelewn. lUayer'H C'euit. The mayor had four custemei.i this morning two drunken and disoideily p jrsens were srnt te jail for 15 days each, ' and two tramps were discharged. , i.l'J.ClAJj XOTMtUiN. What v'es a h'..i!thy appetite, an increased digestion, .strength te the muscle3, and tone . Je the uei ve--' BieuuV. iron littler-'. yr iv.ti.ti, j lJiit!nijlu.i." ' Quick. i-,)::i1cit' cure, all annoying Kidney I Bladder ami I'rinary Diseases. $!. I)ruggis-ts Depot, .leiin Bl.iek. The iiuh.iipy wile wlieMilleiN Hei i lliepel ulenec and ill humor et a nervous husband, shei.ld ruTiie the ciu-e In her cniiiilalnt te the eiinri. or lenjeve th il in,reusncs bv l)ieeii!ing the leiendniil w!ih lr. Bcne!is t'eleij red ( li imeusile 1'ill.s. jn.V wdiVu ' Keiicb en IlatH." Cb'ais out :. Us, mice, reaches, lllex, ants bed-I.Ui;-. '-kiinkt i-hipmunl.s, gejihei-s 15c. liruggi-tH. ee.ied, lu-.illh 'intl iV.cet bie.ithf-e-eured by Mnleb's Catarsli Uenietly. 1'iiec.V) eent.s. N:-a! Injeeler liee. Fer -ule al Coch ran's di ei' sleie. 1".7 North (juei n hf. IIENIIY'S CAKIiOUC S.VI.Vh. The bet .s.dve in tnc v.erltl ter cuts, bruNe., sores, ulcer-, -altrluMtni, h.nitl", chilblains, corns j-cd nil kinds et r.kin criiii criiii liens, Irerkics and pimples. The 'alve is . .i.:..iteed te t;ii e prli ct Mil isiactien in every e.e.e or money retundet'. Be si:-,, you Henrj'.s Catholic halve, as nil oilier an hut l.m.s ami eeuntcrleils. iice25tenta. :sol 1 i;i Lancaster at CechranV Hrug Stere, 1ST 'md i y Xerlli Qneen stieet. m.v23 1 ii Is f it.lisli mistake te coufea'Kl a teniedy et men. -a lib (puck medicine. V.V nave u-eil I'aikt-l's sJinger Tonic with the happiest re siills lui lyspep-i.i, and Debility ami knew it te bea stet.-iiv, h'Mlth restorative. x. juMindiOd&cew ian.s' sinc'ieu h-is been accorded le tutl stand. nil tiiainle: taut. Glenn"-. Sulphur ::e.ip. "iiiil's Hair L;.e." black u-brewn, ."0 tents. juJ t-.itteed.Vw Dvai-i rue, nciveits icept ', " out et MUts,' Celtlen's Liebig's l.t.juid Ueel and 'J'enic in in in vigoiaierwill euie. 1i,kfer Celden. Ot Drug gists. tu2 lwdeed&w Jlleti.cis: rtliitbcrs!! Jlletlirrs:: Are jen distui lied al night and broken et your lest by as-ick child sntl'cilng ami crying wttlie-verueialing pain el cutting teeth-.' It se, go at once and get a bottle et Mils. W1X SLOW'S SOOTHING SYUC P. it u ill relieve the peer little sutrerer imincdiaielv tlfpend upon it: there is no ini-takc .1. Theie is net a mother en earth who Imsi vei u-etl it, who will net tell you it . ill i.-gu-latetlic liev.ela, anil give rest le the mother antl reliel and health te the chi!.:, operating like magic, lt is perteetly sale te usp in ad cases, and pleasant le the last , and is the prescription et one of the obit si and be-! female physicians and nurses in the United States, Sold every where .25 cmts a bottle. ni2-I y-M,W&S&w Iteiv te Secure lUalth. It seems strange that any one Mill sillier from the many derangements brought en by an impute condition el the bleed, when SCO-VILLS-sABSAFAniLLAANDSTlLLIXGlA, or I5L00O AND LIVEB SY1:U1' will iv?te.e peilect health te the physical organization. It isludepdastici'ijlhcnlng .syrup, pleasant te take, antl has proven itself te be lhe bc-t BLOOD 1'UBIFIEU ever discovered, cll'eet ually curing Sereinlit, Syplditic dlserder.s, Weakness et the Kidneys, Erysipelas, jfala ria; all nervous disorders and debility, bil ious complaints and all diseases indicating an impuie condition el the Bleed, Liver, Kid nej'd, Stomach, Skin, etc. It corrects Jndt gestien. A single bottle will prove te yen its merits as u health rencwer, ler it ACTS LIKE A CHAKM, the complaint is et an exhaustive nature, having a tendency te lessen the natural vigor el the brum and ncr ncr yeus .system. IIAIC KU'S I'AINFANACBA cures a pain in man ami beast. Fer use evlernally ami inter nally. BED HOUSE FOWDEliS cure all dl-eascs or horse, catllc, sheep, hog-, poultry and all Livestock. AFOSJT1VECUBE. may24-2 Luve Tour Neighbor. When your friend or neighbor la laboring under bodily nfllictlen, indigestion, bilieui-nc-, constipation, caued by impurity of bleed, or dieu'er.s of the kidneys or liver, don't lull te recommend BnrdecK Bleed Bit tcrs.asuje and nate remedy. Price $1. Fer -ale at If. II. Cochran's Drug Stere, 1J7 North Queen stieet. Lancaster. Wliate'er besides yen chance te want. Ne'er tail short et SOZODONT. But keep it always in your sight, A source of benuty and delight, .Te cleanse your teeth till with yenr&iuile The most fastidious you beguile. JuG-lwdeed&w "Wlie CiraRiiK Much Holds Liltle." The jiropiieteri et Ely'-" Cream ISultu de net claim it te lie a cure-all, but a sure remedy for Catanhaud Catariliul Deaiae", teld-j in the liead and Hay Fever. Cieam JJalm etrectualiy cleanta the naeal pa-.'i?is of Culairhal virus, rau-ing hf-althy bceiiien, allays inliammatien, protects the uiimbiaiial linings et the head from addi tiena! cold, completely heals the teres and leiteics ihcullSuet ta-,tc:ind-iiiell. llcnelicial ieulta arc Teallzed by a lew application". A thoreagli trratiiient nill cure Catarth. 'i'lie Balm U fa-,yle use and agieeablc. Feld by ill ii'gNtR rd 50 cents. On reci-ipl of S0. will mail a tiai-k:ije. i:i.vs ci:i:am balm co., owge, ". i. Fer ,a!c by Lancaster druggM. Iii-i!iw Xu ISrmriig txnuselieiii i'anueea Is the lpe-it ellcctive I'nin DcMrejvr In the werid. Will most surely quicken t!ie bleed, whether talcen inlet nally or applied ex remally.and thereby mere certainly relieve pain, whether chronic or acute, than nny ether jiain alleviator, and it is warranted double the sttcngtli et any -imlIar pi-cjiaratien. 11 cures lvmi in the Side. Back or Bowels, Sere Threat, Klieiimiitisin and all acuus, ami is TUB ;i:i:at belikveu of pain. "brewaM IIecsiaiiiLn Pakacea" .should be in cvei-y l.imily. A teaspoon I ul of the i'anaeea in a tumbler et het water cetencd if preferred j. tal:eii:i bed tiiii" u ill iau:.E lt a com. 1'icIm :. bellti- lebll-lvdM.W&S.Vw Kose Celd iimi Hay fiswr lleing icileiisly troubled with HayFeverand IJese Celli I tried Ely'd Cream Balm, and v. as siirpiised in obtaining almost immediate le lift, i :n neatly recommend it te all similarly alllicled. W. 1'. AM)i:cs d-nggbt, Metuchen, Xcw .lei-ey. Having been atnicted uith Hay Fever ler ycais 1 ave Ely's Balm a trial ; was ni'ich benelitted. I liave had no attacks since usiug it. i:. 11. ItAucii, editor Caibeu county Democrat, Miiueh Chunlr, Pa. Fer j ears 1 have been nfilictcd with Hay i l-ever, lreni early in August until lrest. 1 was 1 ml peril te give Ely's Balm a tiial. 'lhe leliet wiiH immediate. 1 regud iiiyc!l cuied. (J ;ii!:iai:i.i:. hupt. et Ceid.ige Ce., Eliza beth, X.J. Frire M) cents'. Apply into nos nes 1 lis with little linger. Fer cedent Cecluun'.s drug store, 1.J7 North tiuren Miei-t. Jul-2 Mr. .1. Marsh Bank, of Toiento, Out., wilc-: "Billieiisiiess and dysjicpsia stem le have grown ui with me ;!ig lu-cii asniriiicr ter eai. 1 l:ae Hied iliunv remedies, but with no lastin;; result ivitil 1 u-ed your ISurdeck Bleed biiten. They have li i n truly a hit ssiutr te iiie.autl 1 eanuetsjiuak tee highly et Hit m." Price, r (. Fer sale at 11. B. Cecliraii'.s drug store, I"7 Neith Queen stieet, Lancaster. An :nthuiastic i:ntlursciueiit. Geriiav, X. II., .Inly 11, 1ST!). Ui'Me Whoever you aie. 1 don't knew; but 1 thank the Lord anil feel gratetul te yen te knew that in tins world of adulterati d medi cines theiv is one compound that proves and deisall it advertises te de and mere. Four j ear- a-je I h id a .slight shock et palsy, which iiiiik i-ved me tesueh an extent that the least eeitei:ient would make me .shake like the agii". L.i-t May I was induced te try Hep Bit-t"i--. 1 Useil eik; bottle, but did net .sceatiy eliai'i e ; another did se chaiigu my nerves that they aie net; as. steady as they ever were lt iis-d le lake belli hands te wiite, but new my go ! i ;;;ht 1: mil writes this. Xew, it you ciin tinue te liianiif.ieiure :is honest anil geed an aiiiele as you tle, you will accumulate an lunics! t u tune, and cooler the greatest bless ng ou your lellew men that was ever eon een lerieii en mankind. Tim Blkcii. Jul-2wiLvw ji:.trjj:. lli.:.s;a In tju.irrv ville. Lancasler county, en AtiMiday, .lune 5. Chailes Cellins, son el j i.. . . ami . ,ii. n.'n.sei. in tnc -j-j i j ear ei in, ige. Funeial en Thur&day, .Mine S, at 11 a.m., Iieui til- lcsideiiienl his paieutij. Inteiment in ilm giaveynrd et St. Paul's Bctermed church, (juarryville. Friend.s and relatives invited te attentl without lurther notice. jullttLtw xi;'.r . iiirjiu tFsemux ts. Vkf ,WCKn A (UKI. TO COOK AND DO ?t Gciu-ral llou-euerk. Alse, a girl about II veais of age te de chaiuberivei-k. (.loud ic'e'i nee ic juired. Apply al lltl THIS OFFICE. 4 ca::u OFTUANKS. 1 het. by desiie le expre-s my lieartlelt thanks te the members of the Fiie liepait nient. Police Feicc and Citizen in gener al, who tendered such valuable sc:vieein re.nei ing my furniture lrem my house timing the progicisel the liic yesterday ltd J. A. E. KEKD, XI. D. (IOAI. AM CP.'.UiNT. j J'ure Lykcus Vallev antl etli'er kind et Ceal ler all purposes ivi 11 cleaned. I'.est 1'r.iiid llesendale Cement at leduced juices. Al-e Limestone Screenings ler walks and diivt.s; gu.uniilccFatistaclien. Hay and siliiiw by the hale or ten. Yard antl Olllce : "llariisburg idke. General Ollice: 20K Fast Chestnut street. KAL'FFMAN, FELLEIt ic CO. aprl-lwd rr.iev.L. t AL.LAN A. HERR & CO. Have Itcmevctl their Gi-:.v::itAL real estate and iN.sin:- ANCE OFFICi: TO NO. 100 EAfcT ICING STUEKT, (Opposite Leepard -Hetel). ei2;:".mdMi:&3mw D,lSA DVKKT1S2NO FAY 2 WE THINK IT DOE-! K.i: :l pa3 us better le.-cil geed goods at a small prelit. Everybe Ij may net kuew this, but a single glance in any or all el lhe de part meats will make a better showing lti:n iinvidveiti.-.cmeiit wecan wiite. Thesaleet CLOTHTNTG- l'er tiiis year lias never been equaled in the history et the house, and we trust Oveiybedy has been pleaded with their purchases. It such is net the case ami the laet.s are made known te us we will make everything watis watis t.'.eterv. Ouritoe'rof GLOTHUNG- Is wei'ili jour seeing, and the. manner in which it is made is weith veitr examining. There arc Cheap Working Suits, A- well as the-c ter Fine Dress Mne Dress AND Ol'B STOCK OF Wren's Clettg lssogrea'.yeu can hartllvrail 'te lia.l sem thing te please you. Williamson k Fester, 34, 36 and 38 East King St., LAXCASTElt. 1A. saw ADrjsBTiaBsrmrTB. UNO WALT'S V.'lNi:, LIQL'OK, ALCOHOL, anecr.uY stoke. Xe. C0 WEST KING STIIEET. IOOMS TO ItENT.-SEVEN DESIKABIjE t rooms te rent either singly or together, suitable for dwelling or office purposes In Leeb's building. Apply at second lloer front room et same building. Ne. 2GNOUTU ijut.;r si. Sinn It 12 W A K D. THK AUOVE BK UU ward will be paid by the trustees of the Miller-)Ville Nermut Scheel iorlnforma ierlnforma iorlnferma tioa which will lead te the diceverv and con viction et the miscreants wie, during the night of the setn et Slav, lSSi defaced tbe monument erected en the grounds of the in in ti:ntien tothemfinery of its students who fell lighting for their country in the war of the lcbellien. By erfer et the Beard. GLO. Ji.UEED, 1'itsident. A:;a. 31. Fka:;tz. Scc'y. 5-3td O KGAN1ZKD 1810. The Old American Fire Insurance Com pany cf Philadephia. ASSETS : One Millien, Six Hundred and Thirty-three Thousand, Five Hundred and Eisrhty Eisrhty feur Dollars and Eighty eight cents. All Invested in Safe mid Solid Securities. Company Conservatively Managed. 3-Fer Insurance apply te RIFE & KMJFFMAN, il EAST KIXG STREET. .ju'J.-imdTu'rii.VS Cl'i-.CIAI. NOTICK. Ou lag le the lact that 1 have made my de pal lure Irem L-mea-ler, and parties desiring te have work done in an artistic manner, I weidd positively recommend my lermer pupil, Mr. Martin llettig, who is an able work er in all liranchesefthearts. LOUIS ULlNGUUBttlt. Lancaster. Pa . .tune 2, l's-J. Mm Piii k Besipii, MAXUFACTlTltKU OF INDUSTRIAL ART WORK. PAINTING and DKMCXING TIIOKOUGII LY TA'.'lillT BY HAK'IIW 1SETTIU, fctudie. 11 Enst King Street, ju-'-lw.l. LAXCASTElt. I'A. JZ'lJiStTJLlIfMVA'r.S. (iK.isi) Tiierrixn niKKrixu. T AT Till: LAXCASTEi: PAKK, ThurMlA)- ami Friday, June 15 A; 10, 18S2 I'llKMIFMS, St, r,00. P1I.ST IHT. 1 Cl:i-s.1:fl) ler Lancabter county Ne. Horses with lecerd net belter than U minutes. ...$li".l)0 ' 2 " 2:5.) ltiiiiiitc-i 225.(10 ".-! " 2:31 " SOO.IO ' 4 Bicie Kace Fer Lancaster, Yerk, Dauphin, Lebanon, Berks & Chester Counties only. TiO 10 si:con-i day. ' 5 Fiee ler ail LaneastcrCo.Her-es.. 200 ea " ; Class, 2:15 minutes 1:00.01 " 7 Free for all Ilnrfi.'- iW.ifl .Mire heats s in .1 in hai-iicns, under rulebef lhe .National Association. Heats mav be ulter naled Lntianee tec 10 percent; 4 te enter, :i te stall, l'uises divideil Wi, 25, 15 and 10 per cent. Lancaster ceuniy horses must liave been e'vnetl in county May 1, ISSi. Baces call ed at 2 p. in., sharp. F;n;iies close Friday, I une '., ne t at II . m., autl must tie atldrcMS e. Me E 1 W . J IK A U F F5I A X & CO., Black He:' Hetel, Lancaster, la. ni27.:'e.Vjunl.::,fi,Sd TMUIION el-KlIA HOUSE, J-ArvCASTEB. .TO OTJJJJIt IXnOOIi AMUSEMENT HAS ri'JL'Ii TITIS IX AT- TRXDAXCJS or SA TISFA CTTOX. ONE WEEK, '.Veilr.esiiay cm! alnnhiy Matinees, COM M F.NCING Menda,y, June 12th. MI!. JOHN J). calls special at tention te the lact thai in his extensive exper ience lie has never had an entertainment se novel, wonderful and entertaining as THE EQUINE PARADOX, BARTHOLOMEW'S 16 EtaiM The most marvelous exhibition ever present ed and THE ONLY' ONE that receives the patiennge and approbation of everybody. The report cf these who liuve seen it surpasses belie! with thec who have net been se fortu nate. Everybody delighted, astonished, ex cited, wemlerstruek, at the extraeidinary ex hibition et cultivated intelligence and wen tlcilul development ei the leasenlng faculty in dumb brute as -hewn in the feats and pcr pcr teriuauc el thc-e hc.iutilul animals, which de Everything but Talk, Indicating an ability for icasenlng that allies them te the human nice. SPECIAL PRICES: Notwithstanding the great expense et pre senting this extraordinary ami only enter tainment et its kind, special prices will pre vail te enaldc all w he may dcsite toenjey it. UALLEBV S5 CTS. ADMISSION S.i CTS. UF.sUUVED SEATS .10 CTS. Fer sale ler any el the eight performance? at Opera Heuse eiliiu en or alter Thursday,.) une Sth Suits can be secured by mall or telegraph by addressing 15. Y'ecker. MATINEE rillCES, 15, !35 & 3.1 CIS. iuuS 7td 1'OLITIVAT.. V IJMOCUATIC COUNTY CONVKHTIOtt. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, AT KXCELSIOB HALL, EAST KING ST. The Lancaster city convention will meet at 10 a. m. te elect one iepreentative delegate te the State Convention. The representative convention et lhe 2d distilct (lower end) will meet at 10 a. m., te elect two Bepresent alive Delegates te the SLate Convention, and te nominate two can didates ter Assembly, The Senatorial convention el IhcXii (Low (Lew er) district will meet at HUM a. m te elect one Senateiial Delegate te the slate convention. Tlie Senatorial Convention et the XIV (Upper) district will mcctut 10a. m., te elect one Senatorial and three Benresentalive Del egates te the State Convention ; te nominate a candidate ler State Senater ami three Mem bers et Assembly. At 11 a. m., the county convention as will semblc te nominate one person for Congress, one person for Bccerdcr of Deeds one person for County Solicitor, two persons for Prison Inspectors, two persons for Directors of the Peer, eiie person for .Miry Commissioner. Anil te transact such ether business as the convention may determine. The polls in the various places will open at the time announced in the handbills te be posted by the committeemen, and will re main open until the time fixed thereby ler closing. By order of the Committee. P.. S. PATTMisejr, ) 'y. V. HEXSEL, W. II. Umeii, Secretaries. Chairman. V. 11. Kelaxd, ) Lancaster, Pa., May 3, 1832. PUt; JUBY COMlMl-StONKfC. emuEcr te Tnn decision of the dkmocratie COUNTY CONYKJ.TION. WILLIAM ELLMAKEll, Township BENJAMIN HUBEIt, Sill Ward. City. A. Z. KING WALT, 1st Ward, City. JKBOME B SHULTZ. Elizabethtown. Horses. JOBJT WJJTAUAKr.WS. Ax JOHN - WANAMAKER'S, PHILADELPHIA. TUESDAY : Chenille and Spanish lace fichus and wraps, and Spanish lace and velvet grenadine mantles, have just come from Paris; several hundreds ; a generous variety ; 8 te $40. We have had before large numbers of most acceptable wraps of like character. These mere than renew the assort ment. 1.101 Chestnut. Shetland shawls with delicate touches of color and of black, and all black, expected te-day ; $3 te $5- Others down te 75 cents have been here all along. BMK Chestnut. A rich Parisian dress of black surah, with old geld brocade garniture half hidden with am ple draperies of black Spanish lace, which cost $250.26 a few weeks age, is te be - sold new for $135. A 'bronze and silver check taffeta, trimmed with bronze velvet half covered with cream embroidered lace, a dress which cost Si 86.87 a few weeks age in Paris, is te be sold new ler $90. There are eight ethers. Bifll and 13i Chestnut, "ccenil lloer. Silks continue te afford like inducements- te buyers. In a general way the best of all in ducements is se great a variety of the most usable silks that all wants shall be met. In this we have been succeeding uncom monly well. New in the last month of the silk buying time, you expect us te Hag. Ne; our trade is still large enough te justify the same liberal man agement. We may even de better as te prices. Let every lady who wants even half a yard of any sort of silk expect te find here what will fill her want, and make another Next-outer ciicle, southeast efcentre. Nothing is mere timely for wearers of black than lainae-e and zerlina, two light and open fabrics of fine wool, made by Lupin. Fer some reason they come te us in perfect condition, se that a dress-pattern costs no mere than $7.50. Except gren adines, nothing is richer. Fer mere serviceable and less costly black dress, we have nun's veiling of several qualities, be low value ; and, for very cheap dress, lace bunting at half-value, even down te 10 cents a yard. Xcxt-eutcr circle, southeast from center. Melanges are mottled colors, almost as quiet'in effect as plain colors ; indeed, across the room, you may mistake a melange for a plain color. Mixed colors are mere uniform ; one square-inch is almost like the next square inch. Net se with melanges; they are much mere varied. A melange is a coarse mixture. A beurette is a mixture se coarse as te leave masses of solid color irregularly here and there. Melanges are in high favor. Beurettes are unfashionable. Mixtures are always acceptable; net particularly se new. We have melanges at two thirds value, 40 te S5 cents; beurettes at less than half value, 50 cents; and mixtures at full prices, 50 cents te $1. Third ciicle, southeast from centre. Ginghams are uneasy. We began the season with lewer: prices than last year en some qualities. Others have fallen since. The 15-cent American are down te 10 cents. Hand kerchief patterns are down from 31 cents te 15. Odiers have fallen from 25 te 18 cents. The spring has done it. But we shall sell tens of ginghams these two months; and the lower the prices the merrier. Xcxt-enter circle, northeast from centre. Newport blouse flannel waist for ladies and misses ; te be worn ever, or instead of, the dresswaist. $2 te $2.50. West et south entrance te main building. JOHN WANAMAKER. Chestnut. Thirteenth and Market streets and City-hall square. jrxixifvuc,Lirnxi. j THIRD EDITIOI. TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE G, 1882 AGAIN DENIED. 3!K. BEEU'S LATEST 310VE FBL'ITLUSS. Gulteau'a Lawyer Tries te Get Judge Write te Amend the Kecenl m the Case, Het Fads. WAsniXGTOX.June G.-?ir. Reed, counsel for Guitcau, appeared in the criminal court this, morning, and after apologizing te Judge Wylie for interrupting the impeitant trials new in progress proceeded te read a long petition. The petition was a general icview of the indictment, conviction and sentence of Guitcau and the numerous ap peals made since by his counsel. The pe titioner then calls attention te the fact that several of the courts allege that James A Gai field died in the District el" Col umbia, while ethers state that he died in Monmouth county, X. .1. The verdict was that of guilty upon all the counts, and as it was conclusively shown by the evidence that said James A. Garfield died in New Jersey, the petitioner asks that the record be se amended and corrected in lawful form as te conform te the facts. In reply te a question of Jtulge Wylie Mr. Reed said his only desire was te have a truthful record. He cited a number of authorities in support of his motion, and appealed te the court in the name of his peer client who sat looking upon the gal lows, te amend the record, which he de nounced as a lie. Judsre Wylie, after heariii; some of the authorities presented by 31r. Reid, said he was compelled te deny the motion. He did net question the right of the court te cor rect its receid, but it was net for him. sitting in another tcim and having no per sonal knowledge of the record, te under take te amend it. Mr. Reed argued further in btippert of his motion, but the court held that the matter excepted te was wholly immaterial, and he should be compelled te deny the motion. Mr. Reed said he was glad the ceuit had decided that it had the power te grant his motion, even though it had refused te de se. It proved the correctness of his position, lie then thanked the court for the heaiiug granted him, and the court preceded with the Star Reute cases, Mr. Wilsen beginning the opening argument for the defense. SlieHy AIiiKt Ge Toe. Washington, June G The Heuse com mute en elections te day disposed of the Alabama contested election case of Smith against Shelly by the adoption of a resolu tion which declares that Mr. Shelly, the sitting member, is net entitled te the seat and recommends that in consequence of the death of the contestant the seat be de claicil vacant. Mr. Jenes, of Texas, (Gicenbacker) voted with the Republi cans en the adoption el the resolution. ureatLaml Kiiterirle in Canada.,, June G. The Duke of Man chester, who is new visitins: Canada in connection with the purchase of land in the northwest in helialf of the " Laud Corporation of Canada," with a capital of 3,000,000, states that the quantity of land purchased b the syndi cate is iive million acres. As a means of inducing settlement, the company will erect houses for immigrants unable te de se themselves. The syndicate's aflaiisare te be controlled by two resident Canadian commissioners. Kntraniicd and Killed 113- negrees. Lawrence, Kas., June G. The man who was found dead in the river en Satur day has proved te be David Bausman, of this county. lie was enticed te the liver bank by a colored prostitute and was at tacked, killed and robbed by two colored men named Fiank King and Geerge Robertsen, who lied after the finding of the body. King was captured near this place and Robertsen at Independence, Me. They are both in jail here. A desperate attempt was made te lynch King. Suffocation in a liuming Mine. Leadville, Cel. June G. 1'aily this morning a lire breke out in the shaft of Mike & St irr mine and the derrick was consumed befoie the llames were extin guished. Five men working in the shaft failed te report te the call bell, and it is feared that they have been suffocated. Idirering News from Senater lieu UIII. Augusta, Ga., June G. A letter from Eureka Springs, received this morning states that Hen. Ben Hill js blewly but surely improving. His health is very much improved, . his appetite and digestion geed, and he sleeps well. The ulcer is in better condition, and strong hones arc new entertained of his recovery A-liuie en the lteucli. WitinvcTfiv .lime G. The sienal corps station at Delaware breakwater re ports as fellows : llie lirittsn earK jessie n,.dfT-;.. nf N". S.. 333 tens. Captain Gibsen, cargo sugar or molasses. while leaving the naruer last night went asheic en the beach southeast of this sta tien. The cargo will piebably have te be discharged, as she is high upon the bench. It will he difficult te get the bark off. v MraKeinan Cut in Twe. Pehtii Amiiey. N. J.. June 7 Henry Noekan, the fireman of the engine used te turn the immense uiaw 01 the iMew leric Ar Leng Branch railroad bridge ever Rar Rar ten b.iv. was caught between the bridge and the di aw this morning ami cut in two, both legs being seivcd below the hips. Noekan was lately married. Killed by 11 Kunaway Team. CVmbkkland, Md., June G. Luther Ginevan, a farmer aged 70, residing at Little Cacapon, W. Va., was killed last evening by a runaway team. He leaves a large family. Kim.-.way Locomotive en tee L." Ceny Island, N. Y. June G. A run away locomotive en the elevated i.iilway at 9:15 a. m. fell off the track at the switch at West Brighten. Nine persons weie injured and the track was tern up. AToiesSentte the Penitentiary. New Yerk, June G.-Ex-Gcvarner Moses, of Seuth Carolina, te-day pleaded guilty of obtaining $32 by fraudulent representa tions and was sentenced te the peniten tiary for six months. suicide of a Clergyman. Hamilton, Ontario, June G. A Pres byterian clergyman named McLarcs, com mitted suicide by hanging himself at Greenville, near this city, this morning. A Dishonest Lebanon Lawyer. Philadelphia, June G. Penrose G. Marks, the Lebanon lawyer charged with collecting illegal pension fees, was te day sentenced te pay a fine of $300 and cost?. IVKATHKK INDICATIONS. Washington, June G. Fer the Middle states, fair weather, westerly te southerly winds, slight rise in temperature. 3tA.Htf.JST. rniladelpnia market. Philadelphia. June G. Fleur dull, but steady in desirable grades. Wheat llrmer, with light demand ; Ne. 2 Western Rcd.$142J; Pa. Red, $1 4201 44 ; de Amber, $1 441 4. Cem lirm, fair demand ler local use; Steamer, 84asjc; sail Yellow at S5JMJSi;c; de Mixed. 81S3c : Ne. 3 Mixed, 9SyMU:. Oats scarce anil higher; Ne. 1 While, We Xe. 2 de 64c; Xe. i de 63c ; Se. 2 Mixed, 1K62C. live scarce ate-Oe. Previsions in geed Jobbing demand. Lard steady. Ilutter steady: choice grades in fair demand; Creamery extra, 23224c ; de geed te choice. i:eiis dull: l'a. and western, l-JiJlTc, as te quality. Kggs scare" anil Arm, few sellers ; Pa.. 2tJc ; Western, 22ic. Cheese irregular and generally lower. Petroleum lirm ; Kenned, Tjc. Whisky soles at l 17 Seeds nominal mul unchanged. Mew KerK jmurset. Kw kikc, June 6. Fleur State and Western dull and prices without decided chinge. Southern unchanged. Wheat opened HQXc lower and afterwards n-cuvcrcti anu auvanceil .WViOC ; iruue moderate : Ne. 3 Red, June, il 461 ; de July. $1 2Sffi 2 : de August, $1 30591 21!4; de feepr.. $1 20l 21 Cern MQe lower and fairly active ; Mixed Western, spot, TCSSOKc; de futures, T8KO SOJJe. O.its about Vfcbetlnr ; Xe. 2 June, 5SVc : de July.:we:ile August, IfiJic; State, COflCTc : Western, r7SCtk;. Western Grain Markets. nnrr.eiT. Fleur quiet at $5C 50. Wheat quiet: Xe. I Wnite, cash, l 20,J ; June, il -2:i : .July, 1 213 ; August, $1 09i ; September. 1 0SJ4 : all the year, II 07K ; Xe. 2 Red, $1 3G) i de White, $l2i. Cern quiet ; no sales. Oats dull ; Xe. 1 Mixed, 3lc asked : Xe. 2 White, MJjc asked. Milwaukee, Wig. Fleur quiet and un changed. Wheat steady and inactive ; Xe. 2 Milwau kee hard, nominal ; de soft, cash and June, $1 31 ; July, $131 ; August, $1 lfi? ; Septcm- uur, fiti,; 1111 me year nemiiiHi ; .no. a Mil waukee, $111; Xe. 4 de and rejected, nomi nal. Cern easier ; Xe. 2 "iOc : 1 ejected, 70c. Oat higher and scaree; Xe. 2, nominal : White. Sjc. Rye inactive ; Xe. 1, 7fiJie. IJarley dull antl inactive ; Xe. 2 spring, ca-di and June, SCec ; Xe. 3 de, extra, 73c. Oratu antl frovieieu 4Juotatlei. One o'clock quotations e! ijratn and provi.-.-lens, furnivlieil by S. K. YiindL. Breker, I.V4 East Klin; street. June 6. Chicago. Wheat Cern Oats i'erk Lard June... 1.2SJ-. .7i', A'J l.l" 11.30 July.... 1.2:4 .71 .13,'i 1'Jbti 11.37& Ai!;;nt Lll?s -TI5 .'M ji I'luliiilrlphl.i. "une.... 1.12 .SO)., .0 .... .... July..... 1.21,'i .80 .57'4 Aug l.lil .) .17 ept-.,.. l.lh) .. ..... .... .... r.iva stecK markets. Cuicaoe. Hogs Receipts, 22,000 head : ship ments, U,ue head ; market generally steady and unchanged : thin light and rough mixed coming tee trcely tertile geed of the Initie : mixed, $7 2$7 '.)); heavy, $7'JSSS0; light at $7 3U7 1)0; skips, &f37. Cattle Receipts. S.eui head of which 7,X) bead were grass Texans ; market weak ; ex ex eorts, $8 E039 00 ; . geed te choice shipping, $7 tOiiS 'it) ; common te fair, $S 00JJ7P0 ; mixi-tl butchers' at $- 3.j4 SO ; market for Texans 2.1c lower ; peer te fair canners, $3J3 7S ; me tlium togeoil, f4 0igi :: choice 4 50ff." 40; yiecu'ers .isi -ill. Sheep-Receipts, 1,200 head : shipments, soe. Market weak anil unehangetl at Sg-. for common te clieiee. ; low grades very weak. Kast Liiikistv. Cattle Receipts, 2.17Chead ; market slew ou common and ttrm en geed at hist. weeK's prices. Hogs Receipt', :.1A) head; market fair antl lirm ; Philadelphia, $3 233 GO: Yorkers, f 7 07 83. Sheep licet Ipts,G,4f0 head ; market dull anil prices a shade off from last week. Uuffale Cattle Receipts, 1,:.00 head ; mar ket dull antl prices r073c lower for common grades'; goeil steers also weaker ; sales extra steers at 17 sr.Jf s 40 : geed te choice, $7 357 75 : fair te medium, $i V'&1 40 ; Coleradoes. $ G G3; Texans, SI 7.'i5 23 : butchers', 14S5 ; light te choice steckern, Sll 50: geed te choice feeders, $1 33ii.ri 2". Sheep anil Lauiln Receipts, 5,500 heail ; market dull ami prices lewer: sales fair te geed, clipped, $1 755 25 : choice, $5 10Q5 50 ; common wool sheep, $4 504 75. Hogs Receipts), 7,000 head ; market dull and slew : goetl te choice Yorkers. J7S0S810 : geed medium.?) 13fi833; light mixeil. $740715; pigs, JO 737 10. Philadelphia Cattle Market. Mew dav, June (. The receipts 01 lire stock at the Philadelphia .stock yards were: for the-week: Reeves, 2,700 head ; sheep, 13,1100 head ; hog", 3,000 head. Previous -week Reeves, 2,0.x) head ; hheep, l.',000 head ; hogs 8,200 head. Reef Cattle were active and prices et geed stock were' well -maintained, while steppers, Texans, common natives and fat cows were lull lc. per pound lower. We quote as follews: Kxtra natives. 9J10c;. Geed, 99c: Medium, SiJOe : Common, T7c; tat cows, 5 (7c: Texans. .lJ7le. Milch Leus wi'ie laii ly active at $30QGO, with .s.di:4 01 extra gnides as high as $30. .Sheep wet" dull and prices were c lower en cm 1 as nod c lower en the ether grades. Lambs v.-ere aNn tlull anil ic lower. Wefiueteas tollews: Kxti-a, GiJGKc: geed Vijc ; medium 4 cnniinen 3c; culls 3g3e; Spring lambs, 10c; Chester county calves, 7S9)c. Hogs were nctive and unchanged. Wu quote as follews: Kxtra. Italic; geed, HJgilJc; li.'b mixed, lUJ,llc. sales op i:i:i:vi!.s at the west ruiLAniiLi-ii... STOCK YARDS. Martin, Fuller & Ce., .200 Western, wholesale, 77J4c Reger Mayues, 2J5 Western, 7!)c. A. ,"t J. Christy, lij Western, HiaaWic. II. F. iMcFillen, SO Western, 50c li. H. McFillin, 175 Western, ' HS4c. M. IMnian, ISO Western. ugyc; Lancaster re, yjc; :u: West Vn.,y(W,c. James Clemsen I J Western. SJSc. Sehamberg & Pant. 1IB Western, 0'4(3'Je. G. Scliambjrg & Ce.. 180 Western. SH9)ii Lewenstein & Ailler, 40 Western, &'-' 75 Montgomery co., cews.57c. Daniel Mnrphy. 'm Western, (fi!i'ic. II. Chain, jr., 47 Western, G3c. Jehn J'.cArdle, l.'iO Western anil Penn., 8H0 9 C. Owen .smith. V. Western, Si0ie. ; S2Texars C)i7c. Ii. Hern, SSPcnna., mixed GgSe. . Daniel Smyth ft Rre , 109 Western, 70c. Dennis Mnyth, 40 1'eniia.. 7'4ft9'4c. Hiichiiiau Ac Levi, 1 0 Wnterii,7$t'Jc. 40 llerks co., cows 57c. Chain & Caldwell, 20 Pa., cows 4)5GJ4c. J, P. Paillvrft Ce.,(i20 Western sleppers, y. P. Hathaway, 10 Lancaster county, bubs and cows, t05C. James Anil, 40 Western, 709c. llarri-.en Hippie, 40 bhlls, 46c. DRC3SKD XXATS. Ures.-Pd Reeves were nctiveantl close 1 at 1 I liic, the former rate ler Texans. SALES LAST WBEK. . Thes. Jtradley, 110 head at 1315c. A. A. Roswellfi'Jde. at 13915c. C. S. l)eng!er,77tle. at 12$ll)c. W. IL P.rewn 50 de. at 12K13c. Harlan . Rre., 41 de. at i:i13c. J. F. Lowden. tode. 12ai4Kc. Dressed sheep were active. Samuel .Stewart -old 792 head at leftllc, and 71 lit .ui tlicwd Iambs at 152$ Uc. . 01:11 ntecsa ana imimm. Par Vlll. Lane 'llv C per cf. Lean, due 16fc2.. .$100 ' 1885... 100 1890... 100 " 1895... 100 I.Ubt sale. $105 107H 120 HU 1G6 112 102 102.50 W-Y 103 $205 110.25 110 110.25 117 VMM 141.S0 iZM 200 145.75 140 154 70.50 115 $2.25 26.50 50 120 90 i. 170 5 per ct.l n 1 or 30 years.. 100 " 5 per ct. Scheel Lean... " 4 " iji ler 20 years., " 4 " In 5 or 20 years. " c " In 10 or 20 years . 100 100 100 tOt) Manheim borough lean .. 100 BANK STOCKS. First National Rank $100 Fanners' National Rank 50 Fulton National Bank 100 Lancaster County National Rank.. 50 Columbia National Rank Kphrata National Rank....; First National Rank, Columbia.. . rirst National Rank, Strasburg..., First -National Rank, Marietta.. .. First National Rank, Mount Jey. Lititz National Rank Manheim National Rank Tininn National Rank. Mount Jey New Helland National Rank 100 10c 100 100 100 100 . 100 100 50 100 XISOSXLAMEOUS STOCKS. Quarrvville R. R $ 50 MlllersvilleStrect Car 50 Inquirer Priii tingCemnany Watch Factory Gas Light and Fuel Company. . . Stevens Heuse Columbia Gas Company Columbia WaterCempany Susquehanna Iren Company.... Marietta Hcllewware Stevens Heuse Sicily Island Kast Rrandy wine Waynesb'g 50 100 OS 100 100 100 50 50 50 16 aiuiersviiic normal aenoei MISCELLANEOUS BONDS. Quarryvllle R. IL, due 1893 $100 Reading ft Columbia R. R.Vs 100 Lancaster Watch Ce., due 183G 100 Lancaster Cas Light and Fuel Ce.. due in ler 20 years 100 Lancaster Has Light and Fuel Ce., due 1880... .............. .. iw $120 11G 105.C0 100 108 33.33 85 275.25 Lancaster ft Marietta 5 Lancaster ft New Helland.. 100 Lancaster ft Susquehanna. TtlBMVIKK STOCKS. Spring Reaver Valley...: Bridgeport 4 Horcshee.... Columbia ft Chestnut HR1 Columbia ft Washington Columbia ft Rig Spring Lancaster Kphrata Lancaster ft Willow Street .. 300 $25 $10.25 13K 22 25 25 25 25 25 25 18 20 18 47.25 21 40 411.15 Sti-.eduirg ft .ilinperi Marietta . Maytown Marietta A Mount Jev Lanc.,EIizabetlifn AMldtllefit.. Lancaster Frultville. Lancaster Lititz Lancaster Wllllaniste w n Lancaster Maner Lancaster Manhetm OS tee i:i 90 -r t:t te i"i 35 50 1S5.19 J5 4j jtcimk. Xew Yerk, ptuladelphU and i.eea! hieebs also United States Bends rojert-d d.uir !.y Jaecb B. Lena, 2 Xerlh (Jueen ttrtt. Jnnefi. K0O law i; a. . r. a. 1 jt. w. t. tt 1. C K A.... ... Del.. Lack. Western Denver ft Rie Grande N. Y.. Lake Erie A Western.. Kansas and Texas Lace Shere Mich. Southern, New Yerk Central New Jersey cent:. , Ontario Western Omaha Cem..... XL wm...... OmahaPrererretl ,.. Pacific Mail 8teamshtp Ce... Chicago. Mil. St. Paul. Texas Pacific U9 lli 65 25fr 98 .. 33i S3 .. 23 2SX .. 100;4 100 . 126 125 ,. K- tt -. 53i .... 1W ,. 40V4 H ; . 110J? 110VS 10. Wabash. h ..)nts A Pacific... Western Union TeL Ce Pennsylvania R. K IMMM 1 1H K . . Buffalo Pitts. A West Xerthem PacilicCem PreterreiL... , ; 21 51! 14i 82 Ml 2;.. 14'; " MEDICAL. ryuti Purest and Best Medicine Ever Made. A combination et HOPS. BUCIIU. JI.VN DRAKE and DANDELION, Willi all the best and most curative properties or all ether Hit ters, makes the greatest BLOOD PURIPIKi:. LIVER REGULATOR and Lite and Ht-alHi Restoring Agent en earth. Ne dise.isi; e.m possibly long exist where Hep Hitters are used se varied and perfect are 1 heir operations. TIIEY GIVE VEW LIFE AND VIGOR TO THE AGED AND INFIRM. Te all whose employments cause irregular ity et the bowels or urinary organ, or who require an Aeetizer, Tonic and Mild Stiimi leut. Hep Hitters are Invaluable, without In toxicating. Ne matter what your leellngs nr symptoms are what the disease or ailment is use Hep Hitters, Don't wait until you are sick, but it yen only feel bad or m'serable.usr thematencu. It-may save your life: it has saved hundreds. S5UO will l-e paid fera tti-e they will net cure or help. De net Miner in let your friends Miner, but nse and urg them te use HOP HITTERS. Remember. Hep bit ters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Rest Medicine ever matte : the Invalid 'h Friend nnrt Mope." and no person or family should be without them. U. I. C Is an absolute and irreelstable cure ter Drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco ami narcotics. 49Seld by Druggists. Se.nd fob Circulai:. HOP Ri'lTERSMFG. CO.. Rochester, N. Y., and Terente, out. jul-liiiced&w 'pKIUART'S OLD WINK STOKE. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was velnntarlly pent te Mr. II. E. Slaymaker, Agent for Rei;:art't. Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising phv.-i-clan et this county, who has extensively u'-etl the Brandy referred te In his regular prat tiei-. It Is commended te the attention of thiwe at. dieted with Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much abused Alcoholic .Stimulant, was never intended as a beverage, but te be used as u medicine of great potency in the euro of souie of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands nf victims. With a purely philanthropic motive we pre aenLioine tavorauie nonce 01 111 vain is espt cially these afflicted with that miserable I it- ease Dyspepsia, a specific remedy. which I3 neiuing meie or less man Brandy. The aged, with teeble appetite and mere or less debility, wlU find this simple medicine, when used properly, A Sovereign Remedy or all their Ills and aches. Re It, hewevei strictly understood that we prescribe and ii-.; but one article, and tiiat la REIGARTS OLD BRANDY. Sold by our enterprising young friend, II it SLAYMAKER. This Brandy has steed the test for years, and has never failed, as tar as enr experience extends, and we therefore give it the preference ever all etner Brandies no matt er with hew many jaw-breaking French titles they are branded. One-fourth et the money that is yearly thrown away en various Impotent dyspepsia specifics would sulllei: te buy all the Rrandy te cure any such case 01 ases. In proof or the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, incases of Dyspepsia, we can summon num hers et witnesses one case In perticiilarwe cite: A hard-working farmer had been afMcteti with an exhaustive Dyspepsia for a number of years; his stomach would reject almost every kind of feed; he had sour eructatiens cou ceu stantly ue appetite in fact, he was obliged te restrict ids diet te crackers and stale bread, and as a beverage he used McGranu's Reet Beer. He Is a Methodist, and then, as new S readied at times, and In his discourses often (.-claimed earnestly against all kinds of strong ffrink. When advised te trv Refcrart's Old Brandy, in his case, lie loelccd up with astonishment but after hearing et Its wonderful cliects In tbe cases of some of his near acquaintance, lie at last consented te foUew our advice. He used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the first bottle giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken he was a sound man.wlth a stomach capable of digesting anything which hejehese te eat. He still keeps it and uses a lit tie occasionally; and since lie has tilts medi cine he has been of very little pecuniary bCnc fit t the doctor. A PoACTisnte Phtiruia if. II. . SLAYMAKEK Aenrr ves Reigart's Old Wine Stere, Established In 1785, tJtreRTXB JLSO DSAUX IM FINK OLD RRANDIKS. SHERRIES, SUPtf. RIOR OLD MADKlRA.dmpertedin IHIs, 1827 and l&S.) CHAMPAGNES O EVERY HRAND, SCOTCH ALK PORTKR, BROWN STOUT. Ne. a KAST KING ST. I.AJICAST!-'!:.!' J,t.OAL XUTIVMLH. ESTATK Of llAKTIlA MlAI-.l-PttiC. late el Lancaster City, dee'd. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted thereto arc requested te make immedi ate settlement, and these having claims or de mands against 'the same will present then: without delay for settlement te the muter signed, residing in Lancaster, Pa J. L. sThlNMETZ, ap21-Cttleav ExecuteA INSTATE Or I.OKKNZ SI'KIOKI., li of the city et Lancxster, ilcc'd.- LATK Letters testamentary en Slid estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted there te are requested te ma lie Inline dlate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed, residing in said Lancaster City. UKNRV SPEIDEL, ABRAHAM HPEIDEL, B. C. K ready, J Atternv Executers. R. J. Evans. Attorneys. jU3-Ctd,F ISTATK 4IF CHAKLCs U. KIIAD1, !i Jate of Lancastei city, ttcceased. Lctteis of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons in debted te said decedent are requested te make Immediate settlement and these having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent, te make known tbe same te the undersigned, without delay, residing in Lai: caster city. MRS. M. II. RHOADS, mayl'J-OdeawF Administrator. ESTATK OV L. UK W. liUCNKHAN, lateef Lancaster city, deceased '. jtler.-" et administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons In tlebtcd thereto are requested te makeimme dlate payment, and these having claims 01 demanda against tha same, will present them without delay ter settlement te the uuiter slgnetl. OKORGEE ZELLERS. W. A. Wilsex, Att'y. Administrator. mayl3-6tdeaw ESTATE OF JOHN KUDV, LATK OF Warwick township. The undersigned auditor, appointed te report distribution or the tund in the hands of Benjamin L. Rudy, testamentary .trustee under the ;last will and testament, proved March 1. A. D. 1873, of Jehn Rudy, late of Warwick township, Lancaster county, deceased, ever the trust Tund btr quea tiled by said will la the interest et Susan Rudy, widow et said testator, and the cnll dren of Henry E. Rudy, te anil among these legally entitled thereto, will sit for thatpur thatpur p?.e en FRIDA1 , the lth day et J UN E. l&s. atlO o'clock a.m.. in the Library Roem et tlse Court Heuse, in the t-lty of Lancaster, when: all persons Interested In said distribution mav attend. WM.S.AMWKU. nav20-UdtW Audlter- SSIONKD JSSTATK OK PKTfcK K. WUl- bert and wife, el Lancaster city. Peter K. Welbertand wife, et Lancastercity. having by deeil of voluntary assignment, assigned and transferred all their estate and effects te the undersigned, for the benefit of the credi tors of the said Peter K. Welbert ami wife, he therefore gives notice te all persons Indebted te sold assigner, te make payment te the undersigned without delay, and these having claims te present them te WILLIAM MIl'LTZ. -siL'ite.-. tn?ti:teawil Residing 111 Lancaster '.ity.