LANCASTER DAILY INTELUQENCBft SATURDAY JUNE 3, 1882. &anrasm gntrlligcncct. SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 3, 1882. TO ItACHEL IN KCSSIA. BY JOAQUIN 5XIU.KU. "Te bring theui nnte u geed land and a large; unto a land Mewing with milk and honey." U thou, whose patient, peaceful bleed Paints fcharen's roses en thy check, Au:l down thy breasts plays hide and eel: Six thousand years a stainless flood, Uhu up and set thy sad lace hence. Rise up and come where Freedom wails Within tliesu wide, white ocean-gates Te give thee Ged's inheritance ; Te bind thy wounds in this despair ; Te braid thy long, strong, loosened hair. 0 Rachel, weeping whcie the Heed 01 icy Velga grinds and flews Against lit banks of bleed-red snows White banks made red with children's b'.oed Lift up thy head, be comforted ; Fer, as thou didst en manna feet". When Iliissia reamed a bear in deed. And en her own leul essence led, ISO shall ilieti lleuil.sli usance When Rusk ami Cossack sliull mil be. Then come where yellow harvests s ell : Forsake the savage land of snows ; Ferget the brutal Russian's blows ; And come where Kings of Cmisciciu e dwell. 0 come, Kebi cci at the w ell : The voice et Rachel shall be sweet, The Gleaner lest 'ale at the Icet 01 one who loves her ; and the spell Ol Peace lhat blesses Paradise Shall 1. i-s iliy large and lonely eyes. Independent. JIVKILE'S 1.1) vi;. A KeiuaulU- Idyl f tlie Vet. Chicago Tribune. " Myrtle, dear?" " Yes, Geerge, what is it?" i-0ilicil the yiil, pkihcing&liyly upward. The radiant glory of a summer moon .shone low upon the earth this .lunc night, bathing ii: all its mellow splendor the leafy brandies of the .sturdy old oaks that had for ccntuiics shaded the entrance te ('.istle McMurtry and laughed defiance te the lieice gales that every winter came howling down in all their eiuel foice and fury fieni the moorlands lying te the west ward of the castle. ( n the edge of the brend demesne that stretched away te the south steed a large brirtdlc cow, and as the moonlight decked with silvery IiiBtre her starboard lilts she seemed te Myrtle a per fect pictine of sweet content and almost holy calm. " Is it net :i beautiful sight, dearest?" inurmuied the uiil. " See hew the moon beams llutter down through the trees, making strange lights and shadows that flit among the shtubsaud (lowers iu such a weird, ghostly fashion. The dell is indeed clothed in loveliness te-night, sweetheait." ' Yes," said Geerge W. Simpsen, "this is the bessdell" and thcu, looking down into the pure, innocent face that was lift ed te his, he took iu his own bread, third base palm the little hand that erstwhile held up Myi tie's polonaise. As they steed there sil:nlly in the bosky glade Geerge pahscd his arm silently but fnmly around Myrtle's waist. The noble girl did net shy. " De you leve me, sweetheart," he asked iu accents that wen: tremulous with trcmuleusncss. Myrtle's head was drooping new, ami the rosy blushes of Calumet avenue inno cence wcje chasing each ether across her peachy checks. Geerge drew her mere closely te him. If a moMpiite had tried te pass between them thcu it would have been bad for tbe mesquite. " Can you doubt inc, darling ?" be whispcicd. " Yeu surely must knew that 1 love you with a wild, passionate whoa Emma leve that can never die. De you leve me a little in return ?" Fer an instant the girl did net sp tak. Gceige hcaid the whisking of the blind le cow's tail break in rudely upon the solemn si illness of the night, and ever and anon came the dull thud of the bullfrog as he jumped into a neighboring pond. Presently Myrtle placed her arms about his neck, and with a wistful baby's. go t thc cramp leek iuhcr sweet face, she said te him : " I leve you, Geerge, with a deathless devotion that will eventually keep you broke." And with these fateful werd3 she adjusted her rumpled bang and fearlessly led the way te an ice cream lair. The Chun and tlie Jackal. One day a farmer who was working iu the licld hcaid a great noise in the thicket and upon proceeding te the spot he dis covered a clam and a jackal en gaged in dea.Uy strife. The clam already had a bay window ever his left, eye and had lest two teeth, and the jackal was spitting bleed and limping around en three legs. 'Ah ! I'm glad you've come !'" cried the clam, as he caught sight of the farmer. "And se am 1 !" added the jackal. "And why this fierce struggle?" asked the fanner as he sat dewu en .a stone be tween them. " I'll tell you in a very few words," said the clam. "This jackal went out of his way te ridicule my speech. New, I de net WHiit te brag, but 1 claim te use geed grammar iu my talk, and I'll leave it te you if I don't?" "That wasn't what laiscd the row," protested the jackal. ''I was walking aleni; the sand when this clam made fun of my gait. I don't claim te be as grace ful as a cow, but the clam had no business te say that my walk reminded him of a milk-steel i tinning away with a barnyard.' ' "My fiicnds," replied the farmer, as a hornet settled down en the back of his neck, '.you :ue both wrong. In the first place, if the jackal had kept te the weeds the clam would never have noticed his awkward gait. In the second place, if the clam had kept his mouth shut the jackal could have found no fault with his gram mar. Meral : "In the thiid place," added the hornet, as he carefully lifted the fatmer ever the neatest brush," 'if you had kept te your Ik-Id no hornet would have construct ed an orphan asylum en the back of your neck." Annex : The time te quote philosophy is after the brickbats have done Hying. m m That peer bedridden, invalid wire, sister met her, or daughter, can be made the picture or health by a few bottle- r Hep Hitters. Will you M them suffer? when se easily cuie.i. .iul-2wd&w An old lady writes us: '! am Ge years old and was leeble and nervous all the tunc, when I bought a bottle el Parker's Ginger Tonic. I have used little mere than one bottle and leel as well as at 30." ice ether column.. ; jul-lmdeod&cew Wn.r. you sutler with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? blnleh's Vllalizer is guaranteed te euro you. Fer sale at Cochran's drug store 1.17 North Queen St. myl-lwdcewAw ' Live and Let Live. Lileis net always under our own control, hut cm be prolonged by care and prudence. Iturdcek llloed Hitters as a laxltive, altera tive, ami diuretic medicine tend materially te rosteie health and lengthen our days. Price SI. or (-ale at II. J5. Cochran's drug store, 1 .'17 Vei Hi Queen street, Lancaster. Slkki-iai-h nights, made miserable by that Joriiblceeiiph. Shiloh's Cure is Uicreincdv ier you. Fer sale at Cochran's drug store. 137 North Queen St. uiyl-lwdeewAw Popularity. Tiiemn' Kelectric OH has obtained great popularity, Irem its intiinsic value us a reli able medicine, lu curing hoarseness, and all irritations et the threat, diseases et the chest, etc. Fer these It Imn incomparable pulmenic. Fer sale ut II. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen slreeL Lancaster. Suuaii'h Is what veu need ler Con stipation, Less of appetite. "Dizziness and all symptoms et Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents pertnttl- Ker-.i'ent Cochran's drugstore, J37 North Queen Si. MEDICAL. F BOM ZVie Heme Journal. A Remarkable Discovery. A REAL SKIN CURB. Til EKE IS ONLY ONE AND THAT WITH SIMPLE NAME- He ware el iinpestcrs, pirates, or any old ar ticles which new suddenly claim te be best. They have been tried and leund wanting, while this has been proved a remarkable suc cess. NO POMPOUS NAME, This curative needs no pompous or incom prehensible title of Greek or Latin te sustain it, but its simple English name apncals te the t-ommen sense el the people. And the people arc signally manifesting their appreciation el this lrankncss by selecting and using Dr. Jlensen's SKIN CURE in preference te all ether pref cs3ed remedies. Dr. C. W. ltenpen has long been well known as a successful physician and surgeon and his life's study has been the diseases of the ner vous system and of the skin; since he has been persuaded te put his New Remedy mid Favorite Prescription as n "SkinCuie" en the market, various ithlngs have sprung up into existence, or have woke up from the sleepy slate in which they were before anil new clain; te be The Great Skin Cure. .Howare of imitations, or the various articles which have been advertised for years or struggled along, having no real held or merit en the public, that new endeavor te keep head above water by advertising them selves as "The Great Skin Cure." Nene Is genuine and rellble, except Dr.C. W. llensen's Skin Cure. Each package and bottle bears his likeness. Internal and external remedy, two bottles In one package. Price $1 en, get at your druggist. RELIEF Ter allOVERWOitKEDKIMlXS CAUSE AND CUKE Dr. C. W. Reason's Celery and Chamomile Pills are valuable ler school children who sut ler irem nervous headaches caused by an overworked brain iu their studies, and ler all elasses el hard brain workers whose overtask evertask ed nervous centres need repair and sedation. Nervous tremor, weakness and paralysis are being dally cured by these pills. They correct cesli venes, but arc net purgative. Trice. 50c. or six boxes Ter $2.50, postage tree, te any ad-die--,. Fer sale by all druggists. Depot, Ual Ual limere.Md., where the doctor can be address ed. Leiters of inquiry ireely answered. V. N. CKITTKNTON. New Yerk, Is whole sale audits ler Dr. C. W. I'.eiisen's remedies. iii.i)(;-iiiii,M,v&s&wf riniE Furcsl and Vest Medicine Ever Made. A combination et HOPS, 1WC11U. MAN DRAKE and DANDELION, with all the best and niet curative properties et all ether Bit ten, makes the greatest 1SI.OOI) PURIFIER. L1VEK REGULATOR and Life and Health restoring Agent en earth. Ne disease can pes-ibly long exist where llepllittcrs are used .e varied and pei feet are their operations. THEY GIVE NEW LIFE AND VIGOR TO THE AGED AND 1NF1UM. Te all whose employments -cause irregular ity el the bowels or urinary organs, or who require an Apctizer, Tonic and Mild Stirnu leut, Hep Hitters are invaluable, without in toxicating. Ne matter what your icelings or symptoms arc what the disease or ailment is use Hep Hitlers. Don't wait until von nr .sick, but il you only teel bad or niisenible.nsc. them at once. It may save veur life; it has wived hundreds, SJ.00 will be paid for a case they will net cure or help. De net sutler or let your friends sutler, but use and urge them te use HOP HITTERS. Ucmeiuber, Hep Hit ters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and IJest Mcdlcine ever made ; the "Invalid's Frieud and U epe. "and no person or family should be without them. I. 1. V. is an absolute and lrrcslstablc cure ier Drunkenness, use el opium, tobacco and narcotics. 3Seld by Druggists. Send i?or CiucuXAit. HQP IHTTERSMFG.CO., Rochester, N. Y., and Terente, out. jul-lniced&w HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED The feeble and emaciated, sutrering irem dyspepsia or indigestion in any lerin, are advised, ter the sake of their own bodily and mental comfort, te try Hosteller's Stomach Hitters. Ladies Ol the most deli cate const Hut ion testily te its harmless and lis restorative properties. Physicians every wliere.disgiisted with the adulterated liquors el commerce, picscribc it as the satest and most reliable el all stemachics. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen erally, lebl-lydced&w IJOnitKD, THOUSANDS OF GRAVES V are annually robbed et their victims lives prolonged, liappincssaud health resteii d by the use el tjic great (iERMAN INVIGORATOR, which positively and permanently cures Im Im peteney (causeu by excesses et any kind), and all diseases that lollew less et energy, less el memoir, universal lassitude, pain in the basic, dimness of vision, uremature. old age, ana many oilier diseases that lead te insanity crave. or riiisumptien and a premature Send for circulars with testimonials lice by mail. ThelNviaoiiATOKisseld at $1 per box, er.siv boxes ter $5, by all druggist, or will bn sent lrec by mail, securely sealed, en receipt et pi ice, by addressing F.. I. Ciiejjkv, Druggist. IS7 Summit St., Teledo, Ohie, bole Agents ler this United Stales. Fer sale at KauJIman's Drug Stere, Jfrrth Queen Street. myClvd.W&S 8500 RfSWAKD i OVER A MILLION OF PROF. GUILMBTTB'S French Kidney Pads Have already been sold In this country and in 1? ranee ; every one el whlch.Iies given pcriect satisfaction, and has performed cures every time when used according te directions. We new say te the alllictcd anil doubting that we will pay the above reward for asingle case of LAME BAOK That the Pad fails te cure. This Great Remedy w ill positively and permanently cure Lumba- 1 iin "" ,1 ?"'. Gravel. Diabetes, JJreniif, Jinght's Disease of the Kidneys. Inl continence and Retentinnnfthi. r,v;,. Tm- Ration of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Bladder. Jliffh Colored Urine, Fain in the Hack, Side or lAim, Nervous M'eakness,andinfact all dis orders et the llladder or Urinary Organs. whether contracted by private disease or T AFllFQ V yn are suflcring irem un.LsixJijm tcmalc weakness. I.enenr. e. 11 ):,?, ?nX u,9easc of the Kidneys.' Bladder. .i. n.ttryfBal,s YOU AN "K CURED i..V,?,.,LM,V!l,le,T.i!1 njwsceus medicines by simply wearing PROF. GUILMETTE'S FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, WHICH OURES BY ABSORPTION. ASK your nrUfTGTlSt Inr 1mf ...... ...- FrcnchKianey Pad, and take no eUier. it he lias net . ":uifan,Iye will receive the Pad by return mail, rjtOF. GUILMETTE'S French liver Pad Will positively cure Fever and Ague Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Blllieus Fever, Jaundice Dyspepsia and all diseases of the Liver Stomach and Bleed. Price, $1.50 by mnii' Send ler Pret. Gullmette's Treatse en the Kidneys and Liver, free by mall. Address FRENCH 1A CO., Teledo, Ohie. Fer sale at KAUFFJ.AN'S DRUG STORE North Queen Street. uiay6-lydW.S STOMACH BITTER RELLOIOVS. 7IItST BAPTIST, EAST CHESTNUT ST. ; Service In the morning at 10$ and in the ,-ening at 7&, by the pastor. Kcv. W. O. ev Owen sunaay scuoei at s a. m. ITMKST KEFORMKD. DIVINE 8ERY1CES te-morrow at 10J a. m. Preaching by Rev. J. C. Hume. Ne evening service. Sun day school atl;Ja. m. F1KST M. E. CHUKCU, NOKTB DUKE street. Preaching at 10k a. m. and " p. m. by the pastor. Rev. . CV Robinson. Sunday school at 9 a. in. Prayer meeting en Wednesday evening at 1 o'clock. ME. MISSION EAST MISSION, EAST . King street. Preaching te-morrow even ing at 7J o'clock. Sunday school at 1:15 p. m. Weekly prayer meeting en Tuesday evening, at 7S o'clock. Mc OKAV1AN.-J. MAX HARK, PASTOR. vsyt a. m.. Trinity Litany and preaching. 2 p. in.. Sunday Scheel. 7 p. m., sermon te G. A. It. All cordially invited. MINISTERIAL. ASSOCIATION. THE Ministerial Association will meet Mon day next, at lu a. m., in the vestiy room in the basement of the First Reformed church. All resident ministers et Lancaster are invited. SYLVANUS STALL. See'y. OLI JCT BAPTIST CHURCH V. M. C. A. Reems, Rev. M. Fraync, pastor. Services at 10 a. in. and 7!i p. m. Subject "The Fata' Consequences et Unheeded Re Re pre. l." Piev. "., 1 ver. Sunday Scheel at 1:15 p. m. TUt:SBVTKRIAN. THE SACRAMENT L f the Lord's Supper will be administered in tin .nernlng. the pa der, Rev. Preaching in the evening by .1. . Mitchell, D. D. I3KKbUYTEKIAN MEMORIAL CHAPEL, Rev. James C. Hume, pastor. Evening service at 7:15. Sabbath school at 9 a. m. SALEU CHURCH OF GOD PHEACHINO both morning and evening, by the Kev. Peyton G. Uewnian, el Seuth Carolina. Sunday school at 1 p. m. Wcl Mission, Derwart street Sunday school at 1 p. in. North Mission, Antioch. Sunday school at '. u. m. ST. LUKK'.- REFORMED CHAPEL, Marietta Avenue, near West Orange stiect. Rev. Win. F Lichliter. pastor. Divine scrvlce at 10VJ a. m. Ne evening service. Sunday school at .) :u in. SECOND (Englis EVANGELICAL CHURCH lish). North Mulberry street, above Orange, Rev. .1. C. Krame, pastor. Preaching te-morrow at 10K a. iu. and at 7.15 p. in. Sun day school at tiJ4 a. in. ST. JAMES MJRN1N; SKRVICK AND Hely Communion at 10J4 a. 111. Evening prayer at ( p. m. ST. STEl-UEN'S CHAPEL, COLLKliE Campus. Religious Services at 10J a. in. Sermon by the Rev. James Crawford. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Preaching te-morrow morning and even ing bv the pastor, ltcv. Sylvanus Stall. Seats tree. Welcome te all. Sunday bchoel at 1:15 p. in. Gotwald Misiwn school at 'Z p. 111. ST. PAUL'S M. E. CHURCH, S. IJUEKN ST. Rev. A. J. Cel lern, pastor. Preaching at 10 a. m. and at 7: 15 p. in. Sunday Scheel at I:4 p. m. Prayer meeting en Wednesdiiy evening. WEST MISSION, M. E. CHAPEL, CUAR CUAR lette street above Lemen. Preaching morning and evening by the Rev Hull, at the regular hour el service, Gee. W. IF NION IIETHUL CHURCH OB' GOD. Hey. G. W. Seilhauier. mster. Preach ing at 10 a. m. and 7$ p.m. Experience meet ing at ( p. 11.. Sabbath school at 9 a. m. VLOTUIXU. (OPRINI) AND SUMMKH NOVELTIES. AT H. GBRHART'S IK HlSDiOl n v 1 1 NO. (J EAST K1NU STREET, 1 St OS hereby ket Inform my customers lleil my SPRING ami SUMMER SUITING, SPRING 0YERC0ATING &.FANCY VESTING Is new complete. 1 have new the largestand choicest assortment et WOOLENS. Fer Fine Tailoring iu the city el Lancaster. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, and all goods wan-anted as represented. E GERHART. IJUY VOUR CLOTHING AT I .. GANSMAN fc KRO. THE WELL-KNOWN Merchant Tailors anil Clothiers. wo.xejrr is wisdem: JiVKnrnenr (i.i.vy.v intvD uiArriiEN AT IMW 1'llICJCS. We cannot supply Ladies' apparel, but ter Hit' male sev. Alan or Rey, e carry an a-eit-ment d CLOTHING FAR SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING YOU WILL FIND ELSEWHERE. We show you Fer $5.00 a nice Business Suit. Fer $7.(10 a geed wool Cassimerc Suit. Ker $S.5(I an indigo-blue Flannel fcuil. I- or $10.00 a stylish worsted Cutaway or hack Suit. Our $12.00 and $l.-i.0 Orcss Suits, in worsted and cloth diagonal, cannot be excelled any w here else ler less than $1S.0(I te $2il.0. In Beys' suid Children CLOTHING We carry a very large assortment, Irem the cheapest grade te the linest, and make this our great specialty. Bey's Suits-Coats, Pants and Vests fer$2.lK), $i5d, $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, up te $9.(10. Children's Suits ler $1.50, $i50, :kki CLOTHING TO ORDER. We make te order a tlneil Suit .fm- ine.ti.i $15.00. but our $18.00 and $20.00 Suits cannot be easily imitated In quality and style ler less than $25.00 te $30.00. If you arc interested in the matter el bnyiiiK cheap, the merits of this otter Invite your pc senal Investigation. L. GAUSffiAI & BRO., THE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, 66-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Right en the Southwest Cerner of Orange St LANCASTER, PA. -Fesilivcly net connected with any ether house in the City. marlS-lyd t eca 1 it's Eenewned Cough Syrup. A pleasant, sate,epccdy and sure remedy ler Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influen za. Soreness el the Threat and Chest, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Spitting of Bleed, In flammation et the Lungs and all Diseases et the Chest and Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines alltne medicinal virtues el these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most sate and efficient qualities for the cure of all kinds el lung diseases. PRICE, 25 Conn. Prepared only and sold by GHAS. A. LOOHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST: Ne. U East King street, Lancaster 1 ASTMICM XMOJP. AMTXMXUXMXSI. A STB1UB DROS'ADTERTISKMISNT. WE OFFER NOW ALL OUR BLACK and COLORED PORCUPINE and SATIN STRAW HATS AND BONNETS AT THE UNIFORM PJtlCE OF ' t 50 cents. A S TEICH BEOS-' PALACE -OF- FASHION! WE OFFER NOW ALL OUR BLACK -AND- C0L0KED PORCUPINE AND SATIN STRAW HATS AND BONNETS AT THE- UNIFORM PRICE -OP- 50 cents. WE OFFER NOW ALL OUR BLACK and COLORED PORCUPINE and SATIN STRAW HATS -AND- BONNETS AT THE UNIFORM PRICE OF 50 cents. VERS & RATI1FON. DON'T FAIL TO EXAMINE OUR TKN DOLLAR SUIT, IT IS EQUAL TO ANY SUIT SOLD ELSEWHERE FOR FOUR TEEN DOLLARS. STRICTLY ALL WOOL. MtY Y ERV LOW PRICES FOR ALL SUMMER The Spring lias been a long, celli ene Fabrics still en lianil. As Summer cloths CONSIDERABLE te make quick sales of our Banneekburn Cheviots, Fine Spring Trowserings, Black Diagonal Worsteds, Black Basket "Worsteds, Handsome English Cassimeres, English Black, Blue and Green Serges, Black and Blue Clay Serges, Black and Blue Crepe Cleths, Simoni Batiste Cleths, Scheeller's Check Suitings, Empire Misch Suitings, Auburn Mixt Suitinga, Black Habit Cleths, Thin Black Doeskins, BILLIARD CLOTHS (Simoni's), f?TS H colors (72 inches wide) 2.00 per yard. and M BLUE FLANNELS, for IJathing Suits, and a very han.'se Urceu, blue, Olive, Bronze and Mixt Cleths of line quality, for SEASIDE, mrnm. mm & co., RETAHJERS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF CLOTHS, MARKET and NINTH STS.. Philadelphia. C lARI'ETS. R U G S HAGER & BRO. Mequets, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Extra Supers, China Mattings, Geed Heme-Made Rag Carpets. PAPER HANGINGS. At comparatively small expense tlie interiors et public luilling-, places el lusiue.iH ml our home may be beautitleil by applying paper lianRinRs. Resides the importation of French ami Rngll&h Goetls, the production of Wall Tapir in tills country is receiving much attention Irem some et our leading artMa, which enable us te 1 ti r nUh really artistic hangings ler the treatment et walls and ceilings. Net only iu tlie mere expensive goods Is this improvement noticeable, but. also iu these et" lower price. We take espcciul care in the selection el SI OK WAM. l'AFKKS, BOUOKItSand OKII.1NC IJKCOKATIONS that all may Imrmenizc and produce a pleasing cilcct. CKII.ING IJECORATIONS we make a specialty and depart from the conventional and steretyped patterns, and furnish a. unique design for each scparale reiling. 1'apers bung under our supervision by .skillful workmen. HAGER & BROTHER, ne.25 west king street. IjA H'AT 31 0 TEWRTT'S Palace Refrigerators, Water Coelers and Filterers. PHILADELPHIA LAWN MOWERS, PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWERS. EYDKANTHOSE, MOSQUITO WIRE, GARDEN TOOLS, ADJUSTABLE SCREENS, WATERING CANS, STEP LADDERS. GEO. M. STEINMAN & GO., 26 m23-.1indM,W&S H'lNA'S AND OLD" WINE STOKE. ' T)KIfSAUT'.S ESTABLISHED 1785. REIGARTS OLD WINE STORE NO. 29 EAST ltBiaARrHOLnmxmefmn. isia, 1817. isir axi isaT. i-ixr: out diiax- DIh'SAXD WJIISiaiJS, GIXS, IIlISIl A XI) SCOTCH WHISKIES. All the leading brands et uflAHl'AtiSE, JMMlWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALES, .Vc. Mfneriil Waters, Appellinans H. E. SLAYMAKER, S. CLAY Wines, Braniies, Gins, Olfl Rye WlisHes, &c, Ne. 33 PENN SQUAKE, LANCASTER, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. 3IJSDIVAZ. pARIUSR'S OiNGEK TONIC. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC Invigorates without intexiciting, cures disorders of the bowels, stomach, liver, kidney" and i?:n i?iJVJ.!T5?;ll;Jifr'.?Bt,t?"J!tercr a"'1 ,1oe,1 Prillr. and the IJEST AND SltKEST COUl.ll JHEDICINE hVEK USED. ITyeu are .siilterlng from Feiuale Coin plain J. . Nervous- alalia re te liel or cure, or for anything injurious teund in it. Si'iiri AKiiEK'S ilAlK BALSAM mayl-cod&cew Satislles the Dressing, wic. MEDICAIj. tKNTLKMKN. u e can your attention te an important dis covery In our practice which we nave found very successful in cases et prostration arising from indiscretion. These sntrering Irem any of the numerous forms el Debility arisin" from abuse or ether causes, will de well by sending a three cent stamp ler further infor mation. Address, IHS. LA UKANGE & JOR DAN (late Jerdan & Davidsen). Ne. lKB Fil bert Btrectl'lilladelnlila. Pa. Hours for con sultation : 10 a. m. till 2 p. m., and 5 till 3 p. in. mar25-3meed CZOTHIXG. If you are a buyer of Spring Clothing it will pay you te spend some time iu our Salesrooms ; they are the most spacious in the state outside of Philadelphia. Re member you have ever sixty styles te select from and all our own make. MYERS & RATHFOU, THE POPULAR CLOTHIERS. UOODS. CLOTHS. and we Lave a very large stock of Summer will net sell in Winter we have made a verv REDUCTION IN PRICES Ladies' Dress Cleths, Children's Sackings, Children's Cleakings, Beys' Cassimeres, Beys' Fine Suitings, Beys' Kilt Suitings, English Serges and Colerod Cleths for, Ladies' Biding Habits, Corduroys for Biding Pants, Meltons and Cassimeres for Ladies' Biding Suits, English Checks-and Serges for Ladies Suite, Infants' Cleakings. all grades. Lewest Prices, for draperies ami embroidery, $ asKeitmeut of MOUNTAIN AND STEAMER SUITS. H'JSJSS, AC. and 28 West King Street. . I.IQUUHS. KING STREET. Vichy, Fricdrichliall. llunyadi.lanes, Sanite-ra and Cinger Ale. Alse Kine Olive Oils. Jan'iJ-ljdH MILLER. lOO HOLLA KS paid ler ml fnr pirmilar most fastidious ns unerfpet Hair Itr-stercratnl and $1 sizes. 1IISCOX A CO., New Verlr, 31ISCLIAS0 US TJEMOVAI.. ALLAN A. HERR & CO. Have Removed their CENERAL REAL ESTATE and INSUR ANCE OFFICE TO NO. lOO EAhT KING STREET, (Opposite Leopardilletei). m y2';- 3un I M Ui3nnv DON'T FAIL TO EXAMINE OUR EIGHT DOLLAR SUIT. IT IS EQUAL TO ANY SUIT SOLD ELSEWHERE FOR TWELVE DOLLARS. STRICT LY ALL WOOL. rKAVJULtiHS' ovum. D t'ADINu X COLUMBIA B. R. AUKANUKMKNT OkTasSENUKU TKAINS MONDAY, MAY 2Ji, lSi NOUTHWAUI. LKAVK. Qu.iriyville IjiiKiiMti'i-, King St... Irfineester Columbia AIUMVK. Heading A.M. ;::a i' :n :.e .SOUTIlWAllli, LEAVE. IkCiiding ..... ARRIVX. Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster, King St Ouarryvilie A.M. r.M. P.M. :-0 ... i;si " :t:ln T:li) l.u .1-5H 7::t l:iii ;::ii 9.45 :::ie r..v A.M.I M. r.x 7ri li(w c:(i P.M. 3:40 'J:10 s -15 9:30 'J.K. :in 9:40 .... j):i-. 10:40 .... 9:55 r.::xi .r.:10 Trains connect ut Ueadln with ii-iiiw t..,.i"..i Irem l'hilailelpliia. l'ettsville, liarrUbiir', Al Al entewn and Xew Yerk, via Round r.iimfc Reute. At Columbia, with trains te and rroie Yuk. Hanover, Oettysburg, Frederick and Haiti Haiti mere. a. 31. WILSON. .Siu.t. DKNNH YL VAN 1 A rasi.reaii m:w J SCIIKDULK On and 11II1T silNli .innr. 4in, inxj, trains en tin. IVun-yi-vauia Kallread will arrive at and b-ave l.itnc-.-ixtei and riilladt-lphhiucpit.sius fellow-.: ....... ... .. - . ----.--..., c 3 eS1 f -" -10 "Z.'Z " - V.M. A.M. Ii:ll i:.V. 5:.'ET 7:."h :U U:.M S:I0 S;V 0:00 H:l". I". M. vise, 1:0.1 3rJ r. si. '2-.V2 5:15 ia 5.1c. frr 7::t" t:4.' Ka.siivake. Mail Ilarrisburg Kxpress .. Yerk Accommodation arrives Lancaster Accomedation ariHcs..., Columbia Accommodation , Frederick Accommodation an Ives. Seashore Express Sunday Mail Johnstown Express Dav Express , Ilarrisburg Accommodation , Hanover Accommodation west, cenuccllng at Lancaster with Niagara Express at lii:l"i, will run through In Hanover daily, except Sunday. Frederick AecouiiiKMh.tieu, went, connecting at Lancaster Willi Fast Line, l:n, will run ttireuuli te Fmlerlek. WK.STAV.inil. S fc,S i-I-S ".zt a. -; a. jr. a. 11. l-"M fi:27 7:00 US55 9:1a 8:11) Hi: I". 10:50 r. ai. 1 1:05 1:10 1:50 I'.M. J:ii i-'ji 1:11 7:-' 5:10 7:10 9:li' 1 l:lii ll:J0 1:45 in , li:ti f cars) te f News Express Way 1'assenger , Mail Train. Ne. 1. via. Mt. Jev. MailTrain,No.2,vlaCeIiimhit,lcuA'cs iNiagnrn Kvpress llaiieer Accommodation leaves.... " 11111 Frederick Acco111med.1t ion leaves... Ilarrisburg Accommodation Lancaster Accommodation leaves... Columbia Accommodation Ilarrisburg Express Western Express l':u-illc Express IIarri.burz Exnrcss. Aiesl. at 5: III n. direct, comiectiens (witliouLcliangeefc Celiiinbl-iaml Yerk. iast Line, west, en .Sunday, avIicii Hugged, will Htopatllewnlngtown.Coatcsville, I'arkes burg. Mount Jey, Ellzabothtewn and Aliddle Aliddle tewn. Day Express, Fast. Line, News Exprc-s. Rinji Ti-aiu, Ne. I, Western Expre-sand raeillc Ev prvss run daily. JtAlLKOAMtS. T AUK. GREAT Burlington Reute. Chicago, Ilnrliiipten Sc (juiucy R. R. i:iiieage, Knrllnsten k (jiilnry K. K. PRINCIPAL LTNE AND OLD FAVORITE FROM CHICAGO OR PEOKIA TO KANSAS CITY, OMAHA, CALIFORNIA. LINCOLN AND DENVER. The SHORTEST, QUICKEST and REST line te SI. Jeseph, Atehinsen, Tnpekn, Denlseu. Dallas, linlvcslen, and all points In Iowa, Ne braska, Misseuil, Kansas, New Mexico, Ari zona, :eiilanaaiid Texas. This route has no superior for Albert Lea. MinncaiiellsaudSt. 1'aul. Nationally ri-puti-d as beiirgtlie GREAT THROUGH CAR LINE. Universally conceded te be the REST EQUIPPED Kallread In tins weild lr all classes el travel. All connections made in Union depots. Try it and yei will find traveling a luxury, instead of a discomfort. Through tickets via this eeli-bratcil lim; feT$ al at all offices In the U. S. and Canada. All information about rates of fuic, Slci-plng Cars, etc., cheerfully given by FKKCKVAt. I.OWKI.L. (ienerul PiLfscnger Agent, Cimcaoe, III. T. J. i'OTTKK, :M Vice Pres. Gen. Manager, Ciiicaoe, lu.. JOHN O.A.l!KAN,en. Kastern Agt., :!I7 Rreadway, ."! Washington St. Ni:w YettK. Kosten, JIas.s. mayirlyd&w tiurr an a wimitt. t IO.tlMONWKAL.TU UISTIClltUTION CO 45th Popular Monthly DrawiiiK or -rns COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. In tbe City or Leulavlfle, en FRIDAY. JUNE 30th. 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions el an Act el lim General Assembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court en March 31, rendered the following djclsiens: 1st That the Commonwealth lllatrlbutina Company la legal. 2a IU drawing" r lair. N. 11. The Company has new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the list or prizes ler lh" JUNE DRAWING. I jiriz3 1 IIIa( I jinzi JOprizes $1,000 each... 20 prizes rlOeach ;i prizes $10U each '200 prizes 50 each 600 prizes 20 each .9 30,000 .. I'l.OOO .. B.01W .. 10,008 .. 10,000 .. 10,000 .. 10.0CC .. 12.0C0 ivna in........ ' 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2.7W 9 prizes aoe each, - v faS 9 prizes 100 each, " 'gg, '!5Srrv;:r.v."-v.-.--i:-MW! 5:l;55Uckets.SllJO. "" ijun,i, nun uraeia, i; z ucsets iternit Meney or Rank Dnift In Letter, ei send by Express. DON'T SEND 11 Y REGIS TERED LETTER OR l'OSTeKKlrbi eimivi; Orders of $3 and upward, by Express, can be sent at enr expense. Address all orders te It. 91. liOAKDMAN, Courier-Journal Ruildlmr IiilHVille, Ky.. ei K. M. HO A HUMAN. JOU Breadwav. Nt vrk. tt-ie-TuTliAS&w r 1 f .l :l." fl N. e t Si 3