Stye 1&ttf a$te VIa4V LANCASTER, TA. MONDAY MAY 29 1882. Price Twe Cnfe. Volume XVIII--N" 229 t aVZ GKEAT NEW YORK KAZAAIt. GOTTSCHALK & LBDBRMASrS great New Tort Bazaar. Great lew Yerk Bazaar, 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN Special Announcement of Great Bar gains for This Week Only. STRAW GOODS. STRAW GOODS. Every lady should net surely save LOOK Pine Milan ' Cost all ever 75 TRIMMED Hats and Bennets. tlif lopulallen cl having tlic tastiest ami richest ttJmmj I Hals in Lancaster. 100 JJineunl fctyia CHILDREN'S TRIMMED SAILORS At 25, 'Jr., 40, .0, 70, SI. 00 unit I'p.v.crde Elegant Trimmed LEGHORN HATS FOll CHILDREN Fer " cent- and upwards. The Richest Trliiniieil CHIP BONNETS m' tlil-c city for $3.rj iii te J2.w. Ileal im ported French pattern HATS Greatly Re ilucetl in Pilc-c. Wc have only about twenty-live 1'iitlern Hats lea ever since our Gram! Millinery Opening. Everybody who has examined them cannot praise llieui enough ler their beauty ami werkinan-hlp. We shall eiler them this week ter thu benelil et our nitrens at a great reduction. We hae the l.uiges'. Stock et FLOW AND FEATHERS ix Jiiis cm. i'uee- Cannet be t'ndci-eld. I CS MAKE GOTTSCHALK & LEDERMAN'S, GKREiT JNTEW YORK BAZAAR 2G & IS NORTH QUEEN STREET.. JOHN s. givi.kk & co.'s aivi'.ujisi:mi:nt. We are still making additions daily te our LARGE STOCK OF CARPETS and will continue te sell them at Lewest Prices. Alse, full lines of RUGS and MATTINGS of all kinds at Lewest Prices. The Aurera Sweeper still ahead. Persons using them would net part with them at double the cost. PLESAE NOTE.-We v.ill CLOSE OUR STORE ON TUESDAY, DECORATION DAY, MAY 80th, at 12 o'clock at neon, ami lemain closed for the li.iIan.ce of tbe day. JOHN Ne. 25 EAST KING JOHN S. GTVLEK, B OWKKS & HURSTS NEW DRY GOODS BUT THE DEEMATOID COESET AT THE NEW STORE, BECAUSE IT IS UNBREAKABLE. i. ...n, iiminntniii i niei rn will eaimeiils We f.ic havii'gagicat Vale en till- Ceim-i, thus s-liewmg it isal! v. J -it it is claimed pronounce ittobe tlie best and mottsalMaclery Corset that they ccr liad. ALSO OPENING JUST OPENED, NEW DRESS . BOEES & HUEST. 129 AND 131 NORTH QUEEN STREET, M VEK9 & KATHFON. DON'T FAIL TO F.AXIINE OUR TEN 1IOLL.AU SUIT, IT IS EQUAL TO ANY SUIT SOLD ELSE W II E It E FOR FOU R TEEN DOLLARS. STRICTLY ALL WOOL. I'LVMIIEIVS L1 OK OUT FOB MOTHS! BUY CARBOLIZED PAPER, BEST MOTH PROOF ARTICLE IN THE WORLD FOR CARPETS, FURS, VC Tarred Reefing Felt by the yard or ten. tWHOLESALE SUPPLY DEPOT: Neb. 11, 13 & 16 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. JOHN L. ARNOLD. GX AND OI'JSSISO OF "THE ORE AT NEW YORK ST. 26 and and child in want of a Spring or Summer Hat forget te call at our Bazaar first, as they will money by purchasing here. Straw Hats for Ladies and in all the new shapes at 49 CENTS. LOOK! cents, Ceat all One Let et Kxtia Leng BLACK FIlKXCH ( PLUMES, 1C inches long at S2.13; lennerpiite, i::.j0. One Let et !BEALTTfFUL CLOUD PLUMES.' All the New Shades et JSimi.i, C.'ainet, Kchreu. Cieam, Olive, Ve., at $1.S.") ; iermcr price, $i73. One Let of Jieautilnl FRENCH FLOWERS, At Id, !." and 25c. a Spray; worth t ripple the money. FANS, FANS. TO OPEN AXI CLOSE FIIOM lc. UPWARD All our ether ether deparlnicnUiiie complete and we invite the people te give them thorough inspection. Ol'lt GOODS ARE ALL M AUK El) IN FIGURES. .A IN ejj-Anythiiig bought at the Gieat Ne-u J83Ycuk Bazaar, and net perfectly; 3-satlsl.ietery, will be chcer-'Ca rlully exch-ingcd era J'ffmeiiey rcfnndcd.tPi NO MISTAKE AND CALL lItX OOOVS, Ac. Carpet Department: S. GIVLER STREET, GEO. STOKi:, 129-131 KOKTU IJUKKN STKEET. BECAUSE Imvn. no mere Sneilcd Duss WaNls : no 1 no nieic NEW AND SILK UMBRELLAS. GOODS AND. SILKS, ALL SOLD VERY CLOTJIIXG. Ifyouareabuyer of Spring Clothing it -will pay you te spend some time iu our Saleeroema; they are the-most spacious in the state outside of Philadelphia. Re member you have ever sixty styles te select from and all our own make. IYERS & RATIEOS, THE POPULAR CLOTHIERS. HVl'l'LIiiS. BAZAAR." 28 NORTH QUEEN ST. "VtlTI Sr?tr- Children, WONDER ever 75 cents. KIBBOm We nce.l net mention our Lew prices in Ribbons, as everybody who has bought Ribbons In the New Yerk Bazaar knows that our price cannot bj beaten. We eiler this week one let et E-INC11 SATIN ALL SILK SAS1I RIBBON in all the new pilngb hades at CO pfg -A Y A 11 1) ; Every Y:nd Werth $1.00. Parasols. US' LOOK AT OVJt PRICES 'W IS inch All-Sill 20 ' " Parasols .$1.20. l.UQa . i. ;.. . l.'js. 2i '10 Lined Puinsels with Spanish L-ice Trimming ELEGANT FIXE SATIN BRAID HATS IN THE FOLLOWING SHAPES: Tyrel, Patience, Patti, Mabel, Ueilin, Picrpeut, Vlenne. Oefsir Wilde, &.C., Ac, At the IJuRerm Priccet 50 cents. 50 cents. Above Hats we have Iu all the New Shades te Match Dresses, and arc worth double the money. WK KECEI E DAILY GREAT BARGAINS FROM OTR OTHER LARGE ESTABLISHMENT I IV NEW YORK CITY. FIRST AT "S & CO. LANCASTER, PA. -P. RATHVON. IT IS UNBREAKABLE. Broken Corset Peneh; no mere Ri.infrl Under te be. Theep that nave worn inn uer ct LOW AT THE NEW STORE. DON'T KAIL TO EXAMINE OUR KltillT DOLLAR SUIT. IT IS EQUAL TO ANY SUIT SOLO ELSEWHERE FOll TWELVE DOLLARS. STRICT LY ALL WOOL. HXinCAL. T OCII Klt'S Xj Renowned Cough Syrup. A pleasant, sate.speedy and sure remedy let Colds. Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influen za. Sei-eiieMS nt the Threat and Chest, Bren chitis Whooping ceugn, sinning ei moon, in flammation e! the Lungs and all Diseases et the Chest and Air l'assages. This valuable preparation combines all tne medicinal virtues et these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most sate and elllclent qualities ler the cure or all kinds et lung diseases. l'RICE, 25 Ceew. Prepared only and sold by CH4S. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Ne. J East King street, Lancaster CAUGHT I1ST THE ACT. THREE FIRES AND AN TBAFPED. INCENDIARY The weteclive Who Captured Him Arrested as an Accomplice. Siuce the last issue of the Intelligen cer we have had quite an excitement rela tive te incendiaries and incendiarism. Be tween Saturday night and Sunday morning no less than three buildings were fired, hut only one of them was burned. The first attempt is one that may be followed by very impertaut results, as the incendiary was captured aud ledged in jail. The story is quite an interesting one, aud wc give it te our readers sub stantially as it iss.atedby the detective who made the arrest aud by the innendi aty himself. It has been an open secrcj in police circles for several weeks past, though the fact has been heretofore kept ft em the public as much as possible, that there has been a ferce of local detectives employed by the city te ferret out and bring te justice the band of incendiaries, who for some months past uave brought se much discredit en the character of the city. These men have te some extent associated with suspected persons and in some measure wormed themselves into their confidence for the purpssn el detecting and bringing te punishment the guilty. One of the detectives is Michael Schallcr, who was appointed by the mayor for this especial purpose In the course of his service, his suspicion fell en several persons, of whom Alexander Lemen was one. Meeting Lemei en Saturday night the two had several diinks together and lecauie quite confidential. Lemen pro posed that they should have a little fun and the detective readily entered iute his views. The result was that it was agreed te set fire te Hirsb & Eres.' frame tobacco house, built upon a let between Rockland and Auu streets, directly opposite the Rockland street public school heuse. They visited the tobacco shed together and Lemen, in the presence of the detec tive, set lire te the building, whereupon the detective kuecked him deivl), secured him, gave an alarm of .fire, which was promptly lespended te by Bernard Kuhl man, who struck alarm box Cl. The lira was extinguished without less of property and the incendiary was ledged in jail. When the matter was brought te the attention of District Attorney Davis, that officer called upon Lemen in his iron clad cell iu the station house and after say iug that he was "sorry te see him there" listened te Lemen's statement of the affair. He candidly acknowledged that he had a hand in setting fire te the building, but said that a d d mean trick had been played upon him by Schallcr, who did nearly the whele business. The district attorney asked him the nature ei the diffi culty he had with Officer Schallcr. Lemc n at once in great excitement and alr.rn: asked, " Is Schaller an officer?" flip te that time he had zagarded him as an ac complice, "who InKLgenc back en him.'" Mr. Davis rcpfied , that he ' did net knew whether-he an elhccr or net and asked Lamou te explain the nature of the "mean trick" played upon him. Lemen answcied : "lie get me full aud then did the business himself ; he persuaded me into it ; he helped cut the chips ami started the lire with coal oil which he had in his pocket ; he lit the match, aud after the lire started stiuck me en the head aud halloed ' lire.' We had our first conversation at Brecht's ; we drank at Brecht's aud at another place ; I was diunk ; I seived four years imprisonment once when I was innocent, and if I go back again I'll be d d if Schaller don't go with me, After lighting the match and handing it te me, 1 think he's deeper in it than I am ; he get me full ; get me te go out Rockland street. While it was raining I steed under the school house deer ; Schallcr halloed te me te come en ; I was se drunk I couldn't get ever the fence, and he threw me ever.' ' On the strength of Lemen's statement District Attorney Davis insisted that Chief of Police Deichler should make complaint against Schaller for incendiarism. Chief Deichler did se, and Alderman Alex. Don Den nelly issued a warrant for his arrest ! He promptly offered bail te answer the charge, but the alderman had .been advised by the district attorney that he could net accept it, and thus the incendiary aud the detec tive who captured were alike held as crim inals ! Detective Schaller then appeared befere Mayer MacGenigle and entered bail for a hearing in the sum of $500. Detective Shelter's statement. Detective Schaller appeared before Mayer MacGonigle yesterday afternoon, and made the following statement : ' ' My name is Michael Schaller ; I live at Ne. 309 Maner. street; last night about 11 o'clock I went down Middle street ; I saw Alexaudcr Lemen and had suspicion against the man; he went into Brecht's saloon, and I followed him and asked him if he would take a beer. He said, "yes ;" and after having drank the beer he and I started out aud went te Rockland street ; when we get sw far as the school house he said : "Mike, we'll have seme fun to te nicht." I asked him what "he meant ; he said, "we'll go ever te this tobacco fehed and put fire te it ; ue body can sec us." He went ever te the shed, and I went a'eng, and into the shed. After feeling around he said "We ought te have some beer." I told him I would go and get it; that he should stay there and I would meet him ; I went up te Kuhlman's and asked him if he had a bettle that would held a quart. He te!d me no ; I then went te Greetzeigcr's, cor ner of Lew and Rockland ; I asked him if he had a bettle that would held a quart ; he said no, but that he would give me a stone jug ; he filled it for me aud I paid him ; i did net tell him what I want ed it for; when I turned 'around te go out te meet Lemen, he was there without a cap. He said, " Helle, Mike, are you here ?"' I said, yes, I'm here, and said you are getting dry, you couldn't wait till I came down. He said, " Ne ; I thought you were net coming back." Then we started away from the saloon and went te Kuhlman's. I gave Lemen two glasses of beer there ; when we iret outside he said. " Mike, I lest my cap." I said where did you leso it ? He said, "I must have lest it down iu the shed ; we'll go down there, anyhow, and I'll find it ; I think I lest it there." Wc walked out Rockland street ; hn jumped ever the fence and I get ever ; we started for the shed ; after we get inside the shed Iicmen commenced cutting chips with his knife ; he lest his knife and asked me if I had a knife. I said yes, I've get a knife. He said, " Give it te me." I gave it te him ; he struck for the back part of the shed ; I heard him cutting, but could net see him ; it was very dark ; I steed at the hole through which we get in ; I heaid him chisliner : he was cuttinjr chips for about ten minutes, and then came back and returned my knife ; he had a whole handful of chips, probably half a peck, and said, "Mike, we arc all right ; we can send her off ; no one can see us ; there is a gust and it is raining ; leek out that no one catches us. 1 said all right, and get outside the hole, leaving him in the shed. He said te me "have you get any matches," I said yes. lie said "I haven't get one ; give me a cenple ;" I gave them te him. He piled up the lath in a corner of the tobacco shed and put the chips in under them, and set fire te them, while I was looking at him from the outside. He said te me " I don't believe it will burn ; 'wait a few minutes, Mike;" I said all right. He stirred up the fire, put mere chips en, and the fire then struck up about 4 feet, pro pre pably 5 ; he said, " Mike, she'll go new, let us get out." I said all right. He had te steep te get out of the hole. After he get out I knocked him down, cellcred him and halloed fire. Twe men came runniug down ; I had Lemen en the ground lying in the field about C feet from the fence ; I held him 'until the men came up; I told them te go in and " eutcn" the fire. I let him up then and fetched him in. Mayer MacGeniele asked, " Whcie did yen first make Lemen's acquaintance ? A. I have known him for 20 years, but he did net knew me ; had net seen nie for some time. Fer four or five weeks I sus pected him of being an incendiary, but could net run across him. Q. What was your position last night ? A. I was out en duty as a special watch man for incendiaries by appointment of the mayor ; when I saw Lemen last night at 10:30. I thought it was my duly te find out whether my suspicions were well founded. He did net knew that I was an officer. When I was bringing him in he said he did net think that Pittsburgh boys would go back ou him. Constable Geerge Shay met us en Rockland street and we brought Lemen in. We had no talk of filing any plaee until after wclcft Brecht's. It was he that first proposed firing the places ; I cut no chips, carried neue of the laths, and did nothing except te lone him my kuife, and gave him matches ; I had no coal oil and he had noue that I knew of. Fire Ne. S. A little after two o'clock yesterday morning an incendiary attempt was made te burn the frame barn of Mis. Patrick Kelly,-situated en Shippeu street near Orange. Fortunately a belated citizen, who was engaged in the fraternal act of piloting a somewhat befuddled compauieu te his home discovered thu lite and extin guished it without raising agencialahirm. The incendiary had pulled away some loose stones from the foundation of the building, making a hele under the fleer into which he had thrust the lining of an old coat, satuiat"d with coal oil. Ne dam age of consequence was done te the build ing, but theic "might have been" a big blaze had net the incendiary attempt been discovered. Fire Ne. 3. At ten minutes past two o'clock yester day morning, a small frame stable owned by Emanuel P. Keller, aud occupied by Wm. Rete, eystermau, aud situated en Neith alley east of Freiberg and in rear of Locust street, was set oil tire and totally consumed. The incendiary had consider ately removed Mr. Rete's two.herscs "Rob "Reb rider" and "Dexter" from the stable be fore firing it, but all ether contents were UllC. IJf uuaucijuu, jiiuiuuws ivu j.u.w.u., . hay, eight sets of harness, huckster tables, tools and ether materials. The s-.table was a small one and of little value. Thcie was no insurance en it or its content-'. 1SASE5LVLL. The. Cellee N!ise Again Ylciurleu-f. The F. aud M. c.jllcgu baseball club played the return game of baj-cb.iU with the Nermal club .it MilletsviU.' en Satur day, and wen by? mjhie of It) te 1.1 T!u game was entiicl;, enesided until the ninth inning, when, owing te a change in the position of some of the players and a num ber of iuexcusable mistakes en the part of the college boys, the Nermal nine in creased their scere by nine runs. The number made, however, was net sufficient te tin or beat the score of the College club, and accordingly they did net take their last turn at the bat. The most bril liant play of the day was made by Swan ders, of the college, catching u fly after a hard run and throwing it quickly te sec ond base, aud Sheibley, in turn, swiftly delivering it te Stall!, first baseman ; thus putting out the batter and two base run ners. There wcre two base hits made by Messrs Green, Brumbaugh, Bredhcad, Stahl aud Swandersand a three base hit by Reitcr. Rciter gave three men bases en balls and Heisler two. Shciblcy and Sproul received encourag ing cheers for some of their excellent plays. In the ninth inning Roiter was batted all ever the field. The Millersville boys say that they aie satisfied that they cannot beat the collcge club and announce their determination of playing no mere games this spring The conduct of some of the students of the Nermal s-chael (net the members of the base ball club) was very censurable ou this occasieu. They hooted and jeered the F. & M. boys and acted like untaught backwoodsmen instead of gentlemen. With this exception the game was a very pleasant; one te all concerned. The bcore is as fellows : COLLtaE. Dutre-.v, cf. Miller, r.t HeUler, c Stahl. lb Karnndcrs, If Shciblcy. 2b...:. Hettenstein.rsb.. Apple, ss. ItelK-r, p XOIIMAI.. Schiller.c .1. Colburn, ss. . CharlcM,ct Itredhead, lb... Urecn. It b Colburn, ."!.. Sproul, 2b Spangler, p lirumbaugh,rt. Total Total 19 24 .15 27 Score bj Innings. College 0 4 12 4 Nermal 10 0 0 0 2 0 fi 19 0 9-15 Umpire: Mr. Kautz Time of game 2 hemy, 15 minutes. The Ironsides aud College played a game en the college grounds this afternoon. A sure cure for impoverished bleed, piin pies, and sallow complexion, is RrewnVt Iren JSIttcrs. It will produce; a healthy color, smooth skin, ami Is auseliztciv net Injurious. iny29-lwd&w fcniLeii's cuius will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Cough and Rrenchitis, Fer sale at Cochran's drug store, 1-J7 North Queen street. An Old Friend. He was afflicted with a lame uack and gen eral debility; he wits recommended Themas' Eclectrie Oil which cuied him at once. This famous specific is a positive remedy for bodily eain. Fer sale at II. I!. Cochran's drug store. 137 Neith Queen street. Lancaster. ' Hackmetack,"' a lasting and fragrant pcr rume. Price 25 and 0 cents. Fer sale at Coel: Ceel: ran'.s drug store. 117 North Queen street. A Leap Inte Popular Faver. It is net always that the world acknowledges what Is right and best; but Burdock Bleed Hitters, by universal ac'iuiescnce, h-ive been awarded the premium ler cleansing the bleed, curing indigestion, constipation, regulating the bowels, and toning up weak nerves. Price $1. Fer sale at II. 15. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Qiiccu street. Lancaster. Thk Ukv. Gee. J I. Thayer, et Bourbon, Ind., say.s : "Beth myself and wite ewe our lives te Siiileii's Consumption Curb. Fer sale at Coch ran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. VTOTICE TO BlIISUK HUlLDr IU.. 1 Scaled proposals will be rcce'wil at the County Commissioners' Otlicc. at Lancaster, Pa., uiitilFBIDAY.JUNE 1C,1SSJ, et lio'clecjc m., ler the erection and completion et a alone bridge across Little Conestoga crcclc,ut Greir Mill, in Maner township, en tlic read leading lrem Millersville te Washington Borough. Bids must bcingre-,3 and include the whole work and all mab ual. Spccilicatlens can be seen at the Cemn .'--.uncrs' Office. The right te iejp'- any or all bids Is reserved. BV OUDEtt OF THE BOAUD. Attest: Fkeu Gmkst, Clerk. -.nis-iwd XEMCAX. B BOWK'S IRON HITTERS. New Life is given by using Brown's Iren Bitters. In the Winter it strengthens and warms the sys tem ; iu the Spring it enriches the bleed and conquers disease ; in the Summer it gives tene te the nerves and digestive organs : in the Fall it enables the system te stand the sheek of sudden In no way can disease -be se surely prevented as by keeping the system in perfect condition. Brown's Iren Bittkss ensures perfect health through the chang ing seasons, it disarms the danger from impure water and miasmatic air, and it prevents Consumption, Kidney and Liver Disease, &i. . & Berlin, esj., of the well known firm of II. S. Berlin & Ce. Attorneys, Le Droit Building, Washington, D. C, writes, Dec. .th, 1881 : Gentlemen .- I tuke pleasure in stating that I have used llrewn's Iren Hitters for malaria and nervous trouble, caused by overwork, with excellent re sult". Beware of imitations. Ask for Brown's Iren Bitters, aud insist ou having it. Don't be im posed en with something recom mended as "just us geed." The gcnulue is made only by the Brown Chemical Ce., Baltimore, Md. Eer sale ut 11. 15. COCHRAN'S Drug Stere, 137 and 129 North Queen street. Lancaster. mr-J-lwd&w 1f -jITUS MARY E. SOUTH, CORNER G3d iJL and Callowhill street. West Philadel phia, Pa., writes: "My little seu who is sub ject te weakness of Threat, had a very seveie attack, with much inflammation, and was hardly able te talk. I tried Occidental and it acted like a charm, cnrlng him as though by a miracle, it. has greatly benefited us. And I teel yaferwithit in the house. I would net be without it ler many times Us cost." Fer sale by J I. R. Cochran, druggist, 137 and l'S'.t North Queen street, Lancaster. m29-lwd CHINA ANli UL.S.8H WAUtu. rruiiT ntARTiN-r CHINA! CHINA!! AT CHINA HALL. .Inst opened, a new Invoice et Decorated China and Fancy Goods. DECORATED CHINA TEA-SATS. FitUIT-SETfe, DESERT-SETS. 15AUROTINE VASES, UELLECK TEAPOT AND SHELLS. MAJOLICA-WARE, Ac. WHITE AND GOLD BaSD CHINA. Decorated Porcelain and China. DINNER SETS. -Examine our Stock bcterc purchasing. High & Martin, 15 EAST KING STREET. HOOKS ANli HTA'HONKUX. JUNK, PLAIN AND FANCV STATIONERY. MV PANELS. NEW EASELS, NEW BOOKS AND NEW MAGAZINES, L. M. FLUNK'S NO. 4B WEST KINO STKIIET. JOHN itAKK'S SOS, Jehn Baer's Sens, Nes. 15&17 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PA., liave in stock and for sale, at the LOWEST PBICES the Largest Assortment et Beeks and Stationery That is te be found in the interior et Pennsyl vania, embracing New and Standard Beeks, Illustrated Beeks, Juvenile Beeks,. Sunday Scheel Beeks and Bibles, Family Bibles in Various ttylcs. Teachers' Bibles, Hymn Beeks, German Bibles, Prayer Beeks. WRITING PAPERS and ENVELOPES. Blank Day Beeks, Ledgers, Cash Beeks, In voice Beeks, Passbooks, Writing Inks and Fluids, Steel Pens, Bill Beeks, rocket books Purses, Photograph Albums, Cabinet Frames Birthday Cards. Picture Cards. Ac. IIOI LAND'S CELEBBATED GOLD PENS. And a general assortment of Stationery, tchoel Beeks and Scheel Furniture at the SIGN OF THE BOOK FOR SALE. F OR KENT. hTOUh BOOM. 135 East King street. apM-tld INQUIRE AT 133. FOU SALE. A Handsome, Newly-bnilt, Twe and a lialf Story DWELLING, situated In the vil lage of Landlsvlllc, Lancaster county. Pa., with stable and eut-bnildlngs, Irult trees, well, cistern, Ac, in perfect order. Tcrnn moderate. Apply te J. W. B. Bailsman, atter-ncy-at-law, Ne. 120 East King Street. or te JACOB B. MINNICH, may25-2wd<w Landlsvllle. Pa. F OK SALE.-AN IMMENSE MJMBEKUF HOUSES, STORES, BUILDING LOTS, 4c., of alt descriptions, in all localities and at all prices. NEW CATALOGUE, with prices, free te every one.; ALLAN A. HEKR A CO., dec-.Mind . North Duke street CLOTH1NO. g. a; r. s tlits. Vatic from the Celebrates! b-Blie FH. Tin's is the only kind xrc. sell. It is the host toeils and warranted te held the color. There are nlcniy cheaper Blues in the market, hut the KVW are the CHEAPEST. " BDY ONLY THE MIDDLfeSRX." We eyelet-hole Ceat and Vest, if desired, and furnish Twe Sets of Buttens for changing. White Linen Yests, A large and fre3h variety. A. C. YATES & CO. LEDGER BUILDING, Chestnut and Sixth Sts., PHD-ADEO-PHIA. . At Fifteen Minutes before 5 o'clock en Saturday af ternoen a casual count showed that one hundred and twenty-one of our men were busy at that moment serving the people then buying clothing in Oak Hall. This tells of great sales. Great as they are, our stock is greater, and te-day shows no break in the vast array of styles and sizes for men and boys. Grand Army suits for Decoration day ought te be wanted te-day. Our stock of them is full. WANAMAKER & BROWN, Oak Hall, Cek. Sixth anij Market Sis., "Philadelphia. CELLINci OKJTt Kf IN ORDER TO DISPOSE OK THE BAL ANCE OF MY STOCK OI' READY-MADE CLOTHING I HAVE MADE- ANOTHER REDUCTION. AN EXTRA TEN PER CENT. WILL RE ALLOW Kit TO EVERY Pl'R- VITAMER OF -AXY ARTICLE IX READY-MADE CLOTIIIXC. We have MEN'S SUITS Ter $3, worth tin; Vi worth J15; $10 worth 18; $12 worth i2. BOY'S SUITS ler i worth $.'; i worth 17; $3 worth $10. Item em ber, the balance and entire stock ei ltcady-Made Clothing must be closed out by July 1st, as we Intend te de an entire. Merctat Tailoring Trade. SUITS MADE te ORDER in the Latest and most elegant style. Em ploying a First-Class Cutter, I can readily guarantee a Perfect Fit. AL. resenstein. OSE PRICE CLOTHIER and TA1I.0K, Ne. 37 North (iueen Street, LANCASTER, PA. Next deer teShulU A Bre.'s Hat it-jie. Hifliseil mm FF