LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENGER WEDNESDAY MAY 24, 1882. THE SCHOOL BOAED. A SPECIAL MEETISG LAST MGUT. Actum Relative te Mulberry Street Scheel Ground Reconsidered and Rescinded: A special meeting of the school beard I was held last evening te reconsider the question of selling the let of ground en North Mulberry street en which stands the old school houses, new unused. The following named members were present : Messrs. Breucman, Byrne, Cochran, Ebcrman, Erisman, Evans, Hartman, Jacksen, Johnsten, Lcvergoed, Marshall, McCemsey, McConemy, Oblender, Rhoads, Kingwalt, Richards, Samson, Slaymaker, Hmeych, A. J. Snyder, E. G. Snyder, Spurrier, Warfel, Wcsthaeffer, Wilsen, Christian Zeclier. Baker, president. After the call for the meeting had been read, Mr. Warfel, for the purpese of bringing the motion before the beard, moved that the action taken at the last incctiug authorizing the cemmitter en grounds te sell the North Mulberry street let be reconsidered. Dr. Lcvergoed moved te lay Mr. War fel's motion ou the table. Rejected yeas 8, nays 19. The motion te reconsider was then car ried yeas 18, nays !). Mr. Warfel said he had no feeling in iu the mater, but in his judgment it would be bad policy te sell the ground. It a-ljeius the high school grounds, and may some day be needed. The girls high school is rapidly filling up, and it may be necessary at no distant day te give them the space in the high school building new occupied by the boys. The Mulberry street let would then be the most suitable and convenient site for a boys high school. Mr. llartmau said he would likotekuow what business was before the beard. The chair answered that the resolution offered by Mr. Hattman at the last meet ing was new before the beard, the action adopting :aid resolution having been just new reconsidered. Mr. Harlman said the question of sell ing the Mulberry street let had been care fully considered by the committce en buildings and grounds, and was deemed pjeprr te dipoe of it. It is true the givlb' high school is rapidly filling up and it may sejii be necessary te erect another nigh bchoel building for the boys ; but certainly the new building should uet be put upon the Mulberry street let, which is net .suited for such a bui!diug. Besides it has been the feeling of many members of the heard that the boys and girls should be separated, and if a new school is te be established it should be placed in some ether section of the city. We have al ready the high school building and the Chestnut street schools within half a .squaic el'lhis let aud the Seuth Mulberry street schools only two. blocks away. It is net fair te ether sections of the city te crowd k many schools into the same ncighhoiheod. The let. which it is pre posed te sell has a fient of 104 feet by a depth of HI feet. On it might be built four or live geed dwelling houses instead of the unsightly sheds new standing upon it. The only reasons he has hcaid siiven ter the ictc:itin of the let, is that it may be need ed fei a hih !-choel, or that the old build ings may bu utilized for school purposes while a new building is being erected en the Chestnut street let. Neither of these reasons should have any weight. The old buildings have been dismantled of their furniture aud windows and are iu a tumble-down condition, utterly unlit for school purposes, and he had already stated his objections te erecting another high school building en this let. The objection that the property will net bring at public sale as much as it weith, is answered by stilt ing that the committce need uet sell it if they deem the price ettered iusuilicicnt. Dr. Lcvergoed agreed exactly with all M$, jlarlmau had said. There are already tee many school houses in the neighbor hood. If the let is uet sold aud the old stiucturcs letained, the heard will be hin dering ether iuipievctncuts iu that section of the city. President Baker suggested that the grounds might be retained aud the old buildings removed. Mr. Slay maker agreed with Mcssis. 1 fait man and Lcvergoed that the let should be sold. When the old school houses were occupied, it was found that the pupils attending them weie a gieat annoyance te pupils and teacheis of the high schools. Mr. McCemsey believed there were soine geed reasons for opposing the sale, even if Mm beard never built upon it ; but he bclie"vla the time would conie when thcre will be a necessity for building upon this very sight. If the let is sold it will bring but a peer price, as it is uet well adapted for dwellings, but for school pur poses it is invaluable a better site than can be bought elsewhere for double the amount of money it would bring at public sale. If it should be sold and a row of dwellings placed upon it, theie will be a row of unsightly aud olljusi've outhouses close along the high school grounds. The beard cannot control the purchaser if the let be sold. Perhaps a shop may be built upon it with a sieam engines and buzz saw in it; and while he did net ob ject te steam engines and buzz-saws in proper places, they would pre re a great annoyance te the schools. Fer these and ether reasons he would keep the let ; it is paid for, did uet cost much ; would net dcpicsi.ite in value ; the beard is net in need of money, and the ground may be needed at no distant day. Mr. Hartman replied that the purchaser would net be allowed te put a buzz saw or anything else upon the ground that would be objectionable or anneyiug te the schools, lie reiterated his statement that the let was net fit te build a school house en. Mr. Erisman opposed the sale of the property. We want all the light and ventilation we can get ler the schools, aud this let is iu this icspect well situated. Ou the west or it is Mulberry street, en the east the high school grounds aud en the north Shrciner's cemetery. lie did net think another high school would seen be needed, but a feeder for the high schools will be needed, and this let is a proper place te locate it, as it is central and convenient for pupils from all parts of. the city. Mr. Spurrier aud Mr. Cochran argued briefly against the sale and Mr. Byrne in favor of it, after which the yeas and nays were called en Mr. Hartman's resolution authorizing the committee te sell, and it was defeated by the follewiug vole : Yeas Messrs. Byrne, Ebcrman, Evans, llartmau, Lcvergoed, McConemy, Rhoads, Samson, Slaymakcr, Smeych, A. J. Snyder and Westbaeffer 12. Nays Messrs. Brcneinau, Cochran, Erisman, Jacksen. Johnsten, Marshall, McCemsey, Oblender, Richards, Spurrier, Warfel, Wilsen, C. Zeclier and Baker, president 14. Ou iueiien the beard adjourned. AN3Wi:n This. Is tUeic n person living who ever saw a case of ague, biliousness, nervous ness, or neuralgia, or any disease of the stomach, liver, or kidneys that Hep Hitters will net cure? ml5-2wdAw An old lady writes ns: "I am C5 years old and win feeble and nervous all thetlme, when I bought a bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic I have used little mero than one bottle and led as well as at SO." Sec ether column. nil-lmdcod&cew Kidney Complaint Cored. B. Tumor, Roehoslor, N. X., writes: -i have been ler e vor a year subject -te serious disorder of the kidneys, and often unable te at-cn" te business : I procured your Burdock liined Bitters and was relieved before half a bottle was used. I intend-te continue, as I feel confident that they will entirely cure roe." Price . Fer .-ale at II. U. Cochran's (lrug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster Will yen sutler with Dyspepsia and Liver Coin plaint? Hhikm's Vltallzer la guaranteed te cu re you. for sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North (Jaeen St. myllwdeewAw Oar Glorious Independence. What can be mere glorious than te be inde pendent of suffering, caused by dyspepsia, in digestion, constipation, sick headache, or ether diseases emanating from the stomach. This can he easily gained by a timely use of Burdock Bleed Bitten. Price $L Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drugstore, 137 North Queen street. Lancaster. Slkztlybs nights, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for you. Fer sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen St. myl-lwdeewAw ' Simen's Vltallzer Is what you need ter Con stipation, Less of appetite. Dizziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia, Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Fer Mile at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen SU myl-lwdcew&w MXDICAX.. iIKO 11 The Heme Journal. A Remarkable Discovery. A REAL SKIN CURB. THEUE IS ONLY ONE AND THAT WITH SIMPLE NAME. Beware el lmpesters. pirates, or any old ar ticles which new suddenly claim te be best. They have been tried and found wanting, while till" has been proved a remarkable suc-cc.-s. SO POMPOUS NAME. This curative needs no pompous or incom prehensible title et Greek or Latin te sustain it, but lb, simple English name apneals te the common sense el the people And the people aie signally manifesting their appreciation of this lraukncss by selecting and using Dr. Bensen's SKIN CURE in preference te all ether prefes3ed remedies. Dr. C. W. Ileneen has long been well known as a successful physician and surgeon and his life's study has been the diseases of the ner vous system and of the skin; since he has been persuaded te put hla New Remedy anil Favorite Prescription as a "SklnCuie" en the market, various. things have sprung up into existence, or have woke up from the sleepy state in which they were befere and new claim te be The Great Skin Cure. lw,Beware of imitations, or the various articles which have been advertised for years or struggled along, having no real held or merit en the public, that new endeavor te keep head above water by advertising them selves as "The Great Skin Cure. " Nenets genuine mid relible, except Dr.C. W. Bensen's Skin Cuie Each package and bottle bears his likeness. Internal and external remedy, two bottle- in one package. Price $100, get at your druggUt RELIEF for all OVERWORKED BRAINS CAUSE AND CUKE Dr. c. W. Bensen's Celery und Chamomile Pills are valuable for school children who sut ler Ireni nervous headaches caused by an overworked brain In their studies, and ler all classes of hard brain workers whose overtask evertask ed nervous centres need repair and sedation. Nervous tremor, weakness and paralysis arc being dally cured by these pills. They correct co etlvcncss, but are net purgative. Price, 80c. or six Ter $i50, postage tree, te any ad di e.--. Fer sale by all druggists. Depot, Bal timore, Md., where the doctor can be address eil. Letters of inquiry freely answered. V. N. CKITTKNTON, New erk, is whole sale agents for Dr. C. W. Bensen's lemedics. lnujU-liiid.M.W&S&w: HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STOMACH BITTERS. Among the medicinal means et arresting dNeae, Ilestetter's Stomach Bitters stands pre-eminent. It cheeks the further progress el all disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, revives the vital stamina, prevents and remedies chills and lever, increases the activity of the kidneys.ceunleractsatendeucy te rheumatism, and is a genuine stay and BDlacc te aged,;intlrm and nervous persons. Fer sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen erally. ebl-lydeed&w AWARDED 6 MEDALS. THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY FOR Backache or Lame Back. Rheumatism or Lame Joints. Cramps or Sprains. Neuralgia or Kidney Diseases. Lumbago, Severe Aches or Pains. Female Weakness. Arc Superior te All Other Plasters. A re Superior te Pads Are Superior te Liniments. Are Superior te Ointments or Salves. Are Superior te Electricity or Galvanism. They Act Immediately. They Strengthen They Seethe. They Jtelicve Pain at Once. They Positively Cure. PATTTTnWI BESS0N'a Capcimk Poneua VH.U 1 lUivl Plasters have been imi tated. De net allow your druggist te palm eir some ether plaster having a similar sound ing name. Sec that the word is spelled C-A-P-C-l-N-E. PRICE, 35 CEKTS. SEABURY & JOHNSON, Manufacturing Chemists, New Yerk. A SURE REMEDY AT LAST. Price 25 Cents. MEAD'S MEDICATED CORN AND BUNION PLAS1ER. CHAS. N. CR1TXKNTON, 113 Fulton St., New Yerk, sole agent for Dr. C W. Ben Ben eon's Kemedies, te whom all orders should be addressed. iny22-2wd.eed&w eew-3 TKAI.THtS Xv Lancaster, Pa., April JM, 1881. Tub Kidnktcura Mf'e Ceir-AirV. ..Gf"ff u lves me mnch pleasure te say that after using one pack of KIDNEYCUEA I have been entirely cured el a severe pain m my back and side, of long standing, and that, tee, after ttying various known remedies. 1 have every confidence in your medicine, cheerfully recommend lt,andknew thatmany of mylriends who have used it have been benetfted. PKTKE BAKEB, maeiyd Foreman Examiner ana Express. i"t ENTLEMGlt. v We call your attention te an Important dis covery In our practice which we have found very successful in cases of prostration arising from indiscretion. These suffering from any of the numerous forms et DebUIty arising from abuse or ether causes, will de well by sending a three cent stamp for farther Infor mation. Address, DBS. LA GRANGE & JOlt DAN (late Jerdan & Davidsen), Ne. IC25 FB bert street, Philadelphia. Pa. Hours ter con sulfatien : 10 a. m. nil 2 p. m., and 5 till 8 p. m. mar25-3meed T)ENSON'S CapcinePoreusFlaster ASTSICH BROS'. A.HYKKT1BXMXST. STBICH BROS' ADVERTISEMENT. ASTEICH BEOS-' PALACE -OF- FASHION ! 13 EAST KING ST. JUST OPENED, A NEW LINK OP Towels, Napkins and Table Cleths. Toweling, 6c. per yaid. (ilass Toweling, inc. per yard. All-Linen Toweling. 7c. per yard. Gless Towels, all linen, at iec. Turkish Bath Towels, extra bargain, at 25c. Pine Damask Towels. Wash Bags at 3c. New en hand a complete line et J Chemise. Miialin at 25c. Chemise, lace edge, at Ittc. Chemise, milled edge, at iuc. Chemise, corded edge, at EOc. A Chcmhe with tucked yoke and thrce rows of embroidery, at 50c. Bullied and .Embroidered at 65c. Chcmlsc.three rows 01 line Hamburg inserting twenty tucks and line needle work edge, at 83e. Pine Embroidered Chemise at $1.00 and $125. Lace Chemise at $1.50. Skirts. Skirts. Twe-Butllcd Skirts at 50c. A Deep Flounced Skirt at 75c. Nine tucks, deep cambric flounce, at Sc'c. Thirteen tucks, cambric flounce, at $l.oe. A Pine Embieidcrcd Skirt at Deep Embroidered Skirts from $1.50 upward. Night Gowns. Uultlcd all the way down at 7jc. Knitted, with a Tucked yoke, at $1.00. Tucked and Embroidered at $1.23. Forty tucks and embroidery, at $1.35. Tucked, with three rows of line Hamburg In serting and Hamburg edge, at $1.7.r. Tucked, witli three rows of Inserting, two et them extending all the way down, at $2.50. Pantalets. Piiil'ed and Bullied, at 2jc. Four Tucks, lace edge, 25c. Five Tucks, embroidered edge, at 50c. Nine Tucks, ruffled, 50c. Five Tucks, deep line Hamburg edge, tJOe. Twe Cluster Tucks, with a line ruffle and lace " edge, at 75c. Six Turks, Hamburg edge and inserting, SSc. Sis Tucks, Torchon lace and inserting, $1. Aprons. Aprons. Ladle-.' Colored Bordered Aprons, 25c. Ladies' Uingham Kitchen Aprons, 25c. Children's Calice Aprons, 10c. Ladles' Calice Aprons with bibs, 25c. Ladies' Dimity Aprons, with colored cmbreid- - ery, pleated, at 20c. Ladies' Open-worked Aprons.celored embroid ery, 25c. Ladies' Cress-Barred Aprons, embroidered edge, 30c. Ladies'Dimlty Aprons, lace edge, 25e. Children's Lace Slips, 50c. Children's Cress-Barred and Bullied Edge Sleuveiess Aprons at 50c. Children's White Marseilles Aprons, Lace Edge, 25c, Cress-Barred, lace edge, 45c. Ladies Bustle Aprons, large size Cress Barred Nainzoek, at EOc. LadieV Fine Embroidered Aprons at "5e. Ladies' Summer Skirts. Striped Skirt, 25c. G ray Skirt, 35c. An elegant Sklrtat 60. Fine Skirts from 75c. up te $3. Embroidered Flannel, $1.00 and $1.25 per yard. Embroidered Shawls trem 75c. up te $3.50. Embroidered Skirts ler Infants trem $2.25 up te $1.50. lnlauts' Leng W hite skirts, sevcu tncks,at75c. Eight tucks and ruffled at $1.00. Nine tucks, with deep embroidery, $1.25. Ten tucks, with deep embroidery ami inserting, $1.75. Children's Short Dresses. Twe rows of inserting, tucked flounce, at 50c. A line tucked dress at 85c. Fine deep embroidered flounce at $1. Eight rows et pulling and four rows et inn inn breidery at $1.25. A " Mether Hubbard " dress at $1.75. Twenty tucks, three rows of embroidery, deep embroidered eiige, at $2.50. Children's dresses, trimmed with Russian lace, at $3.00. h Ine India Mull Dresses, trimmed with the best embroidery, at $1.75. Infant's Leng Slips from 25c. upward. INFANTS LONG ROBES trem $2.00 upwards. INFANTS MEB1NO CLOAKS from $1 50 upwards. FINK EMBROIDERED CLOAKS from $5.03 upwards. SPLIT JACKETS. WORSTED SHOES FOR BABIES. LACE CAPS. INFANTS SWISS CAPS from 19c te $3 apiece. LACE CAPS at 50c, that arc very nice. LACE CAPS at 75c, $1.00,1.25 te $5.00 apiece. LADIES CALICO WltAPPEBS at $1.00. CHILDRENS CALICO DUESSES at 25c. Ladies Spring Goats Cheap. HOOP-SKIRTS. - BUSTLES from 25c. up. II AIR-CLOTH BUfcTLES in all sizes. Ladies Waterproof Gossamers, $1.88. Warranted te give entire satisfaction. CORSETS. We have an Elegant Corset at 40e. Embroidered Corset at 75c. 100 Bene Corset at $1.00. Automatic Corset .at $1 oe. Everlasting Hip Corset at $1.00. Flexible Hip Corset at $1.00. Madame Feys Corset at $1.00. New Corded Hip Corset at $1.00. Dr. Warner's Health Corset at $1.25. 150 Bene Corset at $1.25. Our $1.50 Corset is the best sold ler the money. French Woven Corset at $l.oe. A 500 Bene French Cereet at $2.oe. Sateen Corsets at $2.50. Colored Satin Corsets at $7.50. Receiving dally Novelties in MILLINERY AND TRIMMINGS. t LACES AND EDGING. PARASOLS NEW AND OHEAP. A Full Line of TWILLED SILK-PABASOL3, with Natural Handles. Bone Handles, Hern Handles Celluloid Handles, Buffalo Hern Handles, Pearl Inlaid and Ebony Handles. Alse, a Full Llneet Lined, Satin. Brocaded and Figured Silk Pa rasols, with and without Lace. Fine Mourning Parasols. A Full Assortment of LISLE, SILK AND KID GLOVES. HOSIEBT. . LADIES, GENTS AND CHILDRENS SUM MEK AND GAUZE UNDEBWEAB. DMT OOODS. T AD1KS, ATTENTIOX ! Before purchasing, please examine the GLOBE CORSET, WITH COOLEY'S PATEXT CLASP PROTECTOR, von sale by JOHN P. SWARR, NO. 50 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LAKCASTEB, PA. DEFIANT SHIRT. $1.00. CAPITAL SHIRT, 75c, A very geed BLACK DRESS SILK, twenty- two inches wide, at $1.25. J. P. SWARB. rpuE NORTH END DRY GOODS STORE SUMMER UNDERWEAR. SPRINO SHAWLS, NEW DRESS GOODS, LADIES' SKIRTS. All marked at pi ices te make them sell. Remnants of Unbleached Muslin as geed as Wamsutta, running trem two te ten yards, at 10 cents ii yard, J. VI. BYRNE, 322 NORTH QUEEN STREET, fl-lyd .ANCASTEK. PA. S"1LOIN OUT! AT AND BELOW COST. M y eutire stock et DRY GOODS, NOHS, Etc. 19 FOR SALE AT ANI BELOW COST. This is a rare chance ler GOOD BARGAINS. A.3 I HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS, On hnnd, which weie all purchased ter ca.ih. J. M. LONG, J2l-ttd 14 NORTH QUEEN STREET. S ILICS AND DltESS GOODS. Watt,Shand&Ce, Are dully receiving New (Joeds iu this De partment, andetlcrthu best possible value in BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. PLAIN, STRIPED and POLKA UOT SUM MER SILKS. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN SURAH SILKS, Only 60c a Yard. MOIRE ANTIQUE, DAMMASSI and BRO CADE SILKS. An Immense Stock et NEW DRESS GOODS In all the Popular Fabrics, at Lewest Prices. New Opening, a Choice Line of PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES, In all Sizes and Qualities. Wcs Oiler a New Line el CORSETS, In Many Popular Makes, including Madame Fey's, Dr. Warren's, Thompson's Uleve Pit ting and Ball's Patent Spiral Spring Corset. We Invite the Special Attention et Ladtea te Extraordinary Bargains in German Table Damasks, At 31 e, 33c, 37c, 45c and SOc a i nrd, In Hand some Designs and much under usual price. NEW YORK STORE, 8-10 EAST KING STREET. w HITE DRESS GOODS AT & New Cheap Stere. We have new in (stock SPEOI AL BARGAINS IN- WHITE DRESS GOODS, Bought under the regular prices and te be sold cheap. VICTORIA LA WAS at 12,15,18,20, 25, SI. 7cts. INDIA LINENS at 15, 18. 20, 25, 31, 37cts. SWISS MUSLINS from 12$ cents up. LACE STRIPED MUSLINS, LACE CHECKED MUSLINS, CHECKED CAMBRICS, CORDED PIQUES. All at Lew Prices AT METZGER AND HAUGHMAN'S NEW CHEAP STORE, . Ne. 43 West King Street. Between the Cooper Uouse and Serrel Herse Hetel. janU-lvdAw CJUCHtA.liH, SV. 'j'ai; STANOAKU CAKKIAUK WORK OP LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & Ce., PINE Carriage Builders. MARKET STREET, Bear of Central Market Houses, LANCASTER, PENN'A. We make every style Buggy and Carriage do de i sirecl. All -work finished In the most comfort- neie ana elegant style. We use only the' best selected material, and employ only the best mechanics. Fer quality of work our prices are the cheapest in the state. We buy ter cash and sell en the most reasonable terms. Give us a cttU. All work warranted. RevaiAna nrontei. I ly attended te. One set et workmen especlauv cmiHcrveu ier uiai uurpeee . 1 nas-tnutw LJ.WX MO rEWETT'S Palace Refrigerators, Water Coelers and Filterers. PHILADELPHIA LAWN MOWERS, PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWERS. RYDK ANT HOSE, MOSQUITO WIRE, GARDEN TOOLS, ADJUSTABLE SCREENS, WATERING CANS, STEP LADDERS. GEO. M. STEINMAN & GO., liWJ3lild.M,WAS VLVMttK&'H TT OOK OUT FOR MOTHS! BUY CARBOLIZED PAPER, BEST MOTH PROOF ARTICLE IN THE WORLD FOR CARPETS, FURS, AC Tarred Eoefing Felt by the yard or ten. 3T WHOLESALE SUPPLY DEPOT: Nes. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER. PA. JOHN L. AENOLD. VLOTH1KU. QPKC'IAL OFFERING TO PKKSONS IN WANT OF aX Elegant Suit ei Clethes OR A STYLISH SPRING OVERCOAT, SOW IS THE TIMK TO UUY. We suggest placing an elder only te secure prompt attention and choice of stock. Dispel Irem your minds the thought of buying cheap, trashy garments when snch splendid l'acilitieu are ellcred te obtain the very best at such moderate prices Irem the leading establish ment and the acknowledged headquarters ler CORRECT STYLES, the most striking and novel ctTccl:i te be leund in the European markets, which we Impert direct and have exclusive control. 4&-Rcmcmber, no ether house In this city can show the same line et goods. We are the only party that handle the Original Londen and Parisian productions et OR1UET, 'M RUE V1VIENNE, PARIS. An examination et our immense stock will satisty the novice as well as the aesthetic taste that ler tone und character our goods cannot be excelled, and rank among the leading houses en this continent. Ne. 121 North Queen Street. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR. M.KUICAV. EOBI1KD, THOUSANDS OF GRAVES are annually robbed et their victims, lives prolonged, happiness and health restored by the use of the great liERMAN INVIGORATOR, which positively and permanently cures Im potency (causea by excesses et any kind), and all diseases that lollew less et energy, less of memory, universal lassitude, pain In the bask, dimness of vision, premature old age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or consumption and a prematura grave. Send for circulars with testimonials tree by mail. The Invioerator is sold at $1 per box, or six boxes for $5, by all druggists, or will bu sent free by mail, securely scaled, en receipt et price, by addressing P. .I.Cheney, Druggist, 187 Summit St., Teledo, Ohie, Sele Agent ler the United States. Fer sale at Kuulfnian's Drugstore, Xcrth Queen Street. inyC-lyd,W4S S500 REWARD : OVER A MILLION OP PROF. GUILMETTE'S French Kidney Pads Have already been bold in this country and in France ; every one el which has given perlecl satisfaction, and has periermed cures every lime when used according te directions. We new say te the a 111 ic ted and doubting that we will pay tlie above reward feraslnjrlc case el LAME BACK That the Pad falls te cure. Thii Great Reincdy will positively and permanently cure Lumba go, Lame Rack, Sciatica, Gravel. Diabetes, Dropsy, Rright's Disease of the Kidneys. In continence and Retention of the Urine, Inflam mation of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Bladder. High Colored Urine. Pain in the Back, Side or Leins, Nervous Weakness,andin fact all dis orders et the Bladder or Urinary Organs, whether contracted by 'private disea-e or otherwise. T ATtllTQ ll yn arc sullerlng Irem Ln1LJ Female weakness, Leucer- rluca, or any Disease of the Kidneys Bladder, or Urinary Organs, YOV CAN UK CURED wiment swallowing nauseous medicines by Simply wearing PROP. GUILMETTE'S t FRENCH KIDNEY PAD, WIIICH CURES BY ABSORPTION. Ask your druggist ler Prof. Uuilmette's French Ki Jncy Part, and take no ether. It he has net get it, send $2.00 and you will receive the Pad by return mail. PROF. UUILMETTE'S French liver Pad Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Bulleus Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia and all diseases of the Liver, Stomach and illoed. Price, $1.50 by mall. Send ler Pret. Guilmette's Treatse en the Kidneys and Liver, free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD CO., Teledo, Ohie. Fer sale at KAUFFMAX'S DRUG STORE North Queen Street. mayC-lydWAS OIKAtf'S SPECIFIC AI MUCIN.'. THE j Great English Remedy. An nntaillng cure for I in potency, and all Diseases that lollew less et Memery. Universal Lassi tude. Pain in the Back, Dimness el Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Con sumption and a FrematureGrave. Full par ticulars in our pamplet, which we desire te send lree by mall le every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per pack age, or six packages ter $3, or will te sent free by mall en the recciut et the money, by ad drcsslngTHE URAY MEDICINE CO., Uutlale, N. V. On account et counterfeits, we have adopted theYellewWrapper; the only genuine. Uuarantccs et euro issued by ns. Fer sale in Lancaster by 11. B. Cochran, 137 North Queen street. aprl2-lyd&w OCHEK'S Renowned Cough Syrup. A pleasant, sate, speedy and sure remedy ter Colds. Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influen za. Soreness et the Threat and Chest, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Spitting or Bleed. In flammation e( the Lungs and all Diseases et the Chest and Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines all tne medicinal virtues of theso articles which long experience bus proved te possess the most sate and efficient qualities ler the cure or all kinds et lung diseases. PRICE, 25 Cent. Prepared only and sold by CHAS. A. LOOHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Ne. 9 East Kiag street, Lancaster WJEliS, C. 26 and 28 West King Street. SUrPLIMS. VLOTUISO. 1LOTIIIN:! D. B. HOSTETTER & SON Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, WE TAKE PLEASURE IN XOTJFY1XG THE PUBLIC IX GEXERAL THAT OUK STOCK FOR THE SPRING SEASON IS COMPLETED, AXD IT WILL P.EXE FJTOUR PATROXS TO IXSPECT The Large Variety of Goods tei: GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, THE LATEST IX PATTERN AXD COLOR, WniCII WE IIA VE OX OUR COUXTERS. 1 1 Hostetter & Sen 24 CENTRE SQUARE, s PRINO AND SUMMER NOVELTIES. AT H. GERHARTS t NO. 6 EAST ICING STREET. 1 hereby inform my customers thai my stock of SPRING and SUMMER SUITING, SPRING OVERCOATING & FANCY VESTING Is new complete. I have new the hir'egtaud clioieeet a-ei'tnient el WOOLENS, Fer Fine Tailoring In the city et Lancaster. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, and all goods warranted as represented. H. &EKEART. UtHJX WII1TK SHIRTS WOHTU YOUli L EEMEMBERIXU. The GOODWILL for 48c. The LEADER for 75c. The ENIGMA for 85c. The PERPEOTIONfer 90c AND THE ZIGHMIE, Tnat is the best of them all. for$1.00. And when you buy it be sure that It has the mark et J. D. EIGHMIE UPON IT, FOR THERE AIIE SEVERAL IMITATION'S IX THE MARKET. It is sold by Williamson & Fester, DEALERS IN CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, -AND FURNISHING GOODS. 34, 36 and 38 East King St., LANCASTER, PA. TililM TMA.rLHS' U I s . r ANCASTKK AND MU.I .KtlV!I.I I. M.J Cars run as lollevrs': Leave Lancatner (P. tc. lvpi.ij. !lt ; y ., 11:30a.m., and 2, 1, 6 ant a 30 p. m., ..wii .. Saturday, when the last car louver :it ;: , . Leave Mlllersvilii: (loner end) at r. s uiiii u a. SI., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. in. Cars run dally en a1 ive tluiu except en miu dav. r EADINO B COLUMBIA K. K. AKUANUEMEXTOP PASSEJiUERTKAlS:- MONDAY, MAY i!i, ISri. NORTHWARD. UtAVK. I A.K. A. CI. J:2U Quarryvule Lancaster, King St..., Lancaster , Columbia , AF.BIVK. Reading 6:i0 r:30 f:40 9.45 SOUTHWARD, LXAVK. Reading AltBlVK. Columbia , Lancaster. Lancaster. KlnySt... Ouarryvllle r. m. ... '.i) i:00 3:50 1:10 3:W 3:20 5.50 V.B 5.3J 5:10 0:1.1 xrains connect ai Kcaiimcc wiiii irum limml Irem Philadelphia, Pettsvtllc. Harrishm-R, AI entnwn and N'ew Yerk, via lieun.t Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and trem U.rU, Hanover, Gettysburg, Frederick and Haiti, mere. A. 31. WILisOX. Sunt. PKHNSVLVAKIA KA1LKOAU-NKU SCHEDULE On and after .SJXIi.ll, MAV Hth, IS!, trains ou the iVnu-yl-vani.i Railroad will arrive at and leave tle Lancustei and Philadelphia nepetsas fellows - Eastward. .rrtu Philad'n Mall Express, Fust Line, Yerk Accem. Arrives, llarrisburg Express Lancaster Accommodation Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Sunday Mall, Johnstown Express, Dav Exmvss 7:iu " llarrisburg Accoinuie.!ai'n, C:lt WB8TWARD. A.X. V. V.. 7:25 IiOO 6:le F.M. 9:40 10 8r23 9:80 2.10 &13 9:40 .... 8:2,1 10:40 9:55 Leave Lanc'tcr 12:41 a.m. 5:10 " 8.:r. " 3:10 ' KVJ3 'J.M " 9:d " 11:43 1:3 p.m 2:12 " 5:35 k-.w 2:20 5:03 " 5:2.-i " 7:.Vi " ' I U:45 Arrive Iaar'lct Way Passenger, News Express .-. Mail Train Ne. l.vla Mt.Jey, Mail Train Ne.2,via CeI'Mit, Sunday Mall vast Line......... .. Frederick Accommodation, Lancaster Accommodation, Uarrlsburg Accomuiedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, llarrisburg Express Western Express Philadelphia Express, C'i7 :27 H.25 1130 J.2.i 1:5 2:00 JM. 5:05 7:.I3 7:4D 11:01 V.-5 . Mall Train, Ne. 2, west, connecting at Lan caster with Mail Train, Ne. 1, at !:2"i a.m., wtll run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, wct, connecting at Lancaster with Fust Line, wtM, at 1:33, will run through te Frederick. Harrl-burg Express, west, at 5:W p. m., hau direct connections (without change et (aid) te Columbia and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sundav, whi-n Magged. Will stopatDeiVjliimton li.Ceatesviile, Park,'" burg, Mount Jey, Elizalielhtev. n and .Middle t v. II. VLOTiIl.0. "!!. .OTMINO. UP OUR LLOTHIN'U AT L.GANSMAN fc BHO. THE WELL-KNOWN Mercliant Tailors anil Clothiers. ECONOMY JS WISDOM! EYEliYBODY WANTS GOOD CLOTHES AT LOW PRICES. We cannot supply Ladies' apparel, but ler the male ex. Alan or Hey, we carry an asei t ment of CLOTHING FAR SUPERIOR TO ANYTHINC YOU WILL FIND ELSEWHERE. We show you Fer $5.0(1 a nice Rusiiii'ss Suit. Fer $7.00 a geed wool Cassimcic Mill, for $S.5e nu indige-bliie Flannel Suit. Fer $10.00 a stylish worsted Cutaway or Sack Suit. Our $12.00 and $15.IM Dress Suits, in worsted anil cloth diagonal, cannot be excelled any where ec for less than $1S.OO te $20.00. Iu Beys' and Children's CLOTHING We carry a very large assortment, from the cheapest grade te the linest, and make thW our great specialty. Rey's Salts Coats, Pants and Vests for $2.00, $2.30, $:s.00, $1.00, $3.00, up te $9.00. Children's Suits ler $1.50, $2.50,, upte$.50. CLOTHING TO ORDER. We make te order a lioed Suit for $12.C0and $15.00, but our $18.00 and $20.00 Suits cannot be rasily imitated in quality and style ler less than $25.00 te $30.00. If you are interested iu t lie matter et buying cheap, the merits et thin offer Invite your per senal investigation. L. GMSHAi & BEO, THE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, 66-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Right en the Southwest Cerner of Orange St. LANCASTER, PA. ir Positively net connected with any nlh.-r house in the City. marl.V-'lvd QELLINO Or-! SELUHB OFT ! IN ORDER TO H1SPOSK Of THE BAL ANCE OF MY STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING I HAVE MADE ANOTHER REDUCTJOK AN EXTRA TEN PER CENT. WILL BE ALLOWED TO EVERY PUR CHASER OF AXY ARTICLE IX READY-MADE CLOTH IXG. We have MEN'S SUITS ler $3, wertli ilu; is worth $15; $10 worth 1S; $12 worth $20. BOY'S SUITS ler $:! worth $3; $1 worth 7; $3 worth $10. Remember, the balance ami entire stock el Ready-Made Clothing must be closed out ly I uly 1st, as we Intend te de an entire. SUITS MADE te ORDER In the Latest and most elegant style. Em ploying a First-Class Cutter, I can readily guarantee a Pcrlcct Fit. AL. ROSENSTEIN. ONE PB1CE CLOTHIER ud TAILOR, Ne. 37 North Qusen Street, LANCASTER, PA Ncxt deer te Shultz & Bre.'s Hat Stere. R AGS. RAGS. BAGS. The highest Cash Prices uald for all kinds et Rags, Old Reeks, Carpets. Woolen Cleth?, Ragging Repe, Gum Shoes, Ac., 4c. I will call en nersena bavin e anvet the above articles It they wRl drop me a postal Leavn Phi la. Pa 4:. .'i. 4it.) " 7:00 " 7:H "" 11:25 " 235"" 2:14 p.m. 4:15 ' 5:40 " 0:1)0 " 11:20 " TaiNi cam. WM. F. HENNEOKE, WO. 235 WEST KINO STREET. , feb25-3md 1 4