Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 23, 1882, Image 3

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yi .XC-.V Office.
Aldcrmau Spurrier, who for tevcral
weeks past Las bee:i occupying rather un
comfortable quarters in one of the rear
rooms of the old Yeatcs building (new
belonging te and being remodeled and
greatly enlarged by Jehn P. Schauni) ic ic
ineved today into his large and comfeit-
able eflice en the first lioer front of said
building. The room is one of the lightest
aud best ventilated in the city and has
been fitted up expressly for 'Squire Spur
rier's business. It is sub-divided by baud
railing and a sash and glass partition into
four convenient apartments, one of which
contains the alderman's desks, books,
safe, papers, &c. ; another is for persons
who wish te hear what is going en ; a
third one is for the accommodation of par
ties te the suit, witnesses, counsel and
lepertcis, and in .rear of this is a small
private 100111 for consultation, &c. The
office is lighted with gas, and contains
large permanent closets for the storing
away of books, papers, &c. In the back
room is a stationary washstand and ether
c nveniences. Hy the time the alderman
gets in his cu pets and new furniture he
will have the pretf.iest office of the kind
in the city.
I'.! Kill HAY PAKTY.
Or. JareO Leng 1 Years Oiil.
Yesterday was the 71st auiiivcrsaiy of
the birth of Dr. Jacob Leng, who, te
piepeily mark m imjieitant an event, gave
te a number of his nieie intimate friends
invitations te spei.d the evening with him.
Among the guests weie his honor Judge
Patteisen, Drs. J. A. Elder, Wm. Comp Cemp Comp
ten, M L. Heir and Gee. A. King, Alder
man P. Dennelly, Abraham lireue
man, Watsen II. Miller, Jehn M.
llullcdgc. Solicitors II. . Fulton,
C N. Sprenl, Mr. Zimmeimau and
Dr. Leng's brother. A letter of re
gret from Mr. J. .1. Spreuger of Keine,
a., was read. The evening was very
pleasantly passed in music aud story
telling. Alderman Dennelly spun several
amusing yarns in his illimitable way. Fine
vocal and instrumental music was rendered
by Miss Leng, the doctor's daughter, Mr.
Zimmerman and ethers. The guests sat
down te an admirable repast of the choicest
viands, and appropriate toasts were drank
and H'fpmiricd te by the guests the most
popular sentiment being that the genial
doctor ni.iv hac " many happy returns of
the day.""
Kim Over by an Ice Wagen.
TiiiB morning about o'clock as Jehn
Hart ni.ii), iee merchant, was engaged in
leading ice fiem his ire house in the cify
reservoir grounds, he met with quite a
serious accident. lie was backing up te
the deer of the ice house one of his wag wag
ens for the purpose ! having it leaded,
when the horse, a her fractious one,
sprang suddenly forward :nd knocked Mr.
Ilartinan-dewp, trampled upon him, and
ran the wheels of the wauen ever his left
shoulder, bruising him badly and injuring
him internally. He was picked up and
carried te his home, whcic he was attend
ed by Dr. ISeyd. He sulleis great, pain
in the region of the heart, but ne'ie of bis
bones are broken and lii case is net con cen
sideicd critical.
Locomotive Disabled
This morning about S o'clock engine
72, when a short distance west of Diller Diller
villceu the Pennsylvania railroad, acci
dentally broke the parallel reds en both
sides of the en;-ir.c, disabling it, and caus
ing a brief detention of the Yerk and t'ol t'el
iimbi;i accommodation train:.
Hems from the Itoreegli I'lidgei.
Dr. J. Mai tin, of Yerk county, while en
a visit te his brother, Dr. J. A. Martin,
dentist, of Strasburg borough, met with
iuite a less en Monday, May 22, in the
death of a valuable horse. As the doctor
drove his span into bis brother's yard he
noticed something was wrong with one of
them ; lenieving the harm'-, he began te
administer medicine te relieve thcsuiicier,
but without success, the horse dying in a
few moments after entering the ynid. lie
was compelled te letiun te Yerk county
with, one horse.
A parly of young people met at Mr.
Calvin Cooper's residence, East Lampeter
township, last evening. The time was
very pleasantly i-penl, and the company
handsomely entertained by the hospitable
Tlie County Auilit.
The county auditors are still busily en
gaged in purging the accounts of the city
alderman, country 'squires and constables
of the iliegal fees charged by them. There
will be a tearful exhibit when the work
shall have been completed and a demand
made for the return of the illegal fees te
the county treasury. The only witnesses
examined yesterday were 'Squire Frank of
Columbia, and 'Squire Slaymakcr, of Salis
bury. The bills of the latter showed that
he had charged during the year about $-le
te which the auditors thiuk he is net en
titled. 'Squire Frank reiterated the state
ment that he made at a former examiiia
tien. that he received all complaints made
by officers, aud discharged all the accused
unless the officers testimony was corrobo
rated by ether witnesses !
isms eim:ni:i.
White-washing Kescrveir :uul Trenching.
The following are the bids opened last
night by the water committee :
Fer white-washing tlie fences of the
city re.'crveir : Ken j. Smith, $28; Ames
Stan (1'cr, $-10; Henry Tschepp $:15. The
contract was awarded te Mr. Smith.
Fer grass at reservoir Jehn Wei th $20.
S! the only bidder.
Fer Trenching Jehn Smith was Award
ed the trenching en Chester and Lew
streets for IS cents for earth and 1)0 cents
f r rock, and the trenching en Seuth Mul
berry street at $1 per cubic yard.
II. Sehweers was awarded the contract
for ti eliciting en New and Lime streets at
17 een:s for earth aud 03 for rock.
rtlunlereil by Her Lever.
A spr.cial dispatch te the Jnti;i.i.ii!i::;cku
from Middletown, Dauphin county, states
t!-at Henry Morrison, colored, shot and
instantly killed Julia Strange at twelve
o'clock last night, at the house of Mary
Themas. The cause of the liagedy was
her refusal te marry him. lie escaped.
but was caught near Middletown at 2
o'clock this afternoon.
llane Crushed.
Elmer Irwin, who lives en Water street,
this city, but who for seme time p.iBt has
teen working in a wire mill at Harrisburg,
had his hand caught between two cog
wheels some days age aud terribly crushed
and lacerated. He was brought home and
Dr. Davis is attending him.
. e
Chief JUaifclial Appointed.
Ala meeting of the committee of ar
rangements of Geerge H. Themas Pest Ne.
81 G. A. It., held last evening, Capt. E.
McMcllen was unanimously elected chief
marshal of the parade.
A 11 scurl and tartar disappear
Frem mouth and teeth, then;;'.i dark and
And all becomes Iresli, pure and clear,
If wc UutSO.ODONT apply.
That magic wash all new confess
Gives te the nieiitli new loveliness.
Ne JWattcr "What Uuppens
Veu may rest assured that you are. sale in
being speedily cured by Themas' Kclectrle
Oil in all cases of rheumatism, neuralgia,
toothache, etc. One trial only is necessary te
prove, its efficacy. Fer sale at 11. 1!. Cochran's
drujj blere, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster.
CRecr, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis im
nif.lip.iely relieved by fchileh's Cure. Fer sale
at Cochran's drug store. 137 North Queen St.
myl lwdeew&w
U-el in ay : ' Heys, il your bleed is out el
order try Burdock ta ;" and then they hud te
dig the ji unlock and bell it down in kettle.",
making u nasty, smelling decoction ; new you
gel all the curative properties put iipin a pala
table form in liurdeck Bleed Hitters. Price $1.
teri-ale at II. II. Cochran's "drug stele, 137
North (Juccn street, Lancaster.
j:km;li:i fkum death.
Tii lollewlngslatoinentor William J. Cough,
lln, el Semeryille, Mass., is se remarkable tnat
we beg te ask for it the attention et our read
ers. He says : "In tha lall et 187CI was taken
with a violent bleeding et the lungs, lollewed
by a severe cough. I seen began te le-e my
appetite and lleah. I was se weak at one time
that 1 could net leave my bed. In the sum
mer of ls77 1 wasadmitted te the City Hospital.
While there the doctors said I had a hole in
my lell lung as big a- a half-dollar. I expend
ed ever a hundred dollars in doctors and med
icine". I wai se Jar gene at one time a report
went around that I was dead. I gave up hope
but a liiendteld me el DR. WM. HALL'S
HALS AM FeH THE LUNGS. I laughed at
my friends, thinking iny case incurable, but I
get a bottle te satisfy them, when te my sur
prise and gratification, I commenced te feel
belter. My hope, once ded, began te revive,
a'. d te-day 1 leel in beiler spirits than 1 have
lhepa-,1 three years.
" I wiitethis hoping yen will publish it, se
that every one tillictcd with I)iiaacd Lungs
will be induced te take 1)11. WM. HALL'S
HA I.SAM I-ORTHK LUNG - unit lie convinced
have taken two bottles and can positively say
that it has done me mere geed than all the
ether medicines I have taken since my sick
ness. My cough lias almost entirely disap
peared and I shall seen be able te go te work.'.
Sold by druggists. 311
New Bloemi'iuli-, Miss., Jan. ", 18S0.
I wi-li te say te you that I have been suffer
ing for the lust five years with a severe itching
all ever. 1 have heard et Hep Hitters and have
tried it. I have used up lour bottlej, and it
hasileneuie mere geed than all the doctors
and medicines that Uicy could u-e en or with
me. 1 am old and peer but leel te bless you
for such a relief by your medicine and Jrein
torment of the doctors. 1 lrive had fifteen
doctors at me. One gave me seven euuees et
solution of arsenic; another took four quarts
el bleed lreni me. All they could tell was
that it was skin sickness. New, alter
four bottles of your medicine, my skin is well,
clean and smooth as ever.
niyl.V-Jwd&w lli;:.i:v Iviveiin:.
Ladies and all Milliners from neuralgia, hys
teria, and kindred cempiainN, will liitd with
out a lival Hrewn's Iren Hilters.
iNVioeitATixii Feed ler tile Ui-.iin and Neives
is v. hat ue need in these days et rush ami
worry. Talker's Ginger Tonic restores the
vital energies and brings geed health quicker
than anything jeu can use. Tribune. See
adv. mvl-lmdeod&cew
C'ATr.i:u cured, health and sweet breath se
emed by Miileh's Catanh Remedy. I'liee ."id
cents. Nasal Injector live. Fer sale at Cech
ran, drug stele, 1"7 North Queen St.
Wlm Grais JMucIi Holds Liltle."
Tin; proprietors et's (.'ream Halm de net
claim il te lie a cure-all, but a sure remedy for
Catarrh and Catarrhal Deafness, Celd-- in tin-
Head and Hay Fever.
Cream Halm ell'ectually el aini tlie nasal
passages of Catarrhal virus, causing healthy
seeietiens, allays inilainmatien, protects tlie
memln-anal linings of the head from add!
tienal eeld, completely heals the sores and
riHteies the-enseef tastcaml smell. Henelleiai
results are realized by a lew applications. A
thorough treatment will cure Catarrh. The
Halm Is ca.-y te use and agreeable. Sold by
di-iiggisls at ."id cents. Ou receipt of .'.0-. will
mail a package.
KI.Y'.S CRKAM HALM CO., Oswego, N. i.
fis'-detw i il
Decline, el -Man.
Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Impotence,
Sexual Debility, cured by Wells' Health Re
newer. 1. Fer sale by Jehn Hhick.
Many a merchant of brilliant faculties, lias
been stricken down in his career by paralysis
et Ids nerves, and is lell out in the race of life,
Such unfortunates should be treated with Dr.
ISeiisiiii's Celery and Chamomile i'ills. Resto
ration i- probable. mylMwiLt'w
!? he-pUals Glenn's Sulphur Seap is largely
Used :;s a di-inleeting airl puritying agenl.
Hike's Toothache Dreps cure In one minute.
mji2 IwdceiM'tv
A Cough, Cefii or .-ere. i nreat should lie
Slopped. .Neglect frequently results m an In
curable L'r.'.g Dlscar-'e or Consumption.
I'.iewnV t.i'eticiiial Trecle de net disorder
Hie stomach like cough tyrups an. I balsams,
but act directly mi theiiutamed part:.,allayiu;
li-''itat:i!i. give relief In -thma. Hrenihial
Cough-., Catarrh, and :h Tlneai Tnuililes
wliieh Singers mid I'ubllcSpcakers are subject
te. Fer thirty years Hrewn's have been recommended Iy physician-,
and always give nerfei-t satisfaction.
Having been tested py wide and constant use
for neaily an entire generation, the.y have at
tained weJ- .iieiiied rank among thelewstuple
remedies et the age. Sold at 2". cents a box
ever, here my -I vd I' ThA w
1'iles! l'iles! riles!
A -lilt- curt! found at last! Ne one need
sillier: A sure cure for Jtiiud, IJIceding, Itch
nig and Ulcerated l'iles lias been discevertd
by Dr. William (an Indian remedy), Dr.
William's Indian Ointment. A single box has
cured the worst chronic cases el i" or :!0 years
standing. Ne one need puller live minutes
alter applying this wenderlui seething inedi
c ne. Lotions, inssruments and electuaries de
mere haim than geed. Williams' Ointment
ab-orbs the tumors, allays the Intense itching
(particularly at night alter getting warm in
bed), aits us a peultiee,gives instant and pain
less relief, and is prepared only for Files, Itch
ing id the private, parts, and ler nothing else.
Read what the Hen. .1. M. Cellinberry. el
Cleveland, says about. Dr. William's Indian
Pile Ointment : 1 have used scores et File
Cures, and itall'erds ine pleasure te say that
1 have never leund any tiling which gave such
immediate ami permanent relict :u Dr. Wil
liam's Indian Ointment.
Fer sale by II. it. Cochran, i;;7aud 1"!) North
Queen street. Price, $1.00. IIksisy Ce., Pie
prleter.s, C-J Vcsey Streel, New Yei k.
Tllli FAItMKIlS I'I'.iENIl
Dr. Harber's Red Heive Powders are the best
In Hie market. They are net a mere feed made
et inert ami cheap materials, but a veritable
Medicine. They contain leurtimesthestrength
of ordinary horse and cattle powders, and will
cure anil fatten stock In one-fourth the time,
acting at once upon the digestive organs and
secretion.-, and may lie safely relied upon ler
the cute of coughs, colds, distemper, glanders
and all ill-ease? et horses, mules, cattle, sheep,
hogs and poultry. They will increase the
quantity and quality et milk in cows and keep
nil kinds el stock In a healthy condition. Sold
cverywheie at 20c. per pack, ter il; large
size 40c., or '! ler I i. Sold in Lancaster at
Cochran"-. Dim; Mere, 17 and 1"-' North Queen
ht reels. aug'J-lvdeed&wl
A remedy ler Indigestion, Consumption,
Dyspepsia, Weakness, Fever, Ague, etc., Col Cel
den's Liquid Reef and Tonic Invigorator.
Skin Ile-euse..- Cured
Ity Dr. l-'i-izier's Magic ()i:,tsiest. Cures us
if by magic pimples, black heads or grubcs,
blotches and eruptions en the face, leaving
Hie skin clear, healthy and beautiful. Alse
cures itch, baiber's itch, salt rheum, tetter,
ringworm, scalu head, chapped hands, sere
nipples, seie lips, old, obstinate ulcers and
sere?, &
F. Drake, esq., Cleveland, O., susl'erc.l beyond
all description from a skin disease winch ap
peared en his hands, head ami face and nearly
destroyed his eyes. The most careful doctor
ing had Jailed te help him, and after all had
failed he used Dr. Frazier's Magic Ointment
and was enred by a lew applications.
The lirst and only positive cure ter skin
diseases ever discovered.
Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, 1S7 and ir'.'.i Nert.i
Qneen street, Lancaster.
HENRY & CO., Sele Proprietors,
C2 Vcsey Street, New Yeak.
Fer Hllnd, Mealing, Itching or Ulceinled
Piles. l)n. William's Indian Pile Ointment is
a sure cure. Tiice $1.00, by mail. Fer sale at
Cochran's Dtus store'. fcb27-M&Thd&w
Children's Carriages and Express Wagons.
Palace Miprfc, Water Coelers aai Film
niAJ jindM.WAS
Dir.Tliicn. In this city, en the '.'2d Inst., Ed
ward Dietrich, aged t;:i years.
Tlie relatives and fi lends of the family aie
respectfully invited te attend the funeral,
lreni the residence t his brother-in-law, .les.
Hricntnall, Ne. 31-; Kast Chestnut street;, en
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment
at Lancastercemcleiy. 21
xj; r a j run rit emux-is.
1?ou ki:nt.
A (Jreceiy Stere in a suitable pari et Hie
city. Fer further particulars inquire at tills
elllce. II
11.I.IN Kits
wailful at
!3 East King street.
llerlire leuipany, Ne. 7, will be held to
morrow (WEDNESDAY) evening, at 7:30
o'clock, te make arrangements for Decoration
Day ceremonies.
H;r order et Ihe President.
J. E. XECHEli, Secielary.
&. A. E. SUITS.
Made from the Celebrated
This is the only kind we sell. It
is the best goods and warranted te
held the color..
There are plenty cheaper Blues
in the market, hut the BEST are
We eyelet-hole Ceat and Vest, if
desired, and furnish Twe Sets of
Buttens for changing.
White Linen Vests,
A large and fresh variety.
Chestnut and Sixth Sts.,
IN Scaled proposals will be received at tlie
County Commissioners' Oflice, at Lancaster,
Fa., until FUIDAY, JUNE W, 18S2, et 12 o'clock
ui., ler the erection and completion et astene
bridge across Little Conestoga creck,at GretTs
Mill, in Slaner township, en Hie read leading
lreni Millersville te Washington Borough.
Bids must bein gross and include the whelb
work and all material. Specifications can be
seen at the Commissioners' Oflice.
The rialit te reject any or all bids is reserved.
Attest: Fiiank Giuest, Clerk. mlS-lwd
Hefere purchasing, please examine the
A verv geed BLACK DRESS SILK, twenty
two inches wide, at $1.2."..
J Great Fnglish Remedy. An unfailing
cure Ter Inipetcncy, and all Diseases that
lollew less et Memery. Universal Lassi
tude. Pain in the Back, Dimness et
Vision, Premature Old Age, and many
ether diseases that lead le insanity or Con
sumption anil a Premature Grave. Pull par
ticulars in our pamplet, which we desire te
send free by mall te every one. The Specific
Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per pack
age, or six packages ler $3. or wUl te sent free
by mail en the receipt et the money, by ad
dressIngTHE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Buffalo,
N. . On account et counterfeits, we have
adopted thcYellew Wrapper; theenlygenuine.
Guarantees et enre issued by us. Fer sale in
Lancaster by II. B. Cochran, 137 North Qneen
street. aprl2-lydw
Lancaster, Pa.
and 28 West King Street.
Fer sale, a BACON A- HAVEN six and a
halt octave I'iane. luouireef
in23-3ld JOHN B. KEVINSK1.
boy, about 17 years or age te learn the
drug business. Must be well recommended.
Apply te A. I). HAINES, Druggist,
22-3t Cerner Prince and Chestnut Sts.
Geed wages will lie paid. Iteicrenec
necessary. Ne washing and ironing requited.
Apply te MRS. a. .1. McGKANN,
ml7-tfd New Hollind l'ibc.
The diseases of the membrana tympani
occur cither as iv result of an inllamatien et
tlie external auditory cinal, or et the middle
SfAH diseases el the Eye, Ear and Threat
permanently cured by PUS. II. I), and M. A.
LONG A K EH. Treatment Oflice Ne. 13 Kast
Walnut Street, Lancaster. Consultation free.
V A Handsome, Newly-built, Twe and a a
hairstery DWELLING, situated in tlie vil
lage of Liindisville. Lancaster county. Fa.,
with stable and out-buildings, Iruit trees,
well, cistern, 4c., in perfect order. Ternw
moderate. Apply te J. W. B. Bausman, atter-neyat-law.
Ne. 120 East Kins' Street, or te
uiay23-2w(l&ltw Landisvilie, la.
will be sold at public sale, at the public house
el Jehn W. Frantz, In the village of Mlllcrs
ville, Lancaster county, Fa., tlie following
live stock, te wit : Thirty head el Fresh Milch
Cows and Springers: among them area few
Ne. 1 Aldenicy cows ; a let of Fine Bulls ; two
Fine Sews with pigs-by I heir side. A credit
of sixty days will lie given. The above stock
must be in every respect as represented or no
Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p.m., when
attendance will be given bv
S. Hess & Sen, Aucts.
Tlie First National Bank of Strasburg, Ne.
42, located ut Strasburg, in the state of Feiin
sylvanla, is closing ap its a trails. All note
holders and ethers, creditors of said associa
tion, are therefore hereby notified te present
the notes and ether claims against the associa
tion for payment.
GEO. W. HENSEL, Jit., Cashier.
Dated, May 22, 1SS2.
Okkick ok Comptroller op the Ui'krkucy, )
Washington, May 22, 12.
WniaiEAs, By satisfactory evidence present
ed te the undersigned, it has been made te
appear that "Tlie First National jiank of
Strasburg," Strasbiirg, In the county of Lan
caster, and state of I'ennsylvania, has com
plied with all the previsions of the revised
statutes of the United States, required te be
complied with before an association shall be
authorized te commence the business et
Hanking :
New, TiiEREFeim, I, Jno. Jay Knox. Comp
troller of the Currency, de hereby certify that
"The First National Bank et Stiamurg,'
Strasburg, in the county of Lancaster and
state of Pennsylvania, is authorized te com
mence tlie business of Banking, as provided
in section fifty one hundred and sixty-nine et
the revised statutes et the United States.
In testimony whereof witness my hand and
seal et eflice, tills 22d (lav et May, 1S8.
Comptroller of the Currency.
f Ne. 2,701.1
1 BURG, Pa.
Stuasbcbe, May 22, 1SS2.
Opened this day, and is prepared te carry en
the business of banking. All business having
been entrusted te the First National Bank of
Strasburg, -'Ne. 42."" new in process of liqui
dation," win be accounted for properly by the
new Bank.
Beard el Director. meet en Wednesday of
each week at 10 A. M., for the purpose et dis
counting paper and ether business.
It will be the policy of the new Bank te ex
tend te customers all accommodations con
sistent wiih sale and sound banking.
GEO. W. HENSEL, .iu , Cashier.
The GOODWILL for 48c.
The LEADER fpr 75c.
The ENIGMAfer 85c.
That is tlie beat of them all. for $1.00,
And when you buy it be sine that it has tlie
marl.- or
It is sold by
Williamson & Fester,
' 34, 36 and 38 East King St.,
This astounding news comes
from a source entitled te se
great credit that we repeat it
for the instruction it contains.
It is indeed astounding, if in
the great city of New Yerk, full
of newspapers and intelligence
as it is, the closing-out flag ever
even its greatest house has se
bereft people of their wits.
Correspondence el the Public Ledger.
New Yerk, May 20.
During the past live weeks a leading dry
goods firm in Broadway has dispeed et up
wards et four million dollars' worth et mer
chandise. It is true the linn in question have
announced their intention te retire from bus!
ness, and the eagerness of purchasers there
fore may be possibly imputed te an expecta
tion et great bargains ; but I am assured that
the great bulk of the goods sold were at mar
ket prices. The house has still remaining en
hand about $1,S30,OCO worth of goods, and these
they confidently expect te close out, and that
tee without any sacrifice, before midsummer.
Our own trade, se far this
year, has mere than kept up the
rate of increase of last year ;
but with us, such growth is the
result net of a closing business,
but expanding ; net of taking
prices from ethers but of making
prices without much regard te
who is selling out. Never be
fore, perhaps, have we been se
favored in the matter of getting
great quantities of geed and
timely merchandise below value.
It is such getting that brings us
such sellincr
Philadelphians are tee slew-
sure and tee steadfast te lese
their heads.
Turk satin, the most durable
of all satins, doesn't crack, or
catch dust, is light and excellent
for summer wear. We have it,
black only, very wide, 27 te
inch, at $1.75 te $2.50.
Next-outer circle, southeast from centre
of main building.
Embroidered black dress pat
terns ; the. very best quality of
embroidery en fine and very
fine cashmere and nun's veiling;
$30 te $50.
Separate black embroideries
en cashmere, grenadine and .by
zantine. These are mere than
extraordinary. They are, we
nave no doubt, tne nnest in
America. The finest costs $85
for the embroidery alone of a
single dress.
Next-outer circle, southwest Iren: centre.
Embroidered colored dress
patterns are coming and going.
Seeing te-day is different from
seeing last week. Fine silk em
broidery en evening albatross at
$20 is new. Cashmere at $30
te $50 is the favorite still. Me
lange at $15 is the lowest we
have in silk work en wool.
White cotton embroidery en
plain Scotch gingham, at 1 2.50
and $1 4, is excellent ; Batiste at
$22 te $40, is exquisite.
Third circle, southeast lreni centre.
Finest French shepherd's plaid,
green-and-white, andgreen-and-ecru,
25 cents; cotton-and-wool,
We have paid 50 cents for the
same time after time. They are
worth 50 te-day.
All-wool shepherd's plaid,
black-and-white, and blue-and-while,
37 cents ; also below
low value, a third below.
The half-cotton is much the
prettier of the two. Nobody has
ever succeeded in making these
little checks nearlv se fine and
clear out of wool as out of cot
ton and wool. Here are both,
side by side ; one at half, the
ether at two-thirds value, by ac
cident of trade.
We mention only these two
te be plain; possibly also because
they are the only ones below
value. There are many ethers.
There's a wonderful diversity in
these little commonplace checks.
SeeendVircle, southeast lreni centre.
French 49-inch nainsoek, with
hemstitch plaid 41 inches deep
en both edges 85 cents. The
same fabric, with hemstitch plaid
all ever it ; 38-inch. 60 cents.
Beth are in two patterns.
Next-outer circle, Cily-liall-square entrance.
Silverjewelry a great variety
of pretty new designs. A few
of colored silver, a new fancy ;
iridescent. Fer example, a lit
tle Lily of the Valley pin has at
least a dozen shades of blue,
terra cotta, bronze and copper
in it.
Next-outer circle. City-hall sijuare entrance,
Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market afreets
and city-hall square.
-Tlltehefl, WeHe and Merrick in Philadel
phia The one Legged Soldier's Gu
bernatorial Beem.
Philadelphia, May 23. Among to
day's arrivals of delegates te the Inde
pendent Republican state convention te be
held here te-morrow are several of these
who will be among the mere conspicuous
in the convention, including United States
Senater Mitchell, Charles S. Wolfe, Majer
Merrick and ethers. The last named, who
is the one-legged soldier, pest
master of Wellsboro, begins te loom up
as one of the most popular candidates for
the first place en the Independent Repub
lican ticket, though it is simply impossible
at this time te give even a reasonably fair
guess as te who will be the choice
of the convention for the position.
The two largest delegations, Philadel
phia and Allegheny, are net likely te uuite
upon one man for standard bearer. Al
legheny wants Judge Agncw nominated
for coverner, though Cel. Duff, who
heads the delegation, says the latter would
support Marshall, of Pittsburgh, for the
place, new that Marshall has declined the
nomination tendered him en the regular
Republican ticket.
One of the peculiar features of the con
vention is that Wharten Barker, one of the
fathers of the Independent movement, lias
been sent as a delegate from Montgomery
county, with instructions te vote for
Wayne MacVeagh for supreme judge,
though he is a zealous Rawle man.
As te Marshall.
Hen. GeerjieLcar, president of the Re
publican state convention, arrived in the
city this merninsr. He savs he has no
further doubts that The.!. M. Marshall has
declined the nomination as cengressman-at-Iarge
ou the Republican ticket, though
the letter said te have been addressed te
him by Mr. Marshall, had net yet reached
him. Mr. Lear thought the letter of de
cimatien mignc pessiuiy nave eeen in his
mail of this morning which had
net arrived when he left his
home in Doylestown this morning.
Upen being asked whether the state
central committee would net till tha
vacancy en the ticket, Mr. Lear said very
decidedly that the vacancy would net bu
tilled in that way, but that the coventieu
itself with se much time in which te
take action would be re-assembled.
He thought it would be absurd for the
state ceutial committee or any ether body
te assume te act for the people at large in
such a matter after the convention had se
recently adopted resolution?, expressing it
as the popular sentiment that nomina
tions .should be made by popular methods.
FIIifir's Case
ISetere tlie
Washington, May 23. The case of
Lieutenant Flipper, the colored officer re
cently tried by court martial in Texas, is
new before tlie president for action. II
was charged with embezzlement and with
conduct unbecoming an officer and a gen
tleman, iu making false returns of the
funds entrusted te his caie. The court
acquitted him of the criminal offense, but
found him guilty of gross violation of the
regulations of the service, and recom
mended his dismissal from the army.
Judge Advocate General Swaiin, in his
review of the case, approved the findings
of the court, but recommended the miti
gation of the .sentence of dismissal te
some lighter punishment. Tim case has
been in the hands of the secretary of war
for several mouths. The character of his
report te tlie president is net known.
Flipper is still under arrest in Texas, aud
is represented te be .suffering great hard
ships in consequence.
Afternoon Telegrams Ceuuensed.
Sir Win. V. Harcourt stated in the
Heuse of Commens te-day that Michael
Davitt's ticket-of-lcave would be reveked
if he acted contrary te law and order.
Jacob II. Haber, a French merchant
tailor, committed suicide at 221 Wooster
street, New Yerk, en account of business
The deadlock in the Heuse of Represen
tatives ever the Mackey-Dibble contest,
was continued te-day.
Ouitcau's counsel visited him te-day
with a view te further proceedings in his
behalf. The assassin continues cheerful.
The will of the late Hannah W. Richaid Richaid
sen, of Philadelphia, admitted te pro
bate today, leaves $100,000 te charities,
located principally in Philadelphia.
A meeting of railroad men will be held
in Chicago this week and rates will then
likely be advanced te interior points, par
ticularly te Pittsburgh and ether I'enn
sylvania cities.
An uniucce-sfiil attempt was miCe
last night te rob the hardware
store of W. II. Bright at Ashland
Schuy'kill county by blowing
open the safe. The burglars carried
away revolvers and knives, worth about
one hundred dellais.
tint en the Stand.
Washixc.ten, D. C, May 23 Ex-Assistant
Secretary of State Rebert It. Hitt,
lestiiied lofere the foreign affairs lom lem
mittec that Blaine bad-informed Count De
Meutferrand that a protectorate ever Pern
was contrary te the spirit of our institu
tions ; that this country could net mediate
in the troubles betweeen Chili and Peru :
that if the attempt was made the overtures
of this government would in all likelihood
be rejected ; and that he could de nothing
and premise nothing. Blaine had always
spoken of the "Peruvian company"
rather slightingly. Blaine will he before
the committee te-morrow.
A Colored Jmnester Soliciting Aid for the
Widow of Jehn Itreivn.
Philadelphia, May 23. The mayor
received a letter this morning from Sarah
Brown, a daughter of Jehn Brown, warn
ing the public against a colored man
named Edw. Hall, who is endeavoring te
collect money for her mother, the widow
of Jehn Brown. She says that he is doing
this upon his own responsibility, that Mrs.
Brown is net in need, having been placed
in comfortable circumstances by a fund
raised by the people of California ever a
year age.
A United M fates marshal Under Arrest.
Washington, D. C, May 23. Stilwell
II. Rtissel, deputy marshal for the West
ern district of Texas, who was arrested
here ou a charge of misappropriation of
government funds, was arraigned in the
criminal court te-day, and upon motion of
his cmnsel, Mr. Rebert Ingcrsell, was
placed under 4,000 bends te appear be
fore the United States circuit court at St.
Antonie, Texas, at the June term.
Small-Pox A bat Ine Ib Trenten.
Tkentex, X. J., May 23. The official
report of the beard of health np te 9 a.
m., te-day, shows that there have been
only two new cases of small pox in the
last. sixty hours. Tlie report says that
there have beeu three deaths in that time,
that all ether patients are doing well and
that the disease is under control.
Journalistic CttaBge.
WestChester, Pa., May 23 Rebert
P. Sharpless, who for the last year has
been the partner of W. E. Hall in the
West Chester Daily Republican withdrew
te-day. Mr. Hall thus becomes again sole
proprietor and editor.
Washington, May 23 Fer the Middle
Atlantic states, colder fair weather, north
westerly winds, higher pressure.
In Death Net rivtded.
Pettsvim.k, Pa., May 23. Miss
Amanda Selliman, postmistress at this
place,. died last night. She succeeded her
mother in that office, the latter having
died only a few weeks age.
Death of Moses Tayler.
New Yeke, May 23 Moses Tayler died
this morning at G o'clock at his residence
in this city.
Philadelphia Market.
I-hiladilphia. May & rieur dull, hut
steady; Superfine, :s .Vugt 2.-.; rcxtre, t i"
e.' ii ; Ohie and Indiana Family, ft; i'.g
7 CO.
Itye flour at St SOS"'-
Wheat dull and weak: Pel. and I'.i !:..! i ji
GI : de Amber, $1 4Gfi!l 43.
Cern firm ler local trade; futures weak.
Oats lirnier, lair demand.
Kye scarce and tlrm at !2e.
Previsions linn, geed jobbing i eni'ui.l.
I .anl linn.
Ilntter market dull and barely steady ;
Creamery KxtraSc; de geed te choice, 'ii'ti
icellsdull ; l'a. and Western. 12QlSe.
Kgg3 quiet at decline ; l'a. 20iQaMe : West
ern, l!K&lKc.
Cheese fiUrly active anil steady.
Petroleum dull ; Kpflne.l.TAJe.
Whisky at $1 21
Seeds clever, JOfflT ."x! ; Timethy, $1 TuLfJi IT. :
Flaxseed, $1 4.!a)l 4.I.
drum uutt l'ruvimeu (JuotallenB.
One o'clock limitations of grain unit provis previs
ions, furnished by S. K. Yundt, llreker, l.".
Ia9t King street.
amy '.
Wheat Cern Outs Perk l.urd
May... 1.2;l .72j: M'A lOJie 11.40
June... 1.26, .71 .M I'J.ftTJf II III
July.... 1.2UVJ .7IJS .15 l'.!.7.- II 55
August 1.1.".;
May.... 1.11.1.J .$.-. .:!.
June... 1.4-1 i .jim 51,1,;
Jnlv I.!M .S2 .57Jv; .... ....
aieca .imrMiM.
New Veil,-, l'liil:ii-tilila an. I l.mid blocks
also Unlrcd State- ie;i.Tt.i .t.dlv by
Jacob If. I.en.i, ' North (tiieen street.
I -.iki
A. M.
C. C. & 1. C. K. It... .... .........
Del., l.ack.ft Western
Denver A lile Uramle
N. V.. Luke Krie& Western...
Kast Ten n, Va.A IJeerglu
Lukc Shere Mich. Southern..
New Yerk Central
New Jersey Central
Ontario Western
Omaha. Cem
Omalia Preferred ,
Pacific Mall Steamship Ce....
Chicago. Mil. St. Paul
Texas Pacific
Walmsli. -.. .. juls & Pacific...
Western Union Tel. Ce
Pennsylvania K. 11
iiullale Pitts. A West
Northern Pacific Cem ,
' ' Preferred
121 120 1205
:i'4 my, Myd
a; fsy., ;.-
.... mi.; ....
1H2JS 102V,; URy
127i 127i 127
72;H 7I?i 71
3s;i :t77.;
.... 101
42i 42 42
111 1I0H 11U
:kk .r.t-s iEtv:
Western Oraln AlarkelH.
Teledo, (). Wl e it steady: Ne. :
re I, spot
and May. l4t;
.) ii ne, i ::;; I7i;;
.mi;;iisi,$i ii.
Cern steady with luir demand ;
at N,'e; Ne. 2. spot, 7S,'-.'e; May,
hih mixeil
77c; June,
ji'c; .liny, iilic.
Oal.s were steady ; Ne 2 apel and May, IMSe.
At the cle'-e m.irkel dull anil uneliiined.
Pkekia, III. Cern lirnier ard active; high
mixed, 7372Je; mixed. 7272'4c
Oats were dull and nominal ; Ne. 2 While at
Kye dult ; Ne. 2 at 74fS7i;.
Milwaukee, Wis. Wheat easier and tunic ;
Ne. 2 Milwaukee, .sett, eash and May, l 31;
June inn! July, $i::i : 21 J ; Septem
ber,! 12.
Cern steady with lair deiiitiii'.l : Ne. 2, 71iC.
Oats steady; Ne. 2. 51;e; WIiite,5T,c.
Itye inactive ; Ne. 1, 82c hid.
Hurley niet; Ne. 2 spring, id ; Nn. :tde,
extra, s:!e bid.
Clve nteca markets.
CHlCAtio.llejjt) Receipts 22,030 head : ship
ments. 4,"t00 head ; market active und 5i
lf)c higher ; peer quality et offerings ; com
mon te aoed mixed. 7 4Ji7 !)." : liirht. 7 lilffi
Sl.'; heavy packing mid shipping, i ueSSit;
skips and culls at $5 7-'ff7 M.
Cattle Receipts. 8.GU0 head; shipments, Seft
head : market strong and active at an advance
of 10($1.k: ever last week : no extra stock here,
quality hclni; peer; experts, 77"5S; Reed
te choice shipping. $7 207 fid; common
te Tair, $i; 2."fis7W ; mixed butchers' ii iitiiQ
.r03; grass Texans :i trillle easy but pi ices
steady ut $4 I03 SO for eanneed : $." KifW 2" tnr
shippers ; steekers and feeders at ." fog.? UK
Sheep Receipts, COO head; shipments, none;
inferior te fair, shorn. .?:! IOiSJI ; geed te eheh-e,
$ i .rir. m ; woeied, i aoeic, se.
Kast Iackrtv. Cattle Receipt, 2,Oi7 head ;
slew at about last weeks prices.
Hogs Receipt.", 4,700 head ; market firm ;
Philadelphia, S li'ifts 40 ; Yorkers, $7 7Jtf en.
Sheep Receipts, 7,oe head ; market dull ; 2.V
oirfrem last week.
Nkw Yerk. lleer cattle declined ic Ben
lower and medium, and in the neighborhood
of$l per head entliebettergradcs. Tep fleers,
eern and still fed, te dress lis fl.s. brought V
l.'Jc, and one let te dress Wilts, I.lJc ; de
peer te geed, te dress .;,?57 ft-i, I liaise; a
number of ear leads of Texas .-teers disposed
of late en Saturday brought h&gwc: export
ers purchased ': tat steers; iee;'ipts 4,ii
held, or 11,200 Tertile- week.
Sheep were dull and J4heIe.ver; common
te prime clipped sheep brought IViKllc;
southern spring lambs 7S-S.:.-; some left
ever; receipts ll.OW head, or S2,:aw ler lln;
(ieneral shipments for the week were 5.VI
cattle. Km live sheep, 1,1 IS quarters In el and 7
carcases mutton.
Hees liriu ut .17 7."SS 2. "ji MM S.-t Ter life ; re
ceipt ,'.t.7U) or 27,000 for the week.
Philadelphia Cattle Market.
Monday, May 22. The receipts et live sleck
at the Philadelphia stock yard were: Ker
the week: Reeves, 2,400 head ; sheep, laiwu
head ; hogs, ;i,iki0 head. Previous week
Reeves, 2,10.1 bead ; sheep, 12, IM head; hog
3,200 head.
Reef Cattle The market has been l.iirly ae
tivcand in sympathy with Hie Western mill
kefs and prices have advanced 'a'c per pound.
Cattle are new selling higlie than for the lust
ten years.
v e quote as fellows :
; Ooed, i;-?8;c ; .Medium,
i'-i,lA'ii-'-: 'ut cows,.V,7,4.
e fairlyaelive at $:!0gli.
V'J&WmK : Common
Mileli Cows were I
sneep rue market ifuriiig the nast wee'e
was active for all geed grades, but. common
fcteek win dull and hard te dispose et ut any
Hgure. I. umbs and Calve were in geed de
mand. We quote as follews:
Hxtra sheared. (ftic; geed .le, uyfMa,;
medium de, Sgi.'c; common de, y.f$VAv
cull de, 2H4c; wool sheep 5fg7c; Spring
lambs, (j I0c; calves, western, 5A7c ; !'
Chester county, iytil'te.
Hogs were in geed demand at an advance of
c per ft..
We quote as follews:
Extra. lle; geed, ll';dljc ; Unlit mixed,
Martin, Puller X Ce., 125 Western, wholesale
Reger Slaynes, 150 Western, 7iSc.
A. & .1. Christy. 10.J Western, sfta-vc.
E. S. McKillen, ICO Western. 8g0c.
15. V. Mct'iilen.9) Western, 78Jc.
M. Oman. 114 Illinois own acct., 68)c; de.
Ill Lancaster county, own account.
SJ4?:)e: 85 Western sutlers, own
acct.. ViWi ; SI I-aiiusler co. acct..
I.. Sensenlg, 83jc.
Sctiamberg & Paul, 128 Western. 7fJc.
10 Penn. cows, SMttHXc.
James Clemsen 21 1-ancaster co., 8S8c.
I.ev.en-tein ft Adler, 50 Lan. c , T&'ffiS-Jic.
100 Pcnn'a cows, 57c.
C Seliumberg ft Ce.. Wt Lane, co., and West
ern. 709c.
Daniel Murphy. 125 Lancaster co., and West
cm, ViQSe.
II. Chain, jr., :i2 esierii, TlSMJic.
M. Levi, 110 Western and PViTr.u.,sViSr.
Jehn McArdle, 110 Lancaster co.,f'iCi,Jc.:ile
32 Western. 8c.
Owen Smith. 40 Western acct.. of M. Ilnian ;
1C tle acct., of It. May nes ; 25 Lancas
ter co., acct., 'J. Seitz. tMtyic.
L. Hern, 15 Penna. bulls, 4g0c ; de de IC
steers 7528 'c.
Daniel femytii ft'lire., 130 Western and Lancas
ter county, 7X9(?-
Dennis ainytli, 9) Lancaster Ce., aQc
Kaclmian A Le.vl.80 We3tern,859c.
21 Berks co.. cows 57c.
Chain & Caldwell. 20 Pa., cows and helfcra.5
Sainuel ISmwn, OX) Western stiliers, wholesale.
J. V. Latta. 34 Ch'-ster co., TfJSXc
Themas Bradley sold onecarlead or Western
steers wholesale ut !) cents ; these wercshipped
te New Yerk.
Dressed Beeves were In fair demand and
closed ut 12fJ13c, an advance el c.
Thes. Bradley, 193 head at llQlc.
A. A. BoswelI71de.atll12c.
C. S. Oengler, 73 de. at HXQ12,c.
W. II. Brown 95 de. at 12Q13C.
Harlan ft Bre., 58 de. at :2Q12;jc.
.1. K. Lewdcn. 40 de. HK312c.
Dressed sheep were active.
Samuel Stewart fold W head al 10iJllUc.,
and m bead dres-cl lambs ut 15718.-.