LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER FBIDAY MAS 19, 1882. ' A SEW ISVUiiTUV. I r.iucls Iliciuriiz'H Lancaster &hoe Factory. Francis Hiemenz, of Ne. 103 North Queen sheet, who for many years past has carried en successfully the retail beet and shoe trade, lias been quietly at work for some weeks past fitting up a factory for tiie wholesale manufacture of beets and shoes by machinery, and has get it se far under ?ay that he is new prepared te turn out one hundred pairs of shoes per day, and has machinery erected capable of turning out three hundred pairs per day, and will de se as seen as his ether business arrangements will permit. These unacquainted with the processes or manufacturing shoes by machinery, will be much interested by visiting the factory, which is the first of the kind ever started in this city. The machinery is curious, and in all its paits weiks with gicat perfection. Everything is made fieni the raw material. The" soles, heels and uppeis aic rapidly cut out by dies of dilTcietit shapes and sizes. Seven sewing machines, of different make, aie used ler sewing the uppers together and binding them. Other machines in the hands of skilled weikmcu aie used for pic p.uing the uid putting the shoes into shape for them. The soles are sewed en by one of McKay's immense sewing machines, of the latest patent which is capable of soling a shoe in one minute, and does its work as neatly and strongly as it can be done by hand. The heeling of a pair of shoes in the best style does net take moie than fifteen minutes. Toe slicc-thicad is waxe'd and rolled en bobbins by machinery. Instead of the old fashioned hammer and lap stone, the soles aie haidcncd by passing through powerful rollers. An automaton skiver docs the wok of a dozen men. 51 r. Iliemeuz's as as seitment of new lasts is vciy extensive and or all .sizes. He has enough of them, if it weie iicled,te Hun out one thousand pah s el shoes per day, although unlike the eldei method each shoe lupiires two lasts one for the insole and the ether for the finish. The former are ii en-clad from heel te tee ; the latter only en the heel. Mr. Hiemenz has a laige number of men and women employed and is turning out a great deal of weik, a considerable piopeiliou of which is for the ictail trade hi this city. In the near futuic he ex pects te l.i2,ely incicase hi.- woikingfeicc. There is no doubt of Mr. lliemcnz's com cem plete success. He has long been engaged in the shoe business, thoieughly under stands it, is industrious and energetic, has hiilliuii nt c:uh!:i! te push the business and will thiew upon thcmaikct nothing but solid weik. That he may devote his whole time te the factory, it is his inten tion at an an caily day te abandon the ic tai! trade, and, ns will be seen by his ad vci list ment elsewhere, lie is closing out his piescnt stock of goods at gicatly ic dneed rates. A CUIUOUs VIOLIN. Tlic Ilancllnerlc et uTcnuoaiee Idiot. The Daily Fndeninn of New Bruns wick, New .Jersey, has the following : "J. V. Ncwhouse, business manager of Geeigc II. Adam's Ilnmpty'Dumpty com pany, has an in lei csting cmiesity in the shape el a violin, made by an idiot at. Grand Junction, Tcnn. The only tools used in the manufactuie el the instalment wcic an axe and a, jack-knife. A maple tice was cut down and the idiot, taking his axe, cut out scveial slab, which he whittled down into thin stiips with his knife. The cuives in the weed were made by placing the stiips out in the desucd shape across a hollow in the gieund . and plac ing weights upon them. The weed being gieen took the pteper curve leadily. Then the pieces weic "lued roughly te gether, the keys and biidge whittled out I and the strings put en. i no bow is a eiaucu of willow, curved at the ci.ds, with blaik house hair stretched en it. The ir.stiu mcni and bow aic the. roughest specimens of architcctuie imaginable, but, ptepeily handled, aie capable of pieduciug the sweetest strains. Mr. New house said that the half-witted meke came into the hotel at Grand Junction and offered the violin for sale for $1.30. The money was promptly paid, and within half an hour he came back as drunk as a hurt aud efleied te make another for a .dollar." The violin will be among the effects of Geerge en his appearance heie. Xtw Providence Hems. Last Wednesday, Peacocks' ero banks at New .Providence cavcdin,breaking two carts, but luckily no one was hurt. At another place the cat t upset and broke two shafts. New Providence is still impieving and the iger of business has its full sway Mcssr.'. Smith it Greff have recently com. pleteil their commodious feitilizing estab lishment and arc newpicpaicd for busi ness. Tlic Wrong Name. In the :eecnt notice in this paper of th'e ieepcnin.r of Mount Hepe chinch, the namu el the pastor was inadvertently given as Rev. G. T. Huileck. The name should have been printed ltev. J. A. Cooper, who is pastor of Hie church at Mount FIepc. Hani; Sterk Sold. Silltim 1. S. G. gummy, auctioneer, sold at tl e Summy house (en shaies of Mauheim national bank stock one share te Jacob C. Miller for $151; nine shares te Gee. II. Dannei two at 152.!i0 per share and Fevcn at ijdol.eO pel fIi.iic Oyster Supper. Last evening Mr. Henry Decir gave an oyster supper at the Spiecher house te the members of the police force who weie en duty and did such geed scivicc en the night of his lite. They had a. geed time and all enjoyed tl cmselves. Charged With Stealing a Watch. Jehn Jenes and Clinten Kcclg, both coleied, were arrested te-day, en a charge of stealing a watcli from tic store of Henry Winner, en Middle stieet. They were 1 ickcd up for a hearing before Aldcnnan A. V. Dennelly. Sent tint. Lizzie Williams, coleied, hail a hcaiitiK bcfoie AUlcruiau A. F. Denuelly this morning en tlie charge of bciu: chunk and disorderly and was committed for 10 days. Aiiiii"cniriils. To-merroiu eciiin7' J,(ifomiii'--Te-moi-row evening the best pantomime clown that has ever .appealed heie will give " llumpty Oimipty' at the opera house. The troupe will aruve in this city lieni Alloeni at five o'clock to-nienow morning and will givcen eaily street parade. This is an excellent en tertainment for childien and hundicdsare anxiously awaiting its coming. tVHCIAI. SOTIVKS. Tbmt Husband of Mine, Is tlnce times the man he was before he began using " Wells' itcalth Rcncwer." $1. Diug gists. Depot Jehn Black. Citeur, WhoepingConghaml ilrenchltls im mediately lelievcd by fclilleh's Cuie. iorsale atcecliran's drug store, 137 North (Jdccn St myl lwdcew&w Uraudmetber Used te say : "Uejs, it your bleed is outet order trv Burdock U n ;" and then they had te dig the Huideck and bell it down in kettles, making u nasty, smelling decoction ; new ypu get all the cutfativc properties putuplnnivua table form in Uurdeck bleed Uutcrs. Piicc tl. ter sale at II. II. Cochran's drug store, l'J7 North Queen street, Lancaster. Me Matter What Happens Yeu may rest assured that you arc safe in being BpeeUUy cured by Themas' Eclccirie Oil in all cases of rheumatism, neuralgia, toothache, etc. One trial only is necessary te pi eve its efficacy. Fer sale at U. U. Cochran's drugstore, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. ri'HK GtCKAT NEW TURK BAZA All. GOTTSCHALK & LEDERMAN'S, GKRE ATT JNTE W YORK BAZAAR 26 & -28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Our Counters are daily filled with Immense Bargains. We are offering for This Menth such a line of goods as has never been seen in this city for the price. SPECIAL BARGAIN'S: 400 dozen Ladies Full llegular Made Balbriggau Hese, only 23c. I'.OO dozen Elegant Heavy ."iO-bene Corsets at 37c , fully weith SOc. 100 dozen Elegant Sateen Cellars (allcoleis) only lCc. 300 dozen Ladies' Pelka Dotted Cambiic Cellars, only 4c. 200 dozen Ladies White Apiens, Iiufllcd Edge (in dots), only 22c. 150 dozen Ladies' Embieidcicd Fient Chemise, only 03c. 300 yards Sash Ribbon (si- inch) Surah All Silk, only 52c. per yd. WE ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING GOODS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, OUR OBJECT BEING TO HAVE ANY ARTICLE ANY LADY MAY ASK FOR. Laces. Laces. we n a t MALTESE, CLUNY, SPANISH, YEICMICELLE. LAMjUEDOE, KIH.KNKI'-S. IN FACT ANY MAKE OF LACK MIMl, Our ;i am ami ISl.irk SpanNh Luces ill i'. 2.:, '.', is. :jii. .Timid 10 per j:ml aie net te leec'Ileil. Laces, Cellars, etc. I Ins department we have Cellars, Fichus and. Ties In all finalities ami in :.ll liic i'. LACK LACK lack lack COLLARS at R. !), 10, 15, '2j, 3i, Me., up te $8 0). FICHUS at IS, 25, ."", .VI, 11. 7., up te 5 50. r i i:s at ie, i'i. 'j.'i. 3'i: se. up te $.:.7.". HANDKEICrlllEPSiit 13, i' r. lc, up te $7 50. Iia eon-Lint ly the latent unveil e s. w Parasols. O111 ZANELA PARASOLS at .V). 7.e. anil Jl aienoltebi- ci-illcd. PAItASOLS uieehiipat$1.0i. l.f.0, l.5. t2(0 KI.IHJA.NT I.lNhll 1'AKASOI.b. witli ami M lllieut l.nv, at .!"", ?J '.'J, Ti75, $.: .Vi, up:e$l"i In allcoleis GOTTSCHALK & LEDERMAN'S Great lew Yerk Bazaar, Great lew Yerk Bazaar, 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN I'IIch! 1'ilcs! l"ilcs : A Mile, cure feuiul at last! Ne one ncul -utl r ! A sine euro for IJiiml, l!!eeilin?, Itcli ui ami Uleerateil Piles has been ilNceveieil by Dr. William (nil Indian leiuedy), ealleil Dr. Willi iiii'h Imllan Ointment. A Miigle bev has fined the worst cluenie ctses et i'i or .'M ywus stamlin. Ne one need sutler live miii'ites atter applying this wemlcilul snethinK'nedi. erne. Letien, in i unients and elcctuai ies de mine haim than geed. Williams' Ointnieiit ahseibs the tumors, allays the inteii-i! ltehin (puticiilaily at nhjht alter getting waim in bed), acts as a Instant and pain less leliet, and is prepared only ter Piles, Itch ing el the pi iutc parts, and ter nothing else. Read what the Den. J. M. Cetlinberrv, et Cleveland, says about Dr. William's Inilim Pile Ointment: I have uscil fetes et Pile Cures, and itatreidsine pleisun; te say that Hiave never leund anything whieli .i c sueh immediate and pel nianent relief ai Dr.-Wil-llain's Indian Ointment. Fei wile by II. 11. Cochran, 1.17 and 13 1 Neith Queen street. Price, $1.00. IlBNr.r A Ce., Pie prletei-s, (2 Vesey Street, New Yerk, leb'JI-Tu&Kd&w NKW I'.LOOMFlKLD, MiSS., .lall. '1, 1N50. 1 v. loll te say te you that 1 have been suuoi suuei ing ler the List live years wltha severe itching all ever. 1 have heiud et Hep JSitters and haM tiled it. 1 have nert up lour bottles, and it h is done me mere geed than all the doctors am! medicine-, that they could use en or w ith me. 1 am old and peer but leel te bless you fersuchaielief by yeftr medicine and lrein torment of the doctors. I have had iifteen doctors at inc. One gave me seven ounces et volutien of arnenlc; another took lour quarts et bleed Hern me. All they could tell wvs that it was skin sickness. New, alter these lour bottles of your medicine, my skin is w ell clean and smooth as ever. myl.r-2wd&w Hemiv Kx'iiik Think, lames ! Ven can pcimaneiilly beau tify jour complexion with Glenn's bulpliur Seap "Hill's Hair ami Wtiisker Dve,"50cts myir.lwdce(LVw The beauties or tlic lace et women are ericu obscure 1 by tormenilng humors, easily get rid of by using Dr. C. W. Uensen's Skin Cure. It heal-s eruptions et the skin ei scalp and rcndeis the entitle hinoet'i and fair. An ex icllcnt dressing. myl. IwdAw JlAJtJttAtiJiS. IJeLTTMiii-KisnR. On Mav IS. 1SS2. at the beuse et Henry Wilte, Wesl chestnut stieet, bv Hev. Dr.Grecnwald, Hauy K. Koettner.ol I.aneastei, te Miss Annie Jl L. Ken, ! '-i-marge. H nun' AerjsjiTisaamNii, w ANTED.- A MlCST - CLASS COOK. necessary. Apply te ml7-tld Ne washing and ironing lequlrcd. MUS II. .1, BICtilCAAM, New Helland Pike. C1IKA1 1NSTKUMKNTS.--ONK GOOD PIANO, carved legs, round corner-, per fect elder, only $13T. One Organ, geed condi tion, en $35. Acw Organs lrein Je up. Cull parlv at thu KSTEY OKGAN ItOOMb. Ne. 7 Centre Square, Second Heer. It Pimi.icsAi.i;. Will be sold at public eutciy at lliAleck te-morrow (SATURDAY) morning May-20, Casing, Slielving, Ac., taken apart and lcady te haul away, at Ne. 38 WEST KINU stieet, next te ltrcneman's Reet and Shee Stoic. It G1 1KANU PACKAGE 1'AllTV. Te be gien by Washlmilen Legien, e. .1 K. nflt. at. Odd Fellows' Hall en .SATUK- K AY Evejiing, May 20 Addresses, vocal and instrumental music. Alse, Tluee Valuable Silver Pi izes te be given awav. Doeisopen at 7 o'clock. Performance at 8 o'clock. Tickets only 10 cents. It 1)UUL1C SALE OF CANADA HOUSr.iS On MONDAY, MAY 22, 1SS2, will be sold at public sale at the Men imac Heuse, Lancas ter City, Pa., twenty head of Heavy Canada Draught Ileises. Sale te commence at 1 O'clock, p.m. UEOROKOROrsSMAN. Samuel Hlss it Sex, Aucts. J'.-2t PUBLIC SALK OF KENTUCKY lIOKSi:s On SATURDAY, MAY 20. 1SS2. will be sold at Daniel Legan's Stables, Neith Market street, Lancaster, Pa., 16 bead of KENTUCKY HORSES, afii' one pair of Mules. This is as fine a let et Horses as was ever brought te this city. Tliey are well bred and amongst them arc some geed steppers. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock. 8-2td HOWARD BAILEY. INSTATE tIF CHARLES U. KUOADS, j late of Lancestei city, deceased. Lctteis of administration en said estate having been cr.inteil te the undersigned, all persons in debted te said decedent arc requested te make immediate settlement and these having claims or demands against the estate etsaid decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned, without delay, residing in Lac casterclty. MRS. M. u uheaiis, maylO-OdeawF Administrator. XEW AnTERTI8EMEXT8. Corsets. All ear Ceiiel- wauanted pfilcct lit. e li ive Cei ets at .17, !, 7J, 75, s5e., tl, up te i j We liae Dr. Warner- Health Ceialine cei- set al 10). We !u: Madame l-eys oerseis ' at U2e. We liie 1 leihln Hip I eiselsut S.u We h.i e llei uej (.01 i-N at ? All of tlii e Cei -jels aie el Celebiateil Make and the 1'KK IIS AUK I.OWIIIC tlian any in Hi j eity. OUit IIOSIUUY IMII'AUTUKNT is lull uilh anv Kiiul or quality et HOslI that can be pinch 1-11I at liiee tint a-,tenl-h eveiy eveiy bedy. Our UNOIIUWIIAK DlII'AltT.MKNT 1-..1N0 Illleii with the llne-a toeicet CllliailSlI. CAN TAl.KTlNhhlUTs anl MlillT UOWNS. all at the eiv lowest jit ie -. Al-e, '.11 this ilupait meiit a lull line el i:Hlhs' Cl.OAbs ami A I'UONS :il very b- pi if e- O111 tecl: et inur.eNS, tkim.m: isutten.s, : UHN'l ;IW1II.UY ami rriiMsiiixu oeoiis. ii eeiap'eie with all the lute-it the s .InOII. se cities el Our Millinery Department. Oui I'KATlinKs at !i7e.$l :0 lapidly. We h i'" then, in all lie sc Miliar veiv eoleii. ST. 26 and LANCASTER, PA. hoot.. v- snen.s. N JIIW STOKIIl XI.W tJOOIISli , eaienev. Oili'iim; ISirgalns in BOOTS AUD SHOES, AT THE EAGLE SHOE STORE Ne. 51 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (INQUIRER BUILDING) BURT'S FINE SHOES. Which whith Wcai in custom hae a ueild wide icpulatien, in v.e eiler lletter Myles and lietter g Value than can be pieduccd by any shot in lUri. Wc keep a lull stock et these gelds in eveiy niimber. sivle and width, and cm lit the most slender as well as the widest loot. Wc eiler also the following goods, all or which are wariantid et supeiler quality and weikmanship, mule especially te our order by Hi-l-ehis-, city mauutactuieis: Infants' Shoes 35 ets. te $1.00 Cbiklicu'.s Scheel Shoes $1 le $1 -25 .Mifcses' Scheel Shoes $1 te $1.25 Ladies' pebble oatbnttenShoes,$l..'iO te$2 Ladies Cleth -top Mutten $2 te $2.50 Ladies' fine kid Opeia Slippcis,$l te $1,25 Ladies' line kid Gaitcrs,$l. r5, $2, $2.50, $3 All Muds I.-idie' Shoes (common sense stjle), at equally low puce-. We also etlcr Special i:.u gains in MKN'Sand P.Oi&'bHOhS e have added loom immense assortment et bhecs the IttlM ClK, P.AhKISALL and all sljjes CANVA-i tjlIOKb tin Ucntleiiien and P.eys. Call and eamine, ! aie net obliged te buy. JOHN HIEMENZ. apil-eaw-l.MlS von sAijt:. MIIK KKNT. I: hTOIth. ROOM, 1.H East KiiH? street. apiOtld INQUIRE AT 13-5. V 'tilt KCNT. Ar KLEOANT STOKt. UOOM.-tsxH feet, close te Neithern Mar ket, ami opposite the Keystone Heuse. Ne. 243 Net Hi Out n snet. liiquiieat apilO-ttd 211 NORTH OUEEN STREET. T?OK SALK. AN !.1IMi:NiK NDMliKllOF HOU.S.KS, STORKS, IJUILDINO LOTS, &e., of all ilescilptiens, m all localities and at all pi Ices. NR.W CATALOGUE, with piices, lice te every one.; ALLAN A. IIKRR & CO., dcc-3-finiil a .Neith Duke street. PRIVATE MAI.K.-THK ND.KSIGNE1 eilers at private sale the following de scribed pi epeit v. te wit : All that very valuable l.u in, CONTAINING 17 ACKES, meie or less, situated en the south side of East King street, in the city et, Lancas ter immediately opposite the Lancaster coun ceun tv pri-en, anil adjoining lards et Herman Miller, Jacob S. Miller ami lands et the Dlrcc lorset the Poer-ot Lancaster county. This Is one et the met desirable and valua ble pieces el leal estate in the county of Lan caster ; has a geed DWKLL1NU HOUSE and out-houses witli geed llarn and ether itn itn nieveiiients. It is paiticularly valuable for building lets, being in the very best part of the cltv et Lancaster, and cspx-eiiuly adapted for a ti uck tiuiu. The entire piece is laid out in building lels. Fer luithcr information call en HENRY SHUUERT, Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent, Ne. C Cemt Avfcnuc, where the dratt et said pieperty can be seen. mSO-tld 1T7"K HAVE THE UAMUSiir.KST AND Don't ff finest window display in theeity. tail te sec it SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS. NECKTIES, MUFFLERS, POCKET-BOOKS, AU10GRAPH AND PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CIGAR CASES, ERISMAETS, NO. ti SUKTU O.UEK.N STREET. i. 5" I An elegant line et HL.YCK, WIUTK ami COLOKED PLUMES ami TIPS tit pi Ices te Miit everybody. Our a.eitinent et l.ewir.i.s is 1101 10 ne Mirpassuu ; wuiiuvuiw) ..... Olir StOCk Ot USTltlMMKIl HATS is sun full We have Ilennct-,. MilIei. Patience ami all the latest shapes. A tint line et tine l.ej. l.ej. hei n Hats ter l.ailies and Uilhlivn, Our asseitmcnt In CHILDREN'S IIAT-s h lull, we have Hats liemJc. n te J0). Our eletjaiit line et L YUIL-s' TRIMSIED IIATs have only lobe seen te he appieeiatei', as uu can suit eveiyhetty. Our ORDIIR DEPART I1INT 11 one el our pecialtis. We trim our Hats ul very short notice, as wc employ only I he best New Yerk iMillineis. Our work i- Hi-t elaxs in eeiy r"-peet. Gloves. Our L1S1.1I THREAD ULOVKa at 10c. aie net te be beat; they have tluee lull elastics ami aie regular wide. We have Li-te Tlirciul O loves at in. 12, 11), i". S', ."c. up te $1.00 per pair. Our KID ULOVESiuc well known ler their excellence in quality. .1 button Fiench Kid 59c, all coleis. ::-hutten French Kill '.He., in colors anil blaek. 3-clasp French coleis ami blatk. 4 elasp French Kiilll i". in colors ami bluek, Mnsfiuctalre Gloves, iiiulre-MPil, at $1.1sJubi. " dicsseil, at $1.Cj j kii Elegant a-'.eitiiieiil or LACE MITTS at all prices. 28 NORTH QUEEN ST. JlIVMlXTA IN1UHA rs. I ,UI.TON Ol'KKA 1IOUSK. SATUBDJLY LVJUilXti. MAY '20. The Towering Amusement Element! GEO. H. ADAMS' OWN NEW Hrnnpty Diimpty Troupe, Under the management, el AllM FOKfcVALOH. New Specialties! New Scenery! NewTilcUs! New Diesses ! New Music ! See all bills ler full particulars. PUICKS 35c, 50c. & ?5c. Seats secured at epeia house elliec. 17-ltd .1. 11. LA INK, Geneial Agent. itjcr voejfs. T AIIIFb, ATTKNTION ! Iteleie puichasing, plcase examine the GLOBE COESET, . W ITIt COOLKY'S PATKNT CLASP PKOTKUTOJt. FOB SALE BY JOHN P. SWARR, NO. 50 NORTH QUEEN STKKKT, LANCASTER, PA. 1) EF'.AXT SMUT, $1.00. . CAPITAL SHIRT, 7f,c, A vciy geed 1ILACK DRESS SILK, twenty tw e inches wide, at $1.25. .1. P. SWARR. LOMNti OUT! AT AND BELOW COST. My entire sleck et DRY 60(1, NOTIONS, Etc. IS FOR SALK .T AND UK LOW (.''Vr. This is a i.ue chance ter GOOD BA1 WAINS. AS 1 1 Wl AI.- IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS, On hand, which weic all purchased ler cash. J. M. LONG, 14 NORTH QUEEN STREET. J21-tfd J. It. MaKTIN & CO. Shirt Department : We aie all in seaich et liappinc" true happiness te be leund in art Oscar Wilde. Ait in its highest practical development is exemplified in the ENIGMA SHIRT. PERFECT FIT, EASILY LOOSE UOSOM, CORRECT STYLE, LAUNDRIED, REST MATERIAL, PRICE, 00 Cents. Sele Agents ter the Celebrated PEARL SHIRT Three-Ply Linen Ro-em and made or Wam- sutta Muslin. Fit Guaranteed. PRICE 81, Finished. BICYCLE SHIRTS, BLUE FLANNEL SHIRTS, CHEVIOT SHIRTS, PRINT SHIRTS, PERCALE SHIRTS, GAUZE SHIRTS. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. WANTED A SITUATION AS CLKKK IN any kind et a store. Address W V. S., Chestnut Level Lancaster county, I'a. Is2t JVX'IT ADVBRTiaEMMXIS. STKICH EROS' ADVERTISEMENT. ASTEICH BEOS-' PALACE -OP- FASHION! 13 EAST KING ST. JUST OPENED. A NEW LINK OP Towels Napkins and Table Cleths. Toweling, 5c. per aid. Glass Toweling, inc. per yard. All-Linen Toweling, 7c. per yard. Glass Towels, all linen, at 10c. Turkish u.ith Tewel, extra bargain, at 23c. . Fine Danuisk Tew el. Wash Rags at 3c. New en hand a complete line et Lais' Uii iderwear. Chemise. Muslin Chemise at 2."c. Chemise, lace edge, at XIc. Chemise, ru tiled edge, at 40c. Chemise, ceided edge, atiiOc. A Chemise with tucked yoke and Unco rows et cmbieidccy. at .rnlc. Riilllcd and Embreitit'itd at Kie Chcmise.thieeiowset line Hamburg insei ling twenty tucks and line necilie- workelge, atS-te. Kine Enibreidi red Chemise at $1.00 and $l.2.. Lace Chemise at $1.50. Skirts. Skirts. T we-itullled Skirts at 50c. A Deep Flounced kirt. at.7."e. Nine tucks, deep cambiic lleunce, atSSe. 'Ihiitcen tucks, cambiic flounce, ut $1.00. A liiie i:mbieideiedSkUtat$1.00. Deep Einbieideied .skirts tiem $1.10 upwaiil. Night Gowns. Rutlled all the way down at 75c. Riilllcd, with a Tucki d yoke, at $UXi. Tucked and Embroidered at $1.25. Forty tucks and embroidery, at$l Si. Tucked, with tluee lows et line Hauibiiigiu- s-rtlngand Hamburg edge, at $1.75. Tucki d, wlthtlnce lows of Inserting, two of the m extending all the way down, at $J.50. Pantalets.' Puffed and RulUcd, at 25c. Four Tucks, lace edge, ic. Five Tucks, cmbreideicd edge, at 50c. Nine Tucks, lufllcd, 60c. i ive Tucks, ceep line Hamburg edge, COc. Twe Cluster Tucks, with a line rullle and lace edge, at 7jc Six Tucks, Hambuig edge nuil Inserting, 83c. Six Tucks, Teichun lace and insulting, $1. Aprons. Aprons. Ladti s' Coleied Uerdeied Aprons, lc. Ladies' GiiiKham Kitchen Apiens, 2Tc. Childieu's Ca'ice Apiens, lue. Ladies' Calice Apiens with bibs. 2-"c. Ladies' Dimity Aprons, with coleied embreitl- ei y, pleated, at :Wc. Ladies Open-worked Aprons.celoied embroid ery, "Jjc. Ladies' Ciev-Uurrcd Aprons, embienlcred edge, e0c. Ladies' Dimity Aprons, lace edge, 'J."c. Childieu's Lace blips, Gec. Chililicn'sCross-IUrredund RnlHcil Edge Sleeveless Aprons ut 50c. 'Childicn's White Marseilles Apron, Lace Edge, 2.1c. Ciesi Haricd, lace edge, 45c. Ladies lliistln Aprons, laiffe sUc Cress Barred Xainoek, at.M'e. Latlici' I- ine Embreideied Aprons ut 75c. Ladies' Summer Skirts. striped Sk.ii t, i'le. Gray Skirt, :5"ic. An i-icK.inl SKirtatnu. Flne&Uirts Hern 73c. up te$J. Embieiileicd flannel. $1.1 0 and $1.25 per yard. Eml leuleicd Shaw li tiem 75c. up le $3.50. Embroidered Skirts ler Intanls tiem $2.i" up te f 1.5il. Inlants' Lenjf White&kirts,8Cen tucks,at75c. EiKht tucks and rutlled at $1.00. Nine tucks, with deep embroidery, $1.25. 'leu lucks, with deep embroidery aii' l iiisertlii.',$1.75. Children's Short Dresses. Twe ies of insertlnir. tucked lleuncc, at 50c. A line tucked dicss at 85c. Fine det-p embroidered flounce at $1. Etehliews et pulling and lour rows efeui- bieidery at $1.25. A "Mether Hubbard" dress at $1.75. Twenty tucks, three lows el einbieldeiy, deep embroidered e ';, at $2.50. Childieu's dresses trimmed with Kus-i.ui lace, ut $3 00. Fine India Mull Dresses. Dimmed with the bcstembreideiy, at$l 75. Infant's Leng Slips from 25c. upward. INFANTS LONG ROBES I mm $2.00 upwards. INTANTS MEU1NO CLOAKb Irem $1 50 upward". FINK UMDROIUEKKD CLOAKS limn VWll upwards SPLIT JACKETS. WOUSTED SHOES FOIt DAMES. LACK CAi'S. INFANTS SWISS C l'S Hern 10e te $.1 apiece. LACI1 CAl's at 50c, that arc veiy nice. LACK CAl" at 75c., $1.00, $1.25 te $5 00 apiece. L'ADIK CALICO WKAPPEUS at $1.00. CIIILDItENS CALICO DICES') Em at 25c. Ladies Spring Coats Cheap. HOOP-SKI UTS. HUSTLES from 25c. up. HAIU-Cl.OTH HUSTLES In all sirs. Ladies Waterproof Gossamers, $1.88. Wan anted te give entire satisfaction. CORSETS. rtc have an Elegant Cel set at tee. Embroidered Cer-ict at 75c. 100 Hene Corset at $l.oe. Automatic CersH at $1 00. Everlasting Hip Ceiset at$loe. hMA-rlliln llln f'ntai.f. !it 1 IMI Maihime Fey's Corset at N'ew Corded Hip Corbet at$l.oe. Dr. Warner's Health Corset at $1.25. 150 Hene Corset ut $1 25. our $1.50 Corset Is the best sold ler the money. French Woven Corset at $1.1.0. A 500- Hene Fiench Corset at $2.0 . Sateen Corsets at $2.50. Coleied Satin Corsets at $7.50. Kei elvlns dully Novelties In MILLINERY AND TRIMMINGS. LACES AND EDGING. PARASOLS NEW. AND CHEAP. A Full LIna et TWILLED SILK PARASOLS, with Natural Handles. Bene Handles Hern Handles Celluloid Handles, Huflale Hern Handles, Pearl Inlaid and Ebony Handle-). Ale, a Full Line et Lined, Satiu. Brocaded and Figured Silk Pa rasols, with and without Lace. Fine Menrnlng Parasols. A Full Assortment of LISLE, SILK AND KID GLOVES. UOSIEKY. LADIES, GENTS AND CIIILDItENS SUM MER AND GAUZE UNDER VTEAK. THIRD EDITION FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 10, 1882, STRANGLED TO DEATH. LEIGHTON THE MUKDEKEK HANGED. Ttie Weman Killer Gees Firmly te His Fate Dying Irem Strangulation in Fltteen Minutes. New Yerk, Jfay 19. Augustus D. Lcigbten, the murderer of his mistress, Mary Dean, was hanged this morning at S:41. Leighteu passed a quiet night, sleeping soundly until half past fire. He mani fested considerable nervousness after awakeningand realizing his situation. The execution was attended by the usual num ber of special deputies and took place in the southern quadrangle of the prison. Leighteu's counsel, Mr. C. D. Spencer, and his spiritual advisers, Rev. Dr. Mer gan, were early m attendance at uis ceu. lie partook sparingly of his breakfast. When the repast ended Leighten took a scat and listened te words of consolation from the minister. Shortly after 8 o'clock the deputy shcr ills with their badges and staves of office draped in crape, entered the prison yard. They formed lines close te the prison vails. The death warrant was read te Leighten in his- cell, aud then the precession te the gallows was formed. Rev. Dr. Morgan preceding and reading " I am the icstir icstir lcctieu aud the life." Leighten glanced occasionally te one side and the ether, and when near the gallows he looked at it a second and then his eyes dropped toward the pavement. On reaching tue gallows he turucd and faced the spectators. The noeo was placed aieuml the culprit's neck, the cap drawn ever his lace acd the under sheriff indicated by a wave of his haudkeicliivf that all was ready. The executioner from his pest behind a seiceii saw the signal through a small open ing, and let fall the axe scveiing the lope. The body of the condemned wa? Bwuiisr several feet in Iheair but the l.u failed te bieak his neck, aud he was slowly strangled te death. After live mnmtts the body was lowered in elder te pi the physicians te make their examination. In twelve minutes the pulse had ceaed. The action of the heart stepped three minutes aftei ward. The body was lowered, the coroner's feimal inquest was held, aud Leighteu's letuains were taken away in an undertaker's wagon. The funeral will take place en Sunday. Kiaxruii: di'akks. Urlcr lelrgraniH l'ruiii Various Sourcen. Tlic seeanier City of Lawiencc, leaded with lieiht, is aground in the Thames river, Connecticut, near Meutville. l,eSUcmiuauts from Biemen ai rived at Baltimore te-day and proceeded north ward by rail. Senater Hear ecs en the judiciary com mittee, Mitchell en pensions and Chileett ou pensions and claim?. Tlieie weie 19 deaths fratn yellow fever in Havana, Cuba, during; the week ended May 12th, with Hie dihease increasing and the weather het aud conducive te its fur ther growth. The committee en foreign atfahs te-day agreed te pcimit Shipheid te present te the committee the original papers which be alleges in his letter te the committee are pertinent te tlip inquiry, aud if the com mittee iiud such papers te be pertinent te the inquiry the same will be received and the witness further examined in reference thereto. Themas O'Connor, an Irish-American, was arrested in Cbatsweith park, the grounds of the Dtrke of Devenshire, at midnight last night ou a charge of being there unlawfully. MltAVVlNG TUK LONG HOW. A Very Doubtful Story Ceucernlus Die Ke cent Jaltli AsMnssinatiens. Dt'itr.TN', May 19. The Freeman" Jour nal publishes an eight columnstery anony mously sent and bearing a Londen post pest mat k professing te be a confession of one of the assassins. It intimates that the ciiinc was conceived as an answer te the appointment of Lord Frederick Cavendish by the Iiish association society having branches throughout the kingdom. Over twenty persons arc said te be implicated in the crime, all of whom have new es caped te England in various disguises. The writer says they attended the funerals of their victims. The story has created a sensation, is considered a hoax. It contains many gross absurdities. SAD TALK HMJM THK SKA. A Steamer n Fire and Twe 1'cople llrewned Collinrweod, Out., May 19. The steamer City of Lewen Sound arrived from Duluth this morning. She reports having picked up the mate el the steamers Mauiteulin, of the Great Northern transit cmipauy, in a sail beat six miles fiem Kill.nncy. As stated that while off Sheal point, four miles from Manitewaniug, the Manitenliu took fue and was completely destteyed about 11 o'clock yesterday fore noon. One of the beats "with the rescued cicw and passengers upset, and Kebert Ilebiy and a' little unknown gill were diewned. A tug has been sent from Ki! larney te the scene of the homing steamer. lc:itliel:i t' Oil Victim, PiiiLMiEr.riirA, May 19. M:a. Mullen, who was se awfully burned yrs tciday morning while attempting t- lilit a lire with coal oil, died this morning Her infant and her mother, who weie aNe burned by the explosion, arc pronounced out of danger. Dublin INiIice Armed with snerds. Dcr.LiN, May 19. 1 he .city police are new armed with swords. They have net cairied such weapons since the Fenian di tutbanccs. A Shcllield firm sent four ktiives te Dublin te order, just befere the Piiwnix park murder. Mether and Child Murdered. Lel'isvillc, Ky., "May 19. A special dispatch from Lebanon, Ky., tells of the mysterious murder of Resa 0bern and her daughter, aged ten. The be.lius were found this morning that of the mother in a little stream with a cut en the head, and that of the child in bed with the threat cut. Theio is no clue te the criminal. " Net Guilty." Sykacuse, N. Y., May 19 The jury in the Helmes murder trial went out at four o'clock yesterday afternoon and at eleven o'clock this mernim? returned with a ver dict of net guilty. An affecting scene fellow ed the rendering of the verdict, which accords with the popular opinion. The Itle Grande Start ler New Yerk. Washington, May 19. The signal office observer at Dclaware Breakwater reports that the steamship Rie Grande started for New 1 :45 a. in . with all passengers en beard. Great Fire in Lyens, France. Londen, May 19, Advices from Lyens state that a great lire has occurred there. A number of workshops and ether build ings were destroyed. Business Houses le Olympla, W. T. llurned. Oi.ympta. W. T.. Mav 19. A fire yes terday destroyed a number of business houses in this city. The total less will reach $73,000. The insurance will cover two thirds of that amount. GUITEACS OA1JJ1LE. Stitl Protesting His Divine Inspiration. WASUIXGTON-, D. U., May 19 Guitcau has addressed the following letter te the Star for publicatien: "I tell the Amer ican peeple and its officials from the ex ecutive down te the court in banc who are reviewing my case that I tell the truth and lie net when I say I am Ged's mau in the matter of President Garfield' a re moval, and if a hair en my head is harmed. tniQ Almighty will make the officials that de it pay well for it. If I was eutside 1 would lecture under the auspices of seme bureau en religious subjects. One of ray subjects would be, " Paul the Apestle and kindred topics " If my time has come te leave this world I am willing, but I want the officials that murder me en the gallows te understand the issue. If they murder me they will incur the wrath of Almighty Ged, and it will be a long time befere He lets np ou them and this nation. The devils that crucified the despised Galicelean thought they were doing Ged's service, but that did net release them from liability. They and their nation incurred the wrath of the Almighty by that act, and he get even with them at the destruction of Jeru salem and he will get even with this nation and with the officials if I am munhrcu en the gallows. I want au unconditional pardon or nothing, aud I want the executive te se understand it. I have set forth my views fully en this in my book, ' the Truth aud the Removal." If the honorable jurists representing the Washington ceutt in banc decide this case accerdiug te the law, there is enlv one decision they can make, and aat is that they have no jurisdiction. If they decide contrary te the law th .natter will rest with Presi dent Arthur, .vid they will have inclined the wrath : A'uiiiitj Ged." CHICAGO WHEAT. Uliat Mr. Wxlker't Did iceulutlun Mcanl. Chicago, 111., M.i 19. The" testimony bcfoie the aibitiater .'einmrliri which is tixing the prie.- n Hi developed the 1'ict '' the chief heliiei of m.ii1 wheat has I. C Walker wa. i. it wheat, having ' . it-, bought. Mr. . iiu was in no mi' became Mich in e!y oversold the f brtaking it. His about femteei Walker held that n sense a corner- M.t after the beats !a ' market in the hop story was se straihtfeis ard that oue of the ehiel defaulter.-, has alicady settled. aud it is likely the committce will li the settling price at 140. The AhKismim Net en the WIkceumii. CetUv. May 19. As the steamship Wis censin, which arrived at New Yerk ou the 17tb inst., sailed from iiucetistewn at S o'clock en Sunday morning 31 ay 7, all the passcngcis, including the man Turner, who was taken into custody at New Yerk, reported at the company's olliee the pre vious evening. Iicnce it is impossible for the assassins te have been en beard. U LATH L1C INDICATIONS. WasluINUTen, May 19 Fer the Middle Atlantic states warmer fair weather, winds mostly easterly, lower pressure. MAUKKTH. I'tuiailelplilH Markfti. I'MLAKKLrHlA. May 19 Fleur lliet. out steadv: Siinerflnc. $3 no?! Kxlni. l-2" fii'i -25 : Ohie and Indiana 7 00 ; St. Leuis de, $77 50. Kyelleurat St 5e5. Wheat tinner; I'a. Red, Family, Ji; 2a $1 4131 IC; de Ainecr, i wmi 4s. Cern linn, with iioedlncalileniund; Steamer, Sa;Kc; Yellow, 87a83e ; Mixed, 87jf87le : Oats firmer, with fair demand. Rye scarce at 92c. Previsions firm and lalrly active. Lard firm. Butter dull ui'd uusettid ; Civaim r KMi.t I'a., 27c; WestiTii, 25c; de goeil ti clmlee, 22a2lc. Rolls dull. Eirjjs stead v : i'a. 21c ; Western, 2eJc Cheese quiet. l'etreiuuiu linn ; Kennel, Tc. Whlslcv nt $1 21 Seeds dull ami unchanged. tttw ten mrKei. Nbw jerk. May 10. Fleur State and Western firm, and very meileruti; lmiuirv. Southern tlrm and ciuict. Wheat ' m'mC liltilnir and firm; medi-iati spcrulative trailing: Ne. 2 Ri-il. May, $1 W, , de June, II t.'.QI Ar, ; de July. $1 nvu I :ili: de AliKU-t, SI 251 254 ; de Sept., $1 2.V 2T.JS ; de seller year, i SliSl -Zi. Cem $& hotter and rather iiiet; mixed western spet,82Wi,4c ; t-utiires, 1H ;. Outs '40ic better and lalrlv active : Ne. May, Kiy&tae. ; de June, MJS-VJc ; de Julv, 5fe; State, iwa7.c. Western, i.igCSc. tiraln unit Prevision uetntlmm One o'clock uotatleus el :;riln iind )iievi-.. Ions, furnished by S. K. Yiiudt, llruker, East Klnir street. May 111. GblCMCO. Wheat .Cern Oats Cerk Lurit May... L23Ji .75 Jayt June... L25i .7.i JWJjJ Iti25 II I2J July.... 1.25,'i .7S54 .15 f.U5 ll.-.7 August 1.11)5 I'hilHttelphlM. May It.; ,S5 .CI .... .... -June... 1.12 .S2 .WS't Jul I 2 .S25 .58 .... ateKaa arm. New ierli, I'hilailelphlu and Lk al Stocks also Unlit d States I'mtds reported daily by ACt-B 15 Lein, "22 Nfirth IJilci-ii street. May l'. Kh'ie A 31. n 2 'li. I.M. l. c & r . c i . it. ........ .. Del.. I m k.A Wcsteni Denver ft Ule Grimde N. Y Laki Ki'cA '.Vt-Niniii EiistTenn, Va. .V c; ergfa Lane ShetvA- t':i, -eiillii-in. . New Ye lc ' . ! New .lci-i-y t;i ritiM Outaii'xx. w -i-i Oinaiii ''eui Omaha l'ri-ti-i Pacific Al-i'l --le.ii'. -,nl Ce Chicacte. M. st Ui Texas l'aclilc Wabash. - iii- l'.u.ltte Western I'nien Ti-t Le I'enn-'ylv.ei'a It. I Iteadini; r.utr.ue 1'itt-i a went N'erlhein P.iesni-Om 1'ieterred.... I2I" l-e 12i;i 'a ; """ ... u', 102- 102;; win D-Va l-4 !'. 7ei 7i VA ... le'iv, r; it'. 41 HO'-i I HI', 1104 mx XflA 3&li y 2U 2U-. h4 " HI 5S '2s;4' 15 2S wi iy bi'KVMAi. XUTIVLS. Keep tlie f:iiuiH Healthy II j ou want a sweet uie'ifli and breath. If the gums become ipanjjy, they Iem- their power te held the teeth. Thu a-,e et S07.ODO.NT is In valuable because it ie.n ' the tartar which separates the teeth ami guuie. tnylfi-lndcadftw Feed ter t lie 1J rain and Ncivcs la what we need in these days el ruli and worry. Parker's Ginger Tonic restates tin vital l-nerles and brings geed health quicker than anything jeu can uii 3Vi6r. bee adv.- mvl-lindcod.tfew C'ATAtmu cured, health and sweet breath h--enred by bhileb's Catarrh ICcincdy. Pii'-e.Vi cents. Nasal Injector Iree. Fer Mile at ChcIi rail's drug store, 137 North Queen St. myl-lmleew Aw A leucii, Cohl or sere 'lnreal slieuin no stepped. Neglect frequently results in an In curable Lung Disease or Consumption, lirewn's itrenchial Troches de net disorder the stomach like cough syrups and balsams, but act directly en the Inflamed parts, allaying Irritation, give relief In Asthma. Bronchial CeukIis, Catarrh, and the Threat Troubles which Singers and Public Speakers are subject te. Fer thirty years Urewn's ISrenchial Trecncs have been recommended by pliy-d-ciuns. and always givu eertect satisfaction. Having Hcen tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have at tained weJ . .ncrited ranlcameng the lew staple remedies et the age. Sold at 25 centra box everywhere. my-ivdT ThA F.tlvw Persons recovering trem wasting such as malaria, levers, etc., will be griatly benefitted by the use et Brown's Iren Blttrs, a true tonic. myl5-lwdAw rVLlTXVAL. FOIC JUICY COM9IISSIONKK. SUIUKCr TO TUB DECISION OP THE UKMOC f VTIC county coavMmes. WILLIAM ELLMAKEK, E&rl Township BENJAMIN HUltER, Htli Ward. Cltv. A. .. UINGWALT. 1st War. il JEROME H MIULTZ, Elizal-etlilewn,