fuMlig ,-; Volume XVIII--N . 2JG LANCASTER, PA. SATURDAY MAY 13 1882. Price Twe Cent. Xk mcef y nun: euK.vr nw teijk isazaab. GOTTSCHALK & LEDERMAN'S, GREAT JNJEW YORK BAZAAR -2(5 & This Stere is "Declared by Everybody the leader of Fashion and- Lew Prices. We cordially invite all these vhe have net visiteci the New Yerk Bazaar vet, and" t,hey will be cenvincedthat we are the Headquarters for the LARGEST and FINEST ASSORTMENT of GOODS in this city. MILLINEKY. All tlie Ladies who have examined m Tiim mcil Hats and Kennctsare united in li-i-larinn that ter liiMtis stnil beauty they cannot be mir-pa-Hi-d. We have constantly in nte-'c every Hliapc anil style nil hni-c.isuu. The most !e sir.ililii Slylvx il ll:itl at picscnl are the PATnXI'i:, tykei.i:. j'Htui:. HHCEXT. VIENNA. montiiese jinxxirr. if A R'l'lIA IION.XET. jumi'.e i:ensi:t, J'AIi IS I ESSE It O SSET, J) a mi: ii vim a i:n hexxet, AH the above stvlcs no have in Milan, 'ins cm, S.uiii.Straw, Chip aud Lace Uiaid. Our llatH are marked in plain fh'inr,,, -.,, :my child can wee thcscllliig price. WK OFFER KOi: THIS WKKli 50 down TyUiltas' Bough and Keaily Sailors at 4.rnC each, Kvwy Hal wenli 7."k-. 2-.UttV.KS I INK MILAN l:ONN iris AT.-J'le. Cost all ever $1.0). A". DOZEN REAL IJLAC.Mv CHIP HATS atOV. We arc --clling these Hals nl I lie old price, as chip lias jreiKi up ft) per cent, in nrh-i-': these Hats a in; .-old ill oilier stores at H.mi. Crepes. WK HAVE THE REAL COURT.YN CREPE at i l.ui, JI..1H, $2 0 lit Jln.oe a yard. CREPE VEILS SS.iki upwards. GOTTSCHALK & LBDERMAN'S New Teft Bazaar, Breal if Yerk urea 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN j Vr.ns, ,v :tAiiiK lOX'X FAIL Tu itXAMINK euu 'ji:n dei.i.ak suit, it IS KljUAL TO ANY f-l'IT .SOLI) E I.S E W II i; It E FOR KOUK TEEX IXfLLAUS. .STIMCTLV ALL WOOL. n. um is i:ns x i: oek out iron moths; BUY CARBOLIZED PAPER, HERT M0TJI PUOOF ARTIUliK IX TUB WOULD FOR CARPETS, FURS, &U. Tarred Eoefing Pelt by tlie yard or ten. tar WHOLESALE SUPPLY DEPOT: Nea. 11, 13 & 16 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. JOHN L. ARNOLD. trj'xjis AyiuoueJts i:i(lAKT'S OI.O WINIi STOUK. ESTABLISHED 1785. REIGART'S OLD WINE STORE NO. 29 EAST KING STREET. j:i:iuAirrN out nv.vvav up ixoe, isia, 1817. ikis .kv iss?. I'ixt: ti.n nu.i.x- MESAXD n'llISh'IIJS, CUSS, HUSH AND SCOTCH WHISKIES. All the leading brands et ;il AIUPAJNE, UROWX STOUT, SCUTCH ALES, Ac. itt nt-riil Waters, Appelliiuiris Vichy, Fried rich-hall. lIunvadlManes. Saralewi and Ginger Ale. Alse Fine H. E. SLAYMAKER, ,, S. CLAY 'mILLBbT " Wines, Brandies, Bins, OW Rye Whiskies, &c, Ne. 33 PEXN SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. COAlj. i tOAl.. M. V. B. COHO, 3KO NOltTU WATER ST.. VancesUr, ra. Wholesale iiml Retail tilere in LUMBER AND COAL. Connection With the Telephonic Exchange, i:rancl. etliev: Ne. 20 CKXTRK SQUARE ieb2S-lyil e 111 OLE KKKTI:.1ZK.IC. We an with newr able te furnish our farmers High Grade Fertilizers, i-eme especially ailapted for r.ilhlu tobacco. Selitat Ceal Varl, Ilarrlcbnrir pllcc, or at Ceiiei-.il Olliee, Xe.20Kast Che1n:it tm:et KAUFFMAN. FELLER A- CO. ajin-iuit (UtAKD Vl'EXl.XO OF " THE Hit EAT SEW YOUK ?8 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, PA. pew, HOTCE We shall offer this week the whole balance of our Ladies' Spring Coats at Half Prices and Regardless of Cost. Tin--e Coats must he Held In two week' tunc m order te make, room ter ether goods. LOOK . WONDER. Elegant Spring Coats in all shades andsizes, $1.62 ; former price $3. Flue All-Weel Walking Jackets at M.2., former piiee iii.iw. Elegant Safin and Cashmere Delmans, at $"i, ; ami $S; reduced from $J(i ami $15. CALL EARLY ' YOU WANT A GREAT P.AUGA1N. The Coats and Delmans will smely I in sold very ijuiclc attlie&c given away piice-". We are always receiving GREVl' P.AKGAINS IV EVERY DEPART- MEXT. And it will pay i-vi-rj body te VISIT THE IIAZAAR. ST. 26 and VLOTUISO. If you are a buyer of Spring Clothing; it will pay you te spend some time in our Salesrooms ; they are the most spacious in the state outside of Philadelphia. Re member you have ever sixty styles te select from and all our own make. MYERS & RATHTOtf, TJIH POPULAR CLOTHIERS. vrrr.ijcs. Olive Oils. echei: s Renowned Cough Syrup. A pleasant, sate.speedy and sure remedy ler Colds. Ceiifjlm, Hoarseness, Asthma, Intluen riVmJ'w'i'. ?' ll'. Tlireat anil Chest, ISren- Wipl.'l? '?"". SpitlinRef Illoed. in- the Chest and Air l'ttssa-'es This valuable iireparaue'n combines all'tne uieilicnuU virtues et thei-e articles which lenir experience hits preveil te possess the meat sate ami etllcient qualities ler uS cure e" all kinds ei lung diseases. ritlCE. 85 Centti. iTepared only and seldby 0HAS. A. LOOHER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Ne. a East Kinjr Street, Lancaster OAMIIEL H. I'KICE, ATTOKNKY, nAS O Removed his Ofllce trem 5rf Xerth Duke flreet te Ne. 41 t;UANT STUEET, inntie.li :ite!y in Rear of Court Heuse, Leng's xcw UuiKiln?. IH17-U.I BAZAAIt." Ostrich Feathers. We have Plumes anil Feather.s Iemi'iI every body. Elegant stock el'Tipsat 'Ale. a bunch, three in uliiiueh: Finn Flench Tips at 23, 40, rec., up te Vue apiece. Hlack Pliiiues lieiuS.'ic. te fin 0) -We call special attention te a let of Fine Plume", in lfht. blue, pink, cream, olive, bronze aim il her shades te match lialsatfl.S.".. These Feathers arc new sold all ever at. $.'!.0 ami we have uodeulit lliis let will lie sold in thiee days' time. FLOWERS. We have the met! beautiful selection, of Mntifim-K, Sprays, Heucnicfs of ArtHk-ial riencis vvcr seen. Elegant Sprays for 10c. Fine. .Single Jluils at. 'A"c. a dozen. Re-es in all shades at 10c. a dozen. P.iiisies at We. a dozen. Violets at Sea hunch. French Flowers ler -Ac. te fJi.tO a iMincii. RIBBONS. We have million-, te suit cvcryhedy'.s taste ami as v.e gel tliem direct Irein 'our ether huge hfiiw. in Xew Yerk, we sell them at man ul.iclurci's pii.-en. IIclew we mention a few et our special brands : Elegant 7-inch AH-SHk Sash Ribbons in all colors at 40c. a yard. I'M Pieces et ISIacU Extra Heavy Watered mil lion, all silk, Xe. !), at He. a great bargain. 1,000 pieces el 5-incli Finn'AH-Silk Meire An I iijui: Ulbbens for Iriiinniiig purposes nt.'I.'ic. a yard. These l'ibhens are etfeii'd at present in ether stores in this city at T.'ie and fl.oeayaid, ami we advise our readers te call new it they want. any. One let el Xe. 1- Satin and F'aillee Klaek Kibheii at 1 1c. a yard, in all the must dc-i ruble shades te match ill esses. i. 28 NORTH QUEEN ST. don't fail te kxamine eku i;m:ut dollar suit, it is equal te axy suit sold klsewiif:ue FOR TWELVE DOLLARS. STRICT LY ALL Weel. VLOTIIIKU. Verk for Five Thousand. Ne break in continuous work of our Five Thousand people has eccured for a very long period, and if we can help it there shall net. Our ability te de this depends upon the rate at which people take our Spring Clothing for Men and Beys, and thus clear the way for our Au tumn work, Our Spring stock is complete in quantity and variety, excel lent in style and workmanship, produced en the spot and offer ed at prices te sell. If you are net our customer or have no preferences for trad ing with us, would it net be wise te consult your own interests by buying where you will be served best, and a portion of what you give for clothing be a centribu tien te the working people of your own city ? ou can de this at. Oak Hall. Waxamakek & Ijkewn, OAK HALL, Sixth Aim MaiikbtStkkkts. PHILADELPHIA. R ACS. KACS. ItAUS. The highest Cash Prices paid for all kinds of Hags; Old Jloeko, Carpets, Woolen Cleths, liagglng Rcpc, Gnin shoes, &c., Ac. I will call en persons having anyet the above articles It they will drop me a postal card. WM. P. HENNECKE, NO. 235 WEST KINO STUEET. lebij-anul Bazaa AFTER THIS, THE DELUGE THE MACUISE'S COJ1PLKTE TKIUJUril. A. Clear and FervlDle Exposition or the Re cent Itess Convention from alCepubll can Source -Feed for Keflec Keflec tleu and Thought. Philadelphia Evening Telegraph, Iml. Jtcp. Mr. Cameren's convention has dene the weik for which it was c.illed, and which, with ene excentieu, it was commanded te de, and the same can b very tersely Bum med tip : Beaver A faith fu! adherent of the Cameren 'machine" 1'teui his political youth up. Davies A reliable worker in thn Cam. ereu traces until dragged out of them by his constituency, and exticmcly unhappy until he get back te his old place. Greer A copper bottemcd-doublc-rivet-cd-always te-be-relied en Cameren man. Marshall An immaterial accident of the convention ; a brilliant but eccentric lawyer, never known as a Catuerenian, but, like Mr. Wolfe, willing, for a consid eration for his fiiends, te co-operate with Mr. Cameren. In the ligltb.ef his furious utterances in the past, aud after Brown's rejection, Mr. Marshall can no mere consistently letaiu a place upon the Cameren ticket than Mr. Welfe could have done. He has always firmly refused congressional honors, aud his prescut awk ward position will be se annoying that it will be strange if "machine" intrisruiuir does net wriggle him eiF the ticket. Hawle Net a Cameren man himself, but the personal selection of Mr. Cameren aud nominated at his peremptory cemmau 1 and only after a bitter btruggle. It would thus appear, upon the surface, that Mr. Cameren has wen a sweeping and substantial triumph. But things arc net always what they scorn, and the inau who ruled Wednesday's se-called convention with unparalleled audacity and tyranny will probably iind set before him at an early day, a dibit of Dead Sea fruit. Gen. Bttiwr, in his caiefully prepared speech accepting the nomination for governor, talks grandiloquently of himself as the candidate of the people and net of the "bosses," and yet out of his own mouth he stands convicted of monumental insin cerity having in a recent interview stated that he did net become a candidate for nomination until after a satisfactory con sultation with Mr. Cameren. He had de termined net te bceemis a candidate- until after Mr. Cameren's approval. He new desiics te parade as the people's candidate, but would net unde: take, no matter what his supposed strength, te fight the people's battle against the "bosses," cither in or out of the convention. Enough said. Don't let us have any mere fals.0 pleading or double-shuffling about Gencial Beaver's relation te Mr. Cameren. Davies and Greer have simply exchang ed I. O. U's. with Mi . Cameren. Senater Davies held Senater Cameren's obligation for services rendered. In the senatorial contest last year Davies and a few ether protesting Independents, i. e., enforced belters against the caucus who sympa thized with its baffled master, prevented the election of Wolfe, an event which would have humiliated the senatorial dic tator into the very dust. Later, Davies gtaccfully yielded te the Baily preferment and threw the weight of his influcnce against Wolfe. Still later, he entered into the Continental hotel conspiracy te throt thret throt tle the Independent liepublicau move ment. At last he has his rcwai d. and his master holds his obligation te sriile or de fraud the public sentiment of his equatorial district thieugh the return of a successor te himself who, in 1S8I, will be solid for Mr. Cameren's re-election. Senater Grcer held Mr. Cameren's positive obligation, dated February, 1881, premising him the nomination given in Wednesday's convention. Mr. Cameren new holds Mb Greer's obligation, endorsed by sundry local " bosses,"' te keep his district in line for 1884. Thus it will be seen what an admirably complete piece of " machine" work Mr. Cameren's con vention has turned out. It is iron-bound and steel riveted, warranted net te break in any part, te run smoothly aud te stand any pressure that may be required. Mr. Uawlc's nomination is the ene ap paiently bright spot in "Wednesday's other wise wholly bad day's work, se far as Mr. Cameren is concerned, yet even here it is haul te find greuuds upon which te give him any credit. In this movement, as in every ether, his motives arc thoroughly and transparently selfish. It was con ceived in characteristic cunning and ex ecuted under false pretenses. Mr. Cam Cam eeon's put poses in thU mater are four fold, viz., te conciliate the Philadelphia refermcts, notably the Committee of One Huudicd, te get at least partial endorse ment fieni the Independent, liepublicau convention, te maintain unbroken sway as "boss," and prevent any ether man fieni parading as a "be;;s;" even for an hour. All this will he clearly and forcibly brought out in the immediate future, whether te the detriment of Mr. llawlc's candidacy or net, remains te be seen. Atall events, it is extremely te be regretted that se ex cellent a nomination in itself should be fe fearfully haudicapped in the spirit and manner of its creation. It is a lead which only the loftiest intellectual ability, the highest professional reputation and the most exalted private v.eith can stand up under. It is blighting, humiliating, exas perating, but it is tme that te Mr. Cam Cam eeon is Mr. Kawlc solely indebted for his nomination. At least this place upon the ticket might have been left te the people. Neither the Committee, of Que Hundred nor any ether organization was consulted. The selection was mai'a and determined upon by one inau, and his irnpciieus will became law. When it is remembercd that the coming contest is te be ene of principles and net men ; a gigantic struggle for popular rights ; a supreme effort upon the one side te maintain the ascendency of "boss" mis mle aud upon the ether te threw off the galling yoke forever, it will be seen that this matter of the supreme judgship must speedly become a centre ei' absorb ing and vital interest. Ne personal or professional assault can or will be made upon the Republican nominee, but he will draw a raking lire as the one candidate who should have been fiee even ftem the odor of the "machine "upon his garments. The American people irrespective of creed or party, arc every day becoming mere and mere jealous of the honor of the judi ciary and they leek with special cenccm upon the courts of last resort. Fuither, when the campaign is entered upon, it will be pointed our, with undoubted effect, that should Sharswood's successor be a Republican the supreme bench of Penn sylvania will stand six Kcpublicaus te one Democrat, and it will rightly be urged that this is net according te the spirit of our institutions. This fact alone,ttnpreced alene,ttnpreced eutcd iu the judicial anuals of the state, will probably have decisive weight with many fair-minded voters. Finally, it is new almost a certaiuty that Judge Lud low will compete with Mr. Kawleler the honors of the supreme court, and should such Iu the case the Independent Republi can vote of Philadelphia and of the state will net be jug-handled ; net by any mcaus. Has Mr. Cameren, then, huildcd wisely or unwisely ? His sole desire, his direct aim, the ceutic of all his plans, the soul of all his scheming, the purpose of all his trading, is te secure his own re-election te the Senate" in 1SS4. One secret of his success in the past has been the well-kept secrecy of his plans, but in this battle he cannot blind the people as te the real sit uation. They knew that he does net care a picayune for the success of his state ticket, in whole or in part, se he carries the Republican senatorial districts in which elections are te be held this year. And he will be met aud fought en that greend as he has never been fought before. Davies will be utterly unable te fulfil his contract, and Greer will probably be re pudiated en the same issue. In ether parts of the state it will be the same, and in Aiiegueuy, notwithstanding Marshall's nomination, and in Philadelphia Mr. Cameren will reap the full fruits of his fight for Rawle. In both sections the leaders defeated and trampled upon in Harrisbuig ou Wednesday, will make scciet if net epcu alliance with the anti- Cameren lerccs, oetu this year and in 1SS4, and de their utmost te carry an anti-Cameren Legislature. Iu a word, Mr. Cameren has aroused aucw, as it has never been aroused before, aud intensified the disgust and wrath of the Republican freemen of the commonwealth, and has at the same time fanned the embers of fac tional bitterness among the alleged regular workers into a consuming flame. Looked at calmly the situation reveals Camcrenism at its rtoedtido ; the ebb will presently set in, aud its llew outward te the sea of long and richly-merited oblivion will be swift and certain. " Bossism " iu Penn sylvania touched high-water mark en Wednesday. It is new the people's turn. IN TUK IMTKltEST OF WKLICaCY. Seme Sensible SusgesttousTeucliIngu Time ly Tepic. New Yerk Times. It is a pleasant thing te find that our legislators are desirous te preserve the delicacy and coutiibttte te the comfort of female prisoners. The Senate has just passed a bill which provides every station house its this city with two matrons. The business of these matrons will be te leek after the female prisoners,' and it is te be hoped that they will be able te make the station house really attractive te members el their own sex. The necessity for providing the station houses with matrons is obvious te every person of any delicacy. At ptescnt, when a drunken woman lias been arrested after a fight which has inflicted injuries upon her nerves almost as severe as theso in- llicted by her upon the hair and noses of the policemen, she is brought before a rude masculiue sergeant aud led te a cell by four or five vigoieus men in uniform. This is naturally shocking te her anil makes the pelice station hateful iu her eyes. She lecls that her self respect is lewcicd by the questions of the sergeant and her womanly delicacy outraged by the touch of the policemen's hands upon bur wrists. Weie she te be received by a matron of her own sex who after being knocked down and danced upon would caliber "dear," and invite her te walk into a sweet little cell and rest herself, the female prisoner would feel comparatively comfortable ' and her self-rcspect would be unimpaired. Of course no itihiale prisoner would refuse te go te a cell when requested se 4 i de by a matreu. "We will, tlieiefr-u. t ever have te face the problem, Hew ea oije matron drag a prisoner down Man, whom four policemen have with dMuYuiu Uecn able te drag te the station luuht .- The bill providing matHtnj, f.(l sution sutien sution heuscs is only the first e.'.x seiics el meas ures which ought te be adopted for the preservation of" the delicacy of lemalc prisoners. It is an outrage that women should be tried by male judges and male lawyers. Nothing can be me te indelicate than te place a woman iu a room half full of men and te permit a man te ask her questions, always mere or less imperti nent, which she must answer iu a tene loud enough te be' heard by mean, prying jurymen. We can imagine what Miss Blauche Douglass must suffer iu being compelled te listen in the presence of men te much of the testimony which has been given in the Ciamcr case, but we can hardly imagine the extent te which her womanly delicacy will suffer when she comes te be examined and cress-examined by men and in the presence of men. In the interests of feminine delicacy, women should never be examined as wit nesses or tried as defendants except in the sole presence of women. We must have female judges, female juries and female lawyers for the benefit of lemalc witnesses and femalc pi fcencrs, and it would be well if it were forbidden, under heavy penalties!, for even a female lawyer te ask any woman an impertinent question. In no ether way c m we preserve the delicacy of the unlettunate women who, from time te time, aie compelled te appear in court, and surely they arc as much entitled te the syinpathy.ancl care of our legislators as are the female prisoners iu our staticn houses. If it U necessary te provide matrons te receive women at the st it ion houses it is equally necessary te provide female po licemen te arrest women. At present in nocent and worthy drunken women aie daily insulted by policemen who, even without a formal introduction, de net hes itate te speak te them en the street and te lay violent hands upon them. Hew can a woman jireserve her self respect when she is seized by two or three strange police men, tied in a catt, aud driven te a station house ? Let us put an end te this out rageous state of things by committing the business of arresting women exclusively te female policemen, armed with silk um brellas instead of clubs, and authorized te substitute politely worded notes of invita tion te attend suppers at the station houses for the present rude and disgrace ful system of making arrests. It is doubtful if a tiue regard for female delicacy would permit any woman te be banged, but nothing can be raore certain than that it is te the last degree indelicate te peimit a map te hang a member of the gentler sex. Shall the rude bauds of a hangman take the liberty of placing a noose around the blushiug neck of a mod est murderess, and shall her last moments be made uncomfortable by the impertinent remarks of a clergyman ? She has the right by virtue of her sacred womanhood te be supplied with a haugwema'n, who can withuut impropriety tie hcra-iklcsand decorate her neck with a noose, and te be ministered te by a clergyweman who can whisper words of consolation in her car without giving occasion for scandal. " A littler delicacy is' a dangerous t thing," as rope remarks, it our legisla tors confine themselves te supplying sta tion houses with matrons and take no further measures te preserve the delicacy et women, tuey win merely make them selves ridiculous. Nothing can be mere sacred than the womanly delicacy of a drunken, howling, fighting fury, and it is absurd te protect her delicacy inside of a station house while policemen, judges and juries are permitted te shock it else where. . : Asv physician who is acquainted with its properties will sav that Glenn's Sulphur Seap ii a reliable remedy for local akin diseases. That hacking ceneh can lie e quickly cured by Siiiielfd Cure. We guarantee it. Fer sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen St. myl-lwdce,w&w AViLt you sutler with Dvspepsla and Live Complaint? Slnleli's Vlializer Is guarantee er cruaranteed ' vurv you. t or j-aieai Lecuran's urug store, 1ST S erth Queen St. myl-1 wdce w&w early a Miracle. LAcnith Hall, Ilinghamten, N. Y. writes: I suffered for several months with a dull pain threnjjh the left lung air.l shoulders. 1 lest my spirits, appetite and color, and could with dlfticultv keen un all ilav. Mv mother procured some Uurdeck Bleed flitters ; I took them as directed, and have felt no pain since first week atter using them, und am new quit well." Price $1. Fer sale at II. It. Cochran's drug store. 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. When your wire's health is bad, when your children are sickly, when you led worn out, use llrewn's Iren Bitter?. SLKKrisss nights, made miserable by that terrible con-: h. Shiloh's Cure is the remedv for you. Fer sale at Cochran's drng stere. 137 Xerth Queen St. myl-lwdeewAw An Important Discovery Has been made whereby a successtul vegeta ble combination has been Introduced, which acts upon the bowels, the liver and the kid neys, and at the same time imparts .strength and vitality te the entire system. Burdock bleed bitters constitute this important div-cevt-ry. Price $1. Fer sale at II. It. Cochran's drug store, 13r North Queen street, I-an cas ter. MEDICAL. w OWN'S IKON 1I1TTKKS-. Oh, My Back ! That's a common cxpiossien-nnd has a world of meaning. Hew much suf fering is summed up iu it. The singular thing about it is that pain iu the back is occasieued by se many things. May be caused by kid ney disease, liver complaint, consump tion, cold, rheumatism, dyspepsia, overwork, nervous debility, &c. Whatever the cause, don't neglect it. Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. Ne medicine has yet l-ecn discovered that will se quickly aud surely cure such diseases as Brown's Iren Rrrrr.us, and it does this by commencing at the foundation, and flaking the bleed pure and rich. Logansport, I ml., Dec. 1, 1SS0. Fer a long time I have been a suuererlrem stomach and kid ney disease. My appetite was very peer and tlie very small amount I did eat disagreed with inc. 1 was anneved very much from retention el the urine. 1 tried many remedies with no success, until I used JiuewuM Iren Bitters, Since I used that my stomach docs net bother me any. My appetite is simply im mense. My kidney trouble is lie mere, and my general health i.s such, that I lcei like a new man. Atter the use of Brown's Iren Bitters for one month, I have gained twenty pounds in weight. ' O. Ii. Sauebnt. Lcadiug physicians and clcrgymeu use and recommend BROWN'S IRON BITTERS. It has cured ethers suffer ing as you arc, and it will cure you. Fer sale at II. IS. COCHRAN'S Drug Stere, !7 North Queen street. Lancaster. iiij-8 Iwd&w If ATTKNTION I A MOTHKK SPEAKS UN lil the Occidental entered our house 1 never knew what it was te fe 1 wliollvsecure from the attacks et scarlet teveranddiphtheria.Iu using it ter tlireat allectien- your valuable medicine has proven most magical and instantaneous in its cure. Your pamphlet has taught me hew important It is te watcli the children's threats ami I catch myscll frequently doing this whenever they complain and applying a dose instantly. I advise all mothers te try it. It l.sagreat comfort and a been. Signed, A mother. Sold by II. II. Cochran, 137 and 13!) Xerth Queen street, Lancaster. "1KNTLEJIKN. " We e.iU your attention te an Important dis co very in our practicu which we have found very successful in csUes or prostration arising from indiscretion. These sutteriiig from any of the numerous forms et Debility arising from abuse or ether causes, will de well by sending a three cent stamp for further infor mation. Address. DRS. LA GRANGE &. JOR DAN (late Jerdan & Davidsen). Ne. u;a Fil bert stieet, Philadelphia. Pa. Hours ter con sultation : le a. m. till ' p. in., and 5 till 8 p. tn. mariVSmeed CLOTJUNU &U. The coming of Spring does net always determine you te lay aside heavy clothing, hence we shall keep our winter stock accessible for a while and have the spring goods also handy, if wanted ; but if our advice is worth considering you will make changes gradually, beginning with a Spring Overcoat, The advantage of dealing with us is that -vve have all weights and kincib of oeds te meet the sudden changes of this climate. A. C. YATES & CO. LEDGER BUILDING, Chestnut and Sixth Sts., PHILADELPHIA. eky tioenn. rjUlE NORTH ENU DKY GOODS STOKt: SUMMER UNDERWEAR. SPRING SHAWLS, NEW DRESS GOODS, LADIES' SKI UTS. All marked at pilct-s te make them silt. Remnants of Unbleached Muslin as geed a Wamsutta, running trem two te ten turds, at 10 cents a yard, J. W. BYRNE, 322 NORTH QUEEN STREET, H-Iyd LANCASTER. PA. 1I..N; eut: AT AND BEL.OW COST. My entire stock of W GOODS, NOTIONS, E. is kerIalk at AND BKLOW LST. This i.s a line ehaiiie ler GOOD BARGAINS. AS I IIAVB AK IMMKNSK STOCK OF WOODS, On hand, which were all purchased ierex-h. J. M. LONG, j-21-tld II NORTH CjUKKX STRKKT. eii.ks and i)i:r.ss :oei. Watt,Shand&Ce., Arc daily receiving New Cnnds iu tins De partment, ami eiK-i' the best possible Vul m: in BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. PLAIN, STi:iPi;D and POLIvA DUT.slUt- iMKR SI L!Cs. SPECIAL RARGAINS IN SURAH SILKS, Only Sflca'iurd. ' MOIRE ANTICMIK, DAMJIASSI and RRO- CADK SILKS. An Immense Sleck el NEW DRESS GOODS In ail I he Popular Fabrics, at Lew--t Prices. New Opening, a Choice Line of PAUASOLS AND SUNSHADES) Iu all Si.es ami Qualities. We Oli'ur a New Line of CORSETS, In Many Popular Makes, including Madame Key'.s, Dr. Warren's, Thompson's Clee Fit-, tingaud Hull's Patent Spiral Spring Ceisi t. We Invite the Special Attention el Ladies te K xtraerdinary bargains in German Table Damasks, At :;ie, X.U; 37c. l.le and rOc a lard, iu llnd some Designs ami much under usual pi i-e. NEW YORK STOUE, 8-10 EAST KING STREET. M KTCSKK & UAUfSIIMAN. HETZGER fr HAUGHMiN, AX TIIEIK- New Cheap Stere, IIAVK NOW IN STOCK A COMPL! TK AS SORTMENT OF Til Kill OWN P.RA.ND OF GossamerWaterpreots ThatuicCuaiaiHecil te give ln'i .-ati.-l.:ctieii. GOSSAMERS for LADIES. GOSSAMERS for GENTLEMEN. GOSSAMERS for GIRLS. GOSSAMERS f r HOYS. AT METZGER AND HAUGHMAN'S NEW CHEAP STORK, Ne. 43 West King Street. Between tlie Cooper Hen -te and Serrel Herse Hetel. Janll-IvdAw LAJCltlAOEH, JtV. rytt V. STANUAHI) CAKIUAOK WOKIC OF LANIJA.vnfll COUNTY. EDGERLEY & Ce., FIJNB Carriage Builders, MARKET STREET, Rear of Central Market Houses, LANCASTER, i'ENN'A. Wu make every ty!c lluggyainl Carriage le sired. All wertc finished In tlm most comfort able and elegant Htyle. ,We use only t lie !)! selected material, and employ only thei.-e.-t mechanics. If or quality of work our prire-t in. tlie cheapest in tlie state. We buy ter ca.s!i and sell en the most reasonable terms, Giv- n-u fall. All work, warranted, liejiniriny prowl ly attended te. One set et workmen esjiecjiliv employed for that purpose. Inai-ifdA B. B. MAKTIIf, Wholesale and Itetail Dealer In all kinds et LUM IIEK AND COAL. -fard:Ne. 4M North Water and ,'l'ilnce trvjU abevu Lemen Ixineastur. uJlyd