LANCASTER DA U,V lmKLLIGJflVCKR THURSDAY MAY 11, 188?. FARM AND GARDEN. B SOIII" SKASONAIJLK SUUUfcMTlOM). Tepic of Timely Interest te Culm atom of tbeSuil Vrcw the Gortnautewn I lelecrapli Anether Warning. We see a statement "going the rounds" warning people te be careful in planting horseradish, that it does net get ahead of them and cover the farm with a nuisance that will be very difficult te cradictatc ! One newspaper clipper seeing ethers copy it docs the same, thinking that as it ap pears in se many papers it must be true, and thus sends this absurdity along. Of course there is net a word of truth in it. A bed of it will net be generally self-supplying even for family consumption, for it is necessary in digging it up te cut off the te'p, with a little of the toot, and di viding it into pieces te plant it in turn, putting them two or tlncu inches deep, and pressing the roil in inly leu with the feet. Almest any quantity of it could be disposed of in our nia:l:et hence the trucker would smile te see it glowing spontaneously, without any I:' or en his pait, ready te eenvcit into money. Tlic Lawrence 1', Again. Our last Lawrence ljear aud the last pear of our past 3 ear's :,tock was eaten en Wednesday last, and we found it te possess about .dl lis eiiyinal Haver. Take it altogether, it is a j ciu:.rk:ible vaiiety, and we unhesitatingly .itltl the most val uable fiem among our own cultivated of ever sixty. Wc have frequently spoken of it merits, and shall pwb ips continue te de se, as we eensidei it a uuty we ewe te all ftuit giewcin who have space enough te give it a place. The L-iwieuce has no " oil" year " with us, as the tiecs aie eevcicd with per fect ftuit year after j car. Its season of riH'iiiug is extended beyond that of all elheis. It begins at the cud el October, and gees ou as the tcmperatuie in which it is placed is legulated, up te the end of Apul, as we state above. The tii'e is :i igenms giewcr, is as hanlyas any ether upon our premises, and begins te bear in two m iluee jeais alter setting out. Fei canning pu: poses we legaid it as ahead of etlics.s, some opened within a week being I'cifcctly dclio'eus. It is a ftuit, se far as eiu knowledge of it gees, that can always be lehed en : and tit this j' view we ceulideitlly recommend it te all, even if it be the only kind gtewu. ICainliig ntusliriteitiK. "Hew can I grew niushioems V" asks a lietk.t county coiiespendent. "I see a gteat deal said about it, and I have tiied evciy way that desci ibed, but I have the litst one yet 10 see. I have devoted veiy considerable time and labor te dis dis eevet the hew and as time is money, it h:is involved considerable of that, and I knew as little new as 1 did befeie. 1 should like these who wiile te much about i aising mushrooms te i ay candidly whcthri they ever gtew one in their lives." We answer that we ate quite as igueiautas our eei respondent en the subject. We have also tried three or lour dtlleicut times, following each tone a somewhat diileicut way, and the tesiilt was two lit tle fellows, net laiger than the buttons we see en ladies' d losses. Weliiedit in tin caulillewer bed ; behind the shelves in a gieen house ; in the cellar ; ami in the hut se stable. Then we gave, it up, and would advise our inquiier te de the same. Still, theie is a way te get them plenty of them if the weather faveis. and we :ue willing te wait te the cud of August, thteugh September and beginning el Oe tebcr. This is te pen nfci- sheep in a let of n couple of acres efjui&lnrc bind. Wc have known bushels te be obtained in this way after waiting a j ear or two. Last autumn when the rains eame after the long draught, mushrooms were net confined te Mich places, but weie te be found all ever the faini where theie was a pasture let. We saw them in the fields as we p.tssed along the highways. But this is only once in ftem lie te ten yeais. Still, they aie te be found every fall ; and if one is net willing te adept the plan mentioned with the sheep, better be content with their advent. 1. S. A fiicnd told us en the List day of Apt tl, that last fall he icimvcil fiem the sheep pastuie when: the mushioeiiis had giewn, a quantity of earth and placed it in liis caulillewer hotbed, and that he had an abundance of muMneums. IIatii i. Ci'i.U., Mich., -Ian..;!. Wl (lmi l mi: llaing been allliilid ler a i umber el e.ti w llli iimIii st ion ami di'bil.H , lv the adviie el iu iloelei I useil Hep BUN I-. ami must :-.iy they nlleidcd me alme-l Instant n llcl. lam g!ail te lie able te testily in then beiialf. Tnes. G. Im. iiiI-2imUVu 1III.HH'. ("ATA I I'll III Ml I a pil!llC (Mill' lei Cataiih. Oiphtlu 1. 1 .ml ( ..nkci Mould. Fer ile ;it Cetlu.iuN tlni- nee, .57 Neilli Oueen sin el. Deal as :i l'-,' Mi-. W..I. Lang. R thiiv,. Mates Hut terlilteen months sin- a- I untitled illui ill-ea-e in Hit car. ( aiiMiig t nine deilnc . In ten minutes tltei i.sing Them.i. i;e)eetiie Oil she leunil if lift, unit in a sheil tune she was entiti'ly einetl ami lit" lic.iiing ic-letcd Fei .sale at II. I!. I'eeln :n's I'liig stele, 1J7 Xeilh (jiieuii stiffi. I.aue..stcr. 'llAihMirr.M i.,":i 1 i-tiu:;.i.iil Iiaranl iei lume. I'liifii ami . 0 e nt . I e: "-ale at CelJi i au's Ii ii sleie. I IT Xoi ;' l.Mi' en stieet. - t'"iii-m! In .Need. Timeetei .t'.il a-ain 'rhiiina-!' Uelertne Oil lias pieel a -.iliil.ii v tin ml te the ihsiie fil. Asaieliablf fiiratitf ter eieiiii in tlillilicn, son an. I allueliens, ami as a pi) jimiii l ler p is a neer l.tilinautiiliii' . I'm -ale .u II. 15. Ceeluan's dint; stoic. i:J7 Nei Hi (u en ylnl, Lauiiiitei. Shileii's cri'i: v.ii.1. niiiiieili ilelv teliexe Cienp, AVlinpin4 ("euli ami i:ieiiehili-, 1'er saleali eihian- ihn;r ,'eie 1J7 Neitli (iieeii stieet. B. II. MAUT1N, Wholes ile ami Itctail Dealer In all kiuils of I.UJI f.KIi AND COAL. 49-fata: Ne. 4'JU North Water aiiil'iintc Inset- above l.einen lincasler. nJ-lya c 1.U. M. V. 15. COIR). zr0 NCti? It MATJCK HT., l.mrasier, fa., Win ii - ile iiml lie tail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Uouiiccilen WIUi the Telepbi.iilc Kif.lllllif;c, Hi 4-n I Ol' ' : Ne ;d (;intki; SOU AUK. lebi-lya i!iei.i; i sin u.i.i;u. We aie new able te liuuisli eui laiiuets uith !lii;li l-'radc FerUHzcrs, .some especially ailapteil ler i-iisinj; tobacco. Siihl at (.'eal laul I it bin;; pike, or at CeucralOIHie, Ne. )! Kast Chestnut stieet. KAUFl'MAN, M;i.l.liU A CO. apil-ltl CAKHMAUJSSt JtV. rilat. STA.NIJAKU CAKHlAUt: WOKK Ol' I.AXCASTKll COU.NTV. EDGERLEY & Ce., PIJNB Carriage Builders, 31ARKLT bTitKET, Rear or Central Market Houee3, LANCASTJii:, I'lINN'A. Wcraakeeveiyitylc Kucy am! Carnage tie. ilca. All weik linisheil in the eomfeil able anil elegant style. We me only the best selected material, ami ejnlev only Ihebesi inecli'tnicH. leriiiaIily el weik eurpnecsure llic clieapwt in llifhtate. We buy lereanli anil M'llen tliciiiiitie.tseii:ililu teiius (Jit:usa tail. All work warninleil. licpairtnu preiiipl ly attended te. One set el workmen e-peeiallv empleyeil for lhat purpose. faSe-tftl&w mssvical. K.SSON'S l'OKOUS I'LASTKKS Back Ache POSITIVELY CURED 111' Inl til Reasons Why they are Preferred te All Other Pereus Plasters or External Remedies : MUST. Because they pes-css nil the ineiitel llic sticiigthiniiigpoieiid plaster, ami contain in addition thereto the newly illscetcicl power pewer Itilaml ncllic .cgetable combination which acta with iiieieaaed rubefacient, stimulating, hcd-itivoandceuuloi-iiiltantcllcets. SECOND. Because tlicyuiea genuine plrumacciit leal iicparalion.andse lccegnized by thupiotcs thupietcs thupiotcs hien. TII1UD. ISccuu-u they uie llioenly iilastcis that tc- liee pain at ouce. FOURTH. Because lliey will positively enie disease which elhcr tonicities will neteven telieve. Fir TIL lit caiisu fier.1.iii0 phjsicians una dmggi&ts have eliiiiLuily tcslilicil that they ate suiici iir te all ether idastcrs or medicines ler ca teinul use. i SIXTH. IUm.ui-.i- the niauutactuicM have iclcUeiI theeuly mciUlscvcrgiven lorpeiouitpl.i,steis. Bensen's Cnpciuu Pereus Plaster ! A SURE REMEDY AT LAST. l'i ice 5 Celli. HEAD'S MEDICATED (JOHN AND Ji UNION PLAS'lEli. CliAfe. N. CKIT1KMON, 1 1 Fulton St., New Yerk, sole nielli ler Di. C W. Ken i oil's Keincdiih, te u liem all enleis bheiiltl beuibliiketl. my 1 - iI.eeiKtw ee w-1 IV 1IIU AUK A MAN 11' Kl'MNKSS. ue.ikenea by the strain el tour dalles, uwilil sllinulanlsaua Use IIOl' lilTTIIUs. It ou aie a man et leltei-s. toiling ever midnight tMiik te te-toie biain, neive iinil waste ine IIOl' lllTTKKs. II miii are Neiinand riuileiini; liem im :n-ili-cietien in di-sipatieii; il j.ui .lie niaiiie.' erMiinle, elil or jeun, sutleiin liem peer heulth ei laiiiiulsliineii abed el -iiknct.. j:i;ia ex hoi i;itt:.i:?. WIiecmt you me, whenever you Itel I our j stem iiifiMclcansiiiir. lentnji ei stun iil.ituit;, Milheut iiiteic.Uiii, lake HOI' r.iTTi:i:-s. Thousand-die annually liem -eine leiiu el KII)Xi:V di-ea-elhat lniht been pie enlcd by a timely use el IIOl" Ul'lTUIls. Hep Bitter Never Fail ! U.KVO Mill lj.spei?l l, Kitlney ei t'liieiij Ceinpl.iiiil, liseae et the S'eiuaeli, llewels, llloeil. l.iMi'tn Neive . you 'II be euied il jeu ii-e I'OP IHTTKIts, It von .ue fiiuply weak and le. sm ited, tl y it. Il miii attvc your life. It lim mud htiiulrOi. It. I. ('. it an absolute and u ic-l-table line i i: niunl.i niif-, u-e el opium, toluece and nai eet let. jCjs'SeIiI by DiiijjkI-I-. Si. mi Kin: (."nis'i liei' iniTKUs ju i;.;e., I.e- lie-lf ',-. i'., and Tt.ionle, out. ml Inn iid.Vu OllfS.l AN It MjAbNllAUti. il Kill .V MAlrilN. WMte Rrauite If are AT CHINA HALL. Just received per steiimship British Crown " another in voice of WHITE GRANITE and PORCELAIN in Table, Jdotel and Chamber Ware, Wares exchanged if net satisfactory. We have added te our ateck a line of JAPANESE PAPER WARE. High & Martin 15 EAST KING STREET U1MTT 1HA f.JJiUS. i n:!UtWAI.IU D:hTi:iltUTlN CO 44th Popular Monthly Drawing of Tint COMMONVEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. In the City tit Louisville, en WEDNESDAY. MAY 31sl. 1032, These drawings eceur monthly ( excepted) under piovisiens el an Act et tile (jenenil Assembly tit Keiituckv. ThoUiiiteilbtatisCiieuitC'euitoii Miueh.'il, reuueieii urn ioiieu m u ci.siens: IM That tlieCemiuuiiweuIth Dlstritiutiuu CJempiiny in lef;al. "il ll:i ilr.iwInirHare lair. N. I "..Tin! Company has mm en hai.d a laijju retcrve fund, liead the list el prizet ler t:i.) MAY DKAWINtJ. X " P ' yn J l pri.e lo.eoo I' l'(J .,. al.lfllL J0pri7.cs $l,JUU(ticli 10.000 aipriKoaSeucacli 10,000 ;$lOOt!acli in.oue 200 50 cael i laftuc liO0pii7.i"j"JOe-ieh 1'J,0(I0 luoe lecaeh 10,(XO tt 300 each, uppreif mutton prizes 2,7f0 9piize200cach, " " 1 800 9 prizes lOOeach, ' uoe I,k0 prizes ?!!' MC Whole tleketH,:; liu'.t lieltels, Vi 27 tii-kels ii-); 53 tlekt.ts, f VK Item 11 Menev or Canlc Druft in Letter, ei scmlbv Kxpiest. DON'T SEND !." UKG1S ThUi;i) LKTTKIIOU I'OhTOFKlOK OIJDKIt. Ot tiers el K'iiinl upwaiil. hy Kspteex, can be sent at enr expense. Addies-nlleHers le It. M. ISOAUDJtlAN. Couiiei-Ieurnal UuildlllK Louisville, K;,-.. ei K. HI. IlOAUliMAN, 309 Itreatlnav. Nf Yerk. lehl-TnThiSAw OK 8AJ.IL. .'OK 11KNT. STOllli KOOM, YSi Kast Kin;' slreit. apiO tli! lMjUIUi: AT iiJ. 17(Ii KKNT. An i:i.lC(iAM' STIHtti ' KOOM, tsr leel elo-ete Neitliein M.n ket.aml opposite rtte Keystone Heuse. .'e. 'Jlu Ntnth (Jiieen stieet. apilO tld 211 NOUTH OUKKX bTlihIIT. J j'vriv r4inj. ii.ii Aj!ii.j..3 x u.ileji). jz mmr w i vr mi n ? e hri &. iieusks mekes, j;uild;m; lets, a.c., or all dec. Unions, In all leealitiej and at all NUW CATALOGUE, Willi pi lies, ftee te everi' one. ALLAN A. IMCKK-Je CO, ilec3-Cmil 3 Ninth Duke street. I)i:iVATK hAI.K. THE ITNDKICSICNKU elleis at private sale the tallewing dc fccilbed juepeily, te vii : All that leiy valuable latin, CONTAINING 17 ACltKS, mete or les, situated ou the s,etilli siiletil Kas! theeitvel Laneas tei, iim mediately oppe-ile the Lane.iiler eomi eemi lv pn-en, ami adieinin lai U el Human Miller, Jaeeb S. Miller and lands tit the DIree lorsel the I'oerot Lancaster county. ThisisoneeHheinost tlesimble and alua hle pitctvi el teal estate in the county of Lan Lan Lan tu'ler;h.ti:ioed IllVKI.ll.NU IIOH.SK and out-house-, with geed Jiarn and ether im im pteM'iuents. It is paiiieulatly valuable ler building lets, beini? in the Miry best part or the eil vel Lane ister, and especially adapted feratMiek l.inu. The. entire piece is laid out in building lets. 1'er further information call en 1IKNUY SIIUKKKT, Auctioneer and Ileal Estate A;eiit, Ne. Cem t Avenue, where the dratt el said pieperty can be seen. nieO-tld hiPeiB HRY ueuns. B OWEK-S & HIIK)T. Bewers &z Hurst, Hewell's Building, LANCASTER, PA., LADIES: We show the Choicest Asseitment el" LtdieV and Misses' HOSIERY and UNDEIIWEAK in the City. LADIES : Wc show an. Ele-jant Line of COKSETS in heveial tic Makes that cannot be had elsewhere in the City. LADIES: We show an Elegant Line el KID GLOVES in (oed Quality, at very Lew Pi ices. LADIES: We show an Elegant Line of WHITE DKESS HOODS in all the New Materials. LADIES: We show an Elegant Line el IIAMISUltU ami SWISS EM BKOIDEKIES, in Choice New Designs, all of whieh are Marked Very Lew. NEW DKESS GOODS OPENING TO DAY. NEW LAWNS OPENING TO-DAY. W. . BOWERS. 11GKYEY N. HUKST, Nes. 129 uud 131 North Queen Streot. c (LOTUS. SPRING duess CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTnS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS At my Jilue, Murine Ulue, Navy J line, Ulue MWt, TettaCeU.i, Mustard, ISIaek AIulleus, IJIaek Seizes, Pd.icl; Tw ills (.Si ecu, (Sieen, Olive (Sreen, JSetUe (J recti, (.icon flltxt, liiou.e (Sieen, Olive, Olive Mi.i. Dark Gainel, Urewn, Dahlia, Tan, ndian lied, (Sieen Cheek., Cheviot, Clirk"-, Drub Kersey:-, Engli.,h Tv.eed ., EnIihh Cheviots, Fiench Hal.its, Ofenl Mjxliin-s. DIIESS DHKSS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS DKESS CLOTHS CLOTHS SPKING SACKINCS SPKFNG SACKINGS SPKING SACKINGS SPKING SACKINGS ePKING SACKINGS Cheek:;, Plaids, "tlituies, English, S.eteh, OUILDKEN'S SACQUEINGS, ClIILDKEN'S SAC(iUEINGS, (JHILDKEN'S SACQUEINGS, CI II LDKEN'S SACQUEINGS, CHILDREN'S SACQUEINGS, wmm mm i CO RETAILERS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF CLOTHS, MARKET and NINTH STSM Philadelphia. JIO V HIS Ir'UJtNJNIllXU UOOI1.1. erKtiiAi' hotiei;. FLINN (Si WILLSON, HAVE JUST ItECEIVED ANOTHER LAKGE INVOICE OF Fishing Tackle, Fishing Tackle. J'.AliY CAlllUMiEH, KXl'JlEUti WAaONS, CUOQVET SETS, VELOVIl'EDES, JiEFIlfUEJtATOIiS, WATER COOLEWi, VAJWET hi WEEPERS, HAMMOCKS, STEP LAJJJJEJiS, Ami I he ku'ijiM, assortment or Ifeiisului'iiisliiii!; tJoeils in the city. -sem: ae,;nts , .e PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWER BTJNN & WILLSON, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. PI mnlring, Gas-Filling, Tin-Reefing and Spealing Specialties. i-AfjjjiiiAauiyuN, A.-. l)lliKlis, w. I'tiV. wi; havi: a xkw .vrecu or WALL PAPERS Ol" THK CHOlC'hVl' l'ATTI'lt.Vj, WHICH AUK SKI.I.IXO ItAl'I IMi . Tliey mUiideall -lade. Iiein Hie LeucjI te Hie l.est (jiietliJ. GILT PAPEUS Ol Kvciy Pescilptien. BORDERS, FRINGES, CEILING DECORATIONS, &e, Plain m I, i. By the yard, in all Celers & Widths. SCOTCH l!OI.I.ANI) M'UINt, HOL LAND.. Sl'KINC I'DLLLKs, ceud n.Tu::i.s. 1'UINULS, TASSKLS, l'M.l.i:iS, At". I'AXCY DADO MlADI.s. Wi" alseeany a liiioaseiliiieiito! Late Cm- I. mis lu pairsand by tlieaid. Walnut iCIienyaiid Itmss J'ele.i, h .leu sionCeinices. Fine 1'Ier Miuei.s liem j-JTi up. -uCeine and ee lib. Phares "W. Fry, 57 NORTH QUEEN STREET., tc. u I.M1W.".:.T'S WINE, LIQUOR, ALCOHOL AND GK0CEKY STOUE, Ne. ".MS West Kins Mitel. lelilC ly n OUSKAl. .V CO'.-i NEW LIQUOR STORE, - j Bin. !'.. Nnrlll Oucfill slrt f - I liienif pr. 1 Tlie very liest and tirtestiin-illlip et Kerei;;ii !.inl Deme.stie WINKh and LU;i!eliS, ten. slanllv l(n sale at i lieli s lie and iclitil'. MiaiKlilOlil llye Whisky el the tlldlill.itlen of Is7",. I'me iinadiilteniled Cndeni llone ISiiinily. TA.irranled et Hie M n:i;;e el 18i,e. Kepi fepeeiallv for medicinal purposes, l'mc Old Helland Gin, and oilier WIiisI.ils, Jinin dies; .mil Wineb te suit the trade. leKMyd llOUSLAL A CO. a TAir win-.. HERCULES MALT WINE. TIie Uc&t and Cheapest MALT EX1HAVT VXVM rm.l'AKEn. An iiivijrerating 1IKALT1I AND TAKLK ISIOVLItAGL. A reliable lemeily ler IN DI OK.STION.DKIHLlTyiinilMALNcJTniTION lifchly l eeeminended ler KNFKK11LKI) l'KU SONS. CONVALIibCKNTS and JJUK.SING MOTJ1U1CS. SOLD UY DUUGUISTS AT 25 Cents per Pujt Bettle. CHAS. WOLTERS, rUCWISCT BKEWEUY, PUIIiADELPJIIA. Lancaster PErer. GEO. A. KIEIIL. aiiSma 129-131 North Queen St, LANCASTER PA. CLOTHS. Eiigiiah Worateila, French Cassimores, Londen Sergos, Scotch Suitingc, Baniioekburn Chovietu, Imperted Kcrseys, French Cestings, Carr's Molteus, Austrian SuitingB, '. & H. Coatings, Spring OvorceatingB, American Suitings, Demestic CaBdimoreB, Fine Trcwseriugs, Sirneni Batiste, Tricot-a-Leng Suitings, Heather Weight Cheviots, Crepe Coatings, Coachman's Cleths,. Carriage Cleths, Meleskins and Corduroys, Army Uniform Cleths, Navy Uniform Cleths, Marseilles and Ducky, Linen Suitings, Italian Cleths, Billiard Cleths, Bagatelle Cleths, Felts, etc., etc C'LOTIIIXa. The ceiuiiuj of Spring doeB net always determine you te lay aside heavy clothing, hence we shall keep our winter stock accessible for a while and have the spring goods also handy, if wanted ; but if our advice is worth considering you will make changes gradually, beginning with a Spring Overcoat, The advantage of dealing with us is that we have all weights and kinds of goods te meet the sudden' changes of this climate. A. C. YATES & CO. LEDGER BUILDING, Chestnut and Sixth Sts., PHILADELPHIA. WK HAVK TIIK IIANIfeuKKST AND line-t window display j,, the eily. Don't lail te see lL SILK HANDKERCHIEFS SUSPENDERS, NECKTIES. MUFFLERS, POCKET-BOOKS. AU100RAPH AND PHOTOGRAPH AWUMS, CIGAR. CASES, AT EKESMAN'3, NO. 06 NOBTH QUEB.K STI'.EET. AJfTJtIVH altos'. AUVJiJtTllUZMKXX. STltlCU KKOV AUVKKTISKMEHT. ASTEICH BEOS-' PALACE -OB' FASHION ! 13 EAST KING ST. MILLINEEY LADIES' HATS and BONNETS lu all the leading styles and colors. bli.iu ll.itti't all slupei .it 'i"e. Tiisc.iu Hats .....I e. ... ?-... X. 11.. . J.I.I.. If......l tl. Milan Hals at :"(., T.'t , fl and upwaid-. S.itiu hi raw Hats. Hnie 'I nsean Hats and llennets. While and i,i;;lit, (.elnred Chip II. its. We liaveen li.uid a lull and complete lineel KINK FRENCH FLOWERS ix j.euQUirrs, WliKA'llIt. MOXTUKKS, bl'UAYS, &e. i me Single Kese-i or Itud- at 5i). ier dozen. Violets, I()e. per huneli. 1'ansies, 2Te. per dozen. Asters, Daisies, Leaver, .Simla.v, Kine bprays and Wreaths, FEATHERS 111 iel rimiies fiem l npwaid. Ilaiains in While and Ctilnied l'linnes. Lxainine llie-e ueeirer at .!.r0. Miaded I'liniies and Tip-. Tips in all colors at ."iee. apiece. I'.laek Tipi, riiie. aliuneliel tlnee. IILACK .SATIN liem upwaid. An cMCillenl hatin at II i" per yaid. Coleied Sulnis at fl. COI.OIir.l) SILKS at 1. ISI.ACK SILKS CHEAT. JIOIULS IN ALLCOLOUS 1t.ltAKGAINh IN HLACII CKKL'ES. One special liaiain at $l..r.0 per yaid. One let et Heinn.iiits el Lilatk Ciepe, in two , aid length') ler $5. RIBBONS. Fancy, Brocade, Lace Moire RIBBONS. Watored Sashes. Black Ribbons In Gted Grain, Satin, Urocade and Watered. OUR Trimming Department. 15 COM I'll ETE WITH NEW AND DLSllC A1ILE GOODS. ISI.ick ami eoieied bilk liintrcH, colored bead liines. Mack all-bead Jrines, mourning i-iiiges, black beaded i.u.sainenteries, colored bed iKtsbanienteries, black beaded Spanish laces, black beaded blonde, coleied Spanish laces ler dress and liattriimiilngs ; bead orna erna iiientK an elegant assortment ; button" in endless vaiiety; wlilleand cieam bpanuli l.iees, black silk thread laces, black nilk au pine Iace; all styles et white, trimming laces, toiehen laci'i, eerlastiiifj tri illiniums, ctecliel t iIkhiks, Swiss triiinniiiKS ; IrishtiiiiimiiiKsby thepieie; needleweik edKinK and iiiscrtriK. We have an unusually large assortment ou hand. Late cellars all new and dc&irable styles, made ler the best city trade. Lace liclius, lace lies. Handsomely embreuleictl ties al'J5and.ree; hpanisli tie, and Helms, in black and eieam; lawn ties and lichus ; ladies linen ceMais. while and coleied, all the novelties; polka dot and laney ligured embreided liehu-; sailor cellars: ladies' and children's turned turned den n tellaib, plain and edged; black and white, plain anil laney illusien: geld dotted. Chenille dotted, Spauieh dolled, beaded, and all ether taney illusions ter line neck wear; line ciepe lisse rucliiug, in uliite, cteaui ami black, pi en oriieinp.ulour. HA2STDKERCHIEFS. I- mi; linen h imlkeiehiils, tluee lei".'.'c; all linen hemstitched h.iuitkclchicts,tw let "tie, ; line all linen hemstitched haiulkcichicls, two inch hem, "Me ; liner, "."ie., Vh:,, Mlu. and 7"e.; gent's lieuistilehed line linen li.iiulker eliicls; ladies' all-lineu cnlmed hindered liaml keichlets, I'JJe. ; ladiis liiieeambiie haudl.ei eliiels, tour coiners euibreidetetl in coleis, l'.'e. apiei e. 43-STltt-lAL lUltliAIN.-One let el line India mull neck h.iudkeiehiels, wide binders, oueceiner hamlsemeiy clubiuldcicd in sill;, 1-c. apiece. H0SIEKV. J10SIEKY. itesides having con jlaiilly en hand a most complete asseitment el all styles el ladies', gent's and childicii's hose, in all the newest designs and of latest impoitatieiis, there aie eenil nmiibeis which we mention as ties.such as ladies seamless hose, in light and pin stiiped, polka dot and in plain caidi nal, navy blue, hiewn, pink and blue, with silk clocking, at Viyje. a pair. Ladies lull teg ul.iriuade impetted balbriggan hose at 20c a pair , the same silk clocked, at 'J5c. a pair. We have also the same goods in polka dot and taney tigmed, full regular made at 23c. a pair Ladies hair-Iincd hose, lull regular made, at 'JTic. a pair; ladles' hair-lined hose, two and three striped, full regular made, 31c. a pair; cliildi en's full regular made hose, striped, at 35c. a pair; gent's best knit socks, altogether seamless, two pair Ter !i"ic; these aie goods worth IS te 2iic. a pair; gent's lull legular nadcbalbriggan?,t!iiblcaclicdan(IdarkcnleritI silk clocked, 23c. a pair; gent's laney striped seeUs, lull regular made, at 23c, a pair ; gent's full tegular made lisle thread socks at 23c. a pair; in rant's three-quarter hocks. AH the new stj les at low prices. GLOVES. GLOVES. real Iramc lisle gloves, two lull clastic. 123fc. a pair; finer quality at 17c. ; very fine lisle, ia two or three elastics at 25c. ; extialonglrame lisle, lacn top, 23c. a pair; line English and Eicnch lisle gloves, fiem 50 te (5c. a pair; .silk glove, two and three full hands; Jer sey and Musijuctauc gloves in lisle and sill.. KID GLOVES. Three buttons, in tans, gelds, browns, slat i s, black, white and opera shade; live books the .same ; seven hooks the same, except white, which have nine Itoeks; lacing. Sara Kern hart or mu-quctnire kid gloves, dressed or un dressed, ten button length. Ladies', gent's ami ennui en s a u jujucit Merine and Gauze Underwear. Our stock is most cempiptc. Ladies' Muslin Underwear, Hoop Hoep Heep skirts, Bustles, CORSETS. Summer Skirt.". Children's Short Dresses and Eehes. Elegently embroidered merino shawls and skirts ler babies ; while and colored llan nel, by the janl, embroidered ler tkirls : lubiesjineiinocleaks.satiii trimmed and hand embreideicd ; inlant's llaunelauil cloth ce'it", inlant's zephyr tackcts and boelees, ladies' bprlng coats and wraps, spring worsted shawls. We have opened this week a lull as sortment el PARASOLS. Fine Kenlher Tans with Carved Ivery Ilan dli s, in . . a piece. Belts, I'ocketbooks, Satchels, rockets. &e. Jcw.clry, Jet. ioeds. Beads in black, bronze, iiidc3ceut, moonlight and ethers. White crystal beads satin beads, wax beads, mourning beads, steel anil gilt beads, flne fancy large beads for hat trimming Novelties received an .seen as tlicy arc out. VLOTHIlta 7. MLOTH1MO! D. B. HOSTETTER & SON Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTEK, WKTAKi; I'LKASUKE JX XOIUWIXU TIIK VUliLW IX VEXERAL THAT OUR STOCK FOR THE SPRING SEASON IS COMPLETED, AXD IT WILL I1EXE FIT OUR I'ATROXS TO IXSPECT The Large Variety of Goods EOK GENTUEMEN'S WEAR, THE LATEST IX I'ATTERX AXD COLOR. WHICH WE II A VE OX OUR COUXTERS D. B. Hostetter & Sen 24 CENTRE SQUARE, '1L.OT1I1NO. GOOD NEWS TO THE People of Lancaster and Vicinity ! We have made assiduous ellerls te excel all seasons in servnifj the our store Our ceuuteiH aie heaped with the LATEST STYLES OF Spring Clothing! OUU OWN 3IANUFACTUKE, and every garment e hav e for sale will stand close Inspection. Te mention every style el huit we have en hand, our spice will hardly allow ;.theienie. notice a lew sample prices: We sell Men's Suits ler $J.tO, $l.0i, $.3.00, fi-en, $.(', $I0.C0, up te $18.00. Beys' and Children's CLOTHING U'E 3IAK1S THIS OCR OltEAT BI'KCI A LTV. We sell ISO", 's Suits for $2.00, U 00, 4.00. JS.0H, up te $y no. Cliildien's huits at $1.7S. $i00, $i.r. j:;.0ii, B 1.00, up te$7.W. We mestcertainly hae the largest and cheapest, also the most varied stock of llejs' and Children's Clothing ever displayed in this city. OlXIt CUSTOM DEi'AUTMKNT.-Custem-ers can select liein oeds in tin; piece and have them made te order at asllgut advance ever our goods en the eeunteis. We make te order a Nice buit Ter $L'.00, but our fis.oeand $20.00 Suits can't he equaled aiiywheie in the city, tiiinincd and made like ours, ler less tlian$i"..W)te$J0.00. A l'EUFECT FIT OUAU ANTKISD. Whether you w ish te purchase or net, plctuu give us a call. L ftANSlAI & BRO, THE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, C6-G8 NORTH QUEEN ST., Kijjht ou the Seuthwibt Cerner el Orange St. l,ANCAbTKU, l'A. The Cheapest Clothing Iloiibe in the City. ln.irlVlyil w ekiu veuic kismcmi:ki;ine IS WHERE The Best Assortment of Spring Clothing CAN UE SEEN. 11 you h.ic net lully made up our liniid WHAT TO I'UY FOR SPRING and SUMMER A little leek tliieuh our sleck may help you. A UOOD ALL-WOOL Business Suit for $9, may seem ralher low in pute, but we have them, and te lit neatly all sucset men. OUR All-Weel Suits for $11,00, ARE SPECIALTIES, Net only in Ojialily, but the Make-up Is bcltir the a erage, and our DRESS SUITS Sold in piices from $38 down te $12 Al.ikcllic selection j ou aie incited te see WTT.T.TAMSON AND FOSTER 34-38 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTEK. PA. HOUIili AJfU XTAAlOIiElil. TINK, PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY. NEW PANELS. NEW EASELF. NEW ROOKS AND NEW MAGAZINES, L. M. FLYNNS NO. 43 IVKisT KISH STICKLT. 'OI1N ISAEK'.S ONS, Jelni Baer's Sens, Nes-15&.1IeenStra LANCASTER, PA.. Have in stock and for sale, at flic LOWEST PRICES the Laicst Assortment el Beeks and Stationery That is te hr leundin the interior et l'cnnsjl vani.i, embracing New and btandard Beeks, Illustrated Beeks, .luveiiile Benks. Mimlay Kclioel Beeks and Bibles, Family Bibles in Vaiieus styles. Teachers' Bibli-.iljmn Beeks, German Bibles, Prajcr Beeks. WRITING PAPERS ami ENVELOPES. Blank Day Beeks, Ledger. Cash Beeks, In. voice Beeks, Piis,jefiks, Writing Inks and Fluids, Steel Pen-., Bill Benks, I'ockefbeoks Purses Photograph Albums. Cabinet Frames Birthday Cards, picture Cuds. Ac. IIOL LAND'S CELEBRATED GOLD PENS. And a general a-seitmciit of Stationery, Scheel Boeki and Scheel Furniture at the SIGN OP THE BOOH TKArKhi-Kf UVilPt 1 J Cars run aa fellows : ..fcSvS.1K!?Sfef LP-K: Vl") " 7, 9. un.l Satnnlay, when the last car leaves at 9:30 . Leave If Ulersvllle (lower end) at 5, 8, rJiJi ie a. in., niu a, u, AUU f i. III. Cars run thulv en a1, ve tlinii mmm nn u. day. C COLUMBIA ANU POKT IMSl'OMIT K. K ) Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Kallreail en the following time: Stations NeKTU-Eiprc38.Expn8j. Act-en , ward. A. . i r. m. r. r. Pert Deposit. Peachbotteui Safe Harber. Columbia. (1:35 7:12 735 825 205 18 6.21 6:20 4:28 5:11 9:40 Stations Seu rn-1 Express. Express. Accem WARD. A.M. r.W. A.M. Columbia. 11-30 G-J0 7:46 r. M. ArW Safe Harber. 12:06 6:W Leh40 Peachbottem ltis 7:3 11.07 P.M. PortDeneslt 1:25 j .('" 12:20 KA01NU'OI.UMHIA K.K. AKKANGKMENT efpassenuer trains MONDAY, NOV. 7th, 1881. NOUTMWAKD. tSAVB. Qnarryvllle iiancastcr. King St Iiiincastvr .Columbia..... AP.RIVK. Iteadiug. A.M. 7:30 9:10 11:20 SOIITHWAUD. LBAVK. Keading ARR1VB. Columbia a.m. r.M. r. m. 6:40 ... 230 .7-.10 .... 3:40 800 Leu :tr 7-50 1:10 3:10 10:05 3:20 5J0 r.M Iancaster. 9:27 2.10 8:1.1 5:13 Lancaster. King St 9-37 .... 8-25 5-25 QuarryvlJle 10-37 .... 9:55 6-30 Trains connect at Keading with trains teanil from Philadelphia, PettsvUIe, Harrlaburg, Al Al entewn and New Yerk, via Hound llroek Kente. At Columbia with traiiM te and from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. Al. WILSON. Sunt. PENNSYLVANIA KAII.KOAD NKW SCHKDUI.K On and alter SUNDAY, JANUARY 2.M, l2, trains en the I'ennsyl vania Itallread will arrive at and leave the LincM-te- hiuI 1'hil-iilelpliiadepetsu.s follews: Eabtward. A.M. M. P.M. 7:25 12:00 6:10 FJI. 9-35 2U0 855 9:27 2.10 8:1.1 9-J7 .... 8-25 10-JS2 .... 9-.3S Le.i e Arrive L"iiie"tei Philad'a 1211A.M. 2:.-.a. ft: 10 " 7.20 " 8:Ci " s.:r V)M " 9.1 r, " 1145 inn r.-n 2:42 " 5-35 r.M. 2 20 " 5-C5 " 5.2 " 7- " Mall Express, Fast Line, Yerk Accem. Arrives,.... Uarrisburg Kxpress Lancaster Accommodation Columbia Accommedat ion, t rcderick Aecem. ArrUes, Sunday Mail, Johnstown Expiess,....... Dav Express Uarrisburg Act ommedai'n, b:K; " j 9:43 Wmriv r.n Leave Arrive Philad'a Lanc'ttr 4 30 a.m. C27a.m 4-30 " G:27 " 7:C0 " 9 25 7.00 "" 9 2" " 11-25 ' IAS r.M. 2.-00 " 2JI5 " 2:15 p.m. 5-50 " 4:15 " 7-35 " 5:40 " 7:40 " 9:00 " 11:01 " 11-30 " 2.'J5a.M. Way Passengct, News Expies.- Mall Train Ne.l.vla Mt Jey, Mall Train Ne.2, ia Cel'bia, Sunday Mail, W JLSiv J1HG, Frederick Acconiiiieilation, Lancaster Accommodation, Uarrisburg Accommedat'ii, Columbia Accommodation, Harrislmrff hxprtss, Western Exprens Philadelphia Express, Mali Train. Ne. 2, west, connecting at LiinJ caster with Mall Train, Ne. I, at 9-.2" a.m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, eon nect liifj at Liuicaster a if li Kast Line, west, at l..V, will run tlireii'ili te I-'n-dcrick. Harrisbiiri? Express, west. at !i:M p. lit , hiks diieetconneclteiM (withoiitcliancel cars) te Celumbl'iiiiid Yeik. Past Line, we-d, en Sunday, when llagired. Will s tee at Dew i.!!i;clMH-ii,Ceatcsvilh I'arkcs biir. Mount Je', , ::ii7Ubethtewn and Middle Middle en n. jn:r at tuns rinn: north i:ni dry cjoeiis stork SUMMER UNDERWEAR. SPUING SHAWLS, NEW DKESS GOODS, LADIES SKIRTS. AH uiaikcd at prices te make them sell. Kemiiaiit3 et Unbleached Muslin as ;;nod as Wamsutta, ruuniii;; from two te ten jards, at hi cent.) a yard, J. W. BYRNE, 322 NOR I H QUEEN STREET, Il-lydJ LANCASTEK. l'A. fu.osiNe eut: AT AND BELOW COST. My entire stock of DRY (IE NOTIONS, Etc. is fei; sale at and iielew c"r. This Is a rare chance ler GOOJ BARGAINS. AS I 1IAVK AM IMMENSE STOCK OF UOODS, On hand, which weie all iurch.ised for cash. J. M. LONG, j21-tld 11 NOUTH QUEEN STREET. T II. MiM'.TIN A; CO. OUK LINE OF Carpets and Wall Papers IS NOW COMPLETE. CARPETS IN EVERY GMDE, BODY BRUSSELS, MOQUETTE, VELVET, TAPESTRY. VENITIAN anil INGRAIN CARPETS, ALL1 ELEGANT 1'ATTEKNS, AT LOWEST l'KICES. iWe :iave our own Upholsterer, and de all Carpet and Window Shade Werk at lower prices than clscwhuc. All work guaranteed. WALLPAPERS. WALL PAPERS. WALL PAPEKh. We show the Largest Line for selection, and our prices arc the lowest. GOLD, BRONZES. FLATS. MICA!. BLANKS CEILING WOKK A fcl'ECIALri. The Design for Ceiling Werk arc furnished by a Philadelphia Fn ceeFainter,and atecn tlrcly different from any work ever before done in f his.clty. .. , . , Experienced Paper Hanger), furnished. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANCASTER. PA. C1 HAY'S SPECIFIC MRDICINK. TMfc J Great English Remedy. An unfailing euro for Seminal Weakness, Scrmaterrhca, Impetcncy, and all Dis-ases that fellow as a .e(uciiii! fit Srelf-Abiin ; as lesi of Memery. iriiivi'rv:il I.:i.ssitnile. I'.iiti in tin II.-icl.- Ilim- 'nesset Vision, PiematureOlil Age.aml many oilier (ILseases tliaL Had te Insaiillver con sumptien ami a Premature Grave. Full pur-" ticulars In our liamplct, which we desire te -end tree by mall te every one. The .specific Medicine is sold by all ilrnggistHnt! per pack age, ersix packages fnrjS, or will l.e tent lue by mail en the reeeinr. til the money. by ad dicslngTHEGUAY MEDICINEC., BulhUe. N. X. On account et counterfeits. e have uileptcd the Yellow Wrapper; tliennlv genuine. Guarantees of cure issued by us. ter s.ile in Lancaster by II. IJ. Cochran, 1J7 North (uecn street. aprli-lyUttw 1