fs (Efye yantefl Yelume XYIH- -Ne. 213. LANCASTER, PA. WEDNESDAY MAY 10 1882. Price Twe Ctite. : i . . --i V )IONE.B OF MOUEKATE PRICKS. THE HIGHLAND BICYCLE 8HIET. The Latest and Best thing out for Bicycle Riders. They are Durable, Neat and Coel. Price only ONE DOLIiAR and can be had only at AL. ROSENSTEIN'S, NO. 37 NORTH QUEEN STREET, M I'KKS, KATUFUM it CO. CLOTHING ! Our block et piece goods is larger than ever, anI the styles are all that could be desired. We arc let-civiug daily the Newest and Rest Styles the market can produce. Willi our Increased trade wc arc kept constantly in the market tilling up our stock with Choice Goods, and our Meck is always kept new and our customer get the benciit et the market all the time. CENTRE I1ALI. Is all in inotieii. KVry available heln is brought into requisition. Wc are turning out weekly weekly ever one huudrcd nulls In this di-puiluicnt. OUB KKAUV-MADK CLOTHING cannot be excelled by any house in th state. The large basement lloer Is kept lull et duplicated goods, and the second lloer is literally jammed full et CLOTH ING ler Men, leuth. Heys ami Children all our own manufacture warranted te give entire satKlactien or nieiiev reluuded. Our TEN DOLLAR (SIO.OO) MEN'S ALI.-WOOL SUITS are moving nir rapidly, everybody being siirpri-.eil at the cheapness. They are equal II net superior te any null ell'ered by any ether house at twelve dollars. All we ask nl you is te call and examine and be your own judge. Our Youth's, Heys' and Children's arc all sold at LOW PRICES. Come and bring your boys along and have them clothed, and save one profit by buying your CLOTHING at MTEES, KATHFON & CO. CENTRE HALL, Ne. 12 East King Street, Lancaster. Pa. FENN HALL, Ne. 508 Perm !- t.t . .;t, Heading, Pa. iinr uoeivi. S1 PKCIAL. SPECIAL! NOW OPEN. - NOW OPEN. NEW PARASOLS, NEW DRESS GOODS, NEW SILKS, PARISIAN LAWNS, FRENCH MUSLINS, GLOVES and HOSIER V, LACES ami EMBROIDERIES. LADLES' UNDER WE A R. Sager & Brether, 25 WEST KINU STltfiET. LAN CASTE K. c LOTUS SPRING DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS DRESS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS CLOTHS Army Uluc, Marine Blue, Navy Blue, Blue Mixt, Term Cetla, Mustard, Black Meltons, Black Screes, Black Twills, G recti, Sage Giecii, Olive Giccii, Bettle Green, Green Mixt, IJrouze Green, Olive, Olive Mixt. Dark Garnet, Brown, Dahlia, Tan, Indian' Rcil, Green Checks, Cheviot Check, Drab Kerseys, English Tweeds, English Cheviot-, French Habits, Oxford Mixtures, SPRING SACKINGS Checks, SPRING SACKINGS Plaids, SPRING SACKINGS Mixtures, SPRING SACKINGS English, SPRING SACKINGS Scotch, CHILDREN'S SACQUEINGS, CHILDREN'S SACQUEINGS, CHILDREN'S SACQUEINGS, CHILDREN'S SACQUEINGS, CHILDREN'S SACQUEINGS, WMMil MRM ft llll RETAILERS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF CLOTHS, MARKET and NINTH STS.. Philadelphia. HOUSE JfVltNlSHIKU OUOVS. m'KClAL NOTICE. FLINN & WILLSON, HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER LARGE INVOICE OF Fishing Tackle, Fishing Tackle. BABY CARRIAGES, EXPRESS WAGONS, CUOQUET SETS, VELOCIPEDES, REFRIGERATORS, WATER COOLERS, CARPET SWEEPERS, HAMMOCKS, STEP LADDERS, And the largest assortment of llenscfurnishiug Goods in the city. -sole agknts for n.e PENNSYLVANIA LAWN MOWER FLIKN" & WILLSON, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa. Plumbing, Gas-Fitting, Tin-Reefing and Spouting Specialties. JUEVJCAL. -pAKKKR'S GINGER TONIC. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC . Invigorates without. intoxicating, enrcs disorders et the bowels, stomach, liver, kidneys and Inngs, and is the greatest strength restorer and bleed purilicr. and the REST AND suit EST COUGH MEDICINE hVEU DbEl). lfyeu are.sullerlng from Female Complaints. Nervous ness, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, or any disease, use the TONIC le-day. JOO DOLLARS paid ler alallurete help or cure, or ler anything injurious found In 1L Send for circular. PARKKR' HAIR RAT.RAM Satisfies the most lastiUieus as a perfect Hair Restorer and rJUUUMlD flAUl DJUjOAM Dressing. 50c. ftid fl elzes. HISCOX & CO., New Yerk, xnayi-eod&eew VLOTHINU. myers, rathfen & co., CU'-C1AL. SPECIAL! GENT'S WEAR. RNUL IS II WORSTEDS, FRENCH SUITINGS. AMERICAN SUITINGS, CHEVIOT SUITINGS. FRENCH CASSIUERES, AMERICAN CASIMERES, ItOYS CASSIMERES. FURNISHING GOODS. We have a large line of Bart & Wilsen's Linen Cellars and Cuffs, White and Unlaundried shirts, Gent's Neck Wear, Hesiery, Gloves, &c Hager & Brether, 25 WESTKINUSTlfiEfiT. LANCASTER. CLOTHS. English WoxstedB, French Cassimeres, Londen Serges, Scotch Suitings, Bannockburn Cuoviels, lmported Kerseys, French Coatings, Carr's Meltons, Austrian Suitings, F. & H. Coatings, Spring Overceatings, American Suitings, Demestic Cassimeres, Fine Trewserings, Simoni Batiste, Tricofc-a-Leng Suitings, Heather Weight Cheviots, Crepe Coatings, Coachman's Cleths, Carriage Cleths, Moleskins and Corduroys, Army Uniform Cleths, Navy Uniform Cleths, Marseilles and Ducks, Linen Suitings, Italian Cleths, Billiard Cleths, Bagatelle Cleths, Felts, etc., etc ,. 1UWUUU1 . W.J Lancaster, Penn'a. CLOTHING ! v.: urtiisu. Oak Hall Stand ards. Certain bread and cheese soil of goods are known in our sleck, because of long trial of their solid qualities, as Standards. Wc seldom anneuce them, and yet they come and go from Oak Hall in large blocks. Promi nent of these are the Sawyer Suitings, for which Oak Hall customers have been asking these many years. Did wc net have them our friends would think wc were gein- out of business. Last year we handled ever 84,000 yards, single width, and thus far this year 36,000. Large figures these, We have them in many kinds of garments, from the smallest Blouse Suit te the extra sizes for men of 48 te 50 inches chest. The real Sawyers are at Oak Hall, Imitations are almost everywhere else. Wanamakku & Brown, OAK MALL, M.rn ami MAiiiiLririmsEiK. PHILADELPHIA. The coming of Spring does net always determine you te lay aside heavy clothing, nonce we shall keep our winter stock accessible for a while and have the spring goods also handy, if wanted ; but if our advice is worth considering you will make changes gradually, beginning with a Spring Overcoat, The advantage of dealing with us is that we have all weights and kinds of goods te meet the sudden changes of this climate. A. C. YATES & CO. LEDGER BUILDING, Chestnut and Sixth Sts., PHILADELPHIA. HUSlilVAT.. T OCllEK'S Renowned Cough Syrup. A pleasant, axle, speedy and sure remedy ler Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Inilucn za. Soreness et the Threat and Chest, Rrou Rreu cliitis, Whooping Cough, Spitting of llloed, In flammation et the Lungs and all Diseases el the Chest and Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines nil tne medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved te pe-css the me-it sale and efficient qnalities for the curt: et ail kinds et lung, diseases. PRICE, 25 Cents. Prepared enlyanitsnlil by GHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND BET AIL DRUGGIST, Me. 9 East King Street, Lancaster IN THE HIMALAYAS. VUK.1KHV SURPASSING T11JJ ALPS. The Ablatie Chameiinlx Peaks That Klse In Lelly Uramlcur Thirty Thousand Feet from the Ganges Plain te Darjecliug. Kuv. Jeseph Cook in the Independent. Coleridge's byinu te Mount Blanc is iiet undeserved by tli:it glorious peak of Europe ; but some yet uuwxitteu and nobler hyiiiu is deserved by Kiuchiujunga. Darjeelinjj is in tbe Himalaya Cbamenix. Tlic overpowering fact here is, however, in that every thing in tbe mountain scenery is en a grander tban Alpine scale. Frem tbe observatory bill at Darjecliug-, wbere I am writing, mere than twelve peaks can be counted wbicb rise above 20,000 feet and tberc arc none below 12,000 feet in tbe line between cartb and sky. Tbe snowy range stietcbes like an army of archangels liem north te east around au cigbtb of tbe horizon. Tbe watci falls call fiem tbe distant precipices. The bees bum in tbe grass at my feet. Tbe air is still, crystalliue, holy. Tbe shadows of the clouds cbase each ether ever tbe seas of evergreen oaks, the giddy chasms, the stealthy glaciers, tbe everlasting snows. The chief peculiarity of Darjecling is that its depths arc almost as impressive as its bights. The town of wbite bungalows is built en the crest of a weeded ridge, some three miles long aud surrounded en tbe cast, north aud south by gigantic ra vines. As I leek downward, tbe stupen dous slopes, covered with tea plantations, pastures aud forests, descend in tbice di lutions, sonic six thousand feet in eleven miles. Frem tbe lowest point tbe oye can reach in the valley of the Kunjcet river, below me, te the crest of Kiuchiujunga, the distance, in a vertical line, is net less than live miles. This scenery is probably unmatched en tliu earth, though net en the moon, in which tbe telescopic mountains, thirteen miles high and rolled above our beads daily, are strangely unappreciated, and yet aie net te be forgotten face te face with Everest and Kiuchiujunga. The Himalayas dazzle the Swiss Alps net into nothingness, nor out of sight, nor into lameness ; but into a rank of incon testable iufcrieiity. The Alps, however, bave mero variety and beauty, although less sublimity and grandeur, than the Himalayas. In the outlook from Darjeeling, wbile the majes ties arc unapproachable by theso of any ether known tcrrcstial view, one misses keenly the lakes which give such a charm te the piespcct from tbe Uhigi, the near glacieis and avalanches of Cbamenix, and the half-mile waterfalls, tbe gigantic trees, and the astounding precipices of the Yose Yese Yese mite Valley. Ment Blanc is only 15,810 fcet high, while Kiuchiujunga is 28,000 and Everest 20,000. .Kiuchiujunga, forty miles distant from J.arjceliug, appears te be, as it is, mere than twice as high as Ment Blanc, as seen from Geneva. Ment Blanc, as viewed from Cbamenix, is seen from a high mountain valle , but Kiucbinjunga, as viewed from the Kunjcct, lifts itself mere than 25,000 feet abeve tbe level of the observer, into the clouds. As secu from Senchal, six miles from Harjccring. Mt. Everest, although it is the highest known summit in tbe world, is less ini ini prcssive than Kiucbinjunga, for it is one hundred aud fifty miles away ; but it.-i ma jesty, even in this distant view, exceeds that of Mente Hosa aud Ment Diane, as seen from the lowers of the cathedral of Milan. " I climbed tliu lesilsut break e day, Sun Miilttt'ii Alps lictere me lay, 1 steed among the silent statues And stained piiinaeles iiiule as thry. Hew l.iiutly lluilied, hew phantom tali. Was Moiile Ke-a, hanging I here, A tlieiuaiid shadowy penciled valleys And snuvvy dcIN in golden air." TtNNYSO.N, "The Itliif." Eveicst is piuperly described by no ene weul except its native name, Dcedhunga Ged-fiiyltt. Darjecliug lies only some -100 miles north of Calcutta and lias little. snow ; but its weather is often iey en days when the trepicaf Hooghly is enswathed in a steaming vapor bath. It is leached by a hall-day's railway journey, aciess ilat, palm-cla.1, deltaic' Bengal, te the Ganges ; a furry ever that bread, yel low stream, which greatly icscmbles the Missouri in the tmbiduess aud wayward ness of its currents aud especially in the blown sand of the Hats in tbe bare por tions of its bed at low water ; a night's juuiucy by narrow-gauge railway te iSilli iSilli geii, en the outer edge of tbe marshes at the feet, of the hills; and then a day's tiavel by steam tramway across the fa mous jungles in these marshes and alemi tbe grand ascent through Tcendari.i aud Kurseeng. In moving up the slopes of the Himalayas I loin the Ganges plain te IXirjeeling, the fascinated traveler has opportunity te study the vigorous tropical vegetation at the base et the hills : the gradual change of this into the oak ferests of tbe middle heights : the tree lerns succeeding tbe palms aud the bamboos ; the messes festooning both the rocks and the trees ; tbe trailing plants choking many of the kings of the forest ; the trickling rills in tbe cool ravines; the dashing mount meunt tain brooks, with their crystal peels ; the far, grand outlook ever the gray, dusty plains ; the gleaming, tawncy rivers, en their way through the parched lowlands ; the numberless curves of the iron read ; the audacious grades up which the cugine climbs, like a thing of iife : the occasional villages of bamboo huts ; tbe sturdy No Ne No palcse, with their bread kuives in their girdles ; the savage Bhoetans aud Thibct iaus, with many of the Mongolian traits in their features ; the tea plantations, with their capacious bungalows for tbe masters and rows of huts for the coolies ; the small, gray, patient oxen ; tbe rather undersized but vigorous Himalayan ponies ; tbe prayer Hags abeve Buddhist villages ; the slight falls of suew ; and, at last, the bursting into view of Kinchin junga itself ahd its companion giants. At from 12,000 te 10,000 feet abeve tbe sea the southern tsIope of the Him alayas produces fir trees, dwarf rhododendrons, aromatic rhododendrons, juniper, holly, currants, cherries, pears, lilacs, primroses, and violets ; at from 10, 000 te 8,000 aud lower, oak, chestnut, olives, figs, laurel, maple, barberry, lily of the valley, and white rose ; at from 8,000 te G,000 and lower, the magnolia, peach, strawberry, and most of the flowers of Germany aud England ; at from 6,000 te 4,000 and lower, tree ferns, plautains, wal nuts, and birches ; at from 4,000 te 3,000, rice, barley, buckwheat, maize, yam,- cum min, mint, and rue ; at from 1,000 te the plains, figs dates, magnolias, lotus trees, ginger, orchids, mangoes, twelve kinds of bamboos, and many varieties of palms. In spite, however, of the number and in terest of tbe objects in view the approach te Darjccling does net equal that of the Yoscmite Valley by the Mariposa or the Calaveras grove of mammoth trees ; nor that te Cbamenix from Gcnovabythe way of Yevay, the Rhene Valley, and the Tcte-neir Pass. In Darjccling there are some 500 British tesidents, besides pupils in an important school, which prepares young men for the entrauce examination for the Calcutta university. The whole population of the place is upward of 90,000 ; but se scattered are the native quarters and se exclusively de the English occupy the summit of the ridge that the main portion of the place is very British in appearance. Each house is surrounded by well-kept grounds ; Gne, bread reads lead along the slopes ; there is abundant greenness and net a little atten tion te laudscape gardening. A Union chapel and an English church are among the priucipal buildings. The number of grounds for playing lawn-tennis and ether English games indicate the tastes of the leisured and wealthy proprietors of the tea plantations, which abound en all the lower slopes. The Buddhist temple of the town is, en tbe whole, a ropulsive place ; architectur ally ugly aud morally without dignity. We saw in it a curious Buddist library, of per haps 150 volumes ; a dozen or se of untidy monks and a few savage-looking worship ers. Iu the vestibule steed a praying ma ma chiue, consisting of a cylinder, about six feet high, placed upright, and tilled with something like a mile's length of cloth, covered with printed prayers. This is whirled by a crank underneath it and every revolution is equivalent te the utterance of all the prayers within the cylinder. A dozen or mere smaller cylinders were in the same vestibule ; and yet smaller ones, of which I purchased a specimen, were in motion in the hands of the priests, as they walked about the tcinple. Prayer flags, as seen at Darjeeling, are strips of white cotton, about a yard in breadth and from ten te twenty feet long, attached length wise te poles and covered with printed prayers. Every motion of the flag in the wind is of the same dovotienal value as would be the utterance of the prayers in scribed upon the cloth. The Himalayas are one abede of snow aud the regions around the Seuth pole of the earth are another, deserving this name by pre-eminence. It is affirmed en high authority that a pessible accumulation of snow at the Seuth pole, iu connection with certain conjunctions of the planets, might cause an instantaneous change in the posi tion of the axis of rotation of the earth. The result would be a deluge, and the effaccmcut of the present continents and the formation of new ones ; but it is un derstood by men of science that even iu such au upheaval of the great deep, the tops of tbe Himalayas would remain abeve the waves, and thus form a begin ning for a new career of the life of plants and animals aud men in a renovated world. Asr physician who is acquainted with Its properties will say that Glenn's Sulphur Seap is a reliable remedy ler local skin diseases. The Kkv. Gee. II. Tiiateu. of ISonrben, Ind., says : "lleth myself and wile ewe our lives te Kuileu's Consumption Curk. Fer sale at Coch ran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. JS early a Miracle. K. Aseuith Hall, Uinghamten, W. Y. writes: ' 1 Hiillcrcd for several months with a dull pain through the left lung aud shoulders. 1 lest my spirits, appetite and color, and could with dlllicuuy Keep up an tiay. .my roomer procured some lSurdeek llloed Hitters ; 1 took them as directed, ami have felt no pain hince llr&t week alter using them, and am new unity well." Price $1. Fer sale at II. IS. Cochran's drug stoic. i:t7 North Queen street, Lancaster. When your wife's lutalth Is bad, when your children are sickly, when you feel worn out, use Brown's Iren Bitters. Aius you made miserable by Indigestion, Con stipation. Less of Appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is a positive euro. Fer sale at Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. An Important Discovery lias been made whereby a successful vegeta ble combination has been introduced, which acts upon the bowels, the liver and the kid neys, and at the same time Imparts strength and vitality te the entire system. Burdock bleed bitters constitute this important dis covery. Price $1. Fer sale at II. It. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancas ter. Why will you cough when Shiloh's euro willuive immediate lelicl. Price, 10 ets., M c-ts. and $1. Fer sale at Cochran's drug store, 1S7 North Queen street. VA.pisRUA.Nii mam, ae. WE HAVE A NEW STOCK OF WALL PAPERS OF THE CHOICEST PATTERNS, WHICH AUK SELLING RAPIDLY. Thev include all grades, from the Lewest te the Best Goods. GILT PAPERS VI ICvery Description. BORDERS, FRINGES, CEILING LtBOORATIONS, &c. j By the yard, in all Celers & Widths. SCOTCH HOLLANDS, SPUING HOL LANDS, SI-KING ROLLERS, CORD MATURES, FRINGES. TASSELS, PULLEYS, Ac. FANCY DADO SHADES. We also carry a line assortment el Lace Cur tains In pairs and by the yard. Walnut Ebony and Brass Poles, Exten sion Cornices. Fine Pier Mirrors from $35 up. a"Cenie and see us. Phares W. Fry, 57 NORTH QUEEN STREET. VUINA. AN It UJjAJIS WAMt,. 1GH it MARTIN. H lite Granite Ware AT CHINA HALL. Just received per steamship " British Crown " another in " voice of WHITE GRANITE and PORCELAIN in Table, Hetel and Chamber Ware, Wares exchanged if net satisfactory. We have added te our stock a line of JAPANESE PAPER WARE. High & Martin 15 EAST KING STREET SAMUEL H. PRICE, ATTORNEY, HAS Removed his Ollice tretn 56 North Duke street te Ne. 41 GRANT STREET, immedi ately in Rear of .Court Heuse, Leng's New liuilaing. ml7-tid winer MJltlCJl B ROWN'S IRON BITTERS. Oh, My Back ! That's a common expression and bas a world of meaning. Hew much buf fering is summed up iu it. The singular thing about it is that paiu iu the back is occasioned by se many things. May be caused by kid ney disease, liver complaint, consump tion, cold, rheumatism, dyspepsia, overwork, nervous debility, &c. Whatever the cause, don't neglect it. Something is wrong and needs prompt attention. Ne mediciue has yet-becu discovered that will se quickly and surely cure such diseases as Brown's Iken Bitters, aud it dees this by commencing at the foundation, aud making the bleed pure aud rich. Logauspert, Ind., Dee. 1, issu. Fer a long time I have liecu a suOerer Ireiu stomach and kid ney disease. My appetite was very peer and the very small amount 1 did cat disagreed with inc. I was annoyed very much from retention et the urine. 1 tried many remedies with no success, until I used lluewa's Iken Bittuks, Since I used that my hteutach does net lielher me any. My appetite is simply im mense. My kidney trouble is no mere, and my general health is such, that 1 leel like a new man. Alter the use of Brown's Iren Bitters ler one mouth, I have gained twenty pounds Iu weight. O. B. Saikiiint. Leading physicians aud clergymeu use and recommend BllOWN'S IKON BITTERS. It has cured ethers suffer, ing as you are, aud it will euro you. Fer sale at U. B. COCHRAN'S Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. mys-iwd&w H ATTENTION 1 A MUTUKR SPEAKS UN til the Occidental entered our house I never knew what It w:is tefeel whollvsecure Irem the attacks etscarlet levcranddiphtheriu. In using it ler threat affection your valuable met'icine has proven most magical and instantaneous in its cure. Your pamphlet has taught me hew important it is te watch the children's threats and I catch myhclt frequently doing this whenever they complain and applying a dose instantly. 1 advise all mothers te try it. It is a great comfort and a been. Signed, A mother. Sold by II. B. Cochran, 1.17 and IX) North Queen street, Lancaster. I ENTLEMEN. Wc call your attention te an Important dis covery in our practice which we havu leund very succcssfnl in caes of prostration arising from indiscretion. These suffering Irem any of the numerous lerms et Debility arising from abuse or ether causes, will de well by sending a three cent stamp ter further in for mation. Address, DRS. LA GRANGE JOR DAN (late Jerdan & Davidsen). Ne. H.-.5 Fil bert street, Philadelphia. I'a. Hours ler con sultation : 10a. in. till '2 p. in., and 5 till is p. m. inar25-ainced VLOTHIXU. s PEC1AL OFFERING TO PERSONS IN WANT OF AN Elegaut iSuit of Clethes OR A STYLISH SPKIiNU OVEHCOAT, NOW IS THE TIME TO BU".. We suggest placing au order only te scenic pi euipt attention and choice et stock. Dispel trein your minds the thought of buying cheap, trashy garments when such splendid lacilltuu are ellcrcd te obtain the very best at such moderate prices Irem the leading establish ment and the acknowledged headquarters ler CORRECT STVLES, the most striking and novel effects te be leund iu the European markets, which we import dlreet and have exclusive control. 45-Rcincmbcr, no ether Iioihe in this eily can show the same line el goods. We are the only party that handle the Original Londen and Parisian productions el ORIGET, :il RUE V1VIENNE. PARIS. An examination el our Immense stock will satisty the novice as well as the aesthetic taste that for tone and character our goods cannot be excelled, and rank among llin leading houses en this continent. Ne. 121 North Queen Strest. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR. JPRINO Al SUMMER NOVELTIES. AT H. GKERHART'S talstenl, NO. G EAST KING STREET. 1 hereby Inform my customers that my stock of SPRING and SUMMER SUITING, SFRING OVERCOATING & FANCY VESTING Is new complete. 1 have new the large-stand choicest assortment of WOOLENS, Fer Fine Tailoring in the eily et Lancaster. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, and all goods warranted as represented. E GEB1ART. Thm Es DMT OOODB. pcNFKKW XV ASD CANTON DRESS GINGHAMS REDUCED FROM 15c. TO 12Kc. Jut received from Auctien: Cheviot Skirtings for Werk ingmen, Slightly -willed, te lie sold at Se. and .c., regu lar prices about r2jv. AT SWARR'S, 50 NORTH QUEEN STREET. The patent-back " DEFIANT " Shirt a spec ialty. OILKS ANU DRESS UOOIW. " Watt,Shand&Ge, Are doily receiving New Goods in this De partment, and offer the best possible value in BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. PLAIN, STRIPED and POLKA DOT SUM MER SILKS. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN fcURAII 9ILKS, Only Mic a Yard. MOIRE ANTIQUE, DAMMASSI and BRO CADE SILKS. Au limneiiHO Stock el NEW DRESS GOODS In nil the Popular Fubrlcs. at Lewest Prices. New Opening, a Choice Line of PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES, Iu all Sizes and Quallllej. We Offer a New Line et t CORSETS, In Many Popular Makes, including Madame Fey's, Dr. Warren's, Thompson 'n Gleve Fit ting and Ball's Patent Spiral Spring Corset. We Invite the Special Attention et Ladies te Extraordinary Bargains In Gcriiuiii Table Damasks, At .'lie, :i3c, 37c. I5e and tee a lard, in Hand some Designs aud much under usual price. NEW YORK STOKE, 8-10 EAST KING STREET. M ETZUER & UAUUUHAN. HETZ6ER & HAIMMAN, AT THEIR New Cheap Stere, HAVE NOW IN STOCK A COMPLETE AS SORTMENT OK THEIR OWH RRAND OP Gossamer Waterproofs That are Guaranteed te give full b'allsluctlen. GUSSAMEltS for LADIES. GOSSAMERS for GENTLEMEN. GOSSAMERS for GIRLS. GOSSAMERS for ROYS. AT METZGER AND HAUGHMAN'S NEW CHEAP STOKE, Ne. 43 West King Street. lietween the Cooper IIeusu and Serrel Herse Hetel, janll-lydftw N EXT 1MIOK TO THE COURT HOUSE. FAHNEST0CK. Our store is new slecked lull el NEW Dry Goods! AM03U8T WHICH WILL BE fOUHD MANY J3AKGAINS, Frem recent Iirge Importers' Auction Sales HELD in NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA flew Goods Opened Daily AT FAMESTOCK'S, NBXT DOORrTO COURT HOUSE, . .- SANCASTKR. PA. K AGS. RAGS. RAGS. Tin- iiiphi-st Cash Prices lnild for all klud'i el Rags, Old Heeks, UurpttUf. Woolen Cleths-, Ragging ICeiie, Gum Shoes, Ac, Ac. I will call en person having anyet the above articles II they will drop me a postal card. WE F. HBNNEOKE, NO. 235 WEST KISO tfTJUSET. Ieu25-3md