LANCASTER DAILY llsfTELUGENCER MONDAY MAY L 1882. NEWS NOTES. GATIlKKtTU FROM HKUK AMD THEUB. General lutelllcence Promptly aud Brlelly Reported. In Sbrevepert, La., 'Squire and Post master Heeper asked a tramp painter named Clark te take a drink, first, bow ever, testing the whisky himself. Clark said that this was an insult. Beth men drew their pistols, Clark sheeting Heeper through the head, Killing mm. lie Ilea from the town. Commedore Kittson, the millionaire lumberman of Minnesota, has purchased the pacing wonder Little Brown Jng, . with a record of 2:11J for $4,000, and the celebrated trotter Silverton, with a record . of 2:201, for 21,000. The Minneapolis jury in the recent lynching case found that McMauus came te his death by strangulation by means unknown te the jury. Mina Spear, his I little victim, is improving and there are stieug hopes of her recovery. The Gciscr manufacturing cempauy's large iron works at Waynesboro, Frauk liu county, were entirely destroyed by fire Saturday eveninir, caused by the explo sion of a boiler. A fire occurred in the new market build inas at Aberdeen, Scotland, destroying a block of small shops. Less, 40,000. Stuart Harley, aged 19, seu of the prin cipal or the academy at Ccntrcville, Md., shot himself aud his life is despaired of. A wagon containing six persons was .st ruck by a switch engine at East Des Moines, Iowa. Oue of the party named Mctiuire, was killed, and three ethers mortally injured. The heirs of Sarah Burr, of New Yerk, who bequeathed $3,000, 000 te charity will contest her will. Ou Monday, May 8, the Pennsylvania railroad company will put en a fast train from Washington te Philadelphia, which will start from Washington at about 4:15 p. m., and arrive f-emewhere near 8 p. m. Mary O'Deunell, sixty-two years old, committed suicide by hanging herself in the cellar of her residence in Warren street, Brooklyn ; temporarily insane. Adam Ilcil, a German, stable man at May's slaughter house iu Brooklyn, at tempted suicide by hanging himself in the slaughter house. He was cut down before life was extinct, but very slight hopes are entertained of his recovery. Just as the American line steamship Pennsylvania reached her deck in Phil adelphia, a Pemcraniau woman, aged seventy-six, who has frequently during the trip expressed her fears at being en the sea and her doubts of ever reachiug the shore, dropped dead. The Eric car works have lest two eai eai gecs of iron en reute from tlieir furnace at Point St. Ignacc, Michigan, te their works at Erie, by the sinking of vessels. Michael Moeuey and wife, of Meatlville, while riding about Susquehanna, seeing the sights, were struck by a locomotive, their horse instantly killed, the wagon de molished, Mrs. Moency knocked insensi ble, and Mr. Mooney se injured that it is thought he will die. In Lchightcu, two bretheis named Bennett and a boy named Stecker were poisoned by eating wild parsnips. One of the Bcnuctt boys died in great agony and the ether is net expected te recover. Stecker will probably recover. Fisher, the negre who ravished a girl thirteen years old, was lynched at Gallen, ()., yesterday afternoon by a mob of two huudicd men. He did net resist and while hanging shuddered but once befere choking te death. In Painesville, O., William lladeler, formerly a prominent business man, was found locked in his store dying with an empty vial, which had held merphia, heside him. He leaves a widow aud two children. Princess Marie, wife of Prince William of Wurtcmberg, and sister of the duchess of Albany, is dead. She was recently de livered of a still-born child. The court martial iu the case of the per sons concerned in the conspiracy ngaimt Arabi Bey finished its sitting en Saturday. ' Forty-three of the accused were sentenced te be exiled, and the rest, being civilians, were scnteuced te be hanged by the civil authorities. While Fercpaugh's show was exhibiting at Leck Haven ou Friday, two thieves, J avcling iu the wake of the circus, ii; the j;uise of soap peddlers, robbed a store of $30. Their plan is te go together te the store and while ene engages the attention of the merchant with a proposal te make a purchnse the ether commits the rob bery. On Thursday three cattle thieves were killed near Grand Junction, Ute reserva tion, by Sheriff Bewman, of Gunnison county, Deputy Sheriff J. Frank Uiiik, of Utah, aud a large posse. On Friday the t-hcrifl's posse came upon another gang of thieves. During the engagement Bewman and Rink were both killed. A large party of citizens are new in pursuit of the theives. A man about thirty three years old was found dead en the top of a special passen ger train cast upon its arrival at Phceuix Phceuix ville about two o'clock the ether morning. On the man's arm was the name YI. Kee ser or Kccver. About thirteen dollars, but no papers, were found ou his person. The body was given te the deputy coroner at Phejuixville. Geerge Andrews, 40 years old, a clerk, committed suicide iu his room in New i eik, by sheeting himself in the head. Andrews was a boek-kcepor for many years for Aldcn Sampson & Seus, dealers in oilcloth at Nes. 58 aud GO ltcade street. He had recently been discharged from his position en account of troubles, caused by his passion for drink, and in a state of de spondency shot himself. He leaves a wife and two children. During the tornado iu Terrell ceuuty, Ga., Miss Talbot was in bed in ene of the rooms of the McCarthy dwelling when the steim struck it. She was aware that the house was blown away and that she was being whirled through the air, aud was conscious wheu she struck the earth, but ic members nothing mere until she heard her sister's calls. It was just sixty yards from where the bed steed te the hole where she was found. The hole was made by the uprooting of a large oak, which was blown twenty yards away. The Londen 'Times says that with Balph Walde Emersen's death a great break has occurred. The present generation has lest the strongest and almost the hele tie which binds it te the Bosten or Concord of Hawthorne, Margaret Fuller, Alcott, Channing and Theodere Parker. The Standard says : "Mere genial, mero deli cate than Carlyle, Emersen, nevertheless had much in common with him. His less will he keenly felt en both sides the At lantic." The TclegrapJi Bays that Emersen, alike in his eloquent prose and thoughtful poetry, has been the most genuiue Ameri can among all that brilliant New-England company te which he belonged. Battle CkeeB:, Mich., Jan. 31, 1879. Gkstlesiew Havlnp been afUlcted for a number et years with indigestion ami general debility, by tlic advice et my Uocter I used Hep Bitters, nixl must sny they afforded mc almost instant relief. 1 am glad te be able te testily in their behalf. Taos. U. Knox. inl-2wd&w Hew Sew! What Is Jt? ,,Til'J, ,5V?111 s,E3tcm renovator Is Burdock Bleed Bitten. Try it and be convinced. Price U- ll at u U. Cochran's drug store, Ju. ?.erth Queen street, Lancaster. Druggist Testimony. .H." V:, McCarthy, druggist, Ottawa, OnL. states that he was mulcted with chrome brenl chins for Heme years, and was completely cuicd by the upe of Themas' Eclectiic oil. fL?3.1.0 at " 1!- Cochran's drny store. 137 North queen street, Lancaster. MEDICAL. I7BOM AKDREW'B AlfEBICAX QDEKK. CLEOPATRA OB THE Queen of Sheba's Beauty. WAS BUT SKIN DEEP. The renowned Queen of Shcba, with all her royal pomp, magnificent apparel and brilliant retinue, would never have appeared within the presence of the grandest ei the menarcus et the past,had she net also possessed that which i the crowning glory of the female person a skin unchallenged for its Oriental softness and its transcendental purity. Cleopatra, holding emperors at bay, and ruling empires by her word, had quickly le-st her charm and power by ene attack et blotches, or et pimples or et horrid tan and freckles. WOMAN MULES TllE WORLD l iv lierbpftiifv. net less than bv her nuritvet cii.iiiteter. levliness et disposition and unsel- ll-h devotion. Indeed, In the estimation of IM.'rhups tee many men, beauty in a ueuy taucs itrcct-dunce ever everv ether consideration. Beauty thus forms an important part et woman's " working capital," without which tee many (it net bankrupts in what relates te influence within the circle where they move), are powerless ter great geed, iienee we bee net only the propriety but the duty or every lady preserving Willi zealous care that which te her Is essential te success and inflii eneeand usefulness iu lite. And.sinee "beauty i but skin deep." the utmost care and visri Imicu are required te guard it against the many ills J hat flesh is heir te. Among the great and annoying enemies ei beauty, OF KlTIIKlt HEX, as well as et comfort, happiness and health, arc these pestiferous and horrid skin diseases tetters, humors, eczema (salt rheum), rough and scaly eruptions, ulcers, pimples and all diseases et the hair and scalp. Fertius cure or all these. Dr. C. W. Bensen, et Baltimore, alter vears of patient stud v and investigation devoted te diseases of the last brought iertli ids celebrated SKIN CURE, which has already by its marvelous cures, established ilsclTas the great remedy ter all diseases of the skin, whatever be their names or charac ter. Its success lias been immense ami un paralleled. It is ele gantly put. up, two bottles in one package. Internal ami external treatment. Price, $1.00. EVERYONE PBA1SES. hick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sleepless ness and brain diseases, positively cured by lr. C. W. Bensen's Celery and Chamomile 1'ills. They contain no opium, quinine or ether harmful drug. Sold by all druggists. Price. 50c. per box, $1 for two, $2.r0 for six ; postage free. Die. C. V. Hk.nsen, Baltimore, Md. IIUAS. N. CltlTTKNTON, 115 Fulton St., New Yerk, sole agent ler Dr. C. W. Bensen's remedies, :ipl-lnnl,MV.tS&w,i HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED Among I he medicinal means ei" arresting disease, llestetter's Stomach Bitters stands pre-eminent. It checks the further progress of, all disorders et the stomach, liver and bowels, revives the vital btamina, prevents and remedies chills anil lever, increases the activity of the kidnvy.s,ceunteiacts a tendency te rheumatism, and is a genuine stay and solace teageil.inlirm and nervous persons. Fer sale by all Druggists ami Dealers gen erally, lebl-lydced&w CI KAY'S SI'KCIFIC tllblUCINK. THIS J tircat English Remedy. An unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, 1 in potency, and all Diseases that fellow as a sequence of Self-Abuse ; as less of Memery, I'nivcrsal Lassitude. Pain in the Back, Dim ness et Vision, Premature Old Age.and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature U rave. Full par ticulars in our pamplct, which we desire te send live by mail te every one. The Speeilic Medicine is sold by all druggists :il tl per pack age, or six packages ter ft, or will be scut, free by mail en the receipt et the ad divsslligTHEUnAYMEDlCIXKCO.,'Bifiraln, N. V. tin account ei counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper; the only genuine. Guarantees of cure issued by us. Fer sale in Lancaster by 11. B. Cochran, 17 North Queen street. aprl2-lyd&w T OClIKK'S Renowned Cough Syrup. A pleasant, sate, speedy and mire remedy for Colds. Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Inllnen za. Soreness et the Threat and Chest, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Spitting of Bleed, In In liaiiiinatien of the Lungs and all Diseases et the Chest and Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines all t lie medicinal virtues, of these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most sate and ellicicnt qualities for the cure of ail kinds of lung diseases. PBICE, 515 Cents. Prepared only and sold by OH AS. A. LOOHER, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DRUGGIST, Se. 9 East King street, Lancaster. liuuejui, &v. 11 ISGWALT'S WINE, LIQUOR, ALCOHOL AND UUUU.TJK1 STUKrJ, Ne. 205 West King Street, leblt! ly IT OUSKAl, CO'S NEW LIQUOR STORE, Me. 43 North Oueen street, Lancaster, 1. The very best and linest qualities of Foreign and Demestic WINES and LIQUORS, con stantly ler sale at wholesale and retail. Straight Old Bye Whisky of the distillation of 1875. Pure unadulterated Custom Heuse Brandy, warranted et the vintage et 1S00. Kept especially for medicinal purposes. Pure Old Helland Gin, and ether Whiskies, Bran dies and Wines te suit the trade. fcu3-3md HOUSE AL CO. TyTAM WINK. HERCULES MALT WINE. The Best and Cheapest M A L T E X T Ii A (J T EVER TOEr-ARCD. All Invigorating HEALTH AND TABLE BEVERAGE. A reliable rejnedv for INDI GESTION, DEBILITY and MALNUTRITION highly recommended ler ENFEEBLED PEU SONS. CONVALESCENTS and NUBS1NG MOTHERS. SOLD BY DBUGGISTS AT 25 Cents per Pint Bettle. CHAS. WOLTERS, prospect bbeweuy, Philadelphia. Lajjcastkh Depot. GEO. A. E1EHL. ml 3md VAKU1AOJSS, EC7. rilMK STANDAKD cakkiage work OF LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & Ce., FINE Carriage Builders, MARKET STREET, Rear of Central Market Houses, LANCASTEB, PENN'A. We make every styie Buggy and Carriage de sired. All work finished in the most comfort able and elegant style. We use only the best selected material, and employ only the best mechanics. Fer quality of work our prices arc the cheapest in thcsUCtc. We buy ler cash and sell en the most reasonable terms. Give us a call. All work warranted. Repairing prompt, ly attended te. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose. fnae-tfdftw tomb mm. DBT GOODS J. B. MAKTIN & CO. OUR LINE OF Carpets and Wall Papers IS NOW COMPLETE. CARPETS IN EVERY GRADE, BODY BRUSSELS, MOQUETTB, VELVET, TAPESTRY, VENITIAN aud INGRAIN CARPETS, ALL IN ELEGANT PATTERNS, AT LOWEST PRICES. O-Wc :iavc our own Upholsterer, and de all Carpet and wmuew Miauc went it lower prices man uisumwiu. All work guaranteed. WALL PAPERS. WALL PAPERS. WALL PAPERS. We show the Largest Line ler selectien, and our prices arc the lowest. GOLD, BRONZES. FLATS.MICAS, BLANKS CEILING WORK A SPECIALTY. The Designs for Ceiling Werk are furnished by a Philadelphia Frescoe Painter, anil areen tirely different from any work ever belere done in this city. Experienced Paper Hangers furnished. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince .Sts. LANCASTER. PA. reit xaJjZ.. -w MOB KENT. J? STORE BOOM, isri East. King street. llltdMld INQUIRE AT lta. 1?OK ItKNT. A KLKOANT STtMSfc 1 BOOM, 48.!5 feet, close te Northern Mar ket, and opposite the Keystone Heuse, Ne. 213 North Queen street, lnquireat iiprlO-lfd 211 NORTH UEEN STREET. "lOlt SALK. AN IMMENSE KUJIliBUOir HOUSES, STORES, BUILDING LOTS, Ac, of all descriptions, iu all localities and at all prices. NEW CATALOGUE, with prices, free te every one. ALLAN A. IIERR & CO., ticcS-Giiul a North Duke street. 17XKCUTOK'S HALK.-UN WK1IMB5DAY, J MAY :., 1S82, will be sold at public: sale, at Ne. 133 East King street, in the city of Lancas ter, by the executer et Elizabeth Hoopes, de ceased, tlte following personal property, viz : One Geld Watcli and Chain ; Jewelry, con sisting et breast pins, rings, braeelats, specta cles, &c.; Clothing, consistinget" velvet coat, laces, dresses et silk ami ether materials, lurs, shawls, bonnets, hats, scarfs, parasols, water proof, trunk, &c. Articles can be seen alter 12 o'clock et" said day. previous te the sale. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. in., when terms will be made knawn by HENRY SHUBEItT, Auct. 27-.rt Agent for the Executer. 1)KIVATK SALE. T1IK UUDKltSlGNKU eilers at private s-alc the following de scribed property, te wit : All that very valuable farm, CONTAINING 17 ACRES, mere or less, sitnaHui en the south side of East King street, in the city et Lancas ter, immediately opposite the Lancaster coun ty prUeti, mm adjoining lards et Herman Miller, .Jacob S. Miller and lands et the Dircc ler- ei the Peer el Lancaster county. This i one et the most desirable and valua ble pieces of real estate in the count v of Lan caster : has a geed DWELLING HOUSE and ont-heu'cs, with geed Barn ami ether im provements. It is particularly valuable for building lets, being in the very best part of tile city of Lancaster, and especially adapted for at rut 1: farm. The entire piece is laid out iu building lets. Fer tnri'u:- inlonnatlen call en HENRY SIIUBERT, Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent, Ne. "i I -urt Avenue, where the draft et said ire; it;, can be teen. ni"0ttd PUHLJC HALE OF VALUAIILK KKAI. estate and personal property. At the Hiester Heuse, in Lancaster, Pa., will be sold at public sale en WEDNESDAY EVENING MAY 10, A. D. ISA.', at yi o'clock, the following described real estate, lute of Martha L. Shad ier, dcc-csised. te wit: All that TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE (Ne. t.J7) with let et ground thereto belonging, con taining in front 38 feet, and extending in depth 250 fcet,te a public alley, situated en the nei til side of West Orange street. This prop erty war the late residence of Mrs. SliciuTcr. and is one et the most desirable places in the city el Lancaster. The house contains ten rooms, is well built and modern in style, M'ltii all the improvements ami a beautiful side yard. In the afternoon et the same day at 1J o'clock, en the premises, will be sold at public sale the personal property and Household Fur niture belonging te the estate of the late Mrs. Shadier, deceased. Conditions made known at sale bv .1. L. STElNMET,, ap2l-ced.lsil Executer. II. MiriiiaiT, Auctioneer. riiA.yjJi.Ji: tin' aunt. CtOLUSlifJA AND PORT UKi'O.St? JJ. K J Trains new run regularly en the Columbia and Pert Deposit Railroad en the following time: Station. Nektu- Express. Express. Acceui. WAltU. a. k. v. i. V.XL. Pert Dejie-it C:35 3:M 2:05 Peaciibottem 7:12 4:28 3tlS Safe Harber. 7:55 5:11 6:21 Columbia S:25 5:40 6:20 Stations Seuth- Express. Express. Aicem WARD. A. M. y. 31. A. M. Columbia 11:30 6:20 7:45 P. M. Ar9:0! Safe Harber. 12:00 ii:i) Lu9:40 Peachbottem 12:48 7:32 11.07 v. M. PortDencsIt 1:25 3:05 12:20 1)KK N S V L VA KIA It A J IJSOA l N KW .JL SCHEDULE On and after SUNOAi, JANUARY 22d, 1882, trains en the l'eiiiisyl van i:i Railroad will arrive at and leave the LaacTistw and Philadelphia depot? as follews: Eastward. Arrive Phllnd'a 2:55 A.M 7:20 10:50" 11:45"" 5:35 r.M. 5:05 7:35 " Mail Express, i'ast Line, Yerk Accem. Arrives, Harrisburg Express Lancaster" Accommodation Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Sunday Mail Johnstown Expr rcss,. ray axpress,. Harrisburg Accommedat'n, 0:40 '.1:45 " Westward. Leave Lane'ter 12:41 A.M. 5:10 " 8:35 " 8:3r !l:00 " 9:05 " 1:30 r.M. 12:42 li O.OQ .1 5:25 " Arnve Lane'ter Way Passenger, News Express MallTrainNe.l,via Mt.Jey, Mail Train Ne.2,via Cel'bia, Sunday Mail, Uq L ijlll Kjj Frederick Accommodation, Lancaster Accommodation, Harrisburg Accommedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express, Western Express Philadelphia Express, 6-27 ..M 6:27 " 9.25 ' 9:80 " 9:25 " 1:55 p.H. 2:C0 " 5:50 " 7:35 " 7:40 " 11:01 " 2.25 A.M. Mail Train. Ne. 2, west, connecting at Lu ni caster with Mail Train, Ne. J, at 9:25 a.m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 1:55, will run through te Frederick. Harrisburg hxprcss, west, at 5:40 p. m., has direct connections (without change or cars) te Columbia and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged, will stopatDewningtown.Coatosville, Parkes burg, Mount Jey, Eilzabethtewii and Middle own. OFFICE LASCASTKi; OAS LIGUT AND Fuel Ce. Lancaster. Ajnil 15, issj. Helders et" the following numbers et the Mortgage Bends of the above company, new due, issued te the Lancaster Gas Company may have them renewed ler net less than 15 years at 5 per cent, interest, upon presenta tion at the banking house et Messrs. Reed & Hendersen, at any time prier te May 1st. next when a contract for renewal will be stamped upon the bends. The renewal bends will have the security et the original mortgage which is a lien upon the property of the company. Any bondholder who does net desire te re new his bend upon the abeve terms can re ceive the principal el his bend and accrued Tt ,11? nivmnn tml 4Vtt vn.,n.,t ty . .(.. ..n tlen, all interest en the same wBi cease en and after the 1st day of May. 1S82. SSiOO BON Dfc : Jfes. 1. 3. 7, 9. 13, 15, 17, 19, 21. 25, 27, 29, 31, SI, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 4:. 51, 55. 57, 61, 63 67,69, 71, 73, 75, 79, 81, 85, S7, 91. 93, 95, 97, 101, 103, 103. 107, (f 113. 115, 117. 119, 121, 123. 125. SSOO BONDS : Nes. 2, 6, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 26, 30, SI, i. 3.. ','J. 42, 44, 40, 48, 50, 52, 51. 58, 6e! 62.64. S1,000 BONDS : 5, 7, II, 13, 17, 19 21, 23, 23, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 3!, 41, 45, 47, 51, 53, 55, 07, 61, 63, 65, C9, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79. J. II. BAUMGARDNER, al5-3td Trcwnrcr. Leave Phllnd'a 4:30 a.m. 4:30 " 7:00 " 7:00 "" 11:25 " 2:35""" 2:15 r.M. 4:15 " 5:40 " J:00 " 11:30 " JfST c UOTBS. SPRING DRESS CLOTHS Army Blue, DRESS CLOTHS Marine Blue, DRESS CLOTHS Navy Blue, DRESS CLOTHS Blue Mixt, DRESS CLOTHS Terra Cetta, DRESS CLOTHS Mustard, DRESS CLOTHS Black Meltons, DRESS CLOTHS Black Serges, DRESS CLOTHS Black Twills, DRESS CLOTHS Green, DRESS CLOTHS Sage Green, DRESS CLOTHS Olive Green, DRESS CLOTHS Bettle Green, DRESS CLOTHS Green Mixt, DRESS CLOTHS Bronze Green, DRESS CLOTHS Olive, DRESS CLOTHS Olive Mixt, DRESS CLOTHS Dark Garnet, DRESS CLOTHS Brown, DRESS CLOTHS Dahlia, DRESS CLOTHS Tan, DRESS CLOTHS Indian Red, DRESS CLOTHS Green Checks. DRESS CLOTHS Cheviot Checks, DRESS CLOTHS Drab Kerseys, DRESS CLOTHS English Tweeds, DRESS CLOTHS English Cheviots, DRESS CLOTHS French Habits, DRESS CLOTHS Oxford Mixtures, SPRING SACKINGS Checks, SPRING SACKINGS Plaids, SPRING SACKINGS Mixtures, SPRING SACKINGS English, SPRING SACKINGS -Scotch, CHILDREN'S SACQUEINGS, CHILDREN'S SACQUEINGS, CHILDREN'S SACQUEINGS, CHILDREN'S SACQUEINGS, CHILDREN'S SACQUEINGS, DIM, HUM l CO., RETAILERS, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF CLOTHS, MARKET and NINTH STS.. Philadelphia. VX.UMBiJt'S SVrJ'L.lXS. tAS FJTT1NU, ETC. JOHN L. ARNOLD, IRON PIPE for GAS, WATER and STEAM qrnrvpn AND CUT TO ANY LENGTH. VAT VFS ALL KINDS OF FI'fTMGSfer STEA.V, WATER and OAS LOWEST PRICES. SLATE MANTLES AND LOW DOWN GRATES. C'llKAl'EST GAS FIXTURES IN THE CITY. SLATE, TIN AND UUAVEt. KOOFEK. Nea. 11, 13 & 15 BAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. rapr2-ttd JJJIY UUOJJfi. I.O!slNt; OUT! AT AND BELOW COST. My cutirc sleck el DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ElG. 13 FOlt SALE AT AND 15ELOW COST. Tliia is u rare cluuice ler GOOD BARGAINS. A3 I HAVK AN IMMENSE STOCK OF (30QDS, On lianU, which were all iurcliuscd ler c:ish. J. M. LONG, J21-UU 11 NOKTII QUEEN STliEET. rpilE NOKTU KNU IKV GOODS STOIti; I)e4Iivm te cull attention te the lollewiny bargains iu NEW SPUING DKESS GOODS. ItlNi; AltA SU,KS, nt 37c fi vanl. Alil.-VOOI, UASIIMEltE 11E1UE "SUITlNliS at :ilc a Viir.i. ENGLISH AMi-WOOt, SUITINGS, Cleth Fin ish, :tt i"c a yaitl. A line urticlc in BLACK CASnMERE, Full -Ifi inches wide, :it One Dellar a yard, Is considered : Special liaigain. A Jel) I-et el ALL l.INEN SHIRT FRONTS, New ellcrcd at TEN CENTS apiece, cannot he replaced te sell :it less than Sixteen Cents apiece. J. W. BYRNE, 322 NORTH QUEEN STREET, tl-lyd LANCASTEU, iA.. N KXT IJOOIt TO TUB COURT HOUSE. FAHNEST0CK. Our store a new stocked lull el NEW Dry Goods I AMOXOST WHICH Will, KB FOUND MANY BARGAINS, Frem recent Large Importers' Auction Sales HELD iu NEW VORKaud FHlLAnELI'IIIA New Goods Opened Daily AT MEESTOCK'S, NEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE, LANCASTER. l'A. 'DAGS. RAGS. KAGS. The highest Cash Prices paid for all kinds of Kags, Old Heeks, Carpets, Woolen Cleths flagging Hepe, Gum ShoesT&c.7fte. Wias' I -will call en persons -havinc anv of the eve articles I! tltey wlU drop me a pest WM. P, HBNNEOKB, HggS WEST KTOQ BXBEET. GOODS. CLOTHS. English Worsteds, French Cassimeres, Londen Serges, Scotch Suitings, Bannockburn Cheviots, Imported Kerseys, French Coatings, Carr's Meltons, Austrian Suitings, F. & H. Coatings, Spring Overceatings, American Suitings, Demestic Cassimeres, Fine Trewserings, Simoni Batiste, Tricot-a-Leng Suitings, Heather "Weight Cheviots, Crepe Coatings, Coachman's Cleths, Carriage Cleths, Moleskins and Corduroys, Army Uniform Cleths, Navy Uniform Cleths, Marseilles and Ducks, Linen Suitings, Italian Cleths, Billiard Cleths, Bagatelle Cleths, Felts, etc., etc jjjtr uoejjs. L.ACK CASItHlKKE SHAWLS. AT SWARR'S: tiLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS at $1.75. It LACK CASHMERE SHAWLS at 2.00. BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS at 2.50. ltLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS at 3.25. BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS at I.O'.t. BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS at 1.50. BJ.ACK CASHMERE SHAWLS at 5.00. BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS at G0X BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS at C.S0. BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS at 7.00. BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS at 7.50. BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS at fi.00. BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS at 9.00. BLACK CASHMEKE SHAWLS at 12.00. TllE DEFIANT SHIRT A SPECIALTY. OILKS AND UHKSS ttOOUS. Watt,Shajid&Ce., Are daily receiving New Goods in tliia De partment, andeUertue best possible vnlne in BLACK AND COLORED SILKS. I'LAIN, STRU'EI) anil 1'OLKA HOT SUM MER SILKS. Sl'KClAL BARGAINS IN SURAH SILKS Only 5e a Yard. MOIRE ANTIQUE, DAMMASSI and BRO CADE SILKS. An Immense Stock et HEW DRESS GOODS In all tlic I'epular Fabrics, at Lewest I'rlce. New Opening, a Choice Line of PARASOLS AND SUNSHADES, In all Sizes and Qualities. Wc Oiler a New Line el CORSETS, In Many I'epular Makes, including Madame Fey's, Dr. Warren's, Thompson's Gleve Fit ting and Ball's ratent Spiral Spring Corset. Wc invite the Special Attention et Ladies te Extraordinary Bargain in German Table Damasks, At 31c, 33c. 37c. fie and 50c a Yard, in llnml some Designs and much under usual price. NEW YORK STORE, 8-10 EAST KING STREET. TAKGAINS JN BLACK SILKS AT MB & HAIHHAN'S New Cheap Stere. BLACK SILKS at 80c. BLACK SILKS at 65c. BLACK SILKS at 75c. BLACK SILKS at 87$c. BLACK SILKS at $1.00. BLACK SILKS at $1.12. BLACK SILKS at $1.25. BLACK SILKS at $1.50. BLACK SILKS at $1.75. BLACK SILKS at $2.00. Thcse goods wcre bought in the AUCTION ROOMS et NEW YORK and PHILADELPIA, and arc Extra Geed at the Prices. METZGER AND HAUGHMANS NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West King Street. Between the Cooper Henso and Serrel Herse note. JanlMyqfcw VI.OTHIXB JtC. PMTALOOES. Avoid bad-fitting Pants. They spoil the entire Suit and one can't feel at ease with them en. no matter hew fine the material. We give scrupulous and con stant attention te the require ments of this point and use ONLY THE LATESTandMOST APPROVED PATTERNS. A. C. YATES & CO. LEDGER BDILDINO, Chestnut and Sixth Sts., PHILADELPHIA. Ol'KVlAL. OriTJSKING TO PERSONS IN WANT OF AN Elegant Suit el Clethes OR A- STYLISH SPUING 0VEUC0AT, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUV. Wc suggest placing an order only te secure prompt attention and choice of stock. Dispel from your minds the thonghtef buying cheap. trashy garments when such splendid facilitieu nrc ettered te obtain the very best at such moderate prices from the leading establish ment anil the acknowledged headquarters ter CORRECT STYLES, the most striking und novel effects te be leund In the European markets, which we import direct and hava exclusive control. 5Rcmcmbcr, no ether hou9e "In Uih city can show the same line et goods. Wc are the only party that handle the Original Londen and Parisian productions et OUIU ET, 3 1 RUE V1VIENNE, PARIS. An examination et our Immense stock will satisty the novice as well as the :cstlictic taste that for tone and character our goods' cannot be excelled, and rank among the leading houses en this continent. Ne. 121 North Quean Street. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR. OPK1NO AND SUMHEIt NOVJSLTIES. AT H. GBRHART'S t NO. 6 EAST KING STREET, 1 hereby inform my customers that my stock of SPRING ami SUMMER SUITING, SPRING OVERCOATING & FANCY VESTING Is new complete. I havu uew the largest and choicest assortment of WOOLENS, Fer Kine Tailoring in the city et Lancaster. PRICES AS J.OW AS THE LOWEST, and all goods warranted as represented. I. GERHART. riLOTHIMG. GOOD NEWS TO THE People of Lancaster and Vicinii 1 Wc luivc made assiduous efforts te excel all past seasons in serving the people at our stere Our counters are heaped with the LATEST STYLES OP Spring Clothing! OUK OWN MANUFACTURE, and every garment wc have for sale will u tand clese inspection. Te mention every My loot Suit we have en hand, our space will hardly allow; therefore, notice a te w sample prices : Wc sell Men's Suits for 13.00, $1.00. $5.ef nun $8.00, $10.00, up te $18.00. ' ' ' Beys' and Children's CLOTHING WE STAKE TI113 OCR GREAT SPECIALTY. Wc sell Bey's Salts for $2.00, $3.00, 4.00, $3.00 up te $9.C0. Children's Stilts at $1.73. $2.00. I2J50 ViMt, $1.00, up te $7.00. We most certainly have the largest and cheapest, also the most varied deck of Beys' and Children's Clothing ever displayed in this city. OUU CUSTOM lEPARTMENT.-Custein-crs can select irem goods in the piece and have them made te order at a slight advance ever our goods en the counters. We make te order a Nice Suit for $1100, but our $18.00 and $20.00 Suits can't be equaled anywhere in the -Jiv, inuiiuuii unit niilllf) liKn mira tnp loud ti,ilS.Sf?te$30-0a- -A-PKEPJiCT PIT GUAJt- Whether you wish te purchase or net. please give us a call. " I.GAUSMAI&BBO., THE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIIRS, 66-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Right en the Southwest Cemer of Orange -St. LANCASTER, PA. j The Cheapest Clothing Heuse In the City. marl5-lvd Taim ASTMICH AXCMf. ADfJCMTiaKUMMT. STJUCU BKOS'AUVKRTUKMKHT. ASTEICH BROS-' PALACE -OP- FASHION. -ON- WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, APKIL 2ti au 27, 1882, WK MIALi. U01.H OUR- GRAND SPRING OPENING WB EXTEND OUR MOST CORDIAL INVITATION TO ALL. TO COMB AND DTSPHOT THE ENORMOUS DISPLAY OP SPRING SPRING AND SUMMER SUMMER We shall Exhibit en these Days. 1? CITIES' ITEMS! NOMTIES! V V