LANCASTER DAILY INTEUIGENGER SATURDAY APRIL 22, 1882. THE AUDITORS. ALOEKMAN SPURRIER RECALLED. T!ie Mileage ana Commitment QaesUera Farther DUcaued Friday Afternoon The uuditers recalled aud examined Alderman Spurrier. Mr. Greider Hew many hearings did yea have in the tramp cases ? A. One hearing in each charge of each accused. Mr. Greider the record shows that you had C5 hearings. A. Ne, sir ; the record will net show anything of the kind. The record of the commitments at the jail will net show a record of the hearings. There may have been 65 commitments ; but net C3 hearings. Suppose a half dozen men arc arrested te-day and committed for a hearing. Seme days afterwards they have a hearing and are committed for a term of days ; there will be but one hearing in each case, but the jail records will, show two commitments in each case. Thus in the tramp cases under consideration ; there was a commitment for each of the offend ers with which each was charged, but only one hearing en each charge, and all these were had en oue day, the uthet Sep tember. Mr. Greider said it appeared from the constables' bills that they had traveled 1,401 miles in making their arrest of these men, while iu their testimony it was shown they were all brought in in one or two days, from a point only a few miles east of the city. Alderman Spurrier said he had nothing te de iu fixing the officers mileage. They made their return under oath, and he, iu making out their bills, had charged just what lhcy swore te. Mr. Greider. The trouble is that the officers appeared te knew nothing about their own mileage, but put the responsi bility upon the alderman, while the alder man knows nothing about it, except What is en the constables' leturns. Mr. Greider asked the alderman whether Mr. Musselman and Dr. Musser made complaints against the individuals that the record showed they made complaints against. Alderman Spurrier answered that they did ; some of the complaints wcre made and signed before the arrests were made and some of them afterwards. The com plainants did net knew the names of the gang ; the alderman knew some of them, and ascertained the names of the ethers after the arrest, lle wanted te call atten tien te the fact that of the 19 men arrest ed, against whom 39 complaints had been entered, only 22 of the cases were dismissed. Mr. Greider and Alderman Spurrier had a long conversation, in which various questions were asked and answered, but nothing new developed, aud the beard adjourned until Tuesday meruiug next. STANDING ASIDE JURORS. Tim Practice In our Lecal Courts. The deliberation of the supreme ceuit ever the point raised in the Lister Smith case as te the power of the commonwealth te stand aside jurors, the Philadelphia Xein is collecting opinions from the judges of tliu state as te the practice in their points. The universal response is that no power is exercised. Judge Livingston of this county writes te the JVer : "We de net stand aside jurors in cases of misdemeanor. I am net aware that such practice ever prevailed iu this court." J udge Patterson says: "I have never known that practice te prevail in this county aud I asked my colleague, the' president judge, and he says the same. T-e allow the commonwealth in the trial of misdemeanors te stand aside jurors without eause has, I am quite certain, never been the case here. Iu capital cases it has been, but even in such cases it seems te me te an infringe en the act of assembly, yet iu such the practice of permitting the com monwealth te stand aside seems tee well established te question at this day. In the trial of misdemeanors I would net permit it. I may add " that cur eldest lawyers have no recollection that ever the com monwealth made a claim here for the ex ex of such power. m m 1 mlulgcnt parents who allow their children te cat heai til y of high-seasoned pies, cake Ac., will have te use Hep Bitters te pre vent Indigestion, sleepless nights, sickness, pain, and. perhaps, death. Ne lumlly U safe without them in the house. npl8-2vd&w A Ski I Hut Preparation Composed et root", barks, anil plants, that act In harmony, unit arc a pleasant nnd effective medicine, constitute Burdock Bloe.l Bitters, of w hlch highly commendatory reports are being constantly received. Price $1. Fer .sale at II. 15. Cochran's drugstore, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. JltCLlUlOUS. (10IJ.:UiK CIIAI'KL. DIVINE SKRVICE8 j en Sunday allOJ a. in. Sermon bv the Rev. Prof. Jehn S. Slalir. I.MRST "BAPTIST, EAST CIJESTNUT ST 1 S-'crvicc In the morning at 10J and in the evening at 7"., by the pastor, Rev. W. O. Owen. Sunday school at l?i p. m. EIRST M.K. UI1URCU, NORTH UUHK strret. Preaching at 10J a. in. nnd 714 V in., by the pastor. Uev. W. C. Robinson. Sun day school at I'ii p. in. Prayer meeting en Wednesday evening at IU o'clock. 1-JItSr KEl'OKMim DIVINE SERVICES 1 te-morrow at 10$ a. iu. and 7J4 p. m. Sun day school at p. m. GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH, NORTH Queen and James streets. Paster, Bev. C. K. Ileupl. Begular divine services will be held at Vyz a. in. and 1i p. in. Sunday school at i3 p. in. Sermon of the day by Bev. E. E. Slhele, et Philadelphia. ME. MISSION EAST MISSION, EAST . King street- Preaching te-morrow at TV p. in. Sunday school at 1 p. in. Weekly piiycr meeting en Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. M rORAVIAN. J. MAX HARK, PASTOR. Vii a. in.. Lltnnv and sermon Jcana by ihoSea-sheie " 2 p. in., Sunday-Scheel. Tjk p. in., preaching. "Peter' Reinstatement.'' All cordially invited. OLIVET II API 1ST CHURCH T. M. C. A. Beems, Bev. jr. Frayne, pastor. 10 a. in. and 7i p. in. Subject IuiDera- tive Duty et the Church." Sunday Scheel at i:i xi. in. PRESBYTERIAN. SERVICES AT THE usual hours, morning and evening. Preaching by the pastor,-Bev. Jas. V. Mitchell, D. D. PRESBYTERIAN MKMORIAL CHAPEL. Bev. James C. Heme, pastor. Evening service at 7:15. Sabbath school at 1:45 p. in. ST. JAMES. HOLY COMMUNION AT una Morning Service at 10W a. in. Evening piayeratCp. m. ST. PAUL'S REFORMED. DIVINE SEK vicu at 104 a. in. and p. in. Prayer meeting ate p.m. Sunday solieol at lp."m. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH preaching te-morrow morning and even ing, e.v Bev. B. W. HuHerd, of ISasten, for pastor of fct. Jehn's. All are cordially in vited. (JALEM CHURCH OF GOD. PREACHING. i4i-iuui.ii.Mt uiuimiiix uini eveninir b- TIet- Ills- slen, Antioch. Sunday school at 0 a. m. S' T. PAUL'S M. E. CHURCH. S. OUEEN ST. k5 Preaching by the pastor, Bev. A. 1. Cel., 10 a. in. and at 7:30 p. m. Sunday ... lilt v. . A..A .Vtaa. .. A- .A, . ebiitiiHUb .. JJ. HI. Uiiu lUUb UL JUKB. m Prayer meeting en .Wednesday at 7:15 p.m. TIUIK OLD MENNONITES WILL 'HOLD 1 services in their church, corner of East Chestnut and Sherman streets, en Sunday, April 23d, at 2 o'clock p. m. Preaching in both languages. 11 UK CONGREGATIONAL BAPTIST . brethren will have preaching In English and German, en Sunday morning and even ing. UNION BETHEL CHURCH OF tiOU Bev. G. W. Sellhamer, pastor. Preach ing at 104 a. m. and "H p. m. Experience meet ing at 04 p. m. EST MISSION, M. E. CHAPEL, CHAR- lette street above Lemen. Preaching at 10K a. m. and 7K P- m.. by the pa-ter. Rel A. MCllv.tine. bim.luy nehoel at l)t p.ui. TtEDICAL. F UOSI AXD&XW'a 'JL3IKBICXH QUJMST. CLEOPATRA OB THE Queen of Sheba's Beauty. "WAS BUT SKIN DEEP. Tlic renowned Queen of Sheba. with all her royal pomp, magnificent apparel and brilliant retinue, weuia never uaTc appeared wuuin we presence ei the grandest et the monarchs et the past,had she net also possessed that which Is the crowning glory of the female person a skin unchallenged for Its Oriental softness audits transcendental purity. Cleopatra, holding emperors at bay, and ruling empires by her word, had quickly lest her charm and power by one attack et blotches, or et pimples or et horrid tan and lreckles. WOMAN RULES THE WOULD by her beauty, net less than by her purity et character, levllncss et dlsnosltlen and unsel fish devotion. Indeed, In the estimation of perhaps tee many mcn,beanty In a body takes prccedence ever every ether consideration. Beauty thus forms an Important part et woman's " working capital," without which tee many (it net bankrupts in what relates te Influence within the circle where ihey move), arc powerless ler great geed. Hence we see net only the propriety but the duty of every lady preserving with zealous care that which te her is essential te success and influ ence and usefulness inliie. And.since "beauty is but skin deep," the utmost care and vlsrl lencc are required te guard it against the many ills that flesh is heir te. Among the great and annoying enemies et beauty, OF EITHER SEX, as well as et comfort, happiness and health, are theso pestiferous and horrid skin diseases tetters, humors, ecz&ma (salt rheum), rough and scaly eruptions, ulcers, pimples and all diseases el the hair and scalp. Fer the cure of all these. Dr. C. W. Ilenson. et Baltimore. after vears of patient study and investigation devoted te diseases of the last brought forth his celebrated SKIN CUBE, which has already by its marvelous cures, established itself as the great remedy ler all diseases of the skin, whatever be their names or charac ter. Its success has been immense and un paralleled. All druggists have It. It is ele gantly put up, two bottles in one package. Internal and external treatment. Trice, $1.00. EVERYONE PKAISES. Sick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sleepless ness and brain diseases, positively cured by Dr. C. W." Bensen's Celery and Chamomile Pills. They contain no opium, quiulne or ether harmful drug. Sold by all druggists. Price, 50e. per box, $1 for two, $2.50 for six ; postage tree. Dit. C. W. Bensen, Baltimore, Ma. CUAS. N. CRITTENTON, 115 Fulton St., New Yerk, sole agent for Dr. C. W. Bensen's remedies. apl-lmti.MW&S&wH TTOP BITTER?. HOP BITTERS, . (A Medicine, Net a Brink,) Contains HOPS. BUCHU, MANDRAKE, DANDELION, and the Purest and Best Medical Qualities ei all Other Bitters. THEY CURE All Diseases et the Stomach, Bowels. Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs, Nervousness, Sleeplessness and.- -especially Fcuiale Complaints. HI.OOO IN ISOLD will be paid for a case they will net cure or help, or for anything 1 ni pure and injurious found in them. Ask your druggist for HOP BITTERS nnd try them bclore you sleep. Take no ether. D. I. c. is an absolute and Irresistible cure far Drunkenness, use et opium, tobacco nod narcotics. Send Fer. Circular. All the above sold by druggists. HOP BITTERS MFU. CO.. Rochester, N. 1, and Terente, Out. apl-lmced&w T OCHEK'S Renowned Cough Syrup. A pleasant, sate, speedy and sure remedy ler Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influen za. Sercncs3 et the Threat nnd Chest, Bron Bren Bron eliltis, Whooping Cough, Spitting or Itloed, In flammation et the Lungs and all Diseases et the Chest and Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines all tne medicinal virtues of these articles which long oxperlence has proved te possess the most sate and cfllcicnt qualities for the cure of all kinds et lung diseases. PRICE, 25 Cents. Prepared enlyandsnldby . OHAS. A. LOOHEE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST, Ne. 9 East King Street, Lancaster. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MB.DICINE THE Great English Remedy. An unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, Impetcncy, and all Diseases that fellow as a sequence of Self-Abuse ; as less of Memery, Universal Lassitude. Pain in the Back, Dim ness et Vision, Prematura Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanitv or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. Full par ticulars in our pamplet, which we desire te send lrccby mall te every one. -The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at $1 per pack age, or six packages forts, or will be tent free by mail en the receipt et the money, by ad dressing THE G BAY MEDICINE CO., Butlale, N. V. On account el counterfeits, we have adopted thoYellewWmppcr; thcenlygcnuine. Guarantees of euro issued by us. Fer sale in Lancaster by II. B. Cochran, 137 North Queen street, aprl2-lyd&w "1 ENTLEMEN. Wc call your attention te an Important dis -cevery in our practice which we have found very successful in cases of prostration arising from indiscretion. These suflering from any of the numerous forms et Debility arising from abuse or ether causes, will de well by sending a three cent stamp for further infor mation. Address, DBS. LA GBANG E & JOR 'DAN (lata Jerdan & Davidsen), Ne. lias Fil bert street, Philadelphia. Pa. Hours ter con sultation : 10 a. m. till 2 p. m., and 5 till 8 p. in. marJ5-3meed ANY PART OF THE SKIN OK MUCOUS Membrane may be the scat of Cancer ; it Is found mere frequently en the leg and lip than elsewhere, I have seen it arise from the cicatrix et a p cald, a blister, or a cut, from a mele, from a wnrt, and from a simple excoria tion where two moist surfaces lay in contact, as in the groin. All Cancers and ;Tuniers cured without pain or using the knitc by DR. 11. D. LONGAlvER, M. D. Otlicc 13 East Walnut street, Lancaster. Consultation Lee. . 20-3td&w -FOJf SAX.B. FOR RENT. An ELEGANT STORE. ROOM, 4Sxl5 feet, close te Northern Mar ket, and opposite the Keystone Heuse. Ne. 213 North Queen street. Inquire at aprlO-ttd 211 NORTH QUEEN STREET. PttlME HAY, WESTERN CORN AND Oats ter sale at Lcaman Place at all times at market prices. Alse, COAL AND LUMBER. 121-3md H. H. ROIIRER. F OK SALE. AN IMMENSE NUMBER OF HOUSES, STORES, BUILDING LOTS, &c, of all descriptions, in all localities and at all prices. . NEW CATALOGUE, with prices, free te every one. ALLAN A. HERR & CO., decO-Cmd . 3 North Duke street. PRIVATE SALE. THIS UNDERSIGNED etrers at private sale the following do de scribed property, te wit : All that very valuable farm, CONTAINING 17 ACRES, mere or less, situated en the south side of East King street, in the city el Lancas ter, immediately opposite the Lancaster coun ty prison, ana adjoining lards et Herman Miller, Jacob S. Miller and lands et the Dlrec ters of the Peer el Lancaster county. This Is one of the most desirable and valua- IllJ. wftttma .Cnnt a...... t .t.n .....- r . . ,'.. u. iwu csllu in Liiu ceuiiiy ei Lan caster; has a geed DWELLING HOUSE nnd out-houses, with geed Barn and ether Im provements. It is particularly valuable for building lets, being in the very best part of the city of Lancaster, and especially adapted inbuildTngle- "P1 8 laid out a H5 TV Auctioneer and Real Estate .e iV " Y"url- -avenue, wnere the draft of sold property can be seen. mSO tld E AGS.. BAGS. RAGS. The lilchMt. fnQi PHmi nel.i x..ii i.. . Bags, Old Beeks, Carpets. Woolen Cleths Bagging Repe, Gum Shoes, ife, & Oletll. I will call en persons having any of the above articles li they wiU drop me a postal card. WM. P, HENNECKE, NO. 235 WEST KING STREET. fcb25-Smd JOBS' WAITAMAKETPS. JOHN WANAMAKER'S, PHILADELPHIA. SATURDAY: Leng dolmans, beautiful and fine, will new be sold at extra cost ; only twelve left. . 1301 Chestnut. We are draping India and Persian shawls te make dolmans without cutting the shawls. Sam ples may be seen. 1303 Chestnut. Milliners' gres-grain, a heavy looking silk with cotton cord, made for bonnet work, $1.25; has the appearance of a silk of double the value, and is even better for its use. Every color in favor. Milliners' silks, satins and vel vets, cut bias or across. The stock is voluminous; scarcely anydiing wanting that is likely te be called for. Remnants of all sorts of silks are sold at this counter. Thirteenth-street entrance. Lupin's 60-cent albatross at 374 cents is fast going; black is gene. Rarely de such staple eoeds (jet much below value in the midst of their season. Of course it is great geed fortune te us te come .upon such a bo nanza; for it brines te us the trade of every buyer of such, who happens te read the news of it. Next-outer circle, Thirteenth street entrance. The all-wool flannel, of which we have 1 8,000 yards, will make many a handsome sea-side and mountain dress. Nobody will suspect it of being a 25-cent flannel. Outer circle, northeast from centre. Sateens have kept going faster and faster; sort after sort disappears; and yet sorts abound. We have had quantity beyond belief almost, but very little of any one pattern. 50 cents te $1 ; bijt most of the trade is at 50 cents. Next-outer circle, Thirteenth-street entrance. Marcus Ward's ruled azure, billet, square and octave sizes ; 30 cents a box of one quire and envelopes. Decorated papers of mere than a hundred designs, 20 cents te $2 a box. Third and leuiih circles, northwest from centre. ' Here'sahemstitchcellarwhich we used te sell at 68 cents (a stupid price by the way ; there never was a cellar worth 68 that couldn't be sold for 65.) Some body else put it at 67. Then we put it at 60. Last summer we found the maker of it in Berlin ; and our price is 45. It is a standing cellar with embroidered block turn over corners. First circle, southeast from centre. Beautiful Swiss of a dozen pat terns has come at a time when there's almost nothing rTev in the outside market. Half-a-year age we sent sketches of thirteen patterns te the niakers at St. Gall ; and se we get the goods. In a few months ether merchants will have them. Hew shall we commend them te you ? There's a limit te effects in white en this almost trans parent white fabric. Patterns that may be beautiful in a sketch, or in goods having the aid of. colors, may turn out net at all satisfactory in Swiss. Se one of these thirteen appears te be a failure ; but we think ourselves fortunate that se many as twelve are beautiful. Ihe Swiss is fine also; 65 cents a yard. Next-outer circle, City-hall squat e entrance. Blouse suits of litde gray looking checks in soft wool at $4. A hundred of this one suit have gene already. Take the mending-piece out of the trousers pocket and leek at the cloth. Ravel out a bit of it. Yeu only need te pull apart the yarn te see what sort of wool it is made of. We'd like te held a dozen sorts up in the papers for you te leek at. Extra trousers, $1.50; a very geed thought. West el middle aisle, toward Market street. Trunks, satchels andvalises of every sort and grade; 50 cents te $50. JOHN WANAMAKER. Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market street and City-hall square. PHILADELPHIA. CLOXMZMB SC Fine Clothing. Suited te the fastidious Yeung Man for Drawlrig-Roem, Parler or Prem enade. Perfect-fitting, tastefully finished Goods, that will sustain our reputation for Superior Clothing. A. C. YATES & CO. LEDGER BUILDING, Chestnut and Sixth Sts., PHILADELPHIA. S1 FECIAL OFFERING TO PKBSONS IN WANT OF AN Elegant Suit of Clethes -en a ' STYLISH SPRING OVERCOAT, NOW IS T1IK TIME TO BUY. We suggest placing an order only te secure prompt attention and oheico of stock. Dispel from your minds the thought of buying cheap, trashy garments when such splendid facilities are eflcrcd te obtain the very best at such moderate prices Ireih the leading establish ment and the acknowledged headquarters ler COBUECT STYLES, the most striking and novel' effects te be lennd in the European markets, which we Impert direct and bava exclusive control. JS-Kemcmuer, no ether house in this city can show the same line et goods. We are the only party that handle the Original Londen and Parisian productions el OUIGET, 31 RUE VIVIENNE, PARIS. An examination et our Immense sleck wjll satlsty the nevice as well as the aesthetic taste that for tone and character our goods cannot be excelled, and rank among the lending houses en this continent. Ne. 121 North Queen Street. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR. S PKINO AND SC3IHEK NOVELTIES. AT H. GERHABT'S iliSDlDt NO. 6 EAST KINO STREET. 1 hereby Inform my customers that uiy stock of SPRING and SUMMER SUITING, SPRING OVERCOATING & FANCY VESTING Is new complete. I have new the largest and choicest nsHerlment of WOOLENS, Fer Pine Tailoring in the city el Lancaster. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, and all goods warranted as represented. E GEEHART. HLOTHINOI D. B. HOSTETTER & SON Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, JVE TAKE PLEA8URE IX NOTIFriNU THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL THAT OUR 8TOCK FOR THE SPRING SEASON IS COMPLETED, AND IT WILL BENE FIT OUR PATRONS TO INSPECT The Large Variety of Goods FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, TEE LATEST IN PATTERN AND COLOR, WHICH WE HA VE ON OUR COUNTERS. D. B. Hosteller & Sen 24 CENTRE SQUARE, "DATKirrs. ,, WM. H.BABCOCK, 613 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. Formerly an Examiner In the U. S. Patent Office ; aiterward. Associate Attorney et Jacob Stauffer, esq., of Lancaster, Pa., nntu the lat ter'a death, would be pleased te bear from In venters et Lancaster and neighboring cenn, ties, and Is still prepared te attend carelnlly and promptly V all Patent business at moder ate rates. an31-Smd&w Tails AMxmicm Bmem. jmrxmrtMMMMKt. A BTXIOH BKOS'AOTKBTISKVKNT. ASTEICH BEOS-' PALACE -OP- FASHION. -ON WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, APRIL 26 Au 27, 1882, WE SHALL HOLD OUB GRAND SPRING OPENING WE EXTEND OUR MOST CORDIAL INVITATION TO ALL TO COME AND INSPECT THE ENORMOUS DISPLAY OF SPRING SPRING AND- SUMMER SUMMER We shall Exhibit en these Days. NVELK MELK! NOVELTIES1 DST OrBOa DBSSS GOOI39. SPRENrO WOOLE3NT ladies Suiting Cleths.- Riding Habit Cleths:- Ladies' Spring Sackings. ; Spring Cassimeres, Handsome Suitings.- Spring Overceatings. CLOTH MABKET and NINTH BBY eoevs. "IMISINO OUT! AT AND BELOW COST. My entire stock et DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Etc. IS FOR SALE AT AND BfiLOW COST. This As ft rwr chance for GOOD BARGAINS. AS I HAVK AX IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS, On hand, which were nil purchased ler cash. J. M. LONG, J21-tfd U NORTH QUEEN STREET. J. II. MAKTIN & CO. GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. The manufacturer el the PEARL SHIRT desire by this method te thank, the public for their appreciation et this celcbrnted garment, as evinced by the gicatly in creased demand, us well as by the con tinual receipt el testimonials of satisfac tion with the same. The PEARL SHIRT is manufactured either with open or closed besoms and a lit always guaranteed. Price Sl.OO. A full line et PRINT aud PERCALE SHIRTS just received. All prices Irem 25c. up. Thcse shirts are cut ever the same pattern as the Pearl Shirt and guaranteed te fit. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King-and Prince Sts. LANCASTER. PA. BOOTS A SllOJtS. R KOFENING: -OF- THE EAGLE SHOE SHE Ne. 51 NORTH QDEBN STREET, (INQUTOER BUILDING) A large stock of the Celebrated BURT SHOES. Which have a world wide reputation. In which we offer Rettcr Style and Retter Wearing Value than can be produced by any custom shoemaker, as we claim that their perfect system of manufacture, in which they use only their own importations et the finest selected material, made up in separate parts by the best workmen obtainable ler each special branch of the mauutrcturc. enables them te make and linisli each part of each shoe in the very best manner, and, conse quently, te turn out shoes perfect in every part and uniform in finish a result impossi ble of attainment where eacli workman makes and finishes the whole shoe. We keep a lull stock of these goods in every number, style and width, and can tit the most slender as well as the widest toot. Wc offer also the following goods, all of which are warrcnted et superior quality and workmanship, made especially te our order first-class city manufacturers: Infants' Shoes 20 and 35 cts. te $1.00 Children's Scheel Shoes $i te $1.25 Hisses' Scheel Shoes $1 te $1.2e Ladies' pebble goatbuttenShoes,$1.50 te$3 Ladies Cleth -top Butten $9 te $2.50 Ladies' fine kid Opera SIippcrs,$l te $1,25 All kinds Ladies' Shoes ( common sense style), at equally low prices. We also etrer Special bargains in MEN'S and BOYS' SHOES We have added te our immense assortment of Shoes tb RICYCLE. BASERALL and all styles CANVAS SHOES ler Gentlemen and Beys. The above goods are made expressly te our order, and must be seen te be thor oughly appreciated. Call and examine ; you are net obliged te buy. JOHN HIEMENZ. aprl-eaw-lydS FKIUE LAnCASTISIi GAS LIGHT AND Fuel Ce. Lajtcastek. April 13, 1SS2. Helders of the lollewlng numbers et the Mortgage Bends of the above company, new due. Issued te the Lancaster Gas Company, may have them renewed for net less than 15 years at 5 per cent, interest, upon presenta tion at the banking house of Messrs. Reed ft Hendersen, at any time prier te May 1st. next, when a contract for renewal will be stamped upon the bends. The renewal bends win have the security et the original mortgage which Is a lien upon the property of the company. Any bondholder who docs net desire te re new bis bend upon the above terms can re re ceive the principal el bis bend and accrued interest. It net presented for payment or continua tion, all Interest en the same will cease en and after the 1st day of May. 1882. IOO BOND? : Nes. 1. 3, 7, 9. 13, 15. 17, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 49. 51, 55. 57, 61. C3, 67,69, 71, 73. 75, 79. 81, 85, 87. 91. Oi, 95, 97, 101, 101, 105.107,109,113.115,117.119,121.123.125. 300 BONOS: Nes. 2. 6, 10, 12, 14, 1C. 13, 20. 22, 20, 30, 32, 30, 38, 40. 42, 41, 4C, 48, 50, 5 J, 51. 58, Ol, C2. 61. 1,000 BONDS: 5,7,11.13, 17,1921,21,25,27, 29, 31, 33, 33. 37, 39, 41. 45, 47, 51, 53, 55, 57, 61, G3. 65, 60. 71, 73. 73, 77, 79. a!5-13td Treasurer. SUB, IDEM & CO., GOODS. Our assortment of Ladies' Suiting Cleths ineludes a wide range in the .catalogue of colors in all the new shades, combination and effects of this season. Alse, Scotch and Eng- . lish suitings, cheviot, etc. Our stock of- Ladies' Riding Habit Cleths is mere complete than ever .before, and embraces all colors, shades and qualities of Imported and Demestic Fabrics. Our collection of Ladies' Spring Sack- jngs is very extensive and contains an tne standard ana new styusn de signs for early spring wear; small checks, plaids, fancy mixtures, etc.. in all grades, Fine American Cassimeres and Eng lish and French Treuserings in all the "very newest designs for gentlemen's wear. New effects cf Scheeller. Wulflng, Bockhacker, Forstmann & Hoffmann, .Jehn Tayler, Clay and all the leading standard makes of gentlemen's suitings. Steckinets, Kerseys, Meltons, Cork screw, Mixed Twills in medium and "very thin weights for Spring and Fall Outside Coats for Gentlemen. HOUSE, STS.. - Philadelphia. CLOTHIKU. 1LOTHJNG. GOOD NEWS TO THE People of Lancaster and Vicinity ! We have made assiduous efforts te excel all past seasons in serving the people at our store uurceunicrs arc ueapeii wiui me LATEST STYLES OF Spring Clothing! OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, ami every garment we bavc for sale will stand close inspection. Te mention every t-tyle et Suit we have en hand, our space will hardly allow ; therefore, notice n tew suinple prices : We sell Mi-n's Suits ter $3.lO, JI.Oii, $5.00, !, $3.00, $!0.M). up te 1S.OO. Seys' and Children's CLOTHING WE MAKE THIS OUR GREAT SPECIALTY. We sell Bey's Salts for $2.00, S0O, 4.00. $3.00, up te I9.C0. Children's Suits at $1.75. $2.00, $2.50, f.'t.0O, $4.00, up te $7.00. We most certainly have the largest and cheapest, also the most varied stock of Beys' and Children's Clothing ever displayed in this city. OUB CUSTOM DEPABTMENT.-Cii.stem-ers can select from goods In the piece and have them made te order at a slight advance ever our goods en the counters. We make te ordcraNice Suit for SliOO. but our $18.00 and $20.00 Suits can't be equaled anywhere in the city, trimmed anil made like ours, for less than $25X0 te $30.00. A TEEFECT FIT UUAU ANTEED. Whether you wish te purchase or not.plense give us a call. L. GAflSMM & BEO., THE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS and. CLOTHIERS,' 66-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Right en the Southwest Cerner of Orange St. LANCASTKR, PA. The Cheapest Clothing Heuse In the City. marl5-lyd CAMBXtB. c ARi-ETS Carpets., I can show the Largest Stock in this city. Call and see my latest BODY BRUSSELS, THREE-PLY, INGRAINS, EXTRA SUPERS, ALL-WOOL INGKAINS CAR PETS; the very Latest Designs and Pat terns the market can afford. I also have a large stock et my own make el CHAIN and RAG CARPETS as low as the lowest. I also Make Carpets te Order at short nollce. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ne trouble te show my goods. H. S. SHIRK, 202 WEST KING STREET. CAJCK1AUJCH, CO. rpuK STANUAKI) CARRIAUe WORK OF LANCASTER COUNTY. k EDGERLEY & Ce., FINE Carriage Builders. MARKET STREET, Rear of Central Market Houses, LANCASTER, PENN'A. We make every style Buggy aud Carriage de sired. All work finished in the most comfort able and elegant style. . We use only the beat selected material, and employ only the best mechanics. Fer quality or work our prices arc the cheapest in the state. We buy ter cash and sell en the most reasonable terms. Give usa call. All work warranted. Repairing prompt ly attended te. One set et workmen especially employed for that purpose. f riUMMAw COAI B B. MAKTIlf, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kind or LUMBER AND I'UAJfc 4Vfard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince tracts above Lemen Lancaster. n3-lyd C0H0 & WILEY, tKO NOllTU WATMX ST., iMMMbr, Jlfc, Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection WItn the Telephonic KxchaBge. Branch Oee : N. 20 KNTBE SQUARE. lebiS-lyd e IUOL.E FERTILIZER. We are new able te furnish our farmers with High Grade Fertilizers, Seme especially adapted for raising tobacco. Sold at Ceal Yard. Harricburc pike, or at General Office, Ne. 20X East Chestnut Street. KAUFFMAN, KELLER & CO. aprt-lwd Oarpets -4