B)t wx VllAV Volume XVIII- -Ne. 197. LANCASTER, PA. FKIDAY APRIL 21 1882. Price Twe Lenta. TORN S. GIVL12K &' CO.' AUVKKIISEMEM. GJ-ENTLEMEN! CALL AND SEE OUR LARGE STOCK OF HEW STYLE SUITIMS Fer a DKES or BUSINESS SUIT we make them up ill the BEST STYLE and AT THE LOWEST PRICES. A NE WDEPARTURE I We are new marking all goods in plain figures, at a Small Profit, te insure rapid sales, and will have ONE PRICE ONLY. JOHN Ne. 25 EAST KING JNO. S. GIVLER. . M YKRS, RATIIFON irC'O. GENTLEMEN, we Have new in stock a Pine Assortmeut of SERGES GENTLEMEN, we have new in stock a Fine Assortment of ENGLISH the Fashionable Celers. ititr titwiKu ericiKCi uress oeoos. SPRING WOOLENS Ladies Suiting Cleths.- Ridiiig Habit Cleths.- J.AJ Ladies' jSpriiig Sackings. $ Spring U a s s i m e r e s .- Handsome Suitings. Spring Overceatings.- SIOWS, URBAY t CO., CLOTH HOUSE, MARKET and' NINTH 1"1AIU'KTS! s HAGER M Y R N A R U G S MOQUETTS, BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, EXTRA SUPERS, CHINA MATTINGS, Geed Heme-Made Rag Carpets. 25 WEST KING ST. HOUSE MUX pfclNSi & TYH.LSON- HOUSEFURNISHING. JUST KECIttVK!) AX White Wash - AND Wall Brushes, CHEAPEST IN TOWN. Prices much Lewer than ever before. FLINtt & WILLSON, 152 North Queen Street. - - Lancaster, Pa. rjAS FITTING, ETC. JOHN L. ARNOLD. IRON PIPE for GAS, WATER and STEAM STOPS AND CUT T0 ANY LENGTH- VAT VFs ALL BINDS OF FITTINGS for STEAM, WATER and OAS-LOWEST PRICES. SLATE MANTLES AND LOW DOWN GRATES. CHEAPEST G4S FIXTURES IN THE CITY. SLATE, TIN AND GRAVEL ROOFER. Nee. U, 13 & 15 BAST ORANGE STREET, LANCASTER, PA. faprt-ua vxtOinxKu. S. GIVLER STREET, Mierchaiit Tailoring! MYEKS, RATHFON Our assortment of Ladies' Suiting Cleths includes a wide range in the .catalogue of colors in all the new shades, combination and effects of this season. Alse, Scotch and Eng lish suitings, cheviot, etc. Cur stock of Ladies' Biding Habit Cleths is mere complete than ever .before, and embraces all colors, shades and qualities of Imported and Demestic Fabrics. Our colledion of Ladies' Spring Sack ings is very extensive and contains all tne standard and new stylish de signs for early spring wear; small checks, plaids, fancy mixtures, etc., in all grades, i'ine American Cassimeres and Eng lish and French Treuserings in all the "very newest designs for gentlemen's vear. New effects of Schoeller, Wulflng, Bockhacker, Forstmann & Hoffmann, .Jehn Tayler, Clay and all the leading standard makes of gentlemen's suitings. Steckinets, Kerseys, Meltons, Cork screw, Mixed Twills in medium and "very thin weights for Spring and Fall Outside Coats for Gentlemen. STS.,' Philadelphia. & BROTHER. 1811 INK aoeits. 1MMKNSIC STOCK OK - & CO. LANCASTER, PENN'A. GEO. F. RATHVON. in all the most Fashionable Celers. CHEVIOTS with silk imclure in all & CO. VLOTUISU. Suited te the fastidious Yeung Man for Drawing-Roem, Parler ei Prom enade. Perfect-fitting, tastefully finished Goods, that will sustain our reputation for Superior Clothing. A. C. YATES & CO. LEDGER BUILDING, Chestnut and Sixth Sts., PHILADELPHIA. Te Parents and Guardians. The keenest test of a clothier's skill and judgment conies from the middle aged boys average boys of ie te 14 years. Their clothes must have strength and beauty. Te combine these we try hard and succeed. If you are a buyer of this sort of cloth ing leek at what we show. We have the lower grades from $6 a suit downward, and higher grades from $10 a suit upward ; but te-day ask attention te ten styles of geed, solid, honest and tasteful things of moderate cost. One style Reugh-and-Tumblc Cassimere, $6.50. Twe styles Elberon Cassi mere, $7.50. Twe styles Washington Cas simere, S3.50. Twe styles Spring Lake Cas simere, $8.50. Three styles Spring Lake Cassimere, $9.00. We believe that competition cannot touch them. Kilt and Blouse Suits for small boys. Oak Hall Shirt Waists, Twe davs left of Anniversary Week. WANAMAKER & BROWN. OAK HALL, Sixm ad Makket Streets. PIIILDELPIIIA. SAMUEL H. PRICE ATTORNEY, HAS Removed bis Offlce trem 55 North Duke street te Ne. 1 GRANT STREET, Immedi ately in Rcw of ,.Court Heu$e, Leng's New BUilOIng, B47rtfd m BfflDI BLOODY PEESCOTT. KILLING HIS MOTIIRK-INLAW. Angered Ueeause Hit Breakfast was Celd, Uellraui Ucr With a Shevel. A shocking murder was committed at West Somerville, Mass., yesterday, the victim being Mrs. "Mary Russell, aged seveuty-nine, who was killed by her son-in-law, Edwiu 11. Prescott, aged sixty-six. Mrs. Russell's daughter, who is Prcseett'a second wife, went te Bosten iu the fore noon and en her return was met at the deer of her heuse by her husband, who told her he had just killed her mother. The horrified woman ran te the police sta tion and brought elllccrs te the scens. who en searching the premises, found lying iu a back shed the body of Mrs. Russell with her skull fractured, her face htaved in and her threat cut from car te car. The muiderer was secured and taken te jail. It seems that Prescott came down stairs iu the meruiuff and ibuud his breakfast eeld. lie made a remark about it te Mrs. Russell, te which she re plied tauntingly. He then went after her as she was going te the shed oil' the kitch en with a household utensil hi her hand. He. caught her as she was decending the two or thrce connecting steps and pushed her down. In the struggle she get him uuder and aimed several blows at him with the article in her hand. This an gered him. and turning her under him he reached and get a brick which was lying near and holding her down by his weight battered her face with the brick until she lest consciousness. Then, net wanting her te suffer any pain from her injuries, he get a common coal shovel and pounded her en the top of her head tefractuie it. Then te be sure she was dead, he slashed her threat several times with a sharp case knife. His mother-in-law's constant in terference iu his family ali'.iiis and her offensive treatment of him reduced him te a state of melancholia and about a week age his wife had arrangements made for his consignment te an asylum, but the evidence of insanity was considered insu fficient by the physicians and the papers were net signed. Mrs. Ru&sel was pos sessed of a large estate, of which her daughter is te be heir. Prescott while telling his story showed no signs of insani ty and but little mere excitement than was natural te a person of his age and physi cal weakness. The officers at the jail say Prescott is undoubtedly insane. He will probably net be arraigned, but be sent directly te an asylum. AN 1MJ1AN OUiUKKAK. The Up: Isms el the AVarm Spring "A'ribe. Troops lu thu Rescue. Wilcox ( Arizona ) dispatches state that Loces' band of AVarm Spring Indians left Sau Cailes Uwei ration eaily yesteiday morning. .. D. Sterling, the chief of the police en the reservation, who had gene out te asccilaiu if any renegades were lurking near the Warm Spring Indians' camp, was killed, also one of his Indian police. It is thought that .1 number of renegades were at the Iudian camp last night and induced the Warm Spring In dians, who were formerly a part of Vic Vic teria'p people in New Mexico, te go en the warpath. Reports el the massacre of eight men en Eagle creek have been received, but lack confirmation. Majer Shefield, with sixty men from Camp Themas, crossed the liver at the sub-agency, en the trail of the fugitives. General McKenzie is new at Fert Bayard. It is believed that General Persythe, with all the troops at his command, is already iu the field te head off the hestilcs and protect the Gila river and Frisre river settlements. The Chricahuans also tin eaten te break out. Majer Shefield, with the garrison at Pert Themas, will have his hands full te keep them quiet. Still another Arizona dispatch say.s : " Iu view of the recent outbreak Gen. Wilcox ordered two companies of cavalry te scour the Dragen and Mule mountains te leek for lcnegade Indians." General Wilcox, iu a "dispatch te the governor of Aiizeua, Bays : " I de net knew hew far this out break will spread, but would advise the military te be notified everywhere." Gov Gov ereor Tuttle hau notified settlers at" Glebe, Hewie and Cliften, and also Governer Sheldon, of New Mexico, of the outbreak. A dispatch from Tuscan, Aiizeua, says : About 110 bucks arc en the war path, GO of whom aie Mippesed te be returned Ghiricahuaus. A report has just been re ceived by a limner, "-vi.i. Saflbid, that. Eagle creek has been laidcd by Jut aud ether renegade 'Ghiricahuaus. If this is the cafce the following persons have prob ably brcn killed : Tem New laud aud wife and two employees, McMurran aud son, Lamb and ieii and Stevenson, shepherds. Leeiih' band numbers eOO, of whom 50 aie bucks. Ul'Ci.UBE iS LMVXTIE COUNTY. Dent rowing ChurcticH anil Ifwclllus and Mewing People te Death A most destructive cyclone passed ever the northern end of Payette county late Wednesday afternoon. The sierm first stiuck the west end of Uullskin township, in the uerlhci n part of the county, ahd swept in a northeasterly direction, devas tating everything before it. Houses, barns, orehaidte, timber, trees aud fence. were all leveled for a space of several miles in length and about two hundred yards iu width. The first building te sus tain damage war. the Menonite chinch, ihe roer being can ied far away. Little Abner Jarrett, who was riding by, was lifted from his horse and hurled violently in the air, lauding many yards distaut. Ha had hardly left his horse when the latter was struck with heavy timbers and killed. Sherrick's barn was next unroofed. When the hurricaue reached Penusville it de molished the Disemies' church and de streyed the houses and barns of Farmers Miller, Lyens and Wright. Messrs. Dcfc wilcr, Atkinson and Frcbe also saw their barns, orchards and fences swept away. Jehn BunderfPs was upturned and perhaps fatally injured. Jeseph Glassburu's heuse was utterly destroyed and his wife and five children dangerously hurt. jji the Track or the Gale. . The terrible a!e then struck the house of Jehu Wincgrevc aud made sad havoc of it. His wife was found by her husband lying dead, many yards awav, with her infant child te her breast. The child was unhurt. The next thiug te meet Mr. Winegrove's gaze were his five children, scattered about, all in flames and fighting both fire and storm. Their lives were saved. The children aver that the flames came from the cloud that burst ever them. Jerry Stauflcr and his two daughters were badly hurt, but hew badly cannot yet be learned. The extent of the destruction of property cannot be told new, but the de vastation seems almost complete. Several ether deaths are hourly expected and the wail of mourning in the stricken district is heard en every side. Accurate descrip tions by eye witnesses are hard te obtain, for the storm was se rapid in its progress that the work of destruction was ever be fore the frightened people kuew it. It ap peared in the shape of a funnel. Hail stones as large as a teacup fell daring the progress of the storm. STALWAETS ABEOAD. FILLING TOE FOREIGN MISSIONS. .11 r. Arthur Sends in Anether Hatch of Nomination, Including That of Dr. Wickersham. Washington dispatch te the Times. The interesting matter of the day was the nomination by the president of a num ber et Stalwarts te positions in the diplo matic service. Alphense Taft, of Ohie, was named te be minister te Austria; William L. Dayton, of New Jeiscy, minis ter te the Netherlands ; Nicholas Fish, of New Yerk, minister te Belgium ; Jehn M. Francis, of New Yerk, charge d" affaires te Portugal ; J. P. Wickersham, of Penn sylvania, charge d' affaires te Denmark ; Adam Badeau, of New Yerk, consul gen eral te Havana, and Harry L. Slaight, of New Yerk, consul at Prescott. The nom inations cause a geed deal of comment as being a batch of Stalwart appointments in pursuance of the policy of the administra tion. That Taft was te go in for Austria has heretofore been announced with confi dence and that Badeau would be hand somely provided for was quite as certain. Messrs. Fish and Francis have been talked of, and Mr. Wickersham was men tioned among the possibilities. The latter is claimed as the only Index eudeut in the list, but as Ssnater Cameren is one of his backers his orthodoxy is unques tiened. The friends of Mr. Mitchell are inclined te felicitate themselves en Mr. Wickersham's nomination as the first ac corded that senator aud as consequent upon the latter's recent rcinenstrance,but it is generally conceded as a Cameren ap pointment. Mr. Francis said that he would net take the position of charge d' affaiics te Denmark, but would accept the place were it raised te the grade of miuister. This desired step has been taken. Francis is editor of the Trey, N. Y., Time. Badeau was nominated out of personal deference te General Grant, who also backed Taft's application for a place under the present administration. A SUKRIFF IN TROUUL.K. l'ruccediiigti te Oust a Yerk County Ollicial. Arcumeut was had befere the deputy attorney general yesterday en an applica tion for a writ of quo warrante, having fur its object the ousting of Sheriff Altman, of Yerk county. An affidavit was filed by a feiincr deputy of the sheriff, named Ucin del, setting forth that iu consideration of his support for Alt man for nomination aud election he should receive the position of deputy sheriff. Heindel, who was recently discharged from the sheriffs employ, also presented au agreement, purporting te nave been signed by Altman aud Heindel, embodying the main declarations made iu t'ue latter's affidavit Senater Rots' name appears en the paper, indicating that he was a witness te the transaction, but, ha deuied that he affixed his signature. A man named Smith also Hinted thai Alt n mil had premised him a position as dep uty shci iff if he biippeited him. Sheriff Altman stated that the allegations made against him wcre false aud al the request of his lawyers the heating was continued te allow counter affidavits te be filed in the attorney geueral's eifiej. ;11AKL1,S ROBERT OARW1JX. Death or the Famous Auther id "TheOiigin I or species "anil "ine Descent or mm. ' Charles Rebert Darwin, one of the most famous scientific writers of the pr sent day, died yesterday at his home, Down house, near Orpington, England. He was the son of the late Dr. Rebert W. Darwin aud a grandson' of Dr. Erasmus Darwin, the author of the "Botanic Garden," "Zoenomia" and ether works, which contained the germs of the the;iic.s after wards formulated by his grandson. Charles Darwin was beru at Shrewsbury, February 12, 1800, and was graduated at Cambridge in 18J1. The same year he sailed iu II. M.- ship Beagle as veiun tecr naturalist iu the scientific ex ploring expedition around the world, and en his return published a most enter taining ' Journal of Researches into Geol ogy and natural history." In 1830 he married his cousin, Emma Wedgwood, granddaughter of Jesiah Wedgwood, t he potter, ami shortly after published the ' Zoology of the voyage of the Beagle," a treatise en " Ceral Reels," and one en "Velcauie Islands" aud a volume of "Geological Observations." These were followed by a somewhat famous mono graph ou the Cirripedia and iu 1831) ap peared the "Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection," a book which attracted great attention all ever the world and es tablished the author's fame as a leader of modern scientific thought. It is a work in which large knowledge aud cIofe observa tion were joined with a power of clear and brilliant generalization that captivated the reader, aud although but apart of the doc trine therein set forth was Derwin's own, he has nevertheless giveu it his name, and " Darwinism " has become au accept ed term iu popular speech. NKWS Ol TUK DAY. What lias Ilecn Worrying; the WerM in General. A widow, named Angers, was found murdered iu her bed at St. Sauvcur, Can., yesterday merniug. A mau named Miti cucr, has been arrested, charged with the crime. Jehn S. Zcblcy, a thirteen yeai old boy, employed in the Diamond state mills, Wil mington, was caught between the rollers aud drawn through them. He was horri bly mangled aud died shortly afterwards. Anua Hincs, 18, was found drowned iu the canal at Cohecs. Her hat aud shawl were en the bank. It -is supposed that she committed suicide, but thcre are rumors of foul play. Lillic Ciess, who was shot en Tuesday by her lever, Jehu Shriver, iu Philadel" phia, is believed te be out of imminent danger aud her ultimate recovery is possi ble. Yeung Shriver during the day was admitted te bail in the sum of $10,000 and was removed te his home. In Syracuse, N. Y., Patrick Uerrigau, e0 years of age, while delirious, escaped from the custody of his friends at mid nisht and was found dead in the garden of a neighbor next morning. His death was probably caused by the rupture et a bleed vessel of the brain. Themas J. Walter, fireman en a frieght train of the Baltimore & Ohie railroad, was killed by jumping from his train. The train collided with two empty freight cars, which had been blown by the wind from a switch te the main track. Jeseph Coun tess, the engineer, was thrown from the engine and severely injured. Au excutien has been issued against the the managers of the Zoological garden, Philadelphia, te recover damages for en juries received by a man named Cele, who claims te have been hurt by one of the society's keepers while he was looking into a cage in the year 187G. He was awarded $1,500 damages ;n his suit, aud the counsel for the secic'y was preparing te appeal the case te the supreme court when the execution was served. The residents of Wcehawken arc very much excited ever the mysterious disap pearance of Policemen Jehn Haydock and I Michael Tourney, the jail keeper of tUe township, neither of whom has been seen or heard of for several days past. It is alleged they had some connection with a gang of New Yerk repeaters, who came ever and voted at the recent election. Five of the latter were arrested at the time and are new in jail awaiting trial. The Democratic congressional committee has appointed a beard of control, consist ing of Representatives Flower, of New Yerk ; Resecraus, of California ; Cobb, of Indiana, and Randall, of Pennsylvania ; Senators Davis, of West Virginia, and German, of Maryland, and J. R. 3IcLcan, of Ohie ; C. C. Baldwin, of New Yerk, and J. P. Stockton, of New Jersey. Sev eral new members were added te the gen eral committee and a sub-committee was appointed en finance. The large bended warehouse at the Broadford distillery, iu Fayette county, gave way about 2 o'clock yesteiday morn ing under the great pressure exerted by the 4,200 barrels of whisky stored away iu it. Hundreds of the barrels collapsed and the liquor ran down into the Yengh river. Men and boys ran with buckets aud jugs te get a part of the flowing juice. Others get down en their knees aud sipped the fluid te their heait's centeut. The less of the whisky cannot be estimated ex actly as yet, but will probably amount te scveial hundred barrels. The poeplo of Camden are excited ever the trichinosis poisoning of the two small Ryan children. The little urchins are ex pected te die from the effects of eating the small quantities of ham supposed te have been affected with the torrible triehiua spiralis parasite. Beth children Jehn, three years aud seven months old, and James, one year aud seven months were in a condition of mingled convulsions aud coma all day yesterday, with their ex tremities fast swelling and all the evidences of the mysterious and fatal malady becom ing mere pronounced. Paralytic strokes, heart iiKuau, and kiduuy aHectiniisj. prevented ly the u.su et Jirewn'd Iren Uitteifr. apli-lwd&w A Smeeth Complexion can be had hy every laily who will use Parker's) UingcrTenlc. Reg ulatinK the internal organs mid purityiiu; thu bleed it quickly removes pimples am) gives a healthy bloom te the checks, hee notice. ap7- Imdcnil Jecew .Four en Oil. h. 1. Follett, Sl.uien, i). stales thathchu Used Themas' Eeleetrie Oil ler burn.-., and litis leund uelliiiig te equal it iu seething thu pain ami giving Yefiet. Fer bale at li. 1!. Cocli Cecli rail's drug Mure, IS" North Queen street, Lan caster. Satisfactory. Mrs. Wallace, ilullale. N. Y writes: "1 imve used liurileck UIoel Hitters ler nervous ami bilious hcMlachcs, and have recommended' them te my Iricnds ; I believe tliem superior te any ether medicine I have used, and can re commend them tuanyene requiring a euro ler biliousness!." l'licu $1. Fer sab; at II. 11. Cechran'si drug store, 137 North Queen stieet, Lancaster. DJZY UOUJJS. 1. SWARR. A UAUUAI.N. WHITE COUNTERPANES, Twe and one-fourth yards wide, and only SEV1SNTV-F1VK Cents. REMNANTS OF VIOTOBIA LAWNS, FOUTV Per Cent, less than Kcgular Price. Our P.LKACIIKD 3IUSI.INS at TKN Cents hid better than the Fruit et the Leem ami equal te the Williauisville. The DEFIANT SHIRT is one et the l.cst in the market ler $1.00, and has the Patent Hack. JOHN P. SWARR lyd&w NO. SO flUUin QURKN ST. It. MARTIN A- CO. GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. T'ie nianulaclurerd el the PEARL SHIRT desire by this method te thank the public ler their appreciation et this celebrated xai incut, ;ls evinced by the gt catty in created demand, as u'cll as by thu con tinual receipt et testimonials et satislae . tien with the same. The PKAUI. felllUT i.i manufactured either with open or closed besoms unit a lit always guaranteed. Price 91.00. A full line et 1'UINT and PEUCAI.K SHIRTS just received. All prices Irem ri."c. up. Thcoe shirts are cut ever the bame pattern as the Pe.rl Shiit and guaranteed te lit. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Ger. West King and Prince Sts. liANUA.VTEK. PA. II AKGAINS IN BLACK SILKS AT- fflETZGER & EMMS New Cheap Stere. BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS SILKS at 50c. at 65c. at 75c. at 87c. at $1.00. at $1.12. at $1.25. at $1.50. at $1.75. at $2.00. These goods were bought in the AUCTION ROOSIS of NEW YORK and P1IILAUKLPIA, and arc Extra Geed at the Prices. METZGER AND HAUGHMAN'S NEW CHEAP STOKE, Ne. 43 West King, Street. Between the Cooper Reuse and Seriet Herse Hetel. Janli-lydAw 31 JUDICAL. BK OffS'S IRON HITTERS. Knew That BKOWN'S IKON" BITTEHS will cure the worst case of dyspepsia. Will iusiirea heaity appetite and increas ed digestion. Cures general debility, and j;tvc a new lease of life. Dispels ueiveus depression anil low spirits. Uesteiesan exhausted muiui; mother te full st length and gives abundant r.us r.us teuauce for her child. Strengthens the muscles .ind iieive-, en riches the bleed. Oveiceiues weaknes?, wakefulness and lack efcucigy. Keeps oil' all chills, fevers, and ether mal arial poisien. Will infiii-c with new life the wenket invalid 37 Walker St.,lialliineie, Ilec. lfcsl. Fer fix j earn I have been a great bufferer ireni Uloed Disease, lv. pepsin and Constipation, and be caihe se debilltaied that 1 could mil ictalii anything e:i my aeiuach. In lact. life had almost become a Inn den. Finally, when hope had al most left ine, my husband seeing UKOWN'S IKON IMTTlIlth adcr tineil iu the piper, induced me te give it a trial. I am new taking the third bottle and have net lelt .-. writ in six yeai.. ay 1 Ie" at the picsicnt time. Jiln. I. f. OniKrtt. BROWN'S IKON UITTEKS will have a better tonic eifeet upeu any oue who ueedb "bracing up." than any tuedi" cine made. Fer s.ile at II. II. CUCIiltAN'b luu -fie, l"i7 Ninth (ueeii utieet, l..iuea-te:. apll-tw..w ", TNUOMI'IClCIIKrlSI lil.K HUT TRUE THAT Many daiigeiiiusdi-i-asesiishlight son. threat may lead te i net generally ii!i.:crlxi.i or apincniatcd. Tin: icmUIh uris Irul? Martling affection of this mouth, pahite, tonsils, larynx, nose and iiirx may lollew. Croup, iliphtlieriaands-carlct lever are ilab'r te de vclep with any irritation, and often catarrhal ireubluand deainess can bi: d-icctly traced u the u I t'-r disregard and iH'glentif .i roinineii sere threat. The Occidental Dipi.ilurl.i i:,ae is a true preventative and guarantrcd cun Sold by If. 15. Cochran, druggist. 131 and l." North i ueen rilreet, .Lancaster. al-iwti I'AMUItANUltHJX, Jtr. J H.lKfcS W. KKV. WK iKE RACK AGAIN TO OUR OLD .Vl'OUE UOUM, Winch has been Remodeled and Enlarged. We epuu out 1th a NEW STOCK OP WALL PAPERS -AMI- Window Shades. Ol Every Drieilt'tlen. Iu I'liiiniictieii wilh our lint; et goedw, we havetiiki'ti paitid th" loom ler thu I'.vi'ltiiiTe nale of LACE CURTAINS, FINE MIKROKS. POLES, I'OLEv-, CORNICES, ike, &c. Ol which e have .tn K.len-ivu I.lne. A vi?it el inspection m1h lie I. Phares W. Fry, 57 NORTH QUEEN STREET. CAltlilAUXH, JiV. rilllK ta.mmi:d CAKUlAUr; WORK OF LANOA.Vi'CIl COUNT V. EDGERLEY fc Ce., FINE. Carriage Builders, JIAKKKT bTKKKT. Bear of Central Market House3, LA NCASTKK. 1'KNN'A. We niaki:ev'iv-tyli; I!ii:y tvi'1 Carriage dij-sin-d. All work finished hi thi' :mt omfort emfort omfert abl and eb'ant .style. We line only tin- best si-li'cli'd material, and employ only tbebcsl mechanic, r or quality el v. erk eurpiici'saie tlie cin-ape.it in the tute. We buy ter cash and ell en the most n-aenabli: term. Give usu (.all. All work warranted. liejxthuna jrenii)Z 0 fittoKfel te. One set et werkini'ii i-sprel ill", employed ler that imrpe-e. fi2n-i!i!.'S.w i,tnnn ash tiVAiasrs:K. XOIIN JtARR'S J-0. NOVELTIES, FOK THE EASTER SEASON! :i'I.AIN AND FJitXCKD Easter Cards, EASTER FANS AM) SACHETS, EASTER BOOKS. At the Koekstore of Jehn Baer's Sens, Nes. 15&17 North Queen Street.