LANCASTER DAILY 1 NTELLIGENCER THURSDAY APRIL 20, 1882. FARM AND GARDEN. KIASONAlitKASU SEASONAHLK SUGGESTIONS. Tlie Spade Superceded by the Ferk. Gciuiantewn Teieeraph. We notice that the spade in garden work is still considerably used ; and tbe knowledge tliat the spade lias been in a measure superseded by the fork bas net traveled near as much as it ought te have done. We see many a one " digging ffanhMi" and nrcnariug for spring, spade in hand, utterly unconscious that with a modem digging fork a man can de as much in a day, and with far less fatigue, what with an old-fashioned spade it would take him two days te de.' In the use of a fork there is no digging te de. The tines run into the earth by the downward de scant of the fork in the operator's hands alene ; and in throwing ever and leveling, a aingle blew of the tines is enough te pul vciize and malce a level surface. Seme hay their laud is tee light that the earth passes through and they cannot take up a forkful ; but in this case work it when it is a little wet. Lven sandy ground can be dug with a feik, if the proper time is chosen for it. Ui course tue spade can never be abandoned. There will always be seme ground that is very weedy, or full of roots which a sharp edge like that of a spade will be necessary te sever : and in digging up ticcs and gaidcn vegetable!, nothing, can replace the spade in busi ness ; but there arc a number of instances in garden work where a digging fork can ceme into very great labor saving. Seablns Seed Against Smut. Most geed farmers have reported their experience in fa7er of soaking seed-corn in weak briue before planting, as a pic- ventive of smut, though net always with the sanction of what arc known as ad vanced agricultuiistc. They have net been able te understand hew anything that can be doue te a seed will have any c fleet en what is te happen te the grain that is produced mouths nfterwaids. However, theso farmers who have tried it have adhered te the practice, and we suppose there is nothing mere certain than that these brine steeps de prevent the smut. Latterly, however, Professer IJrewer, of Yale col cel col lege, net only admits that it is geed prac tice, but shows us the process by which the smut pregies-es from its fust establish ment en the grain te its final maturity in the head or ear. It appears that the seeds Or spores of the fungus adhere by a sticky coat te the grain. As seen as the grain sprouts, the fuugus spore sprouts also, and scuds its iilamcuts into the plant, growing as the plant grows, and continu ing te grew until the grain is about te re produce itself, when the fungus plant is also ready te reproduce itself, which it does in tiic form of smut as we see it ; the smut being a nest of speics icady for reproduction. The process is made very clear. We see hew brine is useful. It de stroys the fungus spores, but net the grain. As corn-planting is new upon us it is the easiest thing for farmci.s te give this a trial. At times the damage dene by smut is very serious. Manuring Cern In tlie llill. It scorns scarcely credible that such a geed old-fashioned custom as manuring corn in the hill should he called in ques tion ; but we see that quite a lively dis dis cussieu occurred icccutly, and there was a disposition te decide that it was better te spread the mauuie all ever the laud equally, then plant the corn in the hills and let it take care of itself. If ene has a geed supply of inanmu and can aflbid te (jive the whole ground a thorough d resing it may de very well te let the hills alene ; but we are quite sure that where the sup ply of man u re is limited, it will be found far better te put a pait of it at Jeast in the hill before dropping the com, and wc have little doubt but that even when the whele suiface is abundantly manured, it would still pay in many cases te mauure in the hill. We noticed some time age the experi ments made in ene of the German experi mental farms en small and large seeds. Small seeds, like small potato eyes, iiever produce as goe.1 crops as large seed, al though the ground in quality may be equally rich. If even the mere size of a seed gives it an advantage in its first start in life, hew much mere valuable must be a geed stock of .nutritious feed ready te hand as seen as the young plant is in a condition te use it ? It is indeed their first early start in life which makes all the difference between a geed crop ami a peer ene. If plants once get behind, it is very hard for them te pull upngain. There are but a few mouths of growing time and a geed start is a great gain. Fer the same reason, it is an error J e bury manure in the greuud at any time, when the crop is an annual one te be sewed in the spring and taken off in Use fall. And yet this is a very common practice. Ma nure is spread en the suiface. plowed down and the seed sewn en the surface with the mauure several inches away. It would be far better in most cases te plow the ground first, aud then spread the ma ma uueo en the surface and harrow it befere sewing the seed. It is probable that most peisnns are aware of this, and would fellow the prac tice wero it net for the additional labor in volved. By manuring iu advance the hauling can be dene when wc arc net busy ; in the ether case it must be dene at once, no matt hew badly work may drive us before we can sew the seed; and then it is se much easier te haul ever solid ground than ever ground newly plowed. It is therefore geed farming very often te sacrifice a little of what in seme semes may be the best plan, for that great prin ciple economy of time which is often.ef far mere importance iu farm profits. Se with this discussion about manuring eei n in the hill. Whether it is a geed policy te inanure corn in the hill, is altogether a practical question ; but as te actual ad vantages of the practice in itself, we think there ought te be no difference of opinion whatever. Indulgent paren U who Allew their children te eat heartily of nigh-seasoned me me cake&c will have le me Hep Kilters tome rent Indigestion, (jc)!esb mellis, sickucbi pain, and. pcihapj, death. Me family is mi,". without tficm In the Iietite. aplS-'iwd&w A hlgullicaut Pact. The Lliuapcil medicine in use is Thema' Kciextrfe. Oil, becau-Obe very little el itisre I'drcd te effect a cuic. Fer croup, diphtheria, and diseases et the: lungs and thieat, whether nc I ter bathing Hi-, chest or threat, ler tak ing internally or is amatchlc-s compound. Fer sale at II. J. Cochran's tlriig stei-e, 137 North street, Lancaster. A SkiMlul Preparation Composed of loots, barks, and plants, 1 hat ael In harmony, ami aic a pleasant ami effective medicine, constitute ISurdeck Meed Hirers of which highly commendatory report-, aic being constantly received. Price $1. Fer sale at 11. B. Cochran's drug stoic, 137 North Oueen street, Lancaster. 1 jiNrnsjiJss. We call your attention te an important dis -cevcry la our practlce which we have found very successful In cases of prostration arising trein indiscretion. These suffering from any of the numerous forms et Debility arising from abuse or ether causes, will de well by sending :i three cent stamp for further inlor inler ?,?,??. Address, DRS. LA GRANGE & JO-KUAN (late Jerdan Davidsen). Ne. 1025 Fil lert street, Philadelphia pa. flours for con con sulfatien: : 10 a. a. till 2 p. ui., and 0 till 8 p. in. jBarSS-3mced READ THIS - Laweabtkr, Pa., April 28. 1881 TBI KnHTBYOUKA. MF'Q COMFAKT. ' ' ..fif-"11 ?vcs me much pleasure te sav Rafter using one Pack of KIUNEYCURA I have been entirely cured et a severe min , S I ?..8,de' f leaS standing SnSth-!? fcitry,n variena known remedies!.' h.avJ??Xery confidence In your Sid.,,. ?t SKi?entU wne te used it have been benefited. PETKR bak k n mWHl eremtmExiiffinaKxpress. 3LEDICAL. BEN KNSON'S POBOUS PLASTERS' BEWARE Of mm BENSON'S. CAPCINE PLASTERS HAVE KEEN IMITATED And their excellent reputation injured by worthless imitations. Tlie public are cautioned against buying Plasters having similar sounding names. See tiftat the word C-A-P-C-I-N-E is correctly spelled. 1! Are the euly improvement ever unade in Plasters. One is worth mere Uiu.ii a dozen -of any ether kind. Will positively cure whcie ether r me dics will net even relieve. I'ricc, "5 Cent. Beware of cheap Piasters made with lead poisons. SEABURY & JOHNSON, Mamjitaciuiumj Chemists, New Yeuk. A eUHB REMEDY AT LAbT. l'rice 5 Cente. MEAD'S MEDICATED VOUN AND BUNION I'LAS'IEE. anli 'Jwd.ceiKVw tnw-S TTOi' IIIT-1'KKS. HOP BITTERS, (A Medicine, Net ii Drink,) Contains HOI'S. RUCHU, MANDRAKE, DANDELION, and the Purest and lSml Medical Qualities et uH Other Hitters. THEY CURE All IMeasen et tiie Stomach, Rowel-j, liloed, Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organs, Nervousness, blceplesincss and especially Female. Complaints. ft.1,000 in ;;JLl will be paid leruc. they wili net cure or Jielp, or ler anything i in pme luiTl injurious leund in them. Ask your diuggKt for HOI' HITTERS and Jry them I'Cloruyeu sleep. Take no ether. II. I. C. is an absolute and irresistible euro ler Drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco and uaieeties. ffKND rel'. ClRCCLAl".. All 1 lie .-iliove Beld by drmrgists. HOI' UI'lTEKS MFG. CO.. Kocliester, H. Y., and Terente, Out. apl-luiced.Vw JiKY OUOltS T 1 SWAKK, A ISAJtUAlN. WHITE COUNTERPANES, Tue and one-fourth vards wide, and only Si: V KNTY-F1V K Cents." UEMNANTS OF VICTORIA LAWNS, KOItTY IVrCenl. le-s than Kegiiliir 1'iiee. Our Jtl.KACJIEO MUSLINS at TEN Cents aie belter than the Fruit et the Leem and equal te the H'illiaiusville. Tlie OEFIANTPlUUTis one el the best in the inai ket for $1.00, and has the I'alent Hack. JOHN P. S WARR. iid&w Ne. be AOitTJi ytnicN br. pM)MU OUT! AT AND BELOW COST. My entile stock ei DRY MS, NOTIONS, 1. li: FOi: SALE AT AND J SIC LOW COST. Thu lb a ia:e elianeu ler GOOD BARGAINS- AS 1 HAVE AX UUIEN8E STOCK OF.dlOOVS, On h.tiid, v, hich wciu all purehaseil ler cash. J. M. LONG, jil-tld 11 XOltTJI QUEKN STItKKT. JjVOJ I. XOl'J VMS. "I .IHTATi: OF UATU 1K1NK KUVKK, L.XIK Hi et Lancaster t ity, l'a., deed. Lctteis et adniiuisttatien en saitl estate having been granted te the nudcreigiicd, all persons in debted thereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and theso having claims or de mand against the same, will present them without delay ler settlement le the under signed, lcblding ex Xe. US fceuth Duke street. TOKIAS IteYEi:, Administrator. W. A. Wilsen, Atl'y. in-23-Ctd 1? bTATK OF JOIIN FUEE, tATK OFT1IE ll city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters of administration en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons In debted thereto are requested te make imme diate payment, and these having claims or de mands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the under signed', residing in Lancaster citr. FANNY FKEJS, Administratrlv. AIXSANDEK liAitnis. Att'j uitii-Ctdeaw INSTATE OF MAKY BUKDJET, LATE OF J Lancaster, Ta., ileceased. Letters testa mentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent are requested te make immedi ate settlement, and these having claims or de mands against tlie estate of said decedent, te make known the same te the undersigned without delay, lesiding in Lancaster City. L. it. KOTK, Administrator. J. W. JOH.NS0.V. Att'v. mlT-Ctdeaw JOHN 1 llAULAND,rf.crf,-j In the Court of I Common 1'ieas VS. V r.niif!llni- fn JENNIE BAKKB, at. SaSSX amE UNDKKSIONE1J AUDITOR, Al . l'OINTED te distribute the fund arising from the sale hadiundcr proceedings JJrcve rarUUeni Iacicnda, and ruled into Court, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit ler that purpnse en SATUltDAY. Al'UlL 2-, 18S2, at in o'clock a. m.. in tiwXC brary Keem et tlie Court Heuse, in the city el Lancaster, when itil persons interested in said distribution may attend. UEO. A. LANE m31-5td,eaw Auditor E STATU OF ANN KLIZAI1ETH IJAK licks, deceased. Letters or administra tion enthe estate of Ann Elizabeth Barrlcks. late or Lancaster city, deceased, have been granted te Peter II. Lyne, residing in said city, te whom all persons indebted te naid estate arc requested te make payment, and these having claims or demands will niake known the same without delay. Tvr it., PETER II. LYNE, M. Jlijesirs, Administrator. Attorney. npG-CtdTh ASSG?E S- OF M1UHAKL H. Shirk, of East Cocalico township. Lancas ter county. The undersigned Auditor an an an pointedte distribute the balance remaining In tlie hands ei J. W. Mcntzer and Samuel Nlsley. assignees of said Michael II. Shirk and wife, te and among these legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en S ATtin. DAY,APR1L 22, 1882. at lOo'cleek, a. re., in the Library Roem of the Court Hense, In the ciiy of LancjLster, wnere all peraens in said distri bution may attend. AND. M. FRANTZ, m3Mtdeaw Auditor. CaiiciMisPlcisters DRXiOOD. w ATT, HIAND,- CO. Watt,Shand&Ce., Invite the attention of Ladies te their Hosiery Department. - Over One Hundred Styles and Celers at c, 10c., 12c, 17c, 20c., 25c. LADIES' UEGULAU MADE GERMAN HOSE at 20c and 23 ctsa pair. LADIES'. GENTLEMEN'S and CHILDBEN'S LISLE THREAD. UALRRIGGAN and FANCY HOSIERY, at very LOW TRICES. GLOVES, GL0YES. Lisle Tlnead Gloves, Silk Faffelar Gloves Fester's 1'ateiit Heek, Thread and KID GLOVES. In gieul vaiiety and medeiatc piices. OUR 3-ltUTTON K1U GLOVE at $1.00 is the best imported for the money buy theuu We are new .showing an elegant assortment el LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, WITH FANCT lIOItDEItS. New Laces, Lace -Fichus, Lace Cell'tiv, Liueu Cellar, Combination, Swiss aud Everlasting Trimmings, An immense line of Deess' Buttens, Fringes and Passe- menteries at Popular Prices, NEW YOliK STOKE, 8-10 EAST KING STREET. J. It. 9IAUT1N lc CO. GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. The luanulaclurerse't the PEARL SHIRT desire by this method te thank tlie public for their appreciation et this celebrated garment, as evinced by the greatly in creased demand, as well as by the con tinual receipt et testimonials of satisfac tion with the same. Tlie l'EARL SHIRT is manufactured cither with open or cle-cd besoms and a lit always guaranteed, l'rice 81.00. A full line ei PRINT and PERCALE SHIRTS just received. All prices lrein 35c. up. These shirLs are cut ever tlie same pattern as the Pearl Shirt and guaranteed tellt. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sis. LANCASTER. PA. jTtAICU GAINS IN BLACK SILKS AT & u New Cheap Stere. BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK SILKS at SILKS at SILKS at SILKS at SILKS at SILKS at SILKS at SILKS at SILKS at SILKS at 00c. G5c. 7ec. 87c. 1.00. $1.13i. ijl.25. $1.50. $1.75. $2.00. These goods weie bought in tlie AUCTION ROOMS Ol NEW OKJv and I'JII LA 1K Ll'lA and arc Extra Geed aL the J'rices. METZGER AND HAUGHMAN'S NEW CJIEAr STOKE, Ne. 43 West King Street. Between l lie Cooper Heuse and Seriel Herso Hetel, jaiill-lyd&w N JliXT DO OK TO COUKT 1IOUSK, FAHNESTOCK. Black Silks, Black Silks, At 50, 65, 75, 87J. $1, $1.25 Up. OUR $1 ULACJv SILK. IS EXTRA UOOD FOR THE MONEY. BLACK AND COLORED M0KKIE. Over TWENTY" DIFFERENT SHADES ei these Goods for Trimming. BJLACK J3HOCADES, At 50, 75. 87A, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, Black Cashmere, Black Cashmere. Direct from Importers, iu JET and KLUE BLACK. Choicest Cashmere Imported. Our Stock ei New Goods el every Descrip tion ler SPR1XW AAW SUMMER, Never was as Complete as it is at the piesent time. All at our usual Lew Prices. 500 Gossamer Waterproofs, Fer Ladies, Gents, Reys and Girls, roade te our own order, specially for us. JC3-EVERY GARMENT WARRANTED. FAMESTOCK, NEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE, LANCASTER. PA. VPJSNING. W. H. BOLLINGER, Will open at NO. 15U NORTH QUEEN STREET, TO-MORROW EVENING with a full assort ment of Bread, Cakes and Fine Confections. aii-lwd HETZBEB HAUGHMAi CLOTHING. Suited te the fastidious Yeung Man for Drawing-Roem, Parler ei Prom enade. Perfect-fitting, tastefully finished Goods, that will sustain our reputation for Superior Clothing. A. C. YATES & CO. LEDGER BUILDING, Chestnut and Sixth Sts., PHILADELPHIA. rilllli UEST DISPLAY JF- CLOTHING (And such as is made in a leliahle maiuici) is AT TUK MOST POPULAR CWTB1NG HOUSE. '2 Kooms for Men's Clothing. 1 Roem for Youth's Clothing. U.Roeins for Reys' Clothing. 1 Roem Fer Childrcu's Clelhiug. With ineie squaiu yaids coveted by CLOTHING than i:ny ether house in Iho city. We are better prcpai cd te please you than ever belere, and remember you can brinback what docs net iiil you. AND FOSTER 36-38 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. OP1S1NO AM) SUiMJHJBlt NOVKlTIES. AT ' H. GBRHART'S ilerii it NO. 0 EAST KIN STREET, 1 hereby iufeim my customers Unit my h lock or SPRING and SUMMER SUITING, SPRING OVERCOATING & FANCY VESTING la new complete. 1 have new the largest sunl choicest assortment ei WOOLENS, Fer Fine Tailoring in the city el Lancaster. PRICES AS LOW AS TUP LOWEST, and till goods warranted ns represented. LEAE! 0 W.OTH1NU ! D. B. HOSTETTER & SON Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER, WJi TAKE PLEASVtiE IN XOTIFl'IXa THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL THAT OUR STOCK FOR TIIE SPEING SEASON It! COMPLETED, AND IT WILL BENE FIT OUR PATRONS TO INSPECT The Large Variety of Goods FOR GENHiEMENS wear, THE LATEST IN PATTERN AND COLOR, WHICH WE HA VE ON OUR COUNTERS. D. B. istetterl Sen 24 0ENTE SQUARE, FIffi LTM GlOIDM Wasm DRY OPBING DBKSS GOODS. SPRING WOOLENS Ladies Suiting Cleths. Riding Habit Cleths. Ladies' Spring Sackings. Spring Cassimeres Handsome Suitings. Sp Spring Overceatings. CLOTH MARKET and NINTH "1AISP ET.S! s M Y R N A R U G S HAGER SIB GRASS, HAT I. CO., MOQUBTTS, BODY BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, EXTRA SUPERS, CHINA MATTINGS, Geed Heme-Made Rag Carpets. 25 -WEST KIHCr ST. llOVHK IfVllNlSHlNU UOODH. rtLINN & WILLSON. HOUSEFURNISHING. JUST RECEIVED AN lJISlLNSE bTOCK OF White Wash - Wall Brushes, CHEAPEST IN TOWN. Prices much Lewer than ever before. FLINH & WILLSON, 152 North Queen Street. - - Lancaster, Pa. !. VM 11 MAS I'lTiINO, liXO. JOHN L. AJKNOL1). IRON PIPE for GAS, WATER and STEAM STOPS a:d cut te any LENtmi- V A T VfTQ ALL KINDS OF FITTINGS for STEAJ, WATEIi and GAS-LOWEST 1'IUCEX. SLATE MANTLES AND LOW DOWN GRATES. CHEAPEST O AS FIXTURES IN TIIE C1TV. bLATE, TIN AND TRAVEL KOOPKi:" Nes. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. raDRMiii KIQUOIIS, AC. -piNGWAl.T'S WINE, LIQUOR, ALCOHOL AND GROCERY STORE, Ne. 205 West King Street. lculG ly HOUSEAt. Si CO'S NEW LIQUOR STORE, Ne. 43 North Queen street, JLancaster, Pa. The very best and Hnc-it qualities of Foreign and Demestic WINES and LHJUORS, con. stantly ter sale at wholesale anil tetail. Straight Old Rye Whisky of the distillation efl875. Pure unadulterated Custom Heuse ure dies and Winca In suit t ! tmiliv fcb3-3md IIOUSEAL CO. JATAI.T WINK. HERCULES MALT WINE. The Best and Cheapest M ALT EX Tit ACT EVim MEPAKKD. All inviKerating HEALTH AND TARLE 1JEVERAUE. A reliable remeily for INDI GESTION, DEBILITY and MALN UTRITION highly recommended ler ENFEEBLED PER SONS. CONVALESCENTS and NURSING MOTHERS. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS AT 25 Gents per Pint Bettle. CHAS. WOLTERS, PROWECT BREWERY, PHILADELPHIA. Lancaster Depot. GEO. A. KIEIIL. mlSmd iiiuwiy, wurrameu ei inc vintage ei itsw Kept especially for medicinal purposed. Purt Olfl llnllnml tlln nml ntliitt. WliluL.I.ici Vt. wn,ral Afirtii" T OCUEK'3 Renowned Cough Syrap. A pleasant, Bate, speedy and sure remedy for Colds, Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influen za, Soreness el the Threat and Chest, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Spitting or Bleed, In flammation el the Lungs and all Diseases el the Chest and Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines alltne medicinal virtues of these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most sate and efficient qualities for the cure of all kinds et lung diseases. PRICE, S Cf Prepared enlyand sold by OIJAS. A LOOHER, WHOLESALE AND KETAIIi DRUGGIST, Hf But Iter WirwtilMCMter. GOODS. Our assortment of Ladies' Suiting Cleths includes a wide range in the .catalogue of colors in all the new shades, combination and effects of this season. Alse, Scotch and Eng lish suitings, cheviot, etc. Our stock of Ladies' Riding Habit Cleths is mere complete than ever .before, and embraces all colors, shades and qualities of Imported and Demestic Fabrics. Our collection of Ladies' Spring Sack ings is very extensive and contains all the standard and new stylish de "signs for early spring wear; small checks, plaids, fancy mixtures, etc., in all grades, Fine American Cassimeres and Eng lish and French Treuserings in all the "very nowest designs for gentlemen's wear. New effects of Schoellor, Wulflng, Bockhacker, Forstmann & Hoffmann, .Jehn Tayler, Clay and all the leading standard makes of gentlemen's suitings. Steckinets, Kerseys, Meltons, Cork screw. Mixed Twills in medium and "very thin weights for Spring and Fall Outside Coats for Gentlemen. HOUSE, STS.. - Philadelphia. & BROTHER. AND - r.WS A VJ 'I'L U.t. ItUUXH AND HVWMNEKX. E ?ASTEU CAKDS! AMERICAN AND IMPORTED EASTER CARDS! IN tir.EAT VAKIETT AT L. M. ELYNN'S BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, Ne. 42 IVvst Klnj; Street. TOWN JJAKK'S SONS. . NOVELTIES, FOR TIIE FASTER SEASON! Il'LAIN- AND FRINGES Easter Cards, EASTER FANS AND SACHETS, EASTER BOOKS. At thu Bookstore or Jelui Baer's Sens, Nes. 15&17 North Queen Street. j TUCOMPKEHENSIKLE BUT Tit UK THAT Many dangerous diseases as slight sere threat may lead te is net penerally understood of- j appreciated. The. results are truly startling .-affection of the mouth, palate, tonsils. larynx, no-te and ears may fellow. Croup, diphtheria and scarlet lever are liable te du velen with any irritation, and often catarrhal trouble and deafness can bs directly traced te -the utter disregard and neglect of a common Bere threat. The Occidental Diphtheria Cure Is a true preventative and guaranteed cure. SeldbyH. B.Cechran, druggist, 137 and 139 Qrth, Queen street, Lancaster. al7-lwd czeTinxa. pLOTUlNG. GOOD NEWS TO TIIE People of Lancaster and Vicinity ! We have made assiduous eiferts te excel all l.ut stasens in serving the people at our store uiir counters are heaped with the LATEST STYLES OF Spring Clothing! OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, and eer garment we have fee sale will stand cl(M- liispeetien. Te mention every 5-trlc et buit we havuen hand, our sikice will hardly allow ; therefore, net ire a tow eainple prices . We Mil Men's Suit-, ter $eU, $I.IK,$3.(W, 00, Ati0, f 1U.10. up te JIS.0O. I8ej-s and Children's CLOTHING WC MAKE THIS OUK UKKAT Sl'KCIALTV. We sell ej '-.Suits for $i.i. :!rt, -i.oe. $r.ue, up te t'J.W. CliUilien's Still.- at $l.7. $iw, i50, $:;.W. ( I.oe. up te 7.rt. We most eertainly have the largest and cin-apeat. al-e the most varied stock of Reys' and Children's Clothing ever di.-iil:tcd in'tlds city. OCR Cl'bTOM liliPARTMENT.-CilMeui-eis can select ttein goods in tlie pleee und have thfiii nirtilu te urtler at aMight advance ever our goods en tlie counters. We make te order a Nice Suit ler ili(H), but our $l&0iaud $-i(.C0 Suits c-.m't be equaled anywhere In the eitv, trimmed and made like ours, ter less than San) tefJO.UO. A PERFECT' FIT GUAR ANTEED. Whether you fall te purcluise or net, please gi e us a call. L. GABSMAIT & BRO., THE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, G0-G8 NORTH QUEEN ST., Right en the Southwest Cerner or orange St. LANCASTER, PA. The Cheapest Clothing Hoiu-e in the Cily. iii;uir-lvd f :t.i yt:i4tni' ou litis iANCASTKK ANt .1111.1. K'.LSVII.I.K ii. : J Cars run :is iollews!: Leave Iaiient.sur (P. IC. Depot), at 7, , and 11:30 a. ui., and 2, 4, K and 8:30 p. in., oxeeut en SulurdHj- when the last car Uiivcs at 0:50 p. m l.eave MllliTsvllle (lower eid) at5, 8, and 10 a. M., and 1, 3, 5 and 7 p. m. Cars run dally en u'wve time u.xccpl en Sun day. ClOLUMIIIA AH1I POUT DICI'OSIT JC. ii ) Trains new rim regularly en theCelumbla and Pert. Oepesit Railroad en the follewltiK time: Stations NeitTn-Expres. Express.! Aeeem. nj ur. 1 A.M. r. M. I V.M. I'ortDepr.sit... Peachbottein... Safe Harber.... Columbia. fl:3.r 7:14 7 8:25 3:55 i:2$ .VI 1 5:W 2-.U5 MH 5:21 6.20 Aceem A.M. St a.ti ekh South Seuth waub. Express. Kxprcss.i A.M. V. H. Columbia...., Safe Harber.. I'cachboltem ll:3l r. it. VlMi 12: IS 135 I:SI fi:4'J 7:3i 8.t).r. 7:5 AUkOB Le3:lffl 11.07 r. m. 12:20 Pert Deneslt pKADJNU d COLUMBIA K.K. ARRANGEMENT OF PAijSENOERTRAINS MONDAY, NOV. 7th, itSil. NORTUWARO. LBAVB. Quarryvillc Lancaster, King St... Iincester Columbia. ARRIVE. Rcadlne A.M. 7:30 9:10 0:20 SOUTH W ARO LBAVB. Ri.-udlug ARR1VB. Columbia A.M. 1. M. i: M. r-:W ... 2:) 7:.r .... 3:ttt b: 1:W( :l:S0 ":Wl 1:10 3:M 10.05 3Ji CM) A.M. M. T.M. 7:25 120 0:10 P.M. 0:.T:i 2:10 8:25 0:27 2.10 8:13 9:37 .... 8-25 10::i7 .... !h55 Lancaster. 0:27 2.10 8:13 5:15 Lancaster, King St 9:37 8-25 5:25 tjuarryvllhs 10::17 .... 9-.5S 8:30 Trains connect at Rending with trains teand Irem Philadelphia, I'ettsville, Harrisbunr, AI AI lentewn and New Yerk, via Round itroek Rente. At Columbia with trains teand ireui Yerk, Hanover. Uettysbnrg, Frederick aud Ralll Ralll inere. - A. M. WILSON. Stipt. )KNN.SJLVANIA KAUUOAD-NEW I SCHEDULE On and after .SUKDAY. .JANUARY 22d, 1882, traini en the Pennsyl vania Railroad will arrive at and leave the Lancastei and Philadelphia iiupetsr-4 fellows : Eastward. Ltavt: Arrive La:i-'lt t IMillad'n Mail Expitsu Verk Aeeen. Arrive.-,.... Harrlaburtt Express Lancaster Ien ion, tf'iederiek Accem. Ariives, Siiuday Mail, Johnstown Express I1:!V Kmn-ud 12.41 A.M. 5:1!) " 8.-K " S:3" !(J0 " U:t5 " 1:30 i-.M. 2:42 2:20 " 2:Ki A.M 7:20 10.50 " ll:ii"" 5:35r.M. 5:f5 7UI' " Harrisburff AccoiutiiedVil'iiJ C:l; " B-2.1 0: " Wmrtward. Lvuve' Arrive" Phllad'a l..-in.:'tir 4:30 a.m. .27a m ISie ' fi:27 " 7:00 " U25 " 0.30 " 7:(W " J.2 " 11:25 " -sr, r.M. 2.0O ' 2:15 p.m. Esii " 4:15 " 1-X " 5:10 " 7:40 ' 0:) " 11:01 " 11:30 " '2.V5A.lf. Way PiiH-jent'er, News Express Mail Train Ne.l.vla f.'t.Jev, Mail Train Ne.2,vi.i Cel'Idii, Sunday Mall, Fast Line, Frederick Accommodation, Ijiincabter Accommcilatleii, HarrisburK AccemiiHMlat'n, Ceiumbia Accommodation, Harrislmifj Bxpress, Western Express Pluiadclphia Express Mail Train i Ne. if, west .connecting at Lifn Ciister Willi Mall Tniin, n'e. 1, at 0:2-7:1.111., wilT rim tbreiiKh teIIamer. Frederick Accommeslatlen, west, ee n nectlne at Lancaster with Past Mno, west, at li5, will run through te Fr:!erick. Harrl-jbui-K Express, wct, at 5:10 p. ui., h:m direct connections (withoutchangcercars) V Columbia and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en bumtay, when ilatjxed. will 8topatDewniiilowii,Coati'svllIe, Parked burp, Mount Jey, Kllzabethtewnand Middle, own. eurr Die a wimuh. WMMONWEALTU OlSTItJHUTION CO 43d Popular Monthly Drawing - nff 'raw COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. In the Cllyef Louisville, en SATURDAY. APRIL 29th. 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundavs excepted) under previsions el an Act of the General Ascmbly or Kentucky. The United statc-j Circuit Court en March 31. rendered the following djcisleus: ' 1st That, the Cenunaawcalth Distribution Company Ik legal. 21 Its i Iran ings are fair. N. H. The Company ima new en hand a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes for APRIL DRAWING. ... 30,000 ... 19,000 ... 5.WJC ... ... 10,000 .. 10,000 ... 10.0WC ... 12,008 lnrize . Pr'ze..................,. ............... PjW506each yoe prizes $100 each 200prizesMeach .S22pzcs2)''acH 1000 prizes 10 cauh 9 prizes .7)0 each, appre .t! matlen prizes 9 prizes 200 each, " 9 prizes 100 each, " " 10,009 2,70a 1,809 90S I,9C0prlzes 112,4O0 Whole-tickets. 2; liall Uckets, 1; 27 tlcketa WO; 55 tickets, $100. Remit Meney or lank I) Rift in Letter, ei send Jy Express. DON'T SEND IJY REGIS TERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICK ORDER. ' Orders of ?." and upward, by Express, can be sent at our expense. Address all orders te K. M. BOA1CD.M AN, Courier-Journal Ruildlnir LealsTille, Ky.. or IC M. BOAUUHAN. 300 Broadway. New Yerk. fehl-TuTJiAHftw cejulh, B. ii. MABTIIf, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in all kinds of LUMRER AXD COAL. rfard: Ne. 420 North Water and ;Printe treets above Lemen Lancaster. n.t-lyd COHO & WILEY, " .'.no NORTH WATER ST., Zaneatter, r., Wiioleiale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER. AND GOAL. Cona'ectlea Wltn tfae Teiaphenfc Exchange. Branch Offlce: Ne. 90 CBNTRK SQUARE. umtra