LANCASTER DAILY INTELLlUENCBtt THURSDAY. APRIL 20, 1882. -4 I? for disturbing a religious meeting; the cases were all heard at once ; I think the officers are entitled te mileage for every one 'of the men arrested by tliem, even if the v weie all arretted en one day and only one trip was made te the county te get them. If they were net paid in this way eQicers cculd net be in duced te jje alter them, a the cost of traius and ether ucce&saiy expenses would be mere than the amount p.iid for the actual distance traveled. The a.'derraau'h attention was. called te quite a uumbei of eases that te the auditors appeared te be duplication, but the alderman explained that they were net, and though the evideuce liicusjlit beibie him. at the hcau'ngs, wire net sufficient te sustain them, he claimed credit for tavinjj te the county thousands of deH.ns additional costs that would have resulted Lau he ittuisf-d fhens te cemt tb- lie -?u nc tkm tk' , ' f " trtudn Trcula, and the ceht te the county would have been the same, lie claimed also some ciedit fei having icjectcd duiing the past year net Ic-s than 000 complaints that he might have uitei tained and chaiged fees for. The auditeis called the aldcimau's at tention te a laige number of cases for which he had chaigcd, although no hear ings weie had. The aldcimau explained that the defendants could net be found, and he had only chaiged 1)0 cents in each cisc I'm the complaint, wan ant ami sub sub peena. In answer te the question ln,tlici one wan-ant would net answer fei the ai rest of a numbci of peicuus complained against, en the same day fei flic .same elleucc, and by the same complainant, the aldcimau ausweicd that it was te issue a wanant in eaeh case and place the wai l.ints in the hand.sef dill'ei cut officers : be cause if one officer was detailed te nuke all the attests, and succeeded itt attesting one of the eileudeis, the ethci.. would in the meantime heat of it and make theii escape. Thcaldumau testified tliat he kuew of no instance in which men congtegatcd at the engine houses and get up tows for the purpose of making complaints against eaeh etliei with a view of making costs. He said he had been ptcsident of the Amciiean liic company for secral ycats and nevei heard of .such a thing. Mr. Kecd 1 see thcie is a man named Lt'enaid who a geed many com plaints, all of which aie dismissed. Hew docs that happen ? A. I suppese aftci the complaints ate made his friends in duce him net te appear te prosecute them, and then they ate dismissed. Mr. Kecd Wouldn't it be bcttei te kick such fellows out of your office and net listen te their cenplaints? A Ne: I couldn't de that : Leenard has never been convicted of a ctime and must there- ' fei be lcg.udcd as a geed citien and I am obliged te take complaints made by geed citi.ens ; 1 catiuet kuew what theic is in them until I hear them ; I have, I suppose, l closed te cntcitaiu twenty complaints made by Lcenatd when be was dtiiuk. Q. lu these Taggait cases, of which theic aic se many, 1 see the elliccis have chaiged mileage in eveiy case, although they made but a single tiip. iew, don't they say they .shall tcccive mileage only for the actual distance ttaclcd'. A. I have uelhing te de with their charge ei mileage ; i is impossible fei me te tell hew lar they ti.ivclcd else aud they tailed te sustain them at the j heating. I repeat that 1 hae saved th" county thousand; et delkus by discharg ing cases instead of letuining them te court en insufflceut evidence. Mr. Tiecd What wc lind fault with it , that you take complaints from se many worthless fellows, who seem te make a business of it. Alderman Ban Well, I buppesc Leon Leen aid made 11101 e unfounded complaints than anybody else. I wish he would stay away from my elliec. Mr. Reed Why don't you make him aud ethcis like him stay away and net listen te their complaints V A. Wei I, if 1 did they would no seiucwiuic else ami cost the county as much. j Mr. Heed. Ue you knew anything ei .1 peiliccman's peel '.' A Net lei multiply inj; 1 case. 1 hear they hac aiiangcnients lei j assisting each ether in their business. The auditors complimented Squiic 15. 111 neatness and eidcily maimer in which his docket, and official papers weie kept ; aud the alderman said lie had ttied te de his duty dining the past thice jeais, aud was in liepcs of doing il for .seven ye.iin lengei. With an intimation fiem the auditors that he might be needed again, he was for the present dismissed. A New ITnuili'll. Relton council, Ne. 53, of the elder of L'nitcd Ameiican Mechanics, was insti tuted last evening by State Councillor Jehn Eckstein, of Philadelphia, assisted by ex-Councillei.s Jacob Weitzel, Ilcnry W. ltudy, Edw. S. Smcltz aud ex-State Councillor, Edwin E. Snyder, of Cones Cenes toga council Xe 8, of this city. The new council is located at Kef ten station ou the Quanyvillc railroad, nine miles south of Lancaster, and pieniiscs te be a geed live organization. They have ab cad y fitted up a ball for their meetings. The efficeis of the council aie as fellows : C, N. A. Huber; V. C, J. A. Meek ; R. Sec, R. D. Heir ; A. R. Sec, J. Fiank Sclnilz; Fin. Sec, E. G. Boek ; Ticjs., Milteu Wirth ; Ex., Ress Boohar ; In.. Jehn A. Zahm ; In. Pre., Jehn N.igle ; O. Pre., .1. If. Herr; Tiustees; D. L. Cehe, N. A. Huber, Ress Boobar; Rep. te State Council, N. A. Huber. SlllCIDK AT THK ALAISIIUUU. One el the Inmates Hangs Himself AVltn a !5trp. Jehn Smith, an iumate of the county almshouse, was feuud banging te the limb of a low ticc en the hiil back of that institution between eight and nine o'clock this morning-. Life was extinct vvheu he was discovered aud cut down by David Bair. He had employed the strap which he used te fasten his trousers. Smith bad been iu the almshouse since last fall and was of weak mind. Deputy Corener D. B. ShilTcr was summoned and held an iuquest ou the body of the suicide. Smith was from Chestnut Hill and had no rela tives in this county. Cbe.-ip Excursion te Heading. Ou Monday, April 24, excursion tickets will be sold from all stations 011 the Heading and Columbia railroad te Keadlng at halt Cue. Tickets geed te ictuin en any train. Mili tary parade at Heading. al8,17,20,22A:ltvv SfEVlAX. SOT1VJM. Tueie is no wei-se cnthrallmcnt ler toimcnt teimcnt cd man than the exactions et ameibid neiv neiv eus -condition. The ever-taxed brain then gets ue rest lrem tranquil sleep and needs the pacifying infiuence el lr. C. W. Bensen's Celery and Chamomile ihls. apl7-lwd&w HuNDituns el Men, Women and Children rescued in every community lrem beds of sickness and almost death and made strong by Parker's Ginger Tonic are the best evi dences in the world of its sterling worth. P'- ap7-lmdeod&cew It Heads th List Ot all ether preparations or medicines. In mum et nautm Juadaeh; dlxslnees or lrreca lazttlw et the system. Burdock Bleed BiSm tera aequal. They never fan te affording immediate relief. PiteefLUl. Fer sale atif B. Oeehran's drag store, 17 Kerth Queam street, Ijancaster, Pa. (). Hcieaie eight complaints made by wuna 10ie11ii1ieeu111xet 111c lungs loiiewe.i Officet Flick, all of which weie discharged ";" eee-igh. , M00ll e;f:l le ,,e lliy , . ,. , . . , . ,.: t i. .fi.i . ai'pi lite anil llc-di. I was si weak at one time by you. ( bight net an officer te be able , ,', t , LtmM nlt R.lV(l , ,.,, In t))(. MllllIlll, te make out his own cases: A. I sup- (1 ,s77 t .w ..imiUt(.(i te ti. city Ile-piial. pose he made the complaints for somebody I v.-im.-i l.eiter mi-sa-.d 1 hid :i imti- m XTEW ABVEXTlSEMXSia. N JliW 1)BI GOODS STOKE. Bewers NEW Hewell's Building, tt'c rfcll the bfnt 81.00 III. ACK SILK. W r sell the best 81.23 it LACK MLK. We sell the best M.GO HLACK SILK. We i-el I the best 1.7fl JSLACK felLK. We s 11 the best S2.00 BLACK .SILK. Tliee tfoe Id ve warrant te give entile satis faction und art- the best goods effcied in this city let the money. l'leae call and examine iheui. We bell the best 4C-CE-":r ALL-WOOL LACK ( ArF3IEJi- "nv -l hr -t n i r t iL-W90L ULAC! -vyr.v t f ii L-lOOL BLACK ' '' l'L " c '" ''fc ' r ' -j-1 ' i ALL-WOOL BLaLk '.A ili-JI V. e sell tiic bsst 80-CEM ALL-WOOL BLACK CAbiiXESi.. Wc sell the hest K1.00 ALL-WOOL BLACK LASILMEKE. W. Ji BOWERS. Decline of Man. Nci'eus Weakness, Dy-pepiJ. Itnpetencu, Sejtinl Debility, ctued by Wells' llealtlt lie nercer. $1. rei sale by Jehn Black. Column's LicbigV Li pud Bu-t anil Ionic Invigoi.itei impaiti Miength te body and mind Jtitr no e'ltli. Ot IHugaW.n. :ipl7 IuiIcikIAw A I myli, Celd ei .-eie lieuli: ue steppi u. i.'.cylect nequentiy icsnltein an lii cunible Lun-? Di-jca-c et Consumption. IJieuuN itienUual 'lioh-sde net dUeidci the -leinuch like eeuh f-j'nips an. I balam, but act dliccliyeu tlicinllmiied pailt,,nll.ij lug t: nie ii'licl In .S-tliiii.i. CeiikIi-, C.'tui ill, ami ih Tlneal Tlenblcs tthielibln"! ami rubllcbpeakcis arcKHlijr ct te. let Unity je.ii-. 15i'iv.n'- liicnehi.i) 'Ikhiiis hi" liei'ii ii'Leiiriii'iitieil by-jihjsi-i uii. ami ulw i Ti. e pel lint s.ittsl.ietien. ll.n Inj? I wen te-tcil by wide ami constant n-e i !! tilv n fiitiii pMii'iatieti, they lave at taint d we! .i i litcd tank anions the lew staple ' urn id-- mi tin- :i;;e. s-i, ltt 'j"i ci nt-a box I'M'luiiii i.' mS-1 l J Tll.S.Vl V "5kin Ujumscs Cured l!j In. hi iziei s- Macic Uimhem. dues. I' ll bj magie pmi)le-, lil u Ic heads or i "be-1, lilelcjn- and ciu)tiens en the face, lcaviajr tlir -Km clc'.u. healthy and heaiitilul. Alie cm- itch, b.ubei's itch, salt ihciiui, tettei, 1 1114 u in in, sc.iin head, hajiped hand-, -eie mppli's, -ni' lip-, old, ebiliiiate ulcers and Milt'-, Ve. MvIA DISKAHK. K. hiuke. e-n., CleM'Iand, O.. siitli'ieil brjend all di'sci iptien lieniasktii dl-ia-t: wlncli ap j"Mii'il en his h mil-. Iie.ul and lace, .imt ni.iily dcstunid hi-eye-. The most caii-tul ilectiu- in-' li id tailed te help him, and alter all h-ul i.uh d he u-ed in . Kiaiei "s Ataxic Ointineiii ntnl .i'-i!ii'd by a few application-. 'lhc hist and only po.sitie erne Jei skin d'-e.'M-s ci i ili-ceeied. tin silebj II. I!. Ceeliian, I.ITaud 1 W Neit i i'ik'cii -tiift, Lancaster. IIENin & CO, SolePiepiietoiir, Vescyhtieet, New Yeak. Fei lilind, Bli'ediiig, Itchin;: or fleeiatcd I'lll'-, Hit. WlM.IM's lIlN I'll.K 1T'M1'T H n siiicciiii'. Pi let- fl.ini, liy mail. Km -'lie at ( eihian'- tiu: steie. tebJ7-.M.V.TlilV ICl.SCDl.II lrJAI IM':.VJ'I 'Ihi'teliO'.v lng-t.iteinentel William .1 Ceugli- !, et mimic: ilk, da , l- se lcin.ukable that we lii-g te ,isk let it tin-attention el eiii ii'ad-i'i-. Il's'is: "in the full et IsVi! I was taken ,,ij left luni'sbl;a-ah ilf celi.n. 1 cxpi-nd el em'i a hiiuilied dell. 11- 111 iloileis aud med icine. I was .) l.u one time a lepe t went ai'iund tliall v,.is ilead. 1 gave up hope, but a tiiend tehl me et 1 1 11. IVji. Hall' 8 Balsam roll 1111: Lumis. 1 lai. ;;lirl at my filendsi, Ihink laj; that my t.i-e '.mis iiiciit.ible, but 1 Kt a bottle le satlsty them, 1dmi te my -iuiii-e and giatiiieitieii, 1 )iinmenced te liel bettei Jlv hope, oncedi el, began te ieie, and to day 1 teel In bettei spoils III. 111 I the pn-t llui-e e.ns. " 1 wulc tin-hoping jeu will publish il, tii il )'eijene alllieteil with Disease)! Lungs will bi niiluced te take Ur. Wm. Jlall's Balsam for tin- Lung-, and be convinced con cen hiiiii.'ii can be cmed. I have taken two liellli' ami c m positively -ny thai It has done 11101 r geed 1'iaii all oilier medieine- 1 have taken mine my sJckne-s. My cough h.isal-inn-t entiielv di-iippe.ncd mill t shall seen be ilili- te go te weik." Sefd in Lancaster at I ii-lean's Plug fctiue, l!7ai)d 1 J'l Neith fjuei'ii -li)' iv'J3-lV)leedTh&w2 Lii:e ul upon tieubled wateis is Hale's Ilenej et lloieheund anil Tar upon a celli. rikp'd'Ioetluehe Diepstine 111 one minute. anl7-lwil ed&w AH is AVell That Kmls Well. Oiin Citlm. 4 l'eiul stieet, Rnfl.ile, N. Y., yiv-: "1 tiled v .11 ions lemcdies tei the piles but tinuid no li'liet until 1 Used Tiienuis1 Ke lcc'tiicOll, which cntiiely euieil me altera tew applications "' Fei sale at II. B. Cochran's drug stele, 1,17 Neith Queen stieet, Lancaster Nouenv enjejs ine nicest stmeunitings if in bad health. Theie aie misciablc people about te-day le whom a bottle et Taikei's Ginger Tonic would biing meie solid comfort than all tiie iloeleis they have evei tiled. See ether column. ml-lmdeod.Vicew .Noising nietlicis gain siiength by using Urewn's lien Uitlei.s. It acts Iike'.i in lesteiing te health ami nienglh eveistiained natuie. aplT-lwil&vv .S001I10 the Invalid. A few diepi of bOZOOONT niixei vvith water, ami placed in the mouth et the invalid, will leliesli hiai. It aiema'i7es what else would be )liy ami uncomfei table, and gives inlliiite jdeasiue and incites appetite. Ne inn si; s!i mid negh et bUZODONT. aplS lwdced&vv " A Werd te Hie Wlse is bulliclent." An ctlective and agreeable remedy lorthcticat lerthcticat inciit of Catarrh, Hay Fever and Catairlial Deatucss is Kly's Cieain lliilin. A sine cure. Cieam ll.ilui ellectuelly clciinscs the nasal passages el cataiihal vims, ciusing healthy secietlens, allays iullaniuiatien and imtatien, pietecls the niciiibtanal linings el the head liem additional colds, completely heals the nues and lcstoie the sense et taste ami iuell. lleiielicial lesiilts aie icali.ed by 11 lew appli cations. A Iboieugli Ueatnieiit us diieeted will cuie Cataiih. Asa household leinedy ler cold in the head it 13 inieqiuilcn. The Ualm n easy te use and agreeable. Sold by druggists at SO cents. On receipt or .'X) cent 4 will mall a package. ELY'S CIJKAM BALM CO., Oswige, N. Y. Fei sale by Lancisier Druggists. uiarJ-d&w Th Wixstex, Forsyth Ce., N. C. Gents 1 desire te express te you my thanks for your wenderlul Hep Bitters. 1 was troubled w ith dyspepsia for live years previ ous te commencing the use of Hep Ilittets some six months age. My cure has been won derful. 1 am pastor et the First Methodist church et thl place, and my whole congrega tion can testify te the great virtues of your bitters. A'ery lcspcctlully. aplS-2wd&vv Rev. II. FEtttREE. rilK FAKMEltS HtlfiMl Or. IJaibers lied Herse Powders ate the best in the niaiket. They are net a meie loed niade elinei land cheap mateiials, but a vcrltaule 31ediciiic. They contain lour times the stiength et eidmaiy heise and cattle powders, and will cure and fatten stflck in one-leurth the time, acting at once upon the digestive organs and secrelione, and may be safely lclied upon ler the cmc et coughs, colds, distemper, glanders and all di.-easee of horses, mules, cattle, sheep, hogs urn! poultry. They will Increase the quantity and quality et milk In cows and keep all kinds et stock la a healthy condition. Beld ereryirhere at SOe. per pack, 6 ter H; large size 40c, or 3 for L Sold In Lancaster at Cochran's Drag Stere, 117 and MB North Queen streets. nglydeedwl & Hurst's STORE, 129-131 North Queen Street, Theseyoedsaioof the very best makes and in the best shade of black. We sell an elegant BLACK SATIN very low. We ell an elegant line of Shades la COL0E tn aATIXS and MOUIES very low. We sell an i-leant line of PLALN and FANCY DKESS GOODS very low. ll'n neil nn rh'srajit line of BLACK SILK I DKESS ritlNGEs and BEADED GIMPS very low irsele'filS'.-J1'" ,v" lASIiE LI" -": n I rOWEL- t etlci BARGAl'- I '""' - ; 1 - I'Tf-Lc' L- 1T.M.TN. .;: !-tti ril'.Cc 'Lv, rejt- i.s ?-!! ' L uZi.1 ci; Ic", uud aie selling cuantittes of thca, vhiah 1 proves te us that welire selling Them I VEhY CHEAP. VERY CHt VP. HERTEY X. HUEST. XEIV A nriZKTLS3lEM!. T7MU JtKNT. J? STOKE ROOM, 13) East iviiiir stie t. apO tli' iNQUini: at is. tioemjs run KEM lEVEN DKS1K- 1 Xt able Uoeins ler lent, eithei ingly or te- i KCtlici, in Leeb's lluildiii; Neith Oueen St. i Apply at UOOM Ne. 2 , second lloei . aJ0-3t IirAMWr- Ullll. rwll I11N1NU- f mom and Kitchen ltd .1. COPLAND. 17OII IlKNT. 1 Three or foul looms at Ne. Ji) WEbT KING PTKEET. either fei lert-i or a email r.timly. '-id WANTtU.-IOUA' I.AI)ie.S.TO LKAKN MILMMJKY AtGO'lTCHALK A. I.hllfcUMANS GKEAT NEW 'i:iC BA.AAK. 'J7-2rf Neith Queen -ti it. ae-lwd IJUHLIC hAl.K.- s SATURDAY, AI'KIt, JJ, at Ne. a i mi'.' tieet, will lie sold nail-iiecn 01 Cli in-. Lounge, nag anil etne Caipets; let et ii" 1 umw.iu-. Sale te I'emuiei e .it J o'clock!) 111. I. II. LINE. 1- 11 Adni. et Ann Elizabeth Banicks. ANY 1'AltX Ot Till: 1K1N UK MUCOUS Membrane iniiy be the -eat et Cancer ; it 1-leuml meie frequently en tiie leg and lip than el-i'where, I lnie'i'ii it aile liem the eicatnx et a -raid, a blistei. 01 a cut, fiem a mole, liem a wait, and liem a simnlc e.xceiia tien wlime twonieiutsuil.iLe's lay 111 contact, 11s in the giem. All Canceid and ;Tumeis cmed witlieiit li.iiu or u-iiii the kuite by Hit. II. I). LONGAKEK, JI. I). Otliee n East Walnut stuet, L.incastei. Consultation fiee. '-0-3tdA-w e KIOI.i: rKKTJl.l.KK. We with are new able te tuiiiisli out I.umcis High tirade Fertilizers, Fome especially adapted lei i.iiMng tobacco. Sold at Ceal laid, llanicbtug pike, or at General Ollieu, Ne. JU2 Last Chestnut Sticet. KAl'Fl'JIAN, MiLLEU A CO. api-l-lwd JIAV allM.lNICKY SlUKi:. Miss LIZZIE WEBER, ( Late el 47 Neith Oueen PL), hs en. sen a fini: luu At Ne. 20 WEST KING ST., (Snyiler'i Old Stand), Wheie she will be pleasel te have hei ti lends, eiisteniciaanil the public in geneinl pattenizc her. COMBINGS MADK INTO b WITCHES at 25c. pet it.. A lat'Kf vinety el hair woiken hand, ilillinciy ami Hair Weik done at leduced piicc. Cicpe ilene ev)-i like new. Kentncra eleaneil, euileitand ilyed. The Latest Novel ties el llati. Fleweis, rcatlicts. Ac. l'leasc give ine u call. a2lt-lmdM,W.tS riniK NOltril KXl) IK GOODS .STOKE Hedics te call attention te the billowing b.u gains in NEW SPIUNU DKESS WOODS. ItlNGAltA S1LK at 37Mc n vanl. ALL-WOOL CASUMKKK UKIGE "hUITINGS KXGLI&II ALL-WOOL SUITINGS, Cleth Kin-i-h. ut ""ic a yanl. A llneiuticle lu BL2VCK CASHJSrEKE, Full 46 inches wide, at One Oellai a aul, is censiileied 11 Special It.ugain. A Jeb Let of ALL LINLN SHIRT FRONTS, New efleiedatTEN CLNTls apiece, eannetbe leplaced te sell at less than sixteen Cents jipiece. J. W. BYRNE, 322 NORTH QUEEN STREET, ll-lyd LANCASTKlt, PA. S500 kkwauu. hy vtKTUr: r the antheiitv given me by the reselu tien et councils et lebiiuiv 4. tei4. 1 neicby eiler a lcwaul et FIVH HUNDKEU DOL LARS fin the an eat and conviction el the peien or peisnns who set liie te the stable belonging te IJavis Kftch,jr., in the Seventh vvaid. 011 S.ituulav night last, Apiil 13th. 1SSJ. FIVE IIUNDULO DOLLAUS will also be paid lei the 111 lest and conviction et the pei pei sen or portions who liied the eaipenter shop 011 the eeiiiei et Huke ami Giecu stieets, be longing te Ochs, Halt A Ce .011 Sunday morn ing, Apiillii, 1?S. JOIINT. MACGONIGLh. Muyei fljrri KEIVAKD. 1 WIL.L. PAY TIIKKi: 5hOUU HUNUUEl) DOLLAUS reward for the an est anil conviction of the person or persons who bieke the Fire Aim 111 box. Ne, i2, located at Seuth Christian and Green stieets, en Sunday nieiiiiiig, Apiil bull, lsS2. ami THUEE HUNDHED DOLLARS for the ancst and conviction et the persons who bieke the File Alarm box, Ne. 45, located at West Fred erick anil Market sttcets, en Sunday meining April lGth, lisi JOHN T. MACGONIGLE, aprl7tf)l 01 .TTPICE LAWCASTIJB GAS I.1GUT AN1 Fuel Ce. LACA3TER. April 15. 18Si. Hebleis el the following numbers et the Mortgage Bends et the above company, new due, issued te the Lancaster Gas Company, may have them lcnevved ler net less than 15 ycats at e per cent, inteiest. uponpiesenta upenpiesenta uponpiesenta lienatthc banking house el Messis. KceilA; Hendersen, at any tune pner te May 1st. next, when a contract ter renewal will be stamped upon the bends. The 1 enewal bends will have the security et the original 11101 tgage which is a lien upon the piepcrty of the company. Any bondholder who docs net ilceire te re new ills bend upon the above terms can re ceive the principal el his bend and accrued interest. It net presented for payment or continua tion, all interest en the same will cease en and after the 1st day et May, l&tf. 100 BONDS-: Nes. 1. 3, 7, .), 13, 13, 17, 19, 21. 25,27, 20, 31, 33, 37, 3'J, 41, 43, 43. 4"). 51, .Ti. 57, 61, 03, (.7,(0, 71, 73, 75, 70, SI. S3, S7, 91. 93, '15, 97, 101, 103, 103. 107. 10-I, 113, 115, 117. 119, 121, 12$. 125. S500 BONDS : Nes. 2, C. Id, 12, 14, 10, IS, 20, 22, 20, 30, 32, 30, 38, 40. 42, 44, 40, 48, 30, 52, 54, 58, 00, 02. "4. $1,000 BONDS : 5, 7, 11, 13, 17. 19 21. 2t, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, :", II, 45, 47, 31. 53, 53, 37, 01, 03, 05, 0'J, 71, 73, 73, 77, 79. J. 11. BAUMGAliDNEK. al5-JJtd Tieastner. WE HAVJi TUh UAMMel.Ui:ST ANI finest window display in the city. Don't tail te see it. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, NECKTIES, MUFFLERS, POCKET-BOOKS, AUTOGRAPH AND PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CIGAR CASES, ERISMAN'S,. M RORI 4JVJEJKK XJtBBT, HO. iliDery ana Tun ASTKJCU BKOlf. AHTERT1SXMXXT. HTRICH BKOV ADVERTISEMENT. ASTEICH BE08-' PALACE -OF- FASHION ON WEDNESDAY AND- THURSDAY, APRTL 26 27, 1882 HE SHALL HOLD Otrii GRAND SPRING OPENING WE fiXTniND OUR MOST CORDIAL INVITATION TO ALL. TO COME AMD INSPECT THE ENORMOUS DISPLAY OF SPRING SPRING -AND SUMMER SUMMER Wihall Exhibit en these Beys. WWM mm wmm THIED EDITIOIT. THURSDAY EVEN'Q, APRIL 20, 1882, THAT MAKGIML NOTE. HCHA.KERT BGfOBE THE COMAIITT. The Peruvian Minuter 's Brether Explain'n Sblpherd's (JMcanery and Deceit HI View or Blaine Advice te "Ue in, Stephen." Washington, D. C, April 20. William Henry Hurlbert appeared before the for eign affairs committee te day. In refer ence te bis acquaintance with Shipberd be said Sbipherd sent bim a message that be (tihipherd) desired te see witness. In December Shipberd sent another message, 2nd in this second note he saw that Shin- I herd riEhcci tc nij.Lt :l ipccsr that wit- n3 TJntca ty bim. -hen such I "d. net thc -,ue bj -2- mtn-. The f '.lerk thru itid f'reVa bhichcrd's teti menj hia description of the mter'-iew batwSL-n hinnelf (Shipberd) and Hr. Hurlbert, in which the latter is accredited with saying that he had been and held in his hands a dispatch from Mr. Blaine te Minister Hurlbeit,upen which was wiittcn a marginal note, "Ge in, Stee." Witness leplied : "The whole ua:iatie of this conversation with me is au absolute aud profound misiepreseutatieu of the facts. He sought an inteniew with me and gave me a long uairativc of bis rela tions with Blaine, aud complained bitterly of his treatment by the sccietary. There i.s no tiutb in bis statement that I told bim I bad seeu such a dispatch with the mar ginal i jte. The story Shipberd gave of the instiuctiens sent te Minister Hurlbeit with ceutraiy construction upon the margin was an old story and Mr. Hurlbeit fust heard of itthieugb the Peiuian minister, from whom he gained the impression that Blaine had said a marginal note had been placed ou the letters of instiuctiens te in dicate bis leal views. I supposed when buiplieiu told me the story that Blame had intimated te iShiphcrd that the maig iual nete might have becu bent te com plcte instructions in the hotly el a dis patch." Witness said bis relations with Blaine weie of a friendly character aud eiiginated entirely out of the situatieu attending the assassination of the incident ami liis (witnebs1) intcicbl inhu lu ether who was minister te I'eui. In leply te fiuther ouetiens witness said he understood GaiGcld's policy was te give cllcct te the Calderon government and biing about peace in Seuth .Vmciica without spoliation of the tcuitery of Peiti. Witness never had much faith iu Blaine's methods, aud always considered him a political ilirt, though pciseually he liked bim, and witness' brother had great confidence in Blaine. Witness testified that Blaine had never iudicatcd te him disappieval of the course of bis brother, the minister, and the latter in letters te bis brother cxpiesMsd gieat asteuibument anu inaignatien at ine le proof admiui.stcicd iu the state depaibment dispatches last December. One letter from Minister Hurlbert dcclaicd Shipher.l an indefatigable nuisance, and the wiitcr hoped Randall would call for allthcpapcis in the dep at incut iu lcleicncc te him and his affairs. He ( Hurlbctl) had icccived Ins ideas of the Seuth Ameiiciu policy of the government iu a personal talk with Gariield and Blaine, but he noticed iu Blaine's letter te him a manifest disposition te hedge and fcaied he would be lccalled. IJV 1TlIt. Afternoon Tdlegrams Coiulensed. The visiting New Yerk soldiers in Phil adelphia have icturned home. A revenue cutter instead of the Iroquois will be heut te the relief of the Bedcis. Mis. Sceville, Guiteau's sister, has started from Chicago for Washington. One woman was killed aud a number of people injured by the storm at Scott Dale, AVcstmereland county last night. Houses were demolished and ether dam age inflicted. The storm was also eij' severe at Peuusville. The trial of Hallct Kilbeuiu agaiubt Jehn G. Thomsen begau iu the district court this morning, and is expected te oc cupy hcveral days. He sues te recover $100,000 for alleged false imprisonment when Thompson was seigcaut-at arms of the Heuse of Representatives. Newton & Thompson's factory, atBiau atBiau den, Vt., burned tbis morning ; less 320, 000, iusurauce $10,000. Lighting destroyed Denas Bcisels bain and four head of cattle, near Nazareth, last night. It also struck the Lehigh Valley railroad station at Slatington. The Virginia Senate, by a vote of 18 te 15, refused te concur in the Heuse resolu tion providing for a recess of the General Assembly until the 7th of June uext. Judge Wylie this morning everruled the motion made by the defendants in the Star Reuto cases te compel the prosecu tion te furnish a bill of particulars as te overt acts charged. James Deal, aged 17, jumped from a moving tiain this morning, near Steclten, and was fatally injured. The Red river at St. Vincent, Minn., is 40 feet above low water maik aud still rising. Much damage has been done aud mere is appicbendcd. Jobu Lutz is the euly one of the tiich inncis sufferers at Bridesburg whose con ditien is deemed serious. A stranger who pretended te be a work man sent te repair the furniture iu the house of Samuel C. Helmes, deputy col lector of city revenue in New Yerk, rob bed the safe of $5,150. MAJtKKTR. railaileipma AlArkeu PniLADBLPHlA, Apiil 20. Fleur nun. but niaiket quiet; S-iiperflnc at $.1 754 50; Kxti.i $5(ei5 75 ; Ohie and Indiana t-im-ilv, $0 50,7 25 : Penn'a family, $6 -23e 50. Bye flour at $5 00. Wheat firmer; Ne 2 WcMein Bed, $1 17 1 47JS : Del. and Pa. Ued, $1 47gl 4'J ; de Am ber, n 4-isi ri. Cern euict and easier: Steamer at 'mc ; Yellow, at !)lc ; Mied at tOff'jec : Mixed at 9JSa0c. Oats dull, but about steady ; Ne. 1 ImJc;Ne. 2 de 02c; Ne. a de CO&Mc; Ne. J W bite, i Ne. Mixed, Btj."yc. Bycscarceand wanted ut OOgOif. Previsions steady. Lard- steady. Butter slngglRh and weak; Cieamciy i-tna Pa.. 31c ; Western, .1133c ; de geed te choice 2S30c. Bells dull ; Pcnna and Western, 10g25e as te quality. Kggs firm : Penn'a., 18lSc ; Western 17J 18c. Cheese btcady, with lair demand. Petroleum dull ; Ketined, VA. Whisky at $1 21. Seeds geed te prime clever dull at 7gSc: de de Timethy dull at i2 W)2 75 : de Flax seed linn at H 40. new xerK jiiHrnev. Nbw Yerk, April 20. Fleur State and Western a shade stiengerand modem tcly ac tive. Southern quiet andiirm. Wheat lilc higher and unsettled and fair ly active speculative trading ; Ne. 2 Bed, May.$l 49K1 50; de June, $1 4j4il .W; de July, fl S361 34'; de August, $1 2l)i Cern Jlc better and fnlrly active: Mixed Western spot, &S02c ; future. 8SffieiKc. Oats '4c better : Ne. 2 May, 5757c : de Aug., 50c ; State, 59b3c ; Western, 5802c. Grain ana l'ravisien fjuotatlens. One o'clock quotations el grain and prevl Ions, furnished by S. K. Yundt, Breker, 15 r,ast King sircet. April 20. Chicago. Cern Oat .77 .BOJi Perk It 25 Lard 1LS0 11.4JX MT... L47 L4 h2B 4VM. July.. Wheat May... 1.8l JlUM... UK ridlMIlBU. care sieck market. Chicago. Bess Receipts, 2.500 head ; ship ments, 7,000 head ; market, strong, generally active and 310c higher ; common te geed mixed. $6 70 7 20; heavy packinirandshipping $7 237 62 : light at $6 707 20 ; skips and culls ai w DUtf" -J ; cieseu ramer wear, due aneui all sold. Cattle Keceij.ts. 5,000 bead; shipments, 1,500 head; general demand weak and market slug gish and 10c lower; experts. $7 103750; geed te choice shinninr. $ C07 ; common te lair. $5 75gm0; mlicd butchers' fairly active and firm : peer te fair, ti 7534 -25 : geed te cheiee. $1803550; grass Texans, $t 5025 60 ; dteekers nnd leedcrs W 505 1-5. Sheep Keceipts, 1,S00 head; shipments, 2,00 head ; market steady and in lair demand: inferior te fair. W 5 75 : medium te geed ?J 20 Q 50 ; choice te fcUra, $6 7567. East Libkett Cattle Receipts, 175 head. Market firm ; best cattle. $7 2537 75 ; lair te geed, $67 ; common. $."i50fitJ. Hogs Keceipts. SCO head. Market active and Aim : Philadelnhias. J710i2760. Yerkew. $: 7 2e. Sheep Keceipts, 1.000 head. Mjrket firm ; "res:?.! f2". cllpved, $5 5CSS. m KB. sj- ivrX.. J".Ud?lp!l!i. s- ' " -' "5. ajtj Iilt6tl Jrtilt"' 3C',,1-1 9CCItS ' " '. Jacb 5 L' x'e. .2 -"!t; u'"' treci L'JO "l.CJ S.i, A. M. V V.JI. C. I.SI.UH.K Del., Lack. & Western Denei & Kle Gi-ande N. V . Lake Krie & Western.. Ka-t Tenn, a Jt Ueeigia .. Misieuii. Kaunas A Texas.... Late Shere Mich. Southern Louisville & Xasliille New Yerk Central New Jeisey Centiui. . Ontaiie Western Omaha Cem .- Omaha l'refeued Puclrtc Mail Steamship Ce . Chicago. Mil. bt. l'anl Texas Pacific , Wabash. l.ju!s & 1'aciHc. Western Union Tel. Ce Pennsylvania K. K Kading ISuffale Pitts & Went Neillu in Pacific Cem " Picleiied... '. li'sii iiv u'li . t;l'4 Ul?S IW4 . Jb Jt-JiJ 35J . ll'i .... u . .0 -M'A -";s' lffM 101J IU! 74 7.VS -O-i 12b r.Vt 1'f.Vi 72 " 7J, 7Ui 27 l.t "' .i'."" .43. yi '.I'i nevi J.'a -0: i iiej u1a iie't eVd w 3? '."I 25t li, .hi' 20 S2J 62 SI'i -'A 23J4 k;4 v;4 H ' ' Lecal stecKs nnd Benus. r ir .1. I.., I sab. Je 107.: 120 " I2l 10 112 i 'i ;-er ct. Leaii. 'ae l?'-2.. ilir.) 1(H KM 1011 10O lee i" Km im) lee IV... ' ' per ct.t n ler M j-ears. " 5 per ct. Scheel Lean... 4 ' in 1 or 2n years. ' 4 " m 5 or 31 yuH. ! " in 10 OL-2D jt.l' MaiihUiii boieugh lean le-2 1(12.-0 1(12 BANK STOCKS. fiibt National JSank 5100 Fanneit' National Hank sn Fulton National Kank H'O Lane.Htei County Natieieil l;u... .VI Celuuilna National Hank 100 Knlu-ata National l'.ank IW Fiidt National Hank, Columbia.. .. nie tilht Natienul llauk, Sti.ubuiK lee Fiist National Hank, .Mauetta . ... H Fir-t National Hank, Mount .lej .. 0i iatit. National llank KK Manlieiui National Hank Iikj Union National Hank. Mount .ley. :e New Helland National ISank loe MI-ICELLANEOU- llONDS. Qiiai r ville It. K., due 1U $ihi Ke.uliuX Columbia U. Iilue l--2 Kki l.untaster Watch"Ce., due lvrfl bit l.anat.ter lint Light nnd i tiel Ce., due in 1 or'.O jen lue Lancaster Gas ljiitLaml I uel Ce., iluelh! 1K) 1?5 Kl.s1 ll)- H".75 147 1.I2.T0 m..:e i ;i..".m 21 N I 1 15 75 I In is : 7.5ll ir. iii KH) H'5.50 100 ion 2.2". 2l '! .VI 1211 IllSCKLLANCOCS STOCKS. Otmm ville li. K .$ 5 . .Hi . 50 . i"0 . 25 . 100 Millcrvillctreet Cur Inquirer Prin tmg Cem pan - Watch Fai teiy (las Lihtand Fuel Cenip my... btevein Heuse Columbia tins Company Columbia Water Company Susquehanna lien Cempuuy.... Marietta Hellew waie Ste'iis Heuse Sicily Inland L:nt ISj-andy wine , W.ii ni"l)g MHli'isMllc eiui:tl Scheel TURNI'lKKT CKg. spniig.v l!eaer alley Itildgi'peil A lloiehoe Celiiiiilna A, CtiOidtiitl Hill Celuinbl.i X Waohingten Celumbi.i A. IJIg bpnng , Lam aster ,v Lpluata Lam a-ier H Willow Stieet , Strasburg & Millpeit , Marietta & Mayleun , M.iiielta& Mount .lev Lane .Klizabetlit'n AMiddlet'n. Iaiucastcr A Fruttville. Lancaster A Lititz Laneaster A Willianntewn Lancaster A Maner , Lancaster A Maiihelm Lancaster & Maiietta Lancister A New Helland liiicaster A Susquehanna 1(10 100 fiO .VI 170 4r,e t 1 .? 25 f 10.2' w il 25 is 20 18 47.2.5 21 40 40.15 (.0 50 ll.50 55 I i.:.le 4.; i 25 25 25 100 50 25 25 50 1(10 .;oe .v i-OI,ITlVslL. rinc .iuky cuMMissiuNi-:!;. siiiiiirie run DEcibieN or tiii: patic UICMT ONtMIO. William Kllmake:, Lull Tewnabiji. Meiiiainin llubei, Mb Waul. Cit. .Ir-ieuie 1!. fchult7, Lliabetbtewn. County Cenuuittee Meeting. The Hcineeiatic County Ceinnilttee will mi-ct at SliebeiN Hetel, this city, at 10 a.m., en -MONDAY, APB1L 31, 1S-S2, te li the time ler the County Convention and te tiaiisitct vithethci lu(-niess.i!5 may be hi ought beteie it. W. V. IIENSEL, Chatiuian. Lm Aifcit. P., Apul 10, lsy2. ilAw h'OK 1701S 1CKNT. An KLbOAM SlOi:.. UOOM, 4SI5 luet, elee te N01 thei n Mai kel, and opjiesitu the Kej stene lleiihc. Ne. 2IJ North Qm en stieet. Inquitcat npilO-tfd 2llNOBTIliUKKN bTBKLT. I)I(I1K HAT, AYLSTI.KN CO K.N AND Oats ler sale at Leaman Place alall times at maiicet pnees. Al?e, COAL AND LUMURK. l213md II. II. BOHULU. IIA F ok sali:. ammmk.nsk nu.uiski: or HOUSES, STOKES, IJUILD1NG LOT-.. Ac, efall deeiiptieiis. In all localities and at all pi ice?. SMV CATALOGUE, with pi ices, tiee te eeiy one. ALLAN A. HKlti; .V CO, decJ-bmd a Neith Puke stie t. PllIVATK sAtr.-THK UflDhKSKi.Nhll etrers at private tale the following le le beilbedpiepeity, te nit : All that very aluable Mini, CONTAINING 17 ACltKS, 111010 or le-s, situated en the eolith sidcef East King btieet, in the city et Lancas tci, immediately oppe-tltp the Lancaster coun ty piiaen, anil adjoining lards et Heruian Miller, Jacob S. Sillier and lamh et the Diiec teis et the Peer et Lancaster county. Thin!-, one of the most desjiabhi and valua ble pieces of leal estate in the county of Lan caster ; has a geed DWLLLING IIOCSE and out-houses, with geed 15am and ether im provements. It is p.utieulaiH- laluable lei building let.-,, being in the very bet pait of the city of Lime ister, and especially mlapli d for a Huck lai m. The entiiu piece is lant out in building lets. Fer fiuther imoiinatlen cill en HENRY SHl'IJEltT, Auctioneer and Beal EMate Agent, Ne. (! Ceuit Avenue, wheie the dialt et lid piepcrty can be m en. 111 jij tld pAlSKKU'M IiAIK KALaAM. A pcitect dieting, elegantly pcilumed and harmless. Bcdteies color and prc ents baldncsa. All Faimci, Metbcis", ilusiues', Men, Me chanics, Ac., avIie aie xiied out by weik or worry, and all who aie miserable with dywpep aia, rheumatism, neuralgia, bowel, kidney or liver complaint, you can be invigeiated and cuicd by using If jeu aie wasting away with Consumption, Age, or any disease or weaknew, you will find the Tonic a HIGHLY IN V1GOKATING MED ICINE THAT NEVEB INTOXICATES. Nene genuine without signatuie et IIiscex A Ce. 50c. and $1 sizes at dealers In drugs. Laige avlng by buying Jl size. aplO-lmu INSTATE OF CATUAKISE TSHCDT, !i late of the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the undersigned, all persons indebted te said decedent aie requested te make immediate settlement, and these having claims or uemands against the estate el said decedent, te make known the sanle te the un designed -without delay. TOBIAS JOHNSON, Execnter. Or C. IIOFFJf AM, Ne. 33 North Duke Street. ml4-Ctd,eaw T7.STATE OF tifSUKUfS MAK1IN EMM, Letters 12J late el Lancaster City, deceased. testamentarv en said estate havlD tr been Krant- ed te the undersigned, all person indebted te Mid decedent ax requested te make Im aie.dle.ta aettlemamt. and the hsvrlna: elaima or demaatU acsinst fhevestata et said deeedent te make known the Mme te the undersigned wiuxrac aeiay, reining in iiannawex city. UHBISTIAK HAQKLOAK8, B. T. Davis, Exeeuter. Attorney. m6-td.eaw JOBX tTAJTAJlAKEn'S. JOHN WANAMAKER'S, PHILADELl'HIA. THURSDAY: The dolman ulster has quite taken the place of the common ulster. It is essentially a plain dolman reaching te the bottom of the dress all around and gathered into the shape of the neck beinnin the shoulders. aiti rne Mettic r iuDt?Hrd tasp lie''. hc triniinii!- i a.nd nicirt aiuiquc. inere are many shapes, of sleeves and ways of putting in. In this and in the various colors and textures et the cloths the variety chiefly consists. 1JH1 Chestnut. White pongees are net scarce here: though thev are verv scarce in the wholesale market ; $1 and $1 .25. Buff foulards, Se cent. Mere buff pongees are expected very seen. NcAl-eutei tiiele. southeast liem ceiilie. Black abatress 40 inches wide. 37 i cents. Don't mistake this for the Lupin's that we have been selling lately at the same price. This is 10 inches wider, but net se fine. That was worth 00 cents ; tins 50. Black lace-buntings at half price, I2j cents: cotton-and-wool. Noxt-eutei circle, Chestliut-stieet eiitiance. 1'Vench feule light, of uncom monly fine texture, and with a twill likedeeskin ; various colors; .3 inch, $1.35. Cadet blue of even finer quality, $1.50. French all-wool armures of canvas and line-cord patterns, 60 and $ cents ; .j3-inch ; all the geed colors, including cadetlplue. Thud Liicle, southeast liem eentie. Ladies' underwear of both sorts, American factory work and French convent work, asks te be looked at by these who still make then rewn.andbv these who bu at random. Of the French ;ay is that we all we need te have a variety of chosen styles. The French is pretty well mad' generally. American we regu late, as if we made it ourselves. It is made just le our liking, i.e.. about as well as underwear can be made; and justte yeurliking; . e., plain, ne,t-qiiite plain, a little ornate, rather ornate and rich with fine tuckingand embroidery. But, whether plain or net, we in sist that it is well made, and of mateiials exactly- suited te its several grades..;-- A trade se useful, se tributary te your real interest, eutht te grew faster We a re doing en r part well. WWyeu leek at the s'-wing, the muslins, the cam brics, the embroideries, the styles, the prices? x-. West et Chi stnut sticet eutiauce. - Beautiful Swiss of a dozen patterns has come at a time when there's almost nothing new in the outside market. Haifa-year age we sent sketches of thirteen patterns te the makers at St. Gall; and se we get the goods. In a few months ether merchants.will have them. Hew shall we commend them te you ? There's a limit te effects in white en this almost transpa rent white fabric. Patterns that may be beautiful in a sketch, or in goods having the aid of colors, may turn out net at all satisfac tory in Swiss. Se one of these thirteen appears te be a failure; but we think ourselves fortunate that se many as twelve are beau tiful. The Swiss Js, fine also. 65 cents a yard. Nct outer circle. City-ii .U-squuiecntiaiice. Mahogany and cherry bed room suites have lately had the attention that we believed they would have, when we gathered the remarkable collection of them of the past few months. Nearly every ,one en hand new has come within a few weeks. Most of them are costly. Neith gallery. JOHN WANAMAKER. Chestnut, Thirteenth and ilarket sticcu and City-hall square. PHILADELPHIA. TTkavh spjsciric aiildiuixc. this VjT Great English Remedy. An unfailing cure for bemtnal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, Impetcncy, and all Diseases that fellow a- a scquence of Self-Abuse ; as less of Memery. Universal Lassitude. Fain In the. Back, Dim ness et Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature Grave. Fall par ticulars in our pamplet, which we desire te send tree by mall te every one. The Specific Medicine Is sold by all druggists at tl par paek paek paek age,orslxpaekageatori.orwlUbssBitCree by mail en the reostptet th vemer, ty ad dresslngTHX ttKAT MXBICUTa OO., JidhJe. N. z. On account et eenmtarfslta, we hare adopted tbaTaUewWiapper; the only genuine. Guarantees of enre leaned by na. Fer sale in Lancaster by B. 9. Cochran, 17 Kerth Queen street. aprlMydfcw