LANCASTER DAILY fNTELLlGENCKK MONDAY APRIL 17, 1882. NOTABLE NEWS. KhLATEU IK BRIEF PAKAUBAPHP. Gathered from tt Peer Corners el tee World. The German Reichstag lias been con veked for the 27th inst , The president has approved the act au thorizing the construction of a bridge across the Missouri river near St. Charles Me. The bridge at Columbus, Pa., en the New Yerk, Pennsylvania & Ohie railway, was burned Saturday. One hundred and forty-five feet of the span of a new bridge was completed by Sunday night. Benjamin Jenes, the son of a well to-de fanner in Gorden county, . Georgia, shot aud killed Charlie Payne, a negre, at Cal Cal heuu, aud has succeeded in escaping arrest. Postmaster GcuoralUewe has addressed :i letter te the Heuse committee en appre- pri.itieus asking for an appropriation of $17,000 te defray the cost of two eleva tors in tbe postefEco department build in?. The three-year-old boy, Freddie Lutz, one of the childrcu of the family at Uridcsburg that was sickened by eating diseased bam en last Sunday, has died. This is the second death from the same cause. "But little hope is sustained that the ethers will survive Ex-Governer Burbauk, of Dakota, new posteuice inspector, has received notice that there were leund among Jesse James effects a uine hundred dollar diamond pin and watch and chain, taken from him in a htagc robbery, near Het Springs, Arkan MiS cij;ht years age. In I'.uavcr county J. S. Rutan waselect cl senatorial dclegate te the Republican s,t:itc convention, and II. C. Fry aud J. H. Cunningham representative delegates, and wcie instructed te vote for General Beaver for governor ; A. M. Brown for supreme judge and Mr. Christman for secretary of internal affairs. An accident occurred at Fisher's ero bank, near Lecspert, by which two men Jehn I). Fisher and Anreu F. Bucks, were killed, and Geerge RissniilJcr and Themas Necckcr were injured. They were exca ating a bank of earth which caved in. The captain aud a beat's wcw of the British ship Norval, from Hull, with coal t- San Francisce, arrived at Honolulu March 20. The Neival was burned March 4, 13.30 north latituc, 12 longitude. A beat with .the lirst ellicer aud the re mainder of the crew are yet te be heard horn. Tiustwerthy merchants from Moscow cpert that eighty workmeu who were employed ou the Uspauski cathedral weie .irrestcd en Hely Saturday iu oenscqueueo f the discovery of a miue under that cdi lice, in which it is intended that the cero nieny of the coronation of the Czar shall take place. D. J. Pi ice, postmaster of Bay View, and a leading politician of Wisconsin, has committed buicide by blewiug out his brains with a revolver. He failed iu busi ness recently, and had been drinking for the past few mouths. He had au alteica alteica lieu with his wife aud shot himself im mediately afterward. The English conservatives arc making political capital at all the naval pests ever The acceptance of contracts for American beef for the navy. There is a mmer that ike gevcrnmcut iutcuds te abolish the cur ing establishment of Dcptferd, and are in favor of a system of obtaining supplies by contract from private lirnis. The will of the late Isaac S. Ostciheut, jf Wilkesbaric, bequeathes te his wife and relatives $104,000. The balauce of his estate, amounting te $350,000, is donated in trust te his excuuteis, who aie in structed te erect a building and purchase a library andte keep it ceustautly open te the public as a free institution. It is understood that when the Masen case comes before the United States su preme court, for a hearing ou thn petition ter a writ of Jutbcns corpus, the attorney general will challenge the right of the court te take original jurisdiction in the case en the ground that the question could only properly ba brought te that court ou appeal. A man named G hidings is iu the western part of Westmoreland county giving away what he calls Russian eats te the farmers and taking an agreement te pay one-half of the product as an equivalent. Last year he was aieuud with alleged Chili wheat and succeeded in swindling tbe farmers out of nearly $20,000 in the ag. gregatc ou this same tclieme. His present game is the same as that of last year. Anether Charlie Kegs Case. Washington circles arc deeply interested regarding the disappearance of a little four year-old son el a Mrs. Dickerseu, who is visiting Representative llubbell, of Mich igan, the little fellow, with several com panions, was playing ii: front of the beuse, which is ou Iuv.a ciiele. iu the ueithwest ci 11 part of the city, when he was decoyed away by a strange man and has net since been heard of. A man aud a boy auswei iug tbe description of the missing lad left the city Friday night en the south bound train, and, it is stated, get off at Brandy station, Virginia, the scene of a lively skirmish during the late war. The de tectives were acquainted with the facts of the abduction, and stimulated by the pro pre pro mise of a reward of $8,000 are scouring in every direction for the fugitive and his prisoner. It is suspected that the man who stele the child had him concealed in the citv aud that his capture is only a question of time. The reason assigned for the abduction is that the father of the lad had angered a crowd of ruffians at his home in Wisconsin aut' out of revenge they stele his child, thinking te get cveu and at the same time secure a large reward from the parents. Information from a reliable source estab lished the fact that the man who did the work, after going into Virginia with his captive, became frightened and suddenly returned te the city. Mr. Hubbellalse srul that the little boy had been repre sented te be his grandseii.'but this was impossible, as he did net have auy chil dren who were old enough te be married. The stolen ad was the child of an old friend of the family, aud he had interested himself in his recovery solely upon that ground. The parents were almost dis tracted and had volunteered te give all that they could raise te have their son re turned te them unharmed. Easily Proves.-. it is easily proven that 111a ,arial fevers, constipation, tei-piditv or the liver and kidneys, general debility, nervous ness, and neuralgic ailments yield readily te this great disease conqueror, Hep Bitters. It repairs the ravage et disuasc by converting the feed into rich bleed, and it gives new lire and vigor te the aged and Infirm al aj s. anl'Swd&w A Slguincant Fact. The cheapest medicine in use is Themas' Eclectric Oil, because ae very little et it is re quired te effect a cure. Fer croup, diphtheria and diseases of the lungs and t hi eat, whether used for bathing the chest or threat, ler taking- internally or- inhaling. It Is a matehles-s compound. Fer sale at IL B. Cochran's drii" itere, 137 N'erth Queen street. Lancaster. " A Skillful Preparation Composed of roots, barks, and plants, that act in harmony, anil are a pleasant and directive medicine, constitute Burdock IJloel Bitters, of which highly commendatory .reports are being constantly received. I'rlcc $1. Ker sale at 11. B. Cochran's drugstore, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. TIEADTHIS ti I-AJreASTKK, r a.. April 28, 1S8L- uenuu, gives me mucu pleasure te sa te be.- that after us ilngone pack el K10NETCUUA 1 have been cntlrelv cured of a severe nnln in ray back and side, of long standing, ami that, tee, after trying 'various known remedies. 1 liave every confidence in your medicine, cheerfully recommend It, and knew that ni any of my mends who have used it have been benefited. ' PETER BAKES, maeiyd Foreman Examiner ana Express. MEDICAL. wen AlfDBXW'a AKBE1CAX QUXXW. CLEOPATRA OR THE Queen of Sheba's Beaut J. WAS BUT SKIN D0P. J iX!SSfS& tTVlWSSS 1 royal rellnue, the pasLhad she net also possessed that whlph it. i... emvninir crierv of tbe female neraen a skin unchallenged for IU Oriental softness audits transcendental purity. Cleopatra, holding emperors at bay, and rullng'emplre I by her word, had quickly lest her charm and I power by one attack el el pimples l or 01 nerriu tan aim liecKica. WOMAN RULES THE WORLD by her beauty, net lea than by her partly et character, lerllness el disposition and unsel fish devotion. Indeed, in the estimation or perliaps tee many In a body wuscs precedence ever every ether consideration. Reality thus forms an Important part et woman's " working capital,'' without which, tee many (It net bankrnpt in what relate te Influence within the circle where they move), are powerless ler great geed.- Hence wh sec net only the propriety but the duty of every lady preserving with zealous care that which te Jim Is essential te success and Influ ence and usefulness in life. And.since 'beauty is but skin deep," the utmost care and vljrl luice are required te guard it against the many Ills that flesh is heir te. Among the great and annoying enemies et beauty, or EITHER SEX, as well m et comfort, happiness and health, ure these pestiferous and horrid skin diseases tetters, humors, eczema (salt rheum), rough ttnd scaly eruptions, ulcers, pimples and all diseases el the lialr and scalp. Fer the cure nfuii tlns(i. iir. :. W. itensen. et Baltimore. aficr vcers of patient study and investigation devoted te diseases of the skin,at hist brought lertn his celebrated SKIN CUKE, which has already by its marvelous cures, established itself as the great lcinedy ler all diseases of the skin, whatever be their names or charac ter. 118 bUCCCMH lias uecn liuuivuav uun " n:ii-illelHl. All drusxists have It. It is ele uuntly put. up, two bottles jci one pacaagp. Internal and external treatment, l'rlce, 1.00. EVEBVONE 1'ilAISES. feick headache, nervous headache, neuralgia nervousness, paralysis, dyspepsia, sleepless nets and brain diseases, positively cured by lr. C. W. Bensen's Celery and Chamomile Tills. They contain no opium, quinine or ether huiinful drug. Sold by all druggist. Price. SOc. per box, 1 rer two, tiSO ler six ; postage Ixee. l)n. C. W. Bknsen. Baltimore, Md. CI1AS. N. CKIXTKNTON, 115 IfnHen St., New Yer. sole iment for Dr. C. W. Bensen's remedies. apl-lmd.MW&S&wH HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED Fei Rfjuarlcr el a century or nieie Hoslet Heslet ter's btemaeh Billeis has been the leigntng bleclllc et indigestion, dyspepsia, lever and acue, a ler.s el jihysieal stamina, liver com plaint and ether !lterders, and has been most emphatically endorsed by medical men as a health and strength restorative. It counter acts a tendency te premature decay, and sus tains aud comforts the aged and Infirm. Fer bale by all Drnggists ami Dealers gen erally, febl-lydeed&w B KNSON'8 1'OKOUS I'l.ASTEKS- Of BENSON'S CAPCINE PLASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED And their excellent reputation injured by worthless imitations. The public are cautioned against buying Plasters having similar sounding names. Sce that the word C-A-P-C-I-N-E is correctly spelled. h Are the only improvement ever made in Plasters. One is worth mere than a dozen of any ether kind. Will positively euro where ether reme dies will net even relieve. Price, 25 Cents. Roware of cheap Plasters made with lead poisons. SEABURY & JOHNSON, MANuvACTunma Chemists, New Yerk. A SURE REMEDY AT LAST. l'rlce 25 Vents. MEAD'S MEDICATED CORN AND BUNION PLAS'lEli. aul7 Swd.eedAw cow-3 BOOKS AND STATIONERY. TASTBK CAKDS! AMERICAN AND IMl'OltTKI) EASTER CARDS! IH GREAT VARIETY AT L. M. FLYNN'S JiOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, . 48 West King Street. JOHK tAKK'S SONS. NOVELTIES, FOlt THE EASTER SEASON! irLAIN AND FK1NGED Easter Cards, EASTER FANS AND SACHETS, EASTER BOOKS. At th3 Bookstore cf Jelui Baer's Sens, Nee. 15 & 17 North Queen Street. STOMACH BITTERS BEW Mi CnePern TOHN 8. UIVLKR M.S AOTXRIIiUUKT. NEW DRESS GOODS, - - NEW SILKS AND SA TINS. j is r. r . . 3" ' A Splendid Assortment of ITew StyleTaras61s7iist Opened. - A& NEW TIKP AiRTTTRPT T We are,nfew marking a&giinlBfniieB, at a 8maU Profit, te 'insure rapid sales, and will have ONE PRICE ONLY. JOHN Ne. 25 EAST KING JNO. S. GIVLER. M VERS, RATHFON ArCO. GENTLEMEN, we have new in stock a Pine Assertmeut of SERGES GENTLEMEN, we have new in stock a Fine Assortment of ENGLISH .the Fashionable Celers. DMT GOODS. NBW SPRING GOODS AT THE NORTH END DRY GOODS STORE. BARGAINS IN EYEKY LI.NEer tiOODS. LADIES HOSE at5c.a pair. MISSES' and CHILDREN'S HOSE in large variety and very cheap. GENT'S HALF-HOSE at 5e. a pair. NEW VICTOUIA LAWNS, including alotef Vcmnants at 40 per cent less Hum regular prices. NEW INDIA LINENS. NEW LACES, NEW DKESS GOODS. BLEACHED MUSLINS In half pieces at fc. a a yard ; rcgulur price 10c. J. W. BYRNE, 322 NORTH QUEEN STREET, il-lyd LANCASTER. I'A. pLOSlNO OtTI AT AND BELOW COST. My entire stock et DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, Etc. IS FOR SALE AT AND BELOW COST. This Is a nn e chance ler GOOD BAKGATNS. AS I DAVK AM IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS, On hand, which were all purchased ler cash. J. M. LONG, J21-tld 14 NORTH QUEEN STREET. J.B MAKTIN & CO. GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT. Thenianulucturerset the PEARL SHIRT desire by this method te thank the public for their appreciation et this celebrated garment, as evinced by the gicatly in creased demand, as well its by the con tinual receipt et testimonials of satisfac tion with the tame. The PKARL SHIRT is manufactured cither with open or closed boberas and a lit always guaranteed, l'rlce Sl.OO. A full line el I'RINT and I'KRCALK SHIRTS just received. All prices Irem 25c. up. Thrsn shirts are cut ever the same pattern as the Tcarl Shirt and guaranteed tellt. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANCASTER. l'A. N KTXT UOOK TO COUUT HOUSK, FAHNEST0CK. Black Silks, Black Silks, At 50, 65, 75, 87i. $1, $25 Up. OUR n BLACK SILK IS EXTRA GOOD KOR THE MONE1'. BLACK AND COLORED MOllIUE. Over TWENTY DIFFERENT SHADES these Goods for Trimming. et BLACK BROCADES, At SO, 75, 87, 81, $1.25, $1.50, $2, Black Cashmere, Black Cashmere. Direct from Importers, In JET and 11LUE BLACK. Choicest Cashmere Imported. Our Stock el New Goods tlen ler el every Dcscrip- SFRINtf AM) SUMMER, Never was as Complete as it is at the present time. AU at our usual Lew Trices. 500 Gossamer Waterproofs, Fer Ladies, Gents. Reys and Girls, made te our own order, specially for us. SS-EVERT GARMENT WARRANTED. FAHTfESTOCK, NEXT DOOR TO COURT HOUSE, LANCASTER, FA. B. HAKTIH, Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds of LUMBKB AND COAL, 4Vfard: Ha 4 Nertt Water and IPrrnee treete abo?Lae JLancsgtet. nS-lyO. CLOTHIMO. i . 7 u -4 f 1 l-k ' i - a S. GI VLER STREET, VIereliaiit Tailoring! MYEBS, KATHFON DRY HOODS xirr ATT, SIIAND St CO. Watt, Shand & Ce., Invite the attention of Ladies te their Hosiery Department. Over One Hundred Styles and Celers at 8c 10c.,-12c., 17c, 20C., 25c. LADIES' REGULAR MADE GERMAN HOSE at 20c and 25 cts. a pair. : LADIES', GENTLEMEN'S and CHILDREN'S LISLE THREAD. BALBRIGGAN and FANCY HOSIERY, at very LOW TRICKS. GLOYES, GLOVES. Lisle Thread Gloves, Silk Faflclar Gloves Fester's Patent Heek, Thread and KID GLOVES. In great variety and moderate piices. OUR 3-BUTTON KID GLOVE at $1.00 la the best imported for the inoney buy them. We arc new showing an elegant assortment et LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, WITH FAKCT BORDERS. New Luces, Lace Ficlms, Lace Cell-us, Linen Cellar, Combination, Swiss and Everlasting Trimmings, An immense line of Deesa Buttens, Fringes and Passe menteries at Popular Prices, NEW YORK STORE, 8-10 EAST KING STREET. "ItAKUAINS JN BLACK SILKS AT HETZKER & HAuuIMAN'S New Cheap Stere. BLACK SILKS at eOe. BLACK SILKS at C5c. BLACK SILKS at 75c. BLACK SILKS at 87e. BLACK SILKS at $1.00. BLACK SILKS at $1.12',. BLACK SILKS et $1.25." BLACK SILKS at $1.50. BLACK SILKS at $1.75. BLACK SILKS at $2.00. These goods were bought in the AUCTION ROOMS of NEW YORK and l'lIILAUELPIA, and are Extra Geed at the Prices. METZGER A AND HAUGHMAN'S NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West King; Street. Between the Cooper HeubC and Serrel Herse Hetel. janH-lyd&w VailTA AND UIiASSWAItA. H IUH & MAKTIN. I - -AT CHINA HALL. Just opened a NEW INVOICE et FANCY GOODS -IN-BISQUE WARE, OPTIC GLASSWARE, MAJOLICA WARE, BOHEMIAN GLASSWARE, Etc. We are centlnunlly adding new articles te our already large assortment. AH articles net satisfactory te Customers will be cheerfully exchanged. Examine our stock belere purchasing. High & Martin, 15 EAST KING STREET PATENTS. WM. H. BACCOCK. .rd3 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. Fermeily an Examiner in the U. 8. Patent Office ; aiterward. Associate Attorney et Jacob Stautrcr, esq., of Lancaster, Pa., until tholat thelat ter's death, would be pleased te near from In venters et Lancaster and neighboring cenn ties, and is still prepared te attend carefuU andpremptly te all Patent business at medex atewtee.- - 1an3I-3maftw Fancy FnyHs -- . & CO. 1 LANCASTER, PENN'A. GEO. F. KATHVON. in all the most Fashionable Celers. OHBVIOTS with silk imelure in all & CO. CLOTHING. FRIKO AND 8UMMEK NOVELTIES. AT a GERHART'S !, NO. 0 EAST KING STREET. 1 hereby stock of inform my customers that my SPRING ana SUMMER SUITING, SPRING OVERCOATING & FANCY TESTING is new complete. I have new the laigcstand choicest assortment of WOOLENS, Fer Fine Tailoring n the city el Lancaster. PRICES A8 LOW AS THE LOWEST, and all goods warranted as represented. E GEEKAET. r 1LOT111NU t D. B. HOSTETTER & SON Merchant Tailors and. Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, LANCASTER. WE TAKE PLEASURE IN NOTIFYING THE PUBLIC IN GENERAL THAT OUR STOCK FOR THE SPRING SEASON 76 COMPLETED, AND IT WILL BENE FIT OUR PATRONS TO INSPECT The Large Variety of Goods FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, THE LA TEST IN PATTERN AND COLOR, WHICH WK HA VE ON OUR COUNTERS. I B. Hosteller & Sen 24 CENTRE SQUARE, A NCHORJSP AUAIN, WITH A BETTER DISPLAY OF CLOTHING FOR- Men, Youths, Beys antl Children, THAN EVER BEFORE. We have moved about one-liult el our Clothing Stock into the .adjoining building, and the extra room we get with all the tables stacked with heaps et CLOTHING, make the 11 nest display we hare ever made, and we have the goods te meet all your wants and at mexr prices. Every lady that buys CLOTHING siieuld visit the (MM Mint -OF THE HOST POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE IN TIIE CITY. WUxLLAMSON AND- POSTER. 36-38 EASTKING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. SAMUEL H. PltlCK, ATTOBNBT, HAS Removed his Ofllc rrem1 M North Duke Street te ke.u ubami bisxim, immeai- ately In Bear of Court House,-Leng's New nuuamg. BU7-ttd TaimiDg; ASTRJCn BROS'. ADVERTISEMENT. 8TRICH BKOS ADVERTISEMENT. PALACE -OP- FASHION. ASTKICH BEOS-, Ne. 13 EAST KING ST. We have new en hand u Full Line et LADIES' SPRING COATS. NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS. A HANDSOME JACKET at $i'J5. BETTER UOODS IROM $i.u0 UPWARDS, LADIES' BLACK WRAPS, In Cashmere, SUtc ami Satin, from P' up te $2J. Infant's Wear. BABIES' MERINO CLOAKS. IN W1I1TK AND COLORED. ELEGANTLY EMBROIDERED CLOAKS Frem $5.00 Upwards. CHILDREN'S SHORT COATS, In drab, white, light blue und navy blue, $2.25. INFANTS' LONi; AND SHORT DRESSES, ELEGANTLY EMBKOIDBBED. Infant' Leng Skirls, Infants' Jackets and Bootees, Infants' Lace and Swiss Caps. CALL AND LOOK AT OUR DISPLAY OK INFANTS' WEAR. CHEMISE, SKIRTS, NIGHTGOWNS, APRONS, SUMMER SKIRTS, HOOPSKIRTS, BUSTLES, SPECIAL LINE OF NEW CORSETS. Our 49c. CersetIs well known, and cannot bu excelled. We offer the best te be had at the price. ELEGANT CORSETS, ut 75c. and 88c. MAD. EOY'S CORSET, $1. THE NEW AUTOMATIC CORSET, $1. 100-BONE CORSET, $1. 150-BONE CORSET, $1.25, NEW JOODS RECEIVED DAILY IK OUR Whae every imaginable shape in HATS, in all the New Leading Shades, Ribbons, Satins and Silks te Match. - FLOWERS AND FEATHERS, In ciuUesa variety. SASH R1RUONS In most cxquisilu designs. CHILDREN'S SCHOOL HATS, and SAILORS. LADIES' TRIliMED HATS and BONNETS. UNTRIMMED HATS In Milan, Percnplne, Chip, Tuc:in and Fancy Braids. TRIMMING3. FRINGES in SILK, CHENILLti and HEAD. PASSAMENTERIES, Ornaments, Colored Bead Fringe, GIMPS, Buttens in Pearl,. Metal and Ivery. Te match all new materials. HOSIERY and GLOVES. WE NOW ANNOUNCE OUR GRAND SPRING OPENING -ON- Wednesday and Thursday Wednesday and Thursday APRIL 26 and 27, 1882. APRIL 26 and 27, 1882. ( THE PALACE -OF FASHION." 13 EAST KING STREET, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Nillinery Department. DRY HOODS. CLOTHING. GOOD NEWS TO TIIE Paeple of Lancaster and Vicinity ! We have made assiduous etThrtn in -.i , pant seasons in serving the people et-eur store Our counters are heaped with the - LATEST STYLES OF Spring Clothing! OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, and every garment tru liave for sale will stand close inspection. Te mention every style et ti.ii. nuiittveun iiHWi. tinr Hp'ice wui ueruijr allow; therefore. notice :i tew sample prices: 'n sell M.'nV Sllita ler t: Oil l Ik) MTi til tt m. IS.00, f lO.l'O. up te IS.OO. Beys' and Children's CLOTHING WB MAKB THIS t)UK 11UKAT SrECIALTT. We sell Rey's Salt for $2.00. JS0O, 4.00. $5.00, up te $.). Children's Suits at $1.75. $2.00, $ifltf. n.oe, $I.W,-up te $7.oe. We most certainly nave the largest and cheapest, also the most varied stock of Beys' and Children's Clothing ever displayed in this city. OUR CU&TOM DEPARTMENT.-Cuatein-crs can select lrem goods in the piece and have them made te order at a slight advancu ever our goods en the counters. We make te order a Nice Suit for jlliw, but our $18.00 and $3MV Suits can't lu equaled anywhere in the city, trimmed and iiiaile llke ours, ter less than $r.ra te $30.00. A PERFECT FIT GUAR ANTEED. Whether you wih te purcluiMier not.please glve us a call. I. GAISMAN & BEO, THE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, 66-38 NORTBI QTJBEN ST., Right en the Southwest Cerner of Orange St. LANCASTER, PA. Thu Cheapest Clothing neuse in the City. marlS-lvd rAflSKUANtHNOB, r. THaBES W. FBV. WE RE RACK AGAIN TO OUR OLD STORE ROOM, . Which has been Remodeled und Enlarged. We open out n 1th a NEW STOCK OF WALL PAPERS AND Window Shades. Ol Every Description. In connection with our line et geed.-;, we have taken part of the room ter the exclusive sale of LACE CURTAINS, FINE MIRRORS. POLES, POLES, CORNICES, &c, &c. Ot which we have an Extensive Line. A visit of inspection solicited. Phares W. Fry, 57 NORTH QUEEN STREET. jter baJaK.. T?OR KENT. An KLKOANT HTOICK 1? ROOM, 48x15 feet, close te Northern Mar ket, and oppesitn the Keystene Heumj, Ne. 2tt Nertli Qul'cu street. Iiiquireat uprlO-ttd 211 NORTH qUEEN STREET. I)lUMIS 11AV, AVKbTEUN CORN AND Oats ler sale at Lcaman Place at all times at market prices. Alse, COAL AND LUMBER. i'2I-3md II. II. ROIIRER. F OKSAl.K. AN1BIMKNSK NUMlIEKOir HOUSES, STORES, ISUILDINU LOTS, 4c, of all descriptions. In all localities and at all prices. . NEW CATALOGUE, with prices, fiee te every one. ALLAN A. IIERR A CO, dcc3-Cuid 3 North Dukostreut. PKIVATK MALK. TIIK UMDKKSIGNKU offers at privatu side the following de scribed property, te wit : All that very valuable farm, CONTAINING 17 ACRES, mera or lets, situated en the south side of East King street, in the city et Lancas ter, Immediately opposite the Lancaster coun ty prison, anil adjoining lands et Herman Miller. Jacob S. Miller and lands et the Dlrec ters of the Peer et Ijincaster county. This Is one et tlm deslrable and valua ble pieces of real estate iu thn-ceunty of Lan caster ; has a gee. I DWKLMNG HOUSE and out-heuscs, with i;oeil Hani and ether 1m- grevcnieiit". It U particularly valuable for uUdinglelM, being In the very best part or the city of Lancaster, and especially adapted feratruck I'.inu. The entlre piece Is laid out inbulldiirglets. Fer further information call en HENRY SHURERT. Auctioneer and Kent Estute Agent, Ne. t! Court Avenue, where the dratt et suid property can be seen. inSO ltd a yKi.nxs' eviitt. R KADINti JB COLUMBIA K.K. A RRANIi KM ENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, NOV. 7th, 1881. NORTHWARD. LKAVB. yu.irryvllle Lmcuster, King St. Lancaster Columbia. ARRIV1C. Reading a. if. r. jf. r.M. 6:40 ... 2:3U 7C .... S:0 S:00 1SK ZM 7:50 1:10 3:10 106 3:20 5J0 9:10 9:211 SOUTHWARD. T.KAVJL Reading AURIVB. Columbia Lancaster. Lancaster, King St.. a.k. x. r.w. 7:23 12:00 6:10 r.v. 9-.3S 2U0 8.-2S 9:27 2.10 8:1.1 9-J7 .... 8:25 WSCl .... 8-JO 5:15 525 0:30 uuarryvine... Trains connect at Readinir with tr.iinu tnnmi trein l'hlliulelplilH.i'ettsvllle, Harrlsburg, Al Al tbutewn aud New Yerk, via Bound Broek Reute. At Columbia with trains te and from Yerk. Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. Snpt. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY. .! ANUAUrY 2d, 1882, trains en the Pennsyl vania RivilrtKid will arrive at and leave the L'tucastei and Philadelphia depots as fellows : Eastward. Leave I Arrive Lanc'ter Philad'a Mall Express, J?ast rine,.. .................. YorkAccem. Arrives, Harrlsbnrg Express, Lancaster Accommodation Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Sunday Mail Johnstown Express, Day Express, Ilarrisliurg Accommedat'n, 12:44 A.V. 5d0 8:35 " 8:35 9.00 " ftC5 " -2a r.w. 23 A. 7- ' t0-JO " 11:45"" SJSr.M. 5.-05 " 75 " 2:42 2.20 5:2J 6:46 9:45 " Leave I Arrive Philad'a lmc'tcr Whtward. Way Passenger, News Express Mail Train Ne. l.vla Mt-Iey, Mull TiMln Vn ' via Cel'bia. 4 JO 4 JO 7.-00 A.M. 37.K 6:27 " 9.25 ft " 9-.n " 1:55 r.M. tee " 75 7:40 Bunnay iuan, Fast Line, ........ Frederick Accommodation, Lancaster Accommodation, Harrisbu rg Accommedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, Hariisburg Express, Wcilcrn Expn-ss. Philadelphia Express, 7:00 11-36 2J5 2:15 4:15 6:40 90 r.K. 11:01 " H:30 iiSfl.M. M:U1 Train. Ne. 2, -webt, connecting at LanJ caster with Mall Train, Ne. 1, at 0.T a.m., U1 run through te Hanover. . Frederick Accommodation, west, -unecting -ft aI Lancaster itli Fast Line, west, at 1.55. wUl runtbrrui:li te Frederick. Htrri bun; Kxpres, west, at 5:40 p. m , hxs direct cM.t.etnem (without change of car) te Li'l'jinbi'tiui'l Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, Trhen flagged, wUl step at Downlnirtewn, Ccntesville, Paries burg, Mount Jey, Elizabethtown and Middle-own. -4 .... .