ek Yelume XVIII-Ne. 191 LAJSCASTER, PA. FRIDAY APEIL 14 1882. Price Twe Cents. tlMIE GKKAT SEW YOKK 1IAZAAU. EASTER WEEK! AMOMCEMENT OF GOTTSOIALK & IEDEMAU 'S GKREiT JNTE W YORK BAZAAR 26 & m NOETH QUEEN STREET. KS'TO THE PTJBLIC!-a We are new ready te announce te our patrons and the public generally that all our dcpai tments are completely- filled with the Largest and Finest assortment of SPIUNli GOODS ever before seen in this city. We are receiving daily Immense Bargains liem our ether large btore in New Yerk city, which we offer te the public at the very same prices. BARGAIN WEEK, We are introducing new in this city a special Bargain Week, and we have no doubt everybody will appreciate the same, and if you cannot come yourself send your children or order by mail ; they will receive prompt attention ; anything bought at the Bazaar will be cheerfully exchanged or money refunded if net satisfactory. I0DAY. This being Ei.sler Monday we will etlcr the balance of KI.KGANT EASTKH CARDS far below the price. We have them 1 row 2c, upwards. We received another Jet of these ELEGANT WHITE KEAL KID Gi.OvKS. ull wlzcs, from byt upward, at 25c. a p.iir, worth 1. Special sale of KINK MILAN STKAW HATS. In cverv desirable Htmpe at 3J)e. These Haiti cannot be bought etaewhcic ler less than $1. TUESDAY. A hpec-l.il r-ale e! mn) Klegunt MOT1ILK UUIiKAUD COLLARS, with line lace nlmnilng at 18c, worth jile. .'0 PlI-COHOt KINK ALL SILK FRINGE, at 31c. a yard, bold all ever at 75c a yard. A Fine lotet GENT'S FINE SILK SCARFS, the latest style at 25c. each, they are worth double. MAT'lpE" I Every one of the above. bargains will be sold as advertised en the specified days, MATT PI? 1 11 J 1 11 .Cj ! ut we have ether great bargains which wc arc selling every day in the IN J 1 lUHl ! week. We will mention only a few as our space is tee limited. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THE WHOLE WEEK; iV:"1? demand in our et Iter xlmu In New Yerk ler the-e coifs i se large that wuunubt te receive aiy mere after this let is sold. Twe hundred anil littyet li aulitiil Keddy-Madu CHILDREN'S IKESSES at50e. eaclueld all ever at fl.lje. -Wu will open this week, the finest stock of SILK unit SATIN DOLMANS ever seen, at resonate low pries: Call and examine our .IHM.IXEKY OKI'AICTMKNT. It contains everything that .my lady wishes ter, we will announce liner our GRAND M1LLIXEUY OPENING, which will be the event et the season. ltememuer GOTTSCHALK & LEDERMAN'S, GBEAT NEW TOKK BAZAAB, 26-28 N01IT1I QUEEN STM IS THE ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES TOIN H. tilVLKK Jt CO.Vl aUVKKTISKMEM. CARPET DEPARTMENT. -WE LARGEST STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF CARPETS AT LOWEST PRICES IN THIS CITY. Alse a Large Assortment of Plain and Fancy Canten Mattings. JOHN Ne. 25 EAST KING JNO. S. GIVXEK, M YKKS, KAT11FOIS & CO. GENTLEMEN, we Have new in GSNTL.EMEN, we have new in the Fashionable Celers. I'LUMRER'S HAS FITTING, ETC. JOHN L. AENOLD. IRON PIPE for GAS, WATER and STEAM OTA DC AND CUT TO ANY LENGTH. VALVES ALL KINDS OF FITTINGS for STEAM, WATER and GAS-LOWEST PRICES. SLATE MANTLES AND LOW DOWN GRATES. CHEAPEST GAS FIXTURES IN THE C1TV. SLATE, TIN AND GUAVEL KOOFEK. Ncb. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. ilfn5-td OARl'Utn. c lAKrKTS I can show the Largest Stock in this eity. Call and see my latest BODY BRUSSELS, THUEE-1'LY, 1NGIIAINS, EXT It A hUPERS, ALL-WOOL INGKAINS CAK Pi:TS; tlie very Latest Designs and Put terns the market can afford. I also baW a litrjje stock of my own make et CHAIN and KAG CARPKTS as low as the lowest. I also Make Carjiets te Order at short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ne trouble te show my goods. H. S. SHIRK, 202 WEST KING STREET. Carpets Carpets GRAND OPENING OF THE HUE AT NEW YORK WEMESDAY. ; i We will receive ler this day 500 ELEGANT DOUBLE STEEL COUSETS in all sizes at 29c. Call and he convinced that these Cer&ets ate the cheapest overseen in this city. 00 Pieces et IRISH ALL-SILK SA9II KI15IiON. all colors, at 40c. a yatd, cost all ever 75e. 1,(X)J Pieces of IRISH TUIMMINU LACE, warranted 12 yard pieces, at Jc. the w hole piece. Call early if you want any. THURSDAY. , We will exhibit en our BUTTON COUNTER en his day 2,000 l)OZ. DRESS BUTTONS, Imitation et Ivery, in every desirable color, which we will sell at 5c. a card, i dozen en a card. We invite the Dressmakers id tills city te examine them. One let of LADIES' USE TWILLED PARASOL, at 80c, woith$1.5e. 500 dozen et FINE MARSEILLE APRuNSat 25c, well worth 50c CLOTHING. ARE SHOWING THE NEWEST STYLES S. GIVLER STREET, JVIercliaiit Tailoring;! stock a Fine Assertmeut of SERGES stock a Fine Assortment of ENGLISH MYERS, EATHFOE" SUl'J'LtFS. CARRIAGES, SC rrvut; stanhaku carkiauk mehk OF LANCASTER COUNTY. EDGERLEY & Ce., FINE Carriage Builders XAKKKT STREET, Rear of Central Markt Houses, LANCASTER, PENVA. We mukeeveiy style Unjjyai'l Carriage rie sired. All work linhhed in the me'it coiiiTe able and elcarmit style. We use only the best selected material, and employ only the best mechanics. or quality ei work our pi ices are tlie cheapest in the state. We buy ler cash and hell en the most reasonable term. Give usa call. All work warranted. Repairing proth'el ly attended te. One set et workmen cicci ally employed for that purpose. f n'A'-iiU&w BAZAAR." BARGAIN WEEK FRIDAY. 5,0 H) pairnt FINE RLACK JET STAR EARRINGS, which will be sold at 5c a pair. -These goods were bought at a. large sheriff's sale, and are wei t h r0c. a pair. . 100 pieces ei tlie meat beautiful FURNITURE FRINGES at 21c. a yd., sold all ever rrem 40c. te 50c. a yard. We will receive en this day another let et OUR FIXE 1'OUO.TET bOAP at 3c. a cake This 'eiip N known a' ready by everybody, as we have m1. I eer!,0i)) cakes en our opening week. SATURDAY- On Saturday we will unpack- a let et LADIES' CHEMISE, wi h embreideied trents. We will eiler the Mime at Sic each; they rtally cost moicte make un, and the ladies will de well by seenr ii; "eme. 103 dozen et Elejrant Fine LISLE THREAD GLOVES, Cuirassier-, the very latest style, at Sic. a pair : nisi,50 dozen Ot the Celebrated .1 ERSE V GLOVE at 14e. a pair; bothet these Gloves are great bargains. A large let f ' LADIES' FINE BALBHIGGAN HOE, Silk Clocked, at 21c. a pair, well worth tWc. 50 d.en et Gent's Fine COLORED CAMBRIC SHIRTS, ut 50c, .each sold all ever at 75c. AND- & CO. LANCASTER, PENNA. GEO. F. RATHVON. in all the most Fashionable Celers. CHEVIOTS with silk imclure in all & CO. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. A rtSlUAL-UOXES MUSICAL-BOXES. B AttGAINS. Te make a clean sweep before closinfceur salesrooms ter the season, we make the follewiuK sweciiins' reduction en tlie bal- I ancr of our stock new here. (Only large and medium si.cs yet en hand) : lOairs red uced from $ 75.00 te $ 4i.0O 12 Si.ft) te 0.00 Sublime Tremelo Piccole (large) " 1&.00 te S0.00 Sublime Tremelo Piccole . (medium) " 90.00 te f0 09 11 airs with Bells " 145.(Wte &-.00 lit airs with Bells & Drums " 135 00 te 70.00 Extraquality (large)with Bells " 173.01te 100.00 Extr.i quality (medium) with Bells " 135.00 te 75.00 Sublime Harmonie-Picco- le (large) 135.00 te Concertino ' 'Ji".00te 'Celestial Voices"( Flutes " 125.00 te 90 airs, 16 cylinders, with tilble " 850.00 te Petit (small), 2 airs 4.0te mrs OaOti I e 3-air Albums "' 8.00te 75.00 130.00 65.00 S25 0', S.00 4 50 5.00 They are all with the " HARP-ZITHER AT TACHMENTS," anu mostly with two and three Spring Houses, playing twice the length of the common Music Bexes. On examination they will be found et the Hnet quality, far superior te the ordinary Music Bexes gen erally sold in this country. G. Gautschi & Ce., Manufacturers, - Ste. Croix & Geneve, Switzerland. SALESROOMS: 1020 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. J23 tfd DOCTORS AGKKB THAT aCAKLKT Fever, Diphtheria, Consumption, Catarrh and Chronic Threat Diseases are due te neglect or common Sere Threats. Children frequently have wet feet; sere threat fellows and often serious sickness. Are we net affect ed likewise Why net try the OCCIDENTAL DIPHTHERIA CURE. It will positively cure the worst lenn of sere threat and eradi cate the germ et any disease subject te it. A cure guaranteed or money refunded. Fer sale bv It. B. Cochran. 137 and 139 North Queen street. Lancaster. feb27-3md T FAEM AND GAEDEN. TIMELY SUGGESTIONS TO HUSBAND MEN. Frem That Mem Reliable Authority, The Uermantewn telegraph." My way of planting field onions is as fellows : As seen as the ground is in sui table condition plow and barrow well, then drag a leveler or an old deer ever tbe patch ; then draw a line en one side and draw your marker which ought te mark three rows twelve inches apart at one time along the line ; then when coming back draw your marker in the -last mark made, and se en until your patch is marked out, using the line only the first time ; then take your sets and sew them broadcast ever the patch, net sewing them tee thickly. A little experience and you can tell the right quantity. The men get en their knees, having a few sets in their pockets, in case of net having been sewn thick enough, for it takes longer ;te pick up the sets if sewn tee . thickly than te plant them. De net be afraid of getting en the patch. If the ground is tee wet te tread en, it is tee wet te plant. L.oek te the "rult-Urep. New is the time te increase your apple, pear and peach orchards. The extent of ground requited by these orchards is se small as scarcely te be missed in a moder-ate-sized farm, and will produce mere pro pre tit for the land occupied thau perhaps any ether crop with which it could be substituted. Where your apples and pears are net of tbe most productive and paying varieties and the trees are net tee large, graltiug should be resorted te. Seme whole trees that are in geed health and vigorous growers may have nearly the en tile top grafted with superior kinds ; and this should be always deue after it has been discovered the fruit is net true te name or fnHs te be productive. As te peaches, they are almost uuiversally bud ded,' and this is done most generally in June and July. Gardes Planting for this Menth. As a mere reminder te these haviug only a small plot of ground for garden pur poses for the immediate family supply of what tbe little garden produces, we men tion the following crops that must receive attention in all this month, and are what we regard as among tbe best te select, viz.: Tomate for late open culttite ; Leng Scarlet and White aud Red turnip-rooted Radish ; Peas in order ; Savery Spinach ; Large White, or Bosten Mmket Celery ; Early and Leng Beets ; Early Hern or Leng Change Carret ; Beans ; Cabbage ; Water-Cre.s ; Sugar Parsnips ; Cucum bers ; Leek ; Dutch Butter, or Curled SileM.m Lettuce ; Okra ; Nasturtiens ; Salsify or Oyster Plant ; the following herbs : Thyme, Sage. Sweet Marjoram, Parslej. Alse, Onion seed. The Onion sets aud twq first plantings of Peas ought te have been sewn last month. Fraelng tbe Ulackberry. Persons having cultivated the black bcriy are possessed of sufficient knowledge te understand the fact that the longer they allow tbe caucs te remain unpruned the lateral branches are piopertionably shorter and the fruit smaller. Te obtain the largest size ben its and the largest quantity tee, cut back the leading canes te uet exceed four feet in length, and shorten in also the lateral branches, if they seem te need it. This will Ub found te increase also the breadth of the steel, affording mere bearing room, and gener ally te result in gieatly improving the crop. It can be deue any time up te the 20th of April. In July, the young weed, which by that time has grown ever the tops of the old bearing canes, should be clipped, especially the lateral branches. It will have tbe best effect upon the follow ing year's crop, and will in that case re quite but little pruning iu the spring, ex cept se far as te go ever them and com plete shertening-iu when necessary. Geed Free Kesds. Fer many years we have been discuss ing the expediency of introducing hard reads, frce for all, throughout the state, te be in the hands of a separate state de partment, which should be presided ever by a general superintendent of highways, under whom should be deputy superin tendents of each county, who in turn would have the immediate control of tbe township supervisors. It is new proposed that the state should appropriate a cer tain sura annually te be divided pre rata among the townships, and an equal sum should be added by tbe separate town ships themselves, the whole te be suffi cient, iu the course of a few years, te " turnpike " te a certain extent, the en tire reads of the commonwealth. The cost would be a little bigh for the first few y--ars ; but wheu the reads bad once passed through the improving process of the new system the expense would be no greater than new, and the result would be hailed with rejoicing by every owner of a horse or wagon, and especially by farmers who use the reads mere than any ether class of people, te whom the im proved reads would prove invaluable, and the cost, whatever it might be, would be tbe most economically and profitably spent money that ever left the purse of the tax payer. Cern Cnlture In Gardens. In field culture corn is planted in hills. Seme have tried growing it in lines or drills, and have obtained mere corn. There is net the same chance for three or four plants feeding together in one hill that there is for a single plant alone, and with nothing nearer te it than a feet or se. Three plants a feet apart will give mere corn than three plants, in one bill three feet from another hill.; This is net only reasonable but has been verified by actual facts. But the increased crops does net pay. The horse-hoe cannot work but one way when the corn is in drills, and then tha horse has te be idle in the stable while the driver takes tbe slew hand-hoe te clean out the weeds in the row. But the field practice, proper enough in the field, has been carried te tbe garden, and sweet corn for tbe table is treated just as if it were a field crop. Iu gardens where hand labor is exclusively used, theie is no reason whatever for growing corn in hills. One can have better sweet corn by sewing in rows than in hills, while the labor is in no wise any mere. Te injure a constant supply of sweet corn for tbe table, there should net be less than seven different plantings through the season. The first planting (of dry seed) should be made net earlier than the 20th of April ; the next planting ten days after, and then fellow the live ether plantings from ten te twelve days apart, the last being toward tbe end of June. Te Grew the Lima tfeaa Successfully. The Lima bean is one of our most popu lar and desirable vegetables ; but for one reason or another many people have trouble in getting them te de well, and some people in gcttiug them at all. This bean loves heat, dislikes cold moisture, and delights in loose, rich soil. These who wish te succeed have te be careful that all the. conditions are fully insured. In order te guard against damp the earth is drawn into geed-sized bills, se that any superabundant moisture can pass rapidly a.wav. Tf t.hn anil Via hMTV a lnrcra nnrMnn of readsand or even finely-sifted coal ceal fashes should be mixed with the soil in these hills, and if one can have access te a cow-yard, well-decomposed manure from such a locality is the perfection of feed te the Lima bean. Then in planting,, they ought te be set but just beneath the sur face, or they will be very liable te ret iu pushing their way through. It does no harm either te push them in the ground edgewise, as the sprouting germ comes up the sooner. But with even all these precautions for dryness, feed and warmth, people often plant tee seen ; a cold rain fellows and the seed rots. Four sound looking beans are-enough for each hill, -and if all grew and de well one may be taken out. But as a very sure we may say certain guar antee against the seed retting greats with tallow the beans before planting. We have in fact never failed in our own crop, in following out this method, unless through a prolonged drought like that of last year, and even then we had at least half a crop. Fence Pests. The time is at hand when new fences are te be built and old ones repaired ; and the most essential point is te have them last as long as they can be made te, for it is quite an item of cost te overhaul old or build new fences every four or five years. Te have a fence that will last we must have geed pests,. for that is the part that gives out first by retting off at the surface of the soil. Then the fence has te come down, new pests set, and the beards re placed. Sixteen years age I experimented with fences, and find seasoned oak pests oiled aud then tarred with boiling coal tar makes them last the longest. I took green pests that were sawed five inches tquare at one end and two by five inches at the ether, and seven feet long. I tarred half as many as would build my fence, and tbe ether half I put iu the ground green with nothing done te them. Iu five years after the tarred pests were nothing but a sl.ell under the ground, all the inside being de cayed. Seme of the ether pests were rot ret ted off, and some were about balf rotten. Twe years after I built another fence with seasoned oak pests, same size as the first, giving them all a geed coat of oil, and in a few days after tarred them as I did before with coal tar, heated iu a can made for the purpose, four feet deep and large enough te held four pests set en end ; lett them in the boiling tar about ten minutes then took them out and sanded them. And new after fourteen years net one in ten need'replaeiug. I shall never build a fence for myself requiring pests without fiist thoroughly seasoning, then oiling and then tarriug them. If they are tarred when green the tar does net pene trate the weed, and in a short time will all scale off., vv hen tbe weed is seasoned the oil penetrates the weed, aud theceatinrr of coal tar keeps out the meistute, therel y preserving the weed from decay. Tbe Culture of Cauteleupes. Regarding a perfect canteleupe te be among the very highest grades of fruit grown in the world, we cannot refrain when the season comes round te mention hew they' may be raised with success. Almest every person having a garden of any size should try his hand at it, as it can be deue with almost as much ceitainty as raising a crop of corn. The ground should have a warm exposure aud be friable clay mould uet being adapted. The hill should be dug our eight or ten inches, two feet in diameter, and filled with well-retted manure, rich soil aud sand turnpike dirt is excellent as a substitute for the latter. Fhe or six seeds should be placed at equal dis tances about an inch in depth, and the hill" should be even with the ether soil, except the season premises te be wet wheu they should be raised. They should be about six feet apart each way, and the plants when they have passed all danger, should be thinned out te two or three in a hill. The beds must be kept clear of all weeds aud grass, and wheu the vines com mence running they should net be disturb ed, as the rootlets connected with the vine and by which it is largely supplied with nourishment will be broken. The ground, as the viues begin te extend, should be gene eyer with au iron rake, especially after a heavy shower, te loosen it and give these rootlets a chance te take held. The seed should be plauted at the time of corn planting. Sewiug round the hill, a few inches dis tant, early radish seed, will generally protect the young plants from the bugs, and always will be mere or less beneficial. Should bugs appear, a sprinkle of weak whale-oil soap and water, or ofjearbelio acid soap .and water, will seen seud them adrift. The best variety of canteleupe te plant in his section is the " Citren," tbe Jenny Lind," the " White Japan " and the " Casaba." The Nutmeg is tee late for us. There is no reason why all our farmers should net have a patch of cantele'upes for family use. A plot of ground 40 by 40 feet would be enough for a moderate sized family, and if it is net te spare .iu the garden, select a suitable place en the farm land. They can raise far superior fruit te any found in the city markets. m m GEM. SICKLES' GAS BIIX. JL Mew Yerk Judge Who lees net ISellcve that Gas Meteis are Infallible. A suit was begun in the New Yerk su preme court several months age by Gen. Daniel E. Sickles against the Manhattan gas light company, with the object of restraining the qefendant corporation from cutting off the supply of gas from tbe plaintiff's apartments at Ne. 14 Fifth ave nue, New Yerk, and from removing the meter from the house. Wheu the action was begun a temporary injunction was obtained by Oen. Sickles. At the hearing upon a motion te continue this injunction affidavits were presented en behalf of Gen. Sickles averring that the defendant corporation had sent him bills for gas which the meter was alleged te show ta have been consumed in his apartments between January 18, 1881, and may 0, within almost all of which period he was in Europe, and his apartments were lock ed up and the gas was eut off. The affi davits also contained statements that un true bills had been sent toether persons in the same house, and that the meters de net register correctly. Affidavit in opposition te the motion recited that the meter in Gen. Sickles' apartment had been tested after the dispute concerning the cor rectness of the bill arese.and bad been feui d te register te the disadvantage of the de fendant and in favor of the plaintiff. It was urged by Mr. Henry A. Andersen, for the Manhattan gas-light company, that as Gen, Sickles bad refused te pay the bill presented te him the company had a right te take away his meter and deprive him of gas. Messrs. Jehn Graham and M. B. Field argued that the correctness of the disputed bill mns be proved, and could net be sustained by the mere statement of the defendant, and that until it was proved the defendant should be restrained from interfering with tbe plaintiff. Judge Lawrence decided yesterday te continue the injunction until the determi nation of the suit. In his opinion he says: "I de net understand that the statute has made the gas company the sole judge of the question Whether any, and if se what, amount of rent or remuneration is due te it, nor that such company's determina tion is necessarily binding and conclusive upon the consumer nor that by anything in the section contained his right te resort te the courts te have the question whether a case has arisen iu which the company is justified in cutting off his supply of gas ascertained and settled has been taken away. Courts of equity have frequently in terfered by injunction in cases of a sim ilar or analogous character. In Meray against the Metropolitan gas light company (38 superior court reports, page 185), it was held that the i-ight of a gas company under the section of the act te which I have just referred te shut off the gas from the premises of a person who is a customer, and who has made the de posit required, depends wholly upon the fact as te whether or net that person is in arrears for gas furnished by tbe company. and that is a question of fact te be deter mined by evidence and net by the will or the conclusion of the company. The prin ciple there asserted is applicable, in my opinion, te this case. It is be yond a doubt that the plaintiff left this country en the 29th of January, 1881, and remained away until the 6th day of May of that year. The last -bill which was ren dered prier te his departure, according te the schedule annexed te the affidavit of v ice jrresiaenr, uarpenier, snowed a con sumption of 3,60.' cubic feet be tween that date ari the date of tbe rendition of tfff 'immediately pre- ceaing Din, te wit, the leth of December. The bill preceding that of December 18 was rendered November 17, 1880, and be tween luese two aates tne piaintux is stated te have consumed 4,200 cubic fret of gas. A bill was rendered also en the lGth of February, 18 days after the plaintiff had left the country, which showed the consumption of 2.100 cubic feet -between that date and the 18th of January. If thft bill was correct the plaintiff consumed 2,100 cubic feet of gas between the 18th of January and the 29th of January, the date en which he lefc and en which the gas was cut off, or in eleven days. The next bill which was rendered is dated tbe 18th of May, and shows a consumption between tbe leth of Febru ary, 1881, and that date of 1,000 feet of gas. At that time the plaintiff had been home 12 days. The plaintiff contends that en the face of these bills it is apparent that he has been chareed for gas consumed during his absence, when the gas was cut off, and when none was or could have been consumed by him. The bills rendered be fore his departure show that the plaintiff at times consumed between 115 and 133 cubic feet of gas per night, while the bill rendered en the 10th of February, which showed the amount of gas consumed by -him between Jan. 18 and Jan. 29 a period of eleven days 2,100 cubic feet, or of nearly 200 feet per night. I think that the inference strongly arises from this state ment that the meter did net register cor rectly, and that the plaintiff, before sub mitting te the annoyance and vexation of having his gas cut off is entitled te have tbe question tested as te the correct ness of the bills presented te him. It is true that the defendant showed that the meter in questieu had been properly tested and proved by the proper officers, aud it is proper te state in this connection that everything appears te have beeu done which could bave been done by it te secure accuracy and correctness in the meter, but the fact remains that in addi tion te the alleged case of the plaintiff ether parties occupying rooms iu the same house received bills for gas indicated by ether meters as having been consumed by these parties when they were confessedly absent from the city and the gas had been shut off. This evidence tends strongly te show that gas meters are net infalli ble. Should you lie a sufferer from dyspepsia, in-dige-itien. malaria, or weakness, you can be cured by Brown's Iren Bitters. aple lwd&w A Smeeth Complexion can be had by every lady who will umj 1'arker's UinKcrTenle. Reg. ulatinKthe internal erant ami purifying tlie bleed it quickly removes pimples and gives a healthy bloom te the cheeks, .ee notice. ap7-lmdcod&cew Hew often persons have bean annoyed by but rs clinging te their di ess or clothing, and hew seldom have they, when cleaning them, given It a thought that Burdock Reet is the most valuable bleed cleanser and bleed puri fier known, and is sold by every druggist under the name of Burdock Bleed Bitters. Price, $1. Fer sale at 11. B. Cochran's drug sjere, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster, Trouble Saved. It is a remarkable fact that Themas' Eclcctric Oil is as geed for internal as external use. Fer diseases et the lungs and threat, and ter rheu matism, neuralgia, crick in the back, wounds, and sores, it is the best known remedy, and much trouble is s.ived by having it always en hand. Fer sale at n. B. Cochran's drug stoic, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. BOOKS AND HTAI'IONERi. TOASTER CAKOSt AMERICAN ANU IMPORTED EASTER CARDS 1 IX OREAT VARIBTV AT L. M. FLYNN'S ROOK AND STATIONERY STORE, STORE, He, 49 West King Street. jeas OUM BAKU'S SUMS. NOVELTIES, FOtt THE EASTER SEASON! PLAIN AND ERIN6ED Easter Cards, EASTER FANS AND SACHETS, EASTER BOOKS. At the Bookstore of Jehn Baefs Sens, Nes. 15&17 North Queen Street. PATENTS. WM. H. BABCOCK, 513 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. Formerly an Examiner In tbe V. 8. Patent Office ; afterward. Associate Attorney et Jacob StautTer. esq., of Lancaster, Pa., until tlie hit ter's death, would be pleased te hear from In ventorset Lancaster anil neighboring cenn ties, and is still prepared te attend careful! j and promptly te ull Patent business at moder ate rates. an3I-3mdw GKAX'S SPECIFIC M1.D1CIMJ. THE Great English Remedy. An unfailing cure for Seminal Weakness, Spermaterrhea, Impotency, and all Diseases that fellow as a sequence of Self-Abuse ; as less of .Memery. Universal Lassitude. Pain in the Back, Dlm nes et Vision, Premature Old Age, and manr ether disease that lead te Insanity or Con sumption and a Premature (irav. Pull par ticulars in ear paaiplct, which we desire te send'twe by inalf te every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all druggists at 1 per pjrek age, or six packages ter S5. or will te sent free by mall en the recelDt et the money, by ad dressing THE OR AT MEDICINE CO., Buffalo, N. I. On account et counterfeits, we have adopted theYelJewWrapper; the only genuine. Guarantees of cure fasnad by us. Fer sale in Lancaster by H. B. Cochran, 1S7 North Queen treat, apris-lydftw XJEJtlCAZ. 11ROWJCS 1BOJJ JUTTKBS. SEEK health and avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired and worn out, instead et aches and pains, wouldn't you rather leel fresh and strong? Yeu can continue feeling miserable ami gebd for nothing, and no one but yourself can find fault, but If you are tired of that kind of life, you can change it if you cnoeso. Hew ? By getting one bottle of Brown's Iben Bitters, and taking it regularly accord ing te directions. Mansfield, Ohie, Nev. 2i. 1SS1. Gentlemen: I have suffered with pain in my side and back, and great soreness en my breast, with sheeting pains nil through my body, attended with great weakness, depression et spirits and less et appetite. I have taken several ditrercnt medicines, and was treated by prominent phyl clans for my liver, kidneys, and spleen, but I get no relief. 1 thought I would try Brown's Iren Bltturs : 1 have new taken one bottle and a halt and am about well pain in back and side all gene soreness all out of my breast. and I have a geed appetite, and am gaining in strength and tlesh. It can Justly be called the kimj of medicines. Jehn K. Alkx&xdkic. HiEewa's Iren Bitters la composed et Iren insoluble fenn; Cinchona the great tonic, together with ether standard remedies, niak lng a remarkable non-alceuolic tonic, which will cure Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, W eakness, and relieve all Lung and Kidney diseases. Ker sale at IL B. COCHRAN'S Drug Stere, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. aple-lwd&w "!. riKNTLEMKS.- We call your attention te an Important dis covery iu our practice which we h.ivu found very succcsjful in caes of prostration arising from indiscretion. These suffering from any of the numerous forms et Debility arising from abuse or ether causes, will de well by sending a three cent stamp for further infor mation. Address. URS. I.AUUAMiK.t.IOK D AN (late .Ionian & Davidsen). Ne. V- Fil bert stieet, Philadelphia. I'a. Heur, ter con sultation : 10 a. m. till 2 p. m., ami 5 till s p. m. inaiCVStneed CLOTHINU JtC. The Magic Seven. The choice of seven Men's Suits 1 at $12.06. Three dark grays, one medium gray, one light gray, one fancy cheviot, one indigo blue check. Only one (the latter)" has a cotton warp. They have all been made within forty days and are better goods for the money than we expected te sell this season. Oak Hall being Twenty-One years old te-morrow, will be in holiday rig within and without. Please call and see your old friends. WANAMAKER & BROWN, ' Oak Hall, Sixth and Market Streets. Black Diagonal Prince Albert Frecks and Dress Suits, Embracing every grade desirable. They are indispensable te the party man and opera goer, and no gentle men need be without one, especially eince they can be had at such rea sonable prices. ' The assortment is large and must respond te your every fancy, A, C. YATES & CO. - L8DGER BUILDING, Chestnut and Sixth Sts., PHILADELPHIA.