Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, April 13, 1882, Image 3

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Afiklrs Along the gusquelUMna Gleanings
in nnd Around Mm Borough Picked Up
by the Intelligencer's Reporter.
After Many Days.'
Several years age a colored Taukee by
the name of Jobs Heiller, from near Leck
Haveu, while descending the Susquehanna
en a raft, being barefooted, trod upon a
broken bottle, cutting bis right feet
severely in several places. He was taken
aslioie at Harrisburg, where one of the
doctors extracted several pieces of glass,
at tbe same time telling Heiller that they
were all out. He suffered several months
fiera the wounds, nnd at one time it was
fcaud he would take the lockjaw.
But he recovered, and since then
has every spring been
the iivcr. una aay last week lie came
dewu en a rait which fed up at Columbia.
He felt a tingling-sensation in his right
t-hin near t lie kuee. Thinking it was only
a .slight indication of rheumatism, he pro
cured a bottle of linament and rubbed the
painful limb. He made his trip down the
river, but the pain increased, se much se
in fact, that he was unable te de his work.
At a point below Columbia, and near
Peach Bettem, the raft tied up again and
a doctor was sent for. He came and ex
amined the leg, and near the knee, where
the pain was most intense, found a lump
about the size of a walnut. The colert d
man told the do.ter of his accident, who
with a small knife made an incision and
extracted a piece of glass ncaily a half
inch in length by a quail er of an inch in
width. The doctor said the reason the
Harrisbuig doctor did notknew it was in
was bcciubti h had cnt into the bone, and
in extiiciting it had broken it off. Frem
that point it had worked its way te its
present locality. Heiller was forced te
jtay down near Peach Bettem until this
morning, when he came te Columbia in the
I'eit Deposit train, and stalled for his
home en the 10 o'clock tiain.
I'relty Grounds.
One of the handsomest grounds in Col
umbia, is that which surround the home
of 'Squire and C. J. Yeung. Hese bushes,
llewcr stands, fruit trees, of nearly every
desciijitien, aie situated in convenient and
attractive pUccs. Pait of the grounds
have been le.served for croquet, and every
owning iu summer levers of that health
ful game 'onreg-ite. Swings are also
pievidid, as aie benches. At present it
leeks beautiful, as the buds and leaves are
just pepping fmth. Taken as a whole, a
meic home-like or finer piece of grounds
cannot, uc leunu in Uoluuieia.
A t'HHn ier Hie Charitable.
On Satuiday morning last a young
child of Mrs. Lizzie Meffip, living en Frent
stiect near the round house, died and was
net bin ied until last evening. The neigh
heis knowing the lady's ciicti instances re
ported the matter te the proper authori
ties who investigated it. The lady in
formed them that she was tee peer te bury
the child, or she would have done se before.
The body was then taken iu charge of
and intend List evening.
An important meeting of the Columbia
cornet baud will he held at the Franklin
house tlii-: evening. 2sew uniforms arc
what the boys want and for this purpose,
aNe te lind out hew te get them, the meet
ing liar, been "calico.
A large suipiise p.iily was given tellcv.
Tingling, pastor of St. Jehn's Lutheiau
chinch. A large number .f the congrega
tion we: 3 present and spent a delightful
Messrs. Ilcine & Kauffmau are taking
centi.icts te heat tobacco warehouses in
Xew Yeik. They aie getting enlarged
boilers made in Middlctewn, and if their
lust attempt, proves siicccs-fiil, the future
success of their patent .steam boilers nre
A numbei of Columbians have received
invitations te attend the coming opera of
"Patience." which is te be rendered iu
Harrisburg te-morrow evening by mem
bers of the fust families. will
A valuable isriicr deg owned by Mr.
Boyd was struck by P. R. It. engine Xe.
173, jesterday afternoon, and was in
stantly killed.
The mcmheie of the Columbia lire com
pany Ne. 1, arc fixing an attachment te
their engine which strikes a gong as
they aie running.
Miss Sussie Heek is visiting fiicnds iu
This morning as a la: go box of shad was
being unleaded from the Peit train it
slipped and fell, breaking the box aud
ECittciing the shad in all directions.
The machine shops of Mr. James Per Per
rettet arc receiving a new coat of paint.
Tillc's grocery store is having some
nee.led rcpaids done. The old and played
out awning stand has been removed and a
new one crepted. The change is a geed
oae and for the better.
President Haldcman and Manager
Phahlcr of the Keeley stove company of
Columbia, left yesterday te examine the
stone works atDetreit, Mich.
Scheel bend holds its regular monthly
meeting this evening.
" A Life's Mistake," played by a supc
rien company, will appear in the opera
house, Thursday April 20.
The coach works formerly owned by
Mr. Wm. Pinkcrten, are being thoroughly
remodeled by Mr. C. E. Becker.
Meeting of the Homeopathic Medical Se.
A tegular meeting of the homeopathic
medical society of Lancaster county was
hclil yesterday at Columbia, and was well
attended by members from Mt. Jey, Mari
etta, Lancaster and the county.
An election of officers for the ensuing
j car was first in order, and the following
wcie elected : President, Dr. O. T. Hueb
ner ; Recording Secretary, Dr. W. D.
Bellinger ; Corresponding Secretary, Dr.
Tayler ; Treasurer, Dr. Harry.
A discussion followed upon the best
methods of treating scrofulous disorders.
Several specifics for the early phases of
the disorder were reported as succcssfuly
used. After comparing notes with refer
ence te the existing acute disorders, tbe
following resolution was unanimously
passed :
Resehed, That it is the sense of this
meeting that since homeopathic physiciaus
have, against cieat opposition en the pait
of the old school of medicine, established
for themselves an honored position in the
cstimatieu of the community, there is new
no advantage or honor te be derived by
them iu consulting with allepaths ; and
hence the recent action of the allopathic
medical society of the state of New Yerk
was entiicly gratuitous.
The meeting adjourned te convene at
Lancaster en the second Tuesday of June.
Kerrpaugli's Advertisers.
Last evening advertising car Ne. 2,
of Adam Ferepaugh'8 circus arrived in
this city from Philadelphia. This
is a very handsome car, which is in
c'laifjc of J. J. Shewls, who has ten as
sistants. They filled all the prominent
windows in the city with lithographs and
did weik in the country te-day. The
railroad excursion brigade, consisting of
Geerge H. Murray and several ether., ar
rived te day also.
New Dry Goods Stere.
Attention is directed te the advertisement
clscu here el the dry goods Arm el Bewers &
Ilurst, late of the Arm of GIvler, Bewers &
Hurst, who have taken possession of the store
rooms In the Uewcll building, Nes. 129 and 131
North Queen stiect, and supplied It with a
larac stock of dry goods in every branch of
the Hade, including a complete assortment
et gentlemen's lurnishing goods. Messrs.
Bewcis& Hurst are both gentlemen of long
experience in the dry goods business, and
their thorough familiarity with the wanU of
purehasers.qualifles them te give their patrons
ample satisfaction ana should win ferthe new
huuge u liberal patronage.
Charles O. Bbeads.
" Death loves a shining mark." Hew. apt
the expression when applied te the subject of
this sketch ; while yet in, the bloom of man
hood, looking forward te a future full of use-'
fulness, surrounded by happy thoughts, full
et tbe eagerness of lite, and leaving behind
only a glad recollection of a lire well spent,
we are called upon te mourn his less. I have
no hesitation in laying, that the death of
Charles G. Rhoads leaves n void that can
scarce be filled. While net largely iJenJlacd
with public affair, bis career was such as te
leave a bright example te the young of the
present age. Industrious, sober, mature,
I might say bej-end bis years, he leaves a re
cord that way well be taken advantage of by
these who arc growing up te manhood.
" While yet In love with life and raptured
with the world, he pa-scd te silence ami
pathetic dust." The ways of Providence aie
truly inscrutible and beye d understanding ;
yet, when death enters a happy household
and take-, thcrelrem the loved one. te whom
all leek up ler advice when needed, encour
agement when wanted, reproof when neces
sary, wc often wonder, whether "He who
deeth all things well," may net In the near
fatuie show us the reason why.
What an admonition the decease of our
friend demonstrates the trailtyet human Hie
well may we pause and reflect as te whom
next may be called te pas the portals el that
yonder land, from whose beurne no traveler
In his family relations he was generous te a
fault, and his large circle of mourning friends
remain te honor hif memory, and bear testi
mony te his worth f.s a cltUen, n a lather, as
a fiieud- Peace te his nshe and as we shed a
patting tear ever his leiuains let us hope that
our lebu was his gain. 1,.
Dtsmewic, nervous people, "out of ser.t",
Celden's Liebig's Liquid Beef and Tonic In In In
vigoruter will cure. Ask for Coition'. Of
Druggists. aplO-lwdced&w
KinsT a cold, then bronchitis. Check the
first with Hale's Heney et Horehennd and
Tar. Pike's Toothache Dieps cure in one
minute. aplO-lwdced&w
The pleasures of the table cease.
Whene'er the teeth begin te fail :
The beauties of the mouth decrease :
The breath's no mere a spicy gale;
And all must seen in rain lie,
Unless te SOZODOXT wc fly.
A full feeling alter meals, dyspepsia, heart
burn, and general HI health relieved by
Biewu's Iren Hitler. aplO-lwd&w
It is probable that the young ladycclcbrated
in thejc chaiming lines of Rebert Burns, had
tan. moth-apets and heckles, with ether
beauty blemishes. Fer such condition. Dr.
Bensen's Skin Cure should be en every lady's
toilet table. nplOlwd&w
Nohedv enjoys thu nicest surroundings if in
bad health. Theie arc uiiscrnble pconleabeut
te-day te whom a bottle et Pai ker's Ginger
ionic would bring mere belni comfort than
all the cocters they have ever ti led. See ether
column. inl-ltudcod&cew
Asubuusuam, Ma9S., Jan. 11, 18SO.
1 have been very sick ever two years. They
all gave me up ns past cure. I tried the inett
skilful physicians, but they did net reach the
worst pait. The lung9 and heart would fill up
cveiy night and distress me, and my threat
was very bad. I told my children 1 never
should die iu peace until I had tiled Hep Bit
ters. I have taken two bottles. They have
hclpe '. me very much indeed. I am new well.
There nasnlotet sick folks here who have
ren hew they helped me, and they used them
and are cured, and feel as thankful as I de
that there is se valuable a medicine made. .
apl 2wd&w Mils. Julia G. Cusmj.a.
A Cough, Celd or sero un rout should no
stepped, Neglect frequently esults tn an In.
curable Lung Disease or Consumption.
Itrewn'a bronchial Troches de net disorder
tut: -leiiiuch like cough syrup? aud balsams,
but act diiectlyen tlntntUmiM pints, allaying
irnlutiiin, ive leliel in Asthma. Bronchial
Coughs, Catairh, and the Threat Tieublcs
which bingers and Public Speakers uru. subject
te. Fer thiity years Brown's Bronchial
Tieciirs have been recommended by physi
cians, and always give ncrtect satisfaction.
Having been tested by wide and constant use
for neatly n entire generation, they have at
tained wel.. .ncrited rank among the lewstaplc
remedies et the age. Sold at i"cenLsii box
every whei e, m8-l vdTTh&Sftlvw
The toUewingftatcmentof William.) Cough Ceugh
lln, of Somerville, .alass.. Is se remarkable that
we beg ti usk ter it the attention et our read
ers. He says : " In the fall of 1S7G I was taken
with a violent bleeding of the lungs followed
by a severe cough. I seen began te lese my
appetite and llesh. I was se weak at one time
that I could net leave my bed. In the summer
of 1877 I was admitted te the City Hospital.
While there the doctors Slid 1 bail a hole in
my left lung as big us a half cellar. 1 expend
ed ever a hundred dollars in doctors and med
icine. 1 was se far gene at one time a repe t
wen: around that I was dead. I gave up hope,
but a lriend told me et On. Wm. Hall's Balsam
fep.tiik Lckes. I laughed at my friends, think
ing that m j case was incurable, but 1 get a
bottle le satisfy them, when te my surprise
and gratification, I commenced te feel better.
My hope, once dead, began te revive, and to
day I leel In belter spirits than I have the past
three years.
"1 wiite this hoping you will publish It, se
that everyone atlllctcd with Diseased Lungs
will be induced te take Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam
for the Lungs, and be convinced that con cen con
sninp'ten can be cured. I have taken two
bottles and can positively say that It has done
mere geed t'mii all ether medicines I have
taken since my sickness. My cough has al
most entirely disappeared and 1 sliall seen be
aide le go te work." Sold in Lancaster at
Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 133 North Queen
stre lv2S-lvleedTh&w2
A Hive of ltee.s
Burdock Bleed Bitters bring hack health
when the body Is badlv disordered by impure
bleed. Blllleusncss, indigestion, constipa
tion, dyspepsia and ether bad disorders cured
by Burdock Bleed Bitters, Price 91. Fer sale
at II. B. Cochran's cling store, 137 North Queen
street, Lancaster.
Hundreds et Men, Women and Children
rescued in every community from beds or
sickness and almost death and made strong
by Parker's Ginger Tonic are the best evi
dences in the world of its sterling worth.
Pest. ap7-lmdeodeew
Skin Diseases Cured
By Dr. Frazier's Maeic Oistment. Cures as
It by magic pimples, black heads or grubes,
blotches and eruptions en the face, leaving
the skin clear, healthy and beautiful. Alse
cures itch, bather's itch, salt rheum, tetter,
ring worm, scald head, chapped hands, sere
nipples, sere lips, old, obrtlnate ulcers and
sores, Ac.
F. Drake, esq., Cleveland, O., suffered beyond
all description from a skin disease which ap
peared en his hands, bead and face, and nearly
destroyed hi eyes. The most careful doctor
ing had failed te help him, and nfter all had
failed he used Dr. Frazler's Magic Ointment
and was cured by a few applications.
The first and only positive cure for .skin
diseases ever discovered.
Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, 137 and 139 North
Qncen street, Lancaster.
HENRY & CO., Sele Proprietors,
C2 Vesey Street, New Yeak.
Fer Blind, Bleeding, Itching or fJIccialed
Piles, Dk. William's Ixdiajj Pilk Oitmest is
a sure cure. Price $1.00, by mail. Fer sale at
Ceehran's Drug store. feb27-M&Thd&w
Brown -s Household Panacea
Is the most eflectlve Pain Destroyer In
the world. Will most surely quicken the
bleed, whether taken Internally or applied
extcrnally.and thereby mere certainly relieve
pain, whether chronic or acute, than nny ether
pain alleviator, and It Is warranted double the
strength of any similar preparation. It cures
pain In the Side. Back or Bowels. Sere Threat,
Kucnmatism and' all aches, and is THE
Household Pasacea" should be in every
family. A teaspoenfnl of the Panacea in a
tumbler et het water sweetened if prcferredj,
taken Ht bed time will break cr a cold. 23cts
a bottle. fcbll-lydM.W&S&w
Hub It In.
Jacob Leck in an, 27 Clinten street, Buffalo,
X. Y.. says he has been using Tiaras' Kcutc
niic Oil ier rheumatism. He had such a lame
back tliat he could de nothing'; but one bottle
entirely cured him. Fer sale at II. B. Coch
ran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster.
Quick, complete cure, all annoying .Kidney,
Bladder and Urinary Diseases. $1. Druggists.
Depot, Jehn F. Leng & Sens.
O ERUAllT C'AKrzSTER On April 12. 1891. at
the Moravian church, Lancaster, Pa., by Rev.
Dr. E. V. Gcrbart, assisted by Rev. J. Max
Hark, William 11. Gerhart and Miss Ellen
Louisa Carpenter, daughter of the late Wm.
Carpenter, sq.
Welsh. -In this city, en the 12th Inst., at 8:3
a. m , Mrs. Williim Welsh.
Funeral Friday morning at $yt o'clock from
her late residence, 311 West James street.
High mas at St. Mary's church at 9 o'clock.
Ot Karl township. Subject te :the decision ' et
the Democratic county convention. mStcdAw
Eighth warn. City. Subject te the decision et
the Democratic County Cenventian.
Of Eilzabcthtewn borough. Subject te the
decision of the Democratic county conven
tion. m9-tcd&w
Terms reasonable. Anply at
uL situation nT Nurse. Applv at
held and Kitchen Furniture at the
Southeast Angle et Centre hquare, te-morrow
(FRIDAY). Sale te commence at 1- p. m.
ROOM. 48x15 fert. cl' se te Northern Mar
ket, and opposite ih: Keystone Heuse, Ne. 213
.Nerm viuccn surer, inquireat
npilO-tfd 241 NORTH QUiSEN STREET.
O-iU the an est and conviction et the person
or persons, or for any information leading te
the arrest of the parties who maliciously
abuse the tell-gatherer, Jehn La Rue, of the
Millersyille & blackwater Turnpike, and ler
bicaking window lights, 01 otherwise damag
ing property of said Cempuny.
all-Std&llw President et said Company.
X. and Hese Companies will receive sealed
proposals up te TUESDAY ESENING (18th
Inst) at 7 o'clock ier the furnishing et as muclr
nay. suaw aim uatsns may no requited ier
the fourteen horses of the Are department
until October 1, 168.1. Proposals must be In
dorsed "Proposals ler Hav, Straw aud Oats,"
and left at the Maver's Ofllcc.
12-3t SAMUEL B. COX, Chairman.
any paii et the cutaneeus sin face, and it
has been observed en these portions of mu
cous membrane w Iiieh approach most nearly
te the skin in texture, such as the linlnir mem
brane el the lips.ineuth and fatices. and integ
ument et the tongue, the eyelids and ether
portions of the body et the same nature. All
Cancer Seres and Tumors cured without pain
or using the knife by
Ofllcc: Ne. 13 East Walnut street, Lancaster
Consultation t rce. al3-3tdt-w
Kj If you want te buy a
attend the sale at Swain & Wylic's Stables, en
Seuth christian street opposite the
Exchange Hetel,
at 10 o'clock.
Among ether geed ones we will sell one
Black Mare, fi year old, can pace in 2:30, sure,
or no sale. Has no record" and is atiald et
al3-3U!R fcWAIN & WYLlE.
the Mayer's Otllcc until 8 o'clock en Fri
day evening, April 14, 188J, for the repair of
the Blrkcnbine Water Pumps Nes.l and'J.and
for the Geyelin Pump.
PROPOSALS will be received at the same
place and time for the lepair et the Old
The Gey elm Pump and Ne. 2 Biikenbinc
Pump must be completed in two weeks from
the assignment of the crntracr, with the ex
ception et Spade Handles and Plungers.
The contract ler the irpair of the Boilers
must be completed w ithin sixty days from
date et contract,
Payments ter work will be made In sixty
aays from the satistacteiy completion of the
Werk must be done according te the specifi
cations te be seen at the Mayer's elllce.
The committee reserve the right te reject
any and till bids.
Dry floods Stere !
Monday Next, April 17th,
Dry Goods andMiens
Which they will eirei
We have special bargains te offer In Black
and Colored Silks, Black Rhadames, Black
and Colored Meires, Brocades, Black Cash
meres, Black and Colored Nun's Veilings, and
an elegant line of Novelties iu Plain and
Fancy Dress Goods. In our Demestic Depart
ment will be found nil the Novelties In Prints
Ginghams and Percales. Wc will eiler special
drives in Mnslins.Tafelc Linens,Tewel3,Ac. In
enr Ladies' and Gent's Furnishing Goods De
purtment we will show an elegant line of
goods at lowest prices, We invite all te come
and see us in our new room, which will be one
et the handsomest in the city. Wc mean te de
business, and in order te de se will ell goods
at a very small profit.
Wl Bewers, - El. mm
ricks, deceased. Letters of administra
tion en;the estate et Ann Elizabeth Barrlcks,
late of Lancaster city, deceased, have been
pranted te Peter 11. Lync, residing in said
city, te whom all persons indebted te said
cHtutc are requested 10 make payment, and
these having claims or demands will make
known the same without delay.
M. Bnesirs, Administrator,
Attorney. apO-OtdTh
jemr WAtrAUAnrR's.
A figured silk wjtheut example
hitherto came yesterday from Paris;
a gres-grain, warp of one color and
woof of another ; which would give
a changeable effect. that is neither
new nor desirable of itself ; but the
newness and wonder of it is in the
shadowy figure of many shades, but
of only two or three colors, which
blend se lovingly as te lese their
separate force in a most gentle and
winning harmony.
It is net brocade. The weave is
that of perfectly plain gres-grain.
The blending of these ghostly
shades is a mystery then Is it
printing, like the wonderful satderis
of these two .years (next-outer circle,
Thirteenth street antrance) ? Ravel out
the woof. It is untouched by any
color, save its own. But leek at the
disengaged warp, after you have
raveled the woof out. There is the
figure clearer and in brighter colors.
It must have been printed there
before -weaving.
The dimness of outline is explain
ed. The least miscalculation in the
printing of the warp silk would
cause it. 1 ne artist wne designed
the pattern knew this, and adapted
his design te the fact. Instead of
seeking an impossible perfection of
outline, he turned the inevitable
inaccuracy of the printing into a
merit by obscurely hinting at beau
ties beyond sight.
The gentle gradations of shade
are explained. Think of piling up
colors enough en a brocade te ac
complish such master-work as this.
It isn't attempted. Damasse work
isn't imitation of nature ; it is con
ventienal in the highest degree. But
in printing it is only a matter of
number of colors. The wonder is
net there. It is in the adaptation
of means te the end by which a
most singular 'beauty is expressed,
with a jaunty, almost careless ease.
$4 a yard.
We have but little of this particu
lar silk our buyer sends us but
little of any one such. We are pay
ing the newspapers for printing this
tee long account of it much mere
than our profit by the sale of it.
But this incident out te serve as an
advertisement of the stream of
novelties which pour in upon us
while the buying season lasts.
Next-outer circle, Chestnut street entrance.
Tapestry carpets are made in the
same way ; the pattern is printed
en the warp ; brussels being of the
nature of a brocade.
We ought te say mere of carpets
and mattings ; but net te-day.
North gallery.
Nun's veiling, and a silk-and-cot-ten
fabric very like nun's veiling, of
street and evening colors, embroid
ered all-ever with bright silk bits of
leaf and flower ; plaid nun's veiling
embroidered the same way; $1.25
te $2.50, according te embroidery,
rather than fabric.
Nun's veiling is getting into ex
travagances beyond all recollection
of the nun.
Fourth circle, City-hall square entrance.
Twe carael's-hair melanges at 1,
which last year sold for $1.50; of
styles that are geed, se long as
melanges are geed ; and melanges
are just as geed as they were last
year. Probably these are last year's
nobody knows or cares. Grays
and brown's ; some of them strong
Third-circle, southeast Irem centie.
The Arcade entrance from Chest
nut street takes en a new form to
day. It is no longer a mere passsge,
way te the main building ; it is also
part of the rooms . en both sides
of it.
Te the west of the Arcade are
hosiery, underwear, gloves, umbrel
las, and gentlemen's - furnishing.
The partition has been taken out,
se that the whole room, 13 15, 13 17
and 1 3 19 Chestnut, is under your
eye as you pass en te the main
building; and new the counters are
turned about te invite you in.
These counters we shall number
first, second, third, fourth, fifth,
sixth and seventh from Chestnut
street, for your convenience in find
ing the goods advertised.
1313 Chestnut.
Jehn Wanamaker.
Chestnut, Thirteenth and Market streets
and City-hall square.
t- tfX'1 J J tl T r- l't llti
-rwr,,- . i-rrf
. . - - t
The Amount Contributed te the Suflerlng
Emerald Isle by Iter Sens In thbt
Country A Patriotic Showing J
Washington. D. C. April 13. The
.national Land League convention waa
calkd te order shortly , after ten o'clock.
Hey. Father Walsb et Connecticut, treas
urer,' presented his report of receipts .and
remittances since the last conventien.giviDg
receipts by states, .Massachusetts heading
the list with $41,317 ; the receipts from
Pennsylvania were 37,298, New Yerk
$10,134, Maryland $2,027, Jjew Jersey
$991. The total receipts since the forma
tion of the League were $180,589. Up te
the present time there had been remitted
te Ireland 31G9.2G2.
The report was frequently interrupted
with applause, three cheers being given
when the large contribution from Massa
chusetts was announced. The delegates
from New Yerk and California inquired
if the report included all the receipts from
these states tliey knew the amounts were
greater than announced by the report.
The chairman explained that the treasurer
reported only what he received himself,
and net what was sent direct te Ireland,
and that the secretary's report would show
full receipts.
The secretary's lepert was then read,
showing the number of branch leagues,
amounts contributed by each state, and
method of remittance. Massachusetts
again appeared at tbe head of the list with
a total of $81,700 : New Yerk next, with
$59,820. The full amount sent te Ireland,
both direct and by treasurer, wife $272,810.
Beth reports were unanimously accepted.
Jehn Beyle O'Keilly picsentcd the re
pert of the committee en lesolutieus aud
proceeded te read it te the convention.
The preamble recites the poverty and
distress of the people of Ire
land, that they are kept submissive ey a
standing army of 15,000, which is main
tained at the expense of an iuipeveiislicd
people ; that six million acres of land are
owned by less than 300 individuals, most
of whom live in luxury in England, and
tuat irishmen are aeuiea their rights in
cenrt by suspension of the habeas corpus
act. The resolutions extend sympathy
te Irish peetlj and premise linau
cial support while thev aie bat
tling for self government ; applaud
ed their Christian forbearance and
charges the British government with the
responsibility for all ciimes occurring
since the imprisonment of the Irish leadeis
Tbe final resolution demands of the proper
authorities the immediate trial or uncon
ditional release of American citizens con
fined without accusation, in foreign jails.
After seveial speeches the committee's
report was adopted by a nearly unani
mous vote.
Stere Contumacy en the Fart of the Peruvian
WitnesH Blaine's Relation te the
Washington, April 13. At the Ship
herd examination te day the matter of
revising the official record was postponed
for the present. In reply te questions of
Mr. Belmont, Shipherd stated that the
text of tbe letter in which Hnrlbut was
effeied $250,000 of stock was read te Secre
tary Blaine and he remarked. "Well, that
won't make much impiessien en Steve.
Witness said that when he came
from the secretary and thought ever his
several interviews he was always impressed
with the belief that the secretary was in
accord with their wishes.
iur. ueiuiuiiL uieu ijuusuuueu wikuessas ,
te who were the parties interested in the
Peruvian company that Shipherd had al
luded te as "frieud8ef Gen. Grant and of
President Garfield."
Witness evaded a direct answer and said
there were gentlemen interested who were
personal friends of both Grant and Gar
field. He lefused, under any circum
stances, te give a list of the stockholders
of the Peruvian company.
Witness then went into a long explana
tion of impressions upon him in his inter
views with Secretary Blaine. Witucsa'
belief was all through summer that the
secretary fully intended te co-operate with
him, but the letter from the secretary en
the 3d of December, in which he wrete in
such terms of utter condemnation, fell
upon him (Shipherd) like a thunderbolt.
He was greatly surpr iscd and could net
account for the sudden change of the sec
retary only by supposing Hurlbut had im
pressed upon the secretary's mind that
there was nothing in the claim.
In reply te Belmont witness said he
never for a moment thought that Blaine
expected te derive any personal or pecun
iary benefit from the claim. TIe said he
believed tbe secretary's change of attitude
was because he was going te leave the
cabinet and, fearing publicity of his con
nection with Shipherd, he made up bis
mind te put a letter en record which
would indicate that he always knew Ship
herd te be a fraud. Adjourned until to
A Statement Concerning it from the Dead
Foel's Family.
Bosten, April 13. Ernest Longfellow,
son of the poet, states in a card that inas
much as many persons have made haste te
anneunce biographies of Henry W. Long
fellow with claims of authorization from his
family, he desires te disabuse the pub
lic of wrong expectations and guard
against imperfect biographies. In due
time a memoir will be published te which
the family will lend all their assist
ance ; that for this thev reserve all the
material in their hands, and that they win
be thankful te these of Mr. Longfellow's
friends who will entrust te them for Litis
use whatever correspondence or ether help
ful data thet e may be in their possession.
TheOvcneref the Burned "World
lngsued for Negligence.
New Yerk, April 13. Orlande B. Pot Pet
ter, the owner of tbe old World building,
recently destroyed by fire, has been sued
in the superior court by the proprietors of
the Turf, Field Jand Farm newspaper for
$50,000 damages for the losses they sus
tained iu the burning of the building of
which they were occupants. The com
plaint charges negligence against the de
fendant in having failed te provide prop
erly against fire.
Catholic Clergy en Coercion and Eviction.
Londen, April 13. The Catholic clergy
of the diocese of Cashel and Eraly have
passed resolutions pledging themselves te
exert all their influence te prevent out
rages demanding the cessation of coercion
and eviction of tenants for arrears of rent,
aud also pledging themselves te cooperate
with the people's representatives with the
object of securing a large amendment te
the land act.
Let tne Peer Indian.
Washington, April 13. The ar de
partment is informed that arrangements
have been made ler supplying the suffer
ing Arrapahee and Cheyenne Indians until
Congress makes proper previsions fur their
maintenance, and that there is no ap;re
hensien et farther trouble.
State Prison for life.
Bosten, April 14.-nPrank Pearce, who
was yesterday convieted of murder in tbe
second degree for killing his wife, last
August, was te-day sentenced te the state
prison for life.
Attentty OtfMral .ndMrrMtkMMtC
UARRisBCRO, April 13. This morn
ing f7Ltfbrue Geiefal i PaMierT filed
ifctcejprotbenotary.211 aaita'' arainst
aiRiuai iBsurance cemaaiMB M tlia athte.
- - .T J
arid'asked that writs." of quo-warrahte be
issued by the court iu all the ease, te
show causex why their -business should
net be 'closed-4 up. He alleges that
these companies have net com
plied ,with the law, and ..that no an
nual statements haw been1 made of
their business. The list ineludes nearly
every company in the state,, and' the pre
cedure will be similar te that taken in
previous cases where companies have been
dissolved. The intention is te .wise them
all out of existence.
In Uoed Health ana Spirits Mera Evidence
of Insanity.
Londen, April 13 The health of Dr
Lamson is geed. , He .steeps well fjad oc
casionally, is almost cheerful. ' He has
written an account of his movement at
about the time of his visit te Wimbledon,
just before the death of young Jehn, but
many of the statements therein have
proved te be untrue. The defence have
obtained the evidence of four servants em
ployed by the i doctor while at Bourse
mouth. They all depose as te eccentric
action en the part of tbe prisoner, and te
their belief that be is insane.
An Amateur Marksman's Fatal Aim.
Harihsbuke, Pa, April 13. Ellen
White, the colored woman who in Feb
ruary last was shot while passing along
the street, died this morning from her in
juries. Owing te the nature of the wound
aud its elfects tbe case has excited much
interest in medical circles. It is said this
morning that the fatal shot was fired by a
young man named Walters, who was in
side of a frame building bhoeting at a
mark. The coroner will investigate the
ca?e this afternoon.
Fatal Dl-a air at ,aarlejtea, 8. O.
Charleston, S. C, April 13. Steamer
Planter exploded early this morning just
after leaving her deck. Jake Washington,
colored deckhand, was scalded te death.'
The mate and engineer were both seriously
scalded and two colored men were slightly
iujurcd. Nene of the passengers were hu:t.
Four .Persons Killed by an Explosion,
Londen, April 13. A steamer has ex
ploded at Her deck, at Magdeburg, killing
four persons and nearly destroying the
i:diter Smith, of the Press" Under Ball.
PniLADELPniA, April 13. Chas. Emery
Smith, of the Press, appeared at the
Central station this afternoon for
a hearing upon the charge of libel
preferred by Henry Weyl, a detective
in the district attorney's office. The pub
lication was admitted by the defendant
and after the complainant had made a
brief aud general denial of the accusations
made against him by the Press, the de
fendant waived further hearing and was
held in $800 bail te answer at the present
term of court.
Hammer Bearding Heuse Burned.
Philadelphia. April 13. The summer
bearding house of Mrs. James Armstrong,
en the Germantown branch of the Phila
delphia & Reading railroad, in the north
ern part of the eity, was destroyed by fire
at au early hour this morning. Fires were
started in the heaters yesterday te pre
pare the house ferthe summer season, and
it is supposed that an overheated flue set
fire te the building. The less is estimated
.. a,r nnn
The Change In the Navy Department.
Washington, April 13. Secretary
Chandler will probably enter upon hia
duties as secretary of the navy en Monday
next. Secretary Hunt will, however, re
main till it suits the convenience of his
successor te take charge.
Secretary Hunt has decided te accept
the Russiau mission, and expects te leave
for St. Petersburg about the last of May.
The Philadelphia Hetel Suicide.
Philadelphia, April 13. An inquest
was held en the body of Frank Evans, of
New Yerk, who committed suicide yester
day iu the Great Western hotel. Nothing
was developed except that a tall man with
black hair called at the hotel this morning
and made inqnrics about the deceased but
declined te answer any questions. The
jury returned a verdict of suicide by shoot sheet
ing. Tne Situation at Lawrence.
Lawrence, Mass., April 13. At the
Pacific mill this morning thirty-two addi
tional weavers and fcn spinners were en
gaged. Mere than one-half the cotton spin
ning machinery at the lower mill is new in
opeiatiou, also 744 looms. The total num
ber of the hands employed this morning
was 249 weavers and 23 spinners.
The Imprisoned ' Suspects."
Londen, April 13. The official list of
suspects detained in prison en April 1,
places the number at 511, of whom 23 are
reasonably suspected of murder as princi
ples .and 7 as accessories. Eleven are
charged with treasonable practices and 24
with sheeting with intent te murder.
Others are held for arsea, intimidation,
unlawful assembly, &c.
matrimonial Misfortunes of a Marquis.
Paris, April 13 The Marquis of
Anglessey, who was married en the 2Gth
of June, 1880 te' tbe widow of the Hen.
Henry Wodeheusc, daughter of Mr. J. P.
King, of Georgia, United States, has
separated from his wife. She is the third
wife of the marquis, who announces that
he will net be responsible for her debts.
Washington, J). C, April 13. Fer
the Middle Atlantis states, fair weather,
followed by increasing cloudiness, and in
the southern portion rain falling, followed
by rising barometer and stationery or
higher temncrature and variable winds.
Ueircn Arrived at Liverpool.
Philadelphia, Apiil 13. A.cable dis
patch received here says President
Gewen. of the Philadelphia & Reading
railroad, arrived at Liverpool at 7:15 this
Bew xura jaaraat.
New Yerk. April IS. Fleur State and
Western a shade si longer and moderately ac
tive.. Southern Arm. .
WheaE)lKc lilgker, and stranger; active
speculative trading ; Ne. 2 Red, May, $1 K
tvl 13! ; de June. SI 39JQ1 40 ; de July,
$1 2601 2CJi ; de Aug., 1 -aft.
Cern MSc higher and mere active ; Mixed
Western; spot, 8284c ; futures,' 82;84c.
Oats glc better, and fairly active ; Ne. 2
Mar MH07c ; de June.!55e55&c ; de July. Si
54c ; de Aug., 4919Jc ; State. M&KJc ;
Western, 58Q62C.
Philadelphia Market.
- PHU.amn.rMA, April 13. Fleur strenr, with
moderate trade ; fcuperttne. $3 504 50 ; intra.
S4 75ffii5 50 ; Ohie and Indiana lamily, SS 73
7 50 ; Pcnn'a taniily, $G 006)6 23.
Bye flour $4 75.
Wheat excited and higher; Del. andPenn'a
Red, $1 4350 44; de Amber, fl 4491 45.
Cern stronger en scarcity ; Steamer at 90S
OOC; Yellow. 02c ; Mixed. 9192cr'e. 3
Mixed, 90892c.
Oats verv scarce anil Irregular: Ne. 1
White, 6ng70c ; Ne. 2 de G7K3GSC ; Ne. 3 de
;G7e ; Ne. 2 uirxcd, 63KQ65C.
Kye scarce and nominal at 89c. c
Previsions firm, with fair demand.
Lard firm.
Butter unsettled and declining: Creamery
extra, Pa., 40c; Western, 37039c ; de geed te
chelc. 34936c.
IU 019 dull and nominal. .
W steady ; Penn'a.. ITJic ; Western 16
4 Uheeae-cholee rm.
Jtreteuni steady ; Kenned, T'f.
Whisky at se.
I. SeedaKOoUie prime clever neglected ut 7&
ec;ui ue viiineiny dull ut 3i 70: de
Flaxseed Arm at l ig.
Grain aad Prevision yuetittluu.
One O'clock quotations el grain and mevk
Ions, fnrnl9hed: by 8. K. Tnndt. Breker. l.V
April 1J.
Cern Oats
.SI?,' .57
.S3X .K
.SS .64
U Stecst markets.
Libmtt -Cattle Receipts. S:
market fair; beat Cattle, ja.7537.25 ;
head ;
hilr te
wi wi.tjyte.ij , common, istgc.
STK5ce,Pt8' t9) hesui ' market aeittve :
Phlladelphias, 750fi7 W; Yorkers, S M)
Sheep Recelpta, 1.C0O head: market slew:
woeled, S4.SO07 r clipped, tt.5ees se.
CJUcaoe. cattle Kecelpts, I.IWO head ; hir
ment9, 3.30) head ; marker strong mid pnct-,
10c hiEhcr: cxnerta nt 7v;;?7ii nn.i ,,.
choice shipping. t CA37IS; common te fair,
$5 704JK 40; mixed butchers' strong ami uotlve
at $3 1033 CO; Blockers and feeders active aud
stronger at $3 3033 43.
Hogs Keeelpts. 13,090 bcadtshipincnts, ..(el
head; market alreng and prices 5 lu higher:
common te geed mixed, i cSfl'SO: heavy i
$7 957 SO ; liht S 6307 -, ; skip , J5 tOgtl I J ;
closing rather weak.
Sheep Keeelpts, ?,800 head; dilninents,
2.000 head ; marketstreng and netiv prices
10915c higher; scalawag shearling. $.IW!l;
common te medium woeled, $5 5USC 10 ; me
dium te geed. 96 23G SO ; choice te e.xt ra, if. Ge
fiC SO.
stock ataraet.
New Yerlc, rmi.idelphfu and Lecal Mecks
also United States Keud reported ihiily by
Jacob U. Lews, 22 North Queen street.
April 1.1.
10:00 law !;.
A. K. P. IX. 1M.
1278-12 U
lli 11!) 1!J
i '' wl
ilfi IP. 11' i
3i 30K ;
Wi ief; lit;,
74 7. 7Ji,
12! ! UTi
74 75 7:.
SI'S Sl!i IS
6'i: ir$i ie.
im; iiek no',
39; 38?;; 38;
si :e, 2 -$
82J;J as
dl'i titf
30' H ; 2.
17'J n'i it'
:wi se' w.
C C & I. C It. R...... .. ....
DL,LacK.& Western
Denver & Kle Grande
N. y.,Lake Erie ft Western...
East Tenn, Vn. A tleerglu
Missouri. Kansas Texita.. ..
Lae Shere Midi. Southern..
Louisville A Nashville.
new rerK central
New Jersey Central
OntariuA Western
Omaha Cem ,
Omaha Preferred
Paclfle Mall Steamship Ce....
Chicago. Mil. bt. Paul
Texas Pacific
Wabash, s i.jnls A Pncine...
Western Union Tel. Ce
Buffalo Pitta. A West
.Northern PaclncCem,
SATURDAY, APBIL 15th, 1582.
Messrs. Ilnrtmyer A Dully have the honor te
present the Celebrated American iar, the
mestlleautlful Weman en the American wla'c.
The Union Square Theatre Ce.,
Who has proven brilllantlv successful! every
where, will appear In the Union fen uuru Thea
tre version or
The .New Magdalen,
By the Celebrated English Auther,
As played lOOnfghtsln New Tork,upperled by
The most magnificent costuming ever ine-
sented In a periei inance in this city. Direct
importations by Werth, of Paris.
RESERVED SEATS, 75 CTS. aprlletd
25 Trained Elephants.
Eighteenth Consecutive Annual TonreMhe
Greatest el all, the Ureat
The largest and best iu the world, nothing
and nobody excepted, will exhibit ulternnen
and evenlngat LANCASTER
Coming with IU two, three and
Mammoth Pavilions held 15,000 SPECTA
TORS. Dally expenses laigur, show c.i-t,
mere than any in the wet-ld. Great Circm in
TWO VAST ARENAS, equal te any
All Europe's Greatest
this season, ON LY
Riders, engaged u.i-
With rare animals and lilnls'-uflleleut te make
20 Great Wild Beast .Shew, such as iim..ik-
come here
Between )JJ and H1J4 en ll.e
every exhibition day I.-, seen the
great and grandly gorgeous
SfBBKT l-ARAUK, With the
lorenecn of
111:11x11 Hi cent
p.igeants. L.AM.A KOOKIIand Cl.hOIWTHA
anu mere cuane!-, wild lieasti 1m:m: in thn
streets, mere bunds, mere and novel
leatures than any hnw en earth ever put in
parade, bee bills for details. 43hxcuisirn
trains ami nw rates en all railroad. Adnii
slen OOc: Children under Oycare, 2."c; Exhi
bitions afternoon and evening at nsiuil hour.
Arcnic chain). Piemenide concert, one hour
before commencing, by the two great li.tnds.
ADAM, FOttEPAUGIl, Sele Prep.
Preferred-tickets will be sold en the day et
the exhibition at Hlrsli Jfc Bre 's Peim Hall
Clothing Stere, te enable ladies and ethers te
avoid the rush ut the tl.-ket wauen.
JC Diikc street, second-story.
adajitiil for
aprithl '
Pim.ip lk.i:lti;k,
Ieb27-ttct , 541 North Queen street.
TjMm sam:.-an immense nu.-hiku
of all descriptleng,Jn all localities nnd at all
prices. j.
with prices, free te every one.
ALLAN A. HEIitt & CO ,
dec3-emd 3 North Duke street.
offers , at private Kale the tallewing de
scribed property; te -wit :
All that very valuable farm, CONTAINING
17 ACRES, mere or less, situated en the i-eulh
side of East King street, in the city of Lancas
ter, Immediately oppeslto the Lancaster ei.un
iy,.Prt8,!n' nna adjoining lards et 1 Ienium
Miller. Jacob 8. Miller and lands et the Ducc
te ?f,tuc p oep el Lancaster county.
This Is one et the most desirable and valua
ble pieces of real estate In the county of Lan
caster ; has a geed DWELLING HOUSE and
out-houses, with geed Barn and ether im
provements. It U particularly valuable ler
bulldlnglets, being in the very best part of
the city tf Lancaster, and csiicciady adapted
for a truck farm. ' The entire piece Is l.tiil out.
in building lets.
Fer further Information call en HENRY
SHUBERT. Auctioneer and Real Kstuti-
1 Agent, Ne. C Court Avenue, where the draft
01 saia property can ee seen. . m.'O t id
housework in a small family. Reference.
required. Apply at
the city et Lancaster, deceased, Letters
et administration en said estate liavln; been
granted te the undersigned, all person- in
debted thereto are requested te make iuiiue
pn payment, and these having claims or
dfrnkads against the same will present them
without delay for settlement te the under
signed, residing In said citv.
Ail. 1 IiiMntter.
Joux A. COVLK, Att'y. aprS ctil,