'. LANCASTER DAILY INTKLLltiEMfflK THURSDAY. APRIL 6, 1882. if Hancastct Intelligencer, THURSDAY BVENINO, M ABCH 6,1882. Tuc Editr. Bosten Transcript.' The editor is a member of that race of animals called mankind. He is invariably u kind man. He is perfectly bannlcs. Yeu may go into his den without fear. Hut he has his peculiarities. The sight of a poet makes hnn wild. He is then very dangerous, and s apt te de bodily harm te all within ' : each. He is also much wrought up when :v man comes in with a little trifle, he has just dabbed off. There is oue thing that must be said in the editor's praise. Ills mind is se biassed by long thinking in a certain direction that he dislikes very much te leek upon both sides of a question. Therefore, if you value your bafety, 'never approach him vritb manuscript written en both sides of your paper. The editor usually writes with a pen, but his cutting ai tides arc the product of his shears. And let me say right here that a geed deal of fchcer nonsense has been printed about the editor. He uses his shears only lien couipesiuir nn entirely original article. The editor would make a geed public spcakcr but for his piepcusity for clipping words. The cditei's hardest tabk is te dispose of his time. His would be a monotonous life indeed, wcre it net for the kindness of the few hundred people who call upon him ever day te enliven his dull life with :.toricsel' their grievance, of their brand new enterprise, and with antediluvian anecdotes. When you grew up te be men and women, children, remember this, and .spend all the time you can in the sanctum of the editor. He loves company se much, you knew, and sometimes he has te sit silent aud alone for a whole half-minute Is it net tee bad ? The business of the" editor is te enter tain itinerant lecturers, book cauvasseis, exchange fiends, and ether philanthropists. He gives his whole day te these. He triiteshis editorials at nijiht, after he has gene te bed. The editor is never se happy as when he is writing complimentary notices. Fer tcu cents' worth el presents he will gladly give ten dellais' weith of advci Using all en account of the plcasuie it gives him te write ,you knew. lie loves also te write neat little speech es, aud bright, witty i.ecms for people without brains who. wish te speak in pub lie. It is se easy for him te de this that he is sometimes quite- iniscrable when an hour or two passes without an opportunity te de'hunicthing of the kind. The editor dines at all the hotels fioe, he travels ficc, theatres open wide their doers te him, his tailor clothes him gratis, his butcher and grocer furnish him with teod without money and without pi ice. In short, his every want is provided for. He spends his princely salary in building I'hurchs ami school houses in foreign lands. liy nil means be c'diteis. Of ceuise it would be better if you could be hoil heil e.iiricr.s or dray horses. But as that is impossible, by all means be editors. Helping Kdllers te obtain News. Seme suppesed friends of a newspaper have peculiar ideas as te what kind of items a paper really requires. Net long .since a gentleman came into the Galveston Neics sanctum aud said: "Loek heic ! Yeu -miss a heap of live items. I'm en the streets all day ; I'll come up every once in a while and pest yen." "All right, fetch-en your items ; butic membcr, we want news." Next day he came up beaming all ever. " I've get a live item for you. Yeu knew that infernal bow-legged gorilla of a brother-in-law of mine, who was in busi ness here with me 1"' "I believe I remember such a person," said the editor, wearily. "Well, I've just get news fiem Nebraska, where he is living, that he is going te run for the Legislature. New, just give him a blast. Lift him out of bis bouts. Don't spate him en my account." Next day he came up again. " My little item was crowded out. I bieught you tiiunc news," and he hands in an item about his cat, as fellows : "A Ukmakkauli: Animal. The family cat of our wei thy and distinguished fellow-townsman Smith, who keeps the boss grocery stme of Waul Ne. 1 (beer always en tap), yesterday became the mother el" live siiigulaily-markcd kittens. This 1b net the first time this unhenid of event has taken place. We understand Mr. Hmith is being favorably spoken of as a e mdidntc for alderman.'' Tnc editor groans in his spiiit" as he lights a cigar with the effeit. It is net long bi'l'eie he hears that Smith is going around saying that he made tie paper what it is, but it. is net independent cunugli for a place like Galveston. Many leaders will say tins sketch is evei drawn ; but thousands of cditeis all er the count ty will lift up their light hands te testify that they are personally aquaiuted with the guilty party. Kams.y Punvi:. It is easily proven tlut ma larial levers, constipation, torpidity el I lie liver ami kidney, general debility, uorveus-m-.-,:iiul neuralgic ailments yield readily le tins ;;i-at di-cesc conqueror, Hep Hitlers. It repairs tliu ravages el disease by convening the loed into rieli bleed, ami it sires new lite ami iaer te the aged aud inlirm always. upl-'-wd&u A Short Keail te Health. Te all who are sufTerinK Irem boils, ulcers, serelnla, carbuncles, or ether obstinate dis eases et the bleed and sUin, neeuisu of Bur dock ISIoed Hitters will be found te be a lierl loidte health. 1'iiee $1. Ter .sale at 11. IS. Cochran's drug store, KJ7 Xeith (uecu -t'i- I, l.aneasler. lc.tpd front tlie Tells. .Ine. I'-icmt, I.aperle. Ind., writes: " Hurrah lei-spriiur IHossem; il'nullyeit recommended it ! !. My dyspepsia has all vanished. Why leu'l you advertise it" What allewance will von nialCeil 1 lake a dozen bottles, se that I could oblige my Iriends occasionally ?" Price Silcents. Fer wile at II. B. Cochran's driitf store. 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. Jacob Martnlt, et Lancaster, N. i, says our Spun;; Blessem weil.s, well ler ovciy evciy tliinu you recommend it; myscll, wile. and children have nil used it, and you can't Hud u healthier lainily in New Yerk .State October ."i. IS-'O. Pi ice .Vi cents. Fer ale at II. 15. Coch ran's diujluru, 1.'57 North Queen street, Lan caster. Kidney Complaint Cured. 15. Tin ner, Rochester, N. Y., writes . " I have t'cn ler ever a year subject te serious dis orders of the kidneys, and elten unable te at; lend te business: 1 procured your Burdock Bleed Bitter-mid was relieved betere half a bottle was used. 1 intend te continue, as I l.-cl eenlidenl that llicy will cnlirelycurc inc." Ptice l. Fer wile :a II. B. OecliR'n's duuj S'eie. 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. DRY GOODS N TU1CIII 1IND 1IKV GOODS si'UKK. ANOTilElt LAUGL LOT OF Bsst Calicos in sfent LheOksl AT 5 CENTS A TABD. LANCASTER GINGHAMS, 19 CENTS A TAKD. 100 dez. Children's Turkey Red Hand kerchiefs, at 2 cents apiece. J. W. BYRNE, 322 NORTH QUEEN STREET, ll-lyd LANCASTER, P MEDICAID TJOl ItlTXJBKS. HQP BITTERS, (A Medicine, Net a Urlnk.) Contains HOPS. BUCHU, MANDKAKE, DANDELION, anil the Purest and Best Medical Qualities el all . Other Hitters. THEY CURB All Diseases et the Stomach, Bowels. Bleed, Liver, Kidneys and Urinary Organc, Xerveusnesi, Sleeplessness and especially Female Complaints. 9l,00O IN OJJLW will be paid ler a cue tliey will net cure or help, or for anything iui pure and injurious found in them. Ask your druggist for HOP EITTEBS and try them betere yea sleep. Take no ether. D. I. V. is an absolute and irresistible cure lar-Drunkcnness, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. Send for -Circular. All the above sold bydrusrglsts. HOP BITTEHS MFG. CO.. Kechcsler, N. Y., and Terente, Out. apl-lmced&w IMCNSON'S 1' OIIOUS 1'LASTKK.S' BENSON'S CAPGINEPORODSPLASTERS AWARDED 6 MEDALS. THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY roil Backache or Lame Back. Rheumatism or Lame Joints. Cramps or Sprains. Neuralgia or Kidney Diseases. Lumbago, Severe Aches -or Pains. Female Weaknees. A re Superior te All Other I'lu&tcrs. Are Superior te I'tttls Arc Superior te liniments. Arc Superior te Ointments or Salve. Arc Superior te Electricity or Culvanism, The) Act Immediately. They Slrciiilhcn They Seethe. They Jlclieve 1'itiii ul Ome. They Positively Cure. P A TTTtTfMVT I '!,::seV8 Cam-ink l'oi.ers LAU 1 1U1N ! I'labtkin have been imi tated. De net allow your druggist te palm oil some ether plaster having a similar .sound .seund iuj; name. See that the word is spelled C-A-P-C-l-N-K. Pkice, S3 ccsT.s. SEABURY & JOHNSON, Mam'Kactukinci Chkmists, New Yekk. A SURE REMEDY AT LAST. Price 35 Cent. MEAD'S MEDICATED CORN AND BUNION PLASTER. inr2l-2wd,ced&w eew-5! II EKiAKT'S OLI WINK STOKE. Brandy as a Medicine. The following article was Voluntarily sent te Mr. II. K. Slayiuakcr, Agent for Kelgart'i? Old Wine Stere, by a prominent practising physi cian et this county, who lias extensively used the. Brandy referred te in his regular prat t ice. It Is commended te the attention et these af flicted with . Indigestion and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new iiiucli abused Alcoholic Mliitnl-tut w.i- never intended as it beverage, but te be Used as a medicine or great potency in the cure el some of the destructive diseases which sweep away their annual thousands' of victims, Withapuiely philanthropic motive we pre sent te the favorable notice of invalids espe ciiUly these afflicted with that miserable dis ease Dyspepsia, a specific lemudy, which Is nothing mere or less than Brandy. Thenged, with feeble appetite and mere or less debility, will find this simple medicine, when used prepeily. A Sovereign Remedy or all their ills and aches. Be it, however strictly understood that we prescribe and uti but one article, and that ia KEIGAliT'S OLD BRANDY, Sold by our enlerpilsliig young friend, II B SLAY MAKE It. This Brandy has steed the test for years, and has never tailed, as tar as our experience extends, and -ve thcictew give it the preterence ever all etiier lir.imlie, nenvitterwith hew manyjaw-breakingFrencli titles they are branded. One-fourth of the money that is yeiuly threw n away en various impotent dyspepsia specifies would Milllee tc buy all the Brandy te euro any such ca.se ei ascs. In woof et the curative powers et Reigart's Old Brandy, in eases of Dyspepsia, we can summon num bers of witnesses one case in particular ivt C-te z A hard-working farmer had been uft.tctee with an exhaustive Dyspepsia ler a number of years; his stomach would leject almost every ktud of feed; lie had hour eructatiens con stantly no appetite in tact, he was obliged te restrict his diet te crackers and stale bread, aud as a bevcragy he used McUrann's Beet Beer. lie. is a Methodist, and then, as new pieaehcd at times, and in his discourses often declaimed earnestly against all kinds of strong drink. When advised te trv Reiarartf a Old Brandy, In his case, lie looked up with astonishment but arier hearing et its wenderlul cllccts in the cases of benie of his near acquaintance, he at last consented te fellow our advice, lit used the Brandy faithfully and steadily; the liistbeltje giving him an appetite, and before the second was taken be was n t-eund man,wi( L a stomach capable of digesting anything whirl hejchesc leeat. lie still keeps it and uses a lit tle occasionally; and since lie lias this medi cine he lias been of very little pecuniary bene tit te the doctor. A Puautisihe Pavaua a h. H. E. SLAY3UXER AOEKT ICE Reigarl's Old Wine Stere, K3Uibli3licdinl78fft . tKrOKTER AKD DKAJLEr. IN FINK OLD B1IAXD1ES, SIIEKIUKS. SUPI ItlOlt OLD MADEIRA, (Imported in lSl.s $Z7 and 1N28.) CIIAMPAGNKS O KVKBY BBAXD, SCOTCH ALK POUTER, BUOWN STOUT. Ne. S KAST KING SX. LANCASTKK.P MISCJCLLAXEO US SAMUKL II. PRICE, ATTOKNKV, IL1S Uemeved his Ofllce from 5-i Xerlli Diil.n street te Ne. 41 GBANT STBEF.T, Immedi-" ateiy in near ei uetiri iieuse, J.eng's Xcw Building. m!7-tfd PATKNTS. WM. H. BABCOCK, 513 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. Fenncily an Examiner in the U. S. Patent oniee ; aiterward, Associate Attorney of Jacob Staullcr, esq., of Lancaster, Pa., until the lat ter'h death, would be pleased te hear from In venters et l ancaster and neighboring cenn, ties and is Mill prepared te attend carefully and promptly te all Patent business at moder ate Kites. iian3I-3md&w K KAIOVAL! KKMOVAL, !! KLMOVALtTt P. O. SNYDER Has removed his NOTION, TRIMMING AND MILLIN ER! &T0RE, Frem Nes. 20 and 22 WKST KING STBEET, te Ne. 14 (hve Deers East), in Cress Kejs Hetel Uuildiiifr, Where he Is new pteparcd te show an Elegant Line el NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS, MILLIN- r.ui anu w hit is heeds. An announcement of the SPUING OPEN ING will be made shortly. aprl-lwd OAMEE1B. e BtBTS I can show the Largest Stock in this city. Call and see my latest BODY BRUSSELS, TIIKEE-PLY', INGRAINS, EXTRA SUPERS, ALL-WOOL INGKA1NS CAR PETS; the very Latest Designs and Pat terns the market cau atrerd. I also have a large stock of myownniaVcel CHAIN and BAG CARPETS as low as the lowest. I also Make Carpets te Order at short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ne trouble te show my goods. H. S. SHIRK, 202 WEST KING STREET. "lAIU'JSTii, XV. NEW CARPETS' 40,000 YARDS. New Desi-pis, .Beautifully Colored. iWlcenls. m cents. 75 cents. C75 cents. (KiCHIltM. ( DO cents. 85 cent".; JO cents. $1.00. $1.00. $1.10. $1.20. INGRAINS TAPESTRY BRUSSELS WILTON AND MOyUETTES, OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, L1GNUMS. GOOD VALUE AT ALL PRICES. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown for many years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Street, al-lydeed&2twl PHILADELPHIA. FOK SAJjU. 1OKKKNT DWELLING AT 41 MOKTII . Duke .stieel, wcond-stery, adapted ler law efliccs. api-:.tltl B. F. ESI1LEMAX. 1)i;imi: iiav, wkstj:un cekx and Oats for sale at Leaman Place atall times at market prices. Al-e, COAL AND LUMBER. i-Jleind II. 11. ROIIRER. S' TURK KOOIU KOI! KKNT, APPLY TO PHILIP LEBZELTER, feb27-tti! 211 Neitli Queen street. 1)UIILIU SAI.K ON FRIDAY, APRIL 7, lfs. will be sold at pubile sale at 117 East James Mi cot, the entile stock of Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of Hair Cleth Parler Furnlturef Dining Roem and Bed Roem Sets, Carpets, fcteves, Pictuie and all kinds et Kitchen Fui uiture. Hale te commence at 1 o'clock p. in. Condi tions made known uy t-3td II. SI1UBERT, Auctioneer. IUlt SALK. AN laiMKNSE NUIUIIKR OJT HOUSES, STORES, BUILDING LOTS, Ac, of all descriptions, In all localities and at all prices. NEW CATALOGUE, Willi prices, free te every one. ALLAN A. HERR X CO , decS-Gnul 3 North Dukestieet. 1)U1!LIC SALK. WILL UK SOLO AT public sale en FRIDAY, APRIL 7, at Ne. '.) Seuth Queen street, a great variety .of HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE, consisting in part or Solid Walnut Parler Suite, Walnut and Cottage Chamber huites, Carpets, Beds, Mattresses and Bcdding.Sefas, Lounge, Clocks, Tables, Chaiis, Bureaus, What-Ner. Boek-Case. Beeks. Paintings, Chremes, Extension Table, Parler and Coolt Ceolt Coelt Stoves. New Kitchen Range, Glass win e, Quccnsware, Piescrving Kettles.Rctrigerater, Pets, Pans, Tubs, Buckets and hundreds of ether articles. Sale te commence at 10 o'clock a. in. 1-ltd SAM'LHE&S, Auctioneer. E 711CST-CLAvi BONDS FOB SALK The First National Bank or CetiimblH, Pa., Iris en hand and for .sale, at 1'AKj COLUMBIA BOROUGH BONDS. Having twenty years te run, beating i per cent, interest, payable a-inually tree et taxes. Alse four per cent, Columbia Scheel Bends, at par and accrued interest, free of taxes. Alse Reading & Columbia R. R. First Moit Meit gnge 5 per cent, bends, extending ler :a years, at $10 ami accrued interest, free el luxes, In tel est payable March and September. Ai Id less or call en S. S. DETWH.ER, Cashier, FIRST NATIONAL BANK, COLUMBIA, PA. in27-(itd,ced&Jtw PRIVATK MALIC THIS UtMlKUSIGN Kl offers at private sale the following de scribed piepcity, te wit : All that very valuable l.inn, CONTA1NI NG 17 ACRES, ltieie. or le?b, situated en the south side of East KingMicrt.iu the city el Lancas ter, immediately opposite the Lancaster cenn tv piisen, and adjoining lands et Herman Miller, Jacob S. Miller and lands et the Diiec toisel the Poerot Lancaster teiiuty. Tlilsisoneel the most desirable and 'valua ble pieces of teal ct-late in the ceuutv el Lan caster ; has a goetl DWELLING HOUSE and out-houses, willi geed Bain and ether improvements-. It is particnlaily valuable ler liutldinglets, being in the very best parted' thecitj et Lane isfer, and especially adapted ler a truck l.irm. The entire piece is laid eal in building lets. Fer luilhcr information call en HENRY SHUBERT, Auctioneer and Real Estate Agent, Ne. fi Court Avenue, where the diatt et said property can be seen. m:;0 lid BOOKS AlfJi STATIONER. E 7ASTKK CARDS! A M E R 1 C A N AND 1 M P O R T E 1 EASTER CARDS! IN GRKAT VAKICTY AT L. M. ELl'NN'S V.OOIC AXD STATJOXEIU' STOliE. Je. -13 West King Street. JOHN BAKU'S SONS. NOVELTIES, FOR THE EASTER SEASON! PLAIN AND FRINGED Easter Cards, EASTER FANS AM) SACHETS, EASTER BOOKS. At the Hoekstore of JeIldl Baer's Sens, Nes. 15&17 North Queen Street. T OCHKK'S Renowned Ceiigh Syrnp. A pleasant, sate, speedy and sure remedy "ler Colds. Coughs, Hoarseness, Asthma, Influen za. Soreness et the Threat and Chest, Bron chitis, Whooping Cough, Spitting of Bleed, In flammation et the Lungs and all Diseases et the Chest and Air Passages. This valuable preparation combines alltne medicinal.vlrtucs of these articles which long experience has proved te possess the most sate and elUctent qualities for the cure of all kinds et lung diseases. I PRICE, "t Cents, pn-p.ircd onlyandseldby CHAS. A. LOCHER, WHOLESALE AND RET AIL DRUGGIST, Ne. 9 East King street, Laacastcr. Carpets Carpets DRY OOOVI. "VPKN TODAY, AT JOHN P. SWARR'S. One Case et SPRING IKESS GOODS, in Remnants, at 10 cent per"yanl. Regular piice 25 cents. These Goods are perfect and can be matched for Dress Patterns One Case et the Best PACIFIC PRINTS. New Styles, at GJ tents and can be matched for Dresses. One Case et BLEACHED MUSLINS at 10 cents per yard. Regular price 13 and It cents. These Remnants et Dres Goods and Pacific Prints cannot be had anyu here else, lycftfcw "LOSING OUT! AT AND BELOW COST. My entire sleck- et DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 1. IS FOR SALE AT AND BELOW COST. This is a rare chance ler GOOD BARGAINS. AS I UAVK AM IMMENSE STOCK OF 00S, On hand, which were all purchased ler cash. J. M. LONG, Jil-tld U NORTH QUKEN STREET. TCTKW IMPORTATIONS. BLACK CASHMERES. WATT, SHAND & CO. Oiler the vciyjbcst possible value at 50, 02i 75, 87K cU., $1.00 and 1.25. These goods are perfect in Celer, .Texture and Finish, nnd lully 10 per cent, lower than last season. Single and Deublo BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS. A SPECIALTY. Special bargains in 40-INCH ALL WOOL F1UURED CASHMERES, tajc. a yard, sold everywhere at 72c. ; only-live pieces. 40-1NCI1 ALL WOOL BLACK ARMURES.M) c. a yard really worth 75c. Special sale el 10,000 yds, Bleached Muslins at 10c. a yd. Same goods weie sold by the las-e In February at 10j cents a yard. Watt, Stand & Ce., NEW YOKK STORE. N JKXT IOOU 10 COUUT ueuse, FAHNESTOCK. Heusefurnishing Dry Goods, HeusefurnishiDg Dry Goods, Heusefurflishiug Dry Goods, AND " Oarpety, Carpets, Carpets, Carpets, CarpetK, Carpets, Our stoic Is nun sleckediiill el bargains in MUSLINS, CHECKS, MUSLINS, CHECKS, MUSLINS, CHECKS . TABLE LINENS, 20c. UP, TAW.K LINENS, 20c. UP, wuiri: QUILTS '""'-J Marseilles Counterpanes very cheap Marseilles Counterpanes very cheap Alt the above goods bought ler prompt cash and te be -ed at LESS THAN THEIR REGULAR PRICE. E. E. FAHIESTOCK, Next Doer te Court Heuee. LANCASTER, PA. 0 ia:pj!.t.s vueju auction -at ti IE- New Cheap Stere. Wc have just opened another let et tho9e CHEAP CARPETS FROM AUCTION! C.YKPJ5TS at 25c, CARPETS at 37c, CARETS at 45c, CARPETS at 50c, . CARPETS at 60c, CARPETS at 70c, CARPETS at 85c, BAG, STAIR AND HALT, CARPETS, FLOOR, STAIR AND TABLE OIL. CLOTHS. ALL CHEAP AT & NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West KingStreet. ( Adler's Old Stand.) Between tbe Cooper Heme ana gerrel Hene Hetel. fenM-ZrOAir CZOTHINO, SC. i CLOTHING. GOOD NEWS TO THE People of Lancaster and Vicinity We have matte assiduous efforts te excel all past seasons in serving the people at our store Our counters are heaped with the LATEST STYLES OF Spring Clothing! OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, and every garment we have for sale will stand close inspection. Te mention every style el Suit we have en hand, our space will hardly allow ; therefore, notice a tew sample prices : We bell Men's Suits ter S.Mt$l.0M.H), fiiurt, $8.00, $I0.re. up te $1S.C0. Beys' and Children's CLOTHING WE MAKE THI3 OUR OC.EAT Sl'KCIALTY, We sell Bej 's Suits for $2.00, $.1 oe, l.oe. $.".(', up te $9.00. Children's Suits at $1.73, JieO, $.!., l.ue, $1.00, up te $7.00. We most certainly lane the largest and cheapest, aKe the most varied stock of Beys' and Childien's Clothing ever displayed in tins city. OUR CUSTOM OEPARTMENT.-Custem-crs can select trem goods in the piece and have them made te order at a slight advance ever our goods en the counters. We make te order a Nice Suit for $12.1)0, but our $li00 and $-20.00 Suits can't bu equaled anywhere in the city; trimmed and made like ours, ler le.-d than$ii.0te$-W.(1O. A PERFECT FIT GUAR ANTKEP. 'Whether you w ish te purchase or net, please give us a call. L. GAISIAI & BRO., TITE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, 66-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Right en the Southwest Cerner of Or.uige St. LANCASTER, PA. The Clieapc-t clothing Heiimj in the City. mat 15-lyd TlUYKKh Or CLOTHING Should remember that our assortment is very large te make a selection trem. WE HAVE MADE A SPECIALTY OF CHILDREN'S CLOTHING Se much hO, that uu are lilting up a tcpaiatc loom te display them in. Our goods an: the most tellable, and it you feel dissatislled with what you purchase REMEMBER you can bbine them BACK AND EXCHANGE OB GET THE MONEY. THE Spring Styles of Hats ARE NOW READY. And another let et TRUNKS Have just ceme in and the prices will surprise jeu. WILLIAMSON AND FOSTER. 36-38 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. TXA. rjBCJSMS O UlDb 1AOAM'KK ANI MlLLKltSVlI.I.K il. . j Cava run as fellows,: Leave I-.ancat-er (1'. li. Depot), at 7, 9, and 11:30a.m., and 2, 4, ami 8:30 p. in., event en Saturday, . hen the last car leaves at !:30 p. in Leave Millervville (lower end) at?, 8, and 10 a. M.. and 1. 2. 5 ami 7 I), in. Cnri run daily en a'- ive time except en .'unj IIUV. lOMJNlHA ANU FOKT IJF7TOS1T K. 14 j Trains nowmnreirulirlyeii the Columbia and I'erl I'cpeil ltuiiiead en the ie!!in iuu time Station Kea a w.u. Kxpiw. Kxpiess. r. m. Accein. r.M. I'eit Oepeslt... I'euchhotiei'i... bale il;r.l"'i.... Columbia JS-35 7-.V1 7:"3 S:25 4:'J8 5:11 0:10 f.:it Stations i?ej rn-'?;xprea3.l Kxprc is. i Accem WAKIt. A. M. T. M. I A. M. Columbia, Safe Harber.... Pcachbottem.., I'nrtPenesit.. II:! r. sr. 12-cn 12:tS 1:25 C:i0 6.1!) 7:2i 8:05 7:15 ArD.MS 1.0 8:40 11.07 1. M. R KAJMKO .V COl.UiMSJIA It. K. A KKANGEMKNT OF rASSENGKlC TUA1NS MONDAV, XOV. "in, 1S91. NOHTinVAUI). LBAVF. tjuarii'ville Jjuncaster, King St. Lancaster Columbia "arrive. A.H. 7:30 :10 t'.2J Kcadlng... SOUTH WAKU. LHAV3. A.H a.m. r. v. r. jr. (i:40 ... 2:30 7:."0 .... 3:40 8.00 1:00 3:.r0 7:50 1:10 2:1" 10.05 3:20 5b r.M Heading 7:25 ahrivb. Columbia 3:35 Lancaster. 0:27 2.10 8:13 5:15 Lancaster, KingSt t:37 .... 8:25 5:25 QuarryvillG 10:37 .... 0.55 C:30 Trains connect at Ueadinu with ti-ilii'J teand Irem Philadelphia, I'ettville, Ilarrislninr, At At At lontewn and New Yeik, via Hound JSroek Kenle. At Columbia with trains te and fiem Yerk, Hanover. Gettyaburg, i'reilerick and Ualt: Ualt: mere. A. M. VrlLSQy. Sunt. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKUAU-NEW SCHEDULE On aud after SUNDAY, JANUAKY 22d, 18P2, trains en the Pennsyl vania Kail read will arrive at and leave the L'lnea.stei and 1'luladejpula depetaaa folio va: KAWWAB0. , ,V. APrtye Milium hi I m. iiiiau u Mull Express, " uhl jinCf Yerk Accein. Arrives, . . . . Harrisburg Expicss Lancaster Accommodation Columbia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, Sunday Mail Johnstown Express, Day Express,..; Harrisbuig Accommedat'n, 12.41a.m. 5:10 " 8 35 ' 8:a5 0.00 " 9:(5 " 1-M F.V. 2:42 " 2:55 A.W 7.2a " 10-0 " 11:45"" B:35p.lf. 5:C5 " 7:35 " 2:20 5:25 6:4C 10:45 " WB8TWAHD. Leave Arrive Phllad'a Lanc'ter Way Passenger, News Express. . Mall Train Ne. l.vla 31 1 Jey, Mail Train Ne. 2,via Cel'bla, Sunday Mail, Jc flfll AjlllO Frederick.Accommedation, Lancaster Accommodation, Harrisburg Accommedat'n, Columbia Accommodation, Harrisburg Express, Western Express, Philadelphia Express, 4-30 1 430 7:00 7:00 C27A.X 6:27 " 9.25 '. 90 " 9.83 " 1X5T.M. 2.00 " 580 " 7:35 " 7:40 " U:25 235 2:15 4:15 5:40 9:00 P.H. nun " U0 2.25 A.M. Mail Train, Ne. 2, west, connecting at LanJ caster with MaU Train, Ne. 1, at 9:25a.m., will run through te Hanover. Frederick Accommodation, west, connecting at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 1:55, will run threush te Frederick. Harrisburg Express, west, at 5:40 p. ui., has direct connections (without change of cars) te Columbia and Yerk. Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when flagged. Will step at Downlngtewn, CeatesvlHe, P&rkcs- TDnrg, ifewit Joy.'SwahctiitewnwiaMiaaio. own. ir. r.sr. 12: :10 2:10 8:25 2.10 8:13 8:25 0.55 JtJiT OPKING DKKSS GOODS. SPRINGS WOOLENS Ladies Suiting Cleths. Riding Habit Cleths. Ladies' Spring Sackings.- SpringC as sirner es Handsome IS ui tings. - Spring Overceatings. CLOTH MARKET and NINTH SIDGEASS, IDRRAY & CO., TTACKK X. ISKOTIIKK'S Specieil NTetice! We invite special attention te our WALL PAPER Department, which is. stocked with the Latest Spring Styles in all qualities, including the Choicest Decorations for walls and ceilings from the leading manufacturers and importers. This department: is is new in charge of a person who has had years of practical experience in fine paper hangings with a Philadelphia establishment. Estimates made and paper hung by competent paper hangers. HAGER & BROTHER, NO 25 WKST KINti STBEKT, huHus'tr, Pemfa. HOUSE irUltJS'lSltLfHl (lOOItff. H OU3EFU1CNI9II1NU. FLINN & WILLSON'S Heusefurnishing Goods. BABY CARRIAGES, CHANDELIERS, STOVES, HEATERS and RANGES. A I.AUt.K hl'tiCK "f TABLE and FLOOR OIL CLOTH from 25c. per yard up. FLINN & WJ LLSON, Plumbing, Gas-Fitting, Tin-Roefiing smi Spouting Specialties.- LSIGN OP THK '1 WO LARGE DOGS. 1 LANCASTER, PA, i..ik;k i, or ei GAS FIXTURES, THAT ML ST l!K H)1.M ISKHiUK VI . TIMK. 's I, TIIK TIM K Feil UAKHAi.N- nbw '.srfA'tf-suxg MANTLES-- w BATH TUBS, WATER CLOSETS, PUM??, !'?ON PIPE and FITTINGS 'WllUl.i:b'ALK AXD KKTAIL. JOHN L. AliNOIil), Nes. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET LANCASTEE, PA. -f- im r uoeus. riMill WUKMI AIOVKS T AM) tiii: PEARL SHIRT MOViiS WITH IT. TIiu iiiaiiuiiictuicrs el tlie rKAKLhlllUT Icslrcby litis inullietl te tl::in!c tin: nW;. nW;. ler their iipprcciatlen et tliW cck-biniDi sarnieut, na evinced by tin: Kriutly .n crcescil ilcmund, as well .'is by the con tinual receipt el testimonials of .s.itNr.ie .s.itNr.ie tieu with the .same. The sfaindanl el Material. Fit ami Workmanship will be strictly maintained and in addition te ether improvement.), heretofore made the PUAUL SIIIKT ij new lined in Irent, thus rendering them still mere durable, l'ricc (Unified) SI. 00. A full line el Oriss Fr.e.vr I'KAIIL SHIIIT.S in all sizes; price (laundried) Sl.OO. SHIRTS MADS TO ORDER AXD GUARANTEED TO FIl. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LAN'CaSTEB, ta. WB HAVK THIS HANDSOKKST AND finest window display in the city. Don't tail te see it. SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPENDERS, NECIOIES, MUFFLERS, POCKET-BOOKS, AUTOGRAPH AND PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, CIGAR CASES, ERISMAN'S, NO. 5G NORTH QUKBN L STBEET. UOtUM. Our assortment of 'Ladies' Suiting" Cleths includes a wide range in the .catalogue of colors in all the new "shades, combination and effects of this season. Alse, Scotch and Eng lish suitings, cheviot, tc. . Our stock of Ladles Riding Habit Cleths is mere complete than ever ..before, and embraces all colors, shades and qualities of Imported and Demestic Fabrics. Our collection of Ladies' Spring Sack ings is very extensive and contains all the standard and new stylish de "signs for early spring wear; small checks, plaids, fancy mixtures, etc., in all grades, Fine American Cassimeres and Eng lish and French Treuserings in all the ""very newest designs for gentlemen's wear. New effects of Scheeller, Wulflng,. Bockhacker, Ferstmannp Hoffmann, Jehn Tayler, Clay and all the leading standard makes of gentlemen's suitings Steckinets, Kerseys. Moltepp, Cork screw, Mixed Twills in medium and "very thin weights for Spring and Fall Outside Coats for Gontleraon. HOUSE, STS., - Philadelphia. I'J.UMItEK'S .'' I J.7. fuiir2-tli K.1 1C1CIAU KH, JbV. rpuK!-; r.:Ai;i cakkiaek wui;k til i WCA.STKli COUXTV. K!!(1ERLEY Si Ce., FINE Carriage Builders, HAKKbT STKEET, Rer.i of Central Market Houses, iANCASTEi:, l'ENX'A. VeiiiakeevciystyIci:uWy,i'id Carria.- de sired. All work tlnl.Hlit.-U in flus most comfort able anil elegant style. We u-te only tlie Ih.-1 selected material, and employ only the best mechanics. Y or ualily or work our prices an: the cheapest, in the state. Ure buy lercsisli and rell en tli; imiii re.inenable ternii'. Give ma tall. All werl: warranted. Ileimiriwj prompt, tiattcitdul te. One Pet et werkmcn-CHiwcially employed ler lh.it purpose. InMWAw UOAJj. T B. MAKTJIf, Who'tiwile and Ketull Dealer in all kinds of LUM UKK AKD COAL. Ja-fai'1 no. IJ' North Water and JPrlnce trcuts : "-i" L:non Lancaster. n'-lyd C0B0 & WILE1, 3W xeiiTU WATER ST.f Lancaster, Pa., Wi:eie3-ile and KeUil Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection Wlta the Telepneslc Ezcange( Branch Oliti-e : Xe. 20 CENTRE SQUAKE. leb2S-l;a rie te EA.UFFMAN, KELLER & CO., -0E (J001), CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Alse, Hay and Straw by the bale r ten. Yard, Ilavrisburjj Pike. I Office. 20X I.'aat ClitaMut atrceC I ap4-lyd 4