m LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER-SATURDAY. MARCH 25, 1882. LONGFELLOW. A fcKKfCIl OF THE POET'S LIFJS. Henry Wadswertb Longellew Died Tester day in lii;eveBly-fittb year After Twe Day' Illness His' Uft Feet and ProtMCer. On February 27, 1807, Henry Wads worth Longfellow was born. The future poet, with an elder brother, was sent te Bowdelu college and graduated in due course in 1825, in the ume class with Nathaniel.Hawthorne and several 'ethers who afterward rose te eminence. There appears te have been nothing remarkable,! about lus ceuege me. except mac no wa somewhat given e poetizing and con tributed occasion "j te the "poet's cor ner"' of the nev.cpapers. Amenc the verses thus published in the "United State Literary Gazette, at Bosten, were "An April Uay," -'Weeds in Winter," the "Hymn of the Moravian Nuns" and a few ethers that have been preserved. He attained rank in bis class, however, and at graduation was given the English ora tion, the. subject being "Our Native Writers." Indeed, his literary attain ments seem se much te have impressed the college authorities that within a year of his graduation, when he was fretting ever law books in his father's office, they offered him the then newly-established professorship of modern languages, an ap pointment for whieh his tastes especially fitted him and which determined the oc cupation of his life.- Tlie Professer or Languages. Longfellow cheerfully accepted the offer and immediately sailed for Europe, where he spnnt nearly four years in Germany, Italy, France, and Spain, fitting himself for the new duties opened te him. Re turning in 1829, he settled down te work. His first publication was a French gi am mar, a translation from L'Homond, issued in 1830, and in the five years that he re mained at iiowdein he contributed te the North American liivicw a seiies of histori cal and critical essays cin the languages and literature of France, Italy and Spain. His publications of this period also in cluded Eofne French and Italian text-books and a translation of the "Ceplas de Mau liquc," a Spanish funeral poem of the fif teenth century, with which were included sorne sejnets from Lepe de Vega. Frem 1833 te 1835 there also appeared " Outre-Mer ; a Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea." a series of sketches of foreign travel. Nene of this work seems very remarkable new, but when it is remembered hew nearly unknown te the American public was t "he literature of continental Europe at that time, its value will be receguized. Indeed it, is a very important part of the service that Longfellow did for his gener ation th.it he opened te them the poetry of many nations aud brought its rich thoughts before them in melodious verse. It was inovitib'e that his work should attract attention, aud in 1835, en the death of Geerge Ticknor, Longfellow was appointed te the chair of modern lan guages at Harvard. His wife, Mary S. Petter, whom he had married seen after his n-.turn te Bowdoin, died about this time, and Longfellow went abroad a sec ond time and spent two years in travel aud study in England and Germany, in Deumaik, Sweden and Norway and in nellaml and France. In 1837 he returned te Cambridge aud assumed the duties of his professorship, taking up his residence in the historic Ciaigie house, which he bought aud where he has since lived. His professorship he resigned in 1854, when he was succeeded by James Husscll Lewell. Hyperion" and the l'eems. In 1839 Longfellow married Frances EHzabeth Appleton aud in that year ap peared the fiibt of his works-written in his new home "Hyperion, a Remance." Judging this work in the light of te day we can hardly appreciate its importance. Leeking at it from the standpoint of forty years age, when Carlyle was a young man when Goethe and Jean Paul had net been long dead, and when German life aud let ters were practically a sealed book te the average American reader, the influence of " Hyperion" can hardly be overrated. Ciude as a romance and immature in many ways as it was, it opened up a new world of ideas and it was. the beginning of what was really Longfellow's import ant work, the translation into the popular speech cf the romance and poetry of ether ages and climes. Almost'simnltaneeusly with this came his first volumeof collect ed poems. Voices of the Night," pub lished at Cambridge iu 1839. Many of these had been already printed, but tue volume attracted a degree of popular at tention that no book of American verse had yet received, aud " The Psalm of Life" and the " Reaper and the Flowers" established for themselves a place iu the popular heart that they never yet have lest. Frem this time en Mr. Longfellow's his tory is told in his successive volumes of pcetry, for which the loundatien had been laid in the studies thus related. With the exception of an essay en the French language iu England, "Kavanagh." a tale of no great value, written in 1849, is his only publication after this. In 1841 appeared a volumeof "Ballads and ether Poems' which marked a very great ad vance upon the mild didacticism of the early verses. Among these were "The Skeleton iu Armer," "The wreck of the Hespeius,"and "The Village Blacksmith, " three successful poems which even Poe acknowledged te be " nearly true.-" The first especially is a bold and original ballad of real strength and the last is ene of these New England pictures that retain -their beauty by reason of their sincerity. With these also was "Excelseir," the reason for whose extraordinary popularity it is net necessary te point out. Mature Werk. A small volume of "Poems en Slavery," composed during a return voyage from Europe in 1842, was followed by " The Spanish Student," a dramatic poem cf rather loose construction, but of true dramatic spirit and picturesque and warm iu color. After this some groups of trans lations and a volume of selections, "Peets v aud Poetry of Europe," led up te the poem that has done mere for the estab lishment of Longfellow's fame than any ether one, "Evangeline, a Tale of Aca die," published.in 1847. " Ve who believe In affection tiiat hopes, that endures, and is pafTen!. Y who believe in the beauty and strength of woman's devotion, Lit te the nieurmul tradition still sung bj' the pines et the forest ; Motion tale of leva in Addle, home of the happy. Who is there that has. net Jistencd te that tender tale and been softened by its pathos and moved by its melody? Tle held that "Evangeline " has taken en the world marks the difference between a poet aud a versifier. The poem is often spoken of as one of the few examples of a suc cessful use of English hexameter, and even its complete success is questioned ; but the life of the poem attests that it is something mere than an experiment in metre. At the same time the dactylic ilew of "Evangeline" illustrates ene of the most important elements of Longfel low's success, hiB seiyse of melody. His verse, while it is net always artistically exact, has always a natural case, a giace ful movement, that conveys the impres sion of great elevation of thought, even where the thought does net 'really rise very far from earth. And he liad, besides, an unusual trcedem of metrical expression, derived from his clese study of foreign poetry, se that what-wc call metrical ex periments were net really experiments with him. Once determined the measure tlis-t siiit.-il his fcubicct. the verse flowed iiii..;,, N.ili .uiiUMeui movement that efti-u left unnoticed imperfections in the path, but that could usually be trusted te carry the reader's attention with it. The volume of poems in which " The Building of the Ship" was, first appeared in 1850, and in the following year eue of the most serious and elevated of all the poet's works, " The Gelden Legend," a remarkable drama, wherein, as Sir. Rus kin has said,, he "has entered mere closely yite the temper of the monk, for geed or for evil, than ever yet theological writer or historian, though they may have given their life's labor te the analysis." Four years later followed "The Seng of Hiawatha," one of the most daring of all his metrical departures, but ene that was justified by the poetic dignity and beauty, ene may almost say spirituality, with which he has treated this picturesque Indian myth. Later Werk. "The Courtship of Miles Standisb," a narrative poem of some interest, which showed, however, that the success of "Evangeline " could net be repeated ; the "Tales of a Wayside Inn " and the "New England Tragedies " followed in order, but by this time the poet had become ab sorbed in the great work of his later life, and net all of his occasional verses showed the old spentaniety. In 1867 appeared the first volume of the translation of Dante's " Divina Commedia," which was cemple ted in 1870,and this was practically the end of the poet's work ; for though much of his later verses will rank among his best there is very little of it that would by itself have gained great distinction. "The Divine Tragedy," which, with "The1 Gelden Legend " and "The New England Tragedies,', was published under the title of " Christ us, a Mystery ;" " Three Boods of Seng," "Aftermath," "The Masque of Pandora," "Kerames" and "Ultima Thule " are the most important of the later poems, which have given names te as many successive volumes. In the leis ure of his old age the poet also utilized his remarkable knowledge of poetical literature in compiling the collection of " Poems of Places," of which no less than thirty-ene volumes have been published. 1 read whatever bards have sung Ot lands beyond the sea. And the brlglit days when I was young Come thronging back te me. He paid a third visit te England iu 1868, when he was the recipient of numerous honors, but since that time he has lived quietly at Cambridge. Mrs. Longfellow died iu 1801, from the effect of burns ac- cidcutly received, leaving two sons aud three daughters. The poet's house, and especially his library, filled with treasures of literature, was the most attractive place in Cambridge, aud his hospitality was as generous as it was unassuming. He was overrun with visitors, for he was quite as pupular in England as in America and tourists from all parts of the world came te de him honor. Indeed, his popularity was net bounded by the spread of the English tongue. His principal pesms have been translated into German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Polish and Russian, and in every land men, women and children will mourn for the geed poet gene. . Household Market. DAIRT. Butter $ a. CJgSSe Cupchccbe, lie tips Se Cottage cheese. 2 pieces 5c uutca cuecse ij lump sicc POULTRV. Chickens ) pair (live).'. G3S0 " TH piece (cleaned) lOgtfuc Sucks pair 45055c ' " ?! niece (cleaned) C575c Gccec, cleaned $1 Turkeys, live $10J150 " cleaned, ft & 15l8c MISCELLANEOUS. Apple Butter p qt 25c Cocoanuts each 5S7c Cider fl gallon 3040c Eggsl dez ,..18&20( Heney l lb 20025c Lard 1 lb 13Hc Mince meal, fl ft 11013c Seap 1 &...... ......... ...... ..5Sc Saner kraut $1 qt 15c Sheibarks quart 0c Walnuts $pk 8e FRUITS Apples IJ4 pk .'. KQSQe B.manus) dez 050c Cherries, dried, fi qt 12c Currants, dried, f) a 12c Cranberries -p qt 183 Dried Apples ty qt 810c " Peaches $ qt 1215c Lemens ? dez 2530e Oranges ty dez 2560c VEGETABLES. Beans, Lima, t? qt. 2e30c Cauliflower $l head I425c Cabbage ?i head 4ft)10c Carrots H bunch 5lCc unions n pur ifi20c Green onions bunch 5c Potatoes 1 bushel $ijji 10 " pk 12316c " (Sweet) V JSpect 15i30c itauisncs & uuncu ...3ec Soup Beans fJ qt 10?15c saisuy m unncii 2fj:sc Turnips $? Mpk 12315r. Lima beans a nt 20ffi25e Head salad 510c Beef quarter .' 710a Beet Steak, f a I215c " Beast (rib) W & I214e " " (chuck) t lb lOSlic " Corned,)) B 10S15c " Dried, f ft 25&SJC uoiegnanrieu sue Ham, sllcd,f) a 22c Hani, wholes ft 14ffil6c Bacen ?? ft 12014c Lamb$) & I220c Muuuiijt m lUMltic Perk?(J ft I0ffil2c 9ausagc ?! ft i'jc vcai lOffilOc FISH. Black Bass ?9 ft isc Cattish $t ft i5c Ced 2e Eels ft 1215c Haddock -. iec uauimtT) 12kl5e Herring tjc Lake Treuf W ft iec Mullets iec Perch i22c Reck. 15lsc saimen n 12Jc Shad each 40S7JC Sun iec Suckers Oc Smoked Salmen $ & 30c Spanish Mackciel 12c xreui 12UC White Ush ft B i2c GRAIN. Hay Tlmcthv ten s-KKB".-! " Clever t ten 1517 Cern bus 90c Oats W bus 5CKc Rye ? bus 8590c Tling'chj ".cecil ft bus $3.253.50 Whe.u eus $1.35 Fleur , Jfi.501Rbbl. Buckwheat meal 25 ft bases $1.25 A geed Baptist clergyman or Bergen, N. Y., a strong temperance man. suffered with kin. ney trouble, neuralgia, and dizziness almost ie Diinaness, ever two years utter he was told that Hep Bitters would cure him. because he was afraid of and prejudiced against "Bit ters." Since his cure re says none need tear uui iiui in utep jjiutrs. miz-'iwa&w Second Edition et Jed. Mrs. Ogden. N. Division street. Buffalo, savs " I .cannot be tee thankful that I was induced te try your Spring Blessem. I was at one time afraid I should never be able te get out again. I seemed te be a second edition of Jeb without his patience : my face and body were ene vast collection et boils ana pimples; since taking one uumu ui juur apnug Jiiossein x am quite cured, all eruptions have disappeared, and 1 feci better than I have In a Iens: time." Price 50 cents. Fer sale at H. B. cechran's drug siuru, jji juiui vuccuairuei.uncasicr. An Entire Snccew. it has been proved by the most reliable testi mony that Themas' Eclectrie Oil is an entire success In curing the most Inveterate cases of rneumatism, nenraiscia, lame back and wounds et every description Fer sale at H. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street Lancaster. The Law or Kindness Is universal; it affects all the human family, all animals, and may be even leund in patent medicines. Seme are drastic, and the patient is obliged te suffer pains worse than the dls sase; but in cases et obstinate constipation, dysppsia, there is no remedy se kind, se gen tle fa its effects, and yet se satisfactory as Bur dock Bleed Bitters. Price H. 4"or sale at H. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen St., Lancaster. PATENTS. WM. H. BABCOCK, 513 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. Formerly an Examiner Tn the U. S. Patent Office ; atterward. Associate Attorney et Jacob Stauffer, esq., of Lancaster, Pa., until the lat tcr's death, would be pleased te hear from In von ters et Lancaster ami neighboring cenn tii-i, and is still prepared te attend carefully ami promptly te nil I'atcnt business at medcr ate rate". Jan31-3md&w MEDICAL. VALUABLE DISCOVERY. DR. C. W. BENSON, A WELL-KNOWN" PRACTICING PHY5ICIAN AND SURGEON OF BAL TIMORE, MD. Dr. Bensen has, for the past twenty-one years, paid much attention te Nervous Dis eases, and has discovered that the extract of Celery and Chamomile combined in a cer tain proportion, invariably cures cither Sick Headache, Nervous Headache, Dyspeptic Headache, Ordinary Headache, Neuralgia, Ner vousness, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness or Paraly sis. They arc prepared In the shape of Pills, and contain no opium, quinine or ether harm lul drug, but are intended te cure and will cure the above named diseases. JtSThe celebrated Dr. Hammend el New Yerk city, says : "J have leund Dr. Bensen's Celery and Chamomile Pills are invaluable in all cases et Nervous Diseases." Other physi cians, te the number of ever five hundred, en dorse them in equally strong terms. Every one is new talking et the wonderful cures eflecteci since they have been placed before the public. This is a triumph In Medical Chemistry and sufferers all ever the whole country and even abroad, arc ordered by mail and otherwise. Sold by all druggists. Price. 50c. a box. Depot, 106 North Eutaw street. Baltimore, Md. By mall two boxes for $1, or six boxes for J2.50, te any address. DR. O. W. BENSON'S New lteuiedy and Favorite Prescription. SKIN CURE Sb Warranted te Cure ECZEMA, TETTEES, 'hUMOBS, INFLAM MATION, MILK CKUST, ALL BOUGH SCALY EBUPTIONS, DISEASES OF HAIR AND SCALP, SCEOFULA, ULCERS, PIMPLES AND TENDER ITCIUNGS en nil parts of the body. It makes the skin while, sett uud smooth; removes tan and freckles, and is the Best toilet dressing in the World. Elegantly put up, two bottles m one package, consisting of both Internal and ex ternal treatment. CIIAS. N. CRITTENTON, 115 Fulton St., New YerK, sole agent for Dr. C. W. Bensen's remedies, te whom all orders should be ad addressed. All ilrst-class druggists liave it. Price $1 per package. auz22-lvdM.WS&w H IK YOU ARE A MAN OF BUSINESS, weakened by the strain et your duties, avoid stimulants and use HOP BITTERS. If you arc a man of letters. telling ever midnight work, te restore brain, nerve and waste use HOP BITTERS. If you are young and suffering from any in discretion or dissipation ; if yen are married or single, old or young, suffering from peer health or lansuisbing-eu a bed of sickness RELY ON HOP BITTERS. Whoever you arc. whenever you feel that your system needs cleansing, toning or stim ulating, without Intoxicating, take HOP HITTEJIS. Thousands die annually from some form et KIDNEY disease that might have been pre vented by a timely use of HOP bi'iteksj. Hep Bitters Never FaUl Have you Dyspepsia, Kidney or Urinary Complaint. Disease of the Stomach. Bowels, Bleed. Liver or Nerves, yen will be cured it you ue HOP BITTERS. It you arc simply weak and low spirited, try it. It may save your life, Jt hat saved hundrds. D. I. C. is an absolute and irresistible cure ler Drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco and narcotics. Seldbydruegiste. Send for circular. HOP BITTERS MFG. CO., Rochester, N. Y., and Terente, Ont. m2-lmced&w TENSON'S 1'OROUS PLASTERS. BENSON'S CAPCHPOROflSPUSTIS AWARDED 6 MEDALS. THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY FOK Backache or Lame Back. Rheumatism or Lame Jeints: Cramps or Sprains. Neuralgia or Kidney Diseases. Lumbago, Severe Aches or Pains. Female Weakness. - Are Uuperler te All Other Masters. Are Superior te Fad Are Suxeriorte Liniment. Are Superior te Ointments or Salves. Are Superior te Electricity or Galvanism, They Act Immediately. They Strengthen They Seethe. They Relieve Pain at Once. They Positively Cure. C A TTTTHM ! ,J:fs0:''s CArciNK Pereus vilU 1 lUil i Plasters have been imi tated. De net allow your druggist te palm off some ether plaster having a similar sounding- name. See that the word is spelled C-A-P-C-I-N-E. -Price, 25 cents. SEABURY & JOHNSON, MAMJVACTCIUXa ClIESIISTS, NlV YORK. A SURE REMEDY AT LAST. Price 5 CenU. MEAD'S MEDICATED CORN AND BUNION PLASTER. mr24-2wd,eed&w eew-3 XtBTOOOVS. CARPETS. CARPETS. CARPETS ! IN REMNANTS. We have about TWO HUN DRED DIFFERENT PATTERNS OK INGRAIN CARPETS WORTH FROM 40c. TO S1.00 PER YARD, What we will sell ler 20c. TO 60c. PER YARD. These goods can be used for a variety el pur pose?, as rugs for doorsteps and in front el lounges, sofas, bureau, &c JOHN P. SWARR'S. 4311 you want a geed Shirt, get the DEFIANT. "FOURTH END DRY GOODS STORE. THE Greatest Bargains IN DRESS GOODS EVER PLACED ON THIS MARKET IS NOW OFFERED AT 12 s Cents a yard, BV J. W. BYRNE, 322 NORTH QUEEN STREET, tl-lyd LANCASTER, PA, RELIGIOUS. GRACE ITCTHEKAK CHURCH, NORTH Queen and James streets. Paster, Rev; C. E. Houpt. Regular divine services will be held at 10)fa, m. and 7j p. m. Sunday Bchoel atlJSp. m. FIRST BAPTIST, EAST CHESTNUT ST. Service in the morning at 10) and in the evening at 7, by the pastor. Rev. W. O. Owen. Sunday school at 1 p. m. FIRSr RBFOKMKD. DIVINE SKKV1CE te-morrow at lfc30 a. m., and at 7:15 p. m. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. INISTERIaE ASSOCIATION. THE Ministerial Association will meet Mon day next, at 10 a. in., in the vestry room in the basement of the First Reformed church. All pastors and resident ministers et Lancaster arc invited. SYLVANUS STALL. Sec'y. MORAVIAN. J. MAX HARK, PASTOK. 10 a. m Litany and sermon. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Preaching at 7Ji p. m.. en "The Sixtn and Seventh Utterances from the Cress." All cordially invited. "kl.iyRT nlIrlST r!HI7Rf!TT V TK vJ C. A. oems, Rev. M. Frayne, pastor. iu;$a. m. anaTip. m. sudjcci "xne woman ei Canaan." Foreign Missionary meeting at 2 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN, SERVICES AT THE usual hours, morning and evening. Preaching by the pastor, Rev. J as. Y. Mitchell, D. D. PRESBYTERIAN MEMORIAL. CHAPEL. Rev. Jes. C. Hume, pastor. Evening ser vice at 7:15. Sabbath school at 1:45 p. m.; the opening exercises, the quarterly review, will ba conducted by the pastor, and all the trlends are Invited te be present. ST. JAMES. HOLY COMMUNION AT 8 and morning service with Confirmation at 10K a. m. Cbildrcns' service at 2 p. ni. 2?e later terviee. ST. LUKE'S REFORMED CHAPEL, Marietta Avenue, near West Orange street. Rev. Wm. F Lichllter. pastor. Divine ser vices at 10K a. m. and 1 p. m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. ST. PAUL'S REFORMED. DIVINE sEK vlcea at 10 a. m., and at 7J4 p. m. Prayer meeting at 6 p. in. Sunday school at 1 p. m. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH. Preaching te-morrow morning and even ing by the pastor. Rev. Sylvanus Stall. Morn ing subject" Doubts." Evening'4 Destruc tion of Jerusalem." Scats lrcc. Welcome te all. Sunday school at 1:13 p. m. Uetwald mission school at 2 p. in SECOND EVANGELICAL CHURCH (English), North Mulberry street, above Orange, Rev. J. C. Krause, pastor. Preaching at 10 a. m., and Vi p. m. Sunday school at 2 p.m. ST. PAUL'S M. E. CHURCH, S. QUEEN ST. Rev. A. I. Cellem, pastor. Preaching at 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Snnday Scheel at 1:45 p. m. Prayer meeting en Wednesday at 7:43 p.m. . riAHE OLD MENNONITES WILL HOLD L services in their church, corner of East Chestnut and Sherman streets, en Sundav, Marcn 26th, nt 2 o'clock p. m. Preaching in both languages. HIS C O NOUEG ATIONAL BAPTIST brethreu will have preaching in English and German, en Sunday evening, at Eden, in the Old Meeting Heuse. UNION BETHEL CHURCH OF GOD Rev. G. W. Sellhamer, pastor. Preach ing at 10 a. m. and 1 p. m. A number et converts will be. baptised at the close of the morning sermon. Experience "meeting at 6 o'clock. w EST MISSION, M. E. CHAPEL, CHAR- lotto street above Lemen. Preaching at 10 a. m. and 7K P- m., by the pastei A. McUvaine. Sunday school at 1 p. pastor, uedl m s DRY GOODS. N ETV IMPORTATIONS. BLACK GAuBIERES. WATT, SHAND & CO. Offer the very .best possible value at 50, 02 75, 87 eta., 91.00 and $1.25. These goods are perfect In Celer, Texture and Finish, and lully 10 per cent, lower than last season. Siiigle and Deuble BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS. A SPECIALTY. Special bargains In 40-INC1I ALL WOOL FIGURED CASHMERES, 62c. a yard, sold everywhere at 72c. ; only live pieces. JO-INCH ALL WOOL BLACK ARMURES, 50 e. a yard really worth 75c. Special sale of 10,000 yds, Bleached Muslins at 10c. a yd, Same goods were sold by the case In February at 10 cents a yard. Watt, Shand & Ce., NEW YORK STORE. S PRING 1883. SPUING 1883. MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR, MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR, MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR, MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR, MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR, MEN'S WEAR, BOYS' WEAR. H AGER & BRO. Have new open Full Lines of French, English and Ameriean Cleths, Worsted Suitings and Spring Overceatings, in all the New Spring Celers and Fabrics. FINE BLACK CLOTHS, and ELASTICS DRESS SUITS. Cassimeres and Suitings for Beys. CLOTHING (OF OCR OWN MANUFACTURE ONLY) IN FULL STOCK. Gent's Furnishing Goods. New Neckwear, Hosiery, Lisle and Kid and Deg Skin Gloves, Linen Cel law and Cuffs. Hemstitched and Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs, &c, Stc, 4c, 4c. GENT'S AND BOYS' SHIRTS, Laundrlcd and Unlaundrjed, net sold under any special name, but guaranteed equal te any ether at the same price. 43-WE INVITE EXAMIXATION.-- Hager&Bre. 25 West King Street, LANCASTER, PA. S&M ASTRICH BKOS. jtDrXRTUXMMJTT. 8TRICH BROS' ADVERTISEMENT. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE! THAT WHILE ALTERATIONS ARE- GOING ON IN OUR STORE ROOM WE ARE WELL PREPARED Te De Business As Usual ! GOODS RECEIVED DAILY AND Bargains OFFERED at ALL TIMES. A ST RICH BROS- LANCASTER BAZAAR, NO. 13 EAST KING STREET, I.ANCASTJSU. PA. CLOTHISO, sc m-ANAMAKKK & BROWN. Clothing that Wears Well. Year after year our customers return because they are net dis appointed in the kind of Cloth ing we supply them. Witn an our reasonable prices we insist en the goodness of the materials. The stock of Men's and Beys' Overcoats and Suits is still quite complete. WANAMAKER & BROWN. Oak WaTiT- Sixth and Market streets. PhilSUefpbla. A BARB CHANCE. A SUIT Off EHE CLOTHES -OR AN- OVERCOAT tifede Up te Order at Cost Priee. In. order te reduce my heavy stock et FINE WOOLENS I shall make them up te order for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS ter Cash only at cost price. This Is without exception the greatest re duction cvnr made in SINE CLOTHES, and Is done te make room for ear heavy Spring Importations, which we expect te have in stock by the early part of February. We have the sample cards of these goods nlready in store, and any one deslrieus of securing first choice ler SPRING WE AR can de se new. and the goods will be talned for him. Remember the above reduction Is for Heavy Weights and Oaah Only. H. GERHART, TAILOR, Ne. 6 EasL King Stmt, KEADTHI8' LAKCttara, Pa., April 28, 1861.) Thx KreinrrcuRA M ' CeinrAVT. Gents It gives ine mew pleasure te say that after using one pack f IC1DNEYCUBA I have been entirely- cured et a Were pain in my back and side, of long standing, ana that, tee, after trying various known remedies. 1 have every confidence in your medicine, cheerfully recemmend it,andknewthatmany of my friends who have used it nave been benefited. PETER BAKER, mSBlyd Forema a Examiner imfl Express. DRY s: PRING DRESS GOODS. Spring "Woolen Fabrics SPBING DKES2 CLOTns.-OUR SPUING Dress Cleths for Ladics'.Misses' aud Chil dren's Dresses and Suits arc new all In. the assortment is verv extensive, and certainly the largest line of cloths in Philadelphia. There are many new shades In plain colors, also a wide lunge of neat pin-checks et new combinations, chang ing the effect and making the colorings and styles different from these of pre vious seasons, SXODGKASS. MURKAY 4; CO.. MARKET AND NINTH STS. LABIKS'. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S ATS AND JACKETS. Almest every lady wants' a Wrnp or Jacket for spring, and te pnt en cool clays in summer, or te wear in the evenings while away at the seashore or mountains. We have a very large variety of cloths for this purpose : also, some new broken checks, 4e., for spring uUters. SNODGRASS, MURRAY' A CO.. NINTH AND MARKET STS. S MALL CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS COATS. This is an Item In our business te which we give much attention. Pur chases and importations ter this season include everything new and the very latest designs in many different fabrics. 8NODGRASS. MURRAY' CO.. MARKET AND NINTn STS.- s PKING OVERCOATINGS. They are worn mucn mere man a winter overcoat, nnu every man should have a spring over coat. Frequently when a heavy weight could net be worn at all, a light weight coat might be worn with great comfort. We have many kinds, very deslrable in quality and fabric. SNODGRASS, MURRAY & CO. CORDUROY'S, BEAVERrEENS AND COR DUROYS. Uuyers of these goods should note the tact that we have made a large purchase at about one-third off market rates, and wc ere dealing them out. te either the buyer of a pair of pants or the dealer who buys a piece at the same pro portion. The prices are very low. But you must come and see them and handle the goods te satis ty yourselves that tlicy are cheap. SNODGRAS?, MURRAY 4 CO., CLOTH HOUSE. MARKET AND NINTH STREETS. SNODGRASS, MURRAY & CO., CLOTH HOUSE!, - - Market and Ninth Sts., Phila. PLUMBER'S SUPPLIES. I ' - i - LAKGK LOT OF GAS FIXTURES, BE SOLD BEFORE FLY TIMK. NOW IS THE TIME FO THAT MUST BE SOLD BEFORE FLY new -Dsiaivs-3LATE MANTLESi0;Tf s BATH TUBS, WATER CLOSETS, PUMP3, IRON PIPE and FITTINGS. 43- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JOHN L. ARNOLD, Nes. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANOASTBR, PA. faprS-tid irXN.ES ANIt LIQUORS. R EIOAKT'S OLD WINE STOKE. ESTABLISHED 1785. REIGART'S OLD WINE STQRE NO. 29 EAST KING STREET. REIQARTS OLD WINES OF 1800. 1818, 1817. 1818 AND 1887. FINE OLb BRAN DIES AND WHISKIES, OINS, IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKIES. All the leading brands et CHAMPAGNE, . , ;, BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALES, Ac Mineral Waters, Appelllnaris, Vichy, Friedrichsliall, IIunyadiJ.Janed, Saratoga anit"JInger Ale. Alse Fine Ollve Oils. H. E. SLAYMAKER, S. CLAY MILLER, Vines, Branfe, Kins, Oil Rye Wtiiskies, te., Ne. 33 PENN SQUAKE, LANCASTER, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. jOEDICAH. "PARKER'S HAIR UALSAM. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. The Best. Cheapest and Most Economical Hair Disslng Never tails te restore youthful color te gray hair. 60c. ami $1 sizes. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC Ginger, Buchu, Mandrake, and many of the bcsuicdl clnes known are here combined into a medicine of such varied powers, as te makitthe greatest Bleed Purifier and TneBest Health una Strength Restorer Ever Used. Icires emplaints of Women, and diseases et the Stomach, Bowels, Lungs, Liver und KIdncsand Is entirely different from Bitters, Ginger Essences, and etner Tonics, as it never Intonates 60c. nndis; sizes. UISCOX ft CO., Chemists, N. Y. Large saving buying $1 size. sepllMyoedeotw CLOTUISa. TXTJXLIAflTSOK -S FOSTER Are Prepared with a Fine Stock et seasonable Clothing, Oletliixxg, FOR Men, Youths, Beys and Children, AMD IS THE Furnishing Department Are some Beautiful Goods" in entirely New Designs. . THE UNDERWEAR Is well cared for. The. patterns In FANCX SHIRTS are very.extenslve and new for the season's trade. In NEOKWEAR The usual excellent variety Is shown, and in WHITE SHIRTS, whether ler Dress or Busi ness, THIS EIGHMIE takes the lead. In the lat Department Are the Correct Styles et PUR AND WOOL HATS IN SOFT AND STIFF, And in BOYS' and CHILDREN'S WEAR the Lewest Prices prevail. WILLIAMSON AND FOSTER. 36-38 EAST KING STREET,. LANCASTER. PA. COAL. G U TO RELLLY & KELLER -FOB GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL,; Alse, Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. Farmers and ethers In want et Superlei Manure wUl find It te their advantage te call Yard, Harrisburg Pike. i Office. 53 East-Chestnut street. ( agl7-f C0H0 & WILE, 350 NORTH WATER ST., Lancaster, Va Wholesale and Retail Dealers In T. TIMBER AND GOAL. t Connection With the Telephonic Exchange, ; BraBChemce: e. m ufeixitK aijuAKe. leMMyd aoevs. GENTLEMEN'S SPRING SUITING. Al Al eost every steamer coming into pert brings us one or mere invoices, selec tions from English. French and tierman markets of the best and leading things for gentlemen's spring suits and panta loons. The styles and kinds are tee numerous te attempt details, but we con sider that there are among our recent importations some of the handsomest things wc have ever landed. SNODURASS. MURRAY A CO.. MARKET AND NINTH STS. H ANDSOME PANTALOON GOODS. Among the first things that every gentle man wants atthbeiinnlnr of the season is a pair of pantaloons. Knewing this our stock et spring cassimeres have been open and displayed for some time, and we are having a geed trade In them. Styles ter the season are very geed aud prices reasonable. SNODGRASS, MURRAY 4 CO., MARKET AND NINTH STS. B OYS' SUITINGS AND CASSIMERES. We have Just bought a large let et medium-weight Cassimeres, all-ths-year-reund goods, that have been sold at one dollar; price new, 75 cents. They are a decidcil bargain. Very geed Cassimeres for boys every day suits, at 50c. and 8Jc. per yard, war ranted te be strong and te wear well. In buying goods ler boys' -wear w always keep in view the fact that boys must have strong goods. Ihay de ne: take as much care et their olethcs as old eld er pcople de, and almost always havii worn out knees. Fer this reason we always combine strength with dura bility. SNODGRASS. MUURAY 4 CO. TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. Tailors who de net want whole pieces -. cau buy In such lengths as they want. -, We have about fifty grades and colors el J Italian Cleths and Slieslas of every color, both English and Domestle Uecds, Can vas. Brown Helland, Hair Cleth, elc- SNODGRASS, MURRAY & CO., CLOTH HOUSE. MARKET. AND NINTH STREETS. TIMK. NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS. JalifcJ-lydS -pARKEK'S GINGER TONIC. DRY HOODS. 1LOSINO OUT! AT AND BELOW COST My entlie stock of DRY BOODS, NOTIONS, It, IS FOR SALE AT AND BELOW COd; This is a rare chane ter GOOD BARGAINS .AS I RAVK AN IMMENSE STOCK OF G0 On band, which were all purchased te . J. M. LONG, 4 J21-tfd 11 NORTH QUEEN STREE1 J. B. MARTIN CO. FOR SPRING ! MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASE MUSLINS, TICKINGS. LINENS, TOWELS, CRASH, TABLE COVERS and NAPKINS, SATIN 'CRASH, LINEN FLOOR COVERINGS, Lace and Nottingham Curtains, JUTE CURTAINS, RAW SILKS, &e. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANCASTER. PA. E AGS. RAGS. BAGS. Thn hlcheat f'aah Prteea nniil for all kinds Ot Rags, Old Beeks. Carpets. Woolen Cleths, Bagging Repe, Gum Shoes, Ac., Ac. I wlU call en persons having anyet the above articles It they will drop me a postal card. WM. F. HENNEOKB, NO. 23S WEST KING bTKEET. feb2.V3md SHIMS