LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER FRIDAY. MARCH 24, 1882. MATERIALIZATION. C.UHBACIMQ A FKMALK 8PIB1T FORM. Sir. Uull, ths Mxtlasa ta tfe fihwl'f CUtfcSM aui a Flannel Oumi 1st In. HaU's. ACltnr New lerkSun. " Yeu may quote me tt saying that I saw the pretended materializing medium, Mrs. Hull, exposed as fraud en Sunday night last," said the theatrical manager, J. IT. MeVicker, yesterday, wbea Sim reporter asked bis Tersiea of as occurrence that has created a geed deal or remark among believers in spiritualism. " The way it occurred ires this," con tinued Mr. Vicker. ' A. company gather ed at a private beuse by invitation te see some marvelleus raaterialiiing phenomena te be produced by Mrs. Hull, who has been for seme time astonishing many visitors at the house of Mr. Hatch in Asteria. The enlv irentlemen 'visitors nresentwere Mr, J. B. Sammis, secretary of the Rubber cuslilDn axle company; iir. ueinnsana myself, There were eleven ladies. Most of the party were spiritualists and believ ers in materializing manifestations. I was invited by Mr. Sammis, and se far as I knew, there was no intention te attempt exposure. Mrs. Hull was accompanied by her husband, a very gentlemanly per son. I am free te say that I had net much faith in Mrs. Hull's ability te produce ma terial spirits. The seance was held at the house of a lady who was net suspected-of any collu sion . The spectators sat in a front parlor and a curtain was stretched across a door way leading te a small back room in which was a lounge. It was pretended that Mrs. Hull would lie en this lounge while the materialized spirits appeared outside the curtain. When the se-called spirit forms appeared in the doorway they pulled aside the curtains and fixed them carefully back, se that the spectators could see a' form en the lounge. The light in our room was rather bright, but in the back room, where the lounge was, the light was rather dim. This made me suspicions from the first. I was satisfied net only that the form en the sofa was net that of Mrs. Hull, but I also distinctly recognized Mrs. Hull's fuitiucs in the se-called 'spirit fernis.' But I did net wish te make a scene, se I said and did nothing. The alleged spirits beckoned the various members of the party te approach, and asked whether they recognized any relatives. If the spec tator asked, ' Is it mother ?' or 'Is it aunt ?' the spirit always said 'Yes.' One young girl said she recognized the spirit of her mother. She. was permitted te give the spirit ferfn au affectionate embrace. I was myself called up, but could net recognize the spirit. All the materialized forms were these of females. A lady present said she recognized one of the materialized forms as'that of Mrs. Hull with a set of false teeth taken out. Seme of us noted a suspicious reappearance of the' same pieces of illusion worked with cretonne that partly concealed the face. Others noted that the gloves and ether attach ments of the different spirits were similar. " Finally one of the spirits beckoned te Dr. Cellins, who was sitting in the most distant part of the room. What followed the appearance of Dr. Cellins is related by Mr. Sammis as fellows : " The medium made no objection te our silling quite near and approaching the spirit. Dr. Cellins advanced closely as ethers had done. When he get near enough te see he became satisfied that the ' spirit ' was Mrs. Hull. He reached out his arm te embrace the spirit, and as seen as he get a firm held of her waist he whirled her out into the middle of the mom amid the astonished spectators. Mrs. Hull screamed, and her husband, who had been sitting beside the curtains, apparently taking no part in the perform ance suddenly sprang forward and grappled with Dr. Celiins, seeking Jte release Mrs. Hull. But the doctor is a strong young fellow and held en until the lights were turned up. " ' Yeu don't understand the laws gev-' eining these things,' shouted Mtv Hull, as he peppered the doctor. " ' We understand that this as a fraud,' j c plied the doctor, holding Mrs. Hull tight in one hand while he defended himself as well as he could with the ether. The struggle was brief, annd Mrs Hull seen tot free and ran for her quarters behind the curtains. But I intercepted her, and railed upon some of the ladies te go and see what was en the lounge. They did se, and found that, instead of Mrs. Hull, Micro was a neat dummy made of the blankets supplied te her te pre vent her from catching cold while she. was. in her alleged trance; There also they 'euutl a large part of the spirits, includ ing the illusion veil, the cretonne, :iud ether familiar attachments. The ex posure was perfect, and from beginning te end Mrs. Hull bad nothing te say. She was pale, nervous and frightened. Mr. Hull was panting and excited, and vigor ously insisted that the company did net 'knew the laws governing this thing.' Mis. Hull is about 48 years old, of medium height aud Blight build, and has dark eyes ami a pale face. She has become noted for her materializations, and held many seances at Asteria. Seme of her exhibi tions were given before Henry Ward Beechcr. She is apparently in ill health, and after the exposure was the picture of dcsolatieu and despair." A NEW KIND OP "BOBS.' A Vigorous Pretest from a ftepmMtcaa. " Topics et the Time," Century Magazine. It seems new te be doubtful whether the chief practical result achieved by Sen Sen aeor Mahone and his followers is net sim ply and solely a new demonstration of the tact that the negre vote can be used by unscrupulous leader?, who knew hew te iulhieuce it, no matter what their objects may be. It hardly needed a re-adjuster party or the repudiation of Southern debts te teach us this ; for the carpet-bag gov ernments set up throughout the Seuth at the close of the war haq proved it already. The demagogues of the reconstruction period cast the negre vote as they pleased, ana tney case it, zee, 'ler purposes as directly antagonistic te the true inter ests of the blacks as any for which the Bourbons since their disappearance have used it. It has new been "voted" by Mahone in Virginia in precisely the same way. The fact is, and the sooner the fact is recognized the sooner we shall be rid of many dangerous illusions with regard te the future of the country, that the ne ne geoes constitute a -peasantry wholly un trained in, and ignorant of, these ideas of constitutional liberty and progress which are the birthright of every white voter : that they are gregarious and emotional rather than intelligent, and are easily led in any'directien by white men of energy and determination. Such white men may be demagogues, am in the ease of Mahone, or they may be filled with a sincere desire te effect desirable political, objects ; but their relation te the negre vote, until the character of that vote is materially chang ed through education and- material im provement, will be-substantially what it is new. The importance of the Mahone move mem lies in me iacc wat K Will probably be followed by ether movements of- a similar kind in ether parts of the Seuth. Malem's imitators will tut necessarily made use of hib cry, for in most or the Seuthers states repudiation is a dead ques tion. But almost any cry will, for the reasons we nave mentioned, de equally I " "--j uiuTWBBni, an independent new starts with the advantage that he is necessarily an enemy of theBourbeas, aad can therefore advertise himself as a friend of liberal ideas, and count upon a certain amount of sympathy asafrieud of tne negre. Such movements, if they are al lowed te remain local, can de little' harm, and may de much geed if they fall, as here aad there they must fall, into the heads of men with ad thing mere than ere selfish iatweeU at stake. But it is evidently the iateatkm in certain quarters at the rforthtemtafise them for a purpose which Republicans have the right te' consider geed in itself, bat which can only he advanced, in this cisa, Ify means full of danger te the country. The purpose is te strengthen the Repub lican party at the Seuth.; the means, the use of federal patronage in aid of any in dependent movement that may be started. new far tne aaminisErauea 01 rimsxtem Garfield actually went in placing the fed eral "machine" in Virginia at the dis posal of General Mahone and his friends, it is difficult te say : but "that it was ex tensively need, ana became a potent factor in the campaign, there can be no doubt. It is new proposed that in. Georgia, or Seuth Carolina,, or wherever an independ ent leader shows any "strength" among the negrees, this scandalous abuse of power shall be repeated, and that the custom-houses and ppsteffices of the general government shall be converted into local political machines te stimulate the move ment. It is hard te believe that any administra tien which avew3 itself in favor of civil service referm can lend itself te 'a scheme se inconsistent with all professient of re form as this. A reed Baritlat elnvrman of Benreu. X. T.. a strong temperance man, suffered with kid ney treubU, neuralgia, and dizziness almost te blindness, ever two years after he was told that Hep Bitters would cure him, because he was afraid of and prejudiced against " Bit ten." Since bis cure, hs says non need fear dux. irusi in jiep jiuitm. muiwuw Second Edition et Jed. Ifr.nn1in V. nivlatnn street. Bnffale. savs " I cannot be tee thankful that I was Induced te try your Sprtrfg Blessem. I was at one time Traill I BlinnM never be able te iret out again. I seemed te be a second edition of Jeb without his patience ; my face and body were eae vast collection et bells and pimples; since taking one bottle et your Spring Blessem I am quite cured, an eruptions nave uisappnareu, uuu x fuel better Chan I bare In a lone time." Price OS cente, at II. B. Cochran' drug store, JS7 North queen street, umcaster. An XaUre Success. It has been proved by the most reliable testl mentf that Themas' Kclectric Ollls an entire success in curing the most Inveterate cases of ineumausm, neuralgia, lame Dace una wounds et every description Fer sale at H, B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. The Law or Kindness Is universal : it aflects all the human Jamllv. all animals, and may be even leund !n patent medicines. Seme are drastic, and the patient Is obliged te suffer pains worse than the dis ease; but in cases et obstinate constipation, nyspepsia. mere is no remeuy be Kinci, se gen tle ltt its effects, and yet se satisfactory as Bur dock Bleed Bitters. Price $1. Fer sale at If. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen St., Lancaster. MMDIOAL. HOSTBTTBR'S CELEBRATED nostetlcr's Stomach Bitter is the great household medicine of the American people, and Is taken vorywhero as a sareguujd agulnst epidemics and endemics as it remedy for dyspepsia, billleusHess nnd Irregularities et the novels, as n cure for chills und fever anil rneumatic aliments, and as a general lit vigeruntand restorative or sale by all Druggists uml Dealers gen erally. fcbi-lydued&w CLOTMZNO, Jte. mANAMAKER & I1KOWN. Clothing that Wears Well. Year after year our customers return because they are net dis appointed in the kind of Cloth ing we supply them. With all our reasonable prices we insist en the goodness e'f the materials. The stock of Men's and Beys' Overcoats and Suits is still quite complete. WANAMAKER & BROWN. Oak Hall, Sixth and Market street. Philadelphia. A RAItK CHANCE. A SUIT.OF - EDO! CLOTHES OB AN OVERCOAT Made Up te Order at Cost Price. In order te reduce my heavy stock et FINE WOOLENS TlUs is without exception the greatest re duction ever made In SlNJC CLOTHES. and la done te make room for our heavy Spring Importations, partef February w have the sample cards efthese goods already In store, and any eae deWpus et securing flret choice ler SP&IN8 SeS?hIm.'0,,,rW'andthe tCea' WUX Jtemember the above rsduotlenls for Heavy Weferhta and Oaah Only. H.GEBHART, TAILOR, Ne. 61ut liKftrwt, STOIiCI BITTEBS DMT HOODB. pn.osiHe UVT! AT ANDBMLOW COST. My entire stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, 13 FOR SALE AT AND BELOW COST. This Isa rare chance ler GOOD BARGAINS. AS I BTAVS AST IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS, ' On band, which were all purchased ter eaah. J. M. LONG, i JM-tfd 14 NORTH QUEEN STREET. T B. MARTIN UU. LINENS AND MEETINGS FOR SPFtlNG! MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, PILLOW CASH MUSLINS, TICKINGS. LINENS, TOWELS, CRASH, TABLE COVERS and NAPKINS, SATIN 'CRASH, LINEN TLOOR COVERINGS, Laee and Nottingham Curtains, JUTE CURTAINS, RAW SILKS, &e. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANOA.STKR. FA. fc ABGAINS IN SinM Cashes AT & New Cheap Stere, PROM IMl'OUTEKS' Auction Sales IN NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS," BLACK BROCADE SILKS, BLACK RIIADAMES, BLACK SATINS, COLORED SILKS, COLORED SATINS, BLACK CASnMEREB, from 12 Jc. a yard up. METZGER, AND HAUGHMAN'S NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West King Street. ( Adlkb's'Ole Htard.) Between the Cooper Heuse aud Serrel Herso lletcl. JanH-lviIAw naUKU AND BTATIONKM1. lAHTBIt VAUDSt AMERICAN AND IMl'OKTKO EASTER OABDS! IN URHAT VARIKTV AT L. M. FLYNNS BOOK AND STATIONERY STORE, Me. 4.2 West Kins Street. rOMN II A KK'S SONH. NOVELTIES, -KOIt TUK EASTER SEASON! PLAIN AND FRINGED Easter Cards, EASTER FANS AND SACHETS, EASTER BOOKS. At the Bookstore of Jehn Baer's Sens. Nes. 15&17 North Queen Street CHINA. AND OJUABBWAJtJt. VTIUH &MAUT1N. Qneensware ! - Qaeenswars ! AT CHINA HAUL. Just received by Steamship "British Crown,"jinetucr importation et WHITE GRANITE WARE IN TEA AND DINNER WARE, CHAMBEK WARE, HOTEL WARE. DECORATED TEA AND SINNER SETS, - A LAROC iljnt OF Decorated Chamber Seta, DAMAGED WARE In Large Quantities. 4QT Don't fail te see-our Very Large assortment. High & Martin, 16 BAST KINO STRUT, SHAN'S DMT900D3. "OKTH END BKT GOODS STORK. -THE 6R1AWT BAR6HNS -IN DRESS GOODS EVER PLACED ON THIS MARKET IS NOW OFFERED AT 12 1 dents a yard, -BY- J.. W. BYRNE, 322 NOBTH QUEEN STREET, U-lydJ LANCASTER. PA. . N JEW IMPORTATIONS. BLACK CASHIH WATT, SH-AND & CO. Offer the very best possible value at SO, 6X 73, 87X ets., $1.00 and ll.. These goods are perfect In Celer, Texture and Finish, and tally 10 per cent, lower than last season. Single and Deuble BLACK CASHMERE SHAWLS. A SPECIALTY. Special bargains in 40-INCH 'ALL WQOL FIGURED CASHMERES, 3Xe. a vard, sold everywhere at 72c.; only Ave pieces. 40-INCH ALL WOOL BLACK ARMURES, 60 c. b yard really worth 75c? Special sole et 10,000 yds, Bleached Muslins at 10c. a yd, Same goods were sold by the case In February at 10K cents a yard. Watt,Stond&Ce, NEW YORK STORE. F AUNUSTOCK. Carpets, Carpets. OUR CARPET ROOM .IS NOW STOCKED FULL OF Carpets from Auction. Te which we Invite the uttontleu of these 1 searchet CHEAP CARPETS, Onolet et All Weel Chain and Filing, Extra Heavy Ingrain only BBe. a bargain. RAG CARPETS, N0 13 EAST KIN0 STREET RAG CARPETS. I.AItUE STOCK lO SELECT FltOM AND AT LOWEST PRICES,' LANCASTER. PA. UONEYCOUlt AND JACQUER , W II ITU OIITT.TS OOI-OIIKD VJtVAAJ M.KJ piARPKTH. CARPETS. 0e BOc, OOa, 70c. 87 1-Xe. aud Sl.OO. White Marseilles Quilts, One let, 91.80; ene let. 92.30; ene let, 94.00, Cheapest Quilts ever etTertitt. CLOTH TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, Richly embroidered at lowest prtues. Opened this day 500 Gossamer Waterproof Fer Latltus. licuta, Beys and dlrls, Every Garment Warranted. FAHNESTOCK. Next Doer te Court Heuse. OPBING 1883. SMIING 1S89. CARPETS, PAPER HANGINGS. WINDOW SHADE lager & Brether Invite special attention te tbelr CAR PET, WALL PAPER and WINDOW SHADE departments. In which they are offering larger assortments than have ever been shown In this city, and at as low prices as same qualities can be purchased In Philadelphia or else where. CARPETS The latest Spring Styles et Mequet Bedy Brussels,. Tapestry Brussels, . Three Ply,Extra Superfine and Medium Weel Ingrain-, Cotten Chain Ingrains, and Damask Ilall and StalssCarpet and Borders. Rag Carpet In lull assert ments. Linoleum and Fleer Oil Cleth. Cocea and Chain Mattings, Mequet and Velvet RUGS and MATS. WALL PAPER. All the Latest Spring Designs In Solid Geld, Embossed and Plain Bronze, Miea, Flats and Blanks, with Frieze, Borders and Celling Decorations te match, for Halls. Vestibules, Parlors, Dining Reems and Chambers. ESTIMATES MADE AND WALL PAPER PUT ON BJf COMPETENT PAPER HANGERS. WINDOW SHADES, la Large Assortment In Plain Styles and el 6 and 7 feefcSbades and the new Dade Shades of various designs and prices, also all widths and detirable colors et Plain Shading and Shade Hol lands with all the latest Improved Shade Rellers and fixtures. Brass and WalnutCornlee Poles, Walnut Window Brackets,' Lace Curtains and Curtain Nets. WE JNVITB EXAMINATION. HAGER & BR0., N0.25 WKT RING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Th&r AJSTBJCm MMOS: ADrXMXJUMMMMX. A1 STKICK BttOS'ADTKRTMKMXIIT. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE! THAT WHILE ALTERATIONS ARE GOING ON IN ODR STORE ROOM . WE ARE WELL PREPARED Te De Business As Usual ! GOODS RECEIVED DAILY -AND Bargains OFFERED at ALL TIMES. ASTKICH BEOS- LANCASTER BAZAAR, CARPETS I IN REMNANTS. We have about TWO HUN DRED DIFFERENT PATTERNS OF INGRAIN CARPETS WORTH FROM 40c. TO S1.00 PER YARD, What we will sell ter 20c. TO 60c. PER YARD. These goods ran be used ter u variety el pur poses, us rugM for iloerstrps uml Ih trout et leungCH, seltiH, biire.iii, Ae. JOHN P. SWARim 40rII you want a geed Shirt, get the D El" J A XT. ilBEAT BARGAINS IN UABPKT8, X claim te have the Largest and Fines fteck el CARPETS In this City. Brussels and Tnpp3try CARPETS Three-ply, Extra Super, Suiter, All Weel, Hall Weel and Part Weel Ingrains : from the best te the cheapest as low as 28e. per yard. All the FINEST AND CHOICE PATTESNB that ever can tie seen In this city. 1 also have a Large and Fine Stock el my own make Chain and Rag Carpets, AS LOW AS 30c PER YARD. .Alse MAKE CARPETS TOORDERatsber notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. 49-Ne treuble te show goods if you de nt. wish te purchase. I earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHLBK, . 303 WEST B3HQ STBXXT, LANCASTER PA. "1ARFET8, AC. NEW CARPETS' 40,000 YARDS. - Mew Designs, BeaHtilally Colored. 180 60 75 SO cents. 85 cents.! INGRAINS cen is.- w cents, cents. $1.00. cents. $1.00. cents. $1.10. cents. $1.20. TAPESTRT BRUSSELS WILTON AND f MOQUETTES, GOOD VALUE OIL CLOTHS, LINOLEUM, I AT ALL PRICES. MATTINGS in Great Variety. Handsomest shown fertnany years. REEVE L. KNIGHT, Ne. 1222 Chestnut Street, al-IydCOd&2tWl PHILADELPHIA. COAH. rje te RWTTJiY & KELLER GOOD, CLEAN FAMILT COAL, Alse, Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. Farmers and ethers In want et Supeiiei Manure will find it te their advantage te call Yard, Harrlsburg Pike. I . entee.90K East Chextnu.t street, i agl7-t C0H0 & WILEY. 880 NOKTH WATMM BT., Lmnemfr, ,' Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. 0Metlm With Ui TeUphenle Branch Office: Ne. 30 CENTRE SQUARE. leblya di:y 'FRINO DHK8S (IOODS. Spring Woolen Iaterics JPRINU DRESS CLOTIIS.-OUR SPRIN'O 3 Dress Cleth for l.adle',Mt4e' nml Chll- dren's Dresses ami Suits nre new nil In. the assortment U very extensive, anil ' certainly the largest line or cloths in . Philadelphia. There uremanvueW hnrtes I in puun colors, ane a wide juticc or ueut pin-checks et new combinations, cliuin; ing the ettect and making the colorings and styles dltlerent ivem thee et jtro jtre jtro vleus seasons, SNODOR.S3. MURRAY Jt CO.. MAKKF.T AND NINTH STS. LADIES'. MISSES AND CltlLDKKNS COATS AND JACKETS. Almest every lady wants a Wrap or Jacket ter spring, and te. put en cool Uavs iu Miuiiner. or te wear intlteeveiiinistf v title iiMay at the , suasnoie or meuniaius. ve nnve a ei large variety of cloths for this purpese: also, seme new broken checks, Xc.ter anrlnir ulsters. SX NODURASS. MURRAY A CO.. NINTH AND MARKET STS. JMALt CHILDREN'S AND INFANlV 3 COATS. This Is an Item in our business te which we give much nttontlen. Put chases anil Importations ter this s::bim Include every tlilnv new and i!ie ery latest designs In manv diffiTi'iit ftilul SXODGRA3S. MURRAY & CO.. MARKET AND NINTH STS. SPItINU OVERCOATISOS They nre worn much mere tliun u winter overcoat, nml ' every man .should bave-n spring over coat. Fretiuently when u heavyweight could net lu worn at nil, a lllit weight coat might tie worn with great eomlert. We have many klmls, very ilelntlite In Huallty and tuhrle. SNOIH.UASS, MUltlt.W A CO. CORDUROYS, llKAVKRl'KKNS AND COU DUROYS. Unyers of these goods heii!rt note the tact that we juive uuide tt htVa purchase at about one-third ett market rates, and we are dealing theui en te either tl)e buyer et ti pair of pants or the" tieaier who uuys n piece ai me same pro portion. The priers are very low (tut' you mustceme and see them and handle the goods te slitlsty youielvos that thev are cheap. SNODURASS, MURRAY A CO. I CLOTH HOUSE. MARKET AND NINTH St'UKIils , SNODGRASS, MURRAY & CO., CLOTH HOUSE, - - Market and Ninth Sts., Phila. nevsti rvRxifiiisv OQenn. TLINN WII.LSON. HOUSEFURNISHING. PEUM.K"WII.L M RIJY AND MUST II WE -' HOUSE-STIRES! And as we keep the Largest nnd Cheapest and most Oomplete Stock in the city. Yen can have a beslGr selection and save money by buying from as. E$Ne trouble te show floods, FLINN & SIGN OK TilE t'l.V 3111 laicei: let or GAS FIXTURES, THAT MUST 15K SOLD UKFORV Vl. V'.Sif OW IS iHK I'lMK FOR UAlUJ Al - .vir ji-SLATE MANTLES-1'" BATH TUBS, ATBR CLOSETS. PUMPS. IRON PIPE? and FITTINGS 3-WIIOl KSM.K VND RUT Ml JOHN I.. AKiNOLIX Nee. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER. PA. l-ipr." i . M&IUCAL. R KIUAUTtt OLD WINK STOltK. Brandy as a Medicine. The following urttole wit veluutartlv eut :e Mr. H. K. Slaymaker, Agent for Relgnrt' iit Wlne Stere, by a. pieinlnenl pmetlsiug physs elan et this county, who has evteiwU e!v u-nM the Unuidy referred te In his regular pu'u two. It I commended te the attention et theie .i' fltcted with Indigeetien and Dyspepsia. BRANDY AS A MEDICINE. This new much ubused Alcoholic Mini 'I t Wftanerer Intended us a beverage, but 'e f nfledasamodlclneot groatiieiency in theei te Of some Of the destructive dlsea-e vlu i weep away thelrnnuul thousands of v let i-i-. With a purely plillantlu-ople motive we pi aent te the favornble notice et tuvallilk-'eepe. chilly theso afflicted with tlmt mlseniblu ill ense Dyspepsia, Bpeclfle r Mb-li U nothing mere or less than Brandy. The aged, with ieeble apietlte ami mere or less debility, Will find this simple iiieillelmv When used properly. A Sovereign Remedy or all tBelr ills and acIicm. iht 11, bow n strictly understood that we preset lbe uii'l n--but one article, and that Is BEIGARTS OLD BItANDW ' Sold by our enterprising young trtcmt, II r SLAYMAKER. This Uraudy hai Htoel f'v test for years, and has never failed, n tut as our experience extends, nnd we thcrutcrf glTO It the preferences ever nil etner HiiiikIIus nematterwlth hew many law-breaking i'rcucl. titles they are branded. One-fourth et thu money that Is yearly thrown iiwuy cm various Impotent dyspepsia specifics would .sntllcc '.r buy all the Brandy te euro any such cut- ci ases. In proof of the curutlve powei s et Belffart's Old' Branay, In cases et Dyspepsia, we can .iiiiniumr -":n bers of wltncsseu one iise In partlculu-wf Cite: A hard-working farmer hud been nir.'-tiru with an exhauBtl vu Dvniu'imlu tern iiiiin'ieref J ears; his stomach would reject almost everj Ind of feed; he hud sour eructatiens con stantly no nppotlte In hiet, he dim obliged te restrict his diet te eruekem and Ntale bread, and as a bnvernge lm used MeOrauu's I tout Beer, lie la a MethiMlUl. utul thou, its new 8 reached at tliuea, and In Ills dlaeeunten ittun eelalmed earupatly all klmU or nU ng drink. WhenadvUtidtetrv ReUrart'a OUl Braudy, In his case, he looked up with usteuuiiuiein but after hearing et li wendnriul enVci in the cases of some of hl mar ntiualniuiices, he at last consented te fellow our mlvh'. Ik used the Brandy faithfully uml nteadllr; the flrstbottle giving him nn appetite, and dotere the second was taken he was heiiihI man, with astemach capajjle of dliestliig any tiling wiili-t; hefchese te eat. He still keeps tt mid im-s u tit tle occasionally; and since he has thin inrJt. elne he has been of very little pecuniary bene. lit te the doctor. a rmarisiMu vuxmvu n. U. . SLAYMAKER AOSST FOE Reigart's Old Wine (Stere, Sstabllshed In 17H5, tinOKTXS ABD UCALUB I FIMKOLD BKAMDIK8, 8I1KUKIES. sjUI'1'. KIOE OLD MADKIUA, (Imported in llH. 1837 and 1828.) CHAMPAGNES O KVKRT BRAND. SCOTCH A LK PORTER, BROWN STOUT. Me. 9 KABT KING ST. LANCASTEIt.l DEAD THIS' Xi LAWCA9TKR, I'A.. April 2S, 1SSI. , Th KrbirxTetmA Mr'e Ceupattt. (7nf It gives me much pleasnru te wiy that after nsLag one pack of K1DNI-.YCURA I bsre been entirely cureil of a severe pain in mw kmw anil r imii at linilliifr. mill litut tee, atter trying various known remedies. 1 nave Qvery cenntiencu . jn.ui luumuiui cheerfully recommend It, nnd knew that many of my friends who have nwd It havu been benented., masiyd Foreman hxaminer and txprcus. aeuvs. G K.NTLKMEN'S SPUINU SUITINC-Aleost every steamer coming tnte pert lirlngs us ene or mere Invoice. elee- ffrww trtim Knirlth. VrMinli iin.i ,!........ markets et ttiebest and hailing ilitns ter gentlemen's spring units nml panta- loons. The styles aud klmit are tee numerous te attempt details, imt we con shier that there arc among our recent Importations seme of the lamlmict t lungs we have ever landsd. SNODURASS. MURRAY A CO., MARKET AND NINTH Sis HIANDOMK PANTALOON tJOODS Among the at things that every 0'itle man wants at the beginning of the .season is u pair et uintsliHms. Kneivlng this our ' mock et prlug cuwttmere liuve been open and displayed ter seme tliue. utul we ur having a gixd tmile III tliem Styles ter the neasen are very gee t uml priivs reiueualile. NODt:RAS. MURRAY A CO.. MARKET AND M.N til Sis. 11DYS Sl'lTlNlIS AND CXSSlMKRfS - e liavrt Just bought a large, let et me illum-weighl Cussltneres, ull-tlii-M'ii-inttud geiHU. that have lieeil s.ihl at one il:tar; pi Ice new, 7 ccntt. They iii i alcelileil liargnln. ery geed Cusslmeres ler heys' ever ilr.y utti. at We. anil C'e. per 'aid. wav ninli d te lie strong nnd te wear well In buying goods for boys wear we ntw"is keep In view the tact that buys iniisi have Mtniiij; gemla. Thuy tl net take as uiueh cirt et their clothes as old er peeph de, and almost always have worn out knees. Fer this ri'iwmi we always combine strength with tluia t.'.lin-. SNODURASS. MURRAY CO 'I'.UI.ORS' TRIMM'.NUS. X . Tailors who de net want whole pieces can liny in kiieit lengths in they waet. We have about titty gr.nles and cel, us et Itiill'in Cleths ami ?lieslas ofeverv enlei, hetli Kuglbli mid Demesth) (;x ils. t'nii mis. Itrewu llellaiiil. Hair Cleth, etc sNODUUVs, MIRRAY-A CO., CI.Ol'll HOUSE. MMtUETAXD NINTH sTRUKl. WILLSON, TWO LARGE DOGS. Klt'S S L't'l'1.1 KS. t'tSA f?l ..- iHlHt. 1 MMsTKi: AMMlU.I.KlLMtl'.r I Crs i-:n i n'U- Uwii Usucs!cr . f. R. tVKv). ; ; V" U:a)4 ui...-1-i.S . 4, tf .fid s-yej iu..v'- -- Saturday, when tie Ihh: csr !.ves &' l "" t t tMe MPlersvtUe kUwer eiieJiU n. !.. nu.l . J!. J u;id ? j. in. .'!- l ! il-illv !( ' ,- iljue oe'i .: -u .l lOl.l JIltlA -M I'ur.f l-"-.!! t; V n..- ihm. mil iriunii, I'll ml I v. .11' t and fort Deposit tUlVn.l n K Kdtvvi-iH .te billll. M-riOM.- Neuru Kiptv. Kijivw. ,v.wu Pert Deposit .'iKicl'.bottem.... Sate Harber..... Columbia j-e. N.t j ! :-.V iYim i J e rtv. no; e. u T IS 10 rwii'ij-Nii'iii- Kxpieis. Kvpiei. n aM. ' A. v. e M. L'eluii' -tit. ... Su(e !l:it ber.. I'eiietit'Kttein I'mt l'iiiift ii:h r. m. t.'Mt li-L- f A" it M 7S-" I HO s-W I) K N H V 1. V A N 1 A KAI I.KOAO N K W m;ih-:di;i.u en and tnr sc'm.. JA.VDAUV 2-.M, W, trains en the tVuu vanln. Itallread will arrive nt unit leave ti n l.tmr.-itet uml l'lillui)nlililaile'ilsa.i IhIIi.wh Kiww.n!. Leave Amve I'lilladM Limc'li'i I'M I A.M. 3ll " ! ' 0.0U. " J:I6 " I:;n p.m. TAX - z::e -5:l! B:IU " ilall Kxprilss Kiu,L Line, Vei-lc Acc-etii. ArrHc,... Hr.rrishii i g Kx prcsj I.iuicimt:r AcccuiiiutMlittleti Cel lllii bill Accoti'it'Oilntleii, Krederlrk Aecem. Arrlvej, Huiiday Mull,., Johnstown Kxpieis Dmv Kxtrc:id tilf'li "' 11 i:"" an r. 7-:t Iliirrlshuig Ai-eeuiitiiKliii'ii,! I 'j r. Wzstwakw. Way l'iWf!enj;er, Nbwh Kxpn-fis MalLTralii Ne.l.vlu JMt.Jey, MallTrnln ,Xe.!,v'i Cel'bla, hiiiiduy Mull, Line, Frederick-Accoihmndutleii, Lancaster Accoinmediitlon, lliii-ilhlmr Accorniiielati. CeliiiiibJu Acc-oiiniieiltitlon, HiirrlMbiirir RxpTcss Western Express I'lilliulelpliln KjcprcSK, Leue rhllad'a An i m Lanr'l.T i7A.M :27 " 2 " J'Jft " 'J5 " 1S1 r.K. 1 CO " h'vt " 7:85 " 7: -i:-01 " -15a.. 4;); :S5 7:C0 -,.vY liar. 2:25" 'J:l5 ; 4:15 S:4 'JitAi HOi Mull I rain. .Ne. 2, west, connecting at Lan! easier with JIall Truln, Ae. 1, at, will run through te JIntiever. Ki tt. leriik Accem modatlen, west, con met 1 ng ut Luiicusler Willi Ktist Line, west, at IK, will i mi tnreuuh te Frederick:. Iliirrl-biirpr Express, wc3t. at .'.:10 p. in , Inn direct coiiiiietleiu (wltlioutchuiiguet wn) te Cnliiuibl'i and Yerk. Knit Line, west, en Sunday, when tdg$vt, will step at Downlr.utewn.Coutesvllle, 1'ailit '. burg, Mount Jey, Kllzabctlitewn unit Ml-Vll ("i ii. i ICAD1NU a COLITMIIIA tt. It. UltANGKMXN'l'OiMrASSKMUlSUTRAlA-i 3IO.VDAV, NOV. 7-i'U. lsj. NOKTHWAUD. LKAVS. Oii.trry vllle I. monster. King St.. L:i!ICI!ter Columbia. ... .iiiuivi:. y vs. 7fce b.le U-.mi Ueadlng.. SOUTHWARD. .I.KAVtt. A.M. V. M. I'. U. U:iU ... i:A 7.S0 .... S.10 H-OO 1:W) 8-JMi 7:&0 trio 3:ie IIMfl Sin fNi .Kb. f.M Iteudlng AHUIVS. CeliiniMa Luncnuter. l.aneartter. Mm; Ml ft:lft vniiiiy viiiu iu:d ...,, a.w. irau i-:te l mins i-iMi:n:i:ial Heading with traliu te mid from l'lilladclphtu, I'etUvllle, llmilnburg, A. lentewn unit .Vew Yerk, via" Hound Kreek Reute. At Columbia with trains leand from lurlt, Hanover. Gettysburg, t'rcdcrtcU. huiI Haiti Haiti mere. A. M. WII.ijON. bunt. a h. m. y.M. 7:2S 1-.':U0 ti: ltt r.M. 0:35 :ll M.i. 0:27 'iin H:l.t l:37 .... S:i-J 10:a7 .... 0..V.