Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 24, 1882, Image 3

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Au Odd Leeking bat Impenetrable Glebe.
Quite a crowd was attracted te Centre
square yesterday afternoon te witness the
unloading at the Fulton national bank of-
an immense globular mass of iron, the like
of which had net before been seen in this
city. It proved te be a Corliss burglar
proof safe, made and patented by "Wm.
Corliss, of Providence, B. L, one of the
brethei s who have become se noted as the
builders of steam engines. Without much'
difficulty the safe was unleaded from the
wagon and placed in the bank, where we
were given an opportunity of inspecting it.
Its outer shell is a glebe of chilled
ireu impervious te drills, sledges, ham
ruers, billies or any ether tools of the en
terprising burglar. Within this revolves -a
smaller hhcll of chilled iron. This is the
safe proper, containing shelves and apart
ments of about the same capacity as the
ordinary rectangular safe. This inner
shell revolves en pivots, and by means of
hidden machinery is made te revolve se
that the belid back of the inner shell is
brought te the front and closes the open
face of the outer shell. The surfaces of
the two shells are se nicely ground and ad
justed at the front that net even a grain of
powder or 6ther explosive cau. possibly be
introduced between them. We will net
attempt te describe the simple and
easily manipulated machinery by which
the hafe is opened and closed, but
will merely say that Mr. Corliss
gives a guarrantce -with every safe
that he sells that it is absolutely burg
lar proof for at least 3G hours, against all
tools, czplosieus or Other appliances that
piofchMeual burglars, safe manufacturers,
or ether skilled mechanics can bring te
bear upon ir, and this, he claims, is mere
than the manufacturer of any ether safe
has done or is willing te de. Mr. Corliss
labeied for ten yeais and expended ever
$200,000 in bringing his safe te perfection.
He hti nek out into untredden paths and
has produced a safe unlike any ether,
in form, construction, material, or locking
arrangements. The safe in the Fulton
bank was set up by Mr. A. Preseus
agent of the Corliss .manufacturing
company, who within .a very fchert
time has set up two similar safes in
the banks of Reading and one in Lebanon.
When the Fulton bank erects its new bank
ing house, in the near future, ;t is intended
te place therein another safe of the Cor
liss pdtteru,abeiit twiee as large as the one
new in ii' e.
The Revenue Collectorsblp. Cellectorsblp. Collectersblp.
Mr. Setnerville, of the Treasury depart
ment, whose eflice may be inferred Irem
his mission here, is in Lancaster te day,
engaged in investigating certain charges
made against Themas A. Wiley, collector
of internal revenue, the gist of which has
appealed in the editorial columns of the
weekly Inquirer, aud which grew out of
the liercu light between Wiley and the
Griests. Thess charges are substantially
that Wiley removed Stere Ipcper Peter
Summy.bccause his brother, County Com Cem
m as ener Sunimy, voted for Griest's son
forcleikef the beard; aud that in his
threats te c'e thin, at sundry times and in
diveis places, Wiley indulged in as vigor
ous and emphatic language as Griest used
te leseit te en the street corners in his
campaign against Smith. Semcrville has
been supplied with affidavits setting .forth,
Wiley's threats against Sammy, his mo
tives for them and his execution of them.
Wiley, en the ether hand, is relating relating
te the inspector his alleged ample cause
for the 1 era oval of Suramy ; and the poli
ticians ai c waiting for the outcome of the
matter. Seme of the better informed
ones say that Wiley's removal, te make
room for Andy Kauft'inan, has been a
foregeuc conclusion for seme time, and
that this appaicnt investigation of the
Griest-Summy personal charges is only an
attempt te find some pretext for the re
moral of a faithful officer with a faultless
official leceui.
Lecbtr & Seii'h Tannery again Broken Inte.
Last night thieves broke into the office
of the tannery of Lecher & Sen's, Seuth
Prince street and stelo therefrem two
dozen of dressed' calf skins, worth $60 or
$70. They effected au entrance by breaking
of! the hasp of the front-deer lock. Neigh
bers en the oppesit side of the Btrces heard
them at work, and called ever te them te
knew what was the matter. The thieves
(there were three of them) told them with
an oath tn go te bed and mind their own
business. The neighbors, supposing the
thieves te belong te the tannery, made no
further inquiry, and the robbery was net
difcevcictl until (his morning when the
bnildiiur was visited by the workmen.
Anether Attempt.
Yesterday Edw. Dietrich, whose shoe -making
bhep is at the corner of Plum and
Chestnut streets, discovered that an at
tempt had been made te break into it,
probably the night previous. The maiks
of the jimmy used te break open the deer
are plainly seen, but the brace ou the in
side was strong enough te lcsU-t the bur
glars' efterl.
The Soup Houee.
According te the filth annual report of
the management of the soup house, there
was distributed during the past season
201.02, and $93.30 worth of ether dona
tions received and used. The balance ou
hand te begin next f oasen's operations, is
$12G.C;. In all, during the past season,
there wee $21,963, a less total than in any
previous year; average cost per ration
about 1.77 cents. There were distribu
tions ou 57 days, averaging 385 rations a
- day, as against 360 in 1681, 513 in 1879
and 329 in 1878 ; average issue for 1882,
2e rations per day greater than in 1881.
The gicatcst number issued en any one
day was G33 (February 4), the smallest
number 228 (January 2). The average
money value of rations issued eer day,
ijG.83. as against $6.54A in 1881, and $7.72
in 1880.
Argument Ceuit.
Argument court adjourned te-day bc
tweeu 10 and 11 o'clock, all the cases ready
having been disposed of.
Barbara Hall was divorced from her
husband, Albert W. Hall, of West Hemp
field township, en the grounds of adul
Court will meet te-morrow morning,
and the judgment docket will ba called
at 10 o'clock. N
Serious Results from a Fight.
Jacob Fissel, of Mount Jey, is critically
ill from iujuries received in an angry tus
sle with his brother Levi, en the fleer of
vPhilip Frank's. malt house, where both
worked. lie was thrown heavily and the
rupture of a bleed vessel ensued, with
continuing hemorrhages. The fight re
suited from an old fend.
Our latest advices .from Mt. Jey are
that the man is out of danger.
ter sergeant Masen's l'arden
Blank petitions, for signers asking for
the pardon of Sergeant Maen, have been
sent te different houses in this city, and
they arc rapidly being filled with signa
tures. At one well known restaurant last
evening 70 names wcre obtained,- but one
man refusing te sign.
Insurance Against Hall.
Calvin Cooper, of Bird-in-Hand, this
county, has been elected a director in the
Pennsylvania mutual hail insurance com
pany, of New Yerk.
Seat Out.
Maze Tayler, a colored damsel; for being
diunk and disorderly, was sent te jail for
5 days by Alderman A. P. Dennelly
V'Ti , &zL
Atralr Alene tne JtaaaaefcaBBeGleasungt
In and Around the Berngh picked up
by the iBtelUgeacer's Reporter.
Along tlM River Frent.
A walk along the banks of the Susque
hanna, in company with two brother re
porters, show us the- ravages made by
the frequent heavy rise of the water.
Here and there .the earth is worked
out for several reds, making deep
cavities; trees have been washed away,
sand piles destroyed ; in fact he shore, as
far as the we could see, presented the ap
pearance of devastated- acres. It would
pay our Lancaster neighbors, who have
net the chance te see this sight any nearer
home than Columbia, te come te our
borough and see what is te be seen. -Badly
Jis. employee in the Susque
hanna rolling mill, was this morning the
perpetrator of a" mean trick, which resulted
in the most unfortunate consequences we
have ever heard of. It appears that a young
lad named Edward Cassell, aged 14 years,
was running through the mill when Rheder
tripped him up, causing him te fall en a
pile of red het iron bars, burning his hands
in a terrible manner. His injuries are se
great that that there are fears he will be
unable te work for the next month or
two. His father entered suit before Squire
Grier, where the trial will come of this
False Alarms and Races.
Between 8 and 9 o'clock last evening a
false alarm of fire was started en Cherry
street, causing the' entire fire department
te. turn out, but after finding there was no
fire they returned te their "respective
houses. These alarms are becoming tee
frequent and should be stepped. They
are generally raised by a number of small
boys who de it te " see the fun " and row
between the different companies, for the
latter generally ensues. There are several
reasons why it should be stepped. First,.
an alarm of lire, whether false or true, is
net a niee thing te hear ; merchants have
te suspend business and 'are anxious te
knew whether their homes are in flames or
net ; mothers are worried about their
children, who may happen te be en the
street, fearful that they may be run ever
or trampled under feet,.and last but net
least, the result of the racing. This net
only with the less of property but also the
less of life ; and again hard feelings arc
generally raised. Fer instance, two com
panies are racing and one beats the ether,
shouting, insulting remarks and the like,
arc then used. The defeated company feel"
badly ever their defeat,, but at the same
time had they been the winner theesult
would have been the same. And it is only
nalural. We de net mean te reflect dis
credit upon our fire boys in writingthis
way, for they are as brave and daring a
set as can be found anywhere. Bui it is
for their own and 4be safety of our citi
zens that we advise the stoppage of this,
what may seem fun te many, but in the
end will prove detrimental.
ISoreusb Government.
Our charter is a private act, containing
most of the powers conferred by the gen
eral act. The corporate officers are a chief
burgess and nine councilmen. The chiet
burgess has concurrent powers with jus
tices of the peace in the borough iuceitain
criminal cases defined. Council is author
ized te appoint subordinate officers,
te define their duties, and te fix
their compensation. They have appointed
a regulator, defined his duties minutely
and fixed his fees. They have appointed
two policemen, but have neither defined
their duties-nor fixed their fees, but pay
.them a monthly allowance. We have or
dinances against boys jumping en
the cars, using hand sleds ou the side
walks and streets, assembling after sun
set aud ou Sunday. Cerner lounging and
many ether evils of the nineteenth centu
ry, inflicting fines and penalties, bat none
of them have recently been enforced. The
charter provides that the ehief burgess
shall have power te enfeice the by-laws,
ordinances, rules aud regulations of the
borough, te preserve the peace, te hear
complaints, te abate nuisances aud de
many ether things tee numerous te men
tion. Query : The borough must be
plaintiff in all actions for fines under its
ordinances. Cau the chief burgess hear
these complaints and impose these fines,
he being at the same time the executive
officer of the plaintiff ? Section 82 of the
charter provides "That where judgment
is obtained before a justice of the peace of
said borough for fines and penalties,
against any person for breach or violation
of any ordinance, rule or regulation of the
borough, execution may be issued thereon
aud levy and sale made without regard te
any claim te exemption under the act of
April 9, 1849." Our charter and many of
the ordinances are a full match for the 15
14 puzzle : but if our chief burgess and
council will enforce them as ethers have
done before them, our citizens will have
much less cause for complaint than they
new have. . They have never authorized
the special policemen te make arrests for
violation of the ordinances, yet they
grumble ; the constables have no power te
arrest without a complaint and a warrant,
yet they make no complaint except te
crumble like the deg in the manger.
Little Locals.
The household effects of J. D. Cottrell,
esq,, were sold at public sale, yesterday.
A large crowd was in attendance.
Ge te the opera house this evening, and
see the " German Volunteer." It is said
te be immense
The box sheet for " East Lyune " is
new open.
The Bethel church's supper opened last
evening with a large crowd present, and
bids fair te be a success. ,
'Squire Frank isbnilding a new office
besides his present place of businesss. It
will be a handsome one.
Mr. Isaac Peck, of Alteena, is visiting
his son William.
" Shipmates " is booked for the opera
beuse, April 1st. Don't get April fooled.
A. M. Kambe has been re appointed a
notary public by Gov. Heyt.
All day yesterday two drunken shoe
makers paraded ear streets te the infiuite
amusement of the small boy s, who followed
them around. Their actions were comical
in the extreme, but, though drunk, noth
ing out of place happened.
A number of friends of Mrs. Hartman,
living en Fourth street assembled at her
residence last evening te participate in a
taffy pulling. An enjoyable but sticky
eveuiug.was spent.
In backing te attach another car the
Yerk accommodation was thrown off the
track last evening by a misplaced switch
in front of the American hotel.
MissFendrich, of Yerk, is the guest of
Mrs. Hartmau.
A. R. Hougendebler has placed In his
window an exact image of Gniteau, which
is suspended from the top. 1 be figure is
perfect and shows hew this villian stands
in Mr. H's estimation.
Miss Jessie Dentler, who for the past
month has been a guest of Mrs. Wm.
Withers, returned te her home in Leck
Haven yesterday.
After an idleness of several months, the
river steamer " Wrightsville " has again
started te run, her first trip being made
en Wednesday. The interior of the beat
has been thoroughly cleaned and remed
eled, fixtures te the engines and wheels
being also added.
Engel, of the Engel-Baight scrape, has
sued his wife in Philadelphia for criminal
mal-practice self-inflicted and for ' false
swearing when she. said she had been
brutally treated and driven from home.
Hearing in these cases has been postponed
en account of the illness of Mrs. Engel.
The pexjury suit against HuwBaight has
again been called for trial ia Philadelphia;
a new bench warrant has been issued and
an attempt will be made te take her from
Columbia te Philadelphia.
Mr. Joseph'Seurbeer was greatly sur
prised last evening by about sixty of his
most intimate friends calling en him at his
home en 5th street. It- was the occasion
of his 40th birtWayaad rohenor of this
many handsome presents were given the
happy and hearty man. The party bro
up at a late hour, all well pleased with
their evening's entertainment.
OfBsef "fituek arrested en- Wednesday;
auernoen a man wne piayea en as a Ger
man doctor. He showed fight but Stuck
hauled him along, placed him in the lock
up and afterwerds took him te Lancaster
Toe Smart.
The exceedingly smart politicians and
lawyers who propose te "contest" the
election of a Democratic inspector in the
Frt ward are prepably net aware that
under the election law of this state tice in
spectors are a elected annually in each dis
trict, and that both the Republican and
Democratic candidates were elected in the
Fret ward. Carry the news te Charley
Four Funerals.
Mr. Brimmer, the livery man had no less
than four funerals te attend this afternoen:
Mr. Charles Edwards, at Woodward hill ;
Mrs. Elizabeth TJlassbrenuer, at Zion's
cemetery ; Oweu Hepple, at Lancaster
cemetery ; and little Lillie Hostetter, at
Lacaster, cemeterj .
Grand Opening.
As will be seen by the great announcement
in our columns te-day, the Arm of Gettsclialk
& Ledermnn will open their Grtat New Yerk
Bazaar, 2C and 28 North Queen street, te the
public en Saturday next, March 25th, and we
can assure our readers that they will iwltncss
such an extraordinary display of geed a? was
never before shown in this city.
A great feature of the opening nights will be
h present te every lady et a bottle et fine por per
lumery.fillcd from the beautiful silver cologne
fountain, which is placed in the contre.ef the
Bazaar, and Irem which there is constantly
flowing a continuous stream et the sweetest
German Cologne, and the ladies are welcome
te dip their handkert hiefs-in the same.
We advise all our coders te be present at
tills Grand Opening Mid give the Great New
Yerk Bazaar a thorough inspection. A
Handsome Souvenir wilt be given away te all
the Indies present. lwd
Salzburg's Troubadeurt Te-night. One el
the merriest entertainments of the season"
awaits these who attend at Fulton opera
house te-night, when the famous Salsbury's
Troubadours will appear in the new pleasantry
"(jreen Beem Fun." Music and ralrth'will
rule tne hour.
" Eaxl Zynne."-2Tbe distinguished actress,
Miss Ada Uray.will be at the opera house next
Wednesday night In Hie celebrated emotional
drama of "East Lynne." Miss Gray en a
former appearance here gave one et the finest
representations of the play ever witnessed in
this city.
Hew my threat hurts ! Then why don'fcyen
use Hale's Heney of Horehennd and Tar?
Pike's Toothache Dreps cure in one minute.
Fell Down.
Mr. Albert Andersen. Yerk Street, Buffalo,
fell down stairs and severely bruised his knee.
A few applications or Dr. Themas' Kclectrlc
Oil entirely cured him. at H. B. Coch
ran's drug store, 137 Xerth Queen street, Lan
caster. -sublimely Beautiful.
A pair et beautiful Sun-flowers en Easels
Villi be mailed tree te any lady who v 111 send
ten cents in postage stamps or money te Dr. C,
W. Bensen, Se. 106 Eutaw St. Baltimore, Md.
1G6 North Entaw.Stieet, Baltimore, Md.
ml6 2wd4w
Ue te m. t. ceenrairs uruz'store, 137 North
.Queen street, for Mrs. Freeman's New Na
tional Dyes, for brightness and durability et
coler.uro uncqualed. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds.
Directions In English and German. Price. 15
Overworked men aud women, persons of
sedentary habits, and ethers whose system
needs recuperation, nerves toned and muscles
strengthened, should use Brown's Iren Bit Bit
ters. inSO-lwd&w
1'iles I l'lles! l'lles:
A sure euro found at lest ! Xe one need
sutler! A sure cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itch
ing and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered
by Dr. William (an Indian remedy), called Dr.
William's IAdidn Ointment. A single box lias
cured the worst chronic cases et 25 or SO years
standing. Ne ene need sutler Ave minutes
utter applying this wendciful seething medi
cine. Lotions, inssruments and electuaries de
mera harm than geed. Williams' Ointment
absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching
(particularly at night after getting warm in
bed), acts as a poullice,glvos instant and pain pain
less relief, and is prepared Only for Piles, Itch
ing et the private parts, and for nothing else.
Bead what the lien. J. M. Cefllnbcrry, of
Cleveland, says about Dr. William's Indian
Pile Ointment : I have used scores et Pile
Cures, and itauerds me pleasure te say that
I have neverieund anything which gavesuch
Immediate mid permanent-lellet as Dr. Wil
liam's Indian Ointment.
' Fer ile by U. B. Cechiau, 137 and 189 Xerth
Queen street. .'Price, ii.00. Henrv & Ce., Pro
prietors, 62 Vesey Street, Xew Tork,
Celdkb's Lieblg's Liquid Beet and Tonic In In In
vlgorater will euro indigestion, and perpetu
ate bodily vigor. Take no ether et. druggists!
An invaluable Remedy.-The readers of
the Argus have no doubt seen the advertise
ment et Ely's Cream Balm in another column.
An articlelike " Cream Balm" has long been
desired, and new that it Is within the reach
of sufferers from Catarrh. Hay Fever, etc.,
there is every reason te believe they will make
the most et it. Dr. W. . Bnckman, W. E.
Harainer, Druggists, and ether Eastenians
have given it a trial, and all recommend it in
the highest terms. Easten, J'a. Daily Argus,
Oct. 7, JS79.
Messrs. Elt Bnes., Druggists, Oswego, X.
Y. Enclosed please Hud money ler lour bot
tles of Cream Balm. I will send seen and get
mere. I tried it en a man who eeuld net smell
at all. After using your Balm for six days he
could smell everything. Please forward im
mediately and oblige. J. T. Mathews, Salem,
N. C. Price 50 cents m24diw G
Netnlug Snort of Unmls akable Benefits
Conferred upon tens of thousands efsufferers
could originate and maintain the reputation
which Ater's Sarsaparilla. enjoys. It hi a
compound of the vegetable alteratives, witli
the Iodides of Potassium and Iren, and is the
most effectual of all remedies for scrofulous,
mercurial; or bleed disorders Uniformly
successful and certain m Its remedial effects,
It produces rapid and complete cures of Scref
ula, Seres, Bells, Humors, Pimples, Eruptions,
Skin Diseases and all disorders rising from
impurity of the bleed. By its Invigorating
effect it always relieves and often cures Liver
CemplaintsTeinale Weaknesses and Irregu
larities, and Is a pefent rencwer of vitality.
Fer purifying the bleed it has no equal. It
tones up the system, restores and preserves
the health, and imparts vigor and energy. Fer
forty years it lias been in extensive use, and
is te-day the most available medicine ler the
suffering sick any n here. Fer sale by all
deal ers. m211wdcedftw
" A Werd te tbe Wise is Sufficient." An
effective and agreeable remedy for the treat
ment of Catarrh, Hay Fever and Catarrhal
-Deafness is Ely's. Cream Balm. A sure cure.
Cream Balm effectually cleanses the nasal
passages of catarrhal virus, causing healthy
secretions, allays Inflammation and Irritation,
protects the membranal linings of the head
from additional colds, Completely heals jlie
sere. and restores the sense et taste and smell.
Beneficial results are reallccu by a tew appli
cations. A thorough treatment art directed
will cure Catarrh. As a household remedy ler
celd'in the head It Is unequafca. The Balm Is
easy te use and agreeable. Sold by druggists
at 50 cents. On receipt of 50'ccnt i will mail a
package. ' li
Fe sale by Lancaster Druggists.
mar2-d&w Th
Brsta and Jterre.
Well - !:-ltaBeaewer, KKatesfressedr bwf
earth 'or impotence, leanness, sexual debility
Ac. 91, at druggists. Depot. Jehn F. Leng
,greet,vti j wfcev.i -If
any invalid or sick person "has the least
doubt of the power and efficacy el Hep Bit
ters te cure them, they can find, cases exactly,
lllrA tltnff nirn fn thnlr nvn Y1Alcrlltv-hnvt
wltb, proof jjesitive .that theycaaba easily;
and nermaaentrr care& ata'tltfliM oemL ier'
askyowr'Uhiggleterpnyswian.--' N
GBXssrwicH. Feb. 11. 1830.
Hep Miliars Ce. snts i was given up by
the doctors te die of .scrofula consumption.
Twe bottles et your Bitters' cured me.
ml5-2wd4w Libet Bbxwxb.
Skin Pteses " vered by
Dr. Bwayae
What Is mere distressing than an obstinate
skin disease, and why persons should suffer a
single hour when they have a, sure cur In
'S wayne's Ointment Is pa9t our comprehen
sion. The worst cases of tetter. Itch, salt
rheum, or that annoying complaint, ltehlag
piles, yield te Its wonderful all-healing quali
ties. Pimples en the face and blotches en the
skin are removed by uflng this healing ointment.-
Perfectly safe and harmless, even en
the most tender infant. Itching "Piles Symp-"
temsare moisture, intense Itching, particu
larly at night after getting warm. In bed;
ether parts are sometimes affected, fewayne's
Ointment pleasant, sure cure. Dr. Bwayne &
Sen, 53 North Seventh 'street, Philadelphia,
Pa., te whom all letters should be addressed.
Sold by all prominent druggists.
Xobedt enjoys the nicest surroundings IT in
bad health. There are miserable people about
te-day te whom a bottle et Parker's Ginger
Tenie would bring mere solid comfort than
all the doctors they have ever tried. See ether
column. nil-lmdcodieew
Bed lings, Reaebes.
Bats, mice, ants, flies, vermin, mosquitoes,
insects. 4c, cleared out by "Bough en 1UU."
15c". per box.
Hess Subbick. March 23, 1&2. at the par
sonage of Trinity church, by Rev. Dr. Green
wald, Charjes S. Hess te Miss Ellen F. Sherick,
both et East Hempfleld.
FeitREST.-In this city. March 23. Inst., Henry
Ferrest, aged 33 years, months and 13 days.
The Rlativcs and friends of the family, also
respective ledges of which he was a member
arc invited te attend the funeral, from his late
residence, 517 West Orange street, oil Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Wood Weod Woed
waid Hill cemetery. 2td
Kkbd In this city, en Wednesday, the 22d
day el" March. 1882, at the rtjaidence of his par
ents, Tiiee. II. Reed, in the 31th year et his
Funeral services el deqcased-wlll be held at
the residence et his father, Jehn K. Keed, Ne.
522 East King street, en Saturday, the 25th
Inst., at 2 o'clock p. m., at which time the rela
tives and friends are invited. 23-2t
Dkew. March 22. 1832, In this city, Catharine
B. Deen, In the C3d year of her age.
The relatives and friends of the family arc
respectfully Invited te attend her funeral
Irem her late residence, 31 Middle street, en
Sunday alteruoen at 3 o'clock. Interment In
Lancaster cemetery.
Smith In this city, en the 23d Inst., Catha
rine, wife of Jeseph Smith and daughter cf
Frederick Titus, aged 27 years..
The relatives and friends et the family
arc lespcctfiilly Invited te attend the funeral,
irem the residence et her husband, Xe. 638 St.
Jeseph street, en Monday morning at 9 o'clock.
Interment at St. Jeseph's cemetery. m25-2td
Ot Kail township. Subject te thodecisleu et
the Democratic county convention. m2tcd&w
Eighth ward. City. Subject te the decision of
the Democratic County Cenventlan.
Ol Elizabethtown borough. Subject te the
decision of the Dcmecratlu county conven
tion. . m9-tcd&w
inquire at Xe. C East King Street, ltd
morning, in Centre Square, will be sold a
let of Fruit nnd Ornamental Trees.
8. Hess & Pes, Auctioneers. ltd
VY trade. Xene need apply unless they can
give geed reference. Apply at XOKIJEOK
MILEVS COACH WORKS, corner of Vine and
Duke streets. . .m25-2td .
tobacco packers and the members of the
trade in general of Lancaster city and county
are requested te meet at the Humane Engine
Heuse en SUNDAY afternoon at 2 o'clock, for
the pui-pose of attending fie funeral et Henry
NOON at 1 o'clock will be sold nt public
sale at S39 West Marlen street, a let or HOUSE
ing te the estate of Catliarlne Keycr, dee'd.
' Terms cali en delivery of goods,
Jt-itl Administrator.
city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters of
administration en said estate having been
granted te the undersigned, all persons in
debted thereto are requested te make linme?
dla'.e payment, and these having claims or de
mands against the same, will present them
without delay for settlement te tbe under
signed, residing in Lancaster city..
rANNY FREE, Administratrix.
A lex a 3 der II arms, Att'y. m24-6tdeaw
In the Xew Version of the Greatest Werk of
the Century.
AUyCUIUUt,u ri s.m-0 Jiiiitu aim ,
actress MlasKITTXB 1XJUGRB In' her Original
dances and banjo soles, supported by a Mag
niliccnt Cast l'ewerful Deuble Company;
The Best in the Werld: 'Magnificent. Scenic
Effect; The Beautiful Gates Ajar; Famous
Floating lee scene : The Ohie River In a Snow
Storm; Celebrated Trick Donkey Prune;
Thrilling Bloedhosyid Chase; Introducing
our imported pack of Mammoth Siberian
Trained Bloodhounds, resttlve appearence
or tbe finest baud of Celere t Singers In this
country, The
Memphis University Students.
ADMISSIOX25 35 and 80 Cts.
Xe extra charge for Reserved Scats. 21-3t
UAllfMXER & DAILY. Managers.
Engagement Extraerdinarv of the Distin
guish 1 Emotional and Tragic Actress,
Miss Ada Gray,
'supported by CHASArWATKINS'T.yiFTH
Comedy and Pathos, a lasting sermon te
wives, mothers and daughters; an entirely
new version adapted Irem Mrs. Weed's fa'
mens story In five acts, by Miss Gray, and
performed ay her ever 2,000 times In the prin
cipal cities of the United States, entitled,
ladt isabel, ,
Madak Vis,-'
In which character
:shebasjHd Uflnkpeef.
S 0FADMlSSI0-35ei,
SOe. and 78c Reserved Seats can be secured
-without extra, charge at Fulton opera house
office. Parties living In the country ca 1 have
teats secured by advl-ring the managers. 2i.5t
V ingBfidsaafl Mittrreaen, tthriTinTirft"
TEE COKK WOBIS.Can order try telephone.
Removed. his Office rrem 55 Xertn Dnka
On and after April 1st, 1882, the partner
ship et Ketlly & Keller will be dissolved. All
collections will be made and business contin
ued by
1882. at the Leepard Hetel, a new two
story Brick Dwelling Heuse, contains hall
aud six rooms, situated at Xe. 506 West Lemen
streetLfJf. "4t, ri ,tf 0tll:Ul
Sale at 1 o'clock and conditions made known
by S. L. TUCKER.
HmTSEniR, Auctioneer. mlT-lwd
can be beautiful whose
face Is disfigured -with nimnles. flesh-worms
and blackheads. - Tbev affect the cheeks, fore-
bead and nose ; are a great disfigurement..
musing me lace ioek as 11 specaaa wim Clin.
lias paid particular attention te these tronble trenble tronble
semeaflecUoas et the face, and wlllguasantee
te cure, every) lease or pimples, flesh, worms
and blade heads In exietence. V ' f .
Oflice; IS East Walnut street, Lancaster.
Consultations tree. m.3-3td&w
At the Lewest Prices in Lancaster.
Call at
148 and 150 NORTH, QUEEN ST.,
arfd 246 WEST KING ST.
Are Prepared with a Fine Stock et seasonable
Men, Youths, Beys and Children,
Furnishing Department
Are some Rcautiinl Goods in entirely New
Is well cared for. The pattern, in FANCY
SHIRTS are very extensive and new ter the
season's trade. In
The usual excellent variety is shown, and in
WHITE SHIRTS, whether ier Dress or Busi
ness, TRJfi EIGMMIB takes tbe lead. In the
Hat Department
Airf the Ceircct Styles ei
And in HOYS' and CIIILDUEX'S WKAil the
Lewcnt Prices prevail.
About W) Acres et Laud.'ln a high stale et
cultivation, known :u the "Jehn It. McGov McGev
ern Farm," eituate en LitiU Pike, partly in
the city limits. A pply te
mlS-ttd&ltw 10 WestOranEC street.
Oats ier sale at Leaman Place at all times
at mar!et prices. Alse,
ISl-Smd U. H. ROllRER.
lebS7-iM 541 North Queen street.
of all descriptions, in all localities and ut all
with prices, free te every one.
.. dec3-3md 1 3 North Duke street.
M AUCH..25, at 9 o'clock a m., will be fold
at Ne. 14.1 North Queen street, a large variety
of Glass and Queensware, Including tumbleis,
vases and fancy toys, also one Parler Heater
and one Cannen Steve with basin. 'a let oreil
Cleth, nearly new. Baskets and Buckets, two
Wheelbarrows,one Child's Carrioge.ene veloci
pede. Step Ladders, Wine Casks. Barrels und
'Bexes, also a variety of Cigar Maker's Imple
ments, including a set of single mould! aad
high chairs, and many articles tee -numerous
tomentien. ' -CHARLES'KNAPP. "
S. Hrsb Sb Sex, Aucts. 23-2t
1832, will be sold at public sale at Sensentg's
Stock Yards; 'Lancaster, Pa., a car lead ei
Extra Kentucky Mule-, mostly broken, irem
15 te lff hands high, 3 te S years old and,
closely matched. A credit of CO days will be
given. The stock will arrive ut the above
vlace en Sunday evenlnr. March 20th. Parties
are Invited ter call and examine for them,
selves. ThtyJwUI'be sold-wlthent reserve.
Sale te commence atl o'clock p. m.. sharp.
win ee sem at tne 1.1 very tiuuie 01 ine unucr
slgned, in the rear et the City Hetel. Lancaster,
Pa., Sixteen Head et Hews, suitable for driv
ing and coaching; a pair et Black Ponies,
quiet and gentle, ler ladles driving; one latest
style black Hearse, geed ns new ; one white
Child's Hearse, geed as new ; three Clarence
Coaches, eae extra Light Coach, three Omni
buses. .Phaetons, "TWe-Seated Carr.age, eight
Buggies,! Market Wagen, with the usual
variety et articles incident te a well-turnlshed
Livery Stable.
43-ALSO, FOR RENT, the Large Stable, be
ing the best stand in the city, rear of City
Hetel. .
Sale te commence at 10 o'clock a. m., when
attendance will be given and terms made
known by - REESE BU03.
S. Ubss & Sex, Aucts. m23-4t
Columbia" brewery,
On- FRIDAY, the 24th day of MARCH, A. D.
183-2, the undersigned, atterney-in-faci. ler the
heirs of William L.Pelner, deceased, will ex
"DOse te public sole, at the Franklin Heuse, ia
the borough of Columbia, that valuable
Brewery ana Kesiauransituatca en tne north
side of Walnut street, between . Thirtf and
Fourth streets. In the borough of Columbia,
designated en the Plan et Old Columbia by
the number 1; containing In front en said
Walnut street sixty-six feet, and in depth te
an alley two hundred and ten lect, mere or
less ; adjoining" properly of Carolina Desch
and ethers.
The Improvements arc a two-story Brick.
Dwelling House,-large','BrlCK Brewery, with
Engine. Boilers. 5 Mash Tubs, etc : Engine
Heuse, Vault, Stable. Wagen Shed. Heg Pen,
ice Heuse an J ether improvements.
The place Is new licensed as a restaurant. ,
Possession given Apriie 1882l. - ,
Sale te 7; o'clock P.M., .when
attendance will be given and terms made
known by JOHX D.hKILES,
Attorney-in-Fact for Heirs eMVni. L. 1'eiper,
B. F. Rows, Auctioneer. mlrt tsd
.. ' , jt-m;
FBIDAY EVENING?. UAM. 34.163,331
Frank and 'Henry Raiaberger' .Pay The
Penalty for K Sarder of Old Farm- '
er Treutasku-Other feaaciags.- t '
Special Dispatch te the IbVbxxtebscbk
. HARBiSBtrae,- Pi., MarcE'24. Frank,
and Henry Rumberger were hanged at
lOrfO-aVm.-- . cr"" - "'
Beth men slept-well Usst night ami weitf
caiieaatesjv. Henry; ate a hearty Drear
fast, bat Franlc ate spiringlyj -after
which they devoted themselves 'te religf
ieus exercises. ""
At 10:25 .the sheriff and "Keeper Daey
notified Henry te get ready. , They then
conveyed the -dread fill summons'- te
Shortly after 'Henry emerged from 'his
ceil with. itev. Keller en his left and Iter:
Rinek en his left. !j""
Frank then came from 'his cell with
Rev. Studedaker ou his right and Ren
Keller and Chambers en his' left. Frank
in accordance with his previous intention,'
kept his eyes closed through the corridor
and.afterward. The march te the gallows
beau, the prison inspectors and reporters
in the rear. Rev. Chambers did net fellow
te the scaffold. .
Ascending the scaffold, Frank was
placed en the right with Henry ou the
left. Rev. Keller bade Frank aud then
Henrygoed-bye and said " Ged bless you."
Rev. Heilman said te Frank, "take com
fort and trust in Ged." During all this
trying 01 ileal Frank continued with his,
eyes closed. , Rev'. Rinek then uttered a"
short prayer that 'was inaudible te these
en the ground.
The Lord's prayer was then started by
the ministers, who were joined by both
Frank and Henry. TIie latter appeared
the mere earnest and Iendest. Frajik then
said, "Inte thy bands, eh, Lord, I com
mit my soul." Revs. Heilman and Rinek
then withdrew, leaving .Sheriff Bheesley
en the scaffold, who was joined by Officers
Reat, Cilley nnd Earnest. While Officer
Reat secured Frank's limbs and arms with
straps, the noose was placed ever his head
by one of the ether officers. Henry was
then pinioned and the noose slipped ever
his head by Sheriff Sheesley. "The v white
eaps were placed ever their heads, the
officers withdraw, when the supports te the
trap were removed while these preparations
wcre being made the men were silently
praying, scarcely able te stand. Their
bodies quivered, owing te tholremendeus)
nfcntal suspense. The ministers started
the hymn "Jesus, lever of my soul,"
which the men joined iu, aud before they
expected or theso in waiting anticipated
the trap was sprung, wheathe men shot
through the trap and remained perfectly
quiet. All the arrangements were perfect
and well planned and timed ; no hitch oc ec
cunetl aud the necks are believed te be
broken by the fall. A very slight twich-
ing was noticeable a few seconds after the !
drop, which occurred at 1U:21, as timed by
Prison Phj sichu Egle. Beth their necks
were broken. '
Jonathan .jsleyer Hanged at BflddJebars;.
MiDDLEBcna, Farch 24. Te day Jona
than Mever, one of the murderers of the
Kintzlers, was hung iu the little jail yard
in tins place, te which but a 'few persons
were admitted by Sheriff Geerge Reichley.
Meyef all this,, week had hoped against
hepe, his counsel, having takehi his case
before the pardon beard last ' afternoon,
the coramenwealtlrboinir representedby
District Attorney Grim and Mr. Hewer,
but the beard refused te interfere.
The drop fell at 11:45.
Through delay in removing a prep, the
fall was net sufficient te break his neek,
and death ensued from strangulation nine
and a half minutes after the drop fell. He
showed extreme firmness; declaring
en the scaffold that the murder had been
committed en Fiiday evening, December
7, by-two parties. Ilc'claimed he did net
participate iu the deed, bnt that he helped
te rob and burn the premises and the
bodies en the following evening. In reply
te a question, he said Erb, whose case is
new under advisement, was net present en
either occasion.
-Twe mere remain iu jail.a waiting date
of execution for being implicated in the
Kintzler tragedy Uriah Meyer and
Israel Erb.
Nevellng Swung Inte Eternity.
Cleaufield, March 21 The scaffold for
the execution of Jehn A. Neveling, who
fatally shot Samuel Pennington in the
streets of Houtzdale. was erected last
night, aud this morning the "march te tbe
same took place at 11 o'clock. It was a
sad scene, the cendemed man making a
statement that drink lead him where he
steed te day.-The drop fell', at 11:23.
Ncveling, however, bore his fate bravely
and went te his -death forgiving every
one aud hoping te' be forgiven, Hisneck
was broken, and he died without a strug
gle After he mounted the scaffold the
deemed man exhibited a knile which he
bad concealed en his person, and thus de
monstrated that he had at no time desired
te commit suicide.
Small Hanged nt Pittsburgh T
Pittseukch, March 24. Edgar Frank
Small was executed at neon te-day for the
murder of Nicholas Jacoby.
One in New Tork State.
Angelica. N. Y., March 24. Jehn Mc
Carthy was hanged here at 11:55 a. m. for
the murdpr of Patrick Markey, at Neich
burg. i:v VT1UK.
Atternoeu Telegrams Condensed.
The anthracite coal companies will sus
pend mining April 13,14, 15. 17, 28, and
Abraham Dcibert, aged 05, hung him
self at Landiugville, Pa., this morning.
He was insane.
Geerge . Lane, banker, anl until
Monday last, county treasnrerat Exeter,
N. II., is a defaulter both te the county
and te the depositors in his bank.
A fight occurred en heard the bark Jehn
Lafarge at Philadelphia, fn which the
steward. Martin, stabbed the mate, D.
Brannen. The latter' s injuries are net
fatal. , I T.T ". ,1
Rear-Admiral GustaTue. ,H. Scott,.i(re Scett,.i(re
tircd) died in Washington at a late henr
last night.
Ca'dct'Whittakcr has. been discharged
from West Point bVbnler of the 'secretary
of war en aceehntbfK deficiency iuv his'
The Bhipherd inquiry was again ad ad
jeurned te day owing te Sbipherd's ill
ness. A temporary strike of American Rapid
telegraph messenger, boys in Bosten' this '
morning resulted in the company's acced
ing te the latter'B demands.
Balletist Bnrnaby, who crossed the'
English Channel in his iar-ship, landed
safely at Chateau deMehtigny In Ner
mandy. L t
al if
liut FortenaUly with ias serleas C
quenees Than That er Yesterday.
Philadelphia, Marcha. A fire broke
out shortly after 10 o'clock this morning
in the third fleer 'of the "five story iron
front buUdiBg,,Ne.'0 tertA:5'Kreetf
eccupieu by the standard Glass varnisn
company, eiLwluchA Janwe A-Matmn -ip
snperintendenVj AxiiO.Jul.X J
. The superintendent, six jyrlsanrTa boy
were at work en the itJrjliIoer and all
made their escape uninjured, except Mag
gie Murphy, who Ramped de width eltfe eltfe
ter hatchway and wasbadly bruised.
WASHnraTOX." D: ?.. March 24. Fer
the Middle Atlantis states, colder, north-
tnTmml,T wtrtdynigncr barometer,
i a . i - . '.. .
tl P"' cieuuy, .yjcatuer, , u ine northern
portions ngnt snow.
i tarre'irfre la Cleveland.
CixvAiTBvJtarcn 24. Southworth &
Selatt'e grocery . en 'Ontario avenue,
was destroyed by fire "this morning and
adjacent: buildings"; damaged. South Seuth South
werth'gjos lVeetiaaated at 140,000 ; in
surance, $115,000. Kriasa&f Ce, carpets
and furniture' lese '$50,000 ; insurance,
33,000. TL AL' Brown, drv reeds, lese
20,900 r felly biaured
Ki Humorist asuf JetrrnalUt.
1 Savajw AHMarch 24. Cei. "Williams
Tappan Thomsen, ferjairty years manag manag
istrlditer or the Savannah itarninn n
died this mbrniag in his seventieth year.
ne- was tne autner or .Majer Jenes'
.Courtship" and ether humorous works.
-' IMath t Ike FbwC Coagfeliew.
Bostex, Masa.. March 24. Henrv YV.
I Longfellow, the peer sank vefy rapidly
! auring last mgnt, ana died at J:ir this
rmiaiMipbia market.
1'niLADatraiA. March 24 Flenr lirm, ami
moderately active; Superfine, $3 750123: Kx
t'a,$4 75Q5 SB ; Ohie and Indiana family, ; .'mi
07 26 ; Fenn'a laraily, $s 23. '
Rye flour Si 5091 75.
heat steady : Del. and Pcim'u m-ii n :ta
1 en; uu AHiuer, fl dstsjl v.
Cera scarce and Una for local trade: steamer
736730 ; yellow, 7tJc : mixed, 7&v
Oats firmer, with lair inquiry.
Rye. scarce; held at flOe. . .
Previsions quiet.
Land quiet.
Butter firm and clioice scarce ami w anted ;
Creamery Extra Penn'a.. 4243e:' Western.
HQiie i de geed te cnoteu, 37040c.
Kells scarce. '
Eanrs firmer nnd. mere active: lVim'.i ut
1170 ; Western nt 16J$Ke.
Petroleum steady ; Refined. ..
Whisky at $1 20.
Seeds reed CT mime clever dull at S&
f,8e; de de Timethy ateiulyatf-.! 7: 87: dodo
1 laxeeu nominal at hu.
Mew vor mint!.
Naw Ickk, March 24. Kleur State and
western a shade stronger ; very modemfi medemfi modemfi
uxpert and local trade demand. Southern
firm and quiet.
Wheat ll!e higher and strong ; julr specu
loslve business ; Ne. '2 Red. de April, J! ll;w
142; de Aly,tl41Xwl41K: de June, f! ijl
1 33Ji ; de July. $i3dLaS;.
Cern MQ'ia better and rather quiet ; new
mixed, western spot, 7iw77c; de future,
75i07ic. ""
Oats flVc better anil firm, Incluilinj; Ne. i
April, 50JQ.r)lc : de May. SOXa ;-de June, Wc ;
State, 63 860c ; Western. 51057c.
Uraln and Previsum Quotations.
One o'clock quotations el grain unit prevli.
ions, lureisneu ey
East King street.
S. K. Yundt. Breker. 15
March itt.
Cern Oats Perk l.ard
.esi 17.00 w.67
JBA .iSi 17.50 10 Wl
.6S& .444
75 .5j, ...
.4.) 5It .... ....
.75t .51 .... ....
Live stecn atmrketa.
CHICAGO. Hogs Receipts. 18,00) head ; shln
nients. 10.000 de ; maraet less active; quality
Very peer ; geed steck: steady; common te
geed mixed. G 2086 t0; heavy packing and
shipping. SS 907'20; light hogs. S6 20OUS0;
Philadelpblas and- larders, ?7 30S7 40 ; tklp-s
and culls, 6 10.
Cattle Ueceipte, 7.50J head; shipments 4.70
de-: market steady. und active, experts. &W
7S0; geed te choice shipping, 5 iKKjfi 30;
common te fair, $5 405 SO; mixed butchers'
f3S 23 i grass Texana, $5 20; stockers nnd
leedera slew at $3 50510.
'Sheep Receipts. 4,200 head ; shipments, 2,."D.
market steady and strong.
East IrfBHrrr Cattle Receipts -I2 liemi :
all through and nothing, doing.
Hogs Receipts l.OUO head ; market lirm ;
Pluladelphla, 7 S07 60 ; Yorkers, fS 7S7.
Sheep Receipts, 2,000 head : market firm ,
soiling at $50 30,
New Yerk; Philadelphia and Lecal Stock
also United States Beuds rt'perteil .l.iily Ir,
Jacob B. I.oke, 22 Xerth Queen street.
Marcu ii.
10:00 1:00
A. M. P. X.
V. C. A I. C R.R 12? 13
Del., UtcavA Western 122 121,
Denver A Rie Grande tV tit
S. Y., UUce Erie ft Western .... 37ii Wi
Missouri. Kansas Texas 55 zv,
Lake Shere Mich. 8ent hern.. llSj lls
122 V.
L.OU1SVU10 s iBSiivuie,...,
New Yerk Central
7K 751
I3s; iii
New Jersey Central
Ontario & Western
St. Paul & Ouiulia Prelerred...
Pacific Mall Steainsliip Ce
Chicago. Mil. St Pan!
Texas Pacific
Wabash. -. .. ts A Pacific....
Western Union .Tel. Ce
Pennsylvania R.R 1
I0e4 i4 ieiv,
V. 42'2 4Wi
us mi.. 112
--' ."
uya 4.-,
87 sm ',
ialA "OJC
17-h; 17,v
.:i in-y
7:; :s?i
uiteaniay .......................-.
isnnaie nua. west ..
Neithern Pacinc.Cem
" Preterreu....
" Willi Mirth and I.a'liler
I.ct old wrinkles come."
i BIBAY, MARCH 24th.
Engagement et the World-lCcnewno I
l'retluclng their new 3-act Musical Novelty,
written by Mr. Bronsen Uexrard, entitled
Green .Boeifr Eun.
ACT 1st Rehearsal at Heme.
AUT 2d Rehearsal en therStage.
ACT 3d Uroemeoni or tne Theatre.
centst-Reserved Scats, 73 eeuu. Seemed at
opera house office. m21-ltu
Remaaf f c Opera by Messrs. Yance & Sousa
As presented at tin; Chestnut Street Opera
Heuse. Philadelphia, during the entire week,
commencing March 2d, except Tucsduy i en
ing, when the entire cenpany appear in thi-i
place. The cast censlfts el the !611ewln;c wel 1
known artists : Miss Fanny U'ontwertn, late
with the Acme Opera Ce. ; Miss Eva Mills, et
the Standard Opera CeCJ Mr. J. H. Rennie, ft
the ford Opera Ce. ; Mr- Jehn O. Pngb. of tlie
Ferd Opera Ce.; Mr. J. J. Whipple, the mag
nificent baritone; Mr. L,. V. Scibeld, the ex
cellent basee. a.The ebeens consists or 50 Kielr
and well Trained Voices. Mew and Elegant
Costumes, large Orchestra and Elegant Ap
pointments.' 1 ADMISSION, 33,'KO AMI 75 CT.
Fer sale at Opera Heuse Oflice. 23-5t
The hlcheat Cash, Prices naid for-all kinds et
Rags, -Old Beeks, 4XrpaW,- Woolen Cleth.;,
Bagging Repe, Gam Skeea, ftc tm.
I will call ea persons having any 01 the
above articles It they will drop me u postal
febtMsmd' ' - '
late of the city of lancaster, deceased.
itticm. trstiuMBtaxruea. said' esiale havlnir
kean'gra&tedte tbe-underslgned,all persons
ladebted'te said decedent ate rcciuesteU te
snake lmmedtateeettlaaient.'and tne?e bavin?
esstes or awiiria ktsteet't lie. estate e--aii
decedent, te make known the sam te the tin
denlgned without dehty.
-rOBIASJOHNSOy, Executer.
Xe. S3 Xerth Duke Street.
dfLaaeBetarcltv. Padeed. Xettitrx et
7-t admlshrtrabOH en aald estate , having been
Kiansra aa tn uuuwuiutu, 11 persons 111
Qebteqtaei en am Tenneeted te -make lmme
dlate jpayaaeat, aad, tfcese aavlag claims or de
manua'agalnst the same. - will (present tliem
without aelay ler 'settlement te the under-
signed, residing at no. iissentn iukxtreer.
Adniiil; utei.
I iiii-etd
W. A. Wiisex, Att'y.