LANCASTER I)A1LY lNTELLlGEjiOEK WEDNESDAY; MARCH 22 1882. ' w A COLUMBIA NEWS. OUR REUur.AU COKRKSFOSDKKCE. AOVtlrs Along the Susquehanna Gleaning in and Areand the Borough Pickett up by the IiiteUIgeacer's Keperter. The Kalr a Saceeu. Tlie sun-bonnet and apron fair of the St. Jehn's Lutheran Church Working society, held en Friday and Saturday venings, of last week, was a decided success, notwith standing the inclement weather of Satur day evening. About $100 was the net proceeds for both evenings' entertainment. The ladies or the society deBire te return their thanks te Mr. A. R. Ilogendebler for the use of his room, te Mr. S. S. Klair for donations of ice, and te the many citizens who se kindly centjibutcd articles te the neddy and. gave them their patronage. The proceeds of the fair will go towards the ftunishing of their new church. Large Funeral. The funeral of Mr. Ames Ilcrshcy, son sen son inhiwefMr. Christian Ilershcy, yester day fiem the hitter's residence ou. Walnut street, was very largely attended. Filty threu members of the Osceola tribe of Red men in legalias, of which deceased was a member, were present. Their ceremeuy at the ;;ravc was very impressive as they laid te rcbt the remains of their faithful depai ted comrade. Mr. Hershey's death has cjst a deep gloom ever all who knew him, and with whom he had ever been a great favorite. A handsome wreath of lien crs was presented by a committee of sit young P. It. It. engineers. Theatrical Maiterr. Miss Ada Gray, in East Lynne," will make her second appearance in the Celum. bia opera house next Tuesday evening, fcr the benefit of General Welsh pest, Ne. 118. G. A. R. The "Germau Volunteer," a grand mil itary allegory, for the benefit of the Mari etta pest of the G. A. R., will be played In the Columbia opera house en Friday evcuinir, March 24. Wherever this piece has been played it has been received with unbounded enthusiasm. With the excep tion of the two leading character.",thc cast will be taken by members of the Marietta pest. Our Columbia citizens should give them a geed house, as the Pest is "just starting out," aud besides they are our neighbors. Uoreugh Brief. The Susquehanna is'en the rise. A young boy in playing " hop scotch " had his right ankle severely sprained this morning ou Second stieet, by jumping sideways. Queer Snow fell this morning while the sun shone. Mr. Ed. Ziegler has been given the agency ler the Washington Weekly Pest fur Columbia. Fer scarcity of locals te day takes the picmiitin. With en e or two exceptions, none of our "knew anythiugs," wherj we ciiCia!Jy get our locals, knew any thing of inipi rtance, or otherwise. Mr. Geerge Redscckcr has net yet ! coveted his stolen horse aud bugiry, anil from appearances iieier will. He has given up all hopes. Mr. J. R. Henry, of the Ktie Eia, is again en the sick list. Columbia's drinking water is again pure. The peculiar taste and smell reported iu this paper some time age, was caused by the high and muddy condition of the rivfr. Several el the stieet crossings aie again iu a bad condition aud need pinmpt at tention. Numberless ca: leads el coal pass through Columbia daily for the east. The Herald is mistaken in saying the members of the Chiqucsaluuga tribe 1. O. R. M., held their annual reunion at the Franklin hense, en Tuesday evening. Neither was the affair largely attended. There was no re-union at the above place, but there was te be an oyster supper. It was, however, postpeucd. A large number of the congregation of the United Bretlueu church, greatly surprised their pastor, Rev. C. S.- Miley, by giving him a party. A delightful even ing was spent. TUK SUIFFL1CK. Meeting or tlie Company Night. Last evening the Shifller lire company held a meeting, at which about sixty mem bers were present. A resolution was passed appointing a committee, consisting of B. Bartholemew, J. W. Andcisen and Henry W. Rudy, te wait en the members of the new councils and offer their services as volunteer fire men. Geeigc Nagle lesigncd as a member of the new beard of trustees, rnd Jehn E. Gibsen was elected in his place, The new trustees were ordered te file their bends by next meeting or Iiave their seats declaied vacant. Peter S. Geedman was reelected dele gate te the state fireman's association. Mr. Ge.uluian (the same) read an edito rial from the Firemen's Journal, of New Yerk, in regard te the new system in this i-ity, in which the writer condemns the call system. It was stated at the meeting that the company has had two offers for their en gine, one from parties in this city and one lioniPctree, of Philadelphia. The fire committee of councils met last night, when the contract with the Ameri can lire company was signed, the terms being the same as published in last even ing's Intelligences The contract with Peter Ferdney for a house en Beaver street te be used as an engine house wis also signed, Mr. Fordney te make such alterations In the house as the committee directs. Drank and DUerdcrly. Henry Ward and James McGeschen, ar rested for drunken ancUliserdcrly conduct, were last evening committed by Alderman Samson te the county jail for five days each. James Morgan and James O'Brien were arrested for being drunk and disorderly. Alderman Barr committed the former for 5 and the latter for 10 days. James Haggerty, for being drunk and begging en the street, was sent te jail for a short term by Alderman A. F .Dennelly. James Scerncy, a boy who says that he lives in Manayunk and ran away from home, was with Haggerty and he is still with him in prison. Eliza Stewart was also sent out in order that she may sober up. Mary Tayler, colored, was "arrested while drunk last night for kicking up a fuss in the house of Herace Reynolds. Alderman Dennelly committed her for a hearing. Uurglary. Last night thieves cntcied the cellar of the residence of Jeseph TJmble, county iccerder, and stele therefrem a large pound cake, a quantity of bread, batter, meat and ether eatiblcs, and several bot tles if -vinc An cntranee was effected by the thieves by breaking open a back cellar deer that was -net very securely fastened. They did net attempt, apparently. te foice their way into the upper part of the l'eii'C. Horses Stelen Last mVht thieves broke into the stable of B. L. Bjackbill, of West llempfield township, and stele two horses. The one is a black horse, 15J hands high, with grey hair in the face from old age. He is he"rt aud chunky, spruDg in the front legs, aud has marks ou him which were made by the rubbing of harness. The ether .is a black mare, eight year' old, 15 "bands high, with an injured left eye, en the lid of which there is a little hair. When stolen ehe had two shoes off. gUOUEM UKATU. inqneat by the Corener. Yesterday afternoon about 2 o'elock an old lady named Elizabeth Glettbreaner, was found dead in bed at the residence of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Cenrad Meser, 511 West King street. Mrs. Glessbrenner was 86 years of age and had been in declin ing health for some time past, but was net regularly attended by a physician. Yes terday morning when the family visited her room she was in bed very weak, bat apparently no worse than usual. When visited in the afternoon she was found te be dead. Corener Sniffer being notified empanelled a jury and held an inquest. It appeared from the testimony before the jury that death resulted from a general breaking down of the system in conse cense conse quence of extreme old age, and a verdict te that effect was rendered. JJffffHIIMWW. A LARGE LOT OF - THIRD EDITION GAS FIXTURES, Air. Erben' Faneral. The remains of the late Charles M. Erbee, whose death in Philadelphia has already been noticed in these columns, arrived in Lancaster en the 155 train this afternoon, accempained by a large number of friends and relatives. They were met at the depot by friends in this city, who had a hearse and coaches in waiting te carry the remains and mourners toLancas teLancas tcr cemetery, where the enterment took place. Mayer's Court. This morning the mayor had eight eases. Twe drunks who were begging, while druuk representing that they were ship wrecked sailors, wcre sent te jail for 10 days each. One ether drunk get 5 days, one paid costs and four vaes were discharged. Exceptions SuHtalneu. In argument court in the matter- of the estate of Mary A. Tayler, exceptions te the confirmation of sale of real estate, the exceptions were sustained and the sale set aside. Charged With Forgery. J. E. Kempf, charged wi;h forging an order en the name of .Davis Kitch, was arrested this morning by Officer Her man. The alderman committed him for a hearing. THAT MUST -BE SOLD BEFORE FLY TIME. NOW 13 THE TIME FOR BARGAINS. new sjg-slaTE MANTLES- ysw . r ' i ' i , s ? BATH TUBS, WATER CLOSETS, PUMPS, IRON PIPE and FITTINGS. W WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. JOHN L. ARNOLD, Nes. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER; PA. faprMJd WEDNESDAY CVCM1NO, MAE. 22,1882. KEYSTONE DEMOCRATS. MKKTING OFTHK STATE COMMITTEE. THE GARFIELD GHOULS. RarrUbarCi Kaaaed K-fc 8th a .the A' Care at Last. Speclues without number for the care el Catarrh have been extensively advertised, and doubtle-s there is some virtue In them all, but the evidence is overwhelming that Ely's Cream Balm gees mere directly than any ether te the seat et the disease, and though It is a comparatively new discovery, it has resulted In mere cares within the range et our observation than all the ethers put to gether. Wllkcsbarre, Pa. Union Leader, Dec. 19, 1873. It Is no exaggeration te say that Ely's Cream Balm is a cure for Catarrh, Hay Fever, &c , for many cures have been made among my customers. Cream Balm should be resorted te by evcr3'Oiie thus afllicted. With me no ether remedy has ever equaled the Balm elthcr In geed results or sale. A. J. Odexwelper, DrnggKt, Kasten, Fa. Oct. 2, 1680. Price CO cents. m 22-d Aw S Grand Opening. As will be been by the great announcement in our columns te-day, the Arm of Gottschalk A Lederman will open their Great JTew Yerk Bazaar, 26 and 23 North Queen street, te the public en Saturday next, March 25lh, anl we can n-i-iiire our readers that they will witness such un extraordinary display of goods a? was neer before shown iu this city. A gieat lcature of the opening nights will be n present In every lady el u bottle el fine per luincry,fillcd lrem the beautiful silver cologne fountain, which is placed in the centre of the Bazaar, and from which there Is constantly flowing a continuous stream el the sweetest German Cologne, und the ladies are welcome te dip their l)aiidl;cr( lilefs in the same. We advise all our readers te be present at this Grand Opening and give the Great Xcw Yerk Bazaar a thorough inspection. A Handsome Souvenir will be given away te all the lfidics present Iwd aietnersi nemeraii rfiernera! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating paiu et cutting teeth T If sc, go at once anil get a bettle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYKU I. It will re lieve the peer little suflerer Immediately de pend upon it; there is no inistafre about it. There is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, who will net tell you at once that 1) will rcg ate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, eperatia glike magic. It Is perfectly safe te use m all cases, and pleasant te this taste, and Is the prescription el one et the eldest and best female physician and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere ; 25 cents a bottle. "mrMvdAwM.WAS XMW ADTMRTISBUENTS. ClORK SHAVINGS FOR SALE FOK FILL i In Beds and Mattresses, at the LANCAS TER CORK WORKS. Can order by telephone. 1 iniiueeuAwti WANim-A yeCNCTGIKL ABOUT IS years old te assist with light housework. Apply at THIS OFFIC E. ltd. GBOCKKY HUB SALE. THE STOCK, Goodwill and Fixtures et a large Grocery Stere is offered ler sale. Geed and satisfactory reasons given for telling. Inquire of WIL LIAM REHFU6S, 433 Rockland street, corner el Locust street. 2U-3Ui SAMUEL H. PRICE, ATTORNEY, HAS Removed his Office trem 55 North Duke street te Ne. 41 GRANT STREET, immedi ately In Rear of Court Heuse, Leng's New Building. ml7-tfd Amusements. A Xew Opera." The Smugglers" Is the title el the latest addition te comic opera, and It will be produced here en next Tuesday evening by the Vance and Sousa opera com pany. The work was originally sung In Wash ington, where it is still running te very suc cessful business. The party. Including the orchestra, number between sixty and seventy people, and the opera will be given here in its entirely. lhe Philadelphia Press el this morning says: "The libretto Is by Captain Wilsen .(.Vance, u well-known correspondent, and the music by Jehn P. Sousa, a bright young composer of this city,who has for come time been director of the Marine band at ti e capital. The work met with tuch a favernbln reception en its first performance in Washing ton, a lew weeks age, that the authors have been tendered ' a complimentary benefit by Gen. Sherman, Judge Miller, Gen. Frank llatten, Floyd King and 11. C. Cerbin and a number of ether prominent citizens of the capitol." " The IAtUe Savage." Scats are selling rap idly ler te-morrow night's performance at Fulton opera house, when that clever little actres. Ml4 Maggie Mitchell will appe.iv in her latest success, " The Little Savage." The Troubadour. On Friday evening these royal merrymakers, Salsbury's Troubadours, will furnish lets of fun at Fulton opera benis in their new piece, "Green Roem Fun." Fer melody and mirth t!:e Troubadours are at the very front of their peculiar style of entertainment. SPECIAL NOTICES. Catarrh et the Hladder. Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinaiy passagcs.discased discharges, cured by Buchu paiba. Druggists. Depot. Jehn F. Leng A Sens. Hew my threat hurts ! Then why don't you ue Hale's Heney of Ilorcheuml and Tar? Pike's Toothache Dreps euro in one minute. m22-lwdced&w Fell Down. Mr. Albert Andersen. Yerk Street. Buffalo, fell down stair and savercly braised his kne. A lev applications of Dr. Themas' Eclectric Oil entirely cured him. Fer sale at H. B. Coch ran's drug mere, 137 North Queen street, Lancaster. drown -s iiotiKOheld Panacea Is the most edcctlvc Fain Dcstroj'er in the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed, whether taken internally or applied externally.and thereby mere certainly relieve pain, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it Is warranted double the strength et any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side, Back or Bowels, Sere Threat, Rheumatism and all aches, and U TllK GREAT RELIEVER OF PAIN. "Bkewh'b Household I'asacea." should be in every iamlly. A tcaspoenful of the Panacea in a tumbler et het water sweetened If prcferrcdj, taken at bed time will break up a cold. 25 els a bottle. febll-lydM.W&S&w l'roef Everywhere. It any invalid or sick person ha the least doubt of the power and efficacy et Hep Bit ters te cure them, they can find eases exactly, like their own. In their own neighborhood, with proel positive that they can be cosily and permanently cured, at a trifling cost or ask your druggist or physician. Greek men, Feb. 11, 18S0. Hep Bitters Ce. Sins I was given up by the doctors te die of scrofula consumption. Twe bottles et your Bitters cured me. ml5-2wd&w Lebet Bcewec. Celden's Lieblg's Liquid Beet aud Tonic In In In vigorater will cure indigestion, and perpetu ate bodily vigor. Take no ether et druggist's. in22-lwdeedw Ge te n. r. cecurau's Drug store, 137' North Queen street, for Mrs. freeman's Xfetu aYa aYa Uenal Dyes. Fer brightness and durability el coler.nro uneeualed. Celer from 2 te 5 pounds. Directions in English and German. Price. 15 cents. Overworked men and women, persons of sedentary habits, and ethers whose system needs recuperation, nerves tone land muscles stivngtheiicd, should use Brown's Iren Bit ters. mSO-lwd&w In the Whole History of Medicine Ne preparation htts ever performed such mar velous cures, or maintained se wide a reputa tion, as Atku's Ciiehrv Pectoral, which is re cognizer, as the world's remedy teralldbcases et the threat' and lungs. Its long continued series of wonderful cures in all climates have made it universally known as a sale and reli able agent te employ. Against ordinary colds, which ere the forerunners of mere seri ous disorders, it acts speedily and surely, always relieving suffering, andefter saving Hie The protection It affords, by its timely, use in threat and chest disorders, makes It an' invaluable remedy te be kept always en hand in every home. Ne person can afford te be without it, and these who have once used It never will. "Frem thelr knowledge el its com position und effects, physicians use the Cherry Pectoral extensively In their prac tice, and clergymen recommend it. It Is ab solutely certain in its remedial effects, ana will always cure where cures are possible. Fer pale by all dealers. mlT-lwdeed&w Sr. Franer'H I'.oet Hitters. Frazlcr's Reet Bitters are net a dram-shop whisky beverage, but arc strictly medicinal In every sense. Tm-y act strongly upon the liver and kidney, kivp the bowels open and regular, make the weak strong, heal the lungs, build up the nervous and cleans) the bleed and system et every impurity. Fer Dizziness, Rush et Bleed te the Head, tending te Apoplexy, Dyspepsia, fever and Ague, Dropsy, Pimples and Blotches, Screlu Ions Humors and Seres, Tetter, King Werm, White Swelling, Erysipelas, Sere Eyes and ler young men suffering from Weakness or De bility caused from imprudence, and te females In delicate health, Frazicr'a Reet Bitters are especially recommended. Dr. Frazicr : 1 have used two bottles of your Reet Bitters ler Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Weak ness and Kidney DIsca-es,und they did me mere geed than all the doctors and the medicine I ever used. Frem the llrst dose I took I be gan te ir.end, and I am new in perfect health and feel a.s well as I ever did. I consider your medicine one et the greatest of blessings. Mrsv M. Martiw, Cleveland, O. Sold by II. B. Ceclnan, 137 and 139 North Queen street, at ?1 per bottle. Hkmrt & Ce. Sele Proprleteis, t2 Vcsey fctreet, New Yerk. f23-w3d&w 1JCBLIC SALE ON THURSDAY, HABUH . SO. 1892, will be sold at public sale at Ne.520 East orange street, Lancaster cuv, a variety of Household Goods, consisting of a walnut Chamber Suit, almost new, lounge, sideboard, extension aud ether tables, chairs, sewing machine, parlor heater, new last fall, range, ingrain and rag carpets, tinware, queens ware, aud a variety of ether articles net mentioned. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock p. in. F. L. HERR. H. SncBERT, Auct. m22,25A29dR Place aad the of "June the xline ter Helding the State Convention. Special dispatch te the Ixtxxliqkscxr. Haiuusburg, March 23. There was an rinnsnally large attendance at the meeting of the state committee here te-day te fix the time and place for holding the Democratic state convention. On first ballet te fix the tinn for the. con vention there were fifteen for June 14th, thirteen for June 29tb, four for August 3d and one for August 30th. On the sec end ballet June 2StU prevailed,and the vote was made, unanimous. ,On fixing the place, Harrisburg- get twenty votes and Reading seventeeu, Phil adelpia supporting Reading. The vote designating Harrisburg was then made unanimous. On Sir. Heuscl's motion it was unanimously agreed that the chair man shall include iu his call among the business of the convention the adoption of rules for the government of the party in the state. "W. U. II. MORE FROM eBIrHKRO. PUULIC 8ALK ON THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 18S2, will be sold at public sale, at Ne. 23 Shippen street, Lancaster city, a . 'ety et Household Goods, consisting et two" Parler Suits, one as geed as new. Bedsteads, Tables, Chairs, Cupboards, two Sewing Machines, Brussels. Ingrain and Rag Carpets, Leeking Glasses, Queensware, Tinware, Tubs, etc., etc. Sale te begin at 9 o'clock, a. in., when at tendance will be given by MRS. L. C. POSTER. Henry Suubert, Auct. ml8-3tdS,M,W AUCTION. WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC Auction at Ne.21f) East Walnut St., en TO MORROW (Thursday) MORNING at 9 o'clock, Groceries, Dry Goods, Glassand Qneensware, Fixtures. Market wagon. Carpets, Ac. M AUSII. WARREN, 21'J E. Walnut St. F. H. Williams, Auct. ltd piUAKD OF PniLADELPIA. Assets ever Eleven Hundred sand. Theu- "Lite, Grewtn, ueauty." " hat we all admire" antlhew te secuie It: A tine head of hair in its natural color Is such an adjunct te beauty that no one who prizes geed leeks should neglect te use "Londen Hair Celer Restorer," the mestcleanly und de lightful article ever introduced te the Ameri can people. It is totally different from all ethers net sticky or gummy, and fiee trem all Impure ingredients that render many ether preparations obnoxious. It thickens thin hair, restores gray hair, gives it new Hie, keeps the scalp clean and healthy, causing the hair te grew where It hnd fallen off or become thin, docs net soil or stain anything, and is se "per fectly und elegantly prepared as te muke it a lasting hair dressing and toilet luxury. " Lon Len Lon eon Hair Restorer" is sold by all druggists,' at 7- cents a bottle. Six bottles for $1. eciSM.W.S&w - Nobedt enjoys the nicest surreunflfegs if in bad health. There are miserable penile about te-day te whom n bettle et Parker's Ginger Tonic would bring mere solid comfort than all the doctors they have ever tried. Sce ether column. ' ml-lmdcod&cew Sublimely BeauUful. A pair et beautiful Sun-flowers en Easels will be mailed lree te any lady who will send ten cents In postage stamps or money te Dr. C, W. Bensen, Ne. 1C6 Eutaw St. Baltimore, Md. ICC North Euiaw Street, Baltimore, Md.- mlC 2wd4 w HEATHS. Edwards. In this cltv. en the 21st of March, 18H2, of dropsy, Charles Edwat dx. in the 60th year of his age. The relatives and friends el the iamlly are : espcctfully invited te attend tlie funeral, lrem the residence et Rebert Faulding, Ne. 2 Concstega street, en .Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Intermentat Woedjvnrd Hill come ceme tcry. ; niSl-SM In this city, en the 21st Inst,, Elizabeth Olassbrcnncr, In the 66th year et her age. . Her relatives and friends are rcspectfuly iu. vitcd te attend the funeral trem the residence et her daughter In-law, Elizabeth Meser, Ne. Sll West King street. Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Zion's cemetery. 2t Hetfle In this city, en the 2id inst., Owen Hepple, aged 70 years, 2 months and 15 days. The relatives and friends of the family, also Ledge 43, F. &. A. M.. are respcctlully invited te attend the funeral, from his la te residence. 133 Shippen street, en Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. 2td Hestkxter. In this city, en the 21st Inst, I LiiiieM., daughter ei isaicanu J. line iies tet ter, aged 13 months. The relatives and irlcnds nrO respectinlly invited te attend the funeral, from the resi dence of her parents, Ne. 143 East James street, en Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter ment at Lancaster cemetery. 2td Dollars, securely invested. Fer a policy in this old and well-established company call en RIPE & KAUFMAN, NO. 19 EAST KING STREET. d3M,WK&S TP YOU WANT BARGAINS FURNITURE OP EVERY DESCRIPTION At theTeweat Prices in Lancaster. Call at HESS & FLYXN'S, 148 and 160 NORTH QUEEN ST., and 246 WEST KING'sT. mir-2wdR J. 11. MARTIN Sc CO. FOB SPRING ! MUSLINS, SHEETINGS, PILLOW OASE MUSLINS, TICKINGS. LINENS, TOWELS, CRASH, TABLE COVERS and NAPKINS, SATIN 'CRASH, LINEN FLOOR COVERINGS, Lace and Nottingham Curtains, JUTE CURTAINS, RAW SILKS, &e. J. B. MARTIN fcVCO., Cor. West King and PrinceSts. LANCASTER. PA. w ILLIAKSOM & FOSTER. PRM LOTUS JVi'ir AliVJlRTlSEMUHTB. I NOTIGK TO STOCKHOLDERS A MKKT ing of the stockholders of the Reading & Chesapeake Ceal and Railroad company will be held in the efllce et the Secretary, Ne. 41 Grant street, in the rcarel the Court Heuse, City of Lancaster, en TUESDAY, APRIL 4, 1S82. between the hours of 2 and 4, p. m., for the purpe.-e of electing a President and Direc tors te serve for the ensuing year. SAMUEL IL PRICE, nilS-5tdl8,22,25,al,3 " Secretary. SALE OF HOUSEUOLO AND KITCHEN FURNITURE. On FRIDAY, 31 ARCH 24, 1SS2, at Ne. 01 East King street, Lancaster rltv, Pa, the loilewinjj, te wit : One Cottage Suit, .Bedsteads and Bedding, two Selas, one Lounge, two Wardrobes, solid walnut- Marble Tep Dental Instrument Case. Carpets, Chairs, two Parler and one -Cook Steve. Bookcase, Pictures, Queenswaic, and a variety of ether articles net mentioned. Bale at 1 o'clock p. m MRS. M. II. WHITESIDE. S. Hess & Sex, Aucts. m22-2t PUBLIC 8ALK ON THURSDAY, AIAKCfl 23, 1882, will be sold at the late residence et Jehn R. McGovern (dee'd.), en the Litltz turnpike, near the City et Lancaster, in Man heita township, Lancaster county. Pa., the lollewing personal property, te wit : Four horses, 2 of which are fat and ready for the eastern market ; 2 geed young driving horses, well-broke te single or double driving ; 5 cows, 2 will be fresh by day et sale, and 2 springers ; 1 bull ; 2 two-horse wagons, 1 one horse wagon, reaper and mower combined (new). 1 mower, wire-teeth grain and hay rake, hay-flats, threshing machine and horse power In geed order, grain tan, loeder cutter for hand or horse power, corn sheller, grain drill, corn cultivator, large shovel harrow, spike and shovel harrows, potato plow, shovels, -forks, rakes, cow and halter chains, leg chains, field roller, scalding trough, about 3 tens of geed hay, by the ten or half-ten, and about 60 bushels of oeru .in the ear, by the bushel, and a let et ether articles net men tioned. A credit el 9 months will be given. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock, p. in., of said day, when attendance will be given by CATHARINE McGOVERN. Administratrix. Saitckl Hess & Sen, Auctioneers. ml8-lidl8.!0l,22 AND WHERE TO FIKD THE CORRECT STYLES, IS VERY IMPORTANT. The NEW GOODS that we have received In the past few weeks can best be measured by the ten. anil te get the correct Idea of the amount of stock and vailety el goods we have you must see them. THE STYLES AND MAKK-UP OF Our Spring detning ABE BETTER THAN IN ANY PREVIOUS SEASON, AND WE EXTEND . . 4- 1 A CORDIAL INVITATION te ALL te CALL. 4 IN BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING! WE HAVE SOME NX17 N0VJKLTIK8, And ths prices are as low as they ean be sold. WILLIAMSON AND FOSTER 3638 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA- U Ten titles Freely as te the Teriivlan Company "Senater ltlalr'a Connec tion with the Matter. Washington, DC, March 22. This morning before the foreign affairs commit tee Shipnerd produced his letter, referred te yesterday, written te the piesident, aud in which he opened negotiations upon the subject of the Peruviau company. In the letter Shipherd claims that the interests of his clients in Pern are' se great .as te en title them te consideration iu any plans effecting the future of the prostrate re public. Representative Kassou asked witness it he knew any instance in which Gen. Hurl but's official action had been purchased. Witness explained that his remarks of yesterday we're based en his knowledge of events occurring mauy yeaisae, and from which he formed his opinion of Hurlbut'. In further reply he called attentieti te a decision of the United States supreme court in a case in which it was shown that Gen. Hurlbut had accepted a bribe while in service of the United States. Witness said in all his correspondence Hurlbut had never expressed a desire te have any in terest iu Peruviau claims, nor had any ether officer of the United States. Witness was then asked by Mr. Kassen who new holds the Landrcan claim, and replied :" lb is pew held by Americans but he could net. without violating private confidence disclose their names." He declined te give particulars of the company but gave a long explanation of his connection with it and his negotiations commencing with Governer Boutwell iu Maich 1831. He had interested a cerhiin senator whose name he refused te disclose te lay the case before Secretary Blaine. This scnat or hnd positively refused te accept a retainer, say ing it was a just claim in which the whole country was interested. ' In view of the refusal te uame this sen ator, there was a visible sign of amuse ment when Shipherd said : ""the senator referred te was then en his way from his home in New Hampshire te Washington." Being further pressed Shipherd said this senator being convinced that the case would never be a matter for legislation in Congress, but would be settled in the state department, did take a fce as attorney frr the cenipauy and acted as such during re cess of Congress. Later en the senator letnrned this fce, saying he was satisfied that it would come before Congress and he could net be counsel for company claims, of which- he might as senator have te pass upon. At that point this senator's con nection with the concern ceased. ' During his examination Shipherd staU d that the only official of the U. S. gev eminent who has received fee from the Peruvian company is William H. Robert Robert eon, collector of the pert of New Yerk! The fee was paid te him in the capacity of an attorney. Committee then adjourned until to-menow. The Ureedy Attempts of the Hyeaa Crowd. Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. The evidences thicken te prove that the illness and death .of President Garfield have been made the occasion of the most disgraceful expenditures and the most disreputable attempts te. cheat the gov ernment with false or extravagant claims for services, i renr the snrgeen general of the army down te the lowest lackey of the White Heuse, there are only a few honorable exceptions te the general iale of an indecent and greedy attempt te ex tort money out of Congress en the strength of a tragedy that should have warned off this hyena crowd by the awful dignity of its circumstances. Net even all of the physicians have resisted the common temptation, but some of these who did least for the president and whom the dying man finally drove from his' bedside, are found among these who are pressing ex orbitant demands for unearned rewards ; while all sorts of people in Washington and elsewhere have flecked like carrion crews around the congressional committee room, eager te share in the plunder that is te be divided ever the bier of the dead president of the United States. Perhaps the very worst feature of all this disgraceful business is the participa tion it it of members of Congress itself, the body that is te pass upon all these claims for expenditure in President Gar field's case. Hitherto the committee has guarded the itemized bills that have come bcfoie it with a close secresy, and well it may, if there is any truth in the fragmen tary statements that are gradually leakiug out. It is openly alleged that in. connec tion with the funeral expenses, there is an item of $1,700 for champagne, brandy, whisky, cigars and lunch, and (300 for cocktails, and another of $1,200 for white gloves. Ice men, who had been charging the general public 83 for ice, have, sent in bills for ice furnished te cool the White Heuse at tha late of $3, with extra claims for carts and help. Persons who rushed in unasked te give advice as te the best way te cool the White Heuse, and whose advice was net takeu, have sent in bills for their t- eublc. Seme of the personal bills of expenses made out by members of the Hensc in connection with the funeral are said te be of an extraordinary character. Whether the Ilouse has manhood eueugh in iu te call for these bills and vouchers re mains te be seen. It may well bodeubted until it is put te the test. There must be some men there, with sufficient sense of the outrage that has been put upon publie decency in this matter, te set themselves right with their own consciences and With the country at large. That the exposure will bring disgrace with it is no doubt true. But it will biiug the disgrace down te the men te whom it belongs aud will relieve Congress itself of the intolerable odium of sanctioning these indecencies. The men who turned the Garfield obsequies into a carnKsc and the ghouls who have swarmed around the congressional committee seek ing te leap their foul harvest fiem the president's grave should be placarded, be fore the county, whoever they may be, and get from Congress only their true desert, the obloquy of a national exposuie. Grata aaa Froviea'uantauons. iOa0O'cl?!l!FlV10tatIon3e'Sram ''"'J previt East King street. Anrll... .May... June... Karen.. Anrll... May...., Wheat L3G 1JU 1J0 1.38 l.M Cblcage. Cern Oau GS .45H .mi Alii Philadelphia. T3K .31 .75X .S3 75K .51 Yundt, Breker, 13 March 22. Perk 17.07 17.25 Lard 10 87 uve bcel jaacmes. Chicago. Hogs Receipts. 14,093 bead; shln ments. 7.500 de : market geaeraUy acUv e and rally 5c higher; common te geed mixed. $Si 8S.?i 1ieaTyPackln "d shleplnr. $S 737 20; Phlladalphkw and larders. t7 99740 : light hORS. S6SSA6 70: aklna miiI enlla aXKAOfile Cattle Receipts, i,cw headTshipments 100 de; market arm, steady and fairly active , SFJSPEKv!635685' Bd te fchelce shipping. J5 it'flGtt; comaaen-to fair, ti 2365G0; mixed butchers' scarce and Arm ; peer te lair S393 : cows and mixed, sS754tO; threngh grass Tf?8??"' ,9leckers and leaders st&uly, " M& uiiiwuui ctb ww w. Sheen Rccetnts. 2.400 heart de; market active and strong ana shipments 1.30C lllll medium te choice-native:, $5 Sofia ; inferior te extra, at 5036 23. East Libsbtv Cattle Receipts. 255 head -market active and unchanged. Hogs Receipts 1.60 head ; market tinn ; Philadelphia, S7 8087 60 ; Yorkers, ; 75 C iw. Sheep Receipts, 3,000 head ; slew nt vcti'r day's prices. Bteexaarswc New Yerk, Philadelphia and Lecal Stocks also united State:, Bend ropertod dully by Jacob B. Lohe, 22 North Qneen street. " March ?. EASTON KXCITKO. Protesting Against a Proposed Juvenile . Pedestrian Performance. Philadelphia, March 22. The secre tary of the Society te Protect Children from Cruelty received a letter from Eas Eas ten, Pa., te-day, stating that at a walking match te be commenced there en Thurs day next, a boy eight years old has been engaged te i un two miles against time ; that the citizens are very mucli opposed te' this, and asking if it could net be prevent ed. A reply has been sent informing the parties of the law en the subject, aud such action has been taken as will doubtless prevent -be child from appcariug ou the track. Locating a Fire In a Mine. Pottsville, March 22. The lire in Wadsville shaft, which has been buroiug bureiug the past ;two weeks was definitely located this a. m. in the new workings and ean readily be extinguished. Had the fire been in the old working tl;e iloediug of the shaft would have becu necessary. It is expected the colliery will rcsume ship ments in a few weeks. A Nine-year-old Kascal. New Yerk,. March 22. Within a few days two trains en the Hudsen River rail road have been thrown from the track at High Bridge by misplaced switches. An officer of the read last night detected Willie Kyle, 9 years old, endeavoring te open a switch. He was arrested and held for trial. Fatuity Binned by Melt u steel. . Jersey City, N. J., March 22. Peter mown, a tramp, slept in a pit at Thorap Therap kins stgel works last night, and was badly burned by molten steel from a burst cru cible. He died in terrible ngeny 'at the hospital. Damage by the Storm. Gloucester, March 22. Accounts from Geerge state that the storm of Friday and Saturday was the worst ever seen there. The less te the shipping was heavy and it is feared that some vessels have been lest. Trying te Save a Murderer. Newark, N. J., March 22 A writ of error in the Martin case has been granted, meantime preparations for' his execution have been suspended. i- " WEATUEIt INDICATIONS. Washtngtex, D. C, March 22. Fer the Middle Atlantis states, slightly colder, northerly te westerly winds,- fair weather and higher barometer. Beading te bare a Public Ballding. Washington, D. C, March 22 In the Senate te-day Mr. Cameren (Pa.) introdu ced a bill appropriating $30,000 for a pub lic building atiKeading,Pa. i Council Elect a Mayer. Portland, Me., March 22. Councils this morning elected Charles F. Libby (Rep.) as mayor. t' A- Murderer Kespfted. WnHNGTON, Del., March 22. Gover Gover eor Hall this morning respited Jeremiah Harrigan until December leth. Congressman ruin's Conspicuous Sliaine- leisness. Times. The conduct of Representative Page, of California, seems te have been altogether remarkable. The bills were turned ever te him for examination and report, andt is stated as with eutire authority that the items were all brought together in one voucher se that it should be impossible te show by investigation just what the money had been paid for. Te render this mere secure the bills in detail which had been rendered were destroyed. Mr. Page beasts that se much is free from scandal in any event. This seems te us, however, only te make the scandal deeper and meic disgraceful. It does noteccm te Representative Page that there was auythmir wrenj. lhe bills had all been paid, he says, out of the money voted by Congress early in the session, and " it was nobody's business if a congressman who had accompanied the funeral train had purchased a jug of whisky te take along, even though the government paid for it." Representative Page may some time learn that the people of this country are net taxed for the. pur pose of keeping congressmen in whisky. SIONOK KOhSl'S COUKAGE. II extinguishes a Fire ou the Stage and Avert a Panic. Quite an exciting incident occurred at the Chestnut sheet, opera house, Philadel phia, last evening during the impassioned acting of Signer Ressi in the dressing room scene of "Edmund Kean." .When the finding of the Countess' fan iu hid loom by her husband was made clear te Kean Signer Ressi sprang up and tearing away tlie cloth which the hairdresser bad placed about his shoulders, he hurled It toward the dressing buieau. In its flight it upset a candlestick ou the bureau, and before its discovery the flames fairly caught in the lace with which the glass was draped. The audience was considera bly alarmed, as the flames burst out frightfully near one of the flies. Some body shouted te the people en the stage. Ressi turned, and discovering the danger, stepped quickly te the spot, tore down the curtains aud seen smothered the Are. Then he faced the audience and said in an aside, as if taking the anxious people in front inte.his confidence. "Eet ees all right. Ect ees in ze play." Confidence was re stored en the moment, and the play proceeded. Opera Heuse Burned. Lockpeet, jS". Y., March 22. Comp Cemp Comp teu's opera house and" a dwelling adjoin ing, at Middleport, burned last night Various fiims occupied the business part of the opera house. Less en opera house $40,000, partially insured. There is no fire department there and the names weie unrestrained. Fatally Assaulted and Bobbed. Flushing, L. I., March 22. William S. Valentine, a merchant of Reslvn. was waylaid aud robbed last night and left en the roadside in a dying condition. There is no hope of his recovery. MAMKETB. Fniladelpnta Market. i'HiLADSLPHiA, March22. Kleur fairly active ajul streng: .Superllne. $3; 75S4 00; Eifn, ii 90.', 33 ; Ohie and Indiana family, l COS) 7 25 ; Penn'a family, iGgii 23. Rye Heur 1 SOS t "3. Wheat feverish and unsettled; Del. and Peun'ii Hed, $1 4031 44 ; de Amber, SI 411 42. Cern scarce and strong. Oats dull and lower under Increasing aup- Rye scarce and nominal at S587c. Provixlens 11 rm. Lard llrm. Butter Hcarce and higher in choice grades Crean.cry Extra, 4244c ; geed te choice, 33 Rolls mostly peer an J slew ler sale. ,rFf?,'5.lnIct5 i'enn'a. at 16c; Western at 15J16e. Cheese quiet and steady. Petroleum nrm ; Refined. "Hi. Whisky at SI a. A Seeds geed te prime clever dull at 8WQ ie; de de Timethy steady at W 7303 85; dodo riaxeed nt $1 40. Jrnw Yera aiaaet. Nw Veasc. March 22. Fleur State and western a shade better and moderately active. Southern firm and quiet. wneai ?iMc metier find mtrttmr .- -.r-"'. :".- . r. -j" lainy acuve speculative trading: .we. tivi gli ila and Red, de Anrtl. S142ftl 4Z : de Slav. 21 41K141: June, $1 1 39X ; de July. 112801 28. Cern c better and In moderate trade ; mixed western spot, 768780 ; de future, 74$ Oats a trifle better, including Xe. 2 April at T.9)i! Statesass.-: ; Western,i356c. L. C Ml I. L. R. R...... DeL, Lack. Western... Denver ft Rie Grande N. V.. Lake Erie A Western.... Missouri. Kansas A Texas Laue Shere Mieh. Southern... LouNville A Ntshville. New Yerk Central New Jersey Central. Ontario A Western St. PanI A Omnha Preferred... Pacific Mail Steamship Ce Chicago. Mil. St. Paul Texas Pacific Wabash."- ..mis A Pacific.... Western Union Tel. Ce Pennsylvania R. R Itutr.Ue Pitts. A West Northern PncincCnra. " Preferred.... 10:00 A. X. V. M. 3.H. .... .... 10,,, VS. 122 J 122 Sail 897i HI 38 i7U, 3114 K 35?h XVi 1$ 1IS ll' 77 77? 7ff.i 133 l:Ki 132s 84J Sii S2i 20 SKJi 23Ji ins?!; ie ; risk 42JS 43 42 jiia m?a in 46 aw I3i set? 17?J S5K 4i; M .&:?' WILLS ra.'a S)l 30 17 i 17? 7t; 7iyt Lecal stecM and Benn. Par val. 1D0 100 100 100 100 Lane 'Uy 6 per cL Lean, due leS2., " 1SS5. " 1890., 1895., 5 per cL In 1 or SO years ' 3 per ct. Scheel Lean loe 4 inler20yenrs.. loe " 4 " in 5 or 20 years., loe " 6 " In 10 or 20 years, ion Manhelm borough lean ioe BAlnX STOCKS. lwt National Rank. $100 tanners' National Rank S tu'.te.n National Bank ice Lancaster County National Rank.. 50 Columbia National Rank :oe. Kphrata National Bank iet First National Bank, Columbia.. .. loe fli, st National Bank.Stnwbnrg.... loe first National Rank, Marietta ioe first National Bank. Mount Jey.. 100 Litltz National Bank ioe Manheim National Bunk ie Union National Bank. Mount Jey. &i New Helland National Rank ioe itiscxiXAircers bends. guarryville R. R., due 1803 $ioe Heading A Columbia R. Rdue lBSi ioe Lancaster Watch Ce., due 1SSC loe Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce., due in 1 or 20 years ioe Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce.. duels;., '. ioe xnscKLLAirzeua mnm. Quarryvllle R. R. $ BO- Last sale. 105 1074 120 I2li 103 112 102 102.S0 1U 102 J1S5 10&80 IU'. 100.73 147 13A30 I41.:w fSJ.Ml 200 145.73 140 15.1 70.50 115 60 50 100 25 100 10S 100 50 SO 3 SI15 IOO 1O5.50 100 106 2.25 2S.50 50 1J 170 1 Millers ville Street Car. Inquirer Printing Company. OIA.1A KIW,tIJf ..................... Oas Light and Fuel Company.... Stevens Heuse Columbia Oas Company .' Columbia WalerCeinpany Susquehanna Iren Company Marietta Hollowware Stevens Heuse Sicily Island Kist Brandy wine A Wayneab'g. .niiKtuyuiu Jignnai ocneoi...... TVxsrmn cxa. Spring A Reaver Vuney ? 25 t 10.25 Bridgeport A Horeshee 'SV: Columbia A.Cbestnut Hill 25' Columbia A Washington 25 Columbia A Rig Spring 25 LancasterA Ephrata 25 Lane, Kilzabetht'd AMiddlut'n 100 Lancaster A FrnltvUIe. 50 Lancaster A Litltz 25 Lancaster A Wllliam.-.tewii 25 Lancaster A Maner. 6U fancasierA Manheim 25 tb Lancaster A Marietta. Lancaster A New Helland.... Lancaster ASimciuehauna.... Lancaster A Willow Street... Btrasbnrg A Millport Marietta A Maytown Marietta A Mount Jev 100 300 25 25 25 1 20. IS 25 6b 50 W.3i 53 lit. ie 4 32 85 273.23 40.15 21 40 "Ol.lXH'Ah. COIl JURY COJI13II3310NLK. WILLIAM ELLBIAKEr, Ot Earl tewnshln. Sublecttn t!u. iw.-..... , the Democratic ceuntv convention.. 'metct & et TJOK JUKY COatailSSIONKK ; BENJAMIN HUBER, - Eighth wai.l. City. Subject te ,,.. , the Democratic County Cen ,-ent,an! maric-tcd&w pert .7UKY COMMISSION KK, JEROME B. SlIULTZ, Ol EUzabelhlewn borough. HnbUnt t ,i. deelsteu of the Democratic $? U0"- m0-tcdAv. JSJITEKTAIITMEATA. "PCLTOw OPKKA HOL'SIC. THLTRSeAY, MARCH 23d. AMERICA'S FAVORITE Maggie Hell, In her celebrated Impersonations, snnrertcd by MR. L. R. BHEWELL, MR. R. FULTON RUSSELL and a Specially Select d Dramatic Company. An entire new play, written ex pressly for Maggie Mitchell, by Ueer m F. Fuller, esq. (Mahlbtlck), entitled THE LITTLE SAVAGE. CORA, The ZiUU Savage. ..MagowMitemix. Produced with every care aad-attontlen te detail. gMWSION... BOft, 75c. and 1.00 RESERVED SEATS Fer sale at opera house office. lS-3td "PCLTON OPERA HODSK. "With Mirth and Laughtir Let old wrinkles come." TffS PERFECTION OF FVX FRIDAY, MARCH 24tSi Fn-jagement el the World-Renowned SALSBURY'S TroubadeurS Klucing their new 3-act Musical Save tten by Mr. Bransen Heward, entitled . Green Roem Fun. ACT 1st Rehearsal at Heme. ACT 2d Rehearsal en the Stage. ACT ad Greenroom et tne Theatr :. AMATEUR ANXIETIES AND PROFES SIONAL WOES. USUAL DRAMATIC PRICES-SB, SO A ?fl cents ; Reserved Seats, 75 cents. Secured at opera henae office. m2!-4td READ THIS LACASTE.A.,AprU 28,1831. ; Th Kidnztccra M'e Cextauy. Gents It gives me much pleasure te av thtt after using one pack el K1DNEVCURA I have been entirely cured et a severe pain in my back and side, of long standing, and that, tee, alter trying various known lemcdle. 1 have every confidence in your medleine, cheerfully recommend It,andknew thutuiany of my friends who have used it have beeri benefited. PETER RAKER, miGlyd Foreman Kx;mlnTi ml ! sj'iesa. ,