LANCASTER DA1LT INTELLIGENCER TUESDAY. MARCH 21, 1882. LOCAL CORRESPONDENCE TIIK NEWS FUUaX THE COUNTY. Tlii Latest Intelligence rrem Strasburg Bor ough. Mattent Around Georgetown and Festivities at Qearrrville. Mrt. E. Bear, widow of Martin Bear, deceased, aged seventy-six years, seven months and two days, was buried at SUasburg cemetery en Saturday morning, March 18. Gee. B. Eager, the people's printer, has reopened the Free Press printing office. Success te his enterprise. A nnmltAr nf vrmnir men in the borough are talking of organizing a beat club for I the hummer. The first of April will bring with it many chauges. A number of experienced tobacco grow ers have made arrangements with Chester county farmers .te cultivate tobacco for them, .and will leave here seen. BAIIT NLWS. In and Around Georgetown. On last Friday Slartin & Fritz sold 110 c.tses of tobacco te Mr. Jehn Moere & Ce., of Philadelphia, en private terms, and in the evening Mr. Hart delivered a lecture en temperance te a small audience in the M. E. church. The sale of tobacco ap peared te attract mere attention than Mr. Hart's lecture; but then tobacco is a mat ter that is nearer the "hearts" or "pockets" of Bait's inhabitants than whisky or its demoralization. Mr. Jeseph bcett, our village wheel-, wright, in the absence of Martha, his better-half, concluded te prepare for Heward and himself an extra meal of broiled perk. .W, net being ever-wakeful, proposed te Heward that they "fix" the stove and. leave the perk cook until morning. How Hew ard, being young and needing sleep, agreed te the 'proposal and 'twas done. Jes new says the meat, bone and all, was well-done, se well that the extra meal had te be dispensed with. The house of Mr. Scott has yet the slight taint of burning bones. Jee explains the peculiar Fincll as a disinfectant a preventive against ma larial fever, etc. But Heward thought the ieke tee geed te keep, and he didn't keep it. Twe sales of the leaf have been effected in our township this week : Mr. Hugh Donally sold te a packer in Landisville at 15, 4 and 2 ; Henry Denaliy te the same at 10, 4 ami 2. O.CAKKYVILLK. Annual Supper et Uensel's Tobacco Packers. The employees of L. T. Hensel, Quarry ville, held their annual supper at Krider'.s hotel, in that village, en Thursday even ing. Several of their friends were present and a grand time they bad. The supper was get trp in Mrs. Kricler's best style ; she was assisted by Alex Lcc, of Lancas ter, who had charge of the oysters. Te say that it was enjoyed is drawing it mild. The festivities were ended at a late hour after a vote of thanks was extended te Mr. and Mrs. Kridcrand te all who as sisted. Last week a dinuer was given te the same employees at Alexander's' hotel, by Mr. Jacob Keen, one of the best growers in the county, who has sjld his tobacco for the last six years te Hctibcl, and who hr.s never t03n decked or had any reason te be. This year he had three acres ler which he get 25, 15, C, a, averaging about as much money for it as any grower in the lower ecd. The dinnrr was line, and the boys did it justice. A geed BuptUl clergyman of Bergen. N. Y., a (.trang temperance man. gu tiered with kid ney trouble, neuralgia, and dizziness almost te blinducs-i. ever two years alter he was told that Hep Ritt,r--wuu!e cure him, because lie was afraid of and prejudiced against "llit tere." Since his cum liu s.ivs nenu need luar but trust in Hep Hitters. ' ulS2wd&w A Signal Victory. The value el electricity as a remedial ncnt has gained a sigiul victory ever prejudice. Themas: Kelectric Oil Mauds Joieme-t'iii tlii-" cl.lis el compounds. Tctnnenial- from all parts tell et the wondrous cuius et rheuma tism, neuralgia, hurts, and i-eic-ctcc-llcclcd by its agency. Fer sale at H. B. Cochran's dru.r stoic. I.S7 North Queen street. Lancaster. A Marvelous Cure Fer all bodily ailments, arising irem impuritv et bleed, a torpid liver, irregularity of the bowels, iiidige-tien, constipation, or disorder ed kldin-yp. is warranted in a free ueet Bur dock Bleed Bittets. Price $1. Fer wile at 11. It. Coehran's drug store, 137 North Queen-bL, Lancaster. Toe Fastidious. Seme would-be Byrens leek en with dis; ntst At me riiyiucs et r.cicctric wit " poet ;" But we have the best article known te the world. And intend that all persons .shall knew it. It cures coughs, colds, asthma and catarrh, Bronchitis and complaints et tlmtkiiui : It does net cost much, though rheumatic- it cures, 'lis best Oil in ihe world yen can find. Fer sale at H. 15.'.s drug ."tore, 137 Nertli-Ouccn Mrcet. Lancaster. VLOT1IIXO, JtO. WA XAAIAKKK Si IIKOWN Clothing that Wears Well. Year after" year our customers return because they are net dis appointed in the kind of Cloth ing we supply them. With all our reasonable prices we insist en the goodness ejf the materials. The stock of Men's and Beys' Overcoats-and Suits is still quite complete. MANAMA KEIt & BROWN. Oak Hall, Sixth and Market streets, Philadelphia. VAJCPJCX8. d1 BEAT BARGAINS IN Ca.Kr.KTs. IT A I claim tock et te bare the Largest and Fines CARPETS In this City. Brussels andTnpertry C A RP KTS Three-ply, Extra Super. Super, All Weel, Halt Weel and Part wool Ingrains : Irem the best te the cheapest as low as 2Cc. per yard. All the FINEST AND CHOICE PATTERNS that ever can be seen m this city. 1 also have a Large and Fine Steck.01 my own make Chain and Hag Carpets, AS LOW AS 35C1PER YARD. Alse MAKE CARPETS TO-ORDER at short notice. Satisfaction gnat-en teed. 49-Ne trouble te show goods if you de ne", wish te purchase. I earnestly solicit a call. H. S. SHIRK, 203 WEST KINO STBKZT, LANCASTER PA. MEDICAZ. rENSON'S IfOBOUS PLASTERS. Back Ache POSITIVELY CURED BY BENSON'S CAPCINE Reasons Why they are Preferred te All Other Pereus Plasters or External Remedies : 'first. Because they possess all tlie merit et the strengthening porous plaster, and contain In addition thereto the newly discovered power ful and active vegetable combination widen acts with increased rubeiaclent. stimulating, sedative and counter-irritant effeet. SECOND. Because they are genuine pharmaceutical preparation, and se recognized by theprotes thepretes theprotes bien. THIRD. Bccaue they are the only plasters that re lieve puin at euce. FOURTH. Iiecauie tliey will positively cure diseases whieli ether remedies will net even relieve. FIFTIL Because! ever 5.000 physicians and druggists have voluntarily testitled that they are super ior te all ether plasters or medicines ler ex ternal use. SIXTH. Because the manufacturers have received the only medals ever given ter porous plasters. Bensen's Capcine Pereus Plaster ! A SURE REMEDY AT LAST. Prlee 25 CcnU. MEAD'S MEDICATED COJiX AX J) BUMON PLASTER. mrlO-2wd,eed&w cow-1 --. ...... ..... m. W V WITfllVIW weakened by the strain et your duties, et y P BIT avoid tttiuiulanla and use HO TTERS If you are a man of letters toiling ever midnight work, te restore brain, nerve and waste use HOP BITTERS. If you are young and Buttering irem any in discretion or dissipation; if you are married or siiiglc, old or young, suffering from peer health or languishing en a bed of sickness RELY ON HOP BITTERS. Whoever you arc, whenever you feel that your &jatem needs cleansing, toning or stim ulating, without intoxicating, take HOI BITTERS. Thousands die annu'allr from some lerm et KIDNEY disease that might have been pre vented by a timely u.eef HOP BITTERS. Hep Bittera Never Fail 1 Have veu Dyspepsia, Kidney or Urinary Complaint, Discase of the Stomach, Bowels, Bleed. Liver or Nerves, yen will be cureil it you use HOP BITTERS. II you lire simply weak and low spirited, try it. It may zawc your life. It has taved humlrds. I. I. C. is an absolute and irresistible euro tar Drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco unit narcotics. Sold bydruirglsts. Send ler circular. HOP BITTERS M KG. CO.. Rochester, N. Y., and Terente, Out. nrMmcedjtw- " FeJf SALE.. FARM ruK KENT. About Mi Acres et Laud, in a high state et cultivation, known as the "Jehn It. McUov McUev eru Farm," situate en l.itltz Pike, partly in the city limits. Apply te BAVSMAX & BURNS, mUMtd<w 10 West Orange street. PllIMK UAY, WKSTEKN CORN AND Oats ler sale at Leainan Place at all times at market prices. Alse, COAL AND LUMBER. j21-ymd II. II. ROHRER. s 101:1; noe.ii roil iu:.t, A1TLY TO PHILIP LKBZELTER, ill North Queen street. IcbiT-ttd PUBLIC SALK.-IIN FJUDAV. MARCH 24, lss.. -it the Leepard Hetel, a new two story Brick Dwelling Heuse, eentaing hall and six rooms Mtuatcd at Ne. OOfi West Lemen street. bale at 7 o'clock and conditions made known by S.L.TUCKER, lluxuv SuuiicKT, Auctioneer. ml7-lwd TIOK SALE. AN1MMKNSK SUMBEUOr HOUSES, STORES, ISUILD1NG LOTS, Ac, of all descriptions, in all localities and at all prices. NEW CATALOGUE, with prices, free te every one. ALLAN A. IIERR & CO., (l(:(C;-;:md ' a North Duke street. -WlTItT.If' VII.K OF TWO LOTS Ol'TO- 'I BACCO. The undersigned will .sell It iiiclr warehouse. North Mulberry and Harris bur.; Turnpike, Lancaster, Pa.. TWO LOTm cd TOBACCO at public pale, en WEDNESDAY, MAKCII 21. iNfi at 10 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of defraying expenses el storage, Ac. The attention et tobacco dealers and cigar- maker is called trt the sale. A. S. RO&ENBAUM & CO. liewi:, Auct. MbJ-jld B. F. )UI!I.1C SALK OF A VALUABLE COLUMBIA BREWERY, On FRIDAY, the 21th day of MARCH, A. I). IbSi the undersigned, attorney-in-fact ter the heirs of William L. Peiper, deceased, will ex pose te public sale, at the Fraukliu Heuse, in the borough of Columbia, that valuable Brewery ami Restaurant, situated en the north side of Walnut Htreet, between Third and Fourth streets, in the borough of Columbia, designated en the Plan et Old Columbia by the number :: ; containing in front en said Walnut street sixty-six feet, and in depth te an alley two hundred and ten leet, mere or less ; adjoining property of Careline Desch and ethers. The improvements arc a two-story Brick Dwelling Heuse, large Brick Brewery, -with Engine. Boilers. Mash Tubs, etc: Engine Heuse, Vault, Stable. Wagen Shed, Heg Pen, lee Heuse an.! ether improvements. The place is new licensed as a restaurant. Possession given April 1, ISSi ."-ale te commence at 7 o'clock P. M., when attendance will be given and terms made known by JOHN P. SKILES, Attorney-in-Fact for Hciiset Wm. L. Peiper, Deceased. B. F. Rewe, Auctioneer. mlGtsd JJUIJLIU SALK ON TUU IWD AY, MAltCll SI, 1S&J, will be sold at the late resilience el Jehn R. McGovern (dee'd.), en the Lititz turnpike, near the City et Lancaster, in Man lieiiu township, Lancaster county. Pa., the following pcrsenul property, te wit : Four horses, 2 of which are tat and ready ler the eastern market : 2 geed yeungdriving horses, well-broke te bingle or double driving; 5 cows, 2 will be fresh by day et sale, and 2 springers ; 1 bull ; 2 two-horse wagons, 1 onc enc onc lieibis wagon, reaper and mower combined (new), 1 mower, wire-teeth grain and hay .rakc, liay-llats, tlireshing machine and liorse lierse liorse pewcr in goeil order, grain ian, loedcr cutter l:ir hand or hersa power, corn sheller, grain drill, corn cultivator, large shovel harrow, spike and shovel, barrows, potato plow, shovels, lerks. rakes, -cow and halter ch-iius. leg chains. Held roller, scalding trough, about 3 tens ei goon nay, nytnc ten or nan-ten, and about 50 bushels et corn in the car, by the bushel, and a let el ether articles net men tioned. A creditel 9 months will be given. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock, p. in., et said day, when attendance will be given by CATHARINE McGOVERN, Administratrix. Sajiuki. Hess Ae Sex, Auctioneers. Uil8-4tdl8.C0,21,2i ALL STYLES OF MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES uud Cemetery Pests, Counter Tops, Confectioners' Slabs, Slate Mantels, etc.. en the moste-casonable terms. Doing all the setting et the work mysell, I can guarantee substantial foundations. NTiW AND ORIUINAL DESIGNS. ,, , CHAS. MAKINSON, - Cor. S. Prince and Conestoga Sis. mI5-lwd MJNMICH'S LATKST IMPROVED PATENT TOBACCO PRESSES, r,.rJ'i,lfJ12.s,?;nrt,Palm,Tebacca Mlnnlch's MANURE DRAG, ter cleaning stables. All sold en trial en their merits. Warranted te give better satislactien In every particular than ans' new In use. It net satisfactory can be returned at my expense. Send foriUus feriUus trated Circular. S. B. M1NN1CM, LaudlHvlllc. Lancaster County. Pa. FOBOnSPLASTEBS DXT GOODS. piARfKTH. OAKPKTS. CARPETS! IN REMNANTS. -We kavc about TWO HUI- DRED DIFFERENT PATTERNS OF ' INGRAIN CABPETS WORTH FROM 40c. TO S1.00 PER YARD, What we will sell ler 20c. TO 60a PER YARD. These goods can be used ler a variety et pur poses', as ruga for doorsteps and In lrent et lounges, selas, bureau, Xc. JOHN- P. SWARE'S. jWH you want a geed Shirt, get the DEFIAXT. rMAHHXQ OUT! AT AND BELOW COST. My entire sleck e 1Y GOODS, NOTIONS, Etc., IS FOR SALE AT AND BELOW COST. This Is a rare chance ler GOOD BARGAINS. -AS I HAVE AN IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS, On hand, which were all purchased ler cash. J. M. LONG, jil-ttd 14 NORTH QUEEN STREET. N TKW MirOKTATIOSS. BLACK CASHMERE WATT, SHAND & CO. Offer the very 'best possible value at 50, G2 75, 87& cts., $1.00 and 1.25. These ceeds are perfect In Celer, Texture and Finish, and lully 10 per cent. lower than last season. Single and Deublo BLACK -CASHMERE SHAWLS. A SPECIALTY. Special bargains In 40-INCH ALL WOOL FIGURED CASHMERES, C2Kc. a yard, 'sold everywhere at 72c. ; only live pieces. 40-INCH ALL WOOL BLACK ARMURES, 50 c. a ynrd really worth 75c. Special sale el 10,000 yds, Bleached Muslins at 10c, a .yd. Same goods were sold by the case in February at 10' cents a yard. Watt, Stand & Ce., NEW YORK STORE. B AKGA1NS IN -AT- HETZGER & HAUuHW New Cheap Stere, PROM IMPORTERS' Auction Sales IN NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. BLACK SILKS, BLACK SILKS, BLACK BROCADE SILKS, BLACK RHADAMES, BLACK SATINS, COLORED SILKS, COLORED SATINS, BLACK CASHMERES, from 12Jc. a yard up. METZGER, AND HAUGHMAN'S NEW CHEAP STORE, Ne. 43 West King Street. ( Adlkr's Olu Stakd.) Uetwecn the Cooper Heuse Hetel. junl4-lvd&w stnd Serrel Herse OUltTA AMD V2jASanrAM: TIH & MARTIN. i -AT CHINA HALL. Just received by Steamship " British Crown,"; mother importation et WHITE GRANITE WARE IN TEA AND DINNER WARE, CHAMBER WARE, HOTEL WARE. DECORATED TEA AND DINNER SETS, A LAKQS LINE OF Decorated Chamber Sets, DAMAGED WARE In Large Quantities. 4SDen't fail le sce our Very Large assortment. High & Martin, . 15 EAST KING STREET. R AGS. RAGS. RAGS. The highest Cash Prices paid for all kinds ei Rags, Old Reeks. Carpets. Weulen Cleths. Bagging Repe, Gum Shoes, 4c., Ac. . I will call en persons having anyet the above articles it- they will drop me a postal card. WM. P. HENNEOKB, Sis ai Casflmeres QneenswarB Qaeensware dee. DMT IDS. NOJ DID DRY GOODS STORK. -THK- GREATEST BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS EVER PLACED ON THIS MARKET . 15 NOW OFFERED AT 12 Cents a yard, BY J. W. BYRNE, 322 NORTH QUEEN STREET, ll-lyd LANCASTER. PA. jpecial notice;. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Artistic Carpets, Artistic Wall Papers, Artistic CeilingDecoratiens Artistic Lambrequins and Curtains. - We have In our employ a Philadel phia Upholsterer of fifteen years' experience, and are prepared te de all kinds of CARPET AND CUR TAIN WORK. CHEAP AND PROMPT. J. B. MARTIN & CO., 'Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANCASTER, PA. UAUN1CSTOUK. Oa,rpets, Carpets. OUR CARPET ROOM NOW STOCKED FULL is OF Carpets from Auction. Te which wc invite the attention of these 1 search et CHEAP CARPETS, One let et All Weel Chain and Filing, Extra Heavy Ingrain only 55c a bargain. RAG CARPETS, RAG CARPETS. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM AND AT LOWEST PRICES, e' HONEYCOMU AND JACQUER QUILTS -HIIITR COLORED 40c, GOc, GOc , 75c, 87 l-3c. and Sl.OO. White Marseilles Quilts, One let, $1.50; one let. $2.30; ene let, $I.O0, Cheapest Quilts ever offered. CLOTH TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, Richly embroidered nt lowest prices. Opened tills day 500 Gossamer Waterproofs, Fer Ladies, Gents, Beys and Girls Every Garment. Warranted. FAHNESTOCK. Next Doer te Court Heuse S1' KING 1883. s PR I NO 1882. Dry Goods. IAGER &BE0TIER, NEW SPRING . DRESS GOODS, FrcnchSattiues in choice deHlgns.ScetchZepher and American Dress Ginghams, Seersuckers, Percales and Chintzes. SILKS. Lyens' Black Cashmero Silks from 91.00 te $2.50 per yard, bt Bplcndid color and finish which are recommended for excellent wear; also, American Black Silks, Black Rbadama. Mervilleaux, Meire and Brocades. Colored Silks In all the Spring Shades ; also choice goods in colored Satin Rhadamaand Mcrvlllcanx, Molre and Brocades. FRENCH DRESS GOODS, ENGLISH DRESS GOODS, AMERICAN DRESS GOODS, OF LATEST SPRING STYLES IN LARGE " ASSORTMENT. Black Silk Warp Henrietta and Cashmere, best makes imported, from lowest te highest grades. NEW HOSIERY, NEW KID GLOVES. Embroideries Lace Goods, White Goods, French Lace and Antique Ctirtnins, Ac., Ac, IN "STORE FULL LINES or GOODS SUITABLE FOK HOUSE FURJISHTHO, STANDARD MAKES Bleached and Unbleached MuBllns, Sheetings, Pillow Muslins, Tickings, Table Linens, Nap kins, Towels, Marseilles and Toilet Quilts, Ae. EWe Invite Examination. Hager & Bre. Np; 25 West King Street LANCASTER, Tu&W ASTRICS BEOS'. ADTEMTISEMENT. A 8TK1CH BKOS ADVKjm&KMKNT. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE! THAT WHILE ALTERATIONS ARE GOING ON IN OUR STORE ROOM WE ARE WELL PREPARED Te De Business As Usaal ! GOODS RECEIVED DAILY ANO Bargains OFFERED at ALL TIMES. ASTEICH BEOS- LANCASTER BAZAAR, NO. 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. CLOTHING. BABE CHANCE. A SUIT OK FINE CLOTHES OR AN OVERCOAT Made Up te Order at Cost Price. In order te reduce my heavy stock et FINE WOOLENS I shall make them up te order for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS ler Cash only at cost price. This is without exception the greatest re duction evnr made in tlNE CLOTHES, and is done te make room for our heavy Spring Importations, which we expect te have In stock by the early part of February, We have the sample cards of these goods already in store, and any one dcslrieus et securing first choice ler SPRING WKAR can de se new, b.:d the gceds will be taincd for him. Remember the above reduction is for Heavy Weights and Cash Only. H. GBRHART, TAILOR, Ne. 6 East King Street, 1LOTU1NG t .CLOTHIKU t ! As we wish te Cleee Out the balance el our WINTEK CLOTHING ! WE HAVE MADE SWEEPING REDUCTIONS Throughout our Whole Stock. We have en hand a large stock" el HEAVY SUITS and OVERCOATS, MARKED AT SUCH LOW PRICES ; .AS WILL IiraURX A MJADr PALE. t& We only ask that you call and examine our stock and be convinced el what we say, D. B. Hostetter & Sen Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 36-lTd LANCASTER. VA 1XEKTS. 1 r WM. H. BABCOCK. 513 Seventh street, Washington, D. C. Formerly an Examiner in the U. S. Patent Office ; afterward. Associate Attorney of Jacob Stauffer, esq of Lancaster, Fa., until the hit ter's death would be pleased te hear from In ventonet Lancaster and nelarhberincr cenn- ties, and la still prepared te attend carefully and promptly te all Patent business at medep atejftte?, fjW31'3flfrW DMT GOODS.- S PRING DRKS3 GOODS. Spring Woolen. Fabrics SPRING DRESS CLOTHS. OUR SPRING Dress Cleths for Ladtes'.Misses' and Chil dren's Dresses and Suits are new all in. the assortment is very 'extensive, and certainly the largest line of cloths in Philadelphia. There are many new shades in plain colors, also a. wide tango dr neat pin-checks et new combinations, chang ing the ettcct and making the colorings and styles diflerent from these of pre vious seasons. SNODGRASS. MURRAY & CO MARKET AND NINTn STS. "ADIES. MISSES AND j COATS AND JACKKT5.- CHILDREN'S Almest every lady wants a Wrap or Jacket for sprlnsr. and te put en cool days in summer, or 10 wear in me evenings wnnc away at inc seasheie or mountains. We have a very large variety or cloths rer tnts purpese ; also, some new broken checks, Ac, for spring ulsters. SNODGRASS, MURRAY 4 CO.. NINTH AND MARKET STS. s MALL CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' COATS. This is ae Item in our business te which we give uTuch attention. Pur chases and importations ter this season include everything new and the very latest designs in many different fabrics. SNODGRASS. MURRAY & CO.. MARKET AND NINTH STS. SPRING OVERCOATINGS. They are worn much mere than a winter overcoat, and every man should have a sprint: ever coat. Frequently when a heavy weight could net be worn at all; a light weight coat might be worn with great comfort. We have many kinds, very desirable In quality and labrlc. SNODGRASS, MURRAY A CO. CIORDUROTS. BEAVERrEENS AND COR- DUROYS. Buyers of these goods should note the tact that we have made a large purchase at about one-third oil mnrkct rates, and we are dealing them out te cither the buyer et a pair of pants or the dealer who buys a piece at the same pro portion. The prices ere very low. Rut you mnstceme and see them and handle tne goods te satisfy yourselves that they are cheap. SNODGRASS, MURRAY CO., CLOTH HOUSE. MARKET AND NINTH STREETS. SNODGRASS, MURRAY & CO., CLOTH HOUSE, - - Market and Ninth Sts., Phila. ri.VMllEB'S SUrilLZES. JOHN L. ARNOLD. PATENT COLD-CASE BEST PORTABLE IN USE. SLATE ROOFER AND ROOFS REPAIRED. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING, Step and Valves for Water, Gas and Steam. JOHN L. Nbs. 11, 13 & 15 EAST ORANGE STREET. LANCASTER, PA. raprt-ttd i , t PAVHUUASOINOS, etc. pDARES W. FRY. Window Shades. WE HAVE ABOUT 5,000 Yards of Plain Shading, SLIGnTLY DAMAGED by WATER Which wUl be sold VERY LOW in order te close out. They Include all colors rfnd wk'ths. Shades in Patterns at FROM 20 CENTS UP. Wall Papers! Sonic Choice Styles et PAPER HANGINGS Left, ollerins at extremely LOW PRICES. These goods are te be sold out ns seen an possible, in order te open the new stere with nn entire new stock. Phares W. Fry, SOS. 120-131 NORTH O.UKEN STREET BOOHS AND ST.A'IOSJSR. TjlASTEU CA1SDS! AMERICAN AND IMPORTED EASTER CARDS! lJf OnnAT VAKIETT AT L. M. ELYNFS BOOK AND STATIONERY STORK, Ne. 42 West King Street. TOUN UAER'S SONS. NOVELTIES, KOlt THE EASTER SEASON! PLAIN AND FRINGED Easter Cards, EASTER FANS AND SACHETS, EASTER BOOKS. - At the Roekstorc of Jehn Baer's Sens, Nes. 15 &17 North Queen Street. G2JTT DKAWWUB. COMMON WEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO 42d Popular Monthly Drawing OP TBB COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. in the City or Louisville, en TUESDAY. MARCH 31st. 1882. These drawings' occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act et tne General Assembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court en Marcb 31, rendered the following decisiens: 1st That tbe Commonwealth Distribution Company Is legal. 2d Its drawings are fair. N. R. The Company has new qn baud a large reserve fund. Read the list of prizes ler the MARCH DRAWIKG. 1 prize 9 30,000 piTXZOa Al'yUUU jjXlZO OfUUL lOprixeslLOOOeach 10,000 20prtxes500each 10,000 ;i00 prizes $100 each 10,000 300 prizes 50 each . lo.ece 600 prizes 20 each l2,eti 1000 prizes lOcach 10, W0 9 prizes 300 each, approximation prizes 2.7C8 9 prizes 200 each, " " 1,80 V prizes 100 eaen, " 9t0 L960prizes ?112,X. Whole Ucktta, 92; half tlckuts, 1 ; 27 ticket? $0; 56 tickets, S100. Remit Meney or Rank Drutt in Letter, 01 send by Express. DON'T SKND RY REGIS TERED LETTER OR POSTOFFICE ORDER. Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can br sent at enr expense. Address all enlers te It. r.anRnM4K. Courier-Journal Rniblinv I irfieisTuie, Ky or R. M. BOABDMAN, 30? greaawav. New Tork. febl-TaThftSAw GENTLEMEN'S SPRING SUITING. Al Al eost every steamer oeminfr Inte pert bring! ua one or mere Invoices, selec tions rrem English, French and German marketed the best and leading things for gentlemen's spring suite and panta loons. The styles and kinds are tee numerous te attempt details, but we eon -sider that there are among our recent importations sm of the handsomest things we have ever landed. SNODGRASS. MURRAY CO,, MARKET AND NINTH STS. TT'ANDSOMK PANTALOON GOODS at thlntra that every gentle IX Among the tlrst things that every genUe- man wants at the beginning of the season U a pair of pantaloons; Knewing this our t panuuoens; svnewing ud snrinir casaimeres have stock et spring caseimeres have been open and displayed for some time, a we are having a geed trade In the .ana aem. styles ter the season are very geed and prices reasentiDie. SNODGRASS, MURRAY A CO., MARKET AND NINTH STS. B OYS' SUITINGS AND CASSIMERE3. ;c have just bought a large let et mc-dlum-w-li;ht Casslmeres, alUthe-ymr-roundueds that have been sold at ene dollar : price new, 73 cents. They ara a decided l.argain. Very oed Cassimcrea for boys' every day suits, at 50c. and 60c. per yard, war ranted, te be strong and te wear well. In buying goods ler boys' wear we alwavs ki-i'p in view the fact, that boys must have strong goods. They de net take as much care of their cloths as old eld er people de,' and almost always have worn out knees. Fer this reason wa always combine strength with dura bility. SNODGRASS. MURRAY A CO. rpAILORS TRIMMINGS. J: Tailors who de net want whole pieces eau buy in such lengths as they want. We have about titty grades and colors et Italian Cleths and Sueslas of every color, both English and Domestle Goods. Can vas, down Helland, Hair Cleth, eta SNODGRASS, MURRAY ft CO., CLOTH HOUSE. . MARKET AND NINTH STREETS. JOHN L. ARNOLD. HEATERS. ARNOLD, TMAVJHSMir tiUlDJe rANCASTEK AND MILLER8VILLK K. .. i Cars run as fellows,: Leave Lancatser (P. R. Depot), at 7, 9, and, and 2, 4, 6 and 8:30 p. m., exeput en Saturday, when the last car leaves at 9:30 p. n Leave Millenville (lower end) at S, 8, mid 10 a. JR., and 1, 3, 5 and lf. in. Cars run daily en ah vc time except en Snn day. tOLUMHIA AND 1'OKT DEPOSIT K. K V Trains new rn and Pert Deposit Trains new run regularly en the Columbia uaureau en tne iouewina nine: Stations North wans. Accoro. T.X. 05 38 5:21 6:20 PortDepesiL. Peachbotteiu.. Safe Harber... Columbia Express. Express. A. M. T. M. 6:38 S-M 7:12 4:28 7:53 5:11 8:26 5:40 Stations SeciH-IKxpress. Express. Accem WABD. A.M. P.M. A. V. Columbia 11:30 C:20 7:45 p. x. Art-.OS fete Harber. 12:06 6:49 Le9:40 I'jwehbottem 12:48 7:8-2 11.01 T.H. Pert Oenesit 1:25 8:05 12:20 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD NEW SCHEDULE On and after SUNDAY, JANUARY 22d, 18-2, trains en the Pennsyl- , vuint Railroad will arrive at and leave 11 e l.-nicnstiM and Philadelphia uepetaaa fellows : KiSTWARl'. Leave Arrive Lanc'tr Philad'a 3I.U1 Express, YerJc AcCen. Arrive.-,.. Harrisburif EXDrr.i 12:41 a.x. 2:55 A.w 7.21 " 10-ie""" 1115"" 5i5P.x. 5:C5 " TJf " 5:10 " .33 " 8: 9.00 " 95 " 1:30 p.m. 2:42 " 2:20 " Lancaster Accommodation Colombia Accommodation, Frederick Accem. Arrives, aunuay Jian i Johnstown Express,. liny e,xpres8,... 8:1-. i Harrisbnrg Accominedat'n, 6:16 I 1: Wwrwinn Leave Arm e WaBTWABP. Philad'a Lanc'H-r Way Passenger, 4:30 a.m. C'27a.m News Express 4:30 " 6:27 ' Mail Train Ne. Lvia Sit. Jey, 7:00 " 9 Si MaUTrainNo.2,viaCel'bla, .... 9 30 " Sunday MaU, 7:011 " 9.2. Fast Line, l!r. " 1-5 r.M. Frederick: Accommodation, .... 2.00 " L'incnster Accommodation, 2:35 " .... Harrlsburt; Accommedut'n, 2:15 r.M. i-M " Columbia Accem ir.olatlen, 4:15 " 7:3." ' HarrisbnrgRrprfas, 5:40 " 7:) ' Western Exin-ss 90 " UM " PlUladelpbia Exprtss 11:S0 " 2.-.5a.m. MaU Train. Ne '., west, connecting at Lun; caster with Mai. i'laln. Ne. 1, at 9:Jja.n., will run threu'-U e I! tuever. Frederick Accommodation, west, cnnnpcling at Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 1:55, will runtnroezh te Frederick. Uarrisburg KxpresB. west, at 5:40 p. in , lun direct connects . (without change of cars) te Columbia and Yort. . Fast Line, wes en Sunday, when Hogged, will step at Dewninzlnwn,C(KitesvlIIe, Parke burg, Mount Jey, Llizabethtewn and Middle own. ADINti re COI.U5DIA B.11. tillANOEMENTOFPASSENGER TRAINS MONDAY, HOV. 7th, 1S81. NORTHWARD. LBA.VK. A, p.m. r.M. ... 2:30 .... 3:10 10 ZM 1:10 3:10 3:20 50 QiarTyvlUe Lancaster, King St Lancaster.......... Columbia. AJUUVX. Rcadlnir 6:40 7UW 9:10 5fc20 7:50 6:00 70 10:05 . SOUTHWARD, LZAVX. Reading ABRiva. Columbia .,, Lancaster. LancasXer. King St., UuarrTvUla r.u 5J5 65 CJ0 Trains connect at Readin ngwltli trains teand Irem Philadelphia, Pettaville, Hirrisb zrem irmiaueipma, r-eHsviue, tiirnsuurg, Al- . awuiivu wu ivn Avat v u JiUUUU AlVUft Reute. At Columbia with trains teand from Yerk, Hanover. Gettysburg, Frederick and Balti more. A. M. WILSON. SupL COAX. no te BETLLY & KELLER GOOD, CLEAN FAMILY COAL, Alse, Hay and Straw by the bale or ten. Farmers and ethers In want et Superiei Manure wUI find it te their advantage te call Yard, Harrisburg Pike. I Otnce. 20J East Chestnut street. agl7-t B. IAKTIH,- Wholesale and Retail Dealer In all kinds 01 LUMBER AKn COAL. -Wfard: Ne. 420 North Water anil Prlnct streets above Lemen Lancaster. n3-ijrt C0H0 & WILEY, 3SO XOHTH WATEM ST Lantatfr, l , Wholesale and Retail Dealers In LUMBER AND GOAL. Ooaneetlem With the Telephonic ".Exchange, Branca Office: Ne, 20 CENTRE SQUARE. jewe-iya a.v. w. r.x. 7ri5 ISM 6:10 p.x. 9:35 3:10 85 9:27 2.10 8:13 9-J7 .... 8:25 10:37 .... 9-.S5 r