(gfyz mfakf te a . VelnmeXTIII--N. 1(18 LANCASTER, PA., SATURDAY MAECH .18. 1882. Price Tws Ceite. y 1 -2 r m G KAnU OPKMNO OF THE GKEAT GRAND OPENING THE GREAT NEW YORK BAZAAR! 60TTSCHALK & LEDERMM, Proprietors, 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - - Lancaster, Penn'a. ON OB ABOUT APBIL 1, with a Most select stock of MILLINERY GOODS, NOTIONS, Hosiery, Gents' Furnishing Goods, LACES, RIBBONS, GHLOVES, in fact- EVEKYTHIETG in fact APPERTAINING TO A FIRST-CLASS APPERTAINING MILLINERY AND NOTION BAZAAR ! TjOOK OUT FOK OUR GREAT THE GREAT NEW YORK BAZAAR! CtOTTSGHALK & LBDEKEAI, Proprietors, 2(5 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LOEB'S OLD STAND. Lancaster, Penn'a. VLVJUBER'S HUiVLTES. TOIIN I AHSOLU. JOHN I,. AKNOI.D. PATENT COLD-CASE HEATERS.. BEST PORTABLE IN USE. SLATE ROOFER AND ROOFS REPAIRED, PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING, Step and Valves for Water, Gas and Steam. JOHN L. Nes. 11, 13 & 15 BAST ORANGE WISES AND T)El(liUCT OLD WINE STOKE. ESTABLISHED 1785. REIGART'S OLD WINE STORE NO. 29 BAST KING STREET. REIQARTS OLD WINES OF 1800. 1818, 1817. 1818 AND 1887. FINE OLD BRAN DIES AND WHISKIES. QINS, IRISH AND SCOTCH WHISKIES. All the leading brands el cHABirAONE. BROWN STOUT, SCOTCH ALES, Ac. Mineral Waters, Appellinaris, Tlcliy, Friedrlenahall, HunyadHJanes, Saratoga and Ginger Ale. Alse Fine Ollve Oils. H. E. SLAYMAKER, S. CLAY MILLER, Vines, Brandies, lies. Old Rye Mies, &c, Ne. 33 PENN SQUARE, LANCASTER, PA. GIBSON'S WHISKY BOTTLED A SPECIALTY. OIBT DBA WIIfGa. pUMMONWiU.TH DISTRIBUTION CO 42d Popular Monthly Drawing OITD COMMONWEALTH DISTRIBUTION CO. la the City of Louisville, en TUESDAY. MARCH 31st. 1882. These drawings occur monthly (Sundays excepted) under previsions et an Act el the General Assembly of Kentucky. The United States Circuit Court en March 31. rendered the following dscisiens : 1st That the CoBunenwealth Distribution Company IS legal. 3d IU drawings are lair. N. B. The Company has nowven hand a large reserve fund. Bead the list of prizes ler tee MARCH DE AWING. l prize ,....-..$ 30,000 1 prize ; 10,000 1 prize 5.00c lpprixestioeoeaeh .-. lo.eoe prtresaeach ,. lo.euo yoeprliessiooeach ioeuO 25j60each woec 600 prizes aOeach 12.00C lOOOprlreslOeach ... " . iSoet Spriie.Seach:'W,r0Sm,lenP,1f,! f-g yiiKBiiwicn, m ggm lnl Met. im ;:ZiVU2Z ' '.I ' -V.' 'W lA'AZCS. mm m m AtlA in 50; Htfefceu.UnL wcu'' l; HCKera Kemit Meney or Ban Dratl in Letter ei send DV Express. DON'T 8END BY BEtAs TKBED LjfTTKR OB POSTOFFICE OBDEll Orders of $5 and upward, by Express, can b M.BOAKDHAN, Courier-Journal Bulldlnir ixtmlsrUle, My., or b. m. beakdmaI 309 Broadway, New rlc febl.TuThftSAw GRAND OfESIKO Or "TUB ORB AT NBW TOBK MEW TURK HAZAAB. OP ARNOLD, STREET. LANCASTER, PA. I:ipr2-lid LIQUORS. Jan28-lydS i'Al'EBHANULNGS, Jtc. - - - -' - T kHAUES W. FRY. Window Shades. WE HAVE ABOUT 5,000 Yards of Plain Shading, SLIGHTLY DAMAGED by WATER Which will be sold VEKY LOW in order te close out. They include all colors and widths. Shades in Patterns at FROM 80 CENTS UP. "Wall Papers! Seme Choice Styles el PAPER HANGINGS Left, eflViing at extremely LOW PRICES. These goods arc te be sold out as seen as possible, In order te opt-n t lie new store with an entire new stock. Phares W. Fry, NOS. 120-131 NORTH QUSEXf STREET lll'EHI! M HUHT BAZA AM." I LOOK OUT FOR OUR CLOTHING. A BAKE CHANCE. a suit or ETOE CLOTHES OK AN OVERCOAT Made Up te Order at Cost Price. In order te reduce my heavy stock et FINE WOOLENS I Hindi make them up te order for the NEXT THIRTY DAYS ler Cash only at cost price. This la -without exception the greatest re duction ever made in MNE CLOTHES, and 19 done te make room for our heavy Spring Importations, which wc cxpeA te have In stock by the early part of February. We have the sample cards of these goods already in store, and anyone deslrleus et securing first choice ler SPUING WEAK can de se new, and the gceds will be tained for him. Keftiembcr the above reduction Is for Heavy Weights and Cash Only. H. GERHART, TAILOR, Ne. 6 East King Street, CLOTHING! CLOTHINuM As we wish te Clese Out tuu balance et our "WINTEK CLOTHING ! WE HAVE MADE SWEEPING REDUCTIONS Throughout enr Whole Stock. Wc have en hand a large stock et HEAVY SUITS and OVERCOATS, MABKED AT SUCH LOW PKICES AS WILL INSURE A HEADY BALE. 49We only ask that you call and examine our stock and be convinced et what we say, D. B. Hestener & Sen Tailors and Clothiers, 24 CENTRE SQUARE, 28-lyd LANCASTER, PA piNGWALT'S WINE, LIQUOR, ALCOHOL-AND GROCERY STORE, Ne. 205 West King street, jebje ly THE EIVEE'S EAVAGE8, 8AI SCENES 1TKOM CAIKU TO MEMPHIS Panoramic Fletures Frem the Overflowed Beglen or the inflated Mississippi Valley. Following are some sketches of lire and death in. the regions of the Mississippi river floods, taken from the special corres pondence of the New Yerk Herald : A widow lady, living wit& her three children en the Missouri shore above Don Don aldeon's Point, was rescued by seme men in a skiff after the water had risen two feet above her cabin fleer, and was taken te the Kcntuqky side of the river. She was ill, and had te be lifted from her bed into the beat, and when the party reached Kentucky and she was being lifted again she died. The children were cared for by some of the people living above Hickman ou the high ground. Anether woman, living in the same neighborhood, Mrs. Barten by name, be came a mother prematurely, owing te the excitement, after her heuse had been sur rounded by the water. In her condition it was net pessible te remove her, aud net ene of the rescuing party that would have gladly have taken her away' was wiiling te take the chance of remaining with her ever night. They stayed, however, long enough te fasten her bed te the reef of her cabin, where it swung some five feet above the -fleer and probably two feet above the highest point reached by the water. She lay aloue through the night, and in the morning was lifted as tenderly as ceutd be into a skiff aud taken te Hick man, where two days later she died. In ene case an old lady, Mrs. Cromwell, living nearly opposite Hickman's, was found alone in her house by a party who were seeking for survivors. Her son had taken his mare and colt into the house for safety, and going out te leek after ether stock had been unable te get back te the house. The horses were in the parlor and the old lady in the second story. She had te be taken out through the reef, and the animals were also saved. Several poisons were saved in their night clothes, being aroused from sleep by the sudden rise of ten days age, only in time te seek the' reefs of their houses. Moere d te a Tree. Many stories of individual adventures are told, seme amusing and seme border ing en the tragic. In one case, a skiff part' were directed te the house of ft Jim Stein well, who lived about five miles below Hickman, en the lowlands near the river. Rowing thither they found bis frail cabin afloat and his wife and two babies en the reef while he was en a tree near by. He had fastened one end of a rope te his ridge pole and swam with the ether end te the tree, te which he had moored the house. All four were brought off, by a line, though the sturdy fellow could hardly be dissuaded from trying te save his heuse. It was all he had in the world, excepting his family,, for his mule and his pigs 'were drowned and the previsions were gene. "The Same Story."" Landing after landing we made where the same sights and same stories of dis aster were told. .It gets se common in a little while that the edge of the horror seems te be taken off by the mere repilien of the details. 'My Ged! de you jealize," sanl one man when I said " It 13 the same ttery " "de yourcalize what that story is ? De yen realize that the people here en the river banks for hundreds of miles steed en the reefs of their houses, whe're they had fled te save their lives, and BaV everything they had in the world swept off te destruc tion by the cruel watcis? , Their cattle were drowned, their little stores of feed were destroyed, their household goods wcrc.swcpt away, and they lived ou these' reefs for days or clse ou rafts. Hundreds and hundreds of them were hungry until somebody came along aud rescued them, and many aud many a family, sir, was drowned. There is no doubt of it. Yes sir ; it is the same old story, and an awful one it is." His vehemonce was net surprising, for he had lest a largu portion of a omfeit able fortune aud had almost lest his life trying te save his horses. He told me that he swam ssven horses ever te a nlace where they steed only knee deep, and where they would have been safe if they, could have steed upright, but they were se chilled by the long wetting that five of them lay down aud were drowned in the shallow water. Net Land Kneugh for a Crave. Mr. Mangum tells a story of a friend of his, Mr. Udet, who had an old colored ser vant, te whom he was much attached. During the first rush of the flood the. old man was drowned. Mr. Udet, after at tending te mere pressing matters, went back te try aud fish out the old man's body. While he was working at this a neighbor asked him what he was doing. He said he wanted te bury the body. ." Where ; bury it where?" asked the neighbor. There was net a spot of dry land within fifteen miles, aud he suspended his search. This singular trouble added no little in convenience te grief in many instances. 'One planter brought the body of his wife thirty miles te bury, her, as he could net get access te his own burying plot en ac count of the water. Drowned. There has been a very considerable num ber of deaths by drowning in the sunken district. An old negre, his wife aud six children, the eldest twelve yeais, were fleeing from their wrecked home in Phil lips county in, a skiff, when the frail craft capsized and- the entire family weie diewned. Thirty or forty deaths arc re ported in the four counties, the most of the unfortunates being negrees aud none of them being known beyond their homes. It is possible, even probable, that this number will be multiplied many times by the sufferings from starvation and im proper feed duiing the next two weeks. On Buffalo Island alone, which is a small island in the St. Francis lake, there is a population of one thousand people, who are entirely cut off from communication. They have net been heard from since the floods began, and the havoc that may have been wrought there may prove one of the worst chapters of the whole awful story. Fer communities te be se ravaged by floods seems te argue a neglect of prccau tien en their part ; but it .should be re membered that se far as history gees there is no precedent for this flood, as it was never thought possible that the Miss issippi would find an outlet into the head waters of the St. Francis. That it has done se new is certain, though it is impossible under the present condition of things te tell just the course it has followed. Compulsory Taneerbn Miraculous Escapes A correspondent of the St. Leuis Globe Glebe Democrat, writing from Columbus. Kv.. says : " Stories illustrating the height of water ana danger or a week age are told by these gentlemen. One is te the effect that a colored man and his child were in a beat coming down the river, when the former lest his footing and fell overboard, swimming, however, te a tree. The beat containing the child drifted down and ledged in some driftwood, the little one being rescued .after four days' absti nence from feed. Anether, gentleman told of a man and his wife en whom the water gained se rapidly that they were compelled te take refuge en the reef of the house, being rescued by a man in a dugout after a day and a half of isola tion." Anether from Hickman, Ky., says : " In connection with the work of the relief committee several instances of miraculous escapes from death are reported. Dr. By num and family of four persons were taken from the room of their dwelling, saving nothing but their night clothes, in which they were attired. Mr. William Alien and his family scaffelded themselves up day by day as the water rose, until finally they were rescued from the reef of the house. Marcus Little, who lay ill with pneumo nia, was raised up en a platform until finally he was lifted out through the reef. Individual Disaster. The individual stories of disaster aud hardship that come in would fill page upon page of the Herald, but they are nearly all alike in detail. The bread statement of fact is that mero than 100,000 people have had their homes flooded in this volley. Probably half of them have been driven from their homes ; certainly mere than half of them have been crippled in means it net actually beggared. Probably a quarter of them are living amid the waters te-day, aud fully as many de net knew where te-morrow's feo 1 is te come from. Uallcry Glimpses. At Netable Members of the atle:ial Utilise Mary Clemmcr, in N. Y. Independent. Mr. Kassen is a tall, slight, and elegant man, who converses with great ease and fluency, but who is net enough of a basso te command silence through the vastspace of the Heuse of Representatives. Yet he is always listened te by all who appreciate clear perception, exact statement, and ele gant English. He was followed by Julius 0. Burrows, of Michigan, a geutlemau ac credited with an ardent desire te be ene of the leaders, if net the leader of the Heuse of Representatives. He has made mere than one famous speech in this hall, te the de light of his constituents. He is a man in the prime of life, with a face fair of skin and debonair of expression ; a man keenly sensitive te praise or blame ; alive te all leading issues ; eager for prominence ; and with the integrity and honor that deserves often mere than it gets. After Mr. Burrows came the would-be leader from New Jersey, the rotund Rebo Robo Rebo sen. He is very red of face ; Very white of hair, which is curling and abundant. His eyes are encircled by geld rimmed giasses. He has a well cut nose, a prom inent mouth, a retreating chin, scarlet cheeks, which suggest the day of judgment in the shape of apoplexy. Frem his bread expanse ui waistcoat dangled net only a heavy geld chain, but several pairs of eye glasses, te suit special necessity. He is always handsomely aud often leuldly at tired. His entire aspect is loud, as well as large, hinting wholly of sordid, never of ideal things. He has the face aud presence of a geed natiu-ed, saltish man, who is se geed natural in his selfishness that he can efteu draw the entire attention of his comrades net only, but of his investiga tors, te this charming quality, till they forget his delinquency and forgive his dis honesty, as they did while trying him be fore the J lo'use for his well-covered up performance iu the navy department. Such a master is he in covert performance he mero thau half convinced the investi gating committee that there was nothing te cover beyond what their eyes discerned in honest black iuk en the white pages of the books of the navy department. His mode of public speech is nicaut te be at ence commanding aud effective, yet it is fuller of blare and of air lli:;n of con vincing argutnent. When i.e held.-: a book in his hand, he shake: it above his iicad, shouts in a loud voice, and s enis te threaten te threw his heavy k'ise: at the unawed Heuso in a fashion tbat milit be frightful, were it net ludicrous-. He is a man of ability, quite remark able in questiouable ditectiens, aud of tastes well cultivated in art and literature His stentorian blasts were followed by shrill, piping cries, com ing, from the center of the hall, and, look ing they .were seen te issue from the mouth of the venerable Alexander Stephens, sitting in his wheeled chair iu the open area before the speaker's ib-sk. Nothing could have been mere unique than his aspect as a public speaker a little old man, with the figure of age and the face of a child ; with eyes of il.ime, the veicg. of a mocking bird, and the words of wisdom. The idlers in the galleries suspended for moment their intolerable chattqr ; the illy suprcsscd masculine rear below began te subdue itself. A large group of members gathered around him and the honored old man had his audience. Te all appearance, he has greatly mero strength than he had years age. Very recently he celebrated his seventieth birthday ; but with it seems te have come a new lease of life, almost of youth. Personally Alexander Stephens is as deeply loved as he is honored. Unwed ded and childless, he has adopted and educated orphan children, who new, as men and women, rise up and call him blessed. As a moving picture, in a wheeled chair, in the Heuse et Representatives, be has taken the place in the public sight long filled by the great commoner of Pen nsylvania, Thaddeus Stevens. Physicians say there i no remedy ler Con Cen Con MUiiplIen, and possibly, in some c:.es the in sertion may be correct. We knew howeveret many cures made by Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup hiuI will guarantee positive relict telhesu:-, fsrcr in every instance An effective medicine ler kidney disease?, low fevers and nervous pi est rat ion, and well worthy et a trial, is iirewii's Iren Bitters. mlS-Iwd&w Hew ile nii manage," said a lady te her friend, -Me appear se happy all the time?" "I always have Parker's Ginger Tonic handy," was the reply." and thus keep myself and taniily in geed health and spirits. See adv. inl-lmdeod&eow Gently Dees It. Eugene Cress, Swan stn-jt, Buffalo, writes : "I have used .Spring lilOj-em ler dyspepsia and indigestion, and have found it -le act ad mirably as a gentle aperient and bleed pml ller. I consider it unequaled 'you are at lib erty te use my name as a reference.' " Price 50 cents. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. Lancaster. In'Uoed Spirit. T. Walker, Cleveland, O., writes: "Fer the last twelve months I have suffered with lum bago and general debility. I commenced tak ing Burdock Hloed Bitters about six weeks age, and new have great pleasure in stating that I have recovered my appetite, my com plexion has grown ruddy, and I feel better altogether." Price $1. Fer sale at II. B. Cecli ran's drug store, 137 North Queen street, Lan caster. Win. McCartney, S8 Lloyd Street, Buffalo, X. Y. fell and sprained his ankle. His em ployer. II. Andersen, 01 Main Street, procured sonic Themas' Kclectric Oil, and liesuys that a few applications enabled him te go te work as usual. Fer sale at II. B. Cochran's drug store, 137 North Queen street. Lancaster JM IMPBOVED PATENT TOBACCO PRESSES, Fer Casing and Baling Tobacco. Minnlch's MANUUE DKA. ler clcunlnz stables. All sold en trial en their merit?. Warranted te give better satisfaction in every particular thau any new in use. -It net satisfactory can be returned at my expense. Send for Illus trated Circular. S. B. M1NN1C1I, Landisvillc, Lancaster County. Pa. dMmdMSft3mw ' 3LEDICAX, A VETJSBAH TRAVELER'S EXPERIENCE. On being asked what he thought el the present system of advertising, and if he con sidered that it paid, he replied: "My experi ence shows me that in order te achieve any success with advertisements, the article ad vertised must have merit. The masses of the people el the present day are net taken in se easily as formerly, and they leek with a degree et suspicion upon anything the iutrinsic merits el which have net been thoroughly tested; but when the reputation el an article is once established, it requires a geed deal te damage its character. When I flrst saw the advertisement et Burdock Bleed Bitters, I immediately made inquiries in different sec tions of the country as te its sale and success, and was agreeably surprised te find it giving such universal satisfaction. . Every one who had used it was loud iu its praises. C. BlackctUobinsen. proprietor ei the Canada Pretbyterian, Terente, was amongst the num ber ; he had ler several years been a great sufferer from severe headaches, and bv the use of Burdock Bleed Bitters he was entirely enred." There is net another preparation in the world which acts se directly anil quickly en the liver and kidneys and purillns the bleed. Sold by II. 15. Cochran, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. mla-lwdH B KOWN'S IJtOX HITTKIU. NO WHISKEY ! Brown's Iren Bitters is one el the very tew tonic niediclnus that aie net composed mostly et alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a fruitful seurce of intemperance by promoting a desire ler rum. Brown's Iren Bitters is guaranteed te be a non-intoxicating stimulant, and IX will in nearly every case take the place of all liquor, aud at the same time absolutely kill the desire for Whiskey and ether Intoxicating beverages. KEV U. W. KICK, editor or the Aw rican Christian Review, says el Brown's Iren Bitters : Cincinnati, )., Nev.lt!, 1S8I. iJknts: Theioelish wasting el vital force in business, pleasure, ami, vicious indulgence of our people, makes your preparation a necessity ; and if applied will save hundreds who resort te saloons ter temporary recuperation. Brown's Iren Bitters has been thoroughly tested ler dyspepsia, indigestion, bilieUinc-H, weakness, debil ity, ovcrwetk, rheumatism, neuralgia, consumption, liver complaints, kidney tieublcs.&c, and it never talis le rentier speedy and permanent relict. Fer sale at COCHKAN'S DIUJU STOKE 137 and nj North Queen street, Lancaster. ml3-lwd&w , lyiCTeits a;kki: that bCAKLkt 1 " Fever, Diphtheria, Consumption, Catarili and Chronic Tlue.i Diseases aiu due te neglect of common Sere Threats. Children frequently have wet leet; sefe threat lollews anil elten sclieiu, sickness. Are we net affect ed likewise? Why net try the OCCIDENTAL Dll'llTHERIA CURE. It will positively cure the worst form of seie threat and eradi cate the germ et any disease subject te it. A cuie guaranteed or money refunded. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, V!7 and 139 North Queen street. Lancaster. . Ieb27-3nut J M U8ICAZ. INS TB UMENTS. M USlCAL-BeXES. MUSICAL - BOXES. BARGAINS. CLOSING OUT SALE of a large importation, having arrived toelato for the holidays, at cost of produc tion in Switzerland, about 1-2 and 1-4 their value that same quality instruments could be sold for in this country. They are mostly of the large and medium size and, with few exceptions, of High Class Musical Bexes as sold in Geneve, but far superior te the ordinary instruments generally sold in this country, and need only be seen or heard te be appreciated. Musical Bexes with bells, drums, castanets, celestial voices, mandeline, diva-harmonie, overture, tremelo-piccelo, sublime sublime sublime harmonie, harp-zither attachment, etc., also two and three mainsprings playing from 10 te 50 minutes by one winding. Musical Albums. Circular en application. C. Gautscbi & Ce., Manufacturers, Ste. Croix and Geneve, Switzerland. SALESKOOMS: 1020 CHESTNUT STKEET, PHILADELPHIA. j23-tfd LIQUORS, EC. HUCSEAL. & CO'S NEW LIQUOR STORE, Ne. 43 North Queen street, lancaater, Pa. The very best and finest qualities or Foreign and Demestic WxWEfc and LIQUOK3, con. stantly ter sale at wholesale and retail. Straight Old Bye Whiuky of the distillation of 1S75. Pure unadulterated Custom Heuse Brandy, warranted et the vintage et 18W. Kent especially for medicinal purposes. Pure Old Helland Gin, and ether Wluvktei, Bran dies and Wines te suit the trade. feb3-3md IIOUSEAL A CO. VTAI.T WINK. HERCULES MALT WINE.' The Best and Cheapest MALT EXT It ACT XVKR rRBPARED. An invigorating HEALTH AND TAULE BEVERAGE. A reliable remedy for INDI GESTION, DEBIL1TT and MALN CTMTIOX highly recommended ler ENFEEISLKD PER SONS. CONVALESCENTS and NUKSING 3! OTHERS. SOLD BV DRUGGISTS AT 25 Cents per Pint Bettle. CHAS. WOLTERS, PROCPECT BREWERY, PHILADELPHIA. LAifCASTEit Depot. GEO, A, KIEHL. nil-3md CLOlBUMf, VXB-BRWXAK, Jtv. CONTEMPLATE The advantages of buying your Clothing from A. C. YAT1SS & CO. An immense stoek te select 'from, made in a very superior manner and at reasonable prices. New ready a Beautiful Line of Spring Overcoats;' a Grand Assortment of Spring Suits. A. C. YATES & CO. LEDGER BUILDING, CHESTNUT and SIXTH, PHILADSLPHtA, OPEC1AL OKfc-KCIM: TO l'EKSON-S IN WANT OF AN Elegant, Suit of Clethes -OR A- STYLTSH SPRING OVERCOAT, NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Wc suggest placing an order only te-cciini pieinpt attention ami choice of stock, f Ispt from your minda the thought of bnyiiiKChr .i trashy garments when such splendid fifiltti . are ettered te obtain the very best -nch moderate prices from ths lending e-.i ilmiii mentand the acknowledged lieadiiian - ,r CORRECT STYLES, the most striS i , i novel effects te be lennd In the I . ' . i market, which we import direct .; i )i . exclusive control. 49Reuiembcr, no ether house iu t'm can fallow the same Hue et goods. We in . only party that handle the Original Leii'ii. i and Parisian production et ORIGKT, Ul I'.Li. V1V1ENNE.PARIS. An examination ei our immense stock will s.Uisty the novice hh well as the aesthetic .last" that for tone aud character our goods cannot be excelled, and rank anion-; the iejdinj; lieiitcs en this continent. . Ne. 121 North Queen Street. J. K. SMALING, ARTIST TAILOR. tMrruiNu. WHEHE TO BUY MEN'S and BOYS' CLOTHING We wMi in say te the trade that for the present season we have a larger and mere vailetl sleck of . READY MADE CLOTHING t linn ever before. Having uianiitacttircd lr the last three mouths u complete liNc of Men.' Beys and Children's CLOTHING, we are pre pared! te 2'iitthc most iHstidiem, at pi ices Iu astonish utmost everybody. NOTE A FEW SAMPLE PRICKS: Fer fS.OO wc will sell you a ilea's All-Weel i'.v&.i i'.v&.i merc or Cheviot Suit, intwulve different j-at-teriif. m light, dark and mixed. Fer f5.i or VMi wc will sell a Gegd Mixed Casiimere or Worsted Suit, in twelve ilillcreiit patterns. FerfiO.OO or 12.0l wc tell a First-Class All-Wil tilers Suit, sold everywhere ler tlU.tt) or $20 m. Heys9 aiid Children's CLOTHING Our Great Specialty. U'e sell ler $i.")J,$.0O, I.W).I.E0and 50 a niec and durable Scheel Suit. Our Pres Sultn average trem $-1.10, J5.00, $;.., 7.U. i".'H and $) 00, in ten dillcrent pattern-!. Come, in with your heys and nee hew Ceap we can lix llicm up. Yeu certainly wonder thereupon we Bell se cheap, but this explain- Hid! : liV buy and seller cu-ti, de a large busmeix, and de our own Manufacturing and tciling. H therefore can tell you Hi pet cent, cheaper than any heu.rc in the city, or elssuhere. Fer CLOTHING MADK TO ORDER, es pecially I'antaloeiiH.look aMhe prici-3 mnrkid in our w!"dew-i Te convince yourself please call en L GAIS1AU & BRft, TIIE FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILORS and CLOTHIERS, 66-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., Righton the Seuthwct Cerner of Oran;;-; St. LANCASTER, PA. 49" Positively net connected with any ether house in the city. uiie-lj ii WE HAVK TBK II AMMOKEST AND finest window display iu the city. Don't tall te ace it. SILK ITANDKERCIIIEF. SUSPENDERS, NECKTIES, MUFFLERS, FOUKET.liOOKS, AUTOGRAPH AND PIIOTOGRATU ALBUMS, CIGAR CASES, ERISMAtfS, NO. GC NORTH QUKBK f&TJUSKT. READ THIS Lancaster, Pa., April 28, 1891. Tbx Kidhktcura Mr'e CexrAjrv. Qenti It given me much pleasure te say that after using one pack el KlDNKYCITltA I have been entirely cured et a severe pain in my back and aide, of longstanding, and" th.it. tee, alter trying various known rciuctiie-,. i have every confidence in your ni.di' iw cheerfully recommend it, and knew th it m a v. of my mends who have used It have tt--fi benefited. PITER BAKER, m261yd Foreman Examiner ana Errnrc-"